- - - - - - - ' _ - - - ' 4 ' ; ; r r * . rr - . r . _ _ _ _ _ _ TUJOMAUADAILY BEE : i1UNDAY , AUGUST 15. 1SSZ. . . . , THE STATE PROIIIBITION1STS , ( ' - They Will Bold TheirOonventlon at Liii- oohn Toinornow1 i HE SALE OF LOTS AT KEARNEY. An lmmnnso Crowd rrOmtacd at the J flail Game To.dfty-Pairagut rust ; to Send flcIcgate "S to t. Louis. rvllot Tim iiii's L1NC0L flUJIAU. ( I . On Tuesday of this wcolc tIm prohibitionists - , tionists , or rather the bdllevers In pro ) iitton who bolkvo irs St. John and a little party nil by themselves , hold their atato convention. The present year ( toes L not promise to attract much attention In political liohls , especially in Nebraska , but the prohibs propose to hold a convcn tion and resolve , at least. The now party deals extensively in resolutions , and they tome cheap and can be elected by the ! ' convention that places eantLhhatcs In the held who iiovcr 1101)0 fur victory. The calling of a state convention , even if itis 1(11 otFyur : , will uiiduubtedly greatly as . iist In itinintalning the organization and keeii it U.u for destructive work in the . natlonul eatnvnlgn. Locally , a convcn- tI ciii of prolilhitionists was very much do- rIreI , for there arc it large number fn * Lincoln who for several years have been ] oud proitibitionlst in public places , who itst spring smuggled themselves Into the . democratic CLU1 and stood side by side with a niajority of the saloons in the city' In electing Mr. Sawyer mayerof the city. These prohibs are anxious to get back into the straight and narrow way again. 'i'o be sure in their action in helping elect - : IL contracted democrat mayor , they were 4 largely following the Precedent estab- 4 llshed by St. John and a party by the iamo of rinch , but the fact that the vrcs- ent reform democratic administration is a bold pretense of teforin run for the glory of Sawyer , is so apparent that any prohibitionist who has respect for the principles ho professes , feels the necessity - sity of getting out of the sham camp back Snto the old lines again. For these rca- eons the convention of the prohlbitIonist promises to be largely attended and to reveal much of the vigor and enthusiasm that Lincoln prohibs exhibited before they were sacrificed and sarrIficd upon the altar of a false god. Judging from reports received the state convention that convenes Tuesday wilt be largely at. tended from over the state as well as , from the borne contingent. It will be bold at Temple hail and party leaders in the city fear that the hail whli not accom- niodato the delegates. Some of the pro- fomed prohibitionists who entered the Sawyer camp last spring , will speak at this convention and with ashes on their brows will receive forgiveness. liio county convention of the proM- bitionists in this county was held two days ago and at this convention ho following - lowing named delegates were elected to represent the county in the state eonvcn- . tion : H. V. hardy Joseph Southwick , 11. C. ] 3ittenbondor A. J. Cropsy A. N. Wire. ofl ( co. B. Scinnnr , A. L. C. humphrey , A. Roberts , L. C. Pace , U. E. Uoorno , S. C. London. T. Jenkins , Fred A. flovoy , J. A. Rollins , W. U. Hartley , S. H. King , Geo. W liedriek , ( ico. E. Bigclow , Rev. ICuidman , Mrs. 1) . "I 0. Iin , Mrs. Belle U. Bigolow , Rev. C. F. Creighton , Rev. E. H. Chanin , W. 11. 1'reeott , Rev. A. J. Colvert , M. r4. Tres- , ter , S.V. . tIillniiin , Louis Jielmer , Forts Wilson , A. S. Hazioton , F. W. scott. W. E. Bowers , Robert MeCirtncy and C. C. Beach. A this county convention that selected thest , dclcates the party also , pliteed In nomination a complete county ticket for the sultrages of the people at the 1)0118 lU November. This ticket is inado up of excellent citizens and the I . - . leaders of the party predict will receive ' a very liandsonie vote. The ticket is : For commissioner , 0. 5. Hazle- ton , of Panama ; for treas. uror , Louts lielmer , of Lincoln ; for clerk , S. C. Londen , of North Biufl's ; for recorder of deeds , J. J. Setlor , of Centervillo ; for sheriff , N. E. Melick. of Rook Creek ; for county judge , J. A. Rol- llns , of Lincoln ; for coroner , Dr. Folk , of Raymond ; for surveyor , N. S. Scott , of Lincoln ; for clerk of the district court , M. Mumphrey , of Nemaha ; for county superintendent , Mrs. Belle U. Bigolow , of LiflcOhn. It will be observed that the ticket is vcr3' generously distributed among the coutity precincts , which will undoubtedly add to its numerical strength. 'rite county central committee organized with Louis Hnltncr , chairman ; IL. 0. Bitten- bender , secretary. and L. C. Humphrey , as treasurer. IIETtJI1N FROM vim sALn. Coloncl hyde , of the Lincoln News , . . Cad C. Pace , auctioneer , and other Lin- 00111 ciUzens who attended the lot nle at K cy last week , are at home again an ate ttittt the iale was a great sue- cess in every particular. Tue generous manner In which thu sale was advertised had its good otIect as the purchasers who V were largely men of means from outside the clty Mr. 'r. ] ' : . HLIII , of huff & Perry , hardware dealers at Oakland , Ta. , law the advortbeiuent of the sale In the . JJEE , visited Kearney and was one of the heavy investors from among away from home parties.TODAT'S TO-DAT'S OAX. 