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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1887)
SPECIAL NOTlOEa ; Advertisement * mulct-Oils head , 10 contg po Inn for the first Insirtion , 7 cents lor each BUD nqucnt Insertion. nidfl.Wci line per month wo advoi-ttenmont taken for lessttmnZS cunts for the llrst Insertion , t'cvcn words wll Jb counted to the line : they must run consecu tively and must DO paid In advance. All adver tisement * must be handed In before 1 'IW o'clock | > . m. < nnd under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. I'nrtins advertising In these rommn and hav ing ttio answers addreMrd In care of Ittr. IE ) f III please ask for a check to enable thorn to got tnolr loiters.ns none will bo delivered oxcoot On iiroreritatlon of check. All answers to adver tisements should lie enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns nro pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions OflnK. llKB , the clrrulntlon of wltlch aggro- Katesmorethnn H.ono papers dnlly , and give * the advertisers the benefit , nut only of the city Hrctimtlon of TUB tlrif , but nlio of Council Illuir- , Lincoln and other cities and town * throughout this part of Iho west. MONEY TO LOAM. fcl.000,000 to loan. Cole , 318 S 16th. Wi ' " ' ' TiC ONKY Wo loan money on improved prop- 'Aorty for any ilcslred Hinount at low rules of Intorort , to run from two to ton years time. Btottd , Cox Is Houston , in07M 1'arnnm. 9ti9 ONKY To loan at fl per cent. Patterson M llros. , street , op. 1' . O. 823 I760.WO TO LOAN HtO per cent Sc $ Mahoney , 1609 Farnam. 0.18 6 PER CENT Money. R. 0.1'attotBon. 15th ana Ilnrnny. 639 'HKl.OOO ' tn loan on renl estnto. No delay. 3 ! Harrls& Sampson , 1518 Douglas st. CtU M IONEY ( TO LOAN-O. P. Davtt Co. . real estate and loan agents , 1505 Parnam st 611 , to loan in any amount nt lowest rate $600,000 of interest. H. H. Iroy , Fren/er block. 307 , To loan on Omaha city property at 3 $600,000 cent U. W. Day , s. e. oor. Ex. Bid. ONEY TO LOAN On city and farm prop- - i erty nt low rates. No delay. Calm A wool- ley , 1322 Farnain st. 6(9a27 Tlf ONEY to loan to parties wishing to bulM. JaL 8. 8. Campbell , 310 816th 6t. , Chamber of Commerce , 043 TljrONEY To loan. Lowest rate * . No delay , lu. J. L. Rico & Co. , ever Commercial Na tional bank. 257 1TONEY to loan , cash on delay. , W1 j. w. and K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam it. Faxton hotel building. 044 MONEY TO LOAN Loam of | 10 to S100 made on furniture , pianos , borsel , wagon * , etc. , without removal , J. J. Wilkinson ft Co. , 1824 Farnain street , over Burlington ticket offlcn. 3aaug9 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty in lums of $1,000 to 15,000 at six per cent Interest. BholeiA. Crumb. C45 "MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ) J.TJno commission charged. Leavltt Uuru- ham.Hoom 1 Crelghton Block. B4 MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In sums of (600 and upwards at lowest rates. Money always on hand. 8. B. Campbnll.810 Bouth Sixteenth street. 647 ftX ) LOAN Honey Loao * placed on tm. JL proved real estate in city or county for Mew England Loan & Trust Co. , by DOU ! M County bank. ICth and Chicago it * . 649 ONKY LOANED at O. V. Rood & Co. ' * Loan net * itrlctly confidential. MONKY TO LOAN by the nndersigned , who ha the only properly organized loan S4T noy In Omaha. Loans of tlO to (100 made on furniture , piano * , organ * , borte * . wagons , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business itrlctly confidential. Ixians so Bade that any part can bo paid at any Ime.each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance ! nada on fine watube * and diamonds. Person * ahould carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call SidBoetne. W. R. Croft , Boom i W < thnell ulldlng Uth and Hnrnay. 851 nlHE OMAHA Financial Exchange. A . "B. * ! ' > rner of Harney and 1Mb * u. , Btate National over bank. Jv.propared to make short time loan * OB any available security. Loan * Bade on chattel * , collateral or real Mtate. Long Ume > ! oenmdeon improved real eetate at current rate * . rnrchase money mortgage * negotiated. Secured notebought , solder exchanged. Short time loan * maae on teoond mortgage , according to marginal interert , at collateral Beal ertate to ezokaBce for goo lntere t bearliur paper. Oeneral financial builnets ef all kind * tram- acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Honey alway * on hand for approved loan * of any kind , without delay or unneooMary ub- licfty. Oorbott Manager. 063 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. IDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1604 Farnam strcst Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estate examined , per fected and guaranteed 078 BUSINESS CHAKOES. SALE A well-established restaurant and couloctlonory business In good location and doing good business. Uoasonsfor tolling. Adrress A If , lleo office. 1369 * " 17IOH SALE Or Trade A largo throe-story -a. ' brick hotel In llvo western Iowa town of MOO pop. Newly furnished throughout , has 05 bed rooms , steam boat , gax , electric call and alarm bolls , city water , cto. Near depot and business centor. Must bo disposed of at once on account of poor health of owner. Torma reasonable. Address Stotts , Cox * Houston , 1607i ! Parnara. W8 T > ARK business chance ; for sale , the stock , -It fliturcs and good will of a flnt-class clothIng - Ing ttore doing a good business , centrally located , only reasons for telling the owner DM other and more Important business. Parties meaning business may. address U. If , llw offlee. ANTED-Partles who desire to buy or seller or exchange stocks of general merchnn- dlio. dry foods , groceries , boots and shoe * , hardware , drugs , jewelry Improved or ualra- proved town orclty property , Improved or un proved farms In any part of thn United States , to address Kraut * * Foster , 816 B. 15tb gt > r Omaha , Nob. CM "I71OU BALB 1 offer for sale the United States -L' hotel cor of Douglas and 10th st Said hotel baa accommodations for 60 boarders and runs in connection a bar with a full stock of the best liquors ; will soil cheap on account of sickness - ness ; Inqulro on premises. 572 13 IJ8INESS Chance-For sale-A stock of dry ( roods , clothing , furnishing goods , boots andabosi ; also fixtures. With this stock a four years lease of a double store canbe obtained in ono of the best retail localities in the city. In formation at Hermann's , 6U9 Bouth Thirteenth street , 805 "IT1 Oil SALE Or erehango. foundry and maX - X ? chine shops. Will sell machinery and tools separate from the real estate. Fur partic ulars call on or nddruss Hammond 4. Gibson , 1514 Douglas street. Omaha. 