Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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liatoit rjeTelopmenU In the
or Onr "Great ClTlllzern" .
C. P. Troftl's graders on the Ornnhn
brunch of the F. K. & M. V. htwo struck
wntcr In excavating the big cutncnr
Irvington , nnd the work has consequently
quently been iierlously Interforred with.
The mud la very hard to handle and the
miry nature of It has caused the banks to
Ink and slide in. The cut has to bo
made twenty feet deeper than It la nt
present , nnd this unforeseen olrcum-
Blanco odors a serious obstruction to
progress. This out will Imvo to he made
wider , and after thn excavating is all
done , will have to be filled In with rock
to got u solid road bud.
Mr. Harvey N. Shopard.prnsldont of the
Omtiha & Yankton road snys the com-
any propose to build 200 miles at once ,
? 'ho ' offer uf Mr. Nattingor regarding the
subsidy has been accepted. It IB proposed -
posed lo go nt once to examine the most
available point of crossing the Missouri
between Nebraska nnd Dakota , and
commence work immediately. The
treasurer , Mr. ,1. Frank Gray is now in
London , and the English capitalists are
considering the road very favorably.
lNrilr.Aa.NO l.ATKS.
At the mooting above referred to an
understanding was readied concerning
the rates on local freipht in Washington ,
Montana , Utah and Oregon territories ,
nnd these in some instances are higher
than they were before. This increase
has bcon , In the main , required by the
provision of the Inter-stuto law , which
requires local rates to bo in proportion
With those on article. ! carried from a dis
tance outside thu state or territory. \ ms
fe proportion did not exist before the nass-
age of the law , the local rates being con
siderably lower. Beyond this advance ,
no other Increase will take place Sin
nny-other department of the Union Fa-
A BEE reporter yesterday in consul-
fttton with a gentleman who knows a
good deal about the future changes to bo
made In the management of the Union
Pacific , said that tills paper was eminent
ly correct in its prophcciea with respect
to expected reformations. Ho declared
that the doubt which existed in some
minds that.I. S. Tebbitts is to succeed both
Messrs. Morse and Stebbins was without
foundation. Tcbblts was to act as general
acont , oven though no had
ad no experience In the passenger busi
ness. When asked as to what Tebbitts'
promotion was duo. the informant saul
that It should be ascribed to the fact that
the man in question was the stepson of
the clergyman who preached on Sundays
in Boston in Mr. Adams' church.
It la now Dialed , and on pretty good
authority , that on the first of next month ,
statements to the contrary notwithstand
ing , Sam Jones , who is now assistant
general passenger agent , as also Mr. O.P.
McCarthy , who is another ono of the
old ollleial.s , will retire from the road ,
and though several names are mentioned
ns nmonir their successors , that of the
lucky one has not yet been announced.
The announcement in the HEE that the
Pullman buffet cars were to supersede
the Pacific Hotel company in catering to
the patrons of the Union Pacific has at
tracted considerable attention. Mr.
Market , ono of the members of the hotel
company , said that ho had not heard
anything about the innovation , except
ouch ns had been published in the papers ,
but said that if the change is to made , a
contract for ten years would have to bo
abrogated. This , however , ho intimated ,
might bo ilono after consultation in a
manner which would bo satisfactory to
nil the parties concerned.
Another centleuian. who spoke upon
the subject , said that if the bullet system
was to Lo introduced ho had no doubt ,
for rensonn already advanced in the BKB
that the cars would bo under the man
agement of the Pacific Hotel company.
The picnic given by the K. of L. in
South Omaha Sunday was a very success
ful affair , there being nearly 400 pcoplo
present , and the best of order was main
tained throughout the whole day.
Dancing and games served as amuse
The shooting match at the brewery ,
Sunday , between Hayes anil Gorman re
sulted in a victory for Gorman , he hav
ing brought down 21 birds out of 25 ,
While Hayes got but 17.
Notwithstanding tlio fact that idle men
are not few around South Omaha , nearly
nil the contractors of works arc demand
ing moro laborers.
A few speculators hnvo platted now
additions to the city and nccleotnd to in
form the city authorities , nnd the real es
tate men handling property inside the
limits are making a ' 'kick. "
Mashal llico had a force of ten ofilcers i
on duty Sunday , nnd as a consrqucnco i
the day was not grievously desecrated.
F. Graham is haring n new glass front
and u nowattdition put to his store room ,
\t \ which is used ns n millinery storo.
f- The cnr accountant at bouth Omaha
K said that the yards In South Omaha have
I not been blocked since the yards were
P putln.
t S. L. Castor , wife nnd family , of Oakland -
land , In. , Dspcnt the Sabbath visiting
f . Gonrgo Whituhcad , of this placo.Q
y A party of eight young folks had a so-
, r. loct picnic at Bellevue Sunday. A most
1 - enjoyable tlmo was had.
