Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    'l ' ? * r
An Excited Opening in Speculative Trad
ing in That Ceroal.
ProvUlona Continue to Show a Strong
Undertone Trade In Cattle Again
Slow General Market
Quotation * .
CHICAGO , Atizmst 11. [ Special Telegram
to the DEE.I The corn market experienced
a wild and excited oDonlmt this morning.
Thin section of country wns visited by a re
freshing rain last night and there was a pop
ular opinion that the rainfall must have been
pretty general. Press dispatches In the morn
ing papers mentioned rain at several points
In Wisconsin , Iowa and northern Illinois ,
and It was supposed that the storm had
swept over more Southern areas too late for
the midnight weather bureau report A flood
of selling orders from country customers led
commission merchants to take this view of
the case , but later advices wire that the rains
were local and that the parched soil of the
corn belt bad not been relieved by
a general drenching. May and
September cauzht the wind the quick
est this morninr. The first olUclal
quotations were 41 c for September , 42) ) c
for October , and 4Gc for May. Tlio pit was a
bedlam. There were bids for thr same deliv
ery Xc apart In different narts 01. ' the crowd.
A large amount of May corn wtu traded In at
45c and there were sales under that figure
even. Trades In September were made be
low 41c and In October at 42c. The ofllclal
range Indicated a break from yesterday of
! % @ % c , though the total decline was more
than that , for May was selling at 48 < c and
September at 43 c on the curb last night.
This morning very little was done on the
curb , but everybody was scared 'half to death
and at sea. The pressage of offerings of long
property was tremendous , and added to It
was the weight of speculative offerings to
an untold amount , and Hutchlnson was
the most cxclhd man on the floor. lie has
been the most conspicuous and the largest
buyer since the market turned up ten days
ago , and the popular estimates of hli bold-
Ings run away up Into the millions. This
morning he was the strongest prop , but as
soon as the smoke cleared a little It was ob
served also that several of the leading private
wire houses were big buyers. The downward
tendency of prices were summarily checked ,
and the current turned the other way by the
sheer event of force. Chicago and New York
wire buying and country selling. Prices ad
vanced lo without a set back , September
going to 42c , October to 4.To , and May to 47c.
For an hour or more fluctuations were within
the range last quoted and X@c below. The
talk keeps getting more bullish all the time
and sentiment underwent a radical
change. The feeling was about as
bouyant an on yesterday at the height
of the excitement. Heotcmbcr climbed
to 42 > lg42c ( , October to 43c , and May to
47 0. About this time it was discovered
that several of the buyers were selling out
and the market reacted sharply Kc , closing
at 4'JUc for ( September. 43J c lor October und
47o for May , just midway between to-day's
opening und yesterday's closing prices. The
market shows a loss of Ic from yesterday and
a recovery of Ic from the level of greatest
depression. Trade was thu liveliest in May
and October. September Is now ranklni :
third In the list of deliveries In oolnt of
speculative Interest. . The operations to-day
were on a scale of tremendous aggrezato
magnitude and the market closed feverish.
Wheat started In weak In sympathy with
corn , but during the day the market took on
a tone of Independent and original tlrmncss
quite encouraging to the longs. Atlantic
port clearances keep up In a manner that
surprises and perplexes the croakers who
have boon counting on a total paralysis of
the export trade , pending the absorption of
California wheat now In foreign bins. The
northwest Is experiencing poor harvest
weather , and altogether It begins to look as
pending period last week of 300,003 bushels.
Lake freight engagements to-day were 71,000
bushels , which does not represent all the
wheat worked. Trade was of light volume ,
but there was a better spirit , and there Is a
dally Increase of conservative Invest
ment buying. September opened at 0c ,
ranged at CQkg70c ( and closed at
69 > { (269c. ( October opened at 70Kc. ranjed
atfoT < clow.71HWIKc high , and closed at
71&71&c. December opened at 74U(374Vc ( ; ,
raniced at 74(474Kc and elosed at 74 ; < ii:74Wc. ( :
Compared with yesterday this records a loss
of Jfc. The market for oats displayed con
siderable animation , and there was a fairly
active business transacted In both cash and
futures. Fluctuations were largely In sym
pathy with the lips and downs in corn , but
the tone was easier , September and Octobei
closing } 4'c lower and May J c off. A prowl
ncnt operator In corn was a free buyer ol
September oats at 'Me , which steadied the
Provisions continue to show a strong
undertone. The opening this morning wat
a little heavy and first transactions in
short ribs were made at prices C@ Hc
tinder yesterday's closing. 1 he depression
witnessed , however , proved to bo only tern
pomy , and as It failed to become general ,
occasioned no uneasiness. Short rib ;
promptly recovered their old strength and
with lard sold ana closed higher. The ad'
vance in the near future for lard was 2K@5c
and In short ribs 3X@UiXo outside for Oc
tober , which sold 10c under September. Lard
ranged at $0,55 < 3.00 , and short ribs at S7.H7M
© S.oax. closing at 8.57 ( ) > f@C 00 and S8.0U re
snectlvely. August lard was the same as
September and August short ribs were notn !
nally the same to 2Kc lower. October larc
closed at S0.67W , or luc over September. Oc
tober short ribs weld from 557.80 up to 88.00
and closed at * 7.07J { . The product for nex
winter' delivery closed strong.
CHICAGO. Auxust 11. ( Special Telegran
to the BEE.J CATTLE Trade was agali
rather slow during the morning , but later ot
became more active. As to prices there wa :
a variety of opinions. Some insisted tha
oven good cattle were unsettled and weak
others that there was little or no change , bit
all agreed there was no Improvement li
prices as compared with the past day or two
Late yesterday S4.b5 was paid for one lot , ye
nearly as good sold around S4.00@4.75 , nn <
really good steers are not making over S4.5C
while whole train loads of stocl
good enough for the dressed boo
trade , sold within a range ot
3.SX34.00 , with here and there a lot at $4.2
( iM.aS ; grassy and common steers. 83.90@3.2 ;
Native butchers' stock remain dull at the lo\
prices ot last month or so. Texans are abou
the same as the past da ) or two. Stocker
and feeders unchanged. Shipping steers
1850 to INK ) Ibs , S4.10Q4.75 ; 1200 t
MM IDS , 83.GO1.40 ; U50 to 1,200 Ibs , S2.0
03.75 ; stockers and feeders , 91.3o@3.00
cows , bulls and mixed , 12.00 ; Texas cattl
firm ; steers , 83.15@3.30 ; cows.