975 10 FOH HALE La\/llbrary. cheap. Wheeler & Wlioiiler , Douglas ana 15th st. 657 8ALr. A naif interest in a Turkish Foil bath house. Party taking interest must lake aetlve part In the business , Address Room 6,210 B llth st. Lincoln , Nob. 131 12J TJIOH SALE A share of stock In the Lower 1 ? AvcnueTcrmco lluildtng association. Evans A Blackburn , I51U Do'iye. V.O-1U w ANTED Partner In the drug business ; ex cellent stand. Address L 71 Bee olllco. AANTBD - Ono or two smart business mom ' ' with * IOO to IWX ) capital to make 15,000 be fore thu snow tiled. Itoom 4 , Crounie block , 16th St. 814 10 _ IM1M1OVED farms to exchange for roerchan- illbo or pay i UK business. Call between 13 and - . 6 and U p. m. . or address II. 0. Newton , Planter * ' House , Dodge and Itltu sU. 184 10 * _ TpOH BALK-liotel furniture for 34 room J-1 housv ; will sell at a bargain ; rent Wi. Cauno for selling sickness. Inquire at 1'aciUo "TXfANTKD-An cnoritotlo yoong man with ' > some capital. For Information call at K 816th st/ 3 _ TJKJll SALK-.Boardlng house and furniture J-1 coaplme. Call at * w oor. of I" ? " < > Irani m. Mrs. Freeman. _ ANTKD-rartncr in Oregon lumber busl noss. Capital 10 ,000 to A nrst class Oregon party.wantt a partner to eatab. lltli a yard In Omaha. Knquirt of B. llpio- y ier. 8M I3J -I > KUKONAL-A gentleman would lit * to rneoi - 14 you ny lady j object , fun and aoctal amuse : Correspondence confidential. . Address Ucooffloa. * ' * 8 PKHONAL Private homo for ladles during conflnomant. strictly confidential , infants Adopted , ndJresj B42 , Bee office. 167 sept7 HII8ONAL ThoOato City Hraployment of- flco,3MK a ir > th , supplicfl the best of Scan * dlnavlan and German ( flrls. K9 T > E11SONALFend for your sewing machine J. needles , oil and repairs to the SIniror Man'fK Co , 1518 Douglas st , Omaha. 4B3 KM PBH90NAL Itotnovod from 1211 Davenport st. to 311 North 12th , furnished rooms for rent 0 4-I8' 1 > r.H8ONAL-Gontlomen , attention. Oood board and rooms at 601 H. 18th unreasonably 7M aug is ] PERSONAL-Mr * . Or Kannu T. Warren clairvoyant. Medical Bad business Medium Itoon No. 8 121 North IBth it .Omaha , Neh. KM LOBT. T O8T OHSTUAVEn-On the evcniflffot Aug. i-l P , n black mure , weight nbout l.Omi pounds , n bt car silt. Liberal reward for information or return to .lames C.'Isli.Ht southwest corner of county poor farmer U03 Park avo. 31U OJ STIlAVr.D-Or Htolon , white and black spott ed Llowollon ( ! OK. Five dollars rcwnru for return to C. 11. UulouChlcago Lumber Co , Uth nnd Mason. Jill 11 UVENTY-FIVE dollars'reward. Strnyod or stolen from renr of 111 N 17th st , a largo roan horse , about 17 hands high , weighing bet , - t tn l OOorul 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown mane Riid tall , bind ankle somewhat swollen- r2& will bo paid for return of anlmnl to owners , nt 110 ti 14th st.and If stolen the sheriff of Doug las Co. will pay a rownrd of (50 for the arroat and conviction ot the thief. C9B CLAIRVOYANT. MUS. nUHANT Clurlvojant from Boston Is reliable in nil nllalra of life , unties aoiui- rated lovers. ! C2 n 10th I. Bttiiopt ilj STORAGE. THIRST-CLASS eitorace at 110 N 13th L 1TORAOE ' First-class itoraeo for nice fur S' niture or boxed goods , at 1013 Doder-st eno MIS CELT. ANEOXTB. - ' of grass at Lake Shore IJASTOHAflE-I'lcnty more horses. David Ncale. 193-10J PARTIES wanting to sell off their household effects either at auction or private sale ahoiild call on Drown & Croinhton , auctioneers nnd real estate agents , southeast corner IBth and Douglas. 2UO-13 IF you want our big fair list and catalogue of fakirs' goodssond ton cents to 0 , M. May , Cbarlton , IOWA. 22010J MRS. T. . WINDERS , fortune teller , the best in the city. $1,000 will be paid to party doing better than 1. 408 M. ICth it. , up-stalr * . lis 13- rpIIB Gate City Employment office,314U B. J15th street Orders for all kinds of help nolle ted. peg TITAONI'.TIC lUallng Mediums euro all kinds JU. of sickness In connection with clairvoy ance of the pair , present and future. J. H , Pngoler , North State st , mile west of fair grounds. P. O. box Gsa 610 a26j fTlOBRB -square H | no 14 montnlr. XJ Hospe.513Dounat. ! Ml TT1OR KENT Organs , W per montn. JS lUSDouffla * . 031 O ) . -House f urntshlnK rood * , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest price * at J. Bonner , 1316 Douglas st. 683 FOR KENT 8qu r ftano , f < BODtQIr. A Rosn * . 1618 DouirUs. Ml FOB , SALE MISCELLANEOUS. POR SALE-'At a bargain ) a S-room house with closet * and pantry , etc. , lot 25 foot east front , 6 blocks south of court house. Ad * dross Y 80. Bee office. 620a30 * FOR SALE-Furnlture. ( rood will and leaie of the best paying small hotel In Omabn. Constantly full of first-clans boarders. Price 1,600. Investigate this. J. F. Hammond , tn B. 16th. 788 TJ1O3 BAIiB-Or trade , a well-matched team -L1 of dark brown horses , weight about 1,000 Ibs. . safe and true drivers , Dno-looklng team , Ither with or without family carriage and har ness. Evans ft Blackburn , 1510 Dodge , 1SH-10 T ? OR BALE-Your choice of the best lines of I1 bugKle * . carriages , phaetons , surreys , de livery wagon * , open and top one fin * hunting wagon. Call and look tbrourh or lend for outs and price to Columbus Buggy Co. , 1113 Harney 239 ax 7IOR SALE Furniture of 8 rooms with pnvl- - legaof leas * Of house , 7078.14th Su 109 FOR BALE Carpets and furniture , and bouse for rent , 113 s. sard between Doug- la and Dodga. , t 414 s NAP Furniture and leaao of U room * , 3 1 block * from P. O. H. B. Oole.Slfl 8 15th. 895 19J rpHIHTV-FOUHnuar < " of sheet iteel roofing -L for sale cheap. O W. & 0. E. Thompson , 314 fl. 1Mb it. 234 | 71OI { BALB Day mare , good traveler , gentle JP and kind , for f 60,1671 North 19th it. D. Christie , 234 11J BEST buggies at Drummond & Co' * . Surrey ! and cabriolets Clarkson cart * . Phaetoui , ttookawayi. Delivery wagons , now and old , Booond-band buggies. Wm. B. Drummond & Co. . builder * . 1816 Har ney it. 821 a 9 TT'OU BALE-Cneap , fixtures and tools of meat X ? market doing a oaah business , also horeo and delivery wagon , a good chance for right parties. J. J. Skinner , 1U10 Harney St..Omaha. 204 16 F IOK BALE One six-foot upright black walnut - nut bow case , Milton Rogers & Son. 909 OR BALE 76.000 old cleaned brick at n bar F gain by Julius Treltcchke , 601 8. 13th it. 197-9 * TpOU BALE Pug dogs ; fine Fngllsh pugi nnd X ? Italian Greyhound puppies for sale. For prices and description , address Box 24X ) Toneka , Kansas. . - 809 9 ] IlOU BALE OH and gasoline wngon. team , harness and route. Call bet 12 and 1 at 1413 Dodge. 