wm * * j8Ft& * & * * wvmiifcta ! $ THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : FRIDAY , AUGUST 12. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCJITBLUFFS' OmOE , NO. 18 , PEARL STREET. BellTtrcd by carrier in inr p rt of the city M twenty centi per w ak. B. W. TiLioir , . Manacor. TKLKFHONB3 : wimtss Omci. No. 13. HioniEDiTOu No. . , _ _ MINOR MENTION. K. Y. Plumbing Co. Better , tailor. Summer goods choao. Finn coupes for ladies calling , Wm. Lewis , telephone 138. Office 410 liroad * way. Henry Wngnor is refitting his building , No. 101 Main street and putting in needed repairs. Marriage licenses have been issued to Addison Moore and Fannie Clemens , both of Omaha. To-night the band concert will take place at the lake , as arranged for some time ago , but postponed on account of the disaster. F. C. DoVol has commenced : in action to fcccuro his claim of over f 100 for hard ware furnished in the building of the Uotel Manawa. L. Kirscht & Co. , who recently moved their wholesale house to Otiiahn , are planning on soon opening a branch here lor the better accommodation of their customci s. Ilaverly'a minstrels came in yesterday morning from Grand Island ana stopped t the 1'aciilc , they left on a Northwest ern special at 11:10 o'clock last night lor DCS Moines. J. R. Snydcr has commenced a suit against his old partner , N.E. Lcaman , to enforce payment of a note claimed to have been given in settlement of partner ship account * . Henry Teller and M. C. Egan have opened a flour and feed store , under the firm name of Teller & Egan , at fto. 023 Mam street. They are also agents for the Walnut block coal. C A lawn social will be given under the auspices of the Baptist church this even ing at the residence of L. H. Croft , corner Uill and Seventh streets. A cordial invi tation extended to all , A lawn social will bo given under the auspices of the Baptist church this evenIng - Ing at the residence of L. B. Crofts , cor ner Mill and Seventh streets. A cordial invitation extended to nil. Frank Ashton , arrested for stealing a Watch from a boy at the transfer , had a hearing yesterday , and was bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $500. Ho could not furnish any bonds. Carpenters yesterday began work on the two cottages to bo erected by Sol H. Foster and M. B. Brown in Hepatta Place addition. All ths lumber is on the ground and work is to bn pushed on them. On Wednesday evening Crescent City Was visited by a young cyclone. Hay stacks , etc. , wore turned over and con siderable damage was done to manv out building , attcr which a liberal supply of ram feu. Colonel Daily yesterday finished his argument on ttio part of the county in the suit by which Justice Scluirz hopes to secure his fees. To-day George A. Holmes will argue the case in behalf of the justice. A suit 1ms boon commenced by J. J. Smith ngamst Mr. Stout , ns owner of the Ogden house property. Smith claims to bo owner of n chattel mortgage given by Mr. Ninan , the former tenant , upon the furniture , which Mr. Stout holds for un paid rent. Lawrence Hoist and J. J. Shea are to have a horse-race at the driving park to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Each gentleman is to drive his own horse to a road cart , best three out of five , mile heats. The horses are thought to be quite evenly matched , and a good race is antici pated. A little delay is caused in the work on the county court house by the non-ar rival of a carload of iron , which went astray and was sent thirty miles into Ne braska. The car also broke down , caus ing still further trouble. It Is now ex pected daily , and as soon as it arrives the tower will bo completed and the slat ing begun upon it. The Masonic Benevolent association of this city promptly rises to correct the Statement made by some of the papers that the authorities of Kansas had stopped the business of the association in that state , bucausn no permit had been taken out. A letter from the superin tendent of insurance in that state says "the association needs no permit to work in Kansas , it being confined entirely to members of the Masonic fraternity. " A young man who is canvassing for some cleansing preparation , got very eraart in talking to a worthy housewife on avenue C. Bho told him repeatedly that she did not want any of the article he was urging her to buy , and as he be came quite impudent she ordered him to move on. Then ho got mad and de clined to move , when the woman stepped into the house and got a revolver. One look down its mouth caused his foot to carry nwiiy his trembling knees most rapidly. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the majority of real estate offices in the city ; | 3 per day. At the Pacific house you will save from BOc to | 1 per day. Try it and be con- vinced. Pcrannat Paragraph * . Robert B. Long was in the city after a visit at Harlau. John Lindt has returned from an ex tended eastern trip. Mrs. Tony Gorspocher is on a visit to friends in Plutlsrnouth. A. Patterson , of DCS Moines , was at the Pacific house yesterday. D. J. Hutchmson , of Shenandoah , registered at the 1'aeitio house yesterday. Jake Turk returned from Minden yes terday after the funeral of his twin ba- bins. Supervisor Trum was in the city yes terday , and took a look at the work 'on the now court house. Deputy Oil Inspector Blanchard re. turned yesterday from eastern Iowa after an absence of two weeks. Mrs. Thomas 1J. Estop and daughter ar rived last evening from Cincinnati on a visit to her son , of Field & Estop. Mrs. C. H. Ferson is reported as slowly recovering from the nervous shock caused by nor husband's sudden death. Mrs. Connor , mother of the Connor llros. , on upper Broadway , has gone on H visit to friends at St. Joe and Avoca , Neb. pWillium II. Wright , of Glenwood Springs , Colo. , is in the city spending a few days with his brother , Ed Wright. Ho is on his way to Ohio. Torroy Everett , accompanied by his younger brother , Ned , loft for the east yesterday morning. With their mother and brother , they will pass the autumu on the Now England coast. Patrick Casey , ef Dcadwood , was in the city yesterday purchasing goods while on ills way home from the east , his lirht visit to his old home in twenty-one years. J. K. Graves , the motor railway builder , arrived in this city yesterday from Dubuque and registered at the Pa- eilic house. He has nothing new in re gard to the motor line , that Interests the public , except the old story , and that hat become a "chestnut. " When you are in the city stop at the Pacific house. Street cars pass the dooi very fifteen minutes for all the depots. Meals 50 cents each , ; HEAVY EXPENSES FOR LIGHT The City's Wise Men Deliberating Between Lightning and Gas. A MORPHINE SUICIDE. The Saloon Caaea Moved Forward Notch * Uajr Death of Blrp. Gor- liam Funnjr Men at the Opera llonse I'craonaU Items. The Light Question. Yesterday afternoon the council met as a committee of the whole to consider the question of street lighting. The old contract with the jras company has ex pired , and the posts lighted now by pas arc under a month by month contin uance of the old contract. The suburbs are being lighted by oil , a now contract having been entered into which promises to prove quite cheap and satisfactory. The electric light company has pre sented propositions for lighting the city by means of arc lights on towers or masts. 160 feet above the surface of the streets. One such tower has been established as an experiment , four arc lights being hung at the top of the court house , a height of 100 feet. The citizens have had an oppor tunity of seeing what such a system can do , and the general verdict has been one of praise. The question has mainly re solved Itself into one of mathematics , and the discussion in committee of the whole yesterday was chiefly over figures and finances. Thomas Oflicer and Colonel Sapp wore the principal plcadent in behalf of the electric light system. George F. Wright represented the ens company. The elec tric light company presented the pro positions already published in full by the BEE. It was urged that it was better to have the lights all night , for numerous reasons. Mr. Oflicer had figured out the cost of lighting with oil the area covered by the court house lights , and found that it would amount to over $3,000 , whereas the electric light wonld cost only | 900. This last named sum provided for lighting all night , and both figures cov ered the expense for a year. He showed that the electric light , if lit all night , would cost less than either oil or gas , and the result would be much more satisfac tory.On On the other hand Mr. Wright pre sented a new proposition from the gas company. It wan to light under the present schedule for $22.00 a post per year , including the expenses of lighting and extinguishing , etc. Under the pres ent mode of lighting the lights are al lowed to burn until half-past twelve , and then the work of extinguishing begins , in the suburbs , and takes about an hour , so that it is about 1:80 o'clock before the lights in the center of the city are all out. The gas company proposed to light only until midnight for $20. Or. the lights would bo kept burning all night , except when the moon was out , for $27.59. Mr. Wright in defense of the prices charged by the company , claimed that a variety of causes mudo it neces sary to charge more hero than in other places cited. The price of coal , the qual ity of gits , the payment in city warrants , and other matters , were urged as reasons why Council Blull's was not a favorable point for cheap gas. The aldermen did