, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pp - : : , - - t _ _ . - - TflEOMAHA _ DAILY BEEtTUESDAYAUGUST iu l887. . . . 7 . PEOIALNOT1OI oJI .Is. . 4 IAd crtIsemeiiI UIl(1artwhead,1O cents p The for the fltM inscrtrnn , 7 ccnt [ or each i1b flhiUCflt. ncrtIon , Rfl41 * i.w 1I1O per month 0 dVdrtIEomeflt taken for Io tlinn 25 cenU . or the , flt Insertion. ovcn words wil ) ba i'ounted to the nfl' , : they must run consecu. tIoly and must be pfd In MvnncO. All ndver. tlsemont must be ) inndcd In before I : oclooE ) , . Th. , md under no ctrcunitnco Will they be taken or dipcontnut'd by telophoflo. 1artIQ novortilng tntheocoiumfl Pfld hnv. r ng the Rnwori n1dred In cnrn of TIlE Bk , II pIono a1c font chock to ennblo thorn to got licir ltttOrLR noon will hO delivered ercent n 0roentntIon of check. MI enwor to ttdvor. IOmonU houId ho en1oso hi cnvo1ope. ' All advcrtlornonU In these columna arc ; JUb llliod In both tnornng ntid ovcriln oditlont Dr 1i1i lIii the circulation of which negro. ethe more tlinn 14.000 pnpore dully , find gtvne & iho advortlre the hcnflt nut only Of the cIty jIrouIntInn or ! ru lIr.i , but nIo or Council v. JtluIT , LIncoln and Other cltici and towne hroughout tlil pitrt or tim f , , - MONEY TO LOAN. looopOoo to loan. Cole , fltG S Itth. _ . - - loan money on Improved property . orty for nny dcslrcd itmountat lom. rnto3 nf Intorcet. to run from two lo ten genre time , tottl , Cox & Ilnuetno , 1CO74 inrnam. 1459 TONIW-To loan at 6 per cent. 1'ntthron : F , I. liroC. , 15th Btrc4ot , op. 1' . 0. . 7rocco 'To ' LOAN nt6 per cent. Linahan & I-pkonoy1509 Vnrnittn. _ _ O CENT lloncy. It. 0. Pattorpon , 15th ncd flnrne. 639 & ( OOOO It ) loan on real otntn , No dolny. 'l' Ilarri& Sampnn , 1516 Douglas et. 040 lLONEYrOLOAN-O ! , ' Pevl Co. , real UL eAt&to and loan agcnte li06 rarnamet. tMOCiOO to loan in any ninoUnt Ut lowest rnto I )31 or Interest. It. B. lroy , Frenzer tIook. ) 807 , &JO,000-To ioat On Omaha city property at . per Cont. ( I. Y. Day , . e. cor. lix. j pit ONIYTO LOAN-tn oily anti farm prop ! ' ,1T crty at low ratoi. No delay. Cahn & % Vool. Icy , I29 Farnain at. 1149tt27 ' 1R OI5Y to loan to rartioe wIsbn to buhIJ. 4Y . B. 8. Cnmpboll , JIU tI 36th st , , Chaniber of : Uoinmerco. 643 - loan. Lowest ruleS. No (301417. jON1Y-Tn Co. , o'cr Coinmeiclal Na . ilonRi baflit. 257 6EY to loan. cash on nan(3no delay. . .7. W. nnit L. Squire , 1413 laruam st. , , Paxton hotel luIhtln. 1IONEY TO LOAN on Improvad city prop. P .IJL arty In iuma ot 1,3Qto 15,000 at six per cent Intorost. Iholee& Crumb. 645 MONEY TO LOAN on unmoved real aetatot LTL no commission chftriicd. I.eavltt Horn. Iutm , ltootn I Croltrhton lilocic. 1tjrONIY TO LOAN-On city property in t .LYL sums ot' 13100 IUI(1 upwards at lowest rat. ? tOfl0y 1way on hand. S. 8. Camphr(3I.313 . Iouth Sixteenth Street. . WAN-doney-Loaiis placed on im. 4 proved real estate in city or county for ) low England Loan & Trust Co. . by DoUOlaS County bank , 16th and Chicago eti. 649 1IAONIW WANEDnt 0. F. Heed & Co. ' . Loan c LTL 001cc , on furniture , lanes , horsoewngon3 , personal prOporyot all kinds , and all other at- tIclo of value without removaL 819 8. 13th. , , , ver fllngham e Commission 5tore. All bt1- ; tees strictly confidentiaL 630 . 1Y leaned on furniture , pIanos , organs. 4. . .508. etC. , low rate. . J. J.Wilklnsou & Co. . ; menu , over BurlIngton ticket omce. 407 JNIY TO LOAN-by the nndorsignc(3 , who 4 baa the Only properly organizul loan . flO ) itt Omaha. Loans ot sio to $800 made furniture pianos , orgails , horgo wagons , 1 .dOhIflOl7 , &O , without removal. No dolay. t 41l buSinesS strictly confldentlal. Loans so t nndothat any part c8 bopald at any lme.eaoh .aymont reducing the cost pro rata. Advances nado on finewatchos and dIamonds. I'orsons i. Ihould carefully Conalde who they are deslIn 'itith , as many now concerns are daily oomln , tnth OXiStonce. Should you need money call nd Pee me. SV. ) t. Croft , itoom W'tbn5ll ' .1ul1dtng i5tb and Ilarnoy. 651 1I1E OMAhA yinancial 11Xchane .L 14 . lv. corner of Ilarney tuicl 15th eta. , , . , - 0vor 8tto National bank. Is r0pored to make short tim. loins on aj available security. Loang wade on chattelS , coflatiral or 2U1 stato. Long time loani madoon Imvroyed rut e1tst at current rates. Purchase money mortgages negotlatid. COurei1 notes bought , sold or exchanged. - . abort tIme loanemade onsicond mortgage. .4 accordIng to snarginal Intersit , at coUateral rates.1 estAte t ezobaags for good intereet ? buslnee f all kindi trans &ted promptly , qutetl7 ltnd fairly. Money always on band for approved lonI of ny kind. without delay or unnecessary pub. Ilclty. Corbett. Manager. (53 ABSTEACTS OP TITLE. 4 ti'11LANl ) Ouaranteo and Trust Co.1 1505 . JJL ) 'arnant streot-Comploto abstracts iut- h1shed , and titles to real estate oxaiuliiod , per. cOtod and guaranteed 6T BUSI2ES OHANOES. I IATANTED- a chemIst of reputation , a V V flrstc1ass businces luau with about tO0U capital. t st&rt a tiow buaIiios wIthout oom. Iotttjon In the tJnIted States , Omaha being the ) OSt place , as raw inatorial Is cheap atlil plenty hero. AthireasU2 Boo omoo. 617 15j NAP-A splendid paying foe cream , cIgar _ , and oyster parlor In the host town oF 1,200 , Jtihatiltarts in the state. flest of roaons for o1ling. Adilrots A 71 , Use ofIlco. ( iOU 1IiJ rOR SaLE-Tb. . PatnouM. the best paying PA. testatIrant In the city. For particulars ad. Is prose c. L. mltb , 819 8. 11th , or G. it. Moore , JX19 mmcm it. , Omaha , Nob. 470 15 I 'LiOlt tAL15Tbe job printing olftco and boos btdory together with the good wili of the akOta Bell l'ubllshlng company at Bioux Falls , the loading city or Datota. The plant is prob. bly th14 bolt In the territory and an excellent plank book trade unit coininerIai line of print. L ° g is done. Thu growing demands of the Rakota hell compel the publishers to relinquish ll ither work and devote their whole time to the paper. This Is a tine chance to buy out a , troltestablilbed business. Address 1mm T. . Clover , menger gtj i 'jlfIE-Or . . - Trado.-A large three.stoIy .1. brIck hotel In live western Iowa town of I. pop. Newly turnhshud throughout , has 83 X'd ' rooms , steam heat , gas , oloctrie call and ilurm Lolle , city water , etc. Near depot and pusineeg Center , MUst be disposed of at Once pa account of poor health of owner. Terms reneonablo. Addros titotts , Cox & Houston _ , ' ° i4 FarIIUm. . 143 $ II : ? Alilt buslnos8 otianoe for sale , the sii .1I , Ilaturce and good will of a flr.t-ciau cloth. ng store doing a good business , centrally located , only reasons for selling the owner hs Other and more important bu5tncs. iartjps . - ' * oaniiig hUsinese may addrvas C. 1 $ , flea ot6co. 604 \T ANTlil-Prtla who deetre o bj or seller or exchange stocks of general nierelitin. ills , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes , dWaredrugijewelry iinproy.d or Unim. , voti town orotty property , lmprovodur un. dyed farms In any Part of the UnIted StCtei. U address Krause a Fetter , BLS B , 15th . Omtha , Neb , 635 jUS1NiStl Chatico-For ialo-A stock oiii goods , olothinir , furnIshing goods , boots sat shoeQ ; also flitures. Vltli this stock a four , , ( , arM Ione of a double store canbo obtained in nu of the best retail lot'ailtles in the city. In. formation at Dormann' . , ' .u south Thirteenth ftrcet. 