Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1887, Image 1

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Mrs. Jamoa Brown Potter Appears in a
New and Blood-Onrdling Flay ,
A Fleco in Which the Heavy Villain is in
His Element.
an Attempt to Make a Reputation Out of a
Mass of Millinery ,
Beneral Perron Becoming Popular With
the People of tha Republic.
The Venerable Countess Miranda
Stricken Down With Congestion
of the Brain An Economical
Departure Ily ParUicnnes In
the Matter of Dress
Foreign. News.
MM. James Brown Potter's New Play.
LONDON , Auztist 13. [ New York Herald
Cable Special lo the BEK. | Additional In
terest was last night given to Mrs. James
Brown Potter's appearance In her new play
by the publication yesterday of a cable extract -
tract from a New York society journal to the
tlfcct that the domestic broach between Mrs.
ind Mr. Potter was final , and that ho was
relegated to the lonely condition ot Mr. Lily
Langtry and Mr. Violet Besaudu. The
rumor also was prevalent In London that
In futuio Airs. Potler would play
under the name of Cora Urquhart
Potler. This evening's audience found
that again she had selected a bad play , In fact
worse than either "Man and Wife" or "Civil
War. " It Is ono In blank verse , written by a
lady under the pseudonym of Uoss Nell , and
who throughout the evening sat In the front
orchestra stall under the escort of James
Davis , editor of the Bat. The audience filled
the boxes , stalls and dross circle , but the pit ,
top tier and gallery wcro prudently thin. Tc
be sure , . fashion U out of town , bu
the American colony was sparsely
represented and the only notable American !
present were Murat llalstead and Senatoi
Hawley , who from modest seats In the bach
dress circle , watched the play and drank in
qulcr draughts of Spanish history. The
drama proved to bo of an old time model of
the days when 1. P. Cook played In London
and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wallack. Jr. , In New
York , when "Lovo's Sacrltice" and the
"Foundling of the Forest" were the Joys o :
ourgrandfcUhors. It Is called "Loyal Love"
and scorns of no country or period.
It has no uudcr plot and Is not lightened bj
any humor or low comedy. It is filled with
stock phrases of the pump-handle school
such as "Methlnks , " "Oh , say not so , " "Whj
comes ho not ? " "Thou wrong'st thyself , "
etc. How It passed Chamberlain Is a mys
tery. 1 counted the use of the Dolly's name
fifteen times , and there are many such qu cs
tlonablo speeches as Ihis ono : "I swear by th t
clornal wrath of God. " Ilerelsaskctchof the
plot. A king played by an actor who in hg
uronnd face very much reminded mo ol
Blalno , has a son with the vulgar name ol
Pedro , played by Bellow , and which naino li
by Mrs. Potter pronounced "Peed. " To the
latter lady , named Inez , ho la secretly mar
rlod , but his rank is unknown i
her. The king has n minister will
the traditionally villainous naino of Gnu
zales , who hates Bellow and this is admlrabl )
played by Wlllard. lie discovers the levi
secret and blasts their happy bowers by de
coylng her to his castle , where ho vatul ;
makes love to her himself. Meanwhile Bel
low dissembles , but finally tracks Mis. Pol
tor out. While ho Is tracking Wlllard , wh
has her goalcr under his thumb , employs th
latter to iwlson her lover. Tuo latter , louche
by Mrs. Poller's reference to his dead daugt
tcr , administers only asleopingdraught Th
incident Is boldly stolen from N. P. Willli
play of "Tartcsta. " Bellow comes In , find
her dying aud next dead and Qonzalei
triumphant , but the populace , forcing the !
way , announce that the king Is dead an
proclaim Bellow as monarch. The gaoler ,
capital mclodratnlc actor , then with severa
"Ha has" announces his little game , Mr
Potter revives and becoming soon a
happy , while as to Oouzales , it !
oil with his head , BO muc
for Buckingham. Bellow , etc. The play
utterly devoid of dramatic sequence in siti
atlon and of concentration of Interest. It '
fearfully talky , forcy and puerile until thei
comes a few dramatic crackers In the la !
act , and Is full of plagiarism diluted Inf
dullness. In her denunciation of Oonzale
she was unequal. At one time by a bit <
rhodomontadu she raised aho.uty laugh eve ;
in the stalls and boxe ? . She posed sweetl
Eeveial limes In Bollew's arms an
ho made a capital swcelhoa
al Iho business. She drawled feirfully , bt
has improved In her pilch of voice. In stas
ease , and has much of that maronnotto styl
which belongs to tlio Mary Anderson schoo
Her millinery was astonishing. Her Ur
diess was a blush pink , draped crcpo i
chine petticoat of white India silk tulle. Tl
overdress WHS dressed with gold head :
Blcovos lo , ' of mutton , laced to elbows wit
silk braid and tassels pompadore shape
bodice orinmcnt , roses at neck an
corsage. Tito bodleo was whlto Ilk
petticoat and slurred. Her brooch was a
i\ntiiie ( ) ruby heart. She hud an antiqi
bracelet of dead gold and pearls. She wo
a wig of ugly bronze red ncglisleo In frou
and In French cell behind. Her second dre ;
was whlto silk crepe nccllgeo modern , clo :
fitting at Dark , Grecian drapery at iron
shoulder sash at back corresponding wll
dres , elrdle of silver ana pa
llonmn silk , leg of mutton sleeves , laced
elbow with hanging tassel. Her third dre
was cadet blue silk crepe and Italian si
tt-enth century dmss , sKull cap , velvet , Ion
whlto silk veil , hanging behind. If , Iher
fore , millinery can make a feeble play siren
or acting gicat , MM. Potter's future I
America Is assured.
The following has Just been received fro
Captain Jarvls , d.ited Bacoufoy , Bolglui
8:10 : : "We have gone up higher than 7,0
metres. We were obliged to descend f
want of billttst. Physiological condition e :
ccllent M. Mallet was twice uncousclou
The scientific Instruments are under seals , i
can't she details. Instruments will Ue ui
sealed when I arrive In Paris in the preset
of the commissioners of the Aeronautic so <
? ty. JJLIIVIS. "
The Voyage of the Horla.
