Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    ) ' f ? JriH ft * > T'V'5 , * * ' - - TJ5 'I ' " ' - " .i-yr- " " " ' " $ . - " " * " > - " - ' ' ' * 1W"5JI"'V11" V " "fr Tf * ' * 1 * 1 > wl Juv3 rtv qfs , "
Advertisements under this 1tad , 10 cents po
Inc for the tlrst Insertion , 7 cents for cnch sub
oijucnt Inscitioii. andfl.Ma line per month
po advertisement taken lor less ttmn 25 cents
tor the nm Insertion. Seven words wll ) be
counted to the line : they mutt run consecu
tively nnd must DC paid In ndvnnco. All sdver-
tleomcnty mu t tm bonded In before 1 i.TO o'clocr
p. in . nnd under no circumstances will they betoken
token or discontinued by telephone.
) 'iirtinsnrt > erti lng In three column and barIng -
Ing the answers mldrp srd In cnro of TUB HER
Vlllploaso nKk forachtck toennlilo them to ( tot
their letters , as noun will lie delivered except
On presentation of check. All answers to advor-
tisrmont * should IIP enclosed In envelopes.
All iidvortl otnonts In the to columns nro pub'
Ilelicd In both morning nnd evening editions
bflHK HF.K , the elrculntlon of which aggro-
pates morotlmn 14.IMO pnpom dally , and gUos
Fho ndxcrllsers the ben jilt , nut only or the city
Circulation of TUB HEK. but nlio of Council
| llun > , Mncoln nnd other cities and towns
lirotighout this part of the wo t.
il.OOO.COO to lonn. Cole , 310 S JBth.
Wo lonn monpy on Improvrd prop-
city for any ( Usln-d innount nt low rnlos
pf Interest < Jrt run from two to ten ycurs time ,
ptotfsCox * Houston.mOTif rnrnam. .TO
ONIIV To lonn nt 0 per cent. Patterson
Ilros. , 15th street , op. I' . O.
EO.cro TO LOAN ntO per cent. Llnalnn &
Mnlioney , 1X)9 ! ) rornam. 819
U. C , Patterson , nr.d Ilnrnnf.
$ WiO,000 to loan on real ostato. No iloloy.
Harris & Sampson , 1513 Douglas Bt CIO
LONF.Y TO 1XJAN-O T. Unvls Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1WJ I'nrnara at.
DJC01.000 to lonn in nny mnotint nt lowest rnto
P of interest. H. U. Irey , Fren/or block. 307
, To loan on Omaha city property all
per cent. U. W. Day , s. e. oor. Ex. Bid.
04 4
ONI'.Y ' TO LOAN Oncltv and farm prop-
, - . rrty nt low rates. No delay. Calm & wool'
Soy , 1322 rnrnam st. 611037
fONKYtoloflntot.nrtloii wlchlnp to bullJ.
- ! . B. Cnrapb ll , 310 8 1Mb st. , Clmmbor of
Commorco. 3
'llyfONUY To loan. Lowest rntcs. No delay ,
ill ,1. L. Klco A. Co. , over Commciciitl Nit-
tlonal bank. i'67
TWONEY to lonn. cash on delay.
-WJ. j , W. and K. L. Bqulro , 141J Farnam It. ,
raiton hotel building. 6ti
TO IXJAN on lmprovn < l city prop
erty In turns ot IICOO to (5,009 at six per
nt Interest. Bholea& Crumb. 045
[ QNBY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
_ L no commission charged. Loavltt llurn-
kanu Koorn 1 Croltthlon Block. < i41
rONEY TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of 1100 and upwards at lowest rain * .
Money klwnys on hand. 8. 8. Campliell. JJ10
South Sixteenth street. 047
LOAN Money Loans placed ou m-
proved real estate In city or county for
Vow England Lonn & Trust Co. , by Douslas
County bank. ICth and Chicago st . 649
MONEY LOANKUnt C. F. Hood & Co.8 Loan
Olllco , on furniturepianos , horses.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 8.13th.
o\or lllnghams Commission store. All btul-
ness strictly confidential. CM
MONKY TO LOAN-bytno nndersigned , who
bas the only properly organized loan
agency In OmahH. Loans of tlO to $100 rando
n furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , wagons ,
jnnchlnery. 4c , without romoval. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
undo that any part can bo paid at any ime.eaoh
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on flno wnlchos and diamonds. Persons
hould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Bhould you need money call
and joe mo. W. R. Croft , Koom t Wth
Building 15th and norney. RSI
nUlK OMAHA Financial Exchange ,
* " , State ' Notional of Ilarnoy nnd 15th gts. ,
over bank.
' Prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loam made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans mad on Improved real ettau
t current rates.
Purchasq money mortgages negotiated.
rcctircd notes bought , cold or exchanged.
Bnort time loans made on second mortgage.
Recording to marginal intereit , at collateral
Renl estate to exchange for rood laterert
bearing paoer.
General financial buslnes * of all Klndl trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on band for approved loans of
i > ny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott. Manager. 653
T\TI1HANL > Guarantee and Trust Co. , IMS
. .i'iFnrnam street Complete abstracts lur
nlshod.and titles to real otUte examined , per
looted and guaranteed CIiJ
TJIOll SALK-Tbo Job printing ollloo nnd book
J-1 bindery toguthor with the good will of the
pnkota Hell Publishing company at Sioux Falls
tbo leading oity of Dakota. The plant Is prob
nblv the best In the territory and nn excellent
nlnnk book trmlo and commorclnl line of print
Ing Is dono. 'Hie growing demands of the
Dakota lloll coinpplthopublUhors to relinquish
nil other work nnd tluvoto their whole tlmo to
the paper. Tnls IB a flne chance to buy out n
* fell cutabltshod business. Address 8am T ,
Clover , manager. 64
TUMI SAI.B-Or Trado-A large three-story
- brlok hotel In llvo western Iowa town o *
i,000pop. Newly furnished throughout , has 6 !
3ed rooms , steam boat , gas , olootrlo call an
uaim bolls , city water , cto. Near depot aim
luslnoss center. Must be disposed of at once
Jii account of poor health of owner. Tormi
ronsonable. Address Stotts , Cox 4 Houston
L607K Farnam. . . 918
T1IRKK thousand to alx thousand to Invcs
for friend. Want only Inside snap Btati
trice and terms. Address A 33 , Dee office.
3d * 111
s ; for itaie , the stock ,
r v fixtures and good will of a first-class cloth
ing store doing a good business , centrally
located , only reasons for selling thtt owner has
other and more important business. Parties
aioaiilng business may address U. 1H , Dee office.
> 54
rANTED Parties who desire to buy or seller
or exchange stocks of general merchan
dise , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoes ,
bardwuro , drugs , jewelry improved or unim
proved town orclty property , Improved er un-
fcroved farms in any part of the United Mates ,
to address Krause & loator , 316 S. 15tb at.
