Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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" V
The "Stato Secret Serried Association" At
Lincoln a Great Swindle.
Numerous Matters of Truffle Interest
Chftrlea Francis Adams In
Omaha The Question of
Bleat HI Etc.
A Hcorot Horvlco Fftkc.
Another bogus dotcctlvo agnncy is nt
work. It Is called the State Secret Ser
vice association with headquarters at
Lincoln. Numerous citizens of Omaha
have received confidential letters within
the past week informing them their
' nnmcs have been sent in to the , agency
as persons peculiarly and particularly
fitted for fiocrct service. They go on to
Bay that the characters of all parties re
ceiving ; these confidential communica
tions have been investigated , nnd they
have boon found "clean and trust
worthy , " that the association has boon
urged by Influential business men m the
community where they reside to secure
their services if possible , and they ear
nestly hope for a favorable reply , inas
much as out of some twenty names
suggested for Omaha , "you are the
only ono wo deem it advisable to
communicate with. " It should bo re
membered by the reader that about iifty
individuals have received this self same
letter here within the past four or five
days , oachnc being led to believe that
ho is the favored ono out of a largo num
ber recommended. The letter continues
detailing the benefits that accrue from
membership In this association , which
not only consists of a regular annual sal
ary , paid on the last day of each year ,
\ ( in your mind ) but in perquisites and
I ices without number ; the emoluments of
n single year , in many instances running
L into thousands of dollars. Then as an
irresistible inducement to join these
criminal hunters , the letter adds : "On
receipt of your favorable response , no-
companlcd by a $10 nolo as an assur
ance of good faith , wo will
Bend yon a certificate , signed
by the president and secretary , and chief
of the association , stumped with the offi
cial seal of the state , which will entitle
you to all the information accumulated
by our special bureau hero and to all
the rights , privileges and benefits of the
association. Further , upon the advice of
an acceptance of our proposition wo will
communicate with you with reference tea
a picco of work to bo done in Omaha , for
which you are especially adapted , and
for which work wo have already determ
ined to detail you. The compensation
for this service alone will bo very hand
some , and remove all doubts as to the
legitimacy of this great aud commend
able enterprise. "
1 hey conclude by urging an immedi
ate answer , as the accumulating work m
Omaha demands attention forthwith , and
a good lopresentativo must bo installed
without further delay.
Of course , that this whole
business is a fraud and a bilk from begin
ning to end , is patent to every ono with a
a modicum of brains , and the ono and
solo object is to get possession of the $10
William that those solicited to become
members of this "great nnd commend
able enterprise" are requested to remit
" of faith. " However
. "as an assurance good
ever , notwithstanding the palpable in
tention to cheat nnd defraud , it is humili
ating to state that several suckers have
already been found here , and there is nc
telling how many more will gulp down
the glittering luro. Like the stage and
_ the newspaper. business , detective service
'has a resistless charm about it to the un-
.initiated thousands , who seem to think
that any of the three is a life of case ,
plenty and pleasure unalloyed. They
fail to perceive the fact that life in
cither profession is not unlike that ot the
hod carrier and the section hand.
Items of Interest Concerning the
r Btato'H Public Carriers.
Besides the changes referred to in yes
( orday's HKK its likely to take place in the
auditor's olllco of the Union Pacific ,
others are anticipated in the operating
department , which will do away with a
number of officers , and at the sairo time
abolish a system which was introduced
under the recent elaborate and expen
sive management which has now been
retired forever. The first of these will
be the retirement of the assistant divis <
ion superintendents. These men , or
rather their ofllcos , wore created by Mr.
Smith. They are under the division sup
erintendent , and these m turn are sub
ordinate to the general superintendent ,
Under the proposed change the
i assistants | will bo abolished ,
their - places being tajcon bj
reliable and practicable workmen. The
present division superintendents will
bo assistants to the general superintend
ent. doing all the work heretofore done
by iho assistants. ' This will result in an
other great saving.
Charles Francis Adams , president ol
the Union Pacific , arrived in Omaha yesterday -
. torday on the 7:45 : train from the west.
I ! r if He was a9companind by his wife , two
daughters and Comptroller Mink of the
Union Pacific. The party occupied a
special car. After making a short stop
Iho party loft at eight o'clock for lioston.
