Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head , 10 cents pe
Ino for the Ilrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent Insertion. andtl.Ma line jier month
JNo advertisement tnkcn for less tnnn 25 cent *
tor tbo Drit Insertion. Seven words wll Jb
counted to Ilio line ; ttiry muPt nm consecu
tively and must DO paid In advance. All adver
tisements muBt bo banded In before 1 : TO o'clock
p. rn.nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrtiflS advertising Intlicpo column and barIng -
Ing tno answer * addressed In care of Tnn HER
will please ask fora check to enable them to trot
tnelr letters. as none will tic delivered exeoot
on iiro ontatlon of choch. All answers to adver
tisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In thoeo columns nrq pub-
IIMirrt In both morning and evening editions
ofliiR Hr.r. , the circulation of which aggro-
rates morothnn 14 .two pnpors dnlly , and gives
Fho advertisers tlio benefit. nut only of the city
circulation of Tun HRR , but also of Council
Hit'1. ' Uncoln nnd other cities and towns
hroughotit this part of the west. _
1,000COO to loan. Cole , 318 S 16th.
" ) C37
MONKV Wo loan money on Improved prop-
orty for any desired amount nt low rates
nt Intarest. to run from two to ten years time. .
Btotts , Cox ft Houston. Ifi07 Fnrnam. BS3
ONEV To loan at 0 per cent. Patterson
M IlroB. , Ifilh strcot , op. P. O. ftM
17H.COO ) TO LOAN nt6 per cent Mnatmn ft
) Mnhoney , 1W)9 Karnam. fl38
ftPKH CKNT Money.
\t 11. O. I'attcrgpn. 15th a&a
UfiHif.OOO to loan on real i > tnto. No delay.
l > _ Harris & Bampson , 1510 Douglai Bt. C40
M IONEV TO LOAN-O. F. Davis Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1&05 Parnara st
( , ( to loan m any amount at lowest rate
$ of interest II. U. Iroy , Fronzer block. 807
S800/XX ) To loan on Omaha city property ntS
? per ocut Q. W. Day , i. e. cor. Ex. Did.
ONEV. TO I-OAN On city and farm property -
. erty at low rates. No dolay. Cahn A wool'
ley , 13Z3 Farnam st. C19a27
fUigNEY to-loanito parties wishing . bullJ.
111 , B. B.-Canpboll , 310 8 ItHh et. , Chamber . of
Cominnroe , 043
To loan. Lowest rates. No delay.
MONEY . Idea & Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank. 57
) NEV to 16An. cash on delay.
J. W. and i : . L. Squire , 1413 Farnum It ,
Tazton hotel building. Ml
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop
erty In sums of fl,000to { 6,000 atslxper
cent Interest. Sholcs& Crumb. 045
TO LOAN on improved real estate !
no commission charged. Leavltt llurn-
fcam , Room 1 Creighton lllook. 041
MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of (500 and upwards at lowest rates.
Money always on hand. 8. 8. Campbell.810
Bouth Sixteenth street. 847
FIX ) 'LOANM6noy Loans placed on un-
J. proved , real estate In city or county for
Hew Knjrland Loan tc Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chicago stl. 049
MONEY LOANED at 0. F. Heed * Co.'a Loan
Office , on furniture , plnnos , horseswagons ,
persoBtl property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. Bit 8. 13th.
over Blagham's Commission store. . All busi
ness strictly confidential. 850
MONEY TO LOAN by tbo undersigned , who
baa the only properly organized loan
Kenoy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No delay * .
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. . Should you need money call
Kd see me. W. R. Croft , Room i WHhnell
illdlng 16th and Homey. 651
rpllK OMAHA Fmaoeial Exchange ,
* , NK , ' -Sorn ° r.or "nrnoy and 15th sts. ,
ever State National bank.
If prepared to moke short Urn * loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans made on Improved real estate
t current rates.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Booured notes bought , nold or exchanged.
Short tlron loans made on second J4311'F
according to marginal interest , at collateral
Itenl estate to excbamge for goodlntsrsst
general financial business of all kinds trans-
' itetl promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on band for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Oorbett. Manager. 663
If IDLAND Guarantee and Truit Co. , IMS
Farnam street Complete obstructs iur-
led , and titles to real estate examined , per
. .lod und guaranteed 878
)7IOR SALE Tbo job printing ollioo and book
JL' bindery together with the good will of the
Dakota Hell Publishing company at Bloux Falls ,
the loading city of Dakota. 'Jlie plant Isprob *
kbly the best lu the territory and an excellent
blank book trade and commercltil line of printIng -
Ing Is done. The growing demands of the
Dakota Uell compel the publishers to relinquish
111 other work and devote their whole time to
the paper. Tnia Is a fine chance to buy out a
well established business. Address 8am T.
Clover , manager. 268
rH 8ALB-Or Trade-A large three-story
brlok hotel In live western Iowa town of
1,000pop. Newly f urnishud throughout , bases
bed rooms , steam boat , gas , electric oall and
alarm bells , city water , oto. Near depot and
business center. Must bo disposed of at once
n account of poor health of owner. Terms
reasonable. Address Btotts , Cox ft Houston ,
J607K FarnamV 859
mIIURK thousand to six thousand to Inyost
J-for friend. Wantonly Inside snap. State
Jrlce and term * . Address A & . ' , Bee office.
t64 llj
to ARK business chance ; for nale , the stock ,
JLV futures and good will of n nrit-clana cloth *
Inr stor * doing good business , centrally
located , only reasons for selling tb owner has
ether , and more Important business. Parties
Meaning business may address U. 18 , Bee offle * .
t 654
TfJiTANTED Parties who desire to buy or sell
v v or exchange stocks of genera * merchan
dise , dry roods , groceries , booU and shoes ,
hardware , drugs , jewelry improved or u lm-
provcHi town orolty property , improved er un-
broved farms in any part of the United States ,
to addreti Kraus * ft Foster , SIB 8. 1Mb st
Omaha. Neb. 655
T71O11 BALD 1 offer for sale tbe United States
X ? hotel cor of Douglas and 10th at. Said hotnl
has accommodations for 60 boarders and runs
In connection a bar with a full stock of the
test liquors ; will sell cheap on account of ick-
pessi Inquire on. premises. 573 13
BUSINESS Chanoo-For sale A stock of dry
goods , clothing , furnishing goods , boots
and shoos ; also fixtures. With this stock a four
years lease of a double store canbe obtained in
one of the best ratal ! localities in the city. In
formation at Dormann's , 6U9 South Thirteenth
Itreet 005
" \I7ANTKD Partner in Oregon lumber busl
-IT ness. Capital 10.000 to . ' 8,000. A first
plass Oregon party wants a partner to estab
lish a yard In Omaha Enquire of K. Koso-
. 11IJ
"IOlt BALK-A naif Interest in a Turkish
i J' hth bonse. Pnrty taking Interest must
lute active part In thn business. Address
Hoomfi.UlOB Ilth et. Lincoln , Nob. 121 12J
W ANTED Partner la tbe drug business ; ex
cellent stand. Address L 71 lie * o'tlce ,
VSO 11 ]
UAHB Chanoa-Iluslnesa far sate nt roas-
onnolo Ugure , tit which fl.uOO to 14,000 per
can DO maae , very small capital required
* * good reasons for * elllng , those mean-
ess can address A 1" , Uce olnce. CM
-v i' iiirtM Wo have WX ) sheep , ' - . 3 and 4
J.I years old , and 40 < J lamb * w lilch we will trade
tot Keith county nr western Iowa farms. Theio
_ . . . . .woop are perfectly hoiiltliy and No. 1 in every
17respect. . Park , Fowlir * Kennard , 1607 Far-
nam. 803-13
A N opportunity offered to any person wlh-
JCV Ing to Invest In a good pnylng buslnetn.
