BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA. TUESDAY , MORNING. AUGUST 16 : 1887. NUMBER 59 ; SHOT DOWN IN COLD BLOOD , Mr. 0. B , Boldon Assassinated in His Office at ManYille. ATTEMPT ON HIS WIFE'S LIFE Monger Particulars Obtainable of the Murder of one of Omaha's Oldest anil Best Known Citizen * Sketch of tils Life. O , n. SelUon Murdered. CiiADtioN , Neb. , August 15. | Special Tel egram to the DKB.J Intelligence was re ceived this evening that Inst evening at 0:30 : , whlln Mr. O. B. Selden , of Manvlllo , was writing In his olllco some unknown person 11 red a shot through the window , the ball entering Mr. Seldon's breast , killing him In stantly. A second shot was fired at Mrs. Selden , but the ball , missing her , passed through an onen door , through a partition , from there to the celling and dropped on the floor. Deputy Sheriff Owen was notified and left huru Immediately for Manvlllo and up to the present tlmo has made no arrest. ANOTIIEU ACCOUNT. CHEYENNE , Wvo. , August 15. [ Special Telegram to the BKE. ! Another brutal mur der was committed In the northern part of Laramte county last evening , the victim be .Ing Oscar B. Seldeu , one of the owners of the townslte of Manvlllc. Meager details to the Laramlo county sheriff show that Selden was at work In bis ofllco at Manvlllo when a shot was lirod through the window with deadly effect The village was aroused and the citizens hastened to the spot , but arrived too late to bo of assistance to the unfortunate Victim or capture the assassin. [ Immediately upon receipt of these start ling tidings late last nlttht. a reporter of the BKB visited ex-jnstlco D , J. Seldeu , who re sides at No. 1S23 Castcllar street , who is a brother of the deceased. The announcement In last evening's edition of the HUE of Mr. Seldcn's decease , then supposed to be from natural causes , had prepared the judge In a measure to receive the sad tidings , but when the fact that his brother had been murdered was communicated to him by the reporter Judge Seldcn was almost wholly overcome with emotion. He stated that he had that evening been wired the fact from Chadron of his brother's death , but no Intimation of murder was contained In the telegram. lie leaves this morning for Munville to at tend to the disposition of his brother's re mains , intending to bring them hero for In terment. Mr. 0.1) . Seldcn was a native of Pennsyl vania , and was born in 1815 , being thus at the tlmo of his death seventy-two years old. He received In youth a common school edu cation , and learned the trade of blacksmith. Ho moved with his family to Omaha In lbJ4 and set up a blacksmith shop on the corner of Howard and Thirteenth street , while a block further west on Fourteenth street ho built his dwelling. The lots for these struc tures were presented him gratis by the town- site company as an encouragement to the llrst and then the only smith In the young city , Ho continued business at the same location until IWl , when ho lent a hand in the great work of building the first trans-continental telegraph line , UDOII his return , a year later , he pre-empted 1GO acres of land In the west of the town but now within the city limits , and It was In the ad vance ot this property that his fortune was founded. Later , in conjunction with a rela tive , Isaac Seldcn bougnt and laid out the present Isaac Selden addition to the city. Since that tlmo he lias been Identified with numerous business Interests in Omaha until ho had amassed around quarter ot a million dollars. Two years ago , on account of the ill health of his wife , ho determined to go west , and In the exercise of that shrewd foresight which had acquired him his fortune , selected the ruglou about Ft. Fetterman , then , as now , commanding attention through the ad vance of the Northwestern railway Into that section , and located in Manvllle. Last May tilt. Seldeu visited Omaha , and at that tlmo he made hie will , for although in pcrtcct health and looking a decade younger than were his years , his advancing age , already within the seventies , warned him to prepare for the common fate of all. The greater part of his property ho devised to his wife , and divided a liberal portion between his two brothers , David J. of this city and John O. , an attorney at St. John , Mich. The last word heard from him was on Sat urday last , when his brother , JudiuD.J. Sel den , received a letter from him of a business character with no hint of Ill-health nr ex pressed fear of molestation In his new home. The Judge Is satisfied that the full facts , when obtained , will reveal that his brother was murdered for his monov , as It was the custom of the deceased to keep large sums about the house without any effort at con cealment and despite tbu expostulations of bis friends. Mr. Seldon was at the time of his death a director of the Omaha Commercial national bank. His residence In this city Is on the corner of Thirty-fourth aud Lettveuworth etroots.J Fervor at Frntnont. FitcMONT , Neb. , August 15. [ Special to the BKE.J The crowds that have been expected over Sunday came yesterday. They began to como In at the Saturday even ing service and have been on the Increase 5 from ono service to the other. At 0:30 : In the ) morning Hev. William Worley led a prayei r meetlnir. He was followed at 0 o'clock by Dr. David Manmotto , who conducted a love feast service , which seemed llko ono of the meetings ot the primitive Methodists. In the space of little more than an hour 20C testimonies wuro given , and there was con siderable shouting all aloiiir the line. After tlin love feast a collection amounting to about 350 , to pay the expenses ot arrang ing the grounds \\as raised In about tin1 minutes. Kev. J. W. 1'helps matin the nn nouncement that a permanent camp meetlnc association had been organized , a board ol trustees elected , and that annual meeting ; would be arranged for. At 10iO : : , after an Inspiring sone service ol a few momunts , Hev. David Marquettn read a short scripture lesson , and ltnv. J. E Kn sign led In praver , after which Dr. J. 11 Maxtleld was Introduced , who spoke foi tlfty-threo minutes from the text , "Whai fthall 1 do with Jesus who IK called Christ. ' Mr. Maxlleld was at his best and delivered t powerful discourse. The after service re sulted In several conversions. 