Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    . . . . 'r- -
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' '
, - -2 : ' . . , . . : : . THE OMAHADAJ1Y.11diU1)AYAtb0tTST ? ) 16al8S7r . ' . . . . . . ; :
Becretary Lma ? Ta'c3 30,000,000 , Acres
ofLand from a RaiIroal ,
Cotone Jamont Aay , the PreRidont
% vIII Undoubtedly Hio Nbrska's
: 3letropoHN-4JamtIcrDorftn
, . covcrltlg-WiuthlngtonNowL
: . Opened to Settlement.
; ASIIINOT0't , Atiust 1.-'rho secretary
of the Interior to day revoked the order of
; withdrawal of Indemnity lands for the bone-
, lit of the Atlantlo it l'aclilc railroad corn-
pany and In a 1otg letter to the commissioner
A. . . - of the general land otflco directs that they
niay be restored to settlement under the pro-
. wnhitiofl nd homestead laws. It is stated
. that between , OOOO ® and OOOOOOO acres
p- are involved in this deolsion in the case of
: . the Atlantic tt I'acIllc cornoany atone. 'rho
order also applies to Ul of thn other railroads
r mused in the secretary's circular of
,4 May 23 last except the i3t. Paul ,
! dinneapolis & Manitoba , tim hastings &
Dakota , the St. Paul and the Wlnoua t St.
I'etcr. These arcs still under consideration
' end undecided. Secretary Lamar's letter ,
which is very long , says lie has considered
the shovinc made by the Atlantic & facitic
railroad , and reviews in detail the sections of
the act granting the land. After this review
he says "It is auparent from the irantitg
' . clause of the said act that the graut was not
one of quantity , but for a certain number oC
. sections in place , nnd If not there then it
gave the privilege of looking for the do-
hlciuticy within restricted limits. Therefore -
fore , If the company does not
get th' , full amount of sections
wiUihn the primary limit , and fails to wake
np Its losses in the secondary limits , there is
no violation of contract anywbero that I can
see , but only j.ho happening of a contingency
- . pialniy coutompIateL by the irantIng act ,
subject to which tl company made Its con-
tract. It lornanifost that ( ho act gave no
sPecial authority or direction to the execu-
tlvo.ta withdraw the said lands , and when
euch withdrawal was made it was done
by virlue of a general authority over
such matters possessed by the mere-
tary f the Interior in the exercise
of his dIcretlon ; so that , voro the withdrawal -
drawal to be revoIed , no law would be violated -
ted , no contract broken. The company would
be placid exactly in thepositlon in whiob the
law gave it , and deprived of no rights acquired -
quired thereunder , It would uphold lta
right to , oleet indemnity for the lost lands ,
lut . dting , it would hayc no advantage
over the settler as it now has , in contrayen-
tion of the policy of the government , in do-
.nlai of the rights unquostionaWy conferred
Ipon the settlers by the land laws of the
country , and especially protacted by the
promises of the granting act under consider-
atlon. "
The secretary then answers , at great
length , some of the iolnts made by the railroad -
road company in ita answer which roqiro
the government to select other granted lands
as indemnity , and shows that the letter of
the law has been strictly complied with.
After quoting at length the original contract -
tract between tim government and the rail-
roau ho says : "Criticism upon the allocd
shortcomings of tiio government with ro-
$ itct to this grant cornea with an iii grace
froni this company , 'rue people , whom the
government repreOnt have some rights under
the grant M yell as the company. On full
conidsrat1on of the whole subject I con-
elude that the withdrawal for indemnity purposes -
poses , if possible under the law , waa solely
by.virtuo of executive authority , and may be
revoked by the same authority ; that such
revocation would not be In violation of either
. , c law or equity , and that said hanUs having
boon aolong withhold for the benefit of the
Company , the time has arrived when public
policy and justice demand the withdrawal
should be revoked and some regard had for
the rights of those seeking anu needing
- homes on the public domain. "
Naval Contracts Lot.
. WAsunwToN , August 15-The secretary
of the navy to-day awarded contracts for the
construction of the live new naval vessels
for which bids were opened recently. Cram
tt Sons have secured the contract to bull
two , the Union steel works , of Sati Francisco -
cisco , one and N. F. Palmer , Ir. , & Co. , of
Now York ( Roach's assignees ) have secured
The bid of the Union Iron works for
Cruiror No. Five wa $18,000 over that of
Cramp & Sons. 'rue secretary left it to the
president to decide whether the bid of the
Union Iron works was a fair price for the
work. 'rho prsld'nt made a reply in which
he statcd that the ( IhiTeronce would nut more
than cover the ditfcronee against the Pacific
coast cost of necessary transportation , and
the bid not being in oxces ot this fair cost ot
the ship , ho directed that the award be made
to the Calitornia iiruii in accordance with the
Instructions of Congress.
I'onMlonN Granted.
WAsInNaTor , August 15.-ISpoclal 'role-
grain to the IIZE.l-Tne following Nebrmka
pensions were granted ta-day : James Do-
lacoy. Omaha ; John Ilohfenbein , Jfahls City ;
Drice IL- France , Cowles. Increase : Wxn.
. li. Uroonhield , Sterling ; Fletcher & lUddlo ,
Balsora. Restoritlon and increase : Win ,
Ccx , Mltord.
iowa pensions : harrison W. Ogelbee ,
Iriuinghaint Albert M. iheldon , Iowa Falls.
Ioreaso : isaac Freeman Lu'lepondeuco ;
lYm. 5 , Moore , ( .sscoola ; John W. Anthony
Ulonwootl Wm. J. Adams MonticelLo ; NelL
tcUlaighiIn Mondarnin ; taiiben C. Duel ,
oar Urovo onali h Read , State Center ;
1108. G. Mlhiaan , Des Moines ; Jero Foster ,
therokoe ; Predorick Ashpole , Toledo ;
Robert Audrews , ( ilhinan ; Cbarlss N. Ames ,
Corydon ; James l'errego , Cedar Rapids.
Ristoration and increase : James JL 1o-
Jlhanoy , Alden. _ _ _
Amloably Settled.
WASIInfGT0N , August 15.-ISpecial Tela-
Irate to the 13r.c.-Tho , ) controversy between
Colonel Wiilpplo anit Colonel Burns , ita-
tionod at Uoveruors Island , whl.h proniistx.t
to develop into a military scandai of cousid.
? ruble magnitude , has been settled through
the intoivuiition of ieacornakers and no
court martial will be held. It wni said nttl2o
War departinont ta-day ( lint Colonel hums
ias apologized for lila abuse of Colonel
'hiIpple , and that the hatter has , In conse.
tonco , withdrawn the charges hiled agaInst
1)oran IN Recovering.