815 FOR BALB Span fine matched bay driving horses. C. F , Harrison , 418 S Uth it. 676 WANTED WALE HELP. VTTANTED A young man who i * thoroughly Vv familiar with printer's stock and sta tionery , and capable of cutting and getting out nook , Oood wage * will be paid to the right man. Address Gazette-Journal Co. , Hastings , Neb. 254 11 WANTED Three person * to Instruct In bookkeeping. Situation * In September , J. It. > mltb , 1613 Chicagot. 828 U * \\7ANTKD-Young men to represent our TV house in Iowa. J. M. French 3c Co. , Room 10 , Husbman bloc * . 178 14 WANTED-FiTO traveling salesmen ; salary and expenses ; no experience necessary. Address , with stamp , Palmer * Co. , LaCrosse , WIS. 18818J \TTANTED ft good carpenters wanted at TV once on 7th and pierce sts. 223 IOJ TnirANTEIJ-3 good bricklayers. $5 per day.l TT hour * work , at once. Gate City Employ. ment office , BU'tB. intb st. * 4610 WANTKD-Pnstry oook $15. meat cook. 4 dishwashers , boy to work around boardIng - Ing house , yardman for hotel Canadian Em ployment Ollleu , Mrs. Brega * Son,31 is. 15th. IITANTED-A bread baker at W3 Main street , TT Council Bluffs. lfi3 10 W ANTED-Cook , male or female. Good wages , 101 N. t > th st 1119 * -Agents who have had lots t and 6 , block 8. Plaiuvlew , listed at SI,500 to withdraw tbo same at that price. M. JL Com- stock. 148-9 * - tor railroad work. Al WANTED-Men Agency , 1120 Farnam. 75 WANTRD Halesmon , a now Invention needed In Lveryhouso300 ; percent com mission or a good salary to right parties. Address - dross with stamp tor torras the Weaver Manu- facturer. = 14 N Btate St. , Chicago , III. 73 < f1 * ANTED-Mento sell Shetland Mountain ponies. Fancy colors. Largest herd In America. Sample pony free. Rare opportun ity. Inclose stamped self-addressed envelope , Byron Van Itaub , Uoorne , Kendall Co. , Texas. A competent dry goods iilosman WANTED to city trade preferred. None but experienced men need apply. 161V Howard. 78 9 TlTANTEn-Twenty-flVB laborers on Omaha extension Chicago * North Nebraska Railway , tour wiles west of Fort Oman * . Wa s $ . ' .00 per day. C. P. Treat , Contractor. DUO OJ \\7ANTKD-a experienced feed boys on W small presses. To those who can raaka ready vood wages paid. Keel Printing Co. . 10 * 113 South Itth street. 77 ANTBD-A oarpeaUr to build a pottage and take good-horse and buggy In part nnv. . Address. Mrs. A. fa/ , New England flax- ly.K.ltthit , . IM11 WANTED For the flreat London shows , muslrmns , tumblera , bar performers , juggler , snare drummer , lady for wire act. strong man , boss canvassman , long engage * metit , sure pay. Privileges ot candy stand and smooth Mroetman for s tie , write or wire at once , lowest wages and not Wm. Buttles. Edgar - gar , Nob. 83) ) PJ WANTKD Type writer ami stenographer. Qood references required. State xalary expected. A 50 , Bee olBco. JM7 IOJ WANTED Two men of good address to loll V > goods. Call 421 South 10th st. KB IOJ \\TANTrI-Eiporlonced traveler lo sell ' spool cotton In Nebraska and Dakota. Pnlnry recording to salcl. Address , statin ? aifo. cxpcrlcnco nnd roforcnoo to "Slxcord , " P. O. Uox 67 . Ntw York City. 207 1 > \\rANTr.O Good pant makers atonco.good ' pay and steady work. Como nt once or nililropi 1) . Lewis , Fairmont , Nob. 227 12J WANTED GO trackmen for Wyoming , bl ? wairns and good Job. Albright's Labor Agency , USD Farnam street. 117 WANTED-A boy with horse to carry arouto on the Evening lleo In the so inn part of town. 14G WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED A youn ? mnnot 31 with exper ience In grocery business , wants n posi tion In grocery or commission house. llo t ot references. Address A ; i7. Bee ofilce. 2.VI IOJ ANTED-Oood girl , 1707 Casa , SU3 10 * TIT"ANTED 5 women cooks , 26 girls for iron- Ti oral housework. Oato City Employment office. ilHH B. IStlii St. g 5 11 ANTFD-lJinlng room girl , Millers rotan- runt , 1004 N ICUi st. 810 llj WANTRD-A girl for general housework , none but Urst-class need npplywairo9f3. esJS.MtliBt 20J 11 * WANTED One chambermaid. City hotel. M II * WANTED Oood cook ami laundress at l > r. ColTmnn's rosldonco , liuii'l of St. Mary's avenue. 201-11 * WANTKD-Flrbt clans sir ) for general hou o work with only two tn family. Unlit work. 20J3 Harnoy , Mrs. Albert D. Morse. g.-at WANTED A good cook , washer and Ironer. 1008 Farnam street. 1C9-10J W ANTKD-A chambermaid at 012 Douirlns street 1U8 WANTED Out of city ; t woman coom $30 to f to , laundress and dishwasher for same houso. In city , I laundress In prlvnto family,8 laundresses for hotels.irlrln for ulllccra family , no washing , fl per week , dlnlncroom girls , kitchen helpers , second girls and lots of girls for housework. Mrs. llrcgn & Son's , 310 H 15th. Telephone 894 , 24 VI W IANTED-Two good strong girls for kitchen work at the Pazton hotel. 1719 * WANTED First class cook Immediately at 1522 Davenport Mr. Peterson. 180 10 " \X7ANTED Seamstress to do plain sowing In W fnmlly. 210 N. mh st. 1839 * WANTF.D An experienced lionaokeftper , white woman preferred. Apply between 6 and C p. m. , 101 N 9th St. , Lulu lingers. 131 WANTED Good girl to do general house work. Apply n w cor. California and 20th. 732 TX } ANTED At 1008 Dodge it 2 good waiter * TT at $4 per week. 899 9j WANTED 2 laundresse * for Fremont ; Ironer and starcber , 112 and (9 per week. Fares paid ; 1 girl that wants to learn tailoring , good pay : 1 book keeper for grocery , must have 3 years experience ; t dining room girls. 2 dish- washori.l second girl , 6 first-class cooks , 50 ( rlrli general house work , Omaha Employment Agency. 119 N. 10th 2419 WANTED Girl to do general house work. Inquire at 2115 South llth st , f07 10 * * WANTED Girl for general housework. In qulro 820 South 19th. 711 V\7 ANTED Lady canvasser at 1009 Howard W st 108 12 TXTANTED-A cook at Oakland hotel , Sutton , TT Nob. Must have references ; ladv pre ferred. 373 IOJ W ANTED Two girls at Doran house. 422 8 18th at. , near St Mary's avo. KU SITUATION WANTED. ANTED All those wanting help or sltua- tlons as assistant bookkeepers , collec tors , genortil ofllcg clerks , porters , watonmen , Janltcrs , teamsters , coachmen , engineers , fire men , barbers , bakers , etc. Apply to the Mu tual Employment agency , 214 8. 10th st , up stain. 28110 * WANTED By middle mrod. active and rail able business man a situation In whole sale house , drug or notion preferred , well qualified for any position and cornea weilreo- ommended , address A 30. this office. 