M IJ THE OMAHA DAltut , BUJB : SATURDAY , "AUGUST1 13. 1887. [ HE OMAHAS FIND A VICTIM , fho Little Fellows From Wichita Downed After a Hard Struggle Yesterday. UNCOLN LICKS THE TOPEKAS , Denver Unmercifully Drub ? the Cow- B The 1'nnroio and llAttlln Shoot Ilmo Hull , Ilnccs , l tc. , Elsewhere. Xfco Wichita * liono to Otnnhn. ltwa the Wlchltas anil ttiu Omahas yes flcrday afternoon , and the game was a preal one , on neat and clean a piece of work ns has been soon at association park this summer. The audience , thouuh small , was very cnthU' stastic , recognizing with ita plaudits thu bril llant playing of the visitors as well as that ol the homo team , and al the end ot the nmtl : Inning everybody wont homo happy and sat Isllcd. While the work of both teams was ol an exceptionally line order , that of th < 'Omahas was particularly praiseworthy , bul two errors being scored ngalnst them. . Theli batting , Holding and base-run nlnn were all ot an order cxhlleratlnf ? to behold , and the crowd In attendance was the bcsl natured one seen there for many c day. The Wlchttai , too. were on their mettle , and made the Omahas hustle lit thu liveliest kind of a style for their little victory. Theli batting was rather weak , notnithstandlni ; they cot two two-bakers and a hotne run , but their licldlnir , In a great measure , was quick , clean and decisive , and they nipped many a run that would hate been scored on slovenly work. R I'cttiford , the Wichita pitcher. Is deserving of a paragraph all by himself , lor of all non descrlpts ever seen In the points ho Is tin Kreatest , Ills contortions , twists , convolu tions aud gyrations are unotifch to Klvo the man the St. Vltus danrc , and to SPO him gc through with his monkey biHnesa In tin llumpty Dumpty uniforms with which tin manly forms of the Wlchltas are clad , I : enough to maku a wooden Indian smile. As usual the Omahas broke tlie ice In the first Inning. Walsh died on llrst from pitcher , as did Messltt also , but Dick Dwyei lot ' his base on Hull's error. Ofc Kussel- F' lach's clean hit to center Dwyer scored. Oadcr took llrst on balls , but Handle ended thn Inning by a weak drive to short Hemp opened UD for the visitors by acorirer to center for two sacks , but Dan iels and Sunday and Sharry retired as fast as they faced ISarston. in the second Krohmoycr , Genlns and Ilnrston went out In one , two , three order. For tii Wlchltas , Harding got his base on an error of Kutselbach's , but sharp holding on the oart ot the Omaha's prevented him from gettlne any further. In the third Walsh lined out n safe one pant"short ; Messltt followed with a safe ( [ rounder to left , Walsn going to third and Messltt stealing second. Dwyer sat down on a long IIy to left. Fusselbach bit to shot ! and on his throw to first Walsh crossed the pi a to. Batter then hit a fly to right , and Mes- Rltt waa caught at the plate. In tula Inning the Wlchitaa scored two runs. Pettlford out fiom third to lirst ; Hemp hit safe to right and stole second. Daniel's two-bagger brought him in , and on Sunday's out Daniels ncorod. Sharry retired on a weak drive to Walsh. In the fourth Krehraever managed to make the circuit on a series of errors by the Wich ita Inlleld. Thq visitors retired m one , two three order. In the llttli Walsh , Messltt and Fusselbach furnished the outs for Omaha , Dwyer mak- Inir a hit. For the Wlchltas , Weaver went out from thort to first , Pettiford was hit by the ball , stole second and was brought in by Hemp's home run drive over right Geld fence. Daniels aud Sharry then went out , both from short to first , In thoHlxth llador lined out a two-bazeer , stole third as only Barter can , and on ( Jenlns * hit to third , scored. Uandle and Krehmeyer then went to the bench on weak hits , aud Genlns was caught trying to score on an error. From this on out the Wlchltas re tired In one , two , three omor , but the home team succeeded In knocking out the winning run In the seventh. tiartson retired from short to first Walsh nit safe and stole second. Messltt died in a Jong lly to center , beautifully caught , but re liable old lllchard Dwyer came along with a cracking smash past Hull and Walsh ran home with the score that did the business , Fusselbach got to llrst on a fumble by Kharry , ( and stole second , ' but Uader's out left him. In the eighth It was ono , two , tbree for Omaha , but in the ninth they succeeded in getting three men on bases without being al lowed w-scoro , however , So vigilant and ac tive were the Humpty Dumptys from south ern Kansas. Following Is : BCOUE. OMAHA. PQ3. AII. it. mr. TII. ns. 10. A. H , Walsh ss 5 3 3 3 a 3 5 c Messltt Ub B 0 1 1 0 a 1 ( Dwyer..ib 6 1 3 3 l 14 i < Fussolbach..3b 5 0 2 3 0 1 a 1 Uader If 5 1 9 3 1 a o ( Handle r 4 o a a i o o c Krehmeyer. . e Genius u 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 Barstou p Total. 41 6 14 15 5 37 12 1 WICHITA , roa. AB. n. Hi. TM. us. PP. A. K , Hemp m 3 I < Daniels If 4 1 1 a 0 1 o ( Sunday rf 4 0 l i i o o ( Bharry. ; s 4 - - - - - Hull. : 3b 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 ( Isaacson. . . . Ib 4 0 1 3 0 11 o ] * . . . . caver o fettlford..p 6 ( Totals 33 4 6 13 a 27 18 i HCOHK I1Y INNINGS. , Omaha i 0 l 1 o l l o 0-t Wichita 0 03030000 < RUBS earned Omaha 8 , WltchltnO , Two base hlts-Uader , Hemp , Daniels , Isaacson. Home runs Hemp. Left on bases-Omaha 8 , WltchltaS. Double plays-Walsh. Dwyer , Fusselbach. Struck out-Pottlford 2. Bases on balls Uarston 1 , Pettlford 8. Bases given for hitting man wlthball- tsaraton l. Passed balls Krohmoy r 1 , Weaver 3. Bases stolon-Omaha 6 , Wichita a. Timei of gauio-1 hour and 80 inlnutM. Umpire Alexander. Denver 2l.Kaiuaa City e. DKNVKK , CoL , August 13. [ Special Tele gram to the BKR. ] The raking which the Denver public and papers have been giving the crippled ball club of this olty has had a Hood effect us seen by to-day's game with the Kansas City. The Denser boys played In tholr llnest style. The way Kansas Cltj chased the ball In the "light air" had a nerv demoralising olfoct on them. Khret pitched ono of the bast games of the season and re ceived perfect support. Denver batted as they are able to do and wore the Kansas Olty Holders out. Got man aud Silch especially batting hard. Manning was an Inv mense failure , doing nothing to asslsl J > 's.elnb ' . either In the Held or al the bat Ho had a good opportunity In the fifth to tie the score had he been able to make a hit , but ho could not do it. With thn ex ception of Little the Kansas City's fielding , was rank , regular Denver fielding before the latter braced up. Following U the score by Innlncs : Weaver 1 3101300 4-31 Kansas City 0 101 00004 ( i Buns earned Denver 10 , Kansas City 1. KrrorH-Donvor 3 , Kansas City 14. Base hits Denver 14 , Kansas City 11. Base on bails Khret 1 , Shoal Passed balls-Meyers 1 , Graves 2. Struck out-Khrut 4 , Slum 'J. Left on bases-Denver 7 , Kansas City 7. Time of game 3 hours aud 'JO uimuins , umplru Hagan. Batteries -Denver Khret and Meyers , Kan eas City Shea and Graves. Lincoln to Topeka O. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 13.-fSpcclalTelo- jtram to the BKK. I The opening game of the Lincoln and Topeka flubs was witnessed by 8,500 people that packed the erand stand benches and the ground. The game was long and exciting , especially In the seventh Inning , when the vjsltors took the lead. The reserved power .of Lincoln stayed with them , They pouqded out a victory In the face ol the rankest umpire that ever entered a ball pound. When Hart and Shaffer pounded out a home run for the home club the grand laid ) went wild , and ( n the last two Innlngt when Hart held the umpire and the batten for scoring , the enthusiasm was great. Th < features ot the game wore1 the double plays the batting ot Hart and others In tin homo club and the one-hand catch of i liner l > " llerr that mndu ono o the double plays. An excursion train came from Wahno with a bnnd and delegation : from Crete , Weeping Water and other point' were on the ground. TojMJka had a larite delegation of mmi with money , considerable of which reached the pockets of Lincoln men. Even bets were made In the ovcnlni on to-morrow's game and the lobby at thi Capital hotel Is as crowded as at a state con vontlon. KfTorts are bolnsc made to have si league umpire for the coming games and U avoid the spectacle of roasting that the urn Plre gave the homo team to-day. Excurslor trains will bring an Immonsu attendance to morrow. Following Is the score : BCOltP. IJY INNINUS. Lincoln 1 0-K Topeka , 0 0 0 1 a 3 2 0 0- I SUMMAHV. Huns earned Topeka 4 , Lincoln 7. Uiiaoi on balls Hart 3. Sullivan ' < ! , Struck out llart 3 , Sullivan fl. Loll on bason Lincoln 0 , Topeka 8. Tlireo-b.\su hits Bi'ckluy , Johnson. Homo runs Hart. Shaffer. louble fIays McCullar , alone , llcrr/.alouc 1'assed balls Konyoii 2. Wild pitches Sullivan 15 , Hart 1. Hit by pitcher-Hurt 2. Umpire BtiKu'onla. Time of game Two hours and twentj minutes. To-Dny'a Oatno. The Omahas and Wlchltas will meet again this afternoon and the prospects are for an other fine game. The Wlchltas nro a niuct stronger team than they are credited with being , and the Omahas are put at their wlt'i end to take a ball from them. Below will be found the two teams and their positions to : this afternoon's struggle : Omaha. I'os. Wichita Dandle c J utntx Harper p. Danieli Dwyer Ib Isaacson Messltt 2b Weavei Fusselbaeh 3b Ilul Walsh B < 4 Sharrj Under If Schult ; Conlns cf Ueiut JunUcn rf Sunday The P. * and IlTKITlo Club Shoot The i'enroso and Hardln rllle club helc their weekly shoot at their ranee northeast ol the city yesterday afternoon , 200 yards ofl hand. 1'ollowlng Is the score : Penrose 700770590 7 6 ! Petty 10 45784565 6 6 < Curry 0 40570055 0 Sprague 74. 6064765 0-5 Richards 0 578 10 5800 7 5 ( With a score of 64 out of a possible hun dred , Mr. 1'uurose walked off wltn the score. . National fjoajjno Games. INDIANAPOLIS , August 12. The sramc between the Indianapolis and Pittsburg teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis 4 2033012 2-11 Plttsburg 0 00311001 S J'itchers Boyle and Morris , llaso hits Indianapolis - ! , Plttsburg 10. Errors In dianapolis 4 , Pittsburg 7. Umpire Valen tine. _ _ _ _ _ American Association. NKW YOUK , Aucust 12 , The came be tween the Metropolitan and Athletic teams to-day resulted as follows : Metropolitans..0 0. 0000000 fl Athletics 0 00000000 0 The Metropolitans and Athletics played five tnnlns with a sere of 0 to 7 In favor ot the Athletics , when on account of a disagree ment the uniuhe gave the came to the Metro politans by a score ot 9 to 0. CINCINNATI , August 12. The game be tween the Cincinnati and Cleveland teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati 1 00200000 3 Cleveland. .0 00000040-4 BAi/rmoRie , August 12. The game between the Baltimore and Brooklyn teams to-day sroulted as follows : Itnltiinoro , .0 03031001 1 Brooklyn 1 30310000 t ST. Louis. August 13. The game between the St. Louts and Louisville teams to-day re sulted as follows : St. Louis 1 12220000 E Louisville. ; . : . . . .o oo o o o 5 o o J Tha Northwomern League. DEB MOINKS , la. , August 13. Northwest ern league gamea to-day : At Eau Claire , Oskosh 4 , Eau Claire 3 ; at Minneapolis Minneapolis 7 , Milwaukee 4. Race * at Saratoga. SARATOGA , N. V. , August 13. The woathoi and track were good. One mite : Woodcraft won , Banbury sec ond. Harry Russell and Osceola ran a deac heat for third piano. Time l:44 : } < . ThretKiuarters inllo : King Crab won , Ra pine second , Owner's Muslo third. Tlme- 'MUe and furlong : Alarlc won. Illmalayt second , Erebus third. Time 1:58. : One mite : Frank 0. B. won , Unique sec ond. Geome T. third. Time 1:44U. : Mile and a half , steeplechase : Umda won Ueorce McCullough second , King Troubles third TIme-3W : ; Brighton Beach Flyers. BRIGHTON BBACH , August 12. Three quarters mile : Kink won , Manselle second Paymaster third. Tlme-l:18. Seven furlongs : Tony Pastor won , Adol phus second , Band third. Time 1:81. : Mile : Russell won , Effle Hardy second Susie Forbes third. Time 1:47W. : Mila heats : Wlndsati won won llrst heat Uarnot second , King Boo third. Time 1:46 , Second heat : Wlndsati won , Kink-Bee second end , Leonora third. Time l:47Jf. : Seven furlones : Craftie won. EllzabeU second , Chrlsto third , Tlinn 1:31 : . liast Day at Ottawa. OTTAWA , 111. , August 13. This was the last day. Free-for-all-trot : Williams first. Long , fellow second , Zlg third. Time 3:33' ' . 