Sales : 63 Wyonilng Toxas. lOiii Ibs , J3.00
108 Wyoming natives , IdOtUrx , a.75.
lloos. Trade was rather slow with littler
or no variation In values as compared wit
yesterdav. Packing sorts , S5.00@5.15 ; heavj
y5.20i35.U5. A few lota of butcher weight
and fancy assorted heavy sold at 95,30(35.3 ( ;
lltht sorts , including Yorkers. | 5,00 < a5.oe
crassy stock unsaleable , nominally 30 to 40
below corn-fed , size and weights the sami
Some speculators have had lots of thes
grassy hozs on hand for a week , and are un
able to get anything like a satisfactory bid.
NEW YoitKi August 11. [ Special Telegrai
to the UEK.I-STOCKS. The failure ot tl
government to accept more than 300,000 01
of the tender of 35,410,000 bonds had a d (
pressing effect upon the stock market au
roaae the feeling more bearish than heret <
fore , and a short falling off was noted in tl
. volume ot transactions , but the market wi
a narrow one , with the fluctuations confine
to * fc. London.bought on a lighter scaleau
'the bulk of the business was with the roe :
traders. The short Interest Is largo and I
Bt , Paul It ald to be 0,000 shares. Tl
light uneasiness displayed by the bean ante
to * moderate covering of several ipeclaltli
.1 kept the market from declining lutrpljr at
the changes during the morning were unim
portant. The attitude of Mr. Gould to the
market Is still an enigma and operators are
apprehensive that he has some kind of a sur
prise for the market in the near future , but
what it is no one can tell. Commission
people are doing little and talk about a strin
gency of money In the near future Is said to
restrict operations. The money question Is
expected to be a leading factor before long ,
but the light offering of bonds to the treasury
yesterday and the fact that holders of only
about 88,000,000 of bonds have asked
to have the Interest prepaid at 2 per
cent discount Is not Indicative of a very ur
gent need for money at present. There was
llttlfl animation to the market during the last
hour , and slight declines were recorded. The
tuspension of Ives & Co. , with liabilities of
820,000,000 , was announced just at the finish ,
but come too late to have any elTect upon
the market , and last sales on a majority of
stocks were at nearly inside figures and re
corded a moderate decline from yesterday's
close. The ordering ot 81,750,000 In gold
from London was regarded by operators as a
bull argument and a good many bull dis
patches were received by local stock houses
after the close. The total sales were 188,844
GoviiiNMrtxT6 : Government bonds were
MONKY On call easy at3X35 per cent ;
closed offered at 4 > per cent
STJCKMNO ; EXCIIANOK Weak at 14.81 for
sixty day bills and S4.83K for demand.
Chicago , August 11. Following quota
tions are the 3:30 : closing Ugures :
Flour Nominally unchanged.
Wheat Opened weak and lower owing tea
a break In corn , and closed Kc below yester
day ; cash , 68c ; September. 6911-lOc ; Oc
tober , 0715-16C.
Corn Active and excited , with heavy
trading at times and quiet at others ; opened
excited and Irregular at lS2Xc below yester
day's close and closed KO&lc under yester
day ; cash , 41B'c ; September , 42 > c ; October ,
Oats The decline In corn caused a weaker
feeling In oats ; cash , 255-lCc ; September.
26 1-lOc ; May. S2c.
Kye Steady nt 44c.
Barley Quiet at 70c.
Prime Timothy Seea 82,22.
Flax Seed S1.03Q1.04.
Whisky 81.10.
Pork Unsettled , with light trade ; cash ,
815.00 ; year , 812.40 ; January , 13.02i a
Lard About steady ; cash and September ,
SG.57X ; October , | C.G7k.
Bulk Meats lry ) salted meats In light request -
quest , but higher ; short ribs , S8.00.
Butter Scarce and llrm for fancy , no de
mand for others ; creamery , 20g27c ( ; dairy ,
Clieese Firm and higher ; full cream
chcddar.s , ll@llc : Hats nnd Young Ameri
cas. llJC ( > li > c ; skims , 6@7c.
Eegs Firm at ll12c.
Hides In moderate demand ; heavy green
salted ; 7) 'c ; light do , 79i@8e ; salted bull
hides. Oc. green salted call , 8 @ 9cdry ; flint ,
12dl3c ; dry calf , I2@l3c ; deacons 30c each.
Tallow Easy ; No. 1 country , 8 } c ; No. 2 ,
3c ; cakes4c.
It ocelots. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 10,000 22ooo
Wheat bu. . ' . 48.000 80.000
Corn , bu 139,000 113.000
Oats , bu 227.000 232,000
Kye , bu 3,000
Barley , bu 12.000 4,000
Minneapolis , August 11. Wheat Mar
ket quiet and steady , light offerings ; No. 1
nard , cash , TJc ; September , 71 > ic : October ,
70 } < o : No. 1 northern , cash and Septem
ber. 70cX ; October , 69Kc : No. 2 northern ,
cash and September , 6tc ; October , 07Xc
on track : No. 1 bard , 73 c ; No. 1 northern ,
72 c ; No. a northern , 70Xc
Flour Quiet ; patents , I4.10@4.20 ; bakers ,
firm : 53.2o@3.50.
Receipts-Wheat , 35,400.
Shipments-Wneat , 85.000 bu ; flour , 18,000
bb.'s. '
Milwaukee. Aucust 11 Wheat Steady ;
cash , G9c ; September , ooJfc ; October , 71c.
Corn Steady : No. 3. 4iic.
Oats Firm ; No. a white , 29Xe.
Kye-Strong ; No. 1 , 44Kc.
Barley Higher ; September , 64c.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , August , $14..50.
Olnotnnatl , August 11. Wheat Firm
and higher ; No. 2 red , 72K@73c.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 4S
Oats stronger ; No. 3 mixed , '
Hye-Qulet : No. 2 , 47c.
