Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier n nny pnrt of the cltr nt
tw cnty etnU per woofc
H. W. TILTOW. Manocor.
N. Y.Plumbing Co.
Rcltcr. tailor. Summer goods .clieao.
Fine coupes for ladles calling , Win.
Lewis , telephone 128. Ollico 410 Broad
Wanted Two cneigotio lady canvass
ers. Apply at once tit Chapman's Art
Marriage licenses wcro issued yester
day to Gnink P. Kopcra and Allcu Pol
lock , both of this city.
Minniu Leo was on a wild drunk and
causing BO much disturbance that the police -
lice had to c.iro for her.
Richard Baker , the } colored "Texas , "
has been married by ' Squire Biggs to a
woman named Alice Woodard.
Mrs. Frank Wright died nt her homo ,
corner of Avenue U and Ninth street ,
Thursday afternoon. The funural took
place yesterday afternoon.
Thu infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Jame.s Tracy , No. MO ! ) South Seventh
street , died yesterday morning , and will
bi ! buried this morning at 10 o'clock.
Tho-Baptlsts had arranged for n lawn
tociat , last evening , nnd tno band for a
Donccrt utthe like. The rain interfered
seriously with these two events , but it
was most heartily welcomed.
A fresh attack having been made upon
J. U. Sovereign , of Atlantic , the local as
sembly of this city has passed resolutions
endorsing him ana refuting' the clninv
that ho is not in ns good standing in the
order as sometime ago.
A sad specimen of young spoiled
womanhood was found aslcou in a box
car and brought in bv the police. She
gave her name as 'Maggie ' Whitney and
hailed from Omaha. On the promise to
leave the city at once she was allowed to
John Ahles is anxious for Judge James
to discuss with him some of the social
and political questions of the day , the
name of Judge James having been
placed before the public as an available
candidate for legislative honors this fall.
The Dow City band , which gave such
excellent music hero during the races ,
evidently appreciated the treatment re
ceived at the hands of the driving park
association. As an expression of their
good feeling they have presented J. W ,
Poregoy , the president of the association ,
nn elegant medal , which arrived here
The funeral of Mrs. Dysinger will beheld
held this morning. Little further light Is
thrown upon the causes leading to her
taking the fatal dose of morphine. She
nnd her husband had had numerous mis
understandings , but none of thorn appear
to have been of a very serious nature.
The quarrel just before shn took the mor
phine was over a trilling matter , ho ex
pressing disapproval of her purchase ol
Rome white shirts for him , ho preferring
colored ones.
-O. G. Howe , of Towanda , N. Y. , has
decided to'start a largo vinegar factory
hero. Ho yesterday closed tno contract
for two acres of ground near Uicrk'e
foundry in the southern part of the city.
The capacity will bo fifty barrels of vin
egar a day , and from twelve to' fifteen
men will bo employed , tie has been here
two weeks or so looking over the field ,
nnd has decided the location is favor
Dr. Jeffries' infallible preventative and
cure for dipthoria can bo obtained by ad
dressing No. 817 S. 15th street , Omaha.
Price ftf. Sent C. ( XD.
For Bale. A standard bred stallion foi
one-fourth its value. Will sell on time
Five years old. Will show 8.35 gait. A. .
, C. Arnold , Dcnnison , la.
To Excursion Parties.
The excursion steamer and barge Jotir
M. Abbott is prepared to fulfill engage
? ments for excursions on the Missouri
r , . river either day or moonlight parties
Capacity 400 passengers. For terms and
other particulars inquire of L. P. Judson
029 Sixth nvenuo.
Personal Parnitrapli * .
C. M. Whitohill , of Marenno , Ia , , is ir
the city.
M Vincent and wife , of LoMars , were
at the Pacific yesterday.
J. J. Taylor , of Silver City , is spend
ing a few days in the city.
Rev. G.V. . Crofts , W. W. Wallace am
Bred Kcllar left last evening for Colfa :
to drink water nnd gam health.
Mr. nud Mrs. George H. Champ sailei
yesterday from New York for England
, expending to spend most of their time ii
nnd about London.
, f Joe Bachariieh has returned from the
1 east , where ho hns been for the past tw (
weeks purchasing his fall supply o
clothing and gents furnishing goods.
U. R. Stewart , the crayon artist , re
turned yesterday to Kansas City , llii
engagement there is until the lirst ol
Janunrv , after which ho may resume his
residence ia this city. .
