Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    tvv > 1 r sgr * w < PS ffp ? !
Speculative leeling Again Changing
from Corn Into Wheat ,
Corn Dull and Drooping , With a Weak
/ Tone Prevailing Cnttlo About
tlio Hntne General Alar-
kn Quotation * .
CIIICAOO , AUEHst 13. [ Special Telegram
to tlioUKi : . I Speculation Is getting out of
corn and into wheat once more. Trade In
wheat was on a largely Increased scn'o ' to
day and the market Is feeling the cllect of
growing popularity. An advance of KQfc
established and the last quotations were the
best ot the season. September wheat opened
nt CO c , advanced to 70Uo and during the
last two hours of the trading session , ranged
between 70c and 70&c. closing at 70'i@70 c.
October opened at 71Jfo advanced to 72c ,
thereafter ranged at 71Jf@72c and closed at
72c. December opened at 74 > c , nuued at
74KW"5i'c } and closed at thu top. There- was
good local buying and the tone of the other
domestic markets was better.
-Corn was dull and drooping , and the tone
was on cot weakness. There were occasional
rallies , but tlio demand was uusually short
lived nnd the bearish spirit would soon be in
control. The market Is dally getting nar
rower. The country Is still long and so are
a few lending local operators for large lines ,
but the majority of active room traders scorn
to have taken the prollts at a higher level and
to bo now ranged on the other side , Shippers
report a look up In the demand for cash corn
end singularly enough the receivers are be
ginning to anticipate an increased forward
movement from the Interior , lialns have
measurably relieved the alarm that prevailed
throughout the agricultural districts and
property 11 being marketed with greater free
dom. Fluctuation ! * to-day were within % o
limits and the closings mnrk a decline of n
< 3c as compared with yesterday , September
losing the most and May the least , the two
months assuming the same relative positions
ns on Thursday. Opening trades In Soj > -
tember word at 41Kc In October and
Hay nt 45Kc. September advanced
to 41o and worked off. to 40c ,
closing there. October ranged at 43X@41&c ,
closing at the Inside , and May ranged at
44Hc , closing at 45c. May la by far
the most Active month on the list , wltn trade
Iu September and October nbout on a par.
There was developed an easier feeling all
around in the market for oats , the depression
iu corn , liberal receipts of oats and more or
less realizing toward the close by longs all
helped to weaken values , and the closing
prices for futures were at the bottom for the
day and & (3c ( below those of yesterday.
Provisions closed the week hi a quiet man
ner. Trading to-day showed no Improve
ment over the past two or three
days , yet thu feeling was strong ,
nnd , barring a break of We. In year pork , 17)c )
In January pork , 2 } c In November and Jan
uary lard and 2Kb in January short ribs ,
changes In prices wore unimportant Short
ribs for August , September anil October were
even advanced 2X050 for September de
livery. Lard sold at S0.57" < ( ftO. < X ) and short
ribs at S8.00@8.05 , closing al SO.D7J < and
$8.02)1 respectively. August lard and short
ribs were held at September prices , while
October lard was 7K@lOc and October short
ribs the same to5clilgber than September.
January closed at 513.87K for pork , 60.77
for lard , and 83.G2X for short ribs.
CIIICAOO , AiiRUst 13. | Special Telegram
to the BEK.J CATTLE The few natives
nmong the arrivals were sold out at about the
came as such would have sold for yesterday ,
but the bulk of receipts were Tcxaus ,
perhaps fifty cars. During the week just
closed the arrivals were G0b20 , the largest on
record and the most remarkable instance also
on record is that under this enormous supply
values actually ruled strong from dav
to day , the market closing a ahado higher
than Monday last. Shipping steers , 1350 to
1500 Ibs , S4.00@4.75 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , 53.75 ®
4.40 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , $3.00(94.20 ( ; stackers and
feeders , $1.S5@U5 ! : ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
$ l.00@3.75 ; Texas cattle slow ; Inferior , 82.00
@ 2.8u ; medium to good , S3.75Q3.15.
Iloos Quality very poor and it was al
most Impossible to get a double deck of good
heavy or butcher weichts. Ono such lot sold
ntS.r.50 ' or 15f ! higher than Uie same style ana
quality sold for yesterday. Vet Uio General
niarkf t Is barely lee hiulier , and prices were
very uneven. There was less "kicking"
about crassers to-day , In tact buyers wme
obliged to take them or go without. The
midden falling off In quality cannot bo ac
counted for. Linht sorts sold up to $5.23 , or
lOc higher than yesterday.
NEW YORK , AueustlS. [ Special Telegram
to the Bii.1 : STOCKB. The market to-day
was a dragelng one , but exhibited surprising
stroneth. There was no foreign buying and
almost an entire absence of western orders.
The ease with which the stocks went up
frightened the small army of shorts Into cov
ering and resulted In an advance on the en
tire list , extending to&X points. A bad
bank statement was expected , as the banks
were known to hare lost Iuuds during tut
week , but none looked tor a decrease in the
reserve of (2,118,985 , and in deposits of
86.477,500. The statement , coming on the
market shortly before the close , caused an
uneasy feeling and Induced shrewd opera
tors to sell moderately and slight recessions
followed , but the last figures were at a net
advance of 2)u on New England , 1 # on St.
Paul , % on Northwestern , J on Lack *
wannrialon Pacific Mall , X on Reading ,
Ji on Louisville' & Nashville , X on Missouri
Pacific and X per cent on Lake Shore and
[ wTostern Union. The total sales were 114,005
1 shares. Including 0,7 0 shores of New Eng.
land , 25,800 of St. Paul. 5.950 of Northwest ,
crn and 4,400 of Western Union.
UovicuNMK.NYb Government bonds wore
steady and tinu.
U. B.4'scoupon.187X10. AN. W 115J4
U. S. 4W'scoup..lO'J > i do preferred. . . 144
Pacllio 0801 * ' 85. . 122 N. Y. C lOSJ
Canada Sontli'n. . 5 >
Central Paclliu. . W
Chicago < bAlton.140 PaeiHoMall 41i *
do preferred..175 P. , D. &K 28
C. , H. AO 140 PnllmanPal.Car.148
. , L.JvY. Heading. . . , 50
J ) . All. Q 2dKock | Island . . . .120
Eriu SO 'iSU IJ.&S.K. . . . U7JJ
do preferred. . . . do preferred. . . . 7(1 (
Illinois Central. . C. , M. & UUP. . . 82
do preferred. . 120
St. P. A 0 48 *
do prof erred. . 110H
' Texas Pacific. . . . U8J <
Michigan Ccht'lV. sr , UnlonPaclUc. . . . 60' )
Mo. Paclllo VY. . St. LAP. . . . 175 ;
No. Paclllo 21 do preferred. . SOV
. . . W. U.Telegraph 74J3
MONKV On call easy nt4Der cent.
