Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dellvt red by currier in nnrpnrtof tbocltrai
tw i ntr cents per woek.
H. W.Tiwox , . . - Manager.
ncMNMflOmcr. No. O.
N. Y.PIumbing Co.
Holler , tullor. Summer goods chnno.
Fine coupes for ladles calling. Win.
Lewis , telephone 1US. Oflico111) Broad
way.The bridges on Main street , nt Six-
trcnth , Seventeenth nnd Twenty-eight
avenues , are needing repairs.
The resolution for paving , curbing and
Hldewalking Pierce mid Blulf streets has
been defeated by Aldermen Keller and
Hummer , who voted against it.
r The city council will resume its delib
erations next Monday evening. On
Thursday afternoon , of this week , the
iildormen are to meet as a committee of
the whole to consider the propositions to
light the city by electricity.
County Attorney Daily has been lookIng -
Ing up tlio law carefully in the mutter of
prize-lights , to sue if there is not some
possible way of punishing those who use
Iowa soil as their battle ground. He
finds that all he can do is to have them
lined or given a brief jail sentence , as
under the laws of this state it is only a
misdemeanor. Tlio oflonso can bo pun
ished , if he can catch the participants on
this side of the river , but he cannot bring
them over on a requisition.
The band concert by the Fifth Rcgl
mont band , postponed from last Friday
evening on account of the lake disaster ,
will now take place on next Friday
evening. Ample arrangements have
been made for the conveyance of nil to
the lake. Conveyances leave Bayllss'
park at 7 o'clock and the concert be
gins at 8:1)0. : ) Tickets on sale nt Bush-
noil's book fitoro , the Manhattan , Moore
& Kipllnger's , Hurkness Bros' . , Atkins *
drug store and the Pacific house.
"Humpy" Anderson did not steal a red
hot stove , but ho probably would if ho
thought he could get away with It. Ho
was yesterday sent to jail for fifteen days
for stealing abont twelve feet of steve
pipo. ' 1 ho other night about 3 o'clock a
police olllcer discovered him inside of a
front screen door at Mr. Dickey's resi
dence , his position being very suspicious
and his sudden flight more so. The of
ficer did not catch him nnd no warrant
was Issued on this occasion. He is
viewed with suspicion in all his moves.
E. H. Fagloy was recently arrested for
whipping his wife and driving her out of
the house. Ho was allowed to go free , to
see if ho would not follow out some
healthy advice given him by Judge
Aylosworth , by which the family troubles
could bo avoided. Yesterday ho broke
forth again , and the neighbors thought
ho was trying to butcher his family with
a knlfu which ho had in his hand. On
being arrested no knife was found upon
him , but a common table fork , which ho
declared was the only weapon ho had
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate ofliccs in the city ;
f 3 per day.
When you are in the city stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass tlio door
every fifteen minutes for all the depots.
Meals CO cents each.
A HaUdlng Ordinance.
The city has no provisions for regular
Ing the erection of buildings beyond the
few restrictions concerning lire limits
and the excavations near streets. It is
now proposed to remedy this defect in
city laws by the passage of an ordinance
similar to these of other cities , making
numeroys provisions in regard to the
erection of buildings. Even tlio ordinan
ces already touching upon the subject
are not complied with. There arc fre
quent violations of the ordinance in re
fcard to fire limits. There are also num
erous cases in which excavations are
made without securing the necessary
permit. Perhaps the now ordinance
may be more sharply enforced.
Ono thousand head of ono , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A ,
J. Grcenamayer , 023 Mynstcr St. , tele
For Sale A Standard bred stallion for
one-fourth its value. Will sell on time
Five years old. Will show 3)5 : ! ) gait. A
C. Arnold , Denison , la.
Burn * Will Stay.
The report that went the rounds concerning -
corning the probable resignation of Mr
W. H. Burns , of the Union Pacific , has
been emphatically denied , and now
comes a further confirmation of the denial
nial by the issuance of the following :
OMAHA , August u , 1887. The jurisdiction
of Mr.V , H. fiurns , general aeent at Coun
ell Hluffs. Is extended to Include all employe
at Broadway and transfer stations. Tht
also applies to all employes In transportation
department while In Council Bluffs yards.