For Sale Harry Smith's pnotograpl
gallery cheap. Inquire of Harry Smith
One thousand head of one , two am
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A
J. Grcenamayor , 023 Mynster at. , tele
211 *
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to tin
majority of real estate offices in the city
| 3 pur day.
No Show For Licenses.
There has been a good deal of n llurr
made over the alleged discovery of Judg
Ford of this city that there wns an tin
pealed law giving cities -in Iowa th
right to regulate and license saloons
Believing that ho was right in his claims
nnd that this city could avail itself of tin
opening to crowd through a license ordinance
nanco , ho drew up such nn ordinance. I
was presented to the city council , wh
passed it to n second rending and thai
I. referred it to the citv attorney. The con
' sidoratlon of the ordinance to this oxton
I has caused this prohibition papers to do
t vote much simco to uncalled for attack ]
% on Council Blutl's as the seat of a rebel
The fact is that although the ordinanoi
was introduced and given a preferenct
there has been no general expectation
t bore of its ever being passed or of it
ever becoming effectual. As ono of thi
aldermen remarked in response to i
query , "I catiuot speak with certainty , o
course , but my opinion is that it wil
v never bo hoard of again. " The city at
t torno.v hns prepared nn opinion to thi
I ' effect that if the city wants to test th >
question it cttn pass such nn ordinance
Issue ono permit under it and then hav <
it go into court. Ho is confident , how
V ever , that the city has no such right ti
' license saloons as is claimed by Judg
f - Ford. It not repealed in nny other wiv
it is repealed by implication.
At the Pacific house you will save fron
6Uo to f 1 per day. Try it and be con
When you are in tbo cltv slop at th
Paeific house. Street cars pass thu dee
every fifteen minutes for ull the dopoU
Veals 00 ceaU each.
How They Drank DJhlsky and Beer to
Hake the Evidence Certain.
The City Attorney Takes No Stock In
It An Unofficial Inspection or the
ftlannwn Steamboats Work
On Undo { tain's House.
Paid Fop Drinking. .
Yesterday was taken up in the district
court in the hearing of the contempt case
of George Itrown , the owner of the St.
, otiis house , it being claimed that his ten
ant , A. Doorlllnger , had violated the tern-
> ornry injunction restraining the sale oi
iquors in that building. On behalf of
the prohibitionists the Informers were
ilaccd upon the stand , and wore oxam-
ncd and cross-examined fully. The two
chief witnesses wcro Frank Hnrdv nnd
W. E. Alexander. These two young men ,
regular country boys who had been em
ployed heretofore ns farm hands , near
Hancock , wcro employed nt $3 cnch per
lay to gather up Information against the
saloons. Their expenses were paid in ad
dition to their wages. Ihoy went from
saloon to saloon , in accordance with di
rections given by the attorney , Mr.
Jacob Sims , nnd in cnch place they pur
chased beer or whisky , or both' , nnd
afterwards they made memoranda ol
the evidence thus gathered. Alexander
confined his drinking chielly to whiskv ,
nnd Hardy did the beer drinking. In
lomo places whisky was bought by the
bottle , and after boitift tasted on the
premises , was carried by them to Sims' '
ollico and there deposited for further use
in evidence , The two men wcro positive
as to the data thus gathered being cor
rect , nnd had sworn to the facts in alll-
On the part of the defense Attorneys
jnpp , Hnldeno and Mynster appeared ,
Colonel Sapp actively conducted the
cross-examination , and made it very in
teresting for the listeners , while the wit
nesses were made to squirm greatly ,
Thev claimed to relv on their memories ,
refre hed by the reference to the mem
oranda book. This book consisted ol
conveniently arranged , printed forms ,
with blnnks to bo filled in by the inform
era as they gathered the evidence. The
witnesses were unable to remember what
sort ot looking men sold them the liquors ,
nnd could not describe the places vor.v
well. In fact they evidently relied
on the memoranda which thev made al
the time , nnd could recollect" little be
yond what wns therein recorded. Curi
ously enough they could not toll tlieii
own handwriting except in two or three
instances , and would not swear which
one of the two made the entries in the
book. An attempt wns made also tc
break down the force of their evidence
by the clnim that if they drank ns mud
whisky and beer on the 5th of July ai
they claimed to have done in making the
round-up , they would have been toe
drunk to know much of what they had
been doing. They explained the mys
tery of their keeping sober by saying thai
whenever they got a chance thev cmptic (
out most of the liquid in their glasses
sometimes spilling it on the tloor , some
times spitting it out.