. [ CffyrigM 157 ty Jamtt Contort Ucilntt' . ]
1'ABis , ( Tla Harm ) , August IS.-jNe
fork lleuld Cable-Special to the BKK. ]
Paul JarvU andMciuleur Mali
started In their balloon llorla from La Vcl-
letlo at a quarter past 7 this afternoon and
made a very plucky attempt to ccllpso every
thing done In reaching attitudes of Iho air.
The aeronals for weeks have been In Iraln *
Ing for Ihelr perilous lusk. They have every
few days been placed In Iron chambers from
which the air was gradually pumped until by
an exhaustive process the pressure IB brought
down to the lowest that man can bear. Both
Captain Jarvls and Mallet have trained
thctnaelvcs to such a point that they are ablu
to continue breathing when tlio mercury
stands at seven Inches and both feel confi
dent of Doing able to reach an atllludo ot
seventy-seven miles and live to tell
the tale. As early as 3 o'clock this
afternoon about 100 persons arrived
at la Vllletle Ei\s Warms. Among the
crowd I noticed Messieurs Mossenct Dcepont ,
president of the Aeronautic society of Franco ,
and Colonel Leinat , dclciralo from the Aero
nautic society of Washington. At about 6
o'clock the balloon , which was named the
llorta , after Guy do Maupesant's now novel ,
began to swell out Its sides and look some
thing like a balloon. Captain Jarvls , who
, ls an active , wiry , determined looking man
of shiny shallow complexion , black eye
brows and blacK beard , then appeared from
thu tent where ho had been sleeping
during the night , and put Into the basket
of the balloon three aneroid barometers ,
two hygrometers , an electroscope , a
compass , Iwo glass baleens provided with
vacuiii destined lo receive samples of air let
In at different attitudes and two plulo-
graphlc instruments , all of which wcro well
sealed carefully with the seal of the Figaro
newspaper , under the auspices and at the
expense of which the ascension was under
taken. Captain Jaivls then put Into the
basket two little while pigeons and two llttlo
yellow guinea pig. Al half-past 5 M. Marj ,
member of the Instllulo of France , raado a
mlnuto examination of Captain Jarvls'
physical condition and wrote down his pul
sation , which was 95 , respiration S3 dyna-
inometerlc pressure , which was 40 , 33
and 34 in the left hand and 83 , 40
and 35 in the right hand. At C o'clock
the three small balloons , containing 1,200
litres of pure oxygen , were tied to the edge
of the basket , and 400 kilogrammes of sand
ballast were atlached to the ballot. At 7
o'clock M. Mallet , a tall , fine-looking blonde ,
with blue eyes and reddish moustache.
Jumped Into the balloon and all ready to get
under way. Both Jarvls and Mallet wore
whlto duck trousers , navy blue flannel
jackets and caps , and stuffed cotton
in their eari. They looked plucky and
determined. The weather was fine aUd
clear. In reply to my inquiry , Captain
Jarvls said : "This is ray two hundred and
fifteenth ascension. " Then In a ringing
voice he shouted , "Let go , " and at fourteen
minutes past 7 the Horla rose slowly and
gracefully. Everybody waved their hats and
shouted good bye. "Morel , " came the reply
from Jarvls and the balloon took a turn to
wards the northwest , then towards the
northeast , and in twenty-live minutes was
Iho Now French War Minister Win
ning Oolilcu Opinions.
( Copt/riflM 1SS1 by James Gordon Hcnnctt. ]
PAIHS , August 13. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEE | The dog days
are over. Cool northerly breezes , steady
temperature 34 degrees centigrade with
blight Septomber-llko weather seem to reign
supreme , and Paris , although deserted , Is
still delightful. Not a minister or a do puty ,
nor scarcely a politician , * remains behind.
General Ferron , minister of war , Is , however ,
at Fotalnblcau , working like a Trojan at
his project of adding nine cavalry and eigh
teen Infantry regiments to the lighting
strength of the French army. General
Ferron is a tall , line-looking man , with
grizzled hair and moustache , lie is quite ns
handsome and dashing looking as his fa
mous predecessor. General Ferron is rapidly
winning golden opinions everywhere by the
earnest , unostentatious perseverance wllli
whicli ho goes about his work. Besides being
very popular in the army he has the firm sup-
portof all modern republicans , royalists and
imperialists , and especially the latter , whoso
convictions that General Boulanger is. aftei
all , merely a sort of a French "Buffalo BUI , "
have not weakened by the publication ol
. General Boulanger to Madam Katkolf ana tc
11 half a dozen poisons In Russia and Franco.
It Is largely owing to thu dignified atllludo
of General Ferron that the ministry has foi
the moment the support of the nation and
pleases everybody except the extreme radi
cals of Paris , Lyons and Marseilles , while
abroad it has the good wishes of all the sov
ereigns of Europe from the pope down t <
the prince of Monaco.
President Grevy Is rustlcallng at Mounl
boas-Vandery , but before he left Paris hi
. received the visit of Madam Antonltti
Sabatlor , the affectionate but renerablo mis
tress of the famous Pranzlnl , whoso appea
Is now finally rejacted. Mine Sabatlor thu
relates the account of her visit to implore i
presidential pardon forher sanguinary lover
"I had not even a letter according ai
audience with the president. As I walkec
toward the Elyseo palace It occurred to mi
that 1 had bettor first ask for Madam Nllsoi
( President Grovy's daughter ) , thinking sin
would be more likely to understand my posl
. tlon , so when I got to Elysea I wrote on in ;
it visiting card a few lines Implorlnj
" Madam Nllson to try and obtain fo
° mo an audience with the president ,
few moments later a young secretary
it ' pcared and conducted mo to an ante-room
where General Bruger was seated. The gen
o eral looked up at me with a pleasant snill
and said : 'A great many person are awall
i , Ing an audience to-day , but 1 will see you an
received before any one else. At 12 o'clock
was ushered iuto a small library. Preslden
Grovy was seated In an arm-chair. U
motioned with his hand for me to be seated
' I did so and said , 'Allow me to thank you
Mr. President , for having received me. ' Thi
president replied , 'It is simply my duty to re
celve you , madarne. ' I continued : 'I liav
coma to Implore you to pardon Pranzlnl , fo
I am convinced he Is not guilty. ' I thei
spoke about Pranzlnl for half an hour. Tin
i president listened to mo with great patlenc
and said : ' 1 will do for jou , ruadame , al
! tlmt Is In my power to do for you.1 I the. '
withdrew , feellnz sure that I had made
good Impression upon the good man's heart
I have just returned to Paris from u flylni
n visit to Granvlllo , Denvllle , Cabourg , Duppi
and Coulogne. Everywhere this summer
noticed that toilets are fewer an J simpler
Instead of traveling about with twenty o
thirty elaborate dresses , Parlslenncs now sel
forlh wilh only three or four ; In fact , 1 am
able to roveul to you the seaside outdt of out
of the most charming and fashlonablo Perls
Ian madatnes. One dress Is worn upon tin
person and two dresses are kept In the trunk
The dress that was worn was of grey alapaca
cut short , with a delicious little jacket fallinj
straight In froutlu order to allow the wearer
In case of need , to do without her corset , i
sort of round , grey felt hat , with u stuffed
Myallpw In It and covered by a large silver
grey veil. In the trunk was a dres :
of black foulard , , covered with lit
tlu liququcM of rosei and trltuinei
1 with , pieces . ol black lace. DIM
number three was made of light blue foulard ,
with little white square relieves upon a skirt ,
with Qno English embroidery. Dress num
ber four was simply of plain wlto serge ,
trimmed with Irish lace , In the trunk was
also a delicious Illllo whlto tulle hat , with a
plume of whlto cock's feathers. Only two
years ago this same lady never dreamed ot
traveling without carrying at least twenty
dresses and fifteen hats and appearing dally
In sk or seven dltfercnt toilets. This revolu-
tlon In fashion causes untold delight to hun
dreds of thousands of fathers , husbands and
brothers , who earnestly pray Hi at it may long
remain In vogue.
