Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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A City in Nebraska that Booms Without
a Boom.
And the Opporiunltr Now Pre-
scntcd for Purchase * There.
Thcro Is no city in Nebraska that has
attracted greater attention than Kearney
in the ptxst two months , nnd no place on
the map of the stnto Is entitled from its
business , location and general prosperity
to general nollce nboro this city. The
reasons for this will at once become ob
vious. Kearney is beautifully located in
the heart of the great I'latto valley in
nearly the geographical center of No *
braska , The far-sighted pioneers of
early days saw the beauty of the locality ,
saw the wonderful agricultural resources
of the great valley and marked the place
ns a point destined to have a future.
From the time that Kearney was platted
on the map the place has never untcr-
taihed hnrd times or been acquainted
with reversions common to now cities in
the now west. The crowth of the place
has been sum , steady and permanent ,
until to-day there Is not a city of
6,000 people in Nebraska that en
joys such a wide extended trade and
such general prosperity as Kearney. In
these years ot cerium progress nnd cer
tain growth the place has never been
subjected to a boom and values have
novur been expedited by speculation.
1'ricos for realty in Kearney to-day are
not to the nigh notch that charntcmcs
prices in aspiring towns of one-half the
population. This is so because property
holders in the place have had an abiding
faith in their city and have known that
values were certain to increase whenever
the public at largo became acquainted
with the resources of the city and its
certain prosperity , and it is just fairly
dawning upon the shrewd , far-seeing
capitalists end business men both of the
state and those who coma to Nebraska
that the city of Kearney tins a future as
certain as tho'state itself has a future.
It is only necessary to corroborate this
to state that in the last sixty days capi
talists from Omaha and Lincoln , the two
principal cities In the state , have made
large investments in that place , and
more ( -astern capital lias located there in
that time than in any liyo previous
that have opened the eyes of
moneyed men and caused them
to make these investments ? To these
who have visited the place an answer
comes with the asking and the answer is
that nowhere In the state entire. Is there
such n magnificent water power , natural
or developed , as at Kearney. The en
tire 1'iutte river is the basis for this and
the water conducted through a canal
twelve miles in length when it readies
the lake just above the city has a fall
of soyonty feet that can bo distributed to
operate 100 mills as easily as one. Min
neapolis , the manufacturing center of
the northwest , has not a whit belter
power than this that now for the first
time is on the eve of development.
Kearney has the handsomest inland lake
in the state that is destined to raako the
oily one of the most popular resorts in
Nebraska , Its railroad facilities are ex
cellent and beside the Union Pacific and
Burlington , the Rock Island is reach
ing forth to enter the place.
In Kearney cannot long last and the
golden opportunity in winch to invest
nnil ruull/o qtllolily i n rapid nd-rauvo 1.5
at the present limo. And the chance
will not long last. At the rate property
has boon purchased in the past sixty days
these who want to Invest and invest
at first prices must strike while the iron
is hot. Mr. J. S. Harrington has ar
ranged a sale of unsurpassed business
lots and the choicest inside resident prop
erty that ho will hold on
and the property on that day will bo sold
without reserve at public auction to the
highest bidder. Mr. Harrington is re
peatedly refusing to sell any of this prop
erty prior to that date at private sale ,
offers are in the choicest section of the
business center , Immediately opposite the
new $75.000 hotel that is the handsomest
hotel building in the state outside of
Omaha. Business lots in the city are in
great demand , nnd a glance at the busi
ness thoroughfares in the city will show
to the most obtuse the certain
bargains that rest in these business lots.
Mr. Harrington's residence lota are
eighty in number and they are strictly
inside proncriy. They are located imme
diately adjoining the handsome grounds
of the third ward school building , just
aside from the business center , ana sub
stantial walks lead direct to business
streets. The lots are not an addition , but
are a portion of the original town
plat and have never boon placed on the
market before. To parties over the state
who attend this sale on the llth and purchase -
chase property to the amount of $300 or
over , their railroad fare will bo refunded.
Messrs. C. G. Pace and Bon Rhodes ot
Lincoln are the auctioneers , and the sale
will undoubtedly bo a great success and
to purchasers the investments will be
profitable from the day of purchase.
Be Makes Good Una of Ilia Tliuo In
Licallo & liosllo'g Drue Store.
