Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Dnflr ( Morning Edition ) Including Hun Jar
Iltr , Ono Yrnr . $10 0.
ForBlxMonth . , . 6 W
For Thrco Month * . 3K
! Tlio Omaha Rumlnr UKK , mailed to nuy
, Ono Yonr..i. . . < . . . . . . . . . 3 ( X
Vr.vr YmiK OFFICE. Iloou rf , THIHUNR HuiMiixa
ornci , No. 611 Fouur KCMIJI siniKT
All communications relating to no rs and cdl
torfal matter should bo nU'lressod to tbo Eul
Ton or THE IIF.F.
nc nc83t.rTriitst
/.I ) btislnoss letters nndromlttnnccsshould bi
OMAHA. Ornfti. chocks and ponlolHco order
to bo made payable to the ordtruf the company
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Btate of Nebraska. I _ _
. I8'8-
, County of Doudas.
Oro. B. 'fzschucK , secretary of The Hei
Publishing coinimny , docs solemnly swca
that the actiml circulation of tlie Dally Bci
kfor the weekending August 13,1867 , was a
follows :
tiaturdav. August 0 14.40
Sunday. August 7 14.20
Monday. Augusts 11.52
. 'J'ticfulav , August 0 Ut.flt
Wednesday , August 10 I3.h9 ,
Thursday. August 11 14..W
Friday , August IU 14,05
Avcrace 14.31
. , ? w ° rn to and subscribed In my present
this IStli day ot August , A. I ) . 1837.
. N.I' . FRIT.
fBEAL.1 Notary Public.
State of Nebraska , I „ _
Douelns County. I8 *
Oeo. B. Tzscuuck , being first duly sworn
deposes nnd says that he is secretary of Th
Dee PubliHliIng company , that the actun
average daily circulation of tbo Dally Bee fo
tlio month of August , iss , lu,4C4 copies ; fo
September , 1880 , 18,030 copies ; for Ortobci
lbN > . 12P89coplesfor ; November. 188(5 ( , 13,34
copies ; for December , 18&0.I3sr ? copies : fo
January 1887. lO.'Jfxi copies ; for February
1W7 , 14,108 copies ; for March. 1B87 , 14,40
copies ; for April , 1S87,14aiGcopies ; for Mas
1887 , 14 , ! > 'J7 copies ; for June 1887 , 14,14
copies ; for July , 1837,14.093 copies.
_ . . . ' OEO. B. TzscnucK.
Subscribed and sworn to l > oforo uio thi
llth dayot Augiist. A. D. , 1887.
f SEAL. | T > f. P. FK.IU Notary Public.
Boo where there was any need of a Puolfli
raflrond investigation. Of course nol
"No rogue ere felt the halter draw , " etc
GovuiiNoii ADAMS , of Colorado , dee
not manifest much respect for the gen
eral government. Id it possible the abl
governor is allliotod with the antiquatoi
state's rights theory.
IF Chief Colorow is discrete ho will b
quiot. Stranger tilings than the killini
of a few lawless Indians have happono
In this country. Alistor Colorow shoul <
know when ho is well off.
SENATOK CULLAM it is alleged has sal
that he will do all ho can to repeal thi
ntor state commerce law at the next scs
sion of Congress. Perhaps the senate
has been refused a railroad pass.
TOE street car conductor has mad
his appearance in Minneapolis and ha
como to stay. It is time Omaha was evi
donclncr a like spirit of enterprise. J
ptrcot car without a conductor is not ai
equipped oar.
THEIU : should bo some way to compc
non-resident express wagon and omn
Ii * bus owners to pay a liberal license dm
* j ing fair time , when they compote wit
9j our resident oxiirossmon who pay licens
tj all the year round.
1 = - = -
| PARSON NEWMAN , who disappcaro
from publlu view soon after the close o
( the last presidential campaign , hai
turned up again on the Pacific ) coast
Where he is lecturing on Grant anc
Logan. Coming events cast their shad
pws before.o nro evidently on the
threshold of another political campaign.
J ACCORDING to McShano'a eavesdrop
per , Commissioner Timmo has boon ap
< ] broached by a man who proposed to fb
t things for him if ho oamo down with
J thoslamps , but Timmo fought shy elI
I that bold , bad man. What a pity hi ;
J bosom friend , Frank Walters , is away on
J the other side of Iho big pond. Fraud
pipws how to manage such delicate
3 LAST Thursday morning the New Yorl
Star indulged in the following comment
/"Harmony is to bo the order of the da ;
kmongtho creditors of the Cincinnati
j Hamilton and Dayton railroad. Tin
. < Various committees had long conference ;
rlth Harry S. Ivos , and everybody is t <
bo protected , the young financier aa well
V the rost. There seems to bo llttli
doubt about the ability of young Mr. Ivo
io drive a good bargain. " On Thursday
fkftornoon young Mr. Ivos closed thi
J floors of his bank and declared himself i
f'bustod community. " Wo h vo bean
nothing since about harmony.
