Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Com Leads in Interest , Governed By the
Weather and Crop Prospects
"Wheat Modrtratoly Active ntul Finn
in Sympathy With Corn Contin
ued Htrcnjitli In the Mnr-
kct Fur Onta.
CHICAOO , August 0. [ Special Telegram
TiK.u.J Corn sold all on the curb and opened
weak on free selling by two or three local
op raters , led by llulchlnson. Judging by
tils movement ? In the day Htitclilnsonvai
trylne to break the market to buy on , ( or
After tlio first half hour ho chanced front and
from that tlina on to thu closu ho was a per-
Blstont buyer. On the othnr hand iho great
majority of local speculators remained bear
ish. First trades were at 40c for Septem
ber , 41 ? c for October , and 45c for May.
Prices did not cot below this rann'o. They
did not stop advancing until n gain of IJfQ
IKc was scored , September going to 42c ,
October to 43c , and May to40 c. May led In
activity , thciu being an enormous trade In
that delivery on the way up fjom 45c. Wall
street went to cover wttli a rush. Through
out the session the market was deluged with
n Hood of speculativeolturlnirs , and whenever
there was a lull In tlm denmnd the bears
clubbed values down with treat force. From
the outside quotation given the market re
acted jtfQjKji but turned up when a ground
swell of country buying reached It Septem
ber reached 42c aialn , October 43c , and May
40Xc. The Una ! prices were somewhat
Jower , September closing at41Jc , October at
42Jfc , and May at 48 < c. The weather and
thu crop prospects were the controlling fac
tors o-day. Tbero Is now a practical una
nimity of opinion on the proposition that
tint corn crop has been damaged. The views
of operators nro at variance. A good many
people are skeptical when they are asked to
believe that the crop has been hurt within
very many points of what Is reported , and
will not concede that the Injury Is sulUclently
serious to warrant any further advance , or
maintenance of values on the range already
established. Itoom traders are playl ng for a
reaction , and a lame number of them who
took In profits on long corn l@2c below the
current prices and went the other way , are
a/gresslvely lighting further Improvement
ana contending that the hoped for reaction
will come as soon as Hutclilnson undertakes
to unload Mt now heavy holdings. The esti
mated receipts are 845 cars.
Wheat was moderately active and firm
to-day. The fluctuations were within % c
limitations and the market leaves otf where
It did yesterday. The opening was rather
weaker on foreign news , and Its general
steadiness was probably due In a large de
cree to sympathy with the strength In corn.
The light receipts and good Atlantic ports
clearances also served to strengthen the situ
ation. The lake engagements wore 32,000
bushels and the estimated receipts tomorrow
row are sixty-four cars. At this rate ef re
ceipts and withdrawals the local stocks will
soon be down to the vicinity of last year's
low water mark. They are now below 8,000-
000 bushels and there is uncertainty on the
score of future .supollcs. Duluth has largely
Increased Its elevator capacity and northern
Iowa and West Wisconsin are notoriously
below Hie average production this year.
Local elevator managers are therefore rather
blue over the prospects of decreased divi
dends. September wheat oi > cncd at C9c ,
ranged 68MWC low and 695 < @COc high ,
and closed C'JjKc bid. October opened at
70o , ranted 71 ? < ( @ 71fc. and closed at Tljfc.
December opened at 74j > ic. ranged 74S @ 72f ; c ,
and closed at 7lc.
There was a continuation of yesterday'b
activity and strength In the market tor o.its ,
the shipping demand by the water route
belnc particularly good at present.
In provisions there was a better showing
of business for both cash and tuturo deliv
ery. Traders took hold with more freedom
and a bruak of 20c In September short ribs
was followed by a decline of lOc In the same
future for lard. The market received more
than ordinary attention. These breaks ,
which occurred early and were attributed to
local manipulation and Increased outside
selling , were subsequently recovered to some
extent Based on yesterday's llnal prices
lard at the close was only 2c and September
short ribs 7 > < c lower. For September short
ribs sold from 88.00 down to 87.80. closing at
$7.00. August short ribs were 2W < 8Vj and
October 6@7)c under September. Lard sold
for September trom 56.57 down to S0.47K ,
and closed at 80.55 , with August 5c under
and October generally lOc over September.
Next winters futures averaged stronger ,
January pork closing at S12.72K , January
lard at $0.70 , and January short ribs at
Chicago Live Stock.
CHICAOO , August a [ Special Telegram to
the BKK.J CATTLE Trade was active , with
the best cattle in demand , and steady as com
pared with best cattle yesterday. The thin
and common stock from drouthy parts of Ill
inois and elsewhere were hard to sell , even
at the low prices current. There Is no place
for them. They cannot bo sold , for the
shambles and the grazer has nothing to de
pend on for feeding. Common native butch ,
era' stock , Including cows and bulls , li In
about the same condition as the thin steer !
noted above. They , too , are being forced on
the market on account of the lack of watei
and fodder In the grazing districts. The
stocker and feeder trade Is dull and depressed
from the same cause noted above ,
Shipping steers , 1.150 to 1500 pounds ,
f4.10(34.70 ( : 1200 to 11150 Ibs , 83.40 4.S5 ; 050 tc
1200 Tbs , $ ' } .00@3.75 ; stockers and feeders
S1.40@3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 31.00(5
2..W ; bulk , 91.50(32.00 ( ; Texas steers , 82,40@
ais. cows , S1.60@ .80.
lions To-day trade ruled slow , with llttli
or no change In value as compared with ves
terday. Common to fair mixed sold at 55.1 !
05.20 ; best , $5.2.1(35.30 ( , with fancy assorte <
heavy at 85.40. one car load at 15.45. Then
was only one buyer for light sorts on tin
market and that one was paying 85.20@5.2 !
for mixed light and S5.5r < | 5.80 for assorted.