Another witness of like kind wns in
troduced , Chnrles Doran , who is fron
Shelby , nnel who has been at work on r
threshing machino. lie was employee
in like manner , and gathered up a quan
tity of evidence to show that the prohib
ition law was being violated.
The case will bo continued to-day ,
there is no Immediate prospect of :
An Unofficial Inspection.
The Mnnawa disaster has naturall ;
aroused suspicions that other bents upot
that body of water have weaknessc :
which ought to bo remedied. The recom
mcndatlon of the coroner's jury that al
the boats should bo inspected has buoi
generally approved. It would have boot
much more satisfactory to have had ut
official inspection by some entirely dis
interested party , but in the absence * o
any such inspection one has been rnadi
in accordance with an agreement among
the boatmen themselves , who dosirei
to have their steamers examined and
limit placed upon their carrying capa <
ity. The committee , so far as can k
learned , consisted of fair-minded , con
potent judges , and their report is give :
for what it is worth , though it neceissnril
lacks the weight of an olhclal certificate
COUNCIL UI.UFFS. August U. To the Pul
lie. In accordance with thorecoinmenilatio
of the coroner's jury , sitting In Inquest upo
the oodles ot the lamented young men wli
lost their lives by the sinking of the steatnc
Marmvra , the undersigned were appoiute
a committee to make nn examination of tli
steamers on the lake that are now enenped I
carrying people to and from the beach. \ \
have this day made such an examination 1
the most careful and thorough manner an
herewith report the result of our investing
tion :
We find by measurement the steamer Llttl
Gem to be 81 feet lone ana G ! * feet bean
Her height above water line with her ma
clilnery , fuel and half of her load I
10 Inches. Her additional displacemer
when full laden Is 3 Inches , leaving a spac
ot 17 Inches between her gunwales and th
water lino. Wo IInd she is well and sut
stautlally made ot the best quality ot Itf-lnc
pine with oak ribs sixteen Inches apart. He
bottom Is composed of Itf-Inch clank , lappe
and caulked. Her engine and boiler ar
four-horse power , and are in good condition
now , and as safe as any steam machinery , li
the hands ot an ftxporlenced and competen
engineer. She baa a steam syphon piiui
and life preservers. We find the boat ha
carried thirty-six people In ordinary gooi
weather , but recommend that her load b
limited to thirty passengers.
The steamer Lady of the Lake we find t
bo built on substantially the same plan a
the foregoing vessel , with dimensions 88x
feet at bottom , with clear depth of hold of 2
Inches and 10 Inches between her gun
wale and the water line with hal
her load on. Complete displacement wliei
laden , estimated three tons ; draft lade
8 Inches. Wo find hull constructed c
Inch pine lumber , with beveled and o.ikui
caulked joints , with an additional hull c
halt Inch planks laid on the exterior , wit
plentiful amount of pitch and rosin beUveei
Engine ana boiler now nnd of best nimlit
and in the hands of a competent engineer
lioat Is strongly made throughout and I
safe with full load In any ordinary wenthei
Life saving service very complete. Steai
syphon pump Is provided to expel any wate
that inlclit nnd Its war into hold by leak o
otherwise , nnd eighteen cork-covered lit
preservers are placed In convenient localltle
where passengers could get them In cases o
accldnet. Construction and manneemen
shows it to be a safe boat. While slxty-tiv
passengers have been carried at ono trip
would recommend that her load be llmltei
to thirty-live.
The C. E. Mavne la a new screw steamer &
feet by 7 feet 0 Inches , has a 33 Inch screv
driven by 10 horse power engine. This Is
regular marine boat , built by Charles I
\Vlliard & Co. , Chicago. Her certlticat
shows that she has passed United States go\
ernment Inspection , both as to hull and ma
clilnery , and can ply on any of the lakes an
rivers of the United States without furthe
Inspection. Her management and machluer
U In competent hands. Is provided wit
three steam syphon pumps , twenty-four cor
life presoryen , and hos and pump for nr
service. Would recommend that her loa <
oo not greater than tturtv. although she wl
safely carry In good weather all who coul
get aboard.
