Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 15, 1887, Image 1

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Another Encounter Between Sheriff Ken
dall's ' Fosse and the Utoa-
Sanguinary lie-ports of the Affray
From ( Jlenwood Springs Col-
orow Bcllnvcd to Ilnvo Been
llclnforcedby Ills Bon ,
Tim Utcs Emctitc.
OI.KNWOOW SPHINOS , Colo. , August 14.
[ Swclal Telegram to the BKK. | It has just
seen learned that when the sheriff's posse
( truck Calarovv's camp , ono of the party llrcd
two of the Indian tepes. Three Indians
were Rliot and badly wounded and four guns
were taken from them. A runner came Into
Chapman on the Grand river , twelve miles
below hero on Friday , and reported that the
Indians had Kendall's party surrounded and
ode round them all ono day tiring towards
ihem , but not hitting one of them. This re
port agreed with the lust from Meeker
to the effect that all communication Is
cut off between him and Meeker. It
Is not known where he Is at present Six
bourn after tlio sheriff made the attack on old
Colorow , his son , Knoy Colorovv , was seen
by a ranchman going down the south side of
the White river alone , seemingly going
toward Douglass creek , where a large huntIng -
Ing party of Utcs was camped. Kney was
Been by Senator W. 11. Eddy at 4 o'clock the
same afternoon at the head of sixty Utes at
least thlity-tlvo miles trom where ho was seen
In the mornlnir making for the northwest
The party acted vury suspiciously and asked
where the trail led to , although they knew
well , having made the ti all. This party was
a reinforcement led by Colorow's son who
Is about thirty years ot ago. He effected a
Junction with the old man's party that night
at the junction of the Big Beaver and Coin
creeks near the Milk Creek battle ground.
It Is thought that the Indians now number
125 warriors. The same night twenty Utos
went to the house of a ranchman near there
and said to him ,
"Indian no want fight ; If white man want
fight , Indian ready. "
The Indians told the ranchman that three
Indians were wounded and that they would
do nothing In retaliation If the four guns wore
taken from them were given back and they
were allowed to hunt. They then loft saying
"Indians move camps no more ; If white man
want fight Ute ready. " They also said they
wore friends to the settlers but would "para
lyzo" the sheriff and his men. The place
where the Utes arn now camped
Is almost ininacccsslblo for
white men. It is densely wooded
and the Indians can stand off ten times their
own number. Colorow has been wanting to
tight for a long time but never could get a
large number of his nation to join him.
The Utes despise the negro soldiers and In
their conversation with the ranchmen men
tioned above , said :
"Ono Ulu good ten buffaloes , ( mcanlnc
colored soldiers ) . "
Mr. Burnsteln , n ranchman , lost some
horses , and while hunting them this morning
after the encounter between tlio sheriff and
Colorovv ho struck the trail of a largo party
of Indians. Ho followed It up and came up
to a big party of squaws and pappooses who
were on the trail leading to the reservation.
They were driving his stock with a grcaldcal
uf loose stock of their own. No resistance
. was made to his cutting them out. At that
time ho had not heard of the trouble.
Apprehension Felt Tor Settlers.
DENVER , Col. , August 14. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEE. | Connsldcrablo appre
hension Is felt hero for the safety of the settlers
tlors on the White river reservation in the
vicinity of Meeker. This Is caused by thu
fact that no authentic news can bo received
from the latter place as to their condition.
It Is thought that Colorow and his band are
strongly reinforced and are holding the uss
between Glonwood and Meeker , makln * it
pxtruinely dangerous for couriers to
attempt to make the trip , oven
at night. Governor Adams ha :
ordered a reinforcement of arms and ammu
nltlon shlppod to Glenvvood with all possible
baste. All the available horses belonging to
the cavalry have been gathered and sent to
the front so as to be ready In case of urgent
necessity. Telegrams were being received
kluiost hourly by the governor from cow men
all over tlio state otferlng their services In
putting an end to Colorow's murdering raid
ers. The following telegram has been re
ceived < by Governor Adams from Adju
tant General West , who Is stationed
t Glenvvood with 120 militiamen await
ing the return of the courier sent to learn
the whereabouts of Sheriff Kendall and hi
"GLENVVOOD Si'niNos To Governoi
Adams : Have consulted Mayor Connor ,
Mr. Reynolds and other prominent clti/ens.
Mid on their recommendation have sent
courier to Sheriff Kendall for Information.
No direct news from him slnco frlday. Man
In from country near Meeker last night re
ports that Senator Eddy met sixty bucks
who , ho thought , were trying to join
Calarow. This would glvo him over
ninety fighting men. Kendall has
plenty to stand off. but not enough for
kg resslve warfare. Citizens and stockmen
kbout Meeker are greatly excited and would
teen end the matter If they had suitable
arms. Infantry are no good at present. I
suggest that the militia of Loadvlllo , Denver
ind Colorado Springs with tlio Chaffo ar
tillery with gatllng guns be held In readi
ness to report at a moment's notice. There
Is plenty of forage but no commissary store.
The proposed force can make good Indians
out of the whole outtit. The courier will try
to get back Monday night Many wild re
ports but nothing authentic ,
WEST , Adjutant General. "
It Is understood that Colorow has sent his
brother to Uncompahgre Agency asking for
isblstanve and that probably lifty or sixty
narrlors will bo sent This will swell the
numbers In the renegade outtit to the neigh
borhood of 160 well armed men who know
ivcry foot of the country and a party which
It will be no easy matter to conquer.
What Ho boat By Living With 11U
American Love.
NEW VOHK , August 14. [ Special Tele
gram to the BiEl : A great deal has boon
Ft1 ihid about tlio wealth which the late Lord
Druminond would have possessed If he had
not persisted In coming to America and
living with the woman bo loved. But the
greater part ot the money to which the
family Is said to bo entitled Is , In fact. In
litigation , and ha been for a long time.
