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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1887)
OMAHA DAILY BEE * . THURSDAY. AUGUST 11. 1887 ; THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Intense Excitement in Oorn and the Whole World Buying , THE BEARS ALL KNOCKED OUT. No Itonni In tlio Pit For Traders , and a Switch to no Made To-day- Wheat Ilcmalnfl Firm Quotations. CHICAGO PnoOUCE MARKET. CHICAGO , AuzHst 10. tSpcclal TcleRram totheUKK. I Thocorn crowd didn't seem to care n continental for tlio government fl urcs , though tuoy have been talked about Incessantly for a week. Traders hnd later Information than tlio government by ten days , and they were disposed to go It on their own responsibility regardless of tlio Washington estimate. Tlio bulls are pre pared to do business on the floor that will not exceed 1,200,000,000 bushels Instead of l,7fX > ,000,000 possibility , according to Statis tician Dodge's August 1 averages. The whole world was buying corn to-day and the tlcld news Is dally and hourly growing from bad to worse , and private estimate ; ) of the damage are getting bigger every minute. Speculative Interest In corn has Increased to such an ex tent that It has been found necessary for traders to move Into more com modious quarters , and the secre tary announced this afternoon that to morrow the wheat * and corn crowds would change pits. Superstitious operators look on this step with foreboding. Thny contend that the wheat pit Is a "hood oo , " and that the corn market Is certain to go all to prices the minute the change Is made. The exclterao nt In corn was Intense and the speculative activity heavy and ustalncd , the transactions being tremendous from the start to the linlsh. Aa on yesterday several of the local leaders attac ked the market , but they might an well have attempted to battle Niagara. The country was tinder It 1'rop- erty by the million bushel was taken up greedily , and the popular appetite was as keen at the close as at the beginning. Availing themselves of this amazing and long-continued buoyancy , a great many operators took occasion to unload and take In their prollts. lltit- chlnson starts In regularly every morning to sell out , but the swelling prices of the market tempts him to take hold again and he loads up at higher figures. Packers and cattlemen are among the strongest and staunchest friends of corn. Their reports of the condition of the crops are appalling. The bears who have been lighting the advance , playing for reaction , wore driven In to-day in great numbers and with considerable loss. The market opened Kc up , with September quoted at 43Jc , October at 43) < c , and May at 47c . September advanced without a break to 4Hc , October to 44&c. and May to 4c. The range subsequently was within Kc of. these quotations , which are the best of the day , and the last prices were at the top , viz : 43c for September , 44 > o for October , and 48Vc for May. This Is a gain of W lYe as compared with yesterday. Statistics of the movement of wheat con- tlnuo to favor the bulls , the receipts at many markets being light and the seaboard demand beyond expectations. The government re port on the crops showed no material change in the condition of spring wheat , but the government estimates on that croo have no weight whatever. The market to-day was active In streaks and dull In streaks , and the general tone was of steadiness. Mho strength In corn had much to do with the firmness In wheat , but tnls neulocted cereal Is not en tirely without friends and believers In Its merits. The market reviewed on the whole , was dull and featureless. September opened . ranged at 0'J @GOWo low and ow < s high and closed at OUJflgMKc. ober opened at 7lttfc. ranged nXQIlXc and closed at 7 ! > < ( < J7lc December opened at 74c , ran tied 74c low and 74 f@71J c high , closing at 74c. a gain on the day of % w There was a tlrm and # c higher opening for future deliveries of oats , the market be ing bullish all through in sympathy with corn. The demand for oats to go to store was loss urgent , but thai appealed to make no difference with speculative values. There was no excitement to speak of and trading , which was of just moderate volume , was pretty evenly distributed be tween September , October and May. At the close May oats showed an advance of } ia and other less deferred futures % c. Provision trades had a stronger undertone In next winter's deliveries , which are receiv ing Increased attention. The movement was even bullish aud for January pork sustained an actual advance of SOc , lard of lOc , and short ribs of 17J c. I'ork for the same month was quoted at the close at 813.02H , lard at S6.HO , and short ribs at 30.05. In cash and near futures the change for the better was less marked. In January , though , higher prices wore the rule. September lard , atter selling at 80.52U@6.00 , closed the same as yesterday , or at SO M. Auiiust lard was 2 > c under and October lo < 312e over September. Short ribs for September sold at 87. 5@7. 7K , closing at S7.97X. with August 3Kc anil October 12o under September. Business scarcely exceeded a moderate volume. Oil 10AGO LIVC STOCK. CHICAGO , August 10. iSpcclal Telegram to the BEE.J OATTLK Trade was slow during the early part of the day , but 1m proved somewhat toward noon. As to prices there was little or no changes when com pared with yesterday. On the best solid corn fed steers and on other classes U Is difficult to say whether they were lower or not , ai such are selling at the lowest for the year Late yesterday one or two fancy lots sold as high as 94.70 , yet cattle good enough for any body or any market In the world are Rolling within a range of 84.40(34.50. ( while good am useful sock , such as the dressed beef ant shipping trade wants , Is selling at 83.90(9 ( 4.20 and along there , with common and grass Block al 83.25t.75. Native cows and Twlls are down to the lowest notch. Tex an a are ( airly steady. The stocker and feeder trade presented [ no new features. Ship ping steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , 4.60(3 ( 4.00 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs , 33.60(14.20 ( ; U50 to 1.200Ibs. 83.10(33.80 ( ; stockers and feeders , 8l.25@3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.60 SJ.CO ; bulk , Sl.WtfiiOQ ; Texas steers , 83.40 ® aS5 ; cows. 81.0003.80. Hoes Trade was dull , with a down turn of about lOo on the ordinary run of mixed and about 15c on light The latter was al most unsalable. 