Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1887, Page 2, Image 2
t . i-x- * f-.p THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : j EDNESDAY. AUGUST 10. 1887. y condition and the weather moderately cool The f olio wlnjc Is the summary : ' a- 2:37 : trotting race : Mlntv Morning -first , lilttle Nell second , Problem third , Clara fourth. Host time 2:21. : 2a pacltiK class : Ed Annan first , Lndy Wllklns second , Ideritn third , Dr. VTcst fourth. He-it tlme-a:17 : { . The 3:21 : clasi was unfinished when dark- tires put an end to the snort. Charles llogan lind taken the first heat and Loretta V the sucond and third. lost time 2:19. : The Third and Lmst. Harper , the now Omaha ottchcr , made the lilt of his llfo yesterday , and should now re tire on his laurels , lie only gave seven men bases on balls and hit four others. It seemed that If ho couldn't send a man to base one \vay , he'd do It the other , and after the Oinahas had won tha game In tlio second in- ulng , by piling up seven runs on a beautiful bunching of lilts , ho turned right around and ttavo It nway by tlio most slovenly work In tlm nolnts seen on the home grounds this season. Jantzcn , the catcher , was also olT , and caught and played all round llko the veriest novlco at the game , in truth the local battery yesterday was an unqualified botch , nnd when at I la best it Is but of the uiosl ordinary description. Both sides were kulsomlnod In the first Inning , but In the second the Omahas on seven corking hits , Including Walsh's homo tun and Meosltt's two-bailor , and a bouquet of errors by Johnson , scored seven runs , and tlm handful of people present howled with delight. In tlio second and third the Topekas scored ft single tally each , but In the fifth they took the cake , the crackers and the bakery , rolling UD no less than six runs and not making a Blnule hit This Is the way the old thing worked , and It IB a fair sample of the wholu game. Stearns went to on live bad balls , stole second without half trying , and went to third on a passed ball. Weriicn was hit by Harper , and ran down to the next bag on a passed ball. Johnson hit out toward Dwyer who rot the ball and threw homo In plenty of time to catch Steams , but of course Jantzen inulTcd the ball , and Johnson took second , ftacullar then goes to first on balls , and Harper thumps Uoldsby In the ribs , and Wor- den Is forced In , nnd still tiie bases are full , bnced lines one to second , and Mossltt by a lightning throw home * nIps Johnson at the plate , leaving all the bai s still occupied. It Tuen to liven up matters Macullar runs homo on Jantzon's third passed ball , nnd the t. others move up a base. Arden hit to llarper , . who threw to first , but too I a to , and on lawyer's throw to third to cut off Uoldsby , the ball pots by Messltt , and Uoldsby and tineed both score. Qunson Is sent to first on balU , forcing Ardnor to take second , and Uie next minute he ran clear home on another passed balk Stearns out to .Dandle ended the agony. Here Jantzon went to the field , Dandle to second , Messltt to third and Pusselbach bo- li I nd the bat , but the change did not bring victory. The Topokas tried hard to lose the game , but Itva Impossible , and just as darkness was coming on they knocked In a couple of runs and the game was ended. f , , TIIK acoiiK. OMAHA. P09. All. It. PH. TH. 113. PP. xTlT Walsh . .ss 5 a i Io 15 a p Dwyer. . . . Y.ab , 5322 1 10 1 1 Mossltt..2b Fusselbach..3b 5 0 1 1 0 0 0 Under If 6 0 2 0 0 1 ( lcnlns..m : 5 2 1 1 2 0 0 Jan(7Cn..c ( 0 0 1 Handle. . Harper p Total. 41 10 13 18 5 26 14 3 TOPRKA. roq. Ait , it. nu. in. ns ro. A. K. Btearns. Ib 5 a 1 1 0 15 0 0 Werden m 4 Johnson so 4 Wactillar. . . . ss 5 Goldsby it 4 tineed rf Ardner . 2b Uunson..o ; Con way . p t Total . 40 lT 14 17 "a 37 17 "o SCORK 11Y INNINGS. Omaha . 0 7000031 0-10 1'opeka . 0 1106101 1 11 SUMMARY. Runs earned Omaha 7 , Topeka 1. Two-base hits Messltt , Bauer , Werden. Three-base hits Ardner. Home run Walsh. Left on bases Umaba 5 , Topeka 7 , Double play * Walsh , Messltt , Dwyer. Htruck out By Harper 3 , Conway L Base on balls By llarper 7. Bases given for bitting man with ball- Harper 3 , Oonwayl. Passed balls Jantzen 3. Wild pitches-Harper 6. Time of game Two hours and thirty min utes. utes.Uinplro Alexander. , ? - * - . ' To-Day' * Game. The positions In to-day's eame which Is called at 4 o'clock , are aa follows : Omaha. Po . Topeka. Dandle . c . Kenyan Healy . . . . p. . Dooms Dwyer . Ib . a learns . . . 2b . Ardnet acli.i . 3b . Johnson "Walsh . ss . Macullai lladcr. . , . If . Uoldsby Uenlns . cf . Werden Jantzen . rf . Snood Lincoln 2-1 , Wichita 12. IJNCOLN , Nob. , August 0. i Special Tele- eram to the BKK. | The second Lincoln vi Wichita game was stale and umnferestlnir The home club put Hughes In the box th < first six Innings and played an Indifferent practice g ame throughout Wichita playec schoolboy ga me and were no match at anj point { or the sluggers. In order to save thi yame from being called on account of dark hots Hart and Swartzel pitched tbe closing Innings for the home team. Following Is Tins BCORK. MNCOI.NB. IPOS. Alt. u. in. TH. ro. A. K Eeck" ley Ib 7' 4 13 fl J Lang 3b 7 1 2 a o Jchaffor. . . . . rf 0 4 9 a o 0 JDolan 2b 0 3 10 3 Kloover o 8 3 4 3 Ilerr ss 0 1 1 3 liugnes p&cf 5 5 4 8 3 Hait p&cf 0 3 4 10 8 pwartzei..p& If 0 3 3 4 2 Totals. ) K ) J4 M 43 27 14 WICHITA. fO9. All. 1U In. Til. I'D. A. K flump , rf 5 Daniels p 5 tthanlnghausor..2b 5 lialer If 5 Whistler Ib 5 HcLcllan 83 5 liOlRhton Sb 5 Bchultz o 4 Jlendrlcks of 4 Totals 43 13 15 21 2Y SCOIIK Or INNINGS. Lincoln 1 4830141 Wichita 5 ooooooo l i : Kuns earned Lincoln 18. Wichita 8. Base on balls Daniels2 , Hughes 1 , Hart 1 liomo runs llart (2) , Dolan. Threo-basu hits Beckley , McLellan , Dolan IliiKhoa , Ilaler. Two-base hits Dolan , Swartzel , Ilalor Bchultz. Struck out-Daniels 2 , llart 3 , Swart zolL. ' Passed balls-iSohultz 5. Hit by pitcher Daniels 2. Lett on bases Lincoln 4 , Wichita 3. Umpire U. N. Mostier. Time of game a hours and 30 minutes. Kansas City 11 , Hasting * T. HASTINGS , Neb. , August 0. ISpeclal Tel cgram to the UKK , | The homo team was de Xeated to-day. following fa the score : Kansas City I 0 3 0 0 3 3 2 - ! UastiiKS. 