We Inspected the steamer Nellie K. , Jus
launched , and built for Vic Keller , ana tin
her to be a tronitly built boat , U ) feet Ion
nnd 10 foot beam ; hull composed of ont
fourth Inch Indiana white oak , with a
seams oakum , caulked and pitched. Her mi
chine ry Is now and ot approved marine pa
tern , and In competent hands. Her carryln
capacity IB 150 In Rood weather , bat we woul
recommend that not more than 100 pastengei
be taken aboajtd at one Urn * . Her lite tatm
Icvlcos are plentiful nnd of the best quality.
We would further recommend that all ot
the boatmen be required to provide , in ad
dition to the lite-Ravine : appliances already
on the boats , n further security In this re
spect by n number of two Inch planks , four
feet Ion * , with hand holes on the sides , that
could bo rendlly grasped nnd held In case of
a disaster , nnd used by people , who , In their
excitement mleht nnt be nblo to properly use
n life-preserver. These boards should bo
constructed similar to those used on all
river steamers , and placed In convenient po
The foreeoln t opinions arc the result ot a
very careful examination made for the
safety of the public and are respectfully sub
W. Sr.EAD ,
_ Committee.
Better Than Vacation.
This is pre-eminently the vacation
month , when thousands seek rest and re-
rcation. Hut to those who sutler the de
pressing eftccts of summer debility , the
disagreeable symptoms of scrofula , the
ortres of billiousncss , dyspepsia , or sick
lieadachn , there is more pain than pleas
ure in leaving home. To such wo say.
'ivo Hood's Sarsapnrilla a trial It will
[ lurify your bloodtone up and strengthen
your body , expel every trace of scrofula ,
correct biliousness , nnd positively cure
lysyepsia or sick headache. Take It be
fore you go , and you will enjoy your
vacation a thousand fold.
Grand Steamboat excursion on the
Missouri river Sunday afternoon , August
14 , under the auspices of thu Fifth Hegi-
mcnt b-md , which hns chartered the
steamer John M. Abbott for the occasion ,
-onvoynnccs will leave Hayllss pnrk nt
1:30 : o'clock. Tickets nro on sale nt
' Uushnoll's Bono's Manhattan
Uaird's , , , the
tan , Moore & Koplinger's Atkins' drug
store and the Pacihc house. Parties tur-
nishmg their own conveyances cad pro
cure tickets nt the landing. Excursion
will leave upper landing on this side and
go to Elorcnco and return.
Hlow Work.
The copper work on the government
building is comoletcd , and now there
seems little to be done for a few weeks.
Bids have been advertised for for the
iron stairways , but those brought in wcro
rejected , nnd the work will bo rcadvor-
Used. The bids for the gas fitting nnd
plumbinc have just been called for , and
some time must elapse bcforo this con
tract will be given. Hence there is a
standstill practically , while the expense
of maintaining a watchman , a , book
keeper and other employes is kept up. It
scorns that some ot these advertisements
could hare been made some time ago , so
that the work might now bo proceeding ,
but the policy seems to bff to wait until
ono part of tno work is done , thr-n ad
vertise for bids for anothr , nnd sit down
nnd wait. At this rate it will be some
moons yet before the government build
ing is ready for occupancy.
HOTELS WITH VLENTY of stairways.and
rooms below the clouds arc at n premium
this year. Our old friend Havncs of the
United States , at Boston , seems to have
these important matters as near perfec
tion ns possible , the United States hotel
has twelve stairways from the top to the
street ; there nro no guest rooms above
the fourth floor ; niEht watchmen patrol
the house every thirty minutes ; alarm
bells arc in every room with private wires
connecting directly with the lire depart
ment , nnd 500 water buckets and HOO
Harden's grenades nro distributed
throughout the house. Wo know of noth
ing else in Boston or anywhere else , that
can equal this for sntety.
Will in All Cases Cure This Disease.
BCD by a man of no financial meani but a natural
chc inlit. who only used It In a quiet wair n ci cs
romlneto his notice where sufTercrn unild get no
relkf , thoiiKh thurougblj trylni : eiery known rein-
rdyiind employing lie mo t skillful plusUlans In
the land , who had ultimately pronounced these cases
' " fhe'rcmeil ' ) here ih crtUed has been Ruanlcl with
the utmost secrecy ulnce Us dlieovcn. untllayiar
ago. when tliU chml t died poor , as he always had
been , and the urlg nil formula purchased .of his
widow. This In l.rTof Is the true history of this most
VTIECOOK ? TlKJlWiY CO. therefore h. e posses-
slot i of the only medicine In the world that will euro
this Dreaded lilientc In all Us formi
They are Justlne.t . In thU statement for the reason
that the latest medical works published by the best-
known authorities , nay there Is no true upeullo.