Pork-Steady at 515.00.
Lard In good demand at S0.35.
Wlnsky-Flrin at 31.05.
St. Ijouls , August 11. Wheat Easier ;
cash , C'Jc : September , 70 > fj : October , 72 e.
Corn Lower ; cash , 89 > o ; September ,
38c ; October , 39 c.
Oats Firm ; cash , 24cSeptember ; , 25 , ' c ;
October , 20Kc.
Lard8.35. .
Butter Firm ; creamery , 24@28c ; dairy ,
n.u. n City , August U. Wheat-
Steady ; No. a red , none on the market ; No.
a soft , 64o bid.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 36c bid , 37f4'o
asked ; August , 37c ; September , 30 o bid ,
b7c askoti.
Oats 23o bid , 24o asked.
lilvernonl , August 11. Wheat Demand
noor ; holders'offer freely.
Corn Strong and demand good ; new
mixed western , 43 gd per cental.
N w York. August 11. Wheat Firm
and generally unchanged ; options opened
heavy , declined @Jfc. later ruled stionger.
rallied W c , closing steady ; ungraded
red , 77@siUc ; No. a red , W5Jc ; No. 1
rod nominal at 85c ; No. 2 red , 7yjfcc ; so In
elevator , 81@tilKc delivered , bO > icf. o. b. ;
September closing at 80c % .
Corn Spot lots broke l ( < jl < { c , and options
l(31c ! ( , closing steady with a recovery of K
Oats Lower ; mixed western , 32Hc ;
white western. 37Q42Kc.
Petroleum Closed strong at 598'c.
Egirs Quiet ; western'J0jl6 ( > jc.
I'ork Steady.
Lard Closed steady ; spot. 86.00.
Butter Firm ; western , 12eW3Xc. (
Cheese Firm ; western , b@ " c.
Now Orleans August 11. Corn Un
settled ; mlxod. & 0c , white , 53@54c.
Oats-Firmer at ai } < M34c.
Corn Mewl-Easy at VJ.27K2.30.
Ho ; Products Dull and unchanged ; pork ,
S15.03) ) { : lard , rellned tierce. 0.02W.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , 35.BO ; long clear
and clear rib , 8.18f.
Cbkonsto , August 11. The Drover * ' Jour
nal rouorts as follows :
Cattle-Uecolpts. 11,000 ; steady : shipping
steers , S'-.y.r > @ 4.75 ; stockcra and tneders ,
8L25d3.00 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , 51.0041
2.00 ; Texas cattle , firm at 51.60@3.30 ; Wyo
uiingToxans S3.00 ; Wyoming natives , S2.75 ,
Hogs-ltec iits , 13.000 ; steadier ; rougt
and mixed , J4.60 < S5.10 ; packing and ship
ping , 85.00 ( 5.35 ; light , SUO < 25.H > ; skips ,
83.00(24.40. (
Sheen Itecclpts , 5.0CO ; steady ; natives ,
82.75 4.15 ; western. 83.00(33.50 ( ; Texaus ,
? iOO(2J.C5 ( ; lambs , S4.00Q4.75.
National Stock Yarila , Kat St ,
Liouli , 111. , Auguat 11. Cattle Itecelots
1,400 : shipments , 2,200 ; market steady ; full
to choice heavy native steers , 8iVO : < gi.i5
butchers' steers , fair to choice , $3.30(33.95 (
feeders , fair to food , 12.00(33.40 ( ; stockers
fair to good , 82.CHXgj.tSO.
Hoei-rUx ipU. 3,200 ; shipments. COO
market steady : choice heavy and butchers
selections , f5.103t.25 ; packers and Yorkers
medium to choice , 84.b5Q5.l5 ; plK8cominoi
to good , 84.35Q4.bO.-
Ka * a * City , Aumist ' 1L Cattler-R
: , celpts , 2.800 ; shipments , ( oQlclal yesterday
d 1 2,478 ; prime , steady ; aU others weak an <
bard to sell ; ( rood to choice corn-ted , 93,70
04.10 ; common to utdlum , 8.1.3543.M :
Btodcert , 90.00 ( 2.40 ! feeding steers , liSOQ
3.00 ; cows , H.40 ' 3.80.
ilofs Kecelpts. ftuoo ; shtpmentA , ( of
ficial yesterday ) 1,603 ; market opehed weak
and So lower , cloalne weak with a decline of
60 ; common to choice , S4.90@5.33 ; skips
and 1 > IKS8:3.00@4.B5. :
Thursday , August 11.
The run of cattle was not heavy to-day ,
althoueh there was a gain of 400 head as
compared with yesterday. The bulk of the
receipts were western cattle and there were
not many good corn-fed cattle In. The mar
ket on good , thick , corn cattle was strong at
yesterday's prices and about ererything of
that description on the market was sold.
Llitht grass steers and old tbln cows con
tinue slow with very little demand.
Hog * *
The receipts of hogs were very light for the
middle of the week. In addition to the fresh
receipts there wore six loads on the market
from the day before. The quality ot the hoes
averaged very poor and there were few If
any coed loads In. The market opened
about steady with yesterday's close and the
pens were cleared at an early hour. The top
to-day was 85.05 , but those hogs were not as
good as the 85,15 h gs yesterday by fully Oc.
There was nothing doing on the market.
Cattle. TOO
Uogs 3,100
Shipments ,
llogs 350
Provalllnit Frlcom.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market :
Cholcesteers. 1300to 1500 Ibs..14.0004.15
Choice steers. 1100 to laO'J ' Ibs. . . 3.90(94.00 (
Fat little steers ( XX ) to 1050 Ibs. . . . S.aM3.80
Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.Qp)3.S5
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75 ( 3.00
Common to medium cows a00(5)2.50 ( )
Good to choice bulls 1.75U2.50
Light and medium hoes 4.75(3)4.90 ( )
Good to choice heavy hoes 5.00@5.10
Uood to choice mixed hogs 4.0oti45.00
Representative dale * .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
Ijlve Stock Bold.