STKIU.INO KXOIIAMOK Dull but steady a
S4.60& tor sixty day bills und S4.S3X fo
Clilciieo , Aujust 13. Following quoU
tlons are thu Uju : ! closing tlgnre.i ;
Flour Steady and linn.
Whnat Presented more llfo : advanced K
nnd closed % c above yebterday ; cash , G9)o
September , 70 5.iOc ; October , 71 15-lOc.
Corn Active ealy ; later rulsd quiet ani
oaslor , and closed % o under yesterday ; casli
40U10c ; September , 4015-lCo ; October , 41K <
Oats Comparatively easy : near tuture
ruled easy , while May raneed a shade lower
casli. 25c ; Supteuiber , US c ; May 81 ll-16c.
Jtye Momlnal at 44c.
Bailey Dull at GSo for September.
Prlmn Timothy Heou Nominal tS2.21 > (
Pork lUtlier quiet and Ionic dellvcrle
easier ; cash. 115,00 ; year , 3l SOj January
Lard Dull and easy , with no partlcula
re noted : cash aud September , 50.57 }
Bulk Meats-Shoulder. * 5.605.7i } ; ohoi
* lenr fS.Sotf9.40i hort ribs , f t,00. )
! < * .
; creamery , 20@2.5c ' ; dairy ,
heff Tltm * PA higher : full cream died-
iHXc ; flats and Young Americas ,
' 'ggsi'irm at
13c : dry calf. ! B3l3c ; deacons SOc each.
Tallow-UnchanKcdj Na 1 country ,
No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c.Jtawlot
Jtawlot * . Shipments ,
Flour , bbM . 11,000 18,000
Wheat , bu . 117.000 110,000
Corn , bu . 170.000
Oats , bu . tar.oou '
Kyc , bu . 3coo 4000
Hurley , bn . 13,000 12,000
New ITork. August 13.-Whcat-Ko-
oelpts , 153WK ) ; exports , 121,000 ; spot llrm
but rather qulut ; options rather easier , later
advanced & < 3Jc , closlne Hrm : unirraded red ,
SffiB2Kc ( : No. 3 ml , 77ifc No. 2 red ,
In elevator , 81@sl0 } delivered ; 8lc 1. o , b
No. 2 red September : closed At Hlc.
Corn Snot steady but very quiet ; options
opened K@\'c lower ; closed flnn. Receipts ,
itiooo ; oxporla , 10.000 ; ungraded , 45k ( ( 15 ic
In elevator and 49 (249 ( 0 delivered No.J ,
tiuptembcr rJ'i.sliijfnt 40c.
Oats W. c lower and dull closine firm ;
receipts , ( lv,0u ! ; ; exports , none , mixed west
ern , 29tia5c ( ; white western , 86@41c.
Petrolonm Finn , United closing nt 62c ,
K 'Ca Steady , demand fair ; western , 10 ®
Pork In modcratu demand ; mess quoted
at 510.00 for old and S15.M ) for new.
Lard Dull nnd wt > nk , closing steady ;
western steam , 0.87K@i,00.
Hutter Firm ; western , 12 < 325Xc.
Cheese Firmer with good Inquiry ; west
ern , 8K@10c.
Milwaukee. Auenst IB. Wheat Steady ;
cash , GOJic ; Suntejnbcr , 70' o ; October , 71/cc.
Corn L'ull ; No. 8. 42c.
Oatd Firm ; No. 2 white , 30c.
ltyo-SlendyNo. : 1 , 45J < c.
Harley Weak ; September , C3Jfc ,
Provisions Steady ; pork , August , S14.50.
Lard August , 50.55.
Clno nn tl. August 13. Wheat iStrongcr ;
No. 2 redT.74c. )
Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 48c.
Oats-Easier ; No. 3 mixed , 28c.
Uyo Sonrco nnd hlghor ; No. 2 , COc.
I'ork-Stcady at S10.00.
Whisky Active at 81.05.
Mtnnonpolla , Aueust 13. Wheat Mar
ket stronger ; No. 1 hard , cash 72e ; Septem
ber. WMc ; October , 71o ; No. 1 northern
and casli , 71e ; September , 71Jic ; October ,
70c ; No. 2 northern and cash , 70c ; Sep
tember , 70c : October , 680. On tracic : No.
1 hard , ) , (974oNo ( : ; 1 northern , 7.
No. 2 northern , 70c.
Flour Steady ; patents , 54.00Q4.20 ;
bakers. SS.gOOtaTlO. " ?
Rocelpts-Whoatf-8S,000 bu.
Shipments WbMt , 23,000 bu ; flour , 25,000
St. lionlAugust 13. Wheat Firm ;
cash. 8Ko ; October , "KJfc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 89c ; September ,
Oats Baser j eash-34o ; October ,
Lard -SB.35.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 23@2Sc ; dairy ,
Kausas City , August 18. Wheat-
Steady ; No. 2 red. none on the market
Corn Steady ; No , 2 , cash , SCJfobid ; Au
gust , SOKo bid ; September , SG > $ c bid , 37c
Oats No. 2 cash , 25c bid , 23 fc asked.
New Orleans , August 12. Corn Un
settled ; mixed. GOc , white , 5354c.
Oats Firmer at 33 } ( < lS4c.
Corn Meal Easy at $2.27K@2.30.
Hoz Products Dull and unchanged ; pork ,
St5.02J.f5 lard , rollned tierce. O.C2K.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , 55.80 ; long clear
and clear rib , 58.12 .
Liverpool , August 13. Wheat Quiet but
steady ; holders'offer freely.
Corn Steady with fair demand ; holders
offer moderately.
Ckitungo , August 13. The Drovers' Jour
nai reuorts as follows :
Cattle lioceipts. 15,000 : quiet and nomi
nal ; sblpping Btcers , S3.0l4.73 ; slacken
and feeders , SL35g3.15 ( ; cows , bulls and
mixed , SLOOQ2.70 ; Texas cattle , slow at
Hogs llecoipts , 6.000 ; stronger and 5@10c
higher ; rough and mixed , 54.455.25 ; packIng -
Ing and shipping. S5.004i5.50 ; light , 4.00 ®
6.80 ; skips. § 3.00(34,50. (
Sheep Heoelpts , 2.0GO ; steady ; natives ,
12.50(34.25 ( ; western , 13.0033.85 ; Texan s ,
* a.GO < | 3.60 ; lambs , 14.OCX5.00.
National Stock Yarda , E * t St.
Ixrali , III. , August 12. Cattle Receipts ,
1,000 : shipments , 700 ; market steady ; fair
to choice heavy native steers , S3.90@4.25 ;
butchers' Bteen , ( air to cholra , V3.40tg3.Dj ;
feeders , fair to good , 12.60(83.30 ( ; stookers ,
fair to good2.00 2.70.
