- sp - fj. ' .wr 1TJM THE OMAHA DAIfcY REE : THURSDAY. AUGUST 11 , 1887. PROPOSED POSIOFF1CB SHIFT OoogreMman McSb&ue Begardi the Pro posed Removal as Impracticable. REGULATING SCHOOL DISTRICTS. Under the Metropolitan Charter An Eaitern Jonrnall t' Mis fortune Other liooal Matters. MoShano and the Postoflloe. Senator Mnndorson , who recently stirred up such a bruczo about the pro posed removal of Fort Omaha , Is now engaged-In another removal scheme. He now wnnts the postofilco relocated , nnd intends to introduce a bill in congress next winter with that object in view. According to the Herald , Senator Pud. dock is to assist him in this schema. Congressman McShano , however , will have something to sav about this project when it comes up next winter. Hid views unon the mutter are expressed in the following interview : "Are you wondng in conjunction with Senator Manilcrson in his proposed removal of the postolllco"he was asked. "No , sir : lhavo not heard much about It , and have not been consulted , " was Mr. MuShane's reply. "Well , you know that the scheme is to got 11 new site , put up a new building and use the old structure for army headquarters. " "Yes , there has been some little talk about such apian , but I have nothing to do with it. I am not in favor of u reloca tion of the postotllca. I think the proper course is tor the government to acquire additional ground adjoining the present site , I don't believe cither in paying a big price for it. Anyone who at tempts to relocate the postofllco will have an elephant on his bunds. You can imagine what a tight it would bring about between different lo calities. " "The plan , as I understand it , " said the representative of the HUE , "Is to make the relocation within the territory bounded by Capitol avenue and Harnoy streets , and Liftecnth and Eighteenth streets. " "This is all very well , " said Mr. McShano , "but whicli of the various locations would you take ? There is not a half block within that ter ritory that is not occupied bysomo build ings. Iho city would have to pay a very largo fiutu for sullicicnt ground for anew site. I regard the whole scheme as im practicable , and don't propose to got myself into a postoilico light if I can avoid it. " NEW SCHOOL DISTlllCIS. How thoFunilH Ilnvo Ilccii Distributed Between the Olit nnd New. Under the law governing school mat ters in the metropolitan cities of this state , it has devolved on the county sup erintendent of public instruction , the piosidout of the board of education and the director of each district interested to make an appraisement of the property , etc. , belonging to the suburban school districts taken in , and adjust the proper- tionmonts. Accordingly Messrs. J. B. Bruner and H. T. Clarke have been very busl > v engaged for several days. They finished this worK in district Nos. 03 , 0 and US , and wore assisted by the directors of those districts except in the tirt named , where Director IJob Taylor was evidently iixinff " up accounts on the "other pur pose"'plan. Last night Mr. Urunor , in company with F. M. King , visited district No. 0 at Florence and also district No , 49 , of which Gustavo Scsscman is director. The arrangements are as follows : UISTIUCT 53. Appraisement of hdiool house $ 200 00 Appraisement of furniture , pump , charts , etc 18400 Proportion that belongs to District No.l 8COC5 Proportion that belongs to District No.5S 23 85 July 11 , 1887 Money In hands of county treasurer credited to the special fund of District No. 63. . . . 4,537 74 Proportion belonging to District No. 1 . . . . ? . 4,201 83 Proportion belonging to District No. S3 27501 Money In funds of treasurer of Dis trict No. S3 which Iio Is ordered to pity into the county treasury to be placed to the credit of Dis trict No. 53 for special 51 19 Proportion belonging to District No. I 4803 Proportion belonging to District No. 53. . 