Showlngthu number of head ot stock sold
on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co 210
ocal 25
Hairls & Figher 46
Total > IflO
Anglo American Packing Co 1771
U. H. Hammond & Co 400
Squires & Co 353
Total . -
All sales of stock in tms market ara made
icr cwt live weight unless otUerwlsa stated.
Jead hogs soil at Ko per Ib. for all weights
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs.
no valuo. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDs.
and stags 80 Ibs. by tha oubllo Inspector
lilvc Stoolc No ten.
Cattle steady.
Hog receipts light.
B. B. Uammel , Craig , marketed hogs.
Hog market steady with yesterday's close.
The top on hogs was § 5.05 and on cattle
There was not a prime load of hogs on the
M. I * Simmons , Fremont , was among the
visitors at the yards.
Among those who marketed hogs was W.
N. Richardson , Ited Cloud.
A. H. Wilson , Walton , Neb. , was In and
marketed one load of hogs.
Win , C. Swarts , Sioux City , la. , was at the
yards with a load of cattle.
Farrlngton & Son , Lyons , well known
shippers , marketed a load of hogs.
A. W. Johnson , Looinls , was In aud mar
keted two loads of hogs at the ton price.
John Uoss , Wayne , came in with six loads
of corn-fed natives of his own ieedlne.
J. A. Frazier , Silver City , la. , and his
brother from Pueblo , Col. , were here looking
over the yards.
Mr. Wilkinson , of the firm of Wilkinson &
Uralmm , was in aud uiaikuted two loads of
natives at 33.b5.
E. A. Page , Kawllns , Wyo. , was in with
six loads or cattle. Thlrty-llvo head of cows
sold on the inaikot.
The following marketed hoes : Kelley &
C. , Exeter : J , Buck , Crete ; W. W. Klock &
Co. , Uradshaw ; F. Aldritt , Krleud ,
Mr. Gamble came in with eleht loads of
the Bay state cattle from North Bond , whicb
sold on the market Ono hundred and forty-
one head brought 84.00.
C. M. Manley , a well known shipper of
Creston , la. , will be a member of the com
mission urm of Mahouey , Furrell A Co. ,
after the lirst of next month , Mr. Mahoney
will go out aud the arm bo known as Farrell
A Manley.
J. F. Lower , Stromsburg ; A. II. Wilson ,
Walton ; Dorsey Bros. , Wahoo : J. Deagnan ,
Marysvillo ; P. P. Johnson , Valparaiso ; Mc-
Elwln , Bralnard ; Buckley & Uoss , Stroms
burg : J. W. Jones. Stromsburg , each mar
keted one load of hogs.
Shippers would do well to avoid shipping
In light grassy hogs. Five orsix grassy tiogs
In a load cuts down the price a great deal
more than might bo supposed. There are
moie coming now aud thu general quality of
the hogs Is not so good , so that a bujer takes
more uotlce of them than when the uos are
good. It is also a mUUko to ship four or five
small plgy HOWS In a good load.
Amoug those having one car of hogs each ,
on the market , was H. Itlx , Ularkion ; J. O.
Smith , Blair ; John Dern. Hooper ; J. E.
Dorsey , North Bend ; F. M. Sackett , Albion ;
W. 11. BeaEle. Loup City ; Hake & Brass ,
North Loup ; \V. L. Mills , Madison ; Nelson
& i' . , Oakland ; Stocker , Logan ; Bell &
Cross , Carson ; Beaucnauip & J. , OruM. ;
Klllucr , Madison.
l < > ulri anil Produce.
Orders from Vic country requiring ae-
Icct&l block mid extra cure t a packing can
not always lie filled at the tame prices
quoted to t/tc. / < ocd trade for common utoclc.
Thursday , August 11.
General There were three cars of Califor
nia fruit in to-day , which moved otf very
readily. There will be one or more cars in
to-morrow. Just at present potatoes and
apples are scarce and high , there being very
tew on the market E s were a little moru
plenty to-day. Otherwise there are few
changes to note In produce.
. EGGS The market is not very strong , al
though the bulk ot the stock Is moving at
lie. The receipts are a little more liberal
and there Is a tendency toward a lower mar
ket.UUTTKii A slight increase Is noticeable In
the receipts of the common grades , but choice
butter Is very scarce. The West Poln
creamery butter Is selling at 23 < < c and the
output of other creameries at 21c. Choice
dairy butter , I7 l8c ; medium grades , 13@
ICc ; lower grades , SX311c.
CIIKKSB Fancy , lull cream Cheddars , sin
glp , lOc ; full cream , twins , lOKc ; young
America * , lie ; brick cheese. 100 Ibs incase
new , ISc ; Llmbureer. 100 Ibs In case , new
llo ; Bwlw , fane/ Ohio , new , We ,
PouLTnv-The poultry market Is dull , the
rrelpts being liberal Add the demand light.
Spring chickens are polling at S1.7&OI2.2A ,
nd It requires good stock to bring the top
rice. Old fowls are ( novjne at 82.50 2.75.
POTATOES The supply is very llynt and
rices lirrn. Choice stock Is selling at 55Q
' > C
CMKLONS A good many are coming In but
ho demand la heavy' ' enough to keep the
market cleared. Good sized watermelons
re selling mostly at 810.01x315,00.
BKANB. Hand picked navy beans
re quoted at 51.75 per bushel and the other
radcs are selling from that figure down to
GAME. There li nagamo coming in , the
weather being too warm to handle It.
POP Con N. There is hardly any sale fo
pop corn. An occasional sack is cold aU
@l > { cperlb.
BBRRIKS The season for berries is prac-
leal ty over.
TOMATOES Home-grown stock isbecom-
ng plentv and was sold at very low prlcesl
lood stock Is worth about 75c a bushel.
t PLUMS The receipts of plums are not as
leavy as of other fruits from California.
Prices are firm , good stock moving at 81.50
> er box.
UiiAi'XH Very choice Muscat grapes are
rriving from California. There are also a
nw coming In from the south. Muscats ,
2.00 per -JO Ib boxes ; southern , 11.00 per 10 Ib
PKAcnxs The market Is well supplied
with very choice stock from California.
Choice stock Is going at 81.25 ( < < il.50.
