. . H * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JMONPAY. AUGUST 35. 1887. SPECIAL NOT10E8 ; Advertisements under this hcad.10 cents no Ino for the Ilrst Insertion , 7 cents for encli sub lnfUcnt | Insertion , and 11.60 n line per month ho advertisement taken ( or loss tlmn 25 centa for the Orst Insertion. Kc\en words wll ) bo counted to the line : they must run conwcu- llTOlr and must Do paid In advance. All adver- HfomcntH must bo handed In before 1 s.TO o'clncx p. m. , and tinder no circumstanced will they bo taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In thcfc column and hav ing the answer * addressed in care of Tnr. USE will pionso nek for a check to t < nnblo thorn to got tnclr letters , as nonnwlll bo delivered excont on orcFontntion of check. All answers to adver tisement * should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In those columns nro pub- llfhrd In both morning nnd evening editions ofliiB IlKK. the circulation of which aggre gates more than 14 .1)00 ) pnpris dally , nnd gives the advertisers the benefit , nut only or the city circulation of Tnr HKE , hut nl o of Council IllufT * , Lincoln and other cities nnd towni throughout this part of the west. _ MONEY TO LOAN. 11,000,000 to loan. Cole , 810 8 1Mb. 637 \l"o'NP.Y loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , Wl-horscs , etc. , low rate * . J.J.Wllklnson ACo. . 1324 Farnam , over Burlington ticket omco. 467 MONEY Wo loan money on Improved prop erty for any desired amount at low rate * of Interest , to run from two to ton yearn time. Btotti , Cox It Houston , 1C0714 Fnrnam , 959 M ON BY To loan at 6 per cent. Vattcrbun Ilroe. , 15th street , op. P. O. 328 $ . TO LOAN ate per cent Llnah.in Maboney , l&OD Karnam. B.I8 6 PRK CUNT Money. 11. C , Patterson. 16th atd Harnir. C39 JBOO.OOO to loan on real estate. No delay. P Harris & Sampson , 1510 Douglas st. 640 M ONEY TO LOAN-O. F. Davis Co. , real eitate and loan agent * , 1(06 Farnam it. 641 $600,000 to loan m any amount at lowest rate of interest. H. H. Iroy. Frcnzor block. 307 $600/100 To loan on Omaha city property att per cent. O. W. Day , * . e. cor. Ex. Bid. MONEY TO LOAN-On city and farm prop erty at low rates. No delay. Calm a Wool- ley , 1322 Farnam it. 649a27 MONEY to loan to parties wishing to build. 8. 6. Campbell , 310 B 16th st. , Chamber of Commerce. 043 MONEY To loan. Lowest rate * . No delay. J. L. Hlco & Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank. 257 MONEY to loan , cash on eand.no delay. J. W. and K. L. Bqulre , 14U Farnam it. raxton hotel building. Mi MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In * ums of f l.OOOto 15,000 at six per cent Interest. BholcsA Crumb. 146 MONEY TO LOAN on improved real eitatet no commission charged. Leavltt Uurn- kam , Koom 1 Creighton lllock. 41 MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In sums of $600 and upwards at lowest rate * . Money alway * on hand. B. & Campbtll.310 South Sixteenth street. 647 LOAN Money Loan * placed on im proved real estate In city or county for New England Loan ft Trust Co. , by Douaia * County bank. IBth and Chicago st * . MB M PONEY LOANED at C. F. lcod" ! & Co. ' * Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without oiuufill . 819 B. 13th. o\cr IllDgham * Commission store. All busl- DCS * strictly confidential. 050 MONEY TO LOAN-bytho nndorsigned , who has the only properly orginlrod loan cency In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organi , boric * , wagon * , machinery , &o. without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans 10 node that any part can bepald at any ime.each payment reducing the cost pro ruts. Advances made on flno watches and diamonds. Persona should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming tate existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. R. Croft , floora 4 Withnell Building 16th and Harnuy. 851 n HE OMAHA Financial Exchange , A N. W. corner of Harney and 16lh st * . , over Btato National bank. I * prepared to make short Urn * loan * OB any avallablo security. Loan * made on chattels , collateral or real state. Long time loan * made on Improved real ettat * at current rates. Purchase money mortgage * negotiated. Secured notes bought , cold or exchanged. Short time loam made on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collateral Real eitate to exchange for toed interest bearing paper. General financial business of all klidl trans- Beted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money alway * on hand for approved loan * ol Bny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Ccrbett. Manager. ( S53 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. flDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , IMS L Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nished .and titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed C78 BUSINESS CHANCES. 4JNAP A splendid paying lee cieHin , cigar O and oyster parlor In the best town of 1-Ot ) luhabllant * in the statn. Best of reasons for filing. AddrOf * A 71 , Uoo olllco. 600 lfj ! FOH BALE-Tne Faiiiou * , the best paying restaurant In the city. For particular * ad dress C. L. Smith , aiil 8. llth , or G. U. Moore , 1212 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. 470 15' " | jX > lt HALU The Job printing ottteo and book X1 bindery together with the good will of the Dakota Hell Publishing company at Sioux Falls , the loading city ofDakota. . The plant I * prob ably the best In the territory and an excellent > blank book trade and oommcrctal line of printIng - Ing I * done. The growing demands of the Dakota Dell compel thopubllnhors to relinquish nil other work nnd devote their whole time to the paper. TblH Is a One chance to buy out well established business. Addret * Bam T. Clover managor. _ tot 15 'Imoll BAlTE-Or Trade A laigo three-tory ffft -L brick hotel In llvo westoin Iowa town of ft 6,000 pop. Newly furnished throughout , has65 Iftt bed room * , steam heat , gas , oleotrlo call and ntitrm trails , city water , etc. Near depot and business center. Must bo disposed of at once on account of poor health of owner. Term * reasonable. Address Stotti , Cox It Houston , 1B07K Farnam. _ _ 968 WANTED Partner in Oregon lumber bust ness. Capital f 10,000 to (20,009. A first class Oreeou party wants a partner to estab lish a yard In Omaha. Enquire ot E. Hose- water. 