311 District No.l Is entitled to the school house , fumlture , pump , and charts . . . . .V SS4 00 District No. 1 is entitled to receive from the county treasurer from the special funds to bo credited to District No. 53 4,28050 Left In the special fund of District No. 63 In the hands of the county treasurer S03 37 DIHTIIICT NO. C. District No. 0 will receive from the county treasurer 8 807,77 District No. 0 will retain money in the hands of the county treasurer 733.19 Total 8 l,09ft J District No. 1 will provide school privileges ( or all pupils of dlstiict No. 0 , without cost to district No. 6 for two years from July 11 , IbST , or to the second Monday of July , 1839 , and wlll render a report as proscribed by the state superintendent of the enrollment , attendance , etc. . of the pupils of district No. G , who are atlorded school privi leges In district No. 1 by reason of tbat agree ment to the director of school district No. 0 , and to the county superintendent of public Instruction of Doudas county. Appraisement of school house 8 1,500.00 Appraisement of furniture , etc I50.b0 Cash In the hands of county treas urer 7S2.18 Cash In the hands of district treas urer 782.10 District No. 1 entitled to the proposi tion of school house , valued at. . . . 089.21 District No. 0 entitled to the proposi tion of school house , valued at 520.29 District No. 1 entitled to the pro position of furniture 103.41 District No. 0 entitled to the pro position ot furniture 54.39 District No. 1 entitled to cash In the hands of county treasurer 610.87 District No. G entitled to cash in the hands of county treasurer 271.31 District No. 1 entitled tocash In the hands ofdlstrlct treasurer 473.23 District No. 0 entitled to cash In the hands ( .f district treasurer 253.97 District No. 1 will recttlt n house and school site , valued at 1,500.00 District No. 1 will receive furni ture , etc 150.80 , District No. 1 will receive cash from county treasurer 414.41 Total ! sJK,071.21 ) DISTRICT 33. Amount of outstanding bonds 3,500.00 District No. 1 , la responsible for. . . . . 1.WJ.78 " " 38 , ' & 50.2J Amount lu district treasurer's hands ItUf ) Proportion . belonging . . to district . . No > . 1 14.7. ij ) t gg 4ijfi Appraised valuation ot property 8,000.00 - Proportion belonging to district No 1 0'iW.W " " " 3s ! 1.700.71 District No. 1 will pay to district No. 88 l , 91.700.71 , lem $14.73 now In the hands of the , ! treasurer of district No. 33 , belonging to dis trict No , 1 or 31,745.95. "nnoTHtm BOHEMIAN. " An AUeceil Kastern Journalist \VlmtH up In Lilinbn. "R. II. Novllle , " read the police Judge from the dookot yesterday nioriun" "You wore hero yesterday , ir at i you mean any way ? " "Well , you BCO , Judgu , l w s out a " > mling with Mr , Ur'ur ' or Mr. lUmmia nd Mr. McShano his \cnlu ; gut- tgseparated from tu mo j ( , \ - dur ing the melee , I floundered m hero , ac companied , of course , by ono of your ox * collont minions. ' * "You are a newspaper man , I bcliovo you claim ? " "Oh , yes , i presume I am about the very best journalist in Omaha to-day. I am going to take Hothaokor'a place on the Republican , and you can just put up your stuff , judge , that I will motamor- ptasothnt old almanac into a iirst-class metropolitan newspaper. " "But how does it come , if you are such a refulgent editorial star , that you are drunk all the time } " "On , that's nothing , judge , wo great men will have our wine , you know. We take it as a sort of a stimulus , a rejuVenator - Venator for tired brains , seoJ Hat ha ! pretty lly , halnt i ! " "Yes. you are both flip , fly and deadly , and I think about live days in jail will rest up your mental faculties sutuciently for you to handle a pick nnd shovel with great eclat. Whalcn will conduct you over the hill. " "Hut , your honor , this is a joke " "Tako your scat , and enjoy the joke in silence. " _ lilVE HTOCIl 8H1PPEU8. An Important Meeting of the Asso ciation Yesterday. A meeting of the Live Stock Shippers' association was held at the exchange building , South Omaha , yesterday after noon. The meeting had been well ad vertised and the attendance was larger than at any previous meeting. The as sembly was called to order by D. Ander son , first vice president. The minutes of the previous meeting were read bv the secretary and approved. The following ollicers responded to their names at roll call : D. Anderson , John Wiggins , John G. Smith , A. C. Virgin and James f'oloy. The secretary road a number of letters from shippers sending in their names for membership and expressing their sym pathy with the movement. The fol lowing were elected members of the association : Hon. John