WASIIINOT0N , August V.-Special ( Telegram
gram to the lhntc.l-l'rtvate advico. received
trom Fort South , Ark. , to-night are to the
e1TeI that Stephen A. Doran , the notorious
Kambler , is tfllidi recovoziur from lti
'wound. An account or this man's roiiiark-
able career apieireLl In these dlspatoIioi me
coldly wIth a statement to the elfeet that lie
had been batihy wottlidod by another giunbiem
ntunett Fag : . 11 li eb.o ttaotwhtt tuat when
) oman Icily recovers , Faz's name will be
wbicd to the 11)0 , ! lIst of those who have
) tWltOd Ut ) their lives to loman's fatal
Anothar Test Cao.
VisII1roN , tUCtiSt 15.--Spoelal [ Tele
grain to the lJuu.-Thu ] trial of Surgeos
Cravtortt of thu navy for fornication va
adjourned on Saturday until Io morrow , but
the police court wu oouplod with ii
shiuilar ease tituter the "Utah law. " Ttii
tlii , , a prlstu In a cavalry rcizhtneit , sta
tI)0111 at the bimnteLs hero is charged with
crhi'iinal ' ctincetinn vhth hik I ii
critut , Is incest , hut be is to be tried uniel
the } t ; . * ii U its act , , si : lh prohi hi L4 ah I earl , al
kiiiivhitIo bttWtkflI lininairleit nih
whlI'lI I av , tht'i cfllri'rcliii to , ap'i io. to I hi
district as well as to Utah and vii ttte tern
Grover is Ct'ining ,
'AS3IUiITt' ( , Aigut , l'ec )
min to thu hhp.i.:1--Clolel Iaiuont sId. to
lay Itoh the te.ldeut Ul uiduubIedfj vlsi
. . . , .
. . ,
' .
t''t - , .1
Omaha during hfs westcrii trip. Ho wilt
take In Nebraska's principal city on his way
from Mlnneapoilsto Kansas City after visit-
Inir St. Louis and Clilqao. rhls wilt be as
far west as it vlil be lOSSible for him to go.
* l'oital Chango.
WAaittq ( ITO , August 15.-i Special Tele-
grain to the hiiue.J-Wm. F. Meyers has
been commissioned postmaster at Bassett.
Neb. 'rho following star schedule change is
ordered : North I'latto to Ehlzabethi : Leave
North Platte Saturda a at I p. m , , arrive at
Elizabeth by 5:45 : p. m ; leave Ehizabethi hatur-
days at 7 a in. , arrive at North Platte by
11:45 : a. in.
Army Orders.
WAShINGTON. August 1.-Speeial [ Telegram -
gram to the Br.n.1-MsJor J. A. Smith's
corps of engineers tins been ordered to Fort
Constitution and Jury's Point , N. 11. , on
public buslnos. First Lieutenant A. M.
l'atch , Fourth cavalry , having boon found
incapaclatcl for active service , has been or-
dercd to proceed to his home.
Another 4obraaka National flank.
WASII1NaTO , August lfi.-Thiu comp-
troflcr of the currency to-day authorized the
First National bank of Madison , Neb. , to ho-
gin busIness with a capital of $ OOOO.
Whitney Cows to lhar harbor.
WASILINOTO , AtigustU.-Secretary Whitney -
ney left hero this mornine for New York ,
whienco ho will go to Bar flarbor to join his
_ _ _ _
JOSelti Hinith'sSccludoi Son for
head or the Church.
Sv. Louis , August l5.-rSpechal Telezram
to the Bri.I-1hii : , Ulobe.Domocrat prints a
sensational 8tory about the blood succosstr
of Joseph Smith , of the Mormon church , that
has the marks of a romance. but lacks con-
firmatloii. About twenty-live years ago , the
little town of Nauvoo , Ill. , the licatlquarters
of the Mormon church of the MIssissippi
valley , was startled by a story in which
Joseph Smith , in 1812 , fhured as the lover of
a ilashing English maiden of a wealthy
family , believers In Mommoitism , and who
wore travelling in America , 'rho prophet
vlstied to take the girl as his "spiritual"
who , and she consented with tlio condition
that If she bore a son be should eventually
become the head of the Mormon church.
The child . was born , and for
fear of foul play fi'om the other children of
the Smith family , the mother and child has.
toned to England and there educated the
child in Cambridge university , the proper
credentials havlnr been given to secure all
rights. The story is now beIng published by
La Baron ilaviuton a wan of note In the
Mormon church at gait Lake City for the
purpose , It is thonht , of injuring the pros-
lwcts of the ambitious Smith of the present
day , and perhaps with the Intention of
springing the central tigure of the story , vhio
would iiow betorty-ilvo years old , before the
church as a claimant to the head. Dr 0. 0.
hail , of St. Louis , and Mr. Crawford. of
Hancock. IhIclaItnto be the only ones who
know of tlieorlgln of thiti story and they pronounce -
nounco It a myth. It is reported that the
story was concocted twenty-bye years ago in
Dr. Hall's chico , to his knowledge but not by
him. Lie claims to have ample evidence in
lila possession to provo the whole thing a
myth. _ _ _ _ _ _
An Arrest ThatCauHed a Sensation
at St. Joseph.
ST. Josa'ir , Mo. , August 15.-FSpeclai
Telegram to time IJxa.-A ] great deal of sur-
prlsu was occasioned in this city to-day by
the announcement that A. G. Arco , a prom I-
neat politIcian and one of the wealthiest
men In Atchison county had been arrested
charged with stealln& some mules and lodged
In jail. For many years Arco has been a
power in the local politics of the county and
was an uncompromising democrat. lie has
a farm of 200 acres near Rockport and was a
large cattle buyer. Arco claims that he can
prove an alibi , claiming that he was In. For-
rest City on July 2. thin tInts on which It is
charged the mules were stolen.
News From Africa.
ZANZIBAR , August 15.-Messengers dispatched - .
patched to inform Emin Pashma of Stanley's
expedition arrived at Muss , on the east shore
of Albert Nyanza , at the boginping of May ,
after liayinr been dotalned by King Kassiki
and King Mwanga. it they were able to
cross Albert Nyanza it is thought they must
have reached Emnin about the middle of May.
it was stated at Milan that Emin i'asha was
in the lJmkaro district at site beginaing of
May , belnir en route to Lake Mutanalte by
the way of the .Bnkibbi riven lie was In
good health. _ _ _ _ _ _
Heavy Forgery Discovered.
PIIIr.AnlsI.i'HIA , August 15.-The mystery
which has been thrown around the departure
from this city of EmIl Schoenberg , who has
for sonic time past boon supposed to be a
partner of John F. Botz , the mIllIonaIre
brewer , In seine of his enterprises , is grad-
tinily belnir cleareil up. anti the startling
statement Is mails that he is a forger to a
large amount. Betz makes the declaration
that Schoenberg tins forged his name and
several others to securIties amounting in tue
argrlgate to $800,000. Schoenberg was last
80011 in Chicago , and t tic can be located
every means will be taken to secure his to-
turn to this city.
DenouncIng Trevehyan.
CmucAoo , August 15.-The eleventh an-
nun ! demonstration of the United Irish sod-
ethos was held at Ogden's Grove this after-
noon. Ten thousand people wore in attend-
moe. John F. Flnerty was made ehalmman.