0 1930100- liuusearned Hastings ; } , Kansas City 5. Two-baso hits Kin go. Three-base hltsCurtls. . Home runs Lllllc , Manning , Mansell. Bases on balls Daniels 0 , Uofford 6 , Time a hours and a * mlnutca , The TUK of War. i LINCOLN , Neb. , 'August ft [ Special Tel < rgram to the HER. ] On Friday. Saturda ; * ud Monday the. Topeka base ball chibpla tlie Llncolns on tne home grounds , In thi city. These games will be tlie hottest an most closely contested of any during tii euon , and on them will largely depend th using of the pennant. The homo club are I first class shape with their pitchers In excel lest form for work. Lovers of the gam tbe UuMi exhibition of boll ov rrtayed In the state on these days , and par ticular p-xlns will bo mode to accommodate visitors from different points In the state. BIoRIrn Execute * Ills Throats. KANSAS ClTT , SlO. , AUKUSt 0. | SpOClal Telegram to the BEK.J The trouble between A. V , McKim and the Kansas City base ball association culminated to-day In Me Kim causing a portion ot the foncn around the park to bo torn down and an excavation for a house tin proposes to build on his portion of tlio nark commenced. Secretary Monges. of the base ball association , stated to-nUhl that by chanzlng the location of the diamond the tram would still be enabled to play ball on the grounds Northwestern League. DKS MOINES , la , , August 9. Thn only Northwestern league eamo to-day was at Du lutli and resulted : UsIHtosh 1 , Duluth 13. National Lcnicito Gumo . Prrrsnuno. Aucust 9. The came between tween the Pittsburg nnd Boston team : to-day resulted as follows Pittsbnrg G 0 0 3 0 0 2 5 1-2 , ' Boston 3 00000100 : Pitchers lladbourne and Kelley for Bos ton , Morris for Flltsbursr. Basehlts Pitts- htirg 27 , Boston 13. Errors Plttsburg 0 , Boston 13. Umpire Powers. CntcAoo , August " . The game between the Chicago and Philadelphia teams to-day resulted as follows : Chlcapo 0 00000400 ' Philadelphia 2 1141420 2-11 Pitchers-Baldwin , Vanlialtern nnd Wil liamson for Chicago , BuUllnKton for Phila delphia. Base hits Chicago 8 , Phllnnelphla ! ! . Errors-Chicago 14 , Philadelphia 2. Umpire Sullivan. INDIANAPOLIS , August 9. The came between the Indianapolis and Now York teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis 2 02001000-f New York 0 1301303 * 1C DKTJIOIT , August 9. The gaino between the Detroit and Washington teams to-daj resulted as follows : Detroit 2 0201000 8-1 ! Washington 1 0202050 0-U Pltchers Twltehell and Burke for Detroit , O'Day for Washington. Basehlts-Oetrolt 23 , Washington 'JO. Errors Detroit 1 , Wash ington 4. Umpire Sullivan. American Association. BAI.TIMOHF , August 9. The game between the Baltimore and Metropolitan teams to-day nreultedas follows : Baltimore 2 0111320 0-10 Metropolitans..3 0000001 0 1C The came was called In the ninth inntuf on account of darkness. BUOOKLYN , August 9. The game between the Brooklyn and Athletic teams to-day resulted as follows : Brooklyn 3 02220000-8 Athletics 0 0300200 0-fj LOUISVILLE , August 7. The game be * tween the Louisville and Cincinnati teams to-day resulted as follows : Louisville 3 0010001 -6 Cincinnati 0 20101000 4 Sr. Louis. August 0. The game between the Su Louis nnd Cleveland teams to-day re sulted as follows : St Louis 3 0000303 3-11 Cleveland. . . . . .0 001 23200 8 Charged With Fraud. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , August 9. L. 0. Laurence , ex-president of the Minnesota & Bradner-Sralth Paper company , which made an assignment a few weeks ago , Is sued for ? 0,5a7 by the assignee and charged with fraud In appropriating real estate belonging to the concern. Edwin L. Laurence , of Boone county , 111. , and llalph W. Klrkham , the other stockholders , are made parties to the fraud. * A'PROHIBIT. ION WAR. It la ! Being Very Vigorously Waged at Alliance , Ohio. CLEVELAND , Ohio , August 9. There Is a prohibition war at Alliance , Ohio. This was one of the big towns of the state to vote for local option under the Dow law. The saloons were voted .out several months ago and the energy of the entire police force has been Inadequate to the enforcement of the ordinance. Numerous heavy fines and jail sentences have been Imposed upon the saloonists bat they continued to violate the ordinance. Last week a temperance demonstration was hold , and tbe liquor dealers attempted to counteract Its effect by giving away beer and whisky In the streets to all who asked for it Several minors ( were among those who drank. To-day six of the saloon keep ers who have given liquor away were ar rested. Upon being released four of them went to the depot and mistaking a stranger whom they saw there ( or one of the detec tives who assisted In the prosecution , they Bet upon and .beat htm unmercifully. They were orreitnd. ONCE MURE DECLINES. Charles F. Crooker Will Not Answer Certain Questions. SAX FRAKCISCO , Gala. , August 0. Before the Pacific Investigation to-day Charles F. Crocker once more'declined to answer the question of the commission whether the Cen tral Paclllc had paid any money for inllu enclug state or national legislation and wlml explanation-lie had to offer for paying bills without vouchers. The commissioners have not yet decided whether they will Institute proceedings in the United States court tc compel him to answer or not. Lloyd Tevls president of tbe Wells-Fargo express com pany , said Leland Stanford , Charles Crockei and Charles F. Crocker had been directors ol that company since Its consolidation wltl the Paclllc express. By the terms ot thi consolidation the latter company received one-third of the capital stock of the Wells Fargo company , or three- and one-third mill' ions. THE NEW HEBRIDES. England Will Insist That France Withdraw Her Troop * . PAUIB , August 0. Le Paris announce ! that tbe English government has requested of M. Flourens , minister of foreign affaire that France name a date for the ovacuatloi by France of the New Hebrides and tha Flourens In reply declined to do BO untl France shall be Informed of the nature o England's policy In regard to Egypt and ate to the naturalization of the Suez Canal. LONDON , August 9. Sir J. Fergusson , par llamentary secretary for the foreign office stated In the commons this afternoon tha England never acquiesced In the presence o French troops In the New Hebrides. 