Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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TRIMS or sunscntrrtot :
DnHr ( Mornlair Edition ) Including Sunday
Dr.r , Ono Year. , . (10 00
Tor 81 * Montui. > . i . 600
For Three Monthi . 2W
Tha Omaha Humlnr B , mulled to anr
address , Ono Ycitr . . . : " W
OMAHA ornrt. No. ( Hi * xn VM FAnfiM fl-rnwtr.
Niw TORK nrrtcB. lion * , Tmnn * Brtii.niMJ.
WASBINOTON orricc , No. 113 KutmtissTn aiuirr.
All communications rolntlnd to Down and edi
torial matter flhouhl be addrosood to thu Kin-
TOR or TIIK Dec.
AH but Inets lattert nod roinUUnooi should bo
OMAHA. Drafto. checks and poilolBco orders
to be made payable to the order of the company ,
Bworn Mtatoinont of Circulation.
County of Douifas. I8'8"
O o < B. Tuchucir , secretary of The Bee
.Publishing company , docs solemnly swear
that the actual circulation ot the Dally I3oe
for the weekending August 13 , 1BST , was as
follow * :
Haturday. August G . 14.400
Bandar , August 7 . 14.500
Monday. August 8 . , . 14,525
Tuesday. August 0 . 13.010
Wednesday , August 10 . 13.89.-i
Thuwaay. August 11 . 14.500
Friday , August W . .14,050
Averaee . . : . .14.211
Bworn to and subscribed In my presence
this Wli day of Aujitist , A. D. 15S7.
N. 1' . Fmr. .
fSKAL.1 Notary 1'uollc.
State of Nebraska , I „
Douelns County , t 8S
Gco. II. Tzschuck , being first duly sworn ,
deposes and says Hint ho Is secretary ot The
Uee Publishing company , that the actual
average dally circulation of the Dally Uco for
the month of August , 18b < 5 , U,4G4 copies ; for
September , 1880 , 13,030 copies ; for October ,
im , 12,880 copies ; for November , 1880 , KIS48
copies ; for December , 1880. 13.S17 copies ; for
January 1887 , 10,200 copies ; for February ,
1887 , 14,198 copies ; for March. 1887 , 14,400
copies ; for April , 1687 , 14,310 copies ; forMny ,
1S87 , 14.2-.7 copies ; for June 18S7 , 14,147
copies ; for July , 1837 , 14.003 copies.
GEO. B. Tzscnucit.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
llth dayot August. A. D. , 1887.
( SEAL. | N. P. KKIL , Notary Public.
DAYLIGHT will presently begin to dawn
on the management of our county affairs.
TIIK yacht that hold the young Prince ,
Mr. ITCS , did not go down with Datyon
railroad and the bank.
THRKR may be method In. Queen Vic
toria's taffy epistle to President Clove-
land. The fisheries dispute has not as
yet been settled.
Fitosi the frequent use of the pronoun
"wo" in the queen's letter , it is evident
Hunry Labouchoro had no hand in writ
ing it. Henry says , "I. "
IT Is said the now prohibition drink
known as mult wine , now in use in Iowa
and Kansas , contains more fight to the
bottle than a barrel of old-fashioned Ten
nessee tanglefoot.
WHY docs not Colorado take off its
coat and lick thunder out of Colorow
and his crowd ? Give Senator Tom
Bowcn a clinnco at them. Ho will talk
them to death in twenty-four hours.
Now THAT Jay Gould is n grandfather ,
it would bo well to keep a weather cyo
on Wall street. The young Goulds must
bo cared for. Another million squeeze
from Undo Cyrus Field would bo a
handsome foundation for the youngster
to begin business on.
THE Indian ofllco at Washington is
cither ignorant of its business , or some
one in Colorado is doing some tall lying.
At Washington it is uaid there is no
knowledge of thoUto outbreak. There is
undoubtedly a lie out some place.
UOVKKNOII ADAMS , of Colorado , may
bo a big man in his state but ho isn't quitu
largo enough to order General Crook to
take the jinny to the front in the Ute out
break. Governor Adams should read the
constitution of the United States.
TIIK Americans who have visited Eng
land within the past two years will nol
approve of the queen's complimentary
reference to alleged Minibtor Phclps. He
is a snob , and his chief delight is to in'
suit Americans , who inako the mistake
in calling upon him.
Govr.UNou HAIIDY in his speech bcfon
the prohibition convention yesterday a
Lincoln said that Jsimos G. lilaino am
Jefferson Davis belong to the same party
The chances are that both Mr. Ulaim
and Mr. Davis widely differ with thi
Governor upon this subject.
bo BO particular about , traveling throng !
the country incog. Ho is mistaken if In
thinks any one wishes to see him. Tin
people ot this country are howling ti
BOO great men only. Mr. Vilas is not entered
terod in this class.
MISTKU PiiEi.i'3. the dude minister a
the court of St. James , comes in for i
httln boom in the letter of the queen t <
the president. This will cause the brain
less head of the minister to grow three o
four sizes larger. It will In future re
quire a tun aero Held in which to inauu
faoturo his hats.
TIIK attempt made yesterday in th
prohibition convention by an allege
funny delegate to start a boom for Ulain
and Jefferson Davis on the swniu tickc
next year was met with a cold chill as i
it had.bcon struck with an ice houst
The delegate should have boon hit with
base ball bat.
FBHDINAMU WAitowas thirty-two year
old when ho loft Wall street for Sin
Sing. Fidelity Harper was thirty-sovo
when ho loft his bank and wont to thu Cir
cinnati jail. Young Mr. Ivos is t wont }
four years old. It scorns to bo thu youtl
ful Napoleons of finance that most fn
quout the penitentiary route to wealth.