1'rcsldlng Elder I'helns then admlnlsterct the sacrament to over > 0 persons. This sacramental ramontal occasion was ono that will long be remembered. After the people had partaken of dinner at I'.yo occurred a most interesting children' : meeting , addressed by Kevs. Hopowull aui Kathau. Mm. Dr. Maxfield then delivered a mns eloquent address In behalf of the Ni'braski Central college , followed by an earnest ox hnrtation from President Marquelte. AtSiiWltuv. D. 0. Clendenmg delivered ai Interesting t-crmon to a very laruo audlt-nco taking tor his subject "Heaven. " The Intai pst was Intense and the after altar scrvlc impressive and spiritual. In the evenln Chnrlt-s Dawson , of North Itcnd , preached. The meeting so far has been a grand sue cess anit there will be general satisfactlni that arrangements are belnic consummate ! fur an annual meeting of this kind. Happenings at Columbus. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , August 15. [ Special t the BEK.I In the report In yesterday's llii : "A Sensational Divorce Case , " It was state that "Judge 1'ost granted the decree of d yorco absolutely. " This was an error. Th decree was taken under advisement to lee over the testimony , M the depositions Vcrv extended. The remains of II. 11.'Sheldon , who die It the house of bis brother , C , 11. SheJdot , iu.i.iiis.wito'xc : companled the body. Mr. Sheldon was stay ing for a few days with his brother , resting by the way on his journey to the mountains , hoping to stay the ravages consumption was making upon him , but the heat so prostrated him that ho peacefully passed to rest on the morning of the 13th. Mr. Sheldon was ex tensively engaged In the stock raising busi ness wltn his brother , C. U. Sheldon of this city , lie was a man of genial disposition , sterllnz character , beloved by a large circle of relatives and friends. , Hov. A. K. Myattway , a converted Karen from Rangoon , Burmali. delivered twn lec tures hero at the Baptist church on Friday and Saturday night , both Interesting and In structive , on Burmah. Its people , their habits , customs and religion/ which he exhibited Idols and other curiosities. Ills descriptive powers are picaslne and forcible , using language strong , clear and fluent. Again yesterday lie preached morning and evening at the Uaptlst church. The church in the cvcnlnc was tilled to Its capacity. His earn est appeals rank him an an evangelist. Nebraska Corn fur Illinois. Auiton.v , Nob. , August 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BII : : . | Corn buyers are hero from Illinois contracting for the new crop and for all Ihti old tlmy can get hold of. They realize that there Is a drouth In that state and Nebraska will have to send corn down to the Egyptians. They are not only buying corn , but hay also. The Nebraska corn and nay crop will bring her people out of the kinks this year. Nebraska will realUo more for this year's products than over before. Although they have been Unlit In bouie places , she has a ereat crop and It will com mand a handsome price. Hamilton county has a magnificent crop , with Increased acre age. A heavy thunder shower is prevailing over the entire county at present It will do great good. Farmers are so busy they hardly stop for the night. Track Laying Begun. CHADKON , Neb. , August 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.J Track laying was com menced to-day on the Douglas extension of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad. This extension will be about eighty miles Into the rich coal and oil Melds of Wyoming and will pass through the rising town of Deer Creek , and will liavo its termi nus at old Fort Casper , Track laying on the Black Hills extension through Sturgls will commence early in September. The material yards are at Chadron. The Douglas road will be laid with ties made In that country. A Disastrous Cloud. Hurst. BKNKLKMAN Neb. , August 15. [ Special Telegram to the Biis. ; ] A cloud burst on the upper Klckaree and He publican rivers and sent vast volumes of water down the north rork of the Republican river this morn- Ing. Two new bridges at Ilalgler and Ben kleman were swept away and a great many cattle caught In the canons by the sudden rise were drowned. It Is reported that a faintly of six emigrants camping on the bank of the Klckaree river were drowned. The Campaign Is Co in Inc. WEST POINT , Neb. . August 15. [ Special to the BKE. | The republican central com mltteo of Cumlng county has elected the fol lowing delegates to the coming judicial con vention at Norfolk : William Stuefer , Wilbur F. Bryant , J. H. Barrett , C. McNIsh , Warren - ren Fales.O. D. Basslnger and A.D. lieemer. These gentlemen are all In favor of Hon. M. McLaughliti , of tills city , for district judge. The Sheridan County Normal. GOIIDON , Neb. , August 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. | The Sheridan county normal convened here this morning with an enrollment ot tblrtyrflve , which will bo In creased to fifty by the middle of'the week. 1'rof. M. E. Leech of St. Paul Is the Instructor In charge , assisted by Mrs. Leech and County Superintendent Murphy. Everything points to a successful Institute. A Severe Thunderstorm. Scn.UYi.EB , Neb. , August 15. [ Special Tel egram to the BEE. ! A report was brought in to-day from Clarkson , In the northern part of this county , ot a terrlftlc thunderstorm which occurrred there anout 10 o'clock , during which lightning struck an elevator , aolng considerable damage to the building and machinery. Taken to the Penitentiary. SCHUYLKK. Neb. , August 15. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. | Sheriff Kudana left this morning for Lincoln with John Homer and Mike. Welsh , who were sentenced to live \earsln the penitentiary at the late term of the district court for burglary. Dan Immont Dcnlcn. ALBANY , August 15. [ Special Teleeram to the BKE. ] Dan Lament denies the truth of the report In the New York Sun about the Argus , newspaper. Manning will only say there are inaccuracies in the report. THE FOUT SNELiLiING SHOOT. Scores of the Twenty Men \\hct Made the Best Hi-cord. ST. PAUL , Minn. , August 15. The second day's shooting at l''ort Snclllng to-day showed some phenomenal scores. The light was excellent and there was little wind. The aggregate at four ranges of twenty marksmen who made the best scores Is as fol lows : Private Cooncy , Twelfth Infantry , .105 ; Sergeant Kolloy. Twelfth Infantry , 100 ; Corporal Hanley , Fifteenth Infantry , KM ; Serceant Shunk , Fifteenth Infantry , 170 ; lieutenant Avery , Third Infantry , 17 : ! ; Muse lllnes. Third Infantry , 100 ; Sergeant Palmer , Third Infantrv , 170 ; Sergeant Un- ger. Fifth Infantry , 170 ; Captain Boutcllo , First cavalry. 