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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1887)
r 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE i r THURSDAY , AUGUST 11. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OKFICE , flO. 113 , PEARL STREET. ' Delivered by carrier in any part of the city at twenty cents per woofc H. W.TILTON. Manager. TKLKFHONE3 : BTPIKKFA Ornce. No. 43. HIUIIT Kiiiioit No. S3. MINOR MKNTION. N. Y.riumbltiR Co. Hotter , tailor. Summer goods clicno. Fine coupes for Indies calling. Win. Lewis , telephone 128. Onico 410 Broad way. way.W. W. A. Hiirnott , of this city , and Maud 8. Perkins , of Grand Island , were quietly married by Justice iiarnctt at his oflluo , and started on tliu evening train for Den ver. ver.Haverly's minstrels will cattse the oncra house to be well tilled to-night , despite the hot weather. The very mime of llavcrly Is always enough hero to draw the crowd. Airs. Kittle Sherlock has commenced n suit against her mother , Mrs. Jngoldsby , for tier share of the family estate , claim ing there has never been a proper divi sion among the heirs. Yesterday afternoon Sheriff Reel was attending the wedding of his daughter , Dora K. Keel , tlm happy man uclng Ernest Wager , of SVuMiington , Neb. The ceremony took place in Iluzcl Doll town ship.Two Two young men from Omaha were spending the night , or what thcro was left of it , sleeping in the park. The po lice trnncferrcd them to the city jail and they explained to the judge that they had spent all their money on faro and not having anything with which to hire a bed , look to the grass. They were al lowed to start back to Omaha. Died , August 10 , 1837 , at the residence of her sister , Mrs. 1) . C. Pottibono , 111 ! ) Avenue G. , Mrs. Delia F. Cliappoll , aged Bovonty-eight years , seven months and ton days. Funeral this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family invited without further notice. Mrs. Pottibono accompanies the remains to Fort Atkin son , Wis. , on the Chicago & North west ern railroad. The case of Justice Sohurz against the county was partially argued in the su perior court yesterday morning. Colonel Daily , on behalf of the county , opened and at time of adjournment had only llnishcd analysing four of the cases in which the justice claimed fees which the board refused to allow. Uo claimed that the evidence showed that the justice charged for bonds when no bonds wore filed , and for continuances when no con tinuances were in fact had. The argu ments will bo resumed this morning. Gottfried Green , living about eight miles from the city , was Brought before justice Schurz on the charge of having assaulted an old woman. Anna Hoitman , She claimed that she had boon working in the family when some trouble arose over the children and Green got mad and knocked her down. Slio had a cut on , her head and several bruises to show that eho had certainly been roughly treated. Mr. Green and the others of the family said that'tho old woman was in a rage , and was abusing the children , so Green ordered her to leave the house. She rushed into a bedroom , slamming the door after her , locking herself in. Green thought she must bo crazy , and so forced the door in. The old woman was behind the door , and it opened with such force that she was knocked over and thus hurt. The woman lived in Green's family for three years , and after leaving thorn was in the poor house of Mills county. Lately she reappeared at Green's ami begged to bu allowed to stay there. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the majority of real estate oflices in the city ; $2 per day. When you are in the city stop at the Pacific house. Street cars pass the door every iiftcon minutes for all the depots. Meals CO cents each. Personal Paragraph * . S. D. Pratt , of Chrson , was in the city yesterday. Miss Nellie Grosvenor Is quite ill with malarial fever. Peter Bechtelo is attending a meeting ; of hotel men in Sioux City. T. J. Hartwoll , an Oakland merchant , visited Council Bluffs yesterday. J. ! . Record , of Glcnwood , onu of the best known merchants of that city , was in the Blufls yesterday. Mrs. L. B. Gorham is quito ill with in termittent fever , which has kept her