Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dtllrcred by carrier n nny part of the city ai
twenty ccuu per w * k.
B. W.TILTOJT , . ' Manager.
Brstirrps Omcr. No. 43.
N. Y.PInmblng Co.
Belter , tailor. Bummer goods cheao
The plat of Regatta pliico , located or
Lake Munawa , was filed yesterday.
Fine coupes for ladles calling , Wra
Lewis , telephone 128. Oillco 410 Broad
Theodore Bray's stallion. Dillard Alex
under , Is in from the Macedonia breeding
Regular communication of Bluff Cit :
lodge , I < o. 71 , F. & A. M. , this ( Tuesday
evening , August 10. Visiting brethrur
cordially invited.
L. C. Baldwin has commenced stii
Against the city , claiming $555 for un
paid certificates , Issued for the tilling o
Broadway under thu lioylo contract , IK
having purchased these.
There have been several reports to tin
effect that Miss Urahl had died from thi
effects of hnr injuries , but she was stil
alive last night , and her physician sayi
her chances for recovery arc good.
Between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday
noon someone entered the stable in tm
rear of the residence of Mrs. and lr
MuKune , on First avenue , and stole tw <
nets of carriage harness , one being a single
glo and the other a double set.
On Sunday evening there were four
teen now members received into thi
Methodist church on probation. Amonj
them were It. C. Hubbard , Mr. Kissel
nnd others well known in the coimmm
The road around to Manhattan bcaci
is open and many persons who fear UK
crossing of the lake now drive around it
Since the high water has gone down tin
road has been put in good condition am
it Is now in bettor shape than it was las
A number of the old storm watei
sewers , which cross unper Broadway ant
empty into the crook , are causing man ;
complaints. Residents have been usmj
these outlets for house sewerage pur
poses , and as a result a terrible stench
Arises. Stops should be taken to abate
the nuisance promptly.
W. H. Burns was selected at theFourtl
ward republican caucus as ono of thi
delegates to the county convention. 1I <
says that this was without his sanction
or authority , and that ho must decline ti
serve , as he is not in politics. Ho savs hi ,
business strictly railroading.
Mrs. Melissa Norman wants a divorci
from August Norman , to whom she win
married in Omaha , in August , 1881. Shi
claims that he has deserted her , that hi
is living with another woman , and tha
ho has become an habitual drunkard
If the half bo true , she ought to have he
freedom ,
Officer Covalt hud just brought in i
fellow for disturbing the pence , ant
while booking him , the prisoner slyl ' <
slipped out of the front door. Ho wa'i
recaptured , and the now olllcor wil
doubtless profit by the incident to b (
on the alert in cases hereafter where lit
has got to servo ns clerk and watchman
The Mueller Musin company , of thi1 ;
city , has just published a now song. "Hi
the Sea , " the words being by Rev. G. W
Crofts , pastor of the ( Jongregntionn
church , nud thu music by Prof C. B
Lipfert. All concerned m the presents
tion of this new song to the public , boinf
residents of the city , there is a peculini
local interest ielt in it , aside from the
merit which it certainly contains.
Inquiries wore being made hero yester
duy by telegraph anil by personal search
for a young man , named James Lankton
who has-been at work in the brick yardi
hero. His brother , living at Defiance
Iowa , got word Sunday that ho had beet
killed here , and ho at once sent here foi
particulars. Nothing could be learned
ns to the young man , or how the roper
was started.
The case of Chris Bader , arrested foi
robbing Thompneu , has boon continue (
until this afternoon , and bail fixed a
$1K)0. ( ) The accused is unable to furnisl
bonds. It is claimed by him that ho hat
notiung to do with the robbery , and th <
police are looking for his comrade , wh <
is thought to have been the most autivi
in the transaction , nnd who has appar
cntly skipped from the city.
John Murphy was arrested yestorda ]
for being ugly drunk. He was so obsti
nate about being searched that the olll
ccrs had quite a tussel with him , bem >
obliged to throw him onto the iloor am
hold him. After being put into the steo
cell ho yelled so lustily that the hose wai
turned on linn nnd a half hour's drench
ing was necessary before ho would be
have himself.
