Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Weakness the Controlling Feature in Wheat
and Prices Go Lower ,
The Country Iluya Liberally , nut
Speculators Generally on the near
Bldc-Ontu Fairly Active-
General Quotations.
CiiioAno , Aiiiusi ; 10. ISprclnl Telegram
to the lli-.K.I The grain markets were quiet
and lower to-day , values sittlln < only slightly.
liowovur. Tlio first trades in September
were at 70' TO c , In October at 72 t'c , and
In December at 7&Xc. October sold up to
72 ; ° c. Then the market worked ofl 3i@Ke ,
as the returns of the visible stocks beKnn to
drift In. September ran down toGU @ 70c ,
October to 7lc and December to 74 c.
Hpasmodlc Inquiry put prices up QJ c , but
near theclobo weakness was the ruling suntl-
ment and values again eased olT , September
ruling at TO c , October at Tl TlKc , and
December at T5c. The market was narrow ,
nil the strongest pressure to sell was In the
October option. The heaviest orders seemed
to come from New York and the cast.
The excitement has not all died out of
corn , but the hip , hip , hurrah spirit has departed -
parted for the moment The country was a
liberal buyer to-day , having evidently mitdo
the discovery that whllu rain Is good as far as Is powerless to make crops that
have been incinerated. The majority of op
erators In speculative centers are appar
ently still enlisted on the bear sldq
and Industriously working for a further
depreciation In values. The receipts
are on a more liberal scale and receivers an-
tlclpate a good run for the remainder of the
week and perhaps the month. Therefore ,
while local itocks are once at low water
mark , fears of a corner are wearing away
and the constriction In the cash market ha
relaxed. The estimated arrivals for tomorrow
row are 650 cars. September corn opened at
40Wc , ranged down from 40Xc to 40W < MOXc ,
and back to 40Jic , which was the close. Oc
tober opened at 41 > { c. ranged 41c high and
41c low , closing at 41 > c. May , the leadlnc
speculative delivery , opened at 45 > 4'c , ranged
45 ® 45Uo high and 45c low , and closed at
Ihere was a fair activity In oats , but prices
gave way a little for both cash and futures
under the large receipts and In 8) in pat by
with the weakness In corn. Of the 343 cars
Inspected In all , but twelve cars were new
oatn. In the sample market white oats , espe
cially , were weak.
Provisions failed to show any marked ac
tivity. Increased Inquiry was reported from
consumers , bui buyers and sellers were una
ble tn agree upon prices and the day's busi
ness was limited. Speculation , as usual of
late , was featureless. Short ribs for Septem
ber were bought pretty freely by the house
credited with being a large holder , and In
the winter deliveries of pork , lard and short
ribs something of a decline occurred. For
January , the active deferred future , pork
fell tilf 15c , lard 5c , and short ribs 12H-c. The
same month closed at gl'j. ? ! } . for pork ,
sn.TS'l for lard , and Sfl.fiO for short ribs. In
near deliveries lard declined 3Kc and short
ribs 2KW5c. For September lard sold at
80.52XcO.CO ? nnd short ribs at 87.97 @ 3.ttK ( ,
closing at 88.55 and S8.00 respectively. Au
gust lard and short ribs ranged the s.tmo as
September , and October lard 10@12Kc ana
October short ribs 3 > ( oc over September.
CHICAGO. Auzust 15. | Special Telegram
to the BKK.J CATTLE Trade was active
with an upturn of 10@15c on everything that
would suit export , dressed beef or shipping
demand. A few lots of fancy steers sold at
$1.75 and 84.90 , the outside the highest
priced lot since about the second week In
June. The bulk of good cattle sold within a
range of S4.iO@4.CO ! , and common lots at
I3.50@-4.15 and along there. Texans sold a
shade higher. The number of Texans on
sale was about 4,500 , or half the fresh arri
vals. Native butchers' stock underwent
little or no change. There was a fair demand
for stockers and feeders , and now
that considerable rain has fallen
throughout the parched grazing country a
more active business Is anticipated. Ship
p ing Steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $4.50(84.90 ; 1200
t o 1350 Ibs , 83.GOft4.60 ; 050 to 1300 Ibs , 83.25(3 (
8.50 ; stockers and feeders , $ l.40@U.75 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , 81.15Gfc.G5 ; Texas steers ,
12.4033.00 ; Indians , 84.75 , Canning stock
was weak.
lloos The market was active and fully
lOc higher on best heavy , some selling within
a range of 85.45 5.55 , with fair to good packIng -
Ing sorts at 85.25@5.35. Light sorts were
neglected. There was but ouo order on the
market during the morning and that was
filled at 83.0@5.35. : ! Eastern shippers are buyIng -
Ing cheap itrassers only here at present , as
that class lllls the bill for present uso.
Chicago , August 15. The Drovers' Jour-
Dai reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 0,000 ; lOc higher for
rood ; shipping steers , 83.2534.90 ; stockers
and feeders , S1.4U33.25 ; cows , bulls und
mixed , 1.10(32.65 ( ; Texas cattle , S2.40@3.75.
Hogs Receipts , 10.000 ; stronger and 510c
higher ; rough and mixed , $4.UO@5.30 ; pack
ing and shipping , 85.15C45.55 ; nKht , 84.70 ®
G.35 ; skips. $3.00 ( 4.40.
8hooD liecelpts , 6,000 ; strong for food ,
others steady ; native muttons S3.00@4.25 ;
Btockers , $ & 40 < (42 > 5 ; western , S3.25f ( 3.0j ;
Texans , 52. 50 3.50 ; lambs , 84.00 5.00.
National Stock Yardi , Ea t St.
Ixmlaj , III. , August 15. Cattle Itecelpts ,
3,400 ; shipments , none ; market steady ; fair
tn choice heavy native ateers , 83.0034,25 ;
butchers' steers , fair to choice , 13.40(33.95 ( ;
feeders , fair to good , t2.bOC33.4U ; stockers ,
fair to good , ® 2.1082.50.
iloei Receipts , 000 ; shipments , none :
market higher ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , 85.80(45.40 ; packing and Yorkers ,
medium to choice , 85.10 9.30 ; pigs , common
to good , 84.5034.55.