A. McShane , Omaha ; John Fleenor , Turnora ; G. H. Kiekincer , Ulyses ; A. D. Uitchte , Ulyses ; T. C. Taeg , Waco ; E. W. Black , Plaits- mouth ; J. W. Young , Fremont ; E. Tay lor , Broken Bow ; G. Grosvenor , Tcka- moh ; W. M. Farrington , Lyons ; Henry Hammer , Minola. la. : B. Bohan , Cam bridge ; ED. . Wilkor. St. Edwards ; V. J. Tohill , O'Neih Ed Gilford. Cowles ; Geo. Boctol , MillurdD. ; S. Shields. Chapmans ; F. Kropf , Schuyler : Joseph Bliss , Schuy- ler : John Cronfn , O'Ncil ; Alfred Flint , Litchiicld ; C. W. Gould. Springview ; F. E. Gillett , Ainsnorth ; J. P. Smith. Scrib- nor ; C. C. Carrig , Plat to Center ; Slater & Fra/.ier , Wayne ; J. J. Harms , Firtn ; C. F. Way , Ord ; F. M. Hildebrant. Cairo. The committco on transportation re ported favorable progress in the right direction , and it is quite probable that the roads will shortly grant what the shippers believe to be their just dues in this re- suect. The question urought up recently by the Wyoming and Montana Live stock associations requesting that the commission on cattle DO changed from 50 cents per head to 1 per cent of the gross sales was discussed by the associa tion ; also the scheme tn advance com missions on hogs to $0 pnr car. A reso lution was ottered by A. C. Virgin disap proving of the advance on hog commis sions and unanimously passed. The plan of selling cattle at 1 per cent was also disapproved on the ground that It would raise the commissions on corn fed cattle , and if that class of cattle was not in cluded it would cause an endless amount of confusion. Comment was made upon the unreliability of some of the market reports sent out from South Omaha. One instance was mentioned when the Stockman recently quoted the hog market as strong and booming when in reality it was lOc lower. The old question of commission men sending out men to drum up trade , and when they cannot obtain consignments , buying stock in competition with the regular Tuiyurs , was brought up again. Several instances were mentioned whcro a certain South Omaha firm had been bucking shippers who would not consign to them. In Ord this firm got up a special train of stock belonging to the farmers and shipped into South Omaha. A motion was passed creating a committco to wait upon cer tain commission firms and request them to desist from bucking the regular buy ers and from certain other practices de trimental to the shippers. The members of the association were very emphatic in denouncing the commission firm men tioned above , and it was onlv duo to the ' desire on tht > part of tho'membcrs to use mild methods that a resolution was not passed naming the firm in ques tion and asking all members not to con sign to them. A member shipping from Dorchester on the B. & M. complained that he was not allowed to put stock in the loading yards until late at night , which was a great inconvenience , and several other snippers on that road com plained of the same thing. A number of other questions of interest to stockmen were discussed informally and the meet ing was upon the whole very interesting. The association is growing much more rapidly than expected by its projectors , and its members are greatly encouraged. It is expected within six months that the association will include in its member ship all the leading lire stock shippers in the state. _ Iiogt and Found. Rev. F. E. Clarke , the Catholic priest a York , Neb. , arrived in this city yes terday on hi way to Kansas City. He was just entering upon a short vacation. Its beginning was somewhat clouded , however , at the B. & M. depot. There the reverend gentleman discovered that his pockctbook was missing. It con tained among other things a letter of credit from the York National bank for $1,000 , and a draft for $ (00 on the New York Chemical bank. Dispatches were sent to the oanks named stop ping payment , and the rever end Kontloman felt somewhat easier. Just as his train was moving out , however , the ticket agent at the B. & M. depot came running up with the wallet and papers. It appears that a lady trav eler had found them iu the depot. Sunday's Stubbing Affray. There has boon no now developments in the Gocrlor-Rcufiold stabbing affair , but the police are carefully sifting the matter and will evidently obtain