Omaha. NeU 666
TjlOH SALB 1 offer for sale the United State *
4- hotel oor ot Douglas and loth st. Said hotel
has accommodations for no boarders and runi
In connection a bur with a full stock of the
Best liquors ; will soil cheap on Account of slok *
tifsi ; Inqulroon premises. f > 72 13
TDU31NEBS Chance-1'or sale-A stock of dry
4-- > goods , clothing , furnishing goods , boots
and shoe * ; J o ilxtures. With this stock a four
years lease of a double storu canbe obtained m
ono of the best retail localities in thp city. In
formation at Uoriuann'it , 6UV South Thirteenth
Utreet. (105
'TT'OH SALE-Or exchango. foundry and ma-
Jolilno shops. Will sell machinery and
tools separate from the real estate. 1'or partic
ulars call on or address Hammond ft. ( llhson ,
1514 Douglas street , Omaha. 1175 10
JH HALE Law library , cheap. Wheeler &
Wheeler , T'ouylas ' ana 15th tt. BS7
Sr'OH SALE-A half Interest In a Turkish
J' bath house. Party taking interest must
lake nrtlve part In the buslnos. Addrogs
yooins.aiosiuhst. Lincoln , Neb. 121 HJ
T71OH 8ALE-A share of stock In the Ixjwor
! . ' AvcntioTotracn Buildiujrasioolttlon. Uvans
t Blackburn , 1810 Dodge. I'.K-IO
* V\7 ANTED Partner In the drug bumncss ; ex-
i T T ccllcnt stand. Address L 71 Bte ottlce ,
D30 It )
\\ANTED Ono or two smart Dtism ess men
T > with HOO to * ' < 00 capital to make 15,000 bo-
. fem the snow tiles. Koom 4 , Crounte block ,
'jot fast. B44 10
IMPROVED farms to exchange for merchan
dise or paying buslnoni. Call between 12 and
0 and w p. rn. , or address H. 0. Newton ,
antcrs' House , Dodyu and lotn its. 184 10 *
* Tj1OK KALK Hotel furniture for 84 "roora
JL ! bouse ; will sell nt a > bargain ! rent $64.
Cause for setllniralokncis. Inquire at Paolllo
KoleL 17.1 IOJ
A HARK Chanoe-Buslne for sale st roas-
ttonaulu tlguro , In which 1.1,000 to | 4,000 per
rear can DO made , very small capital required
o run tt , good reasons for telling , those mean-
jng bmlness can address A H8 , Uea olllco. 193
jTOR THADE-WB barf ROO sheep , 2 , 8 and 4
years old , and 400 lambs which we 111 traJo
. , Keith oounty or western lowafarms. These
i > e p ure p rloolly hpaltby and No. 1 in every
spia. P rk , Fowler * Uennard , K07. -
WANTED-A partner to take M or H share
In hotel buslrioss In one of tbo best loca
tions In thli city ; ra rooms ; splondld clmnro to
n.nkn money. Capital required from ILtfJO tel
( l , 00. 'Inls will bear Inspection. Correspondence -
once eollclttd. Address , A. 10 , Boo Olllco.
301 10 >
ITOH" BALK Lunch counter doing n irood
Jj lnislnes , or will rout to rollablo party
who can glte Rood socurlty. Inquire BE cor
Cth and Pacific ets. 2-J1 11J _
WANTED Partner in Oregon lumber busl
no8. . Capital f 10,0)0 ) to 0UOJ. A first
class Orexou party wants n partner to csUib-
lUh a yard In Omaha , Enquire of K. Hose-
water. P51 13J
IFBTiSONAL IhoOato City nmiiToymcnt of-
flee , ilMU S 15th , supplies the best of Scan
dinavian and German girls. _
" > iU : > ON -T'rTvivloTiomo for ladles during
conllncmcnt , strictly conlMentlnl. infants
adopted , address K4J , Bcoolllco. 107 nopt7
I > EHSONAL-Scndforjoursowlng nmohlno
nrcdloi , oil and repairs to the Slniror
Man'fg Co , 1518 IJouglas st. Omaha. 4 3 a20
PEHSONAIKcmovod from 1211 Davenport
St. to 311 North 12th , furnished rooms for
rent. C84-12'
1JEHSONAL nontlomcn , attention. Oood
X board and rooms at 604 B. nth nt.reasonably
7M aug l-'J
PERSONAL Mrs. Dr Bannlo V. .Warren
clairvoyant. Medlt * ! and business Modlun *
Koom Mo. I 121 North 10th st. Ahuahv Nob.
"fUST Befwocn Iftlh nniTDodgo and 15th and
J J On"1 ! , locknt. The Under will bo well re
warded by liuvlng H ut 117 North 10th st.
209 IOJ
tJTHAYr.D-Orfitolon , white and black spoil-
k3 oil Llencllon ilog. Flvo dollars rcturni for
return to C. 11. UulouChloago Lumber Co , Uth
and Mason. 211 11
IT the piirty will rot urn model of Dr. Dung-
lasi1 TurklBh Russian bath apparatus , they
will rncclio reward. Apply to Lol.J. S Toner ,
Windsor hotel , Omaha. 2fil LJ !
A whlto cow with grey spots , fs re-
IOST wllllio paid is returned to Win.
Kuncliman , IJOtb and i > avonworth. 261 12J
CJLVr.NTY-Flvr. dollars' re.nrd. Strayed or
k5 stolen from rear ot 111 N 17th st , a largo
roan borsn , about 17 Imnds high , weighing be
tween lCOond 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown
innno nnd tall , hind auklo noniowhat swollen-
(25 will lie paid for return of animal to owners ,
at 110 SHIh atand If stolen the sheriff of Doug
las Co. will pay a row itrd of { 50 for the arrest
and conviction of the thief. 696
" ] \THS. IHJHANT Clari\o > ant from Boston Is
JTl. rellnblo In all alfalrs of life , unites icpa-
rated lovers. iCi n 16th st , room 1. 840sept3j
TjlIUST-CLASS titorotfo at 110 N 13th H.
TORAGE Flrst-clnss storngo for nice fur-
1 nlture or boxed goods , ut513 Dodee-et ,
PABTUHAOE-rienty of grnss nt Lake Slioro
ranch and room for moro horsos. Dnvld
Nenle. 1B9-10J
PARTIES wanting to sell off their household
effects cither at auction or private sale
should call on tlrown St Crolghton , auctioneers
and real rctato agents , southeast corner Ifith
and Douglas. 200-13
you want ourblg fair list and catalogue
IF fakirs'goods.sond ton cents to C , M. May
Jharlton. Iowa. 22U IOJ
M1IB. E. WINDERS , fortune teller , the best
in the city. Jl.OtM will be paid to party
doing better than 1. 400 N. 1Mb at. , un-stalrs
loS 1J *
Uate City Employment ofllco,314V4 S.
15th street. Orders lor all kinds of help
IVTAUNtTlO Healing Mediums euro all kinds
iTi. ofslcknesain eonnectlon ltli clnlr\oy-
anco of the past , present and future. J. H ,
Pngolor , North Stnto Et , milo west of fair
grounds. P. O. box 883. 510 a28J
nmoKKINI Square Hlano (4 monthly.
J ? Hospe. 1613Douglas. Ml
FOK HENT-Organs , * 3 per month , aorpe.
U13 iouBlos. 881
. 0.- House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
Ol. cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Donnor , 1315 Douglas st. 863
F I OK KKNI Square flano , ft montnlr.
Hospe. 1513 DouulRd. 601
FOR SALE Cheap , sot of watchmaker's
tools with email stock of material. Apply
C. B. Balm , 1724 Cass St. , between 7 and 10 a. in.
310 llj
FOR SALE An elegant driving horse , largo
perfectly sound and gentle , will make
splendid family hoi so. Geo. N , flicks , 215 S.
16th st. 29512
SALE-Or trade for real estate. lease
nnd furniture of block ot thirty rooms
Address A 40 , Boo office. 270
FOH SALB-At a bargain , a ft-room house
with closets and pantry , oto , , lot 26 foot
east Iront.A blocks south of court bouse. Address -
dress Y 80 , Bee office. ftJOoSO *
IOH SALE Furniture , good will and louse of
the best paying small hotel In Omaba.