Hoes H celpU , 500 : shipments. 500 ;
steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selections.
85.25@5.40 ; packers and Yorkers , medium
to choice/85.00S5.70 ; pigs , commonto good
Kanoan City , Auzust 13. Cattle-Re
ceipts , 1,500 ; shipments , ( ofllcial yesterday ]
8,000 ; good to choice corn-ted , J3.004.25
common to medium , & 3.25@3.80 : stockcrs ,
S3.00@2.40 ; feeding steers , S2.503.10
cows , gl.40ff42.CO.
llogs Kccclpts , 4.000 ; shipments ( of
flclal yesterday ) , 2,000 ; market opened lOc
higheJ for choice heavy , closing weak and 5
dClOc lower for all ; coed to ciioice , S.YSO ®
5.40 ; common to medium , S4.00@5.25 ; skips
and pigs S2.00@3.40.
Saturday , August 13 ,
Thfl run of cattla was liberal for theclos ,
of the week but they were largely rangers
Values remain about steady at yesterday's
prices. Then were a few corn fed natives
aud westerns which chanced hands. There
was some inquiry for stackers and a few
sold. _ _ _ _
HOB * .
The receipts ot boss were heavier than
yesterday by 500 head. The market openct
active at an advance ot about 5c over yester
day. Everything was taken and the pen
were cleared early in the morning. There I
a demand tor about twice as many hoes a
are coming and the present advance may be
due largely to this tact.
There was nothing doing on the market.
Receipt * .
Cattle ; ,640
Uogs 1100
Weekly Itcculpti.
Showlnzthoofliclal receipts ot cattle and
bogs at the yards during tlio past wool : .
Monday , Aue. 8 519 U04
Tuesday. Aug. 9 6CO 4,573
Wednesday , An * . 10 2S4 4,801
Thursday , Aug. U 7J 2,150
Frldav , Aug. 1'J 433 3,805
Saturday , Aug. 13 783 2S 1
Total . . . . . , „ . . . .3,457 17,340
Provalllni ; Prlcoj.
Showing the provalllug prlcoi paid for live
stock on this mnrknt :
Choice steers. 1300 to 1503 Ib ? . . . .54.10(94.20 (
Choicestoors , 1100to 1SOJ Ibs. . . H.UOc$4.10 (
Kat little steers WO to 1050 Ibs. . . . 8.75W3.80
Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.75 4.00
Good to cholco coru'fed cows. . . . 9.75 ( 3.00
Commonto medium cows fi.OO J.SO
Uood to choice bulls 1.75at2.50
Light and medium ho 5.00M5.10
Good to choice heavy hogs 5.20Q5.J50
U oed to choice mixed bogs 5.05.u,5.15 (
Representative Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
50..1124 KUX )
43..1415 4.00RAKUK
45. . . . 893 J3.0
84. . . . 740 52.05 50. . . . 540 82.80
23. . . . 755 51.W
No. Av. 8hk. Vr. No. Av. Shlc. Pr
70..200 160 J5.10 CS..21B 160 85.20
74..203 2SO 5.10 07..244 200 5.20
66..234 ICO 5.12JJ CO..253 40 5.20
K1..225 SO 6.1'JK 70. . . . 0 VJI ) B.90
07..229 ICO 5.15 C4..2G1 40 6.20
75..237 40 5.15 C7..k.2 100 5.2i )
07 . . .247 40 5.15 67..247 199 6.20
M.KW 130 6.15 53..259 120 5.30
70..214 120 6.14 CO..253 BO 6.20
63..W 160 8.15 62.,253 6.20
rt ( U.-2& 240 5.15 70..2 M 5.20
CO..240 bO 5.J5 W..a 5.85
Total . 2811
All sales of stock in this market are raado
per cwt llvo wolrht unless otherwise stated.
bead hots soil at Kc per Ib. for nil wolghu
"Skins , " or 110153 weUhlge loss than lew IDs.
no valuo. I'ru nunt sow are docked 4) iDj.
BUU sU aSJlb * . bftliODublia insposton
fjlvo Stock Note * .
Cattle steady.
Hogs continue on the up qratle ,
Look out for a break In the hog market.
K C. Goodel ) , Duwltt , came tn with n load
of Hogs.
J. C. Hlrney , Crete , was amone the visitors
at the yards.
J. A. Crane , Rising , was nt the yards and
marketed a load of ho s.
J. K. Hunt was In with three loads of corn
fed Hcuru from Sprluglield.
Thomas Self and his partner. Frank Keith ,
ISrock , were In aud sold three loads of c.tttle.
James Cummin c , Talmnxo. stopped on his
way back trom Dakota and northern Iowa
and bought three loads of feeders.
L. C. Kc h holt was In from South Bend
with two loads of hoes. One load of 331-lb.
topped the market at $5.40. John Evans
came in with him.
Mr. it am urn , an extensive feeder of Co
lumbus and nn old llvo stock man , was In
looking over the market. Ho lias 232 bead of
corn fed steers which will bo ready lor mar
ket soon.
The following had cattle on the market :
Lobman & Uothchlld , Independence , 5 loads ;
Mi. Aenew , Independence ; Crawfoia &T. ,
Kock Creek ; Booth & Crocker , Kock Creek ;
Self & Keith , Brock.
The hoc shippers can rest in case , the com
missions tor selling hops will not be raided
trom $5.00 to 0.00. After Jooklng the mat
ter over carefully the commission men have
decided to learo the commission * where
they were.
The following marketed stoclc : NyeW.
M. Co. , Wlsner ; C. Schneider , Snyder ; F.
C. Bliss , liowells ; Packard , L. &G. Crolch-
ton ; NorcrossV. . , Adams ; U lloobel ,
Upland ; M. U. Smith , Hildrctli ; F. K Stlo-
loy & Co. , Dowltt ; Uobartson & M. , Blue
Springs ; Buckley & It , . Stromsburg ; Uorsey
Bros. & Co. , Weston ; Farmers' G ; & S. Co. ,
Mead ; Al Dexter , Blair ; Thomson & O. ,
Wakollold ; 11. Blaco , Kennard.
Among those who bad stock on the market
were the following : F. S. Poarse &Son.
Aurora : Strlckler & G. , Waco ; Toogood
Bros , . Crete ; D. It. Uopklns. Wilber : E. L.
Martin , Palrmuunt ; 1) . B. Mlllengur , Broken
Bow ; K. Council & Co. , Ptilllips ; ItevnoUls ,
P. & Co. , Dorchester ; Fisher & Wapner ,
York ; Cook Jfc a. Hebron ; Spelts & R. , Hell-
wood ; Koden&Z. . Council Bluifs ; Adams
Bros. , Council Bluffs ; W. H.Krrett , Harlan ;
Hftle & Way , Ord ; F. Hey , Silver Creek :
Gibson & P. , ClarKs ; Geneva Elevator Co. ,
Onova ; Geo. WriRlit , So ward ; A. i < . Will
iams , Ayr. _
FrattD ami Produce.