IP Secretary Lamar is appointed upo
the supreme bench it is quite probabl
bii present assistant secretary of the ii
torlor , Muldrow , will bo placed in char
of the portfolio. This net would bo i
keeping with the precedent ostablishc
by Mr. Cleveland in appointing Assls
ant Secretary Fairchild as the succossc
of Mr. Mannirg at the head of the treaa
ury. Mr. Muldrow , however , is not a
able man , though ho has the capabilitlc
of managing the department with pc
haps more businesslike methods than ai
DOW being employed by Secretary. Lama
Withdrawal of Indemnity Land * .
Too announcement that the secretary
of the Interior has instructed the com
missioner of tha general land ofllco that
tlto indemnity lands withdrawn in the
Interest of certain railroads may bo re
stored to settlement under the preemption
tion and homestead laws ls gratifying in
telligence. In May last .tho secretary
issued a circular to land grant railroads
which had not complied with the terms
of their grants calling upon thorn to show
cliuso why the lands withdrawn for in
demnity in their several cases should not
bo restored to settlement. It ap
pears from the decision reached
by the secretary that the
reasons presented for continuing the
withdrawal of lands wore not satisfac
tory in all cases but three , which are
still under consideration ,
This action is in pursuance ot the
policy suggested in the letter of the presi
dent to the secretary of the interior rela
tive to the controversy over the Gullford
Miller claim , which was promptly en
tered upon by the interior department
and has been pushed with commendable
vigor. It will restore many millions of
acres to the people , much of it the most
desirable land for agricultural pur
poses in the country. The grants of
land with the conditions of which
the railroad corporations have failed to
comply amount to 111,073,854 acres , or
174,400 square miles of territory greater in
area than the stales of New York.Ponnsyl-
vania , Ohio , Indiana and Now Jersey
combined. The action of the Interior de
partment will not restore to settlement
all of this vast territory , capable ot pro
viding homes for several millions of people
ple , since it applies only to so much of
it as was withdrawn by executive author
ity. But this constitutes very much the
lanrer part , the amount ot the lands
granted by congress which are still
liable to forfeiture by reason of noncompliance -
compliance with the conditions being
estimated at nine million acres , all fertile.
Undoubtedly congress will supplement
the action of the interior department by
declaring these lands forfeited and thus
give back to the people the whole terri
tory which has been held from them for
a period of from fifteen to twenty-five
years for the benefit of sixteen railroads
which-havo failexl to live up their con
tracts with the government , and some of
which have not built a mile of road.
Under the action of the department
between 85,000,000 and 80,000,000 acres
will bo released from the control of the
Atlantic & Pacific road. This corpora
tion received a grant of over forty-nine
million acres and has laid but 1,755 miles
of track. The St. Paul & Sioux City
company for a length of 120 miles of rail
road enjoys a grant of over ono million
acres. JTbc Oregon & California com
pany , which complained that it has lost
through squatters 283,000 , acres of laud ,
has a track laid of 200 miles for which
nearly four million acres have been put
at its disposal by grants of congress and
executive indemnity. Other examples
might be cited to show how the subsi
dized railroads have disregarded the ob
ligations entered into with the govern
ment , and yet they arrogantly assert
their claim to have continued a policy
which for all thcso years has held from
the people millions of acres of their
landed heritage. The position taken by
the secretary of the interior is just , is m
accord with sound public policy , is nec
essary to the welfare of the whole people
and will bo heartily approved by the
The Appeal to the Courts.
The Pncltlo railroads investigating
commission , after having made every ef
fort to secure the information it desired ,
and which it expected to obtain from the
officials of the Central Pacific , and Ret
ting only evasion and refusal , has
promptly followed the plhin course of
duty in appealing to the courts. Senator
Leland Standford , the head and front of
the offending , has been cited to appear
In the United States circuit court next
Wednesday and show cause why ho
should not answer the questions that were
submitted to him by the commission rela
tive to thu use of money for influ
encing legislation. It will bo ro-
momborcd that Stanford's replies to
these questions were purely evasions ,
which 111 their nature amounted to an ad
mission that money Had been used , ttic
eminent booillor shielding himself , as ho
apparently supposed , behind the assump
tion that inasmuch as the corporation
had used "no part of the moneys duo tno
government it was no business of the
commission what had been douo witli
any other part of the corporation's ro
sources. That is , so lone as the govern
ment claims were satisfied , DO matter b.i
what corrupt and unlawful methods the
moans to satisfy them were obtained
any inquiry regarding the methods wai
an impertinence and a persecution , over
when made by a commission created foi
9 getting at just such information. A nice
theory , this , for a United Stales senatoi
to advance.
