Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    * H >
DnHr ( Vornlnir Edition ) Including Sunday
BKK , On. Tear . $10 00
VorRlxMonths . . . 5 OC
For Three Months . 2M
The Omaha Sundnjr lice , mailed to anf „ ,
ddreM , Ono Year . 2 OC
OMAHA omen. No. mi AND Sl FAIWAM fiTntn1
giir TO K omen , Roou K > , TntniiN * noit.Miia
orricc , Ho. &u FUUUTKIXTU Btutrr
, All comtminleationi ralntlng to now * ami edi
torial matter Rhould bo addrvMOd to tbo Km
ion or TUB Bit.
AH huilnsM let torn and remittance * "hould b <
Mdrmsod to Tni Ilia I'uuLlsillNa COMFAKV
OMAHA. Drafts , check * and poatofflco orderi
to be made payable to tbo order of the company
Bworn Statement of Circulation ,
State of Nebraska. . I. .
County ot DoutlM. ( "
> O o. B. Tzschucir , secretary of The Ita
Publishing company , does solemnly sweai
'that the actual circulation of the Dally Dei
for the weekending Augusts. 1887 , waa 01
follows :
tJaturday.July 00. U.3X
undav , July 31 14,201
Monday. Augunt 1 14.r > 0 (
Tuesdav. August 2 iiS : ! ) (
Wednesday , AitRtist 3 in,8 *
Timrftaay. August 4 in.b l
'Friday ' , Ausust 5 14OCH
t Averaee 14.071
Gr.o. b. TZSCHUCK.
Sworn to and subscribed In my picsonci
this Oth day of August , A. D. 1887.
. rSKAL.1 Notary Pu'bfle ,
State of Nebraska , 1
Uouirlas County , fw
Ooo. Ii. TzAchuck , being flrht duly sworn
deposes nnd says that he Is secretary of Tin
SepfcMnbrr , 1880 , 13.IKX ) copies ; for October
1BSO. 12,089copies ; for November.1880 , 13,34 :
cor'es ; f or December 1880.18,237 copies ; fo
January 1887 , 10,20(5 ( copies ; for February
1887 , 14,19S copies ; for March. 1887 , 14,401
copies ; for April , 1887,14,310copies ; for May
1887 , 14,227 copies ; for June 1887 , 14,14'
copies ; for July , 1887,14.093 copies.
_ . GEO. D. Tzscirccic.
Subscribed and sworn to before'mo tlili
llrh dayot Aupiist , A. D. , 1RS7.
f SEA 1 * | N. P. FKIL. Notary Public.
Fouit dollar ink.
THE rib' roust sivcn by IlufTnlo Bill ti
Simon Cameron , Hulstcad , Sen
ator llawloy and others wns nothing ti
compare with , , the roast Dill is givinj
the English m the matter of Ralng thei
glittering guinea ? .
BETTING on the next presidential clcc
tion has taken an curly start. A VVasli
Ineton man already has a thousand dollars
lars staked that Cleveland will not be reelected
elected and wants to show his faith ii
the sanio proposition to the extent o
live thousand more.
THE council persists in ignoring th
order of Judge Wakoloy to ro-advortis
for proposals for city printing. Th
question Is. does City Attorney Wobstei
who has full knowledge of the cor
spiracy to prevent a proper letting coun
tcuanco this open dnlianco of the courts
THE former proprietors of the liepttl
lican were convicted of libel by an in :
partial Omaha Jury loss than two year
ago for charging disloyalty during the
war against Edwurd Rosowater. Th
new proprietors of the same paper hai
bettor not repeatthat , costly and oxplodci
EVKHT taxpayer in Douglas county is interested
terestod in the proceedings of the count
commissioners , and wo Invite them t
carefully road the reports which wo hav
begun to publish with this issue , in ordo
that they may fully understand the point
to which wo shall call special nttentioi
in a day or two.
MEN who charged the government $4
pound for ink worth from 15 to 20 oent
per pound tire in their natural olomon
among On'a'ia boodlors. But a Wash
ington grand Jury is yet liable to put ai
end to their operations by the time
congressional committee has thoroughl ;
prodded their nefarious methods.
THERE has long since boon a projudici
nnd a just ono too , against wearing co
orcd shirts. A woman in Iowa a fo\
days ago was driven to commit suicid
because her husband objected to whit
ehirts which she had purchased for bin
The colored shirt has often given a gen
leman the appearance ot a rowdy , bi
there is no record that it was over bofoi
the cause of wilful destruction of life.
"JriiK commissioners of the District o
Columbia , who last winter saw fit t
place an espionage upon members c
congress for the purpose oi blnckmailin
thorn into supporting the plan to irapro\
certain portions of the city where th
commissioners had real estate Interest
has come to grief. If they are allowo
to continue in their corrupt scheme
they will.soon have the entire wealth (
the district in their pockets. Their di ;
honoity has boon well established and i
is doubtul if over there were givdn poil
tions of trust to three greater boodloi
thuu Webb , Whontloy and Ludlow.
THE latest news from the scene (
horror at Chatsworth seems to indicat
that the burning of the bridge was ti
work of tramps and robbors. If th
should turn out to bo true there is n
punishment within the limits of the lav
hardly outside of it , severe enough fo
Btioh a crimo. If any fiends in huiuai
shape are convicted of such an atrooit
as the wrecking of this excursion trail
they should bo made an example of th :
would deter others from attempting
similar crimo. It is to bo hoped for Ui
sake of human nature that the oatastrc
pho was an accident.
