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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1887)
- * OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 10 ! 1887. NUMBER 58- MISTAKEN FOR A POLECAT , Hiram Bchoonover Shoots Dawn His Moth er-in-law in Cornfield - - a , LITTLE BOYS HANG ANOTHER. A Shooting Affair at Nebraska City History of Dick Foster's Crime Thaycr Talk * to the Boboul Teacher * . Thought film Wan a Hkunk. BBOWNVII.LE , Neb. , August a [ Special Correspondence of the BKE. | The examina tion of Hlrnm Schoonovcr for the murder ot his mother-in-law , Mrs. Sloss , bas devel oped a queir state ot facts. Schoonover cul tivates a farm near town. For weeks past his melon patch and cornlleld have suffered from the depredations of the small boy , and Hiram decided to lay for him. On Saturday night armed with a shotgun nnd dog , he waited for the enemy. About 10 o'clock nn object appeared In the corn and slowly approached. The dog sprang at the Intruder and suddenly retreated. The action of the dog convinced Schoonover that the Intruder was a sKunk , and as soon as it came within lighting distance ho tired. Springing to the place where the victim fell ho found that ho had shot his mother-in-law , Mrs. Mary J. Sloss , an old lady aged seventy. The charge of small shot penetrated her left thigh , pro ducing a frightful wound and causing death in a few hours. Coroner Operman took charge of the re mains , empanelled a jury and field an exam ination of witnesses on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Schoonover , their son Henry and sev eral neighbors were examined. The only point differing from the facts above related was made by George Sherburn and Colonel S. M. Klch , neighbors. The former testified that Mrs. Sloss complained that she was not well treated by Schoonover and that ttie people need not be surprised If they should iind her dead some day. aherburn further testified that Schoonover said to him last spring that if Mrs. Sloss would perfect the title to her property and then peg out he would bo fixed. Colonel Klch stated that Mrs. Sloss came to him to have her will drawn and oxpro.ssed the fear that the Schoonovers would kill her. She did not wish to leave her property to them. Schoon over denied the conversation sworn to by Sherburn , and exclaimed , with tears In his eyes , " 1 killed the old lady , but 1 wouldn't have done It for anything If 1 had known ft was her. I love her now , and she couldn't ha\e done anything mean enough to make mo not love her. I would as soon shot my self or any of my children. " The moon was rising when the accident happened. He could not explain why Mrs. Slws did not speak before the shooting , Ho did not think of speaking himself. He thought the old lady did not care whether she was Killed or not , as she was tired of the world. She had a strange weakness for roaming In the fields at night and taking things , and near where the body was found tlieio were several ears of corn which she had taken from the stalks that night. The jury returned a verdict "that Mrs. Sloss came to her death by the hands of Hiram Schoonover. who shot heron August 6,1887 , about 10 o'clock p. m. , with a smooth bore rlflo loaded with line shot , and we , the jury , find him euilty of manslaughter. " Schoonover has lived In this vicinity for twenty-one years , and has always borne a fair reputation. All sorts of rumors arc now afloat regarding his family troubles , and many are disposed to believe that there was more method than accident In the tragedy. Another Account. BIIOWNVILI.E , Neb. , August 8. [ Special Telegram to bo BKE. ] Iltram Schoonover , a resident of this community , shot and killed his mother-in-law , Mrs. Sloss , Satur day evening about 10 p. m , mistaking her foi a Rkunic. The old lady had been In the habit of taking corn from her son-in-law without leave and usually In the night It Is reported that the parties were not on the best terms , The circumstances seem against Schoon over , but he claims to bo Innocent and that It was a mistake All parties were church members nnd activt workers , and were supposed to bo a harmless family. The coroner field an Inquest Sun dav evening. The verdict rendered Monday found Schoonover guilty of manslaughter Schoonover was brought before the Justice court yesterday afternoon , waived examlna tlon and was bound over In the sum of $1,000 Ho could not give ball , so ho Is now lu jal awaiting trial. A Dodga County Boiiflatlon. FKKMONT , Nob. , August U. [ Special t < the BEE. ] Another Dodge county sensa tion , nnd this time , as usual , it Is located h the vicinity of North Bond. The man whc furnishes the sensation Is a farmer namcc Alonzo Parrlsh , living In Cotterell township live miles northeast of North Bend. He ha been a resident ot Dodge county for rnanj years , and Is well known. A few days age lie rame to Fremont and negotiated a loan ol 93,000 on a portion ot his farm , Inducing hi wlfo to sign the mortgage by promise that t portion of It should bedevoted to paying ar Indebtedness of 8800 on another piece o laud. Parrlsh has not been heard from slnci Saturday , and It is now surmised that h has jumped the country alter realizing al he could from his property , and leaving hi family almost penniless. Yesterday Mrs Parrlsh came to town and through her attor noyn , Frick & Dolezal , began action for dl vorce. Her petition sets forth that Parrlsl has brutally treated her for many years , am has made thnlr household a place of discon and unhapplness. It Is supposed that Par rlsh has gone away with a woman name Warren with whom he Is charged In th divorce petition as having had Illicit relations Thnycr Talks to Toachers. NOHKOI.K , Neb. , Augustt ) . [ Special to th BEK. | Governor Thayer was In the city yes terday In response to thn Invitation o County Superintendent Bohannon to dellve an address before the teachers of the Mad son county Institute. A committee ot th school board and sovnral citizens mot him t the train and escorted him to the restdenc of Colonel Cotton , who entertained nil while hero , giving an Informal reception fo his benefit In the evening. Later In th evening he addressed the teachers and cltl zens at a public meeting at the opera houst Ho touched upon the Influence of teachers li molding the minds of the young , and dwel with especial emphasis and at conslderabl length on the modern tendency to agnost cism , He regarded thn efforts of those wli were seeking to