1'iline heavy sorts were scarce and perhaps only about 6c lower. The pens were full of growers nnd no buyer on the market hero with courage to make a bid or ho would have been taken at any price ho might name. Itouich and common and mixed Bold at $4.00(35.05 ( ; fair to best mixed , 85.15(3 0.20 ; the best , J5. : X$5.35 ; light sorted , § 5.00 (95.15 ( ; largely at 85.05 ; light grassers , 84.750 NEwToiiK , August 10. [ Special Telegram to the HKK.I STOCKS. The stock market was a waltlnzxme , and exhibited consider able Irregularity. The opening was generally stroiiL' , with advances ranging to H per cent , London was a buyer of Louisville & Nash ville and Its specialties. The selling was scattered and the principal trading was being by room professionals end had no particular significance. The bulk of operators wcro In clined to go slow and await the outcome of the government's purchase of 4 > , ' per cent bonds. It wa& expected that If 100,003,000 or more would be offered , but the traders who made such estimates were badly disappointed as only 91,440,000 were offered at prices ranging from 110 to 111 % . The small im provement In values , owing to the Urge estimates of the bonds to bo offered , disap peared after the facts became known , and a recession to X@ > < per cent followed on a majority of the list Missouri Pacific was purchased by S. V. White and Charley Johnes , and advanced Itf per cent , but broke W per cent. The grangers were slightly better early , but the bad showing made by the Government crop report had the depres sing effect , despite the St. Paul earnings ( or the first week In August showed au Increase of 133,000 , and the Insiders were quoted as saying that the dividends about which much apprehension existed would bo main tained. The market during the closing hours became weaker and declined frac tional ) } , but the big bean being still on top * nd ajthough the close was at intldo liure for a majority of the properties , the prlcei were a trlllo bolter than yesterday , particu larly on Missouri 1'aclllo which was -X Per cent higher , and Michigan Central IK P r cent , cotton oils s percent The business with Chicago houses was small and cut llttlo figure. The total sales were 208,830 shares , ngalnst 100,000 shares yesterday. OovKit.VMr.NT6 Government bonds were dull but firm. YESTUllDAY'B QUOTATIONS. U. S. 4's coupon .127Jf C. &N. W U. S. 4M'scoup..llO ) do preferred..145 Pacific 68 * ot'ub. . 123M N. Y.C 108 Control Pacific. , sr.jf M ( 8 : ft * ? ; : : : : : : 3 Chicago * Alton. 149 Pacific Mall 89W do preferred..175 D. C. , B. &O. KM Pullman Pal.Car. 147 U. , L. & W 130 J < Heading. 1) . ifeH.0 20J Hock Island . . . Krie SO'fSt , L. its. F. . . do preferred. . . . 6SU do pref erred. . . . Illinois Central..119 0. , M. A St. P. . I. , U. * W 19 do preferred. . 119K K. & T 27VSt P. A 0 48 1-akn Shore do preferred. . 110 * ; Texas Pacific. . . . 87f } Michigan Cent'l. . Union Pacific. . . . 65 Mo. Pacific \V..St. LAP. . . . 18 No. Pacific do preferred. , ni do preferred. . . . \V. U. Telegraph 74 MONEY On call easy at 3 < g5 per cent. ; closed offered at 3 per cent. I'KIME MEIICANTILB PAPKR 5@6 per cent. STKHLINO ExciiANOK Dull but steady at S4.81Jf for sixty day bills and 5183 > i for de mand. _ PRODUCE MAHKET8. Chlcaao , Aueuit 10. KollowlnB quota tions are tins 2 : : io closing llRiires ; Flour Steady nnd unchanged. Wlieat Moderate business transacted ; feeling stronger ; closlnc Ve above yester day's close ; cash , 68 9-lCc ; September , GOW-lGc ; October , 71 0-16c. Corn Was a center of activity , ruled ex cited and lilL'hor. closing 1'f c hlishcr for near futures ; cash , 43j c ; September , 4& ; October , 44 l-10c. Oats In good UOXchlelKr ; cash , 35 > f@ Kc ; September , 20c ; May , ilye btrady at 40c. llarley Strops at C9 15-lCc. Prime Timothy Seea-82.'JO. Flax Seed Sl.04. Whiskv 81.10. Pork Moderately active and stronger ; cash , J15.00 ; year , S12.30 ; January , 813.03Ka ( IcLOo. Lard Killed ilrm early , but declined and closed easy ; cash 10.55 : September , S6.55@ & 57W ; October , | O.Oo@O.C7 > < . Bulk Meata-Sboulderf ) , 95. 700(5.80 ; short clear. 58.20fa8,25 ; short ribs , 7.9J. Butter Firm and unchanged ; creamery , aXSMXc ; dairy , 10@23c. Cheese Advancing ; full cream Cheddars , 10K@llci Hats and Young Americas , llgc ; skims , 6i@6Uc. Eggs Firm at ll@12c. Illdes In moderate demand ; heavy reen Salted ; 7 0 ? light do , 73/8c ; salted bull hides. Oc , green salted calf , 8X@9cdry ; Hint , 12f 13c : drv calf , 12@i3c ; deacons SOc each. Tallow Easy ; No. 1 country , S c ; No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c. Kocolnts. Shipment * . Flour , bbls . 25,000 13,000 Wheat , bu . 71.000 39.000 Corn , bu . 244,000 60.000 Oats , bu . 337,000 03,000 live , bu . 4,000 1,000 Barley , bu . 24,000 1,000 New JforK. August 10. Wheat Receipts. 58,400 ; experts , 258,200 ; spot lots c and options W@Kfi huher , closing firm ; un graded rod , 77@Slfc ; No. 8 red , Sfljk'c ; No. 1 red nominal utboc ; No. 2 red , 7'Jfco ; 80 In elevator , Birasitfc delivered , 80 } < cto. b. ; bentembcr closing at80cM. Corn Spot lots advanced l2o and op tionsXWie , closing linn ; rceeipts , none ; exports , 7GW ( ; ungraded. 49@51Hc ; No. 3 , 49 0 in store , U i@50wc ; In elevator , 51 ® 61Hc delivered , 50 > c r. and I. ; September closing at 50Xc. Oats Hlzhcr aud moderately active : re ceipts. 