Kama * City , August 15. Cattle Re
ceipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market 5Q10c
hleber for good fat ; good grass range were
trui and others about steady ; stockers and
feeders , 82.5532.75 butchers1 , 82G5@3.25 ;
cows , 11.05(33.16. (
ilogs Receipts , 3,500 ; shipments 3,600 ;
market fairly active ; choice heavy about 60
lower ; others steady ; light to heavy , 83.25 ®
6,45. _
NEW YOUK , AuicustlS. fSpoclal Telegram
to the DEK.I STOCKS. The stock market
was sluggish and destitute of Interesting fea
tures except to a few professionals. There
were few stocks for sale and the bulk of
those offered came from room traders , who
were realizing profits on purchases made last
week and from bears who believed the bulge
Saturday was nothing but a squeeze on the
shorts. The news received was rather en
couraging to the bulls. The Reading and
Jersey Central companies have adjusted their
difficulties and the settlement , which Involves
over 817,000,000 , has been continued by the
receivers and directors of both roads. The
earnings keep up beyond precedent and B
majority of those coming in for the llrst weel
in August show fair gains over the same
week last year. It Is expected that the gov
ernment will purchase 85,000,000 worth ol
bonds Wednesday , and this money , with thi
liberal Imports of gold , will tend to prevent
stringency In money. The market opened
rather ewy ana lower , except for Northwest
ern. The latter was especially strong owlnt
to Improved crop reports and better buying
and advanced IV per cent St. 1'aul brok <
% per cent , rallied Jf per cent but did no *
hold. Boston bought Union Pacific and a1
one time X P r cent advance was recorded
but It failed to hold. Pacific Mall went u ]
% per cent New England was weaker am
broke f per cent Thos total sales were 148 ,
000 shares. The rest of the Hit wai alow
with unimportant changes. Railroad earn
Ings continue to show remarkable gains ovei
the preceding two years , not only In gros
but in net For the first week of August tin
returns of thirty-two roads show an aggre
gate of | 3,53oV05 , against 82,218,793 in 18
an Increase of | 3l8au3 , or over U per cenl
Foi 'tho foilttli'wdck ot July seventy roads
report cross earnings of S5,4M, ) , against
83,8I2 , )5 ) hr IbSd , an Increase of $340,520 , or
4& per cent For the month of July 107
roads mnkc returns of against
S2rt-182,2-11 ,
824,210,700 In USC. an Increase ot 82ail,638 ,
or 9f } per cent. For the seven months end-
Inc July 31 , the nveruicAto earnings of 101
roads were H 17GG.V > . 12.3 , against S152W2,130 ,
an Increase of S2J.7 : , & > fl , or 15J < per cent.
In July the mileage of the 107 roads was'Cl-
751 miles , against 59,760 miles In July of 18 ) ,
an Increase of U.OOO miles , or n trifle over 5
per cent. The earnings per mile In July
were In 18S7 S427 , In IbbO 5412 , nntl In 1883
OOVKU.VMENTS Government bonds were
dull and heavy.
U. 8.4'scoupon.127 0. AN. W
U. S. 4W'scoun.10 ! > % do preferred. . . 145
PacllioiVsotMo. < J . ) ' N. vc ;
Canada Sotith'n. . 651 O. It , &N , 05
Central I'acllle. . : irjiO. T. 20
ChlcacoAAlton.147 PacillcMnll 42
do preferred..165 P. , I ) . * K 2 i {
C. , 11. & 0 139 PnlltnanPal.Car.147
U'/AJUO. . ! ; ; ; ; ; w Hemline Rock Island . . . .
Erie St , L. &S. F. . . .
do preferred. . . . do preferred. , , ,
Illinois Central. . C. , M. & 8tP. . .
J. , U. & W 18' ' do preferred. .
K. &T 27U St P. A 0
Lake Shore do preferred. . 110J <
U &N ( . Texas Pacific. . . . 28J ;
Mlchliran Ccnt'l. . 8T , ; Union Pacific. . . .
Mo. Pacific OO W. . St L * L . . . 1 \ / \
No. Pacific 23 % do preferred. . 31 ' 4'
do preferred. . . . _ ' \V. U. Telegraph 74 %
MONKY On call easy at 1 to 7 per cent.
Last loan at 1 per cunt , closing ollcrud at 2
per cent
STKIU.INO EXCIIANOE Dull but steady at
84.80 , lor sixty day bills and 4.b3 for
( Uinand.
OhlcBRO. Auirust 15. Following quota
tions are the a : au closing figures ;
Wheat Unsettled and easy ; prices after
opening were lie hUher. but soon declined ,
later reduction was pnrtlv recovered , market
closing KC below Saturday ; cash , G9c ; Sep
tember , 70 > c ; October. 71 13-lOc.
Corn-Unsettled and irregular , ruling actlvo
at times and at others quiet , closing XVXc
under Saturday ; cash , 40 Vc ; September ,
40 * c ; October , 41 0-lGc.
Oats In f air demand , but quiet ; cash ,
September , 25Vc ; May 31 3-16c.
Rye-Dull at 44c.
Barley Quiet at 67c ,
Prim * Timothy Seea-J2.20@2.21.
Flax Seed-08c. |
Pork Moderately actlvo but easier ; cash ,
815.00 : year. 812.05 ; January , 812.70ai2.72J ( < .
Lard Dull , tame but lower ; cash , 86.57J < ;
September , 80.55Q6.57H i October , 10.62X ©
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 85.60@5,70 : short
clear 89.35ffl8.40 ; short ribs , 88.00.
Itutter Firm ; creamery , 10@2 < 5c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 11K@
12c ; Hats and Young AtnerlcaBllX@l'c.
Eggs-Firm at 12K@lSc.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted ;
7Ji'c ; light do , 7 > @ 8c ; salted bull hides.
Cc , green salted calf , 8K@Oc ; dry Hint , 12C4
ISc ; dry calf , 13@13c ; deacons SOe each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 8 > c ;
No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.
Rocolnts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 20,000 1 2i,000
Wheat , bu . 58.000 375,000
Corn , bu . 117.000 463.000
Oats , bu . 217,000 101.000
Rye , bu . 1,000 1,000
Barley , bu . 20.000 4,000
Milwaukee. Alienist 15. Wheat Cash ,
692/c ; September , 70Xc ; October ,
Corn-Dull ; No. S.4lkc.
Oats-Steady uVo. 2 white , SO
Rye-Quiet ; No. 1 , 45 > c.
Barley Weak ; SeptcmDur ,
Provisions Quiet ; pork , August , 814.50.
Cincinnati , 'August 15. Wheat Firm ;
No. 2 rod , 73K4c.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 47@47J4c.
Oats Active and firm ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc.
Rye Strong ; No. 2 , 60c.
Pork-Firm at 812.25.
Lnrd Oood demand at S0.35.
Whisky Firm at 81.05.
St. Louis , August 15. Wheat Firm ;
cash , G9c ; September , 71c ; October , 72J < c.
