> s " - T * CHE OMAHA DAILY SEE : SATURDAY. AUGUST 13. 1887 ; . A QUIETER TONE TO CORN , Bearish Sentiments Prevailing Among the Majority of Traders. WHEAT VALUES HOLD UP WELL. A Small Volume of Speculative Busi ness Itcportett In Gain Cattle Trifle More Active Market Quotations. CHICAGO 1'noDUCE MARKET. CHICAGO , Auznst 12. [ Special Telegram to the HKK.I Thuro was a yulc-tor tone to tliu corn nrarkct to-day , a falling oft In outside speculation and In options after Septemeer a tendency to shrinkage In val ues. The market opened % c oil and thu sen timent of n treat majority of the traders was bearish on the rains , which seem to be pretty general over A largo-portion of the distressed corn area. The opinion Is entertained by many that the rains have come too late to b of great bcncllt to a considerable percentage of the rorn In Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska , but that It was not too late to help the crop. Where the dauiaKe was less serious thu benefit resulting from the revived pastures are conceded to bo almost Incalculable aud grain In that quar ter Is moie or less reflected In corn. This Is the general drift of reasoning to-day and thn consequence wai an Increased dis position to realize profits on property bought at a lower range of values. The advance Is felt to have been not without cause , and the cause still exists , hut the fears of a famine that lilted the minds of traders are In a meas ure allayed aud Iho keen edge of the popular demand Is .blunter than It was while the parched tongue ot the whole corn country was flanging out of Its mouth. May was es pecially weak aud cash and September rela tively strong. Actual property Is not being forwarded as rapidly as It might bo antici pated , the shortage and active Interior con- Humptive Inquiry curtailing the move ment materially. The local dmnund Is said to Do eating into the stocks of cribbed corn and the prices rullnir In many sections are relatively considerably higher than Chicago. Itecolpts nt this point are loss than 50 per cent of wbat they were last year at corresponding dates , and receivers are by no moans certain that there will bn nn Increase in the movement. The advance of 4@5chas not swelled country shipments to any appreciable extent and those who were depending upon arrivals to 1111 August and September contracts were In a state of mild alarm to-day. Cash corn has worked up within # @Vc of September , and September made a gain of Kc on May to day , the difference narrowluc from 4 % : to 43,50. , September opened at 41Jfc , advanced to 4Sc , sold otf sharply to 41c , advanced to 42c , touching that point several times and ranging at 42&4lc for the last hour erse so , closing at 41c. October opened at 42Jfc , ranged at 438 43c , closing at 4'J-Kc. May 4 ! fc , was bid up to 47c , broke to rallied to 4fiXc , and for the re- malnder of the session ranged at 46K@46c , showing a decided woaKncss toward the last , closing at the extreme insldo. Considering the almost tutor absence of speculation In wheat and the weakness In the tone of the foreign markets , the locul wheat market held up remarkably well. Speculative transactions were small In the argreicate and the closings Indicate llttln change from yesterday. September opened at GO&c , ranged at 6UJf QOOtfc and closed at 09XC. October opened at 71 ( ! J71)-Jc , ranged at 71J O71o aud closed at 71' c , lncember opened at 74 $ < fc , ranged at 74 # < ft74o and closed at 74c. The voluiuu of speculative business In oats was smaller than yesterday aud the market was without new features. In provisions the day pns ed In a slow and uneventful manner. Tiaders acted as If they were well ovoncd up and wore consequently IndilTuront at tills late period of the week to taku hold , while outside orders were limited. The quiet feeling witnessed extended to all brunches of the market , which , however , ex hibited considerable strength under the cir cumstances , liarrlnga decline of 5clnJan- uaiy short ribs , an easier tendency in Octo ber lard and an advance ot 2o in August and October short ribs , prices all around closed about the same asyestcrday. Fluctua- i tions for September lard sold at SO.S7i < 3fl.60 , \ Id short ribs at 88.00@8.05 , closing at 50.57W / * 0 and 88.00 respectively. August shorl I were the same as September , and August 9 the same to 2c lower than September. ' 'per lard closed U 7K$10c ( over Septem- "Iwrrand October short ribs at S8.02W. For January pork closed quietly at 813.05 ; lard at 80.bO. and short ribs at 80.65. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , August 12. | Special Telegram to the UEE.J CATTLE The market was t trlflo more active , with an up-turn of about lOc on anything that was at all useful for cither shipping or dressed beef. A few lot : of prime corn-fed steers sold as nigh as S4.C5 @ 4.75 and from this range down to 93.750 ! 4.25 , according to quality for shipping and dressed beef stock. Thin grassy natives sold down from $3.25 to 83.50 , such mainly for feeders , either In distilleries or by farmers. Tozans wore 10@15c higher and In good de mand. Ono lot of range natives brought 2.75. Native butchers' atock sold within a range of $1.00(42.50 for cows , S1.25@3.50 for bulls , stockers making 81.7502.75 , according to weight , styles and breeding. Veal calves In largo numbers were on snlo to-day ; 261 head sold within a range of 82.50@4.ftO. Milkers were In large num- , 'Dors and the demand was limited. There f" was no market and sales were at a great loss to their owners. Shipping cteers , 1050 to 1150 Ibs. 84.00f.f4.15 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , 83.603 4.40 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , S3.00Q3.50 : stockersanH feeders. 81.25@3.1Q ; cows , bulls and mixed , 8t.00@4.75 ; Texas cattle were stronger ; steers , 82.5033.30 ; cows , Sl.WHja.40 ; bulls , lions Trading was active with an tin-turn of a strong 5c on neatly all sorts. The de mand was straight from packers and ship pers. Speculators are not operating 'to any great extent. Parking sorts sold at 85.10 ® 6.20 ; heavy , 85.WK35.85. Ono or two lots of fancy butcher weights sold at $5.40. Light KorU , Including Yorkers , 85.1035.15 * ; grassy lots nominally 30 < 340c below corn fed , size and weights the same. FINANUIAU NEW YOIIK , August 12. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.I STOCKS. Opinions regarding the stock market were greatly at variance with each other to-day , so much so that the dullness was more consplcluous than at any previous time this week. The assignment of Ives , who has boon regarded as practically Insolvent for bovnral weeks past , was re garded by the bulls as a good thin ; , as It re moved a heavy cloud that has hoTcretJ pyet the marKel for 601110 time , greatly to the dissatisfaction of all traders. Among the bears , however , the opinion prevailed that the worst was not over and predictions were made that the suspension would have a de pressing effect for some time to come. Trad ing war , light , news scarce and less than half a dozen properties received enough attention to cause special comment The ftory was circulated that all the telegraph companies had combined against thu Western Union , thu new pool consisting of Garret , Mackay , Chillis , Whltelaw K ld , D. O. Mills ana others. It was not generally believed. Western Union only variedt per cent dui- ing the morning , the slight appreciation be ing due lo buying by Wormser. New York Central went up ) f per cent on the buying In tinder the sale ot 500 shares for Jves. New England advanced 1 per cent on purchasing by Slajack. Lackawatina gained 1)1 and Northwestern Jf per cent The advances \verechlctly the result of short * opening up , there being an absence ot outside orders. Humors that Pec I Ho Mall would declare the long-expected 1 percent dividend Wednes day next were alloat and prices advanced X per cent. There were no now developments ID the last hour. The shipment of 8 0,000 In gold from Liverpool for New York to-day , coupled with the large shipment * ot yester day , was regarded as a bull argument , but failed to have a pronounced effect on valfea and tae market closed rather easy except on New Kngland , which remained firm , but the prices of a majority of stocks wore better than yesterday. The total sales were 121- 1U7 shares. GovinN'MKrtTS Government bonds were heavy. YKSTKUDAf'8 QUOTATION * . U. S. 4'scoupoii. 127V1C. AN. W 114X U. S. 4W's conn. . 1105 do preferred. . . 144 Paclllo tVs ot ' 05. . lta } < N. Y. C. 108 } CanadaSouth'n. . M } < O. It. AN * WK Central i'aclllu. . W. o. T. 2fiX Chicago it Alfnn . 140 l > < ilfln Xf nil . 40 do preferred..175 P. , IX &K . ! c , , * o. . . p'4 PnllmanPal.Car.148 D. , I * A W ISOJf 1) . AR.O . - - r > rf-ft HOCK isifind * w."j Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOW St. L. AS. K. . . . 3 % do preferred. . . . 03 do preferred. . . . 74 Illlnols < > ntral..ll8) ) { C. , At A 8tP. . . 8l I. , U. A W 18 ? do preferred. . 1W K. AT ijfl ) St P. A 0 . 48V Lake Shore l 4 do preferred. . 1WH [ ' AN 02 < Texas Pacific. . . . 88K Michigan Cenfl. . Sojf UnionPacllie. . . . 65 f Mo. Pacllie " W..St LAP. . . . " " No. Pacllie . .VM tin preferred. . 31 doprofcrred. . . . 55 % W. U. Telegraph TAX . MO.VKY On call loaned at 4K@8 percent last loan , 0 ; closed at 10 bid. PitiMK MKUCANTIIJS 1'ArEn 5 < S < J per cent. STKKUNO EXCHANOK Dull but steady at 84.80 % . tor sixty day bills and * 4.b2Jf for demand. 1'ltOUUcK MAUKKT8. Ohlcairo , Atizuit 11. Following quota tions are the UUO : closing figures : Flour Steady and quotably unchanged. wheat Dull but steady ; lluctuated within a Derange and closed Vc above yesterday ; casli , CS.'a'c ; September , GO c ; October , 71tfc. Corn Active but weaker , closing K@lc under yesterday ; cash , 41mc ; September , 41 < c ; October , 4JYc. Oats # @Vc lower for near futures ; cash , 25c ; September , 25c ; October 42Vc. Kye Nominal at 44c. Uarloy Quiet at 7-Jc. Prlmci Timothy Scott-82.22. Whlsky-81.10. Pork Steady and firm , with trade compar atively light ; cash. 815.00 ; year , 912.40 ; January , 513.00(313.03. ( Lard Fairly active ; advanced 2 } c but settled back and. closed steady ; cash and September , 8C.57X@0.60 ; October , I0.67K ® 0.70. 0.70.Bulk Meats-Shoulders S5.70@5.bO ; short clear 8i > @S.40 ; short ribs , 88.00. Butter Steady ; creamery , 23@2 < 5o ; dairy , Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 11@ IlUc ; Hats and Young Americas , ll > ii ( $ HJfc. Kggs Firm at ll } ® 12c. Hides In rooderato demand ; heavy green salted ; 7J& ; light do , 7 > @ 8c ; salted bull hides. Oc. green salted calf , > @ 9c.dry ; flint , I2 i3o ; drv calf , I2@l3c ; deacons 30c each. Tallow-Easy ; No. 1 country , S c ; No. 2 , So ; cakes , 4c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 11,000 ' 21,000 Wheat , bu 47.000 254,000 Corn , bu 120,000 201.000 Oats , bu 233,000 112,000 Kye , bu 1,000 Barley , bu 17.000 K.OOO New York. August 12. Wheat Ko- reipts , 211.000 ; exports , 223,000 ; spot grades very steady and without any change of 1m- ; options opened heavy , declined @ , ' .fc and later ruled stronger , reacted X ® c , closing : steady ; ungraded red , 7C < 3 HIMC ; No. 2 red , bOc In elevator , 80@81&c delivered ; Angust closed at BOc. Corn Spot lots about KO and options @ % c lower , closing steady with a slight recov ery : receipts , * : )3,0t ) ; exports , 2,000 ; un graded , 4'M50Xc ; No. 2 , 4Si ( 40cin store and elevator ; 49 , ' c , f. o. b. : 49ff < 24'JXcdeliv ered , September closing at49c. Oats Lower and less active ; receipts , 120,000 ; exports , 1,300 : mixed western , SO @ 83c ; white western , 3fl@41c. Potrolohm Finn , United closing nt OOJtfc , Eges Moderate request and steady ; west ern , lS@l0 c , Pork Steady and moderately active. Lard Dull and \venk , closing steady ; western steam , SO.S'H'QH Uutter Firm ; western , _ Cheese Firmer with good Inquiry ; west ern , b > i@10c. MlnncaiiollH , August 12. Wheat Mar ket closed steady ; No. 1 tiard , cash and September , (7lXc ; October , 70 c : No. 1 noithern , cash and September , 70Xc ; Oc tober , C'Jc ; No. 2 northern , cash and Sep tember , C8Xc ; October , 67c. On track : No. 1 bard , 73'c ; No. 1 northern , TJ c ; No. 2 northern , 70c , Flour Inactive ; patents , 84.00@4.20 ; bakers , 83.20 3. 