2:29 : trot : Fred Noel first , S. Montgomery second , Ell third , Double Lick fourth. Time 2:24. : 2:35 : pace : Mambrino Prince first. Con < tender second , Stella P distanced. Tlme- Ranlngat Ilooheater. KociiK8Tp.it , N , V. , August 12. Is:33 : class : Sarah B. llrst , Milkmaid second. Klcetstot tnlrd , Committee fourth. Tlme-2:24K.- : Free-for-all , pacing : Johnson Urst , Goaalt second , Toledo Girl third. Tlme-aU'J . Department ItlUo Competition. ST. PAUL , August 13. The United States rlfln competition. Department of Dakota , began at Fort Snolllng with 107 competitors present , representing every post In the de partment In to-day's firing the Laldtey re volving target was used , the distance beln 200 , 300 , 500 and GOO yards. There were elehty-elght competitors to-day , the best dozen making the following score : Thomas Feeuey , Company C , Fifth Infantry , 74 ; Lieu r , rum unarm ) , iu : Liieuienauty. . A. 1101- Drook , Troop A , Fifth cavalry , 109 ; Sergeant S. P. Crow , Company C. Twentieth Infantry , 10S ; Sergeant Palmer , Company O. , Twenti eth tntantry , 107 : Corporal P. Boyle Company - pany I , Twentieth Infantry , ICO ; Sergeant W. qritan , Troop B. first cavalrv. 181 ; Corporal - poral O. 8 , Yoa. Company A , Fifteenth In fantry. 164 ; Charles Hamilton , Troop D , .First Cavalry , 164 ; Sergeant Edward Clyde Troop K. Seventh cavalry , 164 ; Sergeant JohD Kelly. Company 1L Twelfth Infantry , 163. Uubear Heats llosa. SARATOGA , August 12. The three , mflt with a turn nee on Saratoga lak between Wallace Ross and Qeorgu Bubefcr , champion ot England , took place to-dajrand was wet by the Englishman , who made the dlstanci In twenty minutes. ROM took the lead ot the start and was not headed until on thi last quarter of a mile , when the seat broki and ho WAS compelled to stop. Bubear rowei ! home. Wiicn the accident occuried Ross lee by about a length and Bubear rapidly cross Ing the gap. It was the general oolnloi that the Englishman would have won any now. A Race Homo Wrecked. PiTTsnuito , August 12. Captain Brown owner of the great racer Troubadour , report that horse a complete wreck. He will no start In the champion stakes to-morrow , am next week will bo shipped to Brown's stool farm in Kentucky and put on the stud. Local Sportlnic Notes. The ball game will bo called at 3 o'clocl this afternoon. Young wool duck are reported In unusua plrntlfulnoss at Horseshoe lake and sui rounding sloughs. The Omahas made fourteen hits and bu ono error yesterday , which affords some ide of the line game they played. Bandlo and Harper will do the batting fo the homo team this afternoon , and Jumbi and Daniels for the visitors. The P. and li. Rifle club are arranging fo a telegraphic match with the Detroit club , t take place ono day next week , Heard that Pettlford. the Wichita pltchei used to travel as Pantaloons with the Dicl Roberts Humpty Dumpty combination. The five gun clubs of Omaha embrace . membership of ! ! 00 , and within their rank arc some of the best shots In the country. Maybe Bartson didn't pitch a bcatitlfu game yesterday. The boy while he has won dcriul control of the ball , Ubcs the best o hcadwork at all times. The double play by Walsh and Dwyer am Fusaelbach yesterday afternoon was one o the best oxcctitcd seen on the local ground ! for lo , these many moons. So-railed sportsmen are out after chlckci every dav , and the young birds ore bcini killed olt in a way that calls loudly for th appointment ot game wardens. Walsh and Dwyer both had on their bat ting unmentionables yesterday , and the1 made Mr. Pettlford look more like a jack-in the-box than ever , when they stepped to thi plate. Jack Prince , the Dlcyclo man , will moy Into spacious new rooms , three doors nortl of those he now occupies. Prince Is In dall ; training with the view of challenging Rowc the champion of the country. The Lafover Gun club shoot wilt take placi this afternoon on the Omaha club ground back ot Shaw & Fields warehouse. Then will also be a couple of side live bird shoots and an enjoyable afternoon Is anticipated. The Wlchltas have been greatly strength ened by the acquistlon ot Harding. Isaacsoi nnd Hemp and are really playing a stroni came. Those expecting to see a poor nine ii the Wlchltas will be Immensely deceived. Secretary McShane says the races durlni the fair next month will be the best speet trials ever witnessed In the state. Some o the most noted flyers la the country will bi here , while the entries of local steppers if very extensive. John Hardln. of the popular sporting housi of Ponroso & llardln. has lost his Irish set ter "Plum , " and wilt pay handsomely foi any Information that will lead to bis recov cry. "Plum" Is a valuable dog and Mr. liar din Is much perturbed over his loss. Mcllenry Johnson , the Black Star , contln lies to keep up a mild course of training. He Is not carrying a pound of superfluous adl pose and Is as hard as nails. He has given up all hopes of getting In a co with John P Clow. Ho olfered to tight htm any sort of i light anywhere and for any stake , aud whal the Star says he means. A full-sl/cd portrait of Tommy Miller , tin champion featherweight of the west , In rim costume , will appear In the next Issue of thi Sporting News. Miller and his backer-Tan still negotiating with Tommy Warren , bul there seems little likelihood of their cominj. to an understanding , Warren manifesting t persistent unwillingness , for some reason 01 ohor , to try conclusions with Miller. HI ITCH Crookedness. NKW YOUK , August 13. The only new de velopments In the Ives matter to-day Is the statement that the district attorney had taken up' his case and would lay the facts before the grand Jury. Neither Ivos nor his counsel would talk on the matter. TliAra was a meet ing of creditors friendly to Ives at the otllcc of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton com pany In the afternoon. The assignee reported serious efforts being made with substantial progress looking to the paying olT of all the secured Indebtedness of Ives & Co. , and i syndicate had been formed with this view , Also that