103 ; Sergeant Organ , First cavalry , 107 ; Corporal Noon , First cavalry , 100 ; Private Homery , First cavalry , 108 : Snr- geant Smith , First cavalry , 171 ; Corporal Mc- Kolvy. Flrstcavalry , 170 ; Sergeant Harbor , Seventh cavalry , 170 ; Sergeant Clyde , Seventh cavalry. 1GS ; Sergeant Farrell , Twentieth Intantry , 100 ; Corporal Uovlu , Twentieth Infantry , 171 ; Sergeant King , Twentieth D. M. . VW ; Private Michael , First cavalry , D. M. , 173. Sunk by n Shot. NEW YOIIK , August 15. The Herald's dis patch from Ottawa says : A fishing schooner belonging to the United States has been sunk by a shot from ono of the Canadian cruisers near Uauctouche , a small village of New Hrunswlck , and that all nn Doard , to the number of fifteen or more , were lost HALIFAX , August 15. The unexpected appearanrrt hero last evening of the Hrltish war ship Wrangler gives additional color to the report that the men of war art ) to assist the Dominion fishery cruisers In the gulf of St. Lawrence. OTTAWA , Aueust 15. The department ot llsherles has no Information as to the alleged sinking of an American tuning schooner , with the loss of the entire crew , off Bauc- touehe , Xew Hrunswlck , and expresses en tire dlsbeluf of the genuineness of the re port to that effect as published In the United State ? . TOIIONTO , August 15. The manager of the telegraph otllce at llauteucliB sends the following answer to Inquiries about the re- uortthat a Canadian cruiser had sunk the United States tishmg schooner at that port. " 1 have heard about a story pub lished In the United States , but do not believe there Is any truth In it. The people hero did hear somu tiring but they do not know what It was. They also heard thai a tot of prisoners were taken to Hlchlbucto , but that Is not true. 1 believe the whole thing Is a canard. " WASIIIXOTO.V. August 15 , The depart nient of state has no continuation of tht storv concerning the sinking ot the Ainerl ran Ushlnif vessel bv a Canadian fruiter , c.m : the report Is discredited. MONTHHAL , August 15. A dispatch frotv Ottawa says the fishing deportment has nc Information regarding the story of the sink Inc of an American tishcrmHii by a ( , 'una dlan crulsttr. The story Is complete ! ) dls credited 4111 ! looked Upon as a canard. Four Thousand Cholera Victim ? . SIMLA. August 15 , Medical returns bhpv that 1,030 died from cholera In the iioitbweV l > \ounces during Juno aud. July , BIG FIGHTING IN PROGRESS , Reports of a Battle With the Utes at Beaver Greek- FAMILIES FLEEING FOR LIFE. Meeker Thoroughly Excited and all the Ladles Making Mandates No News From Sheriff Kendall Asking for Ammunition. Ilcporta of a Battle. CHRYKNNK , Wyo , , August 15. ( Special Telegram to the BKI : | Specials to the Leadur from It. C. Malor , a prominent business man of Kawllns , Wyo. , state that "messengers from the White river just arrived report that about 150 Utcs are fighting at Beaver creek , lifteen miles from Meeker. Families are rushing Into Meeker and more Indians com ing. The country Is all on tire below Meeker between the White and Bear rivers. Mr. Golden , the messenger , Is reliable. One hun dred mounted men are ready and will march on the Utes under command of C. . Blylen- burg. Ladles are making bandages and the town Is thoroughly excited. " The Fight With Colorow. MF.EKKIU Col. , ( by courier to Glenwood Springs ) , Auirust 15. One battle be tween the Utes and Sheriff Kendall's party resulted In the wounding of four bucks , and old Colorow has asked permission to leave tbe battlo-fleld and go back to the reservation. The fight occurred on Beaver creek last Tuesday , and your correspondent obtained particulars after a hard day's ride over the ranee toward Traders' lake , where he mot William U. Miller and Jim Ducbamp , who had just left this place and were going up the north fork of the White river , where they expected to find Kendall , who , with thirty-five men , Is following what looks to bo a cold trail. The battle ot Tuesday last Is behind Beaver crook and within five miles of the old battle ground of 1BTO. Kendall had been following the trail of the Utes for twenty-four hours , and about two miles from where he met them he encountered squaws and herds going west. Ho did not disturb them , but two or three squaws showed light and ho was compelled to take their ttnlves from them. He then uushed on across the country and came upon Colorow and elshty-four bucks camped In the shelter of a clump of trees about 500 yards from the bluffs. As soon as the Indians caught sight of the sheriff and party , they Immediately rushed to their horses , rode further back , halting every few minutes as If to encourage pursuit , in which they were successful. Once In the open plain they Immediately began to encircle the cowboys and fired twice at them. The Indians outnumbered the sheriff's following by two to o'ne and * he returned to the bluff , celling a clump ot trees between himself and the hostlles. The whites dis mounted and behind the shelter of the trees returned the Indians' fire , wounding ono Duck. Colorow did not seem to participate much In the fighting , but occupied a place on the bluff. The fight continued all the after noon and up to dark , when the Indians went off toward ttie north bank ot the White river. Four Indians were wounded in the fleht , and ono Is said to bo prettv badly Injured and will die. It was expected they would attack the camp at night , but did not do so , and the scouts sent out by Kendall at daybreak returned In an hour with the Intelligence that they could see no Indians. Kendall was last seen by Miller and Du- champ on Thursday night They were then on the battle field on Milk river , and had just seen the Indians. A skirmish totk place and continued about one hour , when the Indians drew oil and took to the shelter of the hills. Miller and Duchamp left the party there and came to Meeker. Duchamp Is out scoutlnir for the Utes. Kondnll Is supposed to bo in the vlcin- Itv of Williams' fort , on the White rlvnr , about forty miles north of Meeker. Ho has onlv thirty-five men , not sixty , as stated. The men are all In coed health but poorly armed , and the Intelli gence that County Commissioner Reynolds brines from Gleuwnod Springs of the arri val of 3,000 rounds of ammunition and fifty stands ot arms Is welcomed. As soon as possible a party will bo made up and sent out to find and reinforce Kendall. Humors Which Itench