Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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" THE MIDWAY" Hotel Corner G-rand and Wyoming Avenues , Kearney , Nebraska.
The Obargoa of Lincoln's Freight Bureau
Against the Elkhom Road.
It tit Shortly to be Discussed In Now
York by Delegates From Different
StatoH Police Court Urlet
Lincoln Itoina.
On Thursday of this week the first ,
hearing on exorbitant rates in the stale
will occur at the rooms ot the railroad
commission. Tlio hearing comes up in
llio amended petition filed by the Lincoln
freight bureau. This amended petition
recites specifically that the rates in tbo
Btate on the Klkliorn line nro excessive
nnd exorbitant , and the petition demands
that the rates bo reduced 00 per cent
from present charges. It is expected that
the entire board will hoar the charges
nnd that Socrotarics Mason and Mitngor
will be present to meet the arguments of
the Elkhorn attorneys.
Governor Ames , of Massachusetts ,
nnd Governor Hill of Now York ,
Governor Lounsbury of Connecti
cut , Governor Beaver of Pennsyl
vania and Governor Ormsbury of Ver
mont have addressed n letter to the gov
ernor of Nebraska , asking him to send a
delegate to a convention to be hold in
Now York city , August 23 , to tnko uuitod
notion on the question of extraditions.
This question often involves trouble in
pccuring prisoners and the convention is
to remove obstacles. Governor Thayer
Jias appointed Attorney General Lccso
the delegate from this state for the meet
The Sunday round up of the police
force brought sixteen parties to the city
jail who wore on trial yesterday morning.
Ono noticeable feature was that a ma
jority of them were in for drunk and it
was very evident that there was a good
deal of liquor sold on Sunday from some
quarter. The beer that a portion of thn
crowd filled up on was bottled.boor , and
the officers are searching for the hole m
the wall through which tbo beverage was
passed. When the docket was called for
trial , John Foley and Frea Kimjsbury
wore arraigned as vags. Kingsbury said
lie was a brakuman on the B. & M. and
Toioy said ho was u Inrd working man.
They wore discharged to go to work or
leave the city. James Taylor and K ,
llyau were arrebtcd by the police for
drunkenness. Both plead not guilty and
had their oases continued. John liiloy ,
when arraigned for being drunk , ad
mitted it , but plead as an extenuating
circumstance that he had just boon dis
charged by a doctor who had boon caring
for him for months for injuries received
by having nine cars pass ever him. Ho
explained that he felt eo good in
cutting around again that he drank
lee much. Ho with another party also
named John Uiloy received the usual
lino. Four parties , D. Riordan , Charles
Seinn , J. Sullivan and P. Shea , were
' found reveling with bottled beer Sunday
nenr the now building of the li.T. Clarke
Drug Co. They received on trial | 3 and
costs each. An old man named Dully
was lined $5 and costs and two other par
ties who wore with him were lined also
for drunkenness. Ono of these was a To-
V > eka man who had staked his pile on the
Topckas in the ball games and lost his
all. Ho drowned his sorrow in the ( low
ing bowl and landed in the cooler.
Ho settled with the olliccrs and departed
nt noon for the land of prohibition.
Itobort McClusky had trouble with
ppccial olllccr at the ball game Saturday
nnd was ejected from thu grounds by the
olliccr and ex-Shoriu" Ensign. He was
landed in the cooler and hud his hearing
yesterday , claiming that ho was an inno
cent man.The court thought otherwise
nnil gave him a line of | 5 as a warning
of bettor conduct at the national gamu in
thu future.
The B. & M. workmen are sinking
a well in their yards west of
the city well to got a supply of water for
their individual tisu. Jank Hauham ,
of Crete , has the contract for the well
which is twenty-live foot in diameter and
will bo sunk until thu same vein of watur
is reached that supplies the city wull.
'llio latter is not deep and the contractor
expects to roach thu water in thu now
well easily. When completed thu well
will bo used for locomotive work and
presumably will bo also kept as a reserve
watur bupply for the company when
lirca demand it.
Hargreavus Bros. , the wholesale
grocers , received a car ol sugar yesterday
iroiu California , shipped via Omnha
with thu local freight from Omaha added.
The firm will proceed in the sumo way
that other wholesalers in the city have
done. They will replevin the goods and
tnko the case into the courts. The same
Itnu are about to receive several cars of
canned goods which they will secure in
thu same manner.
A colored man invaded the police
Judge's olUcoyesterday with a talu ot woo
nnd wrong m which his wife was
the chief evil door. According to Jus
statement , his wifu is a very baa woman ,
lint hu was not inclined to drive her out
long as she confined herself to two or
hrou lover * . Of late , however , ho states
-si humble homo/has been turned into a
regular Judging house and bo was per-
focting nrrnngonionts for the arrest of
tin ; entire nest.
F. M. Woods , the live stock auctioneer ,
has a long list of dates made for coming
sales. To-day he soils stock at Knicra'd ' ,
the 'JOtli , registered short-horns at Hold-
rcgo ; the 24th , the suinu at York , and on
the liOth ho haa a sale at Hock Crook.
The next contest that thu Lincoln club
will hold on the base bail field will bo
with Omaha Wednesday , Thursday and
Friday. The club will depart from homo
with the oxpcctation of taking the thrco
games , and u good many Lincoln men
will journey that way to see the contest.
Judge U. P. Mason has gone to Loup
City , jvhoro ho is engaged as ono of thu
attorneys in the prosecution of Richard
son , the murderer of "Skip"Villard. .