Yrcont owner going west. Address A 4' ! , this
offlre. 8-M laj
TjlOH BALK Moat market , tools , fixtures ,
SI bone and wagon , everything complete.
Ooou location ; good trade. AUJrtfs U 48,1 ! * .
915 17 *
\\TANTBD-Partnor with a few thousand dol-
Yf lars -tke morotao bettor In a good inly
ing business In Omaha and Lincoln with assur
ance elsewhere In Nebraska ; established a year ,
work light , pay iur . Addrea * A 60 Hro
men , with $7\to handle
s. Apply to toe Mutual
UencyH | JHtUtX , ujHUlrs. J43-11'
F IOR SAU'-Law library , cheap. Wheeler
Wbewler , TJouplas ana 15th it. C57
TPOK BALK Lunch counter dolnir a good
J-1 business , or will rent to reliable pnrty
who can give Rood security. Inqulrn 81 ; cor
6tbandPaoinosta. _ _ _ S91.1IJ
Foil HALR-Ono of the best paying drug
Mores In Iowa. Cnsh sales MO porduy ,
Address K. li Smltti , Sbonandouh , Iowa ,
323 14J
KtlcnANDiaBfor farms\vlil exchange
first class Improved land In Cedar Co , ,
Nob. , for groceries or gents' f urnlshlng goo Is ,
want no tinilcRlrnhlo old Roods , llaro al o good
town and city property to exchange. Address
Hox77 , Spokane Falls , W. T. Kit 18
PEIISONAIj-Mrs. II. 11. M.I Letter In post-
olllcofor you. 3J1-1I *
OKltbONAl , Tbo Unto City Employment of-
X nco , UI4H H 15th , ( "implies tbo boat of Scan
dinavian and Gorman girls. KM
'pimsONAL-l'rlvnto home for ladles during
J- confinement , strictly confidential , infants
adopted , address K42 , ilcoofllce. 1C7 supt7
TJEHSONAL Bend for your sowing mnchlne
JL nredlos , oil and repairs to the Singer
Man'fg Co , 1518 Douglas st. Omaha. 4C3 tuM
PEflSONAL-Hcmovocl from 1211 Davenport
St. to 311 North 12th , furnished rooms for
rent CM-IS *
OKItSONAk-Clcntlompn , attention. Good
JL board and rooms at 504 3.16th sL.ronsormbly
788 BUg li.'l
PEnsONAL-Mr * . Dt Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical nd business Medium
Boom Mo. > 121 North 16th st. jOmaha , Neb.
IOST llotweon Leslie & Leslie's drugstore
Jnnd publlo library room plush purse and
money. Finder leave at. library nnd receive
reward. 838 14J
LOST Knpllsh Bettor bitch , double noso.
Return to : Sd and Popploton ave , mid re
ceive reward. 31312J
STHAYKD-Or fltolon , white nnd blnck spott
ed Llewellon dog. Flvo dollar * rcwara for
return to C. 1L GuiouChlcago Lumber Co ,14th
nnd Mason. 211 11
the party will return model of Dr. Doug-
Inns' Turkish Russian bath apparatus , they
will receive reward. Apply to Col. J. S. Toner ,
Windsor hotel , Omaha. 20112J _
EOST A whlto cow with grey spots. K re
ward will bo paid Is returned to Wrn.
Kunchman , 39th and Lcavonworth.M 12J
SEVENTY-FIVE dollars' toward. Strayed or
ttolen from rear of 111 N 17th st , a large
roan borne , about 17 hands high , weighing be
tween 1,900 end MOO. pounds , redish brown
rnano nnd tall , hind ankle somewhat swollen-
125 will be paid for return of animal to owners ,
at 110 814th nt.nnd If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a reward of $50 for the arrest
and conviction of the thief. 698
mAKKN UP 2 cows"ono whlto one rod. Call
JL at nrowuell hall. 337
TUMPJ5D Into .my pasture , a red cow , rope
tl arou born , calf by her side. Spring
Valley stock farm , N. I. D. Solomon.
MKS. DUKANT Clnrlvoyant from Hoston is
reliable In all affairs of life , unites sepa
rated lovers. B23 n 10th 1. 846sopt 3J
LtlllbT-CLASH Storage at 110 N 13th rt
C - C59
OTOHAGB First-class storage for nice rur-
CT nlture or boiedgoodf , at 1613 Dodge-st
WITHDKAWN-Lot 16block U K. V. Smith's
add is this day withdrawn from market
N , Itunnel gr. 34411
EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. 1813 FnrnaM , 543
PARTIES wanting to soil off their household
effects cither at auction or private sale
should call on Drown & Crolghton , auctioneers
and real eotato agents , southeast corner Ifith
and Douglas. 200-13
O IMAI1A LOTS To exchange lor cattle. Pat'
torson & Moore , 1B12 Farnam. 347
MRS. E. WINDERS , fortune teller , the best
In the city , f 1,000 will be paid to party
doing bettor than I. 406 N. 10th at. , un-stalrs.
THE Gate City Employment office , 814H S ,
15th street Orders for all kinds of help
Bollctod. 929
MAGNETIC Healing Mediums euro all kinds
of sickness In connection with clairvoy
ance of the pint , present and future. J. H ,
1'ageler , North State ( t , mil * west of fair
ground ! . P.O. box683. 510 * 2 ]
TpORRBNT Square Hiano S4 montnlr. A
J ? Hospe.ttlSDouilai. ( Ml
TOOK KENT Organs , f a per month. Hoipe ,
-T UlSDouglai. 061
OX. C.-Houjo furnishing goods , all kiuds ;
caih or installment ; lowest prices at J ,
Uonner , 1315 DouglM st ' 663
F Ioit KENT Square risno , ft montair.
Hospe. 1613 Douirlat- 601
[ /OH BALE 100 tons extra fine bay. John F.
P Johnson , Oakland , Nob. 81313J
Tf OR SALS Houshold furniture very cheap ,
J- nearly now ; on account of leaving city. In
qulro 51J Bouth 16th street Room 1. U51 12j
FOR SALE Chnnp , set of watchmaker's
tools with Riuall stock of material. Apply
C. E. Ualm , 1724 Cass St. , between 7 and lu a. m.
310 llj
flOlt 8ALII An elegant driving horse , largo ,
perfectly sound and gentle , will make
splendid family borse. Goo. N. flicks , 3158.
29ft 13
E Or trade for real estate , loose
and lurnlture of block ot thirty rooms.