Glnnwood. Gr.E.vwooi ) SPUINOS , Colo. , August 15. ( Special Telegram to the BKi.l : Nothing ha : been heard directly from Sheriff Kendall since Thursday last , but enough has come throuch couriers bound over the range to justify the belief that a battle has been fought and that the Utes cot the worst of It. It Is known that live Indians were either killed or wounded and that old Colorow has concluded to go bacK to the reservation If permitted to do so. He has asked that ho be permitted to take the wounded Indians away , and promises , If permitted to do so , that ho will go back to the Uintah reserva tion and stay there. This request , however , is believed to bo a ruse to give moro time to collect other renegades who are roaming through Cathedral Bluffs and also Douglass creek , In the western part of the state. I met a ranch man to-day who came from Golden Cltv , a few miles from the Utah line. He said that ho mot a great many Utes from the Uintah and Uncompahgro reservations roaming In tbo hills huntlnc and fishing. Ono of these parties , he said , was headed by a cousin of Colorow and was coming toward the cast The settlers In the western district , which Is very suarcely settled , are all prepared to re- sUt any advance made by the Indians , and had organized to protect their places. They do not believe , however , that Colorow has taken the warpath In earnest , but are inclined to think ho Is simply attempting to evade the arrest of two bucks wanted by Sherlft Kendall for cattle stealing. The condition of affairs at Meeker and In the surrounding country Is practically unchanged. Men are patrolling the town heavily armed and others are reconnoiterlnc the country In search of redskins. The Utes are said to have divided Into two parties. One Is headed by Colorow and the other by his son. The one headed by Colorow himself Is composed of forty lighting bucks , and young Colorow has probably fifty more. It Is supposed that they have separated In order to reach the reservation by different routes , although the ranch believe that Colorow Is established north west of Meeker In the hills and that his son has gone over to Douglas creek for rein forcements. Three thousand rounds of am munition have been received and guns arc on their way. The disposition of them has has not been definitely determined. The Aspen company has been thoroughly equipped and U ready to move. It Is be lleved that the trouble , Ir there was anything more than the demand by the sheriil of this county for the surrender ol two Ute thieves and the refusal ol Colorow to comply , Is now over , and lufor mation leeardlng the final settlement U do laycd In transit Colorow Is thoroughly dis liked , and that every settler on the Whlti and Yampa river , and every cattleman In th < county fears him , Is evident They will no feel safe until he has been chained down t < the reservation and euardca or dead. Thej prefer the latter. When It was discovere < that ho was killing and running oil cattle I gave the settlers an opportunity to revengi the horrible crimes that Colorow has beei guilty of and of ridding themselves and pro > big lasulu an < Intrusion forever. They Marled out to d o It and will do so if permitted to follow their own Inclinations. The traders of the White and Yampa are held responsible in a degree for the outbreak , as they nave favored Colorow and his band In their hunting and trapping expeditions , buying their hides and and pelts and giving In return whiskey and tobacco. The only Information to-day WAS a letter brought from Mayor Gregory , of Meeker , brought by Charley Shcdlcr and F. C. Me- Nolll. who left Meeker at 8 o'clock last night and mmlesixtylive miles In nine hours over a very rouirh road and In the rain. The letter was addressed to General West and contained very monger In formation , simply saying thnt Kendall had not been heard from since Thursday , and that the Utes had divided , Colorow with ono band having como to a place on the White river a few miles aftove Meeker and sent a courier to town asking a conference with some authorized agent This agent , who Is not named , went to the rendezvous. Col orow asked for fifteen ttays to move his wounded , the number of which and the manner of rcmovlne them not being stated. The proposition had been considered by the mayor and other otliclals of the county , but no action had been taken on It. The two Utes , John Henry aud Mose , who are wanted for horse stealing , were with Colorow , but are now supposed to bo with another wing of the party heading toward the Utah line. Colorow denied that ho had defended these Utes , but claimed that he mistook the sheriff and his assistants for a party of hunters who had l > ecn follow ing them. Colorow waited for one day to hear tbo result of the conference at Meeker , but receiving no reply made off , going up the north fork of the White In the direction of the Wyoming line. The other band , with whom the'two Ute thieves are supposedJto be , have struck off to the west from the White river. Kendall Is supposed to be following this outfit. The courier who left hero Sunday morning , made a most remarkable ride to Meeker reaching It In just eight hours. Ho wen over mountains by a narrow and uncertain cattle trail and arrived in Meeker an hour be fore the two messengers loft. The messen gers say that he left Meeker Sunday night to start up the north fork of the White In search of Kendall. He was Instructed to see Kendall and get a verbal report of his condition and wants , after which he will ride cross the country back to Glenwood Springs and report as soon as possible. He Is authorized to em ploy messengers to send any report he may receive while heading for the sheriff's party , and some word is expected to-uiorrow night The absence of information from Kendall Is believed to be due to his hot chase after the two Ute thieves and his desire to bring them back. Ho may turn up at any moment From one of the couriers your correspond ent obtained the following : Colorow's son , who was sent to Uintah agency for help at the first outbreak , hat returned. Ho was seen on the morning of the 10th at Bor.