Judge Connor , of Kearney , is also re
tained by the prosecution , and the casn
will undoubtedly bo prosecuted with all
the vigor the eminent attorneys can
A delegation of some twenty-five or
thirty came up from Weeping Water yes
terday to see the final Topeka-Lincoln
game. That place has sent a lanru dele
gation on both Friday and Saturday.
There are signs of active preparation
out at the state fair grounds , and the
management will have every detail in
readiness prior to thu opening days. A
largo number of improvements were be
ing lundo to the buildings that will bo
appreciated by exhibitors.
Contractor Lanhum , of Crete , was in
Lincoln yesterday. In addition to the
big li. & M. well ho is sinking here ho
has several wells in hand in western
Kansas under contract with John Fitz
Arrival of a liargo Gorilla.
Boston Transcript : The bark White
Cloud , from Africa , brought probably
the largest gorilla ever landed in this
country. Jake , as he is called , is about
live feet in height when standing erect ,
nnd measures seven feet from the end of
ono outstretched hand to the other. He
weighs about 125 pounds , and exhibits
enormous sireugthcompared with which
that of man seems like a child's. Ho ar
rived in a largo box made of planking two
nnd one-half Inches thickand when being
removed front the ship ho toro largo
splinters from the hard wood planks with
as much case as a child would break a
twig. The hair , which is very coarse ;
andfrom two to four inches in length , is
of u greenish-gray color , and on the
back , Tegs , and arms inclines to black.
His shoulders are immense. The ex
pression of face , which is black Is scowl
ing. The eyes are small , sunken in the
head , and tbe lips largo and thin. Jake
was captured on Mingo peak , Gulf of
Guinea , on the west coast of Africa.
The work of transfurring the gorilla
from ship to wagon and from his tempo
rary cage to his exhibition rccept'.clu in a
museum in this city was carefully per
formed to insure the safety of those en
gaged in it.
In advance of the sickly season ren
der yourself impregnable ; a malarial at
mosphere or sudden change of tempera
ture is fraught with danger ; use Dr. J.
11. McLean's Strengthening cordial and
Blood Purifier. $1 per bottio.
The Injuries of Base Ball Players.
. Dr. Lent contributes an article to the
Medical and Surgical Reporter on the
injuries of base ball players. The doctor
is a player himself , and speaks from
personal experience as well as from
observation. Ho says that one of his
fingers was injured five times in ono
week , and that all his lingers have been
injured at least ouco. His treatment is
to continue , and at every opportunity
cither m the street , in the ollico or on the
Held to firmly grasp the finger abou.
middle and rub toward the tip. Under
this treatment thu swelling , stillness and
soreness diminish , and after some weeks
are entirely gouo. The most marked
swellijig of the hand , accpmpaniea by
great pain , can bo best relieved by the
application of water ad hot as it can bo
berne , the hand remaining in the water
for un hour.tho temperature being main
tained during thu whole time. Nothing
will do so much harm to a player as to
abstain altogether from playing bccanso
ho has some trivial injury or sore muscles.
Its superior ezcell ne proven in millions oC
homo * for morotbana quarter of a contury.
It Is used by the United State * Oovcrniuont.
EndortcU by the b > ad of tbe Qr t Universi
ties , a' the Strongest , Purest and Most Health-
fuU lr. 1'rloa'i tbo only Ualclng Powder that
dots not contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum.
How It Has Been Spent By the Commis
Publication of the County Commis
sioners' Proceedings Some
thing For Taxpayers
to Read.
The publication of the proceedings of the
DoiiKlas county commissioners for the last
year will be continued In the BICE from day
to day until completed. For the last eighteen
months the commissioners have ncglacted
to give ixny publicity to their proceedings.
Hence the BEE undertakes the publication
for thobennUtof the taxpayers of this county ,
so that they ran see for themselves how the
people's money has been expended. Tim UKK
to-dnv presents chanter IV. of this Interest
ing serial , as lollows : 8.
Roads 101 C , 10SC , 100 C , 870 nnd'J 0
were declared public roads.
Following bill was allowed ,
iimnoi ; FUND.
177 O F Fox * Co. , work on bridges. . . . $300 00
Communication trom Ceo. A. Holland
retarding certain kinds of lumber read and
Communication A fiom J. kT. Lonjr. J. C.
Joclirnne , Uutta Porclm and llubhpr Manu
facturing Co. . U.V. . S. Clnrk. F. Tudor , W.
tirnesser , C. K. Mvors , J. E. Mills , regarding
plans and specifications for county hospital ,
read and lilud.
Shin-Ill's fees In Lauer case for the sub
poena of Jno. Steer received and referred to
county attornov.
Clerk was authorized to rc-advortlso for
bids for grading Military road.
Petition of 8. 1 > . Mercer and others re-
carding the establishment of curb linn on
Morrer avenue laid over until Wednesday.