the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Day ton was working In the same connection and aiding In every way by the use of Its own name , and a resolution was adopted recommending creditors holding securities tc take no action at present but to give the as slgnee reasonable time In which to provide for all claims. Centenary Commemoration. LONDON , August W. A centenary service to commemorate thn establishment of the firs episcopate in America was given in West 'minster abbey to-day. The sermon was de llvered by the bishop of Iowa. He revlowec at length the ecclesiastical work of Dr Ingles , whose earnestness , he said , hat greatly advanced the position of the church He referred to the foundation of the cathe dral at Halifax to-day as a fitting mementc of his work. Blaine and the Irish People. DUBLIN. August 12. Blaine has written U Lord Mayor Sullivan thanking him for thi honor conferred upon him In tendering hln a banquet aud expressing regret that hi must decline on account of having previously arranged to leave for the continent Thursday He will not forget the kindness received ir Ireland , and the deep Interest always taker by him in the welfare of the Irish people has , if possible , Idcreased. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Local rains , east to south winds , becoming variable ; warmer In north ern portion ; stationary temperature lo southern portion. For Iowa. Slight local showers , preceded In eastern portion by fair weather , east U south winds , warmer In norther portion , sta tlonary temperature In southern portion. tor Dakota : Local rains , east to south winds , becoming variable , stationary temper- atr.ro. except in southern Dakota , slight ! ) warmer. Ires' Creditors Meet. Nuw YortK , August 13. A meeting of the creditors of Henry S. Ivos < & Co. Is being held this afternoon at the office of the Cln clunatl , Hamilton & Dayton railroad. tinnilng ! ) ot the Northern Pacific NEW YOUK , August 13. The annual re port of the Northern Pacific shows the cross earnings for the year ending June 30. 18S7. aa 1,7 ,000 * c - , , * The Asylum fisonpes. MAIMSON , Win. . August 13. The fire re ported from the Mendota asylum last nlghl proved lo bo a barn near by , and was extin guished without serious damage. the Trln. WASHINGTON , August 13. H , W. Grady , of Atlanta , and benator Colqultt , spent the morning with the president discussing the details ot his southern tour. Prince Ferdinand Ostracized , PATHS , August W. French agents In Bul garia have been Instructed to avoid all Inter course with Prince Ferdinand and his gov ernment _ _ Tlio Death llrcord. CinoAflO , August 12. Sfrs. S. H. Clarlc wife ot the late Rev. K. W. Clark , who foi fifty years was a missionary to the Hawaiian Islands , died to-day. Dnatb of * French Historian. PAKIS , August 13. Jean Victor Duruy , the historian , Is dead. He WAS seventy-six years offtsc < Do not bo induced to taice some other preparation when yon call for Hood'n Sar aparilla. Be sure to get Hood's , which l peculiar. _ Postal Changes.- WASHiOTo r , August ia.-8pecal [ ! Tele gram to the BKK.T Tne name ot the post- offlce at Iveraon , Linn county , 'Iowa , was changed to-day to On , n.it * . . , tj . iSfff INVITED HIM TO LEAVE TOWN , i . Outlaw Qlbuon James Was Not Wanted it Callaway , THE FREMONJ * CAMP-MEETING , Great Interest JMft'ntfcstcd and Mttcli Good f Icing Doi o 1'rohlbltlontsta \VII1 HolU .Their State Con- 'Afn- ' - Leigh. _ „ - IndlgnntUivat Callaway. CAMAWAV , Net ) . , August 12. [ Special tc the link. ] A smoldering feeling ot Imllgna tlon at the rulings of Judee F. D. Humor Ir the murder caseof the State vs. Ullson A James , which was tried at Broken Bow las May , and resulted In Judge Homer exclud Ing circumstantial ov'denco ' and in clear I tu and turning loose on the public the red handed villain , has been fanned Into a blazt of excitement. The murderer James , aftei being released , knowing that almost ever ) cltlzeji of Catlawav believed him and hi ; wife to have murdered Oharley Hayes , one of tha hardest working and best hearted young men here , and to have Invented th < story of Hayes getting Into their bed. had the gall to come through Callaway several times as a kind of bravado , for the citizens ol this vicinity Intended to lynch him for the luurderof Hayes If ho had not been slipped away In the night. The citizens bore his Insult until last nlghl when the climax was reached. Last wecli every able-bodied citizen of Callaway was supienaed to Oandy. a little town some fitly tulles up In the sand hills lu Logan county , to give evidence In a libel case James had brought against tlio editor of the Uandv paper. This fact was not conducive to n good feeling ( nv.ard James. Yesterday he cnmo here with his family to work In Pal mer's billiard hall. This announcement timt he had come to stay was too much. A meet ing was hold , and a notice was sent him to be out ol town by 10 o'clock last night 01 abide the consequences. After dark men could be seen coming into town from dlifer- ent directions , and groups with a tnystoitoua air were gathered on the principal street It looked as if the notice meant business , and so thought the murderer James for about 9 o'clock , he said to several of the the men on the corner : "Boys , goodbye : you are too many. 1 guess I'll take a walk. " Off he went out of town , across the bridge aud away in the darkness ot the night , treed br llatner. but driven out from the habitations of respectable people by those who know him. Subsequent to the departure of James It was ascertained by the crowd that had gath ered that Mrs. James wassecretod at Young's boarding house. A committee was appointed and gent to the livery barn for a team. They proceeded to the boarding house , made Mrs. James piepare for the Journey and sent her under guard to Broken Bow , whoso court turned her and her hbsband , who It Is be lieved to bo two ot the hardest characters in Nebraska , loose to insult and bo en dured by a respectable community. Aftei she departed the enraeed crowd fired at least one hundred shots through Palmers billiard hall. Palmer Is a brother-in-law of James. James claims to be ( ( cousin of the outlaw Jesse James , and