TnK latest advices from Honolulu stal
that the recant "little misunderstanding
in Kalakaua's kingdom nas boon turne
into a fraternal understanding and th
machinery of government ia now rur
ning smoothly. Duo of the results of th
trouble scorns to bo that the policy of th
government Is now dictated almost o :
olusiroly by the foreign clement. Tli
natives hare had less to say in their ow
nfTaira of state ever since the usurpir
white man sot foot among thorn. Boo
they will be thankful to be allowe
to stay on their native sc
t all. Queen Kapiolaul arrived Jul
M , safe and sound. The new constitt
MOB which the king recently signed call
for an election next October , and for t
extra session of the legislature in N <
Tomber. The regular cession couvem
In May ,
The Alternative * .
In considering the surplus problem two
alternatives nro presented. The taxes
mint bo reduced or the expenses ot the
covornmont largely increased. In roforr-
ng some days ago to the recent address
of Senator Dawos , of Massachusetts , who
s ono of the strictest protectionists , on
Ills subject , wo noticed that ho. took very
losltlvc ground against the uloa of dis-
josmg of the revenues beyond the nec
tary requirements of the'government
n such extraordinary forms of oxpondlt-
ire as have frequently boon suggested.
lo did not believe it would bo sound nol <
cyto go into a system of profligate
outlay for internal Improvements , tlu
lutldlng of fortifications , and the con
structlon of a navy , but insisted that the
only proper and prudent course to bo
lursuod is to reduce the amount oi
nonoy going into the national treasury
jy cutting off taxes.
There ought to bo no difference oi
opinion among Intelligent mcn.t who oai
regard this question with an eye single
; o the welfare , ns to which ol
the alternatives should bo adopted , am
wo do not doubt that the great majority
ot the people acquiesce in the view ol
Senator Dawes. * But there are mot
nnd newspapers BO hopelessly undo ;
.ho control of the protcctior
loctrino that in order to moro surely for
: ify the tariff policy against all danger o
jelnsr Interfered with they would unhesi
tatingly plunge tfio government into the
wildest and most reckless expenditure a
n moans not only of finding employment
for the surplus on hand and yet to bo derived
rived from the excess of revenues , but
of perhaps justifying a demand hereafter -
after for enlarging the tariff list and in
creasing the duties. An eastern journa
of the extreme protectionist order sug
; cst < 3 several familiar ways m which tin
government could dispose of a
grand total of 1311,000,000 , which
would got rid of the surplu
for about two years , when there wouk
again como the necessity of finding some
now outlet. Having established the pre
cedent of extravagant expenditure K
would bo loss diOlcuIt to continue in thai
course sAlong as the people would pa
tiently tolerate such a policy. The pro
teotionlsts having gained their point o
keeping the tariff tax burdens on the
backs of the people for two years longoi
would bo ready at the expiration of thai
time with some other plausible scheme !
for further extending the period of op
prcssion , and perhaps with the chanci
of success moro strongly iu thoii
favor. Certainly the vast sunn
exponded'Would have to bo protected b :
continued largo appropriations , which ol
itself would bo a reason for maintaining
taxation , while the tendency of ono o.v
uonditure to create a demand for anothe
would place the situation pretty much ii
the control of the tax dcf raudors. Meanwhile
while would the pcoplo as n whole b
bcnotlttcd to the degree they would bo b ;
a reduction of taxation to the oxton
necessary to bring the revenues of tin
government down to its necessary ox
penscs ? Obviously they would not
Certain industries would bccom't
moro prosperous and a clas
of labor would bo givoi
fuller employment , but the great major
ity of the workers of that country wouk
not necessarily have their condition im
proved , and the great agriculturn
class would bo no bettor off , while botl
of these elements of the population wouli
continue to pay the protected .Industrie
a tax in everything they uso.
Tnls is not the sort of policy tbo pcopli
desire or will uncomplainingly accept a1
the hands of their representatives. It i
not the policy which would prove wises
and best for the country. So fa
as the surplus in hand is concerned
corned , and that which rnus
bo added bcforo legislation to rcdnco th
revenues can booomo operative , it i
doubtless desirable that it shall be expended
ponded for such public improvements a :
will bo of permanent utility. Bu
schemes of expenditure that have no jus
tification in the needs of the country
ami that are clearly designed to porpotu
'ate the existing policy of taxation , wil
not be supported by intelligent and dis
interested public judgment. Th
pcoplo ask nnd expect relief , tVj
necessity for which is becomiui
moro urgent every year , and the ,
will bo satisfied with nothing shot
of that. There is but ono plain , dircc
and honest way to provide it , and that i
by a reduction of the revenues that suul
embrace n fair revision of the tariff.
Omaha ag A Grain. Market.
The initial stop looking toward th
establishment of an open board ot trad
has been taken. It now remains to b
seen whether the effort can bo snstalnci
by a lonafide dally sale of products. S
far as hog and sheep products are concerned
corned there can bo no question. Oman
is to-day the third pork-packing oentr
in America and within eighteen month
she will have the same rank as a bee
product market.