Following accounts were allowed :
Oil F W Corliss services a § coramr. . . f 125 00
lUfi Ooo K Tlinino , service as commr. . . . lit ) 1H
018 Itichard O'Koeffo , Borrlcus as oom'r 113 00
jH7 ( John Tully. tiso or team 3 ( K )
1048 McCarthy .V Ilarrott , collina 6 00
1043 Harris A , Flshor , moat 8J 51
KIM John S. Caultlelcl , ptipor 4 UO
1051 I , W Denton , Rrocories 800
lO'iJ Nolan & . Schwab , broad a 00
101.1 I ) I'ltzpatrlclf , plumhinir. ' . 720
I)4 ( ) Ueo Publishing Co , advertising 14 10
10M Nebraska Watchman , advertising. . n 20
10r > ( l City Waterworks Co. water service. CO 00
1057 Hosonator * Christie , maps 45 03
I0r > 8 I'KMoorcs , charity tickets 2470
10 , ' ) 9 HlmobauKh & Jay lor , hardware. . . . 1 fiO
10GO Nebraska Telephone Co , telephone. 18 fiO
10(11 ( WorMl'uMlshmirCo.aQiariislnjr. . . 5 00
lOU Max llocnt. medicine SO 75
10GJ D 0 Kerr , sundries 10 70
173 GnfTo * Halnbrl < l o , work on bridge , f 10 00
170 W. J. Ilrontcli , bolts , etc. 10 10
70 L Shipley , repairing $ ECO
71 I.ll Johnson , on account of grading. . 10) ) tt )
7J Fred Pontaff , work on road " 4 U )
73 OH Drown , grading 3IS 80
74 1) Vatoa , dliTKlni ; trees 50 00
75 H1' ICnlirlit ti Son , on account of
( Trading 21724
70 S Van fccyac , cuttntf ? grass 800
nircii ruNn.
10 J N Hoblson , account ditch No. 3. . . . 75 00
Communication from 1'ickel Marble and
Granite company read and filed.
Petition ana bond of Uoodhnrd to sell
liquor taken up , and clerk directed to issue
Kesolutlon adopted requiring all persons
usini ; desk loom for private purposes in court
house building to pay rent.
Following accounts were allowed ;
1BO CbuTlotzworkon road $ 1800
1004 A JVan Allstlno , special sheriff $ 18 00
Communication from John J. Stahouev
regarding transportation for paupers. Itoai
and tiled.
Communication from Blake , Miller & Co. ,
regarding plans for hospital , read and filed.
Communication from J. 0. Cochrane , Chicago
cage , on the same subject , liled.
Communication from J. C. Cowln regard
ing tecs of Mr. Steer rend and tiled , andclerk
directed to make out voucher.
Petition of William F.irr and others , ask-
me for opening nnd allowing of damages on
road 03 C. laid over.
JHds for grading military road were
opened :
John Peterson , 19 } o per cubic yard.
Henry S. l udlngton. ifcc per cubic yard.
McKinney & Hall , 10 U-10 per cubic yaid.
Contract was awarded to McKlnney &
Hull :
Following accounts wore allowed :
181 Jacob Pflutr , work on bridge 1 75
18J Wui VanDohren , lumber e 05
110AD rUNI ) .
77 L Shipley , work on road 7200
78 J MoMahoo , grading on aco't 50 00
9 John'loner , work on road 21 (0
80 Itobort'I hompsen. work on road. . . 61 00
81 D/.ates , digging trees 44 W
McKlnney ! & lialL grading 0 H
( . rounds 877 40
ai Samuel J try , work on road. , . . , . . . ti9 00
84 t'J Hlckoy , work on road (10 ( 00
83 Sam 8 Wilt , work on road Ill 50
IOCS A Tutllo. special eherltr 1800
1006 Jas McVey , witness 4 00
1007 O W Itoss , special sheriff 1500
lOfta Welch llros , meat 28 43
1009 Wesley llrown , express - . , . . . . Z 00
1070 P W Hughes , spocltl thontr 18 00
1071 H W itornoldl. special sheriff 18 00
1072 Hugh Carey , special sheriff IB 00
1013 Mri Kato Gallagher , nune at poor
farm 500
1071 It & M Kit In Nob.cbarltr tickets. . . II 79
11)75 ) Q W Henry , ono load ot hay fi 28
107 $ Bt Josopn hospital , caroof ilok. . . 83 13
1077 Truman liuok , treasurer , grading
tax . . _ 289 36
IOTA Truman Buck. trowur r , grading
tax 3389
1078 Truman Duck , trcaiurer , grading
tax. . 878 8
10SO J A lullor It Co , glass and putty. . . . 80
1GA1 Omaha Oil and Paint Co , sundries. . 11 80
lusx Chas Hanley , groceries. , S3 75
JOSJ Waterloo Creamery Co , butter and
buttermilk 36 M
104 TDTodd. boarding Kill * . 1 NO
IONS 1 Rrown. iundrlea for poor farm. . . 13 80
lOrW Mrt Nelll * Haveni , wltues * 25 00
1087 J B Howard. wltccM , 4 1 00
1084 John A Moodle , juror , . 800
108-1 Dick Ourdlck. wliness 1 00
1WO Kd A rarm lee , juror 0 00
Itcsicnntlon of O. H. Uailey , justlco of the
poice at Wutorloo , accepted ana Hied.
Petition from U. C. Kcrrand others asklnc
lor appointment of Unorgo Johnson for the
position tiled. 'Johnson was appointed.
Petition trom Harris & Fisher , asKlug for
the opening of road 03 C filed.
Communication from N.V. . Harris & Co. ,
of Chicago , regarding purchase of county
bonds lih'u.
Communication from J. Decker , M. D. , and
others in regard to pauper ; referred to super
intendent of poor.
Head 110 0 was declared public county
All proceedings In resard to road TO C were
declared null and void.
Uoad bS C was ordered vacated as a public
county road.
The awaids of damages on road 370 n were
changed as follows :
Peter Petonon from 8100 to 350.