Yesterday morning , Leslie & Leslie ,
druggists on the corner of Sixteenth and
Dodge streets , discovered , for about the
fiftieth time lately , that some of their
most valuable fancy articles and drugs
had disappeared. At the time , they re
ceived a note from one of their clerks , n
young man named Uobort Love , asking
them to send him his coat , which hung
behind their proscription desk. In com
plying with tiio request , Mr. George Lcs
ho accidentlyfolt a medicine glass in one
of the pockets. This immediately fed to
the belief that probablv Leva was re
sponsible for the articles whicl
the firm had missed. Lcve
was sent for and told that a list of the
articles missed had been preserved , anil
ho was asked if ho would show the firm
where he had concealed them. He con
sented and led one of the proprietors to
his room , where were found over forty of
the most valuable fancy and drug articles
in the store , consisting of fancy band
ages , pearl handled brooms , ra/.ors , ate
roizcrs , combs , nail and tooth brushes
cologne , soap , soap boxes and a host o :
other things , valued at more than forty
dollars. Love has boon in the employ of
the firm not more than three weeks , am
the use lie has mido ) of his tune in u siiiU
tor way , has been most remarkable- .
Nebraska Slap.
Just issued , showing all railroads ,
towns , counties , etc. Mailed tor 25c. J.
M. Wolfe tte Co. , 120 South Hth street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Ponth or Kdiniind
Yeitorduy morningat 4 o'clock Kdmund
Lane , one of the oldest employes of the
Union Pacific road , died at his rnsidcnco ,
820 South Eighteenth street. Mr. Lane ,
when last connected with the roud in
question , Tilled most acceptably the posi
tion of resident engineer to which posl-
. tlorr ha was appointed by S. T. Smith In
188L Previously to that ho had occupied
the position of assistant chief engineer
bofoftt that had acted for Severn )
it bridges. Mr. Lane's conneo-
Ion with the road dates back
iftcen jcnrs , and ! t hai been singularly
lucccssful , both with regard to himself
and the company. Ho was a quiet.
scholarly and genial gentleman , and
retained hosts ot friends , not only n this
nty , but all along the line whore his bus-
ness called him.
Since his retirement from the position
of resident engineer , ho has been con-
lined to his homo from Illness , mainly
Wright's disease , and not long since he
: ontomplated a trip to Europe as a means
if regaining his health. Ills funeral will
take place Wednesday afternoon at 4
Mr. Lane stood high In the Masonic
.fraternity It Is understood that his wishes
were for a masonic fuuernl. The obse
quies will bo conducted by the Knights
Templar. _
Mnnawa Items.
Constable C. VVestley of Council Bluffs
was in the city looking for the following
witnesses of the late wreck on Lake
Uanawa : D. C. Bradford. Fred Fuller ,
'at Qulglcy , Charles Althorn and Iko
loyor. Mr. Wostley says the coroner
jnly wants ono or two of these parties.
iiulthoy will bo paid all expenses should
hey como over.
Mr. J.V. . Bell , who telegraphed the
'nthcr of the lale Charles Cartwright
ibout his sonM sul : fate , received a letter
.o-day from W. K. Yocuni , sheriff of Park
ounty , Colorado , that Mr. Cartwright
lad left Fuirlicld , thqsont of said county ,
uid was in the mining districts somo-
whoro. Mr. Yocum stated ho had for
warded thu dispatch and sent out in-
luiries for Mr. Cartwright , but asynthad
received no information as to his where
Miotogrnplicr Cronyii Heard ] < 'rom.
William . Cronyn , the photographer
rVlioso sudden disappearance was re
marked upon a few days ago , communi
cates through his family some corrections
to previously published articles. Ho is
out of town ou business , but where , these
iVlio spuak for him profess not to know ,
tie demos that ho damaged the oflico or
that lie destroyed any property left there
by Mr. Eaton , and explains that the
broken negatives found on the lloor were
'iis own , Mr. Cronyn states that ho
ibancloned his business on account of
ho hampering prosecutions with which
tie was pursued. It is stated at his homo
hat he will shortly return. _ _
Grand combination auction sale of
rotting bred horses at Omaha , August 10
and 11 , during the forenoon of each day
> f the Trotting llorso Breeders' meeting ,
ho get of such sires as Almont , No. 33
lamblctonian , No. 10 , Saturn 2.005 , and
tocK close in kin to Volunteer the sire of
it. Juhen , 3:11 : , and others below 30. This
lock is contributed by members of the
issociation and will not bo otl'errd simply
o see what folks will bid on them but
l be sold to the highest bidder without
'eservo. '
Favorable terms announced days of
lale. D. T. HILL , Sec.