A musical and literary entertainment
will bo given at the .First M. K. church
next Friday evening.
The Fat anil Lean Men's base ball clubs
will meet in a game next Monday. No
ono having had experience in twisting
the sphcrq will bo allowed to play. Much
fun Is anticipated.
The contract for building the now high
Rchool buildiug was awarded to McDon
ald & Mnrkey , contractors , of Omaha ,
their bid being f 8,400.
David Anderson , the real estatn man ,
fluent Sunday witli his family in Colum
At n meeting Saturday night nctivo
stops were taken for the organi/.ation of
u lotlgo of Masons in South Omaha.
After instructions are received from the
secretary of the order , another mcctiug
will bo hold.
Neal Fitxgorald , driver of n drny be
tween the city and south Omaha , was
K not at his accustomed stand yesterday
| r nnd a few of his friends on making
inquiries found that ho was confined to
his bed from injuries received Sunday
night at the hands of nn unknown pur-
son. Ho claims that ho was sandbagged ,
niul ns n proof shows n badly bruised
Incn nnd thigh. The physician who at
tends him sajs that ho may recover in a
few weeks.
The Union Pacific trains nro now 'run-
IL tiiug Into the city on tlio now track near
I ; the H , & M. road , commencing on Six-
| f- tennth street. The track was bocun Frl-
v thxy and the first train ran over it on
f Sunday afternoon.
It Among the baggage of the Wabash
C passenger yesterday was a tortoise
ft weighing ninety-five pounds. It was
| E- consigned to Edmunds of Omaha.
Twelve now cottages are being creeled
nt Albright station.
The Uond Knjolnott by Jniei.h Oclis of
Davenport In , ,
Joseph Ochs , of Davenport , Inu has
illod a bill in the United States circuit
court against tlio Union Pacillo Knilro.ul
company , and U. McAllister , of Omaha ,
" tUc Union i'acllie
and Olof Uorgslrora , of Nebraska. Berg-
strom borrowed of complainant 11,600 in
1885 , asslgmnji to him as security certain
land contracts ho had from the Union
Pacific railway company. There were
sixteen oil these contracts , all In duo
form , for forty acres of land each , In
Dnwson county , Nob. , and Ochs accepted
them ns collateral security for the loan ,
Ochs held these contracts until July 28.
1887 , when Uorgstrom nskcd to be allowed
to pay off said loan which had yet a year
and a half to run. Ochs acceded. Bcrg-
strom went to Davenport with ono Nord-
, claiming that ho had funds in
{ rand Island to pay off this claim of
$1,000 , , and gave to Ochs Nordgrecn's
check ( on the Grand Island Banking com
] pany in payment for loan , Ochs surren
dering one-half of the contracts and n
deed given for them. Borgstrom lurncd
these contracts over to the railroad com
pany. Ochs presented Nordgrcon's check
to the bank anil paymonl was refused ,
nnd Borgstroins representations de
nounced as false nnd I fraudulent ,
in consequence Ochs asks the court
that j the Union Pacific Railway company
and B. McAllister , thb land commissioner ,
bo j directed to deliver up to him these
contracts fraudulently obtained by Borg
strom ; also , asks for a writ of injunction
issued , against the Union Pacific Hallway
company j and McAllister , enjoining and
restraining , them from delivering to Olof
Bergstrom the contracts before men
tioned , , nnd restraining and enjoining
them from pancollinsr them nnd Issuing a
deed in lieu thereof ; also , restraining
Bergstrom from convoying , incumbering
or transferring the land covered by these
contracts , as they were fraudulently pro- by him. _
I'Um.lO WOHKg.
Facts About ttio Progress Maklne In
. City Improvements.
Councilman Leo called at the olllcoof
the board of public works and made a
strong appeal to Chairman Balcombo to
have the curbing done on Park avenue so
that the street might bo paved this sea
son. Ho urged that the contract for the
work had been let a year ago. The street
was the only ono leading to the park and
it was in an almost impassable condition.
Mr. Halcombo said that he would like
to nccommoditto the councilman and the
residents of the thoroughfare mentioned , '
but lie didn't sec how ho could do it. Ho
was now greatly annoyed in endeavoring
to get a certain amount of curbing done
on some of the streets to keen the pav
ing gangs at work , but ho found it al
most impossible to do so. The asphalt
men had not a single curb ahead of them
and the men were forced to go around
patching and repairing the old streets.
He had succeeded in getting about three
blocks ahead of the sand.stouo menwhile
for the granite ho succeeded in getting
about three blocks ahead by setting
the curbing on one side of the street
only , but ho had failed signally in en
deavoring to lead the cedar block men ,
who paved so rapidly that the contract
ors were compolfed to take off their mop.