Constantly full of flrst-class boarders. Price
fl.GOO. Investigate this. J. F , Hammond , 117
8. iflth. 709
FO3 SALE Or trade , a well-matched team
of dark brown horses , weight about 1,009
Ibs. , safe and true drivers , fine-looking team ,
either with or without family carriage ana har
ness. Evans A Hlarklmrn , 1510 Dodgo. 1D4-10
T'OU SALE Your choice of the best lines of
1 bupiilcs. carriages , phaetons , Burroys , de
livery waironi , open ana top ono fin * hunting
wagon. Call and look throunh or send lor cuts
and price to Columbus Buggy Co. , 1113 Ilarnoy
flOK BALK Furniture of Brooms with privl-
1 logo of lease of house , 707 8.14th St.
SALE Carpets and furniture , and
house for rent , 1138. irjrd between Douglas -
las and Dodge. 414
5NA1 Furniture and lonso of 9 rooms .a
to blocks < from P. O. H. K. Cole , 318 S Ifitb.
895 19J
THIKTV-FOUBsquare * of sheet stool rooting
for sale cheap. G W. & Q. G. Thompson ,
8143. 15th St. 14
"IjlOU 8ALK-Bay ranre , good traveler , gentle
X1 and kind , for $00,1B7LNorth l th st. D.
Christie. 34 llj
BALE-Cnoap , fixtures and tools of meat
market doing B cash business , also horeo
and delivery wagon , a good chance for right
parties. J , J. Bklunar , 1310 Hftraoy St.Omnha ,
204 16 *
SlOH 8ALB Oil and gasoline wngon , toanr ,
harness and route. Call bet , U and 1 at
1413 Dodge. 81S
WANTED-lmmodiaTelj.n. first-class barber.
Must bo a sober man. John Bhlrnetaui ,
104 Main street. Council Bluffs. H18 11 ]
W"ANTBD A young man who Is thoroughly
familiar with printer's stock and sta
tionery , and capable of cutting and getting out
stock. Good wages will be paid to the right
man. Address Gazette-Journal Co. , Hastings ,
Neb. ii54 11
WANTKD 'Jhrso persons to Instruct In
bookkeeping. Situations in September , J ,
B. bmltli. 1613 Chicago St. 828 11'
WANTKD Young men to represent our
house In Iowa. J. M. French & Co. ,
Koom 16 , Bushman block. 173 14
WANTI5D Five traveling salesmen ; salary
and expenses ; no experience necessary.
Address , with stamp , 1'aimor ft Co. , LaCrosae ,
Wls. 18818J
Ai rANTKD--r > good carpenters wanted at
\ \ once on 7th and Pierce sts.
\\7.ANTKU All those wanting help or sltua-
T T tlons a * aeilstant bookkeepers , oolleo-
tors , general cilice clerks , porters , watcnmon ,
jiuiltcrs , teamsters , ooacnmon , engineers , flre-
mon , barbers , bakoi-s , cto. Apply to the Mu
tual implomcnt : agency , S14 S. 16th st. , up
stairs. 25110 *
WANTBD-At Miller's restaurant 1004 N.
16th. second coo > . 27113
\7lTANTEl ) A few onorgotlo traveling rales-
TT men to sell our Famous Now York
Cigars. References. Address Chas. A.
llartchor , First National Bank Bulldlnir , Chi-
cagoIlls. 877 13 *
vCTANTKD-A first-class brrbei. AddretsO.
TT Collins , Dunlap , la. 27012 *
W ANTnl-S barbers , 418 South 13th st.
87 llj
\\rANTKD-A young man to travel as collcc-
' ' tor , $3 a week and expenses. Security of
$101 required. For particulars call at 314K S
l h St. 878
\\fANTKD Man and wlfo In hotel for pastry
> andsnoond ooo at Kearney , f&O. Mrs.
llrega and Son , BU 8. Uth. 88 llj
WANTED Two good laundry men for Fro-
mont , $12 and f9 per week , fares paid ;
2 yard men for city , 8 second cooks , 8 dishwashers -
washers , 4 first cooks , 1 man for tco cream , 2
canvaurrs for city. 10 teamsters for railroad
work , I2t and board. Call and register with us.
Omaha Koiployinppt Bureau , 119N. Uth. 804-10
TXTAJJTKD-Man and wlfs on farm. US ,
. > T . woman mint . . understand . . . _ and _ be . able , to
do hcnucworK , Mcs. llrega A Son , 3168 Utb ,
WANTKD 3 good bricklayers , * o per day , 0
hours work , at onco. Onto City Kinploy *
tnont Olllco , 314 3. 15th St. _ 246 10
TirANTni ) A broad baker atSJ3 Main street ,
Tl Council Bluffs. 1C3 10
ANTED-Mon lor railroad work.
brlght's Labor Agency , 112J rarnam. _
WANTKD Salesmen , n now Invention
needed In uvery house ; 330 per cent com-
mlsMan or n good salary to right parties. Ad
dress with stamp for terms the Weaver Manu *
racturor , 34 N State St. , Chicago , III TJI'l *
ANMon to seisotland Mountain
ponies. Fancy colors. Largest herd In
America. Sample pony froo. Hare oppor'un-
Ity. Inrloso stamped self-addrorsod envelope ,
Byron Van Rnub , Boerne , Kendall Co. , Texas.
_ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ 137 IOJ
WANTKD-2 men as * , ollcltors , 113 per wook.
Apply U. E. Balm , 14 Cass st. , between
7 and 10 a. in. 311 llj
WANTED-3 oxperlenceil food boys on
Htnall proises. To those who can mnko
ready good wages paid , lloes Printing Co.lKt- (
112 South nth street. B77
WANTED-A carpenter to build a cottage
and take good horse and buggy In part
pay. Address , Mrs A. ( ay , Now England ItiiS-
ory , N. 10th st. 218 llj
WANTUD Type writer and stenographer.
Good references reriulrod , State milary
expected. A 20 , Boo olllco. 217 IOJ
\VANTBD-Two men of good address to soil
goods. Call 4.31 SOuth I0th St. 176 IOJ
WANTKD Good pant makers at once , good
pny and steady work , Corao nt once or
Oddrcgi I ) . Lewis , Fairmont , Neb , 227 12J
WANTKD BO trackmen for Wyoming , big
wairo4 nnd good job. Albright's Labor
Agency , 1120 Farnam street. 117
TV'AN rEI--A boy wllh her o to carry a route
TV on the L onlngBco In the soutn part of
town. 14(1 (
WANTIJD-4 women cooks , $31 to ? (0 ( : pol
ishers and starchor , t'M nnd37i laundroos
nnd dishwasher , In Tnino hotel , f 18 nnd $15 ;
paitry cook , | 0 : girl for North Platte , 2 for
Central City. In city dining room girls , laun
dresses , plain cooks , second girls and girls for
general housework. If von are Booking em
ployment civil and ECO us. Canadian Kmploy-
mcnt olllco , Mrs. Brcga Sc Son , 313 B. 15th. Tele
phone 8S4. 2M10 *
WANTED Moat cooks , pastry cooki. ooo-
end cooks , nil men. Mrs. Broira & Son ,
318816th. Telephone 8U. 2dS llj
WANTED-OIrl for light housework1224
Chicago st. 2fH 12j
WANTKD 3 pastry cooks , 2 meat cooks
flood wages , IGtn St Employment olllco ,
230 N ICth St. 285 IOJ
TITANTED A young manot 21 with oxper-
TT lenco In grocery uttslnoii , wants' posi
tion In grocery or commliilnn houso. Best of
references. Address A 37. Boo office. K.I IOJ
r ANTED-Oood girl , 1707 Cass.