NEW YOUK , August 0. [ Special Telegntn
to the BKK.I STOCKS , Weakness was thi
chief feature of the stock exchange marko
and prlcns on the entire list averaged lower
Business was of lighter volume and tlm
tended to encourage the bears to raid the mar
ket Numerous reports of drought , wltl
continued rumors about Ives and Cincinnati
Hamilton & Dayton , caused a dlsastrou
feeling , but as Cincinnati , Hamilton < k Day
ten Is a stock seldom traded In on the ex
change , and Ives Is nothing but an ordlnar ;
plunderer , his actions under ordinary clr
rumstanccs would hardly create a ripple
Hut there being an absence of other topic
to gossip about the Ives party furnishes th
largest fluid and tends to depress prices
The Cammack , Whlto and Bateman part ;
are said to favor gulling on all rallies am
the remaining bulls believe In buying on al
weak spots. But as the latter predominate
the bulls had ample opportunity to ttho\
their metal. London bought moderately a
the opening , when sales were at declines ea
tending to % per cent. The free selling c
Northwestern , St. Paul , Heading and Nortt
ern Pacific more than offset the buying an
caused a decline of X to 1 point Nortwesl
ern touched 113K before noon and Ueadin ,
64K- Northern Pacifies were sold becaus
the books closed Saturday for the electio
and there was no use In holding stocl
Points were out to buy Consolidated Gas an
It dropped 3K from yesterday's close. Thet
Is said to be a laro short Interest and som
talk of a squeeze. There was a decide
change In the market In the last hour owln
to the report that Ives and Staynor had n
ilgued from the Cincinnati , Hamilton <
Dayton , and that their trouble had been ai
justed. The shorU became scared an
rushed to cover so rapidly that prices wei
bid up , the last sales being at almost the ou
side tigure and X to 1 point higher than yet
terday , the principal exception , being Ml
ourl Pacific , which declined K percen
. ' The total tale * were 198,603 tbares. Mott <
MO.NKY On call easy nt 4QO MT cent :
last loan 4X per cent ; closed offered iU3
per cent.
ruiUB MEHCAHTILE PArEn 5Ji < J per
Srisnr.iNo ExcirANOK Dull hut steady nt
4.81tf for sixty day billi and SIMM for de
Chlcaco. Auptut 0. Following qiiot.v
tlons are tlm a : : J closing n euros :
Flour Stpitdy nnd niiclianccd.
Wheat Opflned n stindo billow vosterdays
closliic , llnctuated and closed , ' e lilKliortliiin
yesterdny ; cash , CSJ c ; September , C0 ; c : Oc
tober , 71 > fc.
Corn Active and hlelicr , with heavy trad-
Inir , closlnij Jf@J < c lilchor for near futures ;
cash. 41c : bcDtember , 411lBc ; October , 42Jfc. !
Oats Steady , spcculatlvo market sflehtly
linprovud ; cash , 24Jiu ; September , 23c ; May ,
31x < c.
ltye-43 > c.
Unrloy fee for September.
Prime * Timothy Soea sa.O ) .
Klnx Seed S1.04.
Pork Tradlne llcht , demand fair , lone de
liveries G@10c lower early , but closed hinder ;
cash , S16.U ) ; year , Sl'-1. ' ) ; Jniiuarv , 812.TO.
Lard Unsettled early , but closed rather
nulut ; cash 80.55 : September , ! 6.55 ( a.57j ;
October. O.C5QO.f,7 .
Bulk Meats Dry salted meats In light re
quest and prices caslrr , shoit ribs , .
Butter Firm on fnncv , all others quiet ;
creamery , 2t@27c ; dairy , I6 < 323c.
Cheese Firm and higher : full cream ched-
dara nnrt Hats , ( % ( grUc ; YOUDR Americas ,
KgKSirm at U@llc.
Hides In moderate demand ; heavy vrecn
salted ; 7M'c ; light do. 7 ? @ 8c ; salted bull
hides. Cc , green salted calf , > f@9cdry ; flint ,
12 13c ; drv calf , 13@13c ; deacons 80c each.
Tallow Easy ; No. 1 country , 3 > c ; Xo. 8 ,
80 ; cakes , 4c.
Kecetntg. Shipment * .
Flour , bbla . 19,000 11,000
Wheat , bu . 61.000 20,000
Com. bu . IPJ.OOO 118.000
Oats , bu . 210,000 108.000
Rye , bu . 6,000 2,000
Barley , bu . 14.000 3,000
New York. Ausust 9. Wheat Receipts ,
318,000 ; export * , 105,000 ; spot lots M@Kc
higher , with fair export business ; options
weak but recovered , stronger and advanced
h'c , leaving off tirm ; ungraded red , 72 ®
Kic ; No. 3 red , 70Mc ; No. 1 red nominal ;
No. 2 red. 79 r479Ko ; old red delivered and
Mo. 2 red September closed at 80c % .
Corn Spot lots JfQl c hlcher , quiet ; op
tions opened a sliarto lower , later reacted
l@l ? c , closing Urm ; receipts 39,400 ; exports ,
4.000 ; ungraded. 4S@48Xo ; No. 2 , ib@4S > fc in
elevator , 48 > @ 40c delivered , September
closing at
Oats { < ! Jo hlKhor ; receipts. 72,500 ; ex
ports , 571 ; mixed weaturu , 3 @ 3 < > c ; white
western ,
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at SSJ c.
Etcss Firm and In fair demand ; western ,
Pork Steady ; moderately active ; mess
S15.OUQil5.i5 for old : SIS.MSIS.GO tor new.
Lard 2@4 points lower ; western steam ,
spot , S0.b5.
Butter Firm ; fair demand ; western , 12 ®
Cheese Fair request ; very firm ; western ,
Cincinnati. Aujrust 9. Wheat Firm ;
No. S rod , n@72c.
Coru Sttongand higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats Good demand , higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
28c.liye In 5001 ! demand ; No. 2 , 43c.
Pork-Steady at $15.00 ,
hard-Firm at SO.S2&
Whisky Good demand at 91.05.
Milwaukee. Auirust 9 Wheat Market
unsettled ; cash , 69c > i ; September , C Kc ; Oc
tober 70 71Ji-c.
Corn In fair demand :43@44c.
Oats Good Inquiry ; No. a white , 28Xc.
Jtye-DuIINo. ; l,44Kc.
Barley Steady ; Septemoer , 61 c ,
Provisions Weak ; pork , August , 914.50.
New Orleann , August 9. Corn Dull
and nominal ; white , 54c ,
Oats Dull , weak and lower at S3@33 } c.
Corn Meal-Easy at 92.27X@2.30.
IIoic Products Dull and unchanged ; pork ,
915.02' : lard , re lined tierce. O.C2W.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , 95.80 ; lone clear
and clear rib , 9S.BX.
at. tiouia , August 9. Wheat Illeher ;
cash. CSXc ; September , 70 o.
