Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Doll and Henry as Lead at Lower
The Crowd of Trader * Grows Thinner
nd Marked Decline Take *
1'liicc Oats Fairly Ac *
five Quotations.
CHICAGO , August 10. ( Special Telegram
to the BKK. I Wheat closed dull and heavy
as lead at the Inside prices ot the day ,
l@lV under those of yesterday , and
corn waa spiritless at a loss ot XdtftC.
Rarely has U been possible for tbe .wheat
bulls to present better and stronger' argu
ments In support of their position , but argu
ments do not put prices up. The English
markets are dull , but the declining tendency
seems to have been checked , Foreigners are
not bidding for wheat oven at current prices ,
however , and with large lines of California
wheat la all positions awaiting sale the old
world buyers are feeling Independent these
times. The continent , tbe United Kingdom
and America are entering upon a now crop
year of average promise. The reserves of
old wheat are nowhere large , but the
consciousness that right back thorn within
reach , and almost within sight , are unlimited
millions of new wheat , gives people
courage to enter into contract * for
the future delivery of as much property
as they can find customers for. Sep
tember wheat opened to-day at 70c ,
with sales soon after at OXc. Until within
less than an hour of the close the price fluc
tuated between G0X@6c , when allot a
sudden everybody let go and away went the
market. September sold from 6'JXc to G9J c ,
October from 71''c to 70c , and December
from 74c ( having previously sold up to 75c )
down to 732 < c. The tone al the close was
one of heaviness and prices were at the In
side ,
Except during the last hour the corn mar
ket was narrow again to-day and there was
a conspicuous absence of snap and dash.
The excitement is rapidly dying out of the
market and the trading crowd Is shrinking
to normal proportions. To-morrow corn
traders will go back to their own reservation
and wheat traders will again bo "at home. "
Speculation was largely confined to May ,
which opened at 45 } c , ranged 45 > (444xc
roost of the session , and lust before the end
sold down to 44Uc , wherelt closed. Septem
ber opened at 40 c , ranged 4040. < rfc , and
closed at 40 > c. October opened at 41 > c ,
ranged 4140c _ , and closed at the bet
tom.The market for oats was fairly active , and
although there was a weak and fractionally
lower closing for future deliveries , a pretty
steady fteling prevailed moat ot the session.
May was the weakest future In the list , clos
ing % c olT , while the less distant options
weie only H&X.Z lower.
In provisions the bear side was regarded
with the greatest favor. Operators were
circumspect lu their movements , yet the
offerings rather exceeded the demand and
lower prices were the rule. In the year pork
the day's decline was 15c , In January pork
27 > < c , In lard for December and next win
ter's delivery 57Xi' , and In short ribs for
August , September and October 5C47Kc , and
for January I'-JXc. Trading was slow. The
business transacted , whllo featureless ,
scarcely exceeded a fair volume. For bep-
tmuber delivery lard sold at 8G.50@G.52 > and
short ribs at 87.S7H@7.U7M , closing at 80.50
nnd 87.05 respectively. August lard and
August and October short ribs closed the
same as September. October lard was lOc
higher than September , resting at SC.GO. Thu
January future closed at 812.45 for pork ,
87.67) { for lard , and SG.37 for short ribs.
CIIICAOO , Aujust 10. ( Special Telegram
to the BEE.J CATTLE The best heavy
steers were in fair demand and steady at
the advance noted yesterday. Some eight or
ten loads were sold for the New York mar
ket at 84.85 , and other Now York shippers
paid 84.50Q4.75 for good stock , but the bulk
of fair to good sold around about 14.40 , and
common at 83.00@3.75. Texans brought
S2.25 < 23.40 ; Indians , S3.GO@3.75 ; Texas cows
and bulls , 81.50@2.25. Native butchers' and
cannors' stock was as low as at any time.
There was some outside demand for stock-
era and feeders , yet more rain Is needed to
start up the traffic to the old-time proper
tions. Prices remain low. Shipping steers ,
1850 to 1508 Ibs , S4.15(84.00 ( ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs ,
f3.75@4.50 ; 050 to I'M ) Ibs , 83.2503.75 ;
stockers and feeders , Sl.75@3.30 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , SU5i.30 ; bulk.
81.75(32.35 ( ; Texas canners , S2.00@2.50 ; fair
to good steers , 82.70@3.15 ; Indians 83.10 ®
3.50. Western rangers were In fair supply
but mostly thin. Sales : 801 Wyomlngs , 1210
IDs , S2.HO@2.li5 ; 75 Montanas , 1170 Ibs , S3.00 ;
20 Utahs , 1130 Ibs , 83.50 ; 158 Utah feeders ,
1131 ibs , 82.87M ; 25 tailings. 1173 Ibs , 82.GO.
HOOB To-day trade ruled slow , with a
down turu of 5@10c. There were no orders
for strictly light sorts , hence values on such
can only be a guess at best. Say lf 0 to 170
Ib averages would make about 85.10@5.35.
Prime heavy sold at 85.40(35.50 ( , but a tew at
the outside , with good packing sorts at S5.20
@ 5.35 ; common and rough , S5.10 ( < $5.15.
Chicago. August 10. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Hecelpts. 8,000 ; shipments 2,000 ;
steady to strong ; shipping steers , 83.25@4.UO ;
stackers and feeders , S1.75$3.30 ( ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , 81.15Q3.bO ; Texas cattle ,
92.00@3.50 ; Wyoming , 82.80 ; Montanas
S3.M ) .
Hogs Receipts. 12,000 ; slow and 5@10c
lower ; rough and mixed , $4.50(35.00 ( ; packIng -
Ing and shipping , 5.00(35.50 ( ; light , 85,00 ®
6.80 ; skips. M.OXsJ4.50. (
Sheep Hecelpts , 4,000 ; steady ; native
muttons S3.2534.50 ; stockers , 82.50@2.85 ;
western , S3.100(3.70 ; Texans , $2.50g3.70 ( ;
lambs , 84.00(25.00. (
National Stock Yards. East tit.
boats , III. August 10. Cattle Hecelpts ,
2,700 ; shipments , 1,600 ; market steady ; fair
to choice heavy steers , 84.00@4.25 ;
butchers' steers , fair to choice , S3.4X ( 4.00 ;
feeders , fair to good , 82.80(33.505 ( stockers ,
fair to good , 82.OOS-J.UO.
iloita Hecelpts , ; i,000 ; shipments. 300 :
market steady ; cholco heavy and butchers'
selections , | 5.25@S.40 ; packing and Yorkers ,
medium to choice , 85.00 ( 5.20 ; pigs , common
to good , 84.5035.00.
Kanea- City , Aueust 10. Cattle Re
ceipts , 55,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; good corn-
fed natives strong ; peed grass range steady ;
common weak ; stockers and feeders linn ;
nommon to cholco corn-fed , 83.10(33.75 ( ;
Ktockers and feeders , S2.50Q2.70 ; butchers' ,
83.003.25 ; cows , 81.60 2.40.
Hogs-Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments 500 ;
market weak and 5@lOc lower , ranging from
84.5T > © 5.45 ; bulk , 85.10@5.S .