-itcln's ranch going up the White river. A man called to him. but he refused to pay any at tention until overtaken. Ho then said he know nothing of the outbreak and added : "White man heap damn fool. " His horse was covered with foam aud showed signs of hard ridlug. No News or the Sheriff. DENVER , Colo. , Aneust 13. [ Special Telegram gram to the BKH.J The situation on the White Hiver agency remains unchanged so far as can be learned. Considerable fear is entertained tor Sherlft Kendall and his posse , who had the encounter with Colorow and his band on Thursday. No news has been received from them since Friday , and It Is feared they have been massacred or are surrounded by Indians and unable to escape , or will eventually , from starvation , be forced to make a a dash for liberty , and be murdered in the attempt. Tbe following was received to-day , by Governor Adams from Adjutant General W $ 't , GLENWOOD SPUINOS , August 15. Gover nor Adams : 1 have just received the follow ing from my courier sent yesterday to Meeker. He started this morning In search of Kendall. I place no reliance in Colorow's promise. Fifteen days is a good long while for htm to gather his gang. 1 have beard nothing from the arras which were shipped from Leadville. Better ship 150 guns of fifty caliber and plenty of amunitlon at once. MEKKBH , 8:806. : m. , August 14. Adjutant General George West ; The sheriff and his party have not been hoard from since Thurs day. He la supposed toDe following one party of Utes under Colorow and one party sent there for talk , ana they were seen by two responsible citizens , to whom they promised that if they wore given lifteen days undisturbed they would remove their wounded aud go to Uintah. We need 150 guns and ammunition , which should be shipped to Glenwood , wh re wo would re ceipt for and be responsible for the same. With that we could take care ot ourselves. If necessary , till troops'were ' sent , should they be needed. " Signed by Mayor Clark and board of county commissioners. No Notification of Any Ute Outbreak. WASHINGTON , August 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. | General Upshur , acting commissioner of Indian affairs , said to-day that the Indian office has not heard a word from any of the Indian agents relative to the alleged outbreak of the White Itlvor Utcs. For this reason the office Is inclined to the belief that the reports of the outbreak have been greatly exaggerated , If indeed there Is any truth at all In them. No information mation of the outbreak had been received by the war department up to the time of closing the olllco this afternoon. AN IMPORTANT POINT. Trying to Prove a Missouri Court's Actions Unconstitutional. ST. Josiu'ii , Mo. , Auirust 15. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. J An attempt will be made to have the case ot Prouck , the wife murderer , reversed when It Is brought up be fore the supreme court In October , on the cround that the act of the legislature enacting the criminal court In Buchanan county was unconstitutional. The criminal court was established In conformity to a proviso of the constitution which provld es that in all counties having a population In excess of 50,000 the legislature may create a separate court for the trial ot criminal and civil cases. Mr. F. S. WInn , Prnuck's attorney , said to-day that the de fense would claim that no evidence was biought before the legislature showing that Buchanan county had a population of over 50,000 at the time ot the passaco of the act , the census ot ISM ) clvlng It as 4J,000. ! It the point Is favorably passed upon by the supreme court it will plact * the criminal affairs of the county in a com plicated and deplorable condition. A great many criminals have been sent to the peni tentiary since the establishment of the court , and numerous others have been either lined or sentenced to thecouutv jail. It will bo re- memberea that It was before this court that Dr. S. S. Itlchmond , who murdered Colonel J. W. Strong , editor of the Herald , on Juno 18 , i&O , was tried and adjudged Insane. The opinions of the lawyers differ In regard to the point. Many laughed at It , claiming that the matter was thoroughly examined Into bclore the passage of the act Others claim that the point raised Is n good ono aud merits con sideration , The Vislltlc Supply. CincAno.August 12. The visible sitpply for the week ending August 13 , a compiled by the secretary of tbo Chicago board ol trade , Is as follows : BuMiels Bushel ? Wheat 3J.7iisooo Corn . CbOJo Oats 8T OUOO Itye . soiooc Barley 131,000 The Thistle HpOtcnn. LONDON , August 15. Captain Ormston , of the British steamer Annie , which arrived at Queenstown from Baltimore , reports hi passed the Scotch yacht , Thistle , nn the Ctl Inst. In latitude 40:44 : north and longitude 41:39 : west , proceeding under all plain bail , Manitoba Crops. WINNIPF.O , Man. , August 15-The croj bulletin of the Manitoba department of aurl culture , just issued , shows that the Indlca tlons all point to very large returns through outtlie Province.Thoweatlicr U very favor J I ftblQ fttid the wheat harvest U lu lull swiug. A BIG HOME RULE VICTORY , Glandtonians Carry the Chester Election in Bpito of Heavy Odds. TORIES GREATLY CAST DOWN , The Mosses Juhllant Over the Defeat ol'thoOlasioa ALIuernl Union ist Opinion Thn Success- rut CaudldAto , Conacrvatlvcs Very Bine. n { CapurfgM tSS ! bv James Gordon neMticft.1 LONDON , August 15. [ Now York Herald Cable-Special to the BEE. ] Blue Is a pale name for the color ot tory faces this evening In the parliament lobbies and at the tory clubs. The liberals , however , seem desirous , In a western phrase , of "painting the town red,1' all over the Chester election on Satur day , to 1111 the vacancy caused by the death ot IS. Verdln , liberal-unionist. It was a great victory for the Gladstones. As for the few Irish members left In town , they seem incessantly shaking hands with each other. 