CHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AtT&ti&T tf. CfllD WATER PEOPLE , tponlng of the State Prohibition Conven tion at Lincoln Yesterday ! GOVERNOR HARDY'S SPEECH. In ft HoDcclnrcH tliat Dlnlno and Jeff Davis liolontc tn tlio Sumo 1'artjr More Freight Ilo- pi cvlncrt Notes. fFKOM THE BEE'S LINCOLN nUllKAtJ.l | r Nnturo scattered n fowcloudnand rain- Hropa over the city of Lincoln yesterday. It was the damn's greeting to the prohi bition state convention. The night be fore the prohibitionists of the city and the early arrivals held a preparatory meeting m which son gs were sung , stones wore told , prophecies made and ruin and disaster predicted for every po litical organization outside the prohibi tion camp , particularly the republican J > arty. There is always a noticeable ' venom in the remarks of the radical pro- litbltionlat when ho speaks of the republi can party and the voice is pitched upon nbnut the same key that a ward politician tises when ho has been sat upon by his constituents and proposes to bolt. At 10 o'clock yesterday the delegates gilhorcd at Temple hall , a goodly num ber of ladies being In the audience. As these delegates opened the door , opnoslto the entrance on each oido of the rostrum wcro portraits of the two gods , St. John nnd Finch , and the pictures were tilted eo that the gir/.o of one or both were con. etantly upon the audience. Flowers were grouped in pots ana vases in front of the platform nnd knadn a handsomn appearance. Beats were plentifully distributed on the stngo for the accommodation of epcakers nnd singers. Many of the delegates - gates were badges and a noticciiblo fact was that thorn were loan ministers and women as delegates than formerly and more sturdy looking men who wcro in the great pnrt farmers from the farms , who evidently were for the first time pitting In a prohibition convention. It Is not wisdom to overlook this fact. The } iarty is growing undoubtedly , and the notion of the legislature at the last ses sion has had Its effect , upon the rural population. There were republicans pitting as delegates who openly espoused the now party and who defined the causa of their changed attitude to the lack of prohibitory legislation at the last session. TUK CALL TO OKDEK Was mode by C. V. S. Templin , of Otoo county , and Governor Hard } ' , of Lin coln , was elected temporary chairman nnd H. 0. Bittonbendur secretary. The governor is a forcible speaker and ho Balked for thirty minutes. Ho was of the opinion that the party was on the highway to victory. The fiizo of the annual vote does not damper this belief fimong the members of this party. The governor stated that tbo party was leadIng - Ing a reform"wo purify ourselves In the work , " said ho. Ho was of the opinion that the oft-rcpcatrd iixolamation , "God is with us , " should bo changed to "Wo are with God. " In coining down to the plane of practical politics the governor said ho preferred Cleveland toBlaine. This was , of course , considering the audience , roughly cheered ; even the pictures on the wall of tit. John and Finch rattled in their frames , nnd an enthusiastic proliib loaned over nnd whispered to the BEE that they pniilcd approval at the sentiment. The governor then stated that Jeft' Davis and JUluino wore both of ono party , which caused an cuthusiant in the body of the jionso to rise with the insulting question if Itlainc and Jeff Davis would not make u good republican ticket for 1888. There \vus no ono mean enough in the hall to approve it , and the delegate subsided. TUB MUSICAL PKATUKI ! of the convention was now and taking nnd exceptionally good. The conven tion has in attendance for the meeting the Ladies' Harmonlo quartette of Falls City and the Gate City quartette of Kan- pas City. Both rendered appropriate