Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1887, Image 1

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I *
The Pioneer Publisher of the State Passes
at Nebraska City.
Elmer E. Thompson Dies At Fullerton -
ton From the Effect * of Ills Inju
ries Mrs. General KauU'
Condition State News.
A Pioneer Gone.
NEimASKA CITV , Neb. , August 10.
[ Special Telegram to the BEK. | Thomas
Morton , the pioneer publisher ot 'the state
and owner of the News ot this city , died this
evening at 8 o'clock after confinement to his
bed for many months , Ho has been ailing
tor over four years.
Thomas Morton was born In England ,
March , 17,1829 , and came to America with
his parents when an Infant. They first
located at Columbus , O. , In 1800 , whore ho
lived until 1844 , when ho went to Louisville ,
Ky. , and learned the printer's trade In thn
Democrat office , working there until 184U.
From there ho went to California and stayed
until 1853 , engaging In mining. Ho returned
to Columbus and stayed a few months , then
going to Louisiana , where ho remained until
1854. .lie then returned to Ohio , and In July
came out to St. Mary's , Iowa , where he
worked on the St. Mary's Gazette until
November , 1854 , and then moved
to Bellevue , Neb. , where ho
took charge of the HI mechan
ical department of the Nebraska Palladium
setting the first column ot reading matter
ever set In the then territory of Nebraska ,
( November 14,1854) ) . He remained at Bellevue -
vue until March , IMS , when he went to Ne
braska City and had charge of the Nebraska
City News for a year , when he and Hon. J.
Sterling Morton purchased it He did the
early territorial printing and was one ot the
judges of the first election held at Bellovue.
Ho was married In Cincinnati , O , October 31 ,
1859 , to Caroline WoodrulT , a native of New
Jersey. They have three children , Jean ,
Otoe and Elizabeth. Mr. Morton was treas
urer of the Old Settlers' association of Otoe
county , and at the tlmo of his death was
postmaster of Nebraska City , having been
appointed to that position by President
Cleveland. _
Killed by Lightning.
GOIIDON , Neb. , August 10. ( SpecialTele
gram to the BEE.J During an electrical
storm last evening a farmer named Wesley
Illbbs , while oiuaged around a threshing
machine , ten miles northwest of Gordon ,
was struck by lightning and Instantly killed.
Several others were shocked , but will re
cover. Illbbs came here from Iowa only
three months since. Ho leaves a wife and
three small children.
Last Thursday , fourteen miles north of
here , on the reservation , a half-breed named
Pike Garmilz. together with a horse , was
struck by lightning ana killed.
Condition of Mrs. Kautz.
FOUT NIOBIIAUA , Neb. ( via Valentino ) ,
Aug. 10.-Speclal | to the BEE. ] The Valen
tine dispatch In yesterday's BEE Is not true
Mrs. Kautz , thanks to Dr. Wllcox , is doing
as well HS possible and the officers of the
post do not blMiie Lieutenant Hutcheson.
_ Bvt. Maj-Gen.
Hannders County Prohlbitloniata.
WAHOO , Neb. , August 10. [ Special to the
BKK.J The prohibitionists of baunders
county held their county convention hero
yesterday and nominated a full county ticket.
There was a large attendance and their
actions were characterized by harmony ant
showed that they were a well organized
body. In the evening State Organizer Hawley -
ley and Wolfenbarger , of the New Republic
addressed a mass meeting In the open air
nnd arrahned the old parties In the most ap
proved prohibition style. They are organlz
ing prohibition clubs In every precinct In the
county , and It Is believed that they will pol
a heavier vote this fall than over before
They -assert that they will carry enougl
votes this fall to defeat the republicans am
elect the democrats I The candidates noml
listed are : For county treasuter , J. L.
Ma pee , of Valparaiso ; countv clerk , S. M.
Hill , of Wahoo ; register of deeds , D. S.
Kthel ; county judce , Truman Knowles , of
Ceresco ; clerk of district court , J. V. Smith ,
of Wahoo ; county superintendent , J. A.
Smith , ot Wahoo ; sherlir , A. Reasoner'com- ;
misgionor , S. P. Meyer ; coroner , Dr. Mai-
lory , of Cedar Bluffs.
Dawns County Crops.
CIIADIION Neb. , August 10. | Special to
the BKK. ] All crops are better than last
year. Harvest Is slow , but the small grain
yield will bo far superior to that of last. The
greatest'Improvement is in corn , which will
average 50 per cent over last year's crop.
The average Is three times that ot last year.
Oats are the lightest of all small grain crops.
Died From Hla Wounds.
Fuu.KiiTON. Neb. , August 10. [ Special to
the BEE. | Elmer E. Thompson , the young
ranchman who was recently wounded by the
accidental discharge of his gun , died at 3 a.
m. to-day of hemorrhage. Thompson was a
young man of brilliant prospects , owner of
an extensive ranch , and was married but a
tew months ago to Adele Picot , of St. Louis ,
ills wife was a constant attendant at his bedSide -
Side , and everything that human skill could
conceive was done to aid in his recovery , but
all without avail. Thompson was about
twenty-fivo years of aeo. The remains will
bo taken to Maryvlllo , Mo. , for burial.
Remarkable Increase In Imports the
Past Year.
PHILADELPHIA , August 10. The bulletin
ot the American Iron and Steel association ,
In commenting on the statement of Imports
and exports of the United States for the
fiscal year lbS7 , ended on the 30th of June ,
says : "Tho figures relating to our Imports
of Iron and steel have never been exceeded
In magnitude except In the fiscal year 1880.
The total Imports In 1887 were nearly 100,000
tons greater than In 1885 and
18 6 united. In 1887 , wo Imported 1,524,604
cross tons , against 1,445,941 tons In 1885-80.
Our Imports of Iron ore in lhS7 were also lar
ger than In both 1885 and 1880 , amounting In
1887 to 1,141,774 eross tons , against 1,1'-7,118
tons in 18S5 and 18bO. The foreign value of
the above Imports in the fiscal year 1887 ,
amounted to 843,251.5s5 , but to this foreign
cost must be added the cost of
freight and Insurance , duties and
brokers' profits , making a probable
addition of 60 per cent to the above figures ,
making a total of about 563,000.000 , as the
actual cost to our people of one year's Im
r-f * ports ot Iron and steel. It must bo noted
that the figures we give do not include the
imports of machinery , tire arms and other
manufactures ot Iron and steel , the valuu of
which , If given , would very considerably Increase -
crease our last year's contribution to the
Iron and steel manufacturers of Great
Britain and the continent. "
The Siamese Princes.