The cause 01 all this worry and delay
was the failure of Contractor \Voodworth
lo supply the curbing according to con
tract. The chairman said for thcso rea
sons ho did not think ho would bo able to
afford the desired relief for the pcoplo of
Park avenue.
This matter annoyed Mr. Balcombc so
that ho finally concluded lo take some
.steps to bring the contractor to time , and
for that purpose , addressed to him the
following :
0.1) . YVooitworth esrj. : April 4,1887 , vou1
entered Into contract , wHIi.tlio city of Omaha
to phtcoover 80,000 loetot curb In certain pav
ing districts , on or before October 1 , 1887.
Over four months have ex
pired and not moro than one-third of the
number of feet have bcon placed , and yon
have less than two months to place the other
Some of the time you do not have the stone :
then when you have a little stone on hand
you do not have sand , and when you have
both stone and sand you do not bavo the
workmen to cut and fit the stone. The re
sult Is the paving contractors are delayed In
their work , and a considerable loss to them
follows and Injures the city's interest.
Now , the larger portion ot the favorable
season for out-door work has passed. But a
few weeks of favorable weather can bo ex
pected , and the time has arrived when it is
my duty to Inform vou that unless plenty of
workmen are set nt work to place said curb
I shall order material nud put men to work
to complete your contract at anv cost , and
charge you with the same. Yours truly ,
ST. A. l ) . HALCOWTIK ,
Clmiuimn of the Board of Public Works.
General Crook la Disposed to Scout
Colorow'a Followers.
Yesterday n reporter for the Br.E saw
General Crook , nnd was informed by
him that ho had hoard nothing further
from the Indians in Colorado. Ho did
not know what would bo the outcome of
the affair , because the reports , oven
those published , did not show that there
had been an uprising. It was nil non
sense lo eay that Colorow had a
following of 150 men. It was
equally ridiculous to suppose that Col-
orow's sou had started off to join a crowd
to begin an insurrection. Tlio manner
in which the young buck is reported as
having dashed tin-In
away was entirely -
dian like. Colorow had a following at
most of twenty men and possibly not
moro than fifteen. Ho was not on the
Ute reservation , nor had ho been there
since 1870. Ho was a troublesome fellow
anil it could not be said what ho might bo
might bo able to do in raising a crowd in
the event of being impelled Iheroto , An
it was , both sides were simply waiting
developments. Ho had just received
n letter from General Morrett
of Fort Lcavonworth , in whoso depart
ment the sccno of the alleged ontbroak
lies. This letter was based on a com
munication from Governor Adams , of
Colorado , but the gctloral was unable to
give him any information. The nearest
point to the scene of the trouble , under
thu command of General Crook , was
Fort Duchesno , nnd he held the troops
there in readiness lo move at a moment's
wiiEnn is THE OI.UB ?
IB tlio Proposed Irish-American Asso
ciation a Fraud ?
Some of the papers published n few
days ago a paragraph to the effect that
the night before there had been held n
meeting of Irish Americans , al which an
Irish-American club had been estab
lished. The organi7ntio3 had , it was
claimed , n membership of ninety , and
was intended to aid Irishmen in a num
ber of ways , especially in politir-s. The
announcement occasioned a great deal
of surprise among the leading
Irishmen of the city , none
of whom had heard that
such n club was even contemplated. The
announcement was also made that the
organization would hold a reception in
the exposition building on September 5.
This Is also a surprise , because the ex
position buildiug will hardly bo in con
dition by that time , and at nny rate the
management of the building has not yet
been consulted about the rent. Vet
tickets are being sold to those who arc
most likely to buy without being Inquisi
Loading Irishmen arc very anxious that
more light should bo shed upon both the
move nnd movers before many moro
tickets are sold for the alleged reception.
The Killct Hnnce.
The first day's preliminary rifia prac
tice of the troops of the department of
the Plalto commenced j-csterday at
Bollovuo. Kach company in the depart
ment sends ono man , and there are be
sides about leu oUleers , representing the
several regiments , lunkiuj ; lu'alUuveuiy-
Captured by Officer Ward SatBrday
Joe Sommers , the man arrested Sntur
dny night by Officer Ward ns n suspicious
character , turns out to bo Ed Lynn , an
escaped murderer. In Juno last Oliver
Wright was shot and killed in n saloon
at Fort Fcttcrmnn , nnd Lynn was the
man who shot him , nud after n hard
three-days' chase ho was captured , had
his preliminary hearing at Douglas ,
Wyo , , and was bound over In tlio
sum of $1,500 to appear nt the next term
of the district court , nnd in default of
ball was sent to Laramie City and lodged
in jail. Just n month ngo , four mcn nll
murderers , broke jail at Laramie City ,
and Lynn was among the number. De
scriptions of the fugitives were received
by Chief of Police Seavoy , nnd on Satur
day last ho received a tip that two of
them were in Omaha and had been soon
in tlio vicinity of the depot. Ollicer
Ward was given special instructions , and
at midnight succeeded in collaring Lynn ,
who gave in ins name as Joe Sommers ,
but upon being interrogated by the chief
acknowledged that ho was Lynn , The
authorities at Lnramio City were notified
and the chief received instructions Ibis
morning from Sheriff James Sterling to
hold Lynn until to-morrow when ho
would arrive here with the reccssary
papers to remove him to Wyoming.