Corn Higher ; cash , : ! 8c ; September , 88ifc.
Oats Higher ; cash , 24c ; September , 24 c.
Pork 915.25.
hard 88. S5.
Butter In demand ; creamery , 24@2Sc ;
dairy , 1024c.
iCanaaa City , August 9. Wheat Steady.
No. 2 red. none on the market ; No. 2 soft ,
Corn Stronp ; No. 3. cash , Sflc ; Sep
tember , 'Me : October , SflXc bid , 37c asked.
Oats-No. 2 cash , 23c bid , WXc asked.
Minneapolis , August 9. Wheat Mar
ket quiet , light offerings and good milling
demand ; No. 1 hard , cash , TIKc ; September ,
October , 67 fc on track : No. 1 hard , We : No.
1 northern , TAs ; No. U northern , 70c ,
Flour Quiet ; patents , 9.10jJ4.20 ( ; bakers ,
BecelptWheat , 01,000.
Shipments- Wheat , 24,000 bu ; Hour , 10,000
Chicago , August 9. The Drovers' Jour
nal report * as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 11,000 ; firm for best , oth
ers weak : shipping steers. 83.00 ( 4.10 : stock-
en and ipeder * , 91.40C43.00 ; COWH , bulls and
mixed , 91.0032.50 ; .bulk , S1.50@2.00 ; Texas
cattle , 8l.fl093.15.
Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; slow , but steady :
rouib and mixed , $4.70(94.75 ( ; packing
and shipping , 85.10 ( 5.45 ; light , 84.605.25 ;
Bklps , 83.00 4.50.
Sheen Hoceipts , 430 ; market shade lower ;
natives , 94.25 ; western , 83.00&3.50 ; lambs ,
94.00(34.75. (
Thn Drovers' Journal special London ca
bleeram quote market more active , suoplles
Unlit and prices KC higher ; best American
steers , \'i\ e per pound , e-itluiated.dead
National Stock Yard * . Gast St ,
Lrtul , III. , August 9. Cattle Receipts ,
4,500 ; shipments , 400 ; the market wa :
Blow ; fair to choice heavy native steer *
83. 0@4.15 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice ,
83.80(23.95 ( ; feeders , fair * to food , | 2.'JO < g
3.40 ; stockersfalr to good , a.loay.OO.
Hoes Kocelpts , l.Soo ; shipments. 400
market strong ; choice heavy and butchers
selections , 95.2.X35.45 ; packers and Yorkers
medium to choice , S&.WXgS.'JO ; pigs , commoi
to good , 84.30Q4.50.
K n City , August 9. Cattle Receipts
3.000 ; shipments ( unoniclal yesterdaj1,014 )
market active and steady on good , com
mon dull ; good to choice corn-ted , 83.70
common to medium. 8iOO3.f,0 : gtockeri
92.0032.40 ; feeding steers , 92.50 3.00 ; cows
81.40 2.50.
Uojs Receipts. 7,100 ; shipments , 400
good steady , Be higher : crassers slow am
weak ; common to choice , 84.bOQ5.SO ; sklpi
and pigs , 83.0034.75.
Tuesday , August 9.
The run of cattle was heavier than yester
day by 200 head. There were some western :
In , but the bulk ot those sold were corn fet
natives. There were some very fair cattle li
the market but none equal to those tha
brought 54.25 and 84.30 last week. The mar
ket was about lOc. lower than yesterday , bu
fairly active at the decline , More cattl
changed hands than for several days past
Butchers' stock , as well as feeders and
stockeri was slow and dull. . '
Hoe * .
Tha receipts ot hogs were HMxal. Th
s market opened a little flow , tne buyers want
Ing to take off all of lOc. A few loads of the
very best heavy hogs sold at very nearly
steady prices , but after that the market
dropped fully 6c. Thirteen loads were loft
unsold at 1 o'clock. The market closed 6IO
lower than yesterday with only two loads un
sold. The decline was felt moat heavily upon
the light and medium hogs , although some
loads of heavy hojs that were not sold this
inornlnir. siltfered the full force of the de
cline. The general quality of the hogs was
better than yesterday.
There was nothing doing In the market
Hcooltts. |
Cattle 700
Hogs 4,600
Cattle 120
Hogs 1055
Prevailing i'rloe * .
Showing the prevailing urlcuj p.ild for II va
look on this marknt :
) holcosteers. 1300 to 1WO Ibs..84.000)4.15 )
Jholeesteers , lloo to ISOJ Ibs. . . ! UK4.00 )
Fat little steers X ) to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75W3.80
Jorn-fod range steers 1300 to 1400 S.rxJWl.M
iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75f < W.OO
Jommouto medium cows 2.00(32.50 (
Hood to choice bulls l.T.YcW.riO
.light and medium hoes 4.75M4.90
iuoil to choice heavy boss. . . . . . 6.0V35.15
jood to choice mixed hogs M.UO S.OO
llcprcsentaiivo Halos.
So. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. . . . Wfi 3.50 19..1215
65. . . . IOCS 3.60 7. ! . . . . 1193 ! UO
2. ! , . . .1047 3.0U 11. . . 125 > 3 H.tW
41..1100 2.60 15..13UO 3.05
61..1370 S3.S > 0 47..1450 3.85
o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..1530 1.75 4..U.10 2.00
1..1570 2.00 1. . . 1010 2.50
1..15UO 2.1)0 ) 1..10bO 3.50
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
24. . . . 870 S2.00 8..1013 82.75
1..11M ) 2.65 5. . . . 9J4 2.75
0. . . . 098 53.15
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr
87..176 340 84.75 63..241 . .85.00
.8..214 100 4.90 63..267 ICO 5.00
63..252 240 4.90 04..301 . . 5.00
61..217 100 4.90 71..204 . . C.05
71..203 160 4.00 ! . . . . .2S7 40 5.0"i
67..243 320 4.WK 64..270 120 WO
65 . . .209 bO 4.05 63..261 120 5.05
61..247 bO 4.95 8'J..288 40 5.01
64..20fl 80 4.m 60..244 40 5.05
63 . . .255 280 4.05 69..2.14 bO 5.05
63..230 :500 4.95 70..22J 80 5.05
05..251 . . 4.05 68..243 . . 5.05
62..204 ICO 4.03 54..313 120 5.01 }
74..243 200 4.03 72..226 bO 5.05
70..251 bO 5.00 63..270 40 B.05
62..270 160 5.00 66..315 40 6.05
69..251 120 6.00 57..287 120 5.05
61..245 80 6.00 69..203 200 5.05
63..260 80 5.00 7J..343 bO 5.07K
73..256 280 5.00 70..203 120 5.07K
64..2S9 120 5.00 62..235 bO 6.07 } <
68..254 120 5.00 64..207 80 5.07 } *
61..255 40 5.00 222..245 200 5.07K
63..247 280 5.00 63..257 bO 5.10
76..240 120 5.00 59..271 40 5.10
75..215 80 5.00 61..294 bO 5.10
62..274 120 5.00 63..271 5.10
63..263 200 5.00 61..208 80 5.10
78..220 120 5.00 60. . .313 40 5.10
60..248 bO 5.00 60..277 120 5.15
tiive Stock Sold.