destroy Christian belle without offering a better substitute as special evil. Although not a professor o religion himself , the governor paid a ware tribute to chrUtalnlty , saying that since h had been selected for the high ollice whlc ho holds , his attention had boon drawn mur and more to the subject and fron ; a govert mental htandpoint lie was led to regard tli religion ot thn bible as the basts of all goo government , all law and society. Shooting at Nebraska City. NEIIKASKA Crrr , Neb. , August 0. ffape * Ul telegram to the BEE. ] Another shootln affair occurred on Main street this evenliij Tha cause leading thereto Is said to be prominent grocery man named L. W. Lloy < who has a number of time s Insulted an made Indecent proposals to his lady cu toiuers. His last break was , so It is said , i the wife of Mr. Samuel Clmidin , who wet to the store to call him to account for 1 LUnd struck Chaplin several times aero : the face with a whip , whereupon the latu drew a revolver aud shot Lloyd throii < h ti tlrshypitrt ot his arm. Both parties wei nrrr.sted , Moyd being let ot with a line i (4 and costs , while Chaplin was bonn over for hearing to-morrow. Llojdtaysl Is Innocent ot the charge ot insult , i Dick Foster's Crime. NKUIUSKA CITV , Neb. , August 0. fSp claltothe BKK.I Dick Foster , whose-p don and death the BKK made mention c Mveral days ago , was sent up for life .fro Diet MUBtj Ja 1970.lot me mimler ol ; Davis , a negro , some time during 1869. Dur ing the day of the murder Davis and Foster were engaged In a game ot poker tn a room at the rear ot the old News building , which ended In a quarrel. After separating Davis walked up tlio street and met several women about town and returned with them down 'town , passing Foster , and as they did so Davis Jostled the women up against roster , who Instantly drew n revolver and pointed It at Davis , who remarked with a defiant laugh that hn "ate those things every mornIng - Ing before breakfast" Foster replying "thon eat this , " and shot him dead on the spot He then walked leisurely UD the street cracking a whip which ho carried , and was greatly surprised when arrested for "simply Killing n nigger. " HU petition for a pardon has been before every governor since that time- Nance and Dawes both having made prom ises of a favorable consideration of his cose though they were never fulfilled Mllltla Officers Elected. FHEMONT , Neb. , Augusta [ Special Tele gram to ths BEE.I A meeting of the of ficers of the ten companies , of the Second regiment National guards , was held here to-nlcht at the armory of company E , First regiment. There was a full attendance from allthocompanles. Adjutant General Call presided at the mooting. Captain Franklin Sweet of Clarks. was unanimously chosen colonel of the Second regiment ; Alde-do- Comp McCann , of Hey Springs , was chosen lieutenant colonel ; Captain George Cross , of Falrbury , was elected mayor. Governor Thayer was present and made an interesting address to the officers. Congressman Dor- sey also responded to a call and promised his best efforts In promoting the Interests of the Nebraska Mational guards. The best of eellngs and general enthusiasm prevailed. Red Liquor and Red Men. FALLS CITY , Neb. , August 9. A jug of whisky was uncorked by half-breed Indians n the reservation southwest of here , ten days ago , to stimulate a celebration. Amid he festal whoops of the mongrel reds , W Il ia tn Barada dug up the hatchet and carved he scalp of Peter Dedler. The row occurred at the residence of the Knap pa. Dedler died of his Injuries Sundav , and Barada was ar- ested by the Kansas authorities and will be prosecuted for murder. The crime was com mitted on the Nebraska side of the line , but ictim died on the Kansas side. Farmers Successfully Co-operate. OAKI.ANP , Neb. , Aupist 9. [ Special to ho Br.n. ] The Farmers' union of this place s no longer an experiment It has proven a ieclded success to the farmers and Is fast aklng the lead In the corn market. In the ast two weeks the union has shipped more corn than was over shipped trom hero In the same length of tlmo. Four car loads were shipped to-lay. George Osborn , the manager , s fully determined to make the union take he lead In Hurt county for buying grains , aud his efforts arc appreciated. Two Boyn Hang Another. CREIOIITON , Neb. , August 9. [ Special Tel egram to the BEE.I Two of the boys of this own , aged fourteen , wanted to play a prac- icaljoke on an eight-year-old boy at 10 o'clock this morning by hanging him to a > eam with a rope. They came near making he Job perfecl , as the victim's eyes were orced slightly out of their sockets and an igly blue mark shows where thn rope was wound his neck. Dime novels were the irluio factor lu the way of a cause , Campmeotlng at Fremont. FHEUONT , Neb. , August 9. [ Special to the BEE. ] The Omaha District Mothodlst campmcetlng opens here to-morrow. It will jo held in Honors' grove , a mile northeast of own. Tlio place has been nlcelv prepared "or the occasion and It is anticipated that .here will be a good attendance. Capacious tents for meetlnss and a number of private ones are on the grounds. Appointed Deputy Oil Inspector. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 9. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Governor Thayer has appointed O. U. Phillips , ot Beatrice , as one of the deputy oil Inspectors , with headquar ters at Beatrice. NATIONAL , HEADQUARTERS. They will bo Built tn Chicago by the W C. T. 0. CHICAGO , August 9. On tha 13th of July the secretary of state ot Illinois Issued ar ticles ot incorporation to a company at Ctu- caeo , known as "The Woman's Christian Temperance BulIdlngnAssoclatlon , " with a capital of 810,000 , shares of $100 each. The incorpoiators are Matilda B. Carse , Francis Wlllard. Esther Pm-'h , William Deering and James B. Uobbs. The purpose Is for a build ing in Chlcogo to bo used as national head quarters of the W. C. T. U. , and as a temper ance training school and hall. It Is also meant that this enterprise shall become a source of revenue to the national society , The plan Is , that while the building is In tended , In the first place , to furnish head quarters of the national W. C. T. U. It 1 < also to be a great office building , and will bring In a rental ot 9135,000 a year. The ground has been secured for It In the very heart of the city. The structure will cost about 8000,000 and to * cover this $000,000 worth of bonds will be