The Former's Overtures Are Coldly
llcoelvcd By Bismarck.
7oj > l/rteM 1SS7 , & ] / the N. T. AttocWed PrMSl
BEIU.IN , August 13. With Prince Bis
marck's return from Varzin , the repose of
diplomatic circles , unbroken for weeks , has
een succeeded by commotion. Ills coming
onferencc with Count Kalonky at Kisslngen
s expected to lead to now developments In
lie policy of thu Austro-Gurman alliance
gainst Hussla. Overtures made by Kussla
o have Count Schouvalo , the Itusslan am-
lassndor at Berlin , take part In the confer-
nco were coldly received and wcro not
lushed. Instead of conferring with the Uus-
ian represontallvc Prince Bismarck , during
ils stay at Kisslngen , will receive an envoy
of the Italian government , and Vonschlaezcr ,
ho Prussian minister to the Vatican. It Is
laid the meeting will result In a renewal of
lie Italian alliance and Its public announce
ment. Concurrent with the renewal of the
entente cordlalo between Italy and Austiia
appear significant articles In the press
against Hussla.
A Venerable Countcns Stricken.
ICopt/rfoM 18.S7 In James dunlin llciiHttt. ]
MAIIHID , August 13. [ Now York Herald
able Special to the BEE.1 Countess Casa
Mcrlanda , the venerable lady of 100 years ,
who was governess ot Queen Mercedes and
} f the countess of Paris , was suddenly seized
last night with congestion of the brain , and
icr Imminent death causes deep sorrow in
Madrid. Her husband was ono of the most
cherished heroes of the war for Spanish In
dependence. Her son Is the husband of
Christine Nllsson ,
Ferdinand at Hustchuck.
ItusTciiucK , August 13. Vast multitudes
assembled here to-day to meet Prince Ferdi
nand aud extraordinary enthusiasm was dis
played. At a banquet in the evening M.
NiklworotT , ivho was ono of the leaden * of
the conspiracy which resulted in the deposi
tion of Prince Alexander , said : "Wo will
cover the Balkans with corpses rather than
allow our enemies to enter our country. "
Sounding the Pope.
HOME , August 13. The Gazctta d'ltalla
states that King Humbert , through his chap
lainIs sounding the nope to ascertain whether
he will accept a jubllco present from the
Matthews Will Not Interfere.
LONDON , August 13. Matthews , homo
secretary , has refused to Interfere in the case
of the Jew , Llpskl , and the solicitor of the
condemned man has sent a telegram to the
queen imploring a respite.
The Tithes Bill Abandoned.
LONDON , August 13. W. 11. Smith is ex
pected to announce in the commons Monday
that the Tithes bill has been abandoned.
Preparations lor the International
Military Encampment Progressing
CHICAGO , August 13. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. | Secretary of the coming Inter
national Military encampment said this
afternoon : "Everything Is progressing lo
our entire satisfaction. Wo are dally hearing
from and corresponding with national guard
companies from all parts of the United
Stales , and wo are assured that the National
Guard will bo very largely represented.
Bands , fife and drum corps are dally mak
ing applications for entry. We already have
over bOO musicians formally accepted , aud
shall not seek lo Increase Iho number.
Colonel Lincoln , commandant of the Iowa
Agricultural college department of military
science and tactics , writes as follows : "I
have In addition to the college battalion of
infantry , a signal corps , artillery detachment
and a ladles'spear corps. 'Iho ladles 1 con
sider the best drilled company In the state.
Thoydilll Union's company and bkirmish
drill , and all the Knights of Pythias and
Knights Templar fancy movements' . I write
to know If any arrangement can be made so
that 1 can have them at thu encampment lor
a day or two. "
The secretary stales that they will bo in
An order for the detail ot Llnllcd Stales
infantry , cavalry and artillery was made
yesterday by General Sheridan and formally
approved by the acting secretary of war. A
cable was received this evening from the
United Slates minister to Sweden announc
ing that Sweden will send ten officers and a
company of soldiers.
The V. 8. Court Asked to Compel
Senator Stanford to Answer.
SAN FRANCISCO , August 13. The Pacific
railroad commission to-day filed a petition In
the UnltedStates circuit court asking that an
order bo issued requiring Senator Stanford to
show cause why ho should not bo compelled
to answer certain questions asked him re
garding thu disposition of various sums of
A Very Successful Knoariipnitmt.
OTTUMWA , la. , August 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.J The First brlcado ha <
just closed what Is regarded as the best camr
In Its history. The people of this city have
attended by thousands , and the soldier boys
have shown their appreciation ot the atten
tion paid them by doing excellent work
In every respect , The closlnfi
exercise was a battalion drill ,
in which a high and surprising degree ol
military proficiency was shown. In the rifle
shooting contest by regimental teams , the
team ot the second regiment won by 25
points. General Wright , brigade com
mander , declared that It was the most suc
cessful brigade encampment that he has over
atto nded. _
A Chapter of Fatalities at Keoknk.