little but listen to these arguments and statements of fig ures. They then took the documents , und adjourned for private consideration of them. There will be nothing done about the matter until the next meeting of the city council , Monday night , and perhaps not then. In the meantime the electric light com pany is keeping the vicinity of the court house lighted , so as to give the citizens a chance to observe the result of the system fully. Death of Mri. J. A. Gotham. Yesterday morning at 4 o'clock Mrs. J. A. Uorham breathed her last. For sev eral days death ha'd been surely approaching preaching and for hours before it came each moment seemed to bo her last. Blood poisoning had set in and all hope of recovery had been abandoned , still the realization that the end had surely come proved a great shock to husband , rela tives and friends. She came to this city with her husband , the photographer , about four years ago , moving here from Beloit , Wis. They rapidly made friends and won for themselves a warm welcome to many homes. Mrs. Gorlmra has been in rather delicate health for some months past , and about a week ago was taken suddenly and scriouslv ill. lor five nights her physician , Dr. Green , remained in attendance every moment , and husband and friends rendered all the tender nursing that \ \ as within human power. Her mother. Mrs. Hall , of Janes- vllle , Wis. , arrived Wednesday morning , lust in tirao to bo recognized once more by her dying daughter , before she sank into the unconsciousness which held hei until death came. Mrs. Gorham's sister , Mrs. George Congdon , of Chicago , also arrived Wednesday morning. Anothei sister , Mrs. Dr. Hanaford , of Rockford , 111. , was not able to reach hero , out hur ried to Janesvi Ho , to comfort the aged father , and the other Bister , whoso home is there. The wish of Mrs. Gorham was to be buried in her old home , JJclavan , Wis. , anil in accordance with that desire , the relatives started with the remains lasl evening for that place. There was t brief service at the home here , 810 Sixtt avenue , Rev. G. W. Crofts of the Con eregutional church offering prayer. Mrs Gorham , besides her husband , leaves twc children , one of whom is now at Janes villoV is. , with her friends there. Mr. Gorham has one brother , living ir this city , L. B. Gorham , who is connected with the Rook Island road. Ho , too , ha : been in deep sorrow , having recently lost two children. His wife has beer quite ill , and friends were very unxioui about her last week , but she is how re covering , although still confined to hei bed. To Excursion Partiei. The excursion steamer and barge Johr M. Abbott is prepared to fulfill engagements monts for excursions on the Missouri river either day or moonlight parties Capacity 400 passengers. For terms anil other particulars inquire of L. P. Judson , IWl ) Sixth avenue. One thousand head of one , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A J. Greenamayer , 023 Mynstor St. , tele- 311. Long Road With Many Turni. Judge Carson held court again yester day. Not much progress wus made in the saloon coses. A portion of the fore noon was spent in arguments over little points in the case of George Brown , charged with showing contempt for the court. Brown owns the St. Louis house , occupied by A. Doerflinger , and Injunc tions were issued against Doerflinger and against Brown as the owner of the build ing , Judge Thornell doing this. A motion was filed before Judge Carson to havq the injunction put aside , so far as Brown was concerned. It was urged that he was not responsible foi the acts of his tenant , and that he had nc control over the building until he could get the tenant out , and regain possession , This brings the case up to ths contempt point , which has pot been fully viewed yet. Oflicer Rose , of the police force , was the first witness called to show thai liquor had been sold In the house since the Injunction was issued. He had only been partly examined when noon ao > journment came. In the afternoon some of the attorneys were otherwise engaged , and so nothing more was done , the court adjourning until this morniug. Dr. Jeffries' infallible prevcntative and cure for dipthcrla can bo obtained by ad dressing No. 817 8. IGth street , Omaha. Price fj. Sent C. O D. For Sale A standard bred stallion for one-fourth its value. Will self on time. Five years old. Will show 2.85 gait. A. C. Arnold , Dcnnison , la. BELF'SOUOHT DEATH. Mr * . E. J. DyMnROp Taken a Fatal Dose or Morphine With Suicidal Intent. Last evening shortly after 0 o'clock E. J. Dysinger , on returning to his homo , No. 543 Mynster street , found his wife lying in an unconscious and apparently dying condition. Dr. Etnmons was sum moned at once , and began work to save her if possible , but ft appeared there was