Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1887, Image 1

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Additional News Confirms the Extent of
the OhaUwoith Honor.
Depots and Platforms Literally Strewn
With the Dead and Dying.
< r
The Faces of the Victims Horribly Distorted
and Many Unrecognisable.
The Belief Growing That the Bridge Was
Fired By Bobbers.
The Victims Stripped of Valuables By The
Inhuman Fiends ,
The Bodied of Eighty-Six FerionB Al
ready Taken Out The List of the
Wounded an Yet Incomplete
The Running of Trains to
Bo KcBUined To-Day.
The Chatsworth Calamity.
Telegram to the 13iE. | It was a sad sight
that the early dawn disclosed to the pedes
trians that passed down the silent and J deserted
sorted streets of the llttlo village of Chats-
worth this morning. Thirty-five human beIngs -
Ings lay writhing In agony , some of them ,
Indeed , approaching dissolution. All thiough
the dreary midnight hour they had lain upon
rudely Improvised beds which the good people
ple of Chatsworth had charitably placed at
the disposal of the sufferers. Hands of vol
unteers , men and women from the neighbor
hood , had waited by blood-stained bedsteads
and attended to the wants of the sufferers.
Too much praise cannot bo glvonto the people
ple of this locality for their self-sacrltice and
devotion , and beyond all question but for
them there would have bnea many more
names to swell the already frightful cata
logue of the dead. All through the night the
mournful process of identification wont on ,
but up to 0 o'clock this morning there had
been but throe additional Identifications.
Those were John Xcltter , of 1'ekln , 111. , a
moulder , aged thirty-six ; Mrs. Bladin , of
Harpers' Corners , near Peorla , 111. ,
and Mrs. II. C. 'MuClure. ot Keithsburg , 111.
It was nearly midnight when poor/Colter was
Identified. A row of anxious , sad-faced
people men and women stood In a line in
the freight house of the Toledo , Peorla &
Western railway while a man passed by a
row of mangled corpses , and lifting thn 'face
of each as ho passed alone held a lantern
close to the face of each of the corpses. It
was a series ot frightfully mutilated faces ,
In most cases battered beyond recognition ,
that the rays of the lantern disclosed to view.
"That looks like him , but It Is hard to be cer
tain , the features are so much battered , " ho
muttered. "I wonder it that could bo poor
Will , " murmered another. "Oh , there Is my
poor father , " cried a young girl's anguished
voice. These and such as these were the re
marks that wcro now and then drooped by
the searchers. No body was Identified until
the whlto cloth was raised from the form of a
man. disclosing a face most frightfully muti
lated. The cheek bones on the sldo wore
crushed In untlltlioy actually laid together ,
side by side. A stout man stepped forward
and stooping down until ono elbow rested
upon his knee looked longand earnestly Into
the dead man's face. Then ho put his baud
Into the ragged and bloody vest pocket and
took -from It a watch , which was
still ticking. He next thrust bin hand
Into the breast pocket and drew from It a
number of cards. "It Is poor Jim , " he
murmured , and ho dropped upon his knees
and drew his hand hastily across his eyes ,
then he tenderly covered the dead man's
body and disappeared to make arrangements
for the removal ot his friend's remains.
One of the most horrible featured of this
most frightful calamity Is the fact that there
Is a possibility of Its being the result of foul
play and not accident. All last night and
this morning the rumor gained prevalence
that the whole thing was the work of train
robbers. Your correspondent , who visited
the place of the wreck late last night , heard
many hints to this effect from farmers and
other people residing In the locality. When
asked for a statement ot the affair In their
possession , however , they appeared to get
frightened and unwilling to say anything Do-
fore a newspaper man. Iho fact was well
established , however , that a very short tlmo
before the disaster occurred a train bad
pasled the culvert and the brldga was then
in sound condition. It Is also said that a
man offered his watch ana valuables to a
person who a moment after the accident oc
curred stood looking on unmoved by the suf
ferings of his fellow creatures. It Is claimed
the wretch snatched the watch from the
dying man's hands and rushed away. An
other man U .bald to have approached one
who was lying In a dying condition on a
Mnk n ar the wreck and snatched a diamond
ring ( i om his finger. Ueyond all doubt ,
whether the u tn was wrecked for the pur
pose of plunder or not , robbery was carried
on at the wreck on an extensive scale beton
the people of Chatsworth were summoned t <
the rescue. The place where the disaster oc-
Burred Is peculiarly lltted foi the deeds o :
train wreckers or ghouls. The hour at whlcl
It was visited bv your correspondent was a
the tlmo when the last ray of twilight madi
the ruins and their surroundings barely dls
cernlble. It was a lovely little corner on i
disused country byway. Fields of corn wavoi
on every side close up to the culvert , and i
few trees added their shade to the fast thick
enlng gloom. It was a very lovely , peacofu
scene but for the frightful blotch that dlstig
urcd It. The ruins of tbo train were simpl ;
appalling. There were nothing more than i
nifss of shattered metal works. Wholi
stacks of torn garments , blood-staluei
linen , shattered satchels , dismantled trunks
etc. , were scattered around in thi
green hedge rows. Blood splashes dyed thi
crass wherever It was sodden and trampei
under foot. The place was peculiarly adaplei
foreuchadotxl. Among the wounded you
correspondent discovered during the nigh
John McMelstcj , of Peorla. lie was bu
slightly Injured , althouth he sat In the thin
car , which was perhaps the most ba lly dam
aged on ibe train. He talked cheerfully. "
was sitting on the front seat , " he said , "whci
the-shock occurred. I thought at first tin
tnuialu was detailed , but I soou found irwa :
worse than that I was hurled with great
violence Into the corner In which the stove
stood , while the stove was thrown forward ,
pressing my leg to the ground. In an Instant
all was darkness , while the most melancholy
cries and moans rang out around me In all
directions. I soon became aware that two
men who had been sitting behind me had
been thrown forward , while the seats on
which they sat had been torn up and hurled
along with them Into the corner where I lay.