233 111 ANTED Situation for asst. bookkeepers , coachman , teamsters , watohman , gen. officeolerks , grocery clerk , , , fire man , baker , barber and all trades , 4c.suppllod free of charge , Mutual Employment Agency , 214 S 16th st , upstairs. 260 IOJ \V" ANTED Situation by middle-aged woman V > as chamber-maid In hotel , or home-work in small family. References given. Address II , box 13 , Tabor. Iowa. 22610 ] W ANTKD-A Situation to drlvn a 4 horse team by a man with experience. I ) . It. 1) . Southern hotel. 212 10 ] ANTED Situation to do upstairs work W and sowing. Inquire atlPH Cumlngst 171)-9 ) ] WANTKD-An advertising sign aud scene painter wants a job. Box T4 , Hebron , Neb. _ 18U 10 ] \ITANTBD-A young lady 18 , refined and tal- TV en ted. U deslrOu * of securing employ ment In some musical capacity. Excellent reference. Address A16 , Doe office. 138 9 ] WANTED-Sltuatlon-A lady , will assist In light house work and vivo piano Iwsons In return for a homo with a good American family. Address A 7. nee ofilce. 10418 * WANTED Situation a * architect' * or gen- i' cralclerkor a good traveling agency. Moderate lalarv accepted. First-clan testimonials menials and reference * . Address. Alfred Book , care of John H. Eley , West Hill , Platte Co.Neb. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED Information of the where- abouta of George Cohlen , from Bouth Chicago , 111. He left hi * home on May : ! 3th for St I'mi I. About four week * ago he loft that plncn for Minneapolis. U ll thought that ho Is or wa * la Omaha. Any information of him will be thankfully received by Alice Cohlen , P. O. box 651 South Chicago , HI. Will state paper * please copy. 13412 * WANTED Room and board in p'rlvato fum- Hy by llmgle gtmtloman. Address A 26 D * * office. 177 10 ] WANTED-One or. two room * furnished with some convenience for housekeeping Stata price. Address , A 29 , Dee office. 220 10 ] W ANTED By Hopt. IBth , house of 7 tot ) rooms , good tenant , | J5 to $15. A 27 , Bee. WANTED-Two or three rooms tor light TV housekeeping , within 3 or 4 blocki o ! postofflce. A dl , lleo otBce. 238 llj WANTED-Teams and thovoleri cor llth and Howard sti. Ill 8 * W'ANTGD-If you need any kind of help , leave your orders with Mrs. Drega & Bon 310 a Uth , Telephone Mi. 207 n j WANTED-To know tbo whereabouts of Jack nnd Harry Hynes and Sam Suther land , formerly of London. Ont. Address Thos Hynes , 104 3. Iflth su. Omaha. 181 10J WANTRD To trade , a cow fresh In Aprl last for ono now fresh , and pay difference T. W. lllackburn. 1510 Dodge. 103-9 W ) A end hand office desk. Address 1. H. 1013 Farnam. . 174 10J . WWANTED WANTED Board and room in private lam- Uy for two gontlomen. Will pay eight dollars per week. Address A 21 , Bee office. lea i WANTRti-5,030 carpenters to examine "The . Builders h.asy Ultimate lllanks. " Uhe best thing ever published for carpenters an < builders. For sale by J. 8. Caulflold , inot Far- nam st , Omaha , Neb. . IBS lOj \VANTKO-Two nicely furnished rooms for ' man and wife ; central location. Mus be on first or second Uoor. Price no object I desirable rooms. Address room S10 , Hamge block , city. 18410 TITANTID-To do building , will take In pay ment the material for a three roomed bouie. Addrcsi , Hullcier , 1509 Farnam. room 17. ltt.1 9 | \VANTKD ft.KO for on * year , Hav * Im T proved property in Omah * that pay * 10 per cent on a (45,000 valuation , that is luoura bered for (10,000. Will give second mortgage as collateral. Address stating interest re quired. A6 , B e office. 980 WANTRD To rent by Sept. 1st good tovtm . or Ihroom house near car line. Ad drest J. U.Ttlanohard , W4 Varnaia atretit | IM WANTED Roommate for large front room and alcove tn private family ; be t loca tlon , la'utnter of city : reference * requeued MI14J [ XTANTr.D-Ono of the latest manufactur- vv injr concerns In thn country can use a ow moro peed solicitors in this city or state. Jnoxccptionable reference * rtqtilred. Exner- enco not essential , t-alary and comml slon. Addrcsi Y 68. Bee offlco. , i E63 IOJ L'ANTKD-Puplls In i > Kiifllih branches \ \ nnd muslo , u. w. curnarlltttn and Fnrnam , 72581 * j _ ANTRD-A few boarderb at 1720 Doilso st w lloffrcnccs requested : 701 FOR RENT HOUSES and LOTS. HUNT House , clght'-rooms , and bnrn. Park avenue. FurnUt/ro for sale. Doll & IcCandllsli. Tl 235 litj IiUR KENT Furnirbed hpuso ; 12 rooms ele gantly furnished , bath , city water , closet , nrnace , etc. Will rent for fl months from loptomhcr 1. llofcrences required. Ono block from street car. "A. V Bee offlrn. 2J8 11 ItKNT Ono 12-room houcowlth KM nnd furnace and all modern Improvements on Capitol live , between 2 < Hh and 27th. 1 brlok store. KxlEO. on Douglas st , between IStti and 3th Bt. Inquire ot II. Splsrle , 1211 Honplns St. KIT I5 FOK HUNT One lot near reunion grounds with privilege otnlno ncrcs.nbout ono ilook from main camp. Call southwest corner 1th ami Capitol ixvu. IPO 13J FOIl It 13NT.-a-room hotel , ( food location five joars lease , furniture for sale on easy orms. 18-room house , Ji. ! 0 worth of fiirni- uro for S1.50J.2 eight-room houses. 12-room louse , tl.SOO worth of furnltti'oforKioO.O-room brick lint , unfurnished 11-rnom lint , unfur * ilshcd , $10 , H-rooin liouso for rent at 190J South .Ich St. Co-Oporntlvo Lund iiml Lot Co. , 3)5 ) N. Oth St 16ft 0 F I OH HR.NT 10 room houeoat2410 1'lereo st For terms apply on premises. 741 FF F IOIt HKNT-FInt of 4 rooms. Inquire S. K. corner 17th nnd Loavomvorth sts. 249 FOK lir.NT 3-room cottairo on 21st and Paul streets. Inqulro at 617 bouth Uth street. 901 _ FOU ItKNT A snap , n six-room tint wltn all modern conveniences , ; i blocks from P. O. , partly furnished. Apply 13) S. loth Bt. , Itoom 7. Foil HUNT A now 3 room house nnd burn on 8 1Mb nt. J. A. Dodge drug stnro , cor Mcrco nnd 23th st. 213 10 FOIt HENT i elegant brick store rooms on Park tucmie , opposite park , will bo com- ileted In 30 dnj s Apply on the premises from i to 12 a. m. A. H. Fitob. OTO FOH HENT Klogant brlok residence , 10 rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire Morse Ic Hrnnnor , 1005 Kurnitm st. 0-H FOK KENT From Scut 1st , a largo residence with all modem Improvements ; best loca- Ion In the city. Terms , one thousand dollars per year. Apply with reference * to A 33 oaro of Bee office. 