Orders from Vte country requiring se
lected stoat and extra care in packing can
not ahwijyg be filled nt the same prices
quoted to Die local trade for common stock
Saturday , August 13.
General The receipts of country produce
to-day were not heavy and the market was a
little quiet Butter Is very scarce and there
Is hardly any choice arriving , and dealers ro
unable to supply the demand. The tendency
on the vegetable market is toward higher
prices , not only here , but all over the coun
try. There was only one car of California
fruits received to-day.
EGGS The bulk of the stock is moving at
He , but the market Is a llttlo weak , and occa
sional sates are made at Uc.
BUTTKR The receipts are extremely light
and prices continue ttrra. The West Point
creamery butter IR selling at ' < % : and ttio
output of other creameries at iJlc , Choice
dairy butter , ITQISc ; medium erodes , 13 ®
ICc ; lower .grades , 9(3 ( He.
CHKKSK Fancy , lull cream Cheddars , sin
gle , lOc ; full cream , twins , lOJ c ; young
Americas , He ; brick cheese. 100 IDS Incase ,
now , 12c ; Lluiburcor , 100 Ibs in case , now ,
lie ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , uew , IBc.
FOUI.TUY The poultry market is dull , the
receipts being liberal and the demand light.
Spring chickens are soiling at 91.75(12.25 ( ,
and It requires good stock to brine the top
price. Old fowls are moving at 82.50@2.7o.
An occasional sale of fancy old fowls Is made
at $3.00. Good , fair-sized ducks are sclllnc at
S2.25@2.75buc very small ones are not Mauled.
There is very little demand for turkeys and
tliey imi out of season , but an occasional
shipment Is received , which sells at G@7c per
POTATOES Tlio supply Is very light and
prices firm. Choice stock Is selling at 55@
G5c.CABDAOE There is some home grown
upon thi ) market , but Uie supply Is light.
Good , solid heads sell at 75c per doz.
ONIONS The supply Is about equal to the
demand. Good stock , 75c@S1.00 per bush.
MKLONS A good many are coming in but
the demand Is heavy enough to keep the
market cleared. Good sized watermelons
are selling mostly at $10.00315,00.
BKANB. Hand picked navy beans
are quoted at 81.75 per bushel and the other
grades are Belling from that figure down to
GAMK. There la no game coming In , the
weather being too warm to handle it
POP COKN Tbere is hardly any sale for
> p corn. An occasional sacK is cold at
glU'c per Ib.
BEtutrES The season for berries Is prac
tleally over.
TOMATOKS The market is well supplied
with tomatoes , home grown , at 0@75c per
PLUMS The receipts of plums are not aa
heavy ns of other fruits from California.
Prlcos are firm , good stock moving at 81.50
per box.
Gn APES Very choice Muscat grapes are
arriving from California. There are also a
fnw coning in from the south. Muscats.
$2.00 per 'M Ib boxes ; southern , 81.00 per 10 Ib
basket. There were a few Missouri grapes
put up In fancy S-lb. boxes , which sold at
95.00 per GO-lb. crate.
NECT ATONES A few California nectarines
are arriving , which are sold at 81.50 per box.
PEACHES The market Is well supplied
with very choice stock from California.
Choice stock Is going at S1.25@1.SO.
PF.AIIS California pears are coming In lib
eral quantities and are choice' Good stock ,
S2.25 per box.
CKt-EitY The demand Is not very heavy so
early In the season. Good stock suitable for
reshipment Is sold at 40c per bunch.
PKUNHS There are some very large and
showy California prunes on the market ,
known as the Gross prunes , whlcn are sell
ing at 1.75 per box.
Li.noN.9There are some very fancy large
Malorl lemons on the market which are soilIng -
Ing at fU.oo. There are a few Veraelll
lemons on the market which are selling at
ORANQF.S There are very few on the mar
ket and not enough to till orders.
BANANAS The market Is full of bananas
at Sl.50@3.00jper bunch.
Ai'i'Liis The market Is almost bare and
good stock Is very scarce. Choice apples
suitable for shipment are quoted at 83.00(3 (
3.50 per bbl. _ _
Grocer' * Lift.
COFFEE Ordinary grades. 20 > @ 21c ; fair ,
21UQ ic ; prime , . ' ( < $ ! o : fancy green and
yellow , 23tf$35o ; old government Java. Sj < $
SOc ; interior Java , 25iSc ( ; Mocha. fcsa'lOc ;
Arbnekle's. roasted , 2Wc ; Mclaughlin's
XXXX,2i fc ; Dil worth's ' , 25Kc ; Ked Cross ,
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , 82.90i33.10 : strawberries. 3 Ib , per case.
S'J.SOffM.ttt ; raspberries , a ib , per caw , 12.80(1 (
U.SV California pears , per case , 84.50cg4.CO ;
apricots , per case , 13.70(33.73 ( ; peaches , per
cose , i50$4.00 ; white cherries , per case ,
15.60 plums , pw casis 83.6033.70 ; blue
berries , per case , S2.10S3.20 ; eice plums , a
Ib. per case. 82.M ; pineapples , U ib ,
per case. 83.20Q5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz ,
81.50 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz. > 1.80 < { * i. & ; a Ib
gooseberries , pweaso , Sa.twra.85 ; Ulb string
bean * , per case , 81.70 ; a Ib tuna beam , ver
etM , ILSO ; 8 Ib marrowfat peat , per cue ,
S2.tOtt2.5e ; li > Mri/Juui paai , per owe ,
83.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 2. Sib corn ,
1S > breakfast
baton. ll # < aH2c ; bacon IOO ;
< Ur salt , b'rtgvc ; snouiuen drie booi
Imnis , 12Cll3c : dried beef gular ,
IiAmspicnic ,
WOODKNWAKK Two-hoop palls , per dnz ,
$ U5 ; 8-linop palls , SL.70 : No. 1 tub. S0.50 ;
No. 2 tub , 5.50 ; No. 3 tub , SJ.M ; wasli-
boards , 31.75 ; assorted bowls , 82.M ; No. 1
chums , SO ; NO. 3 churns , 83 ; No. 3 churns ,
. .
IUIMI mveiB , iA. f. v/uiuui inn
uinscatols , 31.50 ; new Valencia ? . 7K
Kirinii : ) LAUD Tlorco , 7o ; 40-Ib square
cans , 7c : SO-lb round , 7yc ; 30-lb round ,
7Mc ; 1Mb nails , 7Hc ; 6-lb palls , 7tfc ; 3-lb
palls , 7Jfc.