'There is no doubt but that to-day's game of bafl between the borne club and the Topekas wilt be the largest attended ! g'i ' - exhibltlonofthe national game In the , history of the state. The past two games IlavO gone ft long way toward a suspon. sloe of business In the city during the progress of the game and a proclamation compelling business to cease need not M wondered at. The Journal this morning hoists the names of the successful battery Saturday , Swartzel and hoover , as the proper ticket for 1858. A large numbm : front over the state have deferred a visit to the games until to'dtty and the audi . once will undoubtedly be a magnificent . Otto. - ' ninE ? ITIIS. - . . Farragut post. at its meeting Saturdnj . . evening , disenssett tue proposed trip t ' . . St. Lotus at the Limo of the national ro nulon and it is probable thtuta ' of twenty-five or thirty from this posi . will attend thogrent gathering. - ' Mrs. Sophia hoenp , an Insane woman " . , will be examined at thin ttistrloL cour . vocal this morning to allow of her adiuls slon to the asylum. If the rumors of ho , bad troattuent at the hands of relative 'l' are investigated some lutorostiug devel OIIUeUtS may lo made. ' ¶ I'Ite I'coplc's theater , which has beoi ' closed the past three months , will hi optuneth for tue season , commencing thi : ; evening , the Ilyors cotorcetcomedy beinj . thin attraction , and their dates cover ( Li entire week. Messrs. Puce & Rhodes ( tie auctioneers ' : lutve the crying of a big lot sate at Sut . , toit on the 17th. Thu 18th they conduc a sate at Lake City , Iowa. On the 25t , rti they have this lot sale of George W Frank at Kearnisy , and the 27th the , have the sale of an addition at Cheyenne Tue board of public lnud.s and build jugs have advertised for proposaLs fo new buildings at the Institute for th feeble minded at Beatrice. Mrs. Barr Parker Sr. , of Monuiouti llh. , is visiting her daughter , Mr l'lOhli ) ) l'aino , for a few yaoka at iii home of the latter in this city. , 'I'hc police force were busy in th . - . 'early part of the day yesteiIay an . ' , mtultt a halt dozen , trrtsts In short ordei . , Down at the 13. & M. depot three or fan p. ' partii ht'I ' an altercation and nn oh , . , . 11110 % who appeared to be .a stranger wi : - badly cut in the head by some kundof an instrument. His assailant is tinder arrest together with three other8 implicated In the fracas. Dr. J. T. Armstrong , Beatrice' E. Whitcomb , Iriend ; W. S. Nuhigh , * est l'olnt ; and It. P. Fuller , Geneva , were In Lincoln yesterday. Painless Itegutatlon. It is no longer a question of doubt- although the contrary was once believed -that medicines which proiluco violent effects arc unstilted to other than despot- ate emergencies. In other words , that sniper-potent remedies are calculated to weaken and Injure tim system rather titan reform 1t irregularities. Among medicines of a debilitating cfThct are' cathartics and choingogucs which copiously - ously and abruptly evacuate the bowels. Because It does not do thIs , Ilostetters' Stomach Bitters are preferable to the drenchingelass of periatlvos. l'alnless in Its cireets , it is suhhiciently active to remedy chronic contIpnt1on. It re- hieves by invigorating the Intestines , and enables , not forces , thorn to poforin the duty imposed upon tlwin by nature. Promoting - meting the secretion of bile in normal ( htlantitics by Its healthfully stimulating elThet. upon the liver , it is .mhiiently conS ducivo to digestion , and contributes in no sisitill degree to keep the bowels Fog- ular. - - THE WEALTH OF THE NATION Amount otCotnlnttie United State Treasury. Chicago News : Few persons , perhaps , who resti the frequotitly published reports of tim lisoal operations of the noverntuent give any couideration to tie vastness tutu signihicanee of thie operations.Vo read of the hundreds of millions of gold iii the treasnrybut how few persons have any intelligent idea of what is embraced in the nine figures required to describe the liabilities and assctts of the government - ment ? It is only when the atiriferous contents of the treasury vaults arc weighed and measured and placed by the iiltle of articir's ttnd commoditIes that are dithlsr haiidlcd by the masses that an in- tehligont comprehension cart be obtained by the people of the financial strength of the treasury and the great extent of the government's liscal operations. I hind by reference to the latest lUl- lishetL statement of treasury assette and liabilities that among the assotts was $281,090 417 in.gold and tioary $5OOOO. . 000 in silverincluding $31,000,000 of trade dollars and fractional coin. Taking up this 221,000,000 of gold and placinp it on the scales , I find that the gold held by the treasury weiiied 519 tons , and if packed into ordinary carts , one ton to each cart , It would inako a procession two niiies long , allowing twenty feet of space for the movement of each horse nnd.cart. The weighing of the silver nroduccs much more interesting results. lttinninr this over the scales I hod its weight to be 7,396 tons. Measuring it in carts , as in the case of the gold the silver now held by the treasury would require the services of 7,3'JO horses imd carts to transport it tind would make a processioo over twenty. one miles in length. The surplus about winch so much hi said In the ( tally newspapers amounts to nearly 47OOOUOO , an Increase of $5,000.- 000 since July 1. Couiited as gold this surplus would weight 8U totis. Counted as silver i would weigh l,38 tons. Each ntihlioii of goldadds 3,685 pounIs to this surplus , and cacti million of sil- vet adds 1i8,980 pounds. Applying cubic measurement to the treasury gold and silver and piling the two metals on I'eiinsylvitnia avenue as cord-wood is piled before delivery to the purchaser. I titid that the gold would measure thirty-seven cords and the silver 400 cords , and that both would extend from the treasury to Four and One-half strector from the treasury to the pension ollice in a straight line , and forming a solid wall 8 feet high and 4 feet broad. Extending these calculations and corn- putittlons to the interest-bearing debt , equally interesting reslilts are obtained. Tje public debt reached the highest mint in August. 