VERY f ow people have any idea of th
| argo amount of eastern capital that an
Dually finds Investment in the west. Th
( past year has witnessed a particular ! ,
n'ctlvo drain of money from the east ti
iho west , with the effect of creating
horlago in the former section which jut
now is being foil. It Is reported thn
Boston alone has put about $50,000,001
.Jnto western railroads and laud com
panics , ami probably two or three time
this amount has como from other caster
fluurtori , even the not over wcatlhy stal
of Maine having sent comparatively lit
sral _ contributions. It may take a littl
time lo got returns from some of thus
Investments , but ultimately they will a !
bo profitable. Meanwhile tbo oppoi
tunities for sound Investments iu the prc
( rrosgivo west are very far from bom ,
THE fact that this country importc
rnoro iron and steel during the fiscn
year ending ou the 80th of last Juno tha
vcr before in any one year , except 16 $
< Is significant of the ( treat demand whlc
* the past year has developed. Our ow
I productive capacity was fully employee
I besides which we paid over 100,000,00
I for foreign iron and steel. Prices , alsi
fcavn ranged higher than for a number c
year * , and if there is any iron nianufai
.1 tnrorinthe country who has not mad
1 jttonoy the reason IB oertaluly not to b
found In the absence of demand. I
view of the fact that the million and
balf toni of foreign iron and steel in
ported paid a profit to the manufaoturoi
and waa Uld down iu our market * at n
higher price with the duty paid than th
fcoaiH produnt , aome Idea-mny bo forme
of Ihe very handiome.protllB realized b
tit * iioma muuufHcUirers. ' '
Tlio Ute Outbreak.
The outbreak of the White river Utcs ,
under the leadership ot the troublowmo
old chief , Colorow , is giving Colorado an
unwonted degree of excitement. Thus
far the Indians have committed no dep
redations. They have taken up n dofcn-
sivo position near Meeker , having sent
their squaws nnd pappooacs into Utah ,
nnd appear to bo awaiting events. They
nro well prepared wllh good rlllcs nnd
an abundance of ammunition to resist
an attack , and undoubtedly the band ,
which numbers about a hun <
dred , would make very serious work
for a much larger force if i
fight should bo brought on. On the parl
of the stale Ihoro is a company of tnilltin
stationed at a convenient point for repel
ling any hostile movement of the Indians ,
which can bo reinforced by Bottlers and
ranchmen , all of whom arc well armed
nnd reported to bo rather anxious to exchange
change shots with the redskins. Tlu
governor has communicated with the na
tional authorities , but as usual m sucl
affairs the war department is slow in re
spending and the state executive pro
poses to go on without its aid. Tlu
course to bo pursued , however , 1 :
not an aggrosslvo ono , and un
less the Indians commit the over
act the duty of finally bringing then
back lo their quarters and reducing then
to obedience will devolve on the nationa
government. From tlio reported tompei
of the whites iu the region of the disturb
nnco it may bo oxpoctcd that if the In
dlans bring ou a conflict thnro will bi
few of thorn loft to toll the story of tin
It is to bo hoped the uprising will bi
quelled without bloodshed , and if it shal
bo , the first thing then to bo done shoulc
bo the disposal of Iho troublesome chief
Colorow , where his appollto for mlschiol
could find no opportuulty for gratifi
cation. The evidence is that ho is virtu
ally never at peace , being always oithoi
engaged in broils or in oroparing fo
thorn. It would doubtless bo advisable
also , to separate and widely scatter thi
baud of which ho is the bond , nil of when
nro renegades over willing to engage n
any desperate undertaking. The tolora
lion of such a band of thieves and out
laws can have no justification. The fao
that the government has no troops noa
enough to bo immediately available i ;
notowortby as an illustration of tlio in
adequacy of the protection from Indiai
depredations which the nation affords
The probability is that the Utcs wil
await the proposal of terras , and that i
a little shrewd diplomacy is used Hi
trouble can bo settled without the loss o
lifo. There is an clement among th
whites , however , that would not objcc
to a fight , and if ono is begun the eon
ilict may grow to bo serious.
Liot Them Do Arraigned.
\Vhothor or not the department o
justice at Washington has been consider
ing the policy of arraigning C. P. Hunt
ington and his follow Pacific railroai
boodlers on charges of bribery , as it i
said to have been , there can bo no quos
lion that tlio matter should receive thi
attention of that department. It is no
doubted that the law relating to tin
bribery of mombora of congress is sufli
oient to enable the government to proceed
coed against the whole pack of Pncifii
railroad corruptlonists , and it is not n
all questionable that a case could bi
bo made which would procure their in
dictment and would make sure their con
* Everyone of them who bos been calle <
before the investigating commission is i
sclf-confasscd criminal. Their evasion !
and refusals to answer questionsreferrinf
to the alleged use of largo sums of mono ;
to influence legislation can bo reasonably
bly regarded in no other light than as ai
acknowledgment of guilt. When Hunt
inglon confessed that generously paid attorneys
tornoys wore kept in Washington , will
unlimited privileges of expenditure fo
the purpose of "explaining things" t <
members of congress , ho said all that wa
necessary to satisfy any rational mai
that a systematic nnd costly pol
ley of corruption had boon pur
sued. Equally when Stanford ovadei
nnd Crocker refused to answer th
direct questions of the commission regarding
garding the use of money to iuiluonc
legislation they virtually admitted tin
implied allegation. The circumstance
are such that anything short of a franl
and positive denial of every impulatioi
must be regarded as a confession o
the justice of such imputation
Honest men , having nothing to concou
and nothing to fear , would not have hai
recourse to evasion , subterfuge and re
fusal in a matter so vital to their charac
tor. They would not only have givei
prompt and full answers to the question
propounded , but such araplo and com
plete explanation of their whole cours
and conduct as would dispose of over ;
Imputation upon their Integrity. Tha
these men have by manifest prearrange
mout pursued tlio opposite way , and hav
required their subordinate officials to fol
low the same line of conduct , strip
from thorn every doubt that migh
have boon in their favor am
leaves them naked bcfora the worli
as a baud of as utterly unscrupulous cor
uptiouista as this or uuy other ooautr >
ever produced.