There were certain very valuable estates in
Scotland , now In possession of Lady Wll *
louehby Do Ersbcrg , but which , It Is as
sorted , rightfully belongs to the Drum-
iiiond family. These estates ro stild to
bo now vvoith fully -10,000 a year , while
Connelly they biought In the enormous In
come of 1BO,000. Lord DrunuuomVs father
. died a number of jcars ago , but his grand
father , the earl ot Perth , lias long been light
ing to get these estates back , and Is ntlll ugbt-
inn now at the ago of eighty-live. The young
Lord Drumniond was looked to to assist in
carrying on this fight , and hence It was that
his family wished him to marry a rich Amer
ican girl. Lord Drummond's maternal crand-
mother , Lady Cape ! , also left some money ,
about 5,000 a jear , which was to go to her
three children. Ono of these. Mr. Drum-
mend , had eloped to America , however , It Is
said , and was supposed to be dead , consequently
quently the other two children took the
> ,000 a year , and young Lord Drnm-
mond's claim was never recognized.
There are pome estates In France , as
It has just apjicared , which were hiBt about
to be turned over to Drumniond at the time
of ills death. These vvete bequeathed to him
bv a great aunt , the Counters De llatberg ,
and amounted to some 00,000 In securities
besides some real property. In his will ,
Drumtnond loaves all his property to his
daughter. Perclval O. Ullman , his friend
and lawyer , thinks there will bo no difficulty
In securing the property for the daughter.
He Is Inclined to believe tl t now the Eng
lish relations may take tin the little girl , and
If the Earl of Perth should die without gainIng -
Ing his suit , the little girl's claim to the Peith
estates , worth 8200,000 a year , would be
Ho Formally Assumes the Hecnl Of *
flue nt Tirnnva.
TinxoVA , Aucust 14. Prince Ferdinand
was enthusiastically welcomed on his arrival
here on Saturday night To-day ho attended
Te Deum In tlio cathedral , From the cathe
dral , with a brilliant military and official escort
cert , he proceeded to the hall of the great so-
branje. The sobranje was In session and
when the prince enteicd he was greeted with
prolonged cheering. The metropolitan de
livered an address and administered the
oath to the prince , who thereupon
signed the constitution. M. Stol-
leif , prime minister , on behalf of
Prince Ferdinand read a proclamation sayIng -
Ing In part : "Wo , Ferdinand , by the grace
ot God and the will of the people , prince of
Bulgaria , announce to our well-beloved people
ple that wo assume government of the coun
try. We will rule In accordance with the
constitution , with tlio Intent to promote its
glory , greatness and development We
shall always be ready to sacrifice our
life for Its happiness. " There is no reference -
once to Hussia In the proclamation. After
tlio ceremony of installation the ministers
tenderou their resignation and the sobrango
was dissolved , Neither Turkey nor any of
the powers has replied to Prince Ferdinand's
no to asking of their approval of his election.
Prince Ferdinand held a council at Sis-
tova at which it is reported Foreign Minister
Natehuvltch disagreed with the prince in his
views upon the formation of the cabinet and
tendered his resignation. It is rumored that
Prince Ferdinand has Insured his life for
2,000,000 florins.
Novelist Oeoreo MaoDonnld Preaches
at Gospel Oak.
[ Co ) > i/r/0ht / 18371 > uJimu Qtmlnn Jtennett. ]
LONDON , August 14. | New York Herald
Cable Special to the BKE.J George MacDonald -
Donald , the novelist and poet , who long ago
retired from the Presbyterian ministry , to
day attracted an Immense audience to the
Presbyterian church at Gospel Oak , a suburb
of London near liampstead Heath , by his
temporary return to the pulpit. Gospel Oak
( s so named from the fact that there Is still
standing the old tree under which vVhltlield
preached when It stood , In the language of
the title of MacDon aid's best known novel ,
among "The Annals of a Quiet Neighbor
hood. " Ho looked more llku a member of
parliament or banker than a parson clad In
light gray trousers , white vest , and black
coat and grayish whiskers and beard ,
and merry blue eyes. Although slxty-throo
he looked only forty. Ho reminds ono of
Becchor , being unaffected , Impromptu of
manner , unconventional and full of well
balanced earnestness. His readings of tha
one hundred and seventh Psalm and thu
gospel about the man who bathed in the
pool blessed by the angel , were line speci
mens of clear , Impressive elocution , and his
off-hand comments were tasteful and Inter
esting. While preaching he half leaned
upon the desk , and In a conversational tone
talked to the congregation without manu
script , at times rising to dignity and elo
quencc , and employed exquisitely poetic
Illustrations. His theme WAS executing
duty In life as best contributing
to the happiness of others and one's self. He
derives a handsomu income from his thirty
volumes of novels and nine volumes of poetry
try , and Is also In receipt of an annual pen
slon of 100 from the queen's civil list , as a
compliment to his literary rank. Ho Is not a
Presbyterian scholar , and has taken cart in
amateur theatricals for charity. Ono In the
congregation spoke to mo enthusiastically
about the preacher's peiformance on one oc
casion of Macduff.
"Oh , what a man for the Plymouth churcli
pulpit , " said one of the American colony , a :
we quitted the chapel.
A Cyclone Near Paris.
PAHIS , August 14. A cyclone In the
vicinity of Leslgna caused loss of life and
An Eminent French Musician Dead ,
PAIIIB , August 14. Jules Etlnne Hasde-
loup , the eminent French musician In dead.
Llpukl Rcnpltnd for Ono Week.
LOSDOX , August 14. The Jew. Llpskl ,
has been granted a respite of ono week.
A VOUIIR Child Dcvotira Another to
HatlHly IluiiRor.
MEXICO , Mo. , August 14.--A. M. Bran-
stollor , colored , left her two children , aged
live years , and ten months , In an eight by
ten room closely shut up yes
terday while she went to a
neighbor's house to spend the day. At
night , when the room was opened , a
horrible sight presented Itself. The
older child was almost suffocated
and the younger was In the throes of death.
A portion of the llesh of the breast and
stomach had been eaten away by the older
child , who was almost starved. The mother
Is under arrest. The younger child will die.
Trying to Secure Evidence to Convict
Thcinot Murder.