all the details of the affray. Goerlor main tains a stolid and defiant atti tude , manifesting un indifference that impresses the officers about the station very unfavorably. Gourler , the user of the knife it seems , took up the quarrel of his comrades in the most unjustifiable wayTunning upon Uedlield when his back was turned and driving his murderous knife in his back in such a vicious way that shows that ho intended to iullict the greatest possible Injury. Sons or Veterans Attention. All those whoso names are on the muster roll of the above nnmod order nro earnestly requested to bo present at a meeting of trio members to bo held on Friday evening , August 13.1837 , at the law ollioc of Ambrose & Munn , Rooms 10 and 11. Union block , 218 South Fif teenth. These who have not already signed the muster can do so by calling at tlio nbora named ollico. Let there bo a good attendance , as wo must effect a permanent organization. ahe Plrsjt Copy. The first bound copy of the laws of Ne braska as passed ut the last session of the legislature of this state reached this city yesterday and was delivered to Judge llorkn. The work has bqen loni looked . It was gotten out by a Lincoln firm and the workmanship Is lar from what had been unUcipatcd. "MELTING WIRES. ' * . The flcat'p Singular Effect on the Telephone Service. This morning Manager Drake , of the Telephone company , with a f orco of men was engaged in attempting to find out serious leaks in the new cables which they have strung to thoiroilluo. It scorns tbat the cables have not been giving the satisfaction that had been expected of them , and some skillful watching was required to dolormino wharo the scat of the trotiblo was located. It was found that the annoyance was occasioned by the over-absorption of para- line by the covering of the cable , which under the great heat to which it has been subjected these hot days , instead of act ing as ono of tbo best known insulators , worked with a contrary effect. While in other cities the cables worked well , here there are ( ivo which have given a great deal of trouble , acting iu most instances as if the wires contained in them were grounded. This morning Manager Drake discovered where the paralino was drop ping off and cut a slit In the outer cover ing to enable it to escape , thus hoping to equalize the amount ot paralluo in the covering so that there would bo no more than is absolutely required for Insulation. A drop in the tcmpcrnturo will have , it is thought , the desired effect. Court Carrier's Illness. The sad news arrived by telegraph yes terday that Court Carrier was at the point of death in Ashland , Wis. , whither ho had gone a few days ago. Ho was ono of the oldest and best known railwayman in Omaha , having been connected with the Union Pacific , Rock Island , and Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul roads for years. With the latter company ho hold a position when ho took his vaca tion. As soon as the news reached hero his brother , Lewis Carrier , started for the bcdsido of his sick brother. The Youthful Knlfcrs. John Lindsey , Ed. Fitzgerald and Frank Purcell , the parties engaged in the quarrel last Sunday that terminated in the stabbing of tbo deaf mute Rcdfiold , were each lined $10 nnd costs yesterday. Paul Goerler , the youth who wielded the knife , had a preliminary hearing before Judge Bcrka and was placed under $4,000 bonds , in default of winch ho goes to jail. Andrcss Great Show. Prof. Andress' Carnival of Novelties and School of Educated Animals which is now exhibiting on North Second street is in many respects a model show. There is no so-called "Minstrel Entertainment" or aftershow , no "Peanut Venders" with their dishonest tricks , no drunkards or "toughs" arc employed in any capacity , there is no "Side Show" with the accom panying "fakirs , " it is a clean , pure and enjoyable performance and caters to the best people in every city. Prof. Andrcss has surrounded himself with artists and and assistants of recognized ability , people ple who have appeared with Barnum , Forepaugh , Cole , and the leading amuse ment caterers of the nation. Among the many wo are pleased to mention such fa vorites as John Bachcldcr , the Champion Lcaperof the world , the Bluynard Family of rorial