THE OMAHA IDAILY SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 12. 1887. NUMBER 55 ; ANOTHER ASHTABULA Frightful Wreck On the Toledo , Feoria & Western Railwav , PLUNGED IN * BURNT CULVERT. One Hundred Passengers Killed and Double the Number Injured , FIFTEEN CARS TORN TO PIECES. An Appalling Midnight Calamity Near Chatsworth , 111 , Heartrending Scenes Witnessed By the Few Survivors. WORST DISASTER EVER KNOWN. Two Passengers , Grazed By Suffering , Blow Out Their Brains. ACCOUNTS OF THE ACCIDENT. Several Thrilling and Hairbreadth Es capes By Passengers. COWARDLY VANDALS ON HAND. Miscreants Ont Off the Fingers of the Dead to Secure Bings , MANY OTHER VALUABLES TAKEN ft. Noble Woman Works For Hours Ministering to the Wounded and Dying The People of Chixts- worth Highly Praised For Good Deeds Full Par ticulars of the Horror. A Midnight Disaster. CHATBI70UTK , HI. . August ll.-lSpecial Telegram to the BEK.J At an early hour this morning this hitherto quiet little village was thrown Into the most violent convul sions of excitement when the terrible news spread quick and fast that the entire train on the Toledo , Peorla & Western railroad , con sisting of iifteen coaches , Including five 1'ull- man sleepers , had gone through the bridge crossing the Vermlllton river , aud hundreds of people supposed to bo killed. The train was loaded with perhaps a thou sand merry people on thler way to Niagara Falls , It being an excursion train destined to that great national wonder. It was a party made up largely of the better class of people ot the surrounding country , To many It was their holiday after the labors of the summer. A merrier party freed from the cares of duty never before embarked upon an excursion of pleasure. There were husbands and wives taking their Urst day of recreation ot the season. The merry laugh of the young people , as they had entered thn train at their respective stations had scarcely died away In the re pose of slumber when the awful crash came. The scenes of happiness , gaiety and general good nature , with the fond anticipations ot a pleasant Journey and safe return were In stantly transformed Into that of a burning prison , when It appeared hundreds were dead and dying. It was midnight , and through the fields of the boundless prairies echoed the song ot mirth , and laughter of the Innocent , the train , freighted with Us pro clous load of pleasure-seeking humanity- onward and onward sped the two monster "greyhounds of the rail , " with lights In the coaches dimly burning. In the sleepers the drapery had been drawn but a few short mo ments before the leap from the rail to the pulch below. The bridge had broken. Tlio ttret engine had passed In saloty , but with the approaching weight of the great train the structure eave way. Crash ing went the fifteen coaches all In a heap , .fate had done its work. As If with the touch of electricity a hundred souls had perished. Face to face and embraced In each others arms , went out the lives of husband , wife , father , mother , son and daughter. Fair woman , loveliness in the same car with the sturdy sweet heart , death came without regard to pledges or promise of af fection. In one compact space not over the length of two cars were piled the train of fifteen coaches of a minute before. 1 For a moment , and but a moment too , fol lowing the derailment all was silent as the night. A groan a cry , a hundred groans jes a thousand cries and appeals. Upon almost every spot trickled the blood from a thousand wounds. From the darkness of the night broke forth the burning fires , when It appeared as it but a minute more ami all would be wrapi d In ono solid flame. The cries of anguish grow more Intense as the ilamcs seemed destined to envelop the pionusclons wreck. It was not long , how ever , until ono by one of those able to extri cate themselves from the mass of timbers began caring for their leys fortunate com panions. The night was dark , the rain began falllne and for a time amid the natural confusion and suffering It seemed that none were to bo left to tell the tale. Lifeless bodies In numbers were taken from the wreck , not by the contlo hands of friends or kindred , but by these whose man hood was equal to the occasion. For hun dreds of yards the cold and partially charred remains were laid side by side upon the burnt stubble In the adjoining field , with lit tle drops ot rain pelting In their pale faces. It was a slckntng , horrid sight. Thnscenesof suffering , death aud despair cannot here in this brief dlsuatch be told. .Limbs were torn from bodies , skulls frac tured and a thousand different kinds of wounds Inlllctrd. It was the most fatal acci dent ever recorded lu the history ot railway travel. As quick as could bo done the news of the fatality was dispatched from ono end of the road to thu other. A relict train was ordered and loaded with all the available surgical nnd medical skill from the adjacent cities and towns. Before the dawn ot day the rain hart ceased fand the sun came up with all Us brightness and splendor. As Its rays fell full lu the faces of the dead nnd dying , It might have carried one's mem ory back to the dark days of the clII war , when upon the battle field lay coutlesg heroic sons. The sadness hero , however , was tenfold , for In ttie same line of the dead liau been ( aid the bodies of several ladles. Wltb all the confusion that exists at the present time It Is quite out of thequestion , to determine where rests the responsibility ot the dreadful catastrophe. That the train comprising so large a a number of cars created too great a weight with which to test the strength of the strong est brldire seems to bo a well established fact. Had the train been run In sections the chances are the accident would not have hap pened. A V1LLAOK TURNED INTO A. HOSPITAL. CirATSwonTir , 111. , August ll.