Mrs. Dnfrico , who lives In the south
eastern pnrt of the city , was complninci
of yesterday for unmercifully whipping
a neighbor's ' child , Charles Cole. It tip
rears that the boy had plucked an oar o
corn from her favorite hill , and this s <
angered her that she chastised him. hit
ting him harder than she should , nut
leaving sumo black and blue marKi upoi
his body. She appeared before Justice
Barnctt and plead guilty. The fine as
sesscd was a nominal one , f 1 and costs
Peter Wind yesterday commenced worl
npon the bent house for the Omaha Row
ing association , the new house to bo lo
cated alongside of the Council Bluffs
club house on the shore of the lake. The
building will not bo completed this sea
son , it being so lute , but it will bo speed
ily put up so that it can be occupied this
season , the bent house pnrt of it to hi
built at once , uud ttio second storywhlel
will bo used for club purposes , will b (
loft until the spring.
Captain Anderson Sunday nighl
thought ho hud discovered a genuine
burglar. It was in the Fourth ward , ami
in the darkness he discovered a fellow
moving so stealthily nud suspiciously
along , that he milled his gun , and ordered
dored him to halt , lln found that the
follow had his shoes and stockings off ,
and was carrying these m his hand
which confirmed his suspicions. It took
the fellow some time to convince the
officer that ho had been innocently spend
Ing the evening with nis best girl , and
wns trying to get into the house without
waking the old folks.
Ned Forrcst.tho reformed gambler , whc
hold such a successful scries of roviva
meeting nt the Broadway Mcthodisl
church last winter , was recently here
again , and expected to return to occupy
the pulpit on Sunday. Ho wont to Ham
burg to spend a few dnys in the mean
time nud was there pressed into service
to conduct n series of meetings , ho hav
ing before mot with much success there
This prevented his giving the people o
Council Bluffs his expected address. For
rest has been at work in California since
ho was hum last winter , and his sousa
* tional mannerisms , and his crusades upoi
* what ho terms "ice cream and seal skh
Christians , " were severely criticised.
For Sale A standard bred stallion foi
ono'fourth Its value. Will sell on time
Fivu years old. Will show 8:85 gait. A
f , C. Arnold , Dcunlson. In.
V For Sale Harry Smith's photograul
gallery cheap. Inquire of Harry Smith
Pacific house Ic the nearest hotel to thi
majority of real estate offices in the city
| 2 per day.
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend monoy.
The Auditor Completes the List of Judg
meats Against the City.
A Monday Morning Grist of Pollc
Caics Dread well Surrendered by
his linnclHtnon Other News of
Council liliifTH Interest.
The City KlnnncM.
The city auditor has been completing
the list of judgments against the cit\
The footings are $27,039 Si. The cost
and accrued interest up to September 1st
amount to ? 3,4 > I5. Among the judgment
is about $13,000 tor city warrants , whlcl
speculators bought up at an nverag
probably of twenty-live cents discount
and which the city will now have to pa ;
at face value , with interest. Most u
these warrants were issued in paymen
of bills against the city , which were rcii
dercd on an expected discount , so tha
really the city got only soventy-livo cent
in actual cash value , for what it wil
now have to pay one dollar am
interest. If , for instance , while wai
rants were selling for 75 cents on th
11.00 , a man worked for the city a hal
day , his wages m cash being if 1.00 a daj
instead of making his bill out for 7
cents he could make it out for f 1.00. Th
city would allow the $1.00 , issue a wai
rant for it. and the man would sell it t
some broker for 75 cents , thus securinj
the amount due him in cash. The broke
would hold the warrant , with others o
like nature , and at last sue and get Judy
mout , and the city pay the $1.00 in cash
and perhaps two years Interest , 13 cents
thus paying In the end $1.12 for what i
might have secured for 75 cents. Inothe
words , the city pays 37 cents for the us
of 75 cents cash , or about 50 per cent ic
Figurine on this basis the city in thi
batch of judgments will bo called on t
pay in costs , in interests and m the dil
fercnce between buying for cash or war
rants , the snug little total of between si
and seven thousand dollars. If it wer
poshiblo for the city to got its finance ;
down to a cash basis , or practically sc
the city would now have between six an
seven thousand dollars to put into othc
departments. This sum would go quit
a ways toward paying for the now hoe
and ladder house , or for lighting street
with electric lights , or the new city haler
or other improvements needed s
badly. As it is the city has ha
nothing and can show nothing , fc
the six or seven thousand dollar
In view of these figures and this conch
sion , the city authorities are justified i ;
a constant endeavor to keep the expense
of the city down to as near the cash paj
ing point as pe > ssiblo. The loss of licons
from saloons , and the reduction of othc
cash sources of revenue , make it mot
diilicult than ever to follow the policy t
lessening the number of warrants ou
standing. Such are the figures whie
Blare the official in the face , and thos
who are so u rerun t for the expenditure c
mouny from tun city treasury should coi
sieler the situation before criticising th
council too severely for an apparent tendency
doncy to conservatism.