But it goes without saying that Otnah
is yet far from having an cstablishoi
gram market. Before she can becom
such there must bo a more oxtcusiv
local demand which dononds upon ou
ability to convert the grain int
flour , starch , oat-meal and othc
small grain products. Ton years ago ,
proposition to make Omaha a great mill
ing point would have boon regarded a
utterly impracticable.Vatorpowor fa
cilitics were then considered as cssontir
to every milling enterprise. But stcau
has become a more reliable motor tha :
water in milling just as it nas in trans
portation. The great flouring mills a
Minneapolis are running by steam mo <
of the time , and water-power is now ro
gardcd as cocondary , and likely to b
abandoned altogether.
Thcro is no valid reason why gror
.flouring mills cannot bo profitably opet
atod in Omaha. Once ostabliahc
these mills , would make Omah
an great a grain market a
she already ir a live stock market. .A
that is requisite for achieving this end i
concerted , onorgetio effort and fat
sighted liberality such as has charactov
izod the South Omaha cntorpiso. Mak
Omaha a grain market and her future a
a great commercial centre Is on a foundi
tlon that no financial earthquake ca
shako. Omaha as n grata market wouk
within a few years , make tributary th
most prolific wheat raising region i
America. Omaha is much nearer to th
wheat fields of southern Dakota thai
Minneapolis and St. Paul. That aectlo
also raises great herds of cattle and hogt
which can find ready dale In Omaha cvci
at this time.
With a dozen great mills running I
Omaha the couthern Dakota trade would
naturally drift idto thla city whore the
haul would bo shorter and prices aa high ,
if not higher than at Minno-Pnul. If our
jobbers , capitalists and property owners
will join hands Omaha can bo made n
grain market within twelve months ,
Thrmo Question * Answered.
Thcro never have been any questions
asked of the editor of the BEK concerning
his conduct in connection with public
men or measures which he is not willing
to answer , even where the parties .whr
propound these questions nro notorious
public thieves or rotten jobbers. Foi
this reason wo will accommodate the inquisitive
quisitivo minds of the proprietors of the
llcimblican. who are playing cuttlo-lisl
and shedding an immense amount ol
four-dollar ( f ) ink to cover their own cor
rupt tracks.
Wo make answer to each question with
out reserves
" 1. Did you ( Mr. Rosewater ) not on tw <
separate occasions call upon Mayor Broatcl
and ask that ne recall the contract with tin
ItcviMlcnn as city printer , and erase hi :
name from it ? "
YTes ; Mr. Rosewater called upon Mayoi
Broatch two or three times to protcs
against the infamous trickery by whlcl
a contract was awarded fraudulently anc
unlawfully to the Rounds nnd Taylor job
bora , and Mayor Broatch was asked tc
raso his name because the contract wai
not m accord with the bid , anc
had not been awarded by ar
aye nnd nay vote of the ma
jority of the council. Mayor Broatct
declared ho would consult with the citj
attorney and act on his advice. But n :
the attorney was evidently in collusior
with the tricksters ho told the niuyoi
that the contract had been legally con
summated and the mayor therefore had
no right to withdraw his namo. When
this attorney appeared before Judge
Groff to defend the rascally job h (
flopped over and had the brazen impu
dcnco to plead that the contract , not
having been consummatedthe court had
no business to interfere. But the cour
did interfere and pronounced the con
tract fraudulent and the award iu viola
tion of law.
Did you not personally call upon City Ai
torney Webster and insist that he advisi
Mayor Broatch to comply with thU request'
And did you not meet with refusal In botl
cases , with the statement tbat It would tx
unlawful to do so ?
Yes ; the answer to the first questior
covers the second. The call upon Attor
ney Webster was made because Rosewater -
water wanfod to leave Webster who hac
boon tampered with no loop-hole tc
crawl out of by pretending ignorance of
the charter provisions which apply tc
official advertising and the method pro
scribed for making contracts. Mr
AVobster insisted that the mayor's signa
ture completed the contract and the onlj
remedy was in the courts. But whet
the courts were asked to enjoin ho was
promptly on hand to champion the
3. Did you proooso to make a trade wltl
certain members of the council by whlcl
your price for a change of base upon thi
Seavey light and police questionwas the clt ;
printing ?
No ; there never was any such proposi
tlon to any member of the counoi
directly or indirectly. This stor ;
emanates from the scoundrels who havi
debased the profession nnd prostitutc <
themselves and their paper for the saki
of the paltry profit which they expect t <
make in the city advertising. If Rose
water had been disposed to trade his con
victlous of right and law for the print-
ingpatronage.ho would have encountered
no difficulty in making better tormt
than these secured by the unpnnclploi
proprietors of a readerless sheet whicl
could not intluonco public sentiment
This IB not the first time that Rosowate :
has deliberately thrown overboard tin
council patronage by taking a staiu
against jobbers and tricksters in thi
council , It was the same when thu Hollj
waterworks swindle nnd the Colorado
sandstone job were being cngincoroi
hrough the council. On both occasion :
the council had already awarded th <
printing to the BEE , and reconsidered it ,
action ns soon as the Bcc made war upoi
its methods.
Did send ' 'detective" to
you your any mem
ber of the council with a message that if hi
wonld see you the whole matter could be llxei
up ?
No ; the BEE has no detectives
It is not in the Moynihan busi
ness. Anybody who pretend
that ho was requested to act as a go-be
twcen with a view of trading the oflicla
advortlsing for a change of front on tin
police controversy , is an unraltigatot
fraud. The council may by trickery am
rascality prevent a legal letting of tin
oflicio.1 advertising , but if the Ropublicai
or any other daily in a square compel !
tion proves to bo the lowest bidder , thi
council can bo compelled by the courts t <
award it accordingly.