861 13J _ TJ1OR TllAl > E-Wo have 800 sheep , 2. 3 and 4 C years old , and 400 lambs which we will trade for Keith county or western lowafarm * . Those shcop are perfectly healthy and No , 1 m every respect. Park , Fowler & Konnurd , 1607 Far- cam. 803-13 " N opportunity offered to any person wish- IniC to Invest In a good paying business. Present owner going west. Address A 42 , this oinco. JC-'O 13J _ T1AKTIES wanting to sell off their household JL effects either at auction or private sale Should call on Urown & Crolghtou , auctioneers and real estate agents , southeast corner 10th andlouela8. _ _ 200-13 T > A HKbuiloesi chance ; for sale , the stock , J-V nxturr * and good will of a tint-class clothIng - Ing store doing a good business , centrally located , only reasons for selling thu owner has other and more Important builneis. Parties waning builuet * may address U. 18 , Bee office. WAN1 KD-Partles who desire to buy or lell or exchange stocks of general merchan dise , dry food * , groceries , boot * and shoe * , hardware , drugs , jewelry Improved or ualra- proved town or city property. Improved r un proved farm * in any part or the United State * . to address Kraui * & Foster , Bit B. 16th st Omaha , Neb. _ 655 BUSINESS Chance-For sal-A stock of dry 4 good * , clothing , furnishing goods , boot * andsho i ; also fixtures. Wltb this stock a four year * lease of a double store canbe obtained in one of the best retail localities in the city. In formation at Uormanr.'i. M South Thirteenth * tr et 608 _ _ * . UAltB Chance-Builnesi for tale at reas- cnaole figure , In which * 3.uoo to 14,000 per year can bo mad * , very small capital roquiud to run It , good reasons for rolling , thoie meanIng - Ing butlnt * * can address A 88 , Uee office. I9J T ilOK SAMJ-A Irst-clais hotel property doing ' excellent buslnost. tlust sell In sixty day * , for price and term * address H. S. Lilly , real ettaU dealer , Broken How , Neb. tillsll XX.rANTElOneor two business men with TV capital f > f 160 to | UO to take hold of a bus- Ineis lhat will par from V > to 120 per day. ilnom I , Crausi * blk , 119 N. 16th st. Vi at market , tooli , boil * and waion , everything complete. Good loci Uon ; good trade. Address U 46 , Uee. 315 17 * YT"AfWl ; 0 fsttnTr wftFa few thousand del- Vr itn1he more the better In a good pay- IDC business la Omali * and Lincoln with assur ance elsewhere In Nebraska ; etiaMlihed a year , > lit , p T sure. Address A 60 Uee office. rpo EXCHANGE-At a bargain two well Improved - * proved farms and two house ? in town for general merchandise , In writing plcaso give amount of stock and all particulars' . 0. E. Harurd. Huubell , Nob. 435 16J WANTED As active partnor.ladyor gentle man to take ! J Interest In nourishing hotel In thh city , FO rooms , capital required 11,000 to II.KW.nccd capital to enlarge proml os to meet Increasing business. Addret * A .V..llec office. 410 13J TTIOK HALE-Law library , cheap. Wbceler * JWbciilcr , Douc-las ana 16th ft. 657 MEltrHANDiBKfor farm * . Will exchange flrst class Improved land In Cedar Co , , Neb. , for groceries or ( routs' furnl'hlng gools , want no undeslralilo old goods. Have also good town and rlty property to exchange. Address Box 77 , Spokane Fulls , W. T. ail 15 PERSONAL. PEHSONAL The Gate City Employment of- flco , 3I4M BISth , supplies the host of S n. dlnavlan and Gorman girls. U29 H'.ltKONAL Private homo for ladies during JL conflticmant , strictly conflilentlal. infants adopted , nddros K42 , lleo olllce. 187 Kept7 PERSONAL Frnd for your sowtng machine needles , oil and repairs to the Singer Man'fg Co , 161H Douglas st. Omaha. 463 a26 PERSONAL Mr * . Dr Wannl * T. Warren clairvoyant , Medical Bad buslnes * Medluoi BOOK No. S 121 North ICth . .Omaha , Nek. Cn LOST. STltAYit ; > IJny horse ; about 000 Ilia : mnno cut short front ot snddlci pacer ; onewhito hind foot Howard to pcrnon returnlnK him to W. J. Wulshsns. ! .01h and 1'lerco. 473 15 LOST Pocketbook containing some vatunblo papers. Finder will bo liberally rewarded by returning tne same to my store. Ed. N. Ilrown , 720 N. 16th. 40fl STHAYED Two bay marcs , black manes and tall * . Ono old , ono young. W. J , Council 374 SKV15NTV-F1VE dollar * ' reward. Strayed or stolen from roar of 111 N 17th st , a largo roan horse , about 17 bands high , weighing be tween J.JOO end 1.400 pounds , redlsh brown mane and tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen- JZ5 will be paid for return of anlmnl to owner * . at 110 S 14th st.and If stolen the ( herlff of Doug las Co. will pay a reward of $50 for the arrest and conviction of the thief. 608 FOVVD. TAKEN IIP-Came to the rssldcnco of the subscriber In Union precinct. Douglas county , about first of July , a red heifer white on under side of body , part of one horn broken supposed to be 3 years old , owner Is requested to prove property , pay charges or she will be disposed of according to law. Simon llorts , Irvlngton , Nob. 00. , 13. 20. 37 rPAKKN UP 2 cows , oao white one red. Call Jat Urownell hnll. 337 CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. HATF1ELD has juit arrived to sub- tantlate that fact the past , present and future revealed , the SICK hoalcd , the lost found , homes made happy , Sittings dally at 4 > 21 BouthUthst. 45/1BJ MRS. DUHANT Clurlvoyant from Ilostoti is reliable In all nlTalrs of life , unites sepa rated lover * . 