Showlngthu number of head ot stock sold
on the maiket to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co 343
, ooal 40
Shippers 44
Total 430
A.nglo American Packing Co 1027
i. H. Hammond & Co 410
Armour & Co. 450
Squires & Co 10T >
Total 1454
Unsold 130
All sales ot stock m this market are made
) er cwt live-weight unless otherwise stato.t
Dead hogs sell at Kc per Ib. for all weight *
"Skins " loss than 10J
, or hogs woUlilnit Ibs.
no value. Proliant sows are dockoi 49 lei ,
and stags SO Ibi. by the oublla Inspector.
tilvo Stock Noten.
Cattle active.
Hogs close 5(5ito ( lower.
A decline In the cattle market.
85.15 was the top on hogs , and 83.95 on
Thomas Self , of Self & Keith. Brock , was
at the yards wltn a mixed load of stock.
G. F. Kessler , Oakland , came In with three
cars of rattle and a load of hogs too late for
the market.
Mr. Taylor , of Taylor & Blair , Broken
Bow. was here with three cars of cattle and a
load of hogs.
U. C. Strykor came In with a load of cattle
tor himself and u load ot hogs for J. A.
Crane , Hlsings.
Mr. Mattoon , of Uobertson & Mattoon.
Blue Springs , was at the j arils and marketed
a load of cattle.
J. T. and M. M. Goodell , extensive feeders
and shippers , were in with tour loads of
bogs and three of cattle.
Wm. Dally , Peru. Neb. , came In with four
loads of native cattle of his own feeding ;
73 head averaged 1108 Its and brought 83.90 *
The live stock shippers association will
hold a reirular meeting at the exchange
building at South Umaha al 2 p. m. Wednes
day of this week.
Col. J. H. Pratt of the Pratt & Ferris cat
tle company , marketed sixty-one head of
corn fed westerns of bis own feeding. He
drove them Ironr his feed lots at Summer
G. W. Smith , Central City , was In and
marketed 47 head of 14501b cattle at S3.83.
J. W. Smith cam * in with him. He says
good cattle are becoming a lltttlo scarce out
In that vicinity.
Palmer A Ulchman , of Chicago , have con
cluded to open a live stock commission house
here. They have engaged J. B. Blanchard ,
formerly with M. Burke ; & Sous , who will
look after their business at this point The
linn will be known as Palmer , Ulclima'rJ &
The following had stock In the market :
W. C. Moore & Co. , S wanton ; Ask wig & Co. ,
Oakland ; G.Grovesnor , Tekanmh ; Buckley
& K. , Strombcrg ; Robertson & M. , Blue
Springs ; Dorsey Bros. , Weston : Clark H. A
Co. , Weston ; F. M. Lebee , Shelby ; Wilkin
son A G. , Avoca ; Perry Bros. , Wayne ; Bar
rett & Dere , Maivern ; Morse &L. , Duulap ;
G. P. Moorehcad , Duniap ; U. Smith , Mlu-
don ; Spelts & K. , David City ; Alter & G. ,
Grand Island ; G. W. Smith , Central City ;
T. Harris , Central City ; Carrigg & L. , Platte
CenterA. : P. Beman , Chapman ; B. F. Stilley
& Co. , Tobias ; S , N. lilckman , Marquette ;
W. E. Smith , MunsonW. ; W. Klock & Co. ,
Bradshaw ; N. Jacquot , Merna ; J. Ellis ,
Dowitt ; Cook & C.Ohlowa ; Gund& C. , W li
ber : K. Uldrlch , Tobias.
Atuonc those having stock on the market
were the following : Srhotield & L. Walnut :
Flcdley & U. Marno ; W. H.Earrett , Harlan ,
W. i * . Boughn , Harlan ; Uhoden it / . Mis
souri Valley , Iowa ; F. S. Pearce A Son , Au
rora ; It , K. Koberts , Havenna ; J. M.
Wlndup , Exeter ; 11. McClelland , Kennesaw ;
T. B. McPherson , Arapahoe ; C. Hunter , In-
avail ; G. G. VreelandTlunlata ; C. D. Moore ,
Harvard ; W. N. Ulcbardson , Bed Cloud ; A.
Coehler. Geneva ; G. L. Smith , Wyssctt ; B.
Ewln , Exeter ; C. Schneider , Snyder ; Fuller
F. & S. Lindsay ; Morse H. & Co. , Morse ;
Jno. Dern , Hooper ; A. M. Spooner & Co. ,
Hooper : L. B. Shephard & Ca , West Point ;
Nye W. M. Co. . Colon : Shephard & B.
Crelghton ; J. S. Smock , Beemer ; Darey &
G. , Newmans Grove ; L. L. Stephens , Wa
terloo ; F. Krolf , Schuyler ; C. A. Welch. Pa-
pillion ; A. L. Spearman , Springfield ; J.
Ilastle , El in wood ; F. A. Harris , Sterling.
Orders from the country requiring selected
stock and extra care In packing can not
always bo filled at the same prices quoted
to the local trade for common stock.
Tuesday , August B.
GEHEnAL The produce markets were
very quiet to-day and the receipts of all
kinds of produce very light The market
was almost bare of all kinds ot California
fruits but there will be several cars In during
the next two days.
MKLOXI Watermelons were a little
more plenty to-day and good stock was mov-
Ine at 810.00ai5.00 per hundred.