TOIIACCO lx > rlllard's Climax , 4-lc ; . Splendid -
did , Sc : Mechanic's Dellcht , 41c ; LcgL-ott &
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Coriierhtono , le ; Wrtun.
innnd's llnrno Shoo , lie ; T. J. , iiTc ; Sortr'a
Hpcarlicad , 44c.
STAKCII Mirror Gloss , offc ; Graves Corn ,
6j/o ; OSW RO Gloss , 7c ; Oiwero Corn. 7c.
HuooMS-Kxtra 4-tleS2.00 ; No. 1,33.00 ; No.
2 , SL75 ; heavy stable , $4
SYIUIP No. 70 , 4-callon kcRi , S1.33@1.33 ;
New Orleans , per callon. its Oc ; maple
syrup , rmlf bbls , "old time. " prr eallon , 70c ;
1-pnllon cans , per doz , StO.OO ; hslf-cnllon
cans , per do/ , S..W ) ; quart cans. f3.00.
CANIIV Mlxtul , s fMllc ; stick , 8K@9Kc.
CitACKKiis Garneairs soda , butter nnd
picnic , 4 } c ; creams , 7Kc ! Bl Kcr snnps , TKc :
city soda , 7&c.
PICKI.ES Medium. In bbls , S7.00 ; do In
1ml f bbls , S4.00 ; BID all , In bills , SS.OO ; do In
half bbls , S4.0 ; gherkins , In bbls , SU.UU ; do In
half bbls , SiOO.
TIIAS Japan , 20@55c ; cnnpowder,20@COc ;
Young Hyson. ii5@j5c ; Oolong , i @GOc.
General Mnrkcts.
SPIIITTS Cologne spirits , iba proof , S1.10 ;
do 101 proof , SL 13 ; spirits , second quality. ,
101 proof , 81. in ; do 18 * proof , 51.09. Alcohol.
IbS proof. 2.10 pur wine nallon. Itedlstllled
whiskies , 81.00 < 1.50. Gin blended. S1..W ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.0o@0.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00 < g0.50 ;
Guidon Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskliM ,
8L50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , 85.00(33. ( 50 ;
domestic , S1.30@3.00. Gins , lmi > orted , 4.50@
0.00 ; domestic , 1.25@i.OO. : Cliainpnencs , Im
ported , per case , S2S.00@33.00 ; American , per
case. $10.00(116.00. (
COAL Egir. 89.00 ; nut , 89.25 ; ranee , $0.25 ;
Iowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut , 52,75 ; walnut
block , $3.00 ; Illinois. 84.25@4.75.
JiKAvr HARnwAUE Iron , rate , ? 2.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel ,
CJfc ; cast tools , do , l'ilbc ( ; wai-on spokes ,
per set , S3.00i.OO ; ; hubs , per set , S1.2j ; fel
lees , sawed dry , 81.00 ; tonguus , each , SOc ;
axles , each , 75c ; square liutH , perlb , 6@7o ;
coil chain , per Ib , G > j < 313c ; nialltable , 8K c ;
iron wedges. Cc ; crowbars , 6c : harrow treth ,
4Kc ; Rpnnt : steel. 4 5o ; Bnrdcn's horse
shoes , g4.75 ; Durdon's mule shoes. 55.75.
liarbed wire' In car lots. $4.00 pur 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 00 92.40 ; steel nails ,
{ 2.50.
lliDEfl Green butchers' , 5K@6c ; ereen
cured. 7 c ; dry flint , Il@l2c : dry salt , 9@
lOc ; Rrcen calf skins , 7 > o ; dnmaiod tildes ,
two-Unrds price. Tallow ; ! Q. Grease Prime
white. 3c ; yellow. So ; brown , IKc. Sheep
pelts , 2576c.
No. L com , sis Sl .no No. 2. com , sis S17.03
No. 3 , S15.fiO No. 4 > . f 13.00
No. 1 , 4 & C in , 12 & 14 ft. rouch 519.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " "
No. 2 , " " 12&14 " f 10.00
No.2 , " " 10 " J2 17.50
BlUINa.J f
A , 12,14 and 10 ft S J.M ) O. * 815.50
13 , " " " 20.50 1) , 12.50
1st com , % in White IMne Collins 834.00
2nd ' " " " " ' 28.00
Clear , % In. Norway PineCeillng 16.00
2udcom.tfin " " " 14.00
A 0 in White Plne35.flO C 829.50
B " " " IJ3.50 D 21.00
E " ' " ( Sri. Fencing ) 19.00
No. 1 , com. 12ins.Xs. , 13 ft 80.W
14ft 19.00
" " " 16ft 14M )
No. 3 " " " 19.00
" 10ft 17.50
inch Grooved Hoofing SI.00 per M. more
han 12 in. Stock Hoards same lencth.
No. 1 Pluln. 8 & 10 in S19.50
No.2 " 17.50
No. 1 , O. G. , 8 in 19.50
1st nnd 2d. clear , l , 1J Inch , s. 3 s 850.50
3d. clear , 1 iucn , s.2s. , 45.50
' " " W , IK , 2 In 4C.W
A select , l inch , s.2s. , 40.0(1 (
" " W , IK , 3 in 44.00
U " 1 inch , 8.2s. , 83.00
" ' " 1 . IK. 21n 37.00
Com. 4 & 0 In. Flooiluc ; 817.50
Star " " 21.50
Clear % in. Cnllinc 21.50
' in. Partition S.ri.OO
1 Finish , l&ltfin. s3s 9.00
' Conwtatod Uelllue , 4 In 35.00
Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
Clear Poplar Bx. Bds. % In. , s , 2 s S35.50
" r * X in. Panel , s. 3 s 27.00
' " Corruzated Celliuff , % 28.50
O G Baits. 2 in 800.75
" MxSln.S.lB. 00.45
3 In. Well 'lrublnc. DA M and Bev. . . . . 23.00
Pickets , D & ii Flat 20.50
" Square 21.00
XXclear . . $3.10 ExtraA * S2.00
AStandard ( . . 3.75 * AHB&B 13.55
fl in. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.G5
White cedar , C In. , > $ s , , I2c ; 9 in. qrs. , lie ;
Sin. nrs. , 10c:4 : in. round 15c ; Tennessee
Ited Cedar , cpllt , 15o ; UplitOak , 12c.
Qulncy white lime , ( best ) We : Akron cement ,
SL75 ; Hair. SOc ; Plaster. 52.75 ; Tar board ,
81.75 : Sash , 40o per ct. s Doors. 40c per ct ;
Blinds. 40c perct. ; Mnuldlnirs , 40c per ct ;
Tar felt , per cwt , 83.25 ; Straw board , 81.75.
Market Gleanings.
'Prices on dried fruits are very firm.
Canned fruits continue to advance.
There is claimed to bo a very heavy falling
oft' lu the tobacco crop tills season.