209 10 *
" \J\7ANTED-5 women cooks , 25 girls for gon-
Tl eral housework. Quto City Employment
offloo. 314V4 8. 15th st. 245 11
WANTFO Dining room girl , Millers rostau-
nint , 1004 N 10th st. . 210 UJ
T\7"ANTBD-A girl for general housework ,
T T none but Urst-clags need npplywagos $5.
632 S. 20th Bt 20J 11 *
w ANTED Ono chnmboruiald. City hotel.
208 11
"VrTANTED Good cook and laundress at lit.
T CoHman'a residence , bend of St. Mary's
avenue. 201-11 *
W ANTED A first-class dining-room girl , 322
N. Kith Bt H. C. Lewis , prop. 30011 *
WANTRD-Flrst or second girl , 1613 Capitol
avo. 2,97 18 *
VI7ANTKD At once , girl for general house-
it work , small family. 2718 Lcavonworth.
WANTED I ironer and 1 polisher for laun
dry out of citv , tree fare , at once. Onto
City Employment olllco , 314 1-2 S. 15th. S07 11
WANTED Immediately , n good ghl for
gonotsl housework at 2013 Cumins st ,
284 15J
ANTED ( lood girl for general house
work , 1610 California st. sm uj
WANTED A good servant for general
Housework. Apply at 016 N. 17th st.
256 111
w ANTED A good cook , washer and Ironer.
1008 1'nrnnm street. 1C9-10J
WANTED First class oook Immediately at
1522 Davonnort. Mr. Peterson. 180 10
WANTED An experienced housekeeper ,
white woman preferred.Apply.between
B and 6 p. in. , 101 N th st , Lulu llogers. Ul
WANTED Good girl to do general house
work. Apply n w oor. California and
20th. 783
WANTED 4 dining room girls for city , 3
laundresses out of oity , $12 end S9 per
week , 1 experienced bookkeeper for retail
store , 1 girl to learn tailor's trade in city. 4
cooks , $4 and (6 per wcok , 2 second cooks ,
pantry girls , dishwashers and chambermaids
can find plnccs at this offlco. Omaha Hinp.
Bureau , 11 ! ) N 10th St. BO'S ' 10
A\7ANTED-llrl to do general house work.
Inquire at 2115 South llthst , S87 10 *
WANTED Girl for ironeral housework. In
quire 628 South luth. 711
W ANTED Lady canvasser at 1C09 Howard
st IOH ia
\\7ANTED-A cook at Oakland hotel. Sutton ,
T T Nob. Must have references ; lady pre
ferred. 878 10 ]
WANTED Two girls at Dornn house , 423B
18th st. near St. Mary's avo. 9H
TITANTED Men out of work to register wllh
us as we nre niling positions ot all kinds.
Yon will not get robbed at this oftloo. Itemom-
ber this Is the oldest employment office in tne
oity. Omaha Km p. Bureau , 119 N 16th. DOG 11
Vl7ANTED-Ily middle aged , active and rell
V able business man a situation In wholesale -
sale house , drug or notion preferred , well
qualified for nny position nml comes wellroo-
omniondcd , address A 30 , this cilice. 2 3 11 ]
ANTIID Situation for asst. booakoepors ,
coachman , teamsters , watchman , gon.
office clerks , grocery clerk , &c. , engineer , lire-
man , baker , barber and all trades , &c.BUppliod
free of charge. Mutual Employment Agency ,
314 8 10th at , upstairs. 250 IOJ
TX7ANTED Position of any kind by n sober ,
> honest young man. Bpeaka German
and English. Address C. K. , City hotel.
269 U
ll'ANTED Situation by a young man with
10 years' experience Inr holos.ile or retail
hat house , ( 'an give good reference. Address
A 3.F > , Bee offlco. 80(11UJ (
VV'ANTED-Sltuationby middle-aged woman
' as chamber-maid In hotel , or house-work
In small family. Hcferoncos giron. Address
H , box 1J , TaDor.Iowq. ai5 IOJ
ANTED A Situation to drlvo B 4 horse
team by a man with oxporlonoo , D. it. B.
Fouthernjiqtel. 212 IOJ
WANTED-An advertising sign and scene
painter wants a job. Box 74 , Hebron ,
Neb. 18't IOJ
W'ANTED-8ltuatlon-A lady will assist "In
light house work and give piano leiions
in return for a homo with a good American
family. Address A 7. Bee office. 104 13 *
\\rAN 1'ED Situation as architect's or general -
' ' eral clerk , or a good traveling agency.
Moderate salary accepted. First-class testimonials
menials and references. Address , Alfred Bock ,
care of John H. Eloy , West Hill , PlattoCo.Neb.
883 15J
WANTED-A grain dealer to locate at this
place. Best grain region in Nebraska.
Address Hank ot Vnllor. Valley , Neb. irTOsO
WANTED-lnforniatlon ot the where
abouts of George Cohlen , from South
Chicago , PL He left bis home on May SSth for
Bt Paul. About four weeks ago ho left that
place for Minneapolis. It is thought that bo Is
or was In Omaha. Any information of him
111 be thankfully received by Alice Cohlen , P.
O. box Ml South Chicago , Ul. Will state papers
please copy. 13412 *
WANTED Koom and board In private fam-
lly by slnglo gentleman. Address A 25
Bee olHoe. 177 IOJ
.NTED-A rroaMory atfil canning fao-
> ' tory. Will assist the right parties. Aa >
dross Bunk of Valley. Valley. Nob. 87069
WANTED One or two rooms furnished
with some convenience for housekeeping ,
State price. Address , A 1"J , Bee office. KM IOJ
WANTKD-By Bcpt. 15th , bouso of T toS
rooms , good tenant , $35 to $15 , A 27 , Bee
_ _ _ 8 IS llj
WANTED-A harness maker to open a shop
nore. Address Bank of Valley , Valley ,
Nob. STO-t-9
WANTED Two or three rooms for light
housekeeping , within 3 Or 4 blocks ol
postottlce. A dl , Bee offloe. _ 33 llj
-WANTED If you ned any Jclod of help ,
V leave your orders with Mrs. Brega * Hon ,
Telephone K * . W llj
WANTED Factories of all kinds. Address
' '
WANT ED-One large room or two two small
rooms , furnished for tw people , board
desired. Must bo within 10 Ulrtcks ot IBth aud
Farnam sts. Address 1403 Faniam , room 3.
_ 2.3 12J
- know th whereabout * of
.lack mid Harry Hynrt and Sam Suthcr-
Innd , formerly of London , Ont. Address Thos.
llynoB , lot 8. 16th St. , Omaha. 101 10J
WANTED To rent for a Indy small fur-
T nishod cottage centrally lecatod. AOdrosi
A 38 lice onico. U 27111 *
WANTED-Room and bkirid with private
fnmllr for Indy. Noartmr line , A 5.1 , Ileo
olllco. _ „ , . , 88J liJ !
WANTED 'lo rent , by "a gentlemen nml
wife , no children , a tioino jn rood loca
tion , nil modern Improvements Nona other
need npply. Address A 41 Bfeo office , 855 11 >
TlfANTED-A 2nd hand offlco desk. Address
j. 11.1013 Farnatn. 17 * 10J
YIT'ANTEU-B.OW carpenters to examine "Tho
V > Builders racy ! Estimate lilnnks. " 'Jho
best thin ? ever published for carpenters nnd
builders. For sale by J. 8. CaulOcld , l.WI Far-
unni gt , Omahn , Nob. 10 * . 10J
WANTKD To lease for n term of years n
building for light manufacturing pur
poses , nbout 8rtxfi , three stories and bnsnmcnt.