82 ! n 16th itroom 1. Mtliept 3J 8TOBAOK. J(1IRST-CLAS3 Btorage at 110 N 13th ft.C59 STOUAGK First-class storage for nloe tur- nlture or boied good * , at 1513 Dodge-it ( ICO MISCELLANEOUS. PEHKOHATKD stamping patterns made to or- dor and all the Intent designs for sale at Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport st 4 ! > lsl2 MH8.T. W1NDKH8 , fort-ino teller , the best In the city. (1,000 will be paid to party doing better than 1 , 408 N. ICtb it. , up-stalr * . lis ii ; /1ANADIAN Employment olllco , 310 S. I5th \J St 400 21J EASTKUN Nebraska farms to exchange for Ouiuha property. 1012 FurnaM. & 4J TIO KXCHANGK-Tor cattle , I have ROD and forty acres of good western land to trade for cattle , and a good house and lot near the capital will exchaniro for cattle. Address S. U , Urynn. Ashland , Nob. 4JO OMAHA LOTS To exchange lor cattle. Pat terson * Moore , IC12 Farnam. 347 MIK Gate City Employment office , 3141J S. - 15th street Orders lor all kinds of help sollcted. U2U MAONhTIC Healing Mediums cure all kinds of sickness In connection with clairvoy ance of the pait , present and future. J. It , Pagxlor , North State st , mile west of fair ground" , P. O. box 03.1 , 610 SJMJ F IOKKBNI-Mquare Piano H montnlr. Hope. 1613 Douglas. Ml T31OK HKNT Organs , $3 per monto. dotpe , J ? 1113 Douirla * . C61 O 1. C.-House furnishing good * , all kind * ; cash or installment ; lowest price * at J. Donner , 1315 DouglM it M2 F ( OB KENT Square tlano , montblr. Hoipe. 1513 Douglas. (161 FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. [ TIOK SALE--100 ton * extra Quo hay. John F. ? Johneon. Oakland , Neb. 813 13J FOK KALE A family horse , eorrel , cheap for cash. 101 Washington avo. , Council lilutr * . 480 16 * F 1 OK SALE Car of ( rood saddle ponies. In quire at yard olllco , stock yards. 487 20 STKAYED H y mare from residence of C. F. Nation , South IBth st. and Castellar. With halter onbraudod T. E. on left hip. Any person keoplngthls mare and not advertising shall bo punished to the extent of the law. 176-15 * FOU SALE Large bay pony , ago S ; price ISO. lirio Coining Co. , 320 N. 16th et. 474 16 F OH SALE Cheap , new round corner lunch or bar counter , 803 S. 10th. 410 18J F I OR SALE A first-class swing at Pries' lake. Andiow JousonU27 North 28th uvenuo. 400 17j 7 < U1' BALE-Or trade for real estate , lease 1 and turnlturo of block ot thirty rooms. Address A 40 , lleo olUco. 270 T710K SALE At a bargain , a 6-room houio JU' with closet * and pantry , etc. , lot 25 foot east front , 6 blocks south of court house. Ad- droii Y30 , Ileeollloe. 20a30 THOlt SALE Furniture , good will and lease of -L1 the best paying small hotel in Omnha. Constantly full of nrst-clau boarder * . Price 11,500. Investigate this. J.OT , Hammond , 117 8.16th. 70S J OK SALE Your choice of the best lines of ; buggies , carriages , phaeton * , surroyg , de livery wagon * , open and top one fine hunting wagon. Call and look through or send for cuts and price to Columbus Uuggy Co. , 1113 Harney FOK BALE Furniture of 8 rooms with privi lege of lease of bouse , 707 B. lith St. 209 TTClH SALE Carpets and furniture , and X1 house torrent , 113S. 23rd between Doug. las and Dodgo. 414 CjNAP Furniture and lease of U rooms , 3 O blocks from P. O. il. E. Cole , 318 S 15th. 885 19J rrinillTY-FOUKsquarosof sheet stool roofing -L for sale cheap. C. W. & U. E. Thompson , 314 S. 15th St. 234 FOKSALE-Chcap. n largo , first-digs milk cow. Frank Johnson , West Walnut Hill. 4JO 15 * FOK 8ALE-Cheap , a rood , gentle family horse. Can bo seen at Meyer & Kaupko'a , 1405 Hurncy st , OTery day between 12 nnd 1 o'clock. F. Johnson , city salesman. 431 15j > 01t SALK Horse , buggy and harness , sep arately or together , very cheap. T. u. Larke i Co. 1120 Farnam. 481 FOK SALE-Cncap , llztures and tools of meat market doing r. cash business , also horse and delivery wagon , a good chance for right parties. J , J. Skinner , 1310 Ilarnoy it. . Omaha. 201 16 Vl'Ort BALK OH and gasoline wngon. team. K Birneis and route. Call bet. U and 1 at HIS Uodge. MS WANTED MALE HELP. ITANTKD-Mcn for Wyoming ; good Wire * . > Albright' * Labor Aiteoor , USO Pamam.471 \\rANTED-Agchts to irl ! (094 * In city ; 1 1 good WUKOS to rlRht .inc. I.ov U Manu- larturlng Company , 221 X. UtU > r. 4B1-1B * W ANTED-lIarbcr for SaiurJiy and ht 102 North 10th near Dodge. 418 lj Ww w ANTI.D-Ono nrst-cluu barber , 1) . R. . bor 0. Pium Creuk. N b. 87 It ) \v TANTED-A broom muKor at Witrr. Uroom Factory. Crelghtou ava aod lilt , 8.4 Uj _ _ ANTED A good clgaf * mae7 , one wbo undurstaod * his buslnca * in all of IU branches. Must bo sober and ludustrlou * . Ad- tlrese F. M , , earo ot box 3Ti' , orth Plattu. Neb. W"ANTEU Five traveling salosuicu : lalary nnd expenses ; no experience neconsary. Addreu , with iturop , Vaiiuar ft Co. , LaCrostt , WANTED A boy , 14 or 15 year * oldwho can figure and keep small accounts. Apply Room 23 , Withnell block , between 9 and 12 o'clock Saturday. 418 13J WANTED A'fow cnorgetlo travellng'salos- men to sell our Famous Now York Cigar * . References. Address Chas. A. Ilartchcr , First National llank llulldlnir , Clu- cage , Ills. 277 13 * ANTED-Drug clerk. 323 S. 12th St. _ 070 13J _ ANTKD-Elght good bricklayer * . First- class wages. 2100 t'arnam st. 43113 * \\TANTEI ) Man and wlfo on fnrm , woman ' v must uo eapablo of dolnir housework , no children. Mrs. llregn St Son , 310 South 15th 4V1 U ? ANTED-6 good hridgo carpenters. $3.00 a day. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. 47b-15. WANTED-A reliable boy at Itcc mailing- room ; one who can get up at 4:30. : Inquire between U and 11 a. m. 427 WANTI.D-AII tliocc wishing helper situa tions , as collectors , assistant book keepers , general olllco clerks , engineer * , lire- men , watchmen , porter * , janitors , coiichmcn , toatustero , tin-men , etc , applv to the Mutual Employment Agency , 214 bouth 10th street , up stairs. 