John Timperley from S100 to 875.
J. E. tihephard trom S700 to 33-5.
Uoad W C was declared vacated as public
county road.
Itesolutlons adopted :
Directing county elerk to enter on tax list
o > of nwjf otsw # of sec'18.115 , r U.and as
sess the same at (2ouo lor 1880 on account of
ciror of assessor.
Also to enter on tax .Hat and assess 0110
ncro In nw # of sc'f of sec SO , 110 , r TJ e at
SGOO on account ot en or of assessor.
Also to assess lot 1 In sec 1C. 115 , r 11 at
5530.00 , and enter same on assessment book
and tax list for ISbC on account of error of
Also to enter on the tax list and assess these
so # of no > of n w # sec 5,115 , r 13 at 400 lor
18.VJ on account of error of assessor.
Also to assess the sM ofsw # ot sec 10.115
r 11 at SlOO and enter on/tax list for 180 ou
account of error of assessor.
Also to assess and enter on tax list lot U
Frost's sub-division of lots 5 w K sec. 0 ,
14 , r 10 in Waterloo precinct , and assess
fiamn at ' - ! account ol error ot nbsussor.
Also to enter on assessment book and tax
list n K n w tf sec. 10 at S3GO on appeal of
error of assessor.
Also to assess Iot2 In sec. 10,115 r 11 at
SGOO on account ol error of assessor.
Also to assess and enter on the tax list for
18)sO ) all of section Ho. 'M 110 r 10 , and assess
the saint 610 acres nt 33.75 per acre on ac
count of error of assessor.
Also to cancel assessment on the following
lots In the city of Omaha for ISbG account ,
of < U. P. ry. right of wav and depot grounds ,
lt ward , lots 2 , 3 , so X 4,3 , uw % 0. m block
100.Also to enter on tax list for ISSfl w K
nw K sec. 'JO , 110 , r 13 , and assess same at
$200 per acre account of error of assessor.
Following accounts were allowed :
60 John Noaley , work on Elkhorn
river $ 2304
7Milcs Kills , work on Klkliorn river. . . 21) ) OU
88Wm Ilyau , work on rend 1 75
89T 1 > Todd , appraiser road -'J C il 00
00V 11'Ibourns , appraiser roai23 C. . . . 000
01 L W Uontrtn , appraiser road 22 C. . . . U 00
V2 Q W MoKliinoy , appraiser load 4J 0 8 80
nninoi : FUND.
183 John W Hall , worlt on roads 37 W
181 liaulsoii. brush lor bridges 77 75
1091 Louis Grebe , ballllT 21 10
101K2 John htcor , wltuoas 5 70
100.1 Mlix Com ad , di HITS , etc CU 40
11)1)1 ) ) John Andrit A : Co , grocoi los 100
HWi Clarke llros X Co , colleo 1550
lO.m J W Eby , machine supplies U 15
11107 laind & , lioos , matches 150
10U8 Michael Mangold , Juror U " 0
JOVU J 1' Lund , overalls U 00
11UO Lowery liros , groceries 33 3'i
1001 John MoUlnn. Juror 8 ( K )
1003 Cnas Stilvcrick , desk , etc 43 05
No quorum , and adjourned to Septem
ber 33.
Communication from / . F. Brunton. stat
ing that brfdge between Douclas and wash-
ton counties was completed , read and laid
over until Saturday.
Communication trom E. K. Myers , regard
ing postponement of time for plans tor
county hospital , tiled.
Communication from New Era Manufac
turing company , of Chicago , regarding pay
ment of countv warrants , read and tiled.
Communication IroniJ. C. Cowin , regard
ing taxes of U. W. Patrick , read and liled.
Communication from M. K. Cowles , road
supervisor of Platte Valley precinct , regard
ing leveling ot county road , referred to F ,
W. Corliss to investigate.
Communication from K. A , Parmeleo , re
garding certain taxes , liled.
Communication from J. J. Mahoney , re
garding purchase of buggy for superintend
ent of poor farm , referred to 1C. U'Keefu with
power to act
Allidavit of Max Kuhn , rocardlng va
cancy of constable of Fourth watd ,
read and tiled.
Petition of Ludwlg Melnsdorlf. asking for
appointment of constable of the Fourth ward
road and tiled.
Petition of citizens of Sbuth Omaha asking
for appointment of Ambrose C. tihephard
as constable for Douglas precinct read , and
of same granted , tUo constable elected
Eraser fulled to qualify.
Petition of S. 1) , Mercer and others , asking
for establishment of curb line on Mercer
avenue read and tiled.
Ofllclal bond of George Johnson , as justice
of peace of boutli Omaha , approved.
Itesolutlons adopted : "
Appointing Ludwlg Molnsdorff constable
for Fourth ward ,
Kstabli&hlng curb line of Mercer avenue as
follows : Commencing in tiio center ot Mor-
oer avenue , and thence Q tact to each side of
said centre line , making 40 feet roadway and
lit feet on each side of avenue for sidewalks.
Following accounts were allowed :
S3 I McFaddengrading Hamilton st..1118 85
U4 Oliv r Haii y , repairing. ! 10 2Z
85 H Avery , scrapirs > . . 16 60
B. . ) 111'Knight it Bon , grading C72 41
07 > red Pontmr. work on road 18 00
98 O K Campbell , work on rend 10 60
Bit Ired Peotz , work on road , . . 48 00
100 John Ouebel. work on road 24 00
101 Ctias'lletz , on account grading 10000
10J Jobn Tlmp rloy , damages on road
878 H 7500
103 J E Bhephard , damages on road
378 U. . : . S 00
104 Peter I'etorsen , damages on road
370 II . BO 00
105 New Era IIfg Co , machine supplUf , SI 40
million FUND.