Address A 40 , lleo ofllce. 270
T7IOR SALB-At a bargain , a 6-roora home
Jwith closets and pantry , eto. , lot 25 feet
east front , 6 blocks south of court hoiisa. Address -
dross Y 30 , Hee olBce. 6JOa30
ij OK SALE Furniture , good will and lease of
X ? tbo best paying small hotel in Oman * .
Constantly full of Brst-olnn boarders. Prlco
1.500. Investigate this. J. F , Hammond , 117
8. 10th. 769
Ij > OH BALE Your choice of the best lines of
1 buggies , carriages , phaetons , surreys , de
livery wagoni , open and top one One hunting
wagon. Call and look through or send tor cuts
and-price to Columbus Duggy Co. , 11U Harney
233 aiO
FOR BALK Furniture of Brooms with privi
lege of leas * of bouse , 707 B. 14th St.
Oil 8ALU CarpuU and furniture , and
house for rent , 113 S. slrd between Doug
las ndDodge. _ 414
SNAP Furmturo and lease of U rooms. 8
blocks from P. a fl. K. Cole , 316 H I5tb.
8 5 19J
Till UTV-FOUlt squares of sheet steel roofing
for ale cheap. O , W. ft Q. B. Xhompsen ,
014 8. 15th St. 234
| 7Ult SALE Day mare , good traveler , gentle
-I-1 and klud , for * GO , 1571 North IBth st. D.
Christ IB. 22411 ]
T Oli BALH-Cneap , nztures and tools of meat
Jj market doing a cash business , also horeo
and delivery wagon , a good chance for right
l.aitles , J. J. Skinner , 1310 Harnoy it..Omaha.
04 15 *
BiOR S A Mi OH und gasoline wngon. team ,
harness and route. Call bet 13 and 1 at
1413 Dodge. 81S
\\rANTED-lmmcdlatel ) , a flrst-ciasi barber.
TV Must bo a sober man. John BhlcKotanz ,
104 Mala street. Council IHuffi. 312 12j
" \7l/ANTEU A young man who ls thoroughly
TV lumlliar with printer's stock and sta
tionery , and capable of cutting and getting out
stock , ( Inod uairei will be paid to the right
man. Address Guzettu-Jourual Co. , Hastings ,
Neb. g54JlJ
" \X7ANTFD 'Ihreo perfor.i to inntruct In
T > bookkeeping. Situations In September , J.
n. bmltli. 1613 Chicago tt. baa 11
\VANTEU-A broom maker at Western
' ' Urooin Factory , Creighton ava and SJtb
* t. 3-'l 13J
WANTED A young man who understands
bookkeeping thorouithly. Poruianent
ftltuttlouto rlgat party. Addreli A 46. lleo
onioo. asa is
\\fANTKD-Young mrn to represent our
' house la Iowa. J. M. French & Co. ,
Room Id , lliuhman block. 17J U
WANTKD Five traveling salesmen ; salary
nnd expenses ; no experlencu necessary.
Addrotft , with stump , Palmar ft Co. , LaCroaso ,
ANTKD-A baker at 1429 Pounders it ;
none but flriP class need apply. 325-18 *
WANTKD Immediately , colored barber
inuit be a good workman. Address J.W.
llnnoy , lUeter , Nob. _ 829-11 *
? ArrrEii AT > llllor1s re tauranT 1004 N.
isth , seoond eook. _ 87J li
. .CNTKli'Man and wife In boielfor pantry
and second enot at Kearaey , | M. Mrs ,
llrtfahr.dS9D.310B. Hta
WANTED-An experienced salesman In n
fuinlturo more. Good salary and per
manent situation to rigbt party. Address A
61. Dee olllce. 333 12'
WANTRD A few energetic traveling sales
men to sell our Famous New York
Cigar * . Itoferonces. Address Cha * . A.
Dnrtchcr , Vint National Dank llulldlnir , flu-
cage , Ills. S77 13 *
TUll-A flrst-clais brrber. Address C.
Culling , Dunlap , le. 278 12 *
W ANTJlD-2 bolrbors , 418 South 13th st.
07 llj
WANTED-Man and wlfo on farm. * T4.
woman must understand and bo nbto to
do houseworks Mis. Ilrcg.i le Son , 310 8 15th.
287 llj
WANTKD A man who tiuderMands match
ing , sewing and laying carpets , addro&s
A 47 Itoo ofhco. Mi 13
WANTKD-4 canvassers , I2.W ) per day. In
section handi , 10 men for street work , I
pastry cook , meat eook IW. Canadian Em
ployment office , Mrs. Urcgn ic Son,310 8 inth.
353 llj
\V7ANTEI-AI1 those wishing holporsltua-
' tlons as assistant bookkeeper , general of
fice cloikf , collectors , etc. , watchman , porters ,
teamsters , coachman , onglnoers , fireman , jan
itor , bakers , barbers , eto. Apply to the Mutual
Employment Agency , 214 B. IGtu St. . upstnlrs.
" \\TANTKD-Two good cabinet makers , those
T . having tools proforrod. Addrois A 49 ,
lice. 3-J.1 12
WANTKD A bookkeeper who eon take
cliurgo of n net of books and olllco work ,
State salarv wiitited and glvo roforonces. Address -
dross A 45 , lice olhco. . U1B llj
W ANTKD-Mon tor railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 112J Karnum.
WANTKD-2 men cooki , 2 woman cooks , 1
laundry girl , Scandinavian Kuip. liuicau ,
1810 tiirtmtn. 031 llj
T\rANTBD , Jlon for Colorado ; wngps for
T > teamsters , fTO.JO ( and board. Albright's
Labor Agency , 11'JO Farnain. Kt3
WANTED Halesmon , a now Invention
needed In uvory house : 300 per cent com
mission or n good salary to right parties. Ad
dress with stamp for terms the Woiivar Manu
facturer , : )4 ) N Stiito St. , Chicago , III , 7T41 ! *
WANTRD 2 men as solicitors. f5 per week.
Apply C. E. 11 aim , 1721 Cass St. . between
7 and 10 a m. 811 llj
WANTKD-2 experienced food boys on
small pro sec. To those who can make
renily good wages paid , llocs Printing Co. , 100-
112 South llth street. U77
WANTED A carpenter to build a cottage
and take good horeo and buggy In part
pay. Address , Mrs. A. lay , Now Bnrland HIIK-
cry , N. 10th st. 21811 j
WANTED Good pant makers at once , good
pay and steady work. Como at once or
address D. .Lewis , Fairmont , Nob. S27 12j
WANTED Good ladio's cook , dlnlngroora
girl , 2 laundry girl ; steady work. Apply
C04 N. 18th Ft 863 Klj
W ANTED A dining room girl at the Ameri
can house , 020 Douglas street. 350 13j
ANTED A cook , at 912 Douglas St. 359
WANTED A few ladles or gentlemen as
clerks In a dry goods store. References
required. Nona except those with experience
need apply , date City Employment olllco ,
U14 1-2 8 15th Bt. 34311
WANTED 31rls as cooks , second cooks ,
dishwashers.chambormalds.dltilng room
girls , eto. , at Quto City Employment office ,
3111-2 8 15th at. 343 11
TTANTED A first clnss dres maker , ono
who can cut , nt and drape or anything In
connection with dressmaking. Addioss Con
way Sisters , North Platte , Nob. 822 10J
WANTED Moat cooka , pastry cooks , sec
end cooks , all men. Mrs. Uregn & Bon ,
318 S 15th. Telephone 831. 283 11J
W - for light housework , 12 4
Chicago St. < W 12J
CANTED 4 women cooks for In and out ot
' city , 2 laundresses , 2 polishers , (50 ,
Marchers (37 , first class cook and waitress for
family of 2 920 and $12. dishwasher and kitchen
helper In same hotel , dining room girls , second
girl , girls for housework at Aurora , Council
lllufts. North Platte , Central City and every
part of this city. Mrs , Drega is Son , 310 H Kith.