pridid himself on the rela tionship , and thouttht. to terrorize the town Into quietly submitting to his residence. When the sheriit ezainlned him after arrest be had several bullet Svounds on his body. Ills personal appeamtlce Is that of a sneakIng - Ing villlan. Ills lodKs show what he is. Hay.s , his victim , was an ( hoViest , Industrious black smith of this pi ace'nn a a universal favorite with the citizens and farmers of this part of Ouster county. Jauie ? came hero nnd pretended tended to run a bftardlnc house. By his scheming and his wife's art It Is believed by those who know tha most about It that they bled young Hayes- all summer , and on the night of ' the murder they tried to make ' 'him give up lilfl money received' J < for work for railroaders to enable James to build a house on a claim he had jumped and had to get on at once. Judge Hamer when ho tried the case , as It would appear purposely ruled out all the circumstantial convicting evidence and James was cleared. The people who know the facts are very Indignant at ilamor. Working For Sinners. KKKMONT. Neb. , August 11. [ bpeclal to the BEK.J To-day has been a day of marked and Increasing Interest at the Omaha district camp meeting. The people are coming from all parts of the district , bringing with them tents and tent furniture and provisions , and are preparing to stay on the ground till the close ot the session. Kev. V. 0. Cleudennlncr , of the Omaha South Tenth Street M. E. church , arrived on last evening's train , bringing his entire family with him. Mr. Clendennlng has the reputation of being a powerful speaker and will ably assist during the rest of the meeting. Itev. J. W. Phelps has the general supervision of tha religious services , and to his generality and enthusi asm la owing much of the free spirit Uiat pre vails. Last night Rev. R. W. Esters of Papilllon , preached a powerful sermon on the subject of "Eternity. " A large audience was present and all seemed deeply Impressed. Exhorta tions were given by Revs. 11. U. Henry and J. W. Phelps , and at the after meeting sev eral came forward to the altar , one young lady professing conversion. Tnfa morning Rev. Jabez Charles , of John son's Grove , preached an Interesting sermon on the subject , "The Freedom that Belong ! to Cod's Children. " Rev. Brooks , of St Paul , Neb. , followed with an earnest and eloquent exhortation , after which was held an altar service of remarkable power. At 3:30 : Itev. William Worley , who has been having such remarkable success In revival services at his own home charge In Schuyler during the past year , preached on the sub ject , 'Warfare and Confession. " The dis course was excellently adapted to the needs of the people and was full , of spiritual power. Among those who have come upon the grounds during the day are : Rnv. J. B. Maxlield , D. D. ; Judge Hoxle , of Schuyler ; Mrs. JudueCrawfoid. of West Point , and the Messrs. tialnes , of Kennard. It has been a remarkable fact that there have been con versions at every meeting held upon the grounds. Extensive preparations are being made for the reception and entertainment of the large crowd that will surely be here over the Sabbath. Them are about twenty oroachers In attendance and every train brings additions to the number. Nebraska Crops. MATTHEWS , Neb. , August 13. [ Special Telegram to the BKK.J Small grains are mostly destroyed by drought a few pieces yielding one-fourth of a crop. Corn In some localities Is nearly cmmed up , In others It Is one-third to a fair crop. Small grain Is har vested and now being threshed. The acre age ot small grain l < ( less than one-halt as much as last year. 'iUc ? acreage of corn ono- third more than l&sti ! year. Rains are fre quent now and doing mucti good. Grass is probably two-third nf a erop. Cnxwroim , Neb/ ; August 13. Harvest is about over. The amount of small grain harvested Is muen larger than was antici pated and farmers ar t Very much encouraged. Wheat yields sixteen to" twenty bushels per acre. The acreage looker cent greater than hwtyear. Oats yield forty bushels per acre and show 00 per cent-Increase In acreage. Cornia remarkably good , in some places Is better than oliiers , especially where it has bad good and faltliful cultivation. The average yield will be atout forty bushels to the acre ; 100 pet cent Increase over last year. This vicinity has been highly favored with abundant rain. Pierce County Crop * . PI.AINVIEW , Nob. , Aujust 11 | Speclal Telegram to the BEB. ] Harvest Is over and tlie yield In Pierce county this year Is large. Wo have had frequent rains In this locality. Corn Is In line condition and will yield from forty to eltfhty bushels to the acre. The increase In acronije over last year is about 40 per cent. Oats average better than last year. The avnraguot wheat Is about the sauia as last year but of much better quality. The hay crop Is excellent and Pierce county can feed thousands Of head of cattle this winter from the droughty districts. * Prohibitionists Htate Convention. SciiUYLun , Neb. , August 1'J. ( Special Telegram to the UKK.l-Tbe prohlbltlonUU met In county convention to-day and selec ted delegated to attend their sUte'coaventlon i. .and appointed September 15 ns the time , am Leigh as the place ot holding It 'the con vent on will bo for the purpose of placing It nomination a full county ticket. They pro pose challenging each of the other nartles U discuss the living Ksties of the day , and t < wage a school house campaign throughou the county. Flro In n Saloon. 8crttTYiKit , 'Nob. , August 11. [ Spocla Telegram to the UKE.- ] This ovcnlne abou 5:30 : o'clock the lire department was callot out to attend a small blaze In the store roon of Milota's saloon. The fire , orlglnatec among the casks and barrels of liquor and l ! supposed to have been caused by spontane ous combustion. It was extinguished bofori much damage was done. Ncbrtuka City's Now Depot. NinnASKA CITYNeb. . , August 12.