ISSJOWeston , work on bridge I 460
180 CbM Uoeuch , Mipt bridge on Co
line. . . . ' , 1100
187 H H Ludlngton , work on road. etc. . W 60
188 O F Fox & Co , on account bridging , 250 00
183 OH llrown , work on bridges 35 U5
11 Oliver Ilnnoy.aocountdltchlng. . . I 130 00
1103 D KlmbaU.chirttyticket * f 131 00
1101 Nebruca Trlbunn Co. , advertising 47 30
1105 TrumanIluok , mtere t on grading'
tax 1315
1104 Max Conrad , drug * , etc. , poor farm (9 ill
Without reserve to tin highest bidder. All the lots are within the original city
limit. This property has a commanding view of the Platte and "Wood River valleys.
There will probably never bo another opportunity to purchase at Your Own Trice of
choice city property , and on as favorable terms , as the above lots now offered.
TERMS OF SALE One fourth cash , one-fourth in one , two and three yearswith
6 per cent interest.
The Great Water Power at Kearney will bo improved at once. Minneapolis par
ties have the contract to place Turbine Water Wheels , and the ground is being prepared -
pared to receive them. We look for 50,000 inhabitants at Kearney when all the inv
mouse power is in use. What will the 200 lots now offered bo worth then ? More thou
sands than they will now bring hundreds.
A great chance for investment on roNa time. Secure Yourself a Delightful Homo ,
Many of the lots are 100 feet above the B. ife M. and Union Pacific Railways in oui
city. It is safe to say these lots will be worth many times their cost to the purchas *
er before the money on the last payment becomes duo. A Good lloino in Kearney
will become more valuable each year. For further particulars or plats , inquire of
O. O. PACE , Manager of Sale.
Auctioneers , Lincoln , Nebraska.
HOT Omnha Qua Co. . gas bal to August
l,18bG . S121 10
1108 Omaha Gas Mtg. Co , gas for court
hoii o . " > "
1100 Omnlm Uaa Mtg. Co.trrts for jail. . . fi 48
1110 FI3 Moore , charity tickets . 830
Adjourned ,
ocTonru 31
Poor housn report for September road tuul
filed. , ,
County clerk's report for quarter ending
September Bt ) , read and filed.
Coiniiiunlcntlon from VanDoru lion worke ,
Cleveland , Ohio , read and llled.
Uids for sewers received as follows :
Thomas Konoy , 3 fool , poMtoot . j > 75
' " ' " "
" brickwork . . . . . . . 1000
The bid of Thomas Keney was rejected on
account of no deposit being made.
The contract was awaided to J. w.
Contract 01 McKinney & Hall for grading
Military road was approved.
County tie.isurer was authorized to draw
from general fund 8U.30 , ami apply the same
to payment of delinquent personal tax ofv. .
W. Ford for 1873 , 1870,1SS1 and 1831 for ser
vices as juror.
Following accounts were allowed :