NKW Yoim , August 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK.I STOCKS. Business on the
Mew York stock exchange showed a pur-
ceptablo increase and up to noon the aggre
gate sales were within 10,000 ot the total of
yesterday. The feeling was inoro bullish
than for several'weeks past and the wires
were well laden with bull points on many of
the specialties. The early ones proved un
usually good , but operators , as a rule , were
rather slow to accept and trade on them.
The bulls had things pretty much their own
way. The bear party held a meeting early
In the morning and decided not to oppose an
advance , as U was policy to let prices appre
ciate and give the bulls a chance , when short
felling would be more profitable. Money
was easier , being offered at present In London
at call loans on stocks. Prices of stocks there
weie also higher Mix ! a fair number of foreign
buying orders were executed here. The
government Is expected to buy 55,000,000 of
4V ; per cent bonds to-morrow. Whllo this is
rather a small amount , It will have a beuoli-
clal effect on the market , as It will be con
tinued each successive Wednesday for some
time to come and will eventually produce a
fMlln. ot more security , not only In Wall
street , but all over the country. Ihe feature
of tbe market was the covering ot shorts ,
particularly In St Paul and Northwestern.
operator bad 950,000 profit In 150,000
shares and was anxious to secure It Van-
Amber , was a high roller of St Paul , and
prices advanced 1@1V per cent Wortnser
andJohnes bought Western Union and it
was said that the October dividend would be
increased from 4 to 5 per cent and prices
advanced } { per cent. Moore 4 Schloy
bought Heading and put it up % per cent.
New Kngland was up to 5 % In sympathy
with the general market. About 3 o'clock
the market began to exhibit a tame feellne.
New England broke to 47 , the grangers and
coalers dropped fractionally , but the selling
was not sulllclent to cause sharp depressions.
The closing half hour was marked by weak
ness and a greater part ot the early advance
was lost , but Northwestern closed ff per cent
higher , St Paul > „ ' . Reading & Lackttwana
? f. Now England broke badly and closed H
lower. Western Union was steady. Busi
ness with Chicago houses was light , and al
though slightly better than yesterday was below -
low the averairo.
OOVKRNMKNTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U. 8. 4'scoupon.127 C. AN. W .
yvS.4W < s coup. . 109 % do preferred. . . 145
Paclllc 6s ot'95. . 122 N. Y.C . 100
Canada South'n. . 55W O. H. AN- . 05
Central Pacific. . MJi O. T. . 86.
Chicago 4 Alton. 147 Pacific Mall . 42
do preferred..155 P. , D. AE . 28
C. , B. 4Q 141 Pullman Pal. Car. 147
D. , L.4 W 131 ? Heading
D.4H.G 27 * Hock Island
Erie. St L. 48. F. ' . . 37K
do preferred. . . . do preferred. . . . 75) )
Illinois Central. , l C. , M. A St P. . .
I. , U. * W do pref erred. . r.'OJi
K , AT St P. A 0 . 48
Lake Shore do preferred. . Ill X
L. 4N - . , „ Texas Pacific. . . .
Michigan Cent'l. . 60 Union Pacific. . . .
Mo. Pacific W4 } W..St LAP. . . . 17
No. Pacific 2W do preferred. . 32
do preferred. . . . 54 > j W. U. Telegraph 74 <
MONKv On call easy at 1 to 0 cor cent
Last loan closed offered at 3 percent
STKRI.INO EXCHANGE Dull , steady , un
Chicago. August IS. Following quota
tions are the 3aoclosing : figures :
Flour-Steady and unchanged.
Wheat Wheat ruled quiet early and later
there was more doing , but the feeling was
weak and heavv.closlng % c under yesterday ;
cash , GSJs'c ; September , COVc ; October ,
Corn-More quiet than past few davs and
witli the exception of a short spell at the
close ruled inactive and closed K ( ' lower for
September and % ® } { c lower for October and
May than yesterday cash.
; 393-lOc ; Septem
ber , 403-lOc ; October , 405c ; May , 40Xc.
Oats 1-airly active with no special change
from yesterday ; cash,34c ; September , 25c ;
Mav 31c.
Hye Nominal.
Barley < iulet ; October C5c.
Primp Timothy Seea $2.20(32.21. (
Flax Seed-95c. |
Pork-Easier ; cash. 815.00 ; October , 81G.OO ;
year , 311.80 ; January , 81S.45ai2.47k [ .
Lard Dull , easy and lower ; cash , 8D.50 :
September , 80.50@0.52 > 4 ; October , | C.GO(3 (
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , 85.60@5.70 ; short
clear 88.35(88.40 ; short ribs , 87.05.
Huttcr firm ; fancy creamery , 20@26c ;
dairy , 1023c.
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , lltf ®
HWcllats ; and Younc Ainericasll } < @n c.
Eggs Firm at l13Kc. ! !
Hides Unchanged ; heavy ercen salted ;
7M'c ; light do. 7 ( @ 8c ; salted bull hides.
6c , green salted calf , 8 > $ @ 9c ; dry Hint , 12@
13c : dry calf , 12 > 3ic : ! ; deacons 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3J4c ;
No. S , 3c ; cakes , 4c.
4c.Hecolots. . Shipments.
Flour , bbls 21,000 7,000
Wheat bu 50.000 63,000
Corn , bu 225,000 40.000
Oats , bu 341,000 153.000
Rye , bu 7,000 3,000
Barley , bu 40,000 6.000
New Vork. August 10. Wheat Ho-
nelpts , 235,500 ; exports. 221,000 ; spot lots
opened firm but closed weak ; options opened
firm and a trifle higher but soon weakened
and declined M < ? Mc , leaving otf heavy at
the lowest price after a comparatively moder
ate business ; ungraded rod , 78j/84 c : No.
3 red , 78@78 > c ; No. 1 red , nominal at85) c ;
No. 2 red , 80kc in elevator , 8l@b2c deliv
ered ; September , closing at80Vc- }
Corn Spot lots moderately active and generally - '
erally steady ; options # @ > < c lower , closing
dull and weak ; receipts , 33,000 ; exports ,
172 ; ungraded , 474Bji'o : No. 8,473i@48c
In store , 49'49)c delivered ; September
closing at 47Kc.
Oats Mixed firm , white J/@Kc lower :
receipts , 80,000 ; exports , 22,000 ; mixed
western , 31@33c ; white western , 3G@41c.
Petroleum Steady ; United Olc.
EgM-Quiet and barely steady ; western ,
Pork Steady with trade moderately ; moss
quotedat 515.00@15.25 for old and 815.50 ®
10.00 for new.
Lard 4@0 points lower ; western steam ,
spot 80.87 ! * .
Butter Firm and in fair request ; western ,
2r > > c ; western creamery. I8@25i.fc.
heese Stronger cbut quiet ; western , 9 ®
Coifeo Spot fair Hiofirrn at 19 } c ; options
lower and fairly active , closing steady ; sales ,
80,000 bags ; August S17.75@17.85 ; Septem
ber , S18.bOai8.fti ( ; Ocfober , S17.90@18.10 :
November , 18.00@t8.lO ; December ,
18.25 ; January. 31tUO@18.35.