KEOKUK , la. , August 13. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEE. | J. L. Miller , a real estate
agent aged sixty , and having a wlfo and
several children , suicided by drowning In
park last night. It Is thought the act was
Induced by temporary aberration of the
James C. Sstes died sudenly at midnight ,
aged slxty-eluht Ho was an old resident ,
ex-deputy sheriff and coroner at thu time of
his death.
James Whltworth , a compositor In the
Democrat ofllco , foil out of the third story
window of the otllco yesterday and died last
night from his Internal injuries.
Barreled Deer Captured.
Four DODGE , la. , August 13. [ Special to
the BEE.J Three barrels of beer , containing
aevcuty-two bodies each , In transit from
Lacrosse. WIs. , to Alden , consigned to H. J ,
Davis & Co. , were seized Uy officers In the
Minneapolis & St. Louis freight house hereto
to day. They wcro labelled ginger ale.
Fatally Kicked. ,
DUUUQ.UE , la. , August W. [ Special Tele
gram to ttie IH.e. ] Peter Harlcy , the four
teeu-yeir-old son of John Harley , ot'Ver
non , uled to-day trout the effect * of a kick In
tut stomach by a horse.
Governor Adams Will Not Wait on the
National Authorities.
Ho Bna a Wholesome Ucspoct for
Their Prowess and They Arc Anx
ious to Deal With Illiu-Aiako
Htm a "Uood" Indian.
Troops Ordered to Utonwood.
DENVER. Col . .August 13.-Spoclal | Tele ,
gram to the BEE.J No news has been re
ceived from Meeker to-day , and so far as can
bo learned the situation there with regard an
outbreak Of the renegade Whlto Uivor Utcs
headed by old Colorow , remains the same as
when the scene closed last night. Eirly this
morning , Governor Adams Instructed the
assistant adjutant general to order Captain
Goslln's company to proceed at once from
Aspen to Glenwood Springs , to bo ready for
any emergency that may arise. The order
was sent at oncn and a company composed
of sixty well-armed men left Aspen at 1 : ! 50
this afternoon and leached Glenwood
Springs about 4 o'clock. Adjutant General
West , who loft here last night , has already
left the railroad and is on a stage , proceed
ing toward Glenwood Springs , and on his
arrival at that point ho will lind
the company in readiness. This
small band of state militiamen
however hciolcally they may act , would bo
no match for Colorow's bundled well-armed
bucks , but thu company is on the muster roll
of the state military department and volun-
tecra can bo added from the cowboys and sel
lers , thus forming a company tlmt would
spread moie terror among a band of mummi
ng Indians than all the blue-coats the gov
ernment could run Into the reservation. It
lias been suggested that the stale may get
nto some such trouble as arose during the
astute trouble at Ouray agency , when white
men were arraigned "lor violating United
Stales laws. But the case is parallel , because -
cause the white incn at that time Inflicted
punishment on the red-skins on the leserva-
tlon. In this case Colorow Is not on any res
ervation , but Is on a public cattle ran c. and
cowboys and Indians have an equal
show. There is no longer any
doubt but that the present trouulo
began with Sheriff Kendall's effort to arrest
some of Colorow's Indians for depredations
and on Indictments for horse stealing , lle-
forc these charges had been brought there
had been other reasons for tioublo with Colo-
row. One of these was- the murder of Au
gustine several week * ago , and another Kill
ing last summer ot Colorow's sister , which
he charged to cattlemen. In fact , Colorow
and the cattlemen Imvy never been on good
terms. The cowboys insisted that Colorow's
place was on the Ulntnh reservation and
Colorow insisted that thu cowboys had no
business on the land at all. lint the Indians
have alwaj s had profound respect lor the
lighting qualities of the cowboys and the
story told of achlef who requested the Wash
ington authorities for a canon witn which
to kilt them Is as Instructive as amuslni : .
In conversation with the UF.I : rcpiesuntativo
tins ntternoon Governor Adams said : "I
shall not watt on the national authorities in
any action I may take , So far I have no
dciiulte Information that the Indians really
have committed any depredation , and I pro
pose to act with all < ? ue caution. I know
what the feeling Js onhe part of the cattle
men , and that it will not take much encour
agement to make them cut into the Indians.
I don't wish any hasty action taken. What
I have done so far I nave only done In the
way of taking the precaution which any
prudent man would take under the same cir
cumstances , lime sent the adjutant gen
eral to Glonwood Springs to bo on hand ,
and 1 have moved one company to that town
for an emergency. We will do nothing
hastily nor rashly , but I know what a nuis
ance Colorow has been to the people
ple there , and I am ready to
say that If the fellow has laid
hand on a citl/on of Colorado the stale of
Colorado will take care that ho does not def
f < o any more. I do not ask any aid from
Washington. If the authoiltlcsdon't choose
to give It wo can get volunteers enough from
our state troops to take care of Colorow's
band and of all who choose to join htm from
Uintah aeency. "
Thogomnorhas not yet received any In
structions from the war department , but the
followliu telecrams passed between Omaha
post and hero to-day :
OMAHA , August 33. Governor Adams ,
Don\er , Col. : What Is the nearest point by
rail bv which troops can reach the Indians
now out ? ( Sinned ) HAY ,
Acting Assistant Adjutant General.
In the absence of General Crook.
Ueply : Denver , Col. To General Ray ,
Omaha. Gypsum , new station on lilo
Grande road , nearest point. Meeker troops
bent from U In tali across country could do
much to prevent trouble. Have sent Adjutant
General West to Glcuwood to find out extent
danger and protect settlers. Glenwood Is
about fifty miles from Meeker.
Governor of Colorado.
Tbo reservation and settler's section of the
country are badly ) protected from these
Indians. Fort Steele is about tifty miles
north of Meeker on the White Ulver and
some very rough and wild country would
Have to bo traveled by the small band of
soldiers stationed heroin order to reach the
trouble with the chances that all would bo
massacred before the journey was half com
pleted. The troops' at Fort Duchesno arc
jiractlcally powerless to aid Meeker.