1803-just twenty-two years ago-when it was $2,8Sl,5iO,293. The gencrar reader will better tippro- elate the vastness of this sum when informed - formed that it represents 70,156 tons of sliver , which would make a procession of cart.s that would reach from Richmond , Va. , to a point twelve miles north of Philadelphia. the distance it would thus cover being 260 miles. The interest bearing debt Is now ( not Including the Pacific railroad bonds ) $ l,00lOiUStiO , showing that the sum paid has boon 1,870Ji53,445 , or more than one half of the total amount and represent- lug 46,037 tons of silver dollars , which would extend 154 miles if packed in carts containing one ton each. ltcducilig these figures to nbasis where they may 1)0 intelligently comprohouded , and that the rapittity with winch the gov- eretnent has reduced its bonded debt may 1)0 fully realized by the general resider. I find tiltLt the reductioii has been at the average rate of ( i2,7O6.9S5 each year , ti,22,581 each month , l7I,18ii each day , * 7,2 each hour , and $ U20.47 for every minute of the entire twenty-two y'ears. Pursuiti" ( lie calculation to the smallest - est divisiGe space o time , the bonded debt of the United States ims been do- crcMcd at the rate of $2.OO.7 for every second , or for every swing of the pendulum - lum , for the entire period from Augut 31 1805 to July 81 , 1887. r his Is an exhIbition of recuperation and material progress on the part of the country and of aterlunir honesty and Integrity - tegrity on the part of the government and people that Is without 'parallel in the world's history. Delicate discasesof either sox how ever induced , promptly , thorough'y ' and I permanently cured Send 10 cents In stamps for large illustrated treatise , suggesting - gesting sure means of cure. Address Worids Dispensary Medical Association , 603 Main Street , BtilThlo , N. Y - ; , This Interesting advertisement up. peared in London papers of recent date : . 1Thie Atarquls do Teuvliio will give an adttress on Modern French Lyries at the . next Soiree Victor IlugoParis. and recite - cite Lazitra and is n original poem in French. " CREAM I : _ _ ; lt.uo'r1or eIIteit proven in UUoas ol homes tornioretiittnaquartr of a centur ; t t u.i t- the United StateS Oovrnm.n e Iy the bt&di of ths Uret IlnITsral d tlea. a' III. Stronrum. i'urrt and Moit Sleuth. , tel. Dr. Frloei the oiily Uskln Powder thai r contain Ammonia , Lte , orLlurn. , 50111 . d POWDER CO. . a aw Yea vutcAo. z aoeai. DOUGLAS COUNTY IOE1. . How It has Been spent 'By the Commis- tioner. THE RECORD OF ONE YEAR. Publication of the County Conitnis- aionei-s' I'toconditiis - Something - thing For lexpayers to Bead. 'fhe publication of thin proc&dlngs of the Douglas county commissioners for the last year vhhl be continued In the Ben front ihtiy to day until completed. For the last eighteen ontlis the commIssioners huwo negiectod to gIve atty publicity to their proceedings. hence the lila : undertakes the publication for thoboiiejit ofthc taxpayers of this county , so that they can see for themselves how the pcoplo's motley hiss been expended. 'l'hio Bait to-day Presents Chapter Ii. , of this hiterost- lug serial , as follows : Avat'sv 14. The followIng biils were allowed at the meeting of thiocointnisslniicrs , August 14 1tO.t ) FUND. I 4 II P Kiilght , : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 IT , II TiCtM , work on road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ( Xi 16 Nnx 'It'rt , halunco to liimngo 803 11. . . 25 hO 17 It. 'i'liohtsohiWork Oil toad. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 04) 18 1,1. 5. I.iulingtoi , , , 'ork on rotid. . . . . . . . 14 75 it , F . 1)ohorty , work cii road . . . . . . . . . . . . O IX ) 24) ) 5. U Work on road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ri so 21 1) . 1' . Itettinitti , wont on road---------- 19 430 - - - - - - - - - - ELI Hunts , wont CIII ront..7 t liItiil1 ) t'tINi ) . ir.e v. w. Corliq , catt on freight. . . . . . . . . 157 ( I. ii. 1tOftiIltI lumber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 4 ! ) rs Clark liro. , ttek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IiOi 1hJ tv. .1. lti'ottcl , , , IitiOvaro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iho J % ViUih , Work on brIdge' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 25 ( lENflItAi. FUN1t. 550 L. P. Angel , coroner juror ltuhIo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 A. iturmi-Istor , Iron buckets. . . . . . . . 350 8J5 ii 11 lirlglit & Co. , brOOiilH , etc. . . . . . . 1045 s.)9 I , flr&ii , , Juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2(10 ( $40 ( I Itrown , Juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 thu o liuiitlorlt. juror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2(10 ( 502 S. Iiurt.rs. jtiror---------------------- a 04) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - iua : Ii : & I. It. It. , In Nob. , charity tickets SI 09 K,4 S % ci Fitch , Joo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 430 Sfl5A ( lrunbeck &Cogrocoiles-------- - - - - - - - - sooc. S ( ioodrlchooroiiovjuror . . . . . . . . .300 5447 ri. ilonsel Witness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI ) bOll l ) 1) . lIoIeJuror..t 200 X89J. M.lloiy , juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( Xi 80 Adrew .haieny , juror------------------ 2 hi ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 871 P3 ! ItcSnRneJuror------------------- 2 140 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 872 C it MiithIeIcl , juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 00 87 J fobra8kn Telephone company , Aug- iIsttolephoios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 70 571 Nebraska Fiei cotiipiuiy , coal. . . . . . . 215 430 875 0 1' Nootain , Bti1)phle4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ( J4 8s I'axtoi , , ( IIIhIIt1llor & Co. , groceries. . 02 877 lIt Quick. juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0) 575 11 itasniusson , Juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 879 lt,1 Saxj , , fiat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00 8'0 St. Josuphl'8 hopltaI , euro at' sick . . . 