This being so clearly and unnucslion
ably established by the strongest"possibl
circumstances , it will bo a shameful ill
feat of justice if those men are allowed t
escape all responsibility. Counting thei
ill-gotten wealth by the tens of million !
and long used to the exercise of unquc *
tioued power , they have now virtual 1.
defied the authority of the governmon
as represented in the invostignl
ing commission , and are doubtless 01
peeling that a liberal use of moue ,
will continue to buy immunity as it ha
hitherto dono. The power they have a
command must not bs uudurestlmatail
It permeate * every channel and aveau
where they may find advantage final
cial , social and political. They will uc
hesitate to use it freely and unsorupi
lously. But they cannot longer do a
without toe people belag able to trao
accurately where their peculiar form o
influence has boon exerted. ? If they ar
not brought to an accounting there wll
be little trouble in fixing the re
spoaalbility ( or th failure. Th
present r.dmluhitration hai cinch t
gain or lose by iU oondnc
in relation to thu baud of oorrnptlonliti
It oan commend lUtlf more strongly tc
popular approval by bringing them t
tbo bar of jiutic * . and It cannot eioap
responsibility for a failure to do it. .A
we have -before id , the people can !
ford id loia the money of which , 'thoj
mvo been robbed If that is beyond re
covery , but they cannot afford to allow
Iho rascals who have profited by n
by n prolonged and unparalleled system
ot corruption to go tin whipped of justice ,
Political Salvationists. * = *
This is an era of now parties. Thos
arc springing up like mushrooms all ovci
the land , have their little birthday am
disappear. The latest was recently or
ganlzcd by n Now Yorker at linffnlo. I
is started on the omnium gatherum plan
n sort of rag bag of pollllcal parties. A. .
call for n convention to bo held ot
August 21 , at Syracuse , was issued last
wcok. The now organization is to b <
known ng the National Reform Party
and a permanent organization is to b <
perfected at the coming convention. Tin
call is comprehensive and is addressed.
"To all citizens of the state of New Yorl
and of the United States who believe In God
In the abolition and prohibition of the llmioi
traflic ; In a revision ot the tariff laws ; In thi
submission of the question of female suffrngi
to the direct vote of the pcoplo ; in the na
tional government Issuing all moneys ; boti
coin and paper ; in a uniform Internationa
standard of weights of gold and silver dollars
lars ; In devising methods for the contlnu
anco of our present system of national banks
and tnat the Interest of labor and capital arc
mutual and inseparable from each other anc
are entitled to equal protection under tin
law , and tlmt each ol the several state :
siiutild employ Its convict labor In such t
way as to bring Its frulta Into compotltloi
with tliose of free labor In the least dcgre
Possible ; that foreign pauper and costmc
labor should bo prohibited ; that tlio law :
regulating Immigration should be carefull
revised ; that n labor bureau of statistics am
arbitration for the regulation of the relatio :
of labor and capital should bo established
tlmt the employment of young children ii
our factories , workshops and other IndustUt
Institutions should not bo allowed : tlmt ou
system of non-sectarian public Instructio
should bo preserved ; that the public land
should ba hold sacred for the benefit of clti
zen settlers , and who believe in the contmu
nnco and extension of reform in the civ
service ; In the equalization o ! the laws fo
the ounlshment of vice and immorality ii
males and females. "
There is much more , but what ha
been quoted will show that there is notL
ing diminutive about the intentions c
these political Salvationists. They don1
hesitate to rush in where more expcr
cnced reformers fear to tread.
The Hallway OUaator.
The railway disaster at Chatswort
will live in the memory of many for year
to come. Its horrors and sufferings hav
not half boon told. Its like was uovo :
before recorded in the history of stcan
transit. Desolation and sorrow hav
entered many homes. There is no compensation
ponsation to bo rendered for the loss o
the loved ones.
Emblems of mourning festoon the one
happy homes of those who sacrifice
tho'r lives in tlio terrible horror. It wa
a pleasure party who nought rocroatio
after the summer's labors. Upon the othc
hand , the railroad had inaugurated th
excursion for revenue only. Dispatcho
indicate that the accident was causoi
chieily through the carelessness of th
road's managers. It was a largo singl
train when in fact it should have bee
divided into sections. The train dispatcher
patchor has testified that the train wa
running at the rate of sixty miles a
hour. Had not the speed been s
great the accident iu a
probability would not have occurrcc
The road is a bankrupt institution. It i
in the hands of a rocoivor. The intoros
on the bonds mature this month. Some
thing must bo done to help pay the ar
preaching obligation. The excursion
sion was planned. All haste wa
made to get the people's money. Equt
haste was indulged in to make a swil
transit. The general order was given t
run the train with all possible speed re
gardless of consequences. The brav
engineer who mot his death protosle
against running the train solid , bu
thought it should bo divided into section !
as the bridges were not strong enough t
boar the burden of a "double header. '
Ho obeyed his orders and wont dowi
with the passengers who had been sc
licilcd to embark upon the fatal trip. I
it can be proven that the nccidon
was the cause of carelessness , upo
the part ot the railroad ollicials ihcr
is no law lee Hovoro for thorn.
Torture after tlio fashion of the inqu :
sition would bo mild punishment for th
scoundrels. The managers of ruilwa
trains in this country have grown entirely
tiroly too reckless. An example shoul
bo tnado of some of them.