1 saw a personal telegram from Gladstone , who deservedly regarded the re sult as a personal triumph. Lord Henry Grosvenor. the defeated liberal- union candidate , Is the younger son of the Duke ot Westminster , who was once Gladstone's dearest friend and allv. When they politically parted a year ago the duke committed the meanness of sending to auction the portrait of Gladstone , for which he had expressly caused the then premier to sit. The duke lives In the Unester district , and as he bad practically controlled it when a liberal , he expected to still control It as a half-way tory or liberal-unionist. Last year he held control over the now successful Glad- stonlan , and by a majority of 6M. In 1585 the duke had assisted In obtaining a liberal majority of 1,023 for this very candidate. Now ho and his son are 'beaten ' by 1,129. Ills spiteful action towards Gladstone In the picture matter told heavily aealnst his lordhng son. Moreover , the latter has what the cockneys call a "la-da-da" manner , most unpopular. The result Is a clean victory for homo rule , because the torles made that the solo Issue. The Irish members largely raided the Gladstone canvass , and showed the liberals , who last year deserted , that Irish members of parliament wore not separatists , disorganizes , nor revolution ists. 1 encountered ono liberal-unionist who has been a-strong worker , a'nd who only freely talked on the promise not to bo Identified. He said : "Well , the torlos have held their own. In 188. " , they polled 3,995 , now 3,933. The liberals united polled then 5,023 , , now 5.112. The small dlllerence shows about the same party strength. We had , as usual , an unfortunate and weak candidate , who set the aristocracy and feudal Incidents against the masses. " "lasted : "What sign is there in the re sults ? " He answered : /'Curiously enough these recent gains for Gladstone and this molting away of Uartlnet6n-Chamberlaln voters will tend to strengthen , perhaps , and certainly to maintain the government majority In the commons. Nearly all the liberal-union members of parliament are flukes or acci dents. Knowing they would all lose their elections If dissolution came , even If they were renomlnated , which would be Improba ble , they will grl.rqly vote with Salisbury on all questions and keep up the majority. " But Mr. Brunner , the successful member of parliament , can speak for himself. When the newly returned member came out of the counting of vote room , he entered his car riage and was driven to the Crown and An chor hotel , from the windows of which ho addressed an excited crowd as follows : "You have to-day won a victory for Glad stone and Ireland , and the Issue has been made absolutely clear for the tirst time be tween the classes and the masses. You have decided It by your votes that you are to rule In this country aud not the aristocracy. You have Initiated a now departure. It Is a message of peace from your country with re gard to Ireland that cannot bo overstated. It Is the vote of one party of the working classes to cause the right of mercy to the cause of peace , and this has never been more significantly show than It has been to-day. Tito worklngmen came to keep me from north , south , cast and west , and I thank them from my heart for the great victory they have helped wo to achieve. " It Is always usual at declarations of the poll In Enuland for the defeated candidate to also address his friends , but Lord Henry Grosvenor stood not upon the order of his going , but Immediately lied to bis ducal papa without an address. The tory Evening Standard , Globe , St James Gazette and Evening News and Lib eral-Union Kcho are apparently so disgusted that they do not comment on the result and barely give tbo figures. But the Pall Mall Gazette heads Its long account with a metaphorical rooster. LEOl'OLD CREATES A SENSATION. He Calls Upon His Subjects to Pro tect the Fatherland. ICojii/rloht 1H67 tin Jiltnca Qortl m tlcnnctt , } BitussKi.3 , August 15. Now York Herald Cable Special to the BUK. | To-day King Leopold , presiding at the Inauguration of the statues of the Flemish patriots DeConlng and Jean Urondcl at Bruges , pronounced a stlrrlngspeechon Belgium's traditlonsandIu present Indepeudence. The speech was full of indirect but clean hints as to the impend ing dancer that menaces botli Belgium and Holland and was in favor of the compulsory military service act recently rejected by par liament against the king's personal desires , The king said that the symbolic lion at Flan ders must not go to sleep and Belgium must guard against an excess of confluence In her security and In everlasting peace. The dan gers which threatened Flanders In tin middle ages have not all disap peared. Civilization has made greul headway but the conditions of the life ot nations while undergoing transformation are still subject to the old Influences. Now adays wars have crushing results for the vanquished and nations which allqw them selves to bo taken by suppriso are lost na tions. In the memorable days when tin Flemish burghers fought under the rampart : of Courtiers , noblemen , citizens and working men all united to shed their blood together , Their priests were by their sides encourag ing the living and blessing the dead. This example should be followed and no sacrifice neglected to hold the rights and Independ ence of the fatherland. The king stronglj emphasized the sentence about the priest : and made a pointed allusion to the recent attitude of the clerical party who caused the compulsory military bill to bo rejected. The king's speech caused a great sensation and its probable etlect will bo the Introduction and passage of a rUId coniDtilsory servlci bill at the next session , for the defense o Belgium's neutrality aud Independence. Itevnlutlnu Threatened In nol ltiin [ CiipurtaM 1SS7 Ixj Joints ( lonltn llennet' . ] BIIUSSKI.S , August 15. | Now York Heral , Cable Special to the BKK.J The modeiat ' section of the work'Ingmun's congress hel Its second meeting to-day p. * . Mons. it wn decided to organize- themselves for future strikes , but not to pronounce for an Im mediate strike. The revolutionary faction which broke away from the other yesterday met separately and decided to organize under the name of "republican socialists. " with forty groups , which will act especially In large mlnlnir districts. Headlngly , a dele gate from the London social democratic fed eration , delivered a violent speech , exhorting the Belgians to rise In revolution. Imme diately after ho had spoken ho was secretly warned by his friends that the Belgian authorities had ordered his Immediate arrest. Therefore ho left Mous at once. The police authorities are searching all trains for him , but ho will probably bo able to make h Is escape to England. Headlngly Is ono of the editors of the London Justice , and also a con tributor on medical subjects to the Lancet. nrltlsh Grain Trndn Review. LONDON , August 13. The Mark Lane Ex press , in Its review of the British grain trade during the past week , says : With the ex ception ot a few slight showers , the drought has not been broken. In the greater part of the kingdom the days have been 15 degrees colder and the nights autumnal. Vegetation appears to bo giving out Wheat deliveries have been numerous. Val ues continue to decline. ' If the weather keeps drv lower rates appear to be Inev itable. The