104,000 ; exports , 717 ; mixed western , ! )2 ) < $34c ; white western , S7@41c. Petroleum Steadv ; United closed nt SOc. Eees Firm and In fair Inquiry ; western , 12ffllGc. Pork Active and firm and quoted at S15.00 © 15.25 for old ; $15.5010.00 for new. Lard 11 Ichor aud moderately active ; western steam spot , SH.arx3 < 5.87J { . liuttor Finn ; western , 12 © o. Cheese Firm ; demand fair ; western , Mlnnoapolla , August 10. Wheat Mar ket steady and firmer ; No. 1 hard , cash and September , 71 } < c ; October , 70) ) < c : No. 1 1 bard , 73cK ; No. 1 northein , W c ; No. 2 northern , C9xc. Flour Easier ; patents , | 4.00@4.20 ; bakers , firm ; 83.20(33.40. ( Receipts-Wheat , 60,400. Shipments Wneat , 25,000 bu ; flour , 26,403 bbls. bbls.Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Aueust 10 Wheat Looking upward ; September , 70c ; October , 71@71 > ic. Corn-Quiet ; 4l@4lMc. Oats In fair demand ; No. 2 white , 29Xc. Kye-Nomlnal ; No. 1,44Hc. Uarley Inactive : September , 6 Prorlslons Weak ; pork,814.50. Cincinnati , August 10. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red , 72c. Corn Strong and higher with light offer Ings : No. 2 mixed , 45X(348c. ( Oats Good demand , higher ; No. 2 mixed , yo-Stroncer ; No. 2 , 4Sc. Pork-Ouiet at 815.00. hard Firmer at 50.85. Whisky Active and lirm at Sl.a5. St. Louis , Aueust 10. Wheat Ilicher ; cash , GSc ( JG'Je ' ; c ; Sujitember , 71c ; October , ' - ; cash , 33 @ 39 > c ; Sep tember , 3'JVC. Oats Higher ; cash , 24 0 } September , 25c. Pork-$15.26. Lard -SO. 3.5. Butter Firm ; creamery , 25@2Sc ; dairy , 10@26e. Kansas City. August 10. Wheat- Steady ; No. a red , none on the market ; No. 3 soft , 65c bid. Corn-Higher ; No. 2 , cash , 87 > * c bid , asked ; September , 37e bid , ittc asked ; tober , S7o bid , SS c asked. Oats No. 8 cash , 23c bid , 23 c asked. Mrorpool , August 10. Wheat Quiet and demand poor ; holders offer freely. Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixed western , 4s IX'I per cental. New Orlmtn * . August 10. Corn Un settled ; mixed. COc , white , 5354c. Oats Firmer at S3X@34e. Corn Meal-Easy at 82.27H@3.30. llof Products Dull and uuchauged ; pork , 815.62.1 * ; lard , rellned tleico. 6.C2K. Bulk Moati Shoulders , 85.80 ; long clear and clear rib , 89.12J.jf. MVE STOCK. CbtuaRo , AutustlO. The Drovers' Jour * uai reports as follows : Cattle lleceipts. 10,000 ; firm for fancy , others low : I shipping steers , 3.10(34.00 ( ; stackers and toederc. SL2593.00 ; COVTH , bulls and mixed , 81.50.00 ; Texas cattle , 81.00 ® 3.35. 3.35.Uogs Receipts , 12,000 ; opened steady and closed 10@15o lower ; rouifh and mixed , S4.6WK5.15 ; packing and shipping , 85.00 ® 5.40 ; llglit. S4.50V15 ; skips , 83.00 4.50. 8heor > Kecolpts , O.OUO : market dull ; com mon lOc lower ; natives , 82.50(74.00 ( ; western , S3.00S3.M ; Texans , Si Q'i.CS ; lambs , 84.00 © 4.75. National Htock Yanls , Ea t St. lx > Bl , ' 111. , August 10. Cattle Uecolpts , 2,000 ; shipments , 3.200 ; the market was steady ; fair to choice heavy native iteers , 83.70(94.00 ( ; butchers' steers , fair to choire , | 3.Xa3.S5 ( ; feedera. fair to c > x > d , J'ibOffl 3.40 ; Btockeis , fair to good , # UO@2.80. lloirs Itflcelpts , 3,000 ; Bhlpinents. none : market steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , H5.2035.35 ; packers and Yorkers , medium to choice , 84.90(55.15 ( ; pigs , common to good , 84.30(34.90. ( Kanaai City , Aueust 10. Cattle Re ceipts , 2,000 ; shipments ( unoftlclal yesterday ) 2,000 ; market for good was steady : com mon to medium dull and weaker ; good to choice corn-ted , 93.5034.00 ; common to medium , looqaies : Btockera , S2.00@2.40 ; feeding steers , Ti60(33.00 ( ; cons , 81.40 2.50. Hogs Receipts. 0,800 ; ihlpments , ( of- ficlal yesterday ) 3,400 ; market opened stronger ( or good grassers and common weak , closing weak ; common to choice , 84.WQ5.SO : pigs aud grassers , 3.00@4.80. OMAHA. LIVE HTOCK. Wednesday , August 10. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were light to-day and there waa no very choice stock ln. values remained about steady at yesterday's uotv .tlons. Only a f w loada otuogtd naads.uotv Uog . The receipts of hogs were liberal bnt not quite up to yesterday's receipts. The mar ket opened strong at about yesterday's prices and several loads of good heavy hoes sold on that basis. A little later In the morning reports * cre received from Chicago Indicating a decline of 10gl5c thero. This caused a rapid falling off In prices hero and the market continued to grow weaker until the close , The closing prices were fully 10@15c lower on common and mixed sum. Choice heavy hogs did not feel the decline as sharply on Account of being In better de mand. There were six loads left unsold when the market closed. Sheep. There was one load In and sold. Receipt * . Cattle 300 Uos 4,400 Sheep 100 Shipments. Cattle 200 Hogi 1W4 Prevailing Price * . Showlngthoprevailing prices paid for llva stock on tnls market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 lb3..S4.lK > aus Choice steers. 1100 to 1301) Ibs. . . 3.90 4.00 Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75fd3.M ! Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 3.COrti3.S5 Oood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75(33.00 ( Commonto medium cows 2.00@2.V ) Good to cholco bulls 1.7V < .M > Light and medium heirs 4.75M4/.K ) ( iood to choice heavy hoes C.00@5.15 Good to cholco mixed hogs 4.90 0.00 Representative dales. NATIVE SIKHIIS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 41..1270 83.75 WKSTEKN STKKnS. CO..1004 S3.25 1..1050 3.25 MAI.K-BllKEI ) Ti\AS. : 40. . .1073 3.'J5 nui.i.8. 1..1300 81.50 COWS. 20..1002 S2.50 1..1100 J2.M ) 8IIEKP. 111. . . . 76 83.25. BOOR. No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. 8hk. Pr 74..821 80 S4.90 & 9..S78 4085.05 81..191 . . 4.90 71..250 80 5.05 77..211 160 4.90 65.toO ! 240 5.05 CO..224 40 4.HO 78..213 200 5.05 128..253 280 4.UO 04..248 40 5.05 65..2S5 ISO 4.90 64..258 160 5.05 72 . . .230 40 4.95 17..248 . . 