A New Fire Hulldlnc.
The plans for the hook and laddc
house have boon examined by numerou
contractors during the past few days
and thirteen bids wore fileel yesterday
The pland are for a two story brick , t
occupy the site of the present old built
ing on upper Broadway. The front c
the new building will bo a pleasing one
The dimousions of the building will b
24x121 feet. The first floor will be ai
ranged for a hose cart to stand in front
with stalls for the horses on each side
so that they can spring readily to th
polo. Back of this is the space to b
occupied by the new hook and ladde
truck , and stalls for those horses are als
to bo conveniently located so tlmtaquic
start may Lit had in case of fire. In th
rear is a hospital stall to bo used for sic
or disabled horses.
The upper floor is divided into roomi
The front ono is a largo sleeping roon
with wardrobes , closets , wash bowls , an
a bath room. A polo is to be put in , b
which the fire boys can quickly slid
down to the main floor. Back of th
front room is another largo room , whic
can be used by the firemen. In the roa
of the second floor is room for feed an
for grain boxes. In the details every pos
sinlo convenience is to bo provided , bet
for the comfort of the firemen and fc
the efficiency of the department.
The building will bo put up at 'once
The now hook and ladder truck has bee
ordered , but will not bo here until ih
new building is ready to receive it. Th
now truck will weigh 7,000 ponnds , an
will require a strong , as well as lice
footed team. The committee is lookin
up additional horses for the use of tli
department. Ono largo team of Norma
greys , which has been on trial for a fo' '
days , has been purchased for $305. Thi
new team will be used at present on tti
Main street hose cart , and the llghti
team now in use on that cart will bo pi
onto the patrol wagon.
flrondwcll'a Honda.
Yesterday the bondsmen of S. J
Broadwoll , whoso case is appealed to th
supreme court , turned him over to tb
sheriff of this county. Owing to th
prominence which baa been given h
case , and the dreary way in which it ha
been dragged through the courts , the ae
of his bondsmen caused no little inquir
as to what change has led to this step o
their part. The bondsmen are Log&
frinnds and it is learned that the action we
not duo to their anticipation that Broad
well had any intention of disappearing
They express themselves as satisfied the
Broadwell is all right , but they got n
leased from the bond as a matter of pei
sonal convenience. They desired to mak
a loan on some property , and the bon
was viewed as an incumbrance. Hone
they sought release. A now bond i
being prepared by others , and he wi
doubtless soon bo enjoying his libort
again. The supreme court has his cas
under advisement , and during the perio
of waiting he has been employed in thi
The Monday Morning Grist.
There wore twenty-live or more case
for Judge Aylesworth to dispose of yes
tcrday morning , the police haying bee
either unusually active , or the sinner
being unusually unruly over Sundaj
Most of the offenses charged were mine
ones , getting drunk , disturbing th
peace , vagrancy , etc. Most of the pris
oners wore fined , except the vagrants
who wore given a chance to leave th
city. Two of them , who eeomed to b
traveling companions , wore kindly givoi
permission to uo out and play ( or tw
nou" , the judge telling them that h
didn't have room for them just thor
"Am I discharged ? " "No , sir , you ar
not discharged , but lust lot go for tw
hours. Bo back at that time. ' His con
panlon evidently posted him on eettin
outside , so that ho understood the pocu
hurities of the judge , for neither of thcr
came back to claim a week's board o
the expense of the county.