BISMAUCK'S latest move is his propos
tion to establish a conlral Enropca :
zollvorcin , n sort ot European union
based on the plan of the American union
in which there is to bo f rco trade botwcoi
each of the present nations of westcri
Europe. Bismarck's dcsiro is to have al
the people of western Europe banded tc
gcther in a commercial union n
against the United States , England
Russia and the Asiatic nations
Ho is very anxious to put an cmbarg
on American imports , but , taking ns thi
idea may bo , the iron chancellor will no
live to sio ; such a union. The condition
would not bo like those which obtain bo
twcon tlio states of the American union
This country is self-sustaining , while th
European nations are largo importers o
the necessaries of lifo , and the comnuin
ity of interests would not bo a sutlioiou
cohesive foroo to make such a union pei
DAN LAMONT has proven himself to b
the monumental ingrate ot the ago. HI
nltempt to take tlio advantage of ox-Sco
rotaryManningisasuflioinnt oxomplilica
tion of the formers ingratitude , It wa
Manning who made Lament who
he in. Had it not bee
through the influence of the ox-socrotarj
Lament , would have been hoeing cor ;
in his native county in Now Yorh
where he properly belongs. Man
niug is afillutod. almost m th
grave. L'araont seeks to rob hir
ot bis political power aud persona
estate. The president's secretar
will live to see the day when ho will b
the most ditpUed man known to Clove
laud's administration. The character o
the man U clearly shown in his troatmec
of Mr. Manning.
The continue * high price ot beef is be
ooming subject of gsuernl complaint ii
the ut Th price of live stock in th
TT t is not noh more than half of w&a
U WHS & few years ago , but there ha
bum no notlcable rtdjuotionlu tlio cost o
b el to the ooRiuniers. There la extbt
tion foniewher * . Of or.iiMa widdlemoi
hare a bund. in' maintaining the big
pr'.cc , 1 ut thny eotiM not do it alone. If
there is public wrong that should bo
checked by law it is the crime of combi
nations to force liutlcious prices upon the
necessities of lifo , When it shall become
an oflonso that loads to the penitentiary
to attempt n "corner" in any of out
staples and to cliargo extortionate rates
for transportation of same , wo may look
for relief but not before.
"Foil ways that are dark nnd tricks
that are vain , " the council bosses arc
very peculiar. In llio salary approprla
tion ordinance for July f 100 of rent in
tlio exposition building is charged ii |
against Iho police fund , nnd only $10 (
against the general fund for the rent oi
the ofllccs occupied as council cham
ber , and by the mayor , boiler inspcclor
building inspector , gas inspector and
several other oflicials. The only rcnl
which properly in chargeable to the po
lice fund would bo the quarters occupied
by Iho chief of police nnd his force , ant
tlio basement rooms used n jail. Those
certainly are not worth $100 , if the other
olliccs are only worth $100 per month
But the design , on the fauo of it , is to rc <
dttco the police fund and cut down the
number of policemen.
THE council should lese no time In di
recting the clerk to procure the noccs
sary blanks ana books which will bo required
quired at an early day under the now
clcclion law for mctropolilan cilies. In
cidcnlally at strikes us also that n grca
deal of money can bo saved to the tax
payers by inviting competition for thu
work as well ns all other printing o
blanks and books used by the variou :
city oih'cmls. This prinling amounts tc
thousands of dollars per year. Tlio HEI
is no competitor for sucli work , ns it has
no job ollice. In common with that o
other taxpayers its interest is simply t (
stop the needless squandering of mouoj
on favorites and traffic in city patronagt
for political influence.
THE scrgeant-nt-arms of the counci
draws $70 per month for opening tin
doors nnd windows and lighting the gai
in the council chamber and standing
guard over the city legislature twc
nights in the week. Computed at four
teen hours a week or sixty hours poi
monlh tlio pay of tills officer is at thi
rate of $1.10 for eaoli hour , or reduced tc
day-work of nine hours' service woulc
bo equal to f 10.44 per day. This is i
nice sugar plum. Moynihan himself
who is a very expensive man , woul <
take a contract to guard the council ai
that rate.
THK police very properly compel post-
office loungers to "move on" durin )
business hours. Now , if the postmasto
would order his janitdr to brush the cob
webs from the ceiling'aud uncover th
dial of tlio alleged clock which hangs ii
front of the general delivery , the patron
of the ollico would feel under lusting ob
ligations. <
THE Rev. Dr. Savidgo has taken up th
cases of the loafers. The able doctor , i
is to bo hoped , will not lese his grip 01
this subject until he has converted th
last loafer in town and transformed liin
into a piece of industrious humanity. Dr
Savidgo has undertaken a great task.
PRESIDENT ADAMS , of the Union Paoifi
road admits in an interview prinled ii
this issue of the BEK , that the debt of thread
road does not fall duo for ten years. 1
so , why was ho so anxious for the pas
sage of the Outhwait funding bill las
WE hope somebody has furnished Cit ;
Attorney Webster a copy of the now session
sion laws. If ho will take the time am
trouble to read up in the now laws , hi
may discover something that will modif ,
his opinions as to the legality of th
late special election.
WHERE docs the inspector of sidewalk
keep himself during the hot weather , am
what has ho done this season to iniprov
the conditions of the sidewalks ?
' Nebraska .lottlnij * . '
Copious rains where corn is king.
Seward has captured an oat meal mil
to cost $20,000.
In Platlo county they call it "tho nnti
snake-blto ticket. "
Schoonovor's skunk was heard if no
smelt round thu world.
Corn thieves are lightening the distillery
lory cribs at Nebraska Cily.
The Union Pacific has decided to buili
a ton-stall roundhouse in Beatrice.
Fremont nnd Sioux City are now shak
ing hands over the bloody chasm of
thousand a day.