Civil Service Coincidences.
The professed objoot of civil service
examinations is to obtain the best tnlon
that presents itself for positions in tlu
public service. The question of politics ,
religion , and other personal matters , It
supposed to be ignored. The usual rule
is to present the names of three or foui
applicants having the highest standing
as shown by the examination papers , t (
the local nominating olllcor who make :
his selection from them. Uo is not sup
posed to know what the politics of tin
applicant whom lie appoints. Thi
local examining board is not supposed tc
know. But some curious things have
happened at various places in conncctioi
tion with appointments of this kind dur
ing the last two years and a half. In thi
Now York custom house , while Heddet
was collector , all the men appointed
were democrats and belonged to thi
faction ot the democracy of which thi
collector was a member. This was r
strange coincidence. But Hcddoa did
not live long , politically speaking. Thi
newspapers started a cry that he wai
breaking the civil service regulations , an
investigation was hold , ami Mr. Heddoi
stopped down and out. ' Similar ooinci
dences happened in the Baltimore post
office and in many other places. But \ '
is not a safe tiling to do for the loca
nominating power to bring about thosi
curious coincidences. Theoretically , i
republicancandidato fora position in thi
Omaha postofllco , for instance , stands a
good a chance of appointment as a dem
ocrat , provided ho passes as good au ex
amination. '
Mr. E. Fxvr , of New York , thi
week successfully accomplished the cast
ing in bronze of the mammoth bufiali
head which is to bo placed over the per
tal of the Union Pacific railroad bridge
between Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Moro than ordinary care had to bo oxer-
ciscd in the casting , because it was all
made of ono plcco instead of being cast
in sections. It is the largest casting in
ono plccn over made in America , being
nine foot long and live feet wiclo. The
weight Is about 5,000 pounds. The model
was made by Scitltor Edward Komys jr. ,
and 1ms been on exhibition In ono of the
window ? of Tiffapy's , on Union Square ,
for some weeks. < The model was an im
posing work of 'art ' , and if the easting
comes out without blemishes wo will
have a'piece of statuary hero fit to stand
as a sentinel at the entry of the great
SENATOU VOOHIIEES , .who curses the
president nt the capltol end of the avenue
and praises him when at the white house
is out in interview , clamoring for more
spoils. Mr. Voorhecs baa done little dur
ing the rolgn of this administration but
go from ono department to another in
search of places for his ignorant strikers ,
Uo has demanded positions for his syco
phants from cabinet positions down to
watchmen and spittoon wrestlers. The
"nblo" senator from the ague shores oi
the Wabash has fastened upon the
pcoplo ot Indiana m the service oi
the government the most depraved and
corrupt ward bummers to bo found.
Competent men of respectability wore Ig
nored by the Indiana senator in the dis
tribution of places. The ignorant and
the vicious are his political companions ,
Senator Voorhoos , in his thirst for morn
ofllcos , should not forgot that his selec
tion of democrats was so offensive to the
people of his state that at the last elec
tion ho was pri'.otically repudiated by his
own party. As a demagogue Senator
Voohoes is perhaps without a parallel in
this country.
THE attempt to make the unfortunate
death of Georgia Clark , in the city Jail ,
a pretext for assailing the chief of police
and the oflicioncy of his limited force , is
very transparent. It means "anything
to down Seavey. " The officials who took
charge of this woman probably did not
handle her with gloves , but there is no
evidence of their abusing her. There is ,
however , evidence that she fought with
another human tigress in the cell until
the officers were compelled to separate
them. There is also evidence enough to
support the belief that the dead woman
had been very roughly handled by someone
ono immediately before the officers ar
rested her on the street.
THE Roundsand Taylor cormorants
have taken out of the city treasury $053
for alleged official advertising. Of this ,
f482 for printing Boyd's election procla
mation was no bettor than a downright
steal , and $230 smuggled through with
the salary ordinance by Acting Mayoi
Bcchol was for illegal registration no
tices in n special "election conducted in
violation of the election laws. And yol
the cormorants .a . o hungry and crying
for moro. . "
THE United States last year supplied
Great Britain with twice us much wheat
as that supplied by all other countries
and at a bettor price than was obtained
for the product of. any other country ex
cept Germany. This country furnished
moro than iivo times the amount sen !
from India. The indications point to
South America as our future greatest
competitor , from the outlook of the
European crop , loss American wheat will
be needed next year than was called foi
the past year.
Othar Lmnds Than Ours.
Political affairs in Great Britain have
not been marked by any strikingly- now
features during tha past week. The
most noteworthy fact , and one not unex
pected , has been the manifestation of a
vigorous hostility on the part of the
peers to the amended land bill. The con
cessions which the ministry found it
expedient to make to publio sentiment
nro reported to bo exceedingly displeds
ing to a majority of the house of lords ,
in which the bill originated , and Lord
Salisbury and his ministerial associates
nro now employing their energies in the
effort to suppress the revolt of the peers ,
There is not favorable promise that thov
will bo successful in this , and in unticlpa
tion of failure the liberals and Parnollitcs
are preparing to present a solid front in
opposition to any mutilation of the bill.