It Is not to bo doubted that the cour
will disabuse the mind of Senator Stan
ford of all faith in the efficacy of this
theory , if Indeed ho has any faith in it
which is questionable. The whole coursi
of these Central Pacific oflicials , mam
festly prearranged , suggests a desperate
gamu of bluff , such as men fully con
scious of their guilt would bo sura tc
play. They have undoubtedly roasonoi
that they cannot bo the losers by the pol
ley they are pursuing , whatovci
the outcome may be , aud i
is the only ono which in the !
circumstances offered any chance o
escape. Having hail a good opportunity
to learn thn character of the cornmlssioi
before it reached San Francisco , these
o dictate evidently concluded that it woul <
not bo sr.tislied with surface facts or b
put off with plausible explanations. I
had shown Its Intention to penetrate t <
the very core of the business , aud no par
of its task was more important than-thn
of unearthing the rottenness known t
exist. Ilonoo the game of bluff appoaroi
to the unscrupulous gang to bo the enl ,
recourse that ottered them any hope , sine
It would at least retard and embarrass th
work of Investigation and thus give th
corruptionists the advantage of mor
time in which to concert now schemes c
obstruction and delay. The promp
action of the commission in carrying th
matter into thu courts cannot bo to
warmly commended , aud the order c
the court that will bring Stanford be
fore it with the least possible delay at
tests the absence of any judicial dispos !
tion to favor the corruptionists. Thor
Is every reason to behove that tha riu
'of boodlors will find that their bluff wi !
not win. The law creating the commis
sion is clear and explicit in do-
Cning Its authority , which was not
In the least degree exceeded by the ques
tions propounded to Stanford or any
other one of the Central Pacific officials.
The decision of thn court In the case of
Stanford will determine the authority of
the commission with respect to all as ro
tating to the matter of inquiry , and if
farorablo to the commission there can bo
no doubt that the authority will bo fully
assorted. Some exceedingly interesting
revelations may then bo looked for.
The WnRon Bridge Ordinance.
We do not want to obstruct the pro
posed Council Bluffs and Omaha bridge ,
but wo dnom it timely to urge the mayor
and council to frame the ordinance
granting the right of way to the bridge
with great care. Omaha wants this
bridge , but the rights of the public
should bo protected. The approaches
should be ample and safe , and no street
railroad monopoly should bo permitted
to mid from the brjdgo.
Under the act regulating bridges across
the Missouri riyor at Omaha , passed in
1871 , which has never been repealed , the
mayor and council of this city arc em
powered to regulate the tolls over all
such bridges , and it is hoped that this
power will bo exorcised in the interest of
the public.
In granting the right of way for approaches
preaches to this bridge a limit should bo
placed upon the time within which the
structure shall bo completed , and a
reservation clause should be inserted
which will forfeit the rights granted
by the ordinance in case the bridge is
not built within the time specified.
Another suggestion which the HKK vol
unteers is that the bridge company shall
dcsicnato the street which Is to bo con
verted into an approach to the bridge
before the ordinance is enacted , and that
only the name of the street designated
shall bo inserted in the right-of-wny
ordinance. To allow options on
several streets would open the
door for n levy of blackmail upon prop
erty owners and give a chance to specu
lators and impostors to trallic in real es
tate options. It is manifestly the duty of
the mayor and council to prevent such
impositions at the very outset.
THE law of congress of February 20 ,
1863 , is the one under which it is thought
the Central Pacific corruptionists could
bo indicted in the District of Columbia.
It relates to the bribery of members ot
congress and other public officials , and
the limit of punishment for each offense
is imprisonment for three years and a
fine not exceeding three times the
amount of the bribe. The following is a
section of the revised statutes bearing on
the matter :
Every person who promises , offers , gives ,
or causes , or procures to be promised , ottered ,
or glvon any money or other thing of value ,
ormakos , or tenders any contract , undertak
ing , obligation , gratuity , or security for the
payment of money , or for the deliver ; or
conveyance of anything of value to any
member of ielther house ol congress , either
before or alter such member has bean quali
fied or has taken his scat , with intent to in
fluence his vote or decision on any question ,
matter , cause or proceeding , which may be
at any time pending in either house of con
gress , or before any committee thereof , shall
bo fined not more than three times the
amount of money or value of the thing so
ottered , promised , given made or tendered ,
and shall be , moreover , Imprisoned not more
than three years.
If the Central Pacific boodlcrs could bo
convicted under this statute and receive
the limit of punishment it would take a
generous slice out of their stolen mil
THE manufacture of shoddy boots and
shoes has reached an enormous extent
in the eastern states. The public has
made comparatively little protest against
this form of swindling , and so the dis
honest industry' has flourished to an
enormous extent. It is nothing loss than
an outrage that the market should bo
flooded with such trash. It is especially
hard on the poor , who are compelled to
buy cheap goods , for no matter how re
duced the price may bo , it is very much
too higli for the quality of article ob
tained. .Most of the shoddy boots and
shoos put upon the market are made in
Massachusetts mainly by machinery
and the manufacturers use the offul of
leather , paper , splits , skivers tind compo
sitions , that melt away at the first wet
ting. Paper and pasteboard soles are
quite common , but the finish is excellent ,
so that only exports can toll the difference -
once between the genuine and the bogus
article. Bargains in shoos almost mva-
siably turn out "sells. " Wo have had
crusades against adulterated food ,
against shoddy clothing to some extent ,
why not inaugurate one against shoddy
boots and shoos T
IT is perfectly natural for the jobbers
of the Republican who have taken on
themselves the defense of rascals and
boodlcmcn in the counc'l ' to rush to the
defense of the worthless sidewalk in
spector. "Tho proof of the pudding is
in the eating. " If the sidewalk inspector
is earning his salary , the wretched side
walks all over the city belie that claim.
There might bo some excuse for neglect
ing the sidewalks in the suburbs , but
there is none for allowing
thorn to remain almost impassible
and absolutely dangerous in the
heart of the city , on streets that have
been paved. Even on Fnrnam and Douglas -
las streets , between Ninth and Sixteenth ,
which are crowded from , dawn till mid
night , tno sidewalks are a disgrace tc
any civilized community. If the inspector
specter cannot attend to these streets , hi :
services are of precious little valuo. The
o 111 co of sidewalk inspector should
either bo abolished or the inspcotoi
should bo compelled to attend strictly tc
his duties.