The Grand Island canning factory cm
ploys 125 hands and turns out 30,000 cam
of goods a day.
No stretch of the imagination or higl
license justifies reference to undertaker
as "live-business" mon.
Beaver City will vote , September 2
on the question of borrowing $10,000 tc
build a ourt house.
Bancroft levied a tax on dogs som
weeks ago and the officials are now opoi
at every pore trying to collect it.
A runaway team allached to a mowini
machine killed Thomas Daily , agei
twenty.m Saunders county last Thursday
The refusal of the prohibitionists t >
"take water" will have a cooling offec
on old party tactics in the fall campaign
A mad dog enlivened the human race
in Nebraska City last' week. A civillai
with a shotgun dispatched the cur on lh >
Platlsmouth's two canneries are doin <
a rushing business just now. The dail'
product runs from .35,000 to 80,000 cans i
The old setllcrs of Soyrard , York am
Butler counties will como together for i
picnio at Lord's grove , Butler county , 01
the 25th.
Hon. G. P. Marvin is again solo ownoi
of the Beatrice Democrat , the bourboi
distillery of Gage county. John O. Burki
has retired.
The. Hall County iPrcss , by Rlner &
Ulco , is the latest. It looks vigorous fen
n daily infant and promises to survivi
the countless ills of childhood.
The sightless maiden with the Rom at
balance penned up a pair of burglars or
the third round in Schuylor. They wil
fatten on the state for five years.
The Santee Indians will oxnrciso thi
rights of American freemen in Kuo :
county this fall. They will vote , anc
candidates should make a uoto of it.
The examination of teachers tor slate
corliiicatos will begin at Fremont on the
17th and at Aurora on the 28th. The ex
amination will last three days at oacl
John McMurphy has forsaken th <
Wahoo \ \ asp , and tlio parting stint
makes him sad. Mr. J. A. Smith wil
now work the business end , of thi
"burd. " . ' , . .
.Grand Army .veterans and old settlor/ /
of York will picnic at McCool Juuotlor
to-morrow. Governor Thayer will at
tend nnd Sp.nkcr Harlan will deliver an
Clinton Hulet , nn ox-drug clerk at
Beatrice , has boon jailed nt Reynolds tor
faking $300 worth of goods from his
employers and starting a store ou his
own hook.
Dr. Mead , the Platlo Center masher ,
compounded pills In 1'lattsmouth some
time ago , but. covered 1m tracks ctloclual-
ly , nnd loft the odors of Happy Hol
low untainted.
The prolubs In various counties nro
out , like early birds , iu search of the
worm concealed in county offices. They
will compose a largo and inlliioiuiul sur
prised party in the fall.
An O'Neill girl fell out of a second
story window to the ground and landed
uninjured on her rubber backstop. As a
safety valve for falling girls the r. b. lias
no equal , barring the handy sweetheart.
The contract for tlio Missouri Pacific
depot in Nebraska City is signed and
sealed. It looks substantial and imposing
on paper and draws admiration as read
ily as Omaha's railroad cave draws
Tlio coolest spot this side of the polo Is
in Knox county. Croighton and Nlo-
brara are in the heart of a county scat
tight , and the fooling betwixt nnd be
tween would chill tlio gall of n Lincoln
base balllst.
Judge Hancock , of Papillion , is being
groomed by frmnus for a seat on the dis
trict bench. Ho controls the molding-
ladle of two papers , both weekly , and expects
pects an easy ascent to the boudoir of
the blind goddess.
The Times believes that tlio advent of
the Missouri Pacific to Nebraska City is
"Tho dawn of a now light. Wo can now
begin to see our wav out and get our nose
from the B. & M. grindstone. "
The Hammond boi's , of Fremont ,
ought to plug the mouth of the plinmp
who prances lliroiigh the columns of the
Tribune aud indecently exposes his fa
miliarity with falsehood and hatred of
every Omaha Interest. Chain him down
to truth and his dcirth is assured.
Maud Perkins , a budding country lass
of fifteen childish years , followed her
lover , a slgnio artist , to Omaha , and be
came Mrs' W. S. Burnett. They nro now
cooing in a cottage in Loup City , and
the parents of the girl bowed gracefully
to the inevitable.
Two prominent assailants of Blackstone -
stone in Valley countv canio together
with a crash in North Loup last week.
The noted Senalor llobbins had worked
his lungs to a bellowing altitude iu behalf
of his client , and turned a loud point call
ing Thomas L. Redlon , opposing counsel ,
n blankoty blank liar. Tom instantly re
pudiated the classic impntalion by past
ing the ex-Van Wyck man on the uoso ,
breast and bread basket , nnd laying him
out in elegant sliapo and windless. The
fight was declared a draw on condition
that Robbins keep Ids mouth shut in
Callawayans have changed their tune
perceptibly , if accounts voice the general
opinion , on the James-Hayes tragedy.
Hayes was the town blacksmith and was
particularly sweet ou Mrs. Jamcd , when
her husband was out. Last spring James
found him ' 'at home" with Mrs. J. , nnd
objected to his familiarity. Hayes re
taliated by inviting James to a third of
the couch. Thico in a bed did not suit
his ideas of domestic economy , and
pulling a revolver ho sent the
soul of Hayes into unpenetrable obscur
ity and himself lo jail. For this violation
of law and peace ho was tried and ac
quitted. James disappeared from town
for a time , but returned recently to find
that the blacksmith's friends had "nursed
their wratli lo keep it warm. " W lien it
was announced that lie would settle
down in Iheir midst their rage found ex
pression in a vigorous invitation to him
to leave town , and lie left. IIis wife was
also escorted to Broken Bow , where the
leaden tendencies of the authorities will
have a soothing efiect on their conduct.