BRANS. Hand picked navy beans
are quoted at 81.75 per bushel and the other
grades are wiling from that figure down to
GAVE. There ! no fame coming In , the
weather being too warm to handle It
POP COIIN. There Is hardly any sulollfo
> ot ) rorn. An occasional sack Is cold aU
BKUIIIKS The season iforborrles Is prac-
Ically over. j ,
TOMAIOKS Home-pjown stock Isbccom-
mr plentv and was sold at very low prices !
iooii stock is worth abput 75c a bushel ,
PLUMS The market is fairly well supplied
with choice stock , made up of the varieties
cnown as Purple Diwhno , Bradshaw , Co-
umbla and other well known California va-
letles. Choice stock Is belling at 51.50 ® 1.75
p < r box.
PIIUNKS There are some very largo and
showy California prunes on the market ,
cnown as the Gross prunes , whlcn aio sell-
tig at 1.75 per box.
Gtui'KS California crape * nro expected to
nrrl\n In the market early hi the week. There
are n few Kansas grapes in , which are belling
nt 75c per 10-lb baskets.
Nnc'TAinxns A few California nectarlnot
am arriving , which are sold at 81.50 per box.
PK.VIIM The market Is \ > ell supplied waus
cliolro California B.utlptt pears , which llir
uoving at S2.2X < J2.50 per box.
MKI.ONS Watermeloiis have not been so
ilenty dnrlni : the past t\\o days , nnd prices
lave stiffened up somewhat. Gnnd stock Is
selline nt S15 (320 ( per hundred. Cantaloupes
$ l.fiO@1.75 per box.
Pr.Aciii'.s Thi'ro Is a gnod supply ot
poaches In , of which late Crawfords and
stiawborry peaches form the bulk. Good
stock , ner box.
Ari'LKs Tlicio Is a good supply of very
fair stock on the market at S3..V3.75. )
CKI.KUY There Is a liberal quantity of
celcrv arrlvlnc from Kal.uinuoo. Medium
sl/ed bitches , ittc per bunch.
Lr.MONi There are some very fancy largo
Ualori lemons on the market which are sull-
ng at 80.00. There ate a few Vornolll
onions on the market which are selling at
Orocor'a Iilst.
2 300 : Arbucklo's , roastdl , 2fl'/c ' ; McLaiigh-
llirs XXXX , 20j c ; Dilwortlrs , 20c ; l < ed
Cross , 20'.fc. '
CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , S2.1KX&3.10 : strawberries , 2 Ib , per ca e ,
82.702.75 ( ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per cast ) , 8J.70 ( < 4
J.75 ; California pears , per case , 84.40(34.60 ( ;
apricots , per CASO , 83.60@3.70 ; peaches , per
case , Sl.40@4.50 ; white cherries i > er case ,
S5.00 plums , per casp , $3.50(83.60 ( : blue
berries , per case , SiOOftJ'J.lO : egg plums , 3
Ib. per case , 82.50 ; pineapples , 3 Ib ,
per case. 83.20@5.75 ; i Ib mackerel , per do/ ,
1.40 ; i | b salmon , per doz , 81.75 ; 12 b
gooseberries , per cast' , S2.00r < i2.70 ; 2 Ib string
beans , per case , 81.70 : 2 Ib lima beans , per
case , $1.60 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , per case ,
82.40@2.rO ; 2 Ib early Juno per case ,
82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 52.45rf2 ( 50 ; 3 Ib corn ,
PitoVISIONS Hams , ISjfQlSKc ; breakfast
bacon. llKWUo ; bacon sides ' "
dry salt , 8i 0c : Hhoulders , 7 ? c : dried ueHt
hams , 123i3c : dried beef regular ,
hamspicnic , 8K(4Vc. (
WOOKKNWARK Two-hoop pal Is , per doz ,
fil.45 ; 3-hoop palls , 51.05 ; No. 1 tub , 86.50 ;
No : 2 tub , 85.60 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wash
boards , 81.75 : assorted bnwls , 82.25 ; No. 1
churns , 80 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns ,
STAitcii Mirror Gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves Corn ,
Ok'c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo Corn. 7c.
BIIOOMS Extra 4-llc.82.60 : No. 1,52.00 ; No.
2,81,75 : heavy stable , 84
SVHUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. 51.32@1.35 ;
Now Orleans , per gallon , : l3i$40c ( ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , ' * per gallon , 70c ;
l-gallon cans , per Uoz , , 310.00 ; half-eallou
cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans. 53.00.
CANDY Mixed , 8J < @llc ; stick , 8K@OKc.
CUACKKISS Garneau s , soil a , butter and
picnic , 4 > c : creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7Xc :
city soda , "Kc.
PICKI.KS Medium. In bbls , 37.00 ; do In
half bbls , S4.00 ; small , in bbls , 88.00 ; do in
half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 89.00 ; do In
halt bbls , 85.00.
powdered , 7@7Vc.
I ) ill K D FRUITS Apples , new , Jf's OJfc !
evaporated , 50-lbring. I7i ; ffji8c ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 27@28c ; blackberries , evaporated ,
Oj/WOKc ; pitted cherries , 12@l3c ; peaches ,
now , > { ' , Tjfu ; evaporated peeled peaches ,
c ; evaporated , unpared , c ; new currants ,
< > ? i@7c ; prunes , 4K4Jfo1 ( ; citron , 25c ; rai
sins , London lavers , $1,05 ; California , loose
muscatels , 81.50 ; new Vaienclas , 7 > e.
. Tlrrce. 7c ; 40-ib square
cans , 7c ; SO-lb round , c ; 20- 1 b round ,
7Jic ; 10-lb palls , 7Hc ; 5-lb palls , 7c ; 3-lb
palls , 7Jfc.
TOHACCO Lorlllard'sCIImax. 44c ; Splen
did , 3Sc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Leggett &
Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornnrstone , 34c ; Driim-
mond's Horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. , Sic ; Sorg's
Spearhead , , 44c.
TKAS Japan , per Ib , 3050c ; gunpowder ,
25@30c : Youne Hyson. 30@50c ; Congou , 65 ®
70cj Oolong , 30@65c.
General Markets.
SPIBITS Cologne spirits , 1W proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof. 81.10 ; do 188 proof , 81.09. Alcohol.