The OHy Council.
Th'e city council met last nignt will
only a quorum present. . ,
The bid ot George S. Miller ( or th
construction of sewers onllarruonstw
and Seventh uvcmio was thu only om
received , Referred.
The bids for the construction of tin
new engine house on Broadway were a
follows ; Wlnklmm Brothers , 17,130
Peter Wind , $7,470 ! Chris Straub , $7,70fl
Martin Hughes & Son , $0,1)00 ; J. P
Weaver. $7,550 ! John Hammer & Co.
10,700 ; F. X. Rlss. fO,801 ; McMillan t
Co. , $7,03. " } . The contract was awurdci
to F. X. Rlss.
Petition of J. L. Stewart for damage
on account of c linn 1:0 of grade in tin
amount of $1,818.31. Referred.
E. E. Aylesworth and Gcorgft Holme
were allowed $200 in cosh for rcvisini
the city ordinances , that bring tin
amount of cash allowed thorn under tin
contract , thu balance being in city war
Alderman Keller stated the lire com
mittco yesterday bought a team or horse
for use in the fire department , and i
warrant was drawn for $3 , > 0 for tha
Committee on streets and alloys re
ported adversely upon 'Hitltiou fo
straightening Harrison street. Concurred
rod in.
When you are in tha city stop at tin
Pacific house. Street cars pass the dee
every fifteen minutes for all the depots
Meals 50 cents each.
Mr. and Mrs. McClurg are rojoicln )
over a new son at their home.
Miss Ella Ragsdalc , of DCS Moincs , f
visiting the family of Henry Swan.
Mrs , J. B. Atkins is soon to visit Wash
ington and her old homo in Baltimore.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell lef
yesterday for Denver on a pleasure trip
Dr. Brown anel Bert Evans started ou
yesterday with their hunting suits am
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haller of Omah ;
spent Sunday hero us the guests of H. C
Mrs. W. H. Thomas , wife of the count
recorder , has returned from a visit to he
old home.
Mr. anel Mrs. H. H. Snelman , parent
of the Spolmun Bros , have gone to Col
( ax Springs.
Phil Moomaw yesterday welcomed
little stranger to his home. She ha
come to stay.
Mr. Benders , ono of the editors an
proprietors of thu Industrial West , c
Atlantic , was in the city yesterday.
Riley W. Brigga of Carson was in th
city yesterday. He is getting where th
ligntning of the democratic couvcntio
may hit hira this fall.
Mrs. Jennie McConnell has returnc
from Siloam Springs much improved i
health. Her mother , Mrs. G. A. Robir
son , still remains there.
Harry McGee has returned from hi
western trip. He has nott added to h :
weight , but is decidedly more rugge
than when ho started out from here.
Ed Wright , of the Council Bluffs insui
ance company , and his wife are enjoyin
a week's camping out at Mynster Sprint
with Harry Curtis and wife of the Y. &
C. A.
L. Biedorman has returned from hi
eastern trip , and from the number e
boxes and bales being tumbled into h
clothing store the purpose of his going i
W. B. Mack loft last night for Ne
braska , after having boon laid up fc
seven weeks with inflammatory rheumi
tism. Ho still hobbles on crutches , hi
hopes to bo able to get along withoi
them in a few days.
At the Pacific house vou will save froi
GOo to $1 per day. Try it and bo cot
A Professor in Law.
Prof. Augustine Hurt was employed b
the school board last fall as principal e
the High school. After serving for
short lime lie was displaced , the boar
apparently preferring some other ma
for that position , lie has now con
menced a suit against the independen
school district of Council Bluffs , claimin
a balance of $700 for salary to the en
of the year. The suit , if tried , will air u
some of the numerous difficulties whin
have attended the management of th
High school during the past year.
One thousand head of one , two an
three-year-old steers for sale. Will giv
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A
J. Greonamaycr , G23 Mynster St. , tele
The Theatrical Profeiilon.