Sprigs throughout the proceedings , the pinging of the ladles being espe cially tiuo and of moro than Ordinary culture and merit. The ladles Comprising the quartette are Miss Hattie Crow , Miss JJlara Newkirk , Miss Jennie Nowkirk and Miss Mollie Nowklrk. To these who enjoy music it is a treat to lioar them , and to the convention their ongs appropriate for the work , were re ceived with the greatest demonstrations of appreciation. Ono song that called down the house was a prophecy for the future , when there would be .no whisky drinking , no tobacco biting , no ragged children and no backsliding. The hit at the backsliders was not greatly enjoyed l > y the members of the party who were Peeking reconstruction after a few inonths * encampment with saloon men in the democratic camp of Mayor Sawyer. The committees appointed wrro : On Credentials C. F. S. Tomplin of Otoo , James Claroy of Antelope and U. il. George of Lancaster. On Permanent Organization J. K. Iano of Saline. Jacob Curtis of Wash ington , J. E. Vail of Nuokolls , M. J. Fonu of Nemntm and E. J. Randall of Clay. On Platform and Resolutions A. G. Walling of Colfax and U. W. Hardy of Lancaster. TUB CKEKENTIAL8. At the afternoon session the committee on credcntialslreported showing the fol lowing counties represented with the uumbcr of delegates attended : Adams.14 , Antelope 0 , Burt 0 , Butler 12 , Cass 15 , Clay 18 , Colfax 8 , Dawcs 0 , Dodge 8 , Douglas 10,1'illumoro 2 , Furnas t > , Gage 11) ) , Gospcr 1 , Hall 3 , Ilarlan 1. llolt II ! , Jcflbrson 8 , Johnson 1 , Knox 8 , Lancaster ill , Merrick 2 , Miulison 0 , Vance 0 , Nemalia 11 , Nuckolls 8 , Otoo 10 , - - - ' ihtitto Counties reported , 44. Total number delegates , 381. THK PKllMANKNT OUOANIZATION was atloctcd by making the temporary organisation permanent and adding the names of G. 11. Revenge of Ncmntia and 11. W. Stark of Clay to assist Mr. 11. C. Jlittonbemlor , the [ secretary. The selec tion of Governor Hardy as permanent chairman was received with much ap j > liuiso by the delegates. After thanks the chairman announced the following committee on literature Jtev. J. Mailoy of York , Rov. L. 1. Boggs of Gage , Rov. Wongri'go of Polk. Also the following committee on 11 nunco : L. B. Palmer of Adams. Henry I'cttook of Richardson , Rov. E. B. Gra- iiam of Omaha. The roll of counties was taken up in the receiving of short reports from oaoh The report of the committee on creden tial ! and other business interrupting th < call being dispensed with , the call o counties was renewed. Ihoso reports from counties show active work under way for organization , and the reports notwithstanding a light vote a year ago rrcdlct a heavy Increase the proson year. The committee on finance reported in favor of continuing the $5 subscrlptior lilim as the most feasible. They reportei that | 205 subscriptions out of the | 500 asked a year ago was yet lacking. It was announced that tha assertion had boot tannin that there wcro no old soldiers ii , the. prohibition party. To show tha Ilium were , the old soldiers who weru 4 ircscnt a delegates wcrfl asked to rise , nnd theit number was seventy. A case was then made for the treachers to rise , and there were forty. V call was made for those present who voted for St. John to rise , and tlicro wore ibout forty , Including Mrs. Dr. King. The final call was for all who were mom- ) crs of churches to rise , and the ontira convention , almost without an exception , waa on Its feet. The work of raising money was then taken in hand and Eomo MXH ) was paid In cash and pledged. Last evening a general reunion and social noeting was held , with much speechmaking - making and musio. This morning the committee on resolutions will report and .ho candidates will bo placed in nomina tion. PASSING NOTKS. Douglas