PEAKS The supply of California Uartlet
lears Is liberal and the stock choice , al-
hough a good many are arriving over ripe.
CELunv The demand Is not very heavy so
early In the season , Uood stock suitable for
cshipment Is sold at 40c per bunch.
PnUNKB There are some very large and
howy California prunes on the market ,
mown as the Gross prunes , whlcn are sell-
NKCTAHINKS A few California nectarlnet
are arriving , which are sold at 81.50 per box.
LKMONS T.'iera are some very fancy largo
> f alorl lemons on thn market which are sell-
ng at 89.00. There are a few Vcroolll
omens on the market which are selling at
GUANOES There are very few on the mar-
cet and not enough to Mil orders.
Arri.Ks The market Is almost bare and
good stock Is very scarce. Choice apples
suitable for shipment are quoted at 83.00(3 (
83.50 per bbl. _
Grocer's List.
COKFKK Ordinary grades , 20V(321c ( ; fair ,
20x@22c : prlme.22@kJfccholce.2:3ci24e ; : ( ; fancy
green and yellow , 23@2.'ic ; old government
lava. 23g28c ( ; Interior Java , 24@26c ; Mocha ,
S&asoc ; A rbuckle's , roasted , 2fi > ( c ; McLaiigh-
Iiu78 XXXX , 26tfc ; DilworthX 20c ; Ited
Cross , 26.f c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , 82.90 3.10 : strawberries , 2 Ib , per case.
82.70(32.75 ( ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 82.70(3 (
.75 ; California pears , per case , 84.40@4.50 ;
apricots , per case , 83.60 3.70 ; peaches , per
case , 84.40C$4.50 : white cherries , per case ,
15.60 plums , per cas * . 83.5033.60 : blue-
xrrles , per case , 82.00@2.10 ; gg plums. 2
b. per case , 82.50 : pineapples , 2 Ib ,
> er case. 83.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz ,
(1.40 ( ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , 81.75 ; 12 0
coosebcrrle.i , cercase , 82.60 2.70 ; 21b string
> eans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , cer
case , SI. GO ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per case ,
! 2.40@2.60 ; 2 Ib early June DOBS , per case ,
(2.75 ( ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.4VS2.50 ; 2 Ib corn ,
> 2.50.
PROVISIONS Hams , 1313 > c ; breakfast
> acon , lljf@l-c ; bacon sides 10@10Xc ;
dry salt , 8jil > c ; shoulders , 7J c : dried uetu
hams , 12 < $ i3c : dried beet regular , Ill2c ;
hams.plcnlc ,
WOODENWAKE Two-hoop palls , per doz ,
41.45 : 3-hoop palls , SU65 ; No. 1 tub. 86.50 ;
No. 2 tub , 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wash
boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1
; liurns , 80 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns ,
STARCH Mirror Glossi 5c ; Graves Corn ,
c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; OSWCKO Corn. 7c.
ItitooMs Extra 4-tle.S3.60 ; No. 1,52.00 ; No.
A 81.75 ; heavy stable , S4
SYUUP No. 70 , 4-eallnn kegs , 8l.32@1.35 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , ! & ( i$46c ; nmplu
syrup , half bbl.s , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ;
1-gallon cans , per dpz , 810.00 ; hnlf-callon
cans , per doz , S5.50 ; quart cans , 83.00.
CANDY Mixed , 8K@Hc ; stick , 8K@0 > fc.
CRACKERS Garncuu's soda , Duller and
picnic , 4c : creams , 7c ; ginger snaps , 7 } < c :
city soda , 7Xc ,
PICKLES Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half bbls , 84.00 ; small , in bbls , IS. 00 ; do In
Half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 89.00 ; do In
half bbls , 85.00.
powdered , 7@7c.
DIIIKD FRUITS Apples , now , # 's , , _
evaporated , 50-lbrlng. l7K@18c ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 27@28c ; blackberries , evaporated ,
9wJXc ; pitted cherries , I2@13c : peaches ,
new , & 's , TJfc ; evaporated peeled peaches ,
c ; evaporated , un pared , c ; new currants ,
0f@7c ; prunes , 4XC < Wic ; citron , 25c ; rai
sins , London layers , 81.M : California , lees *
muscatels , 81.60 ; new Valenclas , 7Kc.
KuFiNKD LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb square
cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , c ; 20-lb round ,
7&c ; 10-lb calls , 7Kc ; Mb palls , 7c ; 3-lb
palls , 7c.
TOIIACCO Lorillard'sClimax. 44c ; Splen
did , 88c ; Mechanic's Delight 41c : Leggett &
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. , Sic ; Sort's
Spearhead , 44c.
TEAS Japan , per Ib , 20fflWc ; gnnpowdor ,
2r.a30c ( ; Younc Hyson. 30@50c ; Congou , C5@
70c ; Oolong , 30@C5c.
General Mnrkots.
SPIRITS Cologne spirits , ibt ) proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18a proof , 81.09. Alcohol.
188 proof. 2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , S1.00@1.50. ( Sin blended. 81.50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. S2.0u@f .00 : Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.0090.00 ;
( ioldcn Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
SL50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.00@8.50 ;
domestic , S1.80@3.00. ( Sins , Imported , S4.r > 0@
6.00 ; domestic , S1.25 ( : ! .oo. Champagnes , Im
ported , per case , S2S.X33.00 ( ) ; American , per
case. S10.OOfft 10.00.
HIDES Green butchers' , 5X < gGc ; green
cured , 7Kc ; dry flint , ll@12c : dry salt , 9 ®
lOc ; green calf skins , 7Kc ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. CJreaso Prime
white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l > s'c. Sheep
pelts , 25@75c. . . . .
HEAVV HABDWAIIE Iron , rate , 82.70 ;
Plow steel , special cast , 4 } c ; crucible steel
OKccast ; tools , do , V-JWl&c ; waon spokes ,
per set S2.00Q3.50 ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; fel-
looa , sawed dry , S1.60 ; tongues , each , We ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , ixsrlb , 697c ;
coil chain , per Ib , 6 @lHc ; malleable , 8K > c ;
Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth.