W sY\ now o ha\e a TRUE brEdFic-ova THAT
"T'lrnVwho'tare emplnj ed every other known mm-
edy without benerttsihould cUs us * trial , ho cure
no pay , and no expense to patient In any way.
We do not sell the Itcmcdy , or send It out , under
' ' ' ' '
inWo JiH'tr'e'al'ali'itaKes of this dlseaso at our Dis
' ru'dence ' either In
pensary. or ut the patient's
Omaha or elsewhere In uiscs whcio the patient Is
un ble to come tou . . . , . . .
We have n Regular Physician In uttend-
anro who Is a crtiduato of several colleges
and hiM ha l o\er a jr - r ; l' r'nc.Pv.n ' .
iMrcBHii ) iv MSITIVO OUAiiA , whether the distance
be ten or ten thouisnd mllci. . , , ,
Our contract ! will be endoried by a renponslble
person and to the entire stlif ctlon of patients.
Old chronic ca e ot Oonorrhu-a and Ulect perma
nently rured. as If by msglc , In five days
Hits Heinedy sets Immediately upon the niood ,
remoUnK from the iy tem every twee uf poison
> ver Sores. Ulcers , Kruptloiis , 8"re
Mouth , llnlr-Kiilllne , anil all Hkln lla-
ennes cnreil In fnimr\olou < ly short t line.
No other known liemedy Intlie worldian do In sti
months what e guarantee to do In t o eeks
All we a k Is a trial. DDJ > OT ronair THAT wi
nUARANTKK A Ctn OR NO PAY. ho t.neCl lllt Ol
I'hyslrlsn will do ( hit. You know from ra.t expert
ence. If you are imo of the afflicted. Then 1'bjrsl
clans know thry he no remedy with willed they
CAN cure all Chronic Cases of h > phllls , and wil , as
matter of course , my It Is Impossible to effect a per
manent cure. Hut we defy anr of them to bring us s
cste that we nlll not cure permanently In a shortei
time than Is required for the moit recent cases with
any other known remedy In the world
Cormpondence and a critical ln\c tliratlon solic
ited both as to our financial standing and \eroclty.
SM last TttM > ! h (
_ U 14 tt CtwL
Owing to Ike li 0lil IUSTI11TT at tk cloth ( which
our patents ccvsr irluilfelv ) will lit Mrfrctlv rlnt
Unit won RMUIrts aoVtaktnc In. Mill anTliI *
d ( sforlabl * Corstt ev r worn , gold by all
Oflt- lass duties _
t rouh ra and badpjicUc -O llKI
Cor , 5th Ave. & 7lh St. , Council Bluffs.
Ono of the best Kducntlonnl Institu
tions in the west. ' Boarding nnd day
school , the Sisters of Char
ity , B. V. M.
Board nnd tullop ( for a term of five
months , (75. For > further particulars
addrcw Slbl'j-Hl SUPEHIOH ,
St. Francis Academy ,
Council Blufls.Ia.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotefin the Oity
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accoinmoilnf Ion * Flrnt Clm * ,
And Knf cs Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Over yo. 12 Xorth Main St.
Mnps , ot cities and countloi
Attorneys at Law *
Practice in the State and Federal Cour t
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway. Council Bluff * .
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JVO. 23 'SIAIX ' ST. ,
The Theatrical Profession.
Vcrlt will win and receive public recognition and
pralic. Tacts , which are the outcome of general ci-
pcrlcnco , growing through ycnri of critical and
practical test , become on rooted and Immovable as
the rock of Gibraltar l-j public opinion , and hence
forth need no further nuarant"o as to their genu
Incncsa. The Indisputable fact that Swift's Speclflo
Is the best blood purifier In the world , U one of them
Immovable Gibraltar rock facts of which nehavo
epokeu , nnd evt.ry day s experlcnco roots this con
viction deeper and deeiiur in public opinion. Every
claw ut our people In America and In Europe ,
every trade , calling and profession. Including the
medical profession , have borne voluntary testi
mony to the remarkable virtues of B. as. and
Its infallible efficacy In curing all diseases of the
blood. Ihese testimonials are on flle by the thou
sands , nnd open to the Inspection of all. Now come ,
unsolicited , two distinguished members of the tbeat
rlcal profession , who grutef ully testify to the wonder
ful curative qualities of the Specific in their Indi
vidual casei. Their testimonials are herewith sub
mitted to the public without further comment-let
them speak for themselves. The lady Is a member ot
the famous ThnlU Theatre Company , of New York ,
ami formerly of the Reftlrience Theatre. Berlin , Ger
many , and of MoVlcktr's Stock Company , of Chicago.