riKNi'iiAL FUND ,
1111 Mlko Sahoy , engineer courthouse. $ S. ) 3.1
11U George ivolloy , janitor courthouse 0500
111.1 John Qoriniin , janitor courthouse 6000
11H IMward Cone , witness 2 OU
1115 J WGooilhard , drugs for poor 3 85
1116 Hans'lhotnpsoM , uiiimnl forpoorf. 41 00
1117 Mrs J Mnhoncr , matron 33 00
JUS Welshans it McCwan , ropalrinif. . . 2 85
1119 Troxell & Williams , lJUtter 14 4'J
1120 Troroll & Williams , applet 250
1121 J II McShan-i , livery 6'J dO
1122 J J Mahoney , sup't poor tnrm 75 Oo
112J r W PWIIcox.not'if county phjs'n 50 00
1124 Mary Hartwell , laumlrots poor t in. 0 BO
1125 linns Hkow , farm hand poor farm. . 15 00
112U Diuilold 1'lt/Borsld , I'm h'd poor I'm 15 20
1127 Cli iplln C Glbbs , nurse poor farm. . 20 00
1128 Peter MeOullocli , cook uoor farm. . . 11 < 0
1120. Matilda Johnson , cook poor faun. . 18 00
11W. llainoy Lavott. farm Inuvl 17 10
11J1. .1 J Points , work on records 1-5 Ou
lUi. UO'Kceto , services as com 11J UO
11.11. F W Corloss , services as com 12o OJ
1114. ( Jeo lyrimmo , services as com 115 fcO
11.15. TF llronnun & Co , d estimate ou
retaining wall 4,29105
1130. McKinney & Hall 2d estimate on
grading 31T 50
1137. Oinnhit Hepublican , stationery eta 801 .J
1118. Omaha lloputillcnn , stationery etc. 126 85
113U. Omalia itopublican , stationery etc. 441 i > 5
1140. Win Ford , Juror a 00
1141. OPNeedliam. salasiletkof board 100 ( JO
1K2. Downov 4 , Uutfy , Kiocerles B 25
1H3. Wmdontleman , groceries 1000
1144 W W Kord , Juror 3
1145 J B Miller , Jailor. W UO
1146 Porter. Gallagher Ac Co , groceries. . 3j OH
1117 Porter Gallagher i Co. . cocinsh. . . . 7 20
1148 J II lirimor. services and postage. . . 1ST 40
114'J Wm Colnirn , boarding prisoners. . . 1-M i5
11TO KKMoores.tlokotB 1300
1161 r.T Duke , hardware 100
11M P E Mooros. tickets o W
1153 PKDworak&Uio , groceries 2850
1154 JJlandhauer.balliir. . . 2400
1155 Gibson. Miller & K. , stntionoiy . . . 19J 0
IIW H H llriBht li Co.broom and dusters 5 25
1157 Garneau Craolcor Co. , bread O'l ' 43
115S O U Haven * * Co . M 81
11V ) Omalm ro l kCoke Co. , coal SO 48
llbO W J Wolshuns & Co , hay 8 JJ
100 J Grouse , worn on road 1500
109 A B Ktfbort , work on road 31 dO
ins D 1'lied in an. workon-road 7.J .5
109 John llouna , account grading 10 ro
110 KStandon , Brailing 25(10 (
111 Kd Plialcn. account pradhiB IS 00
111 ! Homan lielso , workon road 54 00
113 DotleirKny , work on road fJ 60
114 Fred Pontatr , work onioad 1060
115ttm ! Wilt , work on road 3J 75
nillDtlK FUND ,
ino Z T Urtinton , aco. building bridge..9 400 00
I'll Henry Hanson , work on box 4 35
103 Win Van Uohron , account iilllnir 100 00
183 GeoAHoagUmd lumbur , lull ?
191 KT Duke.haidwaro. . . . . . 19 ft. .
105 Fred Eutloldwork on bridge 300
Resolution passed dividing Douglas pre
cinct Into three polling districts.
Following accounts were allowed :
1101JNPhillips , bailiff - . 2400
110 ! Oh 8 Itnss , supt 10000
116 Ell Johnson , grading COO 00
Following accounts were allowed :
llENF.ItAl , FUND.
UK ) J J Mahnnoy. casuozpcudod f 14 00
11R4 H Grebe , bailiff 8909
No other business.
'Communication from Z. F. Bruutou read
and laid over.
lilds lorgradlnz In Klkliorn wore opened :
John Ununer , 9c per cubic > ard.
Oliver llaney , lltfc percublc > aril.
1'hillp Crlnk , 15c per cubic yard.
The contract was awarded to John Ilan-
Communication of J. C. Wllcox protesting
ajMlust the Iucorporation ot South Omaha
rend and Hied.
Resolutions adopted :
Extending time for receiving plans for
county hospital to October 23.
Directing1 county 8urvu > or to drive bound
ary line stakes lor road 27 L ) trom station
oun through O'iiricn's add. and to set stakes
on Vlnton street between Spring and Green
streets ; also to set grade Ukes lor con
tractor grading court house grounds.
Following accounts were allowed :
117 Ixjuls Thomas , grading C 05 00
118 John Hazard , grading 7728
119 J W Hull , work on road 4J 25
120 J M ltdblson , ditching 10J 00
121 John Hannn , grading 50 UO
196 Jaa Walih , work on bridges | GO 41
197 liulnbrldge It UrlUoworlc on bridges 101 25
ocroucn 10.
The matter of Incorporation of South
Omaha taUeu up , and resolution passed de
claring It Incorporated as petitioned for. C.
M. llunt , U. 1' . Savage , W. U. Shane , I. A.
lirayton and F. J. Sleter were appointed
trustees of South Omaha until election and
quallUcation of their successors.
The following bills were allowed :
1165 Omaha Hcpubllcan , stationery , (261 30
lliXl Omaha Kepubllcan , stationery. W 25
1167 A JLaw , Justice reel U 8.1
1164 A J Law , iUBtlcu food 065
116'J BHAuoh iloedjr.sorvlcsi 50 W
1170 Win Coburnfees 7774
IK ) A I ) FUND.
123 H Standen. grading. 819 55
lit .McKinnoy * Hall , grading 4J2 M
121 McKinney & Hall , grading 12760
125 iiias : Uullon. tax refunded l > OH
120 J N Itoblson. grading M UJ
127 H Manden , grading 13507
138 John McMubon , grading 177 44
120 John Jacobean , grading 14 < * ]
l.n Fred Palmtajr , work on road 24 00
131 Itoot Thomson , worn on road 5300
U2 JobqTouer , work ou toad . . . . ii 26
191 Jas King , brush t 2100
loj 11 Wolso. work on bridge 1100
20. ) W Kuiso , hauling lumber 0 00
201 O H llro n , workon boxes. . . . . . . . . 2085
ocTonnit 20.
Cominunlcitlon of J. J. M.ihouoy for vehi
cle road and filed.
Petition for incorporation of village of
Park Vale read and laid o\er ono week.
Following bills were allowed.
1171 II Voss , for plans * 30000
1H3 John Grlobol.irork on road > 3000
131 W Kulsor. work on road 0425
1J5 John llnnna. grading llfi 10
133 BPKnlKht , grading 40000
137 8J Fry , workon road 13J W
133 OHUrown , grading W 09
(18X203 ( ) G F Tex & Co. brldircs $ 2W 00
(188 ( ) No 10 F Fox * Co , bridges. . . ! . . . . 283 8J
OClODKIl 23.
Communtratlou from J. U. Whlttlor ro-
cardlng certain taxes rend and Hied.
Communication from A. II. Winston re
garding jail lock read and filed.
Complaint of John Feddu regarding the
fencing of the county road by the Union
Paclilc railway comp my roadand the county
clerk directed to mall A copy ot thocomplalut
to the Union I'acllie railway.
Plans for county hospital wore received
trom Mendelssohn , Fsher ! ; & howrie , Francis
Tanlca , K.E. Myers it Son , Hlako Miller &
Co. , Sidney Smith and J. C. Cochrane. Fur
ther action postponed.
lloport of the county survej or on road No.
27 li tluough O'lirleirs add read and tiled.
Resolutions adopted.
Directing county cleric to publish proclam
ation once dally and once weekly in 'Irlbune
and Post.
That for the purpose of working and keep
ing up the countv line road between Douglas
and Sarpy counties , It Is hereby agreed by
the commissioners of both counties that the
dividing line shall bo nt the crossing of the
Union Pacilic railway near Millard , Sarny
county to take nil cost of said cioibtng ; the
above agreement to rmiuuti in foico lor live
years unless soonot terminated.
Following bills wore allowed :
1172 Louis Grebe , bnlllir t 0003
1173 KBMoores. ohiiiity tickets 4070
1171 City Water Works Co. , water 50000
H75Oinalm u as Co. , BBS 30 18
1176 Omaha Gas Co , gas 10 t > 8
1177 II & M Hy , chai Ity ticket . 4675
1178 Anuio Uattls cook IS 00
137 It A lllshop , work on road t 7000
140 A Sohnake , ditching 7 50
141 U'lhomas , woik on road 2700
142 U'lhomas , work on road 1500
143 Now Era Manfg Co. , machine sup
plies 8J 60
iimiHii : FUM .
2 G FFoxfc Co. , Irei ht M 50
ocronui 27.
Resolutions adopted :
Directing county treasurer to cancel labor
tax of Christian Stow.irt for 18S3 on account
of being uon-resldt'ut and not liable for said
Directing treasurer to change assessment
on e 10 ft of lot 5 and f ? 72 tt of w 0 tt of lot 6
of block 247 In city ot Omaha for 1885. from
32.CJO to S2CO. account of error in tax list.
That a medical boird of nlno physicians
that have had practical oxperieuco in hos
pitals bo appointed to aid In selecting plans
of hosujtnl , providing no charge will bo made
Dy them for tliolr services , and that tun fol
lowing physicians nro hereby appointed :
Drs. lice. Summers. Graddy , McKenna ,
Kebcrt , llarrlnKtou , Ayers , Meicer and
Tnat county clerk notify judges of election
for piectncts outside of city ot Omalm , that
no person can vote for two road supervisor ;
that fiey can vote only lor the ono living in
the district in which the voter resides ; that
there should Iw a sopar.xto box kept for the
ballots of road supervisors.
The following bills were allowed :
1179 T. W. Corliss , AprilMay and Juno
Biliary $40500
HI O. Kill , work on road 40 50
To be Continued To-morrow.
TrnnHfora Filed AueuHt 13. 1887.
Julia E Vanctercook and husband to
Louyis O Knight , lot 0 , blks , Van-
dercook Terrace , w d l."u
Charles Stutznor and wife to John
Fritz , lots . 10,1U 12,13 , 14,13. 10
nud 17 , blk 10 , town of Millaid , w
" ' ' ' ' ' * ' '
Carollno Wlil'a'rd to'w'nV 'T ij'o'othi
lots 5 and 0 , blk 117 , q c 3
Ueo U lieclier to Chas Metz and Fied
Aletz Jr. undivided of n 88 feet
loll , blk 207 , deed 2,820
Mllly ti liockonberger and husband to
Chas Metz and Fred MeU jr , n 8S
feet lot 1. blk 207 , q o d 800
Susan Crane to Mary M Crane , un
divided X lot 0 , blk , Onulia View
wd 825
Abraham U Souer and wife to John
A Crnigliton.sKof no ,2-lVllljalso
soiiv2lMi ; , ( jed 2
Thomas McCulloch et nl , executors , to
John A Crolgliton , H K of sw % , and
nwjf of swtfa-l.VM. u cd 2
Edward Whitman and wife to Jacob
Urbanek , s yt lotO , blocks , Improve
ment association add , wd 3,403
Alexander McClavock and wlto to
Jamus 11. Connor , lot 18 of Kiver
Vlowlncity of Omalm , wd 1,600
John J. llardin and wlto to Kusscll K.
MeKelvuj'i lot 8 , block 8,1'.itrick'a
add , w d..V. ! 8,100
Patrick II. Tobln and wlfu to John
Henry Peterson , s 44 ftlot 8 , blk 2J ,
In city of Florence , wd COO
George P. ilemls and wife to Hullo
iioswlU , lot 9 , block It , Lowe's first
add.wd 100
City of Omaha to Horatio Adams ,
part of Twenty-second street adjoin
ing lot 4 , block l'J. ' % in city of
Omaha , q c d U > 1
City of Omaha to Andes Christiansen ,
part of street adjolniir. lot 8 , hlock
10 , Credit Fonoler add , 10x88 foot ,
nc 105 33
Same to same , part of street , IftxKti
Icot adjoining Kit H , block 10 , Credit
Fancier , d c 14S 50
Clitton K. Mayna and wife to D. L.