THK Scotch yacht Thistle , built for the
particular purpose of winning back the
America CUPS , the international trophy
originally won by the old yacht America
and since successfully defended agalns
all comers , has reached Now York
From this time until the great race ii
over Eastern yachting circles will no
lack for something to interest them , am
the opportunity of the yachtiug roportei
and editor of every eastern paper will bi
fully improved. The Thistle has provet
herself to bo a remarkable sailor , am
there will not bo that feeling of almost cur
tain victory among American yachtsmet
which prevailed when the Genesta and tbi
Gulden c.lino into our waters to d <
battle for the trophy. The Thistle ha
sailed fifteen races , { n which she ha
taken eleven first prizes'one second am
ono third. She has covered fifty miles in
five hours and thirty-nine minutes , which
is very fast sailing , and. attests her a
craft to bo feared. It is probable eho
will have to content with the new Boston
wonder , < ho Volunteer , built by the now
famous Vurghcs , who constructed the
Puritan and the Mayflower. The Volun
teer has done some splendid sailing , but
none so much bettor than the Scotch
craft to justify unquestioning confidence
in the ability of the American yacht
to defeat the foreign foo. This annual
international contest has had ono good
effect , if none thcr , and that Is the
stimulus It has g'fven to the study of the
best models for boats of this kind , hav
ing reference primarily , of course , to
ailing qualities. This has resulted in
cry rapid and marked improvement.
CALIFORNIA hns grown vigorously dur-
ng the past year it the returns of the
assessors can bo relied upon. Thcso
how a total increase of taxable wealth
if $133,000,000 , which is certainly n most
ratifying exhibit of progress. San
Francisco , although according to a local
apcr the year has not been an especially
rospcrous ono , increased her assessment
oil nearly twenty-two million dollars.
n view of these most satisfactory and
mcouraging facts it would seem
hat the people of all parts of
California would bo entirely con-
ent to continue as they nrc , m-
lead of agitating a division of territory
, s the southern counties are doing ,
which , if accomplished , would probably
10 to their disadvantage rather than
heir benefit.
UNDKH the now charter the mayor has
.uthority to call for reports from all
> nicers and employes of the city. Wo
would urge Mayor Broatoh to call for
quarterly reports from every official con
nected with the city , particularly the
trcct commissioner , sidewalk inspector
nnd all the inspectors of sewers , pave
ments , public buildings , etc. The mayor
hould inform himself how much work
has been done under the supervision of
each officer , where such work was done ,
and under what conditions. Wo are
paying out hundreds of thousands of
dollars for public improvements , and
ho taxpayers are entitled to periodic re
ports of what has boon done and whcro
heir money has gone.
WE are familiar with watered stock ,
watered milk , watered liquor , etc. , but
watered oysters is a now trick. Never-
hcloss it is ono to which oyster deal-
313 resort , as an eastern professor tells *
us. And he docs not mean the celebrated
church fair stow , cither. The pro-
essor says that by allowing them
.o soak for awhile in water "tho
body of the oyster acquires such
plumpness and rotundity aud its
bulk and weight ate so increased as to
materially increase its selling value. "
Here is a pretty how d'ye do , and Sop-
.ember with its 11 so near at hand , too.
THE party of politicians from New
York who will soon start for the south
loping to work up an opposition against
horonommation.of Cleveland might as
well remain at homo. The south is solid
'or ' Cleveland ami-Is likely to remain so.
lie has given that-sbction of the colintry
a largo percentage of the offices , and has
removed all the republicans in the south
ern states. The southern people are not
so lacking in gratitude as not to favor
the president's renomination.
OUR citizens should lose no time in im
provising decorations for their store
houses and residences during the forth
coming Grand Army reunion aud Omaha
fair. Nothing will create a more agree
able and lasting impression upon visitors
from abroad than streets and buildinsrs in
holiday attire. To bo tasteful and im
posing there must bo labor and time de
voted to design. There is no time to be
lost. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A YOUNG editor who \vants people to
know that ho has been In Philadelphia ,
culls attention to the fact that Fairmont
park contains several largo buildings
which have been loc.ited there perma-
ncntly without spoiling the looks of the
park. The enthusiastic youth forgets to
tell us that Fairmont park is cloven miles
long , while Jefferson square is less than
a hundred yards long.
How soon will our city officials who
employ assistants comply with the order
of the council to report the names of
such persons , the salaries they drawaud
the authority undnr which they have
been employed ? The council may not
be disposed to enforce this order , but the
taxpayers want to know the reason why.
IT now looks as if the city hall bids will
all have to bo rejected , and the board of
public works required to re-advortiso for
now proposals. This may cause some
delay in the erection of the building , but
the delay need not exceed twenty days.
Two weeks' notice to contractors to resubmit -
submit bids would bo ample.
MAJOR BALCOMIU : is to bo commended
for calling time on the curb-stone con
tractor. There has been a disposition on
the part of contractors for public work
to disregard entirely the obligations they
enter into as to the time when their work
is to bo completed.
THE torn-foolery about a library build
ing on Jefferson § | ] uaro , has gone fai
enough , but the cpnncii should do some
thing to beautify the square and make it
a pleasure ground of which the city could
bo proud. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE illustrated" , fcdition of the Omaha
World is an exhibition of creditable en
terprise which cannot fail to bo of mate
rial advantage iri'o.q'vertlsing this city.
MEMBERS of tho.'city council nnd par-
tics interested in Joca ! politics had bottoi
study the now cleion law.