They number only a few companies
of Coloiado infantrv and these conrpaules
are poorly equipped as the recent fire at
the fort burned rip 815,000 woith of supplier ,
and if thev wcro well equipped they could
not give Meeker aid In case of a sudden at
tack upon the place , as the present outliieuk
seems to be. They are 150 miles west of
Meeker , with no rail connection and the
wagon road In poor'conditlon , there bolngut
least littv miles of It OUT whicli It Is almost
impossible to get loaded wajons. The near
est telegraph point is Glenwood Springs ,
sixty miles to the'southeast , and the nearest
point on the north Is Kawlins , ICO miles dis
tant. In this outbreak the only assistance
the settlers ask irom the government Is that
the war department remain Inactive , and
they promlMj. with the assistance of the row-
boys , that Colorow aud his band of outlaws
will all be made "good" Indians and nn
longer retard the settlement of the state nor
continually jeopardize tholivesof its citizens
Troopi Raadjr to Move.
WASHINGTON , August 13. Adjutant Gen
eral Drum received a dispatch from Genera !
Crook this afternoon to the effect that the
Indian outbreak In Colorado had not ye !
been delinat ly located , but that ho had a
largo number of troops in readiness at differ
ent army posts to move at a moment's notice ,
A Murderer Gives Illinnclf Up.
WICHITA , Kan. , Aucust 13. [ Special Tel
egram to the Ih.K.l This afternoon a younc
man of about twenty-five years of ace gave
himself up to the sheriff. Ho said his name
was 11.1) . Hauton and that six months age
ho murdered a man named T. Lawrence a
Crlttemlen. Grant county. For four month !
ho has been hiding around this station , stay
ing but a short time at ono place for fear ol
pursuers , whom ho Imagined were constant ! )
on his track. At last hoeould stand this tcr
rlblo mental strain no longer and deliverer
himself up to justice. The sheriff of Gram
county has been notified and will start liu
mediately to take lUuton iuto custody ,
A Tailor Jlrownod.
WICHITA , Kas. , August 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the UIE. : | Earnest Schilling , i
tailor In the cmplop of Snob & Glasser , whlli
bathing In the Little Arkansas this afternoon
went beyond his depth and was drowned
He was forty years of aire. and camr hen
about six months ago from SpflngiieJd , MO.
Where lie has a wifu and two toiu living.
Very Llttlo Improvement Noted In
the Demand for Money.
CHICAGO , August 13. [ Special Telegram to
tlioUKE.J There are no Important nor now
features to present In local financial affairs.
The money market is gradually working
easier , though borrowers so far have not been
able to obtain any material concessions In
Interest rates. Bankers are well supplied
with loanable funds aud the demand for
money exhibits llttlo Improvement from alt
sources. Speculative paper has boon offered
with a llttlo more freedom , and oporatois
have enlarged their trading In grain aud pro
visions to some extent. Applicants , how
ever , mot with no dltllculty In obtaining all
the favors desired. Considerable money Is
being forwarded to ttm grain and cattle dis
tricts to assist in moving property to mar
ket , but this has no perceptible elfect on the
money market. Shippers ot grain are asking
for a few favors , but their demands are only
limited and the paper for short
dates. Lumber dealers are offering very llt
tlo paper for discount , as their yards nro well
supplied and labor troubles uie checking
building opeiatlons In a measure. Whole
sale merchants are moderate borrowers lo
discount bills of coeds received and they
readily receive all favors requested. Some
money was required for carrying grain at
other points , butbaukcrs as a rule arc not In
clined to accept outside paper. Hates of In-
rcrost are reported steady at OJ QO per cent
on call and CUS ( per cent on time loans ,
.hough very llttlo paper Is accepted under 0
percent. Some paper was offered on the
street and rates of interest quotable at D ( < $7
; > or cent. Advices from eastern financial
centers Indicate considerable steadiness In
monetary circles and Interest rates are maln-
: alnedat4@7 per cent. European advices
report a llttlo better Inquiry for loans
and discount rates more faverablo to
bankers. though still mainlined at
reasonable hgures. New York exchange
was In good supply throughout tlio week and
the demand was rather llcht. Sales.wero
made between banks at 50$70 ( cents discount
per S1000. and the market closed quiet at GO
cents. Foreign exchange was extremely
dull below shipping rates and gold was
ordered from Europe. Prices ruled lower ,
and shippers' sixty-day documentary bills on
London changed hands at SM.7iJ.f@t.MJ ) , and
closed at 54.70 , ' . The New York stock mar
ket was less active during the past week and
the feeling was somewhat unsettled and
prices Irregular , and for tlie most propel ties
nave averaged lower. There was rather
more pressure to sell , while the demand from
all sources was lighter than durlug the week
preUous. Outside parties were not Inclined
to do much business , and the bulk of trading
was credited to Wall stroel operators ,
"bhorts" purchased to some extent , wdtch
tended to steady the market at
times , though the rallies were
of , very short duration. Chicago speculators
are doing very lillle In stocks at present.
The earnings of the leading railroads are not
as satisfactory as reports some time ago. Ad
vices from abroid ha\e been rather encour
aging to sellers of some of the loading Ameri
can stocks. The sales on the New York
stoetf exchange for the week aggregated 1-
247,000 shueg. : Consldeiable Intcicbt was
manifested In the leading grain markets dur
ing the week just closed and speculative
liadtng was unusually brbk and attended
with more than usual excitement and iricgu-
larlty In prices. Outside orders , botli to pur
chase and sell , were more liberal than lor
some time past , though trading in some In
stances wasnnlte unsatistactoiy. More than
the usual number of "stop limit orders" was
received , and fluctuations In prices at times
were so wide that thu orders ot cus
tomers could not be compiled
with. The government crop re
port was nrespnted * and tended to
show very little change In the crops of
small grain.Reports rezarding corn and
liay ; however , were decidedly unfavorable ,
taking Into consideration the brilliant pros
pects of two months ago. though the report
indicates that the yield of each will bo about
bO per cent of an average crop. Is a bPt-
ter outlook than anticipated by the ti.ule gen
erally , and the Impression prevails that tome
damasre has been sustained since the begin
ning of August , when the reports wcio com
piled. Kaliis in some sections within the
past two days have Improved the outlook
somewhat , especially for grass and hnv. Kc-
ceiptsof grain have ooen moderately free at
all western markets , though the agciegato
movement Is not as largo as at this tune last
year. The shipping movement has been
quite free , both to eastern and foreign mar
kets , being encouraged to some extent by
the low rates of frelchts prevailing.
Priceo for nearly all the leading cereals
have Improved slightly and talrly well sup
ported to the close , though shippers aio a llt
tlo slow to follow anv advance In pi Ices ,
more particularly those In the expert trade.
Foreign markets have ruled a little easier ,
owing chiefly to the Improved harvest pros
pects in the leading European countries.
Stocks of now grains are Increasing , but not
as rapldlv as at this time last year. Supplies
of provisions are moderately large , though
the distribution is quite liberal. Receipts of
hogs have not been very large at principal
western market" , but the ill rivals of cattle
are unusually liberal and attributed to the
short supply of food owing to the drouth and
extreme hot weather. The packing of hos
in the west shows a further shrinkage com
pared with the returns of last year.
Contradictory Statements as to Ills
Apologizing Tor His Action.
NEW YOIIK , August 14. fSpecial Tele
gram to the Br.E.J Father Lovcll , of the
cathedral , yesterday said that Dr. Curran
had confessed that ho had done wronn In at-
tcndlncr the labor picnic and apolouUcd to
the archbishop for his conduct. The Catholic
News to-day will say : "Hev. Dr. Curran has
expicsscd to the most reverend archbishop
his sorrow that his presence at tlio recent
picnic In company with Dr. McGlvnn has
been Interpreted ns favoring contumacy and
disrespect to the Holy Sec , and he has prom
ised to abstain In future 1mm anything that
might glvo lise to such Interpretation. "
"Tho above paragraph has been approved of
by Dr. Curran and has been accepted as nn
apology for his presence at thu iccent picnic
of the united labor partv. " Notwltnstaud-
Ing these assertions Dr. Curran's friends de
clare that ho did not apologise.
Kwltchnioii Hlrlkn and Go Rack.
CHICAGO , August 13. Fifteen switchmen
in the employ of the Louisville & New Al
bany railroad struck this morning on account
of the discharge of ono got their number
against whom they claim no cause for dis
missal existed. The road is seriously Incom
moded , as no union switchmen will move
any of Us cars , and non-union switchmen
cannot easily bu obtained. Itcforo noon the
discharged man hud been reinstated and the
ciews returned to work and the strike came
to an end.
RtcatUHlili Arrival * .
NEW YOIIK , August 13. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEI : . | Arrived Etrurln from
Llterpool ; Labrotagne from Havre.
LO.NDON. August 13. Arrived Lesslng
from New York lor Hamburg ; passed Sicily ,
light today.
A ThUR Chief Fatally Shot.
NEW YOIIK , August 13-In a row at Daniel
Murphy's saloon to-day , Murphy shot and
fatally Injured Daniel Lyons , chief of tin
" \Vhyo ganp , " who essoyed to clean out the
Murderer i'lielpi found Guilty.
ST. Louis , August 13. At Salem , 111. , last
evening the jury in thu trial of John 1'helps
for tlio murder of Grant I'ualo reported n
verdict of guilty and fixed the penalty al
thirty years In the penitentiary.
The Wontlior.
For Nebraska : Generally fair weather
slight changes In temperature , light variable
For Iowa : Fair weather , preceded by lo
eal rains In eastern portion , llghl varlabli
winds , slight changes In temperature.
For Dakota : Local showers followed bj
fair weather , cooler In northern portion
stationary temperature In southern portion
variable winds , < . ' .
They Have a Stirring Mooting All to
Themselves at Fromout.
A $125.OOO Heal Estntc Loan nt Dca-
trloo Mortality at Falls City A
Drug Clerk's Peculations
Other Nebraska Now * .
Fnr.MONT , Neb. , August W. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKE.J A very unique and novel
meeting wns held yesterday ntternoon after
the preaching service upon the camp ground.
It was called the "old folks" meeting , and
was devoted to the hearing of testimonies
from those who had been traveling for forty
years , and over , along the King's highway.
The meeting was led by Itev. C. 11. Savldgo
of Springfield. After a few appropriate
opening remarks and the singing of a good
old Methodist hymn , Father Van Anda led
Ina prayer , tlio tenderness of which touched
every heart. Then followed fouiteen earnest ,
ringing testimonies that bore ampleovldence
that the old Methodist lira was still burning.
Father Savldgo was converted at the ago of
sixteen In February , ls > i > . Ills parents were
Presbyterians but ho was converted at a
Methodist ie\lval In the days when Method
ists would now and then Indulge in a shout.
In the davs when Father Van Anda was
converted , "Methodists" wcro everywhere
despised because they were very weak , very
few , very wild and very noisy. 1'or a long
while he kept away from the Methodist re
vivals , but tinally went to a camp meeting ,
aud there on October a ) , ISA to use his own
language , "got low enough in the straw to
give his heait to God , and sot up a shout loud
enough to tell people all around of what ho
had done. " Hiswito was converted in 18JO ,
and for over sixty years they have been on-
Joyinz tojrelhor Iho chrlsllan's hone.
Father I'arcell was converted In 1834 and
his good wife , who still bears htm company ,
in 1832.
Father Gllddcn's parents wcro Baptists ,
but the Methodist tire seemed to get the bet
ter of the Haptist water In his case. Ho was
converted In February , 1844 , and he nas not
forcotlou how lo bhout yet.
Father Priestly gave a most touching tes
timony , referring gratefully lo tlio brightness
of the way that he has now been following
for forty-seven years. He was also con-
crlcd at a Methodist revival January 5 ,
Brother Sam Gregory came next , and
spoke of his early life in his own character
istic way that often provoked a laugh and as
often caused a tear to start from the eye of
ho listener. His grandfather was converted
.n fho north ot Ireland under the preachtnc
of John Wesley. His father was the small
est ot six brothers , and weighed 2UO pounds.
Ho was converted at the age ot six , and was
i "shouter" all his lite. Brother Gregory
Jilmsolf was converted In 1844 , his wife being
converted the year before , In 1813.
Mother NVIlcox , of Ailincton , has been
serving God or the past forty-eight years ,
and says that the journey is only growing
brighter and easier all tlio while ; the light
from the other world IB already shining
across her pathway , and Us mellow glory has
softened the lines of her face until they ex
press only an abiding sense of peacoand
rest. Her presence aud testimony was a
Bister Wlnterstoln was converlcd August
18,184S , making forty-live years of faithful
seivlce for the cause of her Master.