Speeches were made by itoy. U. W. Pepper ,
of Ohio. Father Hayes , of Iowa , anti others.
Resolutions denouncing Sir George Trdvel-
yan's compromise scheme and pledging support -
port to Parnell were adopted.
Reid on a Serious Charge.
NannisicA City , Nob. , August 15-ISpe-
clalTelegrani to the Bairj.-Mlnnle Wil-
hams , a fair rod haired miss , had i'hiiln Mel.
choir arrested to-day for trying to force her
at the point of a pistol to accompany him
last night for cvii purposes , as she feared.
A good pair of lungs saved her and lauded
Philip in them calaboose to answer to a so-
rlous charge.
- -
To Complete the Ionitor.
WASIJZNGT0N , August 15.-TIme secretary
of the navy has Lasued thstruclions to have
time work ofcornpleting the United States
monitor Minatonoumab. lying at the New
Yotk navy yank pushed as rapidly as jossi-
bie. Bids for furnishing materials and ant-
cbs required vtiI be O)000d [ at the navy de-
partluout Septetubor In.
Elgin iairy Market.
Er.OIN , lii. , August 15.-Butter solti today
mr 27 cents. Time mnar5ct was very dnin and
time inicatmons are ooct for another rise In
prIces during the week. 'rho drought still
coiitlnue. very materially affecting the sup.
- ply of wiiry goods in this section. Sales Ofl
call to-day iumnounted to 1SS4U POUndS. bales
tlvrtng the week reached T&,34J pounds.
Stanford Ordered to Appear.
S.uFRANcisco , August 15.-Unlte.1
815t03 Circuit Judge Sawyer issued an order
to-day citlug Senator Lelaud Stanford to
appear next Vc4nesday and show cause
why lie should not be compelled to iuisweu
certain pmetlons asked hitimu by the Pachuic
railway commissIon In rcard to the. expencil-
tumre of funds for tIm purpose or intlueneimig
- _ _
Fieuro-Pnoumonla Eradicated.
lAoLNarcm1 , Pa. , August 15.-Dr. hirhulge
state veterInary surgeon , to-day visited
Nammor township to Investigate a caum 01
pleumo-pnetnnonta. No traces of the itIseas
vcro found mmml time tioctor stated thuenim wa
not a care in the state at the presenI ( line.
_ _ _ _
t AWtrw offlie PhimniL
Naw onK , August 15.-In the matter 01
r thu Pimmmmb insurance company , Pro.Iden1
Crownhl tn-tiny assented that the recent dis
closunis would not atcct the stanuimug of thu
The Gondoliers' Strike Ended ,
. Vmtcms , August 15.-The stniko ot thu
gondoliers ha coiled ,
t IFywitru1 Bro.flno hoIItawge bok )
- _ ii : - -r- : -
Lincoln Loses the Last of the Series by
Loose Playing.
Emporla Again Defeats Hastings-
The flack Star will Fight
Wilson-Local Gun
and Trap.
Topeka 13 , Taincoln 7.
LINcor , Nob. , August 15.-ISpeclal Teic-
gram to time BEu.I-The path of glory
trodden by time Lincoln club Saturday led to
the grave to-day. In fact the home climb
played as though they Imad a grave yard
yawning before them , and the 40U0 people in
attendance felt as though timey hind front
seats at a funeral. Inexcimsuiblo errors among
lime Lincoln players , who have a habit of
playIng errorless games , characterized almost
every Inning , and , while the 'ropekas played
far from perfec their work was much the
better. 'rime home club led out as though
tlmoy Intended to play bail , but In the third
lnnin they became demoralized , and , after
two men vim-o out , live mon crossed the
homo plate. 'I'ho audience drew a sigh that
was felt blocks away , and , with a sinking
faith , , hoped that the lt'ad could he overcome.
For two innings tim home club settled down
to respectable work and whitewashed
time visitors , but again 1mm the sixth they ox-
phoded. going all to pieces. Airain the giants
croseti live men over thmo hmonie plate. After
that all houe vas ahandommed , and wIth a Si-
Imice as profound as the Topeka visitors
kept in time last two games time audience
watched the contest to the close. 'rime game
was lost five times on the errors , 1anr. herr ,
hoover soil hall on time left of thin dlnmnonit
nmaklimg seven of them , ammul thin audience
wts of the opinion that they should have
been acoredlleui with more , hiatt vas wild
In time box and uncertain. Young umpired
without a protest from olthmer side.
vita scona.
LINCOINR P05. AIm. Ii. in. TO. l'O. A. K. 42 3 4 7 1 0
Lang..b 4 0 1 2 1 1
SchialTer..rf 0 2 4 0 0 U
Rowe. . . . . . . . . . . 2b 1 0 0 i 1
Dolan . . . . . . . . . . . .e 4 1
. . . . . . . . . . I 1 3 0 3
Herr . . . . . . . . . . . .ss 2 i i 2
unit . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 4 0 1 0 0 0
! ! ! _ _ _ . 4 0 ii 0 3 0 1
'rotals. . . . . . . . . . . 30 7 11 23 24 1t3 ti
TO1'EICA. m'os. An. ii. lii. Tim. I'O. A. E. 5 1 1 1 8 0 0
hlolhiday..of 5 1 2 2 4 0 1
, Johnson . . . . . . .3b 5 2 1 1 4 3 2
Macullar. . . . . . . . ss 5 1 1 4 3 2 0
Worden..If 5 2 9 2 0 0
Sneed . . . . . . . . . . .rf 5 1 1 1 0 0
Ardner..2b 5 3 2 3 3 0
Kenyon. . . . . . . . . . c 5 2 3 4 2 0
Jooiiis p 5 0 0 0 1 0
Total . . . . . . . . . 45 13 13 18 11 8
scomun ny IKNI.Nos.
Topoka.2 1 5 0 0 5 0 0 * l3
Ruins earned--Lincoln 4 , Topeka 4.
Two base hlts-J'cckley , Lang , Ardner ,
'nurse base blis-Schaffor , Herr.
Ilonme ruims-Herr , lolan , Macullar.
Left on bases-Lincoln 3. Topeka 7.
Double plays-Arduer , Macullar , Stearns ,
Itaset' on balls-Hart 1 , Dooms 1.
l'assed bnlls-Dolau L
Wild lltehi-hlart 1.
Time of game-Two hours and ten mm-
Enmporla 0 , HastIngs 7.
ilAsriNos , Nob. , August 15.-ESpecial
'rohegam to tim Biu.j-Emnporia defeated
the hionmo club to-day by the following score :
hastings..0 .2 0 0 2 0 0 8 0-7
Emporia..2 0 0 0 2 2 3 0 -9
Base blts-F.mporia 11. hastIngs 15. Errors
-Eumporla 5 , Unstinco 7. Batterlos-Nichol-
son and Eirlghut , Haddock amid Bradley.
National hiengue Game. .
CiunAoo , August 15.-The gani'e between
the Chicago and Detroit teams to-day re-
suited as follows :
. . . . . . . . . . *
. . . . . . . . . . . -
l'mtchers-Clarkeon and Frueber. Base
bits-Chicago 14 , Ietrolt 0. Errors-ChIcago
1 , DetroIt3. Umnpiro-l'owers.