Telephone RS4. 352 llj
W IANTFD Dining room girl , Millers restau
rant , 1004 N 10th st. 210 llj
WANTKU-A irlrl for general housework ,
none but first-class need appiywagc < < 15.
622 H. Mth st 20.2 11 *
WANTED Ono chambermaid. City hotel
208 11-
WANTED Good cook and laundress at lir.
Codman'B residence , head of St. Mary's
avenue. 201-11 *
W ANTED A first-class dining-room girl , 323
N. Itlth st II. C. Lewis , prop. 300 H"
WANTED-First or second girl , 1613 Capitol
nvo. ' 29716 *
W ANTED Good cook , washer nnd Ironer
at 1254 Park \V Ud nve. , cor. \Vllllani st
\\7ANTI3D At once , girl for general house-
T T work , small family. 2718 Lcavonwortc.
WANTED Immediately , n good girl for
general housework at 261J Cummg st ,
W ANTED Oood girl for general housework -
work , leiOCaliforntARt. 266 llj
WANTED A good servant for genera
housework. Apply nt DC : N. 17th st
WANTED An experienced housekeeper ,
whlto woman preferred. Apply between
5 and 0 p. m. , 101 N 9th et. , Lulu Rrgors. 131
WANTED Good girl to do general house-
Work. Apply u w cor. California and
20th. 782
WANTED Girl for general housework. In
qulro 626 South 19th. 711
\\7ANTED-Lady canvasser at 1609 Howard
W st 108 ia
W I ANTED Two jtlrls at Doran house , 2 S
16th st. near Bt. Mary's ave. KM
WANTED-Dresamaklnir In private families
by experienced dressmaker. Address
A 49 Dee ofllco. 310 17J
WANTED A younir man ot 21 with oxpcr
lenoe In grocery business , wants a posl
tton in grocery or commission house. Host o
references. Address A117. Roe odlce. 253 llj
WANTKD Situations for engineers , flro-
rnan , coachman , ( rrooms , toiimstors , book ,
keepers , cashiers , collectors , asslttnnt olHoc
clerks , porters , Janitors , barber , bakers , farmers
ors , etc. , furnished free of charge at the Mutual
Employment Agency , 2U S , lllth st. , unnnlrs
an-12 *
v7ANTKD Men nut of work to roBistor wlih
v us as we are Ailing positions ot all kinds.
Yon will not got robhod at this ofllco. liemera-
b r this Is tbe oldest employment olfloe In the
elty. Omaha Kmp. Ilureau , 119 N ICtb. DOS 11
\\7ANTEn-Ily middle aged , active and reli
< ' able business man a situation In whole
sale houso. drug or notion preferred , well
qualified forauy position and cornea well roe
oraraendod , address A HO , this ottlcV. 2il 11) )
WANTED Position of any Hind by a sober
honest young man. Speaks German
and English. Address C. K. , City botel.
263 11 *
WANTUl-Situatlun-A lady will assist I
light bouso wurk and give piano lesson
In return for a homo with a good America
family. Addreas AJMleojjfflce. 10412 *
\ \ rANTKD Situation as archltoot's or gen
ral clerk , or a good traveling agency
Moderate salarv accepted. First-class testimonials
menials and references. Address. Alfred Hook ,
care of John H. liloy , West llilt. Platte Co. , Neb
_ b8J 15J
W ANTED A grain dealer to locate at this
place. Kent gram region in Nebraska.
Address llank ot Valley , Valley. Nob. 27Qg9
WANTED Information of tKo where-
abouts of George Coblen , from South
Chicago , lit He loft bis home on May 28th for
8t I'aul. About four weeks ago ho left that
place tor Minneapolis. It is thought that ho Is
or was In Omaha. Any information of him
will bo thankfully received by Alice Cohlen , P.
O. box Ml South Chicago , III. Will state nspers
please copy. 134 IS *
WANTKD-OottageofSorS rooms or Sort
unfumUboil rooms , suitable for light
housekeeping. Reference furnished. Address -
dress A 44 , flee office , rei
W ANTBD-Z5 teams , cor. t'd and St. Mary'i
ave. Fatten * Lawtell. 83i-15'
WANTED A harnrM maker to open a shop
Hero. Address Bsnk of Valley , Valley ,
Nob. 8TO-S-V
WANTKD-Two or three rooms for light
housekeeping , within 8 or i blocks ot
postomce. A Ji , uss oiBce. aanj
riTANTBD If you need any kind of help ,
' > leave your orders witb Mrs. Urga * BOB ,
H8 a l&th , Telaphoasan. Vn 111
w ANTKD-VaotoriMof all kind * . Address
BMk ot VU / , YKUsr , Net. . IWH
\\'ANTKD-A croaraory\Sjt l canning fao-
V > \VlllBJSUtthoVlihtpartleS. . Address -
dross Hank of Valley. Valloyj eb. S70s
TSfTANTUD-By Sept , IBfhT house of 7 too
VY rooms , good tenant , Ji to f 15. A 27 , Uce
" " 815 11J _
\\7ANl BD-One largo roe or two two sinail
' room , furnished for two people , board
dpslred. Must bowltblnjpjblooksof 16th
f arnam sts. Address 1402 F.qrnam , room 3.
T- ' 253 12J
\\TANTED-To rent for"'n ladv small furnished -
> > nishod cottage centrally'located. ' Address
A 33 lice ofllco. 27111 *
WANTKn-Room nnd board with private
family for lady. NoarleaHlno. A 83 , flee
oillco. _ , q m 12J
WANTED-'lo rent , byj-jsj gentlemen and
wife , no children , a house In good loca
tion , all modern Improvements. None ether
need apply. Address A 41 Hee oflloe , 255 10
WANTKD-To lease for term of yean n
building for light manufacturing pur
poses , about or > xC8 , three stories and basement.
Address A 80 , Uoo office. KS' )
" \VANTRD 12,500 for one year , Have Im-
v proved property in Omaha that pays 10
per cent on n $45,000 valuation , that Is Inoum-
bored for f 10,000Will give second mortgage
as collateral. Address stating interest re
quired. AS , lloo ofllce. DSO
\iANTRD Pupils In Kngllih branches
i and music , n. w. corner loth nnd Fnrnam.