ST. JOSEIMI , Mo. , August 14. iSpecial
Telegram to the Beo.j Sheriff Turner , of
Atchlson county , Is In the city and spent
most of to-day In the county jail In close
conversation with the men confined hero by
Atchlson county for safe keeping accused of
being members ot the Franklin igang which
shot and killed several citizens 'of Holt
county , not long since , In resisting arrest for
horse stealing. It is understood that George
Stone , one of tlio prisoners , seventeen
years old , will turn state's evidence. He
seems to be afraid to toll anything , however ,
as long as the Franklins aiu at liberty , his
reason being the belief that they would bunt
ana kill him. Stone Is the son of a respect
able farmer In Atchlson county and says
lie met the Franklins the morning ot
the shooting and was pressed by them to get
Into the wagon which they were riding In ,
as ho happened to be going the same way
with them. Ho hau not been with them long
when the pursuing party came In sight , and
taking Stone with them , thu thieves took
refuge In a farm house , from the windows of
which several of the pursuers were shot.
Stone sajs he knows who did Ilia shooting.
Public omnlon Is now inclined to the belief
that the boy's story Is laigely true.
Fnst Trains to I lie Coast.
KANSAS Cnv , Mo. , Aiuu-tu.-lt Is slated
thai fait trains w ill bo put on between this
city and Oniaha and the1 PaciUo const , which ,
will Itwu the time byifonrtcen houri ,
Its Recent and Great Growth in the South
and West.
Secretary Whitney Gels Into a Snarl
Bob Lincoln Fearful ofDyln
In the White House
Washington New * .
Opinions fly the Comptroller.
WASHINGTON , August 14. | Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J Comptiwller Trenholm ,
being asked whether , in his opinion , the na
tional banking system Is as well adapted to
the Interests of commercial communities ot
the south and west as It has proved to be to
those of the trading and manufacturing com
munities of tlio east , answered emphatically
in the alhrmatlve. In connection with this
answer ho said : "However , 1 should explain
that It has taken a much longer time for ag
ricultural communities to perceive the bene
fits of this system and to avail themselves of
Its advantages than requisite in the cases of
the others. " Ho added : "Now , however ,
the system Is making its way very rapidly
both In the west and tlio south. The exten
sion of the national banking system In those
sections has been greater In the last
two years and a half than It
has been In any part of the country during
any equal period slnco the close of the war.
Within this time the number of banks In the
louthern states has increased 37 percent ,
, nd the number In the western states 22 per
ent , while the Increase in the whole country
iorth of the Chesapeake and castof the Ohio
as been loss than 3 percent Since It Is
jafe to assume that , on the whole , people
understand tr.i-lr own business , It would ap-
icar that the tanning communities of the
loath and west recogni/o the value of the
national banking system , und 1 fully expect
o see a steady Increase in the number of
janks In these sections. "
Asked why ho called tor a statement of the
onditlon of banks August 1 , which Is some
what unusual , he iculled :
"That date was selected partly because no
rovlous reports had been made about that
line , and the Information was requisite in
order to complete statistics on
the record here. Apait from this
reason I should probably have
made a call anyhow. In order that the busi
ness public might be correctly informed as to
' .ho condition of the banks at a season at
ivhlch these Institutions are ncepared to meet
.he annual demands upon them tot the move
ment of crops. Public attention during Au
gust ana September has been generally cen
tered upon tlio bauk situation in largo cities ,
especially those In tlio eastern states. By a
natural and perfectly healthy law of trade
there is an annual flow of currency and capi
tal towards those centers in tlio spring of the
year and a rellnx Into the country as autumn
approaches. Eveiy autumn there Is a de
mand noon New York and other eastern
points for currency to bo shipped to the west
and south , and every year there arises
throughout the country an apprehension of
monetary scarcity and even of a panic be
cause of this movement. "
Whitney In n Snarl.
WASHINGTON , August 14. [ Special Tele-
Tain to the BEE. ] Secretary Whitney Imi
been accorded a great deal of praise from
the party press for his management of the
Navy department and his economic cat'e of
the funds of the navy. Up to tlio present
time , however , his great business ability has
been Insufllclent to solqo the problems
which have arisen In relation to the amount
of contracts lor the new cruisers. Whitney
liimself is anxious to ulvo the contracts to
Cramp , of Philadelphia , and that firm would
doubtless have bcon charged with the duty
of building cruisers No. Ono , Four and Five ,
but tor the express stcpulation In the law
that one of the vessels should bo built on the
Pacific coast , If , In thu judgment
of the president , It can bo builtoconomic.illy.
Besldo the two cruisers to be built , two gun
boats vvcie authoiUcd to bo constructed at
the same time. Mi. Whitney expected that
tno Union Iron works of California would
build one of these gunboats , and In that
event , tlio California concern would have
been awarded the contract for tlio gunboat
instead of a cruiser. Bui the concern could
see what was In tlio air , and retrained from
bidding on the smaller vessels. The bid of
the Union lion works on cruiser No. Four
was only 318,000 higher than the bid of
Cramp on the same vessel. As this difference
represents only about the co-t of transport
ing the steel plates from Pittsbnrg , and is not
so preat as the cost of sending the
vessel from Philadelphia to San Francisco ,
It Is looked upon as coming within the pro
visions of the law. Thiscomparison is based
on Cramp's bid to build cruisers upon the de
signs furnished by the department. These
designs were puichased by the secretary at a
cost of $25.000. Cramp submitted designs of
his own which he ottered to build for the sum
ot 8100,000 less than he would build the
others for. Now , while Secretary Whitney
Is anxious to favor the Philadelphia firm , ho
cannot do so unless ho throws over the de
signs for which a large sum was paid. Ho
roalUe the unpleasant predicament Into
which he lias gotten himselt and has
called upon the president to help
him out of the snarl. Several conferences
have been held , but up to tlio hour for clos
ing the department Saturday no conclusion
had been reached. There Is a political phase
to the question which mav have an Import
ant bearing In Inducing the decision In favor
of the California firm. The Pacific coast has
always considered that the rest of tlio coun
try treat the Interests of ttio slope as though
it were entirely o.itsido tno union. Tlio
Union Iron works employs about 1.100 work
men. It tills contract goes to California It
mav have considerable Influence upon the
votes of those employes of the Union Iron
works , whoso political opinions are not vury
firmly lixcd.