5.05 76..UK ) 240 4.95 61..247 40 5.05 71..211 . . 4.95 00..248 120 5.05 50 . . .239 80 4.0'i ' 70..214 . . 5.05 70..240 80 4.95 69..27.1 200 5.05 83..185 440 4.95 69..27J . . 5.05 75..228 BO 4.95 65..251 120 6.07X 67..241 120 B.OO 68.'J63 40 5.07W 07..220 200 5.00 62..279 . . 5.07K 68..228 240 5.00 78..240 . . 6.07J * 68..230 80 5.00 77..224 80 5.07 # 78..253 160 5.00 58..300 80 5.10 74..223 80 5.00 61..274 120 5.10 90..211 180 6.00 6.S..270 200 5.10 67..220 . . 5.00 59..276 40 5.10 68..242 80 5.00 69..312 80 5.10 70..230 bO 5.00 60..280 bO 5.10 SO..223 bO 5.00 50..297 bO 5.10 77..244 100 5.00 147..263 120 5.12J { 54..250 40 5.00 60..2M ) . - . 6.12' $ 72..317 40 5.05 48..350 160 5.15 69..207 260 5.05 63..350 40 5.15 65..248 40 5.05 62..338 . . 5.15 67..257 120 5.05 65..279 . . 5.15 Iiive Stock Sold. Showlngthe number of head of stock sold n the market to-day : CATTLE. G. II. Hammond & Co 100 _ , opal 23 Shippers 60 Total 1S3 HOOS. Anglo American Packing Co 613 U. 11. Hammona&Co 651 Armour * Co 1227 Squires it Co 1724 Harris & Flgher 58 Total 4173 Unsold 3W ) AH sales ot stock in this market are made per cwt llvo weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at KO per Ib. for all weights "Skins"or hogs weighing less than 100 Ibs , no value. Pre < nant sows are docked 40 IDs. and BtagsSO Ibs , by the oublio Inspector. Live Stoolc Noten. A light cattle market. Ono load of sheep sold. Uogs close at a decline ot I0@l5c. A good many shippers In to-day. The Rock Island shipped out 31 cars of hogs. Armour's buyer had an order not to pay over 84.90. 11. E. Vandruff , Bradshaw , was in with a load of hogs. C. W. Gould , Ainsworth , was In with a oad of hogs. T. C. Taccr , Waco , Neb. , was at the yards with a load of hogs. H. 1) . Miller , Wmslde , was hero and mar keted a load of hogs. Squires & Co. , Boston , was the heaviest bujcr In the market C. F. Way , Ord , Neb. , was In and mar keted a load of hogs. II. Shlnstock , West Point , was In with both cattle and hogs. Virgin & Nelson , Utica , had In 2 cars of cattle and a car of hogs. O. A. Tuttle , Greenfield , la. , was at the yards with a load ot hogs. Samuel Dalton , Tabor , la. , was hero aud marketed a load of hogs. Hon. Leo Martin , Benedict , was at the yards with a load of hogs. Fremont Hey , Silver Creek , Neb. , was here with two loads of hogs. J. W. Young topped the market with load ot 350-1 b hogs from Ames , II. F. Church , Pierce. Neb. , a heavy ship per , marketed a load of hogs and sheep. E. Gould. Fullerton , marketed three loads of hozs which topped the market at S515. Geo. Boetel , Mlllard , was In with a load ot hogs and joined the shippers'association. . A. W. Beahm , Cortland , was in with a load of hogs and joined the shippers' association. Among those In to-day was J. M. Payne , an extensive shipper und feeder of Madison. Twenty-nine new members * joined the shippers'association , a full report of which will bo found elsewhere In tills paper. Wiley Black , of Plattsmouth , was In with two loads ot hogs. Ho had over 23,000 pounds in a car and they netted nearly 82,300. C. C. Carrie , of Carrlg & Lynch , Platte Center , was at tlio yards looking over the market and to attend the shippers' ossocia < tion. Jir. Longnecker , ot the firm of Schofield < & Longneckcr. Walnut , In. , came In with a load of hogs. He got Into the Blulls at 0:00 : tills morning and did not arrive at the yatds until 11:20. : The following had live stock on the mar ket : T. B. Cole , Hartlngtou ; 11. Shlnstock , West Point ; 0. Schneider. Snyder : Crowoll , L.&G. Co. , West Point ; Morse , R , & Co. , Morse : A. B. Van Xandt , KwliurF. ; C. Bliss , Howells : D. A. Hale. Newman's Grove ; Church A Co. , Pierce ; F. K. Glliett , Alus- worth ; Reno , S. it D. , Elgin : A. Cruise , At klnson ; O. A. Tuttle , Greenfield * , J. B. Lewis , Hlllhlde ; Fisher & W. . York : J. E. McFnrland , Unadilla ; Crowoll , L. &G. Co. , 1'cnder ; O. M. Young , Berlin ; L. Anderson & Co. , Mead. Among those having llvo stock on the market wcro the following : J. E ; Thomp son & Co. , Underwood ; C. C. Smith. Milford - ford ; Wilson R , & Co. , Ulysses : Farmers G AL. . S. Co. , Mead ; Clark 1L & Co. , Weston C. L. Jones. Hastings : .lames Barker , Alma ; C. Hunter , RlrertonW. U. Austin & Co. , Franklin ; Thomas Powers , Suttnn ; O. G Vrofland , Junlata ; O. Swenson , Chapman ; J. Martin. J. Payne , Madison ; WalxolM. & Co. , G. W. Carleton , St Paul ; Lance Creek C. Co. , Central Cltv ; C. Williams. J. Young , Ames ; D. Anderson , ColumbuujW. L. Nasii , Kearney ; S. M. Baker , Silver Creek : Hall & Way. Ord : F. M. Sackett. Albion ; C. Itudat , Norfolk ; J. G. IIall. Gibbon. OMAHA. WUOL15SALE MARKETS Produce. Order * from the country requiring se lected stock and extra care In piichltid can not always be filial at the some prices quoted to the local trade for common stock. Wednesday , August 10. Eoos The receipts are not heavy but about equal to the demand , The bulk of the stock Is moving at lie BUTTBII A slight Increase Is noticeable In the receipts of the common grades , but cholco butter Is very scarce. The West Point creamery butter is selling at 23 > ic and the output ot other creameries at Sic. Choice dairy butter , 17O1& : niodlum grades , ICc ; lower grades , l llc. CIIERSX Fancy , full cream Cheddars , sin gle , lOc ; full cream , twins , 10' < c ; young Americas , lie ; brick chetso. lee Ibs Incase , now , I2c ; Llmburcor ioo Ibs In case , new , He ; Swiss , fancy Ohio. ue\y , 19c. POUI.TIIY The market Is lower on poul try. Itlsdinicult to obtain o\er 82.25 fof the best spring chickens , and some of the smaller ones to as low a4 SI.75. At this sea son of tuo year wlion chickens are plenty It Is almost Impossible to sell the very small ones. The bi-st old fowls are going at 83.75 @ 'i 00. / Po FATOF.S The receipts are not heavy and the market Is firm , blocks are moving at 55COc. . GnNF.nAi. The prodnco markets were very quiet to-day and tlio receipts of all kinds of produce very