NKW YOHK , August 10. Prince De Va-
\vongso and the four little Siamese princes ,
with their suite , left the city this morning on
the Albany day-line boat. Fiom Albany they
will go to Niagara Falls , and thence across
the continent to San Francisco , stopping at
some of Uia principal cities cu route. At aan
Francisco the party separates , Prince Do
VawougKu with tho- four little princes going
toBlna. and the minister and his
UlU > returning to London to reside.
A Tory Lord Made Out a Commoner
[ Copi/rtoM 1837 6Jamu | Gordon Detm M.1
LONDON , August 10. | New York Herald
Cable-Special to the BKE.-The ] radicals
have to-day a loathsome political scandal in
their mouths. Two months ago Edward
Fellowes , a wealthy , aged and Indeed dying
man , was made n jubilee peer. It was al
leged with good reason that the absurdity of
placing In the house of lords a dying man
was simply a cover for his son , an M. P. for
Huntingdonshire , who had married Lord
Randolph Churchill's sister. It would , of
course , never have done to raise this young
M. I' , to the lords. The government ,
In adding ono more tory to the
upper house , will now undoubtedly lose an
other niembar of parliament , because the tory
majority at the latest election In the now
vacant division was only 305. The now
Lord Kamsoy' * brother Is to bo the tory can
didate , and the Rcaudal will taint him.
Spaldltig , where the Oladstonlans lately
made such a laruo ialn and won a great vie-
lory In a bye election , ( s n neighboring di
vision to the ouo now vacant. The Gtad-
jtono candidate has run before In the latter
division and Is popular.
Buffalo BUI Will Not Move Yet.
[ Copi/rlgM lS87buJamei Oorclin llcnndt. ]
LONDON , August 10. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to the BKK. | Hearing that
a dispatch had been bent to New York as
serting that Colonel Cody was about to re
move the Wild West exhibition from Its pres-
mt grounds , I Interviewed that gentleman ,
who don led the statement , but both himself
and Nate Salisbury expressed themselves de
sirous that the BKK should state that they
would gladly sever connection with Mr ,
Whlttoj If their contract did not bind them.
Said Colonel Cody : "Tho Wild West con
stitutes the whole American exhibition.
There is really nothing else to exhibit but
that. "
Created a Sensation in Paris.
ICnpjyrff/Ji ! 1887 by Jiimot Cordon Ucnnctf. ]
PAIIIS , August 10. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEB | Lollllero's diary ,
accounting his extraordinary experiences In
Dr. Talret's mad-house , has been cabled to
Paris verbatim and reprinted In Gallenant's
Messenger , the national Paris Temps , the
Sou , and nineteen other papers , causing a
sensation. A rigid Investigation into the
Inside history of all Paris mad-houses will bo
The Delelan Fires.
tCof/rt0M ! US7 t > v James Oonl'mJcnncff. . ]
BuussKLS , August 10. [ New Yqrk Herald
Cable Special to the BKK. I Some rain
having fallen to-day , and the military rein
forcements having been dispatched to the
scene , the forest fires are checked In progress
to-night on the Belgian sides and hopes are
entertained of subduing them. Across the
German frontier , however , thn conflagration
Is still extending alarmingly northward.
Crowds of sight-seers froui all parts of Bel-
glum are gathering.
Threaten to Mutilate the Dill.
LONDON , August 10. A number of the
tory peers threaten to reject the amend
tnonts to the land bill introduced In the
commons , especially the clause providing for
the revision of judicial rents. They have
also warned the government not to attempt
to deal witli the question of arrears. The at
titude of those lords has paralyzed the cabl-
riot's action In further amending the land
bill to satisfy Parnellltes.
The Gladstonian whlgs have sent notice to
members In the country to be ready to return
if the peers mutilate the bill and thaParnell-
lies have been ordered to remuster In full
forco. Lord Salisbury and all the minister
ialists are exerting the utmost pressure to
suppress the revolt of the peers.
Will Proclaim the Iieaeuo.
LONDON , August 10. The lord mayor's an
nual banquet to the ministers was given a' '
the Mansion house this evening. Premier
Salisbury , In a speech , Bald that
the government had done everything
to give elfect to the country's man
date to preserve the unity of the
empire. Extra powers had been placed a
the government's command and the country
had a right to complain If these powers were
not used discreetly but firmly. This Is be
lieved to signify that the government wll"
ptoclalm the Irish National league.
The Crown Prince's Throat.
LONDON , August 10. The German crown
prlnco arrived in Edinburgh to-day am
spent the day In sight-seeing. Before the
prince loft London , Dr. MacKcnzlo per
formed another operation upon his throat
Electricity was applied to the larynx , and the
last traces of excrescence in the throat were
successfully removed.
Royalty Charged With Shoplifting.
PARIS , August 10. The Russian Princes :
Vranzenskl , and her companion , Mile
Fonune , have boon tried before a police
tribunal for stealing from shops In the
Louvre. The princess was discharged , bu
Mile. Fonune was found guilty and sentenced
tencod to one month In prison.
Cholera Uavajres.
LONDON , August 10. Twelve new cases o
cholera and twelve deaths were reported a
Malta during the past twenty-four hours.
A Still Greater Cut Threatened By
the Commercial.
NKW Yortic , August 10. Victor De Clastro
vice president of the Commercial Cable com
pany , said to-day to a reporter that his com
pany had decided to wait two weeks longer
for other companies to act regarding tb
pool. It at the end of that period , or say by
the close ot the month , opposition lines fai
to restore cable rates to 40 cents , then th
Commercial Cable company will drop to 1
cents per word. This action may cause
others to reduce to 0 cents , and In such oven
the cable war will become very disastrous
Eckcrt , Chandler and Barlow , the committee
which has been at work calculating on the
division ot the pool receipts , have also struck
an obstacle. It is openly asserted that noth
Ing can be done with the Baltimore < fc Ohio
and that the negotiations just as they scoiucc
about to be closed arn liable to bo declaret
olf. The Postal people blame Garrett for cut
ting rates and say that the only thinz left fo
them to do Is to join with the Western Union
and give him ail the cut rates he wants.