448 15J WANTEI-Men tor railroad work. Al bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. _ C75 WANTED Salesmen , a now Invention needed In ovcry house ; 3UO per cent com mission or u good salary to right parties. Ad dress with stamp for tci ms the Weaver Manu facturer , 34 N btato st , , Chicago , III. TJtcl * WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED 2 good laundry girls , good wages , at Norris' hotel , 10th and Webster. Apply at once. IX)0 ) 13 WANTED flood ladio'l cook , dlnlngroom girl,2 laundry girl ; steady work. Apply 604 N. IBth ft. 353 13J W ANTED A dining room girl at the Ameri can house , VM Douglas street. HoS 1'JJ W ANTED Good cook. Gorman girl prc- fcrrcd. 1114 N. ISth st 4K9 15 * " 1XTANTKD Qlrl for general housework , 1417 YT Cals St. 4B8 15' WANTED Good practical woman ai houso- keeper at 110-118 North 8th it. 4J1-1C * " \\TANTED A good girl to do general house- v 1 work at 2210 Farnam it 4 S 1DJ WANTED Girl for general housework , small family. Mrs. Wright , 2d house east of 27th , on Seward. 416 15 * WANTED Good girl for genera ) housework 2 In family , light work , 2G28 Ilarnoy , Mr * . Albert D. Morse. 23) ) WANTED Girl * for housework In different parts of city , no olllco fee. Mrs. IlrcKU & Bon , 818 South 16th St. 454 17J TVTANTED-A first clnss dress ranker , ono T who can cut , lit and drape or anything In connection with dressmaking. Address Conway - way Bisters. North Platte , Nob. o32 1 J ANTED-Flrst or second girl , 1013 Capitol avo. 2U7 10 W ANTED Good cook , nastier and Ironer at 1251 Park Wild ave. , cor. of William Bt 326 W ANTED Immediately , n good girl for general housework at 26M Cuming st , 284 U > J WANTED An experienced housekeeper , white woman preferred. Apply between 6 and 8 p. m. , 101 N Vtb Bt , Lulu Krgors. 131 WANTED Good girl to do general house- Work. Apply n w cor. California and 20th. 733 W ANTED Girl for general housework. In quire 620 South ll'th. ' 711 WANTED-Two girls at Doran house , 42i 8 18th et. near St. Mary's ave. tut SITUATION WANTED. WANTED-Steady work , by n reliable man ; has good team. Addrcau A US , lieu olllce. 490 lb WANTED A young mnn of 21 with exper ience In grocery Diisinc s , wants a posi tion in grocery or commission house. Ioat ! of references. Address A 37 , lice olllco. 25 < J 12J WANTED A situation as bar-kcopor , thor oughly understands the business. The best of references furbished. Address A61 Uco. 42313 * TVTANTED Younjf man with exceptional v T good rofvroncos wants position as col lector , knows the city well. Addrcts 420 t-outh 15th St. , Hoom7. 381 13 \\7ANTKD-SltuatIon.by a steady man , as TV coachman and general utility man. Ad dress A 64 , lloe OlllCB , Ml 13 } t\7 ANTED Situation at general office-work , V > collector , etc. , by a reliable , steady man. Address A 64. lleo ollico. B'.O 13 * "UtTANTED Situation in retail grocery by an TV Industrious young man , have three year * ' experience , understands bookkeeping thor oughly , good reference given. Address P O box IU ) , Mt Morris , 111. 370 KIJ WANTED Situations for good reliable help In wholesale and retail Urins as clerks , itilosmon ; also coachman , porters , llremon , lakers , barbers , etc. Supplied free , city or country. Mutual Employment Agency , 214 South lath st , up-stalra. 447 15 ] AIT ANTUD-Sltuatlon by au experienced cash- VV ler and bookkeeper , best city reference , address A 62 Dee olllce. 332 1UJ WANTED Dressmaking In private families by experienced dressmaker. Address A 49 lleo olllco. 310 I7J WANTED-Posttlon as Intermediate toucher , throe years experience. Address I ) M N Business college. 4(1 16J V\ANTED Situation as architect's or gen- VV eral clerk , or a good traveling agency. Moderate salary accepted. First-clues testimonials menials and references. Address , Alfred Book , care of John U. Eley , West Hill , Platte Co.Neb. mi 16J MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED-To rent by a lady , couple of rooms suitable tor light housekeeping. Address A 67. Bee office. 479 15j who laotton alone would Ilkoafew LADY ladles to board who are engaged during the day , terms reasonable. Address A 53 , lleo office. 402 IJj ITANTKD A good pony and cart. Inquire > at 1723 Dodge. j)76-13 ) WANTED 2 or 8 furnished rooms , by man and wife ; near business center ; Btato terms and location. AddrcBS ADO , lloe oince. 4 SO WANTED-To buy a good frame cottage , one or two stories , to reinovo from promises. Ulvo condition , number of rooms , location and price. Addreis A W , Uoo Olllco , 485 15J \\TANTED-25 teams , cor. 22d and St. Mary' * V > ave. Patten & SawtolU U2-15r WANTED A creamery and canning fac tory. Will assist the rl/ht parties. Ad dress Hank ot Valley , Valley , Nob. 270s'J WANTED A grain dealer to locate at this place , llest grain region In Nebraska. Address Hank ot Valley , Valley. Neb. ! i70s9 W ANTl'.n-Cottngo of3 or6 rooms or 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms , suitable for light nonsekcoplng. Reference furnUhed. Ad- dren A 4J , Bee office , 821 WANTED- barnei * maker to open a shop here. Addreil B nk of YalUy , Valley , Neb. 37U § I'sTETJFactorieToViTI kind * , adrei * fiaak of Valley , Vnll y , Neb. tlOit * \\7ANThD To r ni , bf a fntlmn and TV nlf , ao ohildr * * . a aeni * to iood loca tion , * ll m Arn Imprbviotnt * . Non other u iJ If piAdJfttl A 41 B > office , 155 U WANl'ID-loliaiefor term of ycarl a kull4m/ for light rainufacturing pur- post * , about AIM. lhre itorli * and baioment. A 4r ll A S , B * Offlo * . 18 ZJ \VA FTBD ll7lCO for one year. Have Im- * T vroved jroturty in Omiha that pay * 10 r * nt OB a 144,000 valuation , that I * Incur- * r4 fur III .DM. Will lv teoond mortgage a * oolltttra ) . A aiu stttlcg Interest ra- A . Btteflloe. 880 \\7ANTll-PuplU In atlUb branches T aid il , b. v. ooiDir Uta and F rnam. _ _ Ti5 ! 1 WANTED- f w t > oar * r * at 1TK Dodge IL H fraoi tiuit4. T03 FOXBZMT XOtiaXi ud LOTS , FOR BENT-Btor * . food location , iOth and Clark Bt * . Inquire 161C Cltrk Et , 483 tOJ THOR KENT A fine itore bulUlny en corner X1 8aundnracd Hamilton ttrt * . BpUnnld location for dry goods or grootrit * . Apply to flruner fc llro. , Ilellman Uloc > . 