Pensions Granted Westerners.
WASHINGTON , August 14. [ Special Tel
egram to the BIE. : | Thofoilowlne Nebraska
pensions have been increased : Horace 1L
FrostUtlca ; AnthonyKesler , Hoton ; Alonzo
B. Langley , Kising City ; John Llndon ,
Exeter ,
Iowa pensions : David M. , father of John
L. Kersey , Knoxvlllo. Originals : John J.
Dlhel , Washington ; John A. Crawford ,
Shenandoah ; George A. Baker , Sellna ;
Frederick A. Heckler , Newton ; George
C. Jefferson , Northwood ; James A.
( Justine , Council Bluffs ; George K.
Coulee , Birmingham ; Freeman S. Dunk-
lee , Anamosa ; Samuel Brown , rfow
London ; Bahmon L. Hays , Malvern : Ireten
W. Nertz. Marshalltown ; Calvin Iluddle-
ston , Milton ; Solomon Holsey , Kldon ;
Thomas W. Bundy. Sloan : William Yahn ,
Slbloy ; James W. Pace , Knoxvlllo ; Daniel
Irydegger , Fort Dodge. Restoration : George
J. llann , Oxford Junction. Itehsiied : Wil
liam L. Keaggy , Maulcion. Mexican war :
John B. Bothvvell , Harlot ) .
Lincoln Abhois the White , House.
WASHINGTON , August 14. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEU. | When he was In Wash
ington a few days ago Frank Hatton related
some facts In regard to ox-Secretary Hobort
Lincoln's remarkable aversion to the Idea of
being a candidate for tlio presidency. He
says no ono can doubt the absolute sincerity
of the ex-secretary in protesting against auy
movement being made In his behalf. He
Implores his friends , It they have any regard
for him , not to think of or mention the mut
ter , lie has no desire to enter the white
house again In any capacity. Indeed , ho
seemi to hare a horror of
the place. His presence there at the assassi
nation ot bin father , and aculn after the
shooting of President Gitrflold , has caused
him to associate thought * of violence and
death Yiltu the presidential office of which ho
cannot rid himself. It Is believed that ho
iuu a 8uver tiUou feeling
elected president he would himself be In
danger of assassination. To a well known
army olllcer not long ago , who Inquired of
him about his presidential chances , Mr. Lin
coln replied :
"If you ever hear of my wan ting the of
fice , or belna a candidate for it , you may de
clare that I am an Idlotand 1 will confess It"
Admiral LaM'ti Resignation.
WASHINGTON , * uust 14. Secretary
Whitney has been ont of town to-day and It
has not bcnn posslbli to secure official con
firmation of the report telegraphed last
night that Admiral Luce has asked to
" > o relieved from the command of the
Vorth Atlantic .Squadron. Such In-
01 matlon as fcan bo gathered
'rom other sources , however , is entirely con-
Irmatory , and leave * no doubt that a letter
r dispatch ot the purport Indicated lias been
ecolved and that thd secretary has the mat
er under consideration. Thomtli there Is
luch speculation as to the probable successor
t Admiral Luce's 'command , It Is believed
hat no one has jet bocu designated , and
hut It has not nvcn been determined to
omply with the adinlral's requests.
Silver CortlllcntpB Itoady.
WASHINGTON , AuguSt 14. The treasurer
lavlni ; accumulated a supply of SI and 82
liver certificates tnihlclpiit to meet the cur-
ent neavy demand , tins arranged for the
irotnpt delivery of thesn notes to tlio banks ,
lankois and others making the required de
posits from and after to-morrow. The Issue
if these notes has been suspended slnco the
st of May last , A statement prepared at
he treasury department to show tlio status
f the 3 per cent loan makes the following
xhlbit : Total amount of loan , S30C.Vil'r > 0 :
edeemed under calls , ? 2a9,475ti50 ; purchased
.i,32-Ja50 ; called and outstanding S2.7&3-
Enftlnoer Whitney DUmlssed.
WASHINGTON , August 14. Mr. Whitney ,
who has Ion ? filled tlio position of chief
draughtsman of the bureau of steam engi
neering In tha navy department , has been
llsmlssed. Ills successor has not been ap
Another Good Day's Work By the
MothodlHta at Fremont.
FunMoNT , Nob. , August 14. [ Special
; o the BEK.J Yesterday morning the
amper.s here were blessed with a refreshing
hewer of rain , which laid the dust and
leared tip the atmosphere , preparing tlio way
'or the perfect day that was subsequently en-
oyed. Last evening Rev. J. W. Jennings ,
Blair's popular Methodist preacher , delivered
most excellent discourse from the text :
'By the grace ot God I am what I am. " The
audience was of good si/e until the mutter-
'm ; ot thunder trom the stoim-clouds that
lad been gathering 'warned these fiom the
city of Fremont that tliey-iliad belter seek the
shelter of their homos. Kev. T. C. Cleiiden-
iiing delivered an exhortation of ten-
lerness , and after a short altar smvlco tlio
jiieeting was dismissed. Brother Samuel
Gregory led the prayer meeting at 0:30 : in the
morning. Ucv. K. J. Uobinson , ot Vocarna ,
10Id a successful meeting at 0 a. m. . and at
Ui.'U ) Itov. Brooks conducted a bible reading.
Thus all the morning boms were devoted to
prayer meetings and praise services.
AtliSOltev. K W. Estop. Mrs. Dr. J. B.
Miixlu'lU and Mrs. Rev. G. M. Brown ad
dressed about 100 little children and a largo
company of larger children , llov. J. E. Kn-
slgn , of Omaha , followed with a few words ,
'llils meeting was one of the most Interesting
meetings that has been held.
At'JiUO Rev. 11. 1L Millard. of Omaha
HanscotuPark church , delivered an eloquent
sermon , taking for his text "Ono 'tiling
Needful. " His burning words and earnest
manner won the attention of the large audi
ence present and cannot have failed to im
press tnanv with the'truth.