The dry wether has affected the encumber
crop to such an extent that an advance Is
looked for in tlio plcklo mafkot.
Prices on tobacco herefMave continued
about steady during Uie pan few days , ex
cepting Drnmmond SpearliMld and the 1. J.
brand , which have advanced-fee and Cc re
spectively. '
The lumber market Is firmr hut prospects
would seem to favor steady prices for some
time to come. Thu great amount of build-
in K , especially railroad construction , has kept
the mlllH employed in cettiA/out large tim
bers , and the supply ot yard lumber , while it
is adequate tor tue present { demand , is not
large. 1
The jobbing trade in coal is not starting In
as early as last season. A Rood mnny would-
be buyers are holding off on .account ot the
lilfh prices. The Delaware , Laclcawanna &
Western railway cotnpanylAhich handles a
very larce proportion of tlio hard coal , has
ordered its representative ! ' not to take any
more orders for coal thlsLinnntli , tliowlnc
that they are behind In their orders and that
there I ? no surplus output.
llunnln ? netwoou Council Illuffs and South
Oimilm. In addition to thu stations mentioned ,
tniins flop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , mid at the Summit in Otnnbn.
Broad Transfori Omaha. Sbi-el'ys. Block
way. Yards ,
6:15 : 15:27 : 0:35 :
0:40 : 6:17 : 7:05 : 7:17 : 7:25 :
7:40 : 7:47 : 6:05 : 8:17 : B : > 5
8 : < D 847 ! 9:17 : 8:25
6:40 0:47 : 10:05 : 10:17
10 UO 10:47 : IhOS 11:17 lli'5
11:10 : 11:47 12:17 : 12:25 :
12:40 : 12:41 : 1:05 : 1:17 : 1:25
1(0 : i47 ; 2:17 :
2:40 : 8:47 : 3:05 : B17 ;
3:40 : : i:47 : 4:17 4:25 :
4ijO : 4f.7 CI6 : 5:23 5:33 :
5:45 : B32 ; RH5 B:23 : 6:33
6 : ; 6-t7 : 7:00 : 7:11 7:18
7:25 : 7M : 10:05 : 10:12 10:20 :
0:03 : 0:15 :
10i'i : 10 ra 11:20 : 11:33 : 11:40
II- ) . li:03 :
Ynrd Sheers * . Omaha. Transfer Hi 0'
6:15 6:28 :
0:50 : 65S ; 7J15 7:28
7:50 7:58 : 8:15 8:28 :
8:50 : 6:58 : 9:15 : 923
9:50 : 9:58 : 10:15 : 10:28
10r : : > ] 0ts : 11:00 llia :
11:50 : 11:58 I2in : J2:28 :
12:50 12 : : > 8 1:15 1:28 :
l.r : > 0 1:58 : 2:15 : 2:28 :
2:50 2:58 : 3:15 3:28 :
3:50 3:58 : 4:15 4:28
4:30 : 4:58 : 5:15 : 5:21 :
5:40 : fi:47 6:06 : 0:18 :
G:40 : 6:47 : 7:00 7:13
7:26 7:33 : 8:15 : 8:23 :
10:110 10:13 : 10:20
10:30 : 11:2 < 1 11)33 11:40
11:45 : 12:05
Lunvo Arrive
CONNECTINO LINES. Transfer Transfer
depot. depot
0. , It I. ! c P.t 9:40 : n. in. 8:15 : a. m.
All trulns run Dally. 0:49 : p. nu , 700 ; p. m.
C. & N. W. 0:40 : Of in. 8:15 : a. tn.
All trains run Dally. 0:4d p. iu. 7:00 p. m.
C. , n. & Q. 9:45 : a. m. 9:15 : a. m.
AH trains run Dally. 0:33 : p. til. 7:00 : p. m.
C..M. &St. P. ; 15a.m. 0:15 : a , m.
Alltnilns run Daily. G:4u : p. m. 7:00 : p. m.
Sioux City. 1:35 p. m. 12OU m.
K. C.,8t. J. AC. n. 95 : a. in. 0:33 : n. tn.
All trains run Daily , 6:15 p. m. U:13 p. m.
W. , St-L. &P.
All trains run Unlly. 2:15 : p. m. 12:15 p. m.
S. C. ft P. 0:10 n. in. 8:50 : n. m-
All trains run Dully. 7:03 : u. in.
Illinois Conservatory of Music
Urimrpmsoil ndvintiEO < In nil Depnrtnionts of
Mil.-lc. l.llor.lturo. Huden LIUKUKKOH , Ulocullun.
Address K. F. UUL1.AKU. Supt. , Jacksonville , IU
Cleansed , Purified , and Beautified by
the Cuticura Remedies.
It afford * ma pleasure to give you this report -
port of the euro 01 our I'.tllo ' rundchlld tiy
j-our CtrrintniA MEMBDIES When six montlii
old his left hnml bo an to swell and had every
nppcaranco ol a l r ? o bolt We uoulticed it ,
but all to no purpose. About five months lifter
Itbec&mo a riinulnir soru. Soon ether sores
formed. Ho tlion had two nf thotn on cnch
band , and 119 Ills blood became nioie Hnd more
impure it tool : loss time for them to bi cttk out.
A sere uumu on the ohlii. beneath the under
lip , which wus very otlonslvo. Ills huud was
one solid Bciil ) , ( llsclmrtdnp n irroat flcnl. This
WHS his condition at twenty-two months old ,
when I uiulortook tlui caru of him , his mother
ImvliiK illoil when ho wus a llttlo more tliun u
year ol'l , of consuinptlon , fserofuln of course ) .
He could walk u llttlo , but couid iiotgrtupif
he fell clown , and could not move when In hod ,
linvinK no uio of his hands. I Imiiimllatclr
commenced with thn CirncuiiA ] U\ni : : iKH ,
tismcrtho CurictinA andOtiTicuiu SOAP fieoly ,
and when ho had tnken one bottlu of the CIJTI-
CUB4 HE OLVCST his heaa was completely
cured , nnd ho wus Improved In every wuy. Wo
were very much encouraged , and conUnmid
thu USD ot the Komoilics for u year and u Imlf.
One sore nftor another honied , a t > ony mutter
forminif in ouch ono of these nvo dpep ones
lUBt before hcullng1 , which would flnully grow
loose nml wcro tnken out ; then they would uoul
rapidly. One of these ugly oono formntlons I
proservod. After taklnir a dozen and a half
bottles ho was couiplotcly ourod , and Is now , ut
the use of six yonrs , a stronff and healthy child.
The scars on his hands must always ronmln :
bis hands nro Ntronir , thong-h we once f cored ho
would norer be able to uio them. All Hint phy
sicians did for him did him no rood. All who
saw the child before uslntf the CUTIOURA KKMK-
niEAand see the child now consider it a won
derful euro. II the above facts are of any use
to you , you are at liberty to use them.