county has a largo delegation present. B. F. Hilton , of the Blair Pilot , is in At tendance at the convention. Rev , Scott , of Sutton , was a spectator at the convention yesterday. The fact must not bo overlooked that though it is an off year the convention is loublo in number over any heretofore : ied ! in the stato. On the call for corrections to the re port on credentials the session was as an imated and busincss-liko as any of the the old party cbnventions. There were noticeable a number of delegates who have heretofore acted with other parties. They were letting the old wheel horses take the front. ANTI-MONOl'OLY STATE COKVENTION. The following is the call for the union labor convention. The union labor or anti-monopoly state convention Is called to meet In FltzecralU hall , at Lincoln , at 10o'clock a. m. on Thurs day. September 15 , 1SS7 , to plnce In nomi nation a state ticket , and to transact sucti other business as may properly come before such a convention. The lull vote polled last full Is mnile the basis of representation. It la hoped that the convention will not occupy more than one day , the morning session being at 10 o'clock and the afternoon session promptly at a. It Is expected Jesse Harper , General ,1. B. Weaver , or other prominent anti-monopoly speakers will bo present and address the people In the evening atbo'cloclc. Tliehead quarters of tho. state committee will be ni the Llndell hotel. The number of delegates al lowed from each county Is as follows : Adams 11 , Antelope 5 , JJlnlno 1 , iionne S , llrown 0 , Uullalo 0 , HutlcrO , Burtc , Chase 3 , Cass 13 , Cedar 3 , Cheyenne 3 , Cherry 3 , Clay 8. CoHax 5 , Cumins ; 0 , Custer 13 , Dakota 3 , Iawcs 4 , Dlxon 4 , Undue 10 , Douzlas 31 , Uawson 4 , Dundy 3 , KlllmoroS , Furnas H , Franklin 4 , Frontier 2. Oaire 17 , Gosper 2 , Ureeley 3 , Garfield 1 , Hall 0 , Hamilton G , Harlan 4 , Hayes U , Hitchcock 4 , Halt 0 , Howard 5 , Jefferson 7 , Johnson 7 , Kearney 5 , Keya Paha a. Keith 3 , Knox 0 , Lancaster 23. Lincoln 4 , Logan 1 , Loup 1 , Madison 7 , derrick 4 , Nanco 3 , Nomaha 0 , Nucknlls 5 , Otoa 11 , Pawnee 7 , Phelpn 4 , IMerca 9 , Plntto 7 , Polk 0 , Htclmrdson 13 , Ked Willow 5 , Sioux 1 , Saline 12 , Saipy 4 , Saunders 11 , Reward 10 , Sheridan 3 , Sherman 3 , Stanton 2 , Thayer 7 , Valley 3. Washington 0 , vVayno 3 , Webster ? , Wheeler 1 , York H , unorganized territory 3. This call Invites all who endorse the Cin cinnati platform , and Includes the members of all labor organizations , Knlgbts ot Labor , union labor clubs , greenback > labor party , farmers' alliance , grangers , patrons of hus bandry , anti-monopoly leagues , and all farmers' and laborers' co-operative unions and associations , It Is Imperatively necessary that all who labor for the emancipation of the Industrial classes should ba united lu a grand army , for the overthrow of unjust class rule ; and we urge all such to join hands , that this may bo a representative gathering of the friends ottoou govern ment , The railroad magnates Btlll defying the courts and government , whllo they continue to rob this state of hun dreds of millions yearly ; with a grinding taritf that steals broad from the hungry child in a turns the starving family Into the streets ; the people losing conlidonceln the legislative and judicial departments of government ; stiIkes , lynching parties and mob violence stand facing IcgalUed oppression and the I'lnkerton outlaws ; with our farms rapidly falling under the mortgage , public and pri vate debts rolling up Inhuman burdens , be cause UIH producer Is robbed of his hit * to make millionaires ; and the old parties Ig noring these wrongs , or abjectly fawning before the great monev power. Is It not time , brethren , that we gird up our loins like men onrt , upholding the