BOSTON. August 14.-The game between -
tween thu Boston and Now York teams
ro-dayresumhied as folhows :
1'ltcliers-Stemmimncyer and Noefe. Base
hits-Boston 9 , Now York S. Errors-Boston
15 , New York . Umnpire-Snhlivan.
INDIANAI'orJs , August [ 5.-The caine
between time Indianapolis and l'lttsburg
teams to-ilay resulted as follows :
indianapolis..0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 18
Plttsburg . . . . . . . . * _
J'Itclu'rs-Leitner and Morris. Base hits
Indianapolis K. Pttt3hurg 10. Errors-In-
dianspoiis 8. Pittsburg L Uniplro-Vaien-
tine.WA5IINQT0N , August IIL-'rhie game between -
tweon the anti Washington Phmhiadeiphmla
teams to-day resulted as follows :
Watuhmimigton..0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
l'hlladelphma..0 0hS 1 0 ogee 00
Pitchers--Glhmnoro and lnfilnton. Base
hilts- Washington 10Phhiadelphia 12. Errors-
Washington 2 , l'hlhadeiphia 1. UmpIre-
Sam Crane.
American Association.
Naw Toiuir , August 15.-The game between -
tween the Metmpoiitnn and Baltimore teams
tn-day resulted as follows :
Baltimore..7 1 5 0 0 1 0 0 * .14
Mrtropohitans..0 0 0 4 3 2 0 2 0-11
FitflAnFr.1'IIIA , August 14.-Tho game between -
tween the Athletic and Brooklyn teams
to-day resulted as follows :
Athletics..0 0 0 2 9 1 1 1 07
Cr.vuLANn : , August 15.-TIme game between
thin Cleveland and St. Louis teams to-day re-
suited as follows :
St. Lammis..0 0 4 0 1 0 2 8 0-iS
Cleveland..0 .220 0 0 1 2 03
. _ _
Cass County Fair Attractions.
PrATTsslotrrlr , Nob. , Auzust 15.-Especial
to time hiuu.I-Tiie Cas County Acricultumal
socIety holds its annual fair at Piatsmonth
Septeinb'r20,21 , 22and 23. The following
are among tme ! nttractons in the speed do-
pantment :
Wednesday , September l.-Pony race ,
purse 5O ; three minute trot , purse 100
colts race , purse $20 ; bicycle race one-hai' '
mile heat. $ : : o.
Thursday , September 22.-County farmers
trot. purse $75 ; 2:45 : trOt , purse 2Oo : running -
ning race , free-for-all. purse $ I.0 ; pacing
i-ace. free-fornhl , purse it 150.
Friday , 5'itemuiber ( 23.-County farmers
running race , nurse $50 ; novelty running
marc , purse $100 ; trottin , free-for-all. purse
$300 ; hose ritce. 200 yards , tournament mimics ,
put-se $101) ) .
All races will be governed by the rnle 01
the National association , and any inquiries
shmouid be athlmesseul to the secretary , U. C.
RItehile , Plattsmnouth , Nob.
Heighten Lleaoh Races.
BimmoimToN BKAc1 , August 15.-Fohiowing
Is time summary of to-day races :
'l'hree-quautors tmdle : ( iharley May first
: Ornament second , False Note third. 'rime-
: Tiurco-qumanters tulle : TIpsy first , Swoet3
seommd , Monte CnIsto third. Titmie-1l0.
Five-eighths mile : Armstrong won. Kini
Arthur second , l'at Bitter third. Time-
1:09. :
Mile : Ailrlamm won. Charley Russell see
ond. Tattler thIrd. Tlrne-1:4434. :
One anti one-lxteenthi miles : Jacobum
won , Chimutigo second , Frank mullins third
Time-i :5134. :
Three-uartors mile : Franz won. Hazar
second , Monogram third. Tlmuu-1:17. :
The flack Star Accepts.
Tim following letter was forwarded yes
r terday to Billy Wilson , the St. Paul neav
weight , vhlch speaus for ltselfm
0.t.iIA , Neb. , Aucust 15 , 1887.
Mr , Billy Wilson , St. I aul , Z'llnn. Slr
1 ins mire hereby uoj3led that your chaliengu
for a 1ihit with hardtoves for S2.0 a side
light to take place thr ie weelts from data ol
) signing articles , halt way between here aOL
8g. . Fauh is aocepted by Mdllenry Jobnsimm
. I ou sti also no allowed to draw up the arti
des of agreement , which you will forwar
, . bcte isa they wilt be signed by Jobimson
. .
- - - -
i = - -
- : an nmneetthat th Dhck Star means
husiness , and flghmt I have this itay posted
with the sporting editor of the Bomi ioo
which you can cover at your pheattmre , the
quicker thin better we ytil be satItleth. 'lucre
is no occasion for ndwspaper notoriety. if
you want a tight you cn have it nlghil away.
All that Is necessary for 30(1 (0 do Is to cover
my forfeit and the d taiis will bo attended to
forthwIth. Yours ru'pcctfuhIy ,
hLiinEiir : ltotmmcuy ,
Baclerorhijcllenry Johnson.
The Gate CIty Shoot.
The regular weekly sioot of the Onto City
Gun club was held iyesteriay at Riverside
park-2. ' blue rocks , is ) rsrds rise. Follow-
ingisthescore : ' ' t.
Ickon. . . : . . . . . . . .oholi.bitn 11011 OOiOi 10010-15
Johnson..OmOOt'11000 bill 11100 01111-IS
3. hlarman..10Rm ( 1tni 10111 ( SiOhl 10100-11
Snyder------------0)111 00000 10110 01110 0100)-Il
- - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . 11010 11101 IQOiG-it
Itomioii..01011 11011 11101 01100 11001-mO
Zeiler..10000 11011 11011 01111 11100-18
F' . herman..11010 lOtulO 11001 11010 11111-15
Anderson..limit 10101 10001 10100 11100-15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ) 0IO ) 10000 ( OttO 1101-8
Nelson..11101 100)0 ) 11111 OQIQi 01100-14
Messrs. hiobon , Zellor and } ' Ilarmnami
vemo requirel to shoot off a tie for first place
resulting lii favor ofMr , Ilobomi , who made
. three straight shotq , while his competitors
eab reissed his last aim.
'What an Omahman Reports or Their
John ilannon , one 'of the couriers of
the Onutima fair , linajust returned from
an advertising trIp titrotigli time State. in
conversation with a reporter yestord ny ,
hosaid : " 1 find tliatgreat intorostls beIng
felt in COflSI3qtl0000 of time drouth , ro-
spectimig time crops. I'd allay all fears I
intist say ( hint I bohlevo Nebraska wilt
have time best corn crop , with slight ox-
captions , which it has hint ! In many years.