The New York Barbers' union has onli
300 out of the 2,500 shops.
The American Glass Workers' union com
pels foreign workmen to pay 8100 to Join.
New Knights of Labor assemblies an
being formed all over the west and south.
What the Knights of Labor have lost ii
some quarters they have made up lu others.
Steam bunching machines are dlsplacln ;
cigar-making labor , and trouble is brewing
The usual talk of starting co-onerativf
leather works Is now Doing heard at Newark
N , J.
The cotton mills In two southern states ex
ported 30,000,000 yards of cotton cloth las
> ear.
The new York orgacUed hat salesmen an
reporting to court , all , storekeepers who sell
on Sunday.
A movement Is to bo mitdoto advance the
wages qt women encased In shlrtmaklos In
New York.
The tanners will soon hold a national con
vention at Saratoga to count the losses of tan-
nine hides at present prices.
The plumbers and steam fitters nil over the
west are forming a national union , The
membership will bo about 13,000.
The first district assembly formed In Eng-
and Is numbered 003. It has nine local as-
emblles In good working order.
The number of portons who struck during
lie first week of August was 10,500 , while
during all of August , 1SSO , only 13,200 struck.
There are over 100,000 children under four
teen years of ago employed , contrary to law ,
the factories and workshops of Now
The Massachusetts state board of arbltra-
lon decided that the 300 Beverly lastcrs who
hrew 2,300 other shoemakers out of work
lad no case.
Southern enterprise has boon encouraged
y the good returns , and there Is a gruat de
gree of Interest In the multitude of smaller
ndustrlcs employing from five to 100 men.
Shops and little factories are multiplying.
There Is a wonderful development In the
nice Superior Iron ere regions. A syndicate
with 525,000,000 has been formed , and a num
ber of power I ul lake crafts will be built , and
ho facilities for mining and transporting ere
greatly improved. In the now Gocoblc
anpe there are sixty mines. .
Tno output of cotton goods In the Southern
States has Increased from 152,701,298 yards In
8SO to 203,933,334 yards In IbSO , or one-third ,
ilnco 18SO forty-nine cotton factories have
> eun established. Tbo great Increase has
been lu the capacity of Individual mills , and
hero are now , It Is said , over thirty under
ircctlon nnd projected.
The London chamber of commerce thinks
ho ovll of a lack of technical education has
> ecomo so pronounced as to call earnest at-
ontlon to It. A bill has been Introduced In-
o parliament to provide moans for an exten
sion of technical education facilities. The
present means are found to bo far behind
continental facilities , and In consequence the
nanufacturlng Interests of the continent are
scoring advantages in colonial markets over
Great Britain.
Need Not IIUTO Gone BO Far.
Chicago Herald.
If It was evictions Brother filatno was
ooklng for , sure Brother Carnegie might
lave taken him over Into Pennsylvania.
Authority on the Subject.
Ptttiburg Dlfpatch.
Mr. Robert Qarrett declared that there Is
jut one good barber In London. Mr. Oarrott
s a Judge of shaving since hid exploits In
shavlnor Sully , Ives and Stayner out ot their
respective forfeit money.
A Pica tor the Boomer.
CMcago Inter Ocean.
As a rule the very rich men are not those
who build up a community nnd create Dooms.
A single business man full of life and snap
and enterprise , who Is not afraid to talk and
talks sense , and knows how to advertise , Is
wortli a dozen very rich men , who usually
only take advantaco of other people's boomIng -
Ing to Increase their values.
Small Effects of Local Pinasters.
Kew York World.
Droucht and forest fires have desolated
75,000 square mites of fertile territory in the
northwest. In Michigan the energies of the
people are overtaxed In fighting the conflagra
tions In the woods. About Carlisle , II ! . , the
prairies are on fire , and In Wisconsin logclng
camps nnd woods have been consumed. And
yet the results of nil this destruction will bo
scarcely noticeable In the great aggregate of
American production in a year of plenty.
The Chatsworth Maisaore.
Chicago Times.
But why dwell upon thn horrors of this ap
palling tragedy ? Why attempt to emphasize
the lesson it has written in Hues of blood and
fire ? Will corporations those shadowy creat
ures of the statute , without souls to lose , or
bodies to punish , or sensibilities to suffer
heed Its teachings ? Will their servants ,
freed by the mistaken clemency of the law
from their just responsibility for the lives
that are constantly Intrusted to their care ,
heed them ? Will the public , which has been
so qick to forgot similar lessons In the past ,
heed them ? It Is not to be believed. The
Chatsworth horror was due solelyto the failure
of tlin railroad company to exercise proper
supervision of Its lino.
An Anti-Povnrty Bonn.
All want we will demolish
And nil poverty abolish ,
Every man shnll roll in clover and on flowery
beds ot ease ,
Sleep 'ncath crazy quilts of money ,
Swim in Hoods of milk and honey ,
Wade In streams of linhn of Ullcad nud In
nectar to his knees ;
We'll abolish want and walling ,
And our ship will como a sailing ,
Loaded down with gold ( it Ophlr and with
pearls from Indian seas.
We'll drink Plenty's eoldon chalice
In a thirteen story palace ,
With Its curtains made of gold-leaf and of
diamonds worked In silk ;
Wo will loll on festal couches
And distend our pampered pouches ,
And no pane of Indigestion will our peptic
pleasures bilk :
The pie tree shnll bloom spontaneous ,
Cake fruit sprout up miscellaneous ,
And the undamuird rivers gurgle with their
floods of buttermilk.