-lPress. | - Charnel houses and hospitals make up to night what has been the peaceful village of Chatsworth. Of 800 merry excursionists Journeying by hero to the falls of Niagara twcntj-four hours ago , fully half the number have since passed through a maelstrom more fearful than all the whirling waters th y were traveling far to see. Eighty- four of them , blackened , mangled corpses , are scattered In the depots , school houses and engine houses hero and at Piper City , a orrebcini ? carried on trMns In all directions to their homes , while 115 ban daged nnd moaning cripples are stretched on all available mattresses , chairs and floors In this vlclnltv , struggling for a little lease of life. The streets of Chatsworth are filled with crowds of anxious seekers for friends and relations , and with other crowds of bustling people hurrying for medicines , slowly bearlnz rudoplne coHlns to trains , or talking earnestly of the horror that has caused consternation. The little ditch which the culvert spanned was about ten feet deep and the timbers had been burned away by the fires which have been raging In this vicinity. The heavily-laden train , rushing down a erado ot about forty-eight feet to the mile , struck the culvert The eye of the engineer could not detect the burned frame work beneath the track because enough of the culvert remained In position to hold the rails In position , but as the wheels touched It the crash came. The rapidity with which the train was going may bo Im agined when It Is understood that the rst engine leaped ever the chasm , nd holding the track went on but little In- .ured. The second engine plowed Its way along the track for nearly 200 feet and finally ent over on Its side , a most complete reck. Piling on top of and telescoping ono .tiother . caiuo the regular passanger coaches lib their loads ot human freight And uch a mass , such an Indescribable angled mass of splintered cars and mangled jodles. All night long and all day the work f removing the dead and wounded occupied , he good people ct the vicinity and many iclpcrs who carne from adjacent cities. At o'clock tula evening , when the Associated jress correspondent loft the scone , it was .bought all but six or seven bodies had been emoted. CAUSE OF TUB CATASTROPHE. Indirectly , the catastrophe was ascribed to ; uo origin of so many other recent great lalamitleu. viz. : unprecedented drought. The tall grass under a little culvert on the Toledo , Peorla & Western road a few miles last of Chatsworth had been rendered by the jun as dry as tinder , and last night a loco motive spark set it ablaze. The timbers of the culvert caught fire and were smoldering nnseen when the train of sixteen coaches of xcurslonl&ts came along. There was j terrific crash , and an accident , almost unprecedented In horror , bad passed Into history. That was the brief story gleaned on the streets of Chatsworth this ivening. A short rldo brought one from the Jckenlng sights of the city to the place where the catastronhe occurred. The tangled .ron and wood and various debris presented much the same appearance as It did at the line ot the accident. The engine , shattered jut of all shape , lay in the ditch about two hundred feet- beyond the culvert , and broken cars were strewn all about. The culvert which was about thirty- two feet In length , showed broken and burned imbors , nd gave evidence at a glance of the cause of the accident Dr. Ilazeu , of Fort Madison , la. , says the train was running about thirty miles an hour. Ilo foil a sudden jar and found him self and wife fastened under the scats. Ho pulled the backs off of two seats before he could cet his wife out. She was bruised on the body and had both feet mashed. His shoulder was dislocated and had to bo pulled Into place as soon as he could get out of the wreck , and in helping others pulled It out of place again , and had to have it pulled Into place a second time. There were nine per sons In his party , aud ho can only hear from three of them so far. Ilo says he saw Mr. E. D. Stoddard hand his boy out to a lady while he crawled back to cet his wife , who was killed. The following Is a list ot the dead so far as identified : ANOTHF.H ACCOUNT. JDJIICAOO , August 11. The Inter Ocean's Peorla special , referring to the Chatsworth wreck says : It was the largest excursion and the largest rassengcr train over taken out over the Toledo , Peorla & Western rail way. The train consisted ot fifteen coaches , including five sleepers. Two engines were required to pull It , but onlv ono of these was attached , the other being sent ahead to the other side of tlie Illinois river bridge. At the depot before the train started Engineer McClintock , who was killed in the wreck , expostulated with General Superintendent Armstrong about the way theltraln was made up , Insisting that It should have been sent out in two sections , but his words were of no avail. It Is said that very few of the bridges on the Toledo , Peoria & Western road can stand the strain of two such heavy engines as drew this train , and this seems to bo borne out by the fact that the railroad officials did not deem It best to trust both engines on the bridge across the river hero. The awful calamity occurred on a comparatively small culvert about ten feet long and not more than twelve feet high. The engineer on the forward engine saw the fire as ho neared the bridge , but supposed It to be grass on fire. Too late he saw It was the culvert Itself ablaze , and upon this totter ing istructure the train plunged , going at the rate of thirty miles an hour. The first en gine passed ever the chasm safely. The second end wont into the ditch , burying nnd killing McClintock , and In after It came the rest ot thu train , all the coaches uxcrpt the sleepers piling In and telescoping. For an Instant the