Artists , Prof. L. W. Allen , the wonderful Ventriloquist , Joseph Lewis , the "Rubber Man , " the World Famous Miller , the Pyramid Balancer , Devon Brothers , Acrobats , Max Hugo , Juggler , and Miss Emma Maynurd , the charming vocalist in all the lute and popular songs of the day. The O'Brien Bros , the wonderful hori zontal bar performers. This in conjunc tion with the funny antics of the laugh ing , crying , singing and knock-about clowns , together with the original An dress and his happy family of educated animals , all go to make up a grand gala pastime. Cedar Rapids Gossip. An Experiment W it hn Candle * . The wax of a candle is turned into gas before being burned , as may bo proved by the following experiment given in tbo Electrical Review : After the candle has been burning a few minutes blow it out and hold a light ed match in the smoKe coming from the wick and about ono inch above it. The smoke ( ? ) burns , thu same running down and relighting the candle. What ap peared to bo smoke coming from the wick was gas into whicli the wax of the candle had been turned by the heat of the llamo. Now hold a cold saucer in the llamo. Soot or unconsumed carbon will be deposited , because the gas formed has been cooled below the temperature at which carbon burns. The clouds of smoke escaping from many furnaces have led engineers to estimate the loss of fuel. In no case does the loss amount to more than a fraction of a per cent , of the fuel consumed. Many devices which prevent - vent some increase a loss from imperfect combustion which may or may not bo accompanied by largo yolumes of smoke. The coal may bo partly burned , forming an invisible gas called carbonic oxide , which , if completely burned to carbonic dioxide would give out in the furnace a large amount of heat otherwisolost. Just as the combustion of the candle llamo is hindered so is the carbonic oxide , unless the temperature bo ut the burning point , will not bo consumed. The improved forms of furnaces , grate bars and set tings have been devised with the view of supplying a sulllcicnt quantity of air at such high temperature that the fuel may bo entirely consumed. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tkll powder novcr rarlns. A marvel of pur- tystrength and wholeaomonoss. Mare econ omic * ! than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be old Iu competition with tbe multitude of low coit ihort weight alum or phosphate powder * , old only In cam. HOYAL BAKING TOWDER Co. 181 Wall-su N. Y Cor 13tli and Douglas sts. Capital Stock $160,000 Liability of Stockholders 800,000 The only regular savings bank m tbe 8 tat o. Five percent Interest pa d on deposits. Loans Made on Real state. UurO. BARTON , President : J. J. DROWN , Vlc President ; L. it BExmrr , Mnafinz Ut- nctor ; Jojw B , WU.BBH , Cushiei , DR. POWELL REEVES , 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. ' PRIVATE DISPENSARY. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic. Nervous and Special Diseases The Old Itollubla Specialist of many years ex- perlonco , treats with wonderful success nil LUNH , TIIKOAT , CANCEH , PILES , FISTO LA. llln'TUKi : , cured without KNIFE Oil Treats nil forms of Thront I.un ? , Nerve and niood discuses , nil Cnronlo diseases nnd De formities fur In ndvnnco of any Institution In this country. Thnso wlio contemplate golnir to Hot Springs Cor the treatment of any Privateer or lllood dlsraso can bo cured for ono third the cost nt our Private Dispensary , 314 South 13th street , Omaha , Neb. HUI'TUKK cured without pain orhlndoranco rom business. I niCC Hy this treatment B pure Lovely kHaflbw Complexion , frco from slowness , frcculce , blackheads , eruptions , etc. , Brilliant Eyes and perfect health can ho had. W That "tired" f collnir and ah fcmolo weak nesses promptly cured. Dloutlng Headaches , Nervous Prostration , General Debility , Sleep lessness , Depression nnd Indigestion. Ovarian troubles , Inflammation and Uleoint Ion , Falling and Displacements , Spinal weakness , Kidney complaints and Change of Life. Consult to old Doctor. EVE saUll EID Acute or Chronic Inflam CIC JHIU Cmiimutionof tboKjelldgor Ulobo and far or Near Blghtcdncss , Inversion of the Lids , Scrofulous B > os , Ulcoratloru. In flammations , Abscess , Dimness