MltS. E. S. UHIGGB ,
Mny 9,1885. C12 G. Clay St. , Illoomlng-ton , II1
The child was ronlly In n worio condition than
be appeared to his errnndmothcr , who , lcinp
with him every day , became ncouMomoil to the
dlscue. MAOOIK HOl'l'INQ.
CuTicunA ItKMr.niKR are sold everywhere.
ODTICDIIA. the grent Skin Cure , CO cts. ; CUTI-
CUIIA SOAP , an oxqulslto Skin noautltlor. Soots :
CUTICUHA lit SOLVENT , the new niood l > uriflor ,
(1.00. 1'ronared by the POTTEU DRUG & CHIM-
IUAL Co. , Ikiston.
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. "
TIPrlTTIN' ° > Boaly , Pimply and Oily bkln
* * \ * * * beuutiUod by Uunuuiu SOAP.
Pain , Inflammation and Weakness of
the Kidneys , Hips und Sides REMKVED
IN OMB MINCJTK by the CuriouiiA ANTI
I'AIN rLASTEii. Mow and Infallible.
At druggists.3c. . I'otlor Urugr and
Chemical Co. . Boston.
87 Chamber of Commerce.
( Successors to John G. Jacobs. )
DoWate and
At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders
by telegraph solicited and promptly at
tended to. Telephone No , 25.
ur Btrinv HUMEI. KtatiiTt
r J thlifp eiacpuriM > MCCaBur
l tliniatTiTaVraiKNrii , ( Ir-
_ uavoui , uilld. luothlKg euritnti of
' My alr alihrogjfi > l | ( > k pirti.Milor-
K to nc Uhati < i VlloreuiCtrtcinh. Jt ] ctne
} -Mlln Uiol or tf.rf lll .l 0 incuk.
. _ . . _ , . U4 > lluTU ill uhtr Wont c * , pcf.
t- - l < -ttu *
at ; .K1r icr"t - -
Agricultural tmp/ementt.
Wholrialv DraUp In
Arrlcultnral Implements , Wnpons ,
Cr-rrtogcs aud nuctlpo. Jonon Mrcct , b twodn 9tt ]
ntiil lUth.OniuiA , Nab.
Afrricultural Implements ,
Wairone.Oirrlwei. llairEles Bta. , Whaleuiln , Oraiha.
Wholesale Dealers In I
Aprioulcnral Implements ,
and Dugirles. WlOT , W6 irndKt ; , Jones t' j
Artists' Material.
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
J 13 Honclm Street. Omaha. _ _ _ _
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bnilders'Hardwaro& Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tool * nnd Iluffalo Sc l . HOG Io\ig lat > U ,
Oinaba , Neb. _
Books and i'fur/o/ie/y.
A. T. KKNVON < fi CO. ,
WliOiO nle nnd lle'all
Jiooksollorg and Stationers ,
. , Omnhn , Nob. Telephone 501.
Boots and Shoes.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
Ull Farnam et. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bitinmot
Z. T. LJAMbUt U CO. ,
Wholesale Uubbcr Boots anil Shoes
Rulitier iinO Oiled Clothiii anil Kelt Hoots nnd
Shoes. 1111 MnriH'vStn'Pt.
Ls rcr Bcor Brewers ,
tUl North Uth Siren. Omahn , Neb.
Butcher * ' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies , *
Jauuge CailQg * of all kind * alwajr in itoek. IIU
Jonra it. , Omaha
Coffee , Spleen , Etc. '
Omaha Coirco and Spice Mills.
ro i,0offce , flplre . Baking Powder , FIiTOrlog
UsctiLauudrr Blue , Ink. Btc. I
Btrt'Ot , Omaha. Neb.
John Epenoter , Prop.
Uarrafactnrer of OalTantiod Iroa anl Cornlee.
l > od < e and Ittlaud 1D6M , 10th * l , Omaha.Neb.
ManufscturerB of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndowe , Klnaii.MetnlleBk7llght , tc. UOB.
12ta t , umaha , J
C. Speclit , Prop.
Oalranlted Iron Cornice * , etc. Rpnct'ilmprored Pat
ent Miitaltc Pkrltght. MM and Slu B.llth i t.Omiih .
- . Jobbara of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums , llattlnira. Btc. 1411 Douglai itreet.
Crockery and Notions.
Aeontfor 'Ije Mauufftcturcrg and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , S17 Booth Uth it
Omaha , Neb.
Mammoth Clotliinsr House ,
Corner Fftrnnm and Tenth Stiuet * . Omaha. Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Bntter. Kgss and Produce. Consignment * solicited ,
llaadqunrters for Stoneware , Uvrrjr Uoici and.
Urape Ilaiketa. 1114 Dodge street , Omah * .
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Epcclaluo Butter , KM , Cheese , Poiltrr , Uarae.
Orstera. eta , eta. 112 B. 1UU St.
Commission Merchants.
Frulti , Produce and Prorlilons , Oiuaha , Nab.
" WIJSlfEStJDf it1 CO. , '
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Cutter , Gimo , Kiultn , ate. XX ) It. lillist
Omaha. Nvb. >
Coal ana' Lime.
QKO. > > . iiAHAOH , Prei. C.F. OOOIIMAKT.Pics.
J. A. SUNItHLAtm , Boo. and TreKa.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
309 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
J. , T. JOHNSON f CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal nnd Cokn , Cement , Piaster ,
LJme , ll lr. fire Brick , limln. Ill * and Sewer Plpo.
Office , Pmton rititot. marnam ft. , Omaha , N
Telephone Ml.
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
dona and Ammunition , 115 to 83 n. Uth St. , ION to
1UM r roain t..OraihaNeb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccuk , No * , in
and 110 N. Vth street , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH & CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing : Goods & Notions
1102 and 1101 r > ouuU . rnr. llth St. , Omahu. Nob.
DtUll r * of Uqnori , Alcohol and Spirits. Importer *
and Jobbers of Wines ami Liquors.
CO. and ILER & CO. ,
Importer * and Jobhere of Fine Wines nnd Liquor * .
Bole manufacturers of Kennodr's Cist Indln ult-
t rs and IXimoatle I.lquorm. 1112 Hartley M.
Wholesale Dealers iu Furniture.
Farnam et. . Oiimliii. Nob.
Furniture , lioddinp , UpholHtery ,
Mlrron , etc , 1208.1209 and HID Farnam < U Omaha.
Cr scenes ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions
Noc. 7 < KT07,7U9und71l R. 10th 8t , Orauh.x Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn and Lsavonworth n.Omihu.