sound of crushing timbers was stilled , tnen from out of the awful silouco rose groans and cries of agony , ttamcs leaped Into the darkness and a storm arising , the wind and rain added terror and dismay to the awful scene. Kven In her cruelty fate was lenient , for she willed that the most of these \vlio were killed should die instantly. A passenger who was on the third coach sa > s that ho was first con scious of a Jar and that when the cars wont together the noise resembled a red hot Iron touching water. The trucks dropped off , letting the coaches down. All the sur vivors tell similar stories. Most of the IVorlaiH being In the sleepers , more ot them escaped than would have othoiwlso been tlio case. Manyof these were aslaep and were only conscious of a jarring when the accident occurred. The latter speak In the highest terms of the noble efforts ot the people of Chatsworth to glvo succor aud relief. Yet ail who went there did not give aid. Ono ot thn survivors re- Ules that as the first engine cleared the bridge the brush beneatll It flamed up as if oil had IgnltiHl. Ilo wan fast In the wreck and called for aulstauco. Ue was aided by someone outside and as soon as ho was safely out of the wreck his rescuer grasped his watch and torn It from him. An other man was robbed of his chain , the van dal falling to f et his watch. The fingers of the dead were also cut off upon which were valuable rings. The robbing of the dead and Injured gave rise to the terrible report that the bridge had been fired and the train purposely wrecked for the sake of plunder , but no confidence Is placed In the report here. It Is believed that the robbery was the work of vandals who happened to bo on hand. Six out of four teen who started from Eureka were killed and four of the seven who loft Ablngdon. Of the five from ono family on board four perished. perished.A A PULLMAN roriTicn's STOUT. The only man on the wrecked train who lingered on the scene till to-night unharmed was the porter of the only Pullman car dam aged. It was the foremost of the six sleepers completing the train. The tenth passenger coach was a total wreck , as were all Its pre decessors , but the sleeper stopped with the forward end over the burning bridge. The colored bov's story was about as accurate an account as could be gotten from any of the passengers , lie said It was about 11:30 : and the train had been sailing along at abont thirty miles an hour when they reached the top of the hill about two miles beyond Cnatsworth. "At the top of this grade there is a turnpike crossing and I rememoer the engineer whistling for it as Is the custom , and then down grade wo went with a dash. A moment later came the crash. Everybody was shaken violently and many In our car bruised. It was an awful jerk , a lunge and then an abrupt stop and we wore standing still. When we in the car looked out we were so horror-striken we couldn't tell what to do. Our car was afire in front and all ef forts were directed to extinguishi ng the flames. The people in .lie sleeper behind us were note o roughly bandied as we and came to our escue. As many of us as were able then went to work to help these in the day coaches .head. It was dark as pitch and the cars were heaped so promiscuously wo could not got at them at all. The awful sights and groans nnd horror of the whole thing was more than I could stand. Tne news was sent to adjoining towns as eon as 3 possible. It was a dreadful wait before any assistance came , although I oppose It was only a little while. Wo were ittle better off then , for their provisions were nadequate for the great work on hand. Phy sicians were soon summoned from all neigh boring towns , and by 8 o'clock in the morning .he . officials of the road were on their way rom Springfield with all the doctors they could muster. Two hours after the wreck and to add more suffering to itshoirors rain began to pour and for several hours drenched be suffering and dying , ilut the horror night have been worse had not the burning culvert been extinguished when it was , as he debris would have burned , causing a dreadful bolocast , in which hun dreds who escaped It either wounded or injured would have been burned to death. Not a soul In the forward leu cars could have survived. But tbo engineer of the first engine returned to the wreck and gave us what water ho had and after that gave out we extinguished the flames with dirt thrown upon the burning timber. " Tim INQUEST BEGUN' . Back in the little city , after the dead had been cleared from the floor of the school house and the weary Samaritans were ar ranging for watches during the night at bed sides elsewhere , the coroner's Inquest was begun. The superintendent of tbo road and his assistant were sworn , but before any material facts were reached an adjournment was taken till to-morrow. THK WORK OF VANDA1.S. For one of the worst features ot the affair no excuse Is possible. There were vandals at work at the wreck. In ono instance a wounded man called to n passer-by to help him. Instead of doing so the villain reached down , took the watch from the Injured man's pocket and fled. In another Instance the dead body of a woman was robbed of all the jew elry on her person. A IIAIIUOWIXO SIGHT. Perhaps the most harrowing Incident was tbo case of ono man who , wounded , crawled out and lay in nn adjacent cornfield here. Ue groaned and sent forth piteous appeals for a short while , and then came a sharp crash and all was over. Ills misery had un nerved him and drawing his pistol from his pocket he quieted all pain with a bullet through his head. LIST OP THE KILLED. Thn Journal's Forest , 111. , special gives the following names among those killed : En McCuNTOCR , engineer of No. 7. SON OF EZIIA. MEEK , Eureka. Miss MAY LAWS , Eureka. AitTuuu MCCARTHY , Eureka. JAMES BLAIK , Eureka. Mns. Dn. DUCAT , Forrest Wife of traveling man of Kankakee. UODEL , father and son. BILL STEVENSON and two daughters. CAPTAIN UAHLKE. Bins. JAMES DICAL. Mns. WILLIAM ALLEN. Mus. P. CURBS , Washington , 111. MBS. WILLIAM BALL. busiK BALL. Miss 1'KAitr , ADAMS. WILLIAM KEQAN. Mu. FRENCH. PlIENA FllAIIM. Mus. VALENTINE. Mus. VAI.DIOO and daughter. Mr.S. ZlMMUllMAN. FRKU WEINNET and daughter , PEARL , of I'eorla. MRS. KATK CRESS , Washington. CORA. SMITH , Peoria , fatally injured and impossible to get well. It. E. STOCKER , Peorla. Miss STEPHENS and father. MIKE UE < IAN , BInghampton , N. Y. WILLIAM CIIAIO , Cuba , III. HENHV HECKER , Pokln , 111. NOAII HAVKKMORK , Canton , 11L M. SMITH , Metamora , III. OKOROE A. SMITH , Peorla. /IMMKHMAN , I'eorla. UOSA and MAGUIU MUIIPHV and mother , I'eorla. Miss MACIOIK MALHOW , Peorla , Miss NE.VL. Mossvllle , 111. EMILINE : CARRUTIIEHS , Evans , 1)L ) .iK'-s MEEK , Eureka , 11L SHERMAN , Brlmflold , 111. PKARL FRENCH , Peorla. W. 11. POTTER , Bushnell , III. MRS. J. M. CLAY , Eureka , 111. J. D. RlCHABDS. Mii3. HBEEZE , Peorla. W. UEUKBKTSEN , Peorla. TRKVILI.O , Peorla. E. F. ADAMS Falrbury. W. il. LOT , Elm wood. AUDIE WEP.STEU , Peorla. MRS. WILLIAM ALLEN , I'eorla. Mu. W. VALEOO , Peoria. MBS. II. U. McCLUBK and daughter , Peorla. Mnsr. MILLEB , Peoila. MB. WIUQUT , Peorla , MRS. JAMES DALE , Peorla. MBS. WILLIAU BALL and -daughter , Peorla. MRS. F. B. WYNKTT , Peorla. MRS. E. CiODDEj.L and son. . Dn , WILLIAU COLLINS , Oalesburg. J. BOYD. J. S. KALKR , Breeds Station , 111. ; MRS. JOUN Munrnr , Peorla , III. HENRY SIEGLESON , Keokuk , la. OHKY SPAITU , GrefB Vallev , III. JOHN A. MOORE , Jacksonville , III. J. D. A. McFAPDEN , Peorla. CAPTAIN AHKLE. A. MARTIN , Bloomlngton. J. A. GIIKEN , Breeds Station. And about twenty dead at Piper City. In addition to the list ot killed given above there are at this hour still between thirty aud forty bodies in different places awaiting Identification. Among them are eight or ten children. NAMES OF THE WOUNDED. The following are the names of the wounded as far as taken : E. W. Parker and wife , Peorla , wounded In head and limbs. Mrs. Emma Itcganand son , Peorla , slightly injured. John Fry , Peorla , leg broken and back in jured. 11. L , Ogden , Urayton , III , , head and foot Injured. Florence Boucher , Bayard , la , , arm hurt. Pat Brady , Oilman , 111 , , foot and head hurt Sophia Pauline , Peorla. III. , head hurt C. W. Young , West Jersey , hand hurt C , W. Swank , West Jersey , foot and ihouldcr hurt U. A. Scott , Toulon , 111. , ankle hurt Thomas Trlmms , Pajkrldgc , HI. , arras , hips nd legs Injured. Theodore Uodell , PeOrla , head and legs in ured. Mrs. Edith Clielloff , Qlassford , 111. , leg roken and ankle bruited. Mr. Chellow , Glass ford , leg dislocated. Joe Neal , Mossvlllo , III , head and limbs hurt Mrs. Joe Neal , Mossvlllo , arm and leg roken : baby killed. Miss Julia Valdejo , Peorla , III. , Injured In ternally. Abblo Edmonds , Desco , III. , ankle hurt. Dr. E. P. Hazon and wife , Fort Madison , a. , heads hurt Miss Emma Alter , West Point la. , head and limbs hurt nnd shoulder dislocated , Mrs. 11. O. Theme , Itlsk , la. , injuicd In- ; crnally. U. 11. Bond , Colchester , III. , Injured Inter nally. Mrs. Thomas McAvery , Peorla , 111 , injured .nternally. Mrs. I. W. Grant , Peorla , 111. , Injured in- Mary Morrles , Peorli , III. , bruised. Mr. Uobert Zimmerman , Peorla , III. , head and spine. E. F. French , Peorla , hips and body. Eaten Waters , Peorla Ips and body. Otto Johnson , Burlington , la , , legs. Mrs. R. 11. Clark , Rjotstown , la. , logs. U. W. Cress. Washington , 111. , head and " * " ' chest. J. E. Dechman , Peorla. ankle. Madge T. Harris , Peorla , ankle. Arthur McCarty , Eureka , 111. , both eyes gone. David Crawfor , Ritton , HI. , head , limbs and hips. A. T. McGee , La Harpe , HI. , log and spine. Mrs. It. S. Borden. Ton lea , HI. , feet. fcWIHiaui Forbes , Elmwood , 111. , chest and head. Elizabeth Sellers , J > a Harpe , 111. , limbs. Mrs. Lldla Walters , IWla ; nose , jaw and leg. " f II. Abraham , Peorla , Internally. Wm , Smith , Peorla , bead crushed. Frank Taylor , Macomb , 111. , Internally. John Steer , Rushvllle , HI. , leg. J. W. Stearns , Green Valley , 111. , lea. Adam Shamberger , Peorla , hip , side and heel. heel.S. S. L. Bolsley , Deer Creek , 111. , head and ankle. Patton Cress , Washington , 111. , log. J. B. Kelly , Beeds , HI. , hip , leg broken. Frank Sladlcker , Ablngdon , 111. , head , leg broken. Daniel Rock. Ruscfiold. 111. , head , log and hands. A. C. Jordan. Danville , la. , leg. C. A. Gregg , Dunvillo , la. , leg. C. E. Allen , Galesburg , III. , head. AE. . Ellis , Peorla , head. Linnlo Vaugsdale , Peorla , leg broken. Calvin Gaves , Peoria arm. Conductor StIIlwoll , head , atm and leg : . C. U. Carter , Burlington , la. , body. ' Harold B. Lawrence , Burlington. la. , body. U. B. Lawrence , Burllnston , la. , body. John McMaster , Peorla , body. Frank Brown , Peorla , hand. Mrs. Kellogg , Fremont body. " Mrs. M. J. Welsh , Peorla , body. Mrs. Isaac. Whltealde , 111. , body. Catherine Let , Poorla , body. Blanche Allen , Peorla , body. A MINISTERING ANOEL. A noble girl named Gannle Brebner , of Farmlngton , III. , was one of the notable heroines of the wreck. She wont through the disaster unhurt and hour after hour from that ever acted as nurse for the dying vic tims. So great were her services that the physicians finally placed under her exclusive charge two Injured boys from Peorla and a photographer of. Burlington , la. They were all badly hurl , and if they recover eventually they will owe it almost wholly to her ministrations. It was she and a score of others like her who redeemed confidence In human nature after the sight of the vandalism of tlm wreck. The action ot the men there was so bad In certain cases that a rumor