0. Receipts-Wheat , 45,200 bu ; ( lour , 130 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 42,000 bu ; flour , 75,000 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee. Milwaukee. August 12-Wheat-Steady ; cash , C9Jfc ; October , 71 c. Corn-Lull ; No. 3 , 43Xc. Oats Steady ; No. a white , Kye-FlrmNo. ; I 45Xc. liarley Lower : September , C3c. Provisions Quiet : pork , August , 814.50. Lard August , 30.55. Olnotnnatl , August 13. Wheat-Stronger ; No. 2 red,73c. Corn Strong ; No. 3 mixed , 48K@ < 9c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 28 @ 'it > c , Kye Scarce aud firm ; No. 2 , 4 c. Pork-firm at 815.00. Lard In good tlemond and firm at 8C.35. Wlnsky-81.03. St. Ljonla , August 12. Wheat Lower cash. Cite : September , "iO fc. Com Lower ; cash , 09c ; September , 37 0 Oats Lower ; cash , 24c ; September , 25c. Whisky-S1.03. Pork-815.ii5. Lard-86.35. Butter Steady ; creamery , 24@2Sc ; dairy 1025c. Kanuaa City. August 13. Wheat- Steady : No. a red , none on the market ; No. 3 fiott , 04o bid , 60ko asked. Corn Kasler ; No. S , cash , 30c ; August , SCXc asked ; September , 36o. Oats-No. 3 Augtibt , 23 o asked. New Orlean * , August 12. Corn Un settledmlxnd. ; 60c , white , 53954C. Oats-Firmer at 33XC < i34c. Corn Meal-Easy nV 83.27X93.30. Ho Products Dull and unchanged ; pork , 815.G3M ; lard , refined tierce. 0.02W. Bulk Meats Shoulders , S5.SO ; long clear and clear rib , 8.ia > j. STOCK. , August 12. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Kecelpis , v.ooo ; strong and 5@10c higher ; shipping steers , S3.OOQ-l.75 ; stockere aud teeders , SL25i3.15 ( ; covrs , bulls and mixed , f 1.0032.75. Hogs Kecelnts , 0.000 ; stronger ; rough and mixed. S4.65&5.20 ; packing and ship ping , S5.00C45.35 ; light , S4.40@5.15 ; skips , Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; steady for best ; common lower ; natives , 82.50ffl4.25 : west ern , 83.1033.50 ; Toxuns , SJ.50Q3-C5 ; lambs , per bead , $1.00(24.00. ( National Stock Yards , Eait St. Louli , III. , August 12. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 3.000 ; market active aud steady : fair to cholcQ heavy native eU i , jLaOjliutcherF fiieerl , fair to choice , 13.05 ; feeders , fair to good , 3.40 ; stockersfalr to good , ® 2.002.75. ttoes Receipts , 1,000 : shipments. 1.000 : shade hi.her ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , 8V203S.S5 ; packers and Yorkers , medium to choice , $4.005.IS ; pigs , common to good , S4.2534.35. Hamas City. August 12. Cattle Re ceipts , 3,000 ; shipments , ( ofliclal yesterday ) ll.OOOr strong and C@10c higher for good na tives ; good to choice corn-led , | 3.bOC44.10 ; common to medium , $3.ou3.70 : stockert , 82.00 ( 2.40 ; feeding steers , 82.0&3.00 ; cows , 81.402.50. Hogs Receipts , 5.000 ; shipments ( of ficial yesterday ) , 500 : market active'and strong , and 5 < dlOc hluher ; eood to cbolce , 85.25 ( < i5.40 ; common to medium , 84.00(25.20 ( ; skips aud pigs | 3.oo@3.40. OMABA L1VF. HTOOK. Friday , August 13. Cattle. The run of cattle was light to-day. There were very few corn-fed natives sultabU for the dressed beef trade. There were a Rood many feeders In , In proportion , and several bunches changed hands. There It conslber- able Inquiry for feeders , but buyers are not inclined to old very Htrnue prices. The mar ket to-day was about steady on all the com mon grades ot cattle , but strong on choice corn-fed steers. . Hoc * . The receipt * were light again to-day. The market opened early , with all the buyers on baud. The light receipts of the past few i days uad the packers very agvr to pick up as many loads aa possible. They started In by offering about Sgioc advance over yester day , but the market kept growing stronger until the close , which was fully 15o blither than yesterday. The pens were cleared nnd every thine welKhcduu before 10 o'clock In the morning. The average quality of the hogs wasallttlo better to-day than jcslcr- day. The top yesterday was 55.05 , while It was S5.r to-day , but there were no hogs In yesterday as good as the tops to-day. Bhnup. There was nothing doing on the market. Itccclpt * . Cattle . 400 llogs . 2,400 Shipment * ) . Cattle . . . MO llogi . . . 7fcO Prevailing Price * . Showing the prevailing ( irloji paid for 11 va slock on this marknt : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . . . 8 . lOfa 4.20 Choice steers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . : UK ) ( < 1.10 Fat little st ers WOO to 1050 ltn . . . . 3.75M3.80 Corn-ted range steers 1300 to 1400 3.7V24.00 ; Hood to choice corn-fed cows . . . . S.75W3.00 Common to medium cows . 2.00Q3..V ) Uood to choice bulls . 1.75(11.10 Light and medium hoes . 4.Wfaj'.0. " , Uood to choice heavy hogs . 5.15 ( 5.25 Good to eliolco mixcdhogs . 5.00(0,3.10 ( nepreiontativa NATIVK SIKKUS COIIX-FKI ) . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. IB. . . . 1033 8A60 20. . . . UH 53.50 NATIVK STnEllS-ailASSBHS. 100. . . . 1040 83.2.5 ' FiKIKU9 : WKSTEH.V. 03. . . . 1043 S2.3. ' ) Fr.KIJiniS NA.TIVE. 73. . . . 898 3.00 0. . . . 900 3.00 COWS. 11. . . . 833 82.75 HOGS. No. Av. Shk. IT. No. Av. Silk. Pr 09. . . . 217 SO 85.00 57. . . . 2W 8085.10 07. . . .883 240 5.00 GI..20'J ' 5.10 74. . . .211 ,40 6.UO OS..Ui7 : 240 5.10 ( IT. . . . 10 100 5.00 64. . . . 203 240 5.10 83 . . .209 200 5.05 7J..217 200 5.10 70. . . . 243 280 5.05 01. . . . 205 ICO 6.12 > 59 . . .242 200 5.05 63..2J 80 6.15 64. . . .205 120 5.05 60. . . .279 40 5.15 71. . . .248 120 5.05 01. . . .270 80 5.15 70. . . . 239 40 6.05' 50. . . . 303 120 5.15 63. . . . 201 160 5.0" 70. . . . 229 120 5.15 70. . . . 238 120 5.05 59. . . . 279 120 5.15 C9..228 80 5.07 > i 72. . . .214 80 5.15 70. . . . 238 200 5.10 60. . . . 254 80 5.20 05. . . . 237 40 6.10 60. . . . 284 80 5.20 67. . . .246 80 6.10 51. . . .300 80 5.25 63. . . . 253 120 5.10 52. . . . 313 5.25 tllTO StOOlC Sliowlngthti number of head ot stock sold n the market to-day : CATTLE. O. U. Hammond & Co . 23 Local . 32 hlppers . 140 feeders . 190 Total . , . 391 HOGS. Anglo American Packing Co . 787 U. ft. Hammond & Co . 