Time country north of Exeter in Fillmore
county : tnd the sonthiemtstcrn hue of
York , extending oven to Harvard , Clay
county , scetims to have sulIerci from the
uirouth , btt time loss in this localIty is
mnoro than compensated by time almond-
anee. In Kearney and Phillips counties
time abundance of time crops are cx-
cohlomit , as also in time vicinity of the
towns of Mimmdon and iloidrego. TIm
farmers there say that their crops are
equni to that of prcvions years , amul from
observation , their judgment is correct.
Fromu Hastings to Aurora , npd from 14ifl
colii to Brouon llow , the crops look beaum-
thful fromu tim traimi , and scommu to hayo
not been mulTecteut by thmodroutlm. "
A Corn-Stalk Tower ,
Mr. 0. Whitney , of the firm of Whit-
fey , Bean iN ; Co. , came in yesterday
from his famni on the Elklmorn. He was
carrying a corn stalk on his shoulder that
made peOtlo think thioro was a transfer
of poles from the west to Philadelphia.
The fact is that time corn stalk is an him-
mnenso omic. It measures fifteen foot , and
mummo of these have to rise mn the air to
moot the car. Mr.Vhitnoy is very proud
of this "corn stalk , " anti Ito should be ,
for it was time great attraction at time
uiopot , _ _ _ _ _
Time internal revenue receipts yesterday
amounted to 0O09:1OJ :
Supt. .Jatnes j3 White of time sixth dl-
vision El , S. railuvny' rvico is in time city
on an inspecting tour.
' [ 'ony hterold , tliemweil known veteran
lirnmnami , has sold omitdiis business at No.
1000 Twenty-fourth' ' strcet , and leaves
shortly on tin extoudljd tour of the far
At time annumat meeting of the Corru-
gatcul Iron Co1uIaTiy time following
officers amid directors were elected for
the ensuing year : - J. H. Itegan. presi-
demitW , H. Vaughn , vice president ; S.
w. bSi0 , secrcthry and treasurer ;
, James Grillith , business manager ; W. 1-i.
Austin , superintendent , and W. N. Mc-
Alfred illaufuss yesterday secured a
writ of replovin to regain possess'on ' of
goods alleged to have boon violently
taken away from his residence on Saturday -
day last dumrlncr his absence by the shipping -
ping clerk of fluti & Young. Ho claims
also that the clerk 1mm question pretended
to ho a constable. Ho has also charged
hlni with assault and battery for knock.
lug down and trampling upon his wife.
TIme success of the convent of the Sn-
cred heart in the western part of thin
city , has been such that a new addition
of 40x80 feet , Iwo stories high1 is being
made to the institution. It will in all
probnbmlity he ready for occupancy by
time commoncemucnt of the next session ,
which takes Place Ofl the first Wednesday
in Septonmber.
Three stray kids and a black cat were
gathered imp by thin police at the corner
of Fifteenth aiid Farnmn : anti taken to time
statiomm Yesterday morning. They were
called for , however , in the commrso of time
day by distracted nareuts and takemi to
their hmomnes , nut ! soumnily apanhced , in all
probability. rho emit escaped. -
Persionai Paragraphs.
George Kennedy , clerk of the steamer
Judith me in time city.
A. II. Brandeis , returned yesterday
from Imisbusiness trip to Now York ,
Miss Lulu Ballontmno returned yesterday -
day from a visit to ( ho sumumer resorts
along Lake Suporior.
Misses Sadie anti Nellie Brennan have
gone on a visit to New York , where they
will remain for a nmontli.
Mrs. J. Benson , of Freeport , IlI.has ho-
entoil in the Ratugo bumldin , andwill engage -
gage in the fancy goods bmmsinessSeptctu-
oem L
Frank Clifford , Miss Minnie Clifford
and Miss Kate Quailcy left Saturday
morning for the west , to be absent about
a month.
The Rev. J. N. Crawford , of Indianap-
oils , Intl. , who has been a guest of 0. P.
McCarty for three or four days , left last
night br Fimlton , Cal.
B. B. Norton , the oldest journalist in
Texas is tim city , Ho advaucos the
proposition that he is older than the iii-
legod jokes in the Texas Siftmnirzs.
John l'arker , formerly well known in
this city uniter time sobriquet of
: "CouoonJohn , " is in town ' and enjoys
time distinction of lur1mig 'been on the
trisln which wentto destruction at Chats-
worth , Ill. He is nowjrosiding In Johict
Illinois. : , ,
Sir. and Mrs. Wm M. Leonard , for-
nmerly of Omaha , are bn a visit in the
city. Mr. Leonard maidmigaged iii the real
estate business in Litipoin , amid reports
progress there. Mrs. Looimnrd wiil be re.
memnbered as Miss ltnhlntino , the daughter
ter ofVni. . C. limullemitinu of this city.
Swime Lake t'Ioimlilire Resort.
Sec advertisement L under business
chances of A. II. NeltiI. 'l'Imero is monc
in it , ot ,
: Foit SALE.-SS Ttm Douglas street
at 8O per front foot. it 'I'he Byron Reed
Company , 212 south Fo rteethm street ,
. There will be goseltaervices to.nIgImt
itt time little church on lodge street be
Twelfth anti Thirteenth streets , undom
auspIces of niemubers of Dr. Lamur' :
church. All are invited.
Houses ( OsSale. .
Four now six room houses and lota,28t1
and Grant streets. Large amid wall ar
ranged rooms , oil finished. A very prott3
house , il-story high. Price from 3,30C
r to 3 000. One-tenth cash , baianc
montlity and quarterly. This is a rar
chancti , Flack & Ilonlan , room : : 11 , Fran
tar block- , opposite P. 0.
Architects' and Super imitendont , ,
lfoclgson d , Soi , 26 Iroa Bank- brand
offices MiincajiolisantI Kznsas ity
Ilvn your vlettmres ( rmmed : at Roan. ' .
1513 Douglas St. , . - , . -
_ _ _
* - - - - -
Borne of' the True Inwaraness of Things-
Collision of Borne Kind Positlvd.
Colored Meeting to investigate 11cr
icath-Two Accidonts-flulTaio
Bill's Bar-Oilier 1.ocai News
of Interest ,
'limo City hail Contract.
Portlier investigation in the matter of
time city hall building soonms to sustaIn
moore fully time charges made of collusIon
between Brennan and Nichol. The 1st-
tar lit his ( blunt says lie 1mm had no connection -
nection whatever In time matter with time
forrnr , yet curtain links of ummion are
ahmnarent. For Instance , there appears
In thu latest Omaha directory the name
of only one .1. 1. Nlcimol timid that sttuids
1mm coimneetlon with thu conipommnd nurt-
mieralmip of 1400 , Nuciioi & Co. and hiron-
mmmiii & Co. Although iii his bill Nuchol
smgns himself J. I. Nlchiol , ' 'with Paxton
& Vierlimig iron works " time iaimor
upomm which it is written bears time sume :
water immark and is of time same legal cap
duality 53 that umsout by Bremmmmn , Again
lireunmumi is kimid enough to "ive his own
certilieui $1,000 check to J. 1. NicImol , the
only one of that minnie in time city , of time
hirms Lee , Nichol & Co. aiid Brennan &
Nicliol , time sammme who subscribed hhmmiselt
"witim Iaxtomm & Vierhlimg Iron works. "
This proves conclusively that Brennan
iumil Nieiiol hint ' 'their hiwutis together' '
mit least lOforo the opelming of the biihs
mind time deliant imtteranco of Brennan , ' 'I
Cami give a $1,000 to whomever I please , "
:18 : tIme only rxplanatiomm of thin eomisldn-
ration of the gift is imot satisfactory. Time
discovery of both almost slimmuitnncousiy ,
of the extravagant muistakes in addition
is strati"o and marvelous.