The stdrv of the homicide is briefly
told. Lynn was out painting the
town ouo night , and to en
liven the picnic ho would oc
casionally draw Ills Colt and .smash a few
windows. When in front of thn saloon
in which Wright was sitting ho leveled
his gun and sent a couple of shots through
the thin weather-boarding , ono striking
Wright in the back and killing him almost
instantly. His lawyers succeeded in get-
tint' him bound over for manslaughter.
The man who had been scon hero with
Lynn previous to the arrest , and who is
supposed to bo another ono of the Laramie
mio City jail breakers , has not been
turned up and has probably levanted.
The Nebraska Real Estate Exchange
UphoKlg Him.
The Real Estate Exchange met yes
terday nnd among other things the
committee consisting of T. S. Clarkson ,
W. L. Sclby , G. S. Bcnawa , E. M. Park ,
J. W. Harris , M. L. Higgins and B. W.
Birkhnuscr , appointed to examine into
the charges made by a morning news
paper against Secretary Wordlief re
ported that they had made a full exami
nation and find that he had received.
From Heal EsUto KxclianRe Sl.909.00
Fiom Builders and Tradeis' Ex
change 605,00
Legitimate expenses of the various
exchanges 83,054.45
Bfilance S 53U.55
This last amount he had paid out moro
than ho received , and nothing is included
in this statement for his personal ex
penses , or for services rendered during
the past four months.
They further state that thnro was
pledged to Mr. Woodlief from the mem
bers of the various exchanges the sum of
$0,705.21 , of which ha has only collected
$2,514.90. Had all those members paid
their honest indebtedness Mr. Woodlief
would have had money to spare.
They further find nothing since bis
stay in Omaha derogatory to Tils charac
ter , and that ho has not frequented gam
bling houses in the city. The exchange
then adopted the following :
Kesolved. That It Is the opinion of the Ne
braska Heal Estaso Exchange that the Item
imbllshod In a morning paper regarding Mr.
U. 1) . Woodllitf was written from purely ma
licious motives and was entirely without
foundation In fact.
Dan Imiuont Says Grover Will Proba
bly Come.
Mr. Frank Macdonald , manager of the
Millard hotel , some time ago extended
the hospitality of the house to President
Cleveland in the event of his visiting this
city , and in response received tlio fol
lowing note from his old friend , Dan
Lamout , the president's private secre
tary :
cust 8 , lbS7 : Mr. Frank Macdonald , "Tlio
Millard , " Omaha , Nebraska. Dear Sir : I
am In receipt of your recent note and bee to
thank you in behalt of the president for your
courtesy. The plans for his trip are not yet
complete , but ho Is endeavoring to so arrange
them as to Include Omaha. Very respect
fully , 1) . S. LAMONT ,
Private Secretary.
For Sale Ice , car lots. Boogo Packing
Co. , Sioux City , Iowa.
Douglas County Teachers.
The teachers' institute of the county oi
Douglas was hold this morning. Superintendent
intondent Bruner called , the mooting to
order. There were sixty-one in atlend
anco , the largest number over at a simi
lar mooting before. The noticeable fca
tures of the occasion were the
instructions of Mrs. Jennie E
Koysor on geography in old Englisl
literature and United States history
Miss Mary Strong , who has just returnee
from Ann Arbor , Mich. , gave some very
interesting inslructions on hygiene and
primary reading. Superintendent Bru
nor has made arrangements with the
Omaha Commercial college regarding
bookkeeping instruction for teachers am
they can act accordingly.
For Sale Ice , car lots. Boogo Packing
Co. , Sioux City Iowa , ,
Chicken Sliootlnc.
At the last session of the state legislature -
turo the open season for prairie chicken
shooting was changed , to begin on Sep
tember tirst instead of August 10th , as
formerly. However , tiio new law does
not huoni to cut much of a figure in
chicken shooting with alleged Nebraska
sportsmen , as parties are out ovcry clay
already , and the young birds are being
killed by the wholesale. It must come
to a system of game wardens , or goodbye
Mr. Chicken.
Absolutely Pure.
Tbli powder never ynrlu * . A marrol of pur-
ty.itrenjfth and wliolesonioneig. Mare econOMic -
OMic J than tha ordinary kinds , and cannot ba
told IB competition with the multitude of low
coit lbort weight alum or phosphate powders.