602 quires & Co. . . 329 Armour & Co . 758 " Total . 2370 All sales ot stock m tuts market are made > er owt live weight unless otlmrwlsn stated. ) ead hogs soil at Kc per Ib. for all welxhti "Skins , " or hogs weighing loss than 10J Ibs. no value. Pregnant sows are decked 49 103. and stagsSolb * . by thooublio investor. liive Stock Notow. Good cattle strong. Hogs closed I5c higher. "A booming hog market A good many Iowa men in. George W. Harness. Defiance , la , , was in with a load of hogs. A. D. Konyon , Dannebrog , was-among the visitors at the yards. 85.40 was the top of the hog market In Chicago cage and 55.25 here. Charles Welch , Papilllon , was In and mar- coted one load of hogs. J. M. Abraham , Valley , was here aud bought 24 head of stockurs. Scott Herald , with llyers , Patterson A Co. , ins returned from a trip into Iowa. Mr. Lee , Harvard , was at thu yards aud old a load of cattle and a load of hogs. J. A. Kehoe , Platte Center , marketed a oad of prime hogs which brought the top price. Hon. Josh Cox , Hampton , was In and mar keted a load of 300-1 b hogs at 85.25 , the top price. Arthur Spearman , a well know shipper 'rom Springfield , was here and marketed a load of hogs at 85.10. G. F. Francis , Decorah , la. , was over with six loads of feeder * . J. C. Abbott , also from Iowa , was In with feeders. Mr. Keith , of Self A Keith , Brock , came in with a car of cattle and remained over , awaiting a bhlpmout of two cars in the morn ing. Shippers should be careful not to be mis led by the high prices paid for hogs to-day. They should bear In mind that thu light re ceipts have stimulated prices and that a heavy run would tend to put the market down where It was before. Thomas Stietcb , Valparaiso , ono ot the most successful feeders , was In with two loads of cattle of his own feeding and took back three loads ot as line native three-year- old steers as ono need to ask for. Ha has oaid his Initiation fee as a member of the Live Stock Shippers' association but could not And his name In the Stockman and is anxious to know what became ol his $2. The following had stock on the market : Fuller & P. , FuTlerton ; W. J. Davis A Co. . Grand Island ; F. M. Sackott , Albion ; J. James lanley , Ashland ; 11. H. Wlrt , Ans- loy ; Jamns Cannon , Hampton ; J. D < inan , Okoto ; Dnrsov llros. & Co. , Wcston ; H. Jeffrey , Oseeola ; Krcbs & iMcF. , McPaul ; O. T. Francis , Decorah ; Morse K. & Co. , Morse ; C. C. Clifton. Colon ; Nye Wilson M. Co. , Lindsay ; C. W. Lament , O'Noil : Uoden & / . , Council Bluffs ! Potter Ac S. . . Elm Creek ; Tlmms k U. , Portsmouth ; Bliss & Bliss , Schuyler : Emily Bros. , Wisner ; Platte Val ley Lbr , & G. Co. , Llu woo J : A. M. Spooner k Co. , Hooper : U. A. Hall , Newman's Grove , OMABA WHOIjISSALR MARKETS Fruits anil Produce. Orders from tlic country requiring se lected stock nnd extra care In pticklnti can not always be filled at. the same prices quoted to the local trade for common slot * . Friday , August 12. General The receipts of country produce to-day were not heavy and the maiket was a little quiet. Butter Is very scarce and there Is hardly any choice arriving , and dealers are unable to supply the demand. The tendency on the vegetable market Is toward higher prices , not only here , but all over the coun try. There was only ono car of California fruits received to-day. Enos The bulk of the stock Is moving at lie , but the market Is a llttlu weak , and occa > elonal Rales are intutQ nt , 10 * ' Burrin : The receipts &fS extremely light and prices continue llrra. Thu West Point creamery butter Is selling at 23Vc and the output of other creameries at 21c. Choice dairy butler , ITQlSc ; medium grades , 13@ ICc ; lower grades , DQllc , CHERSK Fancy , lull cream Cheddars , sin gle , lOc ; full cream , twins , lOk'c ; young Americas , llo ; brick cheese. 100 Ibs Incase , new , 12c ; Llmburger , 100 Ibs In case , now , He ; Swiss , iancy Ohio , new , lOc POUI.TUY-The poultry market Is dull , the receipts being liberal and the demand light. Spring chickens are selling at 81.759J.25 , and It requires coed stock to bring the top price. Old fowls are inovlneat82.5C@2.76. An occasional sale of fancy old fowls Is made at S3.00. Good , fair-sized ducks are selling at 2.25 < < ? ! .75bui very small ones are not wanted. There Is very little demand for turkeys and they are out of season , but an occasional shipment is received , which sells at G@7c per pound. POTATOES The supply Is very light and prices linn. Choice stock is selling at 55 ® we , CABBAGE There Is some homo grown upon tun market , out the supply Is light. Good , Rolld heada sell at 75o per doz. ONIONS Thu supply Is about equal to the demand. Good stock , 75c@1.00 p ° r bush. MKLONB A good many are coining In but the demand U heavy enough to keep the market cleared. Good sized watermelons are Bellini mostly at 810.00(315,00. ( BKANS. Hand picked navy beans are quoted at tl.75 per bushel aud the other grades are wiling from that figure down u GAUB. There li no game coming in , the weather being too warm to handle 1C POP CoitN There la hardly any ule < for corn. An occasional BACK u cold at HitiiiiiES The scason'.for berries Is prac tically over. ' ; TOMATOES The market Is well supplied with tomatoes , home grown , at 50@75c per builiel. i PLUMS The receipts or plums are not as heavy as of other fruits from California. Prices are firm , good stock moving at 81.80 per box. GiiAi'Ks Very choice .Muscat grapes are arriving from California. There are also a fiiw coming In from the south. Muscats , S2.00 ner M Ib boxes ; southern , 81.00 per 10 Ib basket. There were a few Missouri grapes put up In fancy 5-lb. boxes , which sold at 85.00 per GO-lb. crate. i , NECTAHINKS A fowCa Ifornls nectarines am arriving , which are sold'at SI.50 per box. PIACIIES : The market is well supplied with very choice stock from Callfointa. Choice stock Is going at 81.25c1.50. PKARS The supply of California Uartlct [ tears Is liberal aud the stock choice , al- 'lough a good many are arming over ripe. CKI.KRY The demand Is not very heavy so early In the season. Good stock suitable for equipment Is sold at 40c per bunch. PIIUNF.S There are some very largo and howy California prunes on the market , mown as the Gross prunes , whlcn are sell- ng at 1.7 ; > per box. LEMONS There are some very fancy largo ialorl lemons on thn market which are soli ng at 80.00. There are a few Vernclll onions on the market which are selling at 87.50. ORANOES There arc very few on the mar- cet and not enough to till orders. BANANAS The market Is full of bananas 18l.50@3.oo nor bunch. APPLES The market Is almost bare and ; oed stocK Is very scarce. Choice apples ultablo for shipment are quoted at 83.00(3 ( 3.50pcrbbl. Grocer' * List. CANNED Goons Ovstcrs , standard , per ase , S2.1KX33.10 : strawberries. 