6(45 ( A 1tA1Il Cliunoo-lltislnosa for 5til at roits. iiaolu figure , Itt which $3.uOtl to $ tC0IJ POT retir can 00 P15(30 , very enittil capital rejuire(3 .4 O rUn It. good reasolie for eillng , those mean- btistnesscitn adIriss A 1 , lien olilco. nij 'L'IOW3U4l-A drst iisttotet property doiiij L txcnllegit LIUj41t58 , Must sell iii lxty 3ay * . For price and teruii address it , 3. 1.1117 , _ 1 eaIostnte ilealor , ilrohcn 1mw , Nab. 811511 - TAN'gl,1. or two btislness ITISU WIth V V capItal Of 150 to $150 to take hold of a bus. thstt will pa from $41 to ItO per 1 4roUn8. blk , 1114 N. Itihat. t. & . : : _ A COlI'ANI etigaged intho iunntititcttire of 5L. a sticensiful lunent used in cities ( which 1 Pt monopoly ) anti doing a auto and prcfltablo iUI1flCis UI Cbioago , destro to establish a like busIness In oIlier cities. The proper POTSOII 'wish energy and push smi ono to two thousand tinlinre cash can onjiego In a bualnesi that iii leesant Mntprofltable , that will pay him from 1,500 to $ l0D40 Per year. ¶ IIio strictest Inves- Jlgatlon or ( dOT business In Chicago desired nnl policitod. Address IL H. Websir , 32 $ Wash. ngton street , Chicago , IllinoIs , 543 18 I' 7'ANTIt-Uig money to Crst.clau ztt'n to V bandle the boat lire extinguisher pvor atontod. A teat downs all competItion and elltinachlnei. Victor si'rg Co. , CincinnatI , 0 , . . , . . 0 EXCUANUIt-At a bargaIn two well mi. w pro'd taras and two houses in town br lonoral merebsindise , In writIng please give Itnountot stock an.l all particulMrs. 0. } . . S Maord. fiuibsil , 433.15J : L1. 1.iO1t flAtR-Meat niarkot. tools , 11xture , .5. horse and wagon , ovorytiiing ooinplto. Good locatlont good trade. .Addreu U 46 hoe. . 015 1 % TAN'1IlJ-l'artnor with it few thousnii. V ! lars -the moro tOo bottor-In a good say. log business in Omaha and Lincoln with Mlit- alien eitewhere In Nebraska ; establIshed a year , work light , pay sure. Address A 50 lien ottico. 834 Hi 1Olt HAhII-Nioo clean stock of grocerie .L and tlxtttresl good locatiolil cstabllhec1 trade : good reason for selling. Addrcei A H Jicoolilce. &oj : isj TANTEiJ'artner with small capitall titisI. , V ness very profitable : ready Bitles DO 0P position. Address H I , bloc omeo. 521 1(1j ( . 1Olt 8Au-tiw : lihirnry , cheap. Wheeler & Vbouer ) , Douglas anti 15th st. 687 DOlt 8ALh-SVeil Improved 820 acre stock and grain farm near Lincoln , Neb I 160 in ciop , balancoipasturol living sprliigs. Aiso 6 farIna. Ilno farms hero. A V. islcCrcftdy , Madison , ilakota. bJ Hi 'I'w" ' ) ' for farme. WlI : exchange .L ! firSt class Improved land In Cedar Co , , Nob. , for grocerIes or ecnts furnishing goals Want no undesirable old goods , Ihivo alan goo town anih cIty proeriy to exchange. Address liox 77 , 8pokano litllt , SV , 7. 834 15 PERSONAL. ) tILSONAT-I'ug dogs for sale ; fine English pugs and Italian greyhound puppiestor For Price niiil description , addrcss box 2k1 , Topeka , 1Cansnt. 1.U21J P EIISONAL-Tlio ( into City Employment of. lIce , 31434 14 10th , Siippllc8 the best of Scan. dinavian and Oorninn girls. (429 ( ) mt NAL-1'rlrain hotno for ladles ( lilTing conlinoinont , strictly confldoutial , in rants adopted , adIIrOSt E 42 , Ileo ofllco. 16 sept7 ) EIISONAT1-Fend for your sewing machine needles , oil and repairs to tIm Sineer ) inn'fg Cu , ISIS Douglas st , Omaha. 40 $ 112 $ - - - - P E1tS'tAL-Mra. Dr Naitnie V. Warren chtlryoyant Medical lied business M0diu Iooei No. 8 Lt } orth 16th . , Omaba , Nob. LOST. ITIIAYtD-lhay mum from rosidencoof C. F. Nelaon , South I8li st. and Castollar , with halter unbrandcd T. 1. on loft hip. Any PCTSOfl kcoiliig title tnnro iiiitl not ailvortising SlitLil ho hitlilisIlod to the extent of the law. 476.1 . , oS,1' 8101(11 lockotlook containIng flO and _ 4 small cliiingo , I4UIIPOSCO to ho lost tOtWtdCii ) ThtVOflIOTt alit ! Ilouglas 815. Finder please return - turn to2fl N. 16th at. , and get roward. 517.i0j 'OIL SAhI-A well ostauhlelieth and favorably knnwii general store at ltnpld City , 0. ' 1' . , ( Black lulls Colliitry ) . Sock about $12,000. sultablo and welt assortedsmre making money. Itoasons for selling , ( heath of proprietor , A1. ( IrC J. B. lloiurtSOfl ) , almlnlstrator , St. Paul , Minu.or J. L , ilpaglo , Ilaplil City , 1) . T. 542-23 S T1tAYl1J-A heavy sot red and 4hlto Jersey cow. the outside covorlog of one horn Is brokonoi1 leaving only the stub. Any one glv- bng Information as to to whore he lsor return. Ing her to my residence 418 North 21st ci. , 'viii ho suitably rewarded. Ibonry Gibson. 531 15 I OST-A tltuo book containing a letter ad. _ A dressed II , huh , 1814 louglae Street Ito- turn to lice 081cc and receive $3 reward. S041GJ IA OST-Pockotbonk containing seine valuable papers , Finder-will be liberally rewarded by returning tOo same to my store. Ed. N. Brown , 720 N. 16th , 466 QTIIAYED-Two hay tnaro , blek manes and L' tails. One olu , one young. W. J. Connell I EVENTY-Y1 % ' do1lr' reward. Strayed or stolen from roar of 111 N 17th at , a large roan horse , about 17 liapdi high , weighing b - tween 3I000nd 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown mane and tail. hInd ankle somewhat swollen. * 2.5 wIll be paid for return of animal to owners. at 110 S 14th stand If stolen the sheriff of Douglas - las Co. will pay a reward of 50 for the arrest and convIctIon of the thief. 6146 POUXE. 1JPA small bay pony inaro about .A _ tilno years old. Owner may have the same bypaying expense , 501 N. 13th st. ATEN UP-fly II. Harris. 34th and Lithe .J streetS , a blade broncho unutro branded on left hip. Owner can have same by paying ox liense and proving property , 6 , 16 , 22 , 214 , 83 CLAIRVOYANT. II hATFiELD has inst arrived to sub. .L.v .tantiate that fact-thu Past , lureseut and future revealed , the sica healed , the lost found , homes made lioppy , sIttings daily at 4t South 11th St. 457' 19J 'Nrits. 1)U1liNT-ChirIvoynt from liouton Is . .u _ reliable in all affnira of life , unites sepa. rated loviri. 1420 n 10th st.room 1. S4tisopt aj eTO1tAGE. t1IRST.OLA5S thorage at 110 N 13th .1. .5. 659 .lTOftAG-F1rst.c1ass storage for nice fur- i : : niluri or boxed goodi , st1813 Dodge MISOELLANEOUa. iDlIRFOltATEDetamplug patterns made to or .L ( br and all the latest designs for palo at v. MorrIson , 1505 IJavenport at. 451s12 _ _ _ _ C ANADLtN Employment office , 310 8. 15th st. 406 213 L1ASTEItN Nebraska farms to exchange for .14 Omaha property. 14112 FarnaM. 643 rpo EXCRANOII-'For cattle , I have 1100 and .1. forty acres of good western lend to traiho for cattle and a good house and lot near the capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. 0. Iiryaii. Ashland , Nob. 436 O MAfiA 1.01'S-To vxohiango br cattto. Pat. torso : : & Moore , 1612 Farniun , 347 riiiiit Gate City Employment ofliee,3l414 S. .1. 35th street. Orders for all kinds of help ollcted. 