llcht The market was almost bare of all kinds of California fruits but there will be several cars In during tlio next two days. Mm.oxs Watermelons were a little more plenty to-day and good stock was mov- Itie at S10.Cai5.00 ( ) ( per hundred. BEANS. Hand picked navy beans are quoted at S1.75 per bushel and the other grades are selling from that figure down to 81.25 , GAME. There Is no game coming In , the weather being too warm to handle It. Poi Con N. There is hardly any sale fo poprorn. An occasional sack Is cold all @lfc per Ib. BitimtEB The season for berries Is prac tically over. TOMATOES Home-grown stock is uccom- Ine pientv and was sold at very low nrlco < 4 Good stock Is worth about 75c a bushel. PLUMS The market Is fairly well supplied with choice stork , made up of the varieties known as Purple Duaune , Bradshaw , Co lumbia and oilier well known California va rieties. Choice stock Is boiling at $1.50@1.75 p r box. PiiUNKs There are some very largo and showy California prunes on the market , known as the ( iross prunes , whicn are sellIng - Ing at 1.75 per box. GitAi-KS-Callfornla cranes nro expected to arrive In the market early in tlio week. There are a few Kansas grapes InIncli are selling nt 75c per 10-lb baskets. NECTAIMNJJS A few California ncctarlnet are arriving , which are sold at $1.50 per box. PEAIUI The market Is well supplied waes choire California Bartlett , which Ihr moving at 82.252.60 per BOY. MELONS Watermelons have not been so plenty during the past two days , and prices Iiavo stiffened up somewhat. Good stock Is selling at S15 (2'JO ( per hundred. Cantaloupes 51.50@1.75 per box. PKACiir.s There Is a good supply ot peaches In , of which late Craw lords and strawberry peaches form the bulk. Good stock , 91.50 per box. AITLIJS Theio Is a good supply of very fair stock on the market at S2.50&2.75. CEI.KUV There Is a liberal quantity of celery arriving from Kalamazoo. Medium sired buches , 35c per bunch. LKMON.H T.'iere are some very fancy largo Malori lemons on thn market which are sellIng - Ing at 19.00. There are a few Veruclll lemons on the market which are selling at 87.50. Grocer's List. COFFEE Ordinary grades , 20 } ( ri21e ; fair. 20K@22c : prline.22 ( .2.'techolce.2.i.J4c ( ; fancy green and yellow , 23@2- ; old eovernmcnt Java , 23@28c ; Interior Java , 24@2Gc ; Mocha , 2SC < * : iOc ; Arbucklo's , roasted , 2flZc ; McLatigh- lin8 XXXX , 2Gtfc ; Dilworth's , 26c ; Ked Cross. 20'fc. CANNED Goon1 ! Oysters , standard , per case , $2.90a ( > 3.lO : strawberries. 3 Ib , per case , 32.70fg2.75 ; raspberries , B Ib , per case , 32.703 J.75 ; California pears , per ease , 84.40(34.50 ; apricots , t > er case , 83.00(43.70 ( " ; peaches , per case , S4.40@4.50 ; white" cherries , per case , S5.00 plums , per case , si.50@3.GO : : blue berries , per case , S2.00@2.10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib. per case , 82.50 ; 'pineapples ' , 2 Ib , pur case. 83.2005.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , 81.40 ; l Ib salmon , per doz , 81.75 ; 12 b gooseberries , per ease , 82.60O2.70 ; 21b string beans , per case , Sl.70 : 2 Ib lima beans , per case , ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per case , S2.40@2.50 ; 2 Ib early Juno peas , pur case , 82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , $2.45(32.50 ( ; 2 Ib corn , i'ltovisiONS Hams , 13 @ 13J c ; breakfast bacon , HK ( < i5l2c ; bacon sides 10@lOKc : dty salt , 8i@9c ; shoulders , 7c : dried beef hams , 13 ( $ iJc : dried beef regular , Il > t2c ; mms.plcnlc , SJ fdUe. WOOOENWARI : Two-hoop palls , per doz , 81.45 ; S-hoop palls , 81,05 : No. 1 tub. § 0.50 ; to. 2 tub. 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 34.50 ; wash boards , S1.75 ; assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1 ihurns , 89 ; No. a churns , 88 ; No. a churns , STAncir Mirror Gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves Corn , Otfc ; Oswego Gloss , 7c : Oswego Corn. 7c. BnooMS-Extra 4-tle,32.00 ; No. 1,32.00 ; No. A 8L75 ; heavy stable , 84 Svnup No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.32Q1.35 ; tfew Orleans , per gallon , 8S@40c ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 7oc ; L-gallon cans , per doz , 810.00 ; halt-eallou cans , per dor , $5.50 ; quart cans , 83.00. CANDY Mixed , 8Kjjllc ( ; stick , 8H@9tfc CKACKKKS Garneairs soda , butter and picnic , 4j c : creams.7Xc ; ginger snaps , 7 > < c : city soda , 7Xc , I'ICKI.BS Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In half bbls , 84.00 ; small , In bbls , 3S.OO ; do In mlf bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , 89.00 ; do lu half bbls , 85.00. SUOAR Grannlatedo @ 65 c ; conf. A,0V@ Xc\ \ white extra C , 5Jfft5J ( < c ; extra C , fAdA 5Jfc ; yellow C , SJ QS c ; cut loaf , 67c ; powdered , 7@7Xc. DiUEi ) FRUITS Apples , new , K's fijfc ! evaporated , 60-lbrlng. 17f@I8c ; raspberries , evaporated , 27@28cBlackberriesevaporated ; , 9J ( * 9Xc ; pitted cherries , 13@l3c ; peaches , new , M's,7 c ; evaporated peeled poaches , c ; evaporated , unpared , c ; new currants , C5 @ 7c ; prunes , 4X ( < M5 c ; cition , 25c ; ral- filns , London laveis , 81.1)5 ) : California , loose muscatels , 81.50 ; new Valenclas , 7J < c. HKFINEI ) LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-ib square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , c ; 80-lb round , 7 > fo ; 10-lb oalls , 7Ho ; 5-lb palls , 7c ; 3-lb pails , 7 c. TOIIA ceo Lorlllard's Climax. 44c ; Splen did , 3Sc ; Mechanic's Dellelit , 41c : Leggett & Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , o4c ; Drum- moud's Hnrso Shoe , ! 37c ; T , J. , Blc ; Sore's Spearhead , 44c. TISAS Japan , per Ib , 20@Wc ; tcunpowdor , > ( 30c : Younz Hyson. S0@50c ; Congou , C5@ 70c ; Oolong , 3065c. General Markets. SPIRITS Cologne spirits , ibb proot , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 188 proof , 81.09. Alcohol. 188 proof. 83.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , $1.00@1.50. Gin blended. 31.50@ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. 82.00@6.00 : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.0090.50 ; Golden ShCal' bourbon and rye whiskies , SL50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , 85.00(38.50 ( ; domestic , Sl.30oW.oo. Gins , Imported. S4.fiO@ 6.00 ; domestic , 81.25 3.00. Champagnes , Im ported , per case , S2S.00@JiJ.00 ; Amcric&n , per case. 810.00 ® 10.00. HIDES Green butchers' , 5K@Oc ; green cured , 7 > < c ; dry flint , HQ12c ; dry salt. 0 ® lOc ; green calf skins , 7Hc ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l&c. Sheep pelts , 25O75C HKAVV HABDWAIIE Iron , rate , 82.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4Kc ; crucible steel CKccast ; tools , do , i2cQlhc ( ; waon spokes , per set S3.00@.50 : ) ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; fel- lens , sawed dry , Sl.OQ ; tongues , each , ( Oc ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , iwrlb , C97c ; cell clialn , per Ib , 0 @l3c ; malleable , 8K'c ' ; Iron wedges , Oc ; crowears , Cc : harrow teeth , 4Vc ; spring steel , 45c ; Burden's horse shoes , 84.75 ; Uurdon'B imulo shoes , 85.75. Baroed wire * In car Llots , 84.00 p r 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 69 82.00 ; steel nails , 82.75. , COAL Egp. 89.00 ; nut , 89.25 ; ranee , S9.25 ; Iowa lump , 8300 ; Iowa nut 83,75 ; walnut block , 83.00 ; Illinois. 84.25@-4.75. Dry Immber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMUERS. - , u a 18 , ft- IB ftl20 It 2a ft 24 ft 2z4 17.50 111.50 20.60 S1.603I.ISO 2x8 .J. tt.SQ 22.0 2x8 21.60 ,21. , 50 2x10. . . . _ . Zxl ! ! . . . . , .18. : 19.50 10. 4x4-8x8 . , ,1860 I1OA1IDS. No. 1 , com , s 1 B 8KOO No. 2 , com , sis 817.00 No. 3 , 815.50 No. 4 , S13.00 FFNCINO. No. 1 , 4 40 In , 13 & 14 ft. rough . 819.50 No. 1 , " " 10 " " . 19.M ) No. 2 , 12&14 " " . 10.00 No.2 , " " 10 " " . 17.M A , 13. 14 and 16 ft zua C. 815.50 B , * " " 20.50 1) , 12.M ) CEILING AND rAUTITlOX. 1st com , K In White Pine Celling . 8UOO 2nd " " " ' . 2S.CO Clear , H In. Norway Pine Ceiling . 10.00 2nd com. % In " " " . 14.00 Ki.ooniNO. A 0 In White PlneJ35.M ) 0 SS9.50 B " " " 3TJ.50 I ) 21.00 E " " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . 19.00 ' A 12 inchs , is. . . . mn No. | , 12 ft . . . . . . . . . . . 20.50 ' " . ' Ifllt . 1S.50 No. a " , . i9.oo M U M ' K ' Inch Oroored Koof ing 81.00 per M. more than 12 In. Stock Boards same length. BltUMjAF , No. 1 Plain , 8 & 10 In. . . . 819.50 No.2 " . K.rx ) No. 1 , 0. U. , 8 In 10.60 FINISIttNa. 1st and 2d , clear , 1 , \ } ( Incli , s. 2 s 850.50 3d , clear , 1 Incii , s. 2 s. , 4550 " " Uf , IK , 2 In 40.M ) A select , 1 Inch , s. 2s. , 40.00 " " Wi IK , a In 44.00 B " l inch , s.3 s. , 30.00 " " 1V , IK. Sin 37,00 SOUTHERN Tr.IJ.OW I'lXE. Com. 4 & 0 In. Flooring 817.0 Star " 21.60 Clear M In. Colling 21.50 " < /ln. Partition . 2.-.00 " FlnlBli , l&lVfln. s9s . 9.00 " Corrugated Cellluir , 4 In . 2.-.00 " Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00 roi'i.An I.UMUER. Clear Poplar Bx. Bds. % In. , s , U s . sa'i.60 * ' Kin. Panel , s. 2s . 27.00 " " Corruuated Coiling , } ( 28.50 I1ATTENS , WELL TUH1NO , TICKETS. O G Baits. 2K In . 800.75 " kx3ln , s. IB. . 00.45 3 In. Well TutilnL' . D , fc M and Bev. . . . . 23.00 Pickets , D & II Flat . 20.50 " " Square . 21.00 SHINni.r.S. LATH. XX clear . .83.10 Extra A * S190 * A Standard . . 2.75 * AUBAB 12.55 Cln. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.65 White cedar , C In. , s. , I2c ; 0 In. qrs. , lie ; 8 in. qrs. , lOc : 4 in. round 15c ; Tonnessuu Red Cedar , split. 15c : Spilt Oak , 12c. LIME , KTC. , Quincy white limo , ( best ) We : Akron cement , 81.75 ; Hair , 30c ; Plaster. 52.7.'i ; Tar board , 81.75 : Sasli , 40c per ct. : Doors. 40o per cU ; Blinds , 40c per ct. ; Mouldings , 40c per ct. ; Tar felt , per cwt , 82.25 ; Straw board , 81.75. THE RAILWAYME TABLES. OMAHA. DUMMY TRAINS. Running Between Council Bluffs and South Omaha. In addition to the stations mentioned. trains Btop at Twentieth mm Twenty-fourth streets , and at the Sum cult m Omaha. Westward. Broad Transfer. Omaha. Shccl'ys. Stock way. Ynrds , 6:15 : 6:27 6:35 6:40 : 0:47 7:05 : 7:17 7:20 : 7:40 : 7:47 : 8.05 8:17 : R5 ! 8:40 : 8:47 : * B.25 9:40 : 0:47 : 1005 10:17 10:40 : 10:47 : 11:05 : 11.17 11:83 : 11:40 : 11:47 * 12:17 : 12.2.- . 12:47 : 1:05 : J:17 1:25 1:40 l47 ; 2:03 : 2:17 : 2:25 : 2:40 : 2:47 : 3:25 : 3:40 : 11:47 : 4:06 4:17 4:25 : 4:50 : 4:57 5:15 : 5:22 : 5:33 : ' BJ52 6:15 : 0:22 : 6:32 o'aw 0i7 : 7:00 : 7:11 : 7:18 7:25 : 7'W : 10:00 10:12 10:20 : 11:08 : 0:15 : 10:2 % lOi'B 11:30 : 11:32 11:40 : 11:45 : 12.05 Eastward. Stock Shtol'yc. Omaha. Transfer I ) road Yards. way. 0:28 : 6:35 : 650 ; 653 ; 7:28 7:35 : 7:50 : 7:58 : 8:28 : 6:50 : 8:58 : 0:28 : 0:00 : 0:58 : 10:28 10:35 : 10:48 : 11:1- : ) 11:20 : 11:50 : 11:58 : 12:28 : ISA * 13:50 : 12:58 : 1:23 : 1:35 : 1:10 : 1:58 : 2:28 : 2:35 : 2:50 : 2:58 : 3:28 : ! ) ; 35 0:50 : : i:58 : 4:28 4:35 : 4:50 : 4:53 : 5:29 : 5:33 : 6:40 : 5:47 : 6:18 : 6:25 : 6:40 : 0:47 : 7:13 7:20 : 7:25 7:33 8:28 : 8:15 10 : III 10:20 : 10:30 : 10:33 11:40 11:45 : 11:53 : COUNCIL BLUFFS. Leave Arrive CONNECTING LINES. Transfer Transfer depot. depot. C.a f. 4 P. : 0:40 : n. ra. 9:15 : a. m. All trains run Dally. 0:40 : p. m. 7:00 : p. m. 0. * N. W. 0:40 : a , m. 0:15 : a. m. All trains run Dally. 6:1J p. m. 7:00 : p. m. c. . n. & Q. 0:45 : a. m. 015 ; u. m. All trains run Dally. 6:35 : p. m. 7:00 : p. in. C..M. &St. P. 0l ; > a. m. 9:15 : a , m. AH trains run Dally. 6:40 : p. in. 7:00 : p. m. Sioux City. 1:35 : p. m. 12:00 : m. K. C. , St. J. A C. H. 0:25 a. in. mitt a. m. All trains run Daily , 6:15 p. m. 9:18 : p. in. W. , StL. &P. AH trains run Dally. 2:15p. : m. 12:15 : p. ra. B. C. & P , 040a. ; m. 8:50 n , m. All trains run Dully. 