- I Special Telegram to the UKE. | The cor tract for building the now Missouri Pocifii passenger depot was to-day awarded to i homo' contractor and not an Omaha man ai before stated. Thu structure will bo com pietcd as soon as possible and will bo n larg handsome brick edifice. Work commence : Monday. Burglars Convicted and Sentenced ScttUYLKit , Neb. , August 12. | 8pr > cla Telegram totho tiF.n.1 In the burglary case ; both prisoners were found guilty. The Ju rleswero only out n short tlmo. To-daj Judee Marshall sentenced each to a term o : live years In the penitentiary. The peopli are well pleased at the result. The Heroes of * B7. WKTISTEII CITT , la. , August 12. ( Specla Tclgram to the HUE. ] Several thousand people met hero to-day to celebrate the erec tlon of a memorial tablet to the citizens ol Hamilton county who took part In the fa tnous Spirit Lake expedition of thirty yean ago. After the Spirit Lake massacre Ir March , 1857 , when the Sioux Indians cami down from Dakota and killed nearly nil Uu scttlcis on Spirit mid Okobojl lakes , at nvcnglne expedition composed of volunteei companies from Webster City and Foil Dodge was hastily organized and started In pursuit. To commemorate the bravery ol these volunteers Hamilton county has erected this memorial at Webster City. The tablet dedlcatecl to-day Is ot polished brass. oblong in shape , richly and deeply engraved. At either side Is an upright panel In which Is traced a palm branch , symbolical of victory. Kxtendlnq across the upper part Is a panel In which In engraved in largo lettering "roster of com pany C , " then follow th names of the of ficers and privates , and below these the fol lowing : "Thls tablet was erected at the public expense , to commemorate the patriotIsm - Ism , valor and sufferings of these gallant men in one of thu severest marches recorded in Indian border warfare. In memory , also , of Mrs. William L. Church , who shot an In dian while dctendlne heikbables , and ot bet sister , DrusclUa Swanger , who was severely wounded. " The tabUt Is relieved against a background of gray Chatnplaln marble. The memorial , which is a very beautiful ono , was designed and executed by a New York artist. There were very elaborate and In teresting exercises in the dedication of the tablet , with a speech by Governor Uarrabec and other piomlnent citizens ot the state. Fatal Shoot t lit ; At Dos Molnes. DKS MOINES , ia. , August 13. [ Special Tele gram to the Br.K.I This afternoon 'Consta ble Potts attempted to arrest ono John Hardy charged with violating the prohibi tory law. The latter resisted .and seizing o ball bat struck the constable who commenced firing as did his deputy who accompanied him. Hardy was shot twice , one ball pass ing through his lungs. Two shots nlfit struck a bystander , Ed Worth , passing through his groin. Hardy is supposed to be dying and sreat excitement prevails among the saloon men. Fatally AVounaoit Ills Playmate. CRDAU KAPIDS , la. , August 12. | Special Telegram to the BEE. | Jesse Spry , aged seven years , was shot accidentally In the left lung this morning by a companion. The ball passed through the hand of the lattni and then stiuck Spry. The wound is fatal , Eight florae * flamed. CREBTON , la. , August 13. ( Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] An Incendiary fire last night burned a barn aud granary and fifteen tons of hay belonging to illchaol llerr , liv ing five miles south of this city. Eight horses and their harness , belonging to Merr , and a thresher were burned. Fatally Gored By a nail. DBS MOINES , ! . , August 13. | Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Mr. Raymond Myers , a young farmer living south of this city , while leading a bull from water this morn ing , was gored by the vicious animal and killed before he could escape. Railroad flight Df Way. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. . August 13. [ Special Telegram to the BKE.J The Diagonal com pany to-day began the work ot tearing down the houses on North Main street that nro located catedon its right of way through the city. The first one to be moved was the old tene ment on the west side of Main street south of the Blacksnake , one of the oldest houses In the city. Several other houses were taken down during the afternoon. Grading In the city will be commenced as soon ns the right of way Is cleared. The grading Is practically completed between this city and Savannah , Andrew county , twelve miles north , and is done from Savaunah to the Iowa line. Accident to a Commercial Man. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 13. [ Special Tel egram to the BKE.J Martin Jackson , ono ot the best known of St Joseph's traveling salesmen , is lying at the point of death and will not live until moraine. Ho stopped on n rusty nail this morning , running It Into his foot. Lockjaw set in soon after. He Is twenty-elcht years old and has a wife. He has been traveling in Kansas and Nebraska for a number of vears and Is now on the road for M. E. Herbert , the gas and steam titter. THE HALF-BUKliU BIUUDKKLilt. Barada the Hatchet Wlelder Before the United States Court. Deputy United States Marshal Allen returned from the Sao and Fox In dian reservation in Richardson county yesterday with William Barada , a half- breed French Indian , charged with mur dering John Didior , another half-breed , In custody. Barada was arraigned before - fore Judge Duudy this morning and hold for preliminary examination on Thurs day , the 18th Inst. , when the witnesses on both sides will bo present. Barada , the inuidorcr , is a short , thick set , powerful follow , with a docrged , de termined , dusky face , lit up by a pair of eyes that cloani like a serpent's , and a generally repellnnt and ferocious look. Ho and Didier got into an altercation over the tr.ido of some trivial articles , iu which Barada claimed ho had been worsted. Didier endeavored to joke the matter away , but suddnnly liaradu whip ped a hatchet from his bolt and buried its keen blndo in Didicr's head , killing him instantly. The cold-blooded deed caused much excitement among the Indians and half-breeds , and for a while it was feared that other scenes of bloodshed would fol low. Another Street Car Accident. Cars No. 93 and No. 47 of the Ued line collided last night on a switch at the corner of Sixteenth and Capital avenue , through the unmanageable antics of the horses. Police Sergeant Mostyn and an unknown lady were badly