Bold only la cant. lUKU < a 1'OWOCK C * .
314 South 13th St , Omaha , Neb.
Established for the Scientific and Speedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
The OKI licllnbb Specialist of mnny ycnrs ox-
porlencq , treat * with wonderful succeos all
LA. UUK1UUK , curcU without KN1FK OH
Treats nil forms of Throixt I.iinjf , Ncrvo nnd
niood disease ! ) , all Chronic illsea cs and Uo-
formltlps far In adxanco of any Institution In
thu country. Those who contomjiluto KoltiK to
Hot Spilncs for the treatment of nny 1'rlvato
or Illood dlicttaocan bo cured for ono third the
costntotirrrlvnte DlspeusRry , UU Koutli loth
street , Omalin , Neb.
HUPTUHK cured without pain orhlndorauco
rom business.
I miCC Hy this treatment n pure Lovely
LHHIbO Compioxlon , trco trom slownco * ,
f recklci , bliiokhcails , eruptions etc. , Urllllant
Eyes and perfect health can bo had.
ftf That "tired" fcollng and alt fomnlo weaknesses -
nesses promptly cured , lllontlntr Hendachos ,
Nervous Prostration , General Diiblllty , Sleep *
lostncss , Depression and IndlROStlon. Ovarian
troubles , Tnlhtmmatlon and Ulcotntlon , Falling
and Displacements , Splnnl weakness , Kidney
complaints and Change of Life. Consult th
old Doctor.
EVE HI ! E AD Acute or Chi-onlclnflnm
EIC Allll CHllimatlonof the Eyelids or
Ulobo and lar or Near Sltrhtodness , Inversion
of the I.ld * . Scrofulous K ) os , Uleerations , In-
llammatloiia , Abscess , Dimness of Vision of ono
or both eyes , andTumoiROf I.ld.
ly Inflammation of the Knr , Ulooratlon or
Catarrh , Internal or External Doafnos * , or
Paralysis , Singing or Hearing noises , Thickened
Drum. etc.
ftlCDl/flllO Debility , Spermntorrboon , Som-
HCnWUUw Innl Losses , Nltfht Emissions ,
Loss of Vital Power , blcoplossnoss , Doyiond-
ency , LOBS of Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
lllurs Ucfoi'o the Kje9 , Lassitude , Languor ,
Oloomlncss , Depression ol Spirits. Aversion to
Society , Easily Discouraged , Lack of Conn-
donee , Dull , Listless , Unlit for Study or Iliisi-
ness , and finds life a burden , Safely , Perma
nently and Prlratoly Cured.
Rl nnn f QinU Diseases , Syp..ills--ir.ll -
DLUUU tt vIMHseaso most horrlblo In
Its results completely eradicated without the
me of mercury. Scrofula , Kryelpelns , Fever
Sores , Illotches. PlraplcB. Ulcers , pains In the
Head and Danes , 8 } iihllltlc Sere Throat , Mouth
and Tongue , ( lianuiilar I'.nlargrcmont of the
Neck , Hhoiimatism , Catarrh , ote. , Permanently
Cured When Others Have Tailed.
IIDIUBDV Kldnoy nnd Dladdor troubles ,
UnlNAniiWoak llnck , Ilurnln ? Uiino ,
Frequency of Urinating , Urine high colored or
milky Bodmicnton standing , Gonorrha-a , Gleet ,
Cystitis , etc. , promptly and satcly cured.
Charges reasonable
gleet , stricture , fcralnal emissions , loss of sex
ual power , woukucsft of the poxnal nrKans.want
of desire In mule or fem'tlc , whether from-im-
prudout habits ot young or eovniil habits In
mature years , or any cause that debilitates the
sexual lunctlons , tspccdlly ami pcrmancntlr
Consultation frco and strictly confldcntlnl.
Mcdlclno sent free from observation to all
parts of the United States. Correspondence
receives prompt attention. .No letters an
swered unless accompanied by four cents In
stamp * . Send stamp for pamnmct and list of
questions. Term * strictly cash. Call on or ad
dress I > R * I'OU'EI.L RKEVEH ,
No. 8U South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
GALLANAN College , Des Molnee , Iowa. A
Homo School for Girls. Full Courses of
Study. Special advantages In Music , Art , Mod
ern Languages ami Elecntlon. Fall term bo-
pins Sept. 8th. Address the president , C. U.
CHESTEll. 26th year opens SEI'TEMUEK 14.
Preparatory Courses. ThorouBli Toclinlcnl
Work. All Departments conducted by able
1'HOFESSOHS. Military system second only to
that of U. 8. M. A. Annual ) ) of Lieut. S T. llnrt
lett , 1405 Slioruittn Ave. , City : or CUief Pay.
master's ODlce , Armv Hoailnuartcrs.