2 Ib , per case. 52.7U ( < $2.75 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 82.70 ® .75 ; California pears , per c.\so , 84.40@4.50 ; prlcots , uer ctse , 83.00ii3.70 ( ; peaches , per , ase , S4.40@4.50 ; white cherries , per case , J5.GO plums , per case , JMSOQlGO : blue- jerries , per case , S2.oo@2.io : egg plums. 2 b. per case , 82.50 : pineapples , 2 Ib , per case. 83.20(35.75 ( ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , 11.40 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , 81.75 ; 12 b cooseberrles , per rase , 82.60(32.70 ( ; 21b string leans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per ase , SI.00 ; 2 ib marrowfat peas , per case , 82.4032.50 ; 2 Ib early Juno ppas. pur case , 12.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , $2.45ftr2.50 ; 21bcoru , jn t-jn "PROVISIONS Hams , 134@13) ) c ; breakfast > acon , ll12c ; bacon sides lOyjflOUc : dry salt , 8/Wtfc ; shoulders , 7Jfc : dried beet lams , 12@l3c : dried beef regular , HHl2c ; iamsplcnic , 8K8yf- WOODKNWABK Two-hoop palls , per doz , $1.45 ; 3-hoop palls , 81.05 ; No. 1 tub. 80.50 ; s'o. 2 tub , 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wash boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1 churns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns , 87. 87.STARCH STARCH Mirror Gloss , 6c ; Graves Corn , C < fc ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7c , BRootis-Kxtra 4-tte.82.GO ; No. 1,82.00 ; No. 4 81.75 ; heavy stable , 84 SVRUP-No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. S1.32@1.S5 ; few Orleans , per gallon , 38 ( < ? 46c ; maple syrup , halt bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1-gallqn cans , per doz , 810.00 : half-eallou cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans , 83.00. CANDY Mixed , 8 } @llc ; stick , 8&9Kc. CBACKKHS Garneau's soda , butter and picnic , 4j c : creams , 7Xc < ginger snaps , 7 > < c : city soda , 7c. PICKI.KS Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In half bbls , 84.00 ; small , In bbls , 88.00 ; do In half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 89.00 ; do In half bbls. 85.00. e { ewnlte \ extra C , % ( $ % \ extra C.'skw 5Jfc ; yellow C , 5 # < jj5tfc ; ; cut loaf , c ; @ 'c ; powdered , 7@7Vc. DniED FKUITS Apples , now , & 's CJ ci evaporated , 50-lb ring. I7 ! < @l8c ; raspberiles , evaporated , 27@28i ; blackberries , evaporated , 9.fW ( e ; pitted cherrlesj 12@13c ; peaches , new , J4's , 7)fc ; ovaporatea ipeeled peaches , now currants , . . .ron , 2.jc ; ral- 01 nn , jjunuuii mvuitpi."i. . California , loose muscatels , SI.60 ; new Valencia * , 7Ko. RHKINKI ) LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb lound. o ; 20-lb round , 7 , ' c ; 10-Ib palls , 7Xc ; 5-lb palls , 7c ; 3-lb pails , 7J c. Ton A ceo Lorlllard's Climax , 44c ; Splen did , 3Sc : Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggutt A Meyer's Star , 4lc ; Corncistonc , 34c ; Drtnn- moiul's Horse Shoe , BTc ; T , J. , ! ! lc ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c. COFFER Ordmarj' grades , 20 } @ 21c ; fair. 21K22c ; prime. 22 < gfJ3e ; fancy green and yellow , 23a2oc ( ; old Kovornment Java. 2S@ iOc ; Interior Java , 25@23c ; Mocha , 2S@30c ; Arbuckle's , roasted , 25fc ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 2. > &c ; Dllworth's , 25Xc ; Red Cross , < ! Cfc. TEAs-Japan. 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20@COe ; Youns Hyson. 25@Mc ; Oolong , 20@COc. General Markets. SPIBITS Cologne spirits , lb proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18s proof , 81.09. Alcohol , 188 proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , 81.0031.50. Gin blended. 81.50@ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00(3 ( < 5.00 : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.0090.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , SL50Q3.00. Brandies , Imported , 85.00(38.50 ( ; domestic , 81.30 ( 3.00. Gins , Imported. 84.50@ 6.00 ; domestic , S1.25@3.00. Champagnes , Im ported , per case , S2S.OO@33.00 ; American , per case. 810.00tgl6.00. COAL Egg. 89.00 ; nut 89.25 ; ranee , 89.25 ; Iowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut , 82,75 ; walnut blqck , $3.00 ; Illinois. 54.25g4.75. ( ilEAvr HARDWARE Iron , rate , 82.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4 > | c ; crucible steel , 6' c ; cast tools , do. i2S15c ( ! ; wa on spokes , per set , S2.00@3.50 ; hubs , per sot , S1.2o ; fel lees , sawed dry , 81.00 ; tongues , each , 80c ; axles , each , 75c ; square nnis , perlb , C@7c ; cell chain , per Ib , 0)13c ; malleable , 8lc ( ) ; Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Co : harrow teth , 4 > s'c ; spring steel , 4ffl5c ; Burden's horse shoes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. 85.75. Barbed wlro' In car lots , 84.00 pur 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 52.40 ; steal nails , S2.50. HIDES Green butchers' , 5@Cc ; green cured , 7Kc ; dry flint , U@12c : dry salt. 9@ IOc ; green calf skins , 7 > { c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 25Q75C. Dry liuraber. DIMENSIONS AND T1M11KHS. 12. 14 4 16ft ID ft 20 ft 22 ft'21 ' ft 2x4 17.50 W.DO 20.60 21.5021.50 22.50 22.SO 21.60liil.60 2x10. . . . 22.5022.80 X12. . . . . . .18 2S 19.M 20.50 Z3.50 23.GO 4xi-ix8 ) . . .is.5oli8.5o2o.5o ! 2aool2aoo liOAIIDS. > No. 1 , com , s 1 s 81 .00 No. 2 , com , sis 817.00 No. 3 , 815.50 No. 4 , 813.00 FFNCINO. No. 1 , 4 AC ID , 12 A14 ft , rough $19.