bruised and ono of the horses was killed. The internal revonun receipts yester day amounted to f3.83U.Ui. Yesterday the New York Life Insur ance company dropncd I'351 into Super intendent Whitlock's till to pay for the permission to build on the corner of Sev enteenth and Farnam. The estimated cost of Jtie new structure .is half a mil lion , , . jJA Aj jiti j ' UATTLKSNAKE8 AND ANTELOPE Remarkable Rtumpoda of Cnvnlr ; Home * Other Army Note * . Colonel Morrow , of Sidney , tclcgrnphci yesterday that recently when then were four troops at Hed Willow , oni troop of the Seventh cavalry was stam pcdod during the night by rattlesnake and autclopo. Thu horses were slilo llnod nnd many of thorn It is though wore badly injured. The horses belonged - longed to Colonel Forsytli's command. A later telegram was received that nl the horses had been recovered. Word was brought to thn hcadnuartors yesterday thatLieutonant Uicd , inspoctoi of rillo practice of this division of tin Missouri , had died In Chicago. Tin lieutenant had charge of the doiiartmoni competition which was hold hero Ins year. Nine enlisted mon from Fort Niobrarr arrived yesterday to take part in the do imrtmont rltlo competition. PARADING How a Footpad Betrayed HlniBol Tlirotmh Ills Victim's Hat. About 1 o'clock yesterday morning i drunken man named John Shannon wa assaulted at the corner of Tenth am Lcavcmvorth streets by three highway men , who beat him into uuconsclousnes and took from him his watch , golt ring , hat and $10 m cash Last evening n tough named Ton Hitchio was discovered wearing a hat tha Shannon identified as his own. Ritchie in company with a pal named Charle : Malloyvcro placed under arrest. Shan non was badly bruised lu the assault , re coivlng n cut under the right cyo , and : scalp wound that had to bo sewed up bj a physician. PAUKER , THIE'ROAD AOENX. Arrested by Thieves who Claim to be Deputy Marshals. United States Marshal Hiorbowcr was ! r receipt of numerous dispatches yestordaj inquiring about the reward the government proposes to give for the ar rest of Charles Parker , the road agcnl who robbed Paymaster Bash bo twcen Fort Fcttcrman and Fort McKinney - Kinney , on March 18 , and got awuj with something like $8,000 in cash , Several of thcso telegraphic comimmica lions state that' Parker was arrested by s man named Lucas , who claimed to bo in the service of Marshal Bierbowor , nnd and three other mon , that they over hauled Parker , took his money from him , divided it among themselves , and then lot him go. Lucas was afterwards arrested - rested near Fort Fettorman , anil is still > held there. Lucas is a fraud. as Marshal Biorbowoi says , ho has no man by that name in his employ , aud that ho knows nothing about him , in fact never hoard of him , An ofliccr has boon sent to the scene ol the robbery. Tlio Union Pacific Band JBrcnrslon. The Union Pacific band will go to Co lumbus , Ncb.j at 8:80 : this morning or their annual excursion. Amonethocvcutf of note for the 'amusement of the daj will bo a game of ball between the C. E Mayne club of this city and the Genoa club for a prize of $50. The people ol Columbus intend to give the Omaha visit ors a hearty welcome. Mayor North , ol Columbus , has issued a proclamation re questing the business men of that city te decorate their buildings and otherwise contribute to the pleasure of the event. Hawkins and O'Hearn Wanted. Low Hawkins , who was arraigned before fore Judge Berka yesterday on the charge ftdnltcnf , waived examination and was put under | 400 bonds to appear before the district court. IIo is also wanted foi robbing Mouroo's grocery store on the corner of Fifteenth and Davenport street two weeks ago. Fifty dollars in money and some jewelry were taken , and the police have strong evidence that Hawkins and Pat O'Hearn are the cul prits. Warrants have been issued for their arrest , but ns yet there is no clew to the hiding place of O'Hearu. A Court House Entrance. The question of cutting an entrance to the court house under the stops on Farnam street is again beinc agitated and the more that is said about it , the more friends the project makes. Con tractor Coals , , yesterday spoke of the work as being feasible though ho would not say what would bo the cost. If this improvement should be made it would obviate the climbing of the immense Hights of steps now required to reach the building. Beware of Scrofula Scrofula U probably more general than any other disease. It is lusldlous to character , and manifests Itself In running sores , pustular eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged Joints , abscesses , sore eyes , etc. Hood's Sarsaparilli expels all trace of scrofula from the blood , leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy. " I was severely afflicted wlth-bcrofula , and over a year had two running sores on my ifcck. Took five bottles flood's Sarsaparllla , and am cured. " C. E. LOVBJOT , Lowell , Mass. C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , had scrofulous sores for seven years , spring and fall. Hood's BarsapariUa cured him. Salt Rheum Isone of the mostdlugrecabledlscaxei caused by Impure blood. It Is readily cured by flood's Bamparllla , the great blood purifier. 'William Spies , Elyrla , O. , suffered greatly from erysipelas aud salt rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At times his hands would crack open and bleed. He tried various prep arations without aid ; finally took Hood's Sar- saparllla , and now says : " I am entirely well. " "My con had salt rheum on his hands and on the calves of his legs. Hu took Hood's Sarsaparllla and Is entirely cured. " J. 11. Btanton , JU. Vernon , Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla BoMbrnlldrngtfiU. 01 ; nlxforfi. Madoonlf br C. I. HOOD & CO. , Ai tl.ecarlfiI.owtll , > Iant. IOO Doses Ono Dollar J. B. HAYNES -OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER TJUIU ) JUDICIAL DISTRICT. 