7:00 : p. m. 7.00p. m. TI1B CHICAGO AND North Northwestern western Sliort Line The only road to take for DCS Molncs Mar- Blialltown , Oedar Idinlds , Clinton , Dlzon , Chica go , Milwaukee and all points oust. To the people ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyomlnjr , Utah Idaho , Aovada , Oreiron , Washington , and Call' fornla , It odors tuporlor advantages not IIOBS ! ' bio by 0117 other line. Amour a row oT tuo numerous point * ot BII- Rfylority enjoyed by the patrons of this rood between Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains udayofDAV COACHES , which nro the Uncut that human art and Ingenuity cuu create. Ita PALAOKK8LKI3PING OAUS , which are models of eotntort and cletrauco. Its PA It LOU DltAW. INC ) ItOOM OAKS , unsurpassed by any. and Its widely celetirutod PALATIAL DINING OAKS , the equal nf which cannot bo found elsewhere At Council Bluffs the trulns nf the Union I'liclllo Ity. connect In Union Depot with these ol tlio Chicago & Northwestern Ity. In Chicago the trains of this Una make close connection with tboeonf all eastern lines. for Detroit. Gnlumbup , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Niagara Falls , UutTalo , I'lttshurir.Toronto , Montreal , Boston , Now Vurk , I'lilladulpliia , Ualtlmnro , Washlntrton and ' poluts in the cast , ask for a ticket /In the "NOllTHWESTBHN. " If you wish the best accommodation , AH ticket agents Roll tickets via this line * II. HuaillTT , K. P. WILSON. Genl. Manager , Genl. Pass'r Agent Chicago , III. W.M.HAnCOCK. L.H. BOLLKS , Westarn Awont , City I'ass'r Agent , Omaha Naliraaka. FINE JOB PRINTING. HUES PRINTING CO. , Printers , Book Binders ABdBlankbookMinufacturan. Noi. 108 and K8.4th street , Oiuahn.Neb. .I.F. Falrlle , Super. tatendentUlnderr. TtUphon No , SU , JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. cJlfLL l U Wholtule rxtltr ID Agricultural Implements , Wnpons , Cr-rrliues ml Hulled. Jono * ilreeU between 8th anrtl0tli,0mah , Neb. LININGER C METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , n , llugglf , Hie. , WhoUnalff , Onuha. PARLINORENDORFtK MARTIN Wtiolemle Dealers In Agricultural Implements , r gen and Dugglen. JI01. KM , uttt mid 1W , Jonf nt' Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , Jit. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 Douglm Street. Om hi > . Builders' Hard wart and Scales. e TA YLOR , Bullders'Hard ware & Sea loKcpalr Shop Mechanics' Tooli and IlufTnlo Brtlei. 1IIX > Uouglat t , - umiilia. Neb. Books and Stationery. A. T. KKA'YOy tC CO. , Wlio'oinln nncl Ro'tll ' booksellers ami Stationers , IKS Douplm St. , OninliM , Nrb. Telephone 601. Corrr'tiniulrnco Boots and Shoes. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1411 K rn ni it , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bnmmet utreat. notion. _ 7. . T. LIADSJKT l > CO. , Wholesale llubljcr Boots and Shoes Uuboer mul Oiled Clotliini ; and felt Hoots nml ? lincs. lilt HnrnnvStrpi't. Betr. STORK cC ILER , Logcr Beer Brewers , 1(21 North Hth Street. Omaha. Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools and Supplies , lausage eatings or all klndi nlwaji In Block. 1118 Jonmeuoaiaha Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills. T * . OoffreiBplc > . Baking Powder. Flavoring ! tracu , Laundry Blue , Ink. Hie. lllt-ld Ilanuj Street , Omaha. N b. Cornier. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. Uannfaoturer of OalTanlied Iron and Cornle * . ON Dodge and lOtand 104 N , lOtb it- . Omaha , Neb. RUEMPING 6 BOLTE , llanufacturera of Ornamental Galvauized Cornices , Dormer Wlodowi , Flnali.UotallcSkylightetc. BIOS. 12t1 it , Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , Prop. Galvantied Iron Cornices , etc. Bpcct's Improved Pat ent Mrtallc 8k7lltht. ! MS and 61J ( S. 12th rt Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobber * of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , _ _ . . Linoleums , Mattings , Ktc. Hit DouKlti itrcct. Crockery and Notions. Agent for 'he Manufacturer * and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , SIT South Uth at. _ Omaha. Neb. _ CLOTHING M. ELGU'ITER'8 Mammoth Clothing House. Corner Inrnnm and Tenth Streets. Umaha. Neb. Commission and Storage. J > . A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Batter , Kggaand Produce. Oonslgnmanta solicited. Ueadquarters for tUnnewnru , llerrj Bozra anil Grnpo Baskets. 1411 IXMlgestreetOmaha. H1DDELL d ) RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Fpeclultlos-Butter , KKKL tlipcio , Po iltrjr , Uame , Oysters , etc. , etc. 112 S. iuu ht. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha. Neb. " " " WIEDEMAtf C CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Ilutter , Game , Fiulta , etc. 230 B. lltbst Omaha. Neb , Coal antf Lime. Oio. . l.AHAon , I'ren. C. F. aoonuAN , V. Pies. J. A. SUNDIKI.AHD , Sac. and Traus. CO A I , , COKE < & LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. m South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. rco. . , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Cnal and Coke. Cement , Planter , Umo , Hair , Flro Ilrlik , Drain. Tile nml < < ewerl'lpo. omoe. IMxton Hotel , rartuim Ft. , Oiniha , Nub. Cigart and Tobacco. X EYEK Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Dun * and Ammunition , 216 to 223 8 lllh sU , 1020 to 1U24 Farnarasl.Oraiha.Neb. WEST A FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Noa.103 and 110 N. tun street. Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SM/TjfC CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1107 and 1104 Douglis , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Nub. Distillers. Dlstllleri of Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Import era and Jobbers of Wines an.l Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLED CO. and ILER C CO. , Importers and Jobber * of Flno Wines and I.tquon. Bolo manufacturers of Renuedr'x Bast India till' ters und Domcs'lc I lqunr > . 