The Union Labor Party.
llociiESTKn , N. Y. , AugustlO. Theunltci
labor party convention In this city \vascalle <
to order at two this afternoon an tils attendei
by delegates from various parts of the state
The majority of delegates are Knights o
Labor. The object of the convention is to
secure the union ail labor organizations In
When the convention was called to orde
the platform ot the Cincinnati convention
was read and referred to the commltteo on
resolutions to bo appointed. A recess wa
taken to name the members ot the commit
SclontlstH In Session.
NKW YOHK , August 10. The thirty-sixth
meeting of the American association for th
advancement of science began this morning
In Columbia college. The oponlnz sesslot
was held In the great hall of the library am
the various cla s rooms are used as lecture
Steamship Arrivals.
Qur.i'.NSTOVf.v , August lo.-Speclal [ Tele
gram to thoBEK.--Arrived | The Italy , from
Nevy York.
SouTHAMPTON , August lO.-Arrlved-Tho
Valemlue , from Philadelphia for Antwerp
Poreat Pires Temporarily Checked In Wis
consin and Michigan.
Three Persons Killed by a Crumbling -
ling 1'oanut Stand In St. Louis
Two People Killed at a
Brooklyn , Iowa , Fire.
Forest Fires.
MUSKKOON , Mich. , August 10. Tlio mill
fires In this city Yesterday resulted In a loss
of over 5,000,000 feet of lumber owned by
Stlmson & Fay , Mann &Co. , Meckley & Co. ,
and others. The losses aggrcgrato nearly
8130,000 , on which there Is fair Insurance.
BKLLKVILLK , Mich. , August 10. Forest
fires arc raging two miles south of here and
many acres of timber have already been de
DETIIOIT , August 10. A gentleman who
[ ravelled through the burning "thumb" of
Ihu lower peninsula says meadow and bush
lires are everywhere. Acres of cut grain and
miles of fencing have been destroyed. Sev
eral barns and a number of cattle are re
ported burned In the Interior , but definite
news has not yet been received. Farmers
are suffering greatly. At the straits of Mack
inaw the snioko Is so dense that much
trouble Is experienced by vessel men in mak
ing the passage. In many parts of the state
lires are small and scattered , but the total
loss will be heavy.
MILWAUKEE. August lO.-Last night's
storm was pretty general throughout the
northwest , according to reports received at
the railway otllces and government signal
stations. At Milwaukee. Green Bay and St.
Paul a quarter Inch of ralu fell. At IMiluth
and La Crosse only a slight trace
of rain was reported. Kaln was re
ported this morning from the Hastings
and Dakota division of tde Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. 1'aul road. The lone drought In
this state may bo considered broken.
Iteports from lumber districts where forest
( ires were razing are to the effect that the
rain has checked the progress of the fires and
given relief for the time being.
The Evening Wisconsin's specials from
the Interior of the state indicate that the
wind storm which accompanied the rain was
very violent and that much damage has re
sulted In consequence. In the vicinity of
Wnupun haystacks and barns were levelled
on all sides and a number of buildings com
pletely destroyed. Frank Johnson , a farmer
living two miles south of Waupun , was
buried under the debris of his barn and
killed. At Portage a number of buildings
on tno fair grounds were demolished and the
corn crop In that section almost ruined. A
number of bridges In Fen du Lac county
were swept away. At Herlcon a number of
buildings were unroofed. A regular panic
ensued on the ilorlcon marsh , which was
filled with haymakers when the storm struck ,
ana tents , wagons , haystacks , etc. , were sent
( lying In every direction. One repott says
six men were killed. Ignatius Jantz , a
farmer , was killed by lightning near Kipon.
Apple and other trees In the path of the
storm wore stripped of their fruit. The rain
has swelled streams in Eau Claire county.
A Fatal Fire.
ST. Louis , August 10. At a tire which oc
curred this morning at 0 o'clock , three tire
men were killed and four badly hurt.
The walls of Bishop & Spear's peanut
warehouse fell at 9 o'clock and carried with
them a portion of J. Alklcr & Co's wholesale
grocery house adjoining. IB the ruins were
buried a number of firemen , two of whom
were taken out dead. Another Is burled be
neath the debris and beyond all probability
Is dead. 'A spectator Is dying
at the city hospital and several firemen
at their homes or engine houses suffering
from severe Injuries. A number of liremen
were engaged In raising ladders to get water
on smouldering peanuts when all at once
the east and west walls of Bishop & Spears'
building wavered , crashed , followed by sev
eral other walls. An the middle and north
walls came down , the front of
the peanut warehouse fell out , and
the extra pressure from the sidewalks
forced the debris out Into the street. Thcro
was a great cloud of dust and smoke from
the burning peanuts. When the first shock
was over It was found that Barney McKer-
nnn , Frank McDonald and Chris lloell were
killed , James O'Bricn fatally Injured and
two or throe others not so seriously hurt.
Destructive Fire In Chicago.
CHICAGO , August 10. The prairie fire
which broke out this evening In the vicinity
of Eighty-ninth and Halsted streets rnsultw
In the total destruction of the Weber wagon
werks at the corner of Eighty-first and Wai
lace streets , the Auburn school build
Ing , and several dwellings near by.
The total loss aggregates 8105,000 ,
with about 875.000 on the wagon works. The
prairie fire which started early In the after
noon west of the stock yards burned over a
district three-quarters of a mile wide and a
mile long , but were subdued by the Lake fire
department before any buildings were
reached. Just as the firemen were preparing
to leave there after t lone battle In the
terrific heat and dense smoke , the fire started
at Eighty-ninth street and soon after com
municated to the blacksmith shop of the
Weber works. The employes endeavored to
check it , but the wind carried the llamcs to
the main building , and when the firemen ar
rived It was a raging furnace. They had
hard work to stop the progress of the flames
when they did.