44 55 XXI St .loSCIli'A tiOptiuI , care of 8lck. . . 57 5 * a'hs : OShilvorlok , furniture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii ( Xl 83 Mrs F 1iliiert , , Cure of citihi. . . . . . . . . 5 0) s44 A 11 Sander , grocerips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 00 saI ) .u Stoelo& Co. groceries. . . . . . . . . . . . 21) ) 67 Sh6 Ii D aholi coroner jutor-------------- 3 ( Xi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bill 1) W Shell , ctroiior , juror------------- 8 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 58i V. ' F Schmidt , coroner Juror----------i (10 8111) ) C\VeIIItg , Juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 04) ) 51)0 ) 11 (1'Kfl 74035 , labor tax rotuulcd. . . 8 88 8'l ' .1 Ii Miller , juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 892 ii ( irob- , boUt ! 10 Ott - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:3 : ii ( Jicke , millet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 04) 8:44 : Ore , , lie lei ( tibilcai , . sUpiI Io'I---------- 8 45 20 b145 .lno 1uh ( , to htilutico oil account. - - lit ) 24 Adjournet , AIJGUs1' 18. Contract and bond for T. 'r. Brotinati & Co. , contract for buhidlur received and zip- ItVCd. Contract for uiirnishlnit county coal was awartlcd to C. 13. haven & Co.and clerk was instructed to draw up contract and bond iii the sum of & 40. Following bills were allowed : IOATIFUM ) . 23 J flulTynalatico on grttdiiig. . . . . . . . . . $ 10 00 21 S McCarthy , balance on grtdlng. . . . . 652 64) ) onsanAr. FUN ! ) . 650 Iioss , plans for retaining wall400 00 Adjourned. AUGUST 21. Petition for grading Manderson avenue taken up and referred to Ceuige .E. 'I'huirto to view and report. Matter of Mrs McDona&h regarilinir cer hihi taxes was taken up and referred to Richard O'Kecfo to view and report. l'etltloii r&uarzhiiig belt line bridge os-or Meteor avenue taken up and ordord ( tied. Communication of henry Iauiwer regard- lug certain taxes read and laid over one 5V'ttk. Bids for grading Military road were tip and 09)0110(1 ( , and bid of W. F. Ketieloy of 13c per cubic yard beIng the lowest. contract was awarded to him , and clerk Instructed to draw up contract and bond in stim of S100 , causing said grading to be completed within forty days. . Bids br grading Mlhitsry road south of Timperley's opened , and M. F Kenoloy and Ed l'lialeii's bats being saute at 50 per cubic yard , 31. F. Keneley svltlalrew his bid , and clerk was instructed to draw up contract and bond of $100 causing salti grading to be coni- pleto'.i within foity days. l'etltton for appointment of J' . W. Ebeiter as lustico of the peace receIved and said Etmner appoInted. Matter of road 77 0 caine up. and the eltiiii : of damages of VIhhiain IIuIier , to- getlier vithi affidavit of Gustave Beneke cer- tlfylng that s31d claim laid been tiled within ( line prescribed by law. Road was declared PtltIlC ) iiocesIty , anti tlauiiagos awarded by appraiser changed as fohlos's : .1. 1) . Crelithiton changed front $ ' 40 to $120. J. 31. l'zirl < ur chauiged trout $ I ) to $17.5. .1. (1. Cliapinait chauigei Izoin $0J to $250. \Vizi. Boiler changed troni $100 to 5O. Coutity clerk was htistructetl to ( traw vouchers for daniages as cliansed by board. County clerk was instructed to advertise for plaits , specihicatious anti estimates for ciection of county hospital includitig a tie- iartiiiCiit for Insane , etc. County cleric was authorized to employ such help as may be necessary to keep up the office wQrk at salaries designated by law , provided that ( ct's of saul ottlee will varraiit the sauiit , and clerk is Instructed to take a receipt - ceipt for all iiioiioy Paid by him for clerical or ( loptity servIce In hIs olilce , and the actIon of said clerk is hereby approved as far as tlte cmploymneimt of hem In time past is coticennod. Following accounts svero allowed : ItoAl ) FUND. 25 Oliver ! Chancy , grading Texas ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 20 24 flKalworicDn coal----------------- 4800 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 Ed hiurmiu , grading B. 10th st-------- 28 1. ) U Urown. graditig SVost Farnam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 C Blot.zo grading--------------------- jozj , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IItIIOa FUNU 112 J Oilzuzey , work on bridges. . . . . . . . . . $ 21 03 ( iIINEUAI. FUND. 857 MrsSwardearootulck------------- 03 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6)s i ( Jrobo. baz1i (10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - two J 11 lirunortoziohera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00 Adjmrned. lilds for itrading court house grounds were opened as follows : John Peterson , at 21c per cubic yard. M. Dully at 1c POt cubic ) 'ard. Stuht & nmih , at l6cper cubic yard. Katx& Callahan , at 19 9-We percublo yard. McKinrey & lhahl.at 129cc per cubic yard. 'Ilie bidet I'oterMcCanu was rejected on account of haviugno ( lelIoslL The bitt of MeKinney & hail being the lowest , coiitr.ict was awarded them , and clerk lnstnicted to draw Ui ) contract and [ 'end of $100. Contractandbontl of M F. Kenaleyfor grading MilItary road was approved. Conitty treasurer was directed to cancel the personal assessment of the Chlcao & Nortiiwestern passeneer and freinhit otiIoo of Third precinct In Omaha for 1SS on account of hoinit assessed In Western Trunk line as- tOsSWIIUL ; Ibid TJ C was declared located and estab- hlsbed. FollowIng accounts were allowed. ( ia.'i-ai.u. : FUND. 000Dr L ii. Dzirrow , witness nod post- iflMter------------------------------7 24) 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( ' 01 SVci. Coburu , sherltf's fees. . . . . . . . . . 