Merit will win and recelro public recognition am
praise. Facts , which are the outcome of general ei
perlence , growing through years ot critical am
practical test , become aa rooted and Immovable a
the rock of Gibraltar In public opinion , and hence
forth need no further guarantee a * to their genu
Inenesi. The Indisputable fact that Swift's Speclfli
Is the beat blood purifier In the world , Is ono of thes
Immovable. Gibraltar rock fucts of which no nan
spoken , and every da ) 's experience roots tbltcou
vlctlon deeper ami dcvptir lu publlo opinion. Eer
class of our people lu America ami In Europe
every trade , calling and profession. Including th
medical profession , liavo Iwrno voluntary testi
mony to the remarkable virtues of 8. a & an '
Its lufalllblo cfflcnvy In curing all diseases of th'
e , emers o e theal
rtcal professl'm. who gratef ullj testify to the wonde
ful curative qualities of the Bpeclllo in their Indl
? M > < $ . Their testimonials . . _ are . . _ _ herewith _ _ Ji sub _
mitt Aft tfi tlm ttllKH/1 nrltK K * * * V. - i
y of the Residence Theatre , Berlin , Ger
ii , rf w l * * , * IVJtot ' sOiW& Company , of Chicago
iSS2"cm.S ? ' we" known member of the Ne „
York Thalia Theatre Company. Both are well knowi
la theatrical circles lu this country and lu Euroi * .
Charlotte Ilundow'si Testimony.
Niw YORK , May S , 1887
Bwlft Specific Company , Atlanta , Qs !
Oentlemen-HttYlng teen annoyed with plmoles
ruDUoiii and roUKhnesaofthu skin , from ba.1 con
clltlon of my Llood , for more than a year , I used t
Uadlng preparation of sarsanarllla and other adrcr
Ji ? .rem , fto no 'ffoc'Tten I consulted a prom
IS. ? ' P5"lct"il ! ' nd rrom "U treatment recelred
? fSS , . 'ili 'i li 5 concluded to try the a 8.8. rem
fSr w h. Moot , and nve or six package * , by t
_ CiunLorrc IUNDOW ,
153 Bowery , near Canal Street.
IIu o Hasskerl'a Testimony.
The Swift Specific Company , Atlanta. Ga. :
Gentlemen For two years I had a severe caseol
ecaeiua. luscdlar oapsnulphursoap , andvarlou
" - .and wa prescribed
n-njeille for by numben
of Physicians , but found no relief. Atlas"Ideujr
nlned to try the a a a remedy , and seven or eivhl
use this"loved me. andyou C"
any manner you wish
emUeU " ' . ,
K.w Tork. . , s , ,8
Treatise on Blood and Sklu Diseases mailed free.
Tu SWUTT Si-xcirio Co. ,
Drawer 8. Atlanta , as.
U.tT.U.I.U.l ,
UiUi < f
Owtar to tb. UMIIL KUmtlTI r th * clottrhlrk
OJtOTTT * . , CklMC * , IU ,
Cor , 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs ,
One of the best Educational Institi
tions in tha west. Boarding and da
school conducted by the Sisters of dim
ity , B. V. M.
Board and tuition for a term of fiv
months , $75. For further particulai
St. Francis Academy ,
_ Council Blufls.L
Attorneys at Law *
Practice In the State and Federal Cour
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bcno Block.
- AND -
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co.
NO. 23 MAIN ST. ,
Will In All Cases Cure This Disease.
Blncc the MMory of medicine * true Specific fo
BjplillHIe Dlncaic hiu betn souisht fc.r . J it nr-vc
toiind until thedUeoreryof our M AOIC KKUEU7.
We h e ercrr reuon to believe that It It M c
lutelr unknown to unr phynlcUn. ipeclalUt or cncn
lit living , ntther In tlili or the old world.