con fined to her bed for a week or more past. The fatal illness of her sister-in-law , Mrs. L. A. Gorham , has also had its effect m retarding recovery. J. Tucrk , one of the employes of the People's store , has been called to Minden - den by the death of his twin babes. Mrs. Tucrk is a daughter of Squire Crow , of that place , and it was while visiting at her old homo that both babes sickened and died. Mrs. Hall , of Janosvillo , Wis. , mother of Mrs. J. A. Gorham , arrived yesterday morning in company with Mrs. George W. Congdon , of Chicago , a sister of Mrs. Gorham. It was not expected that Mrs , Gorham would live through the day , her condition bo.'jig ' .very critical indeed , and her physician having given up all hope. Bold HU Mother's Horsci. Last Friday a farmer boy , Peter Lock- hart , was arrested by tbo officers for being drunk. The next morning ho was fined. Ho had no money with which to pay the line , but said ho had n team at Kiel's hotel stables and could raise the money. Ho secured the necessary cash somewhere end nothing more was thought of it until yesterday , when parties from Silver City catno hero look ing him up. They said the team be longed to Lockhart's mother , and he had disappeared , having cither mortgaged or sold the horses. They were hunting up the facts , but gleaneu little information beyond the fact of his arrest and Hue. At the Pacific house you will save from 60e to $1 per day. JTry it and bo con vinced. To Excursion Parties. The excursion steamer and barge John M. Abbott Is prepared to fulfill engage ments for excursions on the Missouri river either day or moonlight parlies. Capacity 400 passengers. For terras and other particulars inquire of L. P. Judsou , 02U Sixth uvonuo. Thrown From IIU Wagon. Fred Hendrix , a gardner , living a few miles out in the country , was in the city yesterday with hln vegetable wagon , and when near the transfer his horse became frightened by the cars. Hendrix was thrown out of the wagon , striking on his head. Ho was picked up unconscious nnd bleeding and carried into the Planter's hotel. Dr. Pinnoy was called and found the injuries not so serious as at first appeared. Ho had an ugly out on the head but no fracture. Later in the day ho was taken in a carriage to his homo. " " "Wanted Two energetic lady canvass ers. Apply at once at Chapman's art tore. For Sale Cheap lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Address - dross or call on J. K. Rice , No. 110 Main Itreet , Couacll Bluffs.i J. W. and . L.'Squire lend money. TOO LAVISH WITH SAND , Contractors Said To Be Using It in Place of dement in Ourbingi. THE BROADWAY BRIDGE. A Dirt Tramway For Filling the Bottom tom * A Watch ThlolVatoheilA Wayward Farmer Boy In spcctlng Lmtco Steamers. Watching Contractors. A great deal of the curbing being put in streets of this city is of cement , or ar tificial stone , The opportunity afforded so easily of giving tin inferior utility than what the contract culls for has naturally caused many to suspect that contractors * were not always using as much cement as they should in proportion tion to the amount of sand , Yesterday this charge was openly and squarely made against the contractors who are putting down thn curbing on Scott street. The workmen were putting in curbing along by the Nonpareil building. Charles Lollurt , of the Nonpareil company , had been advised to bo on the look out , and had been watching pro ceedings. He claimed that ho kept track at different places , where Llnnhan , & Co. , the contractors , were nutting in these curbings , and found that instead of complying with the contract and using one-third cement to two-thirds snml , the workmen were using about onc-lifth cement to four-fifths sand. Ho claimed that ho kept tally and found that only three buckets of cement were put In to Iiftcon buckets of sand , and some of the lime to thirteen buckets ot sand. As the men were putting in this curbing by the Nonpareil office , he went out and ordered the work stopped. The foreman declared he wns doing just as his in structions had been given him , but said ho did not know what the contract called for. Ho insisted on going ahead with the work , but the mayor was sent for and the charge made known to him. He