W . - fowboardorfl at 1720 Dodge at
lloferoncos roquestod. 703
\4\0\l \ \ \ 11KNT A fine store building on corner
y Saunders nnd Hamilton streets. Splendid
location for dry goods or irroccrios. Apply to
llruncr & Ilro. . Hollmnn niock. 350 13
"IjlOR RENT 7room house , good location ,
-t ? stable and yard. Apply 1U12 Karnam. 346
OR UEN'T A Ilrst class stable on California
near 20th st. S. Lehman , 110 ; ) 1'nrnnm st
OR RKNT-ft room house , South 13th St. , 5
room brick Hat , 2 unfurnished rooms nnd
3 unfurnished rooms on suite , centrally located
nnd in good repair. Co-operative Lund nnd
Lot company , 205 North 10th st. 29212
FOR RENT Small house and stable. Inquire
S W cor inn nnd Vlnton st. 235 llj
EiOR RUNT furnlrhod house ; 12 rooms ele
gantly furnished , bnth , city water , closet ,
furnace , eto. Will rent for 6 months from
September 1. References required. Ono
block from street car. "A. 4 , " Uoe ofllco.
238 U
"p OH RENT Ono 12-room house with gns and
-U furnace and all modern Improvements ,
on Capitol nvo , between 20th nnd 27th. 1 brlok
itoro , 32x120 , on DouglaR st , between 12th and
3th st. Inquire otH. Splglo , 1211 Douglas st.
237 15 *
FOR RENT Ono lot near reunion grounds
with privilege of nlno acres , about one
ilock from main camp. Call southwest corner
1th and Capitol avu. 10013J
T71OH RENT-10 room house at 2410 Plorco st
JL For terms apply on premises. 741
F OR RENT 3-room cottage on Zlst and 1'aul
etroots. Inquire at 617 fcouth 1'Jth street.
'IJ < OR RENT Throe new five-room houses ,
L1 finely flnlshod , by llruncr & Ilro. , Hcllman
itook. 837 U
TTIOR RENT-8 room house , North 17th st , In
J- quire of Kaufman Dros. , 10W Farnam st
T71OR RENT A snap , a shrroom flat wltn nil
* - modern conveniences.iblocks from P. O. ,
lartly furnished. Apply 120 Bj Uth st. . Room 7.
i 205 11
FOH RENT & elegant brloto store rooms on
Park axenuo , opposite nark. Will bo com
peted in 30 days. Applv ouiao premises from
to 13 a. in. A. 0. Fitch. " . VP )
II RENT Fine residence with modern 1m-
provcmonts,028 South ITth st. Apply to
ohn U. F. Lehman , New York Dry Ooods
tore. = 27412
plOH RENT Elegant brlok residence , 10
-L rooms , modern conveniences. Inqulro
Morse & lirunnor , 1605 Karnam st. 031
FOR HUNT Two largo nwjb stores nd two
Hats of flvo rooms each. ( My water and gus.
On Saunders St. O. W. Calrtifi30 Ohio st. 81'J
TTIOR KENT New store and living rooms on
J2 Cumlngst near Raundersst. Apply Har
ris Real Estate & Loan Co. , 33) ) 6.15th Bt. 8X9
TT10R RENT narn iultablo'fpr four horses ,
JD Inqulro at 017 S13th st' ' , Gil
FOR RUNT New 10-room house ; all Im
provement ! ) , steam bout. C.V. . Sc O. E.
Thompson. 314 8.16ta st. 1000
FOR RENT Onloe spaoo on ground floor at
1509 Karnam. Apply In roar office. 3. 8.
Richardson- 603 aTO
CjlOH RENT Store room suitable for grocery
X1 store or butonor shop , on the southwest
corner of 7th atid 1'acltlo streets. 675
0HOICK Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
4Sx ! < ' < i.eavenworth and Park ate.or will
build to suit tenant Hobble tlroi. 35'J
THOR RENT Furnished parlors suite
M . , en 01u lit
J-1 single , pleasantly situated , on car line ;
prlco reasonable ; 424 N. 17th st. Iff llj
FOR RENT 1'our gontlomeii can secure a
pleasant homo with first-class accommoda
tions in private family at reasonable terms ;
modern conveniences ; 5.15 Pleasant Bt.
221 12J
TTIOIl RENT-Nicely furnished room , flis B.
A1 mhst 2 l
fTlOR RENT Httiidsomo cool room 1 block
B from P. O. , slmdy lawn. 1505 Capitol avo.
208 14 *
FOR RENT Suite of 4 moo rooms sultnblo
for bousekeoplng , references required ,
inth st , just north of St Mar/,1 ave Wutor ,
sow or connections , gas , folding doors &c. 594
OR RENT The largest store room In town.
Inqulro at the Argus office , Albion , Nob.
461 sop 13
710R RENT Two unfurnished rooms at S. E.
- 20th and Chicago st , cheap. Address
A 44 , llooolllce. 319
F I OK HUNT Furnished room , 1714 Jackson
st. ! ) U
> OOM And board for two gentlemen in
_ l > private fnmlly : can have UBO of sitting
room : no other boarders , Inquire at 1510 B.
Tenth St. 337-13 *
EOll HENT For housekeeping , f urnlsbod or
unfurnished rooms. 4M N. 10th St. UJ.M2 *
FOR HRNT-3 or 4 unfurnlshod rnonn south
east cor of 18th and Loavenworth sts ,
353 llj
FOU HHNT--NIce furnished rooms lartlosor
gontlomeii. Also unturnlshod rooms. 311
North 12tb. ,348 14
TpOH UKNT-Omco,1812 Farnam St.
F IOR HUNT Furnished room , bnth and mod
ern conveniences , 401 Noitli 15th M.
272 11
FOIl IlKNT-Furnlshod room , 8023 Harney
'street. . . . 259 15 ]
F I OK HKNT-Uururnl6boiIl'Jrliom3,1015 Dodiro "
St. ' ' ' C01
TTIOK KKNT-Furnished rMmB , $8 to 114.
J-1 South 22 < 1. mi 280 12 *
F OK RENT I < arge , ploiisnntoast front room
602 N. 17th st. ( in 214 11 *
FOR HUNT Furnished 'Hnd ' unfurnished
rooms at Gate City Kintal fiKonuy. 31i > i
B. 15th st. -M
FOR ItKNT Nice furmsliBl iom , t ) Per
month , 8. W.cor. 18th undlacKson. 'J
FOR HUNT Three rooms for housekeeping ,
nt,14th and 1'lerco. Apply to 017 S. 1'Jtn st.
; - . ; 20
F Olt KENT- Cool southitrbnt parlor , bath
and gas , 1720 Capitol ave , 83 11 ]
FOR RKNT-Furnl hod roolnwlth board for
gentleman ; reterencoa required. 1724
Douglas street. 703-K *
TTIOIl 11KNT Furnished rooms In private
J family , references required , at 623 South
14th St. , corner Jackson. 27511 *
MOHE rooms and bouses on our lUt. Wo
have Inquirers dally. No charge for list
ing at tbo ( late City Rental agency , 3HV4 S.