Fatal Fire at Brooklyn , lown.
DKS MOINES , la. , August 10. | Special
Telegram to the BEE. | The little city o
Brooklyn , east on the Rock Island , which
was so badly burned a year ago , was visited
by another severe fire this afternoon , burn
lug a largo amount of property , killing 0110
roan and fatally Injuring another. King's
new opera house was burned ; loss , 340,000
no Insurance. Stober's harness shop and
building ; loss , 84,000 ; covered by Insurance ,
( win's olllco.V. . T. Sharp's Implement
house , and Itoland's barber shon , damaged
to the amount of 53,000. W. M. Crawford
was killed by a falling building and Warren
Martin was run over by a fire engine and fa
tally Injured.
A niaze at Hloomlngtnn.
BI.OOMINOTON , Neb. , August 10. The fire
yesterday morning destroyed property valued
at S2.r,000 , with light Insurance. ' The fire
stalled in Summer & Plerson's drug store ,
which was totally consumed ; also , A. K.
Frlgley's general store , I. A. Sheridan's
hardware store. W. O. Robinson's olllce. In
which was also located A. Patch's lewelry
store , and Asa Blacklcdge's harness shop.
Bwninp anil Forests on Fire.
RANK AKKK , III. , August 10. The Kanka
kee swamp and surrounding forests are on
fire and much farm property is being dam
A Strange Case.
CIIICAOO , August 10 , Frank Fuller , son
of O. F. Fuller , ot the Fuller & Fuller Drug
company , whoso mysterious disappearance
last Wednesday caused great anxiety to hi
friends , returned to his father's residence
this morning. Beyond the fact that he re
membered enough of his Identity to find hi ;
way home the young man seems to have los
knowledgeof himself and his surroundings
It was only by apparent great effort that Tu
recosnbed members of his father's family ,
lie can give no account of himself during
the past week. The only other noticeable
feature Is his IntenRedrowslness. He Is now
sleeping In his room and physicians believe
he wliriiave regained his normal condition
when be awakes. Tha cause seems to bo
sunstroke received several weeks ago.
Cholera Victims. .
ROMEAugust 10. The receiver of registers
t Adetno and his family have fallen victims
to their devotion to cholera patients. Of the
wools family only lltU child survive * ,
A nival Secret Or uilcatlon of the
Knights of Labor.
BOSTON , August 10. [ Special Telegram to
the BKE.J A new secret organization of
labor known as "Tho Brotherhood , " and In
many respects similar to the Knights of
Labor , has boon formed and has already
grown to considerable proportions. The
Brotherhood has been In exlstenco now over
a year. It was formed In May , 1830 , and has
gradually extended until It has established
local counsels In many of the cities and
towns of this and other New England states.
Its organization Is kept a piofound secret ,
and when spoken of Is never alluded to by
Its name. In consequence It Is Impossible tote
to say who are Its officers , where Its head
quarters are , or whether It has extended Into
the west and south. Last night It was as
certained that a local counsel of the
Brotherhood was organized Monday
evening In one of the western towns of
Massachusetts , presumedly Plttslleld , with
several heretofore prominent Knights of
Labor as charter members. The urlnclnals
of this new secret organisation aio contained
In a printed circular. The circular begins
with the announcement that the organisation
docs not believe in strikes , hut uses the bal
lot and co-operative Institutions as weapons
of warfaie. Then follows a novel and strik
ing demand for the abolition of all laws that
tend to create aristocracy of olllce holders
and a demand for the passage of laws coin-
pelllngcurporatlons to adopt such measures as
will protect the lives and health ot thulr em
ployes. It would also provide for the enact
ment of laws compelling employers and em
ployes to arbitrate all differences and to en
force the decision of the arbitrators. The
last plank In the platform provides that the
government shall obtain possession by pur
chase , under right ot eminent domain , of all
telegraphs , telephones and railroads , and
hereafter the government shall issue no char
ter or license to any corporation for the con
struction or operation ot any means of trans
porting Intelligence , passengers or freight.
The Work of Straightening Out the
Difficulties Begun.
NEW Yomt , August 10. The directors'
committee and creditors' committee held a
joint meeting to-day at the olllco of the Cin
cinnati , Hamilton & Dayton railroad for the
purpose of ascertaining , if possible , the exact
financial condition of the road. The com
mittee also called upon Messrs. Stayner and
Ives. The situation of affairs Is said to ba
much complicated owing to the close ref
lations which this road had to the Vandalia
line , composed of the Terre Haute & Indian
apolis road and Its branches , the financial
transactions of which were carried on
through the banking house of Ivcs & Co.
Members of the committee to-day said that
not less than two weoKs'would be required to
straighten out tbo accounts of all their con-
lllctlng interests. The announcement that a
block of stock belonging to Ives would bo
sold at auction drew a number of Wall street
men to the real estate exchange to-day. The
stocks represented a monetary value of
8635,000. The auctioneer was about offering
them for sale when he was requested by a
party Interested to withdraw them , which
was accordingly done. The reasons for the
withdrawal were that Ives had made satis
factory arrangements'with the Cincinnati ,
Unmllton & Dayton people.
The investigation by the Cincinnati , Ham
ilton & Dayton committees was continued
to-day , but the work of tracing preferred
stock was suspended and attention turned to
the affairs of the Vandal In line. Counsel
for the committee states that Ives Is Indebted
to the road for a very large amount of money ,
but whether * 1GOOCOO or. notas the street has
it , ho declines to stbte. Negotiations are
now colng on for t air I Mr up all Ives' loans
secured by Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton
collateral , and one creditor Irving A. Evans
has been paid $286,000 and left at once for
Saratoza. William Fellows , Morgan A Co. ,
who carry the 33,000,000 loan , were asked to
compromise on their claim , but refused. The
other creditors' are now consider ! tic the offers
iiuule , It Is expected that all Ives' claim
will bo paid un In a few days , but the largest
creditors Insist on payment In full.
The English Turf.
LONDON , August 10. At the Uodcar meetIng -
Ing to-day the great national breeders'foal
stakes for three-year-olds , one mile , straight ,
was won by It. Vyner's colt Ulorlatlon , 11.
Smallwood's colt King Milan second , J.