Iowa Items ,
The corn crop in tlio wcstorn half oi
Gulhrio county will bo very large.
The railroads will carry delogatcs to
the state conventions at ono faro for the
round trip.
Tlio memorial tablet raised by Hamil
ton county to the heroes and survivors of
the Spirit Lake expedition was unveiled
A fourtcon-year-old boy at Dubuque
languishes in the calabooso for stealing
from a gentleman's vest pocket a $10U
The Maple Valley Trolling nssocialion
will hold its second annual mooting at
Maploton , August 80-31 , September 1.
The premiums amount to more than
The Rock Island company has offered
a reward of $200 for tiio apprehension
andjconviclion of the parties who at
tempted to wreck a Irain near Iowa Cily
last wcok.
The July reports of thn wardens of the
penitentiary have boon received by the
governor. Anamosa shows 801 prisoners ,
a reduction of twelve for the mouth.
Fort Madison has 319.
The combination wooden bridge across
the Boina north of Lewis fell while a
team of horses and a load of corn were
on it. The driver was uninjured and ono
horse only slightly injured. Most of the
corn was lost.
Ford reports this the drycst year on
record. Springs of water tnat have run
continuously for thirty-livo years are now
dry , The DCS Monies river is the lowest
over known. Cotlonwood leaves cover
Iho ground as they do after a heavy
Roller skating is raging in Highruoro.
The Dakota school of mines opens at
Rapid City in September with a full
corps of professors.
Blue Boar , Iho uoblo red jailed at
Yankton for highway robbery , made nn
unsuccessful attempt to reach the happy
hunting grounds by choking last week.
J. W. Hoit , of Brown county , who is
now harvesting his seventh crop of
wheat , estimates this year's average at
thirty bushels per acre. In 1880 his average -
ago was fifteen bushels.
Shorill' Boyd , of i'onnington county ,
has recovered a bunch ot twentv-fivo
horses that were stolen from a Wyo'ming
ranch some days sinco. They wore
found out on Spring creek Monday and
are now corralled there awaiting the
arrival of the owners.
j Colorado ,
Denver has invited President Cleve
The Denver base ball club is tumbling
in financial rapids.
Colorado Is determined to act the hog
with tlio waters of the Plallo and sarcasti
cally invites Nebraska to dry up.
The corner-stone of the Larimer county
court house was laid a Fort Collins ,
Thursday. The building \xlll cost $00,000.
The police of Denver are in the midst
of another snasm of reform. They pro
pose to run in or out Iho horde of bunko-
stoorcrs and tin-horn gamblers infesting
the city , and prohibit the llower girl and
female bcor-jorkor iu saloon ? and
At tlio laving of the foundation stona
of the Impelial institute Iho Qucon used
glasses iu public for tlio first timo. The
lenses were no larger than a shilling
piece , and set in a plain bit of tortoise
At the recent garden party nt Bucking
ham palnco great astonishment was ex-
) resed ' over the champagne. 1' . was of
I' . 10 most renowned , vintages that were
imposed Hto have been all drun up.
in iB.rowas ; , plenty of U.- ' ;
Bettor Now Than It Hai Baen Tor Ycur
DufTnlo Gup's Prospects Oottlnt
UrlRhtcr Mnrblo Itoocntly Dis
covered There The Business
Doom nt Knlrhurjr ,
SIDNEY , Nob. , August 14. fCorrcs-
pondoiicu of the BKK.I The Sidney ol
to-day la far dlfieront to thai of tliu winters
tors of 1870-77 , when it was well knowi
to tliu Itlack lllllers. being thu gatowaj
to the vast mineral Interests of thu north ,
Uhoyonno county , the largest in the slate
and of which bidnoy la the county scat
embracing some of the most fertile land ;
in Nebraska , which fact appears to bi
pretty thoroughly understood judglnjj
by the number of pcoplo from otliei
states who have sought homes within it ;
borders. It is but 11 few years since tlu
only industry that was thought would be
carried on to any reasonable degree o !
success was cattlo-raislng. At this time
however , agriculture has very Jargeh
succeeded the former industry , which
lias bcim farther crowded - < o the north
west , the country that was always
thought to bo too dry to bo productive
has by the sturdy hand of the industrious
pioneer been made to blossom like a rose ,
The products of the soil embrace al
kinds of grain vegetables , hay , millet ii ;
largo quantities and of the best quality ,
while near Sidney is to be foundaqtialitj
of sand and limestone that only await :
development to become a source of rev
enue highly remunerative.
The rainfall this season has exceeded
that of preceding years in a largo de
The population of the county is esti
mated at about 7,000 inhabitants , and n
complete census would undoubtedly show
many more. Cheyenne cotmtj' may be
safely ranked as one of the most promls-
ing counties in the state.
The school system of the county is well
organized and in charge of Mrs. Julin
Shelton , an efliclent and experienced
county superintendent. In every settle
ment tliero is a well organized school ,
and the county contains about eighty
school districts. It is surprising to note
the active interest manifested by the
children for the advancement of intellect
ual pursuits. A $13,000 school house is
now under process of erection hero , and
will bo completed by November 1. At
present a teachers' institute is in session ,
with an attendance of fifty-five teachers.
The population of Sidney will easily
represent 1,500 souls. The town has been
incorporated four years , and the muuici-
Gal government is couductod by an able
oard of trustees , five in number. Its
citizens are thoroughly alive to business
enterprises and in advancing the inter
ests of their town. The latter Is hand
somely laid out in wide streets and avenues
which are kept in a manner creditable
to any large city and the buildings are
mostly two-story , substantial structures
of brick , stone and frame material.