11 added that the English government were un willing to believe that tha French occupatloi ot the New Hebrides would long contluui and declared that the government wonld li nowise consent that the withdrawal of th French from the New Hebrides should bi postponed until an agreement respoctlnr th < neutralization of the Suez Canal had beer reached. Sued For Libel. KANSAHCITV , Mo. , Auzust 9. ISpecla Telegram to the BEIC. ] The Evening New of this city was to-day sued for $30,000 dam aiicsby Mrs. Annie Clark , the cause bplm the1 allegation In the napur mentioned tlm Mrs. Clark nnd one William Bllllngsly wet criminally Intimate. A West Virginia Lynchlnir. CnAIU.KSTON , W. Vo. , August 0. Oliarle Williams , who was confined In the jail o county for tha murder of Jamoa Al surveyor of the county , a few day , was taken from Jail last evening b , citizens and hung , Thn Kansiis Corn Crop. TOPRKA , Kan. , August 0. The Kaim corn crop will not be so largo ns was tuitlc ! pated six weeks or two months a''o ' , th drought of July having inatnriallv ntfwti' It. But , as a whole , unofficial crop report are more favorable to-day than Itva ; ! > possible a week ago. Flro at Salt Lake. SALT LAKK , Utah , August a A llro thi morning damaged O. M. Scott's hardwar store. ItomliiKton & Johnson' * tcroco'ry nous and Jovln & Parks' jewelry utoio bcriousl ) Losses aggregate $55,000 , with ample luiui anco. An Insane Drnatnltnr. Nr.w TonK , August 0. Thomas J Mooney , the alleged dynamiter wluisut lir to the National line Htenmer , ( in vn , wn found to bo lusano to-day. Off Per Il r Harbor. HALIFAX. N. 8. , August . -Admiral Luci U. S , N. , will leave Halifax for Bar llarbc next Thurauay on the war ship Ulclunond. WHAT RILLED GEORGIAM ? A Colored Woman's Mysterious Death in a Cell of the City Jail , POLICE BRUTALITY SUSPECTED. How n Colored Cyprlnn Perished In the Lock-Up and tha Htart- llng Rumors of the Canao. A Wmnnn'n Strange Death. Gcorgio Clark , the castaway , whoso death yesterday morning nt the city jail compelled a non cst in hot cnso to bo rondcrc'l as a pica , promises to attract more attention in death than she claimed in life. The circumstances of her death are involved in such conflicting accounts and formed such a largo space in yester day's papers , that the HKK , determining to ascertain the full facts OH obtainable from oppostto sources , detailed a re porter last night to visit all the persons connected with the affair in any manner. The deceased is universally described ns having been of a color between mulatto and black , of a vivacious disposition , possessed of an education obtained at 'the high school m this city , and being a skillful pianist and and a good singer , She was born and raised in Omaha , where her mother and sister now reside , and took to the town after the death of her husbandwho com mitted suicide on account of jealousy at her light conduct. She was in a measure reclaimed by a man named John YY. Fielding , with , whom she lived as his mistress , adding to Jicr support by him in playing on tlio piano at various houses of ill fame in the city. Jnoldin ? , who is also known by the name of Shakespeare , was formerly a soldier and latterly in partnership in the liquor business with Hans Young , whoso sudden flight from Omaha some weeks ago with the part nership assets , compelled the re maining partner to accept a bartender's place nt the saloon opposite tbe Metropolitan hotel , on Douglas street , whore ho was found last night by a reporter. Ho is a white man and disclaimed any regrets or shame felt for the ambiguous position ho sustained towards the de ceased , alleging gratitude un his part for kindness receive * when needed , at her bands as the reason of his forgotfulncss of color in bestowing his protection upon her. His story is as follows : On Monday night between 10 and 11 o'clock he saw his paramour going towards their lodging place on Farnam street and followed her , thinking by her gait that all was not right. On passing the corner nearest to her abode , she was observed by two policemen , one named Brady and the other whom he docs not know , who also followed her. So main tained her gait until reaching her home , where she foil in a swoon in the vestibule. There she was met by the proprietor of the house , a man named Ewalt , who , in stead of assisting her to her room , sig naled to the two policemen , Brady and the unknown. Their arrival and his own wore simultaneous. Ho bogged the o ul cers not to arrest her , disclosing his re lations to her and assuring her that he wonld remove her to her room and prevent - vent any disorder. They disregarded his entreaties and remonstrances , and order ing him gruffly to 'more on , ' dragged the woman along the flags in her insensible condition to the nearest patrol box , fully forty feet away. By this time she sulli- ciently revived to be able to talk , and en tered the responsive patrol wagon with out much assistance. Fielding fur ther said be followed the patrol wagon as far as possible and arrived