It w s Alicoverr d t > r mere accident thirteen year
Kobrn man of no financial mean * Imt u namr ?
chrmltt. who only u ed It In a qnlet way In CMC
rnmlncto hit notice where lufTereri could get n
tPllef.ihoiiBh thoroughly trylnz every known leiy
rdvand cinplo > lnK tl.e mutt skillful pnrtlclani I
the land , who had ultimately pronounced these case
nThercmcdy here advertised hi > been guarded wit !
the utmost secrecy since Hi Ul covcry. until nrci
ago. n hen thin ilifmlit died poor , n he nlwajshu
born , and the original . 'formula purchased of hi
widow. Till * In hrlef U the true history of this mui
T"lErcoOI'llKMKtV ' CO. therof > ro have possci
dim oftlie only medicine In the world that will cur
thin Ire > iieilll"0isc ! In all Its form ) .
Thcvnrcjustlflcil In thli statement for the rca n
that the latest medical works , p iiilishcil by the ben
known authorities , fttj-thi-rolbiio true upcUtle.
We nay now we have a THUK bpioino ONB THA
Those who have employed every other known ren
cdy without benefits phonldKlv3 us n trial. Nucur
DO pay , and no expense ( o patient In nny way.
We do not sell the Itcmcdy , or send It oat , und (
any circumstances. . ,
Wewllltrratall ftiRCJof this dlscaia at our 1)1
pensary , or at the patient's res'denco either 1
Omaha or elsewhere In uusci where the putlint :
We linvn a ItnR I'hynlclaii In utteml
Rnro who U n eruiliiatd r voru.l cnll | ;
and IIHH hail ever 3B vHr < ' tiiiprlpiice. ;
If w FAIL TO cunr , THE COOli 11EMEUV C (
ixrcnuitn IN VISITI.XH.OHAIIA , whether the distant
be ten or ten thousand nillcn.
Onr contract * will be endorsed by a responslb
peison and to the entire sitl'ficllon of patients.
Old chronic cn c ol liono rliita and Olcut perm
nentlyruri'd , Hslf liymsRlc , In llTc dajs.
Thin Remedy acts Immediately upon the BIoo
removing from theeystomeTeiy ( race of poison.
Frver Hiiro * . ( Jlrern , Kriiiitloiia , Her
Mouth. II lr-Falllntr , nnil nil Skin llli
enscB cured In a niHrvolouily nhiirt time.
Noother known Itemedy In the world can dolni
months what we Euaranti to do In two weeks.
All w * ask Is a ttla ! . Do J.OT FOROIT THAT v
OITAHANTXC A cm on NO PAY. No Specialist
1'hyslclan will do this. You know from nast expel TOU arc one of the afflicted. These 1'hyi
clans know they 1m e no remedy with which tin
CAN cure all Chronic Cnses of St phllli. and will , as
matter of course , say It Is Impossible to effect a pi
mancntcure. Hut we defy any of them to bring ui
case that we will not cure permanently In a short
time than IB required for the mo t recent cases wli
any other known remedy In the world.
Correspondence nud a critical lnie tlgatlon soil
Iteil both as to our financial I lauding and veracity.
Finest Lantte
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. !
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 93
lu Amber ,
etc.Hair 0
nnments , o
well aa th
newest 1101
cities in hal
i Hair peed
madcto orde
Mrg. C. L. Gillette
29 Mnlu St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. On
9f town work solicited , and all raal
orders promptly attended to.
Has * complete line of
111 l ii
Lnrge bats in white , black and all colors. Pj
cwni1nT1' \ ' baul , n(1t0iuo ( , aapeoialty.
No 15U .
Ooujrlns t. , Omaha.
Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yard
Horses and mules constantly on ban
lor sale at retail or in car. load lot
Orders promptly filled by contract o
short notice. Stock sold on coramlBsior
Telephone 114. SHLUTEH & DOLBY.