502 LX ) nntnoz FUND. 153 0. % V. Flnnrobnildlng bridge onPon- cacrock----------------------------- $ 5000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adjourned. AUOUST2S. Conununkatlon front D 11. VIteeler regarding - garding thtti arnIntn1ent of deputy sherltfs anti consLibles during "lair week , " read and referred to Mr. O'KeeFe. CommunicatIon from D IL Wheelar to- 'arding $ herman avenue was road and to- ferred to Mr. 'l'inimue. Communication from IL lLatiwar rogird- ln crtaln taxes ordered stied. Communiealloi * from J. O Cowin regstrc- log a bill of lees of laniel O'Connell was read , and clerk Instructed to refer same to Mr. OConneil. Comnitinication from Daniel O'Connell ro ranting the lezudug of a crtun building In 13OUth Omaha wea read , and elerk lnstrwied tonotity said ( YConnehttogtyeup and va tmte said building. 'etitIon of John Conway and othsrs risk- . lint for a change of voting tlaCO. In Union pr'dnct noati ( tint urderejl LibeL . , . Jiis forgtadthg.UUII&y road at Auple. -y ; were oeiied , aud . . IIllotor bidding to do said gradiniL at 4C t' ' r cub 'fttti on ldri of hill , and 140 Per 01mb yarti on hill , S. S. Whit bidding to ( to ss.id guidIng at 18c per cubyard on side of lull and lull. 'rie bid of L J , ililleter being ( lie lowest , coimiract was let to Itini. . huts for grndhng auth hhlilugovot- culvert on milItary real ( WOfO 01)011(01 : Joliti McMahon , at 14c er cubic yard. Olesoii 11a lirIggs , at U.'c . per cubic yard. 31. F. Koneley , at .ltc per cubic yard , H. We18e , at l'Sq per ctmblc yard , 'l'hue contract was let to .iohiti 3lcMahomi , 'rite bitis tot' zrrziduiig couility road north of Loncrgan's ssere OpIziiel ( , anti lucre being only cite bidder , Lotus ' 1 hiommias was ns'zsrtIetL tile contract at lie Iii South llohlowauid 10c In North hollow. County treasurer waS directed to redo tue PorSimaI tax ot lietiry 1tahsen for 18 froni $43 to iso , accouflt of cinor In assess- Ilulhilt. Following bills wore allowed : 1ilciI , FUN ! ) . S , lohn llnnic1htchinit..5 , Ci ) 25 7 John iinnna , ( IltCblilW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 55 OUNNI1A ! . rUSt ) . 4302 Cloy A imrowncomphhud statutos. , , , 80 00 4303 Dousmas Co Jtgi Ut ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,411 ILI 4301 itt ! Ihuituphitey , juror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 01) ) 14r , .1 H Johnson , grocerieS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 25 4306 LSUoedjunor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 hold ) FONt ) . .33 II ( Itithiard , cash refunded on road dopositi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 31 EII Joluiison , grading In % 'niloy pro. elect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (127 0 * : t Eli Jotiiison. gtmmlnl ( on nwt---------- too 00 .33 0 it hlawes , comiur rOSA ) 11 * tJ. . . . . . . . 7 ( ' (1 :11 : 0 II lhiiwe , coizimer road US 0. . . . . . . . 7 ( Xl :15 : (3 ( II I huwes , appr. routi ( ' 3 (1. . . . . . . . . . . . .3 04) ) 1 ! o H hIawes , aptir. noadS7 U. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 444) 8T it'Ihoinomi , work on rotul. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 30 35 li4) 1111(115 , grttdhnur 8 lOtb St. . . . . . . . . . . . 155 88 710 It II 110150 , work ott road. . . . . . . . . . . . . II (40 41) ) .iohn 'l'ower , work on ronO. . . . . . . . . . 16 50 4 I I I Stiti , ( Oil , git&h I ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11) 00 42 C Tlete , gi-adtmig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 28 43 , lolimi Ilobeti , work ott road. . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 44 .1 lttlmzios grading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3 ( CU 4 : , U I' i.1ilit . s. graIhlitI2. . . . . . . . . . . 40 ( 442 4 , ; .1 1) Crelglttomi , duilitigo on raii , 77 (3 129 04) 47 J N t'airker , tltIIlit1o : Oil roll ) ) , 57 O , 175 00 48 J U and M P Chapman , daningo Ofl roztd,77C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250CC ) 49 ! Viu hUller , ( ilittlagO on roiul , 77 C , . . 51) . ) 03 50 W .1 Notmntnpiiiztlstr rotii , 57 0.'I tO 51 01 54 hionhhm , , itppralsor rotul , 570 . . . . . 11 83 52 it i forum , , aiiralcor , iOati.ti ) (3. ( . . . . . ii 00 53 J It iiuttoi' , np(1rttl4Or road , 433 C . . . . 3 04) 01 Olbbon & COtCIU1IU ) , nepalt'ng ! grndci. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 045 05 Jl lity , somber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 5(1 NoisErzi 4tuifacttmnl:1g , , : Company , inhicillito supplie8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 0.i lull iOC ) POSit. 1414 S S Wilt , work on bridgei. . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ; 00 145 * 1' Wahlunwnrkon bridges. . . . . . . . . . . Ii 50 IbiliV .1 Iuic.zach , bolt'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 54) ) 107 ChIcago i.uinbur Colnhlauly , lumber. 1 21 168 GrIppe & liulubridgo , work on briiigc , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 03 160 H Simiioiisoii , mttls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 Adjourned. SitPTiUIiIiEtt 1. Iteport of I , N. 1'lerce , superintendent of poor fanmmi for mitomithu of Augtmt , mzioi. ( l'etition amid bond of 11. Guodhard to sell liquors iii Elkimorn , read aiiti laid over two weeks. l'ebthtIOfl from S. P. Mercer anti others , praying for establishimnotit of curb lhiiu on 3lercer avenue , read amid laid over. Following accounts vcru allowed : iiTcii ) FUN ! ) . S Corliss & Johnoi , , 4)ltcblnsr. . . . . . . . . . . $ 314 60 II Win hopper , ditching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6243 2) ) llOti ) FUN ! ) . 57 N it Cowlo , work ott root ! . . . . . . . . . . . . S 21 35 f,8 ii P Emuitilit , gradliig S 13th St. . . . . . . . . 431 00 50 Ia E Simpson , work on road. . . . . . . . . . . 41 t5 ) iltiIU trust ) . 