sales ot Eucllsh wheat during the week wore not reported. The average price In London for the week ended Tuesday was .14 shillings on 604 quarters. The Hour trade Is depressing. Some now barleys have been offered. Their color has been good and their qual ity various. In foreign wheat there Is no fresh feature. Values arc arndimlly declining. Interest appears to bo confined to the native crops , or rather the condition In which It can be delivered. The outcome ot the collapes of the wheat corner In San Francisco Is not yet determined , and there Is therefore an accumulation ot Cali fornia wheat In Liverpool , which threatens the trade. In the off-coast trade prices have declined from Is 3d to Is Ud. The Hultnn'a dhlcf Eunuch Dead. LONDON , August 15. The death Is an nounced at Constantinople of Agba , the Sul tan s chief eunuch and confidential advisor , who virtually directed the state affairs ot Turkey. _ Wales nt Hambnra. BKIILIN , August 15. The prince of Wales arrived at Hamburg to-day. The Chatsworth Dlsaatcr. CiiATSwoitTir , 111. , August 15. Mr. Still- well , of West Point , Ind. , who was Injured In the recent wreck , died at Piper City this morning. The wounded hero passed the night quite comfortably. CHICAGO , August 15. The Times to-day has a dispatch stating that two men have been arrested on the charge of being the In- cendarlcs who caused the Chatsworth horror , The authority given for the Information Is a man named Dobbs , who has been working for tome tlmo past for a fanner named Morris Konoya , about three miles from Kentland , Ind. Dobbs Informed the Times correspondent that two men were arrested on suspicion of having sot ( ire to the bridge. They wore given a preliminary ex amination before a Justice of the peace and the proof was considered strong enough to hold them In Jail where they are now confined pending further proceedings. Dobbs added that bin employer Kenoya was present at the examination. A correspond ent interviewed William F. Terrell , conductor of the freight train , and JearnediXrom. him that the arrest hasVocciisloued considerable excitement in the stale lino. Ho also said that YardmaUer Jones of the Toledo , Pcorla & Western , who is stationed at the state line , visited Kent- land and confirmed the truth of the arrest CHICAGO , HI. , August 15. A committee of citizens to-day arranged for a benollt enter tainment In aid of the poor sufferers from the Chatsworth railroad disaster. It will be given at Columbia theatre the week of Sep tember 19. Failure of the Labrador Fisheries. ST. JOHNS , N. F. , August 15. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. I The news of the utter failure of the Labrador fisheries , re ceived to-day , confirms the worst fears of the people. The alarming report Is received that 1,000 vessels are coming back clean , and that the remaining MX ) crafts have only a few quintals of fish each. Thirty thousand people ple go from Now Foundland to Labrador every spring to llsh. Five hundred quintals per vessel Is a fair catch. That gives those engaged in it a bare existence. Last year the catch averaged less than " 00 quintals , and there was starvation all along the coast The whole hope of the people consequently de pended upon this year's catch. Northern Labrador fisheries arc a total failure. Kvon the straits of Belle Isle fisheries yield less than last year , while from Cape Knee north ward tishcry Is such ail utter failure that It will not average five quintals per man. The outlook for the coming winter Is conso- uently worse than U was last year , while ? rom -the present appearance nothing but transportation to the United States or entire support by the government will save the whole resident population of Labrador from slowly starving to death. Union of 5111kmen. ELOIN , III. , Aueust 15. Dairymen of this city and vicinity met to-day and completed the formation of a protection union. E. G. Ketch urn was elected president. The executive board was elvon general over sight of the dairy Interest. ' It was decided not to set an arbitrary price on milk at pres ent but to negotlato with condensers and factory men amiable arrangements during the winter. The union will meet again in two weeks. The Illinois State Fair. CHICAGO , August 15. Virgin , superin tendent of the state fair , which Is to bo held at Olnoy commencing September 24 , was In this city to-day on business connected with the fair. Ho says there seemed to bo an Im pression In the. state , that the water supply ofUlney would not bo bulliclent. Virgin says steam pumps will Do In working ordur and the necessary pipe will be furnished which will give ten to twenty thousand gallons lens per hour , which with the present supniy wilt bo sufficient. He says the outlook for the state fair was never better. Texas Fever In Now York. Oswnao , N. Y. , August 15. A disease said to bo Texas fever has broken out among the cattle In this neighborhood. Ten days ago a man brought a herd of twenty-eight cows hero from Jefferson county to butcher for market , Seven were killed and sold wiien It was discovered that the others had Texas fever , and ten died and the rest > vem killed In the presence of the state veterinary sur geons. j'nked to Drnili. ALIIANY , N. Y. , August 15. John J. Uccdy , aged 83 , foreman In a slave foundry , disappeared Saturday morning , To-day his body was found In an oven for baking ladles. It Is presumed ho went In there , and h Ing down , tell asleep. A lire was started Saturday and the door of the oven was then locked. His presence not boiug noticed , I HI was baked for about forty-eight hours. The Chicago IlnodlcrV Successor * . CHICAGO , August 15. At a mcetlni ; of the county hoard tills afternoon W. W. Stewart , D. V. Puriugton , Thomas Bronary , H. M , Singer , Henry C. Soiino. Joseph Donncrs- bergerand A. B. Hard , ivcio appointed county commissioners to 111 ! the VMcaucIo- created by the resignation of the convicts boodlers. Two Canndlan Stoumorn Sol/ed. UocinsTit : , August 15. Two Canadlar d steamers , tliu Hastings and Kathleen , wen seized by the custom house officers at Cliar ,0 ,1 lotto today.Tlu > seizure \vf\smudo \ on tin 1 ground that neither of the boats tins been in is 8Pcc.teU by ( bo Uwited Statoa Inspectors. SWUNGcflIM FROM A BRIDGE ; The Assailant of Miss Nobles Summarljy Diipojod of by A Hob , A FARMER HANQS HIMSELJ Itoported Death of Father Harnejf In Ireland Where ho Had Uono for hlo Health Other low * News , A Iicclicr Lynched. LKOX. la. , August 15.