Colonel Tom Orr , private secretary to
First Vice President Potter was at the
depot to receive Mr. Adams and did the
honors with his usual neatness , dispatch ,
When Mr. Adams arrived at the Trans
fer , across the river , ho was approached
by a BKE representative and in roplv tc
questions as to probable changes thai
would occur on the Union Pacific oflicia
itafT , ho replied that there would bo soint
before the first of the month. It was thi
aim of the directory to get the road in ai
economical running order 'as possible
and to secure the moat efllclont aud In
dustrlous rfiicials. Wherever an em
ployo could be dispensed with , eithoi
from the highest to the lowest branchci
of the company's work.a change would b <
made. In reference to Mr. Kimball'i
case Mr. Adams said ho was not pre
pared ( o , make any public statement
This last trip now being finished by a re
turn to Boston was principally foi
recreation. A tour had been madi
from St. Paul over the ftortnorr
Pucitio through the National park am
back over the Union Pacific. Tresulon
Adams'jomcd General Agent Burns am
the two occupied thn time before the departure
parture of the train in an apparent ) ;
earnest conversation.
"I read the paragraph in yesterday'
BKH , " said a friend of the Paciliu Hole
company , "and I don't know that it ma'
not turn out well founded. The compan'
has a live years' contract with the Unioi
Pncllie and has been working under | i
for only two years. But then , you know
I suppose that oven this contract if itwcr
thought desirable might be sot aside , am
perhaps in a manner to arouse 'no con
trcyorsy. The principal men of the Pa
cillo llotel company are Market am
Bwobe. and both of tiicso are proprietor
of the Millard hotel. Potter stop * thcr
when in town , and so docs Mr. Adam :
Both of these men are friends of th
Pncillo Hotel company. Besides , th
Union Pacillo is interested in th
Pacific Hotel company. It takes ono
ot the proflU ud.ln
Ills , transports all the neocsjarlcs free of
hareoand feeds railway employes for 25
cnts per meal Instead of 70 contx. Be-
UQS | it also furaishcs'tho eating houses.
don't think the bullet ear will pay. I
am in a position to know that the Pull
man bullet cars In the east are not suc-
essful and in a now country like ours ,
with such long stretches of unfavorable
arid districts.that.thoy could not bo other
wise than a failure.
The BF.K of yestcrdav contained si short
> aragraph setting forth in a general way
ho extension of the lines of the Pacific
Cxpress company in the vicinity of the
Pacific coast. This extension is some
what remarkable and is based upon the
control recently obtained by the Union
'ae.ifio over the lines of the Oregon Kail *
vay and Navigation company. The line
of the Union Pacllic extends to Hunting-
on where it connects with the former
company. The Pacific Express company
erritory extends thence to Portland.
hence by steamer to San Francisco and
again upward to Seattle , Port Townsend ,
Victoria and Alaska. It also comprises
he Columbia river which is navigated by
steamers between Portland and Astoria ,
he salmon trade making the same par-
icularly valuable ; also between Farming-
on and Palouso , in Washington
erritory , and Umatilla and Pen-
dlcton. The Northern Pacific abandons
lie active working of the business ,
though tne Pacific express still treats Its
matter as it does that of any other road
carrying it to the coast if it bo desired.
"What do you think about that acci
dent in Illinois ? " asked a Union Pacllic
engineer yesterday. "Now wo have
an understanding with the company
that no trains shall go out with
doublc-hnadors. The reason is that it
s most dangerous. Take , for Instance ,
the ElKhorn bridge. We get on that
after going down the grade at a
rapid rate. I can feel the
motion wo giyo the bridge ,
with but one engine. But if we had two ,
ho revolutions of the drivers , caoii pcr-
mps of different dimensions , would tend
to the jarring of the bridge so that it
would scarcely bo able to long withstand
t. You know it was said that the trot-
ing of a dog over the suspension bridge
at Niagara Falls would injure the struc
ture more 'lian-tho broken step of a com
pany of soldiers. Wo hayo the under
standing I tell you about and it is a most
valuable one , too. "
For several days FranK Patrick of
his line has had a largo torco of
nen cleaning up the track from
ho end of the street car track corner of
Thirty-sixth street and Mercer avenue
to Benson.
It is expected that the steam motor and
jars will commence running to-day.