The ministry has been very earnestly
discussing the question of proclaiming
the National league , thus far without i
decision. Meantime they are collecting
official reports relating to the oporationa
of the league and intended to justify
proclamation if it comes. The
league has recently been avoid
Ing giving any cause _ _ foi
the proposed aotion , and the indications
are that it will not bo Immediately taken ,
The ministry is said to bo anxious tc
reach the parliamentary roocss not later
than the 27th of this month.
* *
Perhaps the most important event ol
the week in Europe was the departure of
Prince Ferdinand for Bulgaria , it is sup
posed with the intention of takiug pos
session of the throne to which ho was
some time ago elected by the sobranjo ,
but perhaps simply on a tour of observa
tion and to ascertain what sort of a foolIng -
Ing the people of , that country entertain
toward him. Atjall events it is not im
probable that this s all that will como ol
bis visit , since his election has not re
ceived the assent pfTTurkoy , which is first
necessary , and is 'apt favorably regarded
by tbo other signatory powers to the Ber
lln treaty , It has been reported that the
prince would accost the conditions re
quired by Uussia tyit if ho does this he
will bo very sure not to satisfy the othur
powers. The Bulgarian problem docs
not seem to bo any- , nearer solution by
the election of > Ferdinand , and he
is not the sorV of man to contribute -
tribute anything toward a so
lution. The now conditions ,
however , servo to show more stronglj
the necessity of Iwhoovar roaches the
Bulgarian throne putting himself largely
at the dictation of Russia , if ho expects
to remain there in peace. The geographical
graphical position of Bulgaria gives it an
importance beyond ita status as a mili
tary or commercial nation. It is Insigni
ficant in respect to territory , but what
there is of it lies between Russia and the
Mediterranean Sea. If it were not for
this location it might bo allowed to
manage its own aff.iira with as little in
terference as is shown iu the a flairs of
the other minor kingdoms or principali
ties of Europe. But Russia cannot allow
a strong Independent power tto run be
twoon her southern boundrry and Turkey
proper. Bulgaria -and Roumolla con
solidated would be able to place an array
m the field that , with such support as
Turkey and her allies might nflbrd ,
would present almost insuperable dlfll-
cullies to Russta'a long-contemplated
march to the aca.
Russia's aggressive operations in Af
ghanistan contlnuo to exclto attention ,
particularly from the British govern
ment , which also finds cause for concern
in the developments in Northern India.
For months Russia has bean steadily
pushing on toward the elevated region
that overhangs India in the north , , nnd
the further development of her designs
is awaited with especial solicitude in
England. While Ilorat is still menaced
by her forces , the scene of her activity
has boon transferred to districts that are
not separated from India by so wide a
"buffer , " and which adjoin the northern
Indian provinces whore it may bo possi
ble to organize a revolt ngamst British
rulo. It is not probable that any
offensive movement will be under
taken until the Transcaspian Railway
shall have extended so aa to servo as a
base of supplies ; but in the meantime
Russian agents will not bo idle. The dis
content of native rulers in northern India
will afford an opportunity for Russian In
trigue. And as the railway grows tha
available points of attack are multiplied.
When Russia nt last determines to force
her way to the Indian ocean England
will need tlio warm support of nil the
native Indian rulers , some of whom are
not at present feeling the most friendly
toward her.
Little Belgium is bomg drawn into the
great European maelstrom of warlike
turmoil , nnd it is perhaps the best thing
that could happen to Belgium to have
the fact made plain that in any great con
tinental struggle it must look for the pres
ervation of indopcndonco mainly to itself.
England is supposed to bo pledged by
treaty to the maintenance of Belgium
neutrality and a great deal of money has
DCCU spent on the construction and con
tinuance of a great entronohed camp nt
Antwerp for the reception of a corps of
British allies. But in the event of .a violation
lation of Belgium soil by the armed hosts
of Germany and Franco the camp at
Antwerp would bo of little value.
In the recent papers on European
politics written by Sir Charles Dilko ,
the fact is made plain /hat England's
ability to defend the neutrality of Bel
gium is as dubious as ita readiness to
make the required sacrifice of men and
money. As the writer justly remarks ,
"it is the Belgians who , when Germany
and Franco fall out , if the struggle is a
long or doubtful ono , will have to pay
the piper. " The Belgian general who
has got into trouble by his freedom of
speech merely echoes the opinion of Sir
Charles Uilko that "their fortiiications at
Namur and Licgo , their possible adop
tion of personal service and a largo in
crease of their army nnd of their ex
penditure upon defense , may save them
if they have the courage. " An army of
60,000 men is a ridiculously inadequate
defense for Belgium , situated as it is ,
and if it wants to retain its present color
on the map of Europe , the sooner it
adopts the self-protecting attitude ol
Switzerland the better.
The war of commercial and financial
discrimination which is now going ou be
tween Russia and Germany strikes the
impartial observer as being very foolisli
and likely to prove very costly. There
has never been any love lost between the
Russian and Gorman people , though
since Teutonic indignation at the Russifi-
cation of the Baltic provinces were itself
out , it has seemed as if the political ac
cord of the two empires was established
on a permanent basis. _ The job which
the Russian government has undertaken
to drive out the German traders and
German people in the Baltic and western
provinces seems to bo irrational. In the
last iifteon years there has boon an im
migration of probably 003,000 Germans
into Russia , and they have contributed
to the natural development of the coun
try. Germany takes about $50,000,000 or
S3 per cent of the annual exports of
Russia , and contributes about $83,000,000
or 40 per cent of Russian imports. Ono
would imagine that an infusion of Gor
man thrift , intelligence and persever
ance would bo a very good thing for
Russia , and it is difficult to understand
what is to be gained by the expulsion of
Germans and the prohibition ot trade
with Germany.