I was found In there In some Inconceivable
way and I felt the hot blood pouring from
their wounds and streaming over my face. I
cried out for help aud I thought , althoueh I
may have been mistaken , that I was there an
hour and a half before I was cut out A heavy
sprain Is all 1 sutfcred. "
P. L. Cook , who Is ono of the coroner's Jury ,
said : "It was about 2 o'clock when the people
ple of Chatsworth were called together by the
tolling of the tire bell. 1 went there with
other citizens , and when we learned the truth
We at once repahed to the wreck. A horrible
sight presented Itself to us. Hundreds of
human beings were struggling to tear them
selves from an Infernal heap. From tholr
cries ono could think ho stood on a
bloody battle ground. Ulood was every
where , and the moans of the
wounded and dying made the night
hideous. 1 seized an ax and broke Into one
of the cars. The first object which met my
Iglit was a largo woman with her head com-
iletely torn from he body. I was sickened
nd horrified. Many ot the men became un-
ervedand could do nothing , but 1 struggled
nd worked the best I could. One man ,
whose wife was killed but whose baby was
aved , told me an old woman who appar-
ntly belonged to the neighborhood , had took
rassesslon of the same and he had a tough
itruKKlo to recover It. He said that his wlfo
was lying at the far end of the car , while the
nfant was safe about midway In the center
t the aisle.
CHICAGO , August 13. ( Special Telegram
to thoUKE.1 P. C. Church , a commercial
; raveler for a Now York hardware house , ar-
Ived from Peorla this morning and related
many Incidents of the disaster to a group of
xcltod listeners at the Sherman house.
We didn't hear about It until Wednesday
morning , " said he , "and the first report was
.hat soveial hundred had been killed. There
were 750 excursionists from Peorla alone and
special train was at once made up to go
3ver to the scene of the accident , about sixty
miles distant. A friend and myself thought
we would take a run over , but we never ex
pected to see what wo afterward did. At
Imtsworth there wa ; a row of dead bodies
lying sldo by side on the depot platform. A
.ileco of paper pinned to the breast gave thu
name of each ono. When we reached the
> lace where the accident occurred the first
.hlug . wo saw was a pile of mashed up coaches
as high as a telegraph pole. The top of the
iecoud chair car shot up on top of this ,
landing like a monument , at least fifteen
'eet high. We arrived just In time to see
Mr. Murphy , a hotel keeper from Galesburc ,
limb out of a hole In the top of the first
hair car , which was just in vlow , upon a pile
if broken timber at the top of the heap. Ho
Hilled out his wife and babe uninjured , but
almost exbausten from having been penned
up for nearly twelve bouts. It was with
great difficulty they were assisted to the
ground. Mr. Murphy then went back. Into
lie hole aud brought out alive a little baby ,
le had torn It from the arms of
a dead mother. After that he helped out
an aged woman whoso back had been
hurt These , together with two others , were
all that were taken from that car alive.
iVhen the hotel keeper came down 1 asked
ilm how It happened that he was not killed.
He replied that when the crash came his wife
tvas sitting In one seat and himself and the
baby wcro In the one just behind , near the
rent of the car. The baby was knocked
'rom ' the seat and he stooped to pick her up
as they shot Into the mass of ruins ahead.
Just at that moment , he said , a timber peno-
rated the car , shooting across the place
where he had been sitting , and struck a
roung lady who sat opposite In the neck. He
was thus pinned down by the timber , which
also protected him from being smashed and
saved tils life. He looked across the aisle
and saw the young lady's head had fallen over
on the back of her seat and hung only
by the skins. The sight of the dead and
wounded lying In the adjacent fields was
horrible. My friend counted ninety-seven
dead bodies at noon yesterday and the wreck
was not nearly cleared away. They were
lying In llttlo heaps ot about a dozen , all
having been killed Hi a different manner.
The entire side of one man's face would bo
mashed In , while a hole as large as your fist
In the forehead of another would show where
the timber had penetrated. Three-fourths of
the dead never knew what killed them. It
was a sight 1 never want to look upon
again. There were young ladles In their
new dresses with their white skirts saturated
with blood and the front of their faces
mashed beyond recognition. Ono young
looking mother had held her baby In her
arms , when the timber , striking the child
In the oack , Impaled both victims In
Instant death. The Another's face
didn't bear a scratch , but the expression
upon It will haunt me to the grave. I was
sick when 1 returned from the .catastrophe
last night. It would make anv man sIcK.
The depot at Peorla was surrounded by 5,000
people , all waiting for news from the wreck.
The switch yards had been cleared of cars
and along between the rails stood rows ol
cots to receive the dead and wounded as they
were brought In. Near these cots wore
backed up perhaps 100 covered wagons , and
beyond the wagons stood 150 soldiers to keep
the crowd back. A committee of 100 civ
izeus , wearing crape , are stationed
at the cots to take euro ol
the victims. All Peorla Is In
tears. There were scorns of hei
best cltUeus on that train , among then
being several young ladles. Everybody say :
It was the jolllest party , that over started or
an excursion. They were as merry as school
children. Hundreds had been to the train tt
see their friends depart , but thousands were
there to take their dead bodies away on theli
return. " Mr. Church said that the action ol
of thu railroad ollicers after the accident was
condemned by almost everyone. Hundred !
ot people got as far as Forest on their way tc
the wreck , but had to walk the rest of ttu
distance , six miles. The officials rode uj
aud down the tracks and a feu
slow trains brought . In the dead
but the wounded and dying were
left on the ground , with no relief except thai
which their partners In grief could give them
They lay In the muddy fields all night , wltl
the rain beating down , while their groan
and cries went up In vain. As fast as tin
baggage ctfnld be taken from the cars , n <
matter whoso It was , it was torn open ant
dresses and shirU appropriated for bandage ;
to dress the wounds of the suffering. Afte
the physicians and nurses had finished witl
the trunks , thieves rifled them and "cam *
off what wastoluable. "I , myntlf. " sW Mr
Church , "saw the head , shoulders and arm
of a young woman hanging from a car win
dow , and a man wont up and began stripping
the rlnts from her dead takers. Sofl e of th
passengers Interfered and made him doalst , '
> . , THK VICTIMS.1 .