Hammond's colt Aintree third.
At Kempton park the great International
breeders' foal stakes , for three-year-olds ,
was won by J. U , Houldsworth's colt Cactus ,
Lord Hartington's colt Isosceles becond ,
Baron do Rothschild's filly Simmons third.
There were eight starters.
National Firemen's Association.
NKW YOISK , AugustlO. At Us convention
to-day the order of American firemen adopted
a constitution providing for a national asso
ciation , fraternal and social In its character ,
but not secret. Any white man , now an ac
tive fireman , or who has been honorably dis
charged from any fire department , Is eligible
to membership. The color line was drawn
because of the prejudice of southern firemen ,
among whom it Is desired to spread the or
ganization. <
Tracts ForSmoking Cars.
ST. JosKi'H , Mo. , ( August 10. [ Special Tel
egram to the BEE ] . W. F. Merrill , genera
manager of the Kansas City , St. Joseph &
Council Bluffs railroad , has granted permis
sion to the W. C. T. U. of the Fourth Mis
souri congressional district to put boxes con
taining temperance literature on all smoking
cars on his road. This Is the first railroad
in the United States to grant this permis
The Pacific Investigation.
SAN FIIANCIBCO , August 10. Before the
Pacific investigation commission Lloyd
Tovls , president of the Wells-Fargo express
gave the terms of the contracts by which the
Pacific express company went out of exist
ence. The one-third of the Wells-Fargo
stock mentioned yesterday went to Stan
ford , Bacon , Crocker , Hopkins , lluntinglon
and himself. Slnco tbo consolidation the
Wells-Fargo company had the exclusive- ex
press business over the Central Pacific.
A Hemp Hurrah.
Cnr.STON , la. , August 10- The male resl
dents of Decatur City are scouring the conn
try for the beastly tramp who assaulted and
outraged Miss Cooser , Monday morning. Ho
was traced to the timber within two miles o
Creston , but has managed , up to tills time
to elude his pursuers , If ho is caught It Is
certain that the formality of a trial will be
dispensed with.
Hcnlling Stakes Up.
NEwYoitK , August 10. The Turf , Field
and Farm has received final deposits for the
sculling races between Bubear , champion o
England , and Wallace Koss , at Saratoga 01
Friday , and between Turner and llanlan at
Toronto on Saturday.
Fire at St. Thomas.
ST. THOMAS , Ont. , August 10. The mills
of M. & J. Odenell , situated east of Brlgden ,
were lenlted by bush tires this morning , ant
the sheds , together with 2,000,000 feet o
matched staves , were burned. Loss ,
Weather Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair weather , northwes
winds , becoming variable , stationary tern
perature , slightly cooler.
For Iowa : Slightly cooler , fair weather
preceded In extreme southeast portion by
local rains , variable winds , generally fron
north to west.
Socialistic Itnights Win.
CHICAGO , Augnbt 10. District Assembly
No , 24 Knlphts of Labor held a convention
to-night to elect delegates to the Mlnnoapoll
convention. There was a strong contest be
tween the consei viitlvrs und socialists. Rob
ert Nelson. Ueorco Schilling , Charles Solb
and Jack ilahoiu-y were elected delegates.
laJor Bash Suspended From tha Army By
trio Secretary of War.
Account of the Robbery At Antnlopo
Springs Which Caused the Re-
moral Other News From the
National Capital.
Paymaster Bash Suspended.
WASHINGTON , August 10. By direction of
the secretary of war Major Genoial Bash ,
paymaster of the United States army , Is sus
pended from duty and Is ordered to his homo
to await further orders. Major Bash Is the
officer who was robbed of S7.8PO at Antelope
Springs , Wyo. , March 18 , by Charley Parker ,
a cowboy. It Is understood that Paymaster
Bash Is relieved from duty until the amount
Is made good to the government , this being
the custom in the army In such cased.
( The particulars of the robbery which
caused Major Bash's suspension are as
follows : Major Ba h was on route for
Fort McKlnney to pay oil the troops there
and stopped at Antelope Springs to cat din
ner , leaving his valise containing the money
in tno coach , which stood a few steps from
the building and In plain view of the major
and his escort as they sat at the table.
Daring the progress of the meal n stranger
who had arrived at the station that morning
and was present when the stage came In , ran
to the vehicle and seized the valise , jumped
on a horse standing near ami was oil like the
wind. The paymaster's party sprang for
their guns and ran out , firing .several shots
at the Hying desperado without olfect.
Counting the stage horses they followed the
fugitive , who turned In his saddle and fired
several shots , which wore returned by his
mruers with Interest. The robber's horse ,
lowever , was far superior to those on which
the paymaster's party was mounted and ho
was soon lost to sUht. Following his trail
.ho valise was found , from which the lobber
lad removed the monev , also a pair of pants
nlnus one leg , evidently utilized by the fugl-
: ivo as a sack in which to cairv his cash.
1'ho thief was a cowboy named Charles
I'arker , who has been on a ranuhe on the
Cheyenne river. The money taken amounted
o $7,500 , SiiO In silver , the balance In bills.
Major Bash ottered a reward ot 81,000 for the
capture of the robber or the return of the
uoney , but so far Parker has remained at
ibcrty. A court martial was held , and Major
Cash's escort , composed of a sergeant and
one private , were dismissed from the service ,
and the major ordered to make good the
amount of money stolon. ]
Pensions Granted Westerners.
WASHINGTON , August 10. | Special TelO'
cram to the BUK. ] The following No-
iraska pensions have been granted : L. V.
Humphrey , Atkinson ; S. L. Learning , Decatur -
tur ; J. S. Inzraham , Nea ; H. P. Williams ,
Omaha ; George Furlong , Trenton.
Iowa pensions : Wesley Dern , Slgourney ;
Charles Sodahunter , .Palmyra ; John Fry ,
Montlcello ; Adam Wassein , Fort Dodge ;
Itodnoy S. Brown. Creston. Increase : John
L. Williams , llawarden : Edwin R. Wood ,
Sanborn : Henry M. Waldsmith , Sanborn ;
ford. DCS Molnes. Restoration and increase :
Ell Ballot , Montrose.
Illvor and Harbor Recommendations.