Corn Lower ; cash , 37 @ : i7Mc ; October ,
Oats Steady ; cash , 24 c ; October ,
Pork 815.2 $ .
Lard 86.45.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@28c ; dairy , 10
Kaasaa City , August 15. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 2 red , none on the market ; No.
2 soft 67c ,
Corn Lower ; No. a , cosh , SGKc ; Septem
ber , 35o bid , y < 5c asked ; year , Me bid , sec
Oats No. 2 cash , 22 } c bid.
lilverpool , August 15. Wheat Steady ;
demand poor : holders offer moderately.
Corn Steady with fair demand.
New York. August 15. Wheat Re
ceipts , 04,000 ; exports. 25,000 ; spot lots fairly
active , In good part tor export ; options
firm , soon advanced } i@ ? c , but later weak
ened and closed with the advance about lost ;
ungraded red , 70X@84Xc ; No. 3 red , 77Kc ;
No. 2 red , bOJ@8UKR in elevator , Bl82 c
delivered ; 8lV@Sl&c f 0 b ; No. 1 red , nom
inal at B5 > c ; No. 2 red , September , closing at
81c.Corn Spot lots steady ; options Ji'OJfc
lower , closing weak ; receipt ! ) , 10,000 ; ex
ports , 0.000 : ungraded , 48M4 ! ) c : No. 8 ,
43M@48c in store , 40 @ 403 c doliveied ,
48c fob , 4Wo c f and i ; September closing
Petroleum Steady ; United closed atCO c.
Eges Steadily held ; fair demand ; west
ern , lOXo.
Pork Firm antt more actlvo ; mess quoted
at $15.00 for old and 315.50 for new.
Lard Lower and moderately active ; west
ern steam , spot SG.87K *
Butter Firm ; demand moderate ; western ,
@ 25Kc.
Chee Firm but quiet ; western ,
Oats Lower and only moderately active ;
receipts , 0,000 ; exports , none.
Coffee Fair Rio firm at 19)c ; options
fairly active and higher ; sales , & 0,000 bags ;
August , 817.05@18.00 ; September , S18.05C o
18.15 ; October , 818.2018.35 : November ,
S10.35@10.45 ; December , 818.40@18.55 ; Janu
ary , 818.40@18.50.
MlnneanollH , August 15. Wheat Mar
ket strong for old now ; neglected , with few
buyers and lower prices ; No. 1 hard , cash ,
72cX ; September , 73 e ; October , 70 > < o : No.
1 northern , cash. WHO ; September , 72 > 4fo ;
October , 69Wc ; No. 2 northern , cash , 70c ;
September , 71c : October , OSKc. On track :
No. 1 hard. ola74tfc ; No. I northern , 73)c ;
No. 2 northern. 72c
Flour Steady ; patents , 84.00 ® 1.20 ;
bakers. S3.20rt8.0.
Receipts Wheat , 144,000 bu ; fiour , 120
Shipments- Wheat , 40.SOO bu ; flour , 25,300
Wheat In Store-2oy4,930 bu ; St. Paul ,
14,000 bu.
New Orleans , August 15. Corn Un
settled ; mixed. Me , white , 53@54c.
Oats Firmer at 33 } < r < i34c.
Corn Meal-Easy at 82.27X@2.30.
lion Products Uull and unchanged ; pork ,
815.C2M ; lard , refined tierce. G.G2K.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $5.80 ; long clear
and clear rib , 88.12 > f.
Monday , August 15.
There were not enough cattle to make a
market but the few that were hero sold at
strong prices. Theie Is a very fair demand
for corn-fed native steers , and all such have
fouud ready sale. _
The receipts of bogs were about up to the
usual run on Monday. The uiarket was ac
tlvo and strong at Saturday's prices. The
bulk of the hogs were sold out early In the
morning , but there were eleven loads which
the salesman refused to sell at the prices and
were hela over.
Bltuur * .
There was nothing doing on the market.
Cattle. . . . 2o (
Prevailing Prloea.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for II vet
stock on this market !
Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . .14.1094.25
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.9034.10
Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75(43.80 (
Corn-fed range steers 1300 to UOO
flood to choice corn-fed cow * . . . . 2.7.V3.1.00
Common to medium cows 2.0033.50
Uood to choleq bulls. . . . ' . 1.75t2.50 (
Light and medium boss 5,00dt5.10
Uood to choice heavy hoes 0.20. 3.20
Uood to choice mixed hogs , 5.05X5,16
Iloproiontativo Snlo .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
120..1337 S4.22J4COWS.
1..10SO 81.50 1..1100 S2.73
No. Av. Bhk. 1'r. No. Av. Shit. Pr
82..212 200 8.1.10 C0..2,0 4US5.20
01..107 M ) 8.10 CO..220 40 5.20
OS..221 ICO 5.I2 > { CO..227 120 6.20
09..230 80 5.15 03..3M 5.20
70 . . .227 100 6.16 07..2-15 80 6.20
72..1:28 : HO 6.15 01..288 ICO 5.25
03 . . .1SS 120 6.15 70..200 5.25
bO.,203 'MO 6.15 53..297 200 5.25
T.210 : ! 120 6.15 19..203 80 6.25
CO..244 120 5.20 G8..2.'iO 100 5.B6
7U..2JO 80 5.20 05..247 200 6.35
70..23J bO 5.20 CO..BOO fcO 5.J50
Litre Htook Soltl.
ShowlngthH number ofheai ot stock sold
on the market to-day :
G. II. Hammond & Co 130
Total 120
lions ,
Anglo A merlcan Packing Co 740
Squires & Co 10
Armour ic Co 898
Total "lW4
Unsold 700
All sales ot stock in tins market are made
per cwt , live weight unless othorwlso stated.
Dead hogs sell at Kc per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than luo IDS.
no value. Pregnant sows are dockad 40 IDS.
and stags 80 IDs , by the nubile Inspector.
liive Stock Note * .
Light run of cattlo.
Market steady on everything.
L. Anderson & Co. , Mead , marketed a load
of BSS-lb ho.18 , at 85.25.
P. M. Sackett , Cedar Kapids , had eleven
loads of hogs on the market.
Menaugh and U. , Dennlson , la. , marketed
a load of 2GU-lb hogs , at 85.25.
K. 13. ( ianimel , Herman , came in In ad
vance ot a shipment ot two loads of hogs.
N. B , Barggrecn , the well-known cattle
man of Wahou , was among the visitors at tne
C. F. Bent ley , Schuyler , sola n load of
prime hogs on the market at 80.30 , the top for
the day.