Ills orders will bo respected and obeyed oc
coidlDKly. K. DICKINSON.
Approved : General Superintendent.
T. J. FOTTEH , Fjrst Vice President
At the Pacific house you will save from
COo to f 1 per day. Try it and bo con
The Now Hound Houne.
Work has commenced in earnest on
the now round house of the Union Pa
ciflo. The ground has boon broken and a
force of men and teams are nt work ,
There are thirty to forty carloads of ma1
terlal on the ground and thu house wil
bo hurried to a completion. It will huv
twenty stalls and will bo the largos
round house in the city
To Excuralon Parties.
The excursion steamer and barge John
M. Abbott Is prepared to fulfill engagements
monts for excursions on the Missouri
river either day or moonlight parties.
Capacity 400 passengers. For terms anil
other particulars inquire of L. P. Judson ,
02U Sixth avenue.
Personal P rairnph .
Fremont Benjamin , of Avocn , was In
the city yesterday.
. Helchart and lUloy Clark , both from
Noola , visited the Bluffd yesterday.
Mrs. J. A. Gorharn was yesterday in a
very critical condition and there were
little hopes of her recovery.
Frank Shinn , of Carson , was in the
city yesterday. Ho favored the Grand
Army boys with his favorite solo , "King
dom Comiu' " .
W. K. Thresher , of Macedonia , the ed
itor who had such a lively experience
with some of the voung ladies of that
town , was in the city yesterday.
Jake Turk , of the People's store , has
gone to Mlndcn to attend the funeral of
one of his twin children. The remaining
child Is reported as seriously ill.
In cases of Fever and Ague , the blood
la as olfoctually , though not to danger
ously poisoned by the diluvium of the
fttmosphcreas it could bo by the deadliest
poison. Dr.J. H , McLean's Chills and
rover Cure will eradicate this poison
from the system. 50 cents a bottle ,
Vlo Keller's now steamer is to bo
launched on Lake Manawa this after-
teen between a o'clock and 4 o'clock.
OlL '
Senator Eotbort to Handle the Finances and
Prof , Wycboff the Glasses ,
An Extensive rtotitovnrd Laid Out
Funeral ofCharlcs Fcr on- Thc Su
loon Infoi-inci-H Fired Again A
Hullitlng Ordinance.
An Importnnt Chnntrc.
Tim board of trustees of tlio iiiHtltutlon
for the dnsif and dumb lust evening con
cluded their two day's session. 'Iho event
of the meeting has been tlio change In
the nuiimccnicnt. Heretofore the .super-
intendonuy has been one of financial as
well as educational management. For
some tlmu the board has been consider *
Ing the advisability of separating these
two departments , as it has always boon
dllliciilt to secure a .superintendent in
whom could bo found * i combination of
excellent business abilities and superior
teaching quatilications. The duties wcro
too numerous and varied , and onu department -
partment or the other was liable to bo
slighted. Superintendent Wychofl' has
scr\ed for a yaar very acceptably ,
" . 'ho touchers were united in his
upport , and tlio business mat-
.crs have moved along smoothly.
In was re-elected at the last June meet-
ng for another year , and his work for
he viir past was pronounced as success-
ill and satisfactory. Tlio board ren.ll/etl ,
towever , that it was dllllcult for him to
ittund to all the details of the business
ntVairs of tlio institution , as thov took his
inui and attention troin the educational
lepurtment.The idea of separating the
wo departments grew , and after consul-
ation with Governor Lurraboo and
> thers , the bourd decided to make the
ihango. They have elected as superln-
ondinit of the institution Hon. II.V. .
itothert , of Kcokuk , whose duties will bo
0 look after all the financial and busi
ness matters , buildings , etc. His
alary will be $1.GOO a year. Prof. Wye-
lioll' has been elected as principal of the
chools at a salary of $1,800 , an increase
if | 3)0 ( ) ever his previous salary , lie will
now be relieved of all responsibility and
care as to everything except the educa-
ion of the pupils. The corps of teachers
H under his direct and uole control , and
he is the head and front of tlio school
proper. Thus relieved of tinanclal and
business duties , ho will be able to dcvoto
liis entire time to bringing the scholar-
jhip of the institution to the highest ranK
posHiblo. Ho is an admirable man for
ueh work , thoroughly experienced , and
1 leader in whom all the teachers have
he utmost confidence.