15th Bt. 213
T7U > R RKNT-For irontlemon. Nicely fur-
X1 nlshed rooms wltU uiodorn conveniences ,
2212 Farnam St. 242
FOR HUNT Two nicely furnished front
rooms on ground floor with board , at
2116 Hurt st. Lady scnool teachers preferred.
OR UENT-Klegantly furnished rooms sln-
gleorensulte , with use of bath ; electrlo
bells In every room. First class restaurant at
tached , at Norril European hotel , corner 18th
aid Webster. CM
TJ10U HKNT Two neatly 'furnished rooms ,
-U very desirable location , private family ,
Also room for two or.thruo nice tnbic boarders.
8. K. corner.Twcotieth un
FOR HKNT FnrnlsheJ room , with board.
8713 Lcavenworth st. 145.
FOR HBNT-A nicely furnUaed room at CM1
St. Mary's nvo. 421
OR RKNT-Nowlr furnlhod room. AU
oonvonlonces. I't I vato family. Near bust-
ness. 1 H Capitol . it *
lll'.NT Large elegant front room with
board , suitable for two or morn persons ;
pleasant location : would Ilko reference. isttl
rarnnm. 163-141
OK HUNT Furnished rooms , 712 South Ifth
street. 8S4
FOIl HKNT A moo largo front room , nit
modern Improvements and nicely furnished
601 BSOtllBt. ai3
tt llENT-llooms wltU board. 504 8. IPth.
785 aug
FOH HUNT Largo front parlor with my
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
modern conveniences at 1321 Farnam st.ono
block west of court houso. KM
FOK BALK Ono of the most prominent
corners In tbo business portion of the
city. F. II. Kennard , 114-110 B 18th tt. 80S
FOU HKNT-Omco room HO per month , 2nd
floor. 316 a 15th Bt. 4n :
FOH HRNT furnished room in Oreuntg blk.
cor 13th nnd Dodge st. Inqulro of Davis A
lothorlngton , Mlllnrd Hotel llilllard room. 291
THOU HUNT Desirable furnished room for
-i- gentlemen at 8J9 Howard su 599
FOB HUNT A largo front room In now
house bnth , and latest modern improve
ments , 1018 Webster stroou 122
F IOR IlENT-Furnlshod rooms , 1707 Ca s.
FOR RKNT-3 rooms suitable for house
keeping , southwest cor. " 1st and Nicholas
it 605
FOR RUNT Furnished rooms In ( Iruenlg
block , cor 13th nnd Oodgo. Davit A Hothor-
ngton , Mlllard hotel lillUrd room. 63
F 10H KENT Furnished rooms , 1813 Dodro.
F OR RENT Furnished rooms 1815 Dodge.
F OR ItBNT-Nlcoly furnished room. 1033
Dodge. 119
R RFNT-Furnlsliod loom 181 Dodge
st. 052 sept 6
FOR HKNT-Largo ftont room furnished for
gentlemen , ground floor ; maple trees :
grass ; pavement ; street cars every flvo min
utes. f00 Howard st. Also rooms furnished
find unfurnished for light housekeeping. MS
FOR RENT I'lcasant furnished rooms , 1613
Dodge. 020 llj
F IOR RENT Furnished rooms with board ,
1903 , Farnam. 6(5 all *
FOR RENT Furnished front rtom. near oar
line at corner ot Dodge and 24th streets.
Inquire of A. IL Comstock 1533 arnam st.
F IOR RENT Newly furnished room , board if
desired , 1710 Dodge st. 704
OR RENT 4 or B unfurnished rooms , snlta-
-t ? ble for block from court
house , on 19th street , between St. Mary's avo.
and Hirnovst , modern conveniences. Refer
ences required. M. K. Martin , owner. 103 '
Fc HENT-l'urnlehod room , 1033 Dodgo.
TOR RENT Suite of furnished rooms for
- gentlemen. A. Uospo , Jr.,315 N. 17th.
F IOR RENT Nicely furntshoa looms , to gen
tlemen only , . " . ' 0 N. Ifith St. , Room 2. 948
TTIORHENT-Waroroom cor. 14th and Call-
JC Ifornia on Belt Line. For particulars en
quire at Union Nat. bank. 189
F ? RENT Elegant gulte of rooms , referen
ces , required , 1B07 Douglas st 197
"I/IOR RENT Furnished rooms , on suite. In
X ? private family , modern conveniences.
Apply to Leslie & Leslie , 16th and Dodge ets.
FOR REN l Nicely furnished room , 1921
Dodge st 196
\XrECanso for a tow days only
V > Lot 10B GUo's addition for * ' ) ,4U
Lo 171 Olso'o addition , tS.TOO.
niockl Iloyd'l addition , * 8.501.
One-third cash , balance 1- and 3 years.
Remington & McCoruiick , 220 aoutu 15th st
' 491)
LAND for sale ; 2,400 acres in ono block of
fine farm or grazing land , well watered ,
with running spring , B rail on from two It R.
Atatlons , Ellsworth county. Kansas , good Im
provements , houses , sheds , barns , &e. . 20Q
acres tinder cultivation , good average corn
crop this year , will soil one lection (040 ( acres )
or tno whole , or exchange fojfolly property. In
quire of A. D. Morse , lith'and Farnam xtroct.
IK SiLR A flvo-acro tract In Benson's
fifld. , already platted , at a bargain ; also a
nice lot In Arbor addt300 , ! i cash. Inqnl-o > ! 623
Parker st 317 13j
A BIO Snap Two gpod houses and lots R. o.
corner of 18th and. Grace sts. 17,000. On
car llno-2 blocks from cable line , both streets
tobopuvod. 45 ft on Ohio bet 15th and 16th.
160 acres 3 miles east of Fremont for Omaha
Corner aero in Hyde Park , $375. Active Heal
Estate and Property Exchange , 1524 Dodge.
FOR SALE Or trailo , 25 lota in the western
pnrt of Omaha near the Uonson car line ,
prloo 1400 each , t50 duo on contracts payable
In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In
contracts for Nebraska lan'L McCulloch & Co. ,
1501) Farnam Et. 1030
FOR SALE-610 acres of good land being RCO.
tlon25. township Id , range 9 , west. Ihls
land Is situated In Howard county , tills state ,
ceso to the U. P. , and now station on the li. &
M , branch. Can plow at least tbreo-fourtlls ,
balance excellent pasturage. No bettor soil In
the state , a rock bottom crook runn across the
extreme southwest corner. Splendidly adapted
for general farming or stock purposes. Price
9.0(1 ( per acre ; H or more cash , balance long
tlmo. Address at once , Ocorgo N. Hicks , 215 8
15th St. Omaha , Neb. 295 12
F you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V.
Crum , lMN : 15t&st.
100 iota ! < of a mile of TJ. P. depot
for sale or trado.