Sister Close was converted forty-four years
ago and Sister Barnard foity-elght years ago.
Tholr testimonies were earnest and spoke of
an abiding faith even In sorrow and trial.
Bio. Sam. Gregory sang many of the old
Methodist hymns that have been all but for
gotten bv the present generation.
The meeting was ono that will long bo re
Dig Reul Instate Loan.
BEAT-HICK , Neb. , August 13. [ Special Tele
cram to the Beo.J Probably the largest real
estate loan ever made In the state was filed
In the recorder's office to-day , The amount
was § 125,000 for three years at 0 per cent , in
terest , and was given by John W. Book-
waiter , the noted manufacturer and Demo
cratic politician of Springfield , O. The mort
gage covered over 4,000 acres of Gage county
laud , also largo tracts In 1'awnce and Thaycr
counties and Washington county , Kansas.
The land covered by ttie mortgages is worth
at luast 8400,000 and comprises some of the
finest land in the counties named , The loan
was made through the loaning linn of Burn-
ham , Trewett & Matlla , of this city. It Is
eivcn out that the money is to be used In en
larging Mr. Hook waiter's mnnufactlng plant.
The loan was taken by an est.ito In Provi
dence H. 1.
, _
_ _ _ _ _
Mortality at Falls City.
FALLS CITY , Nob. , August 13. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. | T. N. Korner , ono of
the most prominent and highly esteemed
business men of this city , died of consump
tion at 4 p. m. to-day. Ho was ono ot the
leading lopubllcans of this county. Rela
tives troni Blue Springs and Beatrice were
present. The funeral services will be con
ducted to-morrow. Ho leaves a wife and one
child. A twenty-year-old son ot William
Hoppe and a four-year-old son of Judge
William Most also died of typhoid fever this
A Dishonest Drug Clerk.
BKATHICI : , Neb. , August 13. [ Special to
the BEE. ] Clinton Hulutt , a young man
who has been a clerk hero In the drug house
ot S. 11. ( hinder , was arrested at Reynolds
and longed In jail hero to-day. Ho had been
stealing clears , pocket-books , etc. , from his
employer , amounting to SlOOormore. Part
of thu goods were found In his room. Ho
says he will Implicate others before they get
through with htm.
The Union I'nclllo Hand Excursion.
COI.U.MIIUS , Noo. , August 13. [ Special to
the BKI : . ] The Union Pacific band ex
cursion arrived hero at 1 p. in. There were
sixteen coaches filled with thu largest com
pany that ever greeted the citi/ens of Colum
bus , who had turned out en inasso \velcoiuo
the Omaha guests , who proved to bu a jolly ,
mirthful crowd. The band discoursed some
line music while filendly greetings were be
ing exchanged , and soon thu demand for
conveyances to thu ground which had been
prepared for the excurs.onlsts was so great
that a large crowd formed and marched to
tliu grove , about one-third of a mile distant.
The heat was so Intense that tlio pleasure
anticipated by those who struck out to walk
soon wilted. There was a great oversight In
not .stopping the train tor a few minutes east
of town and allowing tlio excursion pariy to
alight within thirty stops of the groM * .
E\erything passed off pleasantly , and hearty
Invitations were extended for another visit
from Omaha excursionists.
[ Tlio excursion train returned to Omaha
safely at U o'clock last night. The excur
sionists report that the day passed pleasantly
without a single unfortunate incident. |
A Sensational Ilivoruo Case
COI.UMUUH , Neb. , Argust 13. | Spoml Tel
cgram to the BKI : . ] The case of Cora A
Spencer against Edward J. Spencer , for tin
recovery ol Bessie , her fourjear old child
upon a writ of habeas corpus has agitated tin
public mind , especially the ladles , all the
past week. There are Incidents and romance
enough In Iho case for a lirst-ehiss novel ,
Mrs. Spencer last fall obtained a dlvorci
in Minneapolis and a decree for tin
custody of Bessie without the knowledge ol
her husband , who succeeded In abducting
the child from Its mother last Match. Mrs
Spencer had been unable to trace tin
child's whereabouts fill a tew days blnco ,
when she commenced proceedings for it' '
possession. Her husband said that his will
was unchaste and commenced proceeding
for dlvoico against her last April In thu dis
trlct court of j'latto county , ctmidng he
With adultery. By agreement ot the alter
nays the habeas corpus case was hold li
abeyance anil .Jmint ) A. if. Test consents
to Hear in chambers the dhoice suit , uhlul
. . . -
has occupied three days , a number of InttUJ
attending court nntl manifesting much synv >
patliv with Mrs. Spencer and lior bright and
prottv child. 'Iho ovldenco was so eveN
whelming In support of the allegation ol
artu lory tlmt Judge Post granted the decree
of divorce absolutely and gave the custody
of Bosslo to her father.
Another Election Necessary.
OiiKiaitTo.v , Nob. , August 13. | Special
Telegram to the HKK. | The election for tha
rolocntlon of the county scat of Kuox county ,
was held to-day , and on the wliolo was very
spirited and closely contested. Throe point *
Ntnbraia , Urclgliton and Verdlgre , were Itt
the tight. At tills hour , U p. m , returns
from twelve out of the nineteen precincts In
the comity glvo Urelghton 807 , Vc nils ro J *
andNlobriiiaCWt. This will n-qulio anothe |
election w tin the light imnowcddowntd
Crolghton and Nlobrara. Nlobrara paitlca
openly purchased vote In Vallov and Con *
tral precincts , pavltu all the wav'lrom 87 td
825 from them. Tlio Indians In the agency
did not vote very heavily. Thosn who ilia
vote wcro sworn and their names taken
Though active , Crolghton has fouehtfalf/
with no boodto mixed with her logic. Hc
citizens tire \u-ll pleased with
though they would rather Imve seen tu
light narrowed down to Yordlgro and thlfl
place. _
Attempted Train Wrecking.