Among the unconfirmed political gos
sip from Europe recently was a report
that attributed to Prince Bismarck the
design of conquering Holland and incor
porating it in the Gorman empire , For
the acquiescence- Franco in this scheme
of conquest and ambition Germany ( or
Bismarck , which is pretty much the same
thing ) was to restore to that government
the provinces of Alsaoo and Lorraine.
Improbable as is the story , the German
government will doubtless take an oaily
occasion to correct it in order to soothe
the susonplibllitles of the people of Hol
land. The Germanizing of Holland
would bo a much moro diflioult
operation than that of Alsace-Lorraine ,
and the latter undertaking still remains
far from accomplishment. Desirable as
the acquisition of Holland might bo to
Germany from ft military point ot view ,
there would bo formidable political ob
stacle * to Its absorption which have not
been encountered in the work of German
izing the Rhino provinces of Franco. Tlio
Dutch have a commercial and Industrial
policy under which they have reached n
high degree of prosperity , and which
could not bo harmonized with thu protec
tive system of the Gorman ompiro.
Rather than surrender their commercial
freedom the Dutch would once moro cut
their dykes and overflow their country to
ropcl an invading cmomy. For the pres
ent it may bo safely assumed tbat the
Germans will not give up Alsace-Lorraine
and will not take Holland.
The repeated rayagei caused by chol
era in Central and South America have
suggested to the 1'eruvian government
the advisability of forming a sanitary
congress , and a meeting of the republics
on that part of tha continent to cooperate -
rate In such formation will bo hold in
Lima on November 1. The trouble with
South American nations hitherto lias
been that while closing their ports to ves
sels from an infected country they have
themselves neglected sanitary precau
tions. In November of last year cholera
was carried to South America iu an Ital-
tan ship bound from Geneva to Buonoi
Ayrcs. Through the carelessness of the
authorities of the latter place the dls
case was allowed to and Itgaiuci
a foothold in the Argentine Republic ,
crossed the Ancles range and invaded the
FnclGc coastof the South American con
tincnt. The effects were most disastrous
Thousands of deaths occurred , the free
movement of coinmorco was interfered
with , and the high prices of provisions
naturally oauscd great suffering. Tin
South American republics in their effort !
to adopt sanitary regulations have had tc
battle with the superstitious of a muss o :
Ignorant people ; but concerted action or
the part of the different governments
would undoubtedly stimulate health ]
local action in the matter. The import
ancq of the proposed congress should be
recognized by the United States.
The history of the negotiations bj
which certain English capitalists won
to become possessed of ' . ' 00,000 of Ha
waiian bonds Is not yet complete , The
Hawaiian revolution coiuos just in tinn
to prevent the consummation of the
transaction. It appears that the law uu
thomod a loan payable in United State :
eqld coin ; the bonds the English sent ot
for the finance minister's signature wen
payable in English money. This irrcgit
larltr might have been overcome , but UK
English syndicate proposed to dcduci
35,000 and ono month's interest from
the full amount of the bonds. The Ha-
walian minister of finance declined tc
complete a transaction in which such ex
traordinary financiering was a principal
* *
The question propounded in the Britlsl
parliament as to the number of royal
princes or persons allied to royalty bj
marriage who hold posts in the public
service and draw money in consequence
from the public funds will remain un
answered by the ministry. The latter
declares the query "invidious. " The in
formation is not inaccessible , however.
This kind of Inquisition is increasing ol
late , and it means a continuation of the
reform which has generally taken } > lace in
civil service and has abolished purchase
of commissions in the array and navy.
The aristocracy , short of royalty , nas
been shorn of preferences , and royalty's
turn at equality is coming also.
According to a Washington correspondent
Secretary Lamar now has his trousers and
his hair both cut In the latest style.
It Is a fact not generally known that Harrison
risen , the boy preacher , Is a brother of Car
ter Harrison , of Chicago.
Powell and Forakor , the democratic and
republican candidates for governor In Ohio ,
were classmates at college and are warm per
sonal friends.
Stanley , the African xplorer is to have
550,000 for a book from a London publisher
If ho survives his present expedition. The
'prospect ought to keep Mr. Stanley alive.
The long flowing locks which have for so
many years been a marked feature of Secre
tary Ltxtnar's outward personality have dls-
uppearnd before the Iconoclastic ravages of a
barbel's shears.
The victory of Captain McKenzje , ot Now
York city , at the international chess contest
nt Frankfort , Germany , Is cause for rojolctnc
In this part of the world. The contestant :
were the best chess players in existence.
Buffalo Bill has been presented by the
prince of Wales with an enormous diamond
horseshoe pin. His friends now think he
may aspire to bo a hotel clerk or an end man
In a dime show whnirhe comes homo.
General Sherman Is preparing a paper to
bo road before the Army of the Tennessee at
Its September reunion In Detroit Ho will
attend the convention of the Grand Army af
St. Louis as a delegate from .Missouri.
.The veteran of the United States army IE
General William Shelby Uarney , of St ,
Louis. He was born In 1800 and entered the
army In 1818. Not long ago the old Rentlc-
man took unto himself a young wife. With
her and his two or three millions of monoj
ho ought to be having a very good time.