Senator Kothert M well known through
out the state , lie has been m positions
if trust and honor for a score of years.
Ho was register of tlio land oil Ice at
Cheyenne under President Arthur , and
was supplanted by a democrat when the
change came in the national control of
mtronago. He was strongly urged for
.ho position of superintendent hist year ,
but the board preferred to have an ex
perienced teacher.
During vacation the buildings at the in-
tltution have been greatly improved ,
new lloors laid , paper and painting done ,
and all put in readiness for the coming
year ot school. The water supply is now
all that could bo desired. The artesian
well forces water to the fourth story ,
thus doing awav with the pump and res
ervoir system of supply.
Miss buruh E. Wright , who has served
as matron under five dill'eront suucrin-
ondonts , has returned from her vacation ,
o resume her duties in that position.
The Official Finding.
An Inquisition holden at the court room In
.he City of Council Bluffs In Pottawattamln
county , IOWA , commencing on the Oth day of
Auiust , 1887 , before Henry Faul. coroner of
said county , upon the bodies of 0. E. Ferson ,
C. W. Cnrtwrlent and Joseph Newman , de
ceased , and after a full and thorough Inves
tigation by the coroner's jury , Into the dis
aster that caused the death of the said C.
K. Ferson , C. W. Cartwrlght and Joseph
Newman ,
The Jurors upon their oath say and
find that C. E. Ferson , C. W. Cart-
wright and Joseph Newman came to their
death on the night of August 4 , 4887. by
being drowned In the waters of Lake
Manawn , In Pottawattamlq county. Iowa :
that shortly before being drowned the said
deceased persons and twenty or more others
boarded the so-called steamer Uanawa at
what Is known on the beach landing of said
boat as passengers to be carried by said
steamer to the hotel landing , a distance of
nearly a mile ; that shortly after the steamnr
lott her beach dock , and about 10 o'clock and
10 minutes ot said night , and when about
200 yards from shore and dock , the steamer
suddenly sank In about fourteen feet of
water with about twenty-nvo passengers on
board , Including the deceased , who alone
were drowned , according to the best informa
tion obtainable by the jury.
The jury further Units as the causes leading
to the sinking ol the boat that at and prior
to her going down she was and still Is wholly
unlltted and unsulted for the currjlng and
transporting of passengers.
That her capacity was very limited and her
construction bad in almost eyery essential tea
a good and safe boat. That she sank under
the pressure ot a strong wind , a rough water
and an over-load , considering her capacity ,
defects and unseaworthiness.
Tim jury further suggest and recommend
that hereafter the steamer Manawa and all
such be restrained and prohibited from In
any manner carrying oassengers ( or any
purpose of hire or profit on the waters of
said lake , and that Immediate steps be taken
for the appointment ot a competent board of
Inspectors of all boats whether propelled
In whole or In part by steam upon said lake
for the cairylng and transporting of passen
gers for prolit or hire : and that It shall be the
duty of said board , after examine any beater
or vessel , and on tindlng the same unlit and
unsafe for the purpose of carrying passen
ger ; , to condemn and prohibit the operation
of such boat or vessel on said lake.
Witness our hands this Oth day of August ,
lt7. A. C. UIUIIAM ,
P. C. UnVoi , ,
HENHY FAUI.S , Coroner.
The Informers Here.
Dstrvllle and McLaren , the two Inform
ers , who have boon so long in Omaha ,
behind the bars , were brought ever to
this side yesterday. It will bo remem
bered that they wore held in Omaha by
the saloon men on a charge of bribery ,
but really to prevent their coming to this
side , and giving their testimony In the
cases than pending. The prohibitionists ,
not being able to got them over hero , got
other witnesses , so as to proceed with the
cases. Still they were rather anxious to
have them hero , too. On being released
in Omaha they were arrested as being
fugitives from justice from Iowa , there
having boon an information filed before
Justice liarnott.'of this city , charging
them with carrying concealed weapons.