Minneapolis , August 10. Wheat Mar
ket with very little demand tor now , old in
fair request ; No. 1 hard , cash , 72o ; Septem
ber , 72Ko ; October , 70o : No. 1 northern ,
cash , 71c ; September , 71 > c ; October. 6Sc ;
No. 3 northern , cash , 70c ; September , 70Kc ;
October , 66c. On track : No. 1 hard , 74c ;
No. 1 northern , TSc ; No. 2 northern , 70c
Flour Quiet ; patents , 34.00@4.20 ; bakers ,
Receipts-Wheat , 142,000 bu.
Shipments-Wjieat , 13,500 bu ; flour , 24,500
Milwaukee. August 10. Wheat Weak ;
cash , GS c ; September , uWc ; October , 70c.
Corn-Lower ; No. 8. 40c.
Oats-Pull ; No. 3 white,29Xc.
Rye Quiet ; No. _ , 45Xc.
Barley Lower ; September , COJfc.
Provisions Stronger ; pork , August , 814.50.
St. Louis , August 10. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 69o ; October , 72c.
Corn Lower ; cash , S7Xc ; October , .
Oats-Steady ; cash , 24 } < c ; October , i
Butter Firm ; creamery , 25 < gSc ; dairy , 16
@ 25c.
Kansas City , August 16. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 3 red , none on the market ; No.
'i soft , G7c.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , SSXfc ; Septem
ber , S5 } 'c bid , 35Ko asked ; October , 85-tf ®
Oats No. 2 cash , 33 , c.
Liverpool , August 16. Wheat Quiet ;
demand fair ; holders ofTcr freely.
Corn Steady with fair demand.
New Orleans , August 16. Corn Un
settled ; mixed. COc , white , 53@54c.
Oats-Firmer at 83S' 34c.
Corn Meal-Easy at S2.27X 3.30.
HOK Products Dull and unchanged ; pork ,
S15.63X ; lard , rclineil tieico. G.GUU.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 85.80 ; long clear
and clear rib , S8.12K.
Tuesday , August 16.
The run of cattle was more liberal to-day
and the proportion of corn-fed natives was
much lariror. There wore a good many very
fair cattle in and a tew bunches of prlmn
corn-fed steers. There wns n good demand
for fat cattle , and whllo the market was not
so very active , at the same time a good many
changed hands. The market was strong at
vesterday's prices , and one bunch reached
SI.30. There was very little Inquiry for
butcher's stock , and very few changed hands.
There were a few loads of feeders In Is.nd
The receipts ot bogs were heavier to-day
than for some days past lu addition to the
fresh receipts there were eleven loads of stale
hogs , making the total offerings in the mar
ket , over 7,000. The market opened at a lo
cline ot about lOc , especially on the light ad
medium grades. A few choice loads ot v :
hogs sold within 5o of yesterday's market
There was a good demand at the decline , and
the market was fairly active. Tbe bulk idof
tlw tecelpts sold out before midday. A few )
loads were not sola until afternoon and ten
loads were held over , the salesmen refusing
to sell at the decline. Tbe market closed i (
l&c lower than yesterday ; the common aud
medium grades iuff erlng toe heavier decline
There was nothing doing on the market.
Cattle. 800
Hogs 0,000
ffir : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .S8
Prevailing Price *
Showing the prevailing prlcas paid for llva
stock on this market :
Cholco steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 84.10(94.30 (
Cholco steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.90(34.10 (
Fat little steers 900 to 1050 ibs. . . . 3.7.V-3.80
Corn-ted range steers 1200 to 1400 3.7.V&4.00
Good to cholco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75023.00
Common to medium cows
Uood to choice bulls l.75fiZ2.M
Lleht and medium how r ,00M5.10 (
Good to choice heavy hoes 5.10(35.25 (
Good to cholco mixed hogs 5.00(45.10 (
Representative Hale * .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
11. . . . ail 83.40 22..1HX ) 8-1.10
25. . . . 828 3.50 65..1215 4. ' "
12..1000 3.GO 3U..1SC4 4.
15..1C80 3.7.-I 2..133. 4.20
55..1109 3.85 G8 . . .1290 4.25
M..1182 4.10 72..1401 4.SO
65..1128 83.70
23. . . . 064 82,40 11. . . . 030 82.60
4..1213 83.00
CO. . . . 710 32.00 13. . . . 075 53.00
98. . . . 823 2.80
4. . . . 033 S3.40
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr
HO.'JOS 120 8.1.00 66..257 12085.10
78..184 40 6.00 65..237 80 5.10
74..218 bO 5.00 68..248 200 5.10
07..229 120 5.00 67..2J3 M ) 6.10
60..247 160 5.00 70..249 40 5.10
78..203 40 5.05 75..344 M ) 5.10
143..229 240 5.05 CO..253 100 5.10
68..250 340 6.05 71..235 120 5.12
75..219 160 5.05 Co..258 120 B.W
h5..204 80 5.05 62..256 80 5.15
72..240 120 5.05 66..254 100 5.15
73..219 200 5.03 63..239 100 5.15
63..203 5.05 66..270 80 5.15
77..230 120 5.05 67..254 80 5.15
65..261 80 6.06 76..243 40 5.15
69..236 UOO 5.05 77..240 120 5.15
K . . .247 200 5.10 CO..250 5.15
69..223 120 5.10 203..207 320 5.15
61..281 160 6.10 472..278 1POO 6.15
78..a 40 6.10 63..373 40 5.15
62..256 80 5.10 59..310 80 5.15
82..236 380 6.10 73..249 200 5.15
77..228 128 5.10 61..359 120 5.15
72..2H8 120 5.10 65..313 40 5.15
73..235 120 5.10 Gil..261 160 5.14
70..273 200 6.10 69..267 200 5.15
75..237 80 5.10 81. . . . ! 0 100 5.15
73..323 120 6.10 67..203 80 5.15
65..265 160 5.10 03..288 4'J '
70..216 120 5.10 68..295 2M )
68..241 40 5.10 59..277 40 5.20
53..274 160 5.10 69..293 40 5.20
66..263 160 5.10 71 . . .2.J7 bO 5.20
69..237 80 5.10 52..293 5.20
65..249 100 6.10 50..324 40 5.25
76..234 40 5.10 63..309 6.25
67..346 120 5.10 64..311 6.2ri
73..230 240 5.10 54..303 120 5.25
Lilvo Stock Sulil.
Showlngtho number of head of stock sold
on the market to-day :
O. H. Uammond & Co 314
Local 10ft
Shippers 240
Feeders 158
Total 818
Anglo American Packing Co 179(1 (
Squlres&Co 2773
Armour * Co 1209
( i. 11. Hammond & Co 674
Harris & Fisher M
Speculators 98
Total 6563
Unsold . . .
All sales of stock in this market are made
per cwt llvo weight unless otlierwlso stated.
Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 IDS.
no valuo. Pregnant sows are decked 40 iQi.
and stagsSaib * . by thonublio inspector.
Lilvo Block Note * .
Cattle about steady.
A good cattle market
A good many Iowa hogs In.
Over 7,000 hogs on the market
E Heavy receipts ot both cattle and hogs.
J. Nutzman , Avoca , was In with a load of
Mr. Morehead , Dunlap , la. , sold a load ot
2.c hogs.
liogs closed 10@15c lower on common
Mons Nelson , Uartlngton , was here with a
load of cattle.