Hev. A. 11. Henry , of Oakland , preached a
powerful sermon last night from tlio text ,
"Arise for this matter belongeth unto
Thee. " The speaker forcibly uortrayed the
tremendous Issue confronting us , namely :
our soul's salvation. He showed how men
trifled with this as of a matter of little or no
Importance , while careful of every worldly
interest. He was followed by Hev. James K.
Knslgn , of Omaha , In an eloquent appeal in
the way of an exhortation. At tlio close of
tills appeal many professed Christians hurried
to the altar tor a spiritual baptism , while
seekers were so wrought upon as to come
and bow at the altar and crv lor pardon in
Christ. Among the arrivals yesterday were
seen Kovs. T. B. Hilton and J. K. Ensign , of
Omaha ; Dr. and Mrs. David Marqiictte , ot
Central City , and Colonel Kitchie , ot I'apil-
lion , tha remited founder of Methodism in
Omaha. Itov. Charles Dawson , of North
Bend , has charge of the singing , and ably
assisted as he Is by the excellent choir , adds
materially to the Interest of the meetings.
The meetings will be continued at least
during two days of tills next week.
Kun Into By a Tonm.
Coi.UMims Neb. , August 14. I Special Tel-
Kiam to thoBKi : . | La&t nieht just before the
Union Pacific band excursion tiain pulled
out a crowd ot persons stanalng on thu cor
ner of the depot giounds , near the West Na
tional bank , was run Into by a team attached
to a spring wagon and knocked down.
Charles Godfiey's right lee was broken two
inches above the ankle. In tlio confusion
the team and bucgy , containing six men full
of hug Juice , drove off and escaped. Godfrey
Is thirty > ears of ace and has a wife , who Is
waiting upon him at the Llndell house In the
Little Kittle Baldwin's Havlshor
Badly Wanted by Judge Lynch.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , August 14. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : BuE.l The country south of
St. Joseph has been excited for several weeks
over an outrage committed on a fourteen
year-old girl named Kittio Baldwin , by Jack
McCartney , a market gardner , In whoso
Held Kittle was at work at the time. The
girl told her parents of the outrage , and
warrant was sworn out for McCartnev's ar
rest and placed in thu hands of Constable J.
W. Mansfield , who has not yet made a re
turn on it. The fanners in the
vicinity of McCartney's homo find
ing , after Investigation , that the
crime wasof a more brutal and fiendish char
actcr than they had been first told , onranizei
n posse a few nights after tlio assault am
went to his home , Intending to lynch him
Fortunately for him ha has not been seen ii
tlio country since , although every effort li
being made to catch him. The interest t
the case , which gained publicity a counlo of
weeks ago , be m revived by a letter from
McCartney , dated Kansas City , addressed to
the father of his victim , in which he says
says that unless the case Is hushed up
that ho will return and kill tha
girl and her father. Ho sajs
also that the constable saw htm
after the warrant had been Issued , and
Instead of arresting him advised him to leave
the country , even nnsistlne him In getting
awav. The letter Is In the hands of Prose
cuting Attorney Womlson. and if McCartney
Is captured now It v 111 co hard with him. Ho
Is about thirty years ot ace , and a couple of
years ago married a market woman , many
vears his senior , with whom ho has never
lived pleasantly. The Caldwiu family is
very hitjhly respected.
Thrcn Fatal Stab * .
ST. JOSEPH , M6. , August 14. [ Special
Telegram to the Ur.K.J This morning about
8 o'clock a man was found by the police on
South Sixth street , near the Kansas City
shops , In an insensible condition. Ho was
removed to the city hospital , when It was
found that he had been stabbed three times
In the right shoulder and nock with a long
knife. Letters on the man's person Identify
him as Frank Ashley , of Cleveland , O. The
cltv physician was summoned buteajs the
man cannot possibly recover.
Chosen TUshnp of Nova Rootln.
CHICAGO , August 14. A special dispatch
from Halifax , N. S. , says that Blsl-op Will-
lam Stephens Perry , of town , has been chosen
by the Nova Scotia synod as bishop of Nova
Scotia. It Is not jet known whether ho will
accept , as he Is nt pitneut In Hngland , < ' It li
reported that before startlnir for England ho
said he would not accept the vosit'on It tea-
deiedhliu- '
The Bate of the Ohatsworth Train When It
Was Wrecked.
The Authorities Will Follow Up This
Itccord Closely Condition of
the Victims at Cliatsworth
nil Piper City.
A Significant Discovery.
FOIIIIKST , HI , , August 14. [ Special Tele
gram to tie ! BEI : . | An Important discovery
Ims just bcon made. It Is ono which will
throw much light upon a question which has
boon discussed more or less since the fright-
full disaster of Wednesday night. The
record kept by Train Dispatcher lllbbard
Indicates tbftt the Ill-fated excursion train
was run at a rate of fifty miles or over per
hour when the disaster occurred. The distance
tancefrofrt Forrest to Chatsworth Is six
miles , and It was covered In seven minutes ,
or a fraction less than a nillo a
minute. The track between these two
points is an npguulo the entire distance.
From Chats worth to the point where
tlio accident occurred the grade
B cradually downward until about a mile
from the scone of the slaughter Is reached ,
where this section of grade becomes much
inoro marked. It Is now believed hero , In the
Hunt of this discovery , that the train must
have been running at a rate of speed even
exceeding fifty miles an hour. The fact also
that the ilrst engine of the double-header
cleared the sunken culvert ROCS to show that
this passage was made like a flash. The dis
covery of this record will bo followed up
very closely by the authorities now on the
Victims of the Wreck.
CIIATSVVOUTII , III. , August 14. The six
wounded who were in the town hall passed a
comfortable nlulit , and part of them de
cidedly Improved , notwithstanding a very
icavy thunder-storm , which lasted until
early morning. Mrs. II. E. Clark , of Roots-
town , O. , whose limbs \\ero amputated ycs-
erday. died this afternoon. Adam Schoon-
bergcr , of I'eorla , is about the same. The
lector In charge decided lie had better bo re
moved to tlio.I'eorla hospital , and tills was
ilnno this evening. Miss Aller , of West
Point , In. , and Dr. and Airs , ihuen , of Fort
Madibon. la. , are Improving fast. Dr. Ha/en
decided to taku tils wife and Miss Alter home
and they left to-day. Mr. Tavlor , of
Malcomb , Is In a critical condition ,
not having Improved slnco the
amputation of his leg yesteiday.