9-room house for rent Two 10-room houses
for rent , sale or trade. Idlawlldo. lly
816 L. V. Cruin , 1M ! N 15th St.
NOTICE to real oswo agents. Real ottnto
agents are hereby notified to withdraw
from sale August 15th , blocks 11 and in In
Sohloslniror'B addition , which adjoins the PHI-
rli-k farm. Z. T. Lindsoy. WO
rpo Investors I have had placed In ray hands
JL for sulo , twenty ucrus about three miles
wostof the court house on the M. P. ry. Just
opposite the crossing of the C. & N. W. ry. , All
level ground covered with H beautiful growth
of shade troos. Admirably adapted for man
ufacturing site. Cau olfcr this ut figures that
will make It a splendid Investment if taken
quick. Goo. N. Hicks,215 South 15th street
_ _ _ 295 lw
Vj OR SALE Corner lot on Virginia ave with
J" two good houses , cheap at ( T.OOO. Terms
easy. Houses rent for { 70 per month. H. H.
Campbell , ulO S. 16th st Chamber of Com-
incrce. 873
A IlBAUTirUL Placo-I can offer for a few
-Ci- days three ooautlfiil south front lots an
Poppieton avenue In llanseom place , Popple-
ton uvonuo is now being graded , ana these lota
will bo Just right for grade , water and gus al
ready on street ; a perfect grmlo ; two lines of
street cirs. A beautiful parx and a splendid
neighborhood nil combine to make this an ele
gant site for a cony homo. Prlco only X,700 ;
$700 cash , lialanco on long tlmo. Goo. N. Hlcics ,
215Bouth ISthstrent. 235 12
FTill SALU A charming little homo.9 rooms ,
beautifully tlnlshed. In Idle Wild , . ' . ,60J.
Let us show you this , vorv cheap.
Good Hnooulation. Wo can sell you 1 lots In
Clifton Hill , two corners , at the original prlca
when flrst put on the market There Is good
money In tuoso.
ll-roomhouse , all modern improvements , on
lot 33x132 , burn , eto. , only 3 minutes' walk from
postoillce , on paved street Investigate , only
Now R room house on Hamilton strcot , lot 50z
Id ) , east of Lowe uvcuuo , only ( WJ , very
You cannot buy at a better time. Call nnd
SOD our list.
Mitchell it Lcyonmarck , 1516 Dodge street
< ) 13
" | 7\OR \ HALM Ten choice lots In the northern
Jpart of South Omaha BUI rounding the
park and on Hellovuostreet , Iho main thoroughfare
faro connecting the city and South Omaha and
the stock ynrJi. 'Iheno lots are only two and
one-half miles from the postollice and situated
directly between the business portion of thu
city and the business center ot South Omaha.
' 1 hey are larger lots than any put on the mar
ket 60x150 feet with streets and alleys eighty
loot wide. Can offer those lots for SSOOto
(1,300 small cash payment , very easy terms.
These loss olfcr a splendid cumico for an in
vestment. Call and see them , Gco , N. Hicks.
17011 BALE The finest residence lot on
J1 Dodge street 3 blocks west of post ollioo ,
80 feet south frontage , a corner. ! . II. Ken *
nard , 114-116 , 8. 16th st , 30U
FOR SALB Ono million acres of land In Ne
braska. Speculator's lands.railroad lands ,
ranches , and fanns In all parts of the
late. Bend for pamphlet containing descrip
tion and prlco of over one thousand farms. A
flDetopogrDphlc 4mupof toe state tout free
upon ipplicatlon. P H. Andrus. for 10 years
XJen'l Land Agent II. * M. K H. Klghlkaa < l P
treeu , Unooin. i < elTMk * . 40
TfORSALK-fMO will buy 40xlJ7 ! { feet south
J front , In IXIWP'K first addition. Apply on
promises , Drcatur street between 81th and
06th sw l > unk Klala , 9I311J
{ ' , Nntlco.
lllds will JSq'rocol veil by the board of publlo
lands an J liiMliik's * t any tlmo before August
15 , HS7 , at 2 i > . m. , for donations for the locution
for the Ytfobtaska Industrial Home. " Usuul
rights ro erviiQ. lly order of salil txinrtt.
July W , 18ST. G. I , . LAWS , Secretary.
-to augis
Disiolution Notice ,
The undersigned firm , known at Everly A
Jtollln.dolng business at 10J7 Karnam st.hnithls
day dissolved t > y muiual consent. Mr. Everly
retiring , nnd Mr. Rollln continuing and pay
Proposal for the Construction of the Super
structure of the City Hall Building ,
s IHAI.KU : proposals will be received by the
umlorolgiiort until 11 o'clock a , m. July ItOlh ,
ltW7fortho ronstructlon of the superstruct
ure ot the City Hall llitlldlng In accordance
M 1th plans nnd specifications on lllo In tlio olllco
of the botird of pulillc works.
Illds will bo made upon printed blanks fur
nished by the board , ami to bo accompanied
bvn certified check In the sum of 11,000 , ns nn
evidence of good faith.
The board reserves the rlRht to reject any or
all bldsnud to waive del outs.
8r. A. D lUt.coMrtB ,
Chairman Hoard of 1'ublla Works.
Omaha , Nob. , Juno"4,1847.
lly order of the city council the tlmo for re
ceiving proposals , as Invited above , for con
struction of the superstructure of the City Hull
building , Is hereby extended to' 11 o'olook a. m.
Saturday , August Kith , IbtQ ,
BT. A. D. Il.\i.coMnK ,
Chnlrmnu Itoatd of 1'ublla worki.
Omaha , Nob.July llth. 1837. oM-S-11
Guardian Sale ,
In pursuance of an order of the district court
of Nobrnckn , In and for Douglas county , in the
matter of tlio guardianship of Jama * U Isli , it
minor , 1 will sell ut uubllo unction , the real es
tate hereinafter described , on tboHdilayof
September. 1837 , at 10o'clock in the forvnoon ,
holding gnld sulo open one hour thereafter , nt
tno county court house , in the city of Omaha ,
In Douglas county , In the statoof Nebraska ,
to wit : llcglnnlngatapotiU 8S04H feet nrrth
of the southeast corner of the west half of the
southwest quarter of section ten , township
At teen , north rnngo thirteen , east ot the stun
principal meridian , In Doutrlas county struo of
Nebraska. Thence north ono hundred thirty-
flvo nnd ono-fourth feet to thu north line of
nald quarter section. Thouco wont three hun
dred and twenty-tlvo feet. Thence south ono
hundred thirty-five nnd one-fourth foot.
Thence east tiiiro hundred and twenty-five
feet to the place of beginning , containing one
iici-o of land , bo the sumo more or less , Bald
enlo to be all cash or ono third cash in hand nnd
remainder payable In one and two years , with
Interest at S per cent per unuum from dnto
until pnld
Also , at tbo same tlmo and pi nco , will be sold
the following described property belonging to
the undersigned , personally , viz : Tbo west half
ofblook eleven , In Ainblor Plico : , coutalnlng
ton lots , with improvements thereon. '
11-18-25 MAHTHA M.ISH. .
THE j j -
Cfap , Milwaukee & $ tPaulBy ,
Tlic nest Route from Omuha ami
Council Itlttffs to ]
Two Tiains Daily Uclwccn Oinuha and
Council Bluffs'
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcdarRapids
Rock Island , Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Reloit , " Winona , f-a Crosse ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast
, and Southeast ,
For through tickets call on the ticket ngont
at 14 < > 1 Kurnuui 8t ltl pnxton hotel , or ut Union
l-neiflo depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars
In the world are run on the main line cl tno
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul JUitxray and ev
ery attention Is pulr < t passengers by couito-
ous employes ; ; of the company.