179 14 FOH HUNT Two large new stores and two HaUof tlvo rooms each. City water and gas. On Baunders it. 0. W. Cain , SKID Ohio st. 813 FOR RENT New store and living rooms on Cumin ? it near Maunders at. Apply Har ris Real Eitate & Loan Co. , 310 B. 15th Bt. 889 FOIl RENT New 6-room house 1 1-4 mile * south of P. a bet 20th and 21st sts , SIB per month. Clarkson , Wood ft Co. , 318 S. IBth.SB8 SB8 TflOK RENT Barn Hiltnhlo for four horses. -D Inquire at 617 S isth t. .511 FOR RENT Five room houso. east side 37th at , third house smith of .Dodge , 117 , J. R. Hlngwalt , 218 South 15th. ° J 723 FOKltENT-OnN Woor-15th andVlnton.S stores , 20x"iO. 11 rooms upstair * , suitable lor families or roomers. Call at promises oren on M. Donovan , 23J7 S 13th ftp 893 FOR RENT New lO-roottr house ; all Im provements , steam heat , C. W. * O. K. Thompson , 314 8.15tb St. 1000 FOR IIBNT OfDce spaoe qn ground floor at 1509 Farnam. Apply In rear office , J. 8. Richardson- > " > < 602 a.10 F IOR RENT Store room miitable for groeory store or butcnor shopon the southwest corner of 7th and Pacific stceeta. 075 Lol for Lease. F-Southoast corner 4SxSI > > t Loavenworth aiid Park ave. , or will build to suit tenant Hobbto Hros. 359 FOR RENT ROOMB. In RENT Front sitting1 and bed room , 417 N. 14tb Bt 971 FOH UENT Furnished parlors , en suite or single , pleasantly situated , on car line ; price reasonable ; 424 N. 17th st. 21G llj FOK RENT Four gentlemen can secure a pleasant homo with first-class accommoda tions in private family at reasonable terms ; modern conveniences ; 639 Pleasant it. 221 12J F I OK HKNT-Nlcoly furnished room , fllH 3. 17th st 203 FOK KENT--Handsome cool room. 1 block from P. 0.shady lawn. 1605 Capitol nvo. 208 14' FOK KENT Nloo furnished room , (9 per month , S. W. cor. IPth and Jackson. 229 Foil HKNT Three rooms for hmisoKeoping , at Uth and Pierce. Apply to 617 S. 13th st. 240 FOR KENT Cool south front parlor , bath and gal , 1720 Capitol ave , 232 11 ] FOK RENT Furnished room with board for gentleman ; references required. 1724 Douglas itront. 709-13 * FOK RENT Furnished and unfurnished rooms at Gate City Rental agency. 3I4K S. 15th st 214 MODE rooms nnd houses on our list. Wo have inquirers dally. No charge for list ing at the Oato.City Rental agency , 314H S. lEUi at 243 FOK HENT For gentlemen. Nicely fur nished rooms with modern conveniences , 2212 Furnara it. 212 THOU KENT Elegantly furnished front room , -C with first-class board. Terms moderate. 2011 Hurt st. 132 9 * H KENT Furnished rooms , 1533 Jackson 144-9 * F IOR RENT-Furnlslwd room N. E. cor. 19th and Bt Mary's avo. Mrs. Wallace. 146-9 * TOOK RENT Offices with all conveniences. J ? Frank J. Rnmue. 145-9 F OK KENT Two nicely furnished room * at 8118 Hurt It. 149. F IOR RBNT-Furnllhed room , with board. 2718 Leavenworth st 14tl. FOR RENT Furnished front room or a ult of two rooms with board If desired. 117 B 17th it 686 9 ] FOR RENT Elegantly furnished roomi sin- gloor onsulte. with uie of bath ; olectrio bell * In every room. First class restaurant at tached , at Norrls European hotel , corner 18th o d Webster. 666 FOU RENT Two neatly furnished rooms , very desirable location , private family. Also room for two or three nloe table boarder * . S. E. corner Twentieth and Farnara. 419 a25 IR RENT A nicely furnished room at 2511 St. Mary'I . \ FOK UENT-Nowly furnished room. All conveniences. Prlvate-tamily. Nearbusi- ness. 1615Capitol ave , i- 371 14 * TWO gentlemen can socuYo'board and roon In private family , cufttrallr located , $2B each. References' 618 North 17th st. 157 ft * FOU HKNT-Nlce furnlstied front room suit able for 3 gentlemen , with or without board. 2103 Bt. Mary's avoX 18810J POR RENT A front roofiffor office use , In Inquire at 317 N l th st. 183 9 FOH KENT A cool , plefeant front room furnished , suitable for two. References. 1312 Dodpe st. 3 108.10 * Oil KENT Large eloffatft3front room with iKjurd , suitable for two-or more persons pleasant location ; would like reference , lie rarnam. IBS-HI FOK ItKNT Furnished rooms , 712 Bouth 18th street. 854 FOB BENT A nice large front room , al modern Improvements and nicely furnished Ml 8 80th It. 313 TflOU RENT Rooms with board. 504 S. IBth. . 785 aug 12 * FOU RINT Large front parlor with Day window , and aleove. also other rooms with modern conveniences at 1821 Farnam st. ono block west of court house. 124 * TJ OR RKNT-Offlc * room 110 per month , 2nd J floor. 016 B. Uth st 4.10 OH KENT Oltiuus at 1012 Furnara at. Apply - ply to Patterson A Moore , Omaha National bank. 2Ca TOOK BEM' 1'uruished room in Oreunlg blk , -E cor Uth and Dodge st Inquire of Davis * Hetherlnirtou. Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 291 TJHJK KENT-Desirable furnished room fort -t- gentlemen nt B09 Howard st ta _ H8NT A largo front room In new bouse bath , and latest modern Improve ments , Ills Webster strati J [ jlOlt IlENT-FurniBliod.rooms. 1707 Cass. 0 us | 7Ult HENT Finely furnished rooms , with ox * -L rcllont board , on cur line , 1716 Cnssst , 10 rr.lnutcs from postnltlco , lit IOJ FOIl nF.N'T-3 rooms sultnblo for house keeping , southwest cor. 2Ist and Nicholas t 59 : > FOU HUNT Furnished rooms In Ortienlg block , cor 13th nnd Doilgo. DftvM A Hothor- ngton , MllUrd hotel bllliird room. 889 OH RENT Furnished rooms , 181J Do Jen. 7M ffOH ItKNT Part of office room. Inquire at iMSWnouelas st 13 FOK RENT Furnished rooms 1615 Dodge. 681 FOU HENT-Nlcoly furnished room , 1R33 Dodge. 110 FOK IlKNT Three room * sulatilo for llffht housekeeping Cor. 7th and PacQo. Kn- olro at 017 8 IJtn. 954 molt UFNT-Furnlshcd room M81 Dodge 0 at. 962 sept 6 FOU KENT-Largo front room furnished for Kvntlemon , ground floor : maple treei ; rasa ; pavotnont ; street cars every llvo mln- 1 OB. K)9 ) Howard st. Also room * fnrnlsliivt nd unfurnished for light housekeeping. ftM OK HENT-Ploasant furnished rooms , 1G13 Dodge. U.-0 llj FOU RENT Furnished rooms with board , 1P03 , Farnam. M5 all * [ 710K KENT Furnlshod front room , near ear L' line at corner of Doilne unJ 24th streets , nqulre of A. 1L ComstooK 152J amain st.B38 B38 FOH RENT Newly furnished room , board if desired. 1720 Dodge St. 7U4 I71OU HE NT 4 or 8 unfurnished rooms , sulta- L ble for housokouplnirono block from court muse , on It'tli ' street , between St. Mary's avo. ami Ilirnov st , modern conveniences , liefer- onccs requ I red. M. K.Martin , owner. IOJ FOH HENT-Furmshod room , lUJDodgo. [ 438 FOH HENT Sulto of 4 nice rooms stiltnnlo for houtekcoplnir , references ro'iulroil , t'thst ' .Just north of St. Miiry.s nvo Water , ewer connections , gas , folding doors Ac. fi'.U C10II ItnNT Tno largest store room In town. - > - Inqulro at the Argus otlloe , Albion. Nob. 4B1 sep 13 * FOK UKNT-Piilte ot furnished rooms for gentlemen. A. Ilospo , Jr. , 3t5 N. 17th. 900 FOR HENT-Nlcely f urnlshoa looms , to gen tlemen only , 22J N. liitli St. , Itoom FOR HUNT Ware room oor. Uth and Call. Ifornla on Belt Line , lor particulars en quire at Union Nat. bank. 184 FOK RENT Elegant suite of rooms , refinan ces required , Ift07 Douglas st 107 TflOR RENT Furnished rooms , en sitlto , In -L private family , modern conveniences. Apply to Leslie & Leslie , Itth and Dodge sta. 748 TTiOlt HEN 1 Nicely furnished room , 1921 -T Dodge it. 191 FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. WE Can se tor a tow day * only Lot 100 Glse'9 addition for $5OX Ixt tTl Olie'd addition. $ ,803. fllookl Boyd'l addition , 18.500. One-third cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years. Uemlnffton & HcCormlok , 220 Soutu 15th st. 4W FOU SALE Cheap , H lot with no * 4 room house , south front , li ( blocks from street car , M block from Baundori , X422 Parker street. 