Issued. The com mittee having the matter In charge , to-day Issued a call to all friends of temperance foi contributions to aid in carrying out this work. _ The Drought-Stricken Region. CHICAGO , August 9. The telegrams re celved this morning from central point ! throughout the entire 75,000 square miles ol the drought-stricken northwestern countrj shows the fearful sun scorching ot all vege tatlon continues unabated. Not a drop ol rain has fallen except eight-one hundrethi of an Inch at Des Motnes , a ban sprinkle on the deep dust Loca observations In various districts give but little tlo hope of a break within the coming twen ty-four hours. A trifle cooler weather anc scattered light showers am expected tn semi places , but the conditions are such that I the possible little moisture and coolness an at all delayed their effect will be totally los In the spcmlug Imminent further genera rise of the temperature trom cud to end o drought region. Never before have farmers and resident ! of the suburbs about the city suffered so f rou heat aud dry weather. All around vege tables In small gardens have been killed. Al along the railroad tracks the prairies are on nro aud the residents of the suburbs an called out at all hours of the day and nlghl to combat the flames. Water Is very scarce Cisterns and wells are alike empty and thi createst economy of the precious fluid Is ob served. Cattle are suffering greatly. A Washington Heights water bas been si scarce that It finds a ready sale at 5 cents i pall. Suloldo of a Magdalen. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 9. ( SpecialTele gram to the BEE ] . Jennie Berkshire , an In mate of a Jules street sporting house , at tempted to commit suicide this afternoor about S o'clock by taking a heavy dose o merphlne. A physician was called , but thi girl will probably die. Two Railroaders Killed. Bonnr.NTowN , N. J. , August 9. In a co ! lislon between two freight trains on th Pennsylvania railroad , which occurred thi rooming , a fireman was killed and a brake man fatally woundvd. Vitas' Vacation. WASHINGTON , August 9. Postmxstei General Vllas will leave here to-morrow 01 his summer vacation , a portion of which h will spend at his home In Wlsco nsln. Ho o poets to be absent several weeks. Electric lit ht Mnn Convene. BOSTON , August 9. Tba sixth annuo meeting of the National Electric Llght-asso elation coiuened this forenoon. ; ' . Denlti of an Old Merchant. ' BOSTON , August 9 , Henry Hastings , on of the oldest merchants of'Boston-died thj SWEPT BY SHEETS OF FLAME , Furious Forest Fires Raging in Sections of Wisconsin , LOSS OF PROPERTY ENORMOUS. Field * of Grain and Acres of Timber Annihilated By the Blazing Besom Rain Cornea to the Resoae. Destructive Forest Flrps. NEILSVILLE , VVis. , August 0. Forest fires have broken out again In this vicinity and are causing considerable damage. The east fork of the logging camp of Charles Squires burned , causing heavy loss. A lire broke out yesterday on Wedges creek near Ilewolls- vllle and Is spreading radidly. Considerable apprehension is felt here and the city has been thoroughly wet down by the waterworks. Everything Is very dry and If there Is no rain within the next twenty-four hours greater damage than that Inflicted last year may be expected. All day yesterday a heavy Kale ot wind prevailed , which swept the names and destroyed everything betore It Mews has just been received that a large stave mill of lleln A Meyer , on Wedges creek together with thousands ot dollars' worth ot staves , is In great danter , and a crew of men have started from this city to fight the flames. A fierce fire is raging In the wood marsh southeast of Portage. A force of men is hard at work lighting the flames. A largo amount ot hay has been burned and other property IB In danger. GIIAND HAFIDS , Mich. , August 9. Forest fires are raging fearfully In the northern part of Kent county. Woods nnd tields in every direction about Cedar Springs are entire tire and nearly everybody Is engaged In fightIng - Ing flames , trying to save farm property. Fences and timber burned is vali'ed at sev eral thousand dollars. Fanned by a brisk breeze the flames spread rapidly. If uln docs not come there will be heavy losses. Crops are suffering terribly. A lire broke out In the pineries near ( irantvllle yesterday after noon and there Is danger of the village burning up. Fires are also burning In the marshes near the city and the smoke Is thick ail about. COLEMAN , Mich. , August 9. The Colnman Charcoal company , with 300 cords of wood belonging to Knapp & Burrlngton , totally burned yesterday alternoon by forest fires. Loss unknown at present Other property is In great danger. ST. IONACE , Mich. , August 0,10:30 : p. m. A change In the wind to the northeast this morning saved tlio town. All danger is now belle vert to be past MILWAUKEE , Wls. , August 9. Specials to the Evening Wisconsin say at (5roon Bay the tire has caused a loss of 330,000 by the burning of ' .20,000 cords of wood. In the town of Bellevue a stable with three teams of horses , harness and farm machinery was destroyed. Farmers at Fond du Lao have turned out on masse to tight the ilames , which are reported to be spreading rapidly. MUSKEQON , Mich. , August 9. Stluison & Fay , Hackley & liume , and F. Alberts are meeting with heavy losses by the destruction of lumber on their mill docks. Several tires occurred last night. DETROIT , Mlcli. , August 9. Nine business houses , the Carson hotel and other propel ty burned at Sandusky , Mich. , to-day. No lives were lost. The liie originated in a swamp. DETIIOIT , Mich. , August 9. A Fr e Press special from Grand Ilaplds says : Flies are still raging north and south of here. At Cedar Springs the fire is still raging and every man who can be had Is working heroic ally. Konorts trom the sonth , on the Lake Shore road , say fires are raging in the woods badly and at Urandvlllo Is still burning in the lowlands. From the north discouraging reports are received hero to-ulght At Craf- ton , four miles from Kalkaska , the flames destroyed a large amount of farm buildings and fences. Around Kingsley miles of fences and many fields were burned over. At Ashton the fires are raging bndly. Around Als and west toward Lhcboygan the fires are burning large tracts of valuable pine and hard wood. Heavy Gain In Wisconsin. MILWAUKEE , Wls. , August 9. About a o'clock to-night a gale swept over the city , the wlud blowing at the rate of a mile