R. iJn.T.Kii , Uouoral Manager. -
J.F.TUCKKH. AsMstnntlenor l Manager.
A. V. R. CAUi-KNTKn , General PMsengor and
Ticket Agent
GKO. n He AFFORD , Assist ant General Passen
ger and Ticket Agent
J. T. CI.AHK Qeneral Suporlntou Jent.
Dyreaionct Its central position , co rel tlon to linn
tut ot ChicMTo , and contln-utu tinfi at Urmlnal
point ! Wet , and Bouthweit. If the tru *
mldillo link In that tmnncontlncnUi njitcm which
invltu iid factllUtea trarel and tnlfflo lxtwa ) a lb
Atlantic and 1'uciae.
Ib * nook Island main line and branch * * Inolnd * Chi-
( ago , Jollet , Ottawa , La Sallu , Frorla , aeneico , llollua
and Rock Island , In Illinois ! Durenport , JIuicatln ,
Waahlogton , Falrfleld , Ottumwa , Oikalooia , Woit Llb-
crtyIowaCltyDoiMolne9.InJlanolaWlnt nietAtlan-
tlo , KnoiTlllo , Audubon , Harlan , Outhrle Ontra and
Council Bluff * , In lowai Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. JootiH ,
Camtron and Xaniai City , In Mlnonril Lcartnworth
and AtchUon , In Kania > i Albert Lc , Illmioapoll * and
Et. Paul , In Minnesota i Watcrtown and Bloux Falli , I *
Pakota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and towns.
. ' 'The Great Rock Island Route" *
Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and infety. Its
permanent war Is distinguished for Its excellence. Its
bridges are or ( tone and Iron. Its track Is of solid
teel.lts rolllnftstock perfect. Its pasaenffercnulpm nt
baa all the safety appliances that experlcnco hasprore > l
useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is anx tr
passed , Its Kipreis Train * consist of superior l > ay
Coaches , elegant lullraan 1'alac * I'arlor and Bleeping
Cars , superb Pining Can , providing delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago ana St. Joseph , AtchJson and
Kansas Cltr ) restful KecUnlng Chair Can. Its man
agement 1 * conservative , It * discipline exacting.
"The Famous Albert Lea Route"
Detween Chicago anil Minneapolis and St. I'aut U the
favorite. Orer this Una Solid Fast Eiprcis Trains run
dally to attractive resorts for tourists In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , via Watortown and Bloux Falls , to the
rich wheat and grazing lands of Interior Pakota. Via
Seneca and Kankakee , the Itock Island odors superior
Inducements to traveler * between Cincinnati , Indian
apolis. LafarctU and Council Dlutts , St. Joseph , Alcht-
eon , Learenworth , Kama * Cltr , fit. I'aul , and Interme
diate points. All patrons ( especially ladle * and chil
dren ) receive protection , courtesy aid kindly attention.
Tor tickets , maps , folders , copies of Weatern Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal ofllee * la
th United ( States and Canada , or addrosi , at Chicago ,
R. R. CABLt , I. ST. JOHN , E. A. HIltRIOI ,
Hntogfl i > erdny. Hret clans reataurantat
taclied , at roiisonablo raUts. First ulaxa ami nil
nutsido rooms Cor.iutliandVelitor MB.Omulm
Neb. 13th and 16th troet cars PUBS the dour.
1312 Douglas Street.
of Iht twdy cnlarctd > n4 ( ttcnitlitnrd , fall
WsVS ( * * sl d ) Int. jHUirilKI ) , CO. ,
Union TrustCo
308S. lath MM Onmlin , Nob.
Capital , $300,000
Loans lllmle on Rent I > lnle.
School , County anil Municipal Bonds No-
\VM. A. PAXTOX , WM. fl. M uru
President , Vlp i Pros.
Bocretur ? . Treasurer.
w. a. MAUL , I. It. WJM.IAMS.
Hour. L. CUftucns. 8. K. JOHNSON.
G1O Jforth 10th Street ,
Paid In Capital , $100,000
OKO. R. nAHKKH. President.
BOOT. U OAULIOHS , Vlro-ProsldonU
DlUECTOri3 ! JortNSOM , GKO. K.
A general banking business transactoiL
Interest allowed on Imodoon
Union -National Bank
Paid Up Capital $100,000
Authorized Capital. 600,000
W. W. MARSH , President. ' -a ' '
J. W. KODKFEU , Cashiei
Accounts solicited and prompt attention
given to all business entrusted to its care. , ' '
Pay 6 per cent on time deposits , i'U
No 206 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol A-
enuc and 16th sts ,
( If
Tcleplione No 842. IfM >
Cor 13th and Donfflus sts. ,
Capital Stock $180,0.0' '
Liability of Stockholder * ! 8OO.OOO i
The only regular savings bunk m the stnto.Flvrf t
per cent Interest pnld on deposit * .
Loans Made on Heal itate.
UurC. BARTON , President ; J. J. ItitmYX. TIM
President ; U M. HRNNRTT , Maiiuginc O -
rooter : JOHN K. WII.HUH. Cashier.
Capital $ BOOOO
Surplus lOO.OO
Herman Kountze , President.
John A. Creighton , Vice-Presidenl.
F , H. Davis , Casliier.
W. H. Me-rquler. - Asst.-Cathie
Cf ,
( Succcesois to John 0. Jacobs. )
aoi Einbalniers
At the old Bland , 1407 Farnam St. Ordar
by telegraph solicited and prompt/ !
tended to. Telephone No , ' 25.
An Island on the Sou thorn coast of MAssaotttt
aotts. Oood ttshlnK and bench for bathing. Lo
cated In the best Hummer Climate In the world
For full partlclars address ,
EDWARD. 11. HtBRRILt , . _
Mutual Life Ilulidlng , Si Nassau St. , N. Y
820 South 15th street , Omaha.
Room 25 , Paxlon Block , Omaha.
813 South 14th Street.
J H. . 110SEWATKU ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
2HB. 12th St. , cor. Kurnnm. Iron llauk Build-
Ing. Telephone KM. _ "
Rcaidcncc. 605) ) N. 17th St.
O. B. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
Office , N-W Cor. 14tli and Douglas.
Office Telephone 405 ; Res Telephone , 4'1
Sxirrjcsn and. Flxyolclan ,
Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st.
Office Telephone , 405 ; Res Telephone , 508.
Kcbldenoe , No. 1407 Jones street. Office , With-
neil lllouK. Telephone , rcaiJenuo KZ. olllco
I-Iomeoopatlxist ,
Office , aiaS. 14th st. Telephone , 589.
J. V. CORNISH , M. D. ,
Cor. 20tli and Lake Sis.
Practice Limited to Surgery. '
littctArllnxt < i < i IIICKk , lloomi 10 nd 11 , Ikxlgo 11
. O. OUICC Uuure , Stolimu. . 2Vjis. m. '