178 LAND for sale ; 2,400 acres in one block of fine farm or prating land , well wittered , with running sprint ; , fl mile * from two It K. stations , Ellsworth county. Kansas , { rood Im provement * ) , houses , shed * , barns , &o. . ZOO ncros under cultivation , good average corn crop this year , will sell one sootlon (640 ( acres ) or the whole , or oxohanire for city property , In quire of A. D. Morao , 14th and Farnam stroct. 330 ri"UVO more of those nloe houses nnd lot * loft -L at 11,000 each ; 1100 cash , balance small monthly payments. K. K. Darling , 415 B. loth. 233 U TJIOH BALE A charming little homo.O rooms , -t ? boautitully finished , In Idle Wild , 15,600. Lotus show you this , yerv cheap. Good speculation. Wo can soil you 4 lot * In Clifton Hill , two onrnera , at the original prloo wbon first put on the market. There Is good money In tUoso. 11-room house , all modern improvements , on lot 33X1H2 , barn , etc. , only3 minutes' walk from postolllce , on paved street. Investigate , only Now 9-room house on Hamilton street , lot 50x 160 , east of Lowe avenue , only i'J.WO , very cheap. Touoannotbuyat a bettor time. Call and goo our list. Mitchell & Leyonmarck , 1518 Dodge street. 852 13 EASTERN Nebraska farms to exchange for Omaha property. Patterson & Moore , Omaha National Dank. 649 T UTS 17,18 and 19 , block 14 , Clifton Hill : 19 Is JU a corner and fronts south on Military ave , $1,600,1050 cash , bal. easy. James BtocKdale , lldN. Iflthst 8S710. FOK SALB-Or trade , 25 lots in the western part of Omnha near the Benson oar bns , price (400 each , $350 due on contracts payable In 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest In contracts for Nebraska Ian > L MoCulloch & Co. , 1609 Farnam 6t 1000 IF you want to buy , soil or trade , cali on L. V. Crum.lZON 1Mb it. 100 lot * U of a mile of U. P. depot for * ale or trade. 9-raom house for rent. TwolO-room house * for rent , snlo or trade. Idlewlldo. Uy 816 L. V. Cruin , ISO N I5th St. NOTICE to real estate agents. Itoal estate agents are hereby notified to withdraw from lalo August ICth , blouk * II and 1R In Behloslnger's mldltlon , which adjoin * the Put- rick farm. Z. T. I.i udsoy. 960 VOR BALB Corner lot on Virginia ave with f two good houses , uboap at 17,000. Term * easy. House * rent for (70 per month. B. H. Campbell , 310 & 18th st. Chamber of Com merce. 273 ] 7011 SALG-fSM will buy 40x1Z7K foot south 1 front , In Lowu'a tlrst addition. Apply on promises , Decatur itrcet between Situ and uethsts Frunk Klala. 9i llj SPECIAL Bargains House b rooms , barn , etc. , all new , Donlso'i addition. (3,70J , J 1,000 cash , balance good time. Four 4-room nonsos In Lowe's addition , now , 91/iOO each. (200 cash , balance to suit. . House fi rooms , barn , full lot. Yates & Hood's subdivision , (2,600 , (760 oasb , balance to suit. suit.Two lots , on corner. Orand View , nice build- Incr lite , (2,000 , U cash , balance Ion ? time. U.K. Ball * Co. 113 North l tb st. 837 F IOR SALE One million acres of land In Ne braska. Speculator's landsrailroad land * , ranches , and farms In all parts of the suite. Bend for pamphlet containing descrip tion and price of over one thousand farms. A fine topographical map of tne itato sent free upon application. E. H. Andrui , for 10 yeara Cen'l Land Agent II. & M. R. U. Eighth and P streets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240 Notice. Hide will bo received by the board of public lands and buildings at any time before August 15,1887 , at 2 p. m.for donations for the location for the "Nebraska Industrial Home. " Usual rights reserved. Iy order of said board. July20 , 1887. G. L. LAWS , Secretary. ju29d-to aug5 ! Proposals lor Sealed Bids. THE School Uonrd of South Onmha will re- colvo sealed bids for the emotion of n high school building up to 2 o'clock of aturdny , August Uth , 1H87 , Plans amrspociflcatlona may bo sorn at the Stockman oftloo. The boaid reserves the right to reject any nnd nil bids. llv OitDKii or SCUOOL IloAiio , OITV OK SOUTH OMAHA. August 1st , 1887. aldlOt Dissolution Notice , The undersigned firm , known as Evorly Sc Rollln.dolng business at 10U7 Farnam t.nistlila ! day dissolved ny mutual consent Mr. Evorly retiring , and Mr. Rollln continuing and paying - ing all b.U , . contracted Jj 'l 'BVERLV , OdJtp CHARUU ICOLLIN. Notice. TN THE District Court of Douirlnc County. In X the mntlorof the estate of Hans C. Larson , doconsod. This cause cnrao on for heuring upon the petition of Amelia Larson , adminis tratrix of the estate of Han * C. Larson , ito- caased , praying for a llconeo to soil lot suvon. teen (17) ( ) in block eleven (11) ( ) In MansSom I'lace , an addition to the city of Omaha , for tlio pay ment ot the outstanding Indebtedness against the ufuresuld estate , and the costs of adminis tration , there not bolng sulllo'cnt personal Froperty to pay thu said dobls and oxponses. t Is therefore ordered that all persons Intiir- csted In said estate appour before ono of the judges of the district court , at the court homo , In Omaha , on the 'nd day of Boptomber , 18S7 at 10 o'clock a. m. , to show ciuilu why H license should not bo granted to EHld administratrix to ell the above described real estate of said de ceased , to pay said debts and expenses of the said Hans 0. Larsen. ilnouased , and that thl * order bo published one day each week for four consecutive weeks in the Omaha Daily Deo. .Datvd thu 8th duy of August , 1SBI. . Uy the onurt a9-JO-23-90- MANUAL TRAINING. Tim llnndai Well ni the Hrnln Shoald bo Instraotctl. General F. A. Walkur , of the Massa chusetts school of technology , spcnkln/j / of the nocossltv of manual trnluing for our youth , before the touchers' conven tion at Chicago , said : "At wo pass from rural districts and small villages to con- siuerublo towns nud to large cltms , said ho , the need of manual training for our youth increases rapidly , while the dllli- cultios ot instituting nnd niaintajnlng In struction in any ono of Iho mechanic arts oven moro rapidly diminish , In the country the children of cither sex find