Mr. tfagley , of the firm of Patterson & Bag-
ey , Vail , la. , was In ana sold a load of 245-1 b
ogs at 85.20.
Fred Kropf , a heavy shipper from Schuyler ,
marketed a load of hogs , at 85.25 , which av-
raged 297 Ibs.
Sara McCleneghan , Valley , was' ID and
marketed seven loads of 1337-lb cattle , of his
wn feeding , at 84.22)1. )
A stockman ottered to bet that good west-
rn feeders would sell for 82.00 this fall. He
ottnd a taker very quickly , who put up the
Ernie Moss , with Armour & Co. at Kansas
Jity , la the guest of his father , John Moss ,
attle buyer for G. U. Hammond & Co. at
his point
Palmer , KIchman & Co. have opened up
heir live stock commission olllce , which will
' 0 under the management of J. B. Hlancli-
rtl. Mr. Blanchnrd's pouularlty und success
as a salesman Is assurance that the firm will
ecelve their share of the natronage.
Among those having stock on the market
were the following gentlemen : H. H. Wirt ,
Ansley : John MuKacnams , Angus ; 11. ( .unit
&Co. , Bhulen : B. J. Tlrney , Ansloy : A.
Graves. Council Bluffs ; Menaugh & B. , Jen-
ilson , la. ; Patterson & B. , Vail , la. ; Nye
W. M. Co. . Cedar Bluffs : 11. Kvorson , Cedar
iapids ; Kiles A : Co. , Cedar Rapids.
The following marketed stock : F. Kroff ,
Schuyler ; M. U. Hegarley , Neola , la. ; W.
N. Kichardson , Ited Cloud ; James Danloy ,
A.shland : 11. H. Barber , Klwooil ; John
lastle , Eagle ; C. K. Bentley , Itogers ; T.
VanAlst , Klkhorn : Sam McClennulmu , Viil-
cy ; J. Lansing , Fairchild ; Ueynolds , Paul
3 Co. , Haynioiid ; T. Mulllnger , Kearney. ;
anil f rod lion.
Ortlcrs from the country retiring se
eded Ktodi and extra cure til pacltliui can-
tot always be filial at the s/iino price *
liwtcd to tlie tnulc for common stock
Monday , August 15.
General The receipts of country produce
were light as usual on the lirst day ot the
week. There was very little If nny change
n the prices worth mentioning. There were
Avocnrs of California fruits received and
, hreo or four cars ot watermelons.
KOOR Light receipts and steady prices ,
he bulk going to small dealers at He ; heavy
buyers paying lOJ c.
OUBKBK Prospects favor an advance in u
Jew days. Fancy , full cream Cheddars , sin
gle , lOc ; full cream , twins , lOJ c ; young
Americas , lie ; brick cheese. 100 Ibs Incase ,
now , 12c ; Llmburger , 100 Ibs In case , now ,
lie ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , new , 19c.
BUTTKB Itccelpts were moderate and
irlces firm. The West Point creamery
Hitter Is selling at 23Ke and the
output of other creameries at tile. Choice
lairy butter , 17@18c ; medium grades , 13 ®
ICc ; lower grades , 9@llc.
FOUI.TIIY Ther * is enough In the market
o supply the trade for several days with the
present light demand. Spring chickens
irought $1.50(32.2 ( , ) ; old fowls bring S2.50@
3.00 ; none but the best Drought the latter
irlce. Tnero Is no demand for ducks or tur-
ceys though the former , when In good order ,
sell at 3J.25@i.75 , and the latter 0@7c per
POTATOES Prices firm ; choice 55 < < ? 05c.
CAIUIAOE Market good , prices firm at 75c
per do/en for solid heads.
ONIONS Supply and demand about equal ,
and best stock brings 75c(5iS5 per hush.
MKI.ONP Watermelons bring S12.UO@1G,00
per hundred ; cantclopes. M@ " > e for doi
BRANS. Hand picked navy beans
are quoted at 81.75 per bushel and the oilier
grades are selling from that liguio down to
S1.25 ,
GAME. There Is no game coming In , the
weather being too warm to handle It.
POP COHN There is hardly any sale for
top corn. An occasional sacK is uoid at
@lKc per Ib.
liEuuiEB The season for berries Is prac
tlcally over.
TOMATOES The market Is well supplied
with tomatoes , home grown , at 50@75c per
bushel. *
PLUMS The receipts of plums are not as
heavy as of other trults front California.
Prices are firm , good stock moving at 81.50
per box.
GRAPES Very choice Muscat grapes are
arriving from California. There are also a
few coming In from the bouth. Muscats ,
82.00 per 20 Ib boxes ; southern , 81.00 per 10 Ib
PKARS California pears are coming In lib
eral quantities and are choice. Good stock ,
$2.25 per box.
NECTAHINKS A few California nectarines
are arriving , which are sold at 81.50 per box.
PKACHES The market Is well supplied
with very choice stock from California.
Choice stock Is going at 81.25(31.50. (
CELKHY The demand Is not very heavy so
early In the season. Good stock suitable for
restnpmcnt Is sold at 40c per bunch.
PRUNES There are some very largo and
showy California prunes on the market ,
known as the Gross prunes , whlcn are sellIng -
Ing at 1.75 uer box.
LEMONS Thera are some very fancy large
Malorl lemons on thn market which are soil
ing at 89.00. Verdolll lemons 87.50.
ORANQES The market is bare of oranges.
BANANAS The market Is full of bananas
at 8l.50@3.oojflr bunch.
APPLKS The market Is almost bare and
good Rtoctc Is very scarce. Choice apples
suitable for shipment are quoted at 83.00(3 (
Grocer's List.