CHICAGO , August 13. The Inter-Ocean'
Forrest , 111. , special says : The uainoj of thi
dead Victims ot the ChatswortU disaster Lav
been learned. There are still about ten bodies
ies unidentified at that place. During Thurs
day afternoon several dead were convoyed
westward by friends and they cannot be In
cluded In the names given here. The officers
of the Toledo , Peorla & Western railway
have endeavored to'keop a record of the dead
bodies removed from the wreck and the presi
dent thinks that In three or four days they
will be able to render an accurate account of
the fatalities. The report that there wcro
eight dead at PI per station proves to have
been Incorrect Only two persons
died there up to noon to-day Mrs.
Peter Valentine and C. P. Vanller
ot Ualesburg , HI. Three or four persons who
were reported as dead were to-day learned to
be among the wounded at Piper City. Em
ployes of the road were sent to Piper City
iarly this morning to secure the names of all
ho dead and wounded there. It was found
hat there were forty-four wounded and two
lead at Piper Citv. The following Is a list
t those who had died up to 3 o'clock this
fternoon as far as their names could bo
earned from Coroner Long and their friends
nd relatives :
Mns. NANCIE ALTKU , West Point , la.
Miss MINNIE Ai.rnit , West Point , la. , aged
Miss EVA ALTrit , West Point , la. , axed
.wenty. .
E. F. ADAMS , Dlackston , 111.
Mils. M. H. AI.I.KN , Peoria.
Miss SUSIK BALL , Peorla.
o. 0. UKEKZE , Wyoming , I1L
Miis. WM. DELI , , Peoria.
Mils. JOSIK BI.ANIHN , Parkers Corner , 111.
CiiowuKit FAHMKII , Chenoa.
Mns. PATON M. CUKSS , Washington , 111.
Mns. J. M. CLAY , Eureka , 111.
Miss EVKUN CAniTiiKits , Evans , 111.
MATTIK CABSELI * Washington , ill.
MKH. EMILY DUCKKTT , Forrest , 111
K. EsTiioiiAVM , Peorla.
MiLLAiti ) FILLMORI : , Pontlac ,
J. A. OKEEN , Breeds Station.
E. GOODELL , Peorla.
U. F. IlAitri.EY , Bushnell , III.
MKS. E. HILL , Berwick , 111.
F. U. HILL. Berwick.
F. R.Hi.Li'8 Infant child.
Mns. HICKS , Chlllcothe.
JOHN P. KELLY , Breed's Station
MRS. KELLY , Peoria.
W. K. LATT , Elmwood.
J. B. McFADtiKN , Peoria ,
JKSS MEEK , Eureka , 111.
Miss MAY MrEvERY , Peorla.
Miss AGNES MUIIPHY , Peorla , age elgtccn ,
KOSB MuuruY , Peorla , ago three.
MRS. H. A. McCi.tiRR , Keithsburg.
Infant of Mrs. McClure.
N. A. MOORE , Jacksonville , III.
A. MARTIN , J3loomlngton.
Infant of Mrs. Neal , of Peorla.
Miss NEAL , Mossvllle , III.
Miss JKNNIE O'SitAuaiiNEssY , Peorla.
W. II. POTTER , Bushnell.
MILLARD PATTERSON , Wyoming , 111.
UEonoFK RESS , Washington. 111.
JAMES D. UtcnAitDS Franklin , Neb.
MICHAEL W. line AN , Blnghampton , N. Y.
MRS. O. D. SNEUECKKR. Ablngton , 111.
R. E. STRACHAN , Peorla.
Miss EMMA STEPHENS , Peorla.
Miss ELLA STEPHENS , Peoria.
MRS. M. SMITH , .Metamora. -
ONEY SPAITS , Green Valley.
MRS. E. D. STODDARD , West Point , la.
JESSE SHERMAN , Brlnfield , 111.
W. V. TROVILLE , Ablngdon , 111.
C. P. VANLIEU , Galesburg.
R. R. WRIGHT , Peorla ,
JOHN ZEITLER , Pekln , 111. , aged 24.
In addition to the eighty-six or eighty-
seven known to bo dead there were throe of
the wounded at Chatsworth whom the
physicians pronounced to bo beyond re
covery. They lay In the town half and wore
being cared for by relatives or kind sympa
thisers In every way possible. These three
were Mrs. C. H. Clark , of Rootstown , O. ;
Miss Mary Valdejo , of Peorla , and Harry B.
Lawrence , of Burlington , la. The lists of
the wounded are necessarily Incomplete and
the full extent of the Injuries will probably
never be known.
The women of Chatsworth have done
everything possible for the wounded people ,
thirty of whom still lie In the town hall.
Several are at prlvato houses , at the depot
and other places. Where the dead
lay there were were many sad scones to-day.
Anxious relatives arrived from towns along
the line west , and began the search for their
friends among the mangled and ghastly
corpses. Husbands were looklne for wives ,
parents for children and sons for parents.
Among the seekers was J. M. Kelly , of
Breed's Station , a young man looking for his
father and uncle. Ho looked In vain among the
dead bodies for his relatives , but when ho ap
pealed to the coroner he was shown the dead
body of his father , Job P. Kelly. The son
could not recognize the mutilated features.
Later In the day he found his uncle , John
B. Kelly , badly wounded , lying In the
town hall. The body ot Paul Sackenreuter ,
of Pekln , has not been certainly identified.