B , W. King , Boone , Neb. , cauio in with
two loads of hogs.
Mr. Gilford , Cowlos , was at the yards and
sold two loads of hogs.
Mr. Way , of Ord , was in with two loads of
hogs , which sold on the market.
McKeegan & Blinkiron , Bancroft , were
both hero with two loads ot hogs.
II. Hammer , Mlnneola , la. , was here and
sold a load of hogs at the top price.
' Among those in with hogs was J. F. Stew
art , St Paul , who marketed ono load.
George F. Heine. Hooper , was here and
sold two loads of 1,304-Ib cattle at 84.17 .
T. Purcell , of Dowllng 4 Purcell , North
Bond , was among the shippers at the yards.
D. J. Brown , ol True & Brown , Suward ,
Neb. , was hero and bought 03 head of feeders.
I. Manlou , a frequent shipper , of Wabash ,
Neb. , was at the yards and sold a load of
It I. Thule and T. H. Acorn , North Bend ,
were In with four loads of cattle each and
Thomas F. Miller , Fullcrton , marketed a
load of hogs of his own feeding at the top
John A. Charles , Nysted , Nob. , was in
with three loads of 1,128-lb cattle , which sold
ut 83.70.
Ran Frazier , of Slater & Frozlor , Wayne ,
Neb. , was in with three loads of cattle and
one ot lio/s.
P. E. Fredrick , Gibbon , was at the yards
with live loads of corn-fed rangers of his
own feeding.
James Goodfellow body guard lor 1. P.
Rlckabaugh Mulvern , la. , was hero with six
loads of cattle.
Mr. TIchnor , of Tichnor 4 Bogarth , Be
atrice , was hero and sold a load ot hogs and
a load of cattlo.
Askwlg 4 Co. , Oakland , well known ship
pers , had two loads of hogs in the market
shipped from Lyons.
W. A. Edwards , superintendent of C. E.
Mayno's horse ranch at Valley , was among
the .visitors at the yards.
Thomas Mortimer , of Wood , Bancroft 4
Co. , MadUon' Neb. , was la with three loads
of cattle and ono of hogs.
Thomas Harris , Central City , was a visitor
at the yards ; said It was cheaper to pay his [
fare In than to buy stock.
J. P. Gordon , treasurer of Howard county ,
Nebraska , stopped at the yards on his way to
Iowa looking for stock cattlo.
J. J. Harms , Firth , came lu with four loads
ot cattle and a load of hogs. Sixty-four
bead averaged 1,2110 Ibs and brought 84.25.
Mitchell Innis Bros. , feeders of Schuylor ,
were In with a load of hogs , which sold on
the market. They averaged 305 Ib.s nud
topped the market at 5.25. idot
Among those having : stock on the market
were the following : Win. Foley , Wahoo ; otr.
F. Miller , Fullerton ; Wood. B. & r.fe
Norfolk ; Tom Mortimer , Madison : Pot
ter 4 S. , Ovorton ; T. B. Murphy. Central
City ; John Charles , Dannebroi : Cary 4 F. ,
Gibson ; Farmers G. 4 S. . Mead : Buckley 4
R. , Strouisburg ; J. M. Hedge , Yetan ; B. J.
Moore , Hlver Sioux : G. Grosvenor , Toka-
mah ; Farringtnn 4 Son , Lyons ; J. McKee
gan , Bancroft ; Ben Wray 4 Son , Crestou ;
D.Henderson. Hastings ; It M. Campbell ,
VlllUca ; M. Durrah , Corning ; Scoliold & L. ,
Walnut ; J. M. Wild , Calhoun ; W. H. Free
man , Oakland ; Jenks 4 W..Avoca : L. en ' .
Stephens , Waterloo ; Morse 4 Co. , Ben ton ;
Taylor 4 T. , Plain view ; Swedeburg Ele
vator company. Swedeburg ; F. WllloU , Al
bion ; F. M. Sackfitt , Petersburg ; Dover klit
O. , 1) . A. Hale , Newman's Grove ; Nye itD
M. Co. . Pilgcr ; A. L. Dexter. Blair : C. D. !
Ryan , Jackson ; Davey 4 B. , Jackson ; State
4 F. , Carroll.
The following marketed stock : F. Roll ,
Anhland ; Tom Powers. Sutton ; P , T. Clark ,
Greenwood ; R. W. Smith , Eudlcott : H. idc- ,
Clelland. Kenncsaw ; Nelson 4 Y. , Oakland J
Crowell L. and U. company , Bancroft ; Virgin ;
4 N. , Utlca ; W. W. Klock 4 Co. , Bradshaw ;
t ) . L. Jone * . Hastings ; Herb 4 M. , Hartwell :
Wtl-er4Bro. , Waverly ; J , T. Uoodell 4
Co. , Western ; C. Hunfc Inavalc : Snowden
4 D. , Ravenna : GrlHIu 4 B. . Friend ; A.
Mandlebautn. Blue lull : . Wenhol/ K. , Or
leans ; O. B. Flint Lttclllietl ; Gullford4 W. ,
York Dorn 4 ! ' . / ' tfeola ; Sheohard
4 B. , Plain view ; I Wilkinson 4 G. ,
Avoca : E. B. yanXandt , Ewlnc ;
F. J. Halo , Battle Creek ; J. Bownr , Blanchard -
ard ; A. C. Trucstlell. Bra < i _ aw G. II. War
ren 4 Co. , Grafton ; Kepler Bros. , Dorches
ter ; Hartman4 D. , Stapelhurst ; J. J. Hot-
comb , Hebron : G. L. jiulth , Ulysses.
Fruit" anil ,1'roiluce. ,
Orders from the country requiring gc-
Icctctl Ktoa < anil extra can lit packltvi can
not ( tlwatia lie filled ( t/io sutnc prices
itoltJ ( ( u 1/ic locdt trmicjor common stock
Tuesday , August 10.
Ocncrnl Tlie produce niai kct to- < lay was
virtually the saute as yesterday as regards
prices nnd demand. Tlfrru was a noticeable
Increase In the poultry sales to-day. Two
cars of potatoes were received , which helped
to snpply the detlclrncr m the market. There
has been HOIIIO Inquiry fiom the country re
garding the market for pralrlu chickens and
( umll , but it Is too parly to handle them yet
The present estimate of the apple crop Is
the lowest for many years. The best reports
come from Mew England , althoitKh the pros
pects there RTO not ni-ar as favorable as a
month airo. In .New Vork there has been a
heavy falling off of the Juiiecstlmato , on ac
count ot nn unusual fall of green fruit ,
variously attributed to late frosts , drouth nnd
cold weather at time of bloom. In New Jer
sey nnd 1'cnnsyivania tbe apple crop will be
n comparative failure , lu the southern
states the yield will bo very light , owing to
the unfavorable weather nl the tlrao the trees
were In bloom. The past month has worked
great harm to th yield in Ohio , mid In many
counties It will bo n total failure , nnd In no
section will there bo an average yield. The
decline In the npplo growing states of the
west nnd on the i'ncllic coast has not been
less marked than elsewhere , the falling oil
being especially severe In Illinois , Wiscon
sin , Kansas and Oreeon. In some localities
of this section slight Improvement is noted.
but nowhere Is there n prospect of a full
crop over nny large area. As was recently
reported , the Michigan crop , from which
Omnha has been accustomed to draw the
bulk of her supply , will be very light.