abundant opportunities , both in their work aud in their nlav , for acquiring the knowledge of operations and seine skill in thu use of tools , while all the conditions and surroundings of their Ufa tout ! to develop the perceptive powers , to create n habit of observation , and to give uxorclse to the executive faculty. No part of this is as well done us It would be under systematic Instruction nnd direction , but what is gained in this way is far better than nothing. In the city opportunities of this character are nlmost wholly wanting , and the time that should bo given to developing tills side of the child's nature , is either wasted in idleness and mischief or is devoted to nil excess of grammatical , rhetoric-id nnd dialutical practice , or to cramming the mind with facts , uamcs aud dates , bo- Stul the power of mental digestion. u the other hand , thu dillicultles of pro viding proper instruction in the mechanic nrts in Miiall schools , widely scattered , supported by comparatively poor com munities , nlmost wholly disappear in largo and well-graded schoolsIn compact communities enjoying the wealth and the paying power which is gener ated by commerce und manufac tures. It Is , hero , only n ques tion whether this kind of In trticliou is really needed. If that bcs admitted , there will not long bo a question of the means ot maintaining it. And in the larger towns and cities it will DO found that the cost of maintaining the very best instruction of this character will not bo greatly in excess of the cost of supporting Uie simplest form of manual training in smaller communities , inasmuch as the initial charges for the moro expensive plant will be divided , with a proper or ganization of the service , among u larger number of scholars. The main question will hero be ns to obtaining the time requisite for thorough and extended practice on thlssldnof the public schools. It is behovpil that time required can bo obtajncd by the proper revision of the traditional courses. A great part , nt least , if not the whole of the inevitable loss to the old-fashiouod studies will bo repaid by the greater interest of pupils and parents in school work by the rolaxa- and rest obtained through the exercise of another set of faculties , nnd by thu great gain experienced in the study of geom etry , physics and elementary mechanics through such practice. Unrestricted Immigration. Boston Commercial Uiil.'utiu ' : The sub ject of immigration is ouu of constantly increasing importance. Hordes of deni zens of the densely populated countries of the eastern hemisphere are coming to our shores m constantly increasing num bers. What are wo to do with them ? Are the opportunities for them to make a living as favorable as twenty years ago , when rnilroid building first largely set in , and business generally was booming on the termination of the war ? The present conditions do not favor nn nflirmativo answer. Yet wo have faith to believe that there is yet plenty of room for men nnd womou who are willing to work , to make a living in this land , nnd benelit not only themselves , but add to the national prosperity , In the south , southwest and the farther western regions of territory , land is to bo had cheap , factories of nil kinds demand labornrs , mining does and will furnish employment to thousands ; and the more our population is added to the greater the consumptive demand for tbo necessi ties and luxuries of life. It is plainly to bo soon that ono element opposed to immigration Is that of the dis- eatislied classes , mostly of foreign birth , who have dona so much by strikes to re tard the industrial activities and par alyze nil kinds of business. They have become iniolont through prosperity , nnd attempt to control now where a genera tion ago they were only too glad to servo. They assume a dog-in-the-manger attitude. There should bo restrictions upon im migration ; no ono douici that We do not want a class of criminals nnd pau pers from the very worse elements of old world population. This contingency is already provided against by law. To in dustrious , sober people who aock a per manent homo in America we oiler wel come nnd bid tUum take tiicir chances. Honest work will insure them n fair living. For socialists , anarchists , rag pickers , garbage gatherers , organ grlna- ors , and all such as live upon the produc ing classes , wo have no room. Produc tive energy is needed ; there is always room for it in this land. In the German , Irish , Scotch , Scandin avian and Welsh elements tliut have been assimilated with ua Americans in devel oping thu resources of the country too much credit cannot bo given. They have thrown in their lot with us for good , and all the mutual prosperity has ensued. So it will continue to be with the thousands yet to come who have honest motives and adopt the American idea of progress aud patriotism. A study of the report from the bu/oau of statistics , Washington , for thu year ending June 80 , 1887 , is of interest. It appears that the total immigration was 483,110. an increase ever 1880 of 1G4.231. Uf these 80,201) ) were landed nt Boston. New York , of course , took the largest number , 370,0(15 , nnd San Francisco the smallest , 1,7 0. Boston ranks nnxt to Nfiw York , barely outranking Baltimore. As to nationality , the largest number came from Great Britain and Ireland 160,783. Hut so diverse are the popula tions of these two isles that for the pur poses of comparison they ought to betaken taken separately , nnd doing so we find that England and Wales sent 60,101. Ire land ! ) , 11)0 ) , Scotland 12,114. Now Ger many exceeded either of these compara tively separate nationalities by giving us of her sons and daughters 100,559. nnd they are the industrious , plodding , homemaking - making people that help to make the bone and dincw of a nation. The French tire a homo-loving people , and only 5,031 came out , and not many to stay perma nently , we may venture to say. Italy us 47,721 such as they worn. From oandiimvia came 58,741 good , industri ous souls , whoso forerunners have dona so much to build up the great northwest. The past hns beou a great year for im migration. Wo see no reason why the present should not bo , I > et them como and may the ( survive. , \ I'orlloati l'o tponoinonr. To postpone , when the duty for Imme diate action is clear , is always unwise. Especially is it so when increasing ill health calls for a resort to medication. Diseases of the kidneys and bladder are often of swift growth always of fatal tendency if not combnttod nt Iho outMit. Wo have all oven those of us who nrn not remarkably well instructed heard something of the danger