F. M. WOODS , Autiouccr.
C. E. Mnync's Return.
C. E. Mayno has returned from Davon-
ort. Ho denounces the people who
uivu been circulating slanderous reports
fibout him in warm terms and says that
ho stories were malicious lies.
The only base for them
was the fact that ho had
bccomo sick , aud it was necessary for
him to go away and rest and have his
health restored. This compelled him to
neglect his business , and as a consequence
quence to go somewhat short. But ho
liuo no orcailuio , aud he oayo If a creditor
of his for | 1,000 can bo found in this city ,
ho will forfeit ten of his best horses.
County Commissioners.
The commissioners were busily en
gaged yesterday In arranging the issue of
$203,000 live per cent bonds. Messrs.
Keoffo and Mount leave for the country
to-night to bo absent all the week. They
will bo engaged in fixing roads , culverts ,
etc. Mr. Tommo will remain to sign the
warrants. The contract for hard coal
was lot to the Nebraska Fuel company
at a httlo over $9.00 per ton. The con
tract for soft coal will be let as soon us
samples can bo examined.
Charged With Forgery.
John Shepard , who is making brick for
John Swanstou in South Omaha , pro
cured a warrant for the arrest of Tom
Dopotcr yesterday in Justice Read's '
court. Ho says he gave Tom an order
for $0.50 on Fran & Kas per , and that the
order was raised to flO.r.O. Shepard says
ho does not care so much for the extra
amount of money obtained on the order ,
but wants to teach Dopoter a lesson. The
latter lives on the bottoms and enjoys
squatter sovereignty.
Kxottlng Runaway.
Yesterday morning a double team at
tached tojono of the Singer company's wa
gons ran away. On turning the corner of
Sixteenth and Douglas streets they colh
ded with several vehicles aud there was an
entanglement of buggies , dravs , wagons.
horses , mules , eto. There were several
narrow escapes from personal injuries ,
especially an old lady who was rescued
from a perilous position by an able-
bodied man aud seated on the sidewalk
before she knew anything of the excite-
ment. _
Saratoga School.
Yesterday morning Treasurer Elton , of
Saratoga school precinct , which lias boon
incorporated into the city by the now
charter , came into town and turned over
the records of his ollico to Secretary
Piper , of the school board. His books
showed that there were $433.87 in the
treasury aud that so far as ho was in
formed , the county treasury had credited
to the district $1,588.43. The matter is
yet to receive the attention of H. T.
Clark , president of the board , and Super
intcndent Bruucr.
Finding lor Turtles.
A novel fishing excursion was enjoyed
Sunday nt Springfield , Sarpy county ,
by throe young Omahans , Charles H
Fitcholl , Tony Hanson aud Carl Johnson
Inasmuch as their luck failed us far a
pickerel ! , pike , bass and oven catfish
were concerned they bought a number of
mud turtles from some of the rustic
youths in the vicinity and announced to
their friouds in this city that they had
been turtle iishiug , having discovered
that the commonest turtle in the muddy
waters of Nebraska would make just us
palatable a diali ns a Maryland terrapin
For the bonellt of persons desiring to
sco the rillo competitions aud not spend
all daj' , the B. & M. road will send , on
application , n special train down to
bring up passengers who go down a
8:40 : a. m. Visitors can thus return at 13
o'clock at noon or at 4 p. m. , as they
may desiro. Tha cost of the special car
is forty round trip tickets or $18. The
most interobtiug flriug will be in tin
Sacrilegious Burglars.
No clue has yet been obtained to the
burglas who entered Trinity cathedral
Saturday night. The contribution box
for the Child's hospital was rilled ) also ,
the mail , box , Besides the . money
taken from the mlto box , a botUq of
wine Was stolen , which goM-toauow
that the tWwu'WcrtJ JiOtJrc > hibitisuUU ,
Herbert Blackburn' * Kipcrlonco In a
Herbert Blackburn , n nice young roan
from the South end , Attended n ball at
Kcsslor's hall on south Thirteenth street
ast night , and mot with a romantlco-
ough-and-tumblc adventure that ho will
eng remember. Ho was standing in
rent of the dