Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head , 10 cents pa
Inu for the Hint Insertion , 7 cents tor enctt iub
aerjiicnt Insertion , attdtl.tJOa line per month
ho ndvortlfoment taken for lets than 5 ccnU
for the first Insertion. Seven words wll Jfo
counted to the line : they must run consecu
tively and must Dopnld In advance. All advor-
tlsomcntH mint Iio handed In before 1.TO o'clocn
p. tn. . end tinder no clrcumMnnccs will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
rnrtins advertising IntheM column and bav-
Ing tun Answers nddresfod In care ot Tiir. UK *
wlllple * e ask fora , clieek to enable them to net
tnelr none will bo delivered except
oti iircFcntntlon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should be enclosed in envelopes.
All advertisements In the BO columns arc pub-
ll hed In both morning and evening editions
of TUB HUE. the circulation ( if which nggro-
jratoi more than H.tHH ) putior * dnllyi nd Klves
the advertisers ttio bcmnt. nut only of the cltv
circulation of Tim Hris , but nl o of Council
JlltilTs. Uncoln and other cities and towns
hroiighnnt tills part of the west.
1,000,000 to loan. Cole , 319 SaJ&th.
W o loan money on Improved property -
MONKV any dtslrcd amount at low rates
of Interest , to run from two to ton yearn time.
Btotts , fox * nonstonyiroTH I'arnam. OM
ToTonn at 0 per cent. Patterson
MONIJY . , irth atrcot , op P.O.
. TO LOAN atO per cent Llnahan
$700.000 , 1W)9 ) Farnam. 038
P K. O. Patterson. 15th and narnny. C39
$ HmOOn tn loan on real estate. No delay.
Harris & Bumpson , 1518 Douglas St. C4U
ONBV TO LOAN-O. F. Davis Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st
9 ( HI
500,000 to loan in any amount at lowest rate
of interest. H. H. Iroy , Frensor block. 807
, To loon on Omaha city property at *
percent U. W. Day , s. e. cor. Ex. Bid.
64 *
MONKY TO LOAN Onolty and farm prop
erty at low rates. No delay. C hn 4 wool-
ley , 1323 Karnam st. 5 a37
MONBY'to leah to parties wishing to build.
8. S.-Campboli310 ; B 18th Bt. , Chambtr of
Commerce. fill
To loun. Lowest rates. No delay.
MONEY . Hlco & Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank. 57
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J. W. and K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam it ,
Taxton hotel building. 6U
TV1ONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop-
I'l erty In lutas of fl.onoto 15,000 at six per
cunt Interest. Bholcsi Crumb. 645
T\tONKY tO LOAN on improved real pstatei
jXJL no commission charged. Leavltt Hurn-
ham , lloom 1 Crelghton llloclc. C41
ON"EY TO LOAN-On city nixptrty In
sums of 1500 and upwards at lowest rate * .
Money always on band. 8. B. CaiBpbnll.810
Houth Sixteenth utroet. B47
LOAN Money Loans placed on improved -
. proved real estate In city or county for
Mew England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. Kith and Chicago sts. 649.
M ( LOANED at C. F. Itcod & Co.'s Loan
Office , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and 'all other ar
ticles of value without 819 . 19th.
akfvivn - raiuUf TTIIHWU * iviiiuvni . 8. .
over Blngbam's Commission store , All
nesi strictly confidential. 650
MONKY TO LOAN-bytho nndersignert , who
bu the only properly -organized loan
Money In Omaha. Loans of 110 la $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , * o , without romoval. No flolays.
All business strictly oonfidentlal. Loans so
nade that any part can bopald at any ime.each
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
madn on flne watohes and dlmnonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns ere dally' coming
intooxlstonee..Should you need money call
uidseome. W. R. croft , Boom 4 Wfthneil
Building 15th and Harney. 651
aiHE OMAHA Financial Exchange.
N-VV. corner of Harney and 15th its. ,
over State National bank.
I Prepared to moke short time loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chsttels , collateral or MS !
VfltflvO *
Long time loans made on Imorored real estate
t current rafet.
Purchase money mortgaras negotuted.
Secured notes bought , aoldor exchanged.
Short time loam made Tn second mnrtffSff *
according to marginal Interest , s > t collateral
Baal estate to excoakre for rood taterert
baarlng papjr.
General financial business of all klads tnint-
eted promptly , quietly and-faJrly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub.
Hefty. Corbett. Manager. 659
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1105
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur-
nlshed , and titles to real estate examined , per
fected and KuaranMed 878
TT10R 8ALE-Tbo job printing office and book
L bindery together with the good will of the
Dakota Bell Publishing company at Slouz Falls ,
the leading olty of Dakota. The plant Is prob-
nbly the best In the territory and an excellent
blank book trade and commercial line of print
ing Is done. The growing demands of the
Dakota Dell compel the publishers to relinquish
all other work and devote their whole tlmo to
the paper. Tola Is a flne chance to buy out a
well established business. Address Sam T.
Clover , manager. _ 286
. "E10R SALEOr Trade-A largo three-story
JL' brick hotel In live western Iowa town ol
5,000 pop. Newly furnished throughout , hat 65
bed rooms , steam bt > t , gas , eleotrlo eall anil
alarm bolls , city water , etc. Near depot and
business center. Must be disposed of at once
on account of poor health of owner. Terms
reasonable. Address Btotts , Cox ft Houston
1807(4 Farnam. B58
RARE business chance t for sale , the stock ,
fixtures and good will of a Orst-olass clothing -
ing store doing a good business , centrally
located , only reasons for selling tbu owner has
other and more Important business. Parties
moaning business may address U. 18 , Bee office.
WANTED Parties who desire to buy or eel
or exchange stocks of general morohan-
/lite , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes ,
Hardware , drugs , jewelry improved or umlra-
nrovod town orclty property , Improved r un-
S > roved farms in any part of the United States ,
to address Krausa * Foster , 816 S , IStb st
Omaha , Neb. 655
_ _
nmoit SALB-1 offer for sale the United State )
J. ' hotel ear of Douglas aud 10th st Said note
has accommodations for 60 boarders and runs
In connection a bar with a full stock of the
best liquora ; will sell cheap on account ot sipk-
ness ; inquire on premises. 671 U
T > USINESB Chance For sale A stock of dry
J- > goods , clothing , furnishing goods , boots
Bud shoes ; alxo fixtures. With this stock a four
years lease of a double store caube obtained in
imo of the best retail localities in the olty. In
formation at Dormaun's , CU9 South Thirteenth
Street BOS
WANTED Partner in Oregon lumber bus
nuss. Capitol $10,000 to $20,000. A flrst
, class Oregon party wants a partner to estab
lish a yard In Omaha. Enquire of K. Koso-
water. _ 651 13J
IfOR 8ALK-A half interest In a Turklsl
1 bath house. Party taking Interest must
take unlive part In thn buslnois. Address
lloom 5,210 S llth st. Lincoln , Noli. 121 12J
ARA RE ChanroBusiness for sale at re us-
onuolo figure , in which $3uoo to f 1,000 per
year can De made , very small capital required
to run It , good reasons for selling , those mean
Ing business can address A ! I9 , Dee office. M3
" 1OH TRADE- hiivr 800 sheep , 2 , 3 and
JL ? years old , and 400 lambs which we will trade
for Keith county or western Iowa farms. These
Ibeep are perfectly healthy and No. 1 in every
nspect. Park , Fowler 3t Kennard , 1C07 Far-
TOOK SALE A fl rat-class hotel property doing
4I'icollont business. Mum sell in sixty
days. For prloo and terms address 11. 8. Lilly ,
real estate dealer , Broken liow , Neb. allsll
i * \\7ANTED-A responsible msn who ucdcr-
i , TV stands In * hydruullo drain tils buslnoss
With capital of § 600 or IfiOO. 'J hero la big money
In this for tbo right man. Addrms Hank of
Valley. Valley. Nub. 8 J 14
OH SALE The stock flxturon and ( rood will
of restaurant and lunch counter , doinga
rood paying business , a bargain if taken at
once. Inquire southeast cornerCth and Pacific.
. OVJ 14J
8ALE-Me t market , tools , fixtures
horse and wagnn , ererythliu ; complete.
Good location ; good trade. Address U IS , U * * ,
815 l >
_ \7AN-I EDPartncr with a few tUousand do !
lars -tho more tbo better inn good puy
IngbmineMln Omaha and Lincoln with n.K iiri
snco elsewhere 'In Nebraska ; e.fubllihed a your
work light , pay sure. Addr 8 * A 60 lleo office
A N opportunity offered to any person wl h-
tIng to Invest In a good paying business.
Present owner goln west. Address A 4 : ' . . this
ofllce. 32013J
F .OH BAT.K I. W library , cheap. . Wheeler
Whsiilor , Doua-lss ana 15th it. , 057
FOIl BALR-Ono of tlio bcif psylngdi'ui ?
stores In Iowa. Cnih tales 140 per dny.
Address K. 1 Smith , Shonandoau , Iowa ,
XX llj
\fr.HCHANDlBKfor fnrmsviil exchange
L'iOrst class Improvodlfind In Cedar Co , ,
fob. , for grocorlos or vents' furnishing BOO Is ,
want no undesirable old goods. Have also good
own and city property to exchange. Address
lox 77 , Spokane Kails. W. T. 811 15
PERSONAL The Oato City Employment of-
Pee , 3I4H 8 11th , supplies the best of Scan-
llnavlnn and Qernian girls. ( 9
I > KR ONAL Private homo for ladles during
conflncmant , strictly confidential. infants
uloptod , addrosi K 42. llcoolllce. 107 sopt7
IJKIISONAIj Send for your sowing machine
needles , oil and repairs to the Slnaor
Mnn'fg Co , 1518 Douglas st , Omaha. 483 Kit
lEUSONAIj-Hemnvod from 1211 Davenport
St. to 3U North 12th , furnished rooms for
rent 884-18 *
j cnomen , attention. Good
JL board and rooms ntWHH. 18th st.raasonably
78 miff U'j
PBRSntfAL-Mr * . Cr Nanms T , W rrsn
' clairvoyant , Medical and buslnsis Medium
Boom No. 8 121 North 18th it .Omaha , Neb.
1100 In flvo twenty dollar bills , three of
LOST wore numbered consecutively. A
reward of f 20 will bo paid by returning It to J ,
F. Murphy , QunrtoruinBtorH depot. U7H l-'J
- stolen , cream colored pony , 0
yeurp * old , whlto mnno and tnti : return and
receive reward , 1' , Hunson , U2d and Hurt sis.
303-11 *
rERSONAL-A mlddlo-asred laily of culture
and rellnomont wishes to correspond with
n gentleman of Kood habits , 45 or DO years ot
ago. Address A 63. Bee olllco.VH K *
LOST llotweon Leslie & Leslie's drugstore
and public library room plush purse and
money. Finder leave at library and receive
ruward. 335 12J
THAYED ' Twobnjr mares , black manes and
S' tails. jOne old , ono young. W. J , Council
LOST English setter bitch , double nose.
Heturn to S2d and Poppletoa ave , and re
ceive reward. 31812J
will return model of Dr. Doug-
lass' Turkfsh Uusslan bath apparatus , they
will receive reward. Apply to Col. J. S. Toner ,
Windsor hotel , Omaha. 2(11 ( 12J
TOST A whlto cow with grey spots. $5 re-
J ward will be paid is returned to Wm.
Kunchman , 38th and Loavenworth. Zfl'l 12J
- dollars' reward. Strayed or
stolen from rear of 111 N 17th st , n largo
roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing be
tween U'OOond 1,400 pounds , redUh brown
mane and tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen-
$25-will be paid for return of animal to owners ,
at 110 SlOhst.and If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a reward of 150 for the arrest
nd conviction of the thief. 698
mAKEN UP-2 cows , ono white one red. Call
JL at Urownen hall. 337
Iff Its. DIJKANT Chirlvoyant from lloston Is
1'A reliable In all affair ? of life , unites sepa
rated lovers. ; C2 n 10th stroom 1. B4 sept 8J
XjURST-CLASS tttorage at 110 N 13th ft >
First-class storage for nice fur
niture or boxed goods , at513 Dodce-st
/CANADIAN Employment ollloe. 316 8.o15th
SABTEKN Nebraska farms to exchange for
t Omaha property. 1812 FurnaM. 543
"PARTIES wanting to sell off their household
JL effects clttier--t auction or private sale
Should call on Brown Sc L'relghton , auctioneers
and real estate agents , southeast corner ICth
and Douglas. 300-13
OHA HA LOTS To exchange tor cattle. Pat
terson ft Hoore , 1618 Farnam. 347
MRS. E. WINDERS , fortune teller , the best
In the city. 11,000 will be paid to party
doing better than I. 406 N. 16th st. , un-stalre.
1813 *
TIB * Gate City Employment office , 814H B.
15th street. Orders for all kinds of help
sollcted. 929
\fAGNKTlOHeallnir Mediums oure all kinds
J.Uof sickness la connection with clairvoy
ance of the past , "present and future. J. H ,
Pageler , North State st , mile west of fair
grounds. P. O. box 083. 610 a26j
TnonRBNT Square Piano Id montkly.
JJ Bospe. 1613Douglas. Ml
fjlOR RENT Organs , la per month. Hospe.
JP 1618 Douglas. CS1
OX. C.-House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Bonner , 1315 Douglas sL 66 ]
ion RENT Hquare Dane , * montnlr.
Hospe. 1613 Douglas. 651
F OR SALE Cheap , now round corner lunch
or bar counter , H : J S. 10th. 410 16J
fOU ! SALE A first-class swing at Pries' lake.
' Andrew Jonson.lUT North 'Sth avenue.
L10R BALE 100 tons extra flno bay. John F.
0 Johnson. Oakland , Nob. 01313j
"ITtOR SALK Houshold furniture very cheap ,
JL- nearly now ; on account of leaving olty. In
quire 618 South 10th street Room 1. 351 llj
Uli SALE An elegant driving horse , large ,
perfectly Bound and gentle , will make
splendid family horse. Goo. N. flicks. > 15 S.
16th st. 29fl 12
rpOHSALB Or trade for real estate , lease
J' and turnlture of block ot thirty rooms.
Address A 40 , Bee office. 276
FOR SALE Flno Cleveland bay gelding , (
years old , 17 hands , high , single carriage
hone. O. C. Johnson , room 22 , Iron bank.
[ 804-14 *
FOH BALE-At a bargain , a 0-room house
with closets and pantry , etc. , lot 25 feet
east front , 6 blocks south of court house. Address -
dress Y 90 , Bee office. 630830 *
FJH BALK Furniture , good will and lease ol
the best paying small hotel in Omana.
Constantly full of flrst-olsss boarders. Frlco
$1.600 Investigate Ibis. J. F. Hammond , in
8.16th. 7 9
I ? OR SALE Your choice of tbe best lines of
; bumles. carriages , phaetons , surreys , de
livery wagons , open and top one flne hunting
wagon. Call and look through or send for outs
and , price to Columbus Buggy Co. , 11U Harney
239 a20
TTTOll BALE Furniture of S rooms with pnvl-
JL ? lege of lease of bouse , 707 B. 14th St
FOR BALE Carpets and furniture , and
.house lor rent , 1133. ard between Doug
las sndJJodge. 414
S NAP Furniture and lease of B rooms , E
blocks from , ! ' . O. fl. E. Cole , 318 8 15th.
605 ItlJ
FT1HIRTV-FOURsquare * of sheet steel rooflnR
Jfor sale cheap. C. W , & G. E. Thompson ,
314 8. 15th St. ' 234
E'Oll SALB-Cneap , flxtures and tools of meal
market doing a cosh business , also horse
and delivery wagnn , a good chance for rltrbt
parties. J. J. Skinner , 1310 Harnoy st.Omaha.
204 15
E ' n * .4& vr and gasoline wnpon , team
harness and route. Call bet. U and 1 al
H13 Dodge. 815
WANTED Harbor for Saturday and Sunday
at 103 North 10th near Dodgn. 412 13J
WANTUD-4 canvassers , $2.50 per day. Ir
section hands , 10 men for street work. 1
pastry cook , meat cook $ TiO. Canndlan Km
ployment office , Mrs. llrega It Son,315 S 16th.
WANTKD-Ono Brst-class barber. Address
D. K. . box B , Plum Creek. Neb. UTS inj
WANTED A good clg r mnker , ono wno
understands hli business . tn all of its
branches. Must bo sober and Industrious. Ad
dress F. M. , cam of box 3 ? * , North 1'latlu. Nob.
271 13J
W ANTF.D-Men for dairy work. J F. liocF
north of deaf and dumb. 308-14 *
WANTED-Two men as solicitors. $15 per
> > wtisk. C , K. Bahn , liil Cans strout.
i < a U'J
WANTED 50 men for company work in
Mfisourl , Iowa and Nebraska ; $1.75 anc
$3.00 | > er day , O'Kcrfo * MoUerr , W > S llth st
I ; 33 ? : aj
\\fANTBfi-A man who understands match
/ ing , sewing find laying carpets , addrets
A47Rcooaico. . . W5 U
-A broom maker at'Western
T Broom Factory , Crolghton ave and Win
St. 321 18J
WANTKD All those wishing help or situa
tions as assistant bookkeeper , general of *
Ice clerks collectors , etc. , watchman , porters ,
eamstcrs , coachman , engineers , fireman , Jan-
tor , bakers , barber * , etc. Apply to the Mutual
Employment Agency , 211 8. loth St. , upstairs.
WANTED A young man who understands
bookkeeping thoroughly. Permanent
situation to right party. Address A 46 , lleo
Olllco. 335 J3
' \X7ANTKD Young mpn to represent our
TT house In Iowa. J. M. French k Co. ,
lloom IB , llusliruan block. 172 14
TlTANTED Five traveling talesmen ; salary
TT and expenses ; no experience necessary
Address , with stamp , Fanner St Co. , Lacrosse ,
Wls. IBS 13J
WANTED-A baker at 1429 Sounders st ;
none but first-class need apply. 325-12 *
ANTED-At Miller's restaurant 1004 N.
16tb , second cook. 27J 13
WANTKD An experienced salesman In n
f tn nlturo storo. Good salary and per
manent situation to right party. Address A
51 , Beoofllcu. 33Tjl3'
WANTED A few onorgotfb traveling sales
men to sell our Famous Now York
Cljrars. References. Address Chas. A.
llartcher , FiMt National Rank llultdlnir , Clu-
cagollls. _ 277 13 *
WAl - first-class brrber. Address cT
Collins , Dunlap , la. 278 12 *
WANTXD-Iloy to feed press. Flnlayson *
Diiuglng , lloom 13 Crclgliton blk. Sail 12
WAN'IK D-Drug clerk. 333 8.12th st.
370 13J
T\7ANTHD 1 baker , 112 nor week ; 1 man
and wife to KO on stock ranch , 110 per
month ; 4 cooks for city. 10 toamsti-rs for II. U.
work , $25 and tmanl ; 'JO shovolors , $ J per dny ;
1 voung man dishwasher , 1 flrst-clns grocery
clerK , Omaha Ump. Bureau , 119 N inth st.
W ANTED Three good carpenters. Apnly
North 18th at. , near Hurt 38.112J
" \\7ANTCD A flrst class cook to open kitchen
T T of the now 1'uolflo house at Norfolk , Neb. ;
the best of reference required. J. 0. Mason
can luivo the position by answering this at
once by telegraph ; all others can apply by mall
with references. Address II. F. Locke. 392 14j
WANTED Two good cabinet makers , those
having tools preferred. Address A 49 ,
Bee. 33512
w ANTED-Men tor railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
WANTED Three persons to Instruct In
bookkeeping. Situations In September , J ,
D. hmltb , 1013 Chicago St. DIM 14 *
\\rANTED-Men for Colorado : wages for
VI teamsters. $30.00 and board. Albright's
Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 338
WANTED Salesmen , a new invention
needed In bvery house ; 800 per cent com
mission or a good salary to right parties. Ad
dress with stamp for terms the Weaver Manu
facturer , 34 N State Bt. , Chicago , III 73 < sl *
WANTED-3 experienced feed toys on
small presses. To those who can maka
ready good wages paid. Itoos Printing Co. , 1U8-
112 South llth street. 977
\\TANTED Good pant makers at once , good
T pay and steady work. Como at once or
address D. Lewis , Fairmont , Nob. 227 12j
WANTED 2 good laundry girls , good
wages , at Norrls' hotel , 10th and Webster.
Apply at onco. 8G9 13
" \PANTED 1 women cooks for In and out of
VT city , 3 laundresses , 3 polishers , fM ,
sturrherg 137 , flrst class cook and waitress for
family of 2 9-0 and f 12. dishwasher and kitchen
helper in sumo hotel , dining room girls , second
girl , girls for housework at Aurora. Council
llln fid. North Platto. Central City and every
part of this olty. Mrs. Brega & Son , 316 B 15th.
Telephone 881. 352 12j
WANTED Good girl for genera ) housework
2 In family , light work , 20-8 Hornoy ,
Mrs. Albert D. Morse. 259
WANTED Good ladio'B cook , dlnlngroom
girl , 2 laundry girl ; steady work. Apply
004 N. 16th nt 858 13J
WANTED A dlnlngroom girl at the Ameri
can house , 920 Douglas street. 356 13J
TVANTED-A cook , at 912 Douglas st 355
WANTED-A flrst olnss dress maker , ono
who can cut. fit and drape or anything in
connection with dressmaking. Address Conway -
way Sisters , North Platte , Nob. 823 16J
W ANTED Girl for general housework at
611 South 10th street. 407-13
WANTKD-OIrl for light housework. 1214
Chicago St. 2M 12J
WANTED-First or second girl , 1613 Capitol
ave. 29710 *
W ANTED Good cook , wrsher nnd ironer
at 1264 Park Wild ave. , cor. of William st ,
17ANTF.D Immediately , a peed girl for
T general housework at 2613 Cuming st ,
284 15J
WANTED An experienced housekeeper ,
white woman preferred. Apply between
5 and 6 p. m. , 101 N 9th st , Lulu Rogers. 131
WANTED Good girl to do general house
work. Apply u w cor. California and
20th. 732
W I ANTED Girl for general housework. In
quire 8S5 South 19th , 711
W I ANTED Lady canvasser at 1C09 Howard
St 10812
W ANTED Two girls at Doran house , 422 S
18th st. near St Mary's ave. 834
WANTED 4 cooks for hotels ; Ironer for
Fremont , $12 per wook.Jfaro paid ; 3 for
boarding house , good wages ; 4 tuning-room
girls for city ; 1 lady bookkeeper , must have
experience , good wages ; dishwashers for
hotels : 25 girls for BO no ml housework. Oma
ha Emp. Bureau , 119 N , 16th st. 38T 12
\\rANTED Bltuatlon by an experienced oash-
< * lor and bookkeeper , best city reference ,
address A 62 Bee office. 882 10J
\\7ANTED-Voung man with exceptional
TV good references wants position as col
lector , knows the city well. Address 420 South
15th st. , Room 7. 381 13
ITTANTED-Sltuiitlon. by a steady man , as
TV coachman and general utility man. Ad
dross A 54 , Bee oltloa. < M1 13J
W7ANTED Situation at general ortlco-work ,
TV collector , etc. . by a reliable , steady roan.
Address A M. Bee offloe. 390 13 *
TXTANTED Situationdrug clerk or assistant !
vv 7year's practical experience ; registered
in Ohio ; best of city references furnished Ad' '
dress lock-box 828. 367-12 *
V\7ANTED A position in a hardware store by
TT a man wltt over 6 years' experience.
Good references. Address A 22 , Roo. 375 14j
WANTED Situation for man and wlfoas
meal and pastry cook ; have also a first-
class moat cook , has been head coon In Palmer
House , Chicagoand In Windsor Hotel , Denver ,
Col. Mrs. llrcg $ Son , 816 South 15th 405 12j
WANTKD-A situation with a live real es
tate firm , flve years experience , strictly
tempera' * . Best of references. Address L W ,
Ii02 S 19th. 300 14J
WANTED Situation in retail grocery by an
Industrious young man , bavu three years'
experience , understands bookkeeping thor
oughly , good reference given. Address P O
box ICO. Mt Morris , III. 370 13j
VyANTKD-Bltuiitlons for eastern girls ,
TV fresh arrivals every day , Mrs. Brega Si
Eon. 316 S 15th. Tel 884. 401HJ
\ \ ; ANTED Charge of drugstore bycompo
TT tent registered pharmacist of long expe
rience In drug trade. Address "A 67. " this
office. 398 14J
WANTED-Dressmaklng In private families
by experienced dressmaker. Address
A 49 Bee ofEco. 310 17J
WANTED-Sltuatlons for engineers , fire
man , coachman , grooms , teamsters , book
keeper * , cashiers , collectors , asslttnnt office
clerks , porters , janitors , barber , bakers , farm
ers , eta , furnished free of charge ut the Mutual
Employment Agency , 214 S. IGtn St. , upstairs.
341-12 *
\\TANTRD-Sltuatlon-A lady will assist in
T light house work and give piano lessons
in return for a home with n good American
family. Address A 7. Roe ofllco. 104 12 *
WANTED Situations for men and their
wives on ranches , In hotels , in private
families , eta Good couples always on hand.
Sirs , flrega 4 Bon , 316 , South 15tU. Tel 884.
401 14J
WANTED Situation ai architect's or genera -
' era ! clerk , or a good traveling agency.
Moderate salary accepted. First-class testimonials
menials and reference. ' ! . Address , Alfred Bock ,
care of John H. Eloy. West Hill , PUtto Co.Neb !
. b83 15J
\XTANTED To rent throe -or four rooms
TT partly furnished for light bousekeeplng ;
must be In ft Bice nslguborhood. Address A UO ,
lloo otnoo. ill nj
WANTED-A croaraerjfrand canning fno-
* ' lory. Will assist tM.rJiht parties. Ad-
drossUank olValley. VaUM/Nob. / SJOstl
\\r-ANTEU-4Jiie lanre rootn or two two small'
VT roomx , furnished for two ncoplo , board
desired. Must bo within ID blocks of 16th and
Farnam sts. Address HOSTarnam , room 8.
j8 iaj
WANTED A place "for two good cooks , man
mid wife , In hotel of'-restnurant. Oato
City Kmplomcnt Office. OUSB. 15lh. 411 13
ANTED A grain dcitar to locate at this
plnco. Best arntn region In Nebraska.
Ail < lrc" . < llank ot Valley , Vnlloy.Neb. . ; ! 7W (
WANTED information. ! the whoro-
abouts of Oeoriro uohleii , from bnuth
Chicago , 111. He Inft his hoii'm on May 23th for
Pt. 1'iiul. About four wo ks ago ho loft that
place tor Minneapolis. It'iffthought that ho is
or wss In Omaha. Any information of him
will be thankfully received by Alice Coblou , 1 * .
O. box & " > ! Houth Chicago , 111. Will stuto nun era
please copy. 13412 *
WANTDD-Cottngoof 3 or-5 rooms or 3 or 4
iinfurnUhtxl riMimt , Miltablo for light
honsokcoplng. Reference furnished. Address -
dross A 43 , Boo ofllce. .121
tVANTKI ! ! toitnu. cor. Ed and St. Mary's
ave. Patton & Lawtoll. ' 32S-15 *
LADY who Is oftnn alone would Ilko a few
ladles to boflrd who nro engaged during
the day , terms reasonable . Address A 55 , lice
onico. 403 I3J
WANTED--A hnrncM maker to opuna shop
hero. Address llank of Valley , Valley ,
Nob. 270-s-O
iNfED Factories of nil kinds. Address
Dank of Volley , Valley , Nob. UTOsO
A irotid pony and cart. Inquire
at 1723 Dodge. 3TO-13
WANTED To rent or lea o a neat flvo-room
oottnpo near business center by good
party without children , south preferred. Ad-
flrcsf A 60 , this ollleo. U' > 7 llj
WANTED -Hoom and bonr.l with privnto
family for lady. Near cnr line. A .11 , lloo
olllcf. gflii K'J
WANTED Uo rent , by a gentlemen and
wife , no children , a house In good loca
tion , all modern Improvements. None other
need apply. Addrsss A 41 Hoe office , 25319
\\rANTED , Hooms andboapl In private fanv
' lly la pleasant location for a married
couple and ono single gcntlcmnn , one good
elm ! room and one smaller ono will answer.
Ciin give references If desired. Address stat
ing terms A 1011 Farnam st. 302 12J
\\7ANTRD-To lease for a term of years n
T building for light manufacturing pur
poses , about Bflxflfl , tliroo stories and basement.
Address A 30 , Itoo ofBco , 818 23
" \VANTED tZ.WO for ono year , Have 1m-
' ' proved property in Omaha that pays 10
per cent on n f 45,000 valuation , that Is Incum-
bered for 110,000. Will give second mortgage
us collateral. Address stating interest ro-
quired. AS , Bee office. 930
VVANTED-ruplls In English branches
T ? and muslo , n. w. corner 18th and Farnam.
725 si'
W 1 ANTED A few boarders at 1720 Dodge st
Itofcroncos requested. 70J
FOH Kr.NT A snap , a six-room Oat wltn all
modern conveniences , it blocks from P. O. ,
partly furnished. Apply 420 S. 15th St. , Hoom 7.
205 14
TJ1OK KENT Store building on Farnam street ,
I ? main store 22x132 , two upper floors 22x65
each , with separate stairways. Apply to Clark-
son & Beatty , 219 8 14th st U89 14
FOH KENT A fine store building on corner
[ founders and Haoilltin atreets. Splendid
location for dry goods or groceries. Apply to
Ilrunor & Bro. . Hollmnn Block. 850 13
TJ10H HBNT 7room hotlse. good location ,
-L1 stable and yard. Applyypia | Farnara. 846
OR RENT A flrst class tab1o on California
ncar'JOthst. b. Lehman , 1103 Farnam su
1 349
FOR ItENT-O room houio. South 13th St. , 5
room brick Hat , 2 unfurnished rooms and
3 unfurnished rooms on suit * , centrally located
mid In good repair. Co-operative Lund and
Imt company , SOS North 10t&st. 23212
TTOK RENT Ono 12-roomJiousowlth gas and
Jfnrnaco and all mocfern improvements ,
on Capitol ave , between 6th and 27th. 1 brick
Btoro , 32x120 , on Douglas * t ; between 12th and
13th st. Inquire otH. Splglo , 1211 Douglas Bt.
23715 *
FOR RENT Ono lot near , reunion grounds
with privilege of nltw acres , about ono
block from main camp. Call Southwest corner
llth and Capitol avo. 190 13J
fjlOR RENT-10 room house at 2410 Ploroo st
-L For terms apply on premises. 741
FOR RENT Three new five-room bouses ,
finely finished , by Ilrunor ft Hro. , Hcllman
block. 257 U
"CIO H KENT 6 elegant brick store rooms on
JC Park avenue , opposite park. Will bo com
pleted In 30 days. Apply on the premises from
9 to 12 a. m. A. H. FiUih. 979
G1OR HKNT-Kiegant brlek residence , 10
f ! rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire
Morse & Ilrunnor , 1605 Farnam st. 620
THOR RENT Two large new stores and two
-L flau of flve rooms each. Olty water and gas.
On Saunders st. 0. W. Cain , 2230 Ohio st. 613
FOR RENT New store and living rooms on
Cumihg st near Saunders st. Apply Har
ris Real Estate & Loan Go , , 330 S. 15th at. 889
F I OR RENT Barn suitable for four horses.
Inquire at G17 813th at. 611
FOlt HKNT New 10-room bouse ; all im
provements , steam boat C. W. ft O. E.
Thompson. 314 B. 15th st 1009
FOR KENT Office space on ground floor at
1509 Farnam. Apply in rear office. J. S.
Richardson- ' 602 o30
I7IOR RENT Store room suitable for grocery
JL ? store or butoner shop , on the southwest
corner of 7th and Paolflo streets. 675
C HOICK Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
48x85U Leavenworth and Park ave.or will
build to suit tenant Hobble Bros. 369
FOR BENT Four gentlemen can secure a
pleasant homo with first-class accommoda
tions in private family at reasonable terms ;
modern conveniences ; 635 Fluaiant st.
211 14J
F I OR RENT Nicely furnished room , 618 S.
17th st 803
" 1710H KENT Handsome cool room 1 block
J ? from P. O. , shady lawn. 1(05 Capitol avo.
206 14 *
FOR RENT Suite of t moo rooms suitable
for housekeeping ; , references required ,
loth st. , just north of St Mar/s avo. Water ,
sewer connections , gas , folding doors Ao. 594
TT1OH RENT Tno largest store room In town.
JL ? Inquire at the Argus office , Albion , Nob.
461 epl3
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms at S. E.
20th and Chicago stcheap. . Address
A 44 , lleo otllce. 319
FOR RENT A nice , large front room , fur
nished excellent , lovely location , modern
conveniences , on street car lino. 1U1T CURS st.
FOR RENT-Two nioeJjjs furnished front
rooms on ground llhtr with board , at
2118 tmrt st. Lady scnoolXwchers preferred.
SS 149
ROOM And board for Wo gentlemen In
private family ; can hits use of sitting-
room ; no other bourdois.iJiVUlre at 1510 5. ;
Tenth st. $ tT 3J7-13 *
FOR HKNT-For houseko bjng. furnished or
unfurnished rooms. 4U1N. lOthst. 3J.1-12 *
THOU RKNT Nice fnrnisftW rooms ladles or
JL ? gentlemen. Also untuixtUhod rooms. 311
North 12tb. rrt .319 It *
FOR RKNT-Furnlshed tuu-lors , en suite or
single , pleasantly sltujftpd. on car line ;
price reasonable ; 424 N. I7tlij t. 218 18J
T71OR RENT Furnished rooms , parlor , sitting-
JL ? room and two bedrooms 1120 N. 16ih st.
i > 30 VI5"
THOU RENT--4 rooms InVhf brlok block on
JL ? ground floorcorner PMrce and 20th St. ,
also now bouse B rooms. Inmnro at drug storo.
894 12
FOR RENT-Finoly furnished rooms , with
board , 5 minutes from postoffioe. 1718
Cass st 330 15J
"GX > R RBNT-Furnlshed room 1816 I > edge st.
862 sept 6
TTtOR RENT Furnished rooms. 1609 Daven-
J portst 885 15 *
OR RENT-Offlcoroora.- of our office
for rent Good llgbt Ground floor. Clark-
son ft Uoatty , 219 S 14th st 33S 14
1011 UENT-Unfurnlshoa rooms , 1015 Doclo
St. 801 *
T71OH KBNT-Furnlshed rooms , 8 to 114. 800
-E South SW. 880 Of
MOIIK rooms and houses on our list. Wo
bavo inquirers daily. No chaoro for list-
ins at ths UaW City , idatal agency. 814U U.
latu Su . ' ll'i
. HKNT-For rentlemW , Nicely fur- '
WOIern (
poil llENT-OQlco , 1613 Fiu-nam St.
FOU nENT-Furnlshed room , 021 Itarnay
8 c < tM 15J
FOU HUNT Kurnishud und unfurnished
rooms at Gate City Rental agency , Sl
B. 15th sU 2U
FOR HENT N'lco furmshod room , t ) per
mouth , S. W.cor. 18th and Jnoksoiu xsl
FOH HKNT Three rooms for liouookppplnir.
nt 14th nnd 1'lerco. Apply to 017 S. Mth st.
FOH HBNT Furnished room with board for
erntlnman ; references resulted. 1724
Douglas strort. 703-18 *
FOH HENT Furnlahod room , 1714 Jackson
st , nit 1Z
FOH HKNT Ulcpnntly furnished rooms sin-
trio or cnsulto , with use of unth ; eleotrlo
tells In every room. First class restaurant at
tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner 1Mb
nnd Webster. CM
FOU HKNT Two neatly furnished rooms ,
very drslrnblo locution , private family.
Also room for two or three nleotnliloboarders.
8. E. corner Twentieth and Farnara. 419 n2T > *
10H UF.NT-A nicely furnished room at 251 !
1 St Mary's ave. 421
TJ10U KENT Newly furnished room. All
X ? conveniences. I'tlvuto family. Nearlmsi-
ness. 1015 Capitol are , 371 14 *
II'OH HKNT Imrgo elegant front room with
J ? board , suitable for two or more persons ;
plciisnnt locution ; would Ilko reference. 192J
I'arnam. IBS-Ill
F IOH Itr.NT-Furnishod rooms , 712 Boutli IPth
atrcot 854
FOH KENT A nice largo front room , all
modern Improvements and nicely furnished
501 8 20th st. 213
U HENT Rooms with board. S04 9. 18th.
783 aug 12 *
FOH KENT I/argo front parlor with Day
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
modern conveniences at l&il riirnaui st , ono
block nest of court house. Kit
TjlOll SAtiK Ono of the taoit prominent
J-1 corners in the business portion of the
city. F. II. Kennardll4-lia Sloth st 80S
F IOH HENT--OfHro room f 10 per month , 2nd
floor. 310 & 15th st 430
FOlt Ur.NT I'tirnishod room in ( Irfltinlg blk ,
cor 13th and Dodeo st. Innulrn of Davis ft
Hetherlngton , Mlllard Hotel llifllard room. K91
FOH HUNT Desirable furnished room for
gentlemen at 809 Howard st 6S9
FOR KENT A largo front room In now
house bntb , and latest modern Improve
ments , 1018 Webster street 122
F I OK KENT Furnished rooms , 1707 Cass.
FOlt RKNT 3 rooms suitable for house
keeping , southwest oor. 21st and Nicholas
st 695
FOR KENT Furnished rooms in Gruenlg
block , cor 13th and Dodge. Davis & Bother-
Ingtou , Mlllard hotel blllitrd room. 833
F I OB RENT Furnished rooms , 1812 Dodre.
F OR RENT-Furnlstied rooms 1816 Dodge.
F 1OR KBNT-Nlcoly furniihed room. 1G23
Dodge. 119
"T7IOR RENT Large front room furnished for
-lJ gentlemen , ground floor ; maple trees ;
grass ; pavement ; street cars every five mln-
nips. H09 Howard st. Also rooms furnished
and unfurnished for light housekeeping. 028
F I OR HKNT Furnished rooms with board.
1903 , Farnam. 6K all *
FOR RKNT Furnished front rtom , near car
line at corner of Dodge and 24th streets.
Inquire of A. H. ComsUick 1523 ariiam st.
F1 I OR RENT Newly furnished room , board if
desired , 1720 Dodge st. 7U4
RENT 1 or 8 unfurnished rooms , sulta-
bio for houBekovplng.ono block from court
bouse , on 19th street , between St. Mary's avo.
and Hirnev st , modern conveniences. Refor-
cncos required. M. F.Martin , owner. 163
F OR RENT Furnished room , 1523 Dodge.
OR RENT Suit * of furnished rooms for
gentlemen. A. Hospo , Jr.,315 N. 17th.
FOR HENT-Nieely f umishoa rooms , to gen
tleman only , S20 N. 15th St. . Room 2. 048
T7IOR RENT-VTare room cor. 14th and Call-
JL ? ifornla on Belt Line , for particulars en-
qulre at Union Nat , bank. 1M
JR BENT Elegant suite of rooms , referen
ces required , 1W7 Douglas St. 197
T/10R RKNT Furnished rooms , en suite. In
J ? private family , modern conveniences.
Apply to Leslie & Leslie , 16th and Dodge et .
RENT Nicety furnished room , IWl
Dodge st 198
WR Can so for a tow days only '
LotlOS Glse's addition for (3,4M.
Lo 171 Glse'8 addition , $8.303.
Blockl Boyd's addition , $8,50X
One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Remington & MoCormlck. 220 Bouta 15th st
THE best bargains in Omaha real estate to
day are :
12-room house and largo lot on Dodge st ,
close to High school , $13.r > uO.
C-room house and * largo lot on Virginia ave ,
7-room house and largo lot close to Hanscom
park onitlth st , $ .50l. (
4-room cottage on 21th Bt. . 25x135 , (2,800.
C-room house aud largo lot , 25th aud Popple-
ton ave , $3.500.
Three 4-room cottages on ono lot , corner of
Beward and 2 th , each $1,600.
66x135 feet on Cumins : at , 1 mile from P O ,
with 3 cottages and 1 store building. $13,000.
00 feet on Dodge st between 16th aud 10th
SfWl 000
A'vacant lot In Meyers , Richards 4 Tildens ,
'vacant lot in Walnut Hill. $700.
2 vacant lots In Orchard HIM , each $700.
A vacant lot in Highland park , $2jO.
A vacant lot in Manhattan , $ CO.
S vacant lots in Hertford place , each $7E9.
Vacant lot in HitchcooK's add. $509.
2 vacant lots in lanbel odd. $1000.
Some very cheap lots In South Omaha.
361 14 Stringer & Co. , 1518 Dodge St.
FOR SALE or trade , s w cor 7th and Leaven-
worth : price $13OOJ. Mortensen Ac Christ-
son , HUFarnomst. 867 17J
1X7ELL Improved farm of 40 acres with vat-
VV unblo buddings near Albion , Neb. , for
sale , $10 per acre only $1,400 cosh , bal on time.
Another of 320 acres close to Nelicb , Neb , for
$4,000 , only t'.tn cash , bal on time.
A splendid ranch of 12(0 ( acres with good
housu , burns , sheds.wlndmlll pump , \c. . for
( H per acre in Holt Co , , Nob. , II miles from good
BO acres good improved land In Pierce co.close
to town ocly $7 per acre , V4 cash. K on time.
Will trade Interest in 1 or 2 good lots in
South Omaha for irood driving her e.
Stringer & Co , 1518 Dodge , opp P. O. SOI 13
IF YOU want to buy , sell , or trade youi prop
erty , cull on Charles E. Spotswood , 2fft'4
a 16th at. 4Q.J
TjlOH SALTJ A charming little homo.O rooms ,
J ? beautilully finished , In Idle Wild , $1,600.
Lotus show y"ou this , vorr cheap.
Good speculation. We can sell you 4 lots In
Clifton Hill , two corners , at the original prlco
when first put on the market. There U good
money In these.
ll-room house , all modern Improvements , on
Iot33ii : & , burn , etc. , only 3 minutes' walk from
postofflce , on paved street , Invustluuto , only
Now 9-room bouse on Hamilton street , lol&Ox
160 , east of Lowe avenue , only * V > OU , very
You cannot buy at a bettor time. Call and
sea our list.
Mitchell & Lcyoumarck , 1516 Dodge street
FOR SALU The choicest lots In Orchard
lllll. if desired will build houses on these
lots to suit purchasers. Now Is the time to
cot a beautiful borne on ensy terms. Apply to
Charles K. Spotswood. 30JH 8. llitti st. 408
FOR BALK Tonchoioolotsln the northern
part of Hnuth Oiimtm surrounding tbe
park and on Uellevuestreet , the main thorough
ftiro connecting the olty and South Omaha and
the Btock yards. Those lots nro only two and
one-half mllt-s from the postofflce and situated
directly between tlio business portion ot tbu
city and the business cooler ot .South Omaliu.
fl hey are larger lots than any put on ihn mar
ket. 00x150 feet , with streets and alloys eighty
loot wide. Can offer these lots for $300 to
1,300 smull cuili payment. Miry easy terms ,
These loss otfer a splendid chance for an In
vestment Call and sue them , Geo. N. Hicks.
' "J5 12
fjOR HALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with
X1 two good houses , cheap at (7,000. Terms
easy. Houses runt for $70 per month. H. S.
Campbell , 310 S. 16th st Chamber of Corm-
merce. 27U
A 1IKAUTIFUL 1'Uoo-I can offer for tow
-c\ . days three beautiful south front lots on
Poppiotnn avenue In Hansuom plnco , Popplo-
ton uvenuo 11 now being graded , ann these lots
will bo just right for grade , water arid gas al
ready on street ; a perfect grade ; two lines ol
struot oars. A beautiful pare and a splendid
neighborhood all.oomblno to maku this an ele
gant site for a rosy home. Vrlco only $ : ,700 ;
$700 cash , balance on long tine. dso. N. Hlcui ,
itf South Wtu street. J i 13
LAND for sale ; 3,400 acres in one block of
fine farm or grazing Innd , well watered ,
with running spring , S miles from two U. H.
station * , RlUnorth county. Kansas , good Im
provements , houses , shoJs , barn , Ac. . 2iK )
acres under cultivation , good average corn
crop this year , will sell one section ( f)40 ) acres )
or the whole , or ocrmn tor city property , Inquire -
quire of A , D. Morse , llth and I'urunm street.
23) )
FOR SALK A flvo-aoro tract In Demon's
add.already platted , at a bargain ; al n a
nro lot In Arbor ndil.$5tW , H cash. Innul-p''CiJ
I'arKorst. 317 13J
A 1110 Snap -Two good houtos and lots sTeT
corunr nf IMh and Grace sts. $7,000. On
car llne-3 blocks from cable line , both streets
n bo paved. 45ft on Ohio bet 15th and loth.
160 acres n miles cast of Fremont for Omahn
Corner acre In Hyde Park , $375. Active Real
Estate and Property Exchange , 1534 Dodge.
315 13
F OH BAI.E-Or trade , 2 } lots in the western
part of Otnahit near the Ilonsan onr line ,
jrlee 1400 each , fJTiOdueon contracts payable
n 8 quarterly payments , will trade Ihteron In
contracts for Nebraska land. McCulloch ft Co. ,
16W ( arnam8t. 100J
It SALE-G40 acres of good land being see-
lion * . ' ) , township la , range U , west , 'llils
and Is sltuutcd In Howard county , this state ,
ccso ! to the U. 1' . , and now station on the H. &
M. branch. Can plow at least three-fourths ,
Imlancoexcellent pasturage. No bettor poll In
ihostuto , a rock bottom creek ruin actors the
? xtromu southwest corner. Splendidly adapted
'or general farming or stock purposes. I'rlco
(9.00 ( per iicio ; M ormoro ousli. iislnnco long
lino. Atldre-i at once , ( leorgo N. Hicks. ' . ' 15 S
; 5th St. . Omaha. Neb. 23i 12
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , cab on U V.
Crum.llWM 16tbst.
100 lots > i ot n mlle of D. P. depot
for sale or trade.
U-room house for rent. Two 10-room houses
for rent , sale or trado. IdlewlUlis lly
816 L. V. Criim. 1 J N 15th Ft.
NOTICE to real estate agonU. Heal citato
ngcntt are hereby notified to withdraw
from sain August 15th , blocks 11 nnd in In
Kohlcslngor's addition , which adjoins the 1'al-
rluk farm. / . T. l.mdsoy. WO
' 11O Investats 1 have hail placed In my hands
JL for sale , twenty acres about three miles
west rtf the court house on the M.I1 , ry. Just
opposltothu cro lng of iho C. & N. W. ry. , all
nvol ground eovjirort with H beautiful growth
of simile trees. Adrnlruhl } ' adnptod for n man
ufacturing Kite. Can oiror this at figures that
will make it n pplcn lid Investment If taken
quick. Goo. N. Hlcks,2l5 South ISth street. >
finest resldonco Jot on
Dodge Btreot 3 blocks west of post ollloo ,
SO fret south frontage , a corner. F. II. Ken-
nurd , 114-110 , H. ICtb st. 809
FOR SALE Ono million aares of land In Ne
braska. Speculator's lands.rallroad lands ,
ranches , and farms In all parts of the
state. Send for pamphlet containing descrip
tion and price of over one thousand farms. A
flue topographical map of the state' sent free
upon application. E. H. Andrus , for 10 years
Gcn'l Land Agent H. & M. It. K. Eighth and P
streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240
. . .
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150.000.
"Wo do hereby certify that we supervise the
arrangements for all the Monthly and SemiAnnual -
Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot
tery Company , and in person manage and con
trol tbo drawings themselves , imil that tlio
same arc conducted with honesty , fairness and
in good fnlth toward all parlies , and wo author.
Izo the Company to use this certificate with fee
similes of our slgnuturo attached , in its adver
tisements. "
We the undersigned Tlanks and Bankers will
pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State
Lotteries which may be presented at our coun
J. II. OULGSItY.Pros. Louisiana National Bk.
I'liniKK I.ANAUX , l-rcs. State National Bk
A. IAI,1W1N , rrei. Now Orleans NnflUank
CAUL U011N , Pres. Union National Bank.
Lo nfsnnfa Stnto Lottery Company
Incorporated In 18fi3for23reanbr tb * I , g Ulatura
for educational and chftrltable purpose * wtu | a
rnpltnl oUl.iUO.OflU-to whlclf areierre fund of orer
6SOUO h i Klnoa been lidded.
IJran ororwholmlng popular TOte Its franclilia wat
made a part of th jpr > antitata ooiulltutlon udoptwt
Urcomber Hud , A. D. 1BT9.
The only lottury ever voted on and endorsed
by the people of any state.
It never scales or postpones.
Its Grand Single Numlior Drawings takcplace
monthly , and the Komi-Annual Drawings regu
larly every six months ( June and December. )
FORTUNE. Ninth Grand Drawing , class I ,
in the Academy of Muvlo , New Orleans. Tues
day , Sep. 13 , 1687 208th Monthly Drawing.
tar-Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only.
Halves , S5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI.
1 CAPITAL FHI/.E 0V tl. ) .000. . . . I1M.OOO
Kill AN I ) PIUZE OF H1.0UO. . . . & 0.000
1 GRAND PRIZM OF SO.OOO. . . . 20,000
3 LARGE PHIXE8OF 10,000. . . . 20,001) )
4 LARGE PRIZES Of 5,0.10. . . . ZO.OJO
20 PRIZES 0V 1,000. . . . 2H.OOII
CO " 600. . . . 25,000
100 " 803. . . . M.OOO
M. SCO , . . . 40.000
500 " 100. . . . 60,000
100 Approximation Prizes of (300. . . . $30,000
100 " " SOO. . . . 20,000
100 " " 100. . . . 10,000
1JMO Terminal " 00. . . . 50.000
2,179 Prizes amounting- . f535.000
Application forrmtonto club ihoulu be maae only
to ue office of the company In New Orleans.
Korfartlier InfnnnaUon write clearly , giving full
address. 1'OSTAL NOTKS. erprs money orders , Or
Now York Kichnnc" In ordlnnrr letter. Ourreocy by
NEW Om.cAHs , LA , ,
WAsniNnTOM , D. a
Address Itefllatcred letters to
R.Th t h * p ne or
U , o aer l He ur rard and
Barlr , who are In eliarg * of the drawl ni , l aiuar-
ntte ot abiolut fairness and tntwrtir , tnifttia
cnaoecaareallequHl. and that BO oa aaa potslbir
ClTlnawluitnunibirwIlldrtWB eriie.
KKMKMUKU that the lurraenl of " Priies Is
airAHiNTKKn nv fniru NATIDXAI , nANKHof New
Orlennx , and thu Tickets nroslznod by the preiidtat
of an Institution , wbosa churtcro.1 rUhla ara reoou-
nlied In tan blulieit nouruii therefor * , be w nro oC any
Imitations or anonrmoui srhomoi
Tlie only road to take for Dos Molnes ' . r-
shalltown , 0 fdun Uuiild.i , Cllutou. Dixou , Chi cu-
go , Mllwuukcu and all points east. To the pea-
11 Hi of Ncbraskii , Colorado , VVyomlnir , tllali ,
Idttbo , Auvni'a , Uregon , WHHhlngton , and Cull-
liirnln , u olfers siipurior odvautages not poesi-
bio by any oilier line ,
Among a few n' tlio numerous points ot su
periority enjoyed by the patrons of this rood
ijumt'on Omaha unit Chicago , aru Its two trains
ailiiyof DAY COACHES , which nro the Uncut
thnt hitmHiinrt nml lngiiuliican eroutti Ita
PALAOKKSLKKI'IN'G CAHS , which arc models
of comrort and olejranco. Its PAitLUlt DIIA WING -
ING ItOOM OAKS , unsurpassed byanr. and Its
widely colehrntod PALATIAL DINING CAItS ,
the equal of which cannot be found elxnwhero
At Council lllulU the trains of tliu Union 1'acillo
Ky , connect jn Union Depot with the o of the
Cblcaifo i NortliMitilern Hy. In Chlcn o the
train * of this llr.e make close connection with
those of all taitnrn linos.
For Detroit. Oolnmbus. Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Nlavara 1'ulU , HiitfHlo , I'lttsburir. Toronto ,
Montruiil , lloMnn. Now Vork , PhlludolpUla ,
Ualtlinore , Washington nnd all poluta In the
east , oik for a ticket /la the ' '
If you wish the best accommodation , All ticket
agunts sell ticket * via thin Una-
ii.-u auiTr. is. \ : WILSON ,
Gnu. Manag r , Goul. l'M 'r Aguut
* ' B
L. ! . ItOtLliH , '
Wsstaro Agent , City 1'ftvs'r Agout , . - <
BTATR AN D TKIlll t to ItV.
Nobrnxka tiottlntr * .
A two-locKoil lamb Is tlruwlna hcavllj
on liis kin shoot ) In Fremont. j.
Jftinns 1) . Klchnrtia. o ( Franklin , W |
oiiu of. the vlotltns of the rnllroad disaster
at Clialsworth , 111.
The Crete Glebe lottua for the mean !
or power to nrouso thn luiso ball spirit la
the ncicliborhooil. Uo borrow n chili
mid bat Uio brxts. : ,
The domostlo scrnn o ( the Wymotutf
In Nebrnsltn City put the shorllT'fl tilnporl
on the Wynioiut houso. Llabllltiei ,
f 12,000 ; nssots , ? 10,000.
The cr.tders In the big cut of the Kile *
horn Valley branch near Irvlniton ,
Doucltu county , htivo struck witter nud
are likely to experience the delays rtnd
costly Uinicultios of the Florence ctit-olT.
Some Fromonters with n surplus ol
cash , threaten to bore for conl. On the
ground floor , howuvnr , it Is the bogln-
niiiK of n tunnel to Omnha so thnt rusl *
dents can roach the tnotrouolls without
publicly raising the boycott.
The little daughter of Cieorco Mcllnay.
living near Crete , pulled n pull of hoj
wntnr from the kttcheu table and scalded
herself terribly. The little nnfortunatl
hti.s bravely battled with pains nn4
blisters anti la In H fair wny to recovery.
An irresponsible sport nntnod Graj
swooped down on North Bend ruceutl ]
with plans for n huge stable. Carpets ,
furniture , harness , lly trimmings and
drugs were bought C. 0. D. , nnd every
thing necessary secured for an cipin
palacu. Kut ( tray's empty pocketbook ; ]
and board bill began tn cramp by tills
time and "foro dolors"
, borrowing on a
bogus check ho left town unheralded.
Kobort R. Love , a D. & M. brakeman ,
experienced the closest shave of his life ,
Wednesday night , near Wuverly. Whila
switching af the fetation his ( pot ( \iughl ,
in the .frog ami held him for thd
slaughter. Throwing himself Hat on thd
ground inside the rail , he hugged the
earth wilh nil his might. Four cars ao4
the engine passed over him ami he car
Ciipcd ulivu. It was one chiincu iu a
thousand nnd he look the risk.
Private advices from \Vt\shingtou \
staid that Lincoln's illuminated address1
to the president hits reached the white
house without injury. The maps uud
charts of the suburban additions hava
been spread over the grounds and Dan
Lament is devoting his sjiaru hours to ari
examination of the lay of the land. The1
style uiid nmichlohs coloring of the oxhl-
bit , nnd its freedom from packing house
aroma , has reduced tlio temperature ol
the executive mansion and produced
refreshing breeze in the green room.
The headlight and brnisinp bill col
lector of a millinery establishment in
Crete , named Charlie Johnson , McUar- '
igled un ollicor a few days ago ana
slipped out of the back door ot town.
Johnson gained notoriety aud distinction
by a flaming head of hair and an nncon *
trolable appetite tor bill collectors. Th *
sight of ono threw him into pugilistic
spasms of such violence that none dare
enter the madam's parlors without show
ing a receipted bill or a pummelud mug.
On Monday a policeman collared the fu
rious freak on a warrant charging hint
with thrcatonlnc to kill , and gave him
permission to change his coat , lie hafl
not yet returned.
Iowa ItoniH.
Madrid reports the crops in thai scotioi
almost a total failure.
Sioux City is now violently engaged la
packing a directory population of 1(0,000. (
Knthusiastic Sioux City is now the pork
packcry of the world. Great Ctesar ,
how we kids swell.
The now Congregational church cdl
fico at Iowa Falls is to have a line audi
torium with circular seats.
Ida Grove has secured pledges to tha
amount of $10,000 as a bonus for the lo
cation of the Methodist college of north
western Iowa.
The next examination of candidates for
teachers' state certificates and diploma *
will bo held at Des Moiucs on Friday aud'
Saturday following Thanksgiving. .
An excursion train of Sioux citizens
will make their annual pilgrimage to
Omaha on the 21st. They will sampU
the metropolitan elephant and secure
points on pork , paving and prosperity.
Utah and Idaho.
Bishop Kill Brown , of Bountiful , is tha
latest victim of too many wives.
A iiro iu Salt Lake City , Monday , rt-
stroyed buildings and stock on Main
street valued at $100,000.
Ore and bullion valued at $3,013,059
have been shipped from Salt Lake Git/
in the past seven months.
Following is tlio total vote on the con
Btitution us far as received : You 0,849 ,
no US. Only Mormons voted.
Lust week's mineral exports from Salt
Lake were 25 cars bullion , 610,378 pounds )
11 cars silver and lead ore , 310,500 poundaj
4 cars copper ore , 115,200 pounds ; total ,
40 cars , 1,048,078 pounds.
The Caraas No. 2 mine in the Wood
river district has been recently disposed
of to European capitalists for a consider
ation of $3,000,000. The shaft of the mint
is 500 feet deep , and there are 500 feet of
levels. The ore is gold bearing and high
grade , ami the ledge Is from eight to
twenty-live feet in width. The mine U
situated twelve miles from Hailey.
Apostle Wilford Woodruff la now vlr-
ttially the head o ! the Mormon church.
As such , and in behalf of tbe twelve , ha
has caused the publication df an opiatla
to the saints "throuchont the world. " It
has a more Christian sound than any
thing that over emanated trora John
Taylor or either of bis counselors. In
the course of is ho says : "Let all Israel
remember that the eternal and everlast
ing priesthood is bestowed upon us for
the purpose alone of administering in
the ordinances of life and salvation , both
for the living and the dead , and no man
on earth can use that priesthood for any
other purpose than the work of the min
istry , the perfecting of the sainU , edify
ing the body of Christ , establishing the
kingdom of 'heaven and redeeming/ion. "
. . . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louie , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , Lc n.Ion , Gicscn , Germany and New J
York. Having devoted their attention -
NervoDS , > Ctaic and
More especially those nrUing from linpur- t , t
deuce , invite all so Millering to correspond
without delay. Dihcunes of infection and
contagion cured ealcly nnd speedily with
out u c of dangerous dru s. 1'atiunts
whose cas ' 8 have been neglected , badly
treated or paonbundcd incurable , should
not fall tn write us concerning their B mn-
'toms. All letters receive immediate at
And will be mulled FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Obkcrvalionn on Nervous Debility and
1'lnslral Exhaustion , " to which U aJdcd
an""Kj ay on Marriage , " with important
chapters or. , liscafc * of the Reproductive
Qrjjaiiii , thn whole forming a valuable mod
jcal trcatifC v.lic1i ! .fihould be read .by all'
ycunc mt'n. Address ' .
1707 Olive St. , St. LouU ; Mu. . , .