of V iilon of ono or both eyes , and Tumors of I/Id. t3f Inflammation of the Kar , Ulcorntlon or Catarrh , Internal or External Deafness , or Paralysis , Singing or Roaring noises , Thickened Drum. etc. UCDlfflIIC Debility , Spermatorrhoea , Som- nCIIWUUw Inal Losses , Night Emissions , Loss of Vital Power , Sleeplessness , Despond ency , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas , lllnrs lloforo the Kjes , LuRglndo , Languor , Gloominess , Depression ol Spirits. Aversion to Society , Easily Discouraged , Lack of Confl- donee , Dull , LUtless , Unlit for Study or Ilnsi- ness , nnd tlnds 11 Co n burden , Safely , Perma nently and Privately Cured. ill nnn t. cviui > lBonscB > srPli9-n'l1' | | | DLUUU tt vnltlscaso most horrible in Its results completely eradicated without the use of mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever Sores , blotches. Pimples , Ulceis , pains In the Head and llonoi , Syphilitic Sore Thioat.Moutli nnd Tongue , Glandular Enlargement of the Neck , Khoumntism , Cntnrrh , etc. , Permanently Cured When Others Have Failed. IIDIUIDV Kidney and Uladdor troubles , UnmAll 11 Weak liack , Durnlmr Urine , Frequency of urinating. Urine high colored or milky sediment on standing , Gonorrhoea , Gleet , Cystitis , etc , promptly nnd satoly cured. Charges reasonable * . PRIVATE DISEASES , i ! gleet , stricture , seminal emissions , loss of sex ual power , woakiieut nt the scYunl nrgnns.wnnt of desire in male or.fotrmlc , whether from im- priulouthabits ofyoung or sexual habits in mature years , or any cause that debilitates the sexual tunctions , speedily aud permanently cured. Consultation frco nnd strictly confidential. Medicine sent free from observation to all parti of the United States. Correspondence receives prompt attention. No letters an swered unless ncoompanlod by four cents In itnmps. Send stump for pamnhlct and list of questions. Torinsstrlctly cash. Call on or ad dress I > K. POWELL , BEEVES , No. 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. LINCOLN vs TOPEKA ! BASE BALL AT LINCOLN. AUG. 12 , 13 & 15. A contest by the Giants for the Pennant. GAME CALLED AT 4 P. M. SCIENTIFIC URING 1420 Will INSON & DAVIS DBBXEL & MAUL , ( Succcssoil to John 0. Jacobs. ) At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders by telegraph solicited and promptly at tended to. Telephone No , 5i25. WHO is rxAcgunxTzo wnn Tin osooiurnr or THIS CODNTBT WILL SEE Bt EXAVlMJiO THIS MAI' THAI IUI IT CHICA60ROCKBUND&PACFICRAILWAY ! By reason ot Its central position. e.os relation to lines East of Chicago , and contlnJJU-i Lies at terminal points West , Morthweit and Boathwest , Is the true middle link In the * transcontinental nystcm which Inrltes aud facilitates trarel and traffic between the Atlantic and facinc. Tbe Rork Iiland main line and branches Include Chicago cage , Jollet , OttawaLa Sulle , Peorla , Oeneaao , Hollne and Itock Inland , la Illinois ) Darenport , Huscatlne. Washington. FalrtUd , OUurawn , Oskalooia , Weit Lib erty , Iowa City , DeeXulnes. Indlanola.WI nteraet , Atlan tic , KnoiTllle , Audnbon , llarlan , Outhrle Centre and Council IJIuffs , In I wa : Oallatln , Trenton , Bt. Joseph , Cameron and Kansas City. In Jll'iourli Leavenworth and Atohtson , In Katnaast Albert Lea , Minneapolis and ( t. Paul , In Minnesota i Watertown and Sioux Falls , U Dakota , and hundred * ot Intermediate cities and towns. .i'The Great Rook Island Route" . * Guarantees f peed , comfort , certainty and safety. Its permanent way Is distinguished for Its excellence. Its bridges are of stone and Iron , Its track Is of solid steelIts rolllag stock perfect. Its panenger equipment bas all the aaf ety appliances that experience has prored useful , and for luxurious accommodations U untor- pasted. Its Eiprtis Trains conslit ot superior 0y Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace Parlor and Sleeping Cars , superb Dining Cars , proTldlng delicious meala , and ( between Chicago and St. Joseph , Atchlson and Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. Its man. , agement U conserratlre , Its discipline exacting. "Tht > F moij Albert Lea Route" Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St , Paul Is the larorlte. Orer this line Solid Vast Express Trains run