attending Bright' * disease , diabetes , and other dis eases of the kidney and bladder. Let no one bo foolhardy enough to procrastl' nato if he perceive the renal organs to be Inactive. Hosteller's Stomach Bitter' nro peculiarly adapted to overcome thh inaction , to sutUciently blimulnto , with out exciting the kidneys find bladder Infinitely is this diuretic to bo preferrec to thu impure and fiery stimulants oi commerce , which proves to be the bant of unwary persons with a tendency U renal troubles. They are .likewise in comparable for dyspepsia , debility , fuvci aud ague , and biltousuuu , ; ' DECORATIVE ART. THIRTY YEARS IN THE CITY 01 CHICAGO. Ono of the Oldc t Inhabitants Gives a Thrilling Exporiouco of His Roscu * fromDoaUu Frotn the Clilcflpo Drily Ncs Juno 3 , 1ST In public places , especially in the summer season , the eye is often attracted by neat decorations -which embellish chandelier * and ceilings as protection ajninsi those hu man pests , the flics , which , however , serve their purpose as the scavengers of the air. The designs employed arc ofttlmes rcallr works of art and the deft way in which they arc nttachtcd to walls and ceilings seas as to propcct them ; gives an impression of airy lightness Which is pleasing to the eye. No man has probably spent so much time in Chicago on this tine cf trade as the sub ject of the following sketch ; He has been a resident ofChicago for thirty years , coming here with his parents when only 10 years of age , and having grown up with the city hit name is known to thousands of her people. Within a short time such a wonderful change has taken place in his personal ap pearance that it has attracted the attention of his friends ns well as that of a icporter , who called upon him within n day or two * and obtained the following sworn statement , ! Personally appeared before me , George W. Hoover , No 278 West Twelfth treet. ' who , being sworn according to law , dothi depose and say : i That I have been 111 for two or three year * with a lung trouble , which a short time' since resulted in hemorrhage , to that I remarked - , marked to my wife : I think about nett Tall I will finibh up. That I have paid out hun dreds of dollars in the past two yean for' medicine and advice , but nothing did mo , any practical good. I would stop coughing for an hour or so , but it would come again' next day. The relief afforde'd me was only . temporary. I rend of the numerous cure * , which had been effected by Dr. McCoy In the paper * , and they described no closely my symptoms that I called upon him at No. 10 Park Row. Dr. McCoy told mo hnt I had catarrlial bronchitis , and thera ivas serious trouble with the right lung In i he form of an abscess. I was put under1. . he treatment , and he gave me relief right < away. The night sweats with uhichl 'md been troubled have left me and I neWest est well. I began the 'fcalmcnt on the 23d of May last , I used to cough every morning ; would get sick at the stomnch. I have been very nearly strangled trying to get something up when there was nothing to come up. But now I am doing splen didly. Huve a clear head. I am not clouded up. I can travel all day and not tire out , and I cap assure you my work re quires me to go about n great deal. I am atisfled that if I had not gone tinder this' reatment I should have been compelled to itop work entirely , and this i * my buiy eason. I was obliged on account of my i .rouble to leave a very easy situation about n year ago because I could not stand the night air and was constantly taking cold , I have not felt so well for years as I do now , and I work hard , too. My friends remark my improved appearance , and I "lave gained five pounds In the little time , which I have been under treatment , and I' ' am convinced that a cure will be effected ; > GEORGE W , HOOVER. Sworn and subscribed before me this 22d"1 day of June , 1897. v ' RANDALL H. WHITE , Justice of the Peace. Dr. McCoy Is now located in Omaha , at the corner or 10th nno Hartley His. , Uiuugo Block TO CONSUMPTION. ' ' Intrrcnttiig Evidence of a Con < | l > , tl on Not to lie Trifled Wltli. The disease from which Mr. Hoover suf fered was catarrhal consumption. The disease originated in a cold , which became. chronic. As a result came the formation of mucus , which was partly discharged from the lit ad or dropped down Die throat and was partially hawked up. A large portion of it , however , was swollowed , pasting Into the stomach and causing catarrh there , The mucus formed by catarrh decomposes , and when it reacheb the stomach I * tither * absorbed in the blood , producing all manner of evil symptoms , or else coat * over the food with a slimy material , which prevents the food from coming in contact with the digestive julcei in the stomach. The food itself decompotes. forms gai or wind in Urge quantities , and causes a feel ing of bloating or fullness after eating. Wh n the catarrh has existed in the head and the tipper part of the throat for any length of time the patient living In a district where people are subject to catarrh al affection and the diseabe ho * been left uncured , the cat an h Invariably , sometime * slowly , extends down the windpipe and Into the bronchial tubes , which tubes con vey the air to the different parts of the lungs. The tubes become altected from the swelling and the mucus arising from catarrh , and in some instances becomes plugged up so that the air cannot get In as freely as it should. Shortness of breath follows and the patient breathes with labor and difficulty. . In cither case there U a sound of crackling - ling and wheezing inside the chest. A I tliis stage of the disease the breathing ! usually more rapid than when in health , The patient also has hot flashes over hit body , DOCTOR J.CresapM'Coy Late of Bollevuc Hospital , N.Y. Has offices In 310-311 RANGE BUILDING Cor. ICth arid Harnoy Streets , Omaha , Nob. Wboro nil ouroblo cases are trentoil with uo- cess. Medical dleciixei truiitcxl skilfully. Consumption - sumption , HrlKhl'x DISCIIKO , Oyapunala , lUion- iniitidm.unilnllNKUVUKH IHSItASKS. All dt- ieiises peculiar to the goxus a specialty. DA TA ItKH CUHl'.I ) , CONril.'l.TATID.N'atofllcuor by mall SI. Olllco hours : u tolln.m. ; U to 4 p.m. ; T to 9 p. in. BiiirJayH Included. Cnriuspomlunue roculvus prompt attention. rMiinyillsefuitRiuu treated successfully by Dr McCoy through the mallti , and It Is thus i > o rU bio for llioso uniililoto muUo ulournuy to nl > lulu fnicceflHtiii hocpital treatment at llitlr homos. No Ifttnrn nntworcd milen ocooui ) ) l- 4o limiHinpt. oftft all lulion , to Dr , J. C. McCoy , room * Ull lUm&u iluiWlns , Umntiu , NiiU ,