9214 1JAONWL'LO Healing Mediums oure all klnd _ LsI. of sickness In connection with ciairvo - a000 of the past , present and future. J. I J'agolor , North State it , toils west of fair grounds , P. 0. boxOd3. 510 a2Oj IOht EXCHANGE-Omaha hot for horse or .5. horse and buggy ; good trade for somebody - body ; 1047 5. 20th st. 5I IGj 1ORRHN1-Sqzgye Pilno $ JmontblT. .8 .5. Bospe.35t8flouglas. 661 I1ORh1NT-Orgnjfl p.r mouth. oIpe , .J. 1113 Douglas. 661 ' ' I. 0.-House furnishing goods , cli kinds ; _ , . cash or iastahlment : lowest prices at J. Ilonn.r. 1315 Douglas it. 863 Ttiit ItENT-t4quar ? hano. 5s montnlv. A :1. : Rose. . 1513 Douglas. 681 POlL 8ALE-I8OELLANEOVB , F SALE-half interest in the best paying business in the state. $50 to $100 required. 01414 5. 15th St. , Itoom 6. 548 10 J1OR SALE-A fauiilyhorae , sorrel , cheap for .5. cash , 1(11 ( Washington aye. , Council liitiTe , 489 35 * pOlt SALR-Car or good saddle ponies. In. .J- quire at yard othlco , stockyards. 437 20 , Q1t BA LE-I.argo bay POnY. ago 5 ; prIce 150. .1. Erie Cothing Co. , 320 N. 36th et. 474 16 Ti' Oil SALl-Cheap. now round corner lunch .Lorbarcouutor , 102 S. 10th. 410 lGj IOISALlt A rst-class corrousel at Pries lake .1. Andrew Jonson,1127 North 2Stli avenue. 4 17j 10ht SALE-At a bargain , us G.roorn house .5. with closett and pantry , eta. , lot 25 feet osat front , 5 blookssouth of court betas. . Ad. dross V 30 , lleo office. 62uJiut' IOIISALE-Furntturegmai will and lse of the Ict paying smhi hotel In Oiiiaha , Constantly full of flrst-oiass boards , . . I'rico $1,500. inyostigats this. J. F , Hammond , lIT B. 30th. ' 169 1'Olt S.LE-Vour choice of the best lines of I husidea. carriage. , phactons , surreys , Os. livery WUJiIuS. open end top one On. hunting waron. L.aU and look through or send for OUtS sea price to Columbus buggy Co. , 3113 Ilarney 1439 itO I SA1.E-1llrfliture of 8 rooms with prwi- logo of lease of house , 707 5 , 11th St. _ _ _ _ 209 1' ( itt SA LI-Cirpoti and furniture. and house for rout , 1138 , 23rd between Doug. lasandliodro. 414 ThNA1'Furnituro and lenbo of 14 rooms 3 blocks from P. 0. 11. E. Cole , 316 14 l6tii. 893 ItO rIMilltTr.VoUitbluaros or sheet stool roo8ng .1. for sale cheap. C. W , & 0. E , Thompson , 311 B. 15th it. 134 JhOR8AL1t-Cheap. a large , flrt-chatu milk .1. . COW , Friouk Johnson , West Walnut Iliii. . * 430l5 11Olt SALE-Cheap , a 'ood , gentle family _ t _ horse. Can be icon itt Meyer 1 1tapks , 1408 ltataey at , every day between 11 antI ii o'clock. F. Johnson , city salesman. 431 15j 4 OR SALE-Piano , at a bargain , or will e. change for a good horse. 0U t'ark avenue , 809 173 . .I0lt SALE-I'errots and Imported canaries , .5. at 1209 Douglas it , 52 1T.J I10lt SALE-The furnitur. of a nb. three .J- room flttt.completo for bour.k.eplng , A splendid dune. for a couple. Apply say limo idler 7 ocleci p. in. aw Corner 11th sgt Clorko its , firSt I3 % C , ii. liartiels , . . . . . T'O1t ALE-Cnoap , fixtures and tooi of meat .L mnrket doing a cash business , also horse intl delivery wagon , a gael chance for right nrtiea. J. J. Sklnnor , 1310 liarnoy itOmalia. 204 15' L1Olt S.Lt.-iIoThuggy atid hnrniop. .L arately or together , very cheap , P. 0. Larko &Co. lhOO marnain , 481 I 44(311 ( SA1,12-Oll and gasolIne wngon. team . harness and route. Call bet. 12 antI 1 1413 foIgo. SIT , WANTD--MALE HELP. . ' 7ANTiil-4 mon eook , 4 dishwashers , aiim V forstock ranelie , f40 per month , 1 linker 10 teamsters f20 Itnth board , . .IJ shovelers , $2 er day , Lots of WOrk for nimi that vant to work , Omaha Employment liuronu , 11(4 N lathat. % TANTEf-6 good bridge carpenters , $3.IXI V V a ( lay. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Ftmriiani St. 475-13. TANTF.1)-tolp , Saratoga dairy , 4115 Saun- _ v , dCrsSt. 510 l0J . ' TANTlD-ltO loon for IL it. work in inirn , V Mitsotirl and Nebraska. OKeofo Yc Mc. Oorr , : io s. 11th et. ( .40 IIIJ 7ANTRD-Men for Wyoming' gonil wages. V V Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnan.47 ATANTEfl-Agents to sell goods In city ; V 1 good wages to right man. Loycll Manufacturing - facturing Company , OIl N , 13(11 St. 481.19' 1rANTi1)-A flrt-claii oxporloncod shob V V clerk , lit I3.'O Farnam St. 526 -S ANTE1)-A rollablo lioy at lice mailing. room : one Who citti get up at 4:1Q. : Inquire between 9 and 11 a. ni , 427 rANTRt-Two energetic , reliable men to V V eli goods ; stoad3 employment. Call 421 8 , 10th St. 522 Hi iTANTlfl-Atimhose : wishing help or sttua- 1 tlons , as collectors , imsqistatit book- keepers. general olilco ciurks. engineers , lire. 11100 , wittcliuioti , porters , janitors , COhiehifleli , tealosters , ilrciiien , etc , flPPlY to tile NUt iiiml EiIlioyii1ont AUcflCy , 214 houtli 16th stroet. up- BttCIr. 44t4 ! _ : _ _ . . ' \TANTFll-Mon tar railroad work. Al- bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnain. 0,4) k/ANl'iD-2 men cook 1 iiian for dairy ; V V gIrls ( or liitola nntl ratIIilio4. Scaiidiui. nviun Employment liuronu , 1010 Farnain. 5343 Hi 1.TANTEl-Ons coat mnlcor anti two pMits V V makers at otico. Stodul ) ' work tumd good prIces. Address Y. J , McKenzie , ltebronNob , ( J ; 3 18' 1TANTFD-A few competent dry goods V ! eniosmon forcity. Gate City Emphoyniont obilco , 3t4i S. 15th St. 029 19 ' 1,7ANTED-Pivo persons to instructin book- V V keeping. Sltuitllonl in October or no l'flY. J. Ii. Siiiltii , 1013 ChIcago St. 53(3 ( 19' UTANTEI-SaIestion , , a now invention V V needed in every house ; 1100 per ccitt corn- mlslon or it good salary to right parties. Ad. dre with stainhu for toiin the ( Weaver Macu. facturor,34 N State st. , Chicago. Ill. 781s1' WANTED--FEMALE HELP. 1TANTE1)-flirI fur general housework , 11th V V at. , second house south of Arbor. 0i618j 1 TANTEtI-.4 chambermaids , 2 dishwashers , V 1 1 pantry girl. 8 dinIng room girls , 1 mliii- dross for Fremont 12 ver week , ii mnundrosses for clty,1 second girlT.O girls forgoncriil house. work. Omaha Employment Ilureau.1l9 N 36th , Crouiisa block , room 4. 53816 'IJANTED-4tda7 nurse at6l4 N. 22nd st. VANTED-A good waghor. Apply at onoo , V V Frontier Steam Laundry , 1512 ilowaril St. 515 hi 7ANTND-A good girl. Islust be a first V V class wuahor and Ironer. Saunders St. bakery , No , 1429. 514-l6j TANTED-0ood cook. German $ iri pro- TV forred. 1114N , l5thst. 46915' 'TANTID-OomVotont girl for general V V housework , 2.20 Farnani st. 521 17 1TANTED-A trImmer at It. 0. Genius liro. V V millinery StOre , 1408 Douglas at. 678 1TANTl2O-A dining room girl at the Aiticri. V V can house , 1420 1)ouglas ) st. 513 17j 'ANTE1)-0irl for general housework , 1417 V V Cass St. 488 15' XTANTED-Good practical woman as hiomio. V I keeper at 111141 $ North 911 * it. 491.18' 'XTANTED-A good girl.to do general house. V I work at 2210 Farnarn st. lDJ 1'ANTEfl-Olri for general housework , V V slush family. Mrs. Wright , 3d house cast of 27th , on Seward , 418 16' 17ANTED-0ood girlfoegeneral housework V V 2 in family , light work , 2628 llarnoy , Mrs. Albert I ) . Stores. 260 ATANTED-0lrls for housework in different V V partlof city , no office fee. 3lrs. flroga & Btn , 316 South 15th 51. 