850 II OR HENT-One lol nar reunion ground * with privilege of cine acre * , about one block from main camp. Call * vuthvt corner UtU an * Capitol tv * . ItC ll > FOIl HKSI rqom hou c. | 50 : furnl- mro for ( ale at 1-2 price. 24 room brick hotel on llth St. , rent $100 ; furniture for sale. 10 room boarding house : furniture for sale on time. Co-operative Land nnd Lot Co , , 2Ui North IPth st. , 492 10 KENT 7room house , good location , stable and yard. Ap ly 1012 Farnam. 310 RENT A first cl * s ( table on California FOK . S. Lehman , 1103 I'arnam it. 319 _ KENT One 12-room housewlth gas and FOIt furniire and all modern Improvements , on Capitol ave , between stith and 27th. I brick store , 32x120 , on Doutf ls.i st. , between 12th and 13th st. Inquire ot II. Pplgle , 1211 DOUGHS st , 237 15 * _ _ _ _ FOR KENT 10-room house , city water , cis tern , bath room , largo cellar , slttmtel on Farnam street nc r court houso. Apply J F HammondLlJ7S1 , ICth st. 458 ; _ _ _ 1710K KKNT-Throo (3) ( ) now houses situated JL1 on King and Collmaii ticati , In A. H. Pa trick's add. Imiulro at Koom 2 , Arlington block. Patrick Pros. 423 20 _ FOK HENT 5 elegant brick store rooms on Park HNcniiu , opposite park. U 111 bo com. plcted In 30 days. Apply on the premise * from P to 13a.m. A. H. Fltiih. . H7U _ _ IJ10K KENT-ricBunt hrlok residence , 10 AJ rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire Morse & II runner , 1005 Farnam st. C2tl _ FOK KENT Two large now stores and two Hats of live rooms each. Cltv water and ga . On Saunders st. C. W. Cain , 2310 Ohio st. ma FOH RENT Now store and living rooms on Cumlng it nenr Satmdcrs st. Apply Hnr- rls Real Estate A Loan Co. . 320 S. 15th st. 6K9 171OK KENT Ilarn lultablo for four horses. JD Inquire at 017 3 13th st. _ 611 TjlOK HKNT New 10-room house ; all 1m- JD provcmcnts , steam heat , a W. & O. E. Thompson. 314 8.15th st 1000 FOK KENT Office space on ground floor at 1509 Karnam. Apply in rear olllco. J. S. Richardson- 502 a'iO T710K KENT Store room suitable for grocery -L ? store or butcnor shop , on the southwest corner of 7th and Pacltlc streets. 675 /1HOIGK Lot for Leaso. Southeast corner > 48x $ < 4 Loavenworth and Park avo. , or will build to suit tenant. Ilobblo Bros. 354 FOB BENT ROOMS. F I OH KENT Nlrely furnished and unfur nished rooms , good location , 2211 Durt Bt. 499.16 * ROOM And board for two gentlemen In private fumll ) ; can have use of pittlnsr- room : no other boarders. Inquire at l.MO 8. Tenth st. 3J7-13' FOB KENT 4 rooms in the brick block on ground tloor , corner Pierce and 20th St. , also new house 8 rooms. Inquire at drug store , 3U4 Id F IOIt Iir.NT Furnished rooms with board , 1903 , Farnam. 6TS all * FOK KENT Pleasant furnished rooms , single or en suite. All modern con\enlcnccs. 919 Xiodge. 4113. IB * FOH HKNT-Nlcely furnished room , 018 S. 17th st 203 FOH KENT Tno largest store room In town. Inquire at the AigiigoQlce , Albion. Nub. 4(11 ( pep 13" FOIt HENT-Two unfurnished looms at S. B. 20th and Chicago st , cheap. Address A 44 , Hoe ollicc. 319 FOK IlKNT A nlco.ilargo front room , fur nished excellent , lovely location , modern conveniences , on street car lino. 1917 CUBS Bt. U'J.1 FOK HENT-Nlcoly furnished large front room , with or without board , also smaller room , icferenccs. 1812 Dodge street. 417 F 1OH KENT Nicely furnished room,1st lloor. 410 1CJ FOK KENT Elegantly furnished tronc room , suitable for 2 or 4. With first-class board , terms moderate. 2011 fliirt st. 4JO I'.ij FOK KENT-Furnished parlors , en suite or single , pleasantly situated , on car line ; price reasonable ; 1-4 .V. 17th st. 210 15j FOK KENT Furnished looms , parlor , sitting- room and two bedrooms. 1120 N. Uiih st 301-15" FOK KENT Kinolv furnished rooms , with board , 5 minutes trom postoiliui ) . 1718 Cas s st. 38015J F I OK KENT Furnlbliud room 181B Dodge st. VJJ2 sept 6 FOK KENT Furnished rooms. 1009 Daven port st 385 15 * F OK RENT Unfurnished rooms , 1015 Dodso et 301 FOK KENT For gentlemen. Nicely fur nished rooms with modern conveniences , 1I212 Farnam at. 24J FOK KENT Large front parlor with Day window , and alcove , also other rooms with nodOrn conveniences at 1621 Farnam st , one block west of court houso. 824 F OK KENT Furnished room , 2012 Hornoy Street , 259 15J F I OK KENT Nice furnished room , f9 per month , B. W.cor. ISth and JacKson. 22U "C1OK KENT Three rooms for hoiit-elsecplnif , X ? at 14th and Pierce. Apply to 017 S. llth st 240 F IOIt KENT A nicely fuinlshed room at 2511 Bt. .Mary' * avo. 421 F I OK HENT-Offlco , 1812 Karnam St. 298 FOU KENT Elegantly furnished rooms sin- gloor onsulte , with use of bath ; electric bolls In every room. First class restaurant at tached , at Norris European hotel , corner 16th atid Wobstor. 650 FOK HKNT Two neatly furnished rooms , very desirable location , private family. Also room for two or three nice table boarders. B. E. corner Twentieth and I'arnam. 419 o25 * F I OK KENT Furnished rooms , 712 South 18th street. 854 FOR KENT A nice largo front room , all modern Improvements and nicely furnished 601 B 20th St. 213 TJ1OK SALU Ono of the most prominent L corners In tbo business nortlon of the city. F. II. Konnard , 114-116 B 16th Bt. 304 F IOIt KKNT-Onico room f 10 per month , 2nd tloor. 310 8.15th st. 4.10 FOK RENT I'm nulled room in Greunlg blk. cor 13th and Dodvo st. Inquire of Davis tc llotherlngton. Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 291 FOR KENT-DesIrublo furnished room for gentlemen at 8J9 Howard Bt. 689 FOB RENT A largo front room In now house bnth , and latest modern improve ments , 1018 Webster street. 122 F IOIt RENT Furnished rooms , 1707 Cats. 115 FOK RENT .1 rooms suitable for house keeping , southwest cor. 21st and Nicholas st , 5U > TJ OH RENT Fiirnllhed rooms In firueulg i ! block , cor 13th and Dodge. IavU& Hether Ington , Mlllard hotel blllard room. WJ F OK RENT-Furnlshcd rooms 1815 Dodge. 