-Spcclal ( Tohrt gram to the BKE.J On Sunday morning at 1:00 : a band of masked men , about thirty Inf number , rode Into town from the west quletli to the jail and demanded the keys ot Sheriff llonnold and on his refusal to do so the * went to work with sledges and hammers and knocked the lock off. There wore tlvo steel doors to go through aud It took them nearly two hours to accomplish the work. Whet * they had succeeded In getting into the jal they took out James IJoynolds. the man win was confined there for committing an assaul' ' on Miss Noble two weekairo. ! . Ho wai taken to a bridge just at the west end o : town and a rope Was placed around his neokj and the other made fast to the bannister ! and ho was then ( tlvon an opportunity to make a statement with regard to his crime. but he refused to say a word , and after wait * Ing about ton minutes for htm to speak the barrel on which ho was standing was taken from under him and ho was left suspended by the neck and In a few minutes ho wail dead. The mob then rode quietly away and left him hanging. * * ' An Old Farmer Hangs Illminlf. WiNTKitsttT. la. , August 16. [ Special Telegram to the BKE. 1 John OK burn , farmer aged about lifty , living near Peru * seventeen miles southeast of Winterset , comjr ml tied suicide Saturday evening. Ho went ) out to do his chores , and not returning fotf some time his family became uneasy because ! of his long absence and went out to the barn and found him hanging dead. Ho had takea a dose ot pans green before hanging him' self. Ho had been deranged for some time } and was in poor circumstances. Ho leaves wile aud somu grown children. For two ! years ho had .suffered from occasional attack of melancholy during which ho expressed fears of coming to want , though on the day of taking his own life and tor some time ] previous he seemed perfectly well. On that ] day he went to Murray and came back apJ parontly all rlttht He attended to his own chores as usual but soon after dark ho went ? to the barn and hanged himself. Another Urldec In I'ronpect. DAVENPOIIT , la. , August 15. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. | Major McKenzle * of the United btatcs engineer ofllco , KocU Island , sent notice to the press to-day stating that a board of engineers will bo hero to morrow to consider the plans and location of- the third bridge across the Mississippi which ? the Chicago , Burlington & Northern pro ) , poses to erect. If the report is favorable thu bridge will be built. Fire nt Htrawbcrry Point. BTRAWIIKKKY POINT , la. , August 15. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. | A house ) aud barn , Snydor's barber shop , B. ilans * con's dwelling , Klenhelm's two-story dwell ing and Porter's blacksmith shop were de stroyed by lire early this morning. It was only by strenuous cITorts that the business portion of the town was saved. Death of Father Harnoy. . . Pr.itnr , la. , August 15. ISpecialTelogratrl to the BKK.J Word was received hero that Father P. J. Uarney , the well known 0ith4 : olio prlset and an old resident of central Iowa , died In Ireland July 30 , where ho haq cone for his health. Instantly Rilled hy a Playmate. MOUNT AVH. la , , August 15. ( Special- Telegram to the Br.ii.l Yesterday afternoon while several boys wore playing near town and using revolvers carelessly , Johnny Spears was shot accidentally by Joey Scouhud. He died Instantly. Out In Two liy the Ciu-s. CAKIIOI.L , la. , August 15. [ Special Tola- gram to the BIK. : I Lust evening John Ai n'/ , a young man , was Instantly killed under the cars while trylnir to climb on a moving train. His body was cut in two aud horribly mangled. _ Flro at Walnut. WALNUT , la. , August 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BCK. I The depot at this place ) was entirely destroyed by tire about mld- > night. GHOANED AT GOVKKNOU Tumultoua Blootlnj ; or the United Labor Party In Now York. j NEW Vonic , August 15. At a meeting nt the United Labor union Sunday afternood the food producers section reported that thejj had adopted resolutions denouncing thej. county committee of the United Labor party for expelling the socialist trainman McKlra < and refusing to allow his report to ho read/ This created much confusion but the chalB was finally upheld. The plcnlo committed then reported that Governor Hill had been Invited to review the union parade on SepJ ( ember 5. At once there was hlsHinir , and amid groans the proposition to Invite the governor was laid on the table. During tb rest of the session there was o continual con * filet between the conservatives and the KM clallsts and the mooting broke up lu urtat disorder. lUDDLIOItKUGKH. tludeo Newman Denies n Motion to riclcnso Him From Jail. WiNC'itK.STUii , Va. , August 15. Klddler bercer remains quietly In jail. A motion , was made In court to release him , which Judge Newman denied. All Is quiet tow nluht. Trial of the Water Illcyolc. BUFFALO , N. Y. , August 15. | Spee'aI' ' Telegram to the BKK | Alphonso Klnaf crossed the Niagara river above the whlrlj pool on a water bicycle yesterday. Prince , Do Vawongse of Slaui witnessed the feal and applauded heartily. The bicycle is sup ? ported byInc llonts and to the wheel of till machine puddles are attached. The wholtf thing weighs -M pounds and Is steered by the head wheel attached by cords to thti ru * der. The bicycle rodw bravely and well tint til the center of the river was reached , whorq It careened wildly. The current was swift and the waves were ugly and choppy here , and the strange emit was UH sen from sidi to Kido a good deal. King put mure muscular power Into bin logs , however , and finally pnsfaud through snfelv. lie noini ; to Hunt Indiana. , OITV , Dale. , August 15. iSpedaf Telegram to the OKK. I Kx-Govnrnnr Dwea aad Congressman Laird arrived hero thltf morning from Nebraska. They have to/- nun row fur the mountains , accompanied by Mxpurt mlnoraloKlMs. They have a complete outfit , but Hhooting docs not commence hero until September. They are close-mouthed. the object ot their trip. Scutari In FlumoH. CO.S-STANTI.VOIM.K , August 15. A great wmflagifttlon Is raging ut Scutari , opposlto this city. Many hundreds of houses'havo already been destroyed. A hlu'li wind Is pre * ' vailing and the Humes arc t > tlll spreading. The Vnliiiiltio.r Wliix. CoTTA'jK Cirv , Muss , , August 15. In the ; lace between.Ilio Mayllower , Puritan , Atlan ' tic < ind Volunteer , troin liero to Newport , fet Ui ntvr > ! ruu ( r'uu. I'1" ' ' t named > \on