advised the foreman to comply strictly with the contract , and use the full amount of cement culled for , and that if proof was produced that this had not been done , the bill should not be paid. The foreman insisted that the curbing being put in thcro was lust such as they had put in all along the line , and that it was a good quality of artificial stone. The mayor told him it made no difference what his opinions were , all ho had to do was to comply with the con tract whatever that might be. The work was suspended and the charge is to bo Inquired into fully. Should it appear that the contractors have been using less cement and more sand than they ought , they will doubtless have no little dilli- culty in effecting a settlement with the city and with the property owner * , against whom .the assessments are mado. Tbo Broadway Bridge. Inquiries of those interested directly In the Broadway Brldgo company result in little information to satisfy the great crowd of those who are interested in directly. Some of the material for the substructure has reached hero , and the contractors have arrived. Lines arc being run to determine the Omaha approach to the bridge , but the actual work will not commence until the details of the western approach are fully settled. This will probably bo in the course of n week or ten days. The few , who , in this com munity , have been expressing doubts about the bridge ever being built , have now become silent. Dirt For the Bottoma. C. R. Mitchell , the contractor , Is mak ing all preliminary arrangements neces sary for starting up his tramway for hauling dirt from the bluffs to the bet toms. The council has practically con sented to giving him the needed right of way for the temporary laying of such a track , and the city attorney has boon In structed to draw up the needful ordi nance. The route selected is along Third street to Ninth avenue , along that avenue to Tenth street. There are about fifteen cars and a mile and a half of track ready to bo put into service as soon as the papers are made out. This material is a part of that used by Mr. Vincent in the b'lorence cut-off work. Dr. Jeffries' Infallible preventative and cure for dipthoria can bo obtained by ad dressing No. 120(1 ( Fnrnam street , Omaha. Price fif. Sent C. OLI ) . Took a Ticker. Yesterday at noon Tom Madrigan , a water boy in the Union Pacific yards , laid down for a brief rest in the old pump house , near Spoon lake. When ho awoke he found his silver watch and chain gone. He thought some of the railway boys had taken it for fun , but Inquiry among thorn revealed the fact that Frank Sadowski from his engine had noticed a stranger standing near the pump house , and suspicion was directed toward this follow who seemed to have no particular business thcro. A start was made up town to search for him , and fortunately the boy and Sadowski dropped - pod into the Colorado house just as this stranger was there trying to soil the wy.dh. Sadowski asked him it it was > .is watch , and the stranger saying it was. ho asked to look at it. Getting it in his hands ho sent out for a policeman , meanwhile keeping guard over the man. While waiting the follow concluded ho would go after a policeman himself , and made a rush for the door. Ho got across the street before Sadowski recap tured him. Ho then held him firmly until the ofllccr came. The stranger gave his name as Frank Ashton , and refused to say anything about the matter. Ho will have a hearing this morning. Ono thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. J. Greenamayor , 023 Mynstcr St. , tele- For Sale A Standard bred stallion for one-fourth its value. Will sell on time. Five years old. Will show 2:35 : gait. A. C. Arnold , Denison , la. Inspecting Hteamcra. The finding of the coroner's jury in the Manawn disaster raises the query as to how the recommendation that the steam ers shall bo inspected may bo carried out. Nothing has been discovered in the fed eral or state laws making it compulsory for the owners of thesn boats to have thorn inspected , and nothing requiring the engineers to have certificates of their ability and experience. The coming leg islature will probably bo called uuon to pass some law for the protection of those