Eons Ught receipts and steady prices ,
the milk going to small dealers at He ; heavy
bnvers paving lOVc.
BUTTKU Uecclpts were moderate nnd
prices tirm. Thu West Point creamery
butter Is selling at t > 4c and the
output of other creameries nt Sic. Choice
dairy butter , 17@l8c ; medium grades , 13g (
ICc ; lower grades , U@llc.
CIIKKSE Fancy , lull cream Cheddars , sin-
gits lOc ; full cream , twins , lUUc ; young
Americas , lie ; brick cheese. 100 Ibs incase ,
now , 12c ; Limburger , 100 Ibs In case , new ,
He ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , now. lUc.
POUI.THY There Is enough In the market
to biipply the trade for several days with the
pieseut light demand. Spring chickens
brought S.SO@3.'JT ) ; old fowls bring S'J.50@
3.00 ; none but thu best brought the latter
price. Tnero is no demand for ducks or tur
keys , tlinuirli the former , when In good order.
sell at 8J.S5@2.75 , nnd the latter G@7e per
GAME. There Is no came coming In , the
weather being too warm to hnudhi It.
POTATO us Fair to good stock is in good
demand at 55@ttrxj per bush , with fancy stock
at 70c.
CAiiiiAon Market good ; prices linn at 75c
per dozen for sulul heads. ,
ONIONS Supply und demand about equal ,
and best stock brines 75c85 { per bush.
Mii.oNs-\Vate rmelons bring S1S.OO@10.00
per hundred ; cantclopes. 60@75o per do/ .
UKANS. Hand picked navy beans
are nuoted nt S1.75 per bushel , and the other
grades are selling from tuat ligtiro down to
v i'o'iCOIIN There is hardly nny sale for
pop corn. An occasional sacK Is cold at
l@lJ.Cc per Ib.
il The season for berries is prac
TOMATOKS The local- gardeners are sup
plying the mnrKet ut 4U@5Uc per bushel.
Koo PLANT Only a tow being handled by
the commission men ; 51. pO@l.i'i ! per dozen.
PLUMS The receipts of plums are riot as
heavy as of other truits from California.
Prices are linn , good stock moving at SI. 50
per box. '
GISAPKS Very cholco- Muscat grapes are
arriving from Calitornia. Muscats , S1.25@
l.MDor'JOlb boxes.
PKARS California pears are coming In lib
eral quantities and nro cnolce. Good stock ,
82.25 per box.
NKCTAHINHK A few California nectarines
arn arrlvincr , which are field at 81.50 per box.
PKACIIEB The market Is well supplied
with very choice stock from California.
Choice stock Is going at 81.2. > (3 ( > 1.50.
CKLEIIY The demand Is not very neavyso
early in the season. Good stock suitable for
teshipment is sold at 40c per bunch.
PKUNES There are some very largo and
showy California prunes on the market ,
known as the Gross prunes , whicn nro sell
ing at 1.75 per box.
LEMONS There are some very fancy large
Halorl lemons on the market which are soli-
lug at 99.00. Vornclll lemons 87.60.
OiiANons The market is bare of oranges.
HAXANAS The market Is full of bananas
at Sl.50@-'l.OO per bunch.
AiM'i-K.s The market is almost bare and
good stocK Is very scarce. Cholco apples
suitable for shipment nro quoted at S3.00 ( < 4
83.50 per bbl. _
Grocer's List.
80c ; Interior Java , ffiKjWSc ; Mocha , 2S30c ;
Arlinckle's. roasted , 25 0 ; McLaughlln's
XXXX , 25c ; Dllworth's , 25Xc ; Ked Cross ,
GOODS Ovsters , standard , per
case , S2..KXJ3.10 : strawberries. 2 Ib , per case.
S2.bO@2.85 ; raspberries , 3 Ib , per case , S2.bO@
-.SI ; Calitornia pears , per case , S4.50 ( 4.GO ;
apricots , oer case , S3.70 ( 3.7. > ; peaches , per
case , S4.50@4.GO ; white cherries , per case ,
85.00 plums , pur case. Si.GO@3.70 : : blue
berries , per case , 82.10(32.20 ( ; e'g plums , 2
Ib. per case , S2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib ,
per case. 83.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackprel. per do/ ,
81.50 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , S1.80@1.85 ; 2 Ib
gooseberries , per case , S2.bO@2.85 ; Ulb string
beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per
case , 51.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per case ,
S2.40@2.50 ; 2 Ib early June peas. i > er case ,
02.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , S2.45@2.50 ; Slbcoru
PHOVISIONS Hams , 13 # < 313Kc ; breakfast
bacon. lWc9l2c ( { bacon sides U % < 310c ;
dry salt , SJifeOc ; shoulders , 7 > fc : dried beet
hams , 12gl3c : dried beef regular , H > l2c ;
hamsplcnic , 8 / < iU\ (
WOODIINWABE Two-hoop palls , per doz ,
fil.45 : 3-hoop palls , 81,70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.50 ;
No. 3 tub. 85.50 ; No. S tub , 84.50 ; wasn-
boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , S2.2o ; No. 1
churns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns ,
SUOAU GranulatedGJ < @ < 5cconf.A,6s' ; } @
G 'c ; white extra C , 5&r < { 5 ; c ; extra C , 55 < W
SJic : yellow C. 5 > @ 5 c ; cut loaf , OX@7c ;
powdered , 7@7 * c.
DIUED FRUITS Apples , now , K's 0ci
evaporated , 50-lb ring. 17K@18c ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 27@28c ; blackberries , evaporated i ;
9KW9Xo ; pitted cherries , 10@17c ; peaches i ,
now , > i's , Tit'u ; evaporated peeled poaches ,
c ; evaporated , , c : new currants ,
7H@7 c" ; prunes , 4k@45ic : citron , 25c ; ral-
sins , London lavers , 81.03 ; California , loose
muscatels , 81.50 ; new Valenclas. 7Kc.
HICFINKD LAUD Tierce 7c ; 40-1 b square
cans | Jc . 50-lb _ round.7) ) ; , , WU-JU Around ,
; lu-lb Dolls , 7Hc ; Mb pails , 7c ; 3-lb
palls , .
TOIIACCO Lorlllard'sClimax , 44c ; Splen
did , 38c : Mechanic's Delight , 41e : Leggett &
Meyer's Star , 41o ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoo , 41ct T. J. , S7c ; Sore's
Spearhead , 44 c.
B , SL75 ; heavy stable , 84' '
SVKUP No. 70 , 4-callrin''kegs. 81.32@1.85 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , o8@46o ; nmnle
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ;
1-gallon cans , per do , iV10.00 ; half-callou
cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans. 53.00.
CANDV-Mlxed , Hfflllq ; stck.
CUACKEIIS Garnuau'rt soda , butter and
picnic , 4 > tfc : creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7Kc ;
city soda , 7J < c.