454 17j TANTEI-A first oisI drcit maker , one V V who can cut , itt and drape or anything in connection with dressmaking , Address Con. way Sisters , North Platte , Nob. 022 363 . ' ITANTItI-Baiesladios for dry goods Store. V References md exporioiiCo required. Oato City Employment office , 311 5. 15th 0. t7ANTEh-Out of city : Lady drug clerk ; V V 3 dIning room gIrls and chambermaid for IhdmIiO , $20 ; Lauintlress for Central City ; cook br Sutton , $35 ; cook for Wymore , 3S : cook forPaolfio Junction. $40 ; girle for housework at North I'iatto , Aurora and Kuarnoy , In the city : 10 dinIng room girls , 4 kitehon helpers , 3 IallnulrOSSos , 2 nurse girls , 2 second girls told 21) girls br hioUSevorK , $ I to $5. Sirs. Itroga & Soih3lO _ S. 15th 31. Teiophono 881. 527 153 TANTF.fl-An experienced chambermaid. V V One who can help in dining roon at boarding house , 710 South 14th st. 503.153 UTANTFD-A good girl at once for general V V housework. Apply at 2612 Douglas at. 506-17J tTANTIW-First or second girl , 1613 CapItol TV avo. _ 297 III' ' ( ATANTED-Oood cook , washer and ironer VY at 1251 Perk WIld ave. , cor , of William 0. 320 TANTF.D-Tmrnedlately. a good girl for V y general housework at 2613 Cuming It , 281 15J TAN'1'ED-An experienced housekeeper , V V whitowoman preferred. Apply between 5 and 6 p. m. , 101 N 14th St. , Luiu Itegers. 131 7ANTRD-aood girl to do general houso- TV work. Apply U W COT. California and 20th , 733 1TANTEi-0lrl for general housework. In- TV qulro626Southlvth. 711 IXTANTEU-Two girls at Doran house , 4238 V V 18th 51. near St. Mary's eve. 1424 SITUATION WANTED. 'tAJANTED-Stoady work , by a reliabie titan ; TV basgoodloam , AdtIrossAOS , tiooofilco. 490 lii' TANTtfl-Position by an export etonogra. V V pher ; 5 years experience. Will ohailetigo any parson In Ii. S. for speed on typo writer , AddreSs Ii 3 lIes office. zoo 10 7ANTE11-Situations for good rellablo help V V in wliolesato and retell firms au clerks , saleinon ; also coaohnuin , pdrtors , flr6men , bsiers , barbers , eto. Buppliod free , city or country. Mutual Employment Agency , 814 Somitli 16th it. , up.Stairs. 447 153 1'lANTEI.S1tuation by au experienced oath. Vi ier ailti bookkeeper , best city reference , address A 52 Ilcooflico. 882 llj 7ANTED-Dressmaklng In private families V I by ( ixhsrionced dressmaker , Address A 49 Itso ofilco. Sit 1Tj T7JtNTiCD-I'osltion as it : termediato toacbr TV tines years exporionco. Address EM r IlusInoss cohiogo. 441 153 tANTED-Situntion as architect's or get. V ! rsl clerk , or a good traveling agency. Idodorito salary accepted , FIrst.eiasa teeti. znoniais and references. Address. Altrod hook , care of John H. Eltiy , West Hill , I'iatto Co. Nob. 651 tIOELLANEOUS WANTS. TANTED-To Tint by a lady , couple of V V room. suitable for light housekeeping. Adorns A 67 , ltoe educe. 4714 153 1j'ANTED-2 or 8 furnished rooms. by moan V V SOil wife : near business center ; Itto tenni and location , Address A CII , hoe oilloe. 451 TANTKD-To buy a good frame cottage , V V one or two stories , to remove from ptomnieoi. Give condition , number of rooms , location and price. Address A 56 , Uoo tIme. , 485 153 I' TANTEI-15 teanis. cor. 224 and 81. Mary'i aye , I'atlen & 8swtell. 7ANTED-A creamery and canning tao. V 1 tory. Will shut th. rlyht parties. Ad. dress Dank of Valley , Valley , Neb , 870s UANTD-A grab dealer to locate at this V V p140. Bii iraie reiou ja Nibraska. &ddreSt sank of VsJlev , Vallesb. ITOsO T&NT1D-A tel beard.NiflTl Dodge it. V Y .t.rsaoi isgiits.4. TANTED-To trade , Section Nebraska V V lanl for trade for ( hintiha Proilerty. Ad. drei W. N. 1' . , 8. 11. Cor. Itliott amid 20th ets. 533 203 roomsor3or 4 V unfurniahoil roumu Cuitablo _ for light honsokeeping. iteferemice furnished. Ad. .s A 4J , flee omce. 1121 TANTP.D-A harness mker to open a shop V 1 herO , Address flank of'alloy , Valley , Nab , .1iJ. 270.5.9 ' 7. ANTEI-Faotones of nfl kinds. Address V V Hank of Valley , Vnlioy , Nob. 270s9 -S TANTt1)-io rent , bt * gentlemen and V wife , no children , it htiSo In e000 ben. tion , all modern improvlmcnts. None other need apply. Address A 41 _ Ike ofilce , or,5 lo 1TANTED-To Ieae for k'tornm of ycara a V V huilding for light mnntmfacturing pur. poses , about 6xGd , three Stories and baoinent. Addrcs A 30 , lIce 00flce. 93523 . ' UANTIW-PartIcs Iiaviiig linu flats or V rooms to list them with the ate City Rental aeoney , 81414 8. 15th St. 628 ' 7ANTED-t5,500 for ono year , Have ha- V V vroved property lii Omaha that 10 per CCIII Ofl a 545,004) valuatiOn , that is inomun. tiered for 110,000. SWill give S'eonh mortgage as collateral. Atidross stating ititerest to- quirod. A5 , Boo oillco. tklO % 7ANTED-1'upils in English branohos V 1 and music , a , w. curtior 11th and } 'nrnamn. _ 72.i sI' FORBENT-IIOUSES and LOTS. OI ( ItENT-Etoro , good iocatlon20th and Carlc ! Sta. lniuiru 1813 Clark S. * 3 20J Foil liRNt'ft room ItoUo. p30 : furni- iiiro for sale at 1.2 vrico. 24 room brick liotcion 11th st , , rontSlO1) ) ; lurnituro for iile. 16 room boarding bouso : furnittiro for snic on limo. Co-operative Limmitl nod Lot Co. , 203 North 114th 0. 402.16 1Oit ItIINT-7roorn hotiso. good location stable and ynril , Apply 16' ' ? Farnamu. 34t yjolt IIENT-A first class stable on Calirornir , I. mmenr20th St. 5 , Lehman , 1103 Farnarn et. 340 . 1'Olt IIENT-Ono 12-room liousewltii gas and .2. furunco and all modern linprovenments , on Capitol ave , between 20th nhud 27th. 1 brick Store , OOxiTO , oh 1)ouglas ) St. , botwcetm Htti and haiti t. lmmqulro 01 Ii , $ iiiglo , 1211 Iouglaa St. 237 lT' FOR IIF.NT-10.room house , city water , cis. tern , idath rondo , large collar , sittirtta3 on l'arniirn troet imear court hotisu. Apply 3 F flaimiinond,117 S. 16th st. 458 F ItENT-Threo (3) ( ) now houses , situated ( ) fl ICiiig anil Ctiffniaii streate , in A. $ . I'a. Trick's itilit. inquire at htooul 2 , ArlIngton block. Patrick ilrog. 423 20 Foil 1IENT-3 obegant brick store rooms on Park avenue' , opposite ; ark. Will be com pbett'I in50 days. Apply on the premises from Ute 12 a. in. A. II. Fiteh , 971) ) I 1011 blENT-Elegant briok residence , 10 rooms , modern convonloncos. Inquire Morse & lirunnor , 1605 Fnrnnm st. 02 $ I31Oh ( IIENT-r. brIck iits of 6 rooms onch on .J I'ark avenue , opp. hidirk. VIli ho cotilpiet' ed ln300ays. With modern conveniomice. An. ply on the jrOflhISeS from ii to 12 a.in. A. A. Fitch , 512 -poll IIIINT-Two large new stores anil two .5. lialsnf ltverooma cacti. Citywator amid gas. On Saunders St. C. IV. Cain , 22.0 Ohio st. 812 j1Ott IIENT-3.rooiii cottage on N. 21st at. .1. APIlY to 017 5. 13th St. 608 t'OIt IIENT-Ono lot near reunion grounds .I _ with privilege of nIne acres , about one block frommaincamp. CalIocorh1th & Capitol -r : 19020i . .pO1t 1tENT-N. , store Imt living rooms on .5. Cunming at near Saunders st. Apply Oar. rls Heal Estate & 1,0mm Co.t ) S. 15th at , $89 0R 1LEN1'-Tlmurjm suitabtetor four boroi. . .5Inquire at 617 S 13th st , , 511 1OR 1tlNT-New iQ-rom house ; all im- .J provomnents , steam hunt , C. V. & 0. E. Thompson , 334 8. 15th st. 1000 ' 4 OIl ItENT-lO-room datwith boasomurnituro for sale. Must lie SoIii'tlils wook. Fur- nithod room at 1909 Fttrnntn.st. 501 183 jiott : IIENT-OflIce paoa on ground floor at JlOOt ) Farnarmi , Apply in rear 0111cc , J. S. lticbardson. 