B. B. Myers , the archiitct , told tim
chnimnmmn : of time board of public works ,
that Breimnan could clear m25OO0 in performing -
forming the work itt the price accepted.
Myers himself is now accused openly of
aimling Brennan in his cilorts. 'l'he otmt-
side contractors charge lila : with having
been intomitiomimmhly absent from meetings
of itmmportaimce , which it was lils duty to
attend for time uurpose of cxplmuinin and
construing time full mcanimig and intent
of several of time plans and speemlications.
Tlmey say time failure of such explanation
to them , a favor enjoyed by Brennan
caused them a doubt In many places and
to be on the safe side , ocoufltS for the
excess of their bids over Brennan's.
'I'hey further accuse Myers of favoritism
to Brennan iii time fact , that while the
contract for digging the city ball fotmn-
'Jations ' was awarded to itegan Bros. ,
lJrcnmamm is the real contractor , and that
notwithstanding time contract calls for a
completion of hIs work by July 1 , Myers
as architect has made no complaint of
tIme delay.
Mistakes seeni to be contagious
throughout time entire aiuiuir , For iii-
stance , section 3 , ordinance 1458 , city
laws , roads as follows :
It shall be the duty of time board of public
works of Omaha to make contracts iii behalf
of said city for the performammco of all sucim
works and the erection of all such Improve-
merits as may be ordered by time mayor and
city council.
'lImo hiftlm instruction furnialmed by
Myers to the city lmull : bidders us :
lachm bidder ss'iii be reqmmlrect to accommmpany
imis jiroposal with a certified check for time
simm o $1,000 payable to the urealdunt of time
coltimmioui coummoil of limo city ofOiuaima or wIth
a bond In like aumoummt , wIth two or more
sureties to be approved by said city coumicil ,
conditioned that if hmis said proposal shall be
accepted by said city council and the contract -
tract awarded to litum lie will witimimm ten days ,
eta.Said a prominent lawyer : "This In-
struation furnished by Myers as the city's
agent is widely at variance with the ordinance -
dinance , making the acceptance and
award a condition precedent to ae-
tion by the council. and Brennan might
take advantage of it in law by claiming
an illegal act done by the board in ease
be wanted to ayold the acceptance of time
contract. The instruction contained in
time circular to bidders was all the bidder
was required to observe. Any discrepancy
between it and thmo law rests with Myers
as the city's agent anti the city cannot
take advnmita'e ' of his nmistake to the pro-
judion of thme'Iiidder. "
One of ttio defeated contractors who
rcw very donumncintory of time entire ac-
tmon , was renminded by time Bun timmut time
city could lose nothing , as if Brenimun
tiechinod to fimhilil time contract mus awarded
the city had his certiiied check.
"Certified c'hmeck ; what good is that a
Week tufter it is certified ? " said time con-
tractor. "The hank certilicd that the
ccck was good time day it stampcd it ; it
don't Intend that stick cortiiictute will last
forever. If lhroanamm chooses to with.
draw his money , the cmty has no security
whatever. "
"Timis mmmattor , " said one of time board ,
"has already cost time cityover mm hundred
dollars for advertisiuo and should be
settled by the comnpulsn ( of Brennan to
do time work at his first figures. "
"If the council allow immm the contract
at time Increased ilgures covering his at-
loged mistake , ' ' said a prominent citizen
'ttmo city will be robbed of just 39,0Od. '
Bobs Up In a Meeting of Colored Cirt-
zens liast Night.
Investigation of time causes of ( icorgie
Clarke's death will not cease , as the
ghost of Bauqtmo would not down. Respondent -
spondont to a call a fair collection of
colored PcOliO of both sexes assembled
last night at the Methodist church , corner
of Webster and Eigimtoenth streets , to
further determine time causes of the girl's
death , and to enter a protest against the
manner of its invastigation by tIme civil
autimoritics. M. F. Singleton was chosen
chairman , A. W. Parker secretary.
H. W. Johnson , time first speaker , said
the occasion was time lirst upon which lie
was over called UPOfl to speak of the outrages -
rages towards iCoPlO of hits color. He
was time first , at his own expense , to
order a host mortemu extunmimmation on
Georgic Clarke's body after time umisatis-
factory report of time first coroner's jury.
lIe described at length time wounds ; cou-
chided timey were immilieted by sonic one ;
ritilculed time Idemu of death resuitmmig
from nmorptmino , anil said it behooved
every one , white and black , to find out
time guilty iftrtmes iifli ( punisim timumm by
ultie Process of law. If Mr. Simeral hiatt
not time to attcimd to time case , seine other
lawyer should be retained tu prosecute
it ; it there was no mommey In time coumumty
treasury to pay for thin investigation ,
mn000y should be ralsed aniomig tlmemu-
selves anti mtmplieti for timat purp.
Rev. ( i.V. . WOOdly drew time color line
very strongly , Instaticeil the negro mimas
snores in Luinismana said if the negroes
were not treated vItm more justIce , the
day would conic when the black race
would retaliate an' ' ! "do such deeds of
m horror mis would freeze time blood in time
veins of the civilized world. " "II the
white prostitute in the cell with ( norgiu
Clarke had dleti stmddenly amid without apparent -
parent cause , there wommld be found lots
of money In time county treasury to in.
r vestigatu It. " Time speaker ailvocateti a
bluck : league to redress tIme wromigs of time
colored moo.
11ev. P. A Hubbard said that of all time
acts of his life In Omaha , time one of for-
rotmng out aiim ! bringing to jtmstlce time
murdoreror muurderersof Georgia Clarke
would bo time principal one , lie said it
might seohu strange thtt : imo grammtod the
use of his church for time meeting , owlmig
to time bad chiarnotorof the dead girl , but
ho bohioveu tbo waif in time gutter needed
, ihrhtiau charity umoro than tim upright ;
she was time ommn tmoedln imeip , Itz at-
trod hot wlitit her character , rho syas a
lmumnan being and ontmticd to probation ,
lie imeiuied time list witim a simbscrlptioii of
a live dollar gold hicco ) wimlehu lmu rattled
on the table and iroeialmed Imis readi
floss to give more whenever neccesar3 to
further time immvestigmmtiomm.
ir. C. .1. ; , llnugirnuvommt ( white ) said lie
was present expectIng to iimmd a greater
concourse of white poopie present. lie
was run old-time abolitmommist anti believed
ha the equality of the negro race , lie
first rtmud time account of the girl's ( tenth
iii time BEn and felt time mdigmnty , if time
girl died in charge of the police , time
PolIce should know time reason wimy alma
died. Ito was ready with $500 for an In.
vestigation. The speaker bitterly
nttackcd Mr. Slmeral accused hmini
of making liars nnii perjurers of
time police force and ummilit entirol for time
; ilncc tie holuls. Time speaker hero took
occasion to relate some imrsonnl cxperi-
Oncos of a law stilt connecting hits griov-
slices with outrages In otlieo immilicteut by
Mr. Slmcral and did not return to time
rending subject.