Address A 36 , Iloo offlco , 838 ! M
\\ANTKD Two nicely furnished rooms for
TT man nnd wlfo ; contri l locntlon. Must
bo on first or second lloor. 1'rlce no object If
deslrnbto rooms. Address room 310 , Ifamgo
block , city. 134 in
"WANTED t2,50D for ono ycnr , Have 1m-
TT proved property in Omnhn thnt p ys 10
per cent on n 45,000 valuation , thnt Is Incura-
bored for f 10,000. Will glvo second mortgage
as oollnternl. Address stating Interest ro-
qulred. AS , nooolllco. IteO
WANTED Iloommnto for largo front room
nnd alcove In privnto family : bert locn-
llon , In center of city ; roforenccs renuo'tcd.
A 0 , Iluo olllco. 303 10J
WANTKD-Onoof the largest manufactur
ing concerns In this country can UBO a
ow mete peed solicitors In thlscitv or stato.
Unoxccptionnblo retcroncos required. Erpor-
lenco not oHftontlal. Balmy and commission.
Address Y .VI. I'.co oflloo. 53 IOJ
I'ANTF.D-Punlls In English branches
T nnd music , n , w. corner lita and Fnrnam.
w IANTHD-A fowboirdors nt 1720 Dodoro at
Itoftrcncos requested. 703
FOH IIFAT-O room house , Potilh nth St. , 5
room brick flat , 2 unfurnished rooms nnd
unfurnished rooms on suite , centrally located
. .nd In good repair. Co operative Lund nnd
Lot company , 205 North Ifith st. S93 12
" 171011 RENT Small house nnd stable. Inquire
J3 8 W cor 1Mb and Vlnton st. 2 5 11J
I > OB IlKNT 1 urnlrhed house ; 12 rooms ele
gantly furnished , bath , oity wnter , closet ,
urnnco , etc. Will rent for 0 months from
loptembcT f. References required. One
Qlock from street car. "A. 4 , " Iloo olllco.
FOH nr.NT Ono 12-room house with gas and
furnace and all modern Improvements ,
on Capitol ave , between 20th and 27th. 1 brick
sloro. 32x120 , on Douglas St. , between 12th and
' 3th Bt. Inquire ot 11. Splglo , lilt Douglas at ,
237 15
FOR KENT Ono lot near reunion grounds
with privilege of nlno acres , nbout ono
dock from mnln camp. Cull southwest corner
1th and Capitol ave. . 19013j
T7IOR IlENT-10 room houslut 2410 Plerco st
JL' For terms apply on premises. 741
FOR HBNT-FInt of 4 rooms. Inquire S. 1
corner 17th nnd LcavenWprth els , Z49
F OR RENT 3-rooin cottscre'on 2lat and Paul
streets. Inquire aten outh 13th street.
FOIl KENT Three new five-room houses ,
Qnoly finished , by llrurier & Ilro , , Ilcllman
block. 2r > 7 U
FOH HENT-6 room houso-fNorth 17th st , In
quire of Kaufman llroB. OW Furnara st.
FOR RENT A snap , a si/room flat with all
modern conveniences , I blocks from P. O. ,
partly furnished. Apply UO . 15th St. , Room 7.
* " < 205 11
TjlOR nr.NT A now 8 roomliouso ( and barn
-I ? on S 15tb st. J. A. Dodge drug storo. cor
Fierce and 21th st. ' 21310
FOIl RENT 6 olognnt brie--store rooms on
Park avenue , opposite nark. Will bo com
pleted In 30 days. Apply on the promises from
UtolSn.m. A. HFit < 'h. 979
FOR RENT-FIno residence with modern 1m
provcments , 628 South 17th st. Apply to
John U. F. Lehman , Now York Dry Goods
Storo. 27412
FOR RENT-Elognnt brlok residence , 10
rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire
Morse & Brunnor , 1605 Farnam st. OM
TTIOH IlKNT Two large new stores and two
JL flats of five rooms oaoh. City water and gas.
On Banndors st. C. W. Cain , 2230 Ohio st. 81J
FOR RENT New store and living rooms on
Cumlngst near Saunderast. Apply Har
ris Beal Estate & Loan Co. , 320 S. 16th st. 889
"IT1O11 RENT Barn suitable for tour horses.
-t Inquire at 617 S 13th st. 611
FOR KENT On N W cor 15th and Vlnton , 2
sterns , 20x50. U rooms up stalra. suitable
lor families or roomers. Call at promises oren
on M. Donovan , 2337 S Uth 8k b'JJ
" 171OR HKNT New 10-room houfo ; all 1m-
-L provomcnts , steam heat. C. W. 4 G. E.
Thompson , 314 S. 15tn St. 1000
TTOH RENT Office space on ground floor at
f ! 1509 rnrnam. Apply in ronr ofllco. J. 8.
Hlohurdson- 502 n'W
FOH RENT Store room suitable for grocery
More or butonor shop , on the southwest
corner of 7th and Paclllo streets. 675
/"CHOICE Lot for Lease. Southeast corner
\J 48xS5K Leavrnworth and Park ava , or will
build to suit tenant. Hobble Brol 35J
FOR RENT-Furnished parlors , en suite or
single , pleasantly situated , on car line ;
price reasonable ; 4-4 N. 17th Bt. 216 11J
FOR RENT Four gentlemen can secure a
pleasant homo with first-class accommoda
tions in private family at reasonable terms ;
modern conveniences ; 5J5 Pluasant st.
221 12J
F I OK HENT-Nlcely furnished room , A18 S.
17th st 203
F IOU ItnNT-IIanddomo cool room 1 block
from P. O. , shady lawn. 1503 Capitol avo.
FOlt HKNT Suite of 4 moo rooms suitable
for housekeeping , references required ,
lath st , just north of St. Mary.s avo. water ,
sewer connections , gas , folding doors Ao. 694
FOIl BENT Tne largest store room In town.
Inquire at the Argus office , Albion , Nob.
461 sop 13 *
F IOR RUNT Nlco furnished room , f9 per
month , S. W. oor. 18th und JUCKSOII. 239
FOB IlKNT Three rooms for housekeeping
at Uth and Pierce. Apply to 017 S. 13th st
F IOIl RENT Cool south 'front parlor , ball
and gas , 17 0 Capitol ave- 232 llj
TCTOlt HKNT-Furnlshed rooHj with board for
JL' gentleman ; referencerequired. . 1724
Douglas street. . . 709-12 *
POH HBNT-Furnlshed Wbms in private
family , references roqulrod , at 523 Soutl
14th St. , corner Jackson. J' ' 875 11 *
F IOH HENT Furnished room , bath and mod
crn conveniences , 401 North 1Mb st.
ji 272 11 *
F OR RRNT-Furnlshed room , 20J2 Ilarnoy
street. , 259 1BJ
FOH BUNT Unfurnished "rooms , 1015 Dodiro
at. I i 301
TJIOH HENT-Furnlshed rooins , 18 to $14. SCO
J South 22d. fjjj 880 12 *
OU HENT-Ofllco , 1612 Farnam st. Patterson
Moore. ttW
FOlt HKNT-Lnrgo , ploasaoSoast front room
a N. 17th st. 14 11 *
TJIOU RENT Furnished and unfurnished
-L' rooms at Date City Rental agency , 314Vi
MORE rooms and houses on our list. Wo
have inquirers dally. No charge for list
ing at the tiato City Kental agency , 814U 8.
FOR HBNT For gentlemen. Nicely fur
nished rooms with modern conveniences.