LEE , FRIED d3 CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , .Sheet Iron. Btc. AgunU ( or Howu ricales ,
nnil Miami Powilorii > . .Om lia.Nt b.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon fuock , Ilardnure dumber , uto. 1X1
und Ull lUrnujr it. ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and C rrl jre Wood StocS , HenTj Hardware ,
Klc. 1 411 and 12rJ l-curenwortli St. , Omnlm , Neb ,
Stoves , Kanpes , Furnaces , . Tiles ,
tUnlles , ) J rates , Urats Goods. 1J31 Mod UU farnnM
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
WroniM unit Out Iron Building Work , Iron Pt lf&
llHlllntfi llonms niitKJlnlcru , Stflnro Knelne * . HraM
WarMitnoral fAmnilrr , Mnctilnn anil lllarkiralMi
Work. ORlc nn.lWorkaU. J' . llT.nnrtlTlhUruoi.
Mnmifnctiirlnsr Donlur -SniokcStttckg ,
llrttclilnmi , TtnlH.anil Ounarnl Itollor llopnlrtiu.
U1J DoJtO Blnrct.Ouinh * .
V. It. MC.MANU9. a BUM.tVAN. WIRE c mox iruitKs ,
llnnurnrluren of
Ire niid Iron lialliiiirs ) , Desk Halls ,
Vlnilnw OuarcK Flower HmnJs. Wlro SUm. HM
m W. ICth. OrdPribrmMI prompllr tltentlodUx
031A1TA 7r73l7IB CO. ,
Dcdl r' _ All Kind ) nf
Bulldlnfir Material nt Wholcsp-lo ,
13ili 8tro t na Union IStolilo Track , Omnlio.
L O ISIS 21 It A DfOKlf "
) calcr in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Uoori.Klo. VnnU-CorniTtli nntl Ioutfla | Cunwt
_ Cthnml Dtiunt.n.
Wholesale Lumber ,
14H.14lh ( tunlm.Noli. F.Colpcticr , Mnnm ft
13th I Jallfornt.n 8trtct . Omtlin. Neb.
W. OllAY ,
Luni bpr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eta ,
Cor.t'th nn < l tiounlfn iu. , Oomlm , Max
T. ir. HARVEYLmaitKit '
To Dealers Only. , ,
OHle , 'KB ' Fiirp m atr et.Omahi > . il
COA8. Jt , LEE , '
Hardwood Lumber ,
Vood Crpti and Parquet Flooring. Btti nnd DoofUat
Oniabn. j ,
WhoIcHalo Lumber , Etc. .
Imported und Aratrlcan Tortlnnd Cement. flta * (
Agsnt rorfttllwankoo Hj.lrnullc r meul nni ) Bolt
( Juliicy WhiteLlmo.
Lire Stock. ' 9i
Of Omaha.
Umltcd. John V. BorJ. BiporiatondtBt.
5e.clr ( Commitsion.
Live Stock ConiinlHslon Merchants.
klnrkot fumljhaJ free on application. ttrvV-en a *
fcoilern furnlshnd on goi < l tonns. Ror reno
Oinahn Niitloim ! n ink an < 1 Hiuth Onmhn Nntlooa
Union Stock V ri1 . amitli Qmuha.
Live Stock Commission.
_ Geo. Uurku , UanaKor
Union Stook Yards , a. Omaha. ToUpliono Mi.
live Stock ConnnlHsion Merchants ,
Shipment * of anr and all klmli of Stock ollolt 4i
Union Stock Tardn. Omaha , NotL
Millinery and trotiont.
Importers and Jobber * of
Millinery and Notions ,
H13 and 1316 llarney St.t , Omaha , Nub.
Wboletalo Dc lor to
Notions and Furnitihlnff Goods ,
KO and < OS 8. Tenth St. . Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
IMDI FanU , Shirt * . Xto. 1101 and UOiUouzlai Strati , i i
Omaha , Jteb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry a nlco flock of Printing , Wrapping and Wrl
Inz paper. gpocJnl attention Klrcn lo rnr load !
oniera. wtilch will bo ahlppod dlrnct from mllU. A
orders will rccclro pr onal Attention. W giu
jntou good goods and lovr prlcet 1111 and l\ \
.lob Printers , Plank Book Muknrg ,
Ana Boo * Binders , lua and in * HoutU fouruianlfe
trcet. OinuUm , Neu.
Anxlliary PnblUUors.
Dealer * In Typo , Projicn nnd Printort * Snpplloi. Wt
Poulli T ulttli Street.
CHURCHILL runrp co , ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittiugs ,
( Ream and Water Supplies , lloadquartera fur Maj |
- ' lllll'iminra it..Omnhn.Neb. ! ,
U. 8. jyiND ENGINE and PUMP Cl
nnlladar Wind Mlliii r-team and W ter Pnpplle *
FUmtilngOoodi. Keltlng. note. VIA and mi Far *
natn tu , Omahft. 8. K. Kelton , Manacvr. b
Tclephonu No. 210. V
FnmpB , Pipes and Engines , Jfj '
Btoun , Vfatcr , nallwar and Klllllnit Buppllci. It *
930 , SOIand WIKaraara t , . Uoutha. W b. ,1
Manufacturer * and Dealer ! In
Engines , Boilers & General Machinery
kheel Iron work. Btoam I'aupr.Saw Mnll , Aora
BhafUBK , DMt * Woodipllt foUan , B tlu.
AUowaconi , aerapen.andaaUUM. UU-Uu
Tenwonlnt. Omnha
Rubber Goods.
Manafactnrer and Dcalora In all klndt of
Uublier Goods ,
Oil Clnthlnx Hnfl -nihT HHtliiu. 1NW Fnrnnni Ft.
Safes , Etc.
Affents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
fire an < l Ilum'ar.Proof S f . Tims lxxlu ; , Vaulu
nnUJtll Worlc. 1M ] rnrunm trcBt Omalia. Neb. _
Omaha Scfo Works.
Mnnnfacturenof Klre and HarslarProof Knfci.Vnul *
IXiore.JMI Work.Sliutien \Ylro\Vork. . Cor.
llth anil Jacktun UU. . Oinihn , Nab ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
SI. A. DlfiRROW a ! CO. ,
Wliolotalo Minufacturara of
Saali , Doors , Ullmls and llonldinr/s ,
Hi nncti oSlce. UlU and I ur J uti. . Oisaiis. y sK
Manufacturers , of Sash , floors , Blinds ,
Mnnld'jijm.Klnlr Work and Interior Hnrd Wood rtnlah
Juil oi'entJ. N. K.cor. ( .ihuud UmvcDwurlbyu.
Omahu , Neb.
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn host kno u nnd most ponulur hotel In
tlumato. I.oont Ion cent ml , appoint menta Mot
clasR. IleadiinnrliiiH for rutimiurcliil mcu RuJ i
ull , KHtl l .aa P
School , * County and City .1
Wo will puy hlHl.r.ftt price fnrsnrao.
. t'orrcHpondunco ollcituJ