Ib8 proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , 81.00(31.50. ( Gin blended. 81-50 ®
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 83.00@6.00 : Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.0090.5U ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whlsklns ,
81.50(33.00. ( Brandies , Imported , 85.00O8.50 ;
domestic , 81.30c43.00. Gins , Imported. 84.50@
6.00 ; domestic , 81.25@3.00. Champagnes , Im
ported , per case , S23.00@33.00 ; American , per
case. 510.00(310.00. (
HIDKS Green butchers' , 6X@Oc ; green
cured , 7Kc ; dry Hint , Il < ai2c ; dry salt. 0@
lOc ; green calf skins. 7 > { c ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime
white , 3c ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IXc. Sheep
pelts , 25@75c.
HEAVY HABUWAHE Iron , ratn , ? 2.70 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4Kc ; crucible steel
OXc ; cast tools , dn , rXoil.'K ! ; waon spokes ,
per set , S2.00@3.50 ; hubs , per sol , 81.25 ; fel
lees , sawed dry , 81.00 ; tougues , each. bOc ;
axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 6@7c ;
cell chain , per Ib , 6) ) < 3l3c ; malleable , 8@Kc ) ;
Iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth.
4Vc ; spring steel. 4(35c ( ; Burden's horse
shoes , 54.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. 85.75.
Barbed wire * In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.60 ; steel nails ,
COAL Egg. 89.00 ; nut , 80.25 : ranee , 50.25 ;
Iowa lump , 553-00 ; Iowa nut. 82,75 ; waluut
block , $3.00 ; Illinois. 84.25 ( 4.75.
Dry Immber.
12. 14 '
16ft lit ' t ftJKi ft'zt ft
2x4 17.60 ww 'J0.50 'Jl.W 2I.M
2x8 22.6022.60
2x8 2i.u >
. . . . | g.2SlB.fiO 20.GO 23.6U23.liO
. . .Ig.60lw.50l20.50 JO.H ) 23.00
No. 1 , com , sis 81".oo No. 3 , com , sis 817.00
No. , 815.50 No. 4 , 813.00
No. 1 , 4 40 In , 12 & 14 ft. rough . 819.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " " . 10.M )
No. 2 , " " 13&14 " " . 16.00
No.2 , " " 10 " " . 17.50
A , 18 , 14 and 16 ft 521,50 , C. 815.50
B , . 20,50"D. 13.50
1st com , in WUlte Pine Celling . 834.00
2nd " " * . 2H.CO
Clear , In. Norway PJneCeiHng . 16.00
2nd com. tf in " JM " . 14.00
A 6 In Wlilte PlneSft ? ? , ° b 820.60
B " " " 83.50 1) 31.00
E " ' " ( SeL > ' nclng ) . 10.00
. . . . . . . . 54..50
No. 1 , com. . , - . . . . . . . . . . . 20.50
" " l ft . 1H.M )
NO. 3 " " " i. a . 19.00
" " " " , 16ft . 17.50
12 Inch Grooved Hoofing 81.00 per M. more
than 13 In. Stock Boards same length.
No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 inAvn . 810.50
No. 3 " j..u . 17.60
No. 1 , O. G. , 8 In ; V.V . 10.50
1st and 2d , clear , 1 , 1J { Inch , s. 2 s . 850.50
Sd. clear , linen , s. 2 s. , . 45.50
" " IK. IK , 3 In . 40.M
A select , l inch , s. as. , . 40.00
" " IK , IX. 2 In . 44.00
B " 1 inch ? s.2 s. , . 80.00
" " IK. IK , 2 In . 37.00
Com. 4 & 6 In. Flooring . 817.50
Star " " . 2L60
Clear In. Celling . 21.50
" Jfln. Partition . 5.0fl
" Finish , 1 & H { In. 89 s . 20.
" Corrugated Celling , 4 In . 25.00
" Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
Clear Poplar Bx. Bds. % In. , s , 2 . 835.50
" r' K In. Panel. B. 2 a . 27.00
" " Corrugated Celling , K 28.50
OGBatts,2Kln , . 500.7 !
" Jx3ln , s. H. . 00.4.1
a In. Well T\iblng , DAM and Bev. . . . . 23.0C
Pickets , D & U Flat . aasc
" " Bquar * . 21.W
. . . . .
XX clear . .S-UO Extra A * S2.00
* A Standard . . 2.75 A HB&B 13.55
6 iu. clear Nol. . 1.60 Lath a. 03
White cedar , C In. , KS.I I2c ; 0 In. qrs. , lie ;
Bin.qrs. , 10c:4 In. round 15c ; Tennessee
lied Cedar , split , 15c : Split Oak , 12c.
ttME , ETC.
Qtilncy white limp , ( best ) OPc : Akron cement ,
81.75 ; I lair , SOc ; Plaster. SU.75 ; Tar board ,
S1.75 : Sash , 40c per ct. : Doors. 40c per ct ;
Blinds. 40c per ct. : Mouldings , 40c per ct ;
Tar felt , per cwt , 54.23 ; Straw board , 81.75.
Hunnlnc nctwcon Council HluIT nnd South
Omaha. In addition to the stations mentioned.
trains stop at Twentieth aim Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit m Omaha.
Wont ward.
11 LS1U11M
And Chicago
The only road to take for DCS Molncs Mar-
lualltown , 0 cdar KaplUN , Clinton. Dlzon , Cnlca-
, Mllwaukco and all [ lolnts east. To tlio l > coo -
ft o of Nebraska , Colorado , WyomlnK. Utah ,
abe , Aovada , Oreiron , Washington , and Cali
fornia , It offers superior advantages net possi
ble by any other lino.
Among afuwot I lie numerous points of sn-
Efcrlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road
between Omnlm nncl C'llcaoro.itro Hi two trains
aduyof DAY COAUHKS , which are the finest
that human art and liifranulty can creuto Its
PALAOUB SLKKI'IKG CAHS. wlilcli aio models
of comtort and olcpanco. Its PAULOU D1IAW-
INO UOUM UAItS , unsurpassed by any. nnd Its
wdluly celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAItS ,
the equal of which cannot bo found clsowlioro
At Council niuffs the trains of the Union Pacific
Hy. connect In Union Depot with those of the
Chicago & Northwestern Hy. In Chicago the
trains of this line make close connection with
tnoBonf all eastern lines.