4Vc ; spring steel , 4(35c ( ; Burden's horse
shoes , 84.75 ; Buiden's mule shoes , 85.75.
Barbed wire * In car lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.60 ; steel nails ,
82 75.
"COAL Egg , 89.00 ; nut , 89.25 : ranee , 89.25 ;
Iowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut S2,75 ; walnut
block , 53.00 ; Illinois. S4.25Q4.75.
Dry liumber.
12 , 14 4 ' !
10ft Id ft'iW ft 22 ft2l ft
24 i ! sO .U50 21.G021.fiO
2x8 22.BO,22.W ,
Zl8 2l.WHl.60
2x10 . 22.6dia.ia ,
2x12 . -.18.25 19.M 20.W | 23.HJ 2J.DO
4xi-8z8 . 18.60 l .Ml20.6ol23.0ol2aOo
No. 1 , com , sis 81SW ) No. 2. com , sis 817.00
No. 3 , 815.50 No. 4 , 813.00
No. 1 , 4 AO In , 12 & 14'ft , roush 819.50
No. 1 101" " l ! . l
No. 2 , " " 12vfcl4 " " 16.00
No.2 , " " 10 " " 17.50
A , 12.14 and 16 ft S2I.M C. 815.50
B , ' < " " 20.W D , 12.MJ
1st com , Jf In White Pine Celling 834.00
2nd " " " i ' . ' " an.iiO
Clear. In. Norway-Pine Celling 16.00
2nd com. iu " , " , " R0 : )
A 0 In White PlneWiw "b 829..W
B " " " 33.50 D 21.00
E " " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . . .
A 12 inch . . . . ' . ? . ! ' .
. , . . , . .
( : : : : ; : >
No.a " " " 10.00
" " 16ft 17.50
t Inch Grooved Roofing Sl.OO per M. moro
hail 12 In. Stock Hoards same length.
' * ' '
No. in ln. S&io'in.1'.1 ! 810.60
No.'J " 17.50
No. 1 , O. O. , 8 In 19.60
lt and 2d , clear , l , l > / inch , s. 3 s S50.AO
3d.clear , linens.2s. , 45-50
" " IK. IX , 2 In
A8electUneh,8.2s. ,
" " W , IX , a In
U " -1 InchVs. 3 s. , . ; . . : . . . 33.00
" - " 1 ,1 , ajn 37.00
Com. 4 &G In. Floorlue 117.50
Star ' 21.50
Clear ? tf In. Celling . - . . , 21.6C
< K.OC
" Finish , I &UIn. . sU s . 20.00
" CorrticatM Celllne , 4 In . 25.00
" Yellow Pine Caslnu anil Base. . . . 27.00
Clear Poplar Ux. lids. K In. , s , a . 835.50
" 5t K in. panel , s. a s . 27.00
' " Corruirated Celllnf , K 28.60
O G Halts , UK In . 800.75
" HxSIn , s. Is. OM5
n In. Well Tubliip. D A M and Her 23.00
Pickets , D it 11 Flat 20.50
" " Square 21.00
XX clear . .8 .10 Kxtra A 83.90
A Standard . . 2.75 A 11B&U
C In , clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath .2.C3
Whlto cedar , C In. , Xs. , I2c : 0 In. qrs. , lie ;
Bin. qrs. , lOcH in. round 15c ; Tonncssoo
Ited Cedar , opllt , I5c : Split U k , 12c.
Qtilncy white lime , ( best ) We : Akron cement ,
S1.75 ; Hair , SOc ; Plaster , 3U.75 ; Tar board ,
81.75 : Sasli , 40o per ct. ; Doors. 40c per ct. ;
minds , 40c per ct. ; Mouldings , 40c ver ct. ;
Tar felt , per cwt , 82.25 ; Straw board , 81,75.
ItEAIj EBTATE. . . _
Trannfen Filed AURHBI 1O , 1887.
William M Foster and vrlfo to Clmrlrs
K Shaw , lot 5 , blK 1 , Foster's add w d 1,200
C II Scott ot al to Samuel C Beck worth
lot 2 hlk 103 , Omaha , w d . 20,700
Catherine J Todd and husband to
Jacob U. Vater , part of no 34 , 15 , 12 ,
( icorito'ii."l3oge9'aiii wife to j U Par-
roll , lots 10 , U and 12 , block 43 , ( ico.
11. Bogga' add , w d . 600
J B Parroit and wife to Anton Larson.
lots 11 and 12 , block 42Geo 11 Hongs *
add , wd . 600
Gate City Land company to Krlo
Clync , lot 4 blk 3 , Walnut lllll , w d 1,700
William Latey et al to Josle V Lud-
wick , w 16 feet ot lot 7 and w 17 feet
of lot 8 blk 3 , Foster's add , w d . 5,400
Charles C Honsel and wife to Corne
lius A Leary. etf of lot 7 , A II San-
dersadd , wd . ° 00
Saiiianttia Chapman De Lee to Emma
V Anderson ct al , e } lota blk t > 9 ,
q C . 1
llavman Chapman ct al to Emma
Vanderson et al , eX lot 3 blK 89 ,
qc . *
Charles K Shaw and wife to Matthew
11 McCluskey , lot 14 blk 7 , Plain-
view , w d . 1,150
Nicholas Krenbs and wife to Francis
1'nelps , lot 1 , Arlington , w d . 4,000
Georice U Parsell and wife to Otis II
Ballou et al , pt sw aw 20-16-30 , 30
acre i. w d . 8,000
Edgar E Hastings to August Clems.
lot 20 blk 3 , subdivision of John I
Kedlck's add , w d . 2,400
John 1) Koolnson and wife to Thomas
F Maloney. lots 1 and 2 blk 1 Jetter's
add to South Omaha , wd . 3,000
Jehu U Ilungate , trustee , to John 11
Johnson , lots 19 and 20 blk 1 Bed
ford place , wd . 1,050
John II Johnson to William A Done-
las , lots 19 and 20 blk 1 Bedford
place , wd . 1.200
Aaron Cahn et al to Emma 11 Thayer ,
lots 1 and 2 Windsor place , wd . 4,000
E E Flnney to Edttha A Corbett , lotO
blk fi Denlse's add , q c . 27)
E E Finney to Edith a U Corbett , n X
12,16,9qc . 400
Dennis Cunningham et altoM MHeu-
sel , K of lot 7 Woodlawn place , wd. . 310.60
Kate Hunt to the publlc.plat of Hunt's
subdlv of lot 1 blk 81 South Omaha. .