One of | iis workmen , John Zeldler , Is among
the killed. His head was crushed from bolt ;
sides so that the features were entirely un
recognizable. The body of Mrs. H. A. Mc
Clure and her Infant , from Keithsburg , have
been Identified among the dead lying In the
school house last night. The last body wo ;
removed from there to-day. It was that ol
Mrs. Stoddard , of Fort Madbon. la
Another body Identified during the
night was that of Mrs. Joslo Blandln ,
nee Florence , of Parker's Corners , 111. Hei
husband arrived on a late train , found hei
body and shipped It home. Mrs. Blandln
bad with her her two little daughters , Idi
and Bcrtte. The former has ono of her hip :
crushed , but Bertlo is but slightly Injured
Side by side In the depot this morning la ]
the dead bodies of T. R. Hill and his wifi
and baby , from Berwick , HI. The babe wu
placed on Its mother's bosom In a rougl
pine box , and the family sent on its retun
trip home. Among the unclaimed and un
uaiued is the body of a Peorla bootblack.
ClTATflWOUTlI , III. , AugUSt 13. At '
o'clock this morning Master Mechanic Wat
ten , vith a wrecking train and a large forc <
of men , were at the seen * of the disaster a
work. Warren was confident that the tracl
would bo cleared for trains by noon , and tba
oil bodies had been removed from the wreck
A special car with officials of the WAbasI
road reacted tbo wreck early 1Q the inornln ,
and they tendered thopso of their wrecking
outfit and as well offered to bo of any service
possible. The Illinois ) Central also olTerod
any required assistance , tut Warren said ho
thought his present equipment would enable
him to clear the track. .President Leonard ,
Superintendent Armstrong and other
Toledo , Peorla & Western * offi
cials were seen this morning.
They have riven devoted .attention to the re
lief of the Injured and cam of the dead. Doth
show signs of the terrible shock which the
accident had been to thorn. President Leon
ard said that so far as the railroad ofllcials
could estimate there were eighty killed and
00 seriously wounded. There are many who
were slightly Injured , of whom no record has
seen obtained. The list Is being compl.led In
he Peorla olllccs of the company. Leonard
> ald that as near as ho could ascertain
he train was making about thirty
miles an hour at the time the accident ,
ot an excessive rate of speed , as the track was
n.good condition. The bridge was an or-
Innry fifteen-foot wooden structure , was all
lent at 5 o'clock In the afternoon when n
rain passed over It and half an hour later a
icctiou man Inspected It , under orders , In
idvanco of the excursion train. It was all
Icht then. As to the liability of the corn-
any or the . future of the road , all that
'resident Leonard could say was
, hat the officials will devote their
.tteutlon . to the care of the unfortunate vlc-
,1ms. It was a blow which would of course
> e most serious to the road , but that was as
lothlng compared with the death and Injury
if human beings. Leonard said he could in
11 conscience say that ho believed the road
lad provided every reasonable andcustom-
, ry safeguard , wid could only ascribe the ac-
ident to onr vhose Inscrutable acts of Prov-
denco which It seems impossible to always
uard against.
With the consent of the coroner , President
Leonard has arranged that all unclaimed
bodies will be cared for , washed , and placed
n coffins and conveyed to Peorla , whore , with
all effects , they will await Identification. The
bodies will be kept there as long as possible ,
and theu , if not Identified , will bo Interred.
President Leonard and Superintendent Ariu-
itrong will go to Piper City this morning to
arc for the wounded there.
The railroad and warehouse commission
ers are expected here about 10 o'clock to In-
estlgato the accident An several witnesses
lave not yet arrived , It Is not expected the
oroner will complete his bearing till late
, hls afternoon.
Estimates of the dead this morning are
about the same as the figures sent last night
The coroner's list revised up to the time
he Inquest was resumed to-day foots up to
70. Notwithstanding contrary opinions ex
pressed by railroad ofllcials , a survey of the
, vreck early to-day confirmed the belief that
several bodies are still under the debris of
smashed engines and cars. The report yes-
; erday that twenty dead bodies were at Piper
Jlty Is denied this morning by Frank
Leonard , president of Uio road. Three or
four nt the wounded carried to Piper Citv
yesterday died there , however , so that with
seventy-six on the coroner's list hero , and
those supposed to be yet under the wreck ,
the estimate ot eighty-four deaths appears to
bo very close to the actual number. Information
mation of the Piper City victims can best bo
obtained of the company's officials , who have
one to Peorla.
becrned deepening early this morning in
stead of lessenlnir. Added to the
pitiable spectacle of the dead and
the miseries of the dying , a stench sickening
and foul was Issuing from.all the numerous
places where the corpses of the victims yet
remained. No picture of the horrible occur
rences Immediately succeeding the accident
could equal In revolting details the scones at
the Toledo , Peorla & Western depot here to
day. The west end of the little structure is a
coal house and lumber room , where , pro
miscuously stretched on the floor and rub
blsh , were seven unidentified bodies.
Blood-stained sheets and blankets wcro
thrown loosely over each , but afforded little
protection from the swarms of flics continu
ously hoverlnc over them. The awful odor
emanating from the bodies effectually kept
the room clear of all but the hardiest of the
still lingering curious crowds. Two of the
victims were women and the sight of their
faces was one never to be forgotten.
Distorted features , wldo staring ejes and
putrifying wounds were gazed at but an in-
slant , oven by those looking for a missing
mother or daughter. One of them , a young
woman with light reddish hair , would be
absolutely unrecognizable from the effects of
the heat. Close by , raised above the other
seven corpses in the .room , was the dead
body of a portly man , sunported on a couple
of old boxes. Ho was In his stocking feet
and coatless , and was rapidly decaying. The
other dead men on the floor were In nearly
as bad a condition. Outside , on the platform
of the depot , were several coffins filled with
the Identified during the night and now
awaiting shipment The east end of the
depot was In even worse condition than the
west The floor continues to be strewn
with unclaimed baggage In an
Inextricable mix. Little knots of
people were pawing over the broken satch
els and masses of soiled , torn underwear ,
bringing to light here little infant's gar
ments and there the crumpled remains of a
widow's bonnet. A little way down the
road Is a large vacant furniture store In
which thirteen corpses were festering. Onlv
six of them were men and the others were
women and children. Most of the thirteen
had not been recognised by friends and their
countenances were so mutilated and clothing
so drabbled with blood ( hat it Is doubtful if
they over can bo Identified. One poor llttlo
woman , terribly mangled , lay motionless be
side a babe , toward which she was partly
turned. Across the room was a stalwart
man , prone on bis back , dead , but with his
right arm still raided in agony and
a fist tightly \ clenched. Over
In the big school house two
innre corpses were sUll uncoffined waiting
claimants. The woundwd , to thu number of
forty people , filled the firtj enistno house , up
stairs and down , and thet same faithful ladles
and girls , who had scarcely slept since the
wreck , were at the bedsides , as on yesterday.