a minute. The main building and several minor structures on the state fair grounds at cold spring park were completely wrecked. A heavy rain fell , lastlngfan hour. Advices received at the railway oHices Indicate that the rain Is pretty general throughout the state , putting an end to the drought that has lasted for sixty days and that has caused thousands of dollais of loss to farmers. Reports fron- the southern tier of counties are to the effect that wells and creeks are all dried up , and that farmers have been com pelled to remove their stock to places where they could secure water. The dry condition of the country caused the fires to spread with great rapidity and for several days farmers hove been plowing large furrows around their hay stacks to prevent their summer's work from going up In flames. To-night's rain will afford only temporary relief , how ever , unless there Is more of It soon. Agricultural Subjects Discussed. NEW YOUK , August 9. The American Agricultural association held Its first annual session to-day at Coltimola college. Trot Sturtevant , of the New York Experimental Institute at Geneva , presided. The attend' ance was numerous and was composed of representatives from nearly every part of the state , "Indigenous Locusts" was the sub ject presented by Clarence M. Weed , stale entomologist of Illinois. A paper whlcti commands absorbing Interest was one ol Prof. Wylie on sorghum as a sugar produc ing plant Experience taught him. he said , that it was undesirable. Dr. C. V. Uoilly , United States entomologist at Washington , agreed with Prof. Wylle. Mr. K. Terrence , a Japanese gentleman commissioned to studv agriculture in this country by his gov * eminent , said the experiment of maklnc sugar from sorghum was successfully tried IK Japan. Among the papers read at the afternoon session was one on "Diseases of lirooui Corn , " by Prof. T. J. Barrett , of Champaigr university , Illinois. A Murderer Granted a Stay. ST. JOSEIMI , Mo. , August 9. [ Special Telegram ogram to the BEB. ] A stay of execution was granted to-day by Judge Ulack , of th < supreme court , to lironck , sentenced to be hung In this city August 19. Tno stay of ex ecution acts until the case can bo called uf before the supreme court , which meets tin third Tuesday in October. The ground 01 which the writ of error was allowed was tin refusal of the lower court to allow an Inter preter. A great deal of surprise was occa tloned In this city by thn decision , as th < murder was an atrocious one and the evi dence overwhelming. Foresters and Photographers. CHICAGO , August 9. The biennial con ventlon , or high court meeting of the Anclen Order of Foresters , began here to-day. Flv hundred delegates are present from all part of the United Statesaud Canada. The eighth annual convention of phc tographcrs ot America opened to-day In th exposition building. A large number o delegates are present. The exhibit com prises nearly 10,000 pictures ol vrrlous kind : Broke Up the Band. CONCOUD , N. II. , August a While members bors of the local brass baud were practlcln , In rooms In the fourth story of a larg wooden warehouse , tire broke out below an spread rapidly. The men were compelled t jump from the windows to the ground , a dli lance of thirty feet , and a number of thei were severely Injured. r ' Suicide of a Murderer. ' ST. Louis , August 9. Jerry Pagels ; mur derer of Samuel Kobn , for which he w under sentence to be banged August 13 , con milted .suicide In bis cell last night bycutti * an alterj 'in his leli tun , WOMEN MISSIONARIES. Cardinal Iiavlgerle Will Send Them to Africa Belgium * Forest Fires. I8S7 tl \ JrtHW * Corel in Dennttt. ] s , August 0. [ New York llerald Cable Special to the BKK. I Cardinal Lavlgerlo loft Brussels to return to Paris this morning. The real object ot his visit hero as stated by him In an Interview with me at the railway station this morning , Is to confer with missionary congregations here to estab lish at Maestrlch a seminary for women who will be trained for the Catholic gospel In the French African possessions and all other African territory. It Is under Jjavlgerle's religious jurisdiction. Women have never before been employed as African missionaries so this will constitute a new era In ' African history. Lavlgerlo says : "I fun convinced that women will be able to civilize and christian ize the African youth 'with ' far greater suc cess than men and I have taken all the nec essary measures to drill them for the work. As regards the free state I will no longer have anything to do with It The king has requested me courteously to withdraw my missions trom the Congo Free State his majesty describing that religious work in the free state Is being no longer carried on by independent missions but by a regular clergy depending upon thtr king and pope alone. A seminary for training priests for the Congo has been established here at Lou- vain to realize the king's desire and when It has turned out enough priests all foreign missions will bo withdrawn from the free state , only Belgians being utilized there. The forest fires are still raging intensely. The smoke from the woods suffocates people approaching within , 300 yards cf the con flagration. Tne gendarmes and forest keep ers are now working ; with might and main to stop the fire , but a down pour of rain alone can have any effect It takes seven hours to walk around the burning portion ot the forest. The soil for miles around Is literally red hot Children expressing fantastic flames in the foliage exclaim : "Look the . " at beautiful golden trees. Garter Defeats Goad , [ Copvrtuht 18S7 l > v Jama Gordon lidinctt. ] LONDON , August 9. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. | E. C. Carter , of the New York Athletic club , met his old opponent , W. N. Coad , the South London harrier , this evening at the London Athletic club's grounds , Stanford bridge , Chelsea , to decide the supremacy In a four-mile run. About 3,000 spectators came out. Including representatives of all the cross-country clubs around London and many Americans. The grand stand hold many bookmakers , just back from the Kempton park races , who anxiously asked two to one on Carter. In a select center , set apart of officials and pressmen , was Sir John Astioy , who is to bo referee In the Kilrain-Smlth prize light. Precisely at 7 o'clock a cheer denoted that the men wore on tlie ground , which was of cinder , with four laps to the mile. Coad was wearing blue trunks , with crimson stripes. Carter wore the Now York scarlet and white and ap peared in line condition. The tropical-like heat had now cooled and a pleasant breeze lining up from the northwest as the pistol was lired for the start Coad led by four ards for the first quarter. The race was now anxiously followed by continuous cheering , Coad seebilng to have all thr boisterous sympathy , and fooIUhly spurting until the first mile , when both settled down to a better pace , and finished , he second with Coad barely leading. On en- erlm the eleventh lap Carter , without exhaustion haustion , drew away , Coad appearing to be couio suddenly weak , but struggled on until thirty yards short of the third mile , when he gave up , Carter being forty yards In front The latter finished his third mile , keeping on with loud cheering , which , now he had won , was transferred from Coad to himself , lie broke the tape at 30 minutes and 10 seconds , stopping Immediately to shake Coad's prolfttred hand , when Carter's friends broke into the grounds aud carried him shoulders high Into the dressing room , where he had a cold shower bath. Coad challenged Carter to run again at Katham grounds , but the latter declined , as the grounds are thought by runners unfair , beiug uneven and very small. When your correspondent congratulated arter he seemed pleased. "Do you run again ? " I asked. "Yes : at Dublin on the 24th , against F. Conneff , the amatuer champion ol Ireland , for twenty guineas and gold medal , and sail for New York in the Italy on the 30th. I shall have a hard job to beat Caaneff , Out If 1 succeed I shall have plenty of championships to take back with me. " "What are they , Mr. Carter ? " "The four aud ten mile championship ol England , the championship of Ireland , and the satisfaction of Dealing Coad to-day , who has already won two southern counties championships himself. " Secured a Tenor. [ CepuHoht 1887 hiJama Gordon Bennett. ] LONDON , August 9. | New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] Mr. Uustavc Amberg , director of the Thalia theater , New York , succeeded to-day In signing a con tract with llorr Boettel , the foremost Ger man tenor , tor a series of ten performance ! to bo given at the Timlin October 1U-US. Hen Boettel receives § 1,000 per nigiit nialno In Ireland. LONDON , August 9. James G. Bloine.wlth Ills wife and daughters , are in Dublin. The ] left Glasgow aud crossed to Belfast , pro ceedlng thence to Dublin , where they ar rived last evening. Blalno intends to spom some time In Ireland. DUIII.IN , August A Mr. Elaine has goni to Cork , whence he wjtl return to Dublin. i 9' ' A Plucky Woman Evicted. DUIII.IN , August 9 , Alice Barry defied tin police who went to execute the writ of evlc tlon against her at > * Knocklade , county o Antrim , to-day. She defended the house against a large force of 'officers , but was com pelled to surrender when they made a charge with fixed bayonets. Many of the officer- were badly hurt. Five-1 of the defenders o Alice Barry's houso'were arrested. A Blue Book Chapter. LONDON , August 9. Tue 131ue book ha been Issued containing the correspondcnc in relation to the admission Into the Uiiltec of destitute aliens * nd tate aided emigrants * An Arctic Explorer Suicides. KOMK , August 0. Slgnor Bove , the explorer plorer who was an associate of Nordensk jold in the tatter's arctic expedition , ha committed suicide. Steamship Arrivals. IlAMiiuno , August V. [ Special Telegrat to the BEE. I Arrived The Glllert , froi New York. NEW YOHIC , August 9. Arrived Th State of Nevada , from Glasgow. QUKENSTOWN , August 9. Arrived Th British Princess , from Philadelphia. Cholera' * Ravages In Malt * . ' LONDON , August 9. Fourteen new case of cholera and six deaths have been reporte at Malta during the last twenty-four hours. ' More Floods in Georgia. AUGUSTA , Ga. , August 9. The river I rising rapidly again ftifd the lower part t the city Is ouco more threatened with luui dftUOB. MAHONE'S ' CANVASS BEGUN , Virginia Republicans Working Hard to So- euro the Little Man's Return , FIGHTING ON NATIONAL ISSUES. Invitations Pouring In On Preiildent Cleveland From the Uouth and Went Other News From the National Capital. Old Dominion Politic * . WABIIINOTON , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.J Advices from Virginia are to the effect that the campaign has fairly opened. Prominent republicans say that no convention will be called this year. It Is unusual to call ono except In years when nominations are to be made. Ono of Gen eral Mahono's most confidential friends .in the state expresses the bullet that his party will confine the Issues of the campaign chiefly ito national questions. The most prominent among these will probably DO the repeal ot the International reve nue system , the Blair educational bill and the tariff. The expectation Is that the republican state committee will ap point a sub-committee to prepare an address to the voters of the state. Hon. John S. Wise and some of the young leaders , who have followed Mahone In other campaigns , will bo with him again this year. It is un derstood that Mahone himself will take part In the approaching canvass. The republi cans admit they have little hope of securing a majority in the senate. The light is to be directed almost entirely towards getting con trol ot the house ot delegates to give them a majority of the legislature on joint ballot and elect Mahone to the senate. Cleveland and His Trip. WASHINGTON , August9. Invitations con tinue to pour In upon President Cleveland and almost the entire time of ono ot the clerks at the whlto house Is occupied in scheduling and recording them , lie has been invited to visit almost every city In the west and south , Including San Francisco , Now Orleans and Galvoston. The president is seriously considering the best use he can make of tlio limited time he has allotted him self for his western and southern trip , and ho will take a route which will enable him to visit briefly the principal renrusentatlvecitlos of the two sections of country. He has about made up his mind ho will not go further west 'hail Kansas Clty.and very littleif any further j'liith than Atlanta. Ho does not desire to bo absent from the capital more than twenty days , but delays and unavoidable circumstances may prolong his absence live or ten days more. Ho will bugln the pre paration of his annual message to congress upon his return to Washington , and that