For Detroit. OolumbuR , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Niagara Falls , RurTalo , I'lttsburirToronto ,
Montreal , Iloston , New York , Philadelphia ,
Ualtlmoro , WashlnRton and all points In the
east , ask for a ticket /la the
If you wish the host accommodation , All ticket
agents sell tickets via this line *
Genl. Manager , Gun ) , Puss'r Agent
Chicago , III.
Westarn Agent , City Pass'r Agunt ,
Umaha Nebraska.
Chicago , Milwaukee &SL Paul Ry
27te Best Route from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to ]
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha nnd
Council BluUs
Chicago , -AND Milv/aukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesvillc ,
BeToit , Winona , La Crosie ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast
. . . . and Southeast.
1 or through tickets call on the ticket aKcnt
at ItOl Karnam it , In Paiton hotel , or ut Union
Pacllo depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars
In tbt world are run on the main line of the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ilullway and v
ry attention Is paid to passengers by courto
oua employees of tbn company.
1C MU.I.IIR. General Manager.
J. F. TccKClt , Assistant General Manager.
A. V. K. CAitriNTEK , Oencrul Passenger and
Ticket Agent.
Gio. K HiAf rene , Assistant General Pan ft-
1 or and Ticket Agent
J.T. CtARK General 8uperlntend.ent. . . .
Agricultural Implements.
Wholesale Dealt r In
AjrrlctiKnral Implements ,
Cf-rrlagei RiiJ Ilngclo. Jnnrn Uroot , lioliu'on Ml )
_ ndl0th.0ni hi > . M b. _
Agricultural Implements ,
. Hie. , Wholtnalc , Om-.h .
WbulCJtlo Dealer * la
AgrlcuHnral Implements ,
IVaf on nnd nuptlos. 001 , W. IQ3 nml 107 , Jones t'
Artists' Material.
A. .irOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos nml Organs ,
1513 DoiiitlM Street. Omtht.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
" "
iuilders'Hardwaro&Sc.'tlo Repair Shop
loclmnlcs'Tooli * ml Buffalo HrtUi. KM Dou8lm U ,
- Omnlii , Nob.
Books and Stationery.
A. T. KEN VOX a1 CO. ,
Wtiu'otnla anil He ull
tfooksollurd ami Stutioneiv-f
522 Doiiiln < 8t..Onmhn , Nub. Tt-lopliono 601.
Coi rn nonilriion
Boots and Shoes.
Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoes.
Ill Farutm it , Omnhn , N b. ll uuf ctorj , Biimmor
tltt t. llunton. _
Z. T. LlXDbMl it ) CO. ,
Wliolcsiilo Kubbcr Hoots ami Shoos
livtliuur ntiil OlliMl ClotlniiK ami I oft Hoots nnJ
! hocii. Ull Hm-ncv Strpct.
Lpjfcr Beer Brewers ,
1521 North 19th Street , Omnbt , Neb.
Butchtrt' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
aniage Cailnm of all klndi nlwaji la ( toek. HIS
Jone t.,0m h
Coffet , Spices. Etc.
Omaha Correo and Spice Hills.
T * i.0offm , Spirt" . Baklni Pewdtr. I1iTOrlnrB
lr cu , laundry lllu . Ink , Blc. UK-16 HanM7
_ Street. Om h .M b. _ _
Cornicf. .
Jqhn Epencter , Prop.
UMivfaotarer of Oalvanlied Iron and Cornice. K3
Dod e and 188 and 106 N , IQtli H . O mh . Neb.
llanuficturera of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dorm r Wlndowi , HnaUMet llcSk7llthl , tc. 319B.
lltb < t. , Omnlit.
C. Speeht , Prop.
GitlTanlzeri Iron Cornlcft , etc. Bpcct'ilniproTcd Patent -
ent HfUllc Skylltlit. 609 and 618 B. llltt i-t.-Onmha.
JobberH of
Jarpcts , Curtains , Oil Clotlis , Bncrs ,
Ilnol unii , Mattlnim. Rtc. 1S11 DOUK'BI ' llruet.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for 'bo Manufacturers and Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware ,
LnmpB , Chlmneii , etc. Office , SIT Buuth ISth at.
_ Omaha , Nab. _
Mammoth Clothlnjr House ,
Corner I > nrnnin and Tontli Btreeta Omaha.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Hotter , Kfgannd Produce. Conslinmenta aollelted.
Beadquartera for Stoneware , Berry Boxr > a and
Urape llaikeia. 1 < U Dodge ilreet , Umaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Speclaluea Butter , E KI. Cheeie , Pa iltrr , Game.
Ojitcrs. etc. , etc. 1128. llthat.
Commission Merchants.
FmltB. Produce anil I rorliloni. Oniaba , Keb.
co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Onmr , Kiulta , etc. MO B. llth it
Omaha. Neb.
Coal antf Lim .
, Prei. C. F. OOODUA w7TT Pi i.
J. A. HCINDKRLAND , Bee. and Traa.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
2MSoulri Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
( : co. ,
Manufacturer , ! of Illinois White Lime.
And Shipper * of Coal and Coke. Ca-nent , Planter ,
IJme.lialr. Mra Ilrlck , Drain. Tile and AcwerPIpe !
Dfllce. I'aiton Ilcplit. Karnam U. , Oiniha , N b.
Tel nnone lt.
Cigar * and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tohacco ,
Gun and Ammunition. 316 to223 B. IHn it. , 1WO to
\Vt \ Kmrnnrait , Ora-\b , N b.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Deulcra In Leaf Tobaecoi , Noa. 108
and 119 N.tlh atreet. Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH 0 CO , ,
Dry Goods , FurnishiiKf Goods &Notions
lllrt and 110 < Douglas , cur. llth at , Omaha , Neb.
Dlillllera of Liquors , Alcohol and RplrlU. Importer !
and Jobbcn of Wlneauml Uquori.
CO. and ILER a > CO. ,
Importera and Jobberi of Fine Wlnaa and I.lqaon.
lole raanur eturtr > o ( Kennedr' * Bait India Bit-
tcra and Doraeailc Llqunra. 1)12 ) Mirnar St.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Faro km tt. * Om b Neb
Furniture , Beddinff , Upliolstery ,
Ulrrori.etc. 1906,1108 and 1310 Karnam it. , Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOL , TOb,7IT ( , 70S and 711 S. 10th 81 , Omaha , Nab.