In addition to these , there were at least a
score of Injured distributed among the pri
vate residences of the town , too badly hurt
to bo removed , A few. , hours had scarcely
elapsed , however , when the aspect of the
depot and other morgues was completely
transformed. A largo force of men were set
to work , boxing up the dead , forwarding them
to Peorla , and clearing out generally. They
succeeded admirably , and long before noon ap
pcarances bad so changed that a chance visitor
in Chatsworth could scarcely have believed it
the city of horrors It was last night
were developed this morning as to tbo cause
of the Cbatsworth wreck. Humors wcro
afloat last night that It was due to robbers ,
who fired the bridge. But little credence was
given them. This morning new facts ap
parently showing the catastrophe to be the
work of an organized band came to light , and
the company find them worthy of serious In
vestigation. Superintendent Aunstrong said
to the Associated press reporter that the
more he Investigated the more It appeared to
him that the brldxo had been sot on tiro. Ihn
burned grass in th Iruiliwliato locality was
, uol of a uatuto that seemed UkeljMo admit ot
the bridge having caught from It. Ho had
observed many thieves at work , and
had stopped .them while despoiling
the victims ot property and many
Instances of robbing the dead were be
ing brought to his attention. The excursion
had been extensively advertised and the time
It would pass over the bridge was well known.
Citizens say that a gang of suspicious follows
have been loitering around Chatsworth for
somcdays. Many of these were found early
at the wreck paying more attention to reliev
ing bodies of their valuables than to caring
for them otherwise. Train men and passen
gers had frequent contentions with the van
dals. In one Instance Superintendent Arm
strong tound a well-known thief In the depot
room , where the property taken from the
wreck was stored , and ordered htm out. The
whlto people of the town have done all In
their power for the sufferers. There Is a
horde of tramps and thieves In this vicinity
who do nothing but carry ofT anything they
can cot their hands on.
A press dispatch from Bloomlngton states
that George Harris , n traveling man of that
city , was on the ill-fated Toledo , Peoria &
Western train and Is among the missing.
Harris was In Springfield to-day and was not
a passenger on the excursion train as sup
At the morning session of tb o coroner's
jury some decidedly significant testimony
was given. Timothy Coughlln , section fore
man here , testified that he had tour men
helping htm on his six and a half miles. Ho
received orders on Wednesday to eo over his
section and see that the bridges and track
were all right. Coughlin then went to the
east end of the section and burned the grass
along the track for half a mile. . He burned a
plccn a little over half a mlle from the wreck
and put the fire out. He examined the bridge
about 3 o'clock and found no suioke about It
and It was otherwise all rhzht About thrco
weeks ago the grass unner the bridge had
been cut away for ten feet from the bridge
timbers and ho had no Idea how the bridge
could have caught tire.
Christopher Ennis. road master for the line
from the state line to Peorla , said ho wont
over the road on Wednesday from
Falrbury to Ullmorn. lie went
ON er the fatal bridge lust before 4 o'clock in
the afternoon. He was on the rear end of
a car and baw that the brldgo was all rlcht.
1'hero was no lire or smoke about the bridge.
Enrtlssald : "My opinion Is that the bridge
was set on fire bv somebody. My train was
ho last train over before the special and If
hero was a lire there the men would have
discovered It The bridge could not have
been burned in two or three hours. About
hreo years ago two" attempts were made to
ditch the 10 o'clock passenger train at that
bridge and wo kept a watchman there for six
weeks. Obstructions were placed on the
rack. It is a very lonesome place , far from
, ny house. "
CHICAGO , August 12. The Inter Ocean's
Chatsworth , III. , special says : The members
of the state board of railroad and warehouse
commissioners arrived hero this afternoon
'rom Stirinelield. On their arrival at the
'atal bridge they found the wreckage had
been entirely cleared from the track and
new rails laid across the break. The com
missioners remained there for an hour and a
mlf and then drove to Piper City to BOO the
wounded. In the evening they returned toj
Chatsworth and read over the evidence tnTcen
by the cordnor * People who have carefully
examined the scene of the disaster take llttlo
or no stock In the' theory of the railroad people
ple that the bridge was sot aliro by vandals
who desired to rob the killed and Injured.
None of the survivors who escaped early
'rom ' the wreck saw any stranirers at the
scene inside of an hour. Some of the resi
dents near Chatsworth think there were
thieves on the tialn who took advantage of
the wreck to ply tholr trade. The grass along
the north sidtt of the track at the bridge Is
long and some of it Is dry , but there was no
sign of lire having burned It. The grass
along the soutli side had not all been burned
a week ago , as claimed by the section boss.
There was dry grass and weeds very close to
the bridge , but the wreck had so torn up the
earth in the immcdiato vicinity of the
bridge that it is Impossible to learn
whether the grass burned along the soutli
side of the bridge. The country hero had
been without any rain for nearly eight weeks
and the grass and dead timber was as dry as
tinder. A spark might have started a blaze
and It Is possible that tho. lira might have
been set ageing by a spark dropped from the
lire box of an engine drawing the road-
master's inspection train , which passed over
at 4 o'clock In Iho afternoon. A lira was
burning brightly at 8:30 : In the evening , but
when the train approached was very faint ,
according to the story of Engineer Souther-
land. It Is claimed by some of the residents
near the place that they saw smoke in the
direction of the brldgo as early as 5 o'clock In
the afternoon. *
FORREST. III. , August 12. The Toledo ,
Peoria < fe Western will resume the regular
running of Its trains to-dav and has ar
ranged with the Panhandle and Grand
Tiunk roads to honor the Niagara excursion
tickets , so that many of the Injured excur
sionists who are desiring to do so may con.
tlnue on. In round figures Superintendent
Armstrong estimates the damage to the stock
at ssoooo.
BI.OOMINOTON , III. , August 1'J , A special
from Pokln , III. , says that among the dead
of the Chatsworth wreck are A. Sackunreu-
ter andJ. Zelsler , at Pekln ; Ony Spaltz and
Kov. Schuthman , of Green Valley , III. A
shipper of Pekln Is also believed to bo among
the dead. A man reported as A. Martin , of
Blnomlngton , ainong the dead , has proved
to bo Mark Cassell , of Kureka , already listed
with the dead. Ho was fonnerlv postmaster
at Kl Paso. Ho trot on the train at Peorla
to go to Kureka , fell asleep and was so taken
to his death.
Went Through a Culvert.
TKHIIE II Aim : , lud. , August 12. A com
bination train on the Evansvllln & Indianap
olis road went through a wooden culvert at
Saline Cltv. twenty miles from hens this
mnrnlnc. Six passnngcrs were Injured , but
only one , Thomas Brouthors , seriously.
The Unique Request of A Louisiana
Negro Quickly Complied With.
FRANKLIN , La. , August 12 , The body of n
colored girl , horribly woundud , was found In
the woods near here on Wednesday. Hoi
step-father. Dan Hasklns , who was suspected
of the crime , was captured. Ho confessed
and asked to be hanged , which was Imme
diately done.
_ _
Steamship Arrivals.
NEW YORK , August 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. | Arrived The City ol
Chester from Liverpool ; the Celtic frore
Liverpool ; the Denmark from London ; the
Elder from Bremen ; the Polynesia , froir
Hamburg : the Newport from Asplnwall
the Victoria from Hlo de Janlero.
QUKKN8TOWN , Aueust 12. - Arrived Th <
( Jmbrla from New York for Liverpool ; thi
Adriatic from Now York for Liverpool.
Canon Balvoes For Fertllnand.
SOFIA. August 12 , All the garrisons hen
have fired salutes to announce the
of Prlnco Ferdltrand in Bulgaria.
the Land
LONDON , August 12. Tha cabinet met to
day and dlseuseed at considerable length thi
advisability of 'proclaiming the Irish Na
tlonal league. , . , ,
A riTisnuno DLAZE.
Tht City Visited IJy a Million Hol
lar Flro.
PiTTsnuRO , August 13. Midnight The
most disastrous lire known hero for years Is
now raiting In the heart of the city and the
damage will reach up In the millions. The
fire originated about 10 o'clock in the roar ot
the Masonic temple and spread with Incon
ceivable rapidity to an adjoining building.
By 7 o'clock the flames reached such proportions
tions that the ontlro tire department was
called out At this hour four magnificent
business blocks are a roaring furnace and
there are no Indications of the 11 ro bolng'got
under control. It Is feared that half the
square , which Is among the most valuable
property In the city , Is doomed.
LATER At U:30 : a. m. the flro Is under con
trol , but ho center of the square bounded by
Fifth , Wood , Smith and Fluid streets and
Virginia alloy Is a smouldering ruin , The
Hamilton building , Masonic temple and a
number of tenements on Virgin alloy are
totally destroyed and adjacent blocks badly
damaged. Tlio firemen had a tremendous
struggle aud consider themselves fortunate
In subduing the flames when they did. It Is
Impossible to give close figures on the loss
to-nfght , but a conservative estimate places
the aggregate at not less than § 1,000,000.
Nebraska nud lown Pensions.
WASHINGTON , August 12. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.J The following Iowa
pensions were grunted to-dny : Lucretla , n
widow of Mathew Charlton , Contorvlllo ;
Meloma , mother of John K. llannass , Ab-
ngtpn ; Ann K. , widow of James K. Smith ,
Union Mills ; DInaE. , mother of John I ) .
Batcheldar , Marshalltown ; Mathew Charlton
deceased ) Centervllle ; Stephen Abernoth ,
Murray ; Frank P. Dunham , Montlcello ;
"amcsBess , Dayton ; D. B. Bright , Leon.
ncreaso , John Noal. Dexter ; Ernst Krysc ,
Clllott ; Austin Hallnwell , Keokuk ; L. L.
"adwcll , Decorah : Morell Palmer , Manson ;
homas C. Halcomb , Murray ; William
Ylilpple , Dawos ; S. W. New , Cmwfords-
Illo ; M , S. Brown Clinton ; J. L. Green ,
lacksburg ; M. II. Uoodnough , Loaan ; John
Dexter , Mason City ; Anthony Beyer , Dubuque -
buquo ; B. F. West , Birmingham ; Paul
joybold. Council Bluffs ; J. J..Brown , Fort
Madison : Martin Kaufman. Avnry.
Nebraska pensions : William Kent , Klein ;
T. Swlncor , Gibbon ; B. F. Chambers , Nlo-
' rara ; A. Brown , Stanton.
Star Ilouto Changes.
WASHINGTON , August 12. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J The following changes
n the Iowa star schedule wcro made to-day :
Cresco to Edna : Leave Cresco Tuesdays ,
Thursdays and Saturdays ot 8 a. m ; arrive at
Olrna by 2 p. m. Liiavo Elmn , Mondays ,
Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. , arrive at
irpsco bv a p. m. From August 15 , lbS7.
Belmond to Ken wick : Leave Belmond
Tuesdays. Thursdays aud Saturdays at 10
n. in. : arrive at Bruce by lp. m. ; leave Bruce
Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 0:30 :
a. in. ; arrive at liolmond by 0:30 : a. m. Leavu
"knee Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays at
1:30 : a. m. ; arrive at Henwlck by 3:30 : p. m.