patronizing pleasure resorts , but n law to be passed next winter is of no avail now. A movement is being urged by some for the rowing associations of the two cities both of which are interested in the lake , to secure competent inspectors , and have all the pleasure boats overhauled and the result of this Inspection made public. If owners of boats refuse to allow them to be thus inspected , lot thai fact bo known. The public could thus easily determine what boats were safe enough to warrant patronage. The unsafe crafts would speedily have their business cut off. This method Is being urged as the only ono at present , in view of the ab sence of law .directly applicable. Mem- of the Council Bluffs Rowing asso ciation express themselves In favor of r n early meeting to consider this matter. BILL NYE IN A BOB TAIL CAR. Ho Takes i Cheap Excursion With out Uolng Out of Town. Now York World : Once more , coming jack to the question of whore to go for the summer , and having tried a good many of the bestplaccsand formed many delightful friendships among those who will , no doubt , look back to this summer as ono of the most delightful and brainy summers they over passed , 1 still say that we are prone to go too far and to forget thn lays that await us at our own doors. Why should wo buy a ticket over the Hod Hoi Valley and Skowgoo railroad tnd pay extra baggage on $7t2 : worth of now clothes , when the Manhatan Klova- led sconlc route , witli kind-hearted and scholarly guards , r ady at any and all times to gather in a few thumbs from the iroat moist masses by means of those cute little iron gates , otand ready to take us to and beyond tha Harlem ? Why should the young lover go miles from his homo , far , far irom his mother , \nd where ho will therefore have to black his own boots or have it done ? Why ihould he put himself to all this expense in order to stroll at twilight beneath the worm-decked boughs of the elm , while we have the same thing right hero at liomo ? Why should ho go to a high- priced summer resort , where the bar tender and the head-waiter divide the ? ro8S receipts , when both of these feat ures are found in New York the whole year round ? Does ho go away In order that ho and the ono ho loves best In all the world may stroll up and down a crowded promenade and murmur large , sweet , prevarications into each othcrs's cars ? If so , ho can do the sumo thing on Park row and wear the elbows of our best people in the pit of his stomach just the same as ho would at a summer resort. No , there is no need that we should spend the good money of our parents seeking out the varied catalogue of hot footed insects and the dry and gquirtlcss fountains that lurk in the hazy distance , for wo have them right hero. On the redirect examination , I might also ask why wo should go away lifty miles in order to ride on a make-behove horse in tha merry-go-round , when wo can stay at homo and ride in a voluptuous bobtail car for five cents ? To ride in a bobtail car is to teach one how small ho is and what an insignificant atom ho is on the face ot the earth. Ho may leave the pulpit or the forum with the applause of the multitudes still ringing in his ears , but when ho enters the bobtail car ho sinks his identity and becomes a plain American citizen with another American citizen standing on each of his feet. Ho need not go away to Saratoga in order to cower in the presence of a notol clerk who , in hia timc.has looked through and through some of our most eminent men , but go on about four blocks down the street. He can pay five cents to a bobtail car , and in the presence of the driver and the old man with a mouth like a midmight assassination who stands on the rear platform and smokes a Pride of the Pest-nouso cigar. If ho cannot cower enough in twenty minutes to last him six weeks ho is a mighty diflicult man to please. It is here , also , that we are thrown in contact with the corpulent old lady who tries to put a nickel into the contribution box just as the car starts , hut who sud denly changes her mind and deposits it in the eye of a man who has made bi- mcttallism a study , but not before at such close range. The great specialty of the bobtail car is to keep its temper till you go to