170 L II Simpson. work on brIdges. . . . . . $ 2' ) 50 ( ztNaitA.i. : i'UNi (1,07 C icrobs , juror. . . . . . . . $ 008 141 A liebort , county phi'siehitit's August salary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 Adjourned , Si1'TUSitiitit 4 , Conmniunicatiomi from wartteiis anti vestry- liii ) ) ) of St. Barnabas parish in rotrd : to cancellation - collation of taxes ott church property , read aiid tiled. Cotmhlmhtmnhcatlon fromi : Welsliaii'u & McEwan and others , recommiuhbtihing Charles Itoss br posItion ior supenititenilent of coustiuctlon of ietatnin& vahl , read atuL tIled. Comminittimicatlon fromu : registrir : of first dis- trieS of liftti want In reezird to chanFitig ho- cation ( If o1ls of first district of 111th ward , read : uiid lihod , Coimmitmunlcatlomi front the Columbia brtdto eotiijiany iii reLtart ( to building bridge at Florence prechneL read and liicd. Contract anti bond of MclClntioy & lislE for grading court house grounds , received , approvetl : und tiled. Itesoltitlotis admtOI. ( ( . - 1)lrecting tre.lsnrur tocancel lease on v lot 8 block 21 In city of Omaha for 1551 , so- count church property. llrecthng sheriff to employ six deputies during fair week , Appointing Charles Iloss superintendent of retaining vahl at $100 per iiionth , 111sf el tiatiios selected frotmi which grand auitI petIt Jurors are to be drawn. 'rite following accounts vero allowed. foul ) FUN ) ) . 00 John McMrihon , on neot gradinF. . , . 5 75 00 61 C H Ilawog. commissIoner road 10 U 00 es C Ii liziwes , commissioner road 10 ; C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 03 l'arlln. Oron'lorf & Martin , scrapers 19 SO 04 Wood & Ilaneroft , grading Mercer ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V)36 10 65 John Gutbol. supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 643 Slinoit ! dcCarty. work on road. . . . . . 11 00 67 H R Avery , account grading--------- 61 50 68 8 S Swill , grftdiitg---------------------- 6) Ill ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0t' ' 0 Ii firown , grttding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84) ) 00 ) iiiiiI ! ( irust , _ lii it N Iiisliop , wont oii bridge. . . . . . . . 25 00 172 000 A ) loagtnnd , lumber . . . . . . . . . . . 403 04 173 ET Duke , bolts , 0(0 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2i 174 Johii SicMain , YOik Oil bridge------ 3 13) ) 175 .lohn SlIt , worX on bridge. . . . . . . . . U I6 John tolitnty , work on bridro . . . . . 8 54) o11NEttT. FUND. 430' ) Susan Langdoii , nurse poor farm . , 24) ) 00 Sb t.yditi Cltboi , , cook poor Tirii. , . . . . . 20 01 Oil Nora nogliti , coolt poor ( arm. . . . . . . . 18 00 (412 Iianiiit iiansoii , inunit0448 poor farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 00 013 1) (3 ( MObs , nut-so noor farii------- 20 0) ) 4314 hJitus Skew , work at Poor faniri 15 0' ' ) illS Christ hiunseil , work at poor farm. 17 00 Oil ) NrS 1 N Ptorco , matron poor tarot 25 hit ) till I N i'lorco , cast , OXICflIOtt. ( . . . . . . . . . 25 75 9144 1 N t'icrco , eUiOillItOIidOIit pOOr farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 00 sIlo ! Vi. Coburn , boarding prisoners 1465 54) 4324) ) Win. Coburn , Sflerilt'S foes---------- 110 44) ) ¶ 4121 henry ! ) Itzeii. groceries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 80 hits. J .1 I'omnts.workonreeoi-O. . . . . . . . . . . . 123 oo 923 1F hironnan & Go , , material for re' taming wttlt------------------------ 1,270 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , tet J ii llrunor , August sainry. . . . . . 127 Oil I)2r , } TI Bright & Co. , undr1es. . . . . . . . . . 4 00 0241 .iotin AlinanSon , witness. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 4327 Ii & Ill It It in Neb , charity ttckots 21 51 021 hugs .c ; ! saac , glaiWaro . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 20 ¶ 1243 F tiandbatmer , hahlilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 113) Ci-eoden & Lat.ensor 3d choice plan for retaining wail------------------ 50 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 901 Clark Pros & Co. , coffee-------------- 75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sari Clark tlroe , , Jc Go , , colfoD. . . . . . . . . . . . C 75 1433 H. Pablo & Co. , shoes---------------- 5 so - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 934 1)owney &Duify. grocerIes. . . . . . . . . . 6 75 asi John C flrexsiooronor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 04) 91)5 ) Ia Si Enowohi , groceries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 87 93 ! ii A PowlerZd 080100 plans retal mug wait--------------------------------- 5 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1138 D Fltzpatrickgaaflttlng-------------- 20 1519 0 S GoodrIcb , sundries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (14) ( 540 A Oranback & Co. groceries---------- 0 00 gil Oarneau Cracker Cobread---------- 27 - - - - - - - - - bib ( llbsonMiilor & Biehaiduon , station- Or----------------------------------- 5800 4343 Wm Gentleman , grocories------------ I 8 80 - - - - - - - - - - - - OR A Craver , tractng cloth------------- is io - - - - - - - - - - - - - thIS A 1 ! Itowehl , plants for poor farm. . . 10 (40 ( 948 0 H Hawes , dop Co surveyor - - - - - - - 5.3 04) 4317 .1 It Johnson 4 Co. grocorios-------- H 70 g48 Kuhn & Co. drugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7(1 ( 1149 Satifll MaxhiamwiLness---------------- 2 04) ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150 F It Moores. chants ticgets---------- 17 CI ) 9.51 tiP ore.5CO. eheotijig------------ 2 75 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.52 11 C Narkel , grocerles'--------------- . (10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tm .u a 'IiIilCr , jaulor----------------------- hI ) 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 954 James Sdohrwork at porfariu. . . . . 