Hag , the national emblem of liberty and equality , stand shoul der to shoulder , as In the dark days ot 1801. The whole nation Is organizing to battle with this giant. Let Nebraska fall into line. By order of state central committee. I. D. OrtAMuniiLAiN , Secretary. Girt ITEMS. The freight war continues. The latest man to replevin goods from the railroad is A. S. Godfrey , who tendered a 17-ccnt rate on a car of lumber from Burling ton , la. This was refused and Mr. God frey replevins the lumber and will pay the freight through the court. Governor Furnas , secretary of the state fair , and President Barker were in the city yesterday on business. Secretary Furnas reports that 'a largo number of counties will bo represented with county exhibits and Wayne county will coino with a car specially fitted for exhibition purposes. . A workman foil at the new II. T. Clarke building yesterday and bustaincd quito serious injuries. Ho was taken to his boarding place and given proper at tention. Mrs. Belle McDonald has sued her hus band , trunk McDonald , tor a divorce , claiming in hnr petition that ho is an habitual drunlcard and that ho has threat ened her life. The foundation wall is all in for the now block Franic Sheldon is building on Eleventh and N. It will bo a handsome structure and an ornament to that part of the city. J. Opponhcimer , recently ap pointed post trader at the Sao and Fox Indian agency m the Indian territory , is at homo after an inspection of the new post. Ho expects to enter upon bis duties as trader at an early day. Secretary Ritchie , of the Cass county fair , returned homo , to Plattsmouth yes terday after a day in Lincoln on business for his fair and a view of the base ball contest , At the council meeting Monday even ing the attempt to open up the sale of the bonds for paring , ns agreed with Mr. Clarke , was sat upon , and the agreement with Mr. C. was ratified and placed upon the record. Sick headache is the bane of many lives. This annoying complaint may be cured and prevented by the occasional use of Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pillots. They nro pleasing to take , no larger than a pin head , and are the ladies' favorite for billlousnoss , bad taste in the mouth , jaundice , for lucor- rhca and painful mcntraation. 2f > cents a vial. The Obnmber'H Windows. All the stained glass windows in the now chamber of commerce have been put m position. There are three in the south wall , ono of which represents group of cattle , another n number o : hogs , while the third represents a num ber of sheep. In the ceiling there are two largo squares of stained gloss also , which represent the several ooreuli which enter into the transaction of the board. The workmanship of these windows is excellent and the effect of the colors is martcod upon the interior of the chamber. HOTELS wren PLENTY of rooms below the clouds are at a premium this year. Our old friend Haynes of the United States , at Boston , warns to have these important matters a&'uoar perfec tion as possible , the United States hole has twelve stairways from the top to the Btrceti there are no guest rooms above the fourth floor ; night watchmen patrol the house every thirty minutes ; alarm bolls are in every room with private wires connecting directly with the lira depart ment , and COO water buckets and 800 Harden' grenades are distributee throughout the house. Wo know of noth ing else In Boston or tinywhoro else , that can equal this for safety. THE GREAT TEN DAY CUT PRICE SALE These Prices Positively Good for Ten Days , Only. These Prices Positively Good for Ton Days Only. TAILOMADE SUITS , MThese TAILOMADE SUITS , For $ 9.75 That were made to order for $18.00 For $16.50 That Were Made to Order for $80.00 10.50 20.00 I " 17.50 " " " 85.00 11.50 23.00 " 