.leave Renwick Mondays , Wednesdays aud
Fridays at 3:30 : p. m. ; arrive at Bruce by 0:30 :
i. m. From August 15,18S7.
Army Slattern.
WASHINGTON , August 13. [ Special Tele-
ram to the BEE : ] Major Edward B. War
ner , First artillery , has been placed on the
retired list and this promotes Captain Will
lam L. UasKell , First aitlllc'ry- bb major ,
First Lieutenant F. C. Nichols to bo captain
and Second Lieutenant William C , Ilafferty
to be First Lleutunaut First artillery. ,
Army orders : Second Lieutenant W. L.
Simpson , Twontv-fourth Infantry is detailed
as profes'or of military science at the Mlcht-
can Agricultural college , Lansing , Mich.
Major Edward B. Warner , First artillery , Is
retired after thirty years' service on his own
application. Lieutenant Colonel George
Bell , A. C. S. , U directed to report to the
commanding general ot the Division of the
Atlantic tor temporary duty as chief of sub
sistence for that division. Captain Andrew
II. Youne , A. Q. M. , Is ordered to Johnson's
Island , Ohio , on public business.
Deny thn Charge PH.
WASHINGTON , August 12. The civil ser-
vlco commission has rendered an opinion in
the matter of the charges of the Civil Service
Kufonn association of Philadelphia against
the board of civil service examiners of the
Philadelphia postofllco and against Post
master Harrlty. The charted alleged traud
'n the conduct of the examinations and that
llegal partiality was shown certain appll-
; ants. It was further charged that 1'ost-
jiiaster Harrlty violated the rules In making
appointments , etc. The finding of the com
mission , which Is very lengthy , states in
substance there is no truth in any of thu
Trying To Effect a Compromise.
DENVER , August 11. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] A mooting was held to-day at the
Windsor hotel to effect some compromise be
tween the Northern Pacific and Union Pa
cific with reference to the Pacific coast busi
ness. Ainong those participating in the
meeting were Vice President Potter , of the
Union Pacific : B. Campbell , of the Oregon
Hallway & Navigation company , of Port
land ; J. M. Hanafnrd , of Saint Paul ,
representing the Northern Pacific ; George
Ady , general passenger agent of the Colorado
division of the Union Pacific ; P. P. Shelby ,
assistant general traffic manager of the Union
Pacific , stationed at Salt Lake City ; E. O.
Clark , superintendent of the coal department
of the Union Pacific ; J. J. Hagetman , pres
ident of tint Coloiado Midland ;
Thomas L. K1 nball , general traffic
manager and .1. A. Monroe , uoncral freight
agent of the Union Pacific , and Assistant
General Freight Agent Fulton , of the North
ern Pacific. After considerable discussion It
was agreed to Met rates on Pacific coast busi
ness rci"aln the same as at present. Local
ratt-s for Oregon. Montana and Utah wtro
established , but not made public.
Disposition ol' the Funds.
BAI.TIMOIIE , August 12. The Sun will
publlbh to-morrow n letter from Its special
correspondent in Dublin , in which he speaks
of the disposition of the money collected In
this country for Iicland. llosaj.sin part :
The testimonial to Parncli amounted to
40,000. Before this his circumstances Wore
much embarrassed , but with this he paid on
the mortgages on his property and his
finances are now In a most comfortable con
dition. Most ot the other Irish national
leaders have been given testimonials
ranging In amounts from 1,000 to
0,000. Mr. Cochran , the head of the largest
firm In Dublin , says there has been little 01
no money contributed for the lush or use ol
Ireland. It wax thn money which came
from America which kept up nllthoaglta
tlon. Thu people In America , lie said , bail
llttlo Idea how many Idle men were living on
their money. The letter states that there an
a great numoer of of United States pension'
ers In Ireland who are paid quarterly t > >
United States consuls. Only n H nut 11 pro
portion of these wcro ever clti/rns of tlu
United Ststes , some being substitute
others being actuated by thn hlirli bniintj
paid during the war. The Unltml hlatos ii
the only government In the world wtilcl
pays pensions to persons \ \ ho do not residi
in its territory.
The Place ( if Grunt's Death.
SARATOGA , N. Y. , Augus.1 i ; . Joseph W
Drexel to-day rccched a letter from Genera
Lucius Falrchlld , rnn > mandcr.ln-rhlof ot th
Grand Army , regarding the proposed gift o
Mount McGrouor cottage , where Guiein
Grant died. General Falrchlld thanks Droxc
sincerely and heartily , and will advibC bin
definitely regarding the arccuunco when th
executive committee passes upon the mattei
< The Water Paulina at Mnnoli/tHicr.
MANciiF.air.R , N. II. . Aujust 12.Th
watur famine huru is lncreanlu . . '
Two of Them Are Killed and SoveraJ' "
Others Wonndod ,
The Bottlers Will Wipe Out the Red/
It the Government Docs Not
Interfere At Once Cnuse
of the Outbreak.
Colorow Damns the
( Si.KNwoonSii'jiixos , Colo. , August 13.- * '
( Special Telegram to the UKK.J Advlce *
have Just been received from Meeker bf
courier of an outbreak among the WhlW
river Utcs which If not promptly suppressed
promises to Do as serious to the whlto settler *
upon and nedr the reservation as was the fa-t
mous Mocker massacre of ' 7X > . Since the )
abandonment of this reservation Immediately
after the murder of Meeker and the removal
of the Utes to Nintah agency In Utah , tliero
has been much dissatisfaction among some ot
the old bucks. The leaders of the rebellious
party were Old Colorow , one of the
leaders ot the Meeker outbreak ,
and the renegade chief Augus
tine. Some weeks slnco Augustine \ ]
while Intoxicated was shot and Instantly
killed by a Mexican living Just outside the J
reservation and Into whose cabin ho was at Jf
tempting to enter tor the purpose of aveng
ing himself upon the occupnnts for some im f
aginary wrong. This , togcthet with the In-
dlctmenr by the U A grand Jury of this county
of two renegade Utcs for horse steallnr , In \
censed Colorow and his followers. So they \
assembled together , about seventy-five la
number , well armed with Winchester ro-
pcatliu rifles and defied the authorities.