Attorney Sims tiled the charge. In
the meantime the saloon men wanted
to have control of these two in
formers , and so liled an information In
'Squire Uriggs' court , charging them
with perjury In the Uittor case. On ac
count of this complication of affairs , the
prohibitionists went about It very uuietly
to get these tnon over this side of the
river , and succeeded yesterdav in getting
them Into court , without attracting any
attention. Justice Burnett read the
charge and they hurriedly pleaded
guilty. They were fined ono dollar each
anil costs , and Attorney Situs wont
security ior them. They then slipped
out as quietly as they slipped
in and disappeared. Their whereabouts
are not known , but the prohibitionists
say they will be on baud wnon needed in
court. In the meantime the saloon men
have changed their minds about wantIng -
Ing the two men. It is understood that
the committee having this part of the
work In hand in behalf of the saloon
men , are disgusted because there are so
many saloon men who will not put up
the necessary money for expenses and
will not holt ) out In other ways. The
two men will doubtless keep shady ,
however , and not parade in public until
they have a chance to e.xamino tlio
ground for themselves.
Wanted Immediately , a lirst-class bar
ber. Must bo a sober man. John
Shickctanz , 101 Main street , Council
Imttl at Kent.
The funeral of Charles Ferson was
lolil yesterday forenoon , and was a pe-
ullarly aad ono. All the circumstances
urrounding the death of this estimable
foil lie man , and the sudden shadowing
if the homo , so happy , called forth the
ondcrcst sympathy throughout the com
munity. The last sad rites called to
gether a lanrc number of friends and
jitizons. The house was tilled to Its ut
most , and outside were many others ,
ivho sought by their presence to pay
.heir tribute to the memory of the one
ivhom all mourned , and to express their
lympathy for those upon whom
ho blow fell directly ami with full
orco. Hev. Dr. Pliplpd , of the
Presbyterian church , ofl'orcd a very ten-
: ler prayer. Kov. Dr. McCrcary , of the
Methodist church , ot which deceased
ivas a member , conducted the services.
The Merkul sisters rendered .some very
.ouching selections , "Beyond the Smil-
.ng and the Weeping , " "Peace , bo
Still , " "Th-i Half has N'cr Been Told. "
The iloral tributes were numerous , and
arranged with rare taste. Among them
, vns a harp of cut ( lowers , and a pillow
ivith a star on the top , and the letters ,
'C. B. H. A. " he being a member of that
ssociation. The pill bearers were E.
I. Hart , George Motcalf , Koburt Mullis ,
1. G. MoBrido , H. L. Shomird , Uort Sar
ent , Frank Cook and K L. liuller , of
Omaha. There was a long line of car
riages in the procession which followed
he casket to the cemetery.
A Hemnrknblo Plant Which Some-
tlinoB Creates a Decided Sensation.
Chicago Tribune : The last six years
vo developed wonderful things in
Dakota , both in the productions of the
soil and of the settlers , if wo may believe
ho newspapers , and until we have occa-
jion to doubt a Dakota editor our conli-
ilcnce will remain unshaken. Eastern
Dakota is old now and no now thing can
come out of it to startle the world , and
since tlio delicious Buffalo berry acknowl
edged to a Pierre lady , a year ago , that
it was discovered , men of science have
crossed the "We Muddy" Into the wilds
beyond , and their discoveries are numer
ous ami oven more wonderful than bo-
ore. A D.ikota editor and his wife while
out snaking recently discovered several
new species of snakes , the most inter
esting of which was the "fish snake. "
Two years ago the pop-weed lirst
made its appearance along the
borders of civilization from the interior
of the Sioux reservation ; and cattlemen
along the Missouri bottoms have had in
teresting times over since. It is quite
ate In the fall when the pop-weed ball
begins to roll like tumble weeds over the
imurics. The pop weed is a rankgrow-
nir weed known only to this section ; it
la's a stalk like the cabbage plant , with a
_ ! irge round top tlio si/.cofa Hubbard
squash and about the same color. There
lire thousands of acres of the pop-weed
n the reservation and they are very
mmerous and grow to a prodigious si/o
.n the vicinity of "alkali beds/1 When
the "terrific northwest winds" blow late
n the fall the pop-balls become de
tached from the stalks and roll for miles
ever the prairies ; until they reach un
even country or other obstructions
whore they accumulate and pile up like
high banks of snow. Behind these banks
01 weeds the wild buffalo found shelter
in mid-winter from the fierce blizzards.