COFFKK Ordinary grades , 20K@21c ; fair ,
21U@22c ; prime , 22@c ! c ; fancy green and
yellow , 23 < & 25c ; old government Java. 2S < ve
80c ; Interior Java , 25@28c ; Mocha , 230c ;
Arbuckle's. roasted , 25c : McLaughlln'u
XXXX , 20Xc ; Dilworth's , 25Kc ; Ked Cross ,
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
ease , J2.WXft3.10 ; strawberries. 2 Ib , per case ,
S2.HO@2.S5 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. $3.80(3 (
a.85 ; California pears , per case , 84.60r4.00 ;
apricots. p r case , 93.70@3.75 ; peaches , per
cose , | 4.50@4.00 ; white cherries , _ per case ,
5.00 plums , per cas * . 83.00 3.70 : blue
berries , per case , > 2.10@2.20 ; egg plums , a
Ib , per case , $2.50 : pineapples , 2 ib ,
per case. | 3.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz ,
IL50 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz. 81.80(31.35 ( ; 2 lt >
gooseberries , per case , | 3.MKc&85 ; alb string
beans , per case , 81.70 ; a Ib lima beans , per
case , 11.00 ; a Ib marrowfat peas , per case ,
82.40(33.50 ( ; 3 Ib early June peas , per case ,
2.75 ; Sib tomatoes , 82.45(33.50 ( ; 3 Ib cor u
PrtovisioNR-Ilams , 13 > O13Vc ; breakfasi
teeon. U < ( dl3o ; bacoa ilde *
ry salt , 8' < ( < tPc ; shoulder * , 7 fc ! ' dried bcof
inms , 1213c : dried beef rufiiilar , HH cJ
amslptenlc , 8K6t e. ,
WoonKNWAnr. rwo-hoop palls , per doz ,
1.43 ; S-hnoppallMl.TOtNo. 1 tub , $0.50 ;
io. 2 tub , 85.50 ; No. tub , S4.50 ; wasli-
oards , 51.75 : assorteti bowls , S2.2.V No. 1
htirns , SO ; No. 2 churns , ss ; No. 3 churns ,
iticw U > Ke ; pitted cherries , 1017c ; peaches ,
icw , , > 4'8 , i > { c ; evaporated peeled poaches ,
c ; evaporated , unpared , c : new currants ,
7'f7 fc ; prunes , 4W4 c ; citron , 25c ; rai
sins , London lavcrs , Sl. < ' . * > : California , loose
muscatels . , 81.50 ; new Valenclas , 7Kc.
RKPINKD LAUD Tirrcc , 7c ; 40-ib square
ans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7'fo ' ; 20-lb round ,
He ; 1Mb palls , 7Hc ; 5-ib palls , 7 < c ; 3-lb
' '
'TOIIA'CCO Lorlllard's Climax , 44c ; Splen-
id , 3 ! < c : Mechanic's Delitlit , 41c : Legcctt &
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , U7c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44c.
STAitcit Mirror Gloss , 5 c ; Graves Corn ,
J/c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo Corn. 7c.
BuooMS-Kxtra 4-tle,82.GO ; No. 1,52.00 ; No.
,8L75 ; heavy stable , SI
Svitur-No. 70 , 4-galIon kegs. 81.32@1.35 ;
iow Orleans , per gallon , ; ibS4Gc ( ; initplo
yrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ;
gallon cans , per doz , $10.00 ; hnlf-callou
ans , per doz , $5.50 ; quart cans , 83.00.
CANDY Mixed , 8@llc ; stick , 8
CitACKEits Garneau's sodn , butter atul
picnic , 4 < < c : creams , 7 } c ; ginger snaps , 7Xc :
Ity sodn , 7J c.
PICKLES Medium , In bhls , 57.00 ; do In
half bbls , 84.00 ; small , In bbls , 88.00 ; do In
lalf bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , tn bbls , $0.00 ; do In
mlf bbls , 85.00.
TP.AS Japan , 20@55e ; gunpowder , 20@GOc ;
Young Hyson. 230550 ; Oolong , 20300c.
General Markets.
SpmiTS Cologne spirits , Ibs proot , 81,10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
01 proof , 81. 10 ; do 18s proof , $1.00. Alcohol.
88 proof. 82.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , 81.00 1.50. ClFn blended. 81.50 ®
° .00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00@G.OO ; Ken-
ncky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(90.50 ( ;
iolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
SL50@3.0U. Brandies , Imported , S5.0UQS.50 ;
lomestlc , 81.30(33.00. Gins , Imported. $4.50 ( < g
0.00 ; domestic , $1.25@3.00. Champagnes , Im
ported , per case , S2S.00@33.00 ; American , per
case. 810.OOrglG.00.
COAL Kge. 89.00 ; nut 80.25 ; ranee , 80.25 ;
owa lump , $3.00 ; Iowa nut , 82,75 ; walnut
block , 83.00 ; Illinois. 84.25fii4.75.
HEAVY HABUWAIIE Iron , rite , 82.70 ;
low steel , special cast , 4 > { c ; crucible steel ,
0 > fc ; cast tools , do. 12 ( lfx ; ; watron spokes
per set , 82.00@3.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.2. ) ; fel-
oes , sawed dry , 81.GO ; tongues , each , 80c ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , pcrlb , C@7c ;
cell chain , per Ib , Gj@13c ; malleable , 8l c ;
ron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth ,
4.Vc ; nnring steel. 4(35c ( ; Burden's horsu
hoes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. 85.75.
tamed wire * In car lots , 84.00 pur 100 Ibs.
ron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.40 ; steel nails ,
HIDES Green butchers' , 5X@Cc ; green
ured , 7Mc ; dry Hint , ll@12c : dry salt. 0 ®
Oc ; green calf skins , 7j5'c ; damaged tildes
wo-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime
white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l > fc. Sheep
pelts , 25@75c ,
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls ;
ount LL , 6c : CC , 7 o ; SS , 8/c ! ; KK ,
OKc ; GO , 10) ) c ; XX , 12c : ' OO. 14c ; NN , lOc.
{ X , 18c ; R,20c : No. ' 108 > c ; 40 , 10) ) e : GO-
c : bO , 15c ; 30 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored ,
2c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13M ; Union
Pacific. ISc. ,
CAIIIT.T WAitr Bibb white , ISJ c ; col
ored , 20Kc.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , He ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B. cased , S0.50.
PKLNTS SOLID Coi.bits Atlanta 5J < - Sla-
er 5 ; Beilin Oil V X\ \ Garner Oil 6 to 7. PINK
AND ROUES Richmond ( i ; Allen 0 ; Rlvcr-
> oint5 ; Steel Rlvur C : Richmond ( i ; Pacific
> ) < , . Ixnino BLIIK Washington ( i ; Ameri
can K ; Arnold OU ; Arnold B 10 ! Arnold
V 12 ; Arnold Goidscai W % . Imss : Char
ter Oak 4f } ; Raiuapo ! % ; Lot ! I 4) ) ; Alien
r > J ; Richmond 5 > ; Windsor GKddystone ; 6 ;
Pacllic 0.
GiNoiiAM-Plunkctt checks 7tf ; Whltten-
on 7f } ; York 7 , ' ; Normandtn Dress
8 ; Calcutta Dress 8tf } ; Whittenton
Dres = ! 0 ; Renfrew Dress 9 to 121 , ' ;
KENTUCKY JKANS Memorial 15e ; Canton
ISc ; Durham 27 > c ; Hercules 18c ; Leamint'-
lon 22 > c ; Colts weld Me.
CRASH Slovens' B Gc ; bleached 7c ; Slo
vens' A 7Kc : bleached 8c ; Stevens' P 8Kc ;
bleached OKc ; Stevens' N 0 } c ; blenched
lOKc ; Stevens' S R T KXc.
MlhCKLLANROUS Table oil cloth Si 85 ;
plain Holland 8Ko to 9c ; Dado Holland 12 We.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman 'JOn ; Goshen
"B c ; Clear Lake 32H'c ; Maple City 30 - .
Wlilte-G. H. No. 2 , % . 21c ; G. H. No. 1 , Jf ,
27&c ; B. II. No. 2 , J4' , 83Kc ; B. H. No. 1 , f ,
30c : Quecheo No. 1. 5f , 42c ; Qut'cheo No. 2 ,
% , 37.Kc ; Quecheo No. 3 , Jsi c ; Anawan
13Xe Windsor W 'e. Ked-C. 24 inch , l. c ;
K , 24 Inch , 21c ; GO , 24 Inch. 18c ; H. A. F. , J ' ,
25c ; J. K. F. , % , 27Kc ; G. , ! tf , 35c.
COMPOIITEIIS S0.50g35.00. (
BLANKETS White , Sl.00@7.50 ; colored ,
. .
CAMIIKICS Slater \yt\ \ Woods 4 } ; Stan-
lard 4K ; Peacock 4) $ .
COIISKT.IEANS Androscogglu 7 # ; Kear-
sage 7 > / ; Itockport G > ; Conestoga Okf.
DucK-West Point 20 In. , 8oz. , 10 > i : West
Point SO In. , 10 oz. , 12 } $ ; West Point 20 In. ,
,2 oz. . 15 ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , 1G.-
ChecVs Caledonia X , OK ; Caledonia XX ,
10U ; Kconomy 0 to 0 } ; Otis 0 to 0 > .
TICKS Ltfwiston SO in. , 12K ; Ltiwlston 3'3
In. , UiK ; York 32 In. , 14 ; Swift River 7K :
Thorndlko O O , 8 > 4' ; Tliorndike K K. 8 } ;
Thorndlko 120. OW ; Thorndlko XXX , 10 ;
Cordls No. 5 , OK ; Cordis No. 4 , U.
DENNIMS Ainoskeott'Joz. , 10 : Everett 7
oz. , Hi ; York 7 oz. . 13 ; Haymaker 8 ; Jail-
r yXX , UK ; JnlVtey XXX. 12K ; Buaver
Creek A A. 12 ; Beaver Creuk BB , 11 ; Bua\er
Cieek CC , 10.
Bitowx SiiKr.ii.vas Atlantic A , 4-1 , 74'c ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , OKC : At
lantic P , 4-4 , sjfc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 5Jic ;
Aurora C , 4-4 , 4Kc ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , Gi c ;
Hoosler LL , 4-4 , 5c ; Indian Head , 4-4 7 > | c ;
Lawrence LL. 4-4 , SJi'c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
iKc : Pepperell R. 4-4 CKc ; Poppereil 0,4-4.
GC ; Pepperell , 8-4 , lOc ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 18c :
Pepperell , 10-J. 20c ; Utica C. 4-4 , 4c ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , OKc ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , Oc.
BLEACHED SIIEIITINO Berkeley cambric ,
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , IH/c ; Lons-
dale , 8Kc : New York mills , lOWc ; Pepperell ,
8 > { c ; Canton , 4-4 , OKc ; Triumph , Gc ; Wam-
sutta , lie ; Valley , 5c.
Dry Liumbor.
10 f Id ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
Zx4. , .17.SO 1V.60 20.60
'xS . 22 60 22.5U
2x8. 21.60 21.'jO
2x10. , . . 22.60
2x12. . . . 18.2ft 19.M 20.50 2il6U 23.fiO
4xi-HxS . . .18.50 aiOO 23.0Q
No. 1 , com , sis Sl .oo No. 2 , com , sis $17.00
No. 3 , 815.50 No. 4 , 813.00
No. 1 , 4 A Gin , 12 A 14 It , rough . $10.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " " . 10.50
No. 2 , " " 12&14 " " . 10.00
No. B , " " 10 " " . 17.50
A , 12. 14 and 16 ft 831.60 C. 815.50
B , ' ' " " 20.50) ) D , 12.50
1st com , Jf in White line Celling . 834.00
2nd " " ' . 2S.OO
Clear , X In. Norway Pine Celling . 16.00
2nd com. % In " " " . 14.00
A 0 In White C 829.50
n " " 3:1.50 : D 21.00
E " " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . 19.00
. . 84VX. .
No. l , com. 13a ,,13 . . . . . . . . . . . 20.50
" ' 10ft . 18.50
No. a " " . 10.00
" " 16ft . 17.50
Inch Grooved Roofing 81.00 per M. more
ban 12 In. Stock Boards same length.
No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 In . 819.50
No.2 " . 17.50
No. 1 , O. G. , 8 In . . 19,00
1st and 2d , clear , 1 , 1'/ inch , B. 3 a . 850.50
3d. clear , linen. s.2s ; , . 45.50
" " i ! IH , a in . 40/x )
A select 1 inch , s. 2s. , . 40.00
" " . W. ain . 4t- ° °
U " irnch7s.3s. , . 80.00
" " W.iX.ain . 37.00
Com , 4&OID. Flooring. . ; . 117.60
Star " . " . . . 21.50
Clear X iu. Celling . 21.50
" ' * , { In. Partition ST .00
" Finish , l&l'fln. s3s , sJO.OO
" Corrugated Celling , 4 In 2VOO
" Yellow Pine Casing nnd Base. . . . 27.00
rorr.Ait i.t' MIIKII.
Clear Poplar Bx. Bds. ) In. , s , 2 S Sax&O
5l U In. Panel , s. 2 s 27.00
" " Corrtuatetl Celling , J ( 28.50
OG Baits , 3K In 800.75
" H3ln , s. IB. 00.45
.1 In. Well Tublnir , I ) * M and Bov 2.1.00
Pickets , D A II Flat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
SlllNOt.KS , I.ATH.