502 iiJO fll1OICE Lot. for Loaso.-Soutboast corner _ 1 48xS5 Leavenworth iitt i'ark aye. , or wiii build to suit tenant. Ilobblotiros. 359 POR RENT--BOOMS. J'Oh1 RENT-To gentlemen. nicely furnished room , first iIoor , fleW house on Mason 81. bjtwofl 17th and 18th. Iteforomicos required , Foil IIENT Nicely Zuriiisbod and unfur. niehod room8 , good location , 1111 Burt St. 499,16' TjOIt1tI2NT-I'ieaiant furnished rooms. single L or en suite. MI modern COnveniences. 919 lcdie. 403.15' . .pO1t blENT-Nicely furnished room. 618 8. .5. l7thst. 203 11OR IIENI'-.Tne largest Store room In town. .1. Inquire attlie Argusoitios , Albion , Nob. 461 sop 13' LtOlt IIF.NT-Two unfurnistied rooms at S. It. .1. 20th itiUl Chicago st. , cheap. Addre8 A 44 , lboo 001cc. 319 1Ol ( IIENT-A nice , large front room , fmmr. . iilshed excellent. lovely location , modern conveniences , on atrOot car lino. 1917 Cass 0. 814:1 : OR IIENT-Nicely rtirnishel roomJst floor. 440 16J ljlOlt 1ENT-Eiogttmitly furnlslietl front room , .L uilttibio for 2 or I with first-class board , tormns moderate. 2011 hurtt. 421)193 ) 1Olt RENTFurni'hed parlors , en suite or .A _ single , i'bnasammtly situated , on car lIne ; price reasonable ; 424 N. Htii st. 2111 153 J3OlL IIENT-Furnishiod roomi parloraltting. room and two bedrooms. 1121) ) N , 16th St. 383.15' F Oil BENT-Finely furnished rooms , with board , 5 mInutes from pOStotUOe. 1715 Cass St. . 380 153 . .IOR RENT-Furnished room 1836 Dodge st. .L . 9S9sopt6 I OR IIENT.-Furnished rooms. 1609 Daven. port St. _ 3M 15' t'OR I4ENT-Unfurnishoci rooms , 1615 Dodge .1 et. 301 1'OI8 ILENT-For gentlemen. Nicely fur. 1. nabed rooms with modern convenIences , 2912 Farnani St. 242 4 OIl IIENT-Largo front parlor with on window , and alcove , also other rooms wit modern conveniences at 1821 Farnam 51. otmo btoeg west of court house. 824 . .IOlt RENT-Furnished room , 2022 Ilarnoy .5. street. 2514 153 j'Olt _ I1RNT-Nico furnmslietl room , $9 per .1. month , S. W.oor. 18th stUd Jackson. 229 ios : RENT-A nicely furnietmod room at 2511 .1. 131. Mary's arc. 421 jiOR 1ENT-Omoo , 1612 Farnatn 0. .1. 208 1OR ltINT-Klegantly furnished rooms sin. .J gloor ensuitowitb U5Q of bath ; electric bells in every room. Firstgss restaurant at. taohed , at Norris Europoaotol , corner 16th nsd Webster , l IT'Oi'I8ENT-Two ' noatlAurnisbed rooms .1. . very desirable iooatici , private fammmily. Also room for two or ttirefsice table boimrdors. B. corner Twentieth anqi jirnaw. 419 1u25' F 011 RENT-FurniShed tJns , 712 South 18th street. ii 854 J1OR UINT-A nice large front room , all .1. modern linprovemebta and nicely furnished 501 S 20th at. 213 F 011 SALII-Ono of thicost prominent corners in tile busit14u tmrtlon or the city. F. H. Kontiard , 1l4.1Ltl 111th it. 30 $ : jion ItRNT-A nice furmehicd room at 022 North 19th StrOot. 511 15 F 1tF.NT-1moUsekcepm4t Furnished and tinfurni4.hod rooms , .1 Jlstorbrook block , 404 North 16th strest. 507-15' 1lOlt Itl1NT-Furnisheil rooms in Gruenig .A. block , cor 13th and liodgo. 1)avls.t itothor. ington , Millard hotel blhard room. 839 I0R 1U2NT.-Furnishe3 rooms 1615 Dodge. .1. 831 .pOIt I1ENT-.Nlooly furnished room. 1623 A Dodge. 11(4 4 011 1IENT-Large front room furnished for gentlemen , ground floor ; maple trees ; grass ; pavement ; Street cars every live mm. utec. 519 liowarti it. Also rooms furnished and unfurnisbed for light housekeeping. 8128 . .pOI8 II12NT-Vurnithed front rtom near oar .2. lane a ; corner of Dmlg. anti 24tS.i Stroete. Inquire or A. H. ComItook 1523 Roam i1. ' 3 $ F .BENT-Furniihod rooms , cheap. 1613 Chicago. . 530 17' , . .I'0It 1IItNT-Furnishd room in Orsunig bik , .5. cor 13th amid Dodge at. lnouire Of Davis & Hethertngton , MUusrO hotel ijilliarut room. M 'Ii'loa : 1tIN'-Blegint sulin or rooms , reereb' .a. s r.qui : , 1007 DougLas it. F OIL IUtNT-besirable furnished room for Kintlemnon at5)9 liowaril si. 580 I OR RENT-A large front remmu in now house bath , and latest modern improve- Inonta , 1619 Webster Street. 12 $ 1OR1tENT-Wareroom cor. 14th and Call' .5. 160mm Ofl Hell Line , 1or Particulars cmi- quire at UnIon Nat.bamik. 18.3 I Oil 1tlNT-Furnisbed rooms , 1707 Ca's.I . I IS F lttNT-Nowly furnished room , board if dcslre'd , H20 Dodge St. 79 $ I IIRNT-Purntsbed room , 1622 lodge. ) . 438 F Oil llFS'L'SuIte of furimistiel rooms fur gentlemen. A. Ilosiio , Jr. , Oil N. 17th. 960 'hObt blENT-Nicely furnished moms , to gen- -I. tbemon only , 224) N. 15th St. . Iloom 2. 048 10It ItEN'l'-Firnlsbod , rooms , eti suIte , in lirivato family , imiodern conveniences. Apply to Leslie & Letlie , 15th 80(1 Dodge siP. I RENT-Nicely furnished room , 1021 Dodge St. 108 FOR SALE---UOUSES---LOTS. - - - - - - . . .I10b8 SALE-S of the cboivot lois in Sotith .8. Omaha , located in Itxcbaiigo place , 2 of thorn cormiers , price fDuOeactm. J. 1 Hammond. 117 8 16th. .4514 tOll SALE-Corner lot on Virginia awn wIth two goofl houses , chieimp at V7,00) . Terilis easy. Ilomipt's rent for $70 per month. S. 14. Capmpbolt,310 S. 16th at. Cbabor of Corn- ! ! .t4ce. ! : 273 T'OIt SALfl or Trade-My Swami Lake prop' .1. erty iii Ilolt county , Neb , Will timimko alt oxeelleiit stimnior resort or stock ranch. 1nko foil by sprimigs , water clear as crystal and limIt of fish. Fume grouse , , luck Still goose shootimmg. , 632 adores land completely suirrotmnilimig tiit' litku. Three cottages omt tlio place. A. H. Noldig , ( Jriuilto biock , Omatma. 019 FOIt SALE-Or trade , 23 lets lit thu Wflstern fimirt of Omaha miomir the lienson car hue. price * 404) each , $230 tliioon contracts pnynhile In ii quarterly payments , will trttd'e interest in contracts for Nobraieit lmtu'I. McCullocb & Co. , 35014 Farnarn St. lIMO r o INVESrOIIS-T have hail placed In my hands for sale twenty iteros , about three miles west of ( tie court house. on the SI. 1' . ry , Jul51 opposite ( ho crossing of time 0. & N. IV. ry. , all level ground , covered with a beuumitlful growth of sliitdo trees. Admirably itdutpted for ii ninnufactiiring slto. Can otTer this at llguros that will make It a sibcluhlti investment if tithon quIck. 000. N. Ihicics. 215 8. 15th 0. 020 20 1713 Car , so for a tow days only V V Lot lOsi Olso's addition for $3,433. 1,0 171 ( hie' additIon , $8,34)3 , Jliockl lloyd's addition , 18.533. ( ) ne.thlrtl oaah balance I , 2 and 3 years. Remington & iucCormnlck , 220 SoUth Itthist. F 011 SALE-or trade , 5 w cor 7th amid Leaveil- worth : vrice * 13,009. Mortomison & Christ- Son , 1414 F'armiarn St. 307 17J 1Olt SALE-T.ot 15 , block 17 , one of tim fiuiest resltlonco lots in Omaha oim l'ark avef acing Ilimnscoui i.ark. prlco $4,000 , 12,504) cash , balaimea time , 4 block froiii two street care , Street will be Paved this summer , paving amid grading to cott nothuing ; this will bo open only for a few days. Address Owner , Aroado hotel , Omaha. 