Since cx-Mlnlster S. S. Cox luft Constanti
nople ho has been In receipt of newspapers
printed In various eastern languages. Per
sian , Arabic , Turkish and Greek Journals ,
and others In more obscure tongues , reacli
him frequently , and lie bids fair to become
one of the most accomplished linguists In
the country.
Paul Dnna strides up Broadway any after
noon in the style of tils father.\vftli a motion
that Is swceplmr. rapid and full of force and
decision. Paul Dana , the only son of the
renowned editor of the sun , has held the
clialr of editor-in-chlet during the summer ,
while his father was enjoying a nieiry time
abroad. Ho Is bv tar the youngest editor in
control of any of the leading dallies of the
city at this time , being still In his twenties ,
and being full of the spring ot youth. Ho
has come to the editorial chair drilled and
equipped In a way that no other editor In
this city can boast of.
The Wltohlnir Hour.
When the mantle of night o'er the earth Is
And the sky with ita twinkling gems Is
starred ,
Atraln on the roof of the buck-yard shed
The feline solo and chorus Is heard.
Then the neighboring windows are upward
And white-robed forms through the gloom
we spy ,
And swift from the hands of men half-crazed
The showers of boots and bootjacks lly.
Hushed for awhile are the lullabies.
And the wrathful people co back to bed ,
But ore sweet sleep has scaled their eyes ,
The concert's resumed oil another slitid.
A Constable Dofonrtanf.
Montz Stogcmun , a constable from the
second ward , is engaged to keep order
on Sundays by Mr. Rusor , who keeps a
saloon and recreation garden west of
the city. . Last Sunday fomo young rustic
bloods insisted upon dancing without
paying the required amount asked for
the torpslchorean privileges. Stegeraan
demanded the money when a young man
named Piokard , a relative of the ono who
wns sent to the ponltentliiry for killing
( lorruany Bowers some years ago ,
became obstreperous , flu drew a dirk
on Stcgoraun , when the latter used his
club quite efVuctivoly. 1'ickard had the
constable arrojtod for assault and Jus
tice Anderson's court was selected a * the
place of trial. Max Ktihn appeared for
thi ) defendant and vcstorday secured a
change of venue. There is considerable
fooling In this case , and the witnesses
seem to agree that Stogcmau was in the
It was on old oncnta 1 doctrine tha
women have no souls. More enlighten
ed philosophy concedes that they have
purer , liner , more exulted souls than
'men. But they arc too often contained
In feeble , Hiiflering bodies which hamper
and retard their full development. For
all those painful ailments incident to the
sox. Dr.Pierce's"Favoritc Prescription"
is the beat specific In the world , and Is
.sold under a positive guarantee that it
will do all that is claimed for it 1'rico
reduced to $1. By druggists.
Colonel E. 1) . Webster arrived this
morning from San Francisco , having
boon away several weeks. Hu slopped
off to visit his ranch at Strattou , and will
leave for home on Saturday. ,
Intcrcntlng Figaro * nntl Fuctg Rotitt *
lnf to the Now Districts
County Superintendent Brunor visited
Florence Thursday and In conjunction
with Director King mndo the following
adjustment between districts No. 5 and lj
Appraisement school house site , fur
niture , etc 9,100
Proprtlon district No. 1 , entitled to 827.89
Proportion district No. 5 , entitled to l,3r..Gl
CnMi on hand July 11 , In district
treasury 2.011.W
Proportion No. 1 Is entitled to l.itt'.W '
Proportion No. 5 Is entitled to l,53iM
Cash on hand July 11 , 1837 , In
county troa < mrv 1SO.S3
Proportion for district No , 1 74.71
Proportion for district No. r 115,03
District 5 will retain school site , fur
niture , etc 3,100.00
Also amount In hands ot county
troasurerto the district credited. . 180.83
Also irtnount In hands of district
treasurer 030 M
' Total : . . . Ja.070.41
District No. 5 wilt pay over to dis
trict No. 1 out of district treasury 1.031.00
The adjustment in districts No. 3 and
37 has not boon settled yet owing to the
boundary tines of the school dlstrictd be
tween Omaha and South Omaha no )
having as yet been permanently defined ,
Uut ofclght districts adjusted under th
now situation of nfl'ulra in only ono case
has the city school district boon obliged
to pay out any money , and that was in
district No. 87 , the old Quaoly district.
Mr. Bruncr and Mr. Piper , secretary ol
the board of education , will meol
to-day to examine the appraisement )
that have boon made. Thd'snporintond *
cnt is rushed with business these days ,
Next Monday the teacher's institute will
bo held nt the high school. On the 20th ,
20th and 27th examination of teachers
for county schools will take place , and
then ho will have to nuiko out his annual
Omalm receives under these appraise-
mcnts fS.804,10 , as follows : "
District No. 2 82,027 2(1 (
" " 5 1 , J1 2C
" " 0 41441
M " 4U 144 01
" " 53 4.SSOM
The whole of district No. 3 comes into
the city , which includes valuable proper
ty. Valuable property is also secured in
No. 0. The city only pays out $1.745.98
in money in district .No. 38 , and is hold
for bonded indebtedness in that district
to the amount ot $1,040.78. Property la
obtained in this district valued at f 8,000.
The New Chemical.
The now chemical engine now at the
police station , will bo removed to the No.