XX clear , .8'UO ' Extra A 52.00
* A * Standard . . 2,75 A U B & B 12.55
Gin. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.03
While cedar , C In. , H'We ; ° InQ" . , He ;
8 In. qts. , 10o:4 : in. round 15c ; Tennessee
lied Cedar , apllt. 15c ; Split Oak , 12c ,
Qulncy white lime , ( best ) We : Akron cement ,
81.75 ; Hair , I0c ! ; Plaster. 82.75 ; Tar board ,
81.75 : Sash , 40c per ct. ; Doors. 40c per ct. ;
Blinds , 40c per ct. ; Mouldings , 40c per ct. ;
Tar felt , per cwt , 82.25 ; Straw board , 81.75.
Mnrknt Gleanings.
The collce market advanced ) c per pound
Canned lobster has advanced lOc per dozen
In the past two weeks.
Since the advance In tobacco * , low trade
plugs are coming Into favor with the retailer.
Iowa canncrs arn said to have contracted
for more canned corn than they will bo able
to supply. ,
It Is now estimated that the pack of sweet
corn will not be more than half of what It
was estimated nt In July.
The supply of woolen goods , such ns yarns
nnd underwear. Is not very heavy at the
mills and there Is a tendency toward higher
prices ;
Chicago has n crocor who Is bald-headed ,
toothless nnd deaf. Ho is snns teeth , sans
hair , sans hearing and sands sugar. Chicago
Butter Is apparently a scarce article nil
over the country. Complaints come from
Nnw York city tnat the fancy grades are ex
tremely scarce there.
The retail trade In Hour Is a little light dur
ing the summer on account of the greater
number of people who buv their bread In
stead of baking It themselves.
While the cranberry crop of Wisconsin
promises to bo unusually lar e , reports from
Massachusetts Indicate tbat the crop there
will be less than half the usual product
llunnliiK nctwcon Council llluirs nml South
Omnba. In addition to the stations mentioned.
trHlns stop nt Twentieth Rim Twenty-fourth
streets , und ut the Summit m Omaha.
Union TrustCo
3O8 S. 15th St. , Onuilin , JVeb.
Capital , - $300,000
Loans Made on Real Efttutc.
School , County and Municipal Bonds Ne
President. Vlcn Pros ,
Bocretnr ? . Treasurer.
W. O. MAUL , L. 11. WIU.IAMS.
Merchants' National Hank Dulldlnfr , Hooinl
Telephone No , 375 , Omaha , Nebraska.
Ptoenlx. London , England . $5,723,374.18
Firemen's. Newark , N. J . lr.MS.M.31
Olen'i Falls , Ulen's Falls , N. Y . 1,4U2 H.64
Glrurd , Phlladtlpnla , I'll . 1,263,503.70
WeetchfcBter Now Yorlc N. Y . . . . 1.342,5011.05
Anlslund on the Sou thorn coast of Mnssachil
letta. Uood Qabliib and beach for bathlnir. Ixi
cated In the best Summer Climate In the world
For full purtlclarn address ,
Mutuni Lite llulidlnir , 32 Nassau St. , N , Y
Instant IB-
caseieured. No , dru a or clamps uicll.
Ada. V. O. Supply Co. Box 711. 8t. Louis , llo. ,
Agricultural Implements.
\Vbol ml fc tr In
Agricultural Implements , Wncons ,
Crrrtagts and Hutelf . Jonoi < lr et , between 9th
and lUlh.Onmhii. Hull.
Agricultural Implements ,
XV RKOniC rrlMo > , Dugditf , Hta. Wholt lc , Ora.'h * .
Whole , lo Boaters In
Agricultural Implements ,
nnJ BurRlM. WI.TOJV05 nmlM7 , Janeg it
Artists' Material.
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , 1'lanos mid Organs ,
1M3 DougUi Ptr ct. Onuh .
'Builders' Nardttar * and Scales.
BulWers'Hardwure&Scalo Repair Shop
Uechtnlci'Tooliand Buffalo B Uf. 1401 Doun ! it ,
Om hiNb. .
* Books and Stationery.
A. T. KKNl'ON ,0 CO. ,
Who'cJilo nJ lie all
Booksellers and Stationers ,
1512 Douglas st.Omntm , N > 1 > . Telephone SOI.
Correspondence solicited.
Boots and Shoes.
jr. r. MORSE , c co.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
1(11 F rn m it. , Omatm , N b. UnuuUclorr , Summer
ilreet. llonton. _
7. . T. LINDSEIT .V CO. ,
Wholesale Rubber Hoots and Shoos
Hubocr ami Oiled Clothing mid I'elt Hoots and
Phooi. lilt Marnnv Htrcnt.
L xer Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North l lh fllrot. Om h , N b.
Butefltrt' _
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
CMtnfs ef ll klndi twajiln ttock. Itll
Jone ii.Omihk
Omaha Cotreo and Spice Hills.
a , CofTf , Sotf . BtklBf Pow r , rUTerinrB
tr cu. Laundry Blu , Ink , Htc. lllt-lOHtnur
StrettOmlia. N .
Cornier. .
John Epencter , Prop.
Itanafaetatvr of O lT nlied Iron and Comic * . 8J3
Io4f e and 1(3 d 101W. 10th it. . Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowi , Flnali.MeulloBkjIlgbtetc. 3108.
12li ! it. , Omaha.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Galrinlitd Iron Cornlcei , etc. Bpoct'i Improved Pat
ent Mi-tallc Skylight. KB mUlO B.Hth l..Oni hn.
Jobber" of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , liners ,
Linoleums , Mntttnfi , Ktc. 1111 Domini atrret.
Crockery and Notians.
Agontfor * hoManufacturers and Importerof
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Ctil aiiuyn , etc. Office , > 17 South Uth t
Omaha. N b.
Mammoth Clothing1 Houso.
Corner Kurnam and Tenth Street ! Omaha. Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Bntttr , Kggiand Produce. Coulcnmanti solicited.
Ileadqunrten for Stoneware , Herry lioxea and
grape lUiknu. 1414 Uod e itreet. Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
fpeclultlei Butter , Kiift , Chpeio , I'oilt.-y , Uarao ,
Ojritcri. etc. , etc. 112 3. i < th St.
Commission Merchants.
Fruit * , Produce nnd Provliloni , Omaha , Net ) .
-triEDEHfA N & CO. , '
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutter , Oamc , KiuUi. etc. X 8. Utblt
Umuba. NeU.
Coal ana" Lime.
Uno. f .1 > A1 > AOH , I'rei. C. F. OonnMAH , V. Piei.
J. A. 8UNUKRLAND , Bee. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
WJ South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb ,
, T. J. JOHNSON fl CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Bhtppen of Coal and Coke. Cement , Plmtor ,
Ume , Hair , Tire Itrlck , Drain , Tile nnd Sewer 1'ipo.