If the pop-weed ball comes forcibly in
contact with any hard object while roll
ing it explodes with a tremendous re
port , a cloud of line powder passes on
through the air , and thousands of sharp
fine needles are thrown out in every di
rection. These needles arc the seeds of
the pop-weed , and * are what produce
the mischief with stock , for they
arc very penetrating. A "critter" will
run from a rolling pop-weed like a jnck-
rabbit from a coyote. The Indians now
located at Brule agency tell htrange and
Interesting stories about the weed. It is
said that the young braves of the tribe for
discipline and to prepare themselves for
great torture , would select chiefs and ar
ray themselves in buttle line and tight
with these pop-balls like schoolboys in a
snowball contest. "The battle of the
pop-weed" was hold once a year , and
was witnessed by the whole tribe with
great pomp and parade. This day waste
to the young braves what the Fourth of
July is to tlio American youth. There
were the smoke and nolso of battle to
perfection , and the fine , sharp needles
caused intense pain. The greatest ex
hibitions of bravery were rewarded by
promotion in the tribe , and presentations
of handsome bead work were made by
the young braves' best girls. But
this famous weed , that once
sheltered the wild buffalo of the
plains from the winter storms and
was used in the sham battles of the
young Sioux braves , has since become
very obnoxious to the Missouri river
cattlemen , and they are agitating the
question of the best method of obtaining
from it. In the "Village ol
op-Wocd" ( so called by the Indians because -
cause the weeds cover the ground for
miles at this point and grow very largo ]
arc the arrow-grounds. Just before
starting on the annual hunt they wont in
largo numbers to the pop-weed village
for arrows. The needles from the largest
pop-weeds are very long , and when
baked In hot ashes become very hard and
strong , and make good arrows. When
they found a large pop-ball they would
shoot into it with arrows and cause It to
explode and throw out its needles , which
they gathered and prepared for use. The
Indians went arrowing late in the fall ,
and before the i > op-weed ball commenced
to rollover the prairies all the Indian
villages were deserted. This was the
order of the tribe every fall to get their
horses and other stock out of the way of
tint dangerous pop-wood to prevent them
from running away. The pop-week is
as yet unknown to botanists.
The Iiatn Conjurer , Hermann.
London Globe : Ho seemed to defy the
impossible. I remember onceon 'Change
in Buenos Ayres ( whore , by the way , no
was an extensive and most unlucky oper
ator ) , at an hour when the building was
crowded with men. after a short delay ,
on being challenged to exhibit some tour
do force , ho lifted his hat and displayed
his own boot on his head this , bo it ob
served , without going near a table or , as
far as any ono bad noticed , seeking any
concealment for his bare foot or oppor
tunity to remove his hat. For special
occasions he spared no time , trouble or
expense beforehand that some featmlgh
wear the appearance of complete spon
taniety. Mention has already been made
in some pf the newspapers of his casting
the sultan's watch into the Bosphorous
That I did not witness , but I wai in Con
stuntinoplo when ho dined with the Brit
ish minister and a uumber of other gen
tlemen. In the course of the meal ho
raised his class.whlch had lust been fillet
with champagne , aboyo his head , and
attracting the attention of all present bi
crying , "Oh , what beautiful wine I'
caused the champagne to sink in the glass
and vanish. Ou being replenished th
nine thing occurred ; t'io ' third time the
; lass disappeared nlso. Now , the glamor
f this seemed purely incidental to the
ituutlon , but 1 happened to know the
orcthoiighl and energy which had been
xpended over It. especially in connection
with the dllllcultios of ascertaining the
> rcclso pattern of the champagne glasses
ikely to bo used and of matching them ,
Ipccmlties like this wore planned tor
xccutlon at all-tho courts where his skill
was manifested ; qud there is no doubt
hat his personalInfluencehis adroit
ness , ami his qxtrnordlnary familiarity
vlth nil tongues and patois were Invoked
nore than once by those In authority for
other ends. " , .