20.00 " " " 40.00 12.75 25.00 " 22.50 " " " 45.00 13.75 26.09 " 25.00 " " " 50.00 15.00 28.00 S " 81.00 . " " " 60.00 Consider these Prices , Gonsidtr the Quality of thist Garmints. CAUSE. MISFIT Notwithstanding oUr immense sales The effect of having too much light this summer , we have still too many weight clothing is a tremendous break light goods left. Our eastern buyer con in price of the remainder. tinually writes , "MAKE ROOM. " " 1 have bought stacks of goods , nnd Clothing Parlors WE MUST , WE WILL , WE SHALL they are on the road. " SELL THEM. Wo stop at no sacrifice , , however great , in order to attain our Now , we have got to do ono of three object. WE MEAN BUSINESS. things Sell the goods , throw them away or stretch the walls. The easiest . 1119 Parnam Street Our Goods Look Like Business. to do , is to , Cat the Prices and Sell the Between llth and 12th Sts. TlicNcwCfltPricePi'ovesBusioess ' i These Prices only Good During this Ten Day Cut Sale. These Prices Good only During this Ten Day Cut Sale TAILORS ! PANTS F TAILOR-MADE PAFTSi For $ 3.00 That were Made to Order for $ 6.00 For $ 4.75 That were Made to Order for . $ 9.00 " 4.00 " " " V.OO I " 6.00 " " " 12. .00 " 5.00 " " " 8.50 " 7.50 " " " 14.00 5.50 " " " 11.00 " 8.50 " " " 16.00 " V.OO " " " 13.50 9.00 17.00 . " " " . . 8.00 15.00 , T ' Our Styles are Unique and Can't bo Compared to 11 Hand-Me-Downs. " Positively Perfect Fitting , - - This sacrificial 10 Day Cut'Sale includes every article in the house. Gents' Furnishing Goods and Hats , are cut just as hard and deep as the clothing. POLICE AND FiUEME.V. Blr. Hartman Lie am s Something About Thorn In the East. Mr. C. Hartman , of the lire and police commission , says that during his trip oust- ho talked a great deal with policemen and learned how tfio forces in certain of the large cities were managed. Ho claims that in no town where the tire and policemen - men were under metropolitan systems are the rules so lenient as they are m Omaha. In Boston they were especially severe and the requirements most exact ing. .No man who was not perfectly sound , and , who at the same time was Incapable of indulging in cer tain gymastio cxorclso was accepted for ihn police , and the same was true of fire men who were required to undergo ladder exorcise. For this reason sailors , other things being equal , were preferred and n number of that calling were members of the department. Mr. Hartman was strongly impressed with the fact that the police system of Now York was the best in the country. University ofNotro Dame. Among the educational institutions of the United States there are but few that have advanced us rapidly as the Univer sity of Notre Dame established over forty-four years. It rapidly passed to the front rank and has each succeeding year kept pacn with the demands of the times. No better educational institution can bo found anywhere , which the large and in creasing patronage it enjoys from all sec tions of the country testilies. Parents contemplating their sons or wards at school will obtain full information by addressing Hov. T. JB. Walsh , Pros. Uni versity Notre Dame , Ind. Tbo Judith' * Arrival. The steamboat Judith which has boon doing transfer duty on the upper Missouri arrived in this city yesterday She is m command of Captain Todd and after a delay of about an hour she steamed down the river to St. Louis. Captain Todd says the days of steamboat work on the upper Missouri are over , being obliged to give way to the railroads. The lour other boats now in the upper country will fol low the Judith down in a few days , the Uoutou arriving here on Saturday. Emmet Patrick , formerly connected with the Pullman Car company in this city , has returned after an absence of some time to take a position with the Pa- citio Hotel company. UU. WEIGHT PUR * CREAM Its superior oiooH nco proven in millions of homes for mpro toau a quarter of a oootuiy. It Is used by tbe United Stubs Government. Kndoraed by the beads of the Great Unlrorsl- tlos , M tbo Stroarest , Purest and Host Health ful. Or. Price's the only Ilaklng Powder that does not contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum. UAKIKn FOWDEIt CO. . NtW VOBJt , . CI1UUUO. BT. LODU. USlL ; CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000. "Wo do hereby certify that wo supervise the arrangements for all tbo Monthly nnd SemiAnnual - Annual Drawings of The Louisiana Stuto Lot tery Company , and In person manage nnd con trol the drawings themselves , and that the same are conducted with honesty , falrnogR nnd in good faith to ward all parties , i nd wo nuthor ] 7.o tbo Compnny to use this certificate with foe Bimllos ot our fclguuturo attached. In Its advor tiBomonts. " COMMISSIONERS Wothe nndoralfiied nankx and flankers will pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana State Lotteries which may bo presented at our coun ters. , T. II. OOIESlJYPro3. Louisiana National Hk. PIEHKK I.ANAUX , Prei. State National Uk A. HALDWIN. Pros. Now Orleans Nat'lllank CARL KOlIX , Pros. Union National Bank. U iNTRECKDENTED ATKTACTION ! OVER HALF AJ1ILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisanla State Lottery Company Incorporated In ISM.forlSyearsby the Leg Islaturfl for educational and charitable purpnies wltli a capital of 11,000,000 to which aretervo fund of ever tUO.OUO has since beenaddea. IlranorerwtielmlnK popular TOte Ita franchlio waf mnae a part of tha oreiontstato constitution adopted December 2nd. A , D. 18791 The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by tbo people of any etato. It never scales or postpones. Ita Grand Single Number Drawings takoplace monthly , and tlm Seml-Annuat Drawlniri regu larly every six months ( Juno and December. ) A 8PLBNDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Ninth Grand Drawing , class I , tn the Academy of Huslo , New Orleans. Tues day , Sep. 13,1887-20Sth Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , 01SO.OOO. P ? Notlce Ticket8 are Ten Dollars only. Halves , S5. Fifths , S2. Tenths , St. UST Or PHUK4. CAPITALPRIZB OF I1W.OW. . . . MSO.OOO 1 GRAND PRIZK OR 60,000. . . 60,000 I 0HAND PHIZB Of 20,000. . . 20,000 3 LAKGKPHI2B8QF 10.000. . . 0,000 4 LAUGR PRIZES OF C.OOO. . . 0,000 20 PRIZES OF 1,000. . . 20.000 BO 600. . . Z6.000 100 " KM. . . bO.OflO 200 . 800. . . 40,000 600 " 100. . . 60,000 APPROXIMATION PHI7ES. 100 Approximation Prizes of SISOO. . . . { 30,000 lee " 210. . . . JJOOOO 100 " " t JOO. . . . 10,000 1.000 Terminal " 60 , . . . M.OOO 8,179 Prizes amounting to.r.r. . t68i.OOO Application for ratas to club should be made onlr to the oftlco of the company IK V4w Orleans. For further Information rllo clearlf , elrlne full addro's. POSTAL NOl'KS , eipren mon r order * . or New York Kichsnge In ordinary letter. Currency by Or M. A. DAUPHIN , WASHINGTON , D. a Addresn Registered letters to NEW OKLEANS NATIONAL BANK * N w ORLEANS _ R T3 p M E ill H P5 IV < Snerali " * ' h ? Beauregard p"8n a and of Barlr , who are In obary * of th * drawings. Is aguar. antM ot abiolato fairness anUTJiUgmr. Uaf tha ehaBCd are all equal , and out aa poulbiy AlTlncwnatnuiabcrwUiarawifPrli * , KEMKMUBIt tbat tbe Darmcnt of all prlus U oniiuimiD or rouu .SATIO-VAL BANKS of wow Orleans , and the Tickets ( ire slfoe-d br tae preildeat etan Institution , wmose cbtnerM right * are rooc nlied In the hleoeit cenruahtrffora , beware ot anr Imitations or anonjmoui schemes OMAHA DEPOT lAlf-IAlLIUMLKt , Q LAWN TENtNt AND ATHLCTIC QQODS , COLLINS GUN COMTANV , Agents 1312 Douglas Street. W PARTS A the body tolarftd and str oitacned. foil partlo- BUrt ( iuld ) fti * . UU me. CO. , Buflalo. N.JT , DRS.S.