NKIIKASKA Cirv , Nob. , August 13.
clal Telegram to the UKK. | News was ro
colvcd In town this morning of what was
doubtless another daitaidly attempt at train
wrecking last night. The Into 11. ifcM. pas
senger train from Lincoln , while crossing q
trestle bridge near Summit Station , nine mlled
west ot here , dlscovcied the woodwork to b <
entire. The train crossed safely , but upon
investigation the stringers and braces werd
nearly all burned awav. and the structural
was In a very shaky condition. The escape
of the train from a trlchttul wreck was
almost miraculous , and can only bo accounted
tor from the fact tlmt the train was unusually
light and had few passenger ?
on board. The freight train/- ,
which soon followed the passenger , wajJ
flagecd and was delajcd until the bridge waif
slightly repaired and then crossed In Hec-f
ions. As the bridge spins a largo pond , II
Is believed that It was purposely set on lire.
though the object cannot bo understood
unless It was spllo work , which Is probable/
Detectives are looking Into the matter.
Pawiipo Cflly Itomi.
PAWNHK CITY , Neb. , August 13. [ Special
to the linn. ] Showers ot rain during tho.
past week have helped out the farmers and' '
stock In this locality. Coi n will make a gooij
average In tills county and all kinds of food ) '
abundant owing to late local showers.
At a board of trade meeting last night the
street car railway project was favorably con
sidered , In addition to the already assured
electric light and waterworks Improvement
to this city. Ttio waterworks proposition
will bo voted on her September 13 , and 1C
appears now that it will bo quite unanimous ,
Herman C. , only son of Dr. J. N. McCas *
land , one of the pioneer families In this
county , died at Ness City , Kan. , and was
burled hero Thursday.
Bon Hill , managing editor of the St. Jo
seph Gazette , Is in the city.
Butter County Prohibitionists.
DAVID CITV , Neb. , Aucnst 13. [ Special
Telegram to the BIE. | 'Iho prohibitionists
ii'ld a seciot county convention yesterday
and nominated the following ticket : For
rcasurer , J. D. Boll of Hell wood ; for clerk ,
Foster linynolds of David City ; for county
Judge , Jaeob Kainhart of Octavln ; for sur
veyor , C. 11. Sargent of Garrison ; for super
intendent , Miss M. A. Gu'iuislltof Surprise ;
for coroner , Dr. J. II. howls of David City.
Two ladies were elected as delegates to the
state convention.
Lightning's Work at I Jo up City.
Loui * CITY , Neb. , August 13 , ( Special to
the HER. | A rain came yesterday afternoon
Just In time to save late corn. The rain was
accompanied by heavy bolts of llghtninc ,
me oflilcu strink the residence ot Mr.
Dltts , badly stunning his 12 year old daugh
ter. The little girl Is reviving slowly and
hopes of recovery are entertained.
Killed l > y Lightning.
STEKI.K CITY , Nob. , August 13. [ Special
Telegram to the HUB. ] Hugh Oarrott , a ,
farmer living near hero , was struck by light-
nine yesterday ovenl ng and Instantly killed.
Carrett was standing in his barn door with
his nephew looking at the storm when
struck. Ills nephew was also struck but was
not seriously Injuicd. ( iarrett was a batclt-
elor and lUcd with his brother.
Funeral of tiio Late Thoinai Mori on j
NEIIKASKA CITY , Neb , , August 13.
[ Special Telegram to the BKK | The funeral
of the Into Thomas Morton took place at 10
o'clock this morning. Almosttho entire city
following thu remains to Wyuka cemetery ,
and all business was suspended while the
town dropped a tear to the memory of ono ot
Us most omlncut citizens.
Lightning's Victim.
ALMA , Neb. , August 13. A. Palmer , a
painter aged twenty-six , was struck by
lightning and Instantly killed last evening.
Ho was at work on the house of County
Treasurer Bradford at the ttmn. The body
will be taken to Illinois , where his parents
reside , for Interment.
A Barn Destroyed by Lightning.
COLUMBUS , NOD. , August 13. ( Special Tel
egram to the BEE | Mr. John J. llurke , a
well to do farmer living about eight miles
north west from Columbus , had his now
granery destroyed by lightning last night
about 8 o'clock , loss about SHOO , Insured In
the Homo , of Now York , for 8130. The
lightning was accompanied by rain.
The Ute Outbreak.
ABPEN , Colo. , August 13. There Is noth
ing more authentic from the Indian war1
The last direct Information was received by
iuc sonccr In Glonwood Springs at 3 o'clock
Friday morning ns follows : ' Humois have
come in since to the effect that there has been
considerable lighting and soinn casualties.
The Aspen militia , winch has been ordered
to report to General West at ( ilenwood
Springs , left hero about lx : > , sixty Hlroun' .
1'ollc County HoprcH ntativen.
DBS Moixr.s. la , , August 13 [ Special Tele-
giom to the llr.i : . | The republicans of Polk
county , Including the city of DCS Molncs , to
day nominated James G. Iteiryhlll and 8 ,
P. Uldllcld lor representatives to the leglsla-
Start September 20.
DBS MOINES , August 13. The executive
council of the G. A. It. department ot Ion a
decided to-day that the department com
mander and chief and other olllcia's ' belong
ing to the headquarters would leave liero ly
bpoelal train o\cr tnu Chlc.iu'o , Burlington
it ( julncy fn&tlio St. Louis eiicauipmoot
September 2Gti * _
Ituln Itadly Needed.
NKOI.A , la. , August 13. [ Spechl to the
BKK.I Thu lutivest Is over and wheat Is al
most : i failure. Oats avoraeo about thirty
bunliels pel ncie. Corn will bu about 1 alt a
crop. PusluriM , uo In baa condition. Italn
Is what wo want.
A Cyoluun nt St. 1'nul.
CIIICAOO. August 13. A special from Ft ,
Madison , la. , says llio Catholic church at SI.
Paul. eighteen miles west of there , was
wrecked by n cyclone this evening. Much
other daniaju was done.
Fatal CollUlou nl'
LONDON , August 13. A collision Utv.een
the British steamer Norblton and the Greek
hteamei Andrea Vnulhiuo , off Llzr.rd point
to-itay resulted in the drowning of haven per
Ituluutfod Br a Mob.
\VooiiMofh , Va. , Au/ust 13. Unlti'd
Slatts SimMer lllddlcbcrKor , who wasyester
da- . sentenced in ( lie county to pay ' a
\ llneiit iJiaml ho Imprisoned for live da ) I.
i J was released froui jail last night by a u > ? b 4 ,