Ho would never suffer himself to bo
outdone by any other necromancer ; hence
ils possession of apparatus which he do-
pised. His gold-fish bowls were larger
dan those of other prcstldlgitateurs ( ono ,
leforo mo as I write , now serves as a
utllcicntly capacious bath for u family
of thirty little Japanese snakes ) ; where
hey worked with pigeons , ho used fowls
and geese ; and from thu hat ho would
n-oduco not merely tin goblets , card-
loard boxes and compressible balls , but
uutal tea kettles and lighted lamps. His
ingularly long.spare body.admittcd of his
dress-coat containing two tiers of "load-
tig pockets , " anduflordedgreat facilities
or concealment. When at Cairo ho was
rivalled by a troupe of Arab snake-
charmers , and , in spite of his detestation
of serpents , ho forced himself to imitate
heir maneuvers with two cobras from
vhich the fangs had been taken , Such
was his horror of these reptiles , however ,
hat more than once he was impelled to
rush from the stage and tear oil his coat ,
whore they wcro lying , snugly stowed
away in the profondcs. Ho designed an
ngonious wand for transformation into
a Jiving snake. This was a hollow tube ,
minted black to resemble his
isual magia wand. A snake
of suitable length was caused
to enter this , nnd a metal cap was
screwed firmly on as soon us its tail was
n. The head would now project about
an inch at the other end , over which a
rather loosely fftting cap was placed , the
whole then looking exactly exactly like
in ordinary ebony baton. To the
screwed end a fine silk cord was attached ,
mssing up the sleeve , across the chest
icncatn the shirt front , nnd down the
other arm , where it was tied around the
wrist , the length being so adapted that
t admitted of the wand being held with
both hands when the arms wcro bent ,
but effected its rapid withdrawal up the
sleeve when the opposite arm was ex-
endod. ( Ono of the vanishing bird cages
s managed on a similar principle. ) The
ooso cap was to bo removed and palmed
with ( say ) the left hand , the snake's head
exposed , grasped and drawn forward , the
action of extension causing the wand to
disappear. The effect was marvellous ,
jut he never used it in public , nor
would he avail himself of the services ot
i couple of young boa-constrictors which
' tamed for him at his own request. In
South America , however , he sometimes
urned a cage full of brilliant plumagcd
anagors into bloated swamp toads ,
hough ho didn't like them either.
How the Son of Abraham tilncoln
Wn lleoelvcil In Iowa.
There was a rciinlon of old settlers nt
Ml. Pleasant , Iowa , which is notable not
only for bringing'togcthcr ' men promin
ent in national politics , but for the fact
hat Itobert Lincoln was the leading tig-
ire of the occasion ! Ho was there be-
snuso ho was the uoti-in-law of ex-Senator
larlan , and ho made the speech of
the occasion. Ex-Senator baundcrs ,
i relative of the Ilurlans ,
Kirkwoods , and- other prominent
Mount Pleasant people arrived home this
naming. Ho describes the meeting oft
Saturday as an immense affair.
"It wa's surprising , " said the ox-senator ,
how the Bob Lincoln fever exists in
Iowa. Why , I can remember the time
when 1 went to my old home in Mount
L'loasant the question used to be 'Are
foil going to speak1 The same was the
'aso with ray orothor-ln-law , ex-Senator
Kirkwood. On Saturday it was simply
'How d'ye do ? When is Bob Lincoln
coming ? ' I fear my friend , Senator Alli
son , had better look out for bid fences. "
Pimples , boils , and other humors are
liable to appear when the blood gets
Seated. To cure them , take Hood's Sar-
Cor. 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffs.
Ono of the beat Educational Institu
.ions in the west. Hoarding and day
school conducted by tlio Sisters of Char
ity , . V. M.