PICKLES Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half bbls , 84.00 ; small , In bbls. s.OO ; do In
Imlf bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , 89.00 ; do lu
half bbls , 85.00.
TEAS Japan. C0a55c ( ; , gunpowder , 20@COc ;
Young llyson. 25@55c ; Oolong , 20@COc ,
General Markota.
SPIRITS Cologne spirits , i . proof , 81.10 ;
dp 101 propf Sl.13 ; spirits. second quality.
.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 53.00@ .00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(10.50 ( ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
SL50Q3.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.00@8.50 ;
domestic , Sl.HOC&i.OO. Gins , Imported , S4.50@
8.00 ; domestic , 81.25 X00. Champagnes , Im
ported , per case , S28.00@33.00 ; American , per
case. 10.00 < 310.00.
C'OAL-Egg. 89.00 ; nut , 89.25 ; ranee , 80.25 ;
i Iowa lump , $3.00 ; Iowa nut. ' 52,76 ; walnut
1 lock , * J.OO ; UllnoU , 14,2 4.79.
JlEAVT HABDVTARE-lron , Hlte , 12.70 !
plow sleei , special cast , 4Uc ; crucible steel ,
Vc : cast tools , dn 12 < 31S4 ; w ion spokes ,
per ( let , i2.OM5.50j hub , ( ter set , H.W ; fel-
Ioe , sawed dry , 51.60 ; tongue * , each , Mo ;
axles , eacbc 75c ; square nuts , perlb,6Q7c ;
cell chain , per Ib , < ll § l3c ; malleable , waioc ;
Iron nedces , 6c ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow weth ,
Vc ; apring steel , 4(45c ( ; Unrden's hon
ohoes , 14.75 ; Uurden's mule shoe ? , 85.75.
D-rocd wire * In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to CO 92.40 ; slcel nails ,
HIDKS Green butchers' , &X < 38c ; reon
cured , 7Kc ; dry Hint , ll(41Uc ( ; dry sail
lOc ; green calf skin * , 7)c ; damaged hlde.s
two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease 1'rlme
white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IXc. Sheep
pelts , 25@75c.
Dry Goods ,
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade ills ;
' '
SO , 15b ; do' , colored , foe ; 50 , colored ,
I2c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , IS c ; Union
Pacific. ISc.
CAIUT.T WAnr-Dlbb white , 18Kc ; col
ored , 20HC.
UATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , He ; Uenuty ,
12Kc ; lioone , 14c ; U , cased , 86.50.
FIIINTS Soi.iu COLOHS AtlantaBJ < ; Sla
ter 5 ; Berlin Oil K ; Garner Oil 0 to 7. PINK
AND Hones Klchmond 0 ; Alien 6 ; Hlver-
points ; Steel Hlver 0 : Klclunond C ; Paclllc
OK. INDHIO BI.UK Wwhlngton 0 ; Ameri
can OK ! Arnold GU ; Arnold B 10 ; Arnold
A12 ; Arnold ( Joldseal 10 > { . DIIESS Char
ter Oak 4K : KaniRpo ViLodl \ 4 ; < ; Allen
5 ; Ulchmoud5X ; Windsor 0KddystoueO ; ;
Paclllc 0.
GiNoiiAM-Pluiikett checks 7) ) ; Whltten-
ton 7York ! ; 7 > ; Norumndle Dress
8K ; Calcutta Dress 8K ; Whlttonton
Dress U ; Henfrow Dress 0 to 12tf ;
KKNTUCKVJP.ANS Mfiuorlal 15e : Canton
18c ; Durham 27Jtfc ; Hercules 18c ; Leaming
ton 22Kc ; Cottswold 25c.
CIIASII Stevens' B 6c ; bleached 7c ; Slo
vens' A 7Kc ; bleached 8Xe : Stevens' P t > Xc !
bleached Kc ; Stevens' N 9Kc ; bleached
lOftc ; Stevens' S R T lajfc.
MISCELLANEOUS-Table oil cloth 82.85 ;
plain Holland 8Kc to 9c ; Dado Holland 12Uc.
FLANNELS Plaid Haftsman SOn ; Goshun
Clear Lake ; h'c ; Maplfl City 30J'c
IIIIC Al. " H.No.2 , f. 21cG. H. No.l , , " .
27Kc ; B. 11. No. 2 , if , 22Kc ; B. H. No. 1 , } . .
SOc : Qucchee No. 1. Jf , 4''c ; Quecheo No. _ ,
< M71 n > Illlonlinn K'n. M .V ! Wl f > ? All !
25e ; J. H. F. , Jf , 27 c ; G. , J5c ,
COMFOllTKltS S0.50@35.00.
BLANKETS White , Sl.oo@7.50 ; colored ,
CAMIWICS Slater 4 } ; Woods 4) ) ; Stan
dard 4 ; Peacock 4) ) .
COKSKT.IKANH Androscogglu 7ff ; Kcar-
sage KockportOjf \ ; Concstoga 'f. '
DucK-West Point 20 In. , 8oz. , 10K ; West
Point SO In. , 10 oz. , 12K ; West Point 29 In. ,
12 oz. , 15 ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , 10.
Checks-Caledonia X , X ; Caledonia XX ,
10W ; Kconomy to OK ; Otis 0 to K-
TicKs-Luwiston 30 in. , 12K ; Lcwlston 3'i
In. . lilWsYorksain. , 14 ; Swift Hlver 7K :
Thorndlke O O , 8U ; Thorndike K F , 8U ;
Thorudike 120 , OK ; Thorndike XXX , 15 ;
Cordis No , 5 , ' : Cordls No. 4 , 11.
DENIMS Amoskcag I ) o . , 10 : Everett 7
oz. , IU ; York 7 oz. , 13 ; Haymaker 8 ; JalT-
royXX. UK ; .laffrey XXX. 12K ; Heaver
Creek AA. 12 ; Beaver Creek BB , 11 ; Beaver
Creek CC , 10.
BKOWN SIIEKTIXOS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic. H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic 1) , 4-4 , G'4c ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , 5Jfo : Aurora LU 4-4 ,
Aurora C , 4-4 , 4' c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 ,
lloosier LL , 4-4 , ojfc : Indian Head , 4-4
I.awicncu LiL. 4-4 , 6 { c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
r Kc : Peppcrell It , 4-4 fl' c ; Poppereil 0,4-4 ,
Gc ; Peppcrcll , 8-4 , We ; Pcppercll , 8-4 , 18c :
Poppereil , 10-4. 20c ; Utica C , 4-4 ,
Wucliusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 ,
Aurora B , 4-4 , Gc.
BLKACIIII : ) Snnr.TiNO Berkeley cambric ,
No. GO , UUc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , fi ; < c ; butter cloth
OO. 4tfc ; Cabot , 7Ke : Farweil , be : Fruit of
Loom , S fc ; Greene G , Gc ; Hope , 7Kc ; King
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , lU/c ; Lons-
dale , S c ; New York mills , lOKc ; Peppcrell ,
42 Inch , lo c : Poppereil , 40 Inch , like ; Pep-
perell , G-4 , 15c ; Peppurell , 8-4. Ihe : Pepperell ,
U-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22 > c : Canton. 4-4 ,
8J c ; Canton , 4-4 , Kc ; Triumph , Cc ; Wam-
sutta , He ; Valley , 6c. _
Dry Lumber.