COL. TI1KO. HYAT1' , Prcsiaont.
SelecTTome School ,
rrluclp * !
FKKKIIOM ) INbTITUTi : FreoliolJ , N. Y. ,
< 4th year. Prepares for Princeton , Yale ,
Columbia , Harvard , ami for Business. Kov. A.
G. Chamocrs , A. M , Principal.
Illinois Conservatory of Music
UnsurpiissoJ n < lv ntieei In nil PepnrtmcntB of
MuMc , I.ltor.-Uiir" . M'Hlcnl/iugiiugOH , Klocutlon.
AddrdI E. F. UULLiAKU , Supt. , Jacksonville , 111
Corvr lllh ud Dudff. SU. , OMAHA , Mfl.
Authorlz-M to tr-rat all Chroule , Nrrvou * end "Special IhwtwV
( whf thf r r n * d by liuprudf r , riirti or coatagloa ) tteminal
SteakneM ( night Ifnw * ) S iual lability , ( .low of seiual | w tr )
-Nervou * Uf bllity , ) tloo > l Dlvtrtl-rrt , fcc. Cures ( ruar DttoJ or monry
fUudwI. CtiiiffC-llonr. , TtiOd-Mnt-li of cnne * cur t A,7t * n-l * H"- " >
lence r Imporl-int All lunllclnfi * tj.fcl ltj' itrep-irrd for c cb in *
fiV ] caw. .No Injurlou * or pciaonoiu comi-ound * uw-J Nu It * . *
loftt from buiineu , 1'itienU ! a distance tiettwl by teller au < ]
iprtn. M Jidti unt v rywhr. fro-a from Riivor brc.ikiirc.
tor A 2-cent tamn will mall VltV L ' FJttUT otMiM , ANlMroiTMT
QUUTIOH , " and H\1UTOM litt on which to ( ret a full hUtury of
< libri- . Btatc your CM ami t-nd for tcimi. Orders filled
pronipiljr. Secrecy bbwrvfd , either lo jwriun or by null ,
Orricc UOUM. 9 to 11 a. m , , l to 6 &ud 7 lo fr p. m.
87 Chamber of ( Joinraerco.
Remarkable for powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; 30 years' record ,
the best guarantee of the excel
lence of these instruments.
In4icrtlan ( . or
. . . . . .
this p-ciflcpurpoie.CLi.lor
tog thin ;
Carnal - 5itltmsuoily '
OnfttMtlmproTinicntfOTcrari other Utu.'WoriU-ii ip < 7
* Mdn EUctrioCo1. 1-50 La6aUe * it. ! ChlciQa
. Youthful , Impr
1 thrauKb errors nnd bail practices CURED.
In order to create a little stir during this , for the clothing tradej
usually quiet spell , we have placed on sale for this week , and until
they are all disposed of , about 4
One thousand suits comprising four diiferent lines afc the following
prices :
One lot men's sack suits made of good Union Oassimere ; a nice small
check , serge lining , covered buttonsand altogether made up in good
substantial manner , at $3.75 a suit.
Two lots of men's sack suits , both the same quality but different pat
terns of dark , very neat mixtures , lined with serge and well made
at $4.50. These suits are of good medium Weight and would ba
adapted for wear now as well as later on in the season.
One lot of young mens' suits , sizes from 33 to 38 , a splendid pattern ol
silk mixture cassimere , Italian lining and elegantly made for $5.25 *
Our object in placing these suits on sale at these prices is two-fold J
Firstly , to meet the wants of a large class of our patrons , and to ena *
ble them to get , at a time of the year when no one feels like buying ex *
pensive clothing , a substantial and good looking suit at a merely
nominal price. Our second and main object is to advertise ourselvesy
and pave the way for the immense fall business for which we prepare
and which we expect to do.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
During July and August , our store closes at 6:30 : p. m. , except Saturday.
Cor. 19th St. ard Capitol Aue. , OMAHA , NEB.
ItMt ppirifnsftn.1 rttnmlUi ft > r in * iAil trtitmrnt of
very form of dVinxj requiring MllcI or Hnrtfc * ! lrf tmriiL
Wmn ran CIKULAII on Ifeforinltlfi and Ilrarpi , Club Pe-st ,
Curvature of lha8p.tip , I'ltf , 1 iimon * , Cancer , C trrli. Hronrl ( Hi ,
InhtliUlnn , FloHrlcttjr , I'nrl yiit , I pllrniy , Kidney , UItdd r , k/c.
L r , Skin , tDiHiUKMl , auJallttu.rtfca. OpcralUmi.
Book on Diseases of Women FREE.