WASHINGTON , August 10. Captain W. T.
Marshall , United States engineer , recom
mends the appropriation of $35,000 for next
year's expenditure upon Improvements in
the harbor of Waukegan , 111. ; 820,003 for
Kenosha harbor , WIs. ; 810.000 for Racine ,
WIs. . harbor , s : ,000 for Milwaukee ; 82UO.OOO
for the harbor of refuge at Milwaukee bay ,
and 8200,000 for the Improvement of the Fox
and Wisconsin rivers , Wisconsin.
The Horse Voucher Disallowed.
WASHINGTON , August 10. Second Comp
troller Butler has disallowed the voucher for
S850 In the accouut of Lieutenant Colonel
Batchclder , of the quartermaster general's
department. It Is the amount paid for two
horses purchased from Hon. Robert T. Lin
coln for the use of the quartermaster's de
partment. The horses were appraised by a
board of officers and they were purchased by
Colonel Batchelder by a direct order from
the quartermaster general. Colonel Datchel-
durpleads this order In defense of his action.
Two Convicts Pardoned.
WASHINGTON , August 10. The presldenl
to-day acted on applications for pardons In
three cases. William Sweeny , convicted In
February , 1883 , for robbery and sentenced to
live years In the Albany penitentiary , was
pardoned on account of his good war record ,
Ills first crime and the fact that he was the
support of an aged mother. Leonard Smiley ,
counterfeiter , sentenced In 18SU to five years
In the Detroit house of correction , was par
doned on account of the convict dying from
consumption. Application was denied In
the case of Oscar J. Bosey , sentenced for
stealing money order funds In Texas.
Bonds Offered.
WASHINGTON , August 10. Four andahal
per cent bonds to the amount of 85,403,000
were otlcred at the treasury department to
day at prices rangln g from 110 to 112.
The secretary this afternoon accented the
offer of the Sutfollc Savings bank of Boston
200.000 registered , at S110 fiat. All othei
proposals were rejected us the rates were not
considered favorable.
Postal Chances.
WASHINGTON , August 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J The following Iowa post
masters were appointed to-day : Henry W.
Abbey , Knox , Fremont county , vice J , B
Knox , leslgned , Ida T. Jeffers , Valley View
Harrison county , vice Wlllars H. Griffin , re
slimed. The post office at Cedar. Wood
bridge county.lowawas discontinued to-day ,
Free Delivery.
WASHINGTON , August 10.-The free de
livery system has been ordered to bo es
tabllsheil at Jatiesvlllo , WIs. , the service to
commence October 1.
Cleveland Will Visit Mninphls.
WASHINGTON , August 10. The preslden
to-day assured Senator Harris he would vlsll
Memphis , Tcnn. , durlnr his western am
southern trip this fall.
Prepayment of Interest.
WASHINGTON , An 'st 10 , The treasury
department to-day received applications for
the prepayment of Interest on bond
amounting lo 83,310,550 , making a total to
date of 80,822,800.
At the Whlto House.
WASHINGTON , August 10 , The president
spent the day at the white house ,
Trottlnc at Rochester.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , August 10. The at
tendance at the driving park to-diy wa
4,000. The 2:21 : class , unfinished from y ester
day , was won by Charlie Hogan , Loretta F
second , Skylight Pilot third , others dls
tanccd. Time 2:19. :
SB7 : class : Annlo King first. Belle Ogl.
second , Faro third , Lucelle's Baby fourth
3:33 : class : Favornla first , Astral second
Garnet third , Alroy fourth. Tiine-2OJf. :
3:18 : pacing : Only onn heat was ruu , wblcl
Argyle won.
John nrennnu for Chairman.
' DKSMOINES , la. , August 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. | The republican state ecu
tral committee announce the selection o
Hon. John Brcnuan , the eloquent Irish orator
tor of Sioux City , to bo temporary chairman
of the republican state convention , which
meets In this city August 34.
Died of Ills Injuries.
NEW LONDON , Conn. , Augus3 10. K. C
Whlttlesey , business manager of the Day
who was shot down In his office by Frederick
A. 8. 1'ciry , the crank , died this afternoon
They are Vigorously Discussed by the
Colored Press Association.
LOUISVIU.E , August 10. The National
Colored Press association closed its work to-
lay. The discussions of the day brought
about a division as to which party the color-
el people should support and an animated
Icbatc ensued. Among other speakers
Alexander Clark , of Chicago , said the
icgro who deserts the republican party is a
raltor to the living and the dead. t > . A.
tuad said on the contrary the negro owed no
allegiance to any party , for every service the
euubllcans had done them they had done
ho republicans two In return. Profcs-
or P. li , Murray. of St. Louis ,
cvorely criticised a St. Louts paper which
advocated the unloading of the colored men
n to the de moctatlc party. He was tired ot
ho negro being a bonu of contention bo-
ween the two parties and this should bo
read out of politics as an Issue.
A resolution endorsing the Blair bill and
one extending sympathy and greeting
o lieland were endorsed. The report
of the committee on resolutions
lomands equal and and common privileges
for all nationalities In place of public In
struction , Indiscriminate rights on common
carriers and in places of public accommoda-
lon and entertainments and dc-
lounces the acts of the legisla
tures of Indiana , Virginia , Tennessee and
other states making Inter-marrlagcs of
colored race with other nationalities , a penal
) lie use. especially whilst crimes committed
> y white men against colored women are
overlooked. The 1)111 recently passed by the
juorgia legislature making It n
felony for any person to teach a colored
child in a white school or vice versa was
vigorously denounced. The fourth resolu-
lon says that "vrhllo organization Is
he way to utilize strength , wo deem
t impracticable to attempt national
irganizatlon of colored people to work po-
ItTcaily , but rather favor the commencement
of local organizations adapted to the peculiar
circumstances of places and pee
ple. The establishment ot n
latlonal bureau of Information
was recommended , "to ascertain the extent
und nature of lawless and mob violence
against colored men and adopt menus for the
betterment of the present unfortunate state
of affairs. "
The Now Party Preparing For thn
Coming Election.