&D.DAYIE80N. . . . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New York , Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nerrons , Me and DISEASES , More especially those nrUing from impur- dence , invite all so sutlering to cot respond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured satcly and speedily with out use of dangerous drut's. Patients whose cas s have been neglected , badly treated or paonoundcd incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symp toms. All letters receive immediate at tention. JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added on "Essay on Marriage , " wilh important chapters on Diseases of tle ) Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a valuable med ical treatise which should be read by oil young men. Address DRS. S. &D. DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. J. B. HAYNES OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER TJIIKD JUDICIAL DISTRICT , 87 Chamber of Commerce. STECK PIANOS Remarkable for powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; 30 years' record , the be ; t guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments WOODBRIDGE BROS. , For Adults , For Children , For Both Sexes When on ttie sultry summar'i d T 1h sun items soa.-c uillanwari NVtuncotaesSltk Ilasiltibo toopprass Anderorr moment brlQsi1t trcPs , Then TAUBAM'B BKL.T/KII prores a friend , That druggUts ill can recoiuiosaJ. DAYS' TRIAL. . THIS NEW ln s > Juat a person . or.ntfngUtp.ssm , ith. ; er. wVc9Mlj &TJ and nl ht. Jid a radical cart MrtMn , Ilsca4Ta > rbUan4jliap. : H at or mill Cir- S S5r < rt . 'aOClMIOS msfcu. , CaiUj. , U. Instant re VARICOCELE lief. Worst GUM cured'No knife , dpiKBor clamps used. Add. V. O. Suppl } Oo 110X 25. bt. Louts , Mo. FOR SALE BY ALL HADING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS. aulBd-wod-sut&flun BltlGHT'S DISEASE is caused by ADU8K EXCESSES , NEUVOUH UEUILITY. 1J18- CHAUJiS : , FKVIUIS , MALAHIA , OENITO- 1JH1NAKY DISEASES. 8TUICTUKKS.DISKAS- ED PI109TATE OLAND AND nDADDKIt , CATHETHHS AND BOUNDS. AND CANNOT I1KOUIIBII WHILE THEY RXIBT.UDH 11KM- ED1ESOUKK THKM. CHUONIO U1SKAHKS AND VAKICOCELB. without detention from businessmul thn Asnliel Mlnornl Spring Water cures the KIDNEYS , DIAHUrKH , DltOl'HY , 1JLADDBK , UltAVlIL AND BTONR. Over whelming ovldimro infilled free by ASAHI5L MEDICAL HUIU5AU PHYSICIAN , ft > l llioacl- way , Now York. FOUNTAIN OUT AND F > IAJQ. Incomparably the Bast. _ CHIC AGO AND North Northwestern 33-A.IZ-A Sliort . * -'AVtll.W And Cli'o o The only road to tttko for Dos Molnen ' nr- shnlltown , 0 cdar Itanldp , Clinton , Dlxon , Chlca- KO , Mllwiuikee and all points eaxt. To the people - plo of NelirnBliii , ColoiadoVjoinlnt. . ' . Utah , Idabo , isoviu'n ' , Oregon , WajhliiKton , and Cull- fornln , It oilers Biiporlor advontugca not possi ble by any other lino. Among u few oT tlio numerous points of BU- P'rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road between Omaha and Chicagoare Its two trains a day of DA V COACHED whleh are the Unost that human art and Infronully can create Its PAI.ACKKBUiKI'lhO OAltS , which are models of comtort and olcpanoo. Its PAKLOU DltAW. INO KUOMUAH8 , unmu passed by any. and Its widely celebrated 1'ALATIAh DININO C'AltS , the equal of which cannot bo found elsewhere At Council ninfTs the tnilnn of the Union Pacific Ky. connect In Union Depot with these of the Chlcaito .t NortiiwoHteni Ky , In Chicago the trains of this line make close oonnodlon with those of all eastern lines. Tor Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Niagara Falls , Uuiralo , PlttfthurirToronto , Montreal , Dot ton , New York , Philadelphia , Daltltnoro , Washington and all points In tlie cast , ask for