little ground for hope. The hurried investigation of friends and physician led to the belief that she had taken a fatal dose of morphine , with sui cidal intent , the supposed cause being domestic trouble. A young lady friend had been in soon after dinner , and was chatting with her until shortly after 2 o'clock , when Mrs. Dysingor wont to He down. It is supposed that she soon after that took the morphine. A little after 0 o'clock last night she breathed her last. It appears from what her husband said to the neighbors last evening she has been in the habit of tak ing morphine , but he claims he thought she had discontinued its use. Ho further admitted that at noon yesterday they had a quarrel and his wife then threatened to commit suicide. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. You will have no use for spectacles if you use Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthen ing Eye Sulye ; it removes the film and scum which accumulates on the eyeballs subdues inflammation , cools and soothes the irritated nerves , strengthens weak and failing sight. 25c a box. Shot In Heir-Defense. "In the now south , " according to a correspondent of the Boston Journal : Returning from a drive in the suburbs of Atlanta , I asked the colored driver if a mounted man whom we saw in the dis tance were a policeman ? "Yes , sah , " he answered , and then , as if the question had suggested the thought , ho said proudly : "I'U be thirty years old next August , boss , and I ain't never been arrested ylt. " I was about to murmur ray congratula tions when he startled me by adding : "And I ain't never had one warrant out agin me , and then they didn't ketch me. " "How was that ? " I asked. "Well , I kept out of the way until the trial , and then I give myself up in court. " "What were you tried for ? " "Fur shootin'a nigger. " I began to think that mv driver was not the innocent lamb his first declara tion might have led mo to consider him , so I asked him about the circumstances of the shooting. "Well , boss'hosaid"it was like this. I was livin' on a plantation , and one day I got into a row with another yung feller about a gal. It was in a store , and the first thing I knew ho hit me with a churn handle and then I shot him. They got the warrant out for me , but I wouldn't ha' had any trouble only the other feller had a good many white friends and they pushed the case agin mo. It cost my father $100 to got me clear. " "Then you were acquitted ? " "Oh , yes , sah. " "How was that when vou say you shot the man ? " "O , yes , 1 shot him and hit him pretty bad but I oft'on sclf-defese " , too , got on - ; and then ho added , apparently without the least thought of the absurdity of the idea , "I wouldn't ha' shot him only he started to run. " Thing" Worth Knowlnir. That dyspepsia comes from torpid liver and costiveness. That you cannot digest your food well unless your bowels and liver act prop erly.That That your bowels require thorough cleansing when they do not do their duty by your digestion. That your torpid liver needs stimulat ing in order that it may act as nature in tended it should. That Brandrcth's Fills taken in doses of one or two at night for , say , ten days , will regulate the bowels , stimulate the liver , improve the digestion and drive away dyspepsia. SiSrS. The Theatrical Profession. Merit will win and receive public recognition and praise. Fact , which are the outcome * of general ex perience , growing through yean of critical and practical teat , become as rooted and Immovable as the rock ot Gibraltar In public opinion , and hence forth need no further guaront'-e as to their germ Ineneu. The Indisputable fact that Swift's SpeeUlo Is the best blood purlOer In the world , is ono of thcia class of our people In America and In Europe ! every trade , colling and profession. Including thiS medical profession , have borne voluntary testi mony to the remarkabla virtues of H. & a. and It * Infallible efficacy In curing all diseases of the rlcal profession , who gratefully testify to the wonder ful curative qualities of the Bpeclno in their Indl- W < J icasfs. Their testimonials are herewith sub mitted to the public without further comment-let them speak for Iherusch es. The lady Is a member of the famous Thalia Theatre Company , of New York , and formerly nf the Residence Theatre , Berlin , der- niany. anil of MoVlcker-s Stock Company , of Chicago. v" > Jf Itlntt ! ? ta ° wcl1 known member of the New York Thalia Theatre Company. Both are well known lu theatrical circles In this country and In Europe. Charlotte Uunilow's ) Testimony. NlW Yonic. May S , 1887. Swift Specific Company. Atlanta , Da. i Qentlcmen-HaTlng been annoyed with pimples , eruptions and roughness of tha skin , from bad con dition of my blood , for more than a Tear , I used a leadlug