A few months ago a trotting and driv
ing park association , opened its existence
under very favorable auspices and many
interesting races have been the result.
Later the Cheyenne county fair and
agricultural association was instituted
and n county fair will be held hero in
October. This is indeed a novel thing
for Sidney , and the man who would have
predicted this ten years ago woud have
been declared "a little loose under the
hat. "
Tree culture has been a loading feature
of adornment m the streets of Sidney , us
on cither side of streets are rows ol
maple nnd other ornamental trees.
Fort Sidney is located at the southeast
border of the town where 275 oflicers and
men are stationed under command of the
well-known vetoran.Gen. Henry A. Mor
Nearly 40,000 acres of land haa boon
entered since the Dnitcd States land
ollice opened on July 1. The land ollico
in itself has proved a big thing to the
merchants , bringing In a revenue from
hundreds of people who probably other
wise would not come to the county seat
once a year. The herd law proposition
was submitted to a vote of the people on
the 80th of July and it
was carried by over 1,000 majority.
This was one of the great necessities as
cattle and and horses were constantly do-
stroyino : the crops.
The Union Pacllic railway intend to
put in a two mile side track to reach the
quarries of the Sidney Limestone com.
pany southwest of town. The limestone
company must guarantee a shipment ol
750 cars a year to compensate the rail
way company for this construction.
The Nebraska , Wyoming ami Colorado
Oil and Mining company organized here
a week ago with $500.000 capital , to lo.
cato and work oil and mining claims in
Wyoming. Two thousand acres of the
best land in Fremont county , Wyoming ,
1ms already been taken and tlio company
intend to take D.OOO acres more. The of
ficers and directors of the company con
sist of Edwin Elmer , president ; Joseph
Oberfeldor , James Mclnlosh , secretaries ;
Edward M. Mancourt , treasurer ; Henry
Domor , M. H. Tobin , J. W. Harper , di
rectors. Most of the stock has already
been subscribed and inside of thirty days
the machinery will be on the ground
ready to begin operations.
There is strong talk of the Union Pa
cific railroad building a now depot
something similar to the ono now being
erected at Choynno.
Among the buildings that have recently
been completed , the Kssisr block and the
Episcopal church on Rose street are
handsome additions. The new Lutheran
church building will bo started in a few
weeks and will cost about $0,500 to com
plete. Oborfoldcr Bros , will erect a two
story building , 00x48 feet in dimensions ,
in a few days. It will bo an iron front
and plato glass windows. There will bo
three stores down stairs and olliccs up
stairs and will bo the handsomest build
ing in town-
Articles of incorporation have been
tiled with the secretary of stale for the
Sidney , Northwestern & Pacific railway
company. Tliu road will run from Sid
ney to Camp Clarke , thuiico northwest to
the oil and regions of Wyoming.
The incorpqrators are Jay ( Jotild , Kussoll
Sago , Washington Conner , Addison Cam-
mack and S. H. Clark.
The Anlieusor-Busch Hrcwing Co. , of
St. Louis , have oracled a largo ware
house here , making this their wcstorn
supply depot. Dorau & Tobin aru thuir
agents. -
Sidney is no the largest horse market
in the west. During thu past season
seventy-live cars of Oregon horaes have
boon disposed of at this point besides the
horses raised in this vicinity.
The newspaper fraternity is well repre
sented in the county. Hush & Callalian ,
editors of the Sidney Telegraph , the
Sidney Democrat with J. T. Kcllington
at the helm ; Ledge Polo Express , C.try &
Morgan proprietors ; Chappcll Hustler ,
with Ira Brashoars iu thu editorial sanc
tum ; Kimbnll Observer , Brolhur Randall
the chief ; Minataro Trumpet , J. T. Ring.
lor editor , and the ( Joring Courier , witii
B A , Woods editor. They are all good
workers and light hard tor their respec
tive constituents.
The question of the county division is
again agitating the publia mind and the
question will undoubtedly b submitted
to the voters next fall. Many prophecy
iU overwhelming defeat , thinking it a
little too premature.
.Utifl'alo Gait " " t'10 ' Doom.
BI/HPAUI GAI ? , Dak. , August 14.r
( "Correspondence the HKH-Jr-Natur-
allyi' , after , Rupltl City. " became the
terminus of the Black Hill line , and
Douglas , Wyo , the end of the main line ,
this city , aavollas _ the country immedi
ately contiguous' , suQ'ored a relapse. A
great many thought that wo had tunic to
rlso no more , and aa n consequence ,
"pulled their freight" for crooner fields
and pastures now ; whore money they
thought was plenty and easily obtained ,
The summer , so far , haa boon better in
every rolpoot than the most sanguine
anticipated , Merchants are soiling largo
amounts of merchandise , and daily re
ceiving from the east consignments of
goods to keep full their iHlloront lines of
wares they nro so rapidly disposing of.
Other lines of business nro doing well.
Our brown and red building stone
quarries are shipping by the car load
dally , to Lincoln , Omaha , tromont and
St. Paul. One of the quarries , owned
and operated by the Brown Stone com
pany , of tills place has interested in it
Judge ( r. C. Moody , of Deadwood , anil
Fred Evans , of Sioux City , besides other
eastern capitalists of St. Paul and Chicago
cage , Mr. Evans being president. Bo-
slues this there are the Colics Gulch , Elm
Creek , Springdalc , Iron Grit , and various
other quarries that more or less have east
ern capital invested in thorn. There has
been discovered and to a certain extent
developed : n marble ledge , that turns out
some of the handsomest , hardest stone
Ihat can bo found in the country any
where. Negotiations nro now very
nearly completed that will place this
properly in the hands of a Chicago syndi
cate for operation and they nro iiow nt
work preparing tools , etc. , for the proper
development of it.