Wholesale Grocers ,
lln and I.tavonwortU ata.Omaha.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Shut Iron , Rte. Aganta for now * ScalM ,
and Miami PowderV.Onaha.Neb.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprloii , Wagon . Block , nardwaroLumberetc. _ 1201
knd 1711 turner it. , Omaba.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
\TatronandCarrlaneWooilBtock , Hearj Hardware
Ktc. UI7 and H ) l-cntrnwurtb it. . Orouliii , Neb.
Stoves , Ranireg , KurnaccH , Tiles ,
Mantlei.Uratei , UrataUooda. 1X11 and U23 Vcntaa
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Troueht ami Cait Iron rlulMlnir Work , Iron Platm ,
llallliiK , llfoirn aniKllnlern , Kteam Knclnfa , Hn e
Work , Ui.norM Foil nil rjr , Mnchluo anil MI cH > niHU
foTk. omcoani WotkiU. p. Ity.andKlhftiect.
11. .If. SA Uf\'El { ,
Innnracturlntr Dealer in Smokestacks ,
Urltchlnjti , Tnnlm.aiiil ( IliHlor Itcpiilrlni.
Ull IKiilue stti'Ct.Omalia.
Mnnnfncturcri o (
Ire nnd Iron Kallliiffs , Desk Rails ,
Vlnilow Ouartln , Mower Stand * , Wire Slcit , Ho
1JJN. Uth. Orders by mill promptly aUenJeiHo. .
Dc.ile-- ' . . AIIKIuilsof
Bulldlnfi : Material at Wholesale *
13th Stroct and Union Pact Ha Track. Omaha.
) caler in Lumber. LtUli , Lime , Sash
) oor § , Ktc. Tanld Comcr'th nnd Uuujlaii Cornet
llth nmt IKi\ \
Wliolcsnlo Lumber ,
It S. Uth utrccl. Omaha , Nob. F.Colpctior , Manager.
13th nnd California Ptrof In , Omahn , Neb.
fit ED W. GRA Y ,
Lnm ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Ktc.
Cor.Gth and Dontlai sti. , Omaha. Nex
To Dealers Only.
Offlct403 \ Farnurn itr otOmaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpeta and Parquet Flooring. Vth and Dongla *
" *
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Portland Cement. JUatt
Agent ( orMilwaukee Hydraulic Cemeut ana Beet
yulncy While Llroe.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
LtmlUd. Joha V. Bojd , BoperlnModcoU
Lire Stock Commission.
Live Stock ConiinlHHlou Morclmnts.
Market furolthccl free on ap | > ll < allun. bloc kera an
fecilera rurnlili < l on ROIX ) tuniis. Reference *
Onialm NHtloiml II ink ami Bimtlt ( Imahn NntlunitV
Union Stock Vurdi , South Onmlia.
Live Stock Commission.
_ O o. nurkp , lan K r
Union Rtoek Yardi , H. Oniaba. Teltphono Mt.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
IhlpmcnU of any and all kinds of Stock solicited.
_ Union Stock Vanl . Omaha. Nfb.
Millinery and notions.
Importorr nnd Jobb t of
Millinery anil Notions ,
1713 and 1215 Ilarner Rt , eel , Omaha , Neb.
\Vholexate Dtalera In
Notions nnd FuruisliiiiR : Goods ,
40J and 405 8. Tenth St , Umaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeana Panti , Sblrti , Ktc. 1103 and 1104 Oouilaa Street
Omaha , N b.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
: arrri nlceatocknr PrlntliiK , Wrniplnic and WritIng -
Ing paper. Hpeclal attention ( rlron to car load or
ordera. which will be ahlpped dlrrct from mill" . All
ordera will reeelTe penonal attention. Weguar-
"d ' " " prlcol > Ul * nnA llu *
Job Printers , Wank Book Maker * . . .
And Book Illndera. lOi ! and 10H Routli Kourteentb
itraat. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary PuliliHliors.
Dealer ! loTipo , 1'rexei ami Prlntera'Suppllea. (09
South Twelfth Ktroet.
klanufactnrera and Pealcra In
Hollers & General
Hbeet Iron work , Bteam Pumpi . Saw Mllli , Aom
hat tlnx , Dodf Woolapllt rullara. Baiting , ( to ,
Aliowaiaat , tcrapan.aniltialalKa. Itli-iaiLt-
Tenwurlhit. Omaha
\Vholosale PunipH , l'iic | , Fittintrs ,
BtearannJ Water fluppllua. H ailquarlcn fir Malt
Koi'tCo'i Ooo > la. Illltaruain al. . Omaha. N l > .
Wind Mllni r-teara and Water Puppllea ,
hlumbing Uondi , lultlag. lloie. 1'IS ' nnd UJU far *
nam at. , Omaha. 8. K. Felton , Mauautr.
lelephnne No. 210.
rumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bteam , Water , lUllwar and Mllllntt Hupulict. KiA
MO. KBandMiKaniam it.Uaiah . Nob.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturer nml Dealer' In all kind ) of
Kulilier ( foods.
Oil Clotlilnir nnil l.t-inliir llclilnu , I OS Knrnnin ft.
Safes , Etc.
P. BOYER 0 CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
rire ad Hniv'.ar Proof Safui. Time Ixx-ka , Vault *
_ nd J\ll Worn. 1M ) > arnnm itruft Onialm , Neb. _
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufacturer of Fire and IldrElarProofSafea. Vault
Uoora.Jall Wiirk.hhutcera and Wire Work. Cor.
llth anUJacknonBta.Omi.ha , Neb ,
Sasti. Doors , Etc.
WboUiale Manufacture ra of
Sash , Doors , lilinda nml Mouldliifirs ,
Branch oMce.Ulli and Itar.t it . .Ocaha.ytt ? .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
lloild'jigi.Stalr Work and Interior Hard Wood finish
Juatoveova. N. K. cor. llhaud h
tloiaba. Nob.
Lincoln , Neb.
Thn bCKt known und innet poiiulur hotel In
the state. Location central , appointments flrat
class. HendqimrloiH for coiiunnrcltil men and
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Wo will pny liln'lit'Bt pilco for same.
Made tit lowest rat OK. CorreMiontloiiceVillclfoi
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