a ticket fla the "NOHTHVVK3TKIIN. " If you wish the bout accommodation , All ticket agents sell tlckols via tills lino1 ttllnQHITT , B P. WILSON. Uenl. Manager , Oenl , Pass'r Agunt Chicago , III. W. M. HANCOCK. L. II , nOLLKS , Western Agent , City Pass'r Agent , Opiaba Nabtaska. | xcilepurpMCllli | l > r iTiTByriiKKiLasflr- ytnilld. loothlnf curienU of iikpt * " kolik sd Vlsoroui Stroiih. . TniBsndenEUctfloCa. Hl Li8sljst..Chle | aa I ftQT ANHOOD.Yotithful.Itnpr BmVr'J I uu < ! iict.SeivouslobllltCaiiM (1 through urrora and bad nrattlcu * CURED. UUI.b N HEAL COI31.ocujtst btfLuuU EDUCATIONAL. College , Ties Molnos , Iowa. A \ J Homo School for Girls. Full Courses o ) Btufly. HpoolHl advantages In Music. Art , Mod' orn Languages and Illooutlon. Fall term bo- Kins Sept. Bib. Address the president , O. U. 1'omeroy. PENNSYLVANIA gffiffi. CHESTEU. Mtli year opens SUITUMUIIU 14. A MILITARY1 COLI.KGK. H IN CIVIL KNOINRKIUNQ. CHKMISTltY. AUCIIITKOTUUK , ARTS. I'ronaratoiy Course * . Thorough Technical Work. All Departments conducted by lib I * ritOFESSOHH. Military Bystom second only to that of U. S. M. A. Annuals of Lieut. B T. Hart- lott. 1105 Sherman Ave. , City : or Chief Pay mast or1 B Office , Arniv HondmmrtorH. COU THKO. HYATT , President. BEACON ACADEMY , ir.T. SelecUjpme School , J. FRED SMITH , A. K Principal FHISKIIOM ) INSTlTUTIC-Freolmlil , Now Jersey , 41th yonr. 1'roimres for l'i Incotou , i nlo , Columbia , Harvard , mid for Ilusluosa. Itov. A. G. Chambers , A , M , Principal. JCDITC'ATK VOUIl f O\S. 'L'llK IIISITV or iNOTiii : DAMH oilers uiic < | iiiillKl itdvnntauoB to Itnt'iirt ' to youl tons and wards u thorough education lor eith er commercial course , or u riillimirio.comprll- intr classics , law , cclonco , innthutnntlus and inunlo , Tiki : MIMM ini ; AKTtii\T ] ; ( St. Hdward'H Hull ) ( or boj-B under vlilitoeq yenta of two. DoforO concludliiK wlicro tosenq your sons noud lor uoatuloKUocontultiltiK lilu * trntloiiB of thu InillillnBa of Notre Untno and full pitrtlculurg its to ternu and course of Btudjr The 87th session npous Tucpdiiy-Sriitunihor 6th , 48K7. AddroHS Ituv. T. K. Wrtlsh , 0. 8. U , Pros' University. Notre Unmo < Jnil. Morgan Park Military Acadimy A flrst-olasa Bnxllnh , Classhuil nnd Commer cial Hcliool. Send for Catalogue , MORGAN rAlK , COOK CO. , ILLINOIS. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL , Thlrty-Bovonth year bouliis Sept. Oth , 1887. For clrculaia or spoolnl Information addreu Horace K. Smith. LK D. Dean. Albany , N. V. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE And IIOIHE : SCHOOL , for IKI , § . KANSAS C1TV MO. 1'ull rorpa of nrrnmpllsh Teaclierit. 1'uplla received ut any time frortlrcula apply to , MlnsR lliCOMAB. 1'rlnclpaL Howard Collegiate Institute , For Yotinsr Ladlon leopons Sept 21. Colleir * 1'reparator ) , Clmslcal tind SLlontllle Drailuat- Iriircourfos , Tor clruiilius address 1 151A O. CNIUI'rlnlpnlor ( ) ! II. 11. HOWAJII ) , Secre tary , West Ilrldgowator , Mass. jyfitawJOt BKMINAItY PHILADELPHIA . . North llromlSt riiilailulphla. 17th year bntrlni Sept. " 1st , 1887. Address Miss It. K. JUUKINS , rrmolpal , who refers by gpoclal pormisslon to Mr. and MIDJohn N Jewell , ) Mr. ami Mrs. I'hlllp D. Armour , > Chicago , Mr. and Mrs Horace F Waite , ) BOYNTON FURNACE CO. . Soli Mnnufttctuttn of BOYNTON'S FURNACES , RANGES HEWTERS , With All MODEHN IniprovomenLn. 47 and 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. MANNY , MANAGER. CHICAGO. HENRY E COX , Omaha , Neb. I'ruu.comblnrd. Uuarantrrdlka ononu ) In tbo world utperfttlbir . . _ ( continuous Kltitrie < * * 'njmli cC < " irrrtil , HoUntineI'owtr/ul , l > uilil < „ „ _ CnmfnrtBt/le aiid rfltctlfo. itoltl Iraii'l * fc < > * rM lOcuri < l. Hr AI.MI rj.r.v Kiu iiK.i.TH ron _ Dl. HUKHL U NIO . 181 Wren AYC.