at the station in time to see the woman then partially recovered from her stupor , thrust into a cell with a dissolute white woman named Hose Mulev , who resented the intrusion and the two began a frco fight. Fielding says they fought for a long time undisturbed by the police ; ho alleges as his reason for not interfering and demanding of the police that they separate the combatants , his fear that ho would bo locked up , an event which would prevent Ills presence m court in tbe morning with bail to liberate his dusky friend. Continuing , he says that after some time when the yells of the women became unbcarabblo , Officers Ormsby and Crawford entered the cell and parted them. In removing tbe de- coastul to another cell , OIHcer Crawford , who bad hold of her , brutally struck her , not once but several times. After being violently thrown into the now cell she never spoke. A reference to witnesses who saw the brutality was furnished. While Fielding was narrating hia story to the reporterXftlcer Crawford in uni form entered , demanding a retraction of the statement in an afternoon paper that ho ( C. ) violently dragged the woman from the patrol wagon to the jail. This retraction Fielding cheerfully made , de nying the utterance of such a charge , but persistently refused to exonerate the ollicor further. French Em's house , in which the dead woman had often in lifo played the piano , was next visited. Both the pro prietress and the inmates bore witness to the many good qualities of Georglo Clark , and said they seldom saw her under the influence of liquor , and never helplessly so. ' 'If poor Georgio had come here last night , " said French Em , feelingly , "this would not have hap pened. " f , } . P. Dorwood , a black man , was found at Wood's hotel , on Capitol avenue , bu- twoon Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Ho was a prisoner in the jail at the time of the occurrence , and corroborated fully all of Fleming's statements regarding Crawford's brutality. Ho says he will swear positively to the blows struck , and the identity of Crawford as the man who struck them. Ho further says the women went cant ( led to fight , and such taunting remarks as "III Hose , you got to sleep with u iiigRor to-night1 and others of a like kind were usort to o asperate and nngnr the white prostitute. 1 ho body of the deceased is laid out awuiting interment at her mother's honsu on Capital avenue , near Ninth struct. An Inspection of it discloses a coiilusioa over one of the eyes nnd wounds on the breast , side nnd groin , 'i no resembling the prints of boot 'u > Is. Much bitter fooling is manifested n uiu residents of the vicinity at the liiuto of the coroner's inquest and the fact tliut the relatives of the dead woman weru not Infarmod of her dnatn , which was discovered by thorn accidentally while the body lay at the undertaker's ready for transit to the Pot tor's field. The sister of the deceased said that yesterday morn ing while she and her mother wore on their way to work , passing the city jail , thev were saluted by two of the police ollicors , who allowed them to pass on without intormint them of Georgie'e death. At the jail the officers worn reticent , simply contenting themselves with deny ing in tote the charges of brutality. About midnight Mr. Maul , of the firm ol Drexel & Maul , repaired to the house ol the deceased and placed ice on the body. At the inquest held jn the morning , the police to whom alone the coroner could look for the facts in the case , deliberate ) } withheld all testimony of the violence , greater or- less as. It may bo , which they certainly know. . the woman had auflorcd at Ihctlr hands. To further cloud the fairj purpose of the pro ceedings Detective liorlgan secured n place on the jnryu Tl'o verdict , so speedily found , was'written ' by D. M , Connell , the foreman , and sot forth that the woman had comtvto her death from the excessive use of o'lickor. " Whothoi this travesty on iK6 'sblomn ' proceedings was a betrayal ofjgnoranco or an out break of honthonTsn , humor , none but the author can explain. The excited colored fncnda of the dead woman announce their dctormina- tiou to prosecute an invcotigation. A MASSIVE ORNAMENT. The Hlg Buffalo Ueact Casting for the Union Pacific Bridge. A telegram received from New York last night , states that yesterday after noon , Mr. Favoy , of the Favoy Bronze works of that city , cast a bulFulo's hoiul out of bronze for tlio Union Pacific mil road company. The head will bo placed on the bridge now building across the Missouri river from Council Bluffs tc Omaha. The casting is the largest single plcco over cast in this country , weighing 0,000 pounds. _ Mr. Morsu'n Successor. The feeling Is now obtaining among railroad men that the appointment oi Mr. Tibbitts as the successor of Mr Morsp as general passenger agent of the Union Paciilc road is but that of a fiann head , and in no way likely to satisfj the requirements of the position , Mr. Tibbetts is a man of bnl comparatively slight experience in tin passenger business , and is not such ns tc warrant his successful coping with the duties ot the ofllco. It is also alleged that the appointment , if such it nia\ bo termed , is but temporary and that the real successor of Mr. Morse IP tc bo cither John N. Abbott , chairman ol the Western Trullio association and ex- general passenger agent of the Erie road , or A. C. Dnwes , general passongei agent of the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs. Mr. Abbott is ono ot the brightest and best known passonccr men of tlio country , a protege of Jay Gould' * nnd a friend of Mr. Potter's. AN ELECTIONEERING TOUR. Indiana Farmers Think Cleveland Shontd Resign Temporarily. LOUISVILLE. Ky. , August 9. The follow ing remarkable resolutions were adopted bj the farmers' alliance ot Floyd county , Indt ana , at a meeting