SAN FHANCISCO , August 10. The steam
ship Australia arrived from Honolulu this
morning bringing advices from that king
dom down to August 3. No disturbances of
any character ro reported. The now min
istry Is In complete control and the chief In
terest centers In the first election under the
constitution. The now constitution party
has already held a number of caucuses and
placed In nomination candidates for the
nobles and representatives. Of the nomina
tions thus lar made all are men ot property
or old residents of the island , and uencrally
of American birth or parentage. The king's
chamberlain has issued a public notice that
after August 1 , no debts on account of his
majesty King Kalakaua and the royal house
hold will bo recognized unless authorized In
wrltlnit by the chamberlain. Just prior to
the sailing of the steamer F. H. Haysclean ,
son-in-law ot ex-Premier Gibson , was ar-
lested on the charge of forgery. The pre
cise nature of the charge against him Is not
known. _ _
Workmen Dig a Trench Through
Cemetery in Boston.
BOSTON , August 10. The Evenlnz Record
'publishes an article charging that horrible
desecration of the graves ot the dead In the
heart of the city of Boston has been going on
for nearly a week. A week ago an electric
light company began to dig a trench along
Boylston street for the purpose of laying
their wires. As the workmen ascended the
hill they encountered the tops of graves and
vaults which extend from the burial ground
on the common under and into BoyhUon
street. The roofs of graves were broken in
und their contents thrown out on the side ot
the street with earth , brick and stones. "Scat
tered all along the side of the trench , " says
thoKecord , "may be seen leg , thigh and arm
bones , ribs portions of skulls and other parts
of human skeletons. Some of these bones
have been hung upon the fence of the com
mon where they are the subjects ot scurril
ous jests and are pointed out to the passers-
by. Workmen have been selling skulls to
whoever wished to purchase.
IOWA Veterans Commemorate the
Event at Muscatinc.
MUSCATINK , la. , August 10. I Special Tel
egram to the BEE. J This is the twenty-sixtl
anniversary of the battle of Wilson Creek
Mo. , and In commemoration of the event the
survivors of the First infantry of Iowa are
holding their fourth annual reunion at this
place. Several hundred veterans are present
and a campfire , banquet and oration are
among the features of the day. This fore
noon Colonel Merrltt , postmaster of DCS
Molnes , responded to Mayor Gobble's address
of welcome , and this afternoon a banquet
was given at the Commercial hotel , toasts
being arranged as follows : "General Lyons
and the First Iowa , " General George A. Stone.
of Mount Pleasant ; "Muscatlue County in
\Var"Governorex-Kirkwood ; "TlioMom-
ory of Our Departed Comra/les , " Theodore
( itielch. of Biirlinzton ; "The Ladles , " John
H. Stibbs ; "The lowaCavalryuian"Kov. W. .
0. Wilson.
Brighton Beach Kaccs.
NEW YORK , August 10. The weather ai
Brighton Beech to-day was pleasant , the
track good and the attendance fair. Fol
lowing Is the summary :
Three-year-olds , live-eighths mile : Dongar
won , Voung Duke second. Breakdown third.
Time 1:04 : % .
Three-year-olds. h'volirhths mile : Cicorglo
C. won , Bonnie Steel second. * Kingbird third.
Tlmo-l:05K. :
Three-quarters mile : Elsie B. Won , Gold
star second , Hellovlow third. Time 1 :18. :
Onouille : Leonard won , Jim Clare second
end , Anarchy third. Time l:43Jf. :
One and one-eighth mile : Adrian won ,
Willie Palmer second , Neptuuus third. Time
l:57Jf. :
One and one-sixteenth mile : Florence M.
won , Pink Cottage second , Tolu third. Time
Killed Ily the Cars.
ST. , Mo. , August 10. | Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J This morning a fatal
railway accident occurred on the St. Joseph
& Grand Island road a short distance from
the city , as a result of which Mat Anderson ,
a farmer , will die. At the place named there
is a big cut , and just at the entrance to it a
crossing. Andert > on was walking along the
road on his way homo and had a jug ot mo-
la cs over one shoulder and a sack filled
with groceries over the other. He did not see
or hear the train and was struck and thrown
several yards to one side half way down the
embankment. His Injuries are such that he
cannot recover. No blame Is attached to the
railroad company or employes.
Patriarchs Militants.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 10. | Special Tel
egram to the BKB. I- Colonel E. Wilkinson ,
of St. Louis , was to-day elected brigadier
general commander of the u-rand department
of the Mississippi Patriarchs militants.
Colonel 11.V. . Pond , of Fort Scott , was the
opposing candidate. The votes Were can
vassed In this city to-day by It. M. Abcr-
cromble , assistant adjutant general of the
department. The grand department of the
Mississippi includes the states of Missouri ,
Colorado , Texas , Louisiana nnd Arknngas.
To Join .Mr * . Cleveland.
NKW liKproiiii. Mass. , August 10. It Is
positively htatud that thu piesldent wilt join
Mrs. Cleveland at Marlou durlui ; the last
few days of her stay.
The Drought Ravaging Com and Ha
Holds and Potato Patches.
Despairing News of the Torrlblo
and Drought Front the Immonsg '
Ucctlous HuffcrlnK From the
Lack of Rain
The Coming Harvest. .
\VASIIINOTON , August 10. Tno prospect i
month ago was for a heavy crop of corn , am
the rate of yield about thn average. Its cod
dltlon In all .states of the Atlantic coast li
now unimpaired and of very high promise
In Texas and Tennessee- the condition de
cllned materially. In the central corn region
however , In the valleys of tliu Ohio and Mia
sourl , where two-thirds of the crop Is growl
and the commercial supply Is procured , averj
heavy reduction has taken place , which hai
mtulo the national averace 80.7 , Instead o
U7.7 last month. Thn cause Is longcontlmict
drought , which has been the severest In Kan
sas , Illinois , Indiana , Ohio and Michigan.