Yes , clouds shall drop down manna ,
While the nneels sing hosanna ;
Drop down flakes of richest pastry that Miss
Pnrloa would surprise ;
We'll discuss no other question
Than th ethics of dilution ,
And the relative nutrition of quail toast and
mushroom pies ;
And n host of sylph-like waiters
Shall tend to servo nnd sate us ,
Hosts ot white millennial anirels sent ex
pressly from the skies 1
Nebraska Jutting * .
Hugh Garrett , of Fairbury. was touched
bv lightning at Steele City and instantly
The republicans of Pawnee will moot
in county convention October 1 , to name
the elect.
Sidney is laying out 113,000 in a school
building , which will bo completed by No
vember 1.
The third annual show of the products
of Boo'uo county will bo held at Albion ,
October 4 , 0 and G.
Plnttsmouth has secured a full set ol
plans and profiles for a system of grades
nud sewers for the city.
The teachers of Sheridan county , to
the number of thirty-live , are enjoying a
normal vacation ut Gordon.
Niobrara won the second round in the
Knox county seat race. The Santoos got
m their work in fine shape. Another
election will settle it.
The hardware store of Mr. Couphy
and the railroad section house in Ncligh
were struck by lightning during n storm
Monday evening. The damage was
Levi N. Corner , a prominent hardware
merchant in Falls City , died Saturday
Ho was an active business man , promi
neut in political and social affairs , am
his death is genorallyjmourned.
Frank Greene , an animated chunk o
gall with a limber jaw , has thrown the
town of Tobias into convulsions by skin-
ping out without blddinu farewell to his
landlord and other small creditors.
The -Scluoiler mill at Cedar Creek
equipped with modern machinery , was
formally opened for .business lastbatur
day. The event was properly celebrated
jy a refreshing picnic by the residents.
Cnjsar Fulks. an overgrown thug , being
refused admittance to n dance In Ne
braska City Saturday night , fired n brick
through the door and cracked the skull
of Frank Fox , a boy aged thirteen. His
wound Is dangerous. Fulks escaped.
Mason Long , the reformed gambler , Is
said to have scooped in $500 by working
ils jaw in Adums county recently.
Mason and his oiiartolto of Bhoutcrs , are
doing much better with the piuty racket
hau the richest tiger don in the state ,
A party of enterprising burglars raided
Etrug's store house in Plaltsmouth Sat-
irday , shipped throe kegs of lager to
[ own and were caught slacking their
thirst in the arid bottoms of Pacific
Junction. The thieves are a hard lot
and wore jailed In Ulonwood awaiting a
requisition from Lincoln.
Iowa Itema.
The new Swedish church at Stanton
cost 120,000.
The packing house at Atlantic has boon
sold to Chicago parties and will start up
this fall.
It Is believed by his friends that Bishop
Perry whl decline the office of bishop of
Nova Scotia.
The Catholic church nt St. Paul , near
Fort Madison , was wrecked by a wind
storm Saturday evening.
The work on the now Baptist church at
lied Oak was commenced Thursday. The
structure will cost $8,000.
A crazy youngster is loading the na-
ives-in a wild race in Fremont county ,
flo is about twelve years of ngo nnd es
caped twice from his captors.
Though Iowa is classed as an agricul
tural state , the total number of manu
facturing establishments is placed nt
0,000 , with 05,000 persons employed.
Among the number reporting 41)3 ) report
an aggregate capital of f 20,000,000.
Hope Mills , an old gentleman eighty
years of ago , living near Muscatiuu , is
the father of twenty-six children. His
last wife , now living , is the mother of
Fourteen of them. She was seventeen
years old when married , and is now fifty-
ix. ! Mr. Mills is halo and hearty aud
bids fair to become a centenarian.
Aberdeen has scoured a twine factory.
The Chicago & .North western extension
will bo finished to Gettysburg m thirty
The receipts at the assay ofllco in Now
York of Dakota gold bullion was during
the last year ,6'JO,030.40 , of silver ,
$433Gtll. Dividends declared during
1880 by the mining companies were
Elgin , 111. , parties are corresponding
with a number of Aberdeen business
men relative to starting a watch factory
at Aberdeen. They will need a half sec
tion of land for their factory and will
employ about 500 men.
Union county has two insane people in
its county jail. The Yankton asylum is
fulland the additional wing for which
$00,000 was appropriated is not being
built. In several counties these unfortu
nates are being committed to the jails.
A rich ere crevice has boon found in
the Iron Hill mine. The width of the
vein of pay ere is from two to three feet ,
and the depth to bo determined. The
first$125 expended produced $2,000 worth
of oro. This is "pay from the grass
roots down. "
Laramie is clamoring for a court
Laramie hns organized a tanning com
pany with a capital of $50,000.
The Swans were called into court last
week to answer two attachment suits.
The Burlington road is expected to bo
in operation to Cheyenne in sixty days.
Mr. Potter promises that the Union
Pacific depot at Cheyenne will bo pushed
to completion without further delay.
The Vyoming Fuel company , capital
$100,000 , has been incorporated. The
trustees are Horace K. Thurbcr , of Now
.York CityJcirW. ; Bedford and Loavitt
W. Anderson , of Omaha , and A. II. Swan ,
of Choyenno.
Laramie City is to have an artesian
well. The county subscribes $3,500 , the
city $ 'J,5CO , and the Wyoming Central
Land aud Improvement company $1,000 ,
making $7,000 , which is believed to be
ample for the purpose.