87 Chamber of Comruerco. I , flf. _ . .pueui.pittd , ootblnf currrnti of It4lmUjr Uro f k ill > ttk piru.r.woi. In h ] lh it Vljoroui HIM fth. ! El , tills tli lamulj r wt loff lt ii.uoo In t , tu Bitorfr all othir l > tU Vvoril camper- . ia U8 lj | t..Chltiatt Initant re * VARICOCELE eaxxoured. Nokulledrut nrciamp8 uid. Add. V. O. Supply Co. liox 72 * . bLoult.ito. . DECORATIVE ART. THIBTY YEARS IN THE CITY Ol OUIOAGO. i One of tlio Oldest Inhabitants Gives a Thrilling Experience of His Rescue fromDonth. from the Chlcngo Daily New * Juno S3 , 1S7 In public places , especially in the Mitutncr season , the eye U often attracted by neat decorations 'which embellish chandeliers and ceilings as protection njjninfi those hu man pests , the illcs , which , houcvcr , serve their purpose as the scavengers of the air. The designs employed are ofttlmcs really works of art. ntufthc deft way In which they arc attaclucd to walls and ceilings seas as to propcct them ; gives an impression of airy lightness which is pleasing to the eye. No man has probably spent so much time * in Chicago * > n this line of trade as the sub- . , jcct of the following sketch ; He has been a f * I resident of Chicago for thirty years , coming ! here with hit parents when only 10 years of ngc , and having grown up with the city his ' name is known to thousands of her people. , * Within a short time such a wonderful ' „ change has taken place in his personal ap- J pcaranceth.it it has attracted the attention of his friends as well as that of a reporter , who called upon him within a day or two < and obtained the following sworn statement y Personally appeared before me , George W. Hoover , No 278 West Twelfth street , who , being sworn according to law , doth ' depose and say : That I have been 111 for two or three yean with a lung trouble , which a short time since resulted fn hemorrhage , so that I rc'r marked to my wife : I think about next Tall I will finish up. That I have paid out hun dreds of dollars in the past two years for medicine and advice , 'but nothing did mo any practical good. I would stop coughing for an hour or so , but it would corhe again next day. The relief afforded me was only temdorary. I read of the numerous curei which had been effected by Dr. McCoyin the papers , and they described so closely my symptoms that I called upon him at No. 10 Park Row. Dr. McCoy told me that I had catarrhal bronchitis , and there was serious trouble with the right lung in the form of an abscess. I was put under the treatment , and he gave me relief right away. Tlie night sweats with which ! had bcerf troubled have left me and I now rest well. I began the 'featmcnt on the 23d of May last , I used to cough every morning ; would get sick at the stomach. I have been verv nearly sti angled trying to get something up when there was nothing to come up. But now I am doing splcn- didly. Have a clear head. I am nol clouded up , I can travel all day and not tire out , and I can assure you my work requires - quires me to go about a great deal. I am satisfied that it' I had not gone under this treatment I should have been compelled tc top work entirely , and this Is my bu y season. I was obliged on account of my trouble to leave a very easy situation about a year ago because I could not stand the night air aud was constantly taking cold. I have not felt so well for years as I do now , and I work hard , too. My friendi remark my improved appearance , and 1 have gained five pounds in the little time which I have been under treatment , and 1 am convinced that a cure will be effected. GEORGE W. HOOVER. Sworn and subscribed before me this 22d day of June. 1887. RAND ALL H. WHITE , Justice of the Peace. Dr. McCoy la now located in Omaha , at tht corner of 15th tuio llnrncy tits. , Hmugo Ulock ' ' ' ; I.CAOS TO CONSUMPTION. . Interesting 12vldcnuc ol' u Condi' < tton Not to Bo Trifled Wllli. The disease from which Mr. Hoover suf fered was catarrhal consumption. - The , ' , disease originated in a cold , which became , chronic. As a result came the formation ol mucus , which was partly discharged from the head or dropped down the throat and was partially hawked up. A large portion ' * of it , however , was swallowed , passing into lie stomach and causing catarrh there. * The mucus formed by catarrh decomposes , and when it reaches the.stomach is litlier - . ' absorbed in the blood , producing all manner of evil symptoms , or else coats over the food with a slimy material , which prevents the food from coming in contact with the digestive juices in the stomach. The food itself dccompotcs. forms ga or wind in large quantities , and cauces a feel ing of bloating or fullness after eating. When the catarrh has existed In the head and the upper part of the throat for any length of time the patient living in a - , district where people are subject to catarrh alaffection and the disease hat been left unctired , the cat an h invariably , sometime * slowly , extends down the windpipe and into the bronchial tubes , which tubes con vey the air to the different parts of the ungi. The tubes become ; atlected from the swelling and the mucus arising from catarrh , and in some instances becomes slugged up so that the air cannot get In as Veely at it should. Shortness of breath bllows and the patient breathes with labor and difficulty. In either case thcic is a sound of crack ing aud wheezing inside th6 chest. At this stage of the disease the breathing > - jsually more rapid than when i" i > nlli. rii patient also has hot flal"s over llis body. DOCTOR J , Cresap M' ' Late of Belle vue Hospital , N. Y Una offices In 310-311 RANGE BUILDINQ Cor. 15th and Ilnrney Streeta , Omnlia , Nob. , IVtiuro all ourablo cmei ar * treutod Mlth tua- : CSK. Mtilluil discuss tri'.Uutl skilfully. Can- iiinptlon , llrlKtu'K Digcuso , DyspupHin , llliou- natlsra.undnllNKIlVOlJH lll&KAHRH. All < li | nei'K , AwJl't.othe ' ! ' ; . BOXOi a bpoulalty. CXA- A HHI I l u KulJ. CONHIJI.TATION It office or by mull } 1 Ollloo hour * : U to 11 a.m. ; sto p. m. ; 7 leI I p. iu. BuiuUiya Included. Cnrrespondoncr rocolvM prompt attention. Hiinj-llsp8 < n uretronuul Hucx-e-isluDyljy Dr MQt'oy IbrouKli the nialU , mid it U UIUH i < l. . > ! o for tlictso iiniitili ! to maku n lou-tify lo oh- ln fluccosatul hospital treatment t tliHlr ) omo * . No lettnrs aoiwernd unices nocoiniik- uleil liy 4o In euuipf > . ArtJreM nil lettvra to Dr , J. C. McC'nr , rvot&i f , Otnali . N U , rftf - * J , . .j.A'UMJbB-- ' * . " - -