Ofllce. Pnzton Rote : . Ktniiim it. , Onmba , Nub.
Telephone 811.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouna and Ammunition , 215 to 3 8. Uth it. , HBO to
1024 Farnarait. , Omiha.Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 108
and 110 N. 4th street , Omaha ,
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH tC CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
110J and 1104 Doutlas , rnr. Uth St. , Omaha , Neb.
DIstlTlera of Liquors , Alcohol and flptrlts. Importers
and Jobbers of Wlnesaml Liquors.
CO. and ILER a > CO. ,
Importers and Jobber ! of Fine Wines and Manors.
bole m nuf etur r of Kenuedr'n Ka t India Bit-
Urs ami Domestic Liquors. 1113 llnrney Ht.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Knrnam it , . Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , Bedding : , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1100.1306 and H10 Farnam Ft. , Omnba.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noc. TO07 , 7U9 and 711 B. 10th St. , Omalm , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn and Leavonwcrlh Ms.Omaha.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nnils ,
Tlpware , Hhcet Iron. Ktc. AyentH for llowu bcales ,
and Miami ruwder < : u..t > muhaNrb.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
BprlUKS , Wagon Flock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 120C
and nil lUrnuy it. , Uniilia.
EliNEY ,0 GUlllOX ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Walton and Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware ,
/ Ktc. HUamlUtfo Le tonwortb ft..Uiimha , NeU.
Stoves ' , Itanges , FurnaccH , 'J'iloH ,
Urate * . IJrus Goods. 1331 nud yu\
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
WrontM und Out Iron BullillnR WnrV , Iron 9UML
Halluia. Urania and ( ilnlert , bteani Hnlni , llraaf
WiirH , ( Unoral Jfonnilrf , Mnchlne ml IllAckiinltV
> fott. omceanjWorks.U.I' . Hr.and 17thstieet.
/ / . If. Ss
Mnnuructiirlnjr Dealer in SmokeStack
llrltchlnnii , Tnnk'.nn.l ( Ipnoml Itollci '
111) IKi.lto Uroi-l.Omntin.
Manufacturers of
Ire and Iron Railings , Desk Raltg ,
Window Ouards. Klowar Rtnnits , Wire ! * lns , !
133 N. 10th. Orders br mall promptly altendmlto.
Doale' . . All Kinds of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
lUlh Street and Union Padflo Track. Omaha.
' -
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Snsb.
Doors , Ktc. Tardn-CornerTth and Dcoilasi CornM
_ th and Douglas. _ _ _
Wholesale Lumber ,
ill S. Klh street , Omsha.Nsb. f.Colpctter. Mana n
- Lumber.
th and California Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Lnra her , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eta.
Cor.eth and nonilas its. . Omaha. Nex
To Dealers Only.
Office , U03 Fnrnim street , Omalm.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carptts and Parquet Flooring , cyi and DodfM
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Portland Cement. fltsK
Afeat forMllwaukee Hydraulic Cement and Best
qulncy White Lime.
Life Stock. ,
Of Omaha.
Limited. Joha F. Boy4 , Baperlntendttit , .
Lire Steck Commission.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Market furnlnhod free i n application. Btnrkera an
feeders furnlshnl on go > d terms. Iteferenoej
Omuha National und Houth Omaha Nitkn *
Union Stock Vards. Mouth Omaha.
Live Stock Commission.
_ Oeo. Burke , Manager.
Union Stock rardi.S.Omnha. Telephone MI.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipments of an/ and all klndt of Block solicited ,
Union Block Yardi. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1313and 1S15 Harney Ht.eet , Omaha , Neb.
J. \ MOBINS Jf'6TION : cd7i
\Vholenalo D nleri In
Notions and FurniHhlng Goods ,
M.I nnd 406 B. Tenth St. , Omthn.
Hannfacturers of Overalls ,
iMni Pinti , Sblrtl , Ktc. .1103 and 1194 DoujUi tSlnet ,
Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
: arry a nice tock of I'rlnllnz , Wrapping and Writ
Inif paper. Special attention itlfen tn car loadoV
orders , which will bo shipped direct from mills. All
orders will recelre personal attention. Wecuart
i.iitco food goods anil low prices. 1111 und 1UU
Job Printers , Plank Book Maker * .
And Ilook Uludert. 10D nnd 108 South Fourteenth
itreot. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Type , Presses nnd Printers' Supplies. 509
South Twelfth Street. .
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water HuppUoe. Headquiirtcrs fur Mart
Foj'tCo's ( looda. llltlarnam si. , Omuha. Neb.
tlalladarWInd Mllist i-team and Water Puppllss ,
PlumblnnUoods , Heltlng , lloie. 91H and Via f ar
ea tu st. , Ouiahn. B. K. Kclton , Manager.
Telephone No. 310.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , Water , Itallwur and Milling Supplies.
820 , V lnnd KM larnara it.Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers and Dealers In
Knglncs , Boilers & General Mndiinory
Hhect Iron work , Steam Pumpf.a w MillsAOOISJ
Bhaf Unit , Dodte Wood split rulleya , SelUaz , eta ,
Alsowacoas , icrapers.audB alatlM. lUI-lUi Lea >
Ten worth m. Omaha
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturer and Dealers In all klndi of
Rubber Goods ,
Oil Clothlnc nnd Lrnihar lloltlnv , ICH Kurnam Ht.
5ar"es , Etc.
P. BOYER a ) CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s *
Flro and llurif'ar Proof Hafoi , Time Ixickn ,
and J.VI Work. V ' \ Fnrnurn ntroiit Omnba , Nab.
Omalia Safe Works.
Mfinufuctureriof Flruand llontlnr Proof Bafcg , Vnull
lou , \VnrkKhutlorn und Wlro Work. Cur.
lilh ttml JmkBun Ht . , Omalm , No b ,
Sasfi , Doors , Etc.
Wholeialo Manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
llrnnch oKce,12lh and Urd > tOcsh : , ! ' ; > > .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , blinds ,
Monld'jiRi.StulrWnrkiinil Interior Hunt Wood Klnlib
Juitopvuutt , N , K.ror. Bllinuil l.uuvonwortuBU.
Omubn , NCI ) .
Lincoln , Neb.
The best known nnd nioet popular hotel In
tliunato. Locution criitiHl , appointments Hist
class. HuiidUiirtoia | for lominerulnl men and
all political und p.ibHo
School , County and City
\\'u will imy lilKlirBt jirlco for sumo.
Mndo lit lowt > t rales. Corrcfsiondi | > nro iollcitcd
. ' . . ' , - . 8TULL
k iai din