1112 Hartley SU Furniture. STOKE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb. CHARLES KHIVERICK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mirrors , etc. 1200.1203 and H10 Karnam St. . Oinao * . Groceries , IAIA'1'0JV , GALLAGHER < C CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Noc , TOJOT , 'M arid 711 B. 10th St. , Omaha , Nab. McCORD , BRADY < B CO. , Wholesale Grocers , Iftu and Leavenwortli Dts.Omahi > . fa r Hardware. LEE , FRIED < C CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware i , Hheetlron , Etc. Agent * for Howe bcalas , and Miami - derlV.Omalia.Nul > . W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel. BpH , Wagon ritock. Hardware Lumber , etc. 1201 and imiUrney St. . Omaha. EDNEY C GIBBON , Wholcsalo Iron and Steel , Waicon and Carrlaite Wood Htock , Heavy Hardware , Ktc. HIT and 12i Leavenworth St. . Omaha. Neb. -MILTON ROGERS C HO Nit , Stoves , Haiih'w , Furnaces , . Tiles , WtntlesGrates , limts ( loods. 1J31 and 1M3 Htreut. OMXHA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR ! Iron Works. VIERLIXG Iron Works , Wrought anil Tast Iron BullJlne Work , Iron ! < latr % HillliiK , lleams and Cllrdors , Steam Kntlnes , HraM Work , Ounaral irpuiulrj , Mncblno and Illnrkiraltkt \1ott. OBlcoanJWorks.U. P. Uy.andl'thstieet. II. K. SA WYER , Manufacturing Dealer in SmokoStackg , llrltthlngf , Tnnk'.nnd ( leneral tlollerKepalrlng , 1,111 Dthliie street , Omaha. 4 F. If , MOM AN Us ! 0. SUI.UVAM. OMAHA WIRE cC IRON WORKS , Manufactiin'n of ire nnd Iron Kaillugs , Desk'Rails , Window ( ) uard , Klowcr Btnnds , Wire Signs. Ito 1WM. liith. ( JnlOM by mall promptly aUendndta. Lumber. OM iHA T > UMBER CO. , I > it1e < - ' . Alt Kinds of I Building Material at Wholesale , ' Uth Street and Union PartBe Track. Omaha LOUIS BRADFORD , " Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Klo. Yards-Corner 7th and Douglas ) Corner IHh and Douglas. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , ' Wholesale Lumber , 514 S.ItthstreetOmanaN t > . r.Colpotior , Mnnager. ' C. N. DIETZ. Lumber. 13th and California Streets , Omaha , Neb. JPRED W. GRAY , Lnro ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Ktc. Cor.Cth and Douglas slsK Omaha.Nex HOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. H.4RVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1103 Farnam street. Omaha. COAS. JR. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. 9th and DonglM Omaha. ' JOHN A. WAKFJFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported . and American Portland Cement , fltatf. " "wmikcn Hydraulic Ce " ' " " ( lulncv WhlteLlme. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Boyd , Lite Stock Commission. McCOY BROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Market furnished free on application. Mini kern an feeders furnliniM on KO < l lorinn , lloreronce Oinahn Nntlonnl II ink nnd Bouth Umahu Nutlona Union Stock Yards , Mouth Oiuttrm. JIT. BURKE C SONS , Live Stock Commission. . . Oeo. Uurke , Manager Union Stock Yards , B. Umaha. Telephone 1st. SAVAGE C GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipments of any and all klnda of Stock solicited. Union Stock Yntdn. Omaha , Neb. Millinery and Motions. I. OBERFELDER .C CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1213 and 121S Harney 8t > eot. Omaha , Neb. Notions. V. ROBiNSON NOTION CO.\ \ Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Furnishing : Goods , 403 and 406 B. Tenth 81 , Omaha. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , leans Pants , Shirts , Ktc. 1102 and 1104 Dou ) | HB Street , Umaha , Neb. PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholcsalo Paper Dealers. Tarry a nice stock of Printing , Wrapping and Writ * Inif paper. Hpeclnl attention elvpn to cur loailor enters , which will ho shipped direct from mills. All orders will rccolvo personal attention. Wo guar antee good uoods and low prices. 11U and Douglas ! ) ! . Printing. REES PRINTING COMPANY Job Printers , J'lank Book Makers. And Book Binders. 10G and 108 South 1'ourtecnttl street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERNNEWSPAPERUNIOfi Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type , Presies and Printers' Supplies. 09 Bouth. Twelflhhtrcct. PuiTipS. " CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamantl Water Supplies. Headquarter * fir Must ' . 1111 J nmm t. , onmhn.Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. Iliilladay Wind Mllisi ntcam and Wdter Puprllos , Plumbing Uoods , lleitlng. llo n. IDS and 'rjj fur. nau St. , Umaha. 0. K. heltnn , Maiiugcr. A. L. STRANG CO. , rumps , 1'ipos anil Engines. Bteam. Water , Railway and Hilling Supplies. Etflt WO , vaand Kit framam t , OuiHlia. Not. _ BROWNEhL C CO. , Manufacturers nnd Ieular In EiifirliiPi , Bailers & General Mncliinory Hhect Iron work , Staara I'umpf. Saw Mill * , Aorai Bbaftlnn.Dodf * Woodsallt rullajra , Baiting , ate , Alsowaconiior.pon.aaUU 4 tl a , " - T Dworth m. Omixha Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Munuluclurer and Dcnlori In nil kind I of Uuliber ( iooils , OIK'Iothlnir nncl linili"r llpl'lnv 1I H rnrnttn" ! . Safes , Etc. I' . BOYER tO CO. , ' & Lock Co.s' Agents for Hall's Safe . Fire and Hinder Proof 8 fui. Time I/irl , VaulU d J < ll Work. 11MJ r anmm utrcet Onmlm , Neb. G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. Vanufsctnrersof Tire and llorirlor Proof Kafcs , Vnult IJoors , Jail Work.hhut.cru itnd Wire Work. Cor. mimnd Jackson HI ! Omt.hit.Nub , Sash , Doors , Etc. CO. , Wholeiale Manufncturt'rs ot Sash , Doors , Blinds and MoiililiiififH , llrtinch omee.lllli and liarU st . .Onshsyfr. BOIIX MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , llould'jiue.fitalr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood Finish Just uuvntnt. N. K. cor. bill mid LeuvonwortliBU. Omuba , Neb. THE ( Mil HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Thn best known nnd inott pom'ilar hotel In tlio state. Location cuntral , npiiolntiiioiitH first class. Headquarters for tommordril men un4 School , County and City J Wo will pay lilirlirftt prlco for amo. Muilo at lowest ratee. Coriibpiindunte solltlteJ STVLL