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " " 19.50 No. 2 , " ' 13 A14 " " 16.00 No. 2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 BIDING. A , 12.14 and 16 ft 821.50 C. 815.50 B , ' ' " " 20.50 D , 12.60 CEILINO AND PARTITION. 1st com , In White Pine Celling 834.00 2nd " ' " 1 < 2800 Clear , % In. Norway PlnaCelllng 1C.OO 2nd com. % In " " 'A 14.00 . , A 0 In White Pine * 35.50' C' 829.50 B " " " 83.50 "D 21.00 E " " " ( Sel. fencing ) . 19.00 STOCK BOAJIUS. A 12 Inch s.ls . . - . . 84V50 No. 1 , com. 12 In s. I s. , 12 it . 20.50 . 14 ft . 10.00 No. a " " , , . i9.oo " ' " " Ifrft . 17.50 f inch Grooved Roofing SI. 00 per M. inoro 'nan 12 In. Stock Boards same length. BIIIPLAT.I No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 In . k . 819.50 No. 2 " . . . . . . . 17.50 No. 1 , O. G. , 8 In . ' . 19.50 lit and 2d , clear , i , I/ ] inob.'is. 2 a . $50.50 Sd , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , ( i . 455 ° " " W IK. 3 In I . 46.50 A select , l inch , 8.28. , . 40.00 " " IX. 1H , a In . 44.00 U 1 Inch , 8.2s. , . 30.00 " " W. IK. ain . 37.00 SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE. Com. 4 & 0 In. Flooring . $17.50 Star " " - 21.50 . . . . . Clear In. Colllnc . 21.50 " % In. Partition . 25.00 " Finish , IJfcl ln. s8s . O.oo " Corrugated Celllnsr , 4 In . 25.00 " Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00 POPLAR . LUMBER. Clear Poplar Bx. Bds. K In. , s , 2 s $35.60 > K In. i'anei. s. 2 s 27.00 " " Corrugated Celling , K 28.50 BATTENS , WKLL TUBIMO , PICKETS. OGBatts,2Xln . $00.75 " Vx3ln , 8. 10. . 011.45 S In. Well Tubing , D & M and Bev . 23.00 Pickets , D & U Flat . 20.50 " , " Square . 81.00 SHINGLES , LATH. XX clear . . $3.10 Kxtra A . $190 A -Stand rd . . a.75'A H BAB ti.55 0 in. clear No 1. . LOO Lath. . 465 White cedar , C In. , HS. , I2o ; 9 In. qrs. , lies In. qrs. , lOc : 4 In. round loot Tennessee led Cedar , cpllt , 15o ; Split Oak , 12& LIME , KTC. Qulncy white Ittne. ( best ) We ! Akron cement , 81.75 ; Jlalr. 30c ; Plaster. 32.75 ; Tar board , 81.75 ; Hash , 400 per ct. : Doors , 40c per cU ; "Hinds. 40cpercu : Mouldings , 40c per ct , ; "ar felt , per cwt , S2.23 ; Straw board , 81,75. Mnrkol QIcanlnaH. The Jobbing trade as a whole Is very good. The cranberry crop In Wisconsin promises , o be the largest ever produced. Rates on canned Roods , Chicago to Omaha , ave been reduced to 25 cents per 100. Mr. Hcnipstcad , Valley , was In replenish- n his stock of groceries. Allen llros. tilled ho bill. A movement Is on foot among the distillers o organize a distillers and cattle.feeding rust association. Wavon makers will bo Interested In the 'act that wagon wheels and wood stocks are tltfcnlng In price. The eastern manufacturers of Iron and toel hammers are engaged In a war and a nt In prjccs is the result. The hide and leather market Is steady and .lio prospect Is that It will remain so. The cmand Just nt present Is very light. It requires two cars of water melons per tay to supply Omaha. In addition to what the ocal farmers and gardeners sell on tlie.strecta , The trade In California fruits Is very heavy , liranch & Co. alone , received three earn on TnurHday , which sold almost as fast as they on Id bo unloaded , An old drv goods house reports an Increase n trade of ill per cent last month , as coin- mrt'd with a year ago , while this month .hows . a gain ot 50 per cunt. The festive grasshopper Is getting In his work In the vicinity ot Omaha. Hardeners : omplnln that they are doing a good deal of iamage to all kinds of vegetables. The tea and coffco trade Is picking up and Omaha Jobbers are reaching Into noithern owa besides retaining their western trade. Joffeo Is steady and no Immediate changes are looked for. The dry weather Is having a disastrous ef- 'ect upon the dairymen. "Whore 1 used to tell four and five thousand butter tubs. " re arks a Jobber , " 1 uow have hard work to dispose of 100.- ' Julius Peyckc , who has just returned from a four weeks visit to Michigan , reports the apple crop there very short. A great many if the apples are woiin-oaten , and In some rchards the ground Is covered with thn wind-falls. As Omaha Is largely supplied with apples fiom Michigan , this will un doubtedly make apples much higher here this nil. nil.WEAK. WEAK. NERVOUS PEOPLE And others fufterlne from ntrroui debllltr .eilnustlnn chronic dlrciuti , prematura iltcllne ot rounr or old are noiUI elJ cured by r. ilorne't fimcuu Klectro. ManeUe llelt Thouwndi . SUte In thr Jnlon h te bein cured. leetrie tj ln t ntlr felt. Patented and fold IO " While family can'W r name belt. Kl.elrl < i luiMKicrlM f m Kith male twiu ATolct worth k > i > In- tattons and tiogui companlei. Electric Tr ae for Ktillnre. 700 lUredln'SS. Scml tanipfori mpnlet. - 1. HOME , INVENTOR. 191 WABASHAV. , CHICAGO ON 30 PAYS * TRIAL. - THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS 1 llu a 1'ad different from all other * , is no shape , ultb H lr- adjuitlnr Baltneenteradapta ) Itself to all p IUons of the Lodrwhllethoball la the cup back the Intes resses lnefj fu st aa a person dnen with the finger. WftH light pressure tbellir- nfis\SdiicnrlT Slj and nlrht.ani ( a radical core certain It Is easy , dnriible nd ehean Sent lir mall. CUt jnlarii tree. alifil TO IBlJBli to. , Chl , f , DR. OTTERBOURC , Ctr-nr I Sth Md Dude * SU. , OMilU , KfcH. A REGULAR GRADUATE IN MEDICINE. AHO SPECIAL PRACTITIONER Aiitfcoriird to tnat U Chnmfa , N rroui and "Spedml lhft " twhtlbcr ( uiil bj iMprudfHff , # or Conlif IUH ) Seminal W akii M ( nlghl louenf Setnil IVblllty. ( lou of Miual ( K > Mcr ) Nervout IVbillly , Hlood Ditatxler * . tc. Curet Kunrautoud or niunty iianiU of raiwi ruif < L Jfttur * re lniK | > rt nt. A11niwUctBP clIljpiepa - lividiiiil e e No ii\urlou | or polmnouieonipounili w l. No time lo t fioni butlntw PudenU t diittuce trf t < l by letter nnd iiru. H lkine ncnt c errwhntV * nom f z or break je > ur a l-ont itamn will niftll t HKK ' HHIAY ON HAN , AN IMPORTANT 0rmuM."tnd8YMI'IOM lijton which to ftrt a full hlitorr < if dlwtHj. Stile your c M nd wmrt for U.mi. Order * promptIj , 8 + atcj otMerred , either In } > ertt > n or bj tatil. OF r i cm HOUM. f to It ft. m.,1 U4uid7 t t p. m. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. Leave Arrlvo Omaha. Omaha. UNION PACIFIC. Depot lOtli aud 1'lorco sts. I'acinc Kxprets 8:20 : p. m. 7Wo. m. Denver Express 10ri6a. m. 5:20 : p. m. Local Express 5.05 p. m. 11:00 a.m. 'Except Sunday. D. & M. H. K. R. Depot 10th and 1'ftcinc sts , Mail and Kxpross 10:05 : a. m. 5:30 : p. m. Night Express 7:15 : p. in. 10:00 : a. in. C. B.&Q. R.lt Depot 10th and 1'aolQo sts. Mall and Exprosi 6:00 : p. m. 0:20 : a. m. CbtcaKO Express , 8.40 u. m. 6:55 : p. m. K. 0 , St. J. & 0. B. Donot 10th and Pacific sts. Hall 8:40 : a. m. 0:55 : p. m. Express f:50p. : m. 7:00 : B. ra. C.St. P. , M. &O. Depot 15th and Wubstorst BiouzClty Krpresa. . . . lbn. m. 4:41 : p. m. Bancroft Express 4:45 : p. ra. 10:40 : a. m. Ulalr 1'nssonjrer 5:35 : p. m. 740p. ; ra. Except Sunday. MIBSOUIU PACIFIC. Depot 15th and Webster st Day Express 11:10 a. m. 0:26 : B. m. Night Kxpress : Up. m 5tOp : : , m. Lincoln Express 6:10 : p. m. 11:10 : a. m. DUMMY TUAIN8. ItunnlnE Between Council Bluffs and Bouth Omaha. In addition to the Btatlons mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , and at the Summit m Omaha. Westward. Broad Transfer ! Omaba. Bhcel'js Stock way. Yardi , M " 6:15 : 6:27 : 8:40 : 0:47 : 7OS : 7:17 : 7:40 : 7:47 : 8:05 : 8:17 : 8:40 8:47 : 9:35 9:17 : 9:40 9:47 : 10:05 : 10:17 J0:40 : 10:47 : 11:05 : 11.17 11:40 : 11:47 1205 ; 12:17 : 12:40 : 12:47 : 1:05 : 1:17 1:40 l47 ; 2or : 2:17 : 2:40 : 2:47 : S-.O't 3S17 Jl:40 : U47 ; 4U5 : 4:17 4:50 : 4vr 5:15 : 5:22 : 5:45 : B52 ; 6:15 : 6:22 : 0IM : 6:27 : 7:00 : 7:25 : 7M : 10:06 : 9:08 : 9:15 : 10:25 10:33 : 11:20 : 11:02 : 11:40 : 11:45 : 11 ; K 12:05 : KaHtwarct. COUNCIL ULUFFS. JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. Wholcula Ddltr In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Orrrlages ami Unction. Jnnon utreel , between ttb and 10thOmaha , Ntb. L1NINGER cO METCALF CO. , Agricultural ' Implements , Wagnn .f rrl g'e , nurt let , Hte.VholennIc. . Omiha , ? Alt LIN , ORENDOR F l ! MARTIN VTholcdiloDciiltrt In AffrlcuUnral Implements , 'tconi and Bucitlci. TO1 , TO , Wi ml KK , Jonei it Artist * ' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , JEI1 Iioniiliii Btrcet , Omiha. Builders' Hard wart and Stales. hiilders'Harthvaro&Sealo Repair Shop J ch nlcn' Tooli and Ruffiilo Sctlei. 1100 Douglas IU , Oninha , Nb. Books and Stationery. A. T. KENYON fl CO. , . Wbo'asalo and He all Booksellers and'Stationer 3 , 1522 Douglas St. , Omnlm , Neb. Telephone 501. Corrnponilonco cotlciteil. Boots and Shoes. W. F. MORSE < C CO. Jobbers of Itoota and Shoes. Ill Farnam it , Omaha , Nb. Mauufactory , Bummtt l tied , notion. X. T. LIA'DSK * ' .t CO. , Wholesale Hubber Hoots and Shoes Hubucr nud Oiled Clotlnnir nntl Kelt BooU and ! hoe . 1111 llRrnov Stroe-t. Bttr. STORZ cC ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , IMl North 18th Street. Omaha , Ntb. Butchers' Tools. HELLER , Botchers' Tools and Supplies , CailnfI of all klndi alwayi In atoek. 1111 Jonei it.oman Coffee , Spices , Omaha Correo and Spice Mills. ! t iOotre iBplcei. Baklni Powder. FlnTorlnrl tfaou. Laundry nine. Ink , Hw. 1U4-U Hsney Btrcet , Omaha , Neb. Cornict. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. Manufacturer or Oalrantted Iron and Cornice. Dod a and 1M and 104 N. 10th < . Omaha , Neb. RUEMPING C VOLTE , llanufacturera of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wlodowi , Flnali. MeUllcEkjMsht.etc. ! 10B. 12tl it.Omaba. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , .C. Specht , Prop. Galvanlted Iron Cornlcoi , etc. Bpoct'i Improved Pot ent Motallc Skylight. ( OS and 610 B.lZlh nt..Onmha. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Bugst Linoleum * , Mattings , Etc. Kit Doulat street. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for 'be Manufacturers nud 1m port erg of Grockfii-y , GlassWare , Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Offlrc , 317 Bouth 18th it. Onmlia , Neb. CLOTHING M. ELGU'JLTJtR'S Mammoth Clothing1 House , Corner Karnnm anil TenMi Btioeii Umahii. Nob. Commission and Storage. I ) . A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Batter , Krgsand Product. CoBtlgnnenti lollclted. Headquarter * for Stoneware , Berrr Boxo aud Mrape Baiketi. lilt Uodceitreet. Omaha. RIDVELL < C RIDDELL , Storage and Cnnimisslon Merchant * , fpeclaltlei Butter , Kg * * . Chcoiio , To iltrr , Uamo , OjriterB. etc. . etc. 113 s. Itth St. FEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fralt * . Product ) and rrorliloni , Omaha , Neb. WlEDEMZX A CO. , ' Produce Commission Merchants , Uutter , Game , Kiulti , etc. Z30 B. Hthit Omaba. Nob. Coal antf Lime. t. I.AIIAOU. rret. C. V. OOODXAX , V. PIOI. J. A. HONDIIlI.iHD , Boo. nud Treat. OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 309 South Thirteenth Street , Omaba , Nek. J. , T. JOHNSON" P CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And ? hlppor of Coal and Coke , Cement , Flatter , Mine , jialr. Hre Brick , Ir ln , Tile and . Office. I'aiton Hotel. iraniHm it. , Omiha , Nfb. Telephone 8 Cigars and Tobaico , MAX MEYER cfi CO. . Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Gam and Ammunition , 215 to K3 S. Itth it. , 1010 to 11)34 ) F rn rn Bt.OnnuaNeb. WEST di FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cisrars , And Wholesale Dealer ! In Leaf Tobaccoi , Noi. 108 and 110 N. Mth ( treut , Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH tK CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods & Notions 1103 and 1104 PoutIni , cor. llth St. , OmahaNeb. Distillers. Diitillera of I.lquori , Alcohol and Rplrjti. Importers and Johberaof Wlaen&nJ Llquort. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE'f CO. and ILER M CO. , Importers and Jobberi of Fine Wlnet and I.lnuor * . bolem nuf eturtr of Kennedf'n Knit India lilt- turn nnd Douici'.lc I.lquori. Ill ) llnrnej tit Furniture. DEWEY 0 STONE , Wholcsulc Dealers in Furniture. Fiirnam t. . Omaha. Neb. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , Bodtlinff , Upholstery , Ulrron. etc. lMC.iao8 and H10 Karnam it. , Omaha. Groceries , PAXTON , GALLAIUIER C CO. , Wholesale Groceries and 1'roviBioim , Noo. 7uT.T07TOWand71l 8. lOtli St , Omaha. N b. McCORD , 11UADY l ! CO. , Wholesale Groccro , 1Mb and Learenworth > tn.Omih4. Hardware , LEE , FRIED < P CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agenti for Howe gcalti and tllauil Powder ! o.OmahaNrl > , W. , T. BROATCIT , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1209 and 1711 lUrner it. . Omaba. EDNEY < C GIItRON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and CarrUge Wood Stock , HeaTjr Hardware. Etc. UI7 and UlJ LtarenwunU tt..Uroaha. Nel > . ' MILTON ROGERS d ) A'O.V.V , Stoves , Ranpes , .Furnaces , Titos , , Grate * , UruiOoodi. 1331 and 13 Karu OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR ! Iron Works. riERLINQ Iron Works , and Cast Iron Building Work , Iron * talrs Halllnir , fleams amUllrdert , girtim Knilnpx , BraM \York.Umoral Jfoumlrr , Mncblna and lllacstrmiK Vori. Offlre ana Worn , U. 1' . Ur.andinhHteeu II. K. SA WYER , Manufacturing Dealer 111 Smokestacks , llrltchlnK-s , Tank * , and dennml tlaller llepalrltur , I11 > lMd o street , Omaha. * r. H. MC.MANUS.C. 5ULUYAN. OMAHA WIRE C IRON WORKSt Mnnnfnctnrer * ot fro nnd Iron Kalllnjrs , Desk Kails , Window UnarcU. Klower SinnJi , Wit * Signs. ( 1M N. liith. Orilers by mall promptlr attenilniUo. : Lumber. OMAHA fUMBER CO. , Dealer _ All Kinds of I itaihltiiff Material at W holes ! , I Hth Street and Union Paetno Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , " * Dealer iu Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. Yards-Corner 7th and Douclasi Corn * * iltli and lou l s. _ CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , ' Wholesale Lumber , 811 B. 14thstrtotOmahaN b.r.Oolpelier. _ M nat H VTN. DIETZ , Lumber. Uth and California dlrcets , Omaba , Neb. fRED W. GRAY , Lnm ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Eta. Cor.Oth and noutlai iti. , Omaha. Nex HOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEYLUMBER C0.t To Dealers Only. Office , 1401 Farnamitrt tOmahii. . COAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpeti and Parqnet Floorlog. Sth and Doui 1a | JOHN A. WAKHFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. baported and American Portland Cement. _ tt < Agent ferllllwaukee Hydraulic Cement and Bert Qulncr WhlteLlme. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John r. Bojd , Superintendent. L/n Stock Commits/on. McCOY BROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Market furnlilied free nn application. Htnrkeri an feeden furnlihrit on go'ul ternm. Referenc * Omaha Natlounl Hunk nml Houth Omaha Nation * Union Stock Yardi , South OuiKhn. M. BURKE A SONS , Live Stock Commission. _ Geo. llutko , Mananer Dnlon Stock Yardi , B. Omaha Telephone 681. SAVAGE cC GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , IblpmenU of nnjr and all klnili of Block aolloltod. Union Stock Yard > . Omaha , Neb. Millinery and ftotions. I. OBERFELDER , C CO. , Importers nnd Jobbera of Millinery and Notions , 1213and 1315 Ilarnoj St.cot , Omaha , Neb. Notions. J. T. JtOBIN ON"NOTIO CO.t \Vholetalo Denlcri In Notions nnd Furnishing Goods , 40:1 : and 405 B. Tenth St , Om hn , Overalls. CAJfFjEJ 'WAmr C URINQ COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , leans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1107 and 1101 Douglas Street , Omihn , Nob. PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. 'arrr a nice jtock of Printing , Wrapping and Writ Ing paper. Hpcclul attention BiTOn to car loud or order * , which will be ( hipped dlroct from mill ) . AH orders will recclre perional attention. Weguar- mtee good gooili and low price * , till and llllJ /OUfl'it Bu Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , Itlank Book Mukorar , And Hook Hinders. IO ! and 108 South Fourteenth treet. Omuhs , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIOH Auxiliary Publlrthors. IsslerBlnTjpo , Prenei and PrtnUrt' Huppllon. 001 Houlli Twollth Street. Pumps. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale rumps , Pipe , Fittinpffl , Stetm and Water Suppll i. HcmlquKrtori fur Mart FooiiUn'cOoCKlB. Illllarunm t..omnbu. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. InlladnrVlnd Mills ; nleam and Wi.ter Puppllos , l'lumbln | { aocda. Belting , Iloae. V18 nnU IU ) f r- Dam St. , Omaha. H. K. I'eltnn , Mnuauer. . Telephone No. 210. \ A. L. STRANG CO. , FnmpH , ripes ami Engines. Rteam , Water , Railway and Milling Huppllcc. Hto. HO , Bnaod M Xnrnam st. , Uuiaba , Neb. BROWNELL C CO. , ManufHcturori and Dcalori In , Hoi I fir s & ( ioncrnl Mnchlnory Hhect Iron work. Steam Puinpi.Saw Mllli , Aon Bbaftlac , Uod ( Woodiplll rutlajri , Baltlai. ( to , Aliowaioni , loraptri.aaa ! ! alftltl. UlMIUb > Teowortn < it. Omaha Rubber Goods. " "OMAHA itujtitis'i7 co ? Sluuutucturor and Dealer" In till Uud'of Kubbcv ( ioo.'l ? , OH Clothing nnd I.r > nilicr lli-ltlnc , 1 W Knrnnin Kt. Safes , Etc. P. BOYISH M CO. , Ajronts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire ami Ilurnlar Proof Haf.u , Tlmo lx > ck , Vuultb _ apd J ll Wort. 1W ) ritrunm ulri-ct Om-ilia. Neb. _ _ G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. Manufacturerof r Ire anil llarnlnr I'ruofKnfcg , Vault Uoori.Jull Work.Sbutiera uud Wlru Work. Cur. lUliuml Jackiun til > , , Uim.liu , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc. CO. , Wliolttiale Mamifnctiiror < 01 Sasli , DoorH , ItliiulH ami MoiiUlhig-s , llrancn oMcv.niii und Iixr > l U. , < BOHN MANUFACfrRrXG CO. , Manufacturers , of SnsA , floors , Blinds , Monld're .Htnlr Work and Interior Hani Wood Klnlib juet ouvucl. N. K.Lor. 8th nnd lAimun Oxuhn , Neb. THIS CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Tim lieit knouu iinU moht ponulur liotcl la tlinsiato. Locntlon crntial , ntiioinlineiiti | HrHt clrus. HPHiciiiiitoiK ] | lor toiuniurfliil roun uuu all 11'jllllcul unit inililln vana \ \ \ \ \ . K. l'.ltuaQB.N IVo.irlotor. School , County and City We will pny lilh'hcst prlco rorsniniv. Xmlu at lowust ruiua. Corii > 8ioiuUiiico | . STULL