Thomas , lots 11 , 12 , IK. 14 , 15.17 and
part ( it 5 , Mayne's add to Orchard
1MII. w. d 2,600
Same to same , lots 1,2,21 and 2i , block
5. lots 13.14,15 and 10 , block 0 , lot si ) ,
, block ti , lots 13 , 14 , 15 and 16 , block
7 , Orchard Hill , w. d 4,500
John A. ilorb.ich and wlfu to Kml-
erick K. Wi-rning. H h' lot 5 , block U ,
sec add , w , U MO
David M. Uro to the 1'iiulie , plat of
Urn's sub. lot 22 , Millaid & Cald-
\\ell's add
Mulkom Chrlstcnson and \ \ ife to John
Jacobson lot 12 , block 45'J , ( Jrand-
view , q. c 400
Douglas county to A. Thompson , lot
3 , blocKO , Douglas add , w.d 1,150
Twenty-two transtcrs aggrcgating.82J,
The Woaltti or Nntlons.
It Is estimated that the wealth of the
following countries Is iuoroanwl annually
by tlio stuns nutucd : Gorinunv , $300 ,
000,000 ; Great Britain , $ ajri,000,000j
Franco , f375.000.000 , anil the United
States , 1875.000,000. The United State !
is already the wealthiest nation in the
world , and ns tlin above natures show , Its
wealth is iucrcnsini ; the most rapidly.
San Francisco has n most commend *
able club , culled the "Sight Seers. " It U
n walking club , with no initiation foes
ntul no atios , tliu only requisite ) being
t'.mt ' o.icli member brin his lunch on thl
regular weekly trninpH. The cluh ro-
ccntly ascended Mount TninrilmlB | , from
which ono may overlook San Frunoisoo
and the surrounding country for lifty
( Successors to John U. Jacobs. )
undertakers and
At the old bland , 1407 1'amntn St. Orders
by telegraph solicited and promptly at
tended to. Telephone No , V25. !
WM. MC IMTO II. u. r.
Real Estate Dealers
140 South Spring Street ,
Dealers In city and country property of all
descriptions. General Information to new
comers freely given.
And olhern FafTorinff from
n rvouB ilvttlUty .elhauitlnjt
Ltironla dlca ea , prtlnalur *
doclliio of luuiitf or old r
pudtlrolr curid lijr Dr.
llorne'i fanuUB Kl rtr
Mnjpiillo lit It Thousand *
_ , , . . . HUte In UioTJnlon h Ix-cn ourfd
Elcctrkf rfSSly ln Unllyfclt 1'KtrntMlunU iold 10
Yearn \\liolB family can wrir same licit Flcrtru
Hu.piM.orlc * f roe nil niul belU Ay old ortlilt 8 Im-
lUtioni and boRni romimnle * Elrrlrtc Tru ci far
Unpturti. 71III nirnlln'HS. Heim mi for luniphlot.
Tlio COOK HEMttiT Co.I
you , at If by trnftlc. In I
Avoto eightduy WILL CURE
Uemoily la Miioluicly '
unknown to anyone uf our Company. It u
nnkumlmg , Anil we gunrnnlco lo do wlint we sur ,
WenroflunniUlly reinunillilr ; will mntu. Iron ilml
contrncu riinso | III\IIK Syphilitic Irouiiloi liuuld
cnrrrspond with u > : It nlll cuet 51111 nothing to know
nUoliitely tlial vo r rrllalilo > nd ilo wuat wo clulnl.
Addrrsj , Coon HRMKIIY Co , Itoom 17 Hollmaa
llulldlliz. Omaha , Neb
Something ontlroly now
and noils at sight , liar-
ton's Btoamlesi , Odor *
'less ' , Non-lJoll Uvor-Kot-
tlu. Hnti dtuip iiilsod
coicr nnd water Joint ,
and an outlet which car
ries till Htoura mnd odor
or the clilmnuy. Patent
Stonmor attiiohmont
alonu worth tlin price.
Agents wanted , male or
female in every town In Nebraska. Proflta f 5 to
f 10 per day. Liberal terms and exclusive terri
tory given. Bend stamp lor circular and tormi.
Prices n . , 11.75 H at. , . 10 . .
, qt. ; $1.85 ; qt. , 13 ; 14 qt. ,
J.M. Model by mall , ito.
W. 8. COUMI13. aonerHl Agent ,
Omaha Nub.P.O. llox 1S3.
MliiS from Los
" " "
' " "
"o7rFrATdWAHSTON"T"uKA'rj > i'ft"liJf. ;
N. Bind hook t rr . BbonM IKI rrnil by F1h < iri
8 ? * Heplele with lurnnnallonof mtuato all men
M n 111 IW W W ITi m.tum llfcnj Nvrrauj
Prb.lltr.loit M nhiKxli Ic. , hnTlNC ln ! In ruu
m w m srerr known rpiuenv , tins fll ? iv ru < 1 a rlmplo
elf-cure , which l. will wnl PRSElo 111" f llo lufTiref.
Add not. U. 1. MAAON.fcKt Ol o Cat 317 . J w fork Oit * .
Omalia Savioss
Cor llftli and Douglas sta.
Capital Stock $160,000
Liability of Btockholdora 800OOO
'J hu only regular giivinirrf bunk in the stuto.b'iv *
pirceiit Interest pu'.d ou deposits.
Loans Mudo on Kual etuto.
liuvi ; . ItAUTON , I'lenlJeiu ; J. J , Iluowv. Viet
J' M. HKwrrr , ManiiniT !
rector ; Joii.v C. Wn.uuit , Luihlor ,