. ' 13 Farnam st. 242
F IOR HENT Furnished room , with board ,
271S Loavonworth st. . US ,
FOR HBNT Elegantly furnished rooms sln <
Vie or ensulte , with use of bath ; eleotrlo
bells In every room. First class restaurant at
tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner Uth
nad Webster. CM
FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms ,
very desirable location , private family.
Also room for two or three nice tabki boarders.
B , fi , corner XwcmletU nnU 1'arostm. 41 tJtf
FOR HRNT-A nicely furnished room at 2511
St. Mary's avo. 421
FOH HENT Newly furnished room. All
conveniences. Private family. Ncarbusi-
c'S. Iflli Capitol ave , 371 14 *
OR HKNT Two nicely furnished front
rooms on ground lloor with bo rd , nt
US Hurt st. Lady sonool teachers preferred.
OR HRXT-Nlco furnished front room suit.
able for 9 gentlemen , with or without
board. 3103 Bt. Mary's uvo. ISO IOJ
F < OH RUNT A cool , pleasant front room
furnt < hod , sllltubln for two. References
313 Dodiro st. IIW.101
FOH Itr.NT Lnrire elegant front room with
boanl. aultRblo for two or more persons ;
Icusint location ; would Ilko reference. 1WI
'arnnm. 18S-14I
OR linNT-rurnuhed rooms , 713 South IStli
street. 854
FOR RENT A nice largo front room , all
modern Improvements and nicely furnished
Ml aZQthst. 213
F IOU HliNT-ltooms with board. Ml 8. 1Mb.
7SI aug 12 *
FOR HKNT T.arve front parlor with ony
window , and nlcot o , also other rooms with
nodorn conveniences nt 1SJ1 Farnam st.ono
> lock west of court houso. Kt
Foil 8ALK One of the most prominent
corners In the business portion ol the
Ity. F. II. Kcnnard , 1U-11U a luth st. 303
17011 * HHNT-Offlco room f 10 per month , 2nd
E lloor. 310 8.15th St. > 4,10
[ TtOlt 11KNT Vurnifihod room in Oreunl ? blk ,
L cor nih nnd Dodiro St. lunulrn ot Davis &
lothorlnRton.Mlllnrd Hotel llilllard room. 291
FOIl HllNT Dcslrnhlo furnished room for
gentlemen nt 809 Howard St. 5 * > 9
FOK HUNT A Inijro front loom In now
house bath , and latest modern Improvo-
mcnls , IfllS Wobator street. 12
F IOlt HKNT-l'ilrnlBhod looms , 1707 Ca < s.
FOR IlKNT Finely furnl'tiod rooms , with ox-
collent board , on cnr line , 1718 Cug t , 10
nlnutcs from postolllco. lie IOJ
CfOH HUNT 0 rooms sultnble for house
L ? keuplnr , southwest cor.1st nnd Nicholas
t. 5T >
FOH IlKNT Furnished rooms In Oruenti ?
block , cor 11th nnd Dodfru. Unvls Jt Hothur-
ngton , MlUard hotel blllnrd room. 839
FOK RENT Furnished rooms , 1812 Uodro.
7 0
rrOH KINT : Part of olUco room. Inquire at
Piai3 Doll glaast 91J
OR IlKNT FurnlshoJ rooms 1815 Dodgu.
F 031
F OR llF.NT-Nlcely furnished room. 1623
Dodge. 11U
FOIl BKNT ThrOe rooms sulablo for Ilitht
housoKeerilni ; Cor. 7th und 1'ncDc. hn-
qnlro at 017 s 13th. 051
OR lirNT-Furnlshcd room H81 Podge
St. B53 gopt 5
"plOll IlKNT-Lnrgo front room furnished for
* gentlemen , ground floor ; maple trees ;
grass ; pnvomont ; street cars every tlvo uiln-
lies. HOD Howard st. Also rooms furnished
nnd unfurnished for light housekeeping. V-j
Oil UKNT-Plcnsnnt furnished rooms , 1813
Dodge. ( BO 11J
F IOR IlKNT Furnished rooms with board ,
1UO ) , rarnntn. 6CA all *
FOR HHNT rurnlshed front rcom , near cor
line nt corner of Dodge nnd 24th streets.
Inquire of A , H. Comstook 1523 arnum st.
T7UH TIENT Newly furnished room , board if
-L1 desired , 1720 Dodge st. 7U4
FOR RENT 4 or 8 unfurnished rooms , suita
ble for housekeepingone block from court
liousn , on 19ib street , between St. Mary's avo.
and Htrnov st , modern conveniences. Hofer-
onccB required. M. K. Martin , owner. 1CJ
FOK HUNT-Furnlshedioom , 182J Dodgo.
"OR RENT Suite ot furnished rooms for
gcntlomcn. A. Hospo , Jr. , 315 fj. 17th.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished looms , to gen
tlemen only , 220 N. 16th St. . Room S. 943
K HUNT Ware room cor. 14th and Call-
Ifornla on Belt Line , lor particulars en
quire at Union Nat bank. 184
71OR HBNT Elegant suite of rooms , references -
- ces required , 1607 Douglas Bt. 1U7
1/IOH KENT Furnished rooms , en suite , In
- * - privnto family , modern coavenlonces.
Apply to Leslie Hi Leslie , 18th and Dodge M8.
F IOR RENT Nicely furnished room , 1931
Dodge St. 196
\7KC nso for a tow days only
YV Lot 108 Olse's addition for 13,43) .
Io 171 Olse'4 addition , $9,303.
Block 1 Boyd's addition , $ V > 93.
One-third ash , balanou 1,2 1 and 3 years.
Remington & McCormlck , 220 Soutn 15th st
TTH > H S A LlC-Cheap , H lot with no * 4 room
L' house , south front , IJ ! blocks from street
car , H block from Saundcrs , 2122 Parker street.
LAND for sulo ; 2,400 acres in ono block of
flno farm or gra/lng land , well watered ,
with running spring , 6 miles from two It. It.
stations , ElUtToith countv , Kansas , good Im
provements , houses , sheds , barns , fee. . 200
ncios under otiltlvation , peed average corn
crop this year , u 111 sell ono section ( l > 40 acres )
or the whole , or etchanire for city property. In-
qulroof A. 0. Morse , 14th and larnara stroet.
"IT1UU SALR-A charming llttlo homo.O rooms ,
JP beautifully finished , In Idle Wild , (5,500.
Lot us show you this , y rv ohoap.
( lood speculation. Wo can soil you 4 lots In
Clifton Hill , two onrnors , at the original prleu
when first put on the market. There 1s good
money In those.
ll-room house , all modern Improvements , on
lot 33x1 a , barn , cto. , only 3 minutes' walk from
poatofllce , on paved street. Investigate , only
Now fl-room house on Hamilton street , Iol50x
180 , east of Lowe avenue , only IJ.WO , very
You cannot buy at abettor time. Call nnd
see our list.
Mllonoll & Loyonmarck , 1516 Dodge street.
852 13
ll SALE Ten choice lots In the northern
X part of South Omaha surrounding the
park nnd on Ilollovue street , Ilio main thorough
fare connecting the oity and South Omaha and
the utock yards. Ibeso lots uro only two nnd
ono-half miles from tbo postolllco and situated
directly between the business portion of the
c'lty nnd the business center ot South Omaha ,
a hey are larger lots than any put on the mar
ket. 60x150 foot , with streets and alloys eighty
foot wide Can oiler those lots for tM)0 ) to
SI , WO small cash payment , very easy terms.
'Ihoso loss otTer n splendid chance for an In
vestment Call and see them. Geo. N , Hicks.