No. 1 , com , sis SIK.OO No. 8 , com , sis 817.00
No. 3 , 815.50 No. 4 , 813.00
No.l,440In , 12414ft , rough 819.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " " 1(1.50 (
No. 2 , " " 12414 " " 16.00
No. 2 , " 10 " " 17.50
A , 12. 14 and 10 ft. 821.50 C , 815.50
B , " " " 20.50 D , 12.50
1st com , % lu White Pine Celling 834.00
2nd " " " " " 28.00
Clear , ? in. Norway PineCeillng 16.00
2nd com. % in ' 14.00
A 0 In White Pine3i.50 ! ? C 829.50
B ' " 33.50 D 21.00
K " " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 1U.OO
A 12 Inch s. 1 s 845.50
No. 1. com. 12inS.tS. , 12 ft . . . . . . . : . . . 20.50
" ' 10ft 18.50
No. 2 " " " 19.00
" IGft 17.50
inch Grooved Hooting $1.00 per M. more
linn 12 in. Stock Boards same Icncth.
No. 1 Plain. 8 4 10 In 819.50
No. 2 " 17.50
No. 1 , O. G. , 8 in 19.50
1st and 2d. clear , l , Itf inch , s. 2 s 850.50
3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50
" " itf , IK. 2 in 4G.r,0
A select l inch , s. 2s , , 40.00
" " IK. IK , 3 In 44.00
11 " 1 inch , s. 2s. , 30.00
" " 1) ) . IK. 2 In 87.00
Com. 4 40 In. Flooring 817.50
Star " " 21.50
Clear % In. Celling 21.50
" kin. Partition 85.00
" Finish , 14 l'f In. s2 s 29.00
" Corrugated Celline , 4 in & " > . )
" Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
Clear Poplar Bx. Bds. X In. , s , 2 s S&V50
" K In- Panel , s. 2 s 27.00
" " Cornuoted Ceiling , K 28.50
OGBatts. 2Kin 800.75
" Kx3In , s. Is. 00.45
n In. Well Tubing. I ) 4 M and Bev. . . . . 23.00
Pickets , D 4 II Flat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
XX clear . .83.10 Extra * A 82.90
* A * Standard . . 2.75 * AHB4B 12.55
Gin. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.05
White cedar , C In. , } $ s. , 12c ; 0 In. qrs. , lie ;
Bin. qrs. , lOc : 4 in. round 15c ; Tennesbou
lied Cedar , split , 15c : Spilt Oak , 12c.
LIMI : , ITC. :
Qulncy white lime , ( best ) Wc ) : Akron cement r ,
81.75 ; Hair , 30c ; Plaster. 82.75 ; Tar board 1 ,
81.75 ; Sash , 40c per ct. : Doors. 40c per ct. ;
Blinds , 40cperct. : Mouldings. 40c per ct. ;
Tar felt , per cwt , 82.25 ; Straw board , 81.75.
Market Gleanings.
Apricot wine Is now being made on the
I'ncllic coast.
The California orange crop this year was
900,000 boxes ,
The ne\v crop of Malaga raisins is esti '
mated at from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 boxes.
The early closing movement Is gaining in
tavor. The croceisot Lansing , Mich. , have
just decided to close their stores at 7 p. m.
A. E. Watson , the proprietor of a general
store at Herman. Neb. , was In calling uixiu
the Jobbers , and before leaving ho bought ina
good bill of groceries. ,
John Morau , a well-known merchant , who
has a general store at Olax , Neb. , and ono at
Callaway , Neb. , was In yesterday and laid In
a fresh stock ot groceries.
Real Estate Dealers
140 South Spring Street ,
Dealers In city and country property or ail
descriptions. General Information to new-
comorp freely given.
Illinois Conservatory of Music
I UnsurDksied advantages In all Departments of
I Muilc. Literature , Mudun Language * . Kloeutlon.
Addrrsi E. V. MULLAUU , bui > t , , JucksonTlllv , HI
WhoUi l p Urlo
AfHerritural Implements , Wagons ,
CurUgei ni Rn il ( . Jonti ttntt , tctaetn Mil
ami 10thOnmht , N b.
Agricnltnral Implements ,
WMoni.r rrlMfi , BUMl f , Hie. , Vf holeulr , Onuh > .
Wholesale Deftltn In
AgricnUnral Implements ,
iratons wid Burxlei. 901 , Ktt. Wi and tQ7 , Jonei it *
Artilt' Material.
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
ItU Doi Ui Ptmt , Orotht.
Buildtra' Hard wart and Scalts.
Bnilders'Hardware ft Sea lo Repair Shop
Mechnlci' Tooll nd Duffklo BrtUi. 1106 Uovf ! * II ,
floods and Stationery.
A. T. KKNTOlf .fca
Wlioloiilo mid ne ill
Booksellers and Stiitloners ,
1K2 Doutflai St. , Oninlin , Nob. Telephone 601.
Corrrsnondoiico nollritpil.
Boots and Shoes.
ir. r. MORSE c co.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
1411 Farnam it. , Omaba. Nib. Uanufactorj , Bummn
ttrf t , llollon.
/ . T. LlA'ntilSL' M CO. ,
\VholcsfiIn Rubber Boots and Shoes
Hiibuor nnO Oiled Clothing nnJ Volt lloute and
Shoes. 1111 llnrnm-Strppt.
L ger Beer Brewers ,
1W1 North 18th Btreet. Omaha , Neb.
Butcfiere' Tooli.
Batchers' Tools and Supplies ,
laniat Ctilng of all klndi alwari In atock. 1111
Coffee , Spieei. Etc.
Omaha Cotreo and Spice MlllB.
Ten.Ooffe i , Spleen. Baking Powdtr. n TorlngB
timcu. Laundry Blue. Ink , Rte. IIU-1S n T ej
Blreet , Omnba. Nab.
John Epenctcr , Prop.
Itannfacturer of Oalranlted Iroa and Cornlc * . 9H
Dodf e and IDS and 104 M , 10th at. . Omaha , Neb.
Uanufacturera of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Klnald.MetallcSkyllBhl.etc. 3108.
IJUi t. , Omaha.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Galranlied Iron Cornlcoi , etc. Bpoct'ii Improved Pat
ent Mi'tallc Skylight. 'M and CIO B. rah ft.ninha.
Jobbers or
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Clotlis , RURS ,
I.tnoleumii , Mnttlnm. Ktc. 1611 Douglai atreci.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for 'ho Manufacture and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamt > i , Chlmuoyt , oto. omrc , 317 South 18th at ,
Ornalia , Neb.
Mammoth Cluthing House.
Corner Farnnm and Tenth Btreota , Omaha. Neb.
Commission and Storage.
ComruisHion and Jobbing.
Bntler , Kfiiaand Produce. ContlgnmanK solicited.
Headqunrtera for Btnncwaro , Perry Iloxci and
Grape llaiketi. lilt Uoilgeitreet , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchant * ,
Specialties Uiitter , KCK . Chueio , 1'oiltry. tiarae ,
Oyttcri , etc. , etc. lias. 14th St.