and other important matters which will then claim his personal attention will prevent his extending his visit much beyond the first of November. It Is expected that the pro gramme for his trtp will bo prepared within the next two weeks. None of the Invitations not already acted upon will not bo answered until that Is arranged. Colonel noteholder's Account. WASHINGTON , August I ) . An issue has beon'ralsed by the accounting officer of the treasury , acainst the quartermaster general' ! : oflico. The accounts of Colonel Batcheldcr , ate depot quartermaster at Washington , art now In tiourst of settlement Among the vouchers'was One for $500 for two horses foi the use of the office of the secretary of war This was disallowed by the third auditor anc Second Comptroller Butler on the ground that the money appropriated by congress foi army transportation cannot be used le/allv in purchasing hordes for the secretary ol war , the necessary expenses of the wai department proper being provided tor In legislative appropriations. To this Colonel Batolielder lopllud that the order of the sec retary to purchase horses was the supreme law to him and conclusive upon the accountIng - Ing officer of the treasury. Third Audltoi Williams In a letter to the second comptrollei regarding this case says that the theory thai an order from a superior or oven an army regulation could warrant a disbursing officer in making a disbursement of public funds In direct contravention of the statute finds no countenance In any judicial decl slon or In any opinion by any recognized authority. _ _ _ _ _ Pensions Granted. WASHINGTON , August 0. ( Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The following Iowa pen slous wore granted to-day : Anna S. , widow of David B. Winder , Wapello ; Peter Best Franklin Centre. Increase : Samuel L. Nel son , Floronceville ; William B. Mathews Wvman ; Joseph Shark , Cambria ; Clayton S. Fltners , Grand Hlver ; Joseph Huston Crawfordsville ; M. B. Sparks , Batavla : Christopher H. Porter , Colfax ; G. F. Luntz Ainsworth. Nebraska pensions , Increase : M. P. Bal lard , Hed Cloud. Officials to Take Outings. WASHINGTON , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The president Is plan nlng a fishing and hunting trip In the moun talus of West Virginia with Senator Kenna All the cabinet will bo away from Washing ton within two weeks except Secretary Fair- child. General Vilas leaves for \Ylnconslr to-morrow , Secretary Kndicott t'oes to hi ; home In Lenox on Friday , and Secretary Laraar goes to the White mountains nux week. ThA Treasury Scandal. NEW VOIIK , August 0. [ Special Teleran to the BICE. ] The Tribune's Washlngtoi special says : The treasury department of liclals arn still reticent about the charge tlm money 1ms been Improperly paid on accouu of public land surveyors. It may be stated however , on good authority that the matte Is regarded as a serious one. both by th < Kecietary of the Interior and the secretary o thn treasury , and Is to-day the subject of ol liclal correspondence between them witl every prospect that It will bo official ! ; brought to the attention of the presides within the next few da\s. Whatever the re suit of that mav be , it is certain that no nt tempt to hide facts will bo successful. Patents Granted Westerner * . WASHINGTON , August ° . | Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The following patent were granted to-day In Iowa and Nebraska Louis G. Bastedo , Atlantic , la. , and II Thomas , Chicago , Ills. , assignors to Basted Cash and Package Carrier company , Allan tic , cash and package carrier ; Ueonre. Y Smith , Cedar Haplds , flour packer ; Wllllai 11. Tlbbels , Crab Orchard , Thill coupling. Postal Changes. WASHINGTON , August 9. [ Special Teh gram to theBKE.J The following Iowa post masters were appointed to-dayLevl : W.Johr son LohrvllloCalhoun county.vice James M Arnett. removed ; John A. Hoffmnn , Ml Carmcl , Carroll county , vice Gerhar Bruggeman. resigned. The postofflce lias ben discontinued a Battle Bend. Custcr county. Neb. ; the ma goes to Tufford. The special service Is dl : continued at Park Vale , Douglas couut from Omaha. Smallpox and Yellow Fever In llavani WASHINGTON , August t ) . Thu marln hospital bureau Is Informud that smallpo and yellow fever are raging In Hivani Cuba. During the month of July there wer 104 deaths fjom yellow fever and 11- trot smallpox. Applications For Prepayment. WASHING TON , August 0. Applications f ( prepayment of interest under Secretary Fat child's recent circular were received to-da on bonds amounting to S1U3,000 : , making total to date of SQ,012m WestornAlen Appointed , WASHINGTON , August 0. George > : 'Swalm , of Iowa ; Arthur A. Holmes , of In dlana , and Luclen M. Turner , of Illinol have been appointed special examiners In U pension office uudet the civil service rules. COMPLAINTS FIIOS1 SHIPPERS. Iowa's Hallway Commissioners Hold an Inquiry nt Uubuquo. DUIIUU.UE. la. , August 0. ( Special Tele gram to the BKK. | The Iowa railway com missioners held an adjourned meeting In this city to consider the charges brought against the Illinois Central and the Chicago , Mil waukee Ac St Paul for advancing the rate of switching cars from SI to f J per car and for refusing to switch cars for the other roads. Prominent railroad officials , Includ ing Tucker , of the Milwaukee , and Jeffrey , of the Illinois Central , were present , also many of the prominent businessmen of this city. Mr. W. I. Knight , attorney for the two roads , represented them , while the shippers were rcpicsented by a number of the lead ing business men of Dubiiquo. The discus sion was continued all day , and the com missioners will give their decision some time In the future. It Is the lirst case of the kind over submitted to the commissioners and great Interest Is felt In the outcome , not only by Diibuquo , but by other cities as well. Struck By tiliititnlnff. Font DomiE , la. , August . [ Special Telozrain to the BEE. ! The residences of W. II. Plumb and Samuel Tad wrre struck by lightning during a storm last night This morning the former residence causht fire and was damaged to the extent ot 8300. Hot much damnse was done to the Tad resi dence , but Mr. Tad received a severe shock and narrowly escape ! with his life. ' Soldlnrs Stop Boor Selltnjt. OTTUMWA , la. , August 0. | Special Tele gram to the BKU.J The thermometer at the brigade encampment marks 100 o lu the shade. The soldiers in camp suffer greatly wltn the heat. General Wright yesterday evening found some lemonade stands selling liquors and ordered the Muscntlne company to suppress them. All yielded upon demand but one , when his shanty was leveled to the ground and his beer spilled. Arrested For Forgery. MAHSHAM.TOWN , la. , August 9. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Arthur Howard , ) carlng letters from Georgia politicians , at- : empted to pass a forged check for a small iiiountat the First National bank and was ailed. Thu young man Is evidently , from he papers on his person , an old hand nt wlndllng. nig Pncklnir IlouRp Iturned. CEDAII HAPIDS , la. , August 9. Fire this Homing burned the packing house of T. M. ilneUir * Co. , causing a loss of $1)0,000 ) ; in- iurance , about ShU.OOO. IlEORGAMZUD THE COMPANY. vcs and Stnynor Step Out"of Olticln- nntl , llnmilton & Dnyton , NEW YOKK , August 9. Shortly before noon to-day the committee appointed to nvestlgate Honry'G. Ives1 management f the Cincinnati , Hamilton < & Dayton ailrnad , met to listen to any statement which Ives had to make. At noon Ives liad not appeared. Ills partner Doremus expressed - pressed doubts as to whether Ivos Intended to make any statement , but members of the committee said he distinctly promised to make a full statement of the affairs of the company. They also expected him to resign , ami Christopher Mover said If Ives Llid not resign to-day the road would be thrown Into the hands of a receiver. Meyer says the Cincinnati pcoplo arn complaining Micro Is a shortage of Si,000,000 : , and If this cannot be explained , criminal proceedings will be at once Instituted. The committee were compelled to wait until 1:30 : until Ives arrived at his office. The \tirst \ thing done was to receive the resignations of President Stavner and Ives and the election of A. S. Wloslow. of Cincinnati ; as President , and Christopher Meyer , of New Yrirk , vice presi dent. A committee was then appointed by Mie creditors to moot a committee of diroctois o take further steps In the reorganization of the company. The committee adjourned until to-morrow without finishing their work. Ives has turned his property over to Waite , Myers & Dexter , as trustees , and is trying to ar- ango with his creditors to put tlioir claims n tlio same hands. The stockholders' com- nitteo has finished the count of certificates ot preferred stock and find that about 54,000- 000 have been Issued. This Is said to be much less than was feared. Counsel for the creditors' committee state that their claims will not be placed lu the trusteeship proposed by Ivos. Death of Uennrnl Donlphan. ST , JOSEPH , Mo. , August 0 , General A. W. Donlphan died at his homo In Kichmond last evening , from the effects of a cold con tracted last May. The deceased was a native of Kentucky , born July 0,1808. Ills parents wore Virginians , tlio father being a soldloi In the revolution. Graduating from Augusta college at the age of eighteen , he studied law , nnd was admitted to tl'.o bar In Ohio. In li&O ho moved to Missouri , where he has since resided. Ho won his military title by distinguished service In the Mexican war. General Donlphan was a pronounced democrat , nnd held a number of important offices during life. Paper Manufacturers Go Down. BELOIT , Wls. , August 0. W. T. Kandall an extensive paper manufacturer with a mil at Kockton , 111. , has confessed judgment anc his mills are In the hands of the sheriff. Thi failure of thn O. W. Tyler paper company of Chicago , who wern assisting him , wreckec Kandall. The liabilities and assets caunoi bo ascertained at present. KAI.AMAZOO , Mich. , August 0. The mort- gagn hold by O. W. Tyler & Co. , the broker paper dealers of Chicago , on the paper mil at Plaiuvlllo , owned by B. F. Lyon & Son paper dealers ot Kalamnzoo , was recorder yesterday , and Lyon & Co. suspended. Thnj aie liable as endorsers on the paper of O. W Tyler & Co. for 840,000 and other debts o 820,000. Their assets , besides the mill pro- erty , are nominal. Married After Many Years. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 0. [ Special Telegram gram to the BKE.J Mr. Louis Bla/.or and Miss Ester Rosenblatt were united in mar riage in this city to-day , by Rabbi Ilurnwlt , of the Jewish ayiiHtroiMie. The two went en Kami In Austria nineteen years airo by tliei respective families when the young ladv wa < only live years of age. A f w weeics agi Mr. Blazer , who Is a clothier , sent money foi the voting lady to comu aud share his ho UK in America , Fatal Strike Moh. Wii.KF.snAiiHE , Pa. , August 9. Yestorda ; fitly striking minors of the Alden Coal com pany , near this city , atUckad thirty men win had taken their places In the Atden mines Many women also took part In the tight Michael Christ and Jacob llorton , uv < "scabs. " weio fatally Injured. The woinei assaulted the "scabs" with fence rails , am their husbands used stones and pistole Fifteen persons were wounded on both aides but only the two mentioned will die. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Local rains followed b ; fair weather , cooler In bouthern portion stationary temperature In northern porilor variable winds. For Iowa : Fair weather In southern poi tlon , local showers In northern portloi winds becoming variable , slight fall In ten peraluro. For central and eastern Dakota : Sllghtl warmer , fair weather , variable winds. Another Prohibition Martyr. GAT.VEBTON , August 0. Alexander Walk er , the colored prohibitionist speaker , wli was badly bratan and mangled , after he hn made a speech at Prairie Grove , near Wei bervllle , In this county , last week , dle4 bin day from the effects ot his Injuries. The Yncht Kaon. MAK1H.KHEAI ) . Mass. , August 0. Tr Volunteer crossed the line at 7W : a. m. , an Is 110w rounding Point Nock at :60. : Tl Mavllower pos'Pil Half-Way Kouk ti fu mile ahead of Prlscllla and Bedouin. II .Mayflower crossed the lint ) thruu hours and baft behind the Volunteer. THE OMADA TROTTING MEET. The Great Trials of Speed Wliioh Begin To- Pay at the Fair Qrounds A THREE DAYS' PROGRAMME. Oinnha Drops Another Game to To- pckn Iilncoln Again Downs Wichita Other SportIng - Ing Evonu. The Races. Everything is In fine sha | > o for the open ing of the races at the fair grounds , which wilt be called itt ono o'clock sharp this afternoon. These races are made under the auspices of the Nebraska association ot trotting horse { breeders , and are expected to bo the most Interesting that wore every