Nebraska has been scorched on the southern
border , and Iowa and Missouri have escaped
with comparatively slight loss. The corn
surplus stands as follows : Ohio , 82 ; In
diana , G4 ; Illinois , C5 ; Iowa , W ) ; Missouri ,
80 ; Kansas , GO ; Nebraska , 75. Thccomlltlnu
of spring wheat , reported very low last
month from the ravages ot the chinch bugs ,
is not improved In the August
returns , but has fallen on" very slightly , the
general average being 78.8 , two points lcs {
than August returns of last year. Dakota
.has nmdo a slight gain and stands highest In
condition. The average for Wisconsin li
78 ; Minnesota , 74 ; Iowa. 72 ; Nebiaska , 77) )
Dakota , 88. In the extreme east and on tha
Pacific coast the condition of spring wheat U
high. There is no report of wlntei
wheat , the present month , as It Is too early
to obtain the results of threshing. In thd
oats crop there la no change. Part of tha
breadth was harvested at the last report.
The condition averages 85.0 , which Indicates
a crop slightly under the average. Tin
barley crop promises to yield rather bcttci
than was expected last month. The average )
s 80.2 , Indicating a nearly avernga
vlcld. The buckwheat area appears
10 the same as last year and averages about
: i in condition. There Is a great reduction
since the 1st of July In the condition of pota *
: oes , almost entirely the result of drougliu
The Injury Is severe In the west , the loss
during the mouth as reported Is fully 20 pec
cent of the prospective crop. The fruit crojj
Is very poor. The hay crop is also greatly
reduced in the west. The general avcraga
Is 80.
Drought nnd Desnalr.
CHICAGO , August 10 The telegraph wires
crossing and rucrosslng the vast area of conn *
try that has been parching and blackening
for lack of rain brought only news of despair
this morning. Messages received from nil
the dltlerent sections showed the outlook
even worse than twenty-four hour ? before *
Then there was word of a sllirht sprliiKlo
at DCS Moincs and faint hope *
were entertained of a few drops In.
places elsewhere. To day's telegrams con
tain Information that not a particle of tha
longed-for rain lias descended In-all the lm <
menso stretch of territory. Added to this
the temperature throughout the drought
legion Is rising and the expectation of slight
showers anywhere is gradually being reduced
to a minimum.
In reviewing the drought situation tha
Journal says to-night : "The outlook for ag
riculturists ot Illinois , Indiana , Iowa and tlitf
southern portions of Michigan and Wiscon-
"sin Is gloomy in the extreme. Those torrl
torlos have been subjected for fourteen
months to a visitation of drought to which a
parallel cannot be found In many years.
During the east few weeks this Htatd
ot things has been Intensified in tha
districts mentioned and much Injury to
growing crops bus resulted. So arid a waste
Is there around Chicago that for many miles
In some directions not a spear of grass Is vis
ible and the existence of green vegetables ll
painfully minute. In many places th
fields are absolutely and hopelessly
burned out. The public parks are devastated
with dryncss. Grass lands have probably
suffered most. The destruction Is not uni
form , though where the crops were planted ]
lale In the season the owners will proba
bly not realize the cost of planting.
Of necessary food for live stocM
tliero will be an appalling death , and prices
of milk , meat , butter , cheese and other farm
products may bo expected to rise to an un
precedented helghth. The effects for a
year to come will be felt In all
quarters of trade and business
as well as In the agricultural districts. The )
railroads will feel It. Grain will not be therd
to ship , neither will fattened stock bo thorn
to haul to central markets. Already farmers'
are disposing of herds of half
fattened swine and even horses and cows
are being disposed of at 23 per cent of their
ordinary value. The largo burden will tall
upon the shoulders of the people next year.
The Drought in Kansas.
TOI'EKA , Kan , , August 10. The synopsU
of a report of the state board of agriculture
for the month ending July 30 gives the fol <
lowing statistics : Wheat , winter and spring ,
area sown , 1,372,0133 acres , a decrease of 28 pel
cent or 8StfC6 > acres as compared with last
year ; area harvested , 774,520 acres , about fA
per cent of the area sown , the remaining 44
per ceut being abandoned on account ol
damage by drouth and chinch bugs ,
Tbo estimated production for tin
state is 7.470,375 bushels whict
precludes the possibility of any surplus ovoi
and above the needs of the people of tb4
state for seed and bread.
The corn crot > has dwindled from a condfj
tlon of from 100 to 150 per cent at the date ot
our last month's report to less than 50 pe <
cent of the annual product for five years.
The continued dry weather and chinch bugs )
have combined to destroy wheat. It seamed !
a month ago to bo the largest crop ot corn
Kansas had over produced. The crop will
not be sufficient to meet the require *
ments of the people within the yean
The area seeded was the largest over rej
coided , viz. 0,412,93 ! acres and the estimated
product Is 75.54'J.BfiO bushels , which will
transfer Kansas from the list of biirplut
corn Mates for this year.
Tim area of oats sown Is 1,405,003 acres1 *
which Is2l percent larger than for any tow
mer period. The estimated crop per aero la
about 28 bushels , which places the product
for thn state at 4lSSlvy ; bushels , an increase
over that for last year of U per cent.
Of rye the area sown IsXll \ acres ,
the probable product 2,105o : ! < ) bnnliels.
Barley , area sown 20,001 acres , product
3Uy,721 bushels.
In Illinois.
Si'WNGi'nti.n , 111. , Augu&t 10. The August
report to the state board of agriculture on >
the corn ciop shows a promise of two-thirds
of a crop In the northern division , a decrease )
of 33 per cent during July. In the central
division the decrease during July has baea
37 per cent , and in the southern division thai
grospcct Is for two-thirds of the nvcrngo
The Heat in Chicago.
CHICAGO , August 10. The temperature In
this city rose 20 degrees In seven hours to
day , from 70 = at 8 a. m. to 00 ° at 8 p. m. A.
stilling hot wind from the prairies south
seemed only to aggravate the suffering )
caused by the heat.
A Heavy Ruin at Madison , Vf\l. \
MADISON , WIs. , August 10. A heavy ralrf
fell this evening , which refreshed corn uut\ \
Henry Clay's Son Dcnil.
LEXINGTON. Ky , , August 10. John , tho'
only remaining son of Henry Clay , died at
his farm near tills city this afternoon ol
heart disease , lie was sixty-seven > ears old ,
lie had no children. John Clay possessed !
but tew of thti characteristics of his Illus *
trlwis inilwr , being a plain farmer , do voting
much tlinu in raining thoroughbred horse * , >