was started to-night that the wreck was not an accident but had been wrought solely for robbery. A LUCKY MISS. R. G. Rlsser , of Kankakee , says : "I was at El Paso and missed the express train by less than five minutes , then took a freight , twenty-six minutes later , and when wo got to Forest the conductor had orders to leave all his loads , secure' all the physicians ho could and proceed to a wreck three miles from Chatsworth. jUpon arriving at the scene of the disaster wu found the most heart rending and Indescribable scene ever wit nessed. Men , women and children were begging to bo taken from the wreck. What made the situation still moio appalling was the tire on the bridge , * with no water at hand with which to do anything. All on the train a'nd such passenger ! as were able to do so procured dirt and tried In every way possible to smother the fire. They were so far successful as to prevent its get ting hold of the wrecked cars. Had it reached the wreck hundreds of wounded aud Im prisoned passengers would have perished In the flames. Wo worked from the time of the arrival of the train till about 1:00 : a. m. In try- in i : to extricate the sulleriug who were In such dread of fire. At that time a friendly shower ot rain relieved them from all fear of fire. Wethen went to work raoro deliber ately and continued up to 8 o'clock , during which time we removed fifty-dent dead and three or four times as many wounded. A relief train from the east took a large number ot wounded out to Pluer City. The city hall and school house at Chatsworth were Improvised Into hospitals and citizens came to our relief with coffee , bread aud butter and cterythlngipos- sibJe , especially bandages , and medicine for the suffering. " . Mr. Kisser stited lltat they had nothing with which ( o carry the dirt to the wreck but their han-N. Mo stood 'I'o sickening work of relieving the wounded and getting out the dead until ho came to the dead bodies of two girls about the age of his own , when his humanity gave way and ho was compelled to stop. Mr. Arch Creswrll and wife , of Peorla , were enrouto to visit their parento In Kankakee , with their six- weeks-old Infant Mrs. Crosweli occupied a seat at the front end ot the car next to the door. Mr. Crosweli was unable to got a seat with his wlfo and teen another position a few seats back along the car. When the concussion came the front end of the car was crushed In and Mrs. Cros weli killed. The bab was found In the center of the car with but slight Injuries. It was taken to a farm house near by and cared for. PEOIHA PASSENGERS' DKSCIHPTION. PEOIIIA , 111. , August 11. Several thousand people were at thu depot this afternoon when the train arrived bearing the first ot the wounded from Chatsworth. The crowd was so largo and so eager to obtain a view that It was difficult to control it Accounts of the disaster were obtained from several passengers on the train. Mr. J. M , Tennery was In the first sleeper , and said : ' 1 felt throe distinct shocks nnd then heard a grinding sound , and on looking out saw that the car In which we were was directly over the fire , which was slowly blazing on the stringers of the brldtco. I got out In safety , and the scene presented to the eye and car was one I wish 1 could forever efface from my memory , but I know 1 never can. The shrieking ot the dying and the glaring faces of the dead will always stay with me. To add to the horror it was pitch dark , save a fitful light ot tha fire under the sleeper , which lighted the faces of those about only to make their fear aud anguish visible. On the mouths of most ot the corpses could be seen team , which showed that they died In agony. At last wo secured some feeble lights , but the wind blow them out and about 3 o'clock the rain poured down In torrents on the unprotected dead and dying In the hedges and cornhcUls ad jacent. Our efforts were divided between trying to put out the fire and rescuing the dying , whoso cries for help were heartrend- "ne Indeed. One poor follow whose legs were rushed beneath the timbers cried out In his agony , "Relieve mo or I will kill myself , " which In a short time ho did by shooting Himself with a revolver which he took from its pocket. Mothers ny | wildly about crying 'or lost children nnd wives for husbands. Strong men were weeping copious tears over .ho . forms of their beloved wives. Pravers and entreaties and groans filled the air until daylight when relief parties got to work and removed the dead and wounded from the scene. The bridge was on fire before the ; raln struck It. " C. Falrotb , who was one of the fortunate ones occupying a berth , was one of the first to begin assisting the Injured. He says the first work to be done was tti quenching of of the flames , which Immediately began to devour the bildge and coaches , all of which were more or less filled with dead snd dying. No water was to bo had and not a moment to lose. All assisted " with a will with such tools as oould bo found on the cars to further de stroy and tear away all the wood week pos sible to remove , and with dirt , weeds , dry grass , coats and clothing , in fact anything that would act as a weapon against the fierce flames was used , so that after a terri ble struggle the fire wan put out and all then gave their entire attention to the sufferers. Mr. Falrotn , on passing one of the coaches , .was requested "for God's sake to "take m > child , " a babe , which ho Immedi ately did , and leaving it In as safe a place as could bo found wont Into the car and found the mother , Mrs. Neal , of Mossville , Just d ad. The scone in the cars was buyond description. Ono young child was found fastened near thu roof of the car , head down , where in the Jar and concussion It had been thrown and was dead when taken down. Others were found In ail conceivable shapes , all thrown oil their seats , piled In the end of the alsio of the cars , bleeding from gashes on the face. arms or other portions of the body , In all the most sickening sight he over wit nessed. William Ellis , one ot the badly Injured was thrown four or five seats forward , stunned , and when he recovered himself found others lying upon him. Ills watch was smashed In and stopped at 13:13. : Ho Is ot the opinion that the brldgo was set on fire by loungers around there , whoso motive it was to plunder the dead , as ho saw some of these suspicious looking fellows taking rings from fingers and money and valuables were taken from the pockets ot others not able to resist A Journal special from Chatsworth , 111. , says : "It was a wild and excited throng which surrounded the Union depot In Peorla this morning. The news of the wreck of the Niagara excursion train ot fifteen coaches and two engines spread like wild ( lie. Four hundred excursionists from Peorla , Clinton , Eureka and other places , many of them well known and highly respected through central Illinois , were aboard. All sortj of rumors were floating abroad , and the number killed was variously estimated at from six to 100. The first regular train lett Peorla at 8:30. : At all stations along the line large crowds of ex cited people had gathered to hear the latest from Peorla. Some wild rumors prevailed , but nothing of an authentic nature could bo learned. When the relief train reached Its destination it was a sad and ghastly slgnt brought to view. Ten coaclT V ad either gone throuzh the bridge or were piled In a promiscuous heap , crosswise and lengthwise of the wreck. Tlio shrieks and groans of the dying and wounded could bo heard. The bridge through which the cars went was a small one. It had been on fire , which caused it to weaken , thus causing a frightful holocaust So far over seventy bodies have oeen recovered and convoyed to the town hall , school house and depot plat form. Not one has been taken from under the cars and not oven a sound can bo heard from them. It Is feared all are dead , and the number killed la estimated at 200. The wounded so far number 150. Another train anlvcd at 1 o'clock with twenty-six bodies and seven woundud. A later train will bring fittceu wounded and six bodies. I1LOOMINOTON PEOPLE SAFE. BLOOMINOTON , HI. , August 11. C. W. Klemm and II. A. Nichols and wife , of tills city , were on the Ill-fated train and all es caped. Klemm'a brother-in-law , Gohrman , of Springfield , Is also safe. Gray Harris and Nicholas StaulTur , traveling men of this city , were on tlio train and have not yet been heard from. 11. A. Nichols , of this -city , ' with his wlfo and child , was on the train wrecked at Chats- worth , and arrived this aftnrnoon. Mr. Nichols gives an account of the wreck and says none of thd Bloomlngton party were In jured. IIURLINOTON'S O.VOTA. BURLINGTON , la. , August U. Among the passengers on the Niagara excursion train , from this vicinity were W. II. Grupo and wife , W. L. Llnder , Harry Lawrence , Charles Carter , M. 11. Davis and wife , John Austin , F. Burns , Mrs. M. E. Johnston nnd son , Otis , Mrs. Stoddard and child , West Point , la. , Dr. Hazen and wife , Fort Madl- son-and five from Mlddletown , la. , whoso namesc nnot bo ascertained , , ' , BANQUETING CAMEUON. Distinguished Americans and Eng lishmen Are the Guest * Present. [ Copi/rfc/M tSSJ IvJamts Gonlou ntnnrtt.1 LONDON , August 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. I Simon Cameron sat this evening on the right of Consul Gen eral Waller at a dinner given the former at the St George club In Hanover square by the latter. Covers were laid for thirty American and twenty English guests. Among these were Senator llawloy , Chaunccy Dopew , Murat llalstead , James It. Osrood , Bret liar to , Lord Ronald Gowcr , Major E. J , Halo , General W. B. Chapln , District Attorney Rldgeway , Clark Bell , John Gllmoro Spued , Daniel llixby , F. A. Burr , of the Philadelphia Times , and 11. L. llorton. Goncrnl Cameron responded to the toast "Queen and Presi dent , " standing as erect and speaking as roundly of voice as It ho wore forty-seven in stead Hot eighty , After these lojal toasts Mr. Depow uroposcd "Tho Press. " In the course ot a characteristic speech ho remarked upon the latest phase in American politics In that presidential candi dates now want to go to Eu * > po to elec tioneer. There was Blatno In Ireland , with his friend Carnegie , assisting lu Scot land. "No sooner had tlio three white house huntsmen began , " ho said , "than , hearing ; of It , our friends here , Cameron and Joe llawley , crossed the ocean also as the nominee of the Herald crossed to bo followed by Murat llalstead , who has como to care for John Sherman. I was asked at the races yesterday by a lady whether there was In America any preference for color lu horses. 1 answered , "Most certainly , the preference is for dark horses. " "All of us here are dark horses. Wo are all distinguished Americans , yet not a London paper has noticed our arrival. Such Is not the sllenco when any even half distinguished Englishmen visit America. They are en countered off Sandy Hook by a press bout They are asked all about every shade of European politics and their opinions sought about our country before they have landed In it. " Mr. Dcpowgavo a humorous comparison between the spirit und method of the press of the two countries and showed the greater ex cellence of the papers of his own land but abruptly closed after a reference to seine re porters by saying , "I now stand on the brink of dangerous precipices and before I fall will sit down , " Murat llalstead spoke in behalf of the American pi ess. Other speeches followed , and then the company , especially the Englishmen , gathered around the veteran ex-cabinet minister , who seemed over