8 engine house tomorrow. It is a fine
plcco of workmanship , ono of the most
powerful , of largest capacity made ,
and will prove a very beneficial acquisi
tion to our already very cfllclcnt lire de
partment. It Is from the factory of
Charles T. Hollowed , Baltimore , and is
as handsome and durable a machine aa
there is m the country.
Mysterious Disappearance.
No news nas been received as yet from
the missing George J. Ambrust , and his
wife and friends arq in a state of painful
uncertainty and solicitude. Ho left his
Ginning street store Monday after din
ner with accounts aggregating $000 ,
which ho was anxious to collectbut since
that time he lias been neither scon nor
heard from , notwithstanding a diligent
search has boon maintained since his
Cleansed , Purified , and Beautified by
tbo Cuticura Remedies.
It affords mo pleasure to Ktvo you tbls re
port of the euro 01 our I'.ttle ' Kfandcblld liy
your CliTioilltA UKMtitHUS When six months
old hla loft hand beijun to swell urkl had over/
appoarnnco oC a largo boll. Wo uoulllcod It ,
hut nil to no purpose. About five months after
It became n running sore. Soon other sores
formed. Ho then hail two of them on oauh
hand , and ns his blood boudiiio more nnd more
Impure It took less tlmu for thorn to breakout.
A sere ramo on the ohln , beneath the under
Up , which was very ofloiislvo. Hln head was
ono solid Bcub , discharging u pront deal. This
was his condition at twenty-two months old ,
when I undertook the care of him , his mother
having died when ho was a little moro than a
year old. of confuimptlon , ( scrofula of course ) .
He could walk a little , but couid not get up If
bo foil down , and could not moro when In bed ,
havinjr no use or his band * . I Immudlatolr
commenced with thr CimcuitA UKMEDIKH ,
uiinir the CUTICUUA andCimouitA SOAI > freely ,
and when ho had taken ono bottle of the UUTI-
CDUA HMOI.VKNT hla hond wns completely
cured , nnd ho wna Impro\od In every wny. Wo
were very ran oh encouraged , unit continued
the usool the Kennedies for a your utul n half.
Ono sore after another healed , n liony matter
forming1 In each ono of these fl\o deep ono *
just before healing , which would Unallygrow
loose nnd wcio taken out ; then they would hen ]
rnplilly. Onoofthosn ugly Done formations I
proaorvod. After tnklmr a dozen nnd a hiilf
bottlci he was completely cured , and Is now , at
the ago of mx yours , u stroiiR nnd healthy child.
The Bears on his hnnda must nlwnjg remain :
hU hands ate Rtrimir , though wu once fen red tin
would never bo able to use them. All thitt phy-
Blclnna did for him did him no twod. All who
suw the child hnforn uslnff the CUTICUIIA HKMK-
niBsnnd ROD the child now consider it rt won
derful euro. II the nbovo fnclH nro ot any use
to you , you nro nt llborty to use them.
May ( ) , 1885. 012 K. Clay St. , llloomlngton , III
The child was i cully in a worse condition than
bt ) appeared to his grandmother , who , boiiiK
with him every day , bccnmo accustomed to the
dlsoiigo. MAOOIi : HOPl'INQ.
CUTICUIIA HEMEDIKS nro sold everywhere.
Oimcuut , thoirrciit 8klnGuro,50 ots. ; CUTI
CUUA BOAI * . an oxriulslto Hkln llenutlllcr. Knots :
CtnicintA Ui BOI.VKNT , the now Illuod Purlflur , Prepared by the I'orruii Dituo & UIIBM-
I CAT , Co. , Boston.
Send for "How to Cure Skin Disease- "
iNa , B-aly , Pimply and Oily Bkln
bonutltlod by CUTIOUUA SOAI- .
I'aln , Inflammation and Wenknoaa of
the KldnoyR , Hips ami Hides nr.i.iisvin
, IN ONE UINUTH by the GUTictniA Arm
I'AIN Pi.ASTKii. New nnd Inlalllblo.
I At druitk'lsts , 25c. 1'otlor Drug and
Chemical Co. , Huston.
DEnOIiT ) , "Rwectfilitwu , " wliornmpi l
tlin orrhurcl , over tlio tiii > uiloir , rlilrinn lha
auabeach. iarol > lo4orvrtk tuouutaliu andm-
Joyaullllnj llvrlr ouMioor iaine > iiud MiuiU ,
jet her Face , NrrU , Arm * and llnniln r
tKirtfct iilctureiuf Ueaulj , which Lg trtMrvu
Magnolia Balm
for the fuuiplexlon ; Hm&LocalivIr Sf 40
Pl > il < ul InstAQlIy * Can't lf Orlt rivfl !
AUtt. the III ttfeeuo"Hot. Ih'y'Wlwdy
Wcullier. Hne awajr wllti Tan , hunbiirn
I'rccfclr * . Tetltir und oerjrSkh llleuiUh.
\Vonarrliilly/Kefrraljluu. Tal
yoc to fbo B juhore'BiiUvjiuutalni.
lllda will bo raralvud by the bntird of publ'o
lindtaud bulMliigf at any Ume bofura August
15,1M7 , at 3 p. in.firilonntloii9 for tliclunation
Cor the "Nebraska Induitrliil Homo. " Uiuni
rlKhti roserrod. iljrordurnriald Itoard. / * " * * *
JiiF2 | , 1ES7. U. I , . LAWS , 3eiT t ir/ . /
Ju2Jd-io auglS