Hoard and tuition for a term of live
months , | ? 5. For further particulars
address SIbTEIt SUPERIOR ,
St. Francis Academy ,
Council liluns.Iu.
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodations rirnt Class ,
And ItateN Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in the State , and Federal Court
Rooms 7 and 8 Sliugurt-Beno Block.
Council. ULUFITS
Justice of the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council BluflTi.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
C. R ? ALLEN ,
1 n
Engineer , Surveyor , MapPublisher
Over No. 12 North Main St.
Mapi , of oltlei and oountloi
Justice of the Peace.
Office over American Express.
Incomparably th Bust.
COO Broadway , Conncll Bluflg.Iowa.
Established 1657.
Vncnnt Lota , Lnmli , City HciMcnces and
"nmis. Aero property In ncstcm part of city.
All eclllnjr cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Koom 6 , over Officer & Ptiscy's Dank , Councl
Lnrgohatg In white , black and all colors. Pat
tern bonnets , hina and toques , a specialty.
No 1514 Doughis St. , Omaba ,
Special HdvortlBomenta , such as Lost , Found
SoLnnn , For Bale , To Kent , Vtunts , Donrdlnr ,
etc , irlll bolneorted la thli column lit the low
ratoof TENCliNTSPSU LINE fortbofirst laser-
Ion and ViveContiPcrLlnofo.'cach subioijuoni
insurtloA. LCIITO adTerllseincntg nt our ofllca
No. UTcarl sheet , near liroadwur. Council
Uluff * .
FOK SALK-Or Trado-Comnloto stock fur
niture , stovci , etc. ; also bulldlnK , In Rood
town on Wnbaali road 'M miles from city ; no
opposition. Uood reasons for polling , ' .forms
easy. Will Invoice about (2,500. Address or
call on Merchant , K5 ! Broadway , Council Ululle.
WANTED At once , good girl. Call on Mrs.
lUldane , corner ot Seventh avenue and
01 h street.
> 'OR SAI.B OR TIlADB.-For Conncll Bluffs
property 40,000 acre * of Iowa and Ne
braska lanO.a.J. H. Hlce , 110 Mam SU Council
\ \ * ANTED -Situation by young married man.
' ' Ilost of references. Dullness experience.
Wboloanle bouse preferred. Address E10 ,
lire office , Council Bluffs.
WANTED Situation us bookkeeper by
younir man who can giro satisfactory ref
erences nt to experience , habits nnd responsi
bility. O. U. Dee office , Council Blurts.
Situation as salesman In grocery
WANTED Itofcronccs given. D. U. T. , Bee
office , Council Uluffs.
TSTILL sell two carriages on long time or will
TV trade for hones. William Lewis.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Highest Market Prices. Promp
Return * .
820 nnd 822 Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
The finest of driYlng horses alwayn on
hand and for sale by
Finest Landaus
Coaches and H ocks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan ,
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 93.
lu Amber ,
etc.Hair On
nnmcnft , as
well as the
newest nov
elties in hair
i Hair goods
madeto order
Mr .C. L. Gillette
20 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Star Safe Stabfes and Mule Yards.
Broadway , Council llutTs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
3 I
Horses and mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. SHLUTEU & Bousr.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council lilufls.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & .Co. ,
. XO. Si3 MAIX ST. ,
Summer Dress Goods , White Goods
Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc.
com STOOK : * i
( i
Are Large and Well Selected
Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best *
New Goods are arriving and invite
Curtains ,
Work Done by Competent Workmen.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
N. B. Special attention given all orders by
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call on us.
Initrumcntt Tuned nnd Repaired. We never fall to give atillsfucUon.
Over 3O years' Experience In Piano and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluflfl , Iowa
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Bluff * Olllce , Mimonlc
Temple. Oinaliu Otllcco , 111
North 1 ( illi street.
Particular attention given to Inventing -
venting fund * lor non - resi
dent * . Special bargains In lota &
acre property In Omaha ic. Coun
cil ISIulfr. Correspondence solic
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Fancy and Staple Groceries
. . Both Domestic and Foreign ,