pay your assessment , and then rise up and belt you across the brains. That is the reason it is frequently called the Belt lino. lino.There There is also less restraint on a bobtail car than at a fashionable resort. Yester day a drunken man with feathers in his hair , largo mosquito bites on the back of his neck and an illicit breath , leaned his weary head on my breast and with a lit tle fluttering sigh like a tired child , went to sleep. Ho slept from about forty rods below Spuytou Duy vil to a point where the county line road crosses section six. There I woke him up and gently taking his roguish hand out of my pocket , I leaned him over the other way , with his head \igainst the shoulder of an old lady who had rested a big paper bag of moist and mushy pears on my knee for two miles , and got off the car feeling as well pleased in every way as I would had I been on a long , expensive excursion. Then there is the old man who runs three-quarters of a mile to catch the bob tail car , and just as has paid hjs faro finds that the street crossiug ho warns to get to is the one where ho got on the car , and ho tries to have his money refunded. On the bobtail car you cannot only ride from ono point to another , but yon can help lift the car on the track and feel perfectly free , if you are fat , to rest your stomach on the brake while not in use. While the brake is not in use , I menu. There is also the woman who is intent on thinking how she'will chisel some great dry goods emporium out of twenty- seven cents' worth of samples , and who gets off the car forgetting her baby , which is asleep on the scat. She always rides in a bobtail car , and although she fre quently leaves her baby on the scat that way , and alwavs wildly attacks the driver about it the next day , and very rarely gets the baby returned to her , she does not seem to refrain from riding in the bobtail car , and she never seems to run short of children. BILL NYE. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs. Ono of the host Educational Institu tions in the west. Hoarding and day school conducted by the Sisters of Char ity , 13. V. M. Uonrd and tuition for a terra of five months , $75. For further particulars address SISTER SUPERIOR , St. Francis Academy , Council Hluus.Ia. Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accommodations Flnt Class , And Kates Reasonable Max Mohn , Proprietor C. R. ALLEN , Engineer , Surveyor , MapPubllsher Over JVb. 12 North Main St. Maps , of cities and counties ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Thirty-Mrenth year begins Sept. 6th , 1887. For circulars or special information address HoraotB , Smith.LL.D. Ds n , AJbsny.N. Y. JOHN T. STORK. JACOB ( IMS STORK.STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Practice in the State and Federal Court Rooms 7 and 8 Shug.irt-Beno Block. COUNCIL BLUFFJ E. S. BARtfETT , Justice ot the Peace , 410 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank'or business house in the city , Collcclions a specialty. JV. Justice of the Peace. OiUce over American Kxprnss. No. 419 BROADWAY OUR LITTLE GBANDOHILD , Cleansed , Purified , and Beautified by the Cuticura Remedies. It affords mo pleasure to glvo you this re port of tbo euro 01' our I'.ttfo ' grandchild liy your CtiTicuiiA KKMKIIIKH. Wticn six months old his loft band bciun to swell and Imd every appearance oC 11 law boll. Wo Doultlrod It , but all to no purpose. About five months niter It bccnma a running sore. Boon other sores formed. Ho then had two of them on cnuh hand , and ns his Mood became more nnd nioro Impure It took less time for thorn to breakout. A sore cnrao on the chin , beneath the under lip , which wns very offensive. Ills heud was ono eolld scab , discharging a prcut deal. This was his condition nt twenty-two months old , when I undertook the euro of him , his mother having died when ho was n little more than a year old , of consumption , ( scrofula of course ) . Ho could wnlk a little , but could not get. up If ho fell down , and could not move when In bed , having no use of his hands. I Immediately commenced with the RUTICOKA HBMKitRt > , usintr the CiiTietJitA nndOUTicuiix SOAP freely , nnd when ho had taken ono bottle of the Ctm- cimt HI : OI.VK.NT