Sheriff Kendall , of this county , learning that
the two Indicted Indians were with Colorow ,
who Is camped about thirty miles from
Meeker , took a posse yesterday and started
to make the arrest On arriving at the camp
last night he called old Colorow out and de
manded thn men and advised the old rascal
to glvo them up peaceably and avoid any
trouble. The old scalp lifter straightened
himself uu and replied :
"Mo big chief , mo own all country. Mo
heap big Injun. Mo light and kill whlto
chief. : No Hive up llttlo chiefs. Damn sheriff ,
damn law , damn white man no arrest
Injun. "
With these remarks he turned and went to
the camp flro , when ho and his roneirndo
followers took rifles and walked behind
rocks and trees from behind which they
opened lire upon the olllcers. Iho volley
was promptly returned and two Indiana
killed and It Is thought that urn-era ! were
wounded. The Indians retreated to the
mountains and Kendall not having a suffi
cient foice to successfully follow the band
went Into camp. Colorow Immediately sent
couriers back to the agency calling upon all
his followers to immediately como to his
assistance and a larcn reinforcement is ex
pected to-morrow. The settlers have boon
warned and are moving tholr families Into
settlements and forming Into companies for
the protection of the towns. Word has beun
sent to Governor Adams who has notified the
war department at Washington and aUo or
dered the company of militia stationed at
Aspen to bo ready for marching or-
lers at a moment's notice. The Indians are
\rmcd with the most unproved rlflel
ml have an abundance of ammunition and
heir subjection will not be an easy task. The
ettiers , however , are determined In the mat
er. They have been outraged by those Utos
until It is no longer bearable and if the gov-
irnment does not show a disposition to take
saro ot its murdering wards they declarothoy
vlll take the matter into their own hands
ind will make "good" Indians out ot TJ
hn entire band. Colorow anticipating 1
hat ho will have to deal this time with the
: o\\boys and ranchuros has sent Ills squaws
und papooses to Utah , and If thn government
vlll show a llttlo delay In sending troops Into
ho reservation there may be no necessity for
hulr aislstanco , as the settlers will finally
and loie\er settle the question.
The Drought Situation.
CHICAGO. August 12. Dispatches received
> v the Associated press from various points
n Illinois , lo\vuWlsconsln and Nebraska to
night regaidlng the drought situation nro
smmmari/ed as follows : Nebraska reports
hero has been no drought of any consequence
quence and light rains are falling to-night ;
ndlcations tor corn crop good. In Wisconsin
rain has fallen In generous quantities In the
ilrouKht-strlcken section slnco Tuusday.but is
too late to bo of much service except to fall
pasturage and plowing ; It nclped corn
slightly ; all crops In northern Wisconsin are
very good , but southward almost everything
Is a failure. In northern and central Illinois
the rains of this week have been of llttlo ben-
ollt except In spots here and there ; corn It 19
Delleved Is cut short more than ono-
lialf and the pastures are literally
burned up ; the question of how llva
Htoek Is to be provided for Is
Becoming a very serious one. In the ex-1
tremo northuestorn part of Iowa crops ]
generally seem to bo In good condition and-
[ he yield of corn promises to oo largo , in
Uio central and southern parts of the state
reports are not encouraging , the protracted
drought having retarded ciops and the recent
i alns coming ton late to bo of much bimollt.
Life stock in the country is suffering for lacU
of water and pasturage.
Wife Murderer Jlnnged.
PivrKitsiiuitnii , Va. , August 12. Holmes
Jt. 1'uryear , convicted of murdering Ills wlfu
bv poison two ycais ago , was Imngrd at
1'rlnco Ceorcu Court llouso this afternoon.
Last night ho endeavored to induce the
death watch to let htm escape , and falling In
this , cut the arteries In his throat and wrists
with a sharpened shoo shank. The fuircfons ,
however , stopped the bleeding bctoio inucu
blood was lost.
Thn Prlnco Cheered.
SIRTOVA. August IS. All the heights sur
rounding thu town and thu quays on the
river front wnro crowded to-day when Iho
steamer bearing Ferdinand passed on Its
way to Uustchuk. The prlncu was enthusi
astically coecicd. lie will return from
Kustchuk to-morrow and review tho'troons
hero , and then proceed to Tirnova , where tno
prelect will read a manifesto to the troops and
Hsemblcd Inhabitants.
liicldlolierctir Itnmpant.
| IUI.TIMOIIK. August 12. A Sun special
from Woodblock , Va. , says : United States *
Senator Hlddlcbeigcr was to-day committed ,
to jail and fined 82,5 by Judge Newman for
contempt of court. A placard was paraded
on the Htrcet reflecting on the judgn In a
rase In which Hlddlebcrger Is Interested.
1'artlsan feeling runs high and there may bo
trouble later. _ _
An Arizona Htrctch.
SAN Kicv.vcisro , August 12. Krank Wil
son was hanged at 1'rcstott , Ariz. , to-day for
tint iniinlnr of Samuel Cltwiuiger and wlfo In
May , ItNi , In the HncUtVin mountains. Wil
son's nartner , John A. .lohiibon , has been ex
onerated by a confession of Wilson , and has
boon respited by the governor until Septem
ber 23.
Out Trufir Interest.
ST. JosKi'ii , Mo. , August 12. ISpcclal Tel
egram to the HIK. : I K. T. Davis to-day
bought out tliu othei partners In the H. T.
DavlK Mill company of this city , tbo lariraM
mills on the Missouri river , the cnnsldmatloi .
Mm ; ft ! < Hooo , Mr. Davis will ruoru'anlzt
the coimmnj In a fuw day * . ' '