on Saturday night last They are just made public : Resolved , That there Is no promise , elthei expressed or Implied , by which tht people of the United States must pay their president 84,000 per month or any othei sum whlln electioneering for a second term of office , therefore , We call upon President Cleveland before stmH ? on his pending electioneering tour 'through the west and south , to lirst write 6uf his resignation as president and iilo it With the proper ottlcet in Washington. , , Kesolved , Further , that the president and secretary of this alliance are hereby In structed to forward avertilied copy ot these resolutions by registered letter to the presi dent of the United States. Striking1 hpiniicrs. FALL RIVEK , Mass. , August 9. The larg est meetlnsr of the Spinners union for many months was held to-night to decide whethci to support the striking sblnners at the mills of the American Llnou./and / Mechanics cor porations , and whether to authorize a strike at all the mills where grievances exist. The union voted to sustalmthe strike on eondl tlon that the strikers abide by the decision ol the executive committee , who are authorized to order a strike at any mill where they think a special grievance exists. BalloonUt Baldwin Jumps Again. UOCKAWJLY BKAOH , N. V. , August 0.- Protessor Thomas 8. Baldwin , of San Fran Cisco , this afternoon successfully repeated his feat of jumping from a baleen In mid all to earth by the aid of bis patent parachute. At least 30,000 persons.wltnessed the jump His fall Is estimated at 1,100 feet , occupying one mlnuto and twenty-four seconds , and he lauded In shallow water In the bay. " " " " " "Cheynnna'a Street Railroad. GCMI CHEYENNE , la. , August . fSpeclal Tele gram to the BEE. I The Cheyenne Street Railway company commenced the work ol laying rails on the street railway this morn- Inv. f'ifty muu are employed and several mites of track will be laid and operated till ! season. Struck Tor Shorter Hours. MINNEAPOLIS , August 0. The Journal's CrooKston special sys 200 men at T. B. Walker's saw mill struck for a reduction from eleven to ten hours' work. The Bulgarian King. VIENNA. August 9. The Bulgarian for eign minister , accompanied by Prince Fred- crick , of Saxo-CoDurtr-Uotha and retinue , has started for Bulgaria. A New York Dry GooiU House Assigne NFW YORK , August 9. Klasely , ToddtS Co. , wholesale dry goods dealers at SOU Broadway , made an assignment to-day. Assets and liabilities not known , All Correct. STILL WATER , Minn. , August 9. The com mission appointed to investigate the affairs of Brown , receiver of the car company , has reported that every dollar of the accounts are correct. A Runaway Returns. DANVKIIS , Mass. , August 9. Miss Phoebe Woodman , the adopted daughter of the peel Whlttler , who ran away from home a weeli or ten days ago , has returned. Eyervbody goes to see the grand An- dress Novelty show , cor. 18th and Shur- man sts. Licensed to Wed. The following marriage licenses were issued yesterday at the court honso : < John M. Lamcke , Council Bluffs 61 i Mrs. Ellen Klose , Co.iinci ; | Bluffs. a ; i liernhard Kelly , Oni ! > hsi 41 1 Mrs. Mary A. Stevenson * , Omaha 4 ; I William II. Mortlmnt.tUmaha - ' | Frances E. Whlttow , Omaha X ( Mason S. Frl.vselle. O'mdha 2 , ' ILulaYounir , Omahafoj. 2C Take the little onosAtosee the most relined lined and entertaining exhibition of the day , Andreas' pavilion , 18th and Slier man sts. > Personal Paragraph * . Hon. Church Howe/'js / ' in the city. Charles Evcrloy , ajtw known business man of this city , leuw-1 for Chicago tbU evening on a short pleasure trip. W. M. Wright , A. B. Shuttuck , E. N , Jones , A , T. timithW. A. Mercer , auil Henry It. Wright , U.S.A. , are registered at the Paxton. Mr. Max Goldonrath , assistant treas urer of the Chicago opera house , if spending a few days In the city , the guest of Mr. George Mahler. Mr. J. li. Patterson and family , who reside on Georgia avenue , have just re turned from an extended trip to Port land , Maine , and other eastern points. Charles Ogden returned yesterday from a tour around the lakes and through the northwest where ho has been courtmp cooling breezes and uobnobDiug wltli loading democrats. UM United States Senator Paddock is reg istered nt the Millani ; W. L. Masinnis. chief justice ; Robert C. Morris , territorial stenographer ; and Colonel Luke Murrin , county clerk , of Chuycnue , are at the Millard. A BIG H1DMCDT SESSION. Tbo Council Works Through a Mountain of Documents- THE JULY EXPENDITURES. Sixteenth Street to Bo Ro-Chrlstciiocl aa Bhorman Avenue The Council Bluffs Bridge Approach Again Other Matters. The Council , The council mot last evening , the fol lowing members being present : Alexan der , Boyd , Burnhnm , Counsraau , Ford , Hasc.ilI , Caspar , Kiorstcad , Kitchen , Leo , Lowcry , Manville , Bnydcr , Vnn Cnm nnd Mr. President , COMMCNtCATIONS. From the Mayor. Vetoing the ordi- nnncos providing for the grading of Webster from Twenty-eighth to Thir tieth ; Eighth from Furiiuni to Douglas ; Locust from Bull Line to Twenty-fourth ; J'iurco and alloys south und north of same from Tenth to Eleventh ; alloy in block 10 , Kountzo & Un til's addition , on tlio ground that the carrying on of the work would create an overlap. Sumo Approving about ono hundred ordinances providing for the opening , grading , and widening of streets and alloys m tlio city. Same Vetoing the ordinance provid ing for tlio opening of tlio alloy between Farnam and Douglas nnd Twentieth und Twenty-fourth streets. This ordinance was passed over the veto. The vote of the mayor , regarding the opening of Twenty-second street from O. K. Chatham to Patrick's Saratoga addi tion was not sustained , being over-ridden by the majority vote of the council. From the Mayor Approving thn con tract with George W. MoICinnoy for the grading of Twentieth