460 153 .4 OIl SALE-At a bargaIn , section 1 , towmmshulp 141 range II , 1mm howard county , this state. Spiendiii soIl , cat ? plow at least four-Iliths ; 5(110h ) miles fromui Elba station , ammO about samno distance from Ii. & 31. ttttioii. I'rlco 110 Per acre : cash , ialaneo , 3 , 2 ammO 3 years. Also 640 acres of good 1110(1 teitig section 25 , tOVn- ship 16 , range 9 woO. This land is sitttitod * lii howard coumity , this Stab , close to tIme U , I' . , amid now statIon on ( ho Ii. & 1.1. branch. Can plow at least three-fourths , bitlianco oxcelheiit pn'iturage. No better soil in the state , a rock bottomii creek rtmiis across tIme extreme south. Wettooriter. Splendidly adapted for general farming or utoca purposes. I'rlco $9 per acre ; i or more cash , bitumen long timne , rho corn crop and graIn erowth this season in the vlciim. ity was never bettor , and is time best advertise. mouit ( it ItS soil. Address Ceo. N. hicks , 215 South 16th st. 520 20 F SALItor trade-A quarter soctioum of land in ouch of ( ho following counties in No- brisita : Frsnkiin , ICenrnt'y , Alamns tomd blot- faIn. A BcetiCti in KeIth county ; 200 acres In Dumyson coumity. Four Ilno Iota In Sorliny , Cut , Two lots iii Central City Neb , Toim shares of Omaha I'anornmua stocc. A team of horses , wilt , or without harness and carriage , A lot in Council Illulls. Three lots in Murphy's ailitiOfl ( ( IVashington 11111) ) antI about twenty- five lots in Omaha and Sotith Omaha. All good nroperty. Will trade for uniooumbered olt3 ( IT farm property. Evans & Jllackhurn , 151w Doilgost. 445 1(4 IIBAUTIFUL i'LAOII-I can offer for a A few days three beautiful south front lots 00 l'oppleton avenue In Itanucom Piaoo. POD. vbeton avommue is miow being graded , and these lots will be just right for grille ; water and gs already on street ; a perfect grade' two lines of Street cars. A bestitlful park and a Splendid iielghborliooil all combine to make this an edo. cant Site for a easy beinG. l'rioo on'y ' E2.700 ; VP ) ) cash , bmtlanco on long time. ( leo. N. lucks , 213 6. 15th at. 520 20 I FOIl want to buy , sell , or trade your pro - orty , call on Charles It. Spotswood , 303 S. 16th St. 40(4 ¶ 1OiiThIi9It-Tho choicest l t in Orchard L 11111. If desired will build houses on timeso lots to suit purchasers. Now is ( ho tinme to got it bouimful boiuin on easy tortmi5 , Apply to Chiarlos N. Sjiotsw000 , 3O3t S. 111th 8t. L AND foraaio ; 2,400 aerosmmt one block of fine farm or grazing land , well wtitored , with runnlmmg spring , 6 miles from two U. It. tKtlon , Ellswortli coumity , Kitnsdts , good mm' provoments , tiousus , sheds , barns , &o. . 200 acres under cultivation , good average corn CFOI ) this year , will sell one section (640 ( acreS ) or the whole. or oxetianro for city property , in- qtulreof A. 0. Morc , 14th and marnam sfreet. 230 I you wamit to buy , soil or trade , cali on L , V. Crum , 120N 15th at. 300 lots 4 of a inibo of U. P. depot for sale or trade. U-room house for rent. Two 10-room houses for remit , sale or trade. 1dlwhldo. fly 815 1. . . V. Cruin , 120 N 15th at. , TOTICE to rent est'tto agents. Heal estate .Ls agents are hereby notified to withdraw from sale August 15th , blocks 11 and 16 in Schlesinger's addition , which enjoins the l'at.- tick farm. Z. T. Lindsey. 8160 114012 SALI0.-The finest residence lot on .1 Dodge street II blocks west or cost omen , 89 feet south frontage , a corner , } . ii. Ken' ifard , 114-118 , 8. 16th St. 80' ) L30It SALE-One million acres of land In No' .1. braska. Speculator's ltsndsrallroacl lands , ranchos1 and farms in all parts of the state , band forpamphlet containing deacrip. lion and price of over one thousand farms. A finotopographicalmapof tno state lent free upon applicatIon. E. H. Andrue for 10 years GonI Land Agent H. & Si. It. 11. iiglith and P streets , Lincoln. NOt'raaka. 240 NaIl cc. Ilids will be received by the board of publjo lands and buildings it any time before Atiglist 15 , 1887 , at 2 p. mu. , for donations for ( belocation for the "Nebraska Industrial Itorne , " Usual rights reserved. 11y order of 6110 bnrd. July26 , 1887. 0. L. LAWS , Secretary. ju20.ito'augl5 Notice to Bridge Bu'Iders. S ET0 Proposals will be received at the otllco of ( tie county clerk tmii to n on of August 80th , 18137 , for iiuiltllng a 20.toot wooden briilgo and 1(10 ( feet of trest'.o uvork north of the iron bridge , north of Waterloo. br.eciilemitmons of above work can ho ascii ntttio county cbtirk'S nilice. 4 ( lopOsit of twenty-live dollars will ha reittirOd with eitoh Iii,1. Tito right is m'osorycd to reject any orahl bIds. liy order of tlio itonril , 0. 1' . NltRlIlAItCounty ) Cbera. aS-1O.l0.17.22-24 Notice. 'ltATPEI ( of apphlcatlomi of 1 : ' . II. ( lontsoh , , .l.v br pormnit to sell liquOr as a (1ru9gist. Notice is ticreby giruut tlmmit F. IL. ( lcntsch ( lid upon ttio Clii day of August , A. I ) . 1887. tile his aiiplicfttlovt 10 the mayor nail city couiicll of Omaltii , for permit to soil malt , slitrittinu , iimid inoii9 liquors as a lriiggist , for motilclnal , miioehitnlcnl ohiomitleal ptirposes only at No. 1601 Iluwarti street , Seventh lviird , mnhthdl , Nob. . from hue 11th dity of April , 1857 , to tue 10th , On ) ' of April , 1145 $ . It there ho no objection , rOlnomistrlnCo : or protest 1110(1 within two wcak from jtimgtist 6th , A. I ) , 1897 , the said periiiit will ho grumiteil. F. it. ( kNTSCII , APlilicant. J 13. SouTirAnD , City Clerk , at-iS To All Persons Whom It May Concern : TOTICE is hueieby given to nh porsomis whomsoever - soover that tug wife , Amelia Itoys , tins muo authority to contract imtiy Iiili in myxiatuo : umid tliitt ( rout and after this dto I will not ho re- sponsiblofor , and will not pimyany bills Orbubt5 she nmny contrictin my mitimne. Omaha , Nob. , August 16th , 1887. ADOLI'l ( I1OYS , First Natiollal Bank U. S. DEPOSITO1tY. OvIA.TI.A. , ' Capital , . , , . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . , , , $500,000 Surplus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1OOOOO Herman Kountze , President. . John A. Creighton , Vice-President. . . . F. II. Davis1 Cashier. . w. H. Hsrquer1 Asst1-Cashi.t , A STRANGE DUEL. Two Mexicans FIlita Ilundreit Tar- anttiiaa in aiirirk itoota. New York SVorltt : Parlktmlnrs of a strange (11101 Iino just Zonked otmt itt ' 11)10(10 , 0. , throtmizti the arrit : tl frotui Mexico of V , ( ' . Mnrtlno , a weitit Ii cohl'co miierciiant. ito says the inrtIc Pants lit time dtml tyoro Senor \'iotorliu , it mining spocimintor , tumiti Setior l'edrazn , aIm o.'ituiisIro ShIp uglier. It took 111:100 : at 'l'tiiiplco : , Mexico , 811(1 lie gIves time following account of the itilitir , his in. formuntlon culiiing tlmrotigli A. A. ' .I'cr- relied tt COfl'eo-btI3'er : tt 'l'mtmlmico : "Sciior Victoria atut Scuor l'cmlrazn a few weeks ago Itiut at a ball gIven at Tiiiiiplco by one of time chief Indies of thu Spaiitshi $ OU'iL'13' . 