The Burlington hns struck anothsr
snag on the way to Cheyenne. The
owners of an outside addition want $10-
000 for right of way through the ground
aud the privilege of increasing the value
of the lots. It is cheering to know that a
few hogs have strayed from the Missouri
Charities nnd Ho form.
All arrangements for the national con
ference of Charities and Corrections ,
which convenes nt Boyd'a opera house ,
this city , Thursday , August 25 , have been
about completed , and the session prom
ises to bo fraught with Interest to the
whole civili/.cd world. This association ,
as is probably wolf known , is purely hu
manitarian , the premier design being to
devise ways and means for relief from
undue hardships for convicts in the peni
tentiaries , reformatories and houses of
refuge , resolving upon the * best methods
for training and protecting those so un
fortunate as to bo imbccilic or idiotic ,
and for general charitable and humane
ends. Ono of the most prominent ob
jects , among innumerable commendable
duties , is an amelioration of the burdens
imposed upon all subjected to imprison
ment for any cause whatever , crime , in
sanity orindigcnoy.
Among thu distinguished people who
will bo hero nt the approaching confer
ence might bo mentioned ex-President
HayoH.of Fremont , O. ; Governor Gordon ,
of Georgia ; Governor Church , of Dakota ;
Governor Adams , of Colorado : Governor
Cochor , of South Corolina ; ox-Governor
Hondly , of Cincinnati , O. ; Clara Barton ,
president of the International Hod Cross
association , and recently appointed by
Mr. Cleveland as United States delegate
to thu convention ut Baden , Germany ,
which convenes September , the 22(1 ;
Frank B. Sunhorn , United Status statis
tician , of Boston ; Hon. P. Lintchworth ,
of Buffalo , the proprietor of ono of the
mostulogant and picturesque villas in the
country , at Portage , fourteen miles out
side of the city ; Kov. F. 11.Vynes , secre
tary of thn board of charities and correc
tions of Illinois ; Kabbi Sonnoschton , the
most dibtinguiahod Jewish rabbi in this
country , of St. Louis ; and KplHcopuhun
Bishops , Utloy , of Louisville , Kentucky ;
Gillispio.of Michigan ; IIaroof Dakota.nnd
Whipplo , of Minnesota ; Human Catholic
bishop , the lit. Ituv. John Ireland , of
Minnesota ; Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper , of San
Francisco , Cal. , who is famous all over
the land for nor work in kindergarten ;
Miss Silphia P. Smith , of Boston , noted
for her statistician work and her incalcu
lable labors among tha poor ; Mrs. C. U.
Lowell , of Now York City , a member of
the board of charities ; Philip C. Ga'rott ,
former president of the conference , of
Philadelphia ; General Armstrong , of
Virginia , nnd many others , but from the
above list the citizens of Omaha can
form some idea of the magnitude of the
prospective session and of its importance
to the people of the entire country and
even the whole world.
The exercises will bo inaugurated
Thursday evening next by addresses of
welcome from Governor Thayer , Mayor
Brontch. Max Meyer , president of the
board of trade , John jM. Tluirston. J. M.
Woolworth , oxrGovornor Snunders , nnd
Colonel Colby of Beatrice. Responses on
the part of the conference will bo'madi
by ROT. P. H. Wynes , of Illinois , ant
Hon. F. B. Sanborn , of Boston , Thnst
will bo followed by an address bv Hon.
11.11. Giles , of Madison , \Vis. \ . president Ii *
of the conference , Thcro will bo line
music , both vocal and Instrumental , nnd
after the exercises on the opening evening
the citizens of Omaha are Invited to re
main and bo Introduced to the members
of the conference , to whom a sort of a
general Icyce aud reception will bo
After the afternoon session on Friday
the citizens of Omaha will giro the dis
tinguished visitors from abroad a driva
over the city , first up Sherman avenue ,
then west to thn deaf mute Institution ,
south to Hanscom's park , and down St ,
Mark's avenue and to all the prominent 1.rff
points of interest throughout the city. wv
On Saturday the conference will go to
Lincoln , hold a session there , visit the fV :
state institutions and return to Ibis city
in the evening.
On Sunday the conference lorraon will
bo preached by Rev. Edward Evorot
Halo , of Boston , at Exposition Hall , nur
the prospects are that ho will bo hoard
by the largest and most distinguished
congregations that ever assembled , in
The committee appointed for thii
work , Sunday evening , will present a
paper upon our relations with tno Indian
and the Fogro , which will bo followed by
discussions upon the same. The paper
will Du rend by Philip C. Garrett , chair
man of the committee. On this evening ,
at the Dodge Street Prosbytorlan.Kountzo
Memorial and. the Baptist church , three
members of the conference , Charles D.
KellogEC , of New York ; N. J. Rosso-
nan , of Bullalo , nnd W. H. Alex-
under of Chicago , will speak upon char-
'ty , government and organization.
These addresses are by special request of
Omaha people who wish to learn more ot
the advanced methods of accomplishing
chnrity work.
Monday. Tuesday nnd Wednesday
there will bo three sessions daily , civou
entirely to the discussion of the diflurent
topics under the head of dependent , de
fective and delinquent classes , which , as
it will bo readily scon , covers the
entire ground upon which the pub
lic is called upon for support and
care for her various unfortunates. This
is the object of the conferences , to obtain
and diffuse informationtospocting benev
olent , charitable , penal and reformatory
work , embracing iho care and cure of
the insane ; the saving and protection
and reformation of children nnd youth )
the whole subject of prison management
and reform ; the education and oaro of
the blind , the deaf aud the dumb and tha
feeble-minded ; the prevention and cure
ot pauperism ; the management of work
houses and poor houses ; In faot , ovcrj
moans devised for ameliorating the
condition of the defective , dependent
and delinquent classes of our
fellow-beings. These discussions will
be participated in by the most distin
guished men of the country , and supposed ,
to be the best informed upon the subject
in hand.