whelmed with the attention , aud who con vened with great animation. Tom ICecne In Court , NKW "YORK , August 11. f Special Tele- cram to the Br.E.J Thomas W. Keene , the actor\ now known In the courts at least as Thomas R. EaKlestonu got Into the supreme court yesterday iu a suit begun by William R. llaydeu , who assorts that he has overpaid Keene about 87,000 , and this he wants back. In IbSl a contract was made between the two , Haydeu says , for mutual aid and financial comfort Keene to have 87) a week for three years. After IbSS the arrangement still went on. lnKansas _ CItv , In 1HS8 , Keene was stricken with paralysis , wa.s nursed by Uaydon , * o ho a\ers , and was taken by htm toStaten Island. Keuue. alter partial re covery and relapse later In that y ai , was unable to go on with his engagement with Hayden , who now says ho has paid out over 810,000 In the actor's behalf as a salary , loanIng - Ing him 3,000 when he was "hard up" in Cincinnati , and ( Incurring SiV : ) obligations besides for him. A motion was made In be half of Keene before Justice Donohoe yester day in chambers for appointment of n re ceiver of assets and property of the Keeno- Hayden combination. Kuene lays claim to the costumes , properties , otc. , among them a parlorcar. Hayden calls this claim an evi dence of ingratitude , lie , too , lays claims to the properties. Hayden wants a lolmeo instead of a receiver. Justice Douoliue took the papers. A Ftcht for the Northern Pacific. NEW YORK , Augustll. [ Special lelegram to the BEE.J The Times says : There Is a good deal of Interest In the alleged contest for control of the Northern Pacific at the September election. Thu fight Is being made by Elijah Smith In the Interest of the Union Pacific , Oregon Trans-Continental and Oio- gen Navigation company , rivals of the North ern Pacific In the Tar westv nnd the Wlscon- aln Central , which wants to get control of the Northern Pacific's Chicago business. Smith has Issued a circular to stockholders , signed by himselt nnd a number of brokerage firm of this city and Philadelphia , who have stock belonging to the Union Pacific party In their name. There is no doubt that these parties are large holders of Nortlitrn Pacific , the Oregon Trans-Contlnontalcompany Itself holding 13.1,000 shares , and it Is on this ground that binlth asks for proxies. The fact Is concealed , however , that the gentle men ha\e paramount interest In companies which are antagonistic to the Northern Pa cific , and if they get Into power their Inten tion Is to use the Northern Pacific to benefit those rival concerns. Wisconsin' * Great Rtorm. MILWAUKEE , Amrnst 11. Specials to the Evening Wisconsin fiom every portion of the state show that last night's rain storm was general , and that ttip draught stricken districts have been effectually relieved. The storm was accompanied by high winds , which in places did considerable damage to trees , fences and buildings. A daughter ot Jensen Miller , at Fulton , and a Miss Hender son , ot Illinois , were drowned by the rapsli- Ing of a boat in a storm on Lake Nrgonsa. At Muscade two b.irns were struck liy light ning and consumed with all contents. Near Lancaster Thomas Beethams' barn was struck and destroyed. Beetham and daughter wore rendered insensible , and the cows they were milking were killed. Ilohl Shot. SALT LAKE , August 11. Fred Ilohl , alias Welcome , was shot to death to-day , having elected that mode of expiating his crime over the alternative of hanging. This was the fourth time the death sentence had been passed on him. In July , 1SSO , ho murdered his benefactor , a son ot Sheillf Turner , stele three span of horses , two wagons , and a camping outfit , all of which he sold and lied to Wyoming. Ho was aubseqtiontly ar rested , tried , convicted aud Hontonced to death. On appeal to the United States supreme premo court tlm judgment was reversed nnd a new trial ordered. Ihe riecond trial was a duplicate of tint tlrsl In all iiartlciilars. Hot ter success attended the third , tint sunremo court alHrmini ; the judgment aud ordering the execution of fiuntencti. On ono occasion Ilohl narrowly escaped lynching , and on an other occasion tlm governor stsi > nd execution halt au hour before It was to occur. California Train Ilolibcry. SAN Fr.ANciHco , August ll. The west bound express was robbed last ulght thirty miles east of Tucson , Arizona. The train was ditched and tlio express car ransacked by four robbers. The sheriff and posse are on the trail , which leads to thn Kinujn mountains. The Coke Pirrsnuiio , Pa. , August 11. A confer ence of coke operators aud employes Is being held at Kvanaton , Pa , , at which tit ? long pending dispute about tlm wage sualtt foi the coke region workmen nlll probably . be willed . ' ' THE LLOYD-CHAPIN SCANDAL Llyod Fays the Costs , But Further Bultl Are Threatened. A DOCTOR AND A MILLINER. They CrnntoKxoltcinont at 1'lfttta Con * tor Ujr An Escapade A G y Old Alnn nt Clinton , In. Other Iowa Now * . A Pintle Center RcnmlnL PiiATTE CnNTiitNob.August 11 ( Special Telegram to the BKF. | lr. Hamilton Mead was arrested al I o'clock this morning In Ma store. With him was a young lady who runs a nilUliu'ry store hero , She has run awav. lie la now In jalt to await his trial. Ho formerly lived nt 1'lattsmouth and lat * tprly at Ogden in charge ot thu Union Pa- cillo hospital at that place. Tlio Nebraska City Scandal. NEBIIASKA CITY , Neb. , August 11. [ Special Telegram to the HKK. ] The Llovd Jhaplln shooting and horsewhipping affair ivas settled to-day as far as the present charge ) s concerned by Lloyd paying all costs and lines and refusing to further push the casu against Chaplin , who Is now talking ot a mlt airalnst Llo\d for perjury and malicious irosectttlon. Mrs. Chaplin , ft Is said , will bring a suit for slander against a 1'ress re porter unless a public apology Is made. Llojd Is trying to innkoa case against the Evening Times for criminal libel for express' ng his opinion of Lloyd , and the fun con' luuos. Hmnll Items From Seward. SKWARD , Nob. , August 11. ( Special to tut BEE.J Ground has been secured and pthor arrangements made for thu Immedlato erea Ion of an oat meal mill to cost about 530,000 , with a capacity of 1,000 bushels per day. The old settlers of Seward , Y ork and But * .orcounties will hold their third annual re * union ut Lord's itrovo In liutlor county the 43th of this mouth. % In the game of base ball between Seward and David City , Hntlwway , Soward's pitcher , broke his arm between the elbow and shoulder. 