At PipsrCity all tlio wounded arc Improv
Ing with tin ) exception of Mr. Stlllwell , of
West 1'oint. who Is in a dangerous condition
wrth small hopes ot recovery. .Miss Adams ,
of I'eoria , and Mrs. Strachcn , of Syracuse ,
N. Y. , are nulto low , but may possibly get
well. Mr. Clifton , of I'eorla. says he 1ms
been unable to Hnd the remains ot Mrs. N.
J. Hicks. It Is thought they have been re
moved by mistake by some ono. ( Sunday lias
passed quietly after the three days excite
ment. None of the churches held services
to day. Almost the last vestige of the wreck
has been removed or burned.
The Union Pacific's President on the
Koacl'8 Affairs.
CHICAOO , August 14. | Special Telegram
to the Bun. | Charles Francis Adams , presi
dent of the Union Pacific , was In the city
last evening on his way cast. In conversa
tion witli a reporter for a local paper , Mr.
Adams said ho had been away from business
some weeks and knew nothing more of the re
cent railroad happenings than ho had learned
trom the papers , tlaving never been in the
Yellowstone country he had just spent
couple of weeks out there with his family
and was now on his way home.
'What do yon think will result from this
last hauling over of the Union 1'acilic by the
Investigating committee ? "
" 1 haven't any idea. Wo gave them ov < ry
opportunity to get all they wautnd , and they
made a most thorough and searching : invest !
gallon , 1 can't see that tlieio nny need
of it. I huven't hcaid of their unearthing
anything which required explanation. "
"Do you mean Mr. Hiintingtou'H kind o :
explanation , Mr. Adams ? "
"No ; but as for that , although 1 don'tknov
anything about the Central Pacific , it costs
money to defend a road against an attack of
congress just as much as it does to defend 1
in court. There are legitimate costs and ex
penses in both cases. I am sure that since
1885 , the date when my acquaintance with
Union Pacific affairs began , the company has
been managed honestly and fairly. "
"iiow about the profits ot the deal with the
Kansas Pacific ? "
"Simply that men bought stock at Ope.
cent share and held It till It was worth more.
At the same time Atchlson stock was kicking
around Boston at thtt same ligure , and the
men who bought It then and held It have
made monov. The case was the same will
the Northwestern , Burlington , JJock Island ,
und other western railroad stocks. They
were as low as Kansas Pacitic stock once ,
but the growtli of the country has made them
valuable. Nothing worse was done In the
case of the Kansas and Union Pacific coin
panics than in the case of these other com1
panles. But the Union Pacific alone has
been picked out for criticism. "
"Do you mean to present any now plan1
before the next conuress for the payment o
thu Union Pacific's debt to tlio government-
"That will what the
depend on investiga
ting committee does. Tlio debt does not tall
due for ten years , and wo are now nicctinc
every obligation. Wo ask only that the gov
ernment will treat with us on a buslnesi
basis , not on a political one. If the govern
ment would deal with us as with other credItors -
Itors , or as creditors generally treat ttioL
debtors , wo would be satlsllod as things are ,
Tlio first mortage bondholders hold n claim
for S3.,000,000 ! against the road as does the
government , but they do not think it neces
sary tos orry us continually. They simply
say , 'If you don't pay that debt when It is
duo ten vcars hence , wo shall take the prop
erty. ' Why should the government toke
any different course ? "
"How dots the Inter-stato commerce law
eflVct the Union Pacific ? "
"Not seriously , 1 think , In any way. It
has Injured our California business a little ,
but will not materially effect our earnings. "
Ives Likely to Wear Stripes For Ills
"Ijoans. "
CINCINNATI , O. , August 14. fSpeclal
Telegram to the BKE ] . One of the interest
ing questions of the day Is : Who loaned
money to Ives ? There has been , as stated
many times before , 8750,000 loaned on Cin
cinnati , Hamilton &Daj ton , stock in Cin
cinnati. This much Is known positively ,
that the loans numbered about 175 , and the
loss , if loss there Iswill not tall heavily upon
auy ono person. But there may not bo any
loss. Thomas Emery Is quoted as having
said , slncfl Ills return from New York ,
that no ono of tlio Cincinnati creditors ot
Mr , Ives would lose anything , but all would
botmld In full. Said Mr. Kmery last even
ing : " .Mr. Ives gutted Vamtalia more com
pletely than he did the Cincinnati , Hamilton
ik Dayton. As 1 understood It , ho deliber
ately helped himself to money in its treasury
sel/ed It , In fact. When that fact Is
brought out , 1 don't see how the young man
can escape state's prison. "
Mrs. Cleveland Will Kcoolrc.
NEW BKDFOHO , Mass. , August 14. Mrs.
Cleveland has ( Inally yielded to frequently
expressed and ureent requests to hold a pub
lic reception ana vrill rec lvoto-morrow , at
Uenciul Uicclv'8 Uou < e.
Wiohltft Present * Omaha With An
other Uamo YcMerdny.
The Oinahns and Wlchltas played thnlr
third game of the present scries yesterday
afternoon before a lluo audience , embracing
probably 1,300 people. The game was poorly
played and uninteresting , notwithstanding
the success of the homo team , As has been
their custom for tlio past six or seven games
the Omahas opened the game by scoring , and
yesterday they succeeded In piling up three
runs before tha llumpty Dumptys could re
tire them. Then In the second , third , sixth
and ninth they added a tally each , and quit
at an aggregate of seven , which won the
game by a margin of three. The WlchltRs'
run-getting occurred In the fourth and sixth ,
two tallies each , being retired In short order
In the other innings of the game.
TIM : comi _ :
OMAHA. I'OS. All. It. im. 111. IIS. I'll. A. K.
Walsh ss a
Mcssltt 2b
Dwver. Ib 5 2 1 3 1 15 0 1
Fussciu\ch.n : > n o u a i i 4 i
Under If
JanUon c.