All 11,001 IH-IM > I ; tKT.fiilIy trr-at * > il. Svplitlllle rolun remOTtd
from lhei > t.t ni without mercury. New Hritorrulvfl Treatment fur
Upon rrirate , Fpeelsl and Nervous Dl en ei Scinliiat wraknry
P | Tni tnnli tt , Ii.imteii"jr | , BvptiilK , Genorrtiaa , Gliil , unit ' I *
ewfl . Kooim for | > ntlcoti. Ai.Jreii ,
Dr. HcMenaray , cor. 13ti st. & Capitol AT.Oraana , Neb.
Medical Hooks or Tapers Free.
Tlio proprietor of 1)10 ) Umahn Meillosl ami Surirl *
eallnitltuu hag p ill. 1 lied a valuable to ofbtokj
ami luiiors upon chronlcanil su gicul ill-cases unu
deformities , nnrt t > * e mottods 01 euro wulch Imvc
Klvcnblmfiorep.ilutlonor bolim the most skillful
unit iucce Bfi > l IpeUalUt In thu west , unit mailo tliu
Institute so vele' rated that m Ulclne arc tent to
iniil iHlloiitn rucel uJ IIOITI uYJrjr stututn tlio unlnu.
AniunK the booki i * one upim tlio iHseu-ei of
women ; ono upon iicrTom , ipccliil Una ( iilvnto uln *
cane * of tliureiual nnd urinary nreanoiorlLucclo
cured by nurRlC'il upora loni , anil their lutolr Invent-
oilclinip coniprom sufp'nsory for t ho relief and
curoof Ytirlouce'e. nervom oxliauitlon nndioxual
debility , new rcntor tlvo treatment 1'n era upon
iurilcal braces , plloi. cancers. p rnljris , tltt. Klt'i.-
trlclty Hiid t..e lie v mag ictlc buttery for homo uin ;
catarrh nnd Inhululou , etc Unlike nio-t books
ipBueil by doctor tree , they do not consist of testimonials
menials wltli tlctltlou * a imofland Inltlaln. or rubbli-n
of that kind , but are pliln detcrlptloni of dMoaaev ,
ymplomi. now d'-'covorlo-j ' In medicine. Hurh'cry
and electricity , nnd nrowoli worth tlio perns il and
can bo iibtulnud free b ) ndilro < - > lni ( tlio Omaha Medi
cal and ( urulci.l InMltulo , l.Jth etroct aiU Cupitol
avenue , Omaha , Nebraska ,
mo is TDucqtuiNTiD wiiu TUB otoomipnT or rmi
Ity reason of Its central posltloi Co33 relation to lines
East of Chtcaf-o , and contlium * lln at terminal
points West , Northwtst anil tijjthwest. Is tba true
middle Unit In that transcontinental nystcm vrhlch
InTltca and facilitate * travel and traffla between tbo
Atlantic and 1'aclnc.
The Hock Island main Una and branches Include Chi *
eago , Jollet , Ottawa , Laballu , IVorla , ( If noun , ilollno
and Hock Island , In Illinois ) Davenport , Mmcatlnc.
Washington , Falrflcld , ottumwa , Oskaloosa , Wt it Lib
erty , Iowa City , Dos Uolno.ln.lUnoIaWinter-act , Atlan
tic , Knoivlllo , Audubon , JIarlan , Outhrlo Centra and
Council IIlutTs , In lowai flallatln , Trenton , Bt. Jossph ,
Cameron and Kansas City , In Missouri ! Leavenworth
and Atchlson.lniCansasi Albert I.eaMinneapolis and
Bt. Paul , In Minnesota ) Watertown and Sioux
l > akotaandhundrediof Intermediate cities and towns.
, ' , 'The Croat Rook Island Route"
Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Ill
permanent WAT Is distinguished for Its excellence. Its
bridges are of stone and Iron , Its track Is of solid
iteelIts rolllar stock perfect. Its passenger equipment
has all the safety appliances that experience has prof e4
useful , and for luxurious accommodation * Is un if
passed. Its Kxprcsa Trains consist of superior Oar1
Coaches , elegant i'ullman I'alaee I'arlorand Blcepliii ;
Cars , superb Ulnlnjr Cars , prorldlne delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and St. Joseph , Atchlson and
Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. Its man *
gement Is conservative , Its dltclpllno exacting.