631 F OK KENT-NIcel" furnished room. 1023 Dodge. * 111) ) T7IOK RENT Largo front room furnished for -1- gentlemen , ground floor : maple trees ; grass ; pavement ; street cars every nvo min utes. 609 Howard it. Also rooms furnished and unfurnished for light housekeeping. U2.S > OR KENT Furnished front rtom , near car line at corner of Dodite and 2Uh streets , Inquire of A. H. Comstock 152J arnam st.U38 U38 FOR RENT Newly furnished room , board if deilrcd , 1720 Dodge st. 704 F OK RENT-Furnlshcd room , 1623 Dodge. 4J8 EOK KENT Suit * of furnished rooms for gentlemen. A , Hospo , Jr. , 315 N. 17th. MO F I OK RENT-Nlcely furnlshca room * , to gentlemen - tlemen only , 22U.N.iHth St. . Room 2. 84S FOB KENT-Ware room cor. 14th and Cull. Ifornla on Belt Line , lor particular * en- qulre at Dnlon Nat , bank. 181 R HKNT Elegant suite of rooms , referen ce * required , 1807 Douglas BU 107 RENT Furnlibcd room * , en suite , in -L private family , modern coavenloncos. Apply to L ili * A Lull * , llth and Dodge its. 743 Fg R RENT Nlcly luraiinea room , 1921 Dodf l 199 VOB BALE HOTJBES LOT3. FOR BALE-5 of the choicest lot * in South Omaha , located In Exchange place. 3 of them corners , pries 1900 eaon. J. i' . Hammond , 11T H 16th. 459 _ OR BALE-Or trade , K lots in the weitfrn part of Omaha near th Renioa car line , prle * 1400 each , | 25Q due on contract * piyabla In 8 quarterly payments , will trndk lnt te t In contract * for NtDraitft. lan < L WoCulhH > A.o . , . WE Can so for a tow dayi only Lot 10 < disc's addition for IO.OX Lo 171 Olie's addition , | ,800. Block ! Boyd'l addition , $ % , . One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Remington A McCormlck , 220 South 1Mb it. 4W FOK SALE or trade , s w cor 7th and Leaven- worth : prleo f l.l/H . ) . ) , Mortoiuen i ; Chrlst- son. 1414 Fixrnamjt. 307 17) ) 1POK SALE -Lot 111 , block 17. one of the fluent -I-1 residence lots in Umuha on 1'nik a > qfaclmr llanicom park , prlco $4,003MO cash , bnlanco time , block from two street cars , street will bo paved this summer , paving and grading to Co * . ! nothltur : this will bo open only for a few dajs. Address Owner , Arcudo hotel , Omaha. 4CO 15J E OKSALKortrauo quarter section of land In ouch of the following counties In No- brnskn : FrJiikllu , Kearney , Adams and Buf falo. A ecctir.n In Keith county ; 200 acres In Dun-son county. Four flno lots In Sterling , Col. Two lots in Central City , Neb , Ton Bhares of Omaha Panorama stock. A team ot horses , with or without harness and carriage. A lot In Council Illulls. Three lots in Murphy's addition ( Washington Hill ) and about twenty- five lots m Omaha and South Omaha. All good property. Will trade for unlnctimbcred elty or farm property. Evans & Blnrkhurn , 1510 Dodge st. 446 19 IF YOU want to buy , sell , or trade you prop erty , call on Charles E. Spotiuood , 3 < Vij ) 8. IOth St. 4Qg YjlOK SALE The choicest lots in Orchard L Hill. If desired will build houses on thi'so lota to suit piuchasors. Now It the time to get a beautiful home on easy terms. Apply to Charles i : . Spotswood , ! 105H 3.10th St. 4U8 P'OK SALE-Cornor lot on Virginia ave with two good bouses , cheap at J7.U01 Term * easy. Houses rent for $70 per month. 8. 3. Cumpboll , 310 8. IBth it Chamber of Com merce. E73 I AND for Hale ; 2,400 acres in one block of * tine farm or glazing land , well watered , with running spring , 0 miles from two It. K. stations , Kllswoith county. Kansas , good Im provements , house * , sheds , barns , \e . 200 acres under cultivation , good average corn crop this year , will loll one section (040 ( acres ) or the whole , or exchange for city property. In- qulroof A. D. Morse , 14th and Farnara street. 230 VvTELL Improved farm of B40 .ncres with valuable - uable buildings near Albion , Neb. , for Bale , f 10 per aero only f 1,400 cash , Oal on time. Anothorof 3-0 acres close to Noligh , Neb , for 14,000 , onlv tCOO cash , bill on time. A splendid ranch of 1210 acres with good house , barns , shedswindmill pump , Ac , for ( S per acre In Holt Co. , Nob. , il miles from good town. H ) acres good Improved land In Plorco co.closo to town only f 7 per aero , ! 4 cash. > j on time. Will trade Interest In 1 or 2 good lots In South Omahn for irood driving horse. Stringer & Co , 1513 Dodge , opp P. O. OBI 13 FQlt SAMC-A charming llttlo homo,9 rooms , beau til ully finished , In Idle Wild , 15,600. Let us show you this , rorv cheap. ( load speculation. We can sell you 4 lot * In Clifton Hill , two corners , at the original prioe when first put on the market There is good money In these. ll-roomhouse , all modern Improvements , on lot 33x132 , barn , etc. , only 3 minutes' walk from postollico , on paved street Investigate , only f",500. Now B-room house on Hamilton street , lot BOx 1ft ) , cast of Lowe avenue , only , JWO , very cheap. You cannot buy at n bettor time. Call and ice our list. Mllobcll & Leyonmarck , 1610 Dodge street 2VJ 13 FOIt SALE A llvo-aero tract In Benson's add. , nlroady platted , at a bargain : also a nice hit In Arbor add.tS30 , ! 5 cash. Inqul'e2C23 Parker Bt. 317 13J tUG Snap Two good houses and lots * . o. A corner of IBtti and draco sts. $7,000. On car line 2 blocks from cable line , both streets tobopuvod. 45 ft on Ohio bet 15th and ICth. fl,300. 160 acres 3 miles cast of Fremont for Omahn Corner acre In Hyde Park , IJ75. Active Heal Estatoand Property Exchange , 1524 Dodge. 3IS 13 IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V. Grum.UMN 15th st. 100 lots ' < of a mile of U , P. depot for sale or trade. U-room house for rent Two 10-room houses for rent , sale or trado. IdlswIUlo. By 816 L. V. Crutn. 