. Ojpojito ? Dummy Depot Council tiluft
) nclrcrtleomcnti , such M Loit , Fo.ind
n , Kor Bale , To Rent , VSnnts , flonrdlnir ,
etc. , will boluiorted In thli column ftt the low
ratoof TEN CKNTSPKIl LINK fortlioflm Inset-
lonHndVlveContirerUnoforeach subsequent
Ineortlon. Leave ftcyo UsomenU nt our offle *
No. Li Vcarl street , Uroadnay , Council
muffs. _
_ _
TIlOu MEiNT-Omnha merchants wishing to
- * upon a brunch storu m Council Hindi ,
Imvo now tbo opportunity of ircttliiK n tlrat-
china store room Ihxco foot , In the heart of tha
city at vcrr IO\T rent. J. C. Uollnvcn.
w ANTKD A Rood shoonmkcr. Apply to
Goo. Woollier , Shonanduuli , Iowa.
FOIl HKNT-Fiu-nished room with bonrd , No.
fill Mill itrect Two gent * or man and
wife preferred. _
TTIOU SALK-Or Trado-Completo itock fur *
-L' Dlturo. ftovci , etc. ; also building , in good
town on Wnbaih road 20 miles from city ! no
opposition , tlood rim'ons for nolllnp. Terms
easy. Will Invoice about J2.500. Address or
call on Merchant , 3.'S llroadwny , Council DlulTs.
WANTBD-At once , Rood girl. Call on Mrs.
IlaMaue , corner ot Seventh avenue and
101 h street. _
T/OH 8AM3 Oil TlADB.-For ! Conncll Bluffs
J property 40,000 acres of town and No-
brnska land. J. It. luce , 110 Mam St. Council
Dluffs. _
WANTED Situation ns bookkeeper by
yountf mnn who can plvo sntlifactnry ref
erences ns to experience , hnblts and reiponsl-
bility. Q. D. lice office. Council limits. _
Situation as enlcsmanln vroccry
WANTED Hofcroncea Klven. 1 > . U. T. , llco
office , Council lllulTs.
WILtj sell two unrrlnpes on lonp time or will
trade for horses. William Lewis.
600 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Established ISiT.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodation * First Clnm ,
And Kates Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Over No. 12 North Main St.
Maps , of cities and counties
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Highest Market Prices. Promjt
820 and 823 Main Street , Council Bluffa ,
E. 8. BA11NETT ,
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Justice of the Peace.
Ollice over American Express.
Ifew Applicant Do I know lion to use SapolloT
Well , that's f reHli I Do I look HVe a irirl who don't
know about BinolloT Am I blind , d'ycr think , or
can't read ? Viuy. the babies on the bluck kuow all
about SapoUo. WUntaroyofitvin'moJ
Is a solid , handsome cake of House-cleaning Boap ,
which has uo equal for all BcourinR purpoees , ex
cept the laundry. PorLapn you h > o hcurd of It a
thousand times without utluK It onco. It j on will
re > erse the position and use It once yon will praUo
It to othora a thoueaud times. Ask jour grocer
( or a cake , and try It In your next hoitne-clf anlim.
No. 3. [ Copyright , March IBS ? . ]
Kvery lady wlio desires perfection In style ami lorm
should wear them. Manufactured only by the
Worcester , Mass. , andzib Market street , Chicago ,
For Adults ,
For Children ,
For Both Sexes
When onthosiiltrr snmmars day
The tunsoems so.uceu mlloiiwart
Whan tomes bUk lluitdaihe toopprex
Amlovery niiiiuent brings dl'tress , , ,
TheiiTAIUlAN'l'HHEl.T/.KIlliroveia friend ,
That OruKicltts all can reiouuiend.
' rtmerenl ( rum all
llu a > I'ad .
lb n. Isrup . 1th tiir.
adJatt nf U JltnKnt rulai > u
iuilf to all P.SUIOM ft tha
401 J
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
Are Large and Well Selected'
Dur Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best , !
New Goods are arriving and invite
inspection j
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To }
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
" "
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to j
. <
call on us.
[ iiitruincnti Tuned nnd Repaired. We never full to Rive latlNl'ticHou * t
Over SO yean' Experience In Piano and Organ Work. \
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boarders : - : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
Mo. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
The finest of driving horses alwayf on
band and for sale by
Vacant Lots , J-nnda. City Hcililonces nnd
Farms. Aero jiropcrty In western pnrt of city.
All roUlnir cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Boom 6 , our Officer & Puley'i Bank , CounoJ