All of thuso investments tend to giro
tlio local capitalists more confidence ,
and already the oll'ectis readily apparent
on the local money market , that commo
dity being easily obtained at fair rates of
interest. Inside of two years the town
will bo a nourishing city , and built sub
An artesian well is being dug and i ?
already down over six hundred feet ,
witli most llattcring prospects of water.
There is also n lire department
that is ono of the best equipped In the
Hills. Telephone and telegraph service
direct with all the surrounding towns
and cities of the Black Hills , first-class
railway accommodations , irootj hotels ,
good churches , secret organizations , and
everything that goes to make -civilized
being happy and contented.
This town , with all its own advantages ,
and occupying the position it does , the
entrance to botli the southern and uortu-
withall the "beautiful hill nnd prairie
farming land laying all around it. ' well
watered ; in winter with a climate
reminding ono of the orange and banana
groves of the south , nnd in summer
bringing to mind the cool retreats of the
north ; with all those advantages that can
bo expected.
Falrbury's Bntorprlap.
FAIUHURY , Neb. , August 0. [ Cor
respondence of the BEE. ] The city
is full of strangers and many are invest
ing and adding themselves to the citizen
ship of the placo. The Chicago , Kansas
& Northwestern is building a number of
switches on their grounds south of town.
The track laying on tlio Denver o.xton-
sion is commenced and bcforo long wo
will have another outlet by rail. Also
the Fairbury and Stromsburg branch of
the Kansas City & Omaha is laying traok
and are out of the county by this time.
There is much talk about a 13. & M. line
fem bore to Dowitt or Crete.
Another road is needed hero badly ;
ono running direct to Omaha by
way of Lincoln , nrd it is expected soon ,
The St. Joe & Grand Island and the
Kansas City & Omaha have commenced
on a new depot for the lisa of both roads.
It will bo west of the public square and
quite handy for business , but further
from the Chicago , Kansas & Northwest
ern depot than is desired. Work has nlao
begun on thu roundhouse and water tank
for the joint use of both roads. This is
the terminus of the Fairbury and Stroms
burg branch of the Kansas City & Omaha ,
whicii is a part of ihe Union Pacific sy *
torn.A woolen factory is talked of and will
perhaps bo built.
Colonel Harbino's new building is n
beautiful structure. It is cut stone nnd
terra cotta front.
The building boom continues active. A
number of line residences nro under
course of construction.
Now Noel.
NKKL , Neb. , August 14. [ Corres
pondence of the HEK. ] In the north
ern part of Duudy county is located in a
wide extent of excellent country , lying
between the Republican and Frenchman
rivers , the town of Neol. Tlio soil
of tlio surrounding country is goods
the water soft nnd pure ami
the lands cheap. A town has been
laid out here , where is now located a
postollico and general store. A lumber
yard , drug anil hardware store , news
paper , blacksmith shop , hotel , livery
stable , etc. , has already been added to
the industrial ontcrpriscs.
Graft on Gouo Gllmiuoilnir.
GRAKTON , Nob. , August 11. [ Corres
pondence of the BEE. ] The barley
crop is an entire failure here , sixty acres
wcro destroyed by the chinch bug. The
field was afterwards planted to corn.
The bugs got away with it also. Tlio
wheat crop has shared about the same
fate. Nino-tenths of the crop in this
county was not harvested. There will
not bo 1,000 bushels of spring wheat
threshed in this county tills year. The
corn crop is very poor. A irreat portion
of it will bari'ly pay for cutting for fed
der. Oats about twenty-live bushels to
the aero.
Thn Ilfch Cedar Valley.
SrAULDino , Neb , , August 13. [ Cor
respondence of the BEK. ] The Cedar
Valley combines the richest crops and
the best manufacturing facilities. Even
in this dry year small grain gives fair re
turns uud the corn stands very green and
lively. It will be a good crop.
On Friday , the 5th , a heavy hail storm
struck Darts of the Lonp , but it scarcely
touched us. Storms and tornadoes ragu
mostly along tlio big riven ) .
The Cedar is about 100 miles long. It
descends seven feet to n mile. It is fed
by springs. It is never frozen to the bottom
tom , never goes dry and never overllows ;
thus making such an oven water power
that at Cedar Rapid * they have the best
Hour mill of the state.
If the Union Pacific had boon able to
enter its branches the Cedar valley
would to-day bn ono of the but > l of Ne
braska. But now the H. & M. has crossed
it tifty miles northwest of Cedar Hapids.
Threu important railroad * have boon sur
veying around Spaulding Our country
is decidedly ono of the great railroad
lields of tliis year. Our river will hnyo
many factories and our country bo one
of the wealthiest portions of the west.
William McDiurmid , who claims to be
the "oldest living printer and newspaper
writer in the United States , " lives in
Healdsburg. Sonoma county , Cal. Ho
was born in Edinburgh in 17l > 2 , was ap
prenticed to a printing linn when ho wns
fourlcttn years old , cumo to thin country
In 1830 , worked on various papitrs hern
and in Cincinnati until 1878 , when ho
went to California , vliero , until n yet r
ugo , he used to write for the pniits , hia
favorite topic being an Improved nodal
life , after the idea ? ' of Owen , Fniirir ! (
Cabot and other * . ' ' . . . .