120 N 15th St. NOTICE to real e-tato agents. Heal cstnto agents aru hereby notified to withdraw from sale Auguit 15th , blocks 11 and 1C In SchlcslnKor'B addition , which adjoins the Pat rick I arm. / . T. I.mdsoy. TOO SALi ; 'Jho Iliioit residence lot on JTiOll * Dodge street ! l blocks West of post ollloo , 80 feet south frontage , a corner. F. 11. Ken- imrd , 114-116 , S. liitb st. , Wi FOH SALE Ono million acres of land In Ne braska. Speculator's lands.rullroad lands , ranches , and farms In all parts of the state. Send for pamphlet containing descrip tion and price of ever one thousand farms. A fine topographical mapof the state lent free upon application. B. H. Andrus , for 10 years Ccn'l Land Agent B. & M. It li. Klghtb nad P streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240 Notice. Jllds will bo received by the board of public jandsand buildings at uny tlino before'August 16,1887 , at 2 p. in. , for donations for the location for the "Nebraska Industrial Home. " Usual rights reserved. By order of said board. July 20,1M7. O. L. LAWS , Secretary. ju29d-to-aug5 ! ANSON S.HopKiNS.ueril.Manage IIiv vc the largest nnd most complete assortment ot Fire Place Furnishings IN AMERICA. One Hundred andSevcniy-Five Difleerent designs of fireplaces can be seen all set up in our showrooms. Also complete Bath and Toilet Rooms all fitted up with Tiles. BRASS GOODS Ofall the choicest and inoit orignald signs. Readers of this paper requiring goods in our line should call upon or commanicate with us. O HomffipathicPhysici Olhcoand rosldonco. Koom 17 Arlington Ilock l(24IodKoSt. 1st ImlidiUB Went of Postolnca Telephone 33. 33.M. M. It. JR1SDOS INSURANCE x AGENT , Merchant * ' National Hank Building , Koom I Up-Stalrs. Telephone No. 375 , Omaha , Nebraska. nKPUESINTl Phoenix , London , England $5,723,374.11 Firemen's.Newark ' , N. J 1K < ,84431 Glen's Falls , Glen' * Falls , N. Y 1,4'SA2M.M Glrard , Phlladclpdla , Pa 1,2(1),503.70 ( ) Westcbbiter New York N. Y . . . . 1.342.SA9.05 FOR SALE. Anlilind on the Southern coast of Mnssnchu lettl < J6od fliblnk and beach for bathing. Ixj ct4 la the bsn Summer Climate In the word | tat full pu-Uclir * Addruas , . IDWAHD. B. MERRILL , H utual ttf * buiriUir , ! tt Natsau St. , N. Y , MAM Wto it nuc ijniirrin WITH tit * oioatirnr CF r t * COUXtnr WILL ( II T BXAJUXIMO THIS Mir THAT Till CHICAGO.ROCKISLAND&PACIFICRAILWAY . fly reason of IU central po lllen .o e relation to linn East of Chicago , and continuous U.lf t terminal point ! Writ , Northwest and Southwest , U th true middle link In that transcontinental jritcm which InTltcs mul facilitate ! travel uiil traffla between the Atlantic and 1'aclflc. The Kock Island main llnnd branches Include Cht- c eo , Jollot , Ottawa , La Ball * , renrla , Ucnetoo , tiollne and nock IiUmt , In Illinois ) IiaTenport , Muicatlne. A > t lilnrton , Palrfleld , Ottumwa.Oskaloosa , WcttUb- * rty , low * Cltyleitoln < , IndlanolaWlntenet , Atlan tic , Knotrllle , Audukcn , Itirlan , fluthrle Centre and Council Dluffs , In Iowa I Gallatln , Trenton , Bt. Joseph , Cameron and Kanssa City , In Jtlnourl : Lnvrenwortn and Atohlion , InKanian Albert Ix > a , Minneapolis anil ft. 1'txnlIn Minnesota ) Watertown anil Sloni FallsI * Dakota , and hundrtdi ot Intcrmrdlat * cities and tuwu. "The Great Rook Island Route" < Guarantees rp rd , comfort , certainty and lafcty. Ill riermantnt way li dlillnruuhrd ( or IU ciccllf nco. Hi brhcf ! are or ftono and Iron. Hi track li of unlld t rlIts rollingKtock perfect. Its pAMenfftrequliira nt hasallthviafi./ appliances that eipcrleneo hai prureJ nifful , and for luxurious accommodations Is uns.lr * paisrd. Its Eiprcts Trains contltt of superior Uay Coaches , clrg-ant Pullman I'ataco Parlor and Sleep.ig ! Cars , superb DlnlnK Cars , proTMInf delicious mull , and ( bctwetn Chicago and et. Joneph , Atclilion and Kansas City ) nstful Recllnlnd Chair Can. lit man- aeemrnt Is conservatlTC , Its discipline oiactlntr. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" Between Chicago anil Minneapolis and St. 1'oul Is the faTorlto. Or r this Una Solid Fait F.tprns Trains run dally to attractlra resorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Sioux Falls , to the rich whtat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Via Bencca and Kankakeo , the Ilock Island offers superior inducements to trarelen between Cincinnati , Indian apolis , Lafayette and Council lllulls , St. Joseph , Atchl- on , Learenworth , Kansaa City , St , I'aul , and Interme diate point. . All patrons ( especially ladles and chil dren ) r eel > e protection , courtesy and kindly attention. For tickets , maps , folden , copies ot Western Trail , or any deMrcd Information , apply to principal offices la the Unlttd States and Canada , or address , at Chicago , 1.1. CAW , I. ST. JOH , I. A. MOIIR0II , fMI ft * ! KMk | t AMI CM ! MMr f. Ck * . ni * IHm Aft STEGK PIANOS Remarkable for powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; SO years' record , the beit guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments. WOODBRIDGE BROS. , HOUSEKEEPERS'10E LKETTLE Bomethlnfr. entirely new and sells at Right. Hur- ton's Stoiunlcss. Oilor- 'icss ' , Non-lloll-Ovor-Kot- tlo. Has dorp raised cover and water joint , and an outlet which car ries all gtcam nnd odor of the chimney. Patent Btenmor attachment nlono worth the jirlco. ARcntH wanted , maloor fcmnloln every town In Nebraska. Prodis $5 to JIO per day. Liberal terms and oxclu lc toi rl- ory given. Send stump for cliculiir undtt-rms. j'rli'cs. it. | , fl.75 : S ( it. , $1.85 ; 10 qt. , 13 ; 14 qt. , | 2.aa Modfl by mall , * ic. W. 8. COOMII8 , General Agent , Omnhn Neb. , V. O. Box 48J. OMAHA DEPOT EALD1NG BASE-BALLSUPPLIES , LAWN TENNIS AND - - - - - POBT1NC ODD COLLINS GUN COMPANY , Agents 1312 Douglas Street. SURVEYORS , OfficesSouth Omaha IlnomS , Hunti Bullaliu.Nlnth Omaha Bo mO. over Commercial National liank. THE CHIC AGO AND North Northwestern western Omaha , The only rood to tulto for Jes ) Molncs vfir eliiilliown , Ocdur KaiildF , Clinton , Olxon.Chlcu- KO , Milwaukee and all point * east. To tbo people ple ol NouraskH , Colorado , NVjonilntr , utah , IdahoKovai'a , Ore on , WaahliiKton , and Cell