Genius cf
B.xlldlo rf
Henly p
" *
Total 4T 7 12 10 0 37 S3 4
WICHITA , ros. AH. it. mi. 'in. us. PO. A. K.
Hemp cf 5 0 1 a 0 I 0 0
Daniels If
Sunday rf
Hllll..3b 4 1 3 3 0 ! ) 5 1
Isaacson..Ib 4 1 3 9 0 10 0 0
Butler ss
Schneider..c 4 0 1 l ° JJ _ J JJ
Totals 7 4 10 11 3 27 1C 8
Omaha 3 7
Wichita 0 00303000 4
Kuns earned Omaha 4 , Wichita 1.
Two base hits Hump 1 , Walsh 1 , Dwycr 1.
Three base hits Mossltt 1.
J.ett on bases Omaha 5 , Wltchlta 6.
Double plays Walsh to Messltt to Dwyor.
Struck out Hcaiy 3 , Hondrlcks 1.
Bases on balls llealy 3 , Hondilcks 4.
Bases given for hitting man with ball
Ilenciricks 3.
Wild pltches-Hoaloy 1. Hendrlcks 3.
Bases stolcn-OmahaU , Wichita 3.
' 1 line ot game 2 hour and 10 minutes.
Umpire Alexander.
Bader still holds tils rep as the boss base
Harper , the pitcher , was given his release
Sunday , of the Wlchltas. has the swagcor
of a Bowery tougli down line.
Wednesday , Thursday and Friday next
and the victorious Llncolns will bo bore.
Bandlo is doing some excellent coaching , a
thinic that the Omahas have been In sere
Fnssclhach is catching on great witli the
crowd. Some of Ills pickups and throws to
irst are of the phenomenal order.
Hemp , the little batter who leads the
Wlchitns list , was guilty of a contemptible
trick > estcrday In trvlnc to knock the ball
out ot Duryeo s hands when ho was thrown
out at first. Such work as this will some day
cause an awning to bo suddenly erected over
'ils eye , If ho isn't very careful.
Denver IS , Kansas City 4.
DENVEK , Col. , August 14. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEE.1 Denver won a game
atraln from Kansas City to-day by good field
ing and heavy batting. Kansas City played
the best fielding game of the series , but could
not hit Fltzslmmons hard enough to win.
The playing of Khrtt and Shea In center
field were the features. Shea made an ex
cellent one-handed running catch In the
ninth inning , being the best catch of the
series. Kliret took Klnzd's place and was a
decided Improvement , while at bat ho bit
hard and at every ball , not having a ball
called on him. Nichols and FlUsimrr.ons
pitched well , and both received coodsupport.
Graves and Mojers each caiglit : through the
series and have divided the honors Graves
having tlio better of It at the bat. The crowd
was large and enthusiastic , and appreciated
the improved plaving ot both clubs. An ex
hibition came w 111 be played between the two
clubs to-morrow. Score by Innincs :
Denver 1 3004103 0 12
Kansas City 2 4
Kuns earned Denver 0. Kansas City 1.
Two base hits Khret. Three base hits-
Manning , McSorley. Homo runs Phlllins.
Double plays McSorley to Phillips to Smith.
Howe to Lcggo to MeKeon. Bases on balls
Flt/simmons 2. Nichols 1. Hit by pitcher-
Smith. Krrors Dunver 4 , Kansas City 0.
Passed balls Graves 1. Base hits Denver
18 , Kansas City 8. Struck out By FiUaim-
mons 1 , Nichols 1. heft on bases Denver
0. Kansas City 5. Tlmo of eamc Two hours.
Batteries FIt/slmmons , Meyers and Nichols
and Graves. Umpire Ha an , Wild pitches
Fitzsimmons 3.
American Association.
Nnw YOIIK , Aucust 14. The game be
tween the Metropolitan and Brooklyn teams
to-dav resulted as follows :
Brooklyn 0 00000000 0
Metropolitans. . . . ! 0001000 * 3
CINCINNATI , August 14. The game be
tween the Cincinnati and Louisville teams
to-day resulted as follows :
Cincinnati 4 00001001 C
Louisville. ; 0 00000001 1
ST. Louis. August 14. The came between
the St. Louis and Cleveland teams to-day re
sulted as follows :
St. Louis 4 0001003 8
Cleveland 0 0100000-1
Game called in eighth inning on account
of rain.
Death of Senator Sargent.
SAN FHANCISCO , August 14. Ex-United
States Senator Sargeant died hero this aftoi-
Cleveland's Supporters AVant the Ex-
Hocretary Off the ArijiiB.
NKW YOIIK , August 14. [ Special Telegram
to the BKI.J : The Sun has an Aloany dis
patch saying : A deliberate attempt has been
made within the past month to oust Daniel
Mannlm ; from control of the Argus and for
ever obliterate him as a factor in New York
state politics. Colonel Dan Lament and
William H.Johnson are the gentlemen who
devised the scheme , and It Is broadly hinted
that the administration was not untavorablo
to the project. Messrs Lament and Johnsnn
combined to buy up enough of the capital
stock of the Argus company BO as to destroy
Manning's influence on the paper , but some
of Mr. Manning's friends heard of the
scheme and came to the ox-secrotr > 's rescue.
The Manning coterie now own a 8105,000 of
the stock , and the Lamont-Johnson combine
805,000. Lamont. as president of the Argus
company , would ho free to support the presi
dent fora ronomtnation and was tiyIng to
head the New York delegation to the next
national convention. 1' ' is said that Man
ning offered to liead the delegation to the
next convention , hut th'i president declined
Mr. Manning's offer In a pollto manner.
Whether Colonel Lament will jet head the
Ne.v York detonation is an uncertain ques
Reduced Fnro Hociirod.
ST. Josr.i'ii , Mo. , August 14. fSpecUl
Telegram to the UKK. ] Tlio committee
has succeeded In making arrangements
with the railroads for a rate to
the uniform rank Knights of Pahlas'
giand encampment , to bo held in
this city next month. From all points in
Missouri the round trip will bo ono fare , and
from Kansas and Nebraska points ono and n
third fare for thu round trip.