J. I' . Williams , B. Bell , A. 11. Willis
and A. W. Parker followed in seccimes
toiliiiit time oft told tale of time arrest , time
dettlm : , time two coroners' juries , time brim-
tality of time imohico iii general nod time
imegiect of Mr. Simneral , mind urged comi-
tributlomis for time umow amid exhaustive mu-
'ostigation in tended. 'I'hmo foilowimig
resolutions were thou adopted :
Vlmereas. It npears from the public press
tlmat an oumlmago hiss boeim commuittoti vhmichm
has resulted in thin death of ( leorgiant' ' . Clark ,
a poor and frIendless femnalt' .
Ilimsolved , 'rhmat as mw abiding citizemis in
muss imicethlig assembled we urge upon time
law otlicers time tiecessltv of instittmtiiig mull
iiivestigatiomii whuichm will servo the enuls of
Resolved further , 'rust we take imnmne-
dlate steps to raise mileamis to emPlOY -
PlOY blu counsel to aid in sustaimming Limo
miiaJesty of time laW. time stmrest protection to
cii. of whatever race anti couditloim.
Resolved , 'l'hmat we regard time dilatory conduct -
duct of the chief as highly roprthmenslbie : , to
say the least , in allowing such au outrage as
% .e believe thils to have bccmm , without requl-
site investigation.
Besolved , That a committee be appointed
to carry out time provlslomms of those resole-
A subscription list was OPened nnd up-
vards of .50 subscribed.
A Boy Killed by rho Cars-A Lady
Struok Jown by a Runaway.
Desslo Green , a boy of tifteen living
at No. 1514 Cam street , was run over mind
killed by time cars at B p. in. yesterday
about imait a mile above the CmIoago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis & Onlahia rahlvay de-
hot. lie , in company with two boys
mmmcd Chancy Sexaumor and Tommimimy
Henderson , vcro stealing a ride to Cutoff -
off lake by hanging on the sides of a
freIgimt train. Young ( .irecmi was sport-
ively swinging back au1 forth smut hang-
lug to time ear with one hand , when hmc
was struck on time back of the licad by
time brake wheel on a fiat car on tIme next
track. This knocked him under time
wheels of time car and the entire
train passed over 1dm. The persons
who witmiessed the accident rumsimed
to time shOt and fouimd tlmnt
timougim terribly mangled lie was still
alive. itotim of his legs wore severed , one
above the other below the kimee , his rlglmt
hand was ofl his breastcrushed , and his
imead bruised amid cut. ills cries were
heart-rending. He was placed oim a cot
and carried to the depot baggage room
where ho dieti in about. an hour. Ills ro-
mutuins wore takcn to his agonizcd
muother , Mrs. Mary Greene. Time coro-
nor's jury rotumnmed a verdict of tueci-
iiciital death resumiting from his own care-
About 7:30 : last evening as Mrs. Sarah
Taggar of No. 415 South Center street
was crossing Farnam street in comnpany
with Mrs. Kate Hamilton she was
knocked down and run over by a runaway -
way horse and buggy belonging to
Arthur JollitY. The unfortunate lady
was picked UI ) and taken into Goodman's
drug store ' where it wits discovered that ,
altimomigim 'badly bruised , no bones wore
broken. She Wits taken to her borne ,
Razors In the Air.
Barnet Silverman was the victim of a
brutal assault at an early hour yesterday
Ho was at the drnnmy depot with a
wagon load of sweet corn , and wits getting -
ting ready to cross time river when he
was set upon by three colored men ,
knocked fromi hIs wagon , amid In audition -
tion to a severe beating , was slasimod
across time arm and in the stonuich with
a knife , the hatter hurt being
of a serious character. The
immjmmrcd man was waited umpomi
by Dr. J. II. Peabody , his wounds dressed
aimd sent to his home on South 'thirteenth
street. The object of this assault was
eviueimtly robbery , but the miscreants
were frightened o11 before being afforded
an opportunity to "go through" their
mmman. No arrests.
Wants to ( let Even ,
The wife of Cimance VImitting , who was
bound over on Friday last In time simm of
e500 for robbery , swore out a warrant
yesterday for the victim of her hiums-
band's crime , charging hIm with rape.
Not mucim stock is taken In the womamm'a
story by time police on account of the us-
savory record of time Whittings , who arc
well known in the bottoms as tough peo- '
pie. 'limo defemidant in time present case
on bcmng notified of time wonman's action
delivered himself up at the station and
was released ( in his own recegimizanee to
npIear at half past three this atternoomi.
Past Train.
The officials of time Union Pacillo in
timma city profess igmioraimee of the iro-
posed fast tm-tiim : between Kansas City and
Onlaima anti time terminus at Ogden , mak-
lug time trip in f.mirteen hours loss than
time present time. Mr. Stebbins this
morning stated that a fiustor train eotmld
not be Put Oil the Kamm4a5 utivisioum , as time
presemmt ( mime travels : ut limo rate ot thirty-
omme miles er imour Including time stops.
Besides there was not business on ( hip
line for an extra ruin.
Marriage Ltcensns.
Time following licenses were isstmd
by the county clerk yesterday :
S Robert SaIler , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I Louisa 1oeIiI , Oumaima..9
I Benj. Kimux , Jr. . St. Louis , Mo. . . . . . . . . 80
1 Sontilo Schmmmltz , St. LouIs , Mo. . . . . . . . . . . .
I Albert 0. Redinore , Ommmahm'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lumeiia Moore , Simcmmammdoatm , . . . . . . . . . . .
S MIchael Kissaw , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Bt'ssie ietu , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, lnimmi Reed , Ommisima. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Mary li. Cosgrftve , Ommmmuhu..1' )
The tile Fijhmllng Sheriff.
SheriiF iemmdshl , of Colorado , srimo lots
stmuldeniy 1)00mm brought before thin PmlblIO
in connection wltlm thin Indian tromiblet 1mm
timat state , was ii year or so ago cattle 1mm-
SPecter at Coummnll hilumtIs. Ito was well
knowmm In time hilumtli and Soumthi Onirulia mis
it wlmoiu-somilemi fellow , but full of eoumrmmgo
nimmi uicterimiinatioim , and time Indmnuis will
find imlni a hard nmumito : scare.
Charities amid Corrections ,
All local comnimmittecs having In charge
time details of arramgonionts for time coma-
lug meetin of thio Coimfurunon of Cumin.
tics amid Correetloums are specially rim-
qumestod by time oxecumtlre eamumuttee to
meet this L'uiesday uivemmimig at 8 o'clock
slmrtr [ ) , at time l'axtorm house.