fornla , It offers guperlor advantages not possl bio by any other lino. Anionar u tow of tno numerous points of sir pjvriorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road Wftween Omaha and Chicagoarc It * two tralim R day of DAY COACHES , which are the finest that human art and Ingenuity can creuta Its PALAGKE SLEBl'INO OAKS , which are models of comiort and elejrance. Its I'ARLOK DKAW- 1NQ KOOM CARS , unsurpassed bv any. and Ita widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS , the ccjual of which cannot be found clsowhoro At Council Illutlsthe trains of the Union 1'acldu 'Ky. ' connect In Union Unpot with those of the Chicago & Northwestern Ky. In Chicago the trains of tlilg Hue maku close connection with those or all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Niagara FalU , [ lutTalo , I'itlsliuiq-Toronto , Montreal , Iloston , New VorU , I'liiladolphlu , Iliiltlmoro , Wafehinpton nd all points in the cast , U6k for a tlckutIn the "NOKT1MVES1KKN. " If you wish the best Hcconunodfttion , All ticket agents bell tickets via this line * II. HuGHI'IT. U V. WILSON , ( icnl. Manager , Oenl. Pasa'rAont ( Clilcago , 111. W. M.I1AI1COCK. 1 , . It. IIOLLKS , Westaru Agent , rity I'ass'r Airent , Oniuua Nebraska. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE or THE The Beat Itonte from Oiimhn and Council Jiln/fa to' . TI-IEJ Ej ST Two Daily lietwcun Omaha and Council Jilullf AND Milwaukee , St. I'aul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids Rock Island , Kreeport , Rockfoid , Clinton , Oubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Maiii on , Janetville , Beloit , Winona , I.a Cro e , And ill other ImporUnt yolnti Kuit , Nortbrmt . and Southeait. iof thtouifb tirkdts rill on the llckul ( ig til at HOI If.rnau. 3t ln P1ton hotel , or at Union riclQo aipot. ? illlDaa flleeurt o4 10 * flneit Dining Ctrl In lh world ie run OB lti main Ha * or thu Cbiojfi , Mllw nkre 4 SU P ul Hallway nrl Try - ry MtintluD U ptid to p t > ng n by court- out iuplnf i of thu cotnpAor. U. UILC.IH. Oennrtl nn r. J. f.TuoiiK. Ai l ttr.lOfii r l Muniker. A. V. H. C HI-JINTIR , an ri.l I'aiitu ur and Tlcfol Agent Tc ! < ft Aitanu * . T. CLiMK deutial dupirot : aa Dt. ' a Nationiil Bank , U. S. DKPOS1TOUT , 13013. PMd up Oapttnl . $380,00(1 ( Surplus . , , . . i . 49,000 H. W. Yalps , I'rcsidcnt. A. E. Touznlin. Vlco-Presldcnt. W. H. S. Hughes , UashituY 1HKEOTOIIS : W , V. Morse , John S. Collins U. W. Yates , Lewis S. Rood A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th nml Farnnm Sis , A General Banking "Justness TrnnsactlJ . First National M , 0. 8. DEPOSITORY. Capital $800,009 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kounlre , President. John A. Creighton , Vice-President. F. H. Davis , Cashier. W. H. Mequier. . Astt.-Caihleitf THE BANK OF COMMERCE filO Xbrth IGth Stivet , Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000 GKO. E. BARKER , President HOBT. L. UARL1CH8 , Vtce-Fresldont. F. II JOHNSON , CosMo * DIRECTORS : BAntir.i.n. JOHNFO.N , Gio. K. BArtKin , ROBI. L. GAIIUCIIP , VTM. SKIVERS F. 0. JOHNSON. A general banking builness transact * ! Interest allowed ou Into depo Union National Bant OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , . $100,00f Authorized Capital . B00,00 < | W. W. MAHSII , President. J. W. RODRFER , Cnihlef Accounts solicited and prompt attention ! given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Cnpitol Av * enue and ICth sts. Telephone No 842. Union TrustCo 3OSS. 15th St. , Oiiuilm , Alcb. Capital , $300,000 Loan * Miitlo on Kcal Entitle. School , County and Municipal Bonds No * gotiiitotl. WM. A. PAXTOW , WM. O. MAUU President. Vlcn Pros. II OUT. L. UARI.IUIH , F. 1) ) . JOHNSON , bccrotar ? . Treasurer. WM. A. PAXTON , HCNHV T. Cr.AiiKE , W. O. MAIJI , , L. \VIM.IAMS. . HUUT. 1 * OARi.iciifl. 8. It. JOHNSON. F. II. Joiir-bON. lu.U L/lilllll Cor 13th and Douglas sts. Capital Stock $160,000 Liability of Stockholders. . . . SOO.OOO ) The only regular savings b tnk m the atiito.Fivt percent interest paM on deposits. Loans Made on Rual state. nmcuts : JuvC. BARTON , Piesldcnt ; J. J. Biiowx Viol ) President : U M. IIEXNETC , Manugmr Di rector : JOHN K. WIMIUII. Cashlur. DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . , 1707 Olive SI. , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Mibsouri State Museum of Anatomy St. Louis , Mo. , Univcuity College lIospU tal , London , Giesen , Germany and X York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE OF DISEASES , More especially those arising from iinpur * dence , invite all so suffering to correspond ! without delay. Diseases of infection ana contusion cured sately and speedily without - ' out use of dangerous druus. I'atientsj whose cas & have been neglected , badlyt treated or paonoundcd incurable , should } not fail to write us concerning their sympU toins. All letter * icceive immediate at * tention. JUST PUBIJSIIGO , And will be mailed FREE to any address ] on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "I'ractical Obseivations on Nervous Debility and ( Physical Hxlinustion , " to wliich is added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chapters on Diseases of the RcproduutivaJ Organb , the whole forming u vaiu.ililc meils ic.il treatibc which should be read by nil } oung men. Address DRS , S. & D. DAV1ESON , 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. N.W. Harris & Go 115-117 MONROE ST.CIIICACOffi fl Ml/ir 66 DEVGNSHIIE ST. , BOSTON. U AIIIV I. of CountiesCilteToiviu\Vaterj BONDS ( Jin , btroct. lt.lt Uo.'u a iiicol tultr , Corrcjpuuilenoo sclotilf ! ( HEALTH PRESERVING CORSET. CAUTION-DO lit othm I < 1 ° , - bvlof M i'I" ' ' nils ssihlslsiheOiiioi. eif MAI : COILIU WiR Ui srsiNS Emrcc SscM , TIOK LOKSIT tnd mocry will bt utao ed n rer ( Acf four witki w irll t ptrffctly Iklllfltlery , i by Duy CoflDI , ywia/c 1 > ' ) J. i Sni nii.fi ( , . ' Ithllllak Comt tuik'iwi , DUfjlt ,