street. Filed. Same Approving of Regan Brothers' paving contract. Filed. Same Approving the sewer contract of Ryan & Walsh , nineteenth of July. Filed. Same Approving curbing contract with Wlioleu & Bronnan on 20th of July. Filed. Same Asking for the confirmation of John Doll as watchman on the Eleventh street viaduct , and asking , the council to pass a resolution authorizing the ap pointment , none sucli.boing now in ex istence. Confirmed. John Doll's bond , with that gentleman , Fred Stubbondorf and Ernest Stunt as sureties in f 1,000 , was approved. Same Appointing . J. Kennedy , E. Zabriskio and Joseph Hodman appraisers for the damages resulting from the change of grade of California street from Twenty-second to Nineteenth. Con. firmed. Same Appointing Joseph Zabriskio , Joseph Redman anuVV. J. Kennedy ap praisers for the changing of the grade of Popploton avenue from Twenty-second to Twenty-fifth street. Confirmed. Same Appointing W. A. L. Gibbon , W. J. Kennedy and E. Zabriskio ap praisers for damages for the widening of Dodge street , in section 21,1C , 13. Con- tirrued. Satno appointing John Furay , W. J. Kennedy and W. A. L. Gibbon appraiser * ) in grading Twentieth from Cuming to Locust. Continued. Same Appointing W. J. Kennedy , W. J. Maxwell and T. A. Croigh as ap praisers for the grading of Cass from Twenty-first to Twonty-llfth street. Con firmed. H. A. D. Balcombo Setting forth that the city is not paying clerk hire for work on the board of public works. Filed. Same Presenting contract of Hugh Murphy for paving of Jackson between Seventh. land Ninth streets ; sewer con tract with same for district 57 ; paving with cedar blocks , by Regan Brothers & Co. , of Cass street in district 134 ; sewer ing district CO , by Dulaney. Murphy & Co. ; severing district 58 , by P. H. Me- Auloy. Approved. The bond of B. F. Baker , with Joseph Archibald and P. J. Crccdon as sureties , , in the sum of $3,000 , Baker being the superintendent of the now city hall. Ap proved. RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Boyd Notifying Tom Murray to remove the sand from the front of his building on Fourteenth street , or to com plete his structure immediately. Ap proved. Mr. Kaspar Instructing the board of public works to tighten the bolts and rods now loose on the Sixteenth street via duct. Approved. Report of the council as n board of equalization. Adopted. Mr. Alexander Ordering the estab lishment of the gradn of Thirty-sixth from Cuming to Hamilton street. Adopted. Mr. Manville Instructing the comp troller to insert in the next appropriation the pay for the judges and clerks of the last election in the lirst precinct of the Eighth ward. Mr. Bailey Instructing the board of public works to fill California street from Twenty-seventh to Twenty-eighth. Adopted. Mr. Lee Instructing the street com missioner to put Maroy street from Thir tieth to Thirty-second m a passable con dition. Adopted. Mr. Counsman Instructing the Belt Line company to put up a gas lamp on Sixteenth street and their track. Adopted. Mr. Ford Instructing the street com missioners to grade both sides of Tenth between Capital avenue and Davenport street. Adopted. Mr. Bailey That the board of public works bo Instructed to make no contract for curbing any street or part of street which has already been contracted for paving. Adopted. Kaspar Establishing water fountains on Sixteenth and Vinton , and Twentieth and Pierce streets. Adopted. Mr. Counsman Relieving the territory north of Grace street from the jurisdic tion of the poundmnstor. Police. Mr. Burnhnm Directing the board of public works to ascertain whether Kie- witt & Johnson , brick makers , are re moving earth from Twenty-ninth nnd Parker streets to a point below the grades of said streets. Adopted. Mr. Lee Ordering grading in front of All Saints' church on Twenty-ninth street. Adopted. Mr. Bailey Suggesting the removal of the driiiKing fountain for the Nebraska National bank to the corner of Eleventh and Capitol avenue. Adopted , UErOKTS. Judiciary Recommending the passage of an ordinance relating to unlawful acts. Adopted. Same Opposing the acceptance of the bonds of 11. B. Smith. G. I. Gilbert , for informality , as members of the police and fire commission. Adopted. Same Making the license of peddlers $60 per year. Adopted. The following communication was road from the city treasurer : Gentlemen : The police and fire funds are exhausted and the general fund will be In a weak or so. That means that warrants which will be Issued between now and Janu ary 1 , shall bear Interest at 7 per cent and be dlscouiitcclr-if sold at all at a loss to the owneis of from 1 to 3 per cent of face. This Is a hardship to the men who work for the city , De they contractors or servant * of the government. And yet this order of things has existed time out of mind. Apart from the direct loss to the tax-payer In being compelled to pay 7 per cent on the city paper , there is a ( creator Indirect loss iu this : That labor could be obtained and work done at much butter rates It there were a reasona ble probability of having cash to pay when the warrants are Issued. Stationers , furni ture men , and contractors Keoerally will HB- ure Interest upon their JSlds. Moreover , tlie petnlcnce ana anger of creditors are some- tunes very embarrassing. 