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
Itetween Chicago ami Minneapolis and Bt. I'aul Is tha
favorite. Over this line build fast Kxpriss Trains run
dally to attractho resorts for tourists In Iowa and
Minnnott , and , T.'a ' Wutertow n and Sioux falls , to tha
rich wheat and ( -raxing lands of Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca and Kankakee , the Itoclc Island offers superior
Inducements to traveler * l > eteon Cincinnati , Indian
apolis , Ijifiyett * * nd Conncl ! UlulTs. St. Joseph , Atchl
son , I avenvrurth , Kansas City , St. I'aul , and Interme
diate points * All patrons ( es ) > eca1y ! ! ladles and chil
dren ) rccche protection , courtesy and kindly atttntloa ,
1 or tickets , maps , folders , coplea of Wen tern Trail , or
my desired information , apply to principal offices In
too United State * and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
I. R ; CABLE , t. ST. JOHN , E. A. H61BROOI ,
* MMWW # %
A magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furnitun
.maker's art , at reasonable prices.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giescn , Germany-and New
York. Having devoted their attention
More especially those arising from impur-
dence , invite all BO suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured salcly nnd speedily with
out use of dangerous drups. Patients
whose cases ba\e been neglected , badly
trealed or paonoundcd incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning Iheir symp
toms. All letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "I'raclical
Obscrvalions on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is" added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical treatise Avhich should be read by all
joung men. Address
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , , Mo.
Chicago , Milwaukee &StPaulRy
The JJcsl Ituute from Omaha and
Council Jtliijf'n to' .
Two Trains Daily Uctween Omaha and
Council Uliills
Chicago , ANU Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcdarRapids
Rock Island , Freeport , Uockfonl ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Beloit , Winona , La Grouse.
A nil 'all other Importnnt points Knsl , Northeast
und South" " ' ' '
For through tickotM tnll un tlio ticket aifnnt
at HOI Karnun , st. m i > axton hotel , or'ut Union
1'MClflO U0lt. | (
1'ullmao Slcepejs and the finest Dlnliitr C r *
In tlio world uro inn on the tniiln line ot the
ChlcHtf" . Milwaukee k St. I'uut Hallway uu < l i > v-
ry intention Is imld to pus > cnirers by courto-
OUH employees ot the uoinpiiny.
K HII.I.KII. Gunornl MiuinKor. ,
J.K TucKKti. AMlstantfleeioriil Munnjcr.
A. V. H. CAiiraitTCt : , General 1'aMoiwr ami
O o. KTliAJTonn , Assistant General 1'iwscn-
ger and Tlcttet Atfout.
J.T. CiattK Ueuwnd guporlnlcnUcut.
Onaalta , ISPe'to.
Paid up Capital $260,000
Surplus 42,600
II.Y . Yates , President.
A. E. Touzalin. Vico-Presldont.
W. H. S. Hughes , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins
II. W. Yates , Lewis S. Ucod
A. . Touzalm.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts.
A General Banking Business Transactd
N.W. Harris & Go.
n AUnO of Countios.CltimTownsWatcrY
KIINIIN ( inn , htrt'ct. Co.'u a > i > oc >
M VIIW lully. CoitespouileiiCD BOlIciK-0 ,
Tlio only mail to tuko for Dos Molnes ' . . _
glmlllnun , Ocdur Kiiiilcix , Clinton , Dlxoii , Chlcu
KO , MllwiiiikLo line ] till points oust. To tlio i > oo
il < > ol Nubriiekn , Colorado , \Vjoinlni. , tniili
5 ilnhn , Acviu'a , Oregon , WiisliliiKtori , anil Ciill
fornlii , H oilers BiifHirior luh untaBCu not
ble by unjr other lino.
Ainony u InwoJ the numerous poUlfl of Btl * >
iirity enjoyed by thu imironsui thlg roail
ceii Oiimliu and C'llcugo.uro lie two
ndtiyof UAV COACHBS , wliloli uro the
Unit human art nnd liur.'nuliy can creuto. ltd
PAI.AOKK Sl.m.l'IMJ OAKS , which itro model *
of coifitort mill cleKunco. Its I'AI.I.OU DltAW-
I NO ItOOM C'AltH , uiifliirimfisdl liviiny. and Its
w'duly ' colobrnteil I'AhATIAI. DININC UAIItt.
the Kiunlof which cimnotho found oNowlniru
At Council lllullHthu tr.iliiHofllio Union 1'ncltla
Ity. connect In Union Uopot with tho-o or the
rhlcBuo At .N'orlliuesturn Ity. In the
liulnu of tills Urn nmko clobo connertlun ultu
tboso of nil eastern lines.
Tor Detroit , Columbus , Indlnnnpolls , Cincin
nati , Nhiimrn Tails , IliilTiilo , I'lttHhiirjr. Toronto ,
Montriml , Iliistnn , Nnw Verb , J'hilftdi'lplilu ,
llnltlmore , Wushlnirton und nil points In the
cunt 1 ask ( or n ticket /la the
Tf you wish the bint iieeonjinoiUtion , AH ticket
UKcnts toll tickets vln tills line *
H. I1UC1HITT. K. P. WJJ. ° .nN.
Utnl. Mnrnitfrr , Ounl. I'nss'r Afc'ftit
W.M HAHCOCK16"0' % . , .
' ABtnt , City I'liss r Aguut ,
UltlUUtt '