At the last session of the conference ,
the 13th , held at St. Paul , Minn. , last
year , there were present 480 delegates ,
and thirty-five states were represented ,
but the cominc session will bo much largoi
andinfacttho most important conference
ever hold. Admirable arrangements
have been made for the comfort and con
venience of delegates and visitors hereby
by the local executive committee , which
consists of J. A. Gilluspio. H. N. Yates ,
N. Morrlam , ex-Senator Saundcrs. Rob *
ort Dohnrty , G. M. Hitchcock and Mrs.
O. O. Dinsmoor. Tliov have also ap
pointed their sub-committees on linanco ,
transportation and entertainment ana
decoration , and all details arc bolng at
tended to with a thoroughness ttmt in
sures a complete success of the confer
ence in nil particulars.
nrontinu'8 Card.
To the Editor ot the BEK : The proposal
of Bronnan Bros. & Co. was written m
haste by the present writer as dictated
by my brother Ed , who made the foot
ings of the schedule which is thu basis of
every bid. 1 know I'M to have boon up
late yes to the young hours of morning
for three nights previous to the day of
the letting , and the night preceding did
not retire to rest till about ! i o'clock in
thn morning and so unfitting or
unnerving him to foot his schedule.
In taking the footings of the schedule ,
I think ho must have omitted some sheets
and thus the discrepancy between thu
proposal and schedule. Hero I believe
the unfortunate mistake was made.
Second I handed this bid to the son-
rotary of the board of public
works , and remained in that ofllce
until the bids wore open. This
was tho'first broken , nnd before any
other ? were introduced the dlllerout
items of the schedule were footed , and.
thuu and them for the first time to my
knowlodgu and belief was the mistake
known , and then nud there , pruvious to
the opening of any other bid , did K. J.
Bronnnn acknowledge that the proposal
was wrong , and the schedule right. This
proves Hint there was no aim nt "sharp
( d n the expression ) business" in con
nection with that bid.
Yet the board , in its harshness awards
the contract in accordance with the pro
posal , and sots aside the schedule.
The statement that Architect Myers
figured the work for tbo Bronnans is
false. Mr. Myers never saw any figures
in that bid. T. F. BIIF.NNAN.
ClcumcdPurified and Beautified
by tlie Ciitleuru itcmcdlc * .
For cloaniinK thn Skin anil Soulp of ninflffurliifr
Humors , for iillaylnp Itthlntr , Hunting and
Inflammationtoruurlnirtlio llrst syinytoini of
Ku/oimi , I'sorinels , Milk Crust , hcaly Iloail.
Sorufiilu , nnd otlior Inherited Hkln nnd Illoml
Dlsunaos , CUTICUKA the Brent Skin Cure , unil
CimcimA SOAP , nn oziiulnlto Kklu lioiuitlflor
o.ttorrmlly , ini'I ' Curicum HKSOI.VB.NT , the now
lllciod I'urlller , Internally , nro Infmmblo.
I have Buffered all my Ufa with nkln dUcnias of
dlirurcnt klndnnnd luivo nnvcrfmmd | iormn-
nont roller , until , by thu ndvluo nt u lady flrcml I
used your vulualilo CimcuitA KKMKUKIK , 1 uuva
thorn a thorough trial , uslnt ; six bottles of tha
und seven cukns of CimcuuA HOAT , nud the ro-
eull waajiiatwliiit I had boon told It would bed
d complete euro.
IlKI.r.E WADK , Rluhmom ] , Va.
Hoforencp. (1. W. Lnttiraor , Irniflit , Ilich-
monil , Vn.
I was troubled with salt rhouin for n number
of years , no that the skin entirely cmno oil ono
of my humls from thn llnwer tips to tbo < rrist. I
tried remedies and doctors' prescriptions to no
purpose until 1 commetiocd tukhiff Cutlcurn
Koinndlos.iuid now I urn entirely cured.
K. T. I'AUKKH , TONorthampton ) at . lloslon.
For thu IwUyour 1 Imvo had u siioc-led of lioli-
Intf.sculy and pimply Immora on my fnco to
wnleli I Imvo upplied a Rreut many method * of
treatment without auccons. and whloli WM
speedily and entirely cured by Cutloura.
Mits. ItUAUI' , Ituvonna , O.
Wo hRvo Mild yourUutlonra Itamndloa for Iho
last hli yonrii , und no medicines tin our Miolvos
glvo bettor satisfaction.
C. ! ' . ATIIKIITON , Drupclst , Albany , N. Y.
CUTICUIIA Ilcur.niKS mo sold ovorywhora ,
H ( > AI > , ' > coats. I'repiirod liy thu I'OTTKU Inun
AMI CiiKMitui. ( Jo. , llo-ton , MIISJ. Pontl lor
I'lmpln .Bkln Illenilshe * , nndllnhy
Humors , enred by ( JliTiumiA boAi *
Nouriiljno , tiolntlc , Huddeii , Sharp
nnd Nervous 1'ulna , Btinlni und
Weakness relieved In Ono Mlnutu liy
the Cut eurii AntM'Aln rinntor. Ne *
and perfeet. At drut'HlsIa , 25o : tlv
. . . _ _ for ll. I'ottcr Uruir nnd ( ; humc :
Comimny , llottua.