20 00 ins NO'JIrIen , wltIIeMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (1) 1456 I'orter Urns , rr000rles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4357 Win i'roton & Co. bran' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 ss tO 1) Pratt , tahoe juror----------------- a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1450 PIllion , ( lalltirher , .t Co groceries. . 11 0th 4300 I'aton , ' ( iftulagher ft Co groecrlwu. . I 8 23 961 1' J Qucaioy. IIOSp , . . , . . 43------------- 22 50 9(12 (3 ltlewo collins. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 OO3TSwiftjuror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 (4415 lit Svacina , mtroceries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 51 ( XIS I ) C Sutpiien , juror-------------------- 14 0) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hIM John SebrooSor , harness . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 55 94)7 Chits Shiverck , table for district court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 SOSJaeobItTroicl. wino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 611 tie , John 0 Thomas , rent fCIv4poor. . . . . . . 17 00 970 U I' It ltclzarlty . 14 Xi tlcket4.4----------- 4371 ! VitbnoU Urol , inasonr . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 44) vr2 World Pub.Condvertislng. . . . . . . . . . (4 50 1473 W N wjiitney , shoes..u 25 574 Watrioo Creamery Cobutter------ 20 t175 J N Phillips , WOhitti tee. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (40 ( 070 Ed Yatoscoroneelnquoat. . . . . . . . . . I 00 97T gTh 14472 I Coronere inquest 4380 I fees $1 each. 981 I t1 to 10.55 inclusIve i Milton itogeru ft 8on , manuscript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ) iO7 Nebraska Fuel Co. coal . . . . . . . . 207 55 1038 Win Coburn , rent house , South omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 07 ioa Ii Orobo pay II liolin balilif's feeS. . 18 ( Xl lOb 3 Gotinan " " juummitor. . . . . . . 50 00 5041 55 Lahey 4' 4' engineer. . . . . . Ni 11th ! 13 J.ZeIiy " " 500 , janitor-------- 10343 A U lteaOjuror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Adjourned. Continued To-morrow. - ' In traveling , use a few drops of Brown's Ginnor In tb water you drink. . Frederick rowu , Pliiiad&phla , , , ' All druggIsts It. , , . . , , , , , , ; . - - - - - - A LOSING GAMES LiVELY CHAT WITH A WORKINGMAN - MAN IN MINNEAPOLIS. What Ho Said in Regard to Something Which Troubled Him for a Long Time and How lb Cot Bid of It. "All right" said abriRlit , rudtly.facod young man with a clear voice. lie vmis dressed as it 'sum'klngniun , end atomd In front of the now hiouso of Ziimuinormnan , the titiller nit SIxth ave. title , abovt , lilgittoetitit street , ) iumiOIipOl1 , Ito hail for a uilomont ) Ut ahi1o his cuirpenton's too1. The poaker was WilhitlIn IL lieskoth , Ilk ) Fifth avenue , S. , MIfluiOiii'ollS. 'I i4b L , . w o.'a J ) - t \ \ ' 'All rlirht , " 74r. Ilesketim continued , "of coum'so Ion't you see 1 tim titdo to do my tiny's work wIth any or themuit I don't think I WflS et'or better Izi muy Ilte titati I am 3ust at the iJiosent thuito. " "I heard that you wore In a bad way. " "Well 1 IzatI to give tit work , mind I wn.s losing lily strength pretty last A hittlo ever a month ago I was a toterably decided kInd of an invmttlL I iutitt hall czttnrmim for two years SItu had boon entirety ititablo to check 11. It canto on front a cold limit ) settleti Iii my throat and Ilings. My tiirOitt got so euro thtit I could huimtily out tiny- thing at all. My nose was stopped tip nmnl I collitI Only breathe tlmrougii my mouth. 1 11(1(1 at ) ml ! ll1ist ( continual 3t1n In uui' lu emi1. I coughed frequently mimI was ullwnyS i'alsltig plmlogm , I could tool the muoous dropuing tiown the back jamt of my thromut. 1 went to two or three doctors. One of them tried to clear my throat out with flfl electric battery. 'rhey trioS various romnodios on nm , but I got woI'e all the tune , and I got womse fast , too. I bectummu Yoitk and ( IIscourigoi. ( lIt ) ' iutin was tilluiu..t uuiioaratIo. , Ono morning I road In the lUtmCrs of a case ot catmirrh which intO booti pm'omItm heed Incurable , mind which ) ) r _ McCoy lilt ) ) cured. I wont to sue hini , lie told tee that my cntmtrrh lid 1)000100 chronic , tin ! that It mnl4rht ( aim three nmontim to cure time. 5'ell , I % 'ent uuidor his treatment. lOut little over a iiionih has asSeiI , muid I limivo gained n' streuith imnd tmpmvtlte , I have Ut ) inoro cough , no inure raIsing of piilcgmmt , 110 IOOVC )3limi ) ( lit n13- head or lummirs , fly throat mmd nose nrc PerfectlY clear and I breathe easily. I Ititvo no nioro or that tired , Ihiloasy feeling , atiul I sin able to old as hearty a4 'stumtl mind tin as good it iay's work as any ililtul lii tOWul , nuti I consider mysolt oumptoteiy cured. " SNEEZING CATARRH. What It Xesns , How It Acts and What It is , You srezo whomi you got up In tlo morning , you try to sneoi.o your nose oil every timno you are exposed to tiio least draft of tmir. You have a fuhinoss over the front of the forehead , and time hose loels as though there was a piui In each nostril which you eminimot dislodge. I ott blow your nose until your ears crack , but It don't do any good , and time only result is tOut you 6uccoed in getting ut , a vary red nose , and 1'ott SO Irritate the Iluming mombraao of that or- gum , that you are unable to breathe throub It ut milL T1m18 is a correct and not overdrawn picture of iii , acute attack of czitarrh , or "SneczingCaturrlm" as it is called. Now , what does tiis condition indicate ? First , a cold that causes mucus to bo poured 0(11 IJy ( ho gizmnds in the nose : then those dis- oacl.glands are attacked by swnm'tns of little gernie-the catarrh get'm-timat floats In the air in a locality where ( lie duioaXO Is lirovalont. 