Commission Merchants.
Frnlta , Produce and IroTl loni. Omaha , Neb ,
> CO. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Ilutter , Onmo , Knilti , etc. 230 B.
Umaha. Ncti.
Coal antf Lime.
OEO. t. LAHAOII. I're" . C. F. QoonujkN , v. Pies.
J. A. KUNiieui.ANT ) , Hcc. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
y South Thirteenth Btreut , Omaha , Nob.
Mannfucturcrs of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Cement , 1'Jmler ,
Ume , lialr. hire Brick , Drain , Tile and Snwer Pipe.
I IUIU. Pmton nutc ! . rarnam ft , , Omaha , .N b.
Telephone Ml.
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Onus and Ammunition , J15 toJW S. lllh St. , 1010 to
1U2I t'arnaiu St. . Omtha.tfab.
Manufacturers of Fine Clears ,
And Wholesale Heelers In I nf Tobaccos , Nos.108
and 110 N. ' 1th street , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
110 ] and 1104 IlnuglM , cor. llth St. , Ornaba. Nab.
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer *
and Jobbers or Wlnesaml Liquors.
CO. and ILER H5 CO. ,
Importers and Jobber ! of Flno Wines ana Llqnon.
Bole manufacturer ! of Kennvdr's Knit InUIn Hit-
ten unJ IJomrslle Hquors. 1112 Ilarnar St.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam St. . Omaha. Nub.
Furniture , Beddinfr , Ujiliolstery ,
Minors , etc. 1208,1308 and 1210 Farnam St. . Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Koo , 705.707,708and7118.10th St. Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Grocer * ,
ltn and Learenworth u.OiiMhu.
B CO , ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Kails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aicunts ( or Howe Bral.s ,
anil Miami I'utTdrCo.OmiihaNrb.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
BprlugiV ou fitoik. Hardware Lumber , etc.
and 1211 turner St. , Ouslia.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carriage Wood Block , Hearr Hardwar
Etc. 1217 and Ufa Learrnwortb it. , Omahu , Nab ,
I Stoves , Ranges , Furnacex , Tiles ,
MautleiGrates , ilcass Ooods. LO1 aud 1323 Farna
_ pi-crov e VIERLINQ
Iron Works ,
W roof hi and Cast Iron BalMlnr Wort , Iron Stair * .
RtUTnr , Beams and Hlrders , Knilncs. Hrasjl
WortO n ral foaniUr , Machine anil niaclsmltB
* : . one. an. Works , U.I' . Hr.andITtn street.
Mannfactnrlng Dealer In SmokeStackf ,
llrltchlngn , TsnVi. and ( leneral Boiler Impairing ,
IjlMKidte itreet , Omaha.
Manufacturfra of
Ire and Iron Railings , Desk Rails ,
Window Ouarda. Klowar Btaadi. Wlr [ > lgrn. IM
123 N. IClh. Order * by mall promptly attendodta.
OMAHA rmrnER co. ,
Deale'U AllKlndaof
Building Material at Wholesale.
18th Street and Union raatla Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , Kte. Tanli-CornerTth and Dooglai ) Coma *
th and Donglaa.
Wholesale Lumber ,
S1 < S.llthttrtet.Omaha Nab. * . Colpetter.
15th ana California Ptrceti , Omaha , Nab.
Lnro her , Lime , Cement , JCte * Hto.
Ccr.Cth and nonglti itl , Omaha.NaX
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1MB Farnam alreet , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpatt and Parqnat Flooring. Sth and Dougla *
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Portland Cement. Jltatf
Agant ferMllwaukeo Hydraulic Cement and But
yulncy White I.lme.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Boyd. Superintendent.
Lire Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Market furnished free on application. Btockeman
fi-cderi furnlilipil on Kotd termi. Reference
Omaha \Htkinnl II ink nnd H'liith Omaha Nations
Union Stock Yards , Smith Oinnhn.
Live Stock Commission.
Oeo. Burke , Manager
Dnlon Stock Tardt.H. Omaha. Telephone 6W.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Bblpmcnta of any and all ktnila of Block aollelted.
Union Stock Yard t. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Itotions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1213 and HIS Harney St.oet , Onmlin , Neb.
Wholcealo Dealers In
Notions and Furnishing1 Goods ,
till and 406 8. Tenth Pt. , Omnha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants. Bhlrts , Ktc. 1103 and not Douzlas Street.
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry a nleeatotknf I'rlntlng , Wrnpnlng and Wrtl
Ing pnpor. Rpccliil attention ulren in car load or
oril r , which will he ihlpped illrect from
" "
ordeis will recelre penonal atfentlbn. "we guar
antee good goodi and low prices. 111 ! and 1111J
Job Printers , Plank Book Makora ,
And llook Ulnderi. 10(1 and lit ) South Fourteenth
itreet. Omnlm , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Tjpo , l're < iB and Printers' Supplies. 09
South Twelfth Street.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Bteamitnd Water Supplies. Headquarter * fnr Mart
Ko ? > tCo'mioo'lii. lilt ramnm ft.Omttba.Nau.
nalladiyVlnd Mllit : 'rteam and Wfiter Rupnlleg ,
i-lumnlnRUoods. Hi'ltlni ; , Hose. 818 nnd IVJ Far-
nam it. , Omaha. N. K. Kalton , Mnnnuur.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
team , Water , Railway and MHIlim Buppllca. Eta
m , naandVMKarnani at. , Omaha. Nub.
Manufacturers and Dealers In
Knglnes , Boilers & ( iciieral Machinery
Hbeet Iron work. Bteara 1'uuipi. Saw Mills , Acme
Shafting , Dodge Wood split Pallors , BelUag , eta ,
Alsowsgons , senpera.aBdn alatlaa. UH-llTi ( < ea >
T Q worth it. omnha
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturer and Dealers In all klndi of
Rubber Howls ,
OIICIolhlngHrnl Lrinliri llpUlnit I ! H V'nrnani St.
Safes , Etc.
P. BOYl'Ul C CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and Iliirg'ar ' Proof flafm , Time l/ocks , Vaulta
and Jail Work. WH Karnum street Omaha , Nab.
Onialia Safe Works.
Uanufacturersof Klroand IliirglarProorSareg , Vault
Doorii , JKII Work.Hhutiera nnd Wlroork. . Cor.
lltllnud Jacknun Hl . . Omshu , Nub ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wtioloalo Mnnufncturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llrsnch oWce.ntli aiiil Usrd ktc. , Orati5 ; , > > .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'j.irs.Stair ' Workand Interior Hard Wood KlnlSBi
Juiil cifeueil. N. K. cor. 8th nnd I aTOowcrlbBU.
Omaha , Neb.
rn n
Lincoln , Neb.
Tint lien known nint mot popular Imtol In
thu Halo. Locallun ccntrul , nppnintineiils flist
class. UeuitciHirHiu | ! lor rnrnuiurvlnl men auj
ull political unU piililluKUtliprliiis.
K. 1' . UOGUtiN I'to.irletor.
School , County and City
Wo will pay hlb'liest price for eiano.
lowsst rules. ( , 'oiiOMionduiicu