held In the state , as there Is a long list of nomi nations , embracing the very best stock In Nebraska , and everything has boon perfected In a way that assures the fullest success. The track has been sprinkled every night for a week past aud this luointng was found to bo in an exceptionally flue condition , of a hard , springy reslstenco vu'll calculated for bringing out the horses' best speed. In the 2:88 : stallion trot this afternoon Per suader , Le Count , Counsellor and McFarland are down for starters , and owing to the evenness ot the match the struggle Is ex pected to be ono of an oxtraordlnailly thrill ing character , aud no man can safely pick the winner. It Is one of those races when "tips" don't count. In fact a "tip" on a stake race Is an anomaly , as they are always on the dead square. The three-year-old trot lee , will bo n good one , as the horses are very evenly matched , and eight ate sure to go. The first race will bo the two-year-oldwith ten starters , as follows : Komoo , M. T. Patrick , Omaha. Omega , 1. M. Starbuck , McCook. Orphan Maid , I. F. Carding. Ulysses. Bellflllower , . ) . G. Smith & Son , Fremont. Trenton , E. Pyle , Humboldt Joe Dandy. A. Thompson , Omaha. Walter N , 1) . C. Lanisford. Tekama. Lucky Phillips , Frank S. Gav. Fullerton. Cliallld , George H. Balloy. Falrbury. The races to-morrow will bo oven more t- ractivo still , the programme showing four no events , as follows : STAKE NO. H , FOUII-YEAII-OLDB , Plutus , James G. Ladd , 1'illev. Copucrmont , M. Lovilt , Guide Kock. I. Jay S. , I. J. Starbuck , McCook. Tramp S. , same. Nettle Xulu , P. McElvoy , Elkhorn. STAKE NO. 4 , FIVE-YiAII-OLl)9. : Ted McMahon , D. I ) . Johnson , Mliuioatro. Persuader , A. J. Brl.'gs , Superior. STAKE NO. 5 , I'ACINO MAKES. Aunlo , ) . , D. D. Johnson , Mlnnoatio. Pot Logan , D. T. Hill , Syracuse. hTAKi : NO. 7 , KOU STALLIONS. Kthan Allen. A. Thompson , Omaha. Cyclone. J. M. Mlllhollaiul , Stcele City. V Ictor Spraitue , F. B. Wood , Omaha. The pacing race , although there will be but two stailers , Annie J. and Pet Logan. ,111 be ono of the most exhilarating features f the whole meet , tlio horses bolug a dead natch , and a rivalry existing between the WHITS , will cause them to push them for all hey are worth. Tno management have prepared for a larco dtlendanci' , and thn Information Is that there vlll bo piesont an exceedingly largo number if horse breeders and turf lovers from ibioul ; , us sploudld railroad facilities for gelling heio have been provided for. Executive Arrangements. The oxncutlve committee of the Horse ireedurs' association mot last evening at the Merchants' hotel. All the members ot the committee , twenty In number , wore pres ent Forty applications for membnrship were avorably received. Arrangements wore uade to hold the sale of the fitly fine ilooded animals at9a. m. each morning ot ho races , beginning to-day. Next followed a general rovlow of thoraces races and the entries as above mado. ' . Horse Notes. Dr. Wade Carey , of Council Bluffs , will start the races. W. S. Barstow , ot Crete , and Henry Fiey , of York , are the Obsoclato 'udges. Dick Wilde's horse have shown such good work these mornings that limy promise to bo favorites in the classes for which they are entered. Tom Gray has several of his own and Jimmy McMlchaols'horses In line torin on he track. A favorite mare just purchased > v the said parties promises to make things mm. It Is understood that Counsellor , Tramp and Persuader , of the 8:38 : race , are pretty evenly matched. It Is thought that tha winner In this race will haveto make the finish in 3:30. : * 1. A. Hart , of Tccumseh. arrived yes- : crday with his favorite stallion , Tom Mc Mahon , who will enter thn 3:38 : class , lie tas six horsus that ho Intends to bring to Wednesday's meeting , including the colt , Lorenzo. Watson , the horseshocr on Hartley street lias had to have an extra force of men at work during the present week to attend to the crack steppers that have arrived hero. A branch shop will probably be established t > y him on the grounds during the meetings. Ed Py4e , the old favorite Oniahan , Is In town , lie comes with some good horses. It will be remembered that just one year auo yesterday Mr. Pylft lost 810,000 worth of flooded stock at the driving park when the stables went struck by lightning and burned. McFarland , one of the horses saved , will trot during the present meeting. Mr. Pyle * lias some sixty thoroughbreds on his ranch near Humboldt , Neb. , that ho thinks will add to the speed record ! some day. Monmonth I'nrk HICI-H. NEW Yonic , August 9. Thn weather at Monmouth park was fine , the attendance * largo aud the track somewhat dry and lumpy. t The following Is the summary : Three-quarters mile : Kollan won , Bralt second , Florence third. Tune 1:15. : For two-year-olds , thioo-quarters mile : Sir Dlxon won , Aiistrlenuo second , Ford- ham third. Time 1:10. : One mlle : Thu Bard won , Precosla second end , Climax third. Tlmo-l:43 : f. One and one-eighth miles ; Bololdero won. Politico second , Evans third. Time 1:57H' : 'ono and three-sixteenth miles : Gonfallon won , Thn Bourbon second , Enigma third. Time-U:07. : Handicap , Hurdle , ono and three-quarter miles : Hum Kmcrv won , Mentmoro second , Jim McGowan third. Time : i'JO. : The Races at Ottawa. OrrAWA , Ills. , August 9. Thin was the opening day of the Ottawa races at the new driving park. The attendance was good , and the track fast. Three-year-old stake : Sally Cassack first. March distanced. Bust time 2:84. : Three minutes : Wllll D first , Ottawa Maid second , Typon third , Ego fourth. Best limuSOJ : / . 8:25 : pace : Nc-llle B first , Virginia second , Fawntoot third , J. C. fourth. Uest time Racing at Knrntoga. SAUATOOA , N. Y. , August" . The woalher was line , Ihe track In good condition and the attendance the largest of the season. The following Is the summary : Ono mile : O. Bowies' chestnut gelding won , J. J , Hcalv second. Time 1:37. : Five furlongs : F.mpnror of Norfark won. Satin eccond , King Fish third. Time 'MHo and a quarter : Wary won , Klkwood second. B.intmry llilrd. Time 9:11. : Thiee-qtiarlern milo : Hen Thompson won , . Lollox bcoonil , ColouGiia third , Time 1:16. : T\\o and three quailors miles ; Whcalley won , Tttnnesswj second , llefcrcu third. Time-1- : ? . ' nt ItochCBtrr. , , ' N. Y. , August 0. The circuit racu oponui heru to day with .over 2,000 perv ' nttnd.iuw % . Tue truck was in good '