preparation of sarsanarllla and other adver tised remedies to no effect. Then 1 consulted a prom- tncnt physician , and from his treatment received " " r--- ' -1 - - . - ' " " " ncluded to try the 8. S. 8. rera- fy 'or Jho biped , and Are or six packaged , by a thorough eradication of my trouble and restorin * smootunesa to my sklu. hav made m. happy , and I cheerfully give you this testimonial for such use and publicity as you wUh to make of It. CBABLOTTB IUMDOW , 153 Bowery , near Canal suvet , Unto Hasskerl'i Testimony. The Swift Specific Company , Atlanta. Qa. : Oentlemen-For two year * I nnd a severe case of crerna. I used tar soaps , sulphur soaps , and varioui other remedles-and was prescribedforW dumber ! SflnPif"5'lu""iJ ' ' i0""d no relief. Atlast lUete EKE ? l .tnr Se a * " ? remedy , and seven or eight thoroughly relieved me. and you can UM thli otrtlncate la auy manner r < m wish. Uuoo HIUKCHL , 16S7emU' < * T" " " Tt"- New Vork. Hay S. Treatise on Blood and Bklu Diseases mailed fret. TB BWITT Brccmo Co. , Drawer 3. Atlanta. Qa. BOYNTON FURNACE CO. , Soli Manufacture cf BOYNTON'S FURNACES RANGES THEATERS,7 With All MODERN Improvement * . 47 ami 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. MANNY , MANAGER. CHICAGO. . FOB taUi BY HENRY . COX , .Omaha , Neb. ' ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY > > Cor , 5th Ave < fc th St. , Council Bluffs , One of the best Educational Institu tions in the west. Boarding and day school conducted by the Sisters of Char ity , B. V. M. * Board and tuition for a term of five months , | ? 5. For further particulars address SISTEtt SUPERIOR , "S . Francis Academy , Council Blufis.Ia. Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Call BeUs. Accommodations First Class , And Rates Reasonable Max Mohn , Proprietor C. R. ALLEN , Engineer , Surveyor , MapPubllsher Over JVb. 12 North Main Sf , Maps , of citlei and oountlM > 8TOK * . JACOB STONE & S/MS , Attorneys at Law. Practice in the State and Federal Court Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL BLUFFS E. 8. BAttNETT , Justice ot the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refer * to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. CROCKERY , CAMPS , GLASSWARE , FINE TOTTERY. Frlcc8 > Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. 23 MAIX ST. , COUNCIL "BLUFFS , IA : For Adults , For Children , For Both Sexes When on tlia s iltry summor'n day Ihe .unseen sc i ee H mlleuwart NVlien ( omesHck Heada ba toopprois Amleverr moment b-lnesill trjn . Then TAUHANTH KKI.T/KU prorcsa friend. Tlmt OruKultts ull can ruioiumeiid. 9J.trJLUJtt.E4 VulTcurealneu dajr.EVUis 'Tr ' M.combln d. Guaranlecdthe only one In the world Ken.ratlrur .continuous tletlrie < * Matnttu 'rarrent. BcUntlflc , Powerful , Dnralila , Comfort.ble and IfT ctlvo. Avoid fronds , /SSff ffSAJSlSSffS ! SSSSM' M. HOBNE. 1HVENTOI. 181 WAIA8H AYE. . CHICAGO. BnifiIIT'8 DISEASE ig cuusocl br A11USK EXCESSES. NEHVOU8 DEBILITV. 1HS- CHAltQUS. FEVKH3 , MALAItlA , OKNITO- 1IKINAKY DISEASES. BTltlCTUlt S.DI SEAS- ED 1'HOSTATE GLAND AND HDADOEU. CATHETBltS AND SOUNDS. AND CANNOT UECUUEU WHILE THUV EXIST. OUR HUM- EDIESCUHK THKM. CmtONIO UISEASES AND VAHICOCELE. without detention from business , and the Asahcl Mlnorul Sprinir Wiuor cures the KIDNEYS , DIABETES. DHOI Y. BLAD1IEK , OHAVEL AND STONE. Over wholmlnfr evlilonco mnllod free by ASAHEL MEDICAL ntlHEAU PHV8IC1AN , 1 Iliond- way , Now York. THECHICAGOAND North- NorthWestern Western Sliort Line Thu only road to tnVo for DPS Moines Mar- Bhnlltown , Q edur Hiinld ? , Clinton. Dlion , Chica go , Milwaukee and ull points enst. To the poo- flo of NebrnBku , Colontdo , Wyoinlnjr , Utah , ilaho , ixeviu'a , Oretron , WiishlnKton , nnd Cali fornia , It offers superior advantages net possi ble by any other line. Among a few of the numerous points of su- Errlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road between Oraalm und C'Heiigo.nro Its two trains adayoT-DAY COACHES , which are the Unost that human nrt nnd ingenuity can create. Its PALAOUE SLEEl'IKU CAUS , which nro models of comtort and elegance. Its PAItLOIt DltAW- ING IIOOM CAUS , unsurpassed by nny. aild Its widely celebrated PALATlAh DININU OAKS , the equiilof which cunnot be found elsewhere At Council lllufTs the trains of the Union Fuclflo Ity. connect In Union Depot with these of the Cblcnuo Se Northw ostern By. In Chicago the trains of this llr.e make close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit. Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati. Nlngura Kails , Buffalo , I'lttsburgToronto , Montreal , noston , Now Vork , Philadelphia , Dultlinnrp , Washington and ull points in the cast , afU for n ticket /la the "NOKTinVESTBHN. " If you wish the best accommodation , All ticket agents sell tickets via this line * H. IIuCmiTT , t I E. P. WILSON. tienl. Manager. Cicnl. Puss'r Agent Chicago , 111. W.M.DAHCOCK. ' L.H. BOLLES , Western Agent , ' City Poss'r Agent , Oumjft ) , Nebraska. HEALTH PRESERVING CORSET. OFFICER < C COO Broadway , Council Bluffa.Iowa. btAbllihed 1S5T. REAL ESTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands , Citj Itcildonccs and Farms. Aero property In western part of city. All eclllnjr cheap. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Koom 5 , over Officer ft Pusey's Bank , CouncI Bluffs. Bai a complete line of I * 1 1 llii M Larre hats lit white , black and all colors. Fat tern bonnets , hnu and toques , a specialty * No 1811 Douflas St. , Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special adrertlsemcnts , such as Lost , Found no Loan , For Sale , To Kent , TV ants. Boarding , etc , will bolnstrttd la this column at the loir rateof TEN CUNTS PEULI.NE for the flr laser- lonand VI v Centl Tor L4n fo.-each subsequent InMrtlon. Leare advertisements nt our office No. U Pearl sticct , near Broadway , Council Bluffs. _ WANTS. _ ANTKU-Two flrst-clasg wnltors at Louis A Metzgers , 826 itnd 627 Broadway. _ TVANTKD-Youny miin with 1100 capital to 1 T take half Interest In a ( rood paying busi ness ; from $3 to f 5 per day profit and nil ex penses to ench partner. Nopatcntriffht.no oanvasslntr , no street work. Travel through Iowa and Illinois with partner. Komothlnp now and will bear investigating. Address X t , Boo olDoe , Council Bluffs. TIIOH RENT-Furmsbcd room with board , No. av 543 Mill street Two gents or man and wife preferred. FOH SALB-Or Trade Complete stock fur niture , stoves , etc. ; also building , In good town on Wabash road SO miles from city ; no opposition. Good reasons for solllnir. 'lurms nsy. Will Invoice about 12,500. Address or call on Merchant , 3J5 Broadway , Council Bluffs. WANTED At once , good girl. Call on Mrs. Ifaldane , corner ot Seventh avenue and 101 h street. _ 10H PALE OR TRADE.-For Conncll Bluffs property 40,000 acres of Iowa and Ne braska land. J. 11. Ulce , 110 Mam St. Council Bluffs. \T7ANTKD Situation as bookkeeper by vv young man who can glvo satisfactory ref erences us to experience , hnblts nnd responsi bility. O. I ) . Bee office , Council Bluffs. Situation as salesman In grocery WANTED Uofcronccs given. D. U. T. , lice office , Council Bluffs. _ soil two carriages on long time or will WILL trade lor noises. William Lewis. ESTABLISHED 18C8 D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL AND FURS. Highest Market Frlccs. Promp Upturns. 820 and 802 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. BEST LIGHT LIVERY The finest of driving horses always on hand and for sale by MASE WISE. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 33 Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , TortoiseShclI etc.Halr On nnments , as well as tlio newest nov elties in hair goods. Hair goods niadeto order Mrs. C. L. Gillette 20 Unin St. , Council liluffs , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to , Star Safe Stables and Mule Yards way.OjiuU _ ( ii Dummy Depot K Horses and mules constantly on hand for sale at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. SHLUTEU & UOI.ET. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council bluffs. JV. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace. Office over American Exprens. No. 419 BROADWAY HARKIfSS BROS. , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL Summer Dress Goods , White Goods Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc. OTJPI STOOK : CARPETS , Are Large and Well Selectedv Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the BestL New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF Lace Curtains * CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To To"i "i 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OF " r Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to call on us. . Imtrumcnti Tuned nnd Repaired. We never fall to give sittltf'nclloiu Over 2O yeaiV Experience In Pluno und Organ Work. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa C. or. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council lUiilft Office , Temple. Oinuliu Office , No 111 . . North Kith street. Particular attention given to In * vesting funds for neil - real ; dents. Spccitil bargains in , lota & ' , Acre property In Oniahu & Coun cil Blum. . Correspondence solic ited. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIBST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE ROOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : Boarders : : Reduced : : Ratea NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Blufis. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , A 0911'LCTC ASSORTMENT Fancy and Staple Groceries . . Both Domestic and Foreign , . .