Twenty-tour transfers , aggregating. 807,087
Building Permits.
Inspector Whltlock yesterday issued
the following building permits :
Mrs. Nellie Parker , 1 story fraino ad
dition to store , 30th between Corby
and Maple , to cost . $ 200
Michael Swift , 1 story frame cottage ,
Clark near 30 , to cost . 1,000
Henry Meyer , 2 story frame residence
Howard , opposite -.M , to cost . 5,000
Jacob Williams , double 2 story and
basement dwelling , 2Uth near Jack
son , to cost. . . .v . 8,400
Total . 814,400
Itunnlnir Between Council IllntTs nnd South
Oraalm. In atlditlon to the stations mentlonoil.
trains stop at Twentieth Him Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit in Oraaba.
Printers , Book Binders
Amd Blank book Mamufacttir ri. Kof.l06and
M63.Hthgtr et. Omaba.Neb. J.F. Fair lie , Super-
laUndent Blndirf.
Agricultural Implements ,
Wholoial * Dealtr In
Affrlcultnral Implements , Wnprong ,
ferriage ! an * Bncrlca. Jonci ftrcct , betwmn Mil
and 10th. Omaha. Neb. _
Agricultural Implements ,
ratont.Carrlam , Bntttn. Bta. , VTholtulf , Omiha.
Whole ala Dealer * la
Agricultural Implements ,
'a oni and Butf lo . 101 , CM. Wi * nd 107. Jone it
Artists' Material.
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
MIS lou l i Street. Om h .
Buildtrt' Hardware and 3cal t.
InllderVHardware 4 , Scaln Repair Shop
' Tool ! nod Buf lo BtaUf. 1406 Deuflu it ,
Um ti . Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _
Books and Stationery.
A. T. KKyi'Olf tC CO. ,
Who'o l ind neiall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
512 Doupl 9 8t.Onmlin , Neb. Telephone 001.
Soott and Shots.
w : r. MORSE dj co.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
Ill Farotm it. , Omaba , N b. Manufactory , BummM
tre t , Hutton.
x. T. LiA'jumsr co. ,
Wholesclo Rubber Boots and Shoos
Uubocr and Oiled Clothing and Felt Hoots and
Ihoet. 1111 tUrnov Strrnt.
L er Beer Brewers ,
1U1 North Uth BtrMt , OmibaNeb.
tutehin' Tooli.
Bmtcheri' Tools and Supplies ,
U M * Cailofi of all klnda alwajr * In itoek. 1111
. . Omaha
Omaha Coffee and Spieo Mills.
.Ooffeti.BBlcei. Baking Pw ar. narorliif >
( TMU. lAoaStr BlM. Ink. Bte. lUt-ie narnr
_ Blreat , Omaha. Hab. _
Cornier. . _
John Epencter , Prop.
Haimfaetnrtr of Oalranlied Iroa and Conic * . KH
DoUja and IN and Hi M , 18lh at. , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturer * of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer 'Wlndovi , Flnali.MetallcBkyllght.ttc. } 10 8.
ntu t. , Omaha.
C. Spccht , Prop.
Gnlranlicd Iron Cornice * , etc. Spcct'n ImproTed Pat
ent MoUllo Kkyllght. 4B8 and 610 H.Utli ha.
Jobban of
Carpets , Curtnins , Oil Cloths , Buffs ,
I.lnoleumi , Mattlnitt , Rto. 1511 Douglai atreel.
Crockery and Notians.
Agent for 'tie Manufacturer ! and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampi , Chtmnejt , etc. OBIce , 117 South Uth it
Umaha , Neb.
Mammoth Clothing House.
Corner Karnna and Tenth Blreoti. Omaha. Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Batter , Cuts and Prodnce. Conilgnmont ! eollrlted.
Ileadqunrteri for Htimoware , llerrj Unit's and
Grape Haiketa. 1414 Uodge atreet. Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchant * ,
Ppeclaltiee Butter , BKKS , Chpeie , To iltrj , Uame ,
Ojiters. etc. , etc , in 8. illh St.
Commission Merchants.
Fruit ! , Produce and l > roTliioni , Omaha. Neb.
a ; co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultrj. llutter , Gnme. mills , etc. 230 B. Uth it
Oranha , Neb.
Coal ana" Lime.
OKU. r.i.AiiAiiit. l're . c. F.QOODUAK , V. 1'roi.
J. A. MUNDKHLAKD , Bee. and Treaa.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
209 South Thirteenth Rtreet , Omuha , Nob.
J. , T. JOHNSON f CO. ,
Manufitcturcrs of Illinois White Lime.
And Shlppuri of Conl and Coke , Cement , Plaster ,
IJme. llalr. Klro Brick , Drain , Tll nnil Mewor I'lpo.
ODUn. I'mion Iiut l. Varnnm ft. , Om.ilia , Nuu.
Cigart and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Gum and Ammunition , 515 to 223 B. Illh it. , 10 to
1U24 rarnamt. , Omiba , Nab.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealera In Leaf Tobaccoi , Nos.108
and 110 N. Uth struct , Om aha.
Dry Goods ,
M. E. SMITH e CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1103 and 11M Ilouglan , ror. 1Kb St. , Omaha , Neb.
blitillera of I.lquorn , Alcohol and Rplrlti. Importert
and Jobbenof WlnenanJ Liquors.
CO. and ILER D CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobbere of Fine Wine ! and Llquora.
Hole manurxoturers of Keonedr'H Kait India lilt'
tin unit Domestic i.lijuart. 1112 llnrner St.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Faruam et. . Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , Beddings Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1100.1308 and 1210 Farnam St. , Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noi. 706. 707 , TOO and 71 1 B. 10th Kt , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocer a ,
Uln and LearenwortU iti.Oniaha.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Hie. Agents for Howe Scale ! ,
> and Miami PowderCo.OmahaNeb.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon htork. Hardware Lumber , etc. 1201
and 1311 lUrney it. . Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Ilearr Uardware ,
Etc. UI7 and I2IJI le Tfnwortu st..Om hu , Neb.