dally to attractive resorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , Tla Watertown and Sioux Falls , to the rich wheat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Via Seneca and Kanlcakee , the Rock Island offers superior Inducements to trarelers between Cincinnati , India * , apolls , Lafayette and Council Bluffs. Ut. Joseph , Atckl- son , Leavenworth , Kanias City , St. Paul , and Interme diate points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chit- ( JrenrecelTeprotectlon , courtesy and kindly atteatloa. For tickets , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or s\ny desired Information , apply to principal ofllces Jn Uie United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago , 1.1. CaltC , I. ST. JOH , I. A. HOIIIIII , AMlGaklHuM.r. ea. m e'at a * A BREEZE , In order to create a little stir during this , for the clothing trade ? usually quiet spell , we have placed on sale for this week , and until they are all disposed of , about One thousand suits comprising four different lines at the following prices : One lot men's sack suits made of good Union Oassimere ; a nice small check , serge lining , covered buttons , and altogether made up in good substantial manner , at $3.75 a suit. Two lots of men's sack suits , both the same quality but different pat terns of dark , very neat mixtures , lined with serge and well made at $4.50. These suits are of good medium weight and would bet adapted for wear now as well as later on in the season. One lot ofyoung mens' suits , sizes from 33 to 38 , a splendid pattern of silk mixture cassimere , Italian lining and elegantly made for $5.25 * ' Our object in placing these suits on sale at these prices is two-fold ; Firstly , to meet the wants of a large class of our patrons , and to ena ble them to get , at a time of the year when uo one feels like buy ing ex pensive clothing , a substantial and good looking suit at a merely nominal price. Our second and main object is to advertise ourselvesy and pave the way for the immense fall business for which we prepare and which we expect to do. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at Nebraska Clothing Company , Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. During July and August , our store closes at 6:30 : p. m. , except Saturday. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. 13th St. anil Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB. TOR Till TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES , TRUSSES , AND THE Ntw VAUICOCELE SUSPENSE * CLAMP COMPRESS. Bt ftcflltJff , apparatus ) aiyl rctn * ll * > t fur nucreultil trtntmcnt § * Tirr funn uf < llfmwriulnnr Medical or flurgiral Ircttnirtit SViiTetrurt CinriiLAni on lUforiiiKtfi and Urant Club > * * > ( , Curvatiirt of th 8pln , I'llci. Tunmr i Canr rC t < rrh , nronrLttlt. IntiaUtion , r InrtrlHtr. l' ralr l 1 , ilpr , Kldofjr , UI JJ r , I yt , ( tar , Hkio , auJ llluol , And all Surjkal Operatloiii , Book on Diseases of IVomcn FREE. Only Rollablo MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKING A BPCCULTT OF PRIVATE , SPECIAL and NERVOUS DISEASES. All Blood IU * < * mtrfwrully Irrttrd. SrpMUtlc Totum removal from th tytt m without intrcury New IfcitbiHtlvcTifatintnt fur l < OMof MUll'owtr. l'cr on inabU to tl Uu may I * trralid * theme home , by Corrrt | > onJene All c6mmunlrtioni Confidential ftledl * clnrior Inilrunipntsamt by tnallor * i | > rfw , wrurclmekeJ | , no mnkiloluilir t routrntior tender. One | * iHi l Inttrvlcw | ir * I > r J CU an < l nmtalt ut. or en 1 lilttory of jour ca c , u iUi llamp , aud w * will Mild In plain wrapper , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! Up n PriT * * , Special and Ktnrous Di * ir tttmluat w Vi"u Hpvmkt rrlifr A. ImiMtenrjr , SriiliUia , Cvuurrhua , Gleet , aud * a * cucclc. Koomafori utiinU. AfMreu , OMAIU MEDICAL A BCBGICAt INSTITU' , or Dr. McMenamy , Cor. 13th st. & Capitol AT.Oodoa , Net. Medical Books orPapers Free. The proprietor of lUe Ornabn Modlcal and Burgl- cut Initltuta has publlsied uvulunble ( ot ot bouku and ppcn upon chronic unit iiinilcal disonaea unit Oeformltlea , unil llio methods ol euro wliloliluivo ElTen dim the roputntlon ot being the moit tklll- 2vl aod luccflnful ipeclattBt la tue Mestt und made the ( natltutu > u celebrated that itiodlcliieiure at to and putlenti received from orciy state In the union , Anionu the books Is one upon the dl en s- eot nomanione upon nervous , special and private dltcmes of the sexunl and urlimry organs ; Tnrlco- cclecured br surgical operntlonl , and their lately Invented clamp compress suspensory for tbo relief and cure ot vurlcocole , nervous exhaustion n d sex ual debility , new restorative treatment. Papers upon surKlc.il braces , riles , cancers. pHriilynU , fits. Kleotrlclty nnd the new magnetic battery for horn * use : catarrh and Inhalation , etc- Unlike moat books Issued by doctors free , they do not consist of testimonials with fictitious names und Initials , or rubbish of that kind , but are plain descrlotlons of dleasesaymplom . new discoveries In madlclno , surgery and electricity , and are well worth tbe po * ausal , and run lie obtained tree by addressing the Omaha Medical and Burelcal Institute , 13th street and CaDltol Avenue , Omaha. Nebraska. Dr. Haticliawout : Omaha Dental Asso elation. Host sots teeth fO , fully war ranted. Teeth without plate , bridge work and crowns of every approved kind , iuserttdby the most satisfactory nlethod. Hollmau block , cor. 13th and Farnam streets. aclicaprl topics 3 U. S. DEPOSITORY , Paid up Capital . $250,000 Surplus . 43,600 II. W. Yates , President. A. E. Touzalin. Vice-president. W. li. S. Hughes , Cashier , DiiiECTons : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Heed. A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th and Farnam Sts. A General Uauklny Uuelncta Transacted N.W. Harris & Go. 68DCVONSHIIE IT. , BOSTON. ° f Countiei.Cf ties , Towns , Water , Gas.btreet. It. U. Co.'s a. spec- laity. Correipuudenco itllelUd. FOR SALE. AnTelaml on the Southerncoa t of Mascarhu ette. Good Dshlnk and beach for bathlns ; . I.o cated In the best Bummer Climate In the world For full partIclars addrqes , _ . BUWAKD. B. MEHUILL , Uf UuUdlotri K Kflseau St , N. V DIAMOND MERCHANT. FINE WATCHES , STERLING SILVER. Display at their warorooma , 1305 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces th highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , PII jt m / - * * FISCHER , PIANOS -iE-A.wi * r * * * * * * + LYON . BURDETT - - , ORGANS STANDARD V rTVfnB1BJ''c"v ' ' " * ' -'c-"v Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , I30B * 1307 PAKNAM STRKlT * DEWEYd STONE , 0 e0e 3 FURNITURE A magnificant display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. DR. OTTERBOURC. C.r.tr Ills < D f < Slk , OsUlU , ftktt. i IECUU9 CUBUtTE IK MCDIGINE , ( HO IPEClAl PRiCTITIONd Authorlitd lo tnat all Chronic , Mrvoui and ' 8elal | Idwvir , ' ( fe tb r eaiuttf bf latprvstai * , siM r aUloa ) bcuunal VWaaniu In If hi l.ju.il , Btiual Ixbllllr , ( kin of Miutl | xm < r ) hirrou , DtbiUly , Hloo.1 r > ! > r4 r , Ac. Cures u r nl 1 or mum/ . riftindrt Ltiaisvilew. Inotuand * cf M | curvd Aitt and | P * line * art linpomnl. AM nxllrlnel M | rUII ; pifliare.1 f r t cli In IvxlvaJcaM. No Infuriout ur | iol jliou , coutpoundft um ] Aullmo kit from builn.M ltt.nl. it a dulann Ireiwdtij l lt r and tr'W kfllrln. mil 7 b r < frM from rlHOr br..k.j . lor a > * nl lUmn will mill VlU.E K "T o > , l r T * T QiMno , "a 4SrUl'ruUllrtoawl > kBU > , „ . full Mitwir < f Wax tlau jour can and nJ for lo.nl < > < > f" " J promplly. fiaatcjr bfciervte. tllh r U i > rfeua or tjr naU. Orr.ca HoLaa. t lo II . g. , 11 o and 7 u i p. m. bnilaUdlhn * iiffitloiia or . . _ faaailTIITO ihn Niw lursotio Mala ip.cjBo purpo , Luacor TTououimild , lootblrfeurriDt. of lly dluclltbouth sll wtas p.ru.rtitot- -la h.allh ar d Vlloron. 8u.n ili. EUctrle , _ vftltlnilantlrerwsfgrftlljJ.OOO Inc.ill. QraataitImproiimrnlsofrrallolhirbtlll worncilnfit * niaa tl/eut < dlatKrc inontbl Scalart ptmphliH. t ( uiD thtSsodtnElectrioCo. IfiOLiSsllcit. . Chlcsgo w PARTS _ _ UNDEVELOPED- . of the body tnlareed and stnnstbetud , FulV | ' rtlp- , ? , CO. , liuHtlv , .V. Y. J. B. HAYNES -OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER TJlIltl ) JUDICIAL DISTRICT , 87 Chamber of Commerce. % & * & \ BRIGG HOTEL BEST HOUSE AMERIC \g m rtr\f\f\tt p VAKICOCJC.LC. IM ciiHrsciiroil. okulft > , ilruK rclatiis | uecd . Add. Y , 0 , fcupplf CO , Jlox ; : & , fat. Louis , M , '