The gentleman U o. well known member of the New
York Thalia.Theatre . Company. Doth are well known
in theatrical circles In this country and In Europe.
Charlotte Hnudom'i Testimony.
NEW YORK , May 3 , 1887.
Bwlf t Specific Company , Atlanta , da. :
Gentlemen-Having been annoyed with pimples ,
eruptions and roughnessof the skinfrom bad con-
leading preuaratlon'or Bareapartlla and other adver
tised remedies to no effect. Then I consulted n i prom
an , and from his treatment received
no benefit. I then concluded to try the S. S. 8. rem
edy for the blood , nnd five or six packages , by a
thorough eradication of my trouble and restoring
smoothness to ray skin , have made me happy , and
! L.C " * rSi" 6lve sou . ' ! " testimonial for Kt use
and publicity as you with to make of It.
1S2 Bowery , ucar Canal street.
Hugo HnMkcrPi Testimony.
The Swift Specific Company , Atlanta. Go. :
Gcntlemen-For tno yean I had a severe cose of
ectcmu. I used tor soaps , sulphur soaps , and various
other remedlcs.nndwiw prescribed for by numbers
of pbtslclans , but found no relief. At last I deter-
"Jned tptrythoB.B.8. remedy , nnd seven or eight
bottles have thoroughly relieved me , and you can
use this certlncate In any manner you wish.
" ° ' Th T tr
* . York. Hay 8. 1687
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed fret.
Toe SWIFT Sricino Co. ,
Drawer 3. Atlanta. Go.
witn iu aioaairrr or THE
By naion of Its central position c'.OM relation to line
Last of Chicago , and contlauaus lines t termlna
points West , Northwest dud Sojthwut , Is the tnii
middle link In that transcontinental > Tstem vrhlcl
InMtes and facilitates travel and traffic b twMH tbl
The Reck Island main Una and branches Include Chi
eatro.Jollet.Ottawa , LaBalle , feorla , Oeneseo , Hollni
and Rock Iitand , In Illlublii parenport , Huicatlne
Washington , Fatrfleld , Ottumwa , Oikaloosa , West Lib
erty. Iowa City , IH s MolneslIndlanoIWlnterset , Allan
tic , KnoiTlIle , Audukon , Barlan , Outhrla Centre am
Council Bluffs , la lowai Oallatln , Trenton , St. JosepU
Cameron and Kansas City , la Missouri ! Leaienwortt
and Itohlson , la Xansasi Albert tea , Minneapolis anc
( t. Paul , In Minnesota i TTatortown and Sioux Falls , ll
Dakota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and towns
4' The Great Rook Island Rout "c
Guarantees speed , comfort , certalr.ty and safety. It
permanent war Is dlsUnculshed ( or Its excellence. Hi
trldzes an of stone and Iron. Its track ts of sollc
teel , Its rollliff stock perfect. IUpassengerequIimni
has all the safe tjr apillances that eiperlcnee has proved
useful , and for luxurious acconunodatlons Is
passed. Its Express Trains consist ef superior Uaj
Coaches , Ieant Pullman Palace Parlor and Bleepluf
Cars , superb Dlnlnc Cars , prpTtdlnf delicious meals
and ( ketweea ChtcMto and It. Joseph , Atealsoa am
Kaaui City ) restful lUclinlnf Chair Cars. Its man
astemtat U conMiratlrc , Its dlsdpllao exacting1.