Lost On the Lake.
CHICAGO , August 14.-T.1reu young men ,
Frank llyram , Fred Kvans ami Thomas Col-
tins , started for Michigan City In a CHiflll
yacht Thursday and have not been heard
from since. Yesterday the yacht was found
floating capsUed. with falls set , oil South
Chicago , it Is bulluved thu three young mOn
have been lost.
A Very Lifeless Financial Campaign Amen
the Rails and Bears.
Important Influences Which Full tq (
Insert an Enlivening Movement
In Stock * Ilia Shipments
or Gold
A Hull Financial Week.
NEW YOIIK , August 14.-Speclal [ Telex
ram to the BKK.J Tliero vveru some inv
ortant Influences lit work during the week ,
uchnstho tteasury pnrclmso of bonds , th
atnago donu to corn by drought , with stibso *
uent rains in the s\mo sections , the liberal
uyiiu of stocks by London at Intervals , th
cclluo In foreUn exchange which led to aa'
mport movement of cold of considerable
roportlons , the varying pliascs of the Ives *
natter , numerous reports about an adjust
nont of the cablu war and the consolidation ,
t the land lines , and the sudden bidding UR |
f money near the close. These , or even ,
omo of them , would ordinarily busutllclunl
o produce marked activity and wide lluctua1
Ions in the stock market , but all of them
omblned failed to have any such effect this
line. The fact of tlio matter Is there has
icon a very general disposition to wait , Ural"
or ono thing and then for another , and la
bo meantime traders moved the market up
and down with great frequency , but as m
ulc , within very moderate limits. With the
exception of Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayt
on and a few other stocks , say Manhattan *
Northern Pacific , Memphis & Charleston ,
and Wheeling & Lake Erie , the net changes
or the week , generally speaking , vvcrfl
light. Business showed a large tailing oil
compared with last week , and during tliq
alter days positive dullness prevailed. T <
nut up the situation briefly It can be sali
.here Is an utter lack of any disposition t ,
enter into the campaign on cithfcr sldn of nc- '
coiwit. Tlio smaller bears run every time thq
mirkct shows signs of rallying , rtnd the bulls
generally are still awaiting tie advent of
some favorable dcvelopements that will
clmnirc the sentiment permanently for tha
better and Induce some ot the lnteo opeia-
ors to once more taku an active part in litt-
ng prices. Business In t railroad
bonds was on a very imodeiac
scalu throughout , A tow of tlio Isl'U's thnf
were dealt in for tlio first time In soViu wcrk4
showed maiked declines , but on tUe vvhill
he market was hrst at rather bettnA prlcis ,
iovcrnnu'nt bonds advanced until Inbccanx
cnown that Secretary Falrchlld had kcjcctud
ill proposals tost1 ! ! bonds to the government
except ono lot , following which a decline set
n that continued to the close. Foreitn ox-
cliaiiL-es were heavy and lower under In In
creased supply of security bills ail of
ferings against sterling loans. Posteurfaitcr
were reduced and the ligmcs were billow
the cold Impoitlng point. As lit lie
week drew to a.closn large amounts of sflcta
were engaged at London urn ! Havruffoi
slilpment to this side , the total being tl
mated at about i't > 00,000. Money ruled e\sV
- A per cent until Friday , when thuil
was suddenly bid up to 10 per cent. Tie
highest figure at which transactions too *
place was 8 , and nearly all business on cat
during the week was at 4K@r X per cent.
Slonctnry Transaction * in tlio Coun
try DnrliiR the Past Week.
BosroN , Mass. , August 14 , | 8pecial Tele
gram to the BEE. | The following table
compiled from dlstmtchcs to the Post , frira
thn managers ot the leading clearing houses
in tlio United States , shows thogiossox *
clnnges for the week ending August 13 ,
Ib87 , together w Ith the rates , per cent of In-
crcaso or decrease , as compared with those
ot the corresponding week last year :
The Redoubtable Colonel to Sell thcr
Leavonvvorth 'II in OH.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 14. ISpecIal
Telegram to the BEE.j Colonel I ) . It. An <
thony , editor and proprietor of tha LeavenV
worth Times , had the following to say to th (
BEE correspondent regarding the rumor tlia (
lie had sold his paper to an eastern syndl *
cato : ' ! have been offered 00,000 for tha
Times by an eastern syndicate and I to col'
lect the earnings of thn paper ; S 100,000 and
the syndicate to tuKu all. If I sell , thq
Times will continue to be a republican
paper , will bo prohibition , and will probably
be an out-and-out Blalnu organ. 1 havu
been a Sherman man in a certain degree ,
but am not particular on that score. I
am not cowed down trom my position by
my enemies , but the liquor men are ready to
quit , and this Is tlio bet and easiest uay out
of the present illlllcultlcs. 1 don't want to
bo a stumbling block In the way of tlio pros *
of Lcavenworth , ana being In poor
Eerily 1 prefer to quit thu business at til's
time. The trade , however , may not be con
summated. My clod It been questioned
by some of those who would Injuru mo , but I
nm worth piob iblv $ . { 00,000. 1 think 1 am on
top of the pot , and I can now nut down In
pretty good shape. If thu trade Is con
summated 1 will ( lovoto myself to my several
farms and quit actlvu public work. "
St. JOD'H Mcdlciil College.
ST. Jositrir , Mo. , August 14. [ Special
Telegram to the BII : : . | On his death , the
late Samuel Ensworth left an endowment
fund of over 8150,000 to build and maintain n college and hospital , to be called thn
Ensvvorth medical college and hospital , n ,
this city. The grounds have already be n ,
purchased for a hospital at the corner nC
Seventh and Julo streets. It will bo erected
and opened up this winter. The hospital
will have a capacity for lee patients and wjll
bo erected at a cost of ilVj.OOO. Tlio hospital
and college will be combined , making ono
ot tint strongest Institutions ot the kind iu
liio0ht. . NO studunU are admitted to tla ;
collei : > unless they nfe graduates of a hUli
school , arMdorny or college. Diplomas tioia
t'tls Institution will bo irrngnUud in evtuj
in the union adn \ \ as in