The schedule of trips will be announced
This cable line has deposited iron for
ts curve at the corner of Harnoy and
Tenth streets this morning nnd the short
connection between the lines on these
streets will bo made at once.
The station formerly known as Mun-
son. on the Norfolk division of the Union
Pacilio road , south of Madison , lias been
changed to that of VVarnervillo , m order
to correspond witli the postollico address
at that place.
Trains will run as follows on the now
branch of the B. & M. between Centra !
City and Oreoly Center : The passengei
trains will leave Aurora at 3.25 p. !
arrive at Grcely Center at O. ' o p. m.
Leaving Grcory Center nt 9:15 : p. m , , anil
arriving at Aurora nt 12:10 : a. in. Twc
freight trains will also be operated on
this lino.
The Missouri Pacific line between thi :
city and Nebraska City was finished , bU
it fs expected that it will not bo in ruu
iiing operation before September 1.
' Fred Nash , general passenger agent ol
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , re
turned yesterday from a ten days' trip t <
Word was received nt the C. , M. &
St. P. office yesterday that Court Car
rier was not fn a very dangerous condi
tion now , the elTccts of the first attacl
having been removed.
Notice to Contractors.
Scaled proposals will bo received ai
the oillco of the city clerk in the city o
Laramie , until 0 o'clock p. m. , on tin
23d day of August , 1887 , for construcliuf
sewers in the city of LaramidQAlbani (
county , Wyoming territory.
Forms of proposals , copies of spccitlca
tion and instructions to contractors man
bo obtained of the engineer , and tin
uluns aud profiles may bo seen at thi :
Each bid roust bo accompanied by r
deposit of $100 as a guarantee of the
good faith of the bidder.
The council reserve the right to rejec
any or all bids. LEUov GRANT" ,
Attest : Mayor.
C. F. SHEI.TON , Clerk.
Lost or Stolen Boy eight years old
light short hair , wearing blue waist ,
jeans pants , named Harry. Please send
any information to Louis Bokomper , cor
3d and Pine sis. , Omaha , Neb. , and b <
Some Interesting Item * From th <
Bosy Suburb.
Enterprise ledge 70 , K. of P. , has re
ceived its parphanaha , and is now it
good working order to confer all degrees
A meeting was hold Thursday night am
ono now member was initiated.
A. J. Baldwin , of the firm of Wright iS
Baldwin , has gene east to viait fncndi
and buy goods.
A now tailor shop has been opened Ir
the city.
Mrs. E. Stansburyhas opened a restau
rant on Twenty-sixth street.
The "cut oft " ot the Fremont , Elkhorr
& Missouri Valley rnilroad , now in course
ot construction , will bo completed abou
September G.
Sarah Alexander had James Scator
arrested on the charge of assault am
battery on her husband aud herself
Scaton was locked up over night am
the complaint was withdrawn.
Judge Kouthor dismissed Thomai
Flannery. who was arrested on com
plaint of Andrcanl Parquale for stoallm
Mrs. E. J. Mllnor is the happy mothci
of an eleven-pound boy.
Mrs. Fred Mundt , who has been vcr ;
ill with a malignant form of malaria
poison , is recovering.
Mr. Patrick , ot St. Joseph. Mo. , was it
the city Thursday looking after businesi
Eroporty aud was pleased with the place
ut had the impression that property wa
a little high.
Excavations for the now graded schoo
house were commenced yesterday.
Miss Gertrude Glasgow , school tcache
at Albion , is visiting her parents Mr. am
Mrs. Dr. Glasgow.
A preliminary meeting will be hoi
Saturday night in the Odd Follows hall
for the puruoso of organizing a lodge u
the Masonic order.
The case of Henry Toehnor , chargei
with aiding a prisoner to escape , was dif
missed by Judge Uouthor.
Mrs. W. M. Wood , wife of the Umo
Pacific ticket agent , has gene to Ml
Clemens. Mich. , where she will spend
mouth visiting friends.