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
Between Chicago aad Mlaaeapolls aad It. Paul U thl
faTOrtte. Oter this line Solid Fast Kxpresi Trains rui
dally to attractlte resort * ( or tourists In Iowa an <
Minnesota , and , TU Watertowa and Bloux Falls , to thi
rich wheat and erasing laads of Interior Dakota. Vli
Beneca and Kankaxee , the Rock Island Sen sapertoi
Inducements to trarelers between Cincinnati , Indian
apolls. Lafayett * an * Council Bluffs. St. Joseph. Atchl
ton , Learenworth , Kaniae City , 81. Paul , and Interne
lau polau. All pattens ( especially ladles and ekll
drenneeUpr UctUa. eourUey and kindly atteatloa
For tickets , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , 01
any desired Information , apply to principal offices li
la * United lute * aad Canada , or address , atCalcsco
1.1. lalU , I.IT.MMI , f.a. HMiai
tan * m1stewe. MlterilleietM , e.Mah * > 4 |
COO Broadway , Council Bluffsjowa.
Ketnbllshed 1857.
Tncant f.otJ , I.nmls , City Hciltlonccs nnd
Forms. Aero property In woitcrn part of city.
All Mlllnir cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Hoom 6 , over Officer ft Puiey's Bank , Councl
Hag a complete line of
r * i i IMP
tinnier MIIIIIHTV ,
Largo hats In wulto , 'black anil all colors. Pat
tern bonnets , haul and toques , u specialty-
No 1614 Douglas ; at. , Omaha.
Special adveitlFOmcnts , euch us last , Found
lolxinn , For Snlc , To Hunt , ft ants , Honrdlnir ,
etc , will to Inserted In this column nt the loir
ratoof TEN CENTS PER LINE fortheHrst Inset-
lonnnd ViveCentsTerLlnofo.-cach subsequent
Insertion. LCATO advertisements nt our offlc *
No. U I'enrl stiett , near Broadway , Council
WANTED Two flrt-clnsn waiters ot Louis
& Met/gers , 525 and 537 Uroiulwny.
WANTED Younr ( mnn with f 100 capital to
take bnlt Interest In ( rood paying1 busi
ness ; from $3 to (5 per day ptotlt and all ex
penses to cnch partner. No patent right , no
canvassing , no street work. Travel through
Iowa and Illinois with partner. Something
now and will bear InTcstlgatlng. Address X ,
Bee office , Council Bluffs.
FOH BENT-JFurmshed room with board , No.
513 Mill street Two gents or man and
wife prcfericd.
OH 8ALE-Or Trade-Complete Stock fur-
niture. stoves , etc. : also building , In good
town on Wnbash road 0 miles frnm city ; no
opposition. Good reasons for solUnfr. Terms
easy. Will inyolce about $2,000. Address or
call on Merchant , 325 Broadway , Council Uluffs.
TXTANTED-At once , good girl. Call on Mrs.
TT HnUlane , corner of Seventh avenue and
101 h street.
SALE Oil TRADR.-For Conncll Bluffs
-I property 40,000 acrei of Iowa and Ne
braska land. J. 11. Rice , 110 Mam St. Council
WANTKO - Situation ns bookkeeper by
} ouiitf man who can plvo satisfactory rcf-
ercnccH ns to experience , habits nnd responsi
bility. G. D. flee office , Council Bluffs.
Situation ns salesman In grocery
WANTED References given. 1) , U. T. , Uoo
office , Council Dlulls.
poll two carriages on long time or will
trade lor horses. William Lewis.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Iliylicst Market Prices. Promp
820 and 802 Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
The finest of drirlng horses always on
hand nnd for sale by
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 83
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 93.
In Amber ,
etc.Hair On
nnnicnts , as
well as the
newest nov-
elticflin hair
> Hair goods
madcto order
Mrie cTL. Gillette
20 Main St. . Council Bluffs , Iowa. Oat
of town work solicited , ami all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Star Safe Stabfes and Mule Yards
way.Omil j _ i DummylJepot
Horses and mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. SHI.UTKII & lk > Luy.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UlulFs.
Justice of the Peace.
Office over American Kxpross.
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Glovis , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
our * . STOOK :
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best ,
Now Goods are arriving and invite
Curtans *
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Instruments Tuned anil Repaired. We never fall to give niitlfll'ucllon ,
Over 3O years' Experience in Piano and Organ Work.
Swansoh Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
o. cr. OOX.B-ST ,
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Rluir * Office ,
Temple. Oimiliit Office , I\o 111
North Jtltli street.
Pnrllculnr attention given to Investing -
vesting t'liiitln for non - reii-
dcnlM. Special bargain * in , lotH < fc
aero property In Omaha Ac Coun
cil UlulTs. Correspondence solic
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
rri : AssoitTnE.\T
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,