Stoves , Jtansres , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Maatles , Orate * , Unui Goods. UU ao4 U2 >
Iron Work * .
Iron Works ,
Wrought and rait Iron Building Work , Iron Ptalr %
Hailing , lleatna ami Ulrdern , mtam Knglnc * . nraM
V > nrk,7jnoral ( foundrr , Machine an < 1 lllacMiultk
VTorli. O C6 an 3. Worn. U. 1' . Ur , and 171 h meet.
Mnmifncturinff Dealer In SmokeStackf *
llrttcnlngi , Tanki.aml ( Icno.-al Roller llopalrlng ,
Ul.S Huil e Mroci , Omnlia.
Maniir ottiror * ot
fro and Iron Halllnirs , Desk Ka1 ! %
Window Uoarda , Klow'er Stnnili , Wlr Slfnt , Bit
1I3N. ICth. Ordrrnbr mall prnmptlr alUnJodta.
Dealer U Alt Klndi of I
Bullilinr Material at Wholesale , '
18th Btroct and Onion PaelHe Traok. Omaha.
Dealer In Lumber. Latli , Lime , Sash ,
Doon.Kte. Tardi-CornrrTth and Doula | Cornaf
Uand IKmtlm. _ _
" "
Wholesale Lumber ,
til8.llth tr etOaaha.Neb. .Colpetier. Manageiy
18th ana California Btrotta. Omaha. Neh.
fit ED W. GRAY ,
Lnm ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc ,
Cor.ath and noutlaa iti. , Omaha. Nex
To Dealers Only.
Office. t405 Farnam itreet , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Oarpeu and Fara t Flooring , tth and Douglai
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Inported and American Portland Cemrnt. BtaU
> g at for Milwaukee PlTdraullo Cemenl and Bei
( jalpcy WhIULIme.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. Jofca r. Bojd , Bapertntaadtot.
Lire Stock Committion.
Live Stock Coninilssion Merchants.
Market furnlnhed free on uppllratloa. tttorke'r * an
feeder * furnished on goid terms. Bererano *
Omaliu Natlonnl Hunk nnd South Omaha Nutloni
Union Htnck Vurds , Hcnith Omaha.
Live Stock Commission.
Oao. Durko , Manager.
Union Rtoek Yards , 8. Omaha. Telephone in.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of an ; and all kind * of Stock solicited.
Union Stock Yards. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and ketiont.
Importer * nnd Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1313 and 1216 Harnej Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Dealera In
Notions and Furnighinfir Goods ,
403 and 0& B. Tentb Bt. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
leans Pants , Shirts. Ktc. IIOJ and I1U Dou-jlus Street
Umaba , Neb.
Wliolcsalo Paper Dealers.
: 'arrj a nice mock of I'rlntlnz , Wrapping and WrIK
IIIK i < aper. Himilnl intention iilren to car load of ,
orilers. whlrh will tie shipped dlrnct from mills. All
ordent will recclvo periunwl attention. Weguan
n'1 ' | OW prioe * > UU an < l 1Ul *
Job Printers , Blank Hook Makers.
And Ilook Ulndera. Ifti and 108 Houtb Fourteenth
street. Omaha , Neb.
Anxilinry PiibliHhors.
Dealers In Type , Praises and Printers' Buppllos. tat
tioutli Twelfth mreet.
Wholesale ) Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btoamand Water Huniilles. Headquartera fur Mart
ioi > iCn'aUoa > ls. Hllfarnaiu St. . ( ImnUa. Nob.
nalladirWInd Hllisi rte tn and Water fliippltea.
Plumblns ; ( ioorts. Heltlng , lloio. VIA nnd Ir.'J Far
nam at. , Umaha , H. K. Kelton , Manager.
Telephone No. SIO.
A. L. 8TRANG CO. ,
Ptiraps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , Water , Rallwar mnd Milling Bupnllca. Et *
KM , yaand Ki tnrnam it. . Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers nnd Dealers In
Engines , Boilers & General Machinery
Hheet Iron work , Steam Pump . Saw Ullli , Aom4
Sbaftlai , De f WaodsplU Pullen , Balllnic , to.
Also wmoai , scrapers , and * uletlaa , Ult-uTi b >
ten worth t. Ornnh *
Rubber Goods.
6MAffA JtUIi7tElt CO. ,
Manufacturer nnd Donlor" In nil kind ) or
itnlibcr ( iooils ,
OllClotlilimnnd Leather Ilnlllnir. 100S Knrnani Ft.
Safes , Etc.
Apents for Hnll'H Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and Hiirular Proof 8 fns , Tlmo I/icks , VaulU
nd JM1 Work. 1U1J Kanmm struat Omaha , Neb. _
Onialia Bufe Works.
Uanufacturcrauf Fire and Barctnrl'roof Safes , Vaul |
l > our , JuflVurk , ihulto nnrt Wire \Vork. Cor.
Uth anil Jacksuri Btf. , Omahu , Nu b ,
Sash , Doors , Ktc.
"M. A'Titisii'h''aw ' co. ,
Wholesale Manufnciureri of
Sash , Dooi'H , lilinds and JlonldliififS ,
lltoncli o oe,12lli and I/krd ti..Oicttb5Nt' ! ' .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'jins.BtoIr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Klnlik
Just opened. N. K. cur. 8ih und Lvuvcnwurtu Bt * .
Oninha , Neb.
Lincoln , Neb.
Thi btst known uncl rnout i > oi > iilur hotel la
tliosiato. Location cciitinl.iippoliilmentd BtBt
clHss. llcmlfiuiirluiitor ifmimurelitl mun and
ull political uiiil public iratliorliiKa.
E. 1 . > 110UUN. ! Proprietor.
School , County and City
Wo win i > uy hlgticst ptlco for sumo.
MnJoat lowe tr tus..Corri'8ioudoiic | BollcltoJ
. . . . / STVLL l >