FOR SALE The finest residence lot on
Dodge street 3 blocks west ot post ofnoo ,
80 feet south frontage , a corner. F. 11. Ken-
nard , 114-116 , s. 10th st. aou
FOH SALE-C40 acres of good land being sec
tion 21.township 18 , rnngo 0 , west. 'Ibis
Innd Is sltuiiti'd In Howard county , this state ,
ceso ! to the U. P. , nnd now stutloo on the II. It
M. branch. Can plow at loa t three-fourths ,
bnlnncoexcellent pasturnge. No bettor soil In
the state , a rook bottom creek runs across the
extreme southwest corner. Splendidly adapted
for general farming or stock purposes. I'rlco '
$900 per acre ; H or moro onsh. balance long
tlmo. Address at once , a cargo N. Hlcks.215 3
15th at. Omaha. Neb. 295 18
EASTERN. Nebraska farms to exchange for
Omaha property. Patterson & Moore ,
Omaha National Bank. 64J
OT8 17,18 and 19 , block 14 , Clifton Hill : 19 Is
a corner and fronts south on Military ave ,
$ laio , 1850 cash , bal. easy. James Stockdale ,
H.lN. Ifith st , 857 10 ,
IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V.
Cruml20N I5tnst.
100 lots U ot a mile of U. P. depot
for sale or trade.
B-room house for rent. Two 10-room houses
for rent , sale or trado. Idlewlldo. By
616 L. V. Crum , 120 N 15th st.
VT/OTlUi / : to rutti e-tuto agents Koul estnU
i-i agents are hereby notified to withdraw
from sale August 15th , blookt 11 and 16 Irj
Sobleslngor'B addition , which adjoins the Pat-
rk It farm. / . T. Lindsey. _ 1)80 )
rPO Investors I have had placed In my hands
JL for sale , twenty acres about tbroo mile !
west of the court house on the M. P. ry. Jusl
opposite the crossing of the C. & . N. W , ry , , al
love ) ground covered with n beautiful growU
of shade trees. Admirably adapted for a man
ufaoturlng site. Can otTer this at figures thai
will make it a spion-lld Investment if taker
quick. Qeo. N. Hicks , 215 south 15tu street.
295 12
BALE Corner lot on Virginia ave wltt
two trooil nouses , uhrap at 17,003. Terra ;
easy. Houses rent for 170 per month. H. a ,
Campbell , 310 8. 16tn st. Chamber of Cora
merce. _ > 73 _
A BEAUTIFUL Placo-I can offer for a few
Jt\ days three beautiful south front lots ot
Poppieton nvinue In Hanscom place , I'opplo
ton avenue is now being giadoil , aim these loli
will be just right for grade , water and gas ul
ready on street ; a porfoot grodo ; two lines o
street oirs. A beautiful purk and a splenilli
neighborhood all oomlilno to make thU an ole
Kunt site for a cosy home. Price only t-'M
S7IIO cash , balance on lopg time. 0 o. N. Hlcki
f U South Utn strooU W 12
FOR9ALK-Ortta.lo , 25 lots in the western
part of Omnha neir the Benson oftr line ,
price 1400 oacb , $250 duo on contracts payable
In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In
contracts for Nebraska lan'L McCutloch .V Co. ,
1609 Fnrnam st 1000
3"Voil BALE-SM will buy 40rl27H feet south
front , In Lowo's llrst addition. Apply on
preml'pj , Decatur street between 31th nnd
ilSth sts I'rmik lln\n. \ 01311 ]
SPKCIAlj 'Bargains House 8 rooms , bnrn ,
etc. , all new , lonlo'a addition , f3,70J.
11,000 cash , b.ilnnc good time. >
Four 4-room nouses In Ix > wo's addition , now ,
fl.WO ench , f l ) cash , bnlnnce to Hint ,
lloune 6 rooms , barn , full lot , Vales'Heed's
subdivision , t2(00 , t0 cash , balance to
Two lots , on corner. Grand View , nlco build
ing site , $ J,000 , H cosh , bnlanco long time ,
B. It. Ball ft Co. 11,1 North 16th st 87
FOR SALE Ono million acres of land In Ne
braska. Speculator's Innds.rnllrond lands ,
rnncbos , and farms In nil parts of the
state. Bend for pamphlet containing descrip
tion and prlco of over ono thousand farms. A
flno topogiaphlcalmnpof tne state sent free
ut on application. E. II. Andrus , for ID years
( len'l Land Agent B. .V M. R. U. hlghth aad P
streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. " 10
Bids will bo received by the board of public
lands nnd bulldlnzs nt nny tlmo before August
15,18S7 , at 2 p. in. , for donations for the location
tor the "Nebraska Industrial Homo. " Usual
rights reserved , lly order ot said board.
July SJ ( , lkS7. ( I. L. LAWS , Secretary.
ju9d-to migl5
Proposals lor Scaled Bids.
TUT. School llonul of Pout'i Omaha will re-
cclvo scaled bids for the erection of n high
school building up to 2 o'clock of Saturday ,
August Uth , 1SS7. Plans nnd gpoclQontlous may
bo soon at the Stockman olllco.
The boiiid rusor\es the right to reject nny
nnd all bids.
August 1st , 1887. nldlOt
Dissolution Notice.
The undersigned linn , knonn as Everly ft
nollln.doliig business at UWTl'iirmmi St. , bus this
day dissolved ny inulual consent. Mr. Evorly
retlrliii : , nnd Mr , Ilollln continuing and payIng -
Ing nil bills contracted by said tlrm.
_ _ _
Notice to Bridge Builders.
SEALED Proposals will ho received nt the
olllco of the county clerk up to noon of
, 1SS7. lot building a 20-foot uoodeii
bildgo and I'M ' foot of treat In work , north of the
Iron In id o , north of Wntorloo. bpurltluntlong
of above work can bo soon at the county tlork's
otllco. A deposit of twonty-ilvo dollars will bo
required with oaoh bid. The right U icscrved
to rojoot nnv or all bids.
lly order of the Board.
C. P. Nlir.DHAM. County Clerk.
IN THE Dlsti let Court of Douclns County. In
the miittorof the estate ot linns C. l-nrson ,
doc-onscd. 'I his taiiso cnmo on for hearing
upon the petition ot Amslln Larson , adminis
tratrix of the rstttlo of IlnnsC. Lnrion , du-
coascd , praying for a license to soil lotxnvon-
Icon (17) ( ) In iilock- eleven (111 ( In Hanncoin Place ,
nn addition to the city ol Onmba. for the pay
ment ot the outstanding Indebtedness ugnlnst
the afore-mid estate , nml the costs of ndnilnls-
trntlon , them not lie loir sulliccnt personal
property to pay the said debts nnd expenses.
It IN thurofore ordered that all persons Inter
ested in ald estate appear before one of the
judges of the district court , at the court house ,
In Omaha , on tho22nd day of Sufitonlbor , 1887
at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause why n license
should not bo granted to said administratrix to
soil the nbovodcsciiDcd real estate of said de
ceased , to pay sold debts and expenses of the
said Huns 0. Lar en , deceased , and that this
order bo published ono day oaoh week for four
consecutive wrus ! m the Omaha Daily Boo.
DatMd this Pill day of August , 13S7 ,
By the court.
B9-lb 23-30 ELEAZEHWAKELBY .Judgo.
II. K. BUItltBT.
Funeral Director & Erabalmer
111 N. 16th3t. Tolenhone No.J
H omdpathic Physician 6 So fjeon
Office and residence , Koom 17 Arlington Book
1524DodgoSt. 1st building West Of Postofflce
Telephone 831
Carpenter and Builder ,
Telephone COO.
BOO Sniitli Mxtucutli Strook
1312 Douglas Street
llu a 1'wl different from all
others. ! rupiihaD * . with Kelt'
diluting UiUI In i ent r , 4 pu
elf tu All positions at th
dr while the ball I" the cap
'BBBao bock tb * lnten
_ . . .io lust OB a pereon
ss ywtfw x&i *
% & < ! " " 'fis iVri'ffiKvas.rig1'
The orltrlnnl end Only' l v
o ci'lVkViiVrthfWIfiil Oo.
( 'Fire , LIfilitiiliiir ; and TornaanJ
M , W , Cor. 1MU and Ilarnoy Bts. , Omaha , Nob.
Telephone 021.
let cxh l ! < ! TO" ' " <
buying worthletf I ml I a.
UonMlHil lh pmoi.
TION COHftHT anl money
vllltt itfunJe < l to wctrer
n J ( our w k ' wtii.ll
not p i ( ttlr uthUctoir.
Foiule by D V Coous I ) tl s OT It net oiiUmuu
will mill. r > ure | H , HKALTII r R iiviNO. lilt
pNaum SATTHIN , | i 50 , NURSINGi y > > ABOOUINAL
ti i nissis.eic.
ficr.llllr * Couct tomfiini , Dutrolt , Mich.
Inoompura Iy'thu Bust.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
" \Vo do hereby certify thnt wo suporvlsn tin
nrrangomonta for nil ttio Monthly und 8eral-
Anmml Drawing * of The LoulMarm Stnto Lot-
tcrvCompiny , and In person munago nnd con
trol the dr.'iwlngs thoni'oUos. nnd that the
Faino nro conducted with honesty , InlriioBS and
in pond fnlth toward all p rtlos nndo author-
Ire the Company to USB thl * . rc-rtlllcnto with fac
similes of our signature attached , In Its ndver-
tlsomcnts. "
VTothe undersigned Hanks and Hankers will 1
pay nil Prize * drnwn In The Ixnil Ian Ht U
Ixiiturlos which miiy bo presented at our coun
ter * .
,1. H. OtUjKSMY , Pros. Louisiana National B * . 1ll
I'lKltllK l.ANAUX Pris , State Nation * ) Ok
A. IIALIMVIN , Pros. Now Orleans Nut'lSliinll
CAUL K011N , l > ros. Union National llnntc.
Loiiirmnla Stnto Lottery Company
Incorporated In HMf < ir5'iyi > r < lir tlm lrg Islntur *
for pduciillonfil niul clmrltnble | Mirt ) tii * wltli a
rnpluluf iliuu,0iu-to nblcli rcsorvo Iiuul of oiof
HT nn ovcrwliulnilnc poiwlsr vote U * InnoliUs WM
ninile n p irt ut the tuti > constitution mtoptej
Drrrmbrrind , A , 1) . H ? > .
'J ho only lottery oor voted on and endorsed
by the people of any stato.
It nu\or ecalos or postpones.
llsduiiut Slnirlo Niiinboi Drn\\lnr ( .tnton1nci
monthly , and thu Scml-Aiinual Dravrlnvs regu.
larlyoory six month * ( Juneanil ltcomber. ) )
FOHTUMK. Ninth ( liand Drawlntr , clas 1 ,
ID the Academy of Music , New Oilcans , Tuos-
Uay,8cii. U , 1887 SOSth Monthly Dr.iwlng.
t3f Notice-Tickets nro Ten Dollars only.
Halves , S5. Filths , S2. Tenths , SI.
LIST UP I'llUk1 * .
1 QRANlM'lUZn OF 00,000 , . . . 50.00)
1 GRAND PIMZCOP SWIXM. . . , ) ,00g
S LAIHli : I'RI/KSOI' 10.000. , . . 20,000
4 LAIKIB PIU/.R3 Otf 6,000. . . . aOlH )
SOPKIZK30F 1.00U. . . . S.UOOI
BO " 603. . . . S6.0M
100 " X ) . . . . ; iOOOJ
SJO " ZOO. . . . 40,001
501) ) " KX ) . , . . 60,00 *
Ai'r oxtMTios rnt/i * .
100 Approximation Prizes of f.lOO. . . .
100 " " SW. . . .
100 " " 100. . . .
1,000 Terminal " 50. . . .
2,179 Prbrs nmounllng to J6T5.000
Appllcitlon for rntos to chit ) should be mudo only
to theomconf the compunr In New Orlonni.
orfurtlinr Inrnrniatlnii wrlto ilonrly , KlvliiR full
rttrp' . I'flSTAI , NO I'KS , oiprcm moncr oriters.Ol
Vow York Kxeluinir In ordinary letter. Currency by
_ . Registered letters to
V 1J That the proionc * of
± jit aenortla ll Aurrgnril and
Barly , who are In charus of the ilrtnluns , la Boiuk
ant e of nb elute falrnctt na Integrity , thuf tht
ebineci tr nil eqiiRl. and that DO ono can pontblf
lTln * batnumber will draw n Prli * .
UKMKM11KU tliat the paTrocnt of all prlsfll ll
Orleans , and the Tickets nro ( Ignod l > r thopr l < * a |
otan Initltutlon , whoie chirtcroil rluhls uru rocof
nlied la thn blsheit rn\irtn ; therefore , bewara ufan/
lalUUoni or anonrmoui tcheia i
So/s Manufacturer ! of
With All MODERN Improvement * ,
47 and 49 Dearborn St ,
HENRY E. COX , Omaha , Neb.
All people ofdrspoptlo w ji ,
Kliuuiiilenrn to lunntnon out tutlr dayi.
WlKiilnillcestlon kuiu lull ,
Orannsllnutlon , worto Ihnn ll ,
KIR 'ci Hie n liurilori , lie rln mind ,
In TAHllA.Na"H 8KLT/.EU bealthu'll. flnro
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kountze , President.
John A , Creighton , Vice-President.
F. H. Davis , Cathier.
W , H. Meoquier , Asil.-Cathlw. 1
- ?
Hates $1 per day. Mrst elms restaurant at
taclied , ut ronaonable rates. First ulasi and nl'
outfildo rooms Cor.lGtbandVuliHtor sts.Omahi
N b. Uth nnd Uth trott curs pass the door.
DR , F , J , BRIGKER ,
OHicG in Arlington IJloc k
Rooms 28 and 29.
Ilectal and Goni to-Urinary Di
seases a Specialty.
Hemorrhoids or Piles , oiutd In
matter of how longhtaiidlng.
culiod , 1'lssnre , 1 Ittulu In Arm , Coii4tlpulliin ,
Itoctal iikeration and all Chronic Disoapin of
tholldrtuinsiipcosslully tioatfd by a palnlcm
Bystom of Brctal Modicatlon and dlrtot nniillun.
tlon of romnlles , without the IHO of thn Knlfo.
Ligature or Caustics. No ili'lay to busmu slii
orclnary cases OllkolioiirsO-J ) a in. to 12:00in. :
Sto fi and7 to a p.m. Hoshlunce , cor. ' 'Oth ami
Uoluuur streets.
M. It. 111SDQX
Mcrthtmtb' Ntitlonal Hunk Building , Uooml
Telephone No 37' > , Omaha , Nubraska.
Ptoenlx.I/milon , hiiKlaml Ji,72rii.M : )
Firemen's , Newark , N. J lKi4b5 * Jl
Glen's FulU , ( linn'sVails , N. Y 1,4 3.M
( llrard , Plilla Iclpnta , P l : iAOt.7U
Wonubuster lw York N. Y . . . . lSU.MiUW
rn 11IARDT & Am
Offlri > . , Soota Oiiialm llootoJ. flunti