1 believe that all of ttaiu earn be . remedied. There Is no law In existence to prevent tlit cltv council from raising the valuation ol property as returned by the county assessors , But , If this course tw objectlouablo- and tax-payers would no doubl protest against It the.ii there Is r safer and bettor plan : Balsa the valuation of districts or wards to correspond with other districts and wards. There Is n picoo of property whoso owner holds It at n valuation ot 315,000 which was returned by the assessor at 8750. The city council sought to raise this and other descriptions last year , but the owners ot the property protested because them were very many more glaring Inconsistencies which re mained undisturbed. Why not brlntr all such cases up to a common standard ? This Is equalization. The assessors'valuation ot Omaha Is 51,000,000. Itouulit to bo 840,001- 000. You cannot make a levy ot more than 4 1-10 per cent. Four percent on 840.000,000 Is Sl.COJ,000-a big tax , but , If collected for ono year , there would bo a gratify Ing reduc tion thereafter until a minimum of U per cent would be reached. * * * JOHN HUSH , City Treasurer. Mr , Hasoall said that ho buliovod tiiat n part of Mr. Rush's communication was all right and ho believed in it , but an other part ho thought w.ia a little off. The police and lire fund was not ex hausted. If it wore true , as mentioned , thU the fund was exhausted , equalization would not , could not , act ns u remedy. It was not true that there was no cash to meet tlio warrants. Mr. Leo moved that the communication bo referred to tlio committee on linaucu. Tlio motion prevailed. Sewerage Rudommundinp the build ing of n sewer in district number 3 from Fourteenth to Eighteenth. Adopted. Same Recommending sewers in dis trict GO. Adopted. Fire and Waterworks That waterpipo be extended to the northwest corner ot thn county poor furin. Adopted. Sewerage Ordering sewer , water and gas connections on Thirteenth and Vnv ton streets and of Eighteenth In district 53. Adopted. Judiciary Recommending the hiring of rooms in St. Sosoph's hospital until ar- rnngomonts can bo made for a city hos pital. Viaducts Instructing the Omnha and Council Hi..a- , ll.l.l -A * .1 nil's Bridge company to desig nate ono street upon which thuy shall build their approach to their bridge over the Missouri on this side of the river and and give bond to pay for damages which may bo sustained by thn building of thn approach to the same. Mr. Bailey said ho favored limiting the company to two streets from which tc select the approach and would allow thorn thirty days in which to make their selection , after which they should lese tlie privilege of cither. Ho thought that eventually they would select cither Doug las or Dodge struct. Mr. Snyder said that ho did not think the company should bo allowed moro than one street to select ns an approach. Mr. Ford said if it were true that the contractors were here to build the bridge iu question , ho could not see why they wanted six streets to select from. They ought to be just as competent now to se lect a place us they will a month hence. Mr. Burnham said ho thought Mr. Bailey's idea a good one. It was neither top restrictive nor yet too oppressive. The amendment was adopted. Grades and Grading Recommcndina the extension of Webster from Hillside addition No. 3 to Kearney street. Adopted. Police Objecting to granting tlio peti tion of J. S. McOormic nnd others to abolish the standing of expresses tit Fif teenth and Farnam. Police. Grades and Grading Ordonnc Con tractor Stuhl to inform the council what permission the assistant city cnginecer gave Mr. Hight to move his house on Eleventh street. Adopted. Judiciary That no further legislation is required as regards hack stands. Adopted. Police Opposing the passage of the ordinance creating a milk , vegetable and fruit inspector- because of the uncertainty attending the foes of the same. Adopted. Same Sustaining the opinion of the city engineer in the matter of driving over viaducts and the running of engines thereunder. OUDINAHCES. A number of these were read a second time and referred , among them being that changing the name of Sixteenth street to Sherman avenue. Thn following wore passcdi Paving Nineteenth from St. Mary's avenue to Lcnvonworth ; changing the grade of Davenport from Tlnrty-iirst to Thirty- sixth street ; grading Twentieth from Cass to Davenport street ; opening streets in Saundora' addition ; opening Southwestern avenue through lot 31 , creating sewer district GO ; ordering sewer connection on Thirteenth and Vinton , in sewer district 57. and Eigh teenth in sewer district f > 8 ; extending Webster from Hillside addition to Ken nedy street ; grading. Twenty-first from Leavenwortli to Brigg's addition ; placing lire hydrants at Twenty-second and Seward - ard , Nineteenth and Pierce , Thirty-sec end and Corny , and Ninth and Castellar streets ; grading Grace from Twi-nty- second to Twenty-fourth ; grading Picrco from Twenty-seventh street to Twenty- liftli avenue : paving alloys in paving dis tricts 31 , 23 , 30 , 31 , 33 , 33 , 34 , 83 and 38 with Sioux Fails granite ; constructing a sewer in district No. 3 from Fourteenth to Eighteenth ; declaring it unlaw ful to carry on a slaughter liouso within the limits of the city as they existed in 1880 ; appropriating $03,787 57 as city oxpnnacs for July. This was amended by adding to it , the bills of the Herald and Republi can , $430 each , for advertising. Mr. Chairman wanted this ordinance referred , as it had been amended. Adjourned. _ See the great Maynard family , circus grounds to-duy , with Andreas' show. Brcvlileo. The internal revenue collections yes * torday amounted to $3,041.09. Articles of incorporation were tiled yesterday for a now firm to be known as the Homo Investment company. Their lease of lifo ia to be fifty years , ns a real estate , loan and trust company. Edwin B. Rowley , Elmer C. Finnoy and Charles K. Collins are thn incorporators. They start with a capital stock of $50,000. John A. Andreson , who was tried yes terday afternoon before Justice Ander son for maliciously assaulting Max Haman last Sunday night , was lined $100 and costs. Ho has taken an appeal to the district court Both the parties in the case are wealthy , and old residents of the county near Elkhorn. The cnso before Judge McCulIoch yes terday was that of William J. McGnvook against William G. Sloan itnd Jonas