- -
, Jame-s McDonald , who lisa cimarge of
time stiuiids of l'reaidemmt Crooker , of time
Northern l'anitlc , passoui , through time CII ) '
yestordity after the muniimuuls whilehi . are
U11 8tabied in New York.
lie Will have an Aunorloan flr ViUm
a Wild 'estern Attontlamit.
Thmo citizens of Nortim Platte , who unto
boon Ptmzzloul over time uirolomigint iibsoiico
and uiimcertain whereabouts of their tel.
low.towiisimmanYmil , ( ouIy , s'h11 be doubtless -
less delighted to hoar that ho has at last
boemi iOCatthl IInd that , so far fnomi : having
lost lime way or mimot with foul play , lie is
living on time top shelf and wlminimmg
golden oiilniomms abroad. 'limo rosidomits
of Ommlnims , among wlmotmi Mr. Cody Imits
many frleimds , who have long wommdorcd
at time repeated tidings that 1w was not
on his much , vihl slmuro the Pleasurable
relIef timnt timis rovelatiomm brings.
lie is this tiny imosItivelY kiuiitmhieui its
time Buffalo 11111 wimo Is couninmmmuhlng time
hiommiage of time crowned lmcatis and piccit-
dIlly collars of London , Mummy have
already assorted as muclm , wimilo the
contrary titus with equal sup.
jmort boon iiialiitnmneut , but let
nil skeptics now stmbsldo-tlmo idemitili-
etutiomi ComilOS Iii no tuumeortalmi guise , amid
: ihl logic ot refutation is forever crushed ,
hhmmiltlo 11111's Vhiii % 't est Show , London
Urntronlzcd by 11. H. H. Maumimima's hey-
liertie-Eddle ) assunmes dma new feattmro
of an Americium bar with an Onmaimo
drink.inixor. I'roof hOsitiVO , itsstmrammCo
doubly stmre ; it Is , it is our bug lost
'limo ltmeky gentleman elected to this him-
vnrtnnt station is , ioimanle Kane. otmo of
the best kmmown smith lctst : ill-looking of all
time fammimhiar faces tlmat have snmiled mitten-
ties to Limo thirsty gemitry of this city
these five years back. lie loaves to-tiny
with his louver-sack loaded with billets ol
fat-a omm mmmii amid sea , advance pay tumid
imoimmo-miuie cock-tails. For a year amid a
half will his simmootim , ummtmiumnmmielcd fen.
tunes and imis skiilftml homid be missed
witlmin "our midst. "
'limO letter which brouimt him his com
ncmssion , also contuimmlhi : It soimetl.
uIo of Bumflalo Bill's nmovcnmemlts
starting froni Lommdomm September 1 umd
progresslug eastward to Samm Francisco , Y
pmusiiig : hero and there cmi route so as to
slremtd ) time tniji over eighteen mmmontims.
On leavIng time EnglLsh capital time show
nmttkcs a six months' stand in I ¼ ris ,
whmeiicc It goes to Vicummma , itoummo' Con-
StufltillOllO , Jerusalem , ClmiimaAnstruuhln ,
and , as Johmnmmio says , otherwIse take lii
time world from 'soda to lmoqk. " Timd
important feature-time bar-will be.
transported in sectiomms anti set , tip qI
each stoppage for the bandit , itmttmmction
anti inebriation of tim natives.- Over
wimatcver ( hiil'iCUhtIOS he may cimcounter
with time mother tungumes of hmi ctmstoni
ers , Joimnnic imoes to rise superior by
lila tact with Limo jigger amid shmmukor , sup ,
portuti by a cow boy blumlflir for nil coin-
era , who womi't drink gum fizz when they
musk for red 1)01) . Ho proumilses to write
from Bankimok or Bokimarmu , mind will wlro
a word home when 1w guts to Foo-Choo.
Omaha's Ciimiato ,
11ev. Dr. Joseph H. Fey , formerly of
time cast , but now pastor of time Christian
church in this city , in conversation with
a representative of the 11am : declares that
Omaha hits a magnificent and most
healthful cllimate. For time first tmnme In
imis life he passed thmrouglm a wiimtor ( that
of ' 86-87) ) witimout evemi a cold , thmommglm ,
being pimysiemuhly delicate and umniuccus-
tommmed to such low tcnmperztttmre , lie suit-
fered somewhat when exposed. lie says
thtt thin thcrmonmcter at 100 degrees -
grees in Ornaima In tIme shade mmmnkes
a condition far immore cmmdurable
and consistent witim good-feeling
and sonic attemmtIon to bmisimmess timaim mu
record of 00 degrees lit Brooklyn or New
York. One can scarcely eomprcimemiti time
iOtentlahity of atmospheric hmurnktity as
a factor in disease-or in tIme "all-gone-
ness" tmnd lassitumdc of sumnmuor. lie
finds that Omaha is attracting muucim mitten-
tion in time east , and that time sumitimnent is
general that her prosperity has come to
stay and that she isworthy of It.
Time I'latto Centre Sensation.
Time BEE , a tow days ago , animounce
by telegraph timat Pr. Mend , of Platte _
Contro , had boon arrested for adultery , if'
and that the partner In his emma , a
young woman named Kate Duffy , imad
gone to Omaha. Time reportwas correct ,
because time girl registered at the Cozzans
house , Simo was followed by some of her
friends who , at length , inthticed hmcr on
Saturday last to rettirn to l'imttt.c Centre
and appear against time doctor in the
hearing wimicim hits case was to receive
this morning. They were aided In their
solicitatlomm by the su'ifo of time doctor
who wts : on mu visit to I'hruttsmoutii , and
is'imo , when site heard of her husband's
act , came to this city , anti timuiico , with
his confederate , returned Imormie. One of
tue girl's friends saul that time doctor hind
drugged time girl , uvimichm made lila olThnco
all time more imeiimotis.
Omaha Fair and Mtmio.
Time directois of time omaha fair have
decided upon a novel attraction in time
way of a band contest , in wimich it I-s understood -
derstood that a number of time leading
bands of time state will take hart. They
have also selected time Musical Union
band to play at thu fair every day during
its continuance. 'I'hmms is a deserved corn-
phitnent to time orgtumizmtion : , wimicii baa
beemi strengthiemieii both in numbers nd
oillclcncy , so that it is now a credit to the
city amid will be a source of pleasure to
all who hear it.
Sniritual Retreat.
To-day time annual reiigmotms retremut
of time Catimohie clcrgy of time diocese
of Nebraska will begin in Creiglmtoim cal-
logo. it will be conducted by 11ev. F.
hughes , S. SE. , of St. Louis , anti will cm-
tinumo untii Saturday next. It will ho at- (
temmdcd by forty priests , that number being -
ing about one-iialf of the priests iii time
diocese , time others having attended the
retreat last year. Iurimig ) time week those
mn attendance will devote themselves to
lirayer and nieditmutuomi.
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