11 A. 1'olley has been appointed uxprcsi igent at this plnco. Trackla > erson the Fremont Elkhorn 4 | Missouri Valley railroad have quit work hoio for the purpose of finishing up between Arlington and Omaha , when tht y will return and complete this lino. Broke Ills Marriage Vows. PLATTE CKNTUH , Neb. , August a [ Spool al Telegram to the BKK. | For seine tlino past a bit of gossip and scandal has been In circulation here over an rumour which culinl- nated to-day lu the arrest of Dr. Hamilton Mead , a prominent physician of this plnco , on a charge of adultery with Miss Kato Duffy , a young lady about twenty years of ace. She was highly respected and was regarded as model of vli tue and circumspection. As soon aj the doctor wa * placed undery arrestMIss Dully took the train and wout on to Omaha. There Is gieat excitement ever the affair as Df. Mead Is married to a most estimable lady auij. the opinion prevails that undue means have been resorted to to procuto the ruin and dts- grnco ot Miss Duffy. She Is one of a family of six grown up girls that have always been reputable. Industrious and Intelligent , sup porting themselves as teachers , dressmakers and milliners. _ Kearney's Great Heal Estate Bale. KEAHNKY , Neb. , August It ( Special Telegram to the BKF. | Harrington's great ot snlo to-day panned out well. Seven thous and dollars worth of residence lots and 810- * 000 worth of business lots were sold. The lots brought good prices , ana as nearly all were purchased by non-residents. It Is evi dence that Kearney IR the coming city of Ne braska. A carload of people came up from Omaha this morning and wore among the heaviest purchasers. Howard County's Crops. DANNKIIROO , Neb. . August 11. [ Special to the HICK. | The following shows the standing of grain in Howard county : Wheat , 10 bushels per acre , last year 13 bushels ; oats _ , 85 bushels pur acre , last year SO bushels ; barley , 23 bushels per acre , last year 28 bushels ; corn , 45 bushels per acre , last year HO ImgliHls. Corn nn high land will yield 30 to 40 bushels. Corn on low land will yield GO to 70 bushels. Dry weather aud chinch bugs did a good deal of damage to the wheat crop. Corn Is suffering for want of rain on high land. Unless rain fall * soon some of tths corn will not bo worth husking. Vegetables good nud plenty. Again Under Arrest. NEiiRA&KACirv , Neb. , August 11. [ Spe cial Telegram to the BEE. ] Thomas Liarsh , a son of the major , was arrested and Jailed to-day for obtaining money under false pretenses , having stolen bis sister's watch and pawned It. This Is the same fol low who , Romu time ago , robbed his room mate at Council IHutTs and left a note asking him not to think too hard of him for tut foicod loan. The ICoad Completed , NEIIKASKA CITY , Neb. , August 11. [ Spe cial Telegram to the UKK. | The Missouri Pacific this evening finished ttack laying from the north , so that the en tire line Is now completed to Omaha , though ft la hot ex pected that trains will run much before Sep tember 1. In llarlon County. RRPUIIUCAN tJixv , Neb. , Auzust 11. [ Special to the UKK.I Small grain Is all harvested and threshing quite well advanced. There Is probably 10 per cent Increase In average over last year , wheat yielding 8 to 14 bushels per acre , rjo 21 bushels , oats 20 to CO bushels and good quality. There Is an In crease In acreage In corn ever Ibh6 of about 15percent. Some pieces ot early planting will yield poorly , later planting fair to good yield say 25 to Ml bushels per acre , Rome pieces will yield 00 bushels. 1'otatoos will ba an average crop , IV ) to 250 bushoU per acre. Vegetables of all kinds are a good crop. Clovur and timothy bring good prices. I'raliio hay Is fair to good. Dodge County Crops. Noun ! Ilnyi ) , Neb. , August 11. ISpeelal to the HUB. ] Small grain Is all harvested. Some farmers are threshing and report an aterago yield of all small grains. Corn pros pects are not so 11Uterine as they were ten di > s ago , owing to the continued dry weather. Should rain fall during the next live days there will undoiibtoJly be the larirust corn prop ever known In wostem Dodge. The Increased acreage Is uoout 3 per cent over 18X ) . In Cherry County. YAT.ENTINK , Neb. , August 11. [ Special to the Dni.J : Reports fro > n all portions of the county show the Increase In acreao Is about olio-third , Some grain has been harvested , Wheat u111 yield about " > bushels and eaU BSto40. The county has been blessed with plenty of rain and nevur In the hlhtorv of the county iiaui corn and grass made such a shoeing. Corn will yield about 4'J bushels to thu ucro and grass 00 per cent over last ) car. Mlno DiMnarrr. iMll.WAUKF.K , AllgUHt tl. Sll.ttt No. 1 Of the Arililand mine ne r HurleyVis. . , caved in jestcr.lay afternoon at 5:10 : o'clock , killing - ing threti men and Injuring another to badly he Is not expected to live. . . Killed liy the Cnrf. MAIIINKTTK , Wis. , Atiuust 11. Two men who were driving homo from a cirrus nt this place YI ( 10 struck by the Chicago Ac North western train at a crosslne about a mile out- MOo oi ti-t ) city mill Illicitly .Wiled , jo > Aether MUi thcirjiorsc. ; .