'i'iieao anlinatculao , in their cliorts to lind a loilgmnont , irritate time ihensItivo membrnno liii- lug time mloso , itliti nature umidertukos to rid herself or Umoin by producing a itt of snoozing. \'imen the nose bocomimes tilled with thickened atill diseased mucus the natural channels tar time iiitmmiiietion of air into the lungs Is interbred - bred with , and time icromt so ohtected iiiust broatimo through time monilmnnd by such moans time throat booomnes parchot and dry , snoring Is producoth and then tile catarrbai dIsease gains ready access to the throat ammO mungs. PALPABLE SIGNS , By Which a Presence Undesirable is Made Known. Wiion caiarrb has oxlsled In the head and upper part of the throat for any length of dine-time patient living in a district wlmoro people are Subject to oatarrhal aitoction-and tiiotiIeltSO has boon left uncured , time catarrh Invurlublyeoznetlmesslowiy. extends down the windpipe and Into time bronchial tubes , which tube convey time air Into dlfforouit parts of thio lungs. 'Ilto luhes become aflectod front the swellltmg mind the IIXUCUS arIsing from catarrb , utul In seine Instancee becomno so plugged up that time alt cannot got in as freely its I Bhouid. Shortness of brOimtti fo1iow. anti tIio imatlent breathoiwith labonand dhlllcuhty. The lftlfl which acconipanlea thIs condition is of alull , cliaructor , felt In time chest , behind the breast bone or under time riumoulder olade The pain may come and go-list a tow days mini ! then be absent for several otimors. The commhlm that occurs lit the first stages or bron- chIst catarrit is dry , comes at intervals , Is hook. lng in character , tint ! usually most trouble. solute In ( ho morning on arising or going to hod at milght , and it mntty be the first evidence of the disease extending into time Iung& domnetimos ( lucre are iits of cotighmg Induced by the tough mucus-so violent as to cause vomiting. A weak stomach and adislike for food causes time patient to think ho has a disease of the stomach , h&isteftd of the lungs. DOCTOR , II Cresap M'Coy ' Late ofBellevuellospital , N.Y lbs offices In 310-311 RAMGE BUILDING Cor. 15th and Jiarney Streets , Omaha , Neb. Whore all curable cases are treated with sue- cuss. Medical disease. treated sxlltutly , Coo. sumptiolt , ilrlgbte Dmsi-miga , DujepsIa , Itheu. muitisin , and aU NERVOUS IlSKASE4. All dl- seaaOpecflhiartO duo zeiss a spoci<y , CA- TAtltfl CuitEl ) OONSIJLTATLdN at 0111cc or by mall $1. Otflce hours : 43 to ii am , ; 2 to I p. ni. ; 7 to g p. m Sundays Include-i. Correspondence receives promlipt attentIon , MmtnydlseMes are treated successfully by Dr McCoy through the niii , rind it is thus ( lobS ! . blo for those unalloto make atournev to ob- tam successfUl he-Ipital treatment At their imotnis. No letters uinwored unIei accompa mije-l by 4o In stamps. Atidress all letters to Dr , 3. 0. M.Cn- . rooms 214) and 311 itaruge budding , thmihhtt , Nub , ' . -iT-- : : ; : . : ± : - - - - - - ' - - - - - . - - -d MPT:8 : POTTLE FRE u _ _ _ a VCa . : V ' . C , . : ; I : . A I , , , : BA I A a . . .5 I A . = . j S - Cl II w l' , . . . k I - .4 . - I I a J . i I - I C , . : . , . , 4. ' ' = CDV v -V 8 ) - , , ' 4ftC . 1' * . S a ) S Imported and Bottled by Mihalovitch Flctchuer& Co. , Cinincnati , 0. For sale by . the followIng agents : Richardson Drug Company ; Blake , Bruce & Co. , Adhcr& lIeu er , Frank Jeilone & Co. , H. R. Grotto Families supplied by Gladstone Br. & Co. Sample bottle free. For sale by all wholesale and retail druggists , liquor dealers and I wine merchants. . The WEST FURNITURE COMPANY - We sell iiesy and second band FURNITURE STOVES AND . - House Furnishing Goods 1 A On Weekly and Monthly Payments5 * Nos. 108 and I 10 N. 14th street , Bet. Dodge and Capitol Avenue. -t VEST FURifiTURE OMPAY - - " - tiEONPlAN.OS - . H Most Popular First Class Piano made. ft stands on its menils. Hallet & Davis Piano Has no Eqilal ' KIMBALL PIANOS AND ORGANSI At Wholesale and Retail. AGENTS WANTED IIOSPE , TR , _ . - Artand Music , 1513 Douglas St. - HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE' BABY CARRIAGE 005T8 NO ItOtiS TflAN TU OLD STYT. ! ! , AND CA B ADILT ADJUSTED. . BABY CRIB. t ' S in I CHILOU 5LE1014. , , ' BABY CRADLE. IIOUSC CARRIAGE , The iiiu.tratloni. above are mad. front photographs. The . ad.JnMabie parte do ot ohaugo the apoarenoa wban need as a etreat carrIage ; they can be u.ed or . . not at the pieceure of the par- . chaser , The HOLMAI4 CARnIAGES are warranted for two year. avery part is absolutoypsr. ! Sect. Over 1000 eoid in ChIcago chico March let. B.t to alt parts of the united ittazee and ats delivery guaranteed , Send far a catalogue containing latent mtyia , cboapest to fineut. HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. , 275 Wabash Ave. , CblcagoIhIs. DON'T FAIL TO GET CATALOGUKS AND PRICES ON Pianos , Organs , Violins , Guitars and Banjos -FROM- . CRAP BROS.1 210 South 15th Stieot1Opera , louse Iock1 And don't buy a plane until you have examined the celebrated Sobmer , which hmas received 6rst pnie wherever cxiiibitcml , and in the east commands a hdglier price than those ofany other make , For a short tinte only we will oiler these celebrated pianos at less titan others are asking for asecond class lnstrument it will pay you to call and see us , I'iattos from * 200 upwaids. Organs from $20 upmards. Small instruments at correspondingly low prices , DEWEY&STONE , * s : : I FURNITURE A magnificant display of everything usefuland ornamental nthefurniture : maker's art , at reasonable prices. 1IEAII IN MED WE UtE SELL.IG Furiluturo , Carpets , Stoves aud Household Goods of every Description , oii Credit at ( Ja1i Px'lits. a PEOPLES' ISTALL1VIET HOUSE 4 613 N. 16th St , Be1een California and Webster. . , . . ROSENThAL & CO. , Proprietor. , . , ' , : ' ' : I I