An old gentle-man who said he hai
noon eighty-three summers and as man
winters made a few remarks that cam
to the ears of the reporter , which were t
the effect that he had never touched llquol
played cards or uttered an c th and ha
been traveling sovent v-ono yean. He aln
said that he had IS.trfuAU sous , the eldes
suty-uvo &tt flwjwupgej , t
none ot whom , to tha best of his knowl *
dge , ever drank , iworc or gambled , and
10 kept a detective watching them con-
Fowler Bros , have contracted for three
modern patented arctlo freezers to bo
nit in their establishment , at a cost of
Fifteen acrcsof timber land , called Mis-
oun avenue park , have been pu' on the
market and find ready sales.
K. Karlson , the grocery man , is jubl-
ant over the arrival of a now son.
The foundation and collar for a largo
louse on Twenty-fifth and Q. street cast
ot Hammond & Swift's packing houtic ,
have been completed. The owners re *
ido in Omaha.
The city council ot South Omaha met
Thursday night in the council cham
ber. All the members were present ex
cept the mayor. The acting mayor F. M.
Smith occupied the chair. Bills amount-
ng to f2.)1.80 wore approved and referred
o finance committee to pass npon. The
reports of the city marshal and
) olice judge were received and showed
hat last month there were forty-six ar-
csts mrulo and $00 in lines collected ,
'lie following report was submitted by
he city treasurer for the month of July :
On hand July 1 53,51431
Collected 31 89
Msbursed 25 00
Balance on hand August 1 3,203 iU
On hand July 1 835 10
Collected 5400
) lsbursed 30 75
Balance on hand August 1 62 44
Mr. Ward's resignation fro'ntho police
orco was accepted and Thomas Loonoy
was appointed in his stead. A. M. Kccnan
was also appointed to a position on the
pohco force.
Ordinance 23 , appropriating $1,200 for
ho grading of End street , passed the
eeond leading.
The question of the motor line bond
was discussed nnd referred to a commit-
eo to report at the meeting next Thurs-
liy evening. . _
The council then adjourned.
Saturday , grand opening lunch at
losomunu's Vienna cafe. Lunch rooms ,
adics' restaurant and bowling alley ,
1013-1015 1'arnam street.
The Kearney Ijot Sale.
The excursion party which left Omaha
on the 10th inst. arrived at Kearney on
lie morning of the llth , and was met at
ho depot by a delegation consisting of
Mr. J , S. Harrington , owner of the prop
erty , and P. II. Stecle. After breakfast
the entire party was taken around the
oity in carriages to all the points of in
terest , the most notable being the water-
l > ewer , which will be of inestimable value
.o the city and has an unlimited supply
of power , and cannot help but bring in
manufacturers nt an early day , as the
City of Kearney will ofler all advantages
possible to manufacturers wishing to lo
cate. The sale of eighty residence lots
and seven business lots was a success in
every way , and prices realised were very
The Colors ot the First.
I'ARTMENr. LINCOLN , August 8 , 1887
Cliixrles K. liurmnster , esq. , Secretiry of Uo-
union Committee , Oinnlm , Nob. Dear Sir :
Replying to your tutor of the Cth lust. , I
have to say that I can see no objection to
your having the battle llan's ot the First Ne
braska nt the reunion. I will consent to
tlielr going there on the assurance which j on
give me In your letter , that j on will come
down for them , take entire care ot them , nnd
, yourself , bring them back to the capltol
ulldlnR. I aic willing to trust the colors to
j on , for you IMVO a life interest in them , as
ovary other member In the regiment had.
They are sacred works , nnd I only consent
to their being taken to the reunion on ac
count of the unqualified assurance you have
given me that you will take most perfecl
care of them. I am , yours very truly ,
Its superior ezccllunce proven m millions ol
homes for more thun u quarter of a century
It Is used by the United States Gcuernmont
Kndorscd by the htuds of thn Gront Unlvorsl
tics , us the Stronirost. Purest and Most Hotilth
ful. Dr. 1'ilco's the only Dskln Powder thai
docs not contain Ammonia , Llrao , or Alum
Bold only in cans.
Chicago , Milwaukee &SI Paul \ \
The Beat lloute from Omaha ant
Council Jllntfn to ]
Two Tiains Daily Between Omaha am
Council Bluih
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapid ;
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Belolt , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other important points East , Northeas
. , und Southcatt.
/'JT.tS.roUBh ' tickets call on the ticket agon
'rat" * 8t < ln Pnxton hotcl' or M Unl01
P i d
Pullman Sleepers aud tbe finest Dining Car
in tbe world are run on the nmln line of thi
Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Hallway and ov
erjr attention Is paid to passengers by courtc
ous employees of tbo company.
1C Mii.t.iu. General Munagor.
J.K TUCKCR , Assistant General Manager.
A. V. K. CAnrcNTER , General Passenger an <
Ticket Agent.
Gio. B HIAITOHD , Assistant General Pasien
g r and Ticket Agent.
J. T. CLANK General Superintendent.
Orrialia ,
Paid up Capital. . ' . $850,001
Surplus . 48,601
II. W. Yntr-t , President.
A. E. Touzitlin , Vico-Prcsident.
\V. U. S. Hughes , Cashier
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
U. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Ilepd.
A. E. Toiizalm.
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varli * . A marvel of put-
tystrength ami wtmlcsoraeness. Mare ccon-
mical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo
old in competition with the multitude of low
est ihort wolRht alum or t > ho phnto powders ,
told only In cam. UovAfc BAKING I'OWDEH Co.
01 Wall-it. , N. Y.
314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Established for the Scientific and Speedy
Cure of Chronic. Nervous and Special
The Old [ tollabb Specialist of many years ex
perience , treats with wonderful success nil
LA , UU1TURE , cured without KNIFK OH
Tieats all forms of Throat Lunp , Ncrro and
Hood dlscnses , all Chronla diseases and Do-
'otinltlrs far in advance of any Institution In
: hls country. Those who contemplate goln ? to
Hot SpilnffB for theitreatment of any Privateer
or Ulood cured for ono thud the
cost at our Private [ Dispensary , 3U South loth
street , Omnlia , Neb. '
HUPTUKR curettvplthout pain orhlndoranco
rotn business.
y this treatment a pure Lovely
Complexion , free from slowness
freckles , blnrkhcadt , oruptlnn , etc. , Urilliam
Eyes and perfect health can > > o bad.
f& That "tlredf feeling ntidiilifomnlowcak.
nosaes promptly cured. Ulontlng Headaches
Nervous Prostration , General Debility. Sloop
lesaness , Depression nnd Indigestion , Ovnrlor
troubles , Inttummotion and tllootntlon , Falllnii
and Displacements , Spinal weakness , Kidney
complaints anj Chiingo of Life , Consult th
old Doctor.
EVC IUn BID Acute or ChronloTnflam
klk Allll CMimatlonof the Kjellds 01
Glolio and lar or Near Slglitcdness , Invorslot
of the Mdp , ScrofulnuB 11) cs , Uloratlons , In
llammatlons , AUSCORS , Dlmnc8S of Vision of om
or both eyes , and Tumors of
Vff Inflammation oT the Ear , Ulcorutlon 01
Catarrh , Internal or External Deafness , 01
Paralysis , Singing or Uoarln ? noises , TblckoDot
Drum. etc.
UCDlinilC DebilitySpermatorrhrca , Som-
nCnffllUO Imvl Losses , Night Emissions
Loss of Vital Power , Sleeplessness , Despond
cncy , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas
Illurs lioforo the Eyes , Lassitude , Languor
Gloominess , Depression of Spirits , Aversion ti
Society , 1'aplly Discouraged , Lack ot Coufl
donee , Dull , Listless , UnHt for Study or Dust'
no s , and llnds Ufa a burden , Safely , 1'orraa
nently and Privately Cured.
Dl linn ff. CVIII DiseasesSyplilHs--a'dI
DLUUU Ot OAlnsoaso most horrible Ir
Its results completely eradicated without thi
use of mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , l'o\ei
Sores , Illotches. PimplcR. Ulceis , pains fn thi
Head and Hones , Sjtilillltlc Sere Thiont.Moutl
and Tonnue , ( jlnndular Knlargcment of tin
Neck , Itlieumutism , Catarrh , etc. , I'ormunontlj
Cured When Others Have Failed.
Kidney and Bladder troubles
i Weak Hack , Ilitinlnff Urine
Frequency of Urinating , Urine high colored 01
milky sedimonton standing , Conorrhcca , Gleet
Cjstltls , etc , promptly and safely cured
Charges reasonable.
gleet , stricture , seminal omissions , loss of sex
ual poncr , weakness ot the sexual oigans.wan
of desire In male or female , whether from 1m
prudout habits ot young or sexual habits it
mature years , or any cause that debilitates thi
sexual lunctlons , speedily aud poriaanontli
Consultation free and strictly confidential
Medicine sent free from observation to al
parti of the United States , Correspondent
receives prompt attention. No letters answered
swored unless accompanied by four cents li
stamps. Send stamp for pamonlet and list ol
questions. Terms strictly cash. Cull on or ad
dress 1 > R. 1'OWKI.t , UEKVKS ,
No. SH South 13th St. , Omaha , Nob.
ThcCooKncMnTC3.Mf | | I HHHsT
you. ai If by in glc.lnM | 11 I IIIIUL
five to eight daj. This ff II I | | lnr
Itemed/ absolutely 11 I Ink Wills
unknown to anyone outside of our Company. It I
nnbumbUK , and we guarantee to do what we say
We are financially rripopilble ; will make Iron c ! <
contracts Ihoichtuni ; SyphiliticTrounles shouli
correspond with us. It will cult you noiblnn to knot
atiinlntely that we arc reliable and do hit we claim
Addrrss , COOK Itcviur Co. , Roam U llellma
Building , Omaha , Neb ,
* T LINCOLN.'MiG ' , 12,13 & 15
A contest tiy the Giants fo :
the Pennant.
kTBnjbTr > thtrspl > c d lnlheh 4l
B J I HINUnPlh lrtnni. ! JvKcpletolth
SJ I HWil * lnf rro tloiicf * Hu to Ilmio.
MAlSTtl IIMIOT CI. 19 Park Place. Ntw York.
Remarkable for powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; 80 years' record ,
the best guarantee of the excel
lence of these instruments.
TQKBO. ATlctlmc
i w w a nrcmatura l > wv , NCTTOT
Ir.LiMtManbood.tU baTjuatrlodln Tat
known rcmxir , hit dUcoria * ! a impl
IW Jil' ! ! < ? 'J 2f {
In order to create a little stir during this , for the clothing trade ?
usually quiet spell , we have placed on sale for this week , and until
they are all disposed of , about *
One thousand suits comprising four different lines at the following
prices :
one lot men's sack suits made of good Union Oassimere ; a nice small J
check , serge lining , covered buttonsand altogether made up in good ;
substantial manner , at $3,75 a suit. j
Two lots of men's sack suits , both the same quality bu different patterns - {
terns of dark , very neat mixtures , lined with serge and well made ;
at $4.50. These suits are of good medium weight and would be
adapted for wear now as well as later on in the season.
One lot of young mens' suits , sizes from 33 to 38 , a splendid pattern of
silk mixture cassimere , Italian lining and elegantly made for $5.25.
Our object in placing these suits on sale at these prices is two-fold ;
Firstly , to meet the wants of a large class of our patrons , and to enable - *
ble them to get , at a time of the year when no one feels like buying expensive -
pensive clothing , a substantial and good looking suit at a merely
nominal price. Our second and main object is to advertise ourselves
and pave the way for the immense fall business for which we prepare
and which we expect to do.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
During July and August , our store closes at 6:30 : p. m. , except Saturday.
Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB.
ft t fccttltlf i ftpparttui ftnl r mMloi fir niTmftil trtKtmfnt tf
iffy form ofiUom * * requiring M UIctl or Strifiral trewlmeiiL
VYKITB rnm Cmcu * nt onlWormltfn an I liiri ( hib f > rt ,
OifYilureoftlitSpIn * , ! lit * . Tumor * Ltnrrr CaUrili HittiicUtU ,
IntitUtloii , lettrfcltjr , I'lrilvtU I pilepijr , Kt < tnjlJlftUJ < r , t > * .
Ear , Hldn , ami UluoJ , atul allttuiglc * ! Ojwratluni ,
Look 011 Diseases of TVomcu rilEE.
from 1 lie i ) trni without inrrcuiy New Kritorctlre Frektinent for
Lett of MUl 1'ower I > r * > tu utmbl * toTitltu * m y li trttit < l at
hum * , by Co Te | < m Icnrf AUroinmunlcBtloniConodtntial Htdi
cIiifiurlnMruinents n > nt by mtllortipreii wcnreltcktd \ no
ni rkilolnllrn1 content ! or wilder. One jr oii l liMtrvitw pr-
fffMl Call miilrmuiiltui.orwnilhUloryofjrQur UK , wllhiUmp ,
* n4 vr will fct-uJ In plita % > rtiiwri our
Uponrrtvtt * , * | * clat "til KWTOUB IW * i 8rnilnit | weftknfj *
Bpvrntat mlm-a , Impotniry , BtphilK Uominliua , Gleet , ted * * i
cocvlr Kootn * fir paticnti. AtMrrii ,
Dr. icMenamy , Cor. 13th st. & Oapltol ivjindsa , M.
Medical Hooks or Papers Free.
The proprietor of the Omaha Medical and Surgi
cal institute li published a riiluable set of bouks
ml ptpen upon chrunlo unii eurgtcal dlncaici uncl
deformities unit tuo methods of euro vrhlohlmvo
Klren blm tne reputation of being too moit nklll-
III and iucceilful nisclullsv in tne vrest. and
made the Institute BO celebrated that medicines ro
ent to and imtlenu received from every ttata In
thu union. Among the books Is one upon the dlnea li
es of woman : one upon nervous , special anil prlva'o
dl ciitei of the sexual and urlimry omani , varies-
cele cured by surgical operitloni , and thrlr lately
Invented clump compress suspensory for the relief
nil cure of varlcocelc , nervous ihauslloii iind sex
ual debility , new restorative treatment. Papers
unon eureleul braces , riles , cancers piiralynu , llti <
Klectrlrlty imd the new magnetic battery for horn *
usa : catarrh and Inhalation , etc. Unlike most book *
Issued by doctors fret , they do not rnnslut
of testimonials with fictitious name * and Initials ,
or rubblnb of that kind , but are Plnln deicrlnttnni
of dlieases.tymptoras , new discoveries In medicine ,
surgery and electricity , and are well worth the lie-
tu l. and can be obtained free by addrr slng tie
Onihn Medical and Surgical Institute , utb street
and Capitol Avenue , Omaha , Nebraska.
1312 Douglas Street.
mcK > < . > irui < n 7cm , Aik j. rd.
focthim , mtUiili. . b ; tb < U > nuf > ctiinn ,
I.VON * HEALY , I028tats > St. . Chicago.
Something entirely new
and sells at eight , liar'
ton's btbainlcsa , Oclor-
'less ' , Noii-lloll Uvor-Kot-
tle. Has doup raised
co or and water joint ,
nnd an outlet which car
ries all Btoum and odor
of the chluinoy. Patent
Stenmor attachment
alone worth tbn prico.
Agents wanted , mule or
female In every town In Nebraska. Profits 13 to
(10 per day. Liberal terms and eiclush e terri
tory given. Bend stamp for circular and terms.
Prices , flqt. , 11.75 : 8 i.t. , tl.fS ; 10 qt , | 2 ; H qt. ,
II.W. Model by raall.iic.
W.S.COOMHS. General Agent.
Omaha Neb , P. U. llox 483.
WM. io iHTosii. n. r. HODWBU
Real Estate Dealers
140 South Spring Street ,
Dealers In city nml country property of ai
descriptions , ( lencral Intormutiou to new
comer * freely given.
I *
n >
Imported and Bottled by Mihalovltch Flctcher& Co. , Cinincnatl , O. For sale by
tbe following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; 0lake , Bruce & Co. , Adlcr& Hell *
er , Frank Pellone & Co. , R. R. Grotte. Families supplied by Gladstone Bros , tt .Co.
Sample bottle free. For sale by all wholesale and retail druggists , liquor dealers and
wine merchants.
Latest Styles ,
Finest Goods.
Lowest Prices.
Tbe lllnstrtttlona above are made from photograph * . The adJuBtoblo parts do not chars" tha
Appearaao * when uaod * a a Btreet cnrrlago ; they can be uaod or not at the pleasure of the pur-
cbaaer. Tbe HOLMAN OABBIAQEB are warranted for two years. Every part In absolutely per *
feet. Over 1OOO ( old In Chicago Blnce March Jit. Bent to all par ( of the United Btatoa aod sufa
delivery guaranteed. Bend for a catalogue containing latest stylus1 , cbeapunt to fluoet.
HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. , 275 Wabash Ave. , Chicago , Ills.
A magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.