'l'iio gclttlcmnon , wimilo iioati'mi s1th svlno , quarioled itt the liresetico of the lady , II'iiollI both itd. muireti. Suitor Victorlit eliutliotiged Stttior l'uttriza : , viio mtcceItutL time cituillumigo and stiptilattul that the (1(101 ( iimtist tuko placti In a dark room , As Petirriza Itati tim t'iiolco of wtuiipons ho tloiuutntlcd that \'ictoria itlect him In time roomu whore should ho plaeet it litititired Inrittittilits of tile most POiSOIlOtIs kimi'I ' , mumtl thud each 8110111(1 tIe. vote his eiierics to killing the taraittuins limstcad of lighting his opponciit , 011(1 ne'itilur Imiimst leave the room tlutIl itli the IiOlSomioliS spiders svero killeti. ' 'l'clrazui , it Is t hiotm'lmt , expected ( lint VictorIa vould hover nc'c'eIit tim weapomms , but Victoria did nbt btck : down , and the dtmul took Pltce. : It was fotmgjt In it room 88 tlnrk as ii dtmiigeon. ' [ 'here svero lie seconds , utmiti no omm itt 'l'aiuipico atm- pouted tlio trtithi. Vhtemi the ilnors were broken opeii lo.Lhl liiefl svere found on thu hoer , tiomi , stirrotmmitletl by time htorriblo spiders , soiiie dead and sonmo still bthlvo. Iii spite of the etrorts of friontis to litmah it tmpthu truth leaketi otmt. An imivcstIt- : t ioii was promuilseti , but friends illtorfereti ittiti mittllilmg 5s : ts ( toilonbotlt ( Ito dttclm' "A ' . 'ortl to I lie 'lse In Siilllcicnt. "Catarrh is hot SiIflply an inconvoml- . iotico , UlllIcnSnhit to the suil'uror niul dis' gusting to otlierd-it 18 811 ntlvnmiccd OtIt- } ) OSt of ltptOtchiIiig : disease of Irorio typo. Do not noirleet Its svnrmmlg ; it brings deadly evils mn its train. Before it is too Imtto use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Item- edy. It reaches the seat of time mtilllIellt , ammil Is the only timing that svhli. You ntay . dose yourself wIth qtmaek medicines .tli it Is too lntc-'tii the streamiet becomes - comes a resistless torrent. It is time mima- tured invemition of a sciciitifio physIcian. "A woru to the svise is sufficient. " - - Pasteur and Ills Dome. The Figaro pubIisho tilUfoflowIng blo- graphical details of M. Pasteur , whose well known name is again more fre- qucntly than usual quoted s'neo thin "doj ( lays' ' of Atmgtmst have nrrI'ett : "M. Lotus Pasteur sva born at J'ole'du-Jtmra on December 22 , 18i9. 11th father , who had been In time mirmy , lint ! a lanyard at Arbois , and his highest amimbitlon IVCS that one day his Soil might become a teacher at the Arbois college. Vhen his soil was first admItted as a ptmpll to the college , ho , the smal1ct of the boys , was 80 proud of being a student , that lie nr- rived burdened witim a load of heavy dictionaries of whIch ho had no micod at nil. Up to Lime ago of thirteen , however , ho often desertetl the school 01111 svcnt lisiming or akotciulmmg. At the nrvc " Of eighteen Ito became it ptmpil at time 3esa. nOon college , where he began hIs studies every morning at 4 o'clock. In iBIS M. 14. Pasteur entered time miormal school of which ( me afterwards became ii lrOflIillCblt professor. Some of tim most omnmndnt French chemists wore hits itmstrtictors , and the student's emithiusinsmn for chemistry grow from day to day. Ho spent his Sundays with llarrucl , M. , J. B. liunuts's n8ahitaiit ; and tiluro Is yet to be scon at the Normal soitool a phial con- taming sixtygrammos of phosphore ob- taimiod with the help of some hones which Pasteur had brotight from a butcher , and after burning thoni mtnd stibmnitting titen to various test fromu 4 n.m. to 9 p.m. , re duced thetu to the weight of aixty gralunles. LiltO at nmght , when ho wont to bed , ho murmured , 'Seven houra to wait before I can return to the laora- tory. ' After having Iintshed his studies M. Pasteur become the assistant of M. Ballard , amid shortly after receiving it call to the Normal school ho published hmi.s famous work on spolitanopus regen. oration , which made a great sensation In' tile scientiflo atsml phIlosophic world. " 1st , l'astour'a laboratory at the Nfirmal school , Rue d'UlnI , I'arls , is described by the Figaro as follows : "In one of the rtutc roonis several monkeys arc gambol- imig about , and receive time visitors w'ith friendly griinabcs. Through a passn.e orminmemitcd with the celebrated Camn. brintms song imi a rich frame , whicit : is the gift of the believers of time north , ode ar rives at the sanctuary , a large , wehl lighted itoh. In us center the master stamids surrotinded by nlemnbics , pitials , and other vessels , Jookin through his enormous budget oflettors from all parts In round latticed ctgcs : dogs of ttilThrcnt races are locked up. One Is in the last stage of rabies ; his bark sotinds abnormal ; his hoarse cries are not unlIke time crow of a cock. The noise frightens the rest of time dogs , which rush into the furthest corner of the oitgo if one approaches the door. If you knock with your foot against the cage the diseased dog runs furiotisly about and tries to bmte time tattleo.w6rk. The end of an Iron bar is held omit to him , mind ho seizes it at once wIth his teeth , and will not let it go again oven if the Iron lisa been heated. The animal rtfuses to take the food which Is re.tttlarly oi1brd to It , but it attacks with : ividity time hay whiohi serves as its bed , plocims of wood , : ttitl other thmipgs , ami devours tiion WithoUt Inasticatimmg timont. Ftlrtller on 13 cock crows tritmflllimnlitly , hares , pigs , fl10flke'S siibnl'it vith varying docility to the imloectllatlons , anti all thmcs creatures share the atmne : fate. Vith regard to thin dogs , M. Pasteur 8ayS : "These animals are stmffetitm without doubt ; it Is a ln'v of nature. It ms necessary thtit a few should imave to suffer for the sake of tim whole community , If I make thorn suiTor , it Is in order to save timemmi anti to alit human beIngs. ° I WotIlti mInver have the courage of killing a bird for the sake of sport , but svhnit it is a case of nlakilig cx pcrimimdntt 1 hlttvemio6oruplcs : tt all. " 1)yspepnin Makes the his'es of ninny peoi'lu ' ilmlSiU'O- ho , mind often lends to seIf.tlostrilotiori. Ve kllow of mm remuedy for ttyspumpsla titoro sticeessitil tiium : hoot ! 'a Sarsiuparlila. it nets gently , yimt aumrnly anti oilleitutmtly , tones time stoummmtolt arid otlitmr tmrgaiis , re. lflfi'CS the fuint fetilliig , cr.ittes . ii good 01)1)011(0 ( , curtis iltTtIittCliO itiiit refreshes that btmrduneii mlliltl. ( lye ilooti 'it Sor'- haliarilta a fair trial , It svlll do you gouit The Itliiiberlimy U.ld I"b'hds , Sui : Francisco Call : Vrnlmm Perthi we lemitmi that on .ILIUil 30tit Sergeant. Shwrry , lit charge of the gold ( 'soort , t'operts I bitt oil May 5th thin PrOsI'cOtS of the Kim. burioy gold ilelils vore atlit vot'y hood , l'hitm titiwly discovorutt roofs excited ox- hcctntktl , int'l ' the mnlnurs on the littiti are most SUnguillhlo , 'J.'wtthve reefs httve been registered. l'ictity munro sviil he registered whim InItuilitlery arrives. 'l'hero are quito live htmimilrcii moraomis ott the tieiti , till of wllohu arc limithhmig a ihli. hood. ' [ lie gold Ibid is becomimbng more OXttlfltCl1 tuvery WUUk. It Is OII.I . Iiumiiirml timhles fu'otn time Lower 11ttitntl % vorkilmgs of Motuilt locknrehl ) , Gold hmut also buitti founti LSVCtlty ! miles ftmrt her mu tint utttio Ijiroetioll , .fltCutSJII'6 ( rmef hiss been $ triIuk In several lilnecS for tipvnrds ( If a limlle from time imimilmi ahirtit , silwillg better re- suits than have liitiu'tto hoen lroetlrtt ) , An excufleimt led 1188. beeii foimntl al MotImIt 1 ) ockerell , yicttliuig tIl3sUrpusscd epocimouti. ' . . - - - - Tim llo.t OosmhictI.3uo ft iaIy CIII ) 1150 is 17. perfectly proparc tollul sosji. ' Try ensbinru IJUUQIIPI , , - , . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - - - . - , . . - A LOSING GAME. LiVELY CHAT \VITII A WO1tEING , MAN IN MINNEAPOLIS. What Ho Said in flogart ! to SoniotIdn Which Troubled Him for a Long Timno amid How lie tiot Rid of It. "All right. " saId a hmright , rtmIIy.fnc'eI yotmng maim with a clear voice. lIe wits dressed tis a orki iuglmiitu , , altO aloud iii finn I (1 f the miow boo so ofiiiiiti erimi iii , , I htm imuilier on Si st Ii av hilts , aboVe liglitcemitii Street , 4iiimimmtlmoltS , lii bail for ti iuiomui lit lImit itsIll dl Ii Is I'tI , hiui1t ( irS toohi. The speaker was Villiiutii 11. 1Ieskotti 181 $ l4IftIi il'Ctititi , S. , .Iiiuiiieumpolis , - - 1 . . . 3i ; : : . : 'lq5" " 'J : . . . tt - . : m/ . * 4 , : : : / -.4 . ; a' ' ' 'All right , " Sir , Ileskoth continued , r08 course. Ioum't ) ynum see 1 mini tibbo to do tuy dayi work with ttui ) tilL'lii I I doii't think I was over bolter lii my lilt , than 1 inn jtmst mtt ( us Prsunt ( line. " "I ltctirii ttttit you were tmm a bud wits' . " . "IVeil I hind to give tiii IVOIk , itmid I was bosi my slromugth Pretty tnt. A Ilttlo ever it bout list ) I was a toloritbly dociiioih kind of ilim iiiviii I hail litid catarrim for two yours auui had hem . eiiilrchv titmitble to chock it. It came oit ( ruin a cold and settled iii nit' throat itni bugs. My tIirot got so sere that I could hitrdiy eat any. thing at all. SI ' nose vuma St oppud UI ) cud I coti Id ouiiy broat Ito ( Ii ruulgti my iiioiitli , 1 Ii ito lii tmiost coOt Itiuilti iittiui iii mid 3' hi uitI. , comughied fm'equemmtly itmuul was imiways m'nisiiig plilognm. I could feel the mnuoitms ( iiolliag ( lQWfl the hack Pmtrt of my throat. 1 wont to two or tliroo doctors. ( limo of them tried to clear toy thront out us'itli tin oboctri battery 'i'hiey tried VlIrltiIR moiitoitles Odi ildu , hut I go Worse all the time , itmii I got worse fast , too. I bectuimu weak iuid discouraged , iii ) lmiui wag Rimmiost unlmoartmblo , One mnoritlug I luau iii the imnpers of a case of cimtnrrli wliicli , hiiid boon ImroumnmmnvoI inotirtiblo , anti vhteli 1)i. ) McCoy InmO cured , I wcuit to see lillim. Ito told immo that 1dm ) ' catitrrli hind becoute cltenumic , iind that i mimieht take tIm roe mouth a to eti ru IiIi , IV oil , vCOt under his tromttmnciit. lint little over C itmonthi bias pnsed , itimfi I itiuvo galim oil iii slroiithm itnil 8hJli'tito _ I have mmii muuoro cotig , 110 inure m'alsIumg of philegimi , no nuor pain iii iti3' lic'aO or Ititigs tumy tiuro atiel m10O iiro m''rrootiy * d3Citi and bm'oitllio titplIy , , I hitire no more of that tired IImmUal4Y Icoildig , iuul I nun able to eat its hear as uiitl , numI do as good a ( ia3'a work its aim initti ilm tmWIi , and I consider muysolf oomnbbctt'iy cured. " SNEEZING CATAURH. What It Moans , How It Acts aid Wbat It I. . You sneeze when you got up lit the morning , you try to aiico.o your nose oil every luiio YQII itre ( IzIloSuil to the least dm11 ( if air. You liOf it fullness over time front of time forehead , tide iiOSO feels as though there a imbuqid cacti nostril which you cannot dislodge. toU blow your nose until your earsorackhutit don't (10 any goodand ( lie only result us tna you atioceed In gottilig up ii very rod nose , am4 you so irrittito tbellimlmig nmembraue of that os' . ' - gnu thatyou are unable to breathe tltroub fl Itt all. 'fliis is a correct amid not overdrttw4 Picture of an acute attack of catarrh , of "Sumoozing Catttrrhi" as it is called. Now , vbut dee this coni.litiOn 1nihicate FIrst , a cold that cnqses mucus to be vourpa oumtbytho glands In tlio imoso : then those dm5. eased gimintla too attutekod by swiirtns of littls ' iloats Jim thiS germs-the catarrh goi'zii-thuitt air in a locality whore the disenee is pi'ovalomtt. These animalculae , in theIr efforts to find it lodgniommt , irritate the sommsltivo mitembrane un- log the nose , and nature umltlertItkt'S to rut borsch or thorn iv prodecluig it Ill of snoozing , When the nose 'becomrues fihicil mmliii thickened , and dlscttsod niucus tue nmuimrlih channels for I ) thu lmittoductioim of air Into tIme lungs Is immter- Icreil with , amid thu Iiet'Oii So oiiectoiI iimust breathe through ( lie tllotdtiiltnhl by such moans the tiiromtt bocoumtes mtrcIied and ( try , snoring ii prodticetl , itlid ( lien the outs.rrhal dloaao guitis roitdy aceoms i.e the throat and lungs. PALPABLE SIGNS. By Which a Presence Undesirable Ii Made Zuown. WhomI cnt&rrli hmaa existed in the head a umipor part of thin throat for any length , ' titimo-tho iIttieflt living In a district Wbor people are subject to oat'tvrhah affection-an ttmodkoaso has heomi loft. tincurod. the eatarrh iiil'tlrldtbly somotimosslowly , oxtoimdn dowli the winhhliIpo amid imito tlio bronchial tubes , sihmich tubes convoy ( tie air into ditroront parts of Ifs hiiimgs. The tubes become sheeted from tIme swelling and thu nmucus itrislug fiom outarrh , and in some Instances become so plugged tip that time air catmimot got Iii as freely as I ehioiibd. Shnrtmiosm of breath follows. and the liittloiit brcitthuos wIth limber and dlihlouily. 4 Thmo pait , which atcoimililiiiOs this condition Is of tidtill cliaraclor , felt in the chest , bobmuil tile breast bone ot lummijur the shoulder blade. -4 Thu hum iimuy unman itiiil go-last a tow days Itlil tilOn be nbseiit for several Others. The cotigh Ihatocutirsiti the first stages or bron. ' ehisi eatiirrit is dry , comes at liitorvitI , is bsok' ing in character , ani micimally most trouble. some in the iminrning on arIimmg or going 14) ticl at imlgtit , nail It may l'o the flrstovidonuo of time dibcaso extomidimig into thu lungs. Soniutinmos there are Ills of coughing induced 113' thu tough mucus-so violent as 10 cause vntmiiting. A weak StoiflRtltm nail adlhike for food oammsoa tium patient to think lie has a diuso of ( lie stuinttchiinstctld of thu lungs. DOCTOR JI Cresap M'Coy ' Late of Bellevue Hospital , N.Y bins aPIces in 310.311 RAMGE BUILDINU Cor. 15th and ilarney SLreots , Omaha , Nob. ' W'bci'u , ihl curatilo cases are trodmte'l ' with altO' CbS. 81 oil k iii .1 ittis ( ' t I'It ( , ai S Ku I ii I ly , Colt' suam lii Ii ) ii , I I I II1I I 's ltS'IiI' ( ' , hFpom slit , bUt a ii- itmnlislil , 111111 till Nlthtl'Otfi ! hl1hAi'iRM. ) iul ill- 5511505 imlemillar I , ) time sexes a SlioCittItI' . (3.1. : 'rAitlIhI L'lltII ) , 4 ( : ( ) Nbt I.'i''iiIN ill oltice CI' by auth $1. - ' 11111cc lluilr.4 : ( I to I I n.m. ; 2 to I P. Q. ; 7 to 1) i. iii. liuiicbmiys iitcItmmlal. 4 , Con es ( ( ' ( ' , ' , i es Pi'O Ui lit attcitlon. . NdIII.hitilR'l'S . 100 trcamftl ticcossfiiliy hiy hr I IcCur Iltiougli the iutttli , utah It is tItus 10551. . 311(1 for I Itlin e ii uiile I o in ithu it iournuy to iii , , tr.lii suet esslili IlispItdI ( treatment at thIr liohoes. No 1(4(11' ) 5 ( hisS , Cred. uniei HJc0111I'l' mm iou by 4 ii Iii ci a 01115. IShilr'S' ( 111 ioiitira to Di' , J. 0. McCoy. rooiiia . I : and 311 1tgums jjutliliig Omuiiu1 N81i.m. . . . ' - : _