P. Johnson. McGavock sues for $1,000 due him as rent accumulated and money loaned to the defendants when they worn in btraigbtcdod circumstances. Tlio evi dence is all in and the arguments of the attorneys will bo heard this afternoon. Be on the ground at 3 and 7 p. ro. to sec the queen of the high wire , charming Eniniu Muvuard. Cor. 18th and Suerman Bis. , to-day. HONZ A In this city August 0 , at 3:20 : p. m. . Jennie May. daughter of John W. and Annie M. Hon/.a , aged 10 years U montli and 15 days. Funeral to-day at 3 p. m. from the family residence. Fourteenth and Pacltic streets. CO.N.VKK-ln this city Auitust . Maud F. , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Con nor , aeert 1 year , 3 months and ( I dayp. Funeral will take place Thursday at 10 a. m. from the family residence on South Nine teenth , near Castellar street. They'll Take a llaml. OTTAWA , Ont , August 9. The Free Pr says : "Inquiry at the liuhery dnimrtmoiU shows there aio good grounds for tlio stato- rnont that the British wAr vessdn will take a hand In the ninery protcctfoaservlou. " CAUGHT WH1LK ESCAPING A Crooked MlneapolU Officer Rolcnsoi a l > rlnonnr too Hoon , -4 * MiNNKAfoLis. Minn. , August 9. Some days ago a young man named Bradley , alias Thomas U. branklm , whoso parents live In Illinois , was arrested for attempting to pass a forged deed for S5.0JO , since when ho has been conuned In the city jail. Yesterday County Attorney Davis received a hint that a scheme was on foot by a prominent attorney and n police of ficial to secure Franklin's escape. A deputy slicrlfT was placed to watch the prisoner , and at midnight lie was arrested coming out of an alley back of the jail. He had a wrench In his pocket which hud been given , him to wrest the door from Its hlnces. He was ngaln jailed under a now warrant. There Is much excitement In official circles over the scandal likely to arise. A Blcc Winning Transaction. MtLWAUxr.i : , Aueiist 9. Thi stockholders of the five Uogcblo Iron mines , known as the Burton property , to-day transferred them to the Besseraor Consolidated Iron company , ot Now 1'ork , of which ox-Sonator Stephen W. Dorsoy was elected president , Jesse It. Grant secretary , and ox-Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Charles K. Coon , troasuier. All of them were present. The prlco paid for the live mines was S'J.IUO.OOO. The consolidated company has a capital stock of 87,500,000 , and had made a tivo-ycar contract with tbe company , which will build llftcun cloain VPS- sols to carry ore from Ashland to Cleveland at 81.50 per ton , tlio prisont rale bolus 82.W ) . The company contracts to ship 800,000 tons per year. An Opera liouso Roof Caves In. SiMtiNGKiKi.D , Ills. , Ainrust 0. The roof o Chatturtons opera house fell In this after * noon , carrying a luizo amount ot debris Into the center of the bulldlne , which was ser iously damaged. Architects say thn accident was duo to the extreme heat and dry weather , which shrunk the timbers. Now York Dry Uoodn Marker. NEW YOIIK , AueustO. As usual to Tues day , the market was quiet In demand with t ' aeents , but movements of goods returned , Rood salrs. With jobbers there was an Improved - proved trndc. That Tired Feeling The warm woatlicr lias a debilitating effect , especially upon these who are within doors most ot the time. The peculiar , yet common , complaint known as "that tired feellue , " Is the result. This feeling can bo entirely overcome by taking Hood's SarsaparlDa , which gives new llto and strength to all the functions of the body. "I could not sleep ; had no appetite , t took Hood's Sarsaparllla and soon began to sleep soundly ; could get up without that tired and languid feeling ; and my appetite < Improved. " U. A. BANFOHD , Kent , Ohio.9 > Strengthen the System Hood's Sarsaparilla Is characterized by three peculiarities : jjt , the combination ot remedial agents ; 2d , tlm proportion ! 3d , the , procctt ot securing the actlvo modlclnU- qualities. The result Is a medicine of unusual 1 strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown. Send for book containing additional evidence. "Hood's Baraapaillla tones up injr ay it cm. pnrlfles my Moou , sharpens mv atipetltc , and seems to mike mo o\cr. " J. 1' . THOMPSON , Kcgister of Deeds , Lowell , Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparllla beats nil others , and Is worth Its weight In cniii. " I. luumxoTOjr , 130 Bank Street , Mew York City. Hood's ; Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists , tl ; six lor | & . Made only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mas * . IOO DosesOno _ Dollar. HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM , For the Fact , Nerk , Arm * and Hand * . Isnmatchlrai IjIqulU , Uuoranteed Pure and Htrlctlr llnrmlffli. Intlantlu Applied and Never vrlettett. Ulvri * woiulrrrnUr niaoolh. Holt. I'llftble "U Melinite PkU. A Pearl llko Complexion tUitfed wltb th * blush or the Itose. Alabaiter Keek , Arm > and Unadi. Brit * tuelMmptrn , lllolchei , Sunburn , Waleriau.yiitrrbr li , HonBhncf" , Kediir. SiijIowntM , .and aU BK.1M ULUMlHIIKn auil anilotlooi are removed. HeturmuK from a hot walk or drive , one U Immedlntelr rmted and refrttbert after uilnx It , Ladle * itouM iiercr be without It. Give the I1ALM a TrUl I . T- WILL NOT UNHQOK WHILE BEINO WORM. Krery lady who desire * perfection in ftlvla * nu lorta tboufd wear them. Manufacture ! only IIT Uio 'WORCESTER CORSET COMPArW. , Worcester , Mass. , ncT Ji3 Market street , Clikigat CONSCIOUS WORTH. " It ; John MTU I'm too neat a clrl \ > j all odds tot tbi * hmiso , and be' * right Tbo lic ! l A houli wlicro they don't nio8 polot" ! Everybody known our old friend SAPOLIO , and'tis said truly , "A well known friend Is ( i treasure. " Sapollo ( n n solid caUo at Scauilrig Koap. Try it in hoino-clcftnlti'g. , kt * . I. ( OouyrlgM. U ch. I