his heaa was completely cured , and he wag Improved In every way. We were very much encouraged , and continued the UFO of the Itemed les for a year and n halt. Ono sere after another healed , n bony matter forming In each ono of these five deep ones just bofora healing , which would finally grow loose and wcro taken out : then they would heal rapidly. One ot these ugly Done formations I preserved. After taking n dozen nnd n half bottles he was completely cured , and Is now , at the ago of sit years , n strong and healthy child. The scars on hU hands must always remain : his bands are strong , though wo once feared ho would noier bo able to uie them. All that phy sicians did for him did him no good. All who saw the child before using the CUTICUIIA HKMB- WER nnd sco the child now consider it A won derful euro. It the above facts are of any use to you , you are at liberty to use thorn. MRS. E. S. Dlticas. MayO , 1885. 613 B. Clay St. , Illoomington , 111. The child was really In a worse condition than bu appeared to his grandmother , who , being with him every day , became accustomed to the disease. HAOOIB HOPPING. CUTICUIU REKKUIKR are Hold everywhere. CUTICUIIA , the great Skin Cure , GO cts. ; Curt- CUMA SOAP , an oiciulslto Skin Uciiutlflor. Sncts : CUTICUIIA ItpBoi.vuiT , the now niood Purifier , H.tKl Prepared by the POTTER Diiuu & CIICM- I CAT. Co. , Boston. Send for "How to Cure Skin. Diseases. " T prifTINa , Bcaly , Pimply and Oily Skin * * v * * . beautified by CUTICUIIA SOAV. Oil ! HIV BACK , ITIY BACK ! Pain , Inllammatlon and Weakness of the Kldneysr Hips nnd Sides nr.UKVEO I IN ONE Mt.NUTK by the CDTICUItA ANTI PAIN PtiAOTtiii. Now and Infallible. < At druggists. 25c. Potter Drug and Chemical Co. , lloston. CONSCIOUS WORTH. "My John says I'm too neat a girl by all odds for this houno , and bo's right. Tbo idea I A bom * rrhcro they don't use Eapollo 1" Everybody knows our old friend SAPOLIO , and 'tis said truly , " A well known friend la a treasure. " Sapollo Is a solid cake of Scouring Soap. Try It In house-cleaning. No. 1. [ Copyright. March , 1887. ] DM tktl T.ll.l . ! > > b IB Uildt .r C rnt. YIELDS TO EVERY MOVEMENT OF THE WEARER. Owlnc to the UOOXlt KUniUTT of the rlolh ( ithlch our paunt cover iclu ir lj ) will nt prtfi-rtlv flnt tlmoworn. lUqnlret no breaking In. OSIT nKTCRKKD br eUrrftftarb > lnir worn ten da/i ir not found the most PRKFKCT riTTiNu.'HEALTHrui. mid Comfortable Corset erer worn , gold 67 all Qrst-clasi deateri. CKOTTT BROS. . Chlcnco , III. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE And HOME KCI1OOL , for CilKLS. KANSAS CITY MO. . Full corpi of nrcnmpllsliod Tcacheri. 1'uplU recolveil nt nnr time. For circulars apply to , WU K. McCOMAB , Principal. Howard Collegiate Institute , ForYoun ? Ladles reopens Sept " 1. College Preparatory , Classical mid ScIuntlQo Ornduut- Inircourses. For ciroulura address EMMA O. CONUO , Principal , or , U. 11. HOWAUO , Secre tary , West llridtruwnter , Mass. JydtuwMt pHJLADELPHIA BisMINAKY A FOIl YOUNG b.UlKSUU North BroadSt Philadelphia , 17th year beglni Sept. 21st , 1S3T. Address Miss It. K. JUDK1NS , Principal , who refers by spocliil permission to Mr. and Mrs , John N. Jowett , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Plillip I ) . Armour , > Chicago. Mr. ana Mrs. Borneo F. Watte , I B RIGHT'S DISEASE Is caused by AIIUSE EXCESSES. NKUVOUB DEUIMTY. 1)18- CllAHOES. FEVEH8 , MALAHlA. GEN1TO- UH1NAHV DISEASES. BTHlCTUUlis.DIfiEAB- KD PUOSTATB GLAND ANO IIDADDBK , OATHETBItS AND SOUNDS , AND CANNOT UKCUHKU WHILE THEV E IST.OUH HEM- KD1E8CUUE THEil. CHHONIC DJ8EA8E3 AND VAHICOCBLK. without detention from business , and the Atahel Mineral Sprlnir Water cures the KIDNEya , DIAUKTES. DKOPHY , RLADDER , OUAVEL AND STONE. Over ? whelming evidence mailed free by ASAHEL MEDICAL BUREAU 1'HYSICIAN , Ml Broad way , Now York , RUPTURE CURED fly Dr. Snedlker'a method. No operation ; no pain ; no detention from business. Adapted to children as well as frown people. Hundreds of autograph testimonials on tile. All business strictly confidential. Consultation free. PROF. N. D. COOK Room 0,1511 Douglas StO nu OFFICER A PUUEY , COO Broadway , Council BluffsI < wa. Ettabllshed 1657. REAL ESTATE , Vacant lx > t § , Lamia , City Residences nnd Farms. Aero property In western pnrt of city. All selling cheap. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Woom 5 , over Officer A Puaey'i Bank , Councl Bluffs. Tins a complete line of Midsummer Milliiw , Largolmtsliiwhlto. blnck and ull colors. Fat SPECIAL NOTICES. 3JTOT1CB. Special sdTortlioments , such as Lost , Found i'oLoan , For Bnlo , To Kent , Rants , Hoarding , etc. , will be Inserted In this column tit the low rateof TEN CENTS PEK LINK forthoflrst Inset- ionnnd V'lvsContsrcrLlnofo.'cachsubsojiiont Insertion. Ix-avo advertisements nt our offlcn Ho. U I'carl iticet , near Uroiulwuy , Council UluPs. WANTS. FOlt 8AM-Or : Trado-Completo itock fur niture , stovcl , etc. ! nlso building , in good town on Wnbish road 20 miles from city ; no opposition. Good reasons for selling. Terms easy. Will invoice about 13,500. Address or call on Merchant , itS ! Brondway , Council Bluffs. WANTED-At once , good girl. Call on Mrs. Haldane , corner ot Seventh avenue and 10th street. ; BALE OK THADE.-For Conncll Illuffs f property 40,000 acres of Iowa and Ne braska land. J. H. Itlce , 110 Mam St. Council DIuffs. \ TIANTEOSituation by young married man. Dost of references. Dullness experience. Wholoeiile house preferred. Address E 10 , line office , Council Dluira. ANTED Situation as bookkeeper by young man who can t-Mve satisfactory ref erences ns to experience , habits nnd responsi bility. Q. D. Ilee office , Council Dlutfs. WANTED Situation as salesman in grocery store. References given. D. U. T. , lloe office. Council DIuffs. WILL sell two carriages on Ions time or will trade for horses. William Lewis. ESTABLISHED 1808 D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL AND FUKS. Highest Market Prices. Promp Return * . 820 nnd 822 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. BEST LIGHT LIVERY Tbo finest of driving horses always on hand and for sale by MASE WISE. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES : No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 33 Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 03. LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , TortoiscShcll etc.Hair On naments , as well as the newest nov elties in hair goods. Hair goods madeto order Mrs.C. L. Gillette 20 Main St. , Council lilufTs , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to. Star Sa/e Stab/es and Mule Yards. Drondway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot E5 CO C/3 pa 3 § ft . Horses and mules constantly on hand for sale at retail or in car load lota. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission , Telephone 114 , SBLUTEK & DOLEV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UluDTs. CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMEK & CO. , JV'O. 23 MAIN ST. , U LUFFS , HARKNESS BROS. I 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL iff Summer Dress Goods , White Goods Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc. OTJFI STOOK : CARPETS , Are Large and Well Selected' Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best , . New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF Lace Curtains , CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC , Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OP Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments \vill find it to their interest to call on us. Initrunicnti Tuned nnd Repaired. We never fall to give latUfucf lorn Over 2O years' Experience In Piano and Organ Work , Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa o. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Ulufft Olllce , MaNonlc Temple. Omalia OJtl'cc , IVo 111 Il'JCj North J Ulli street. Particular attention Inventing given to II III ] venting 1'iindn for neil rcul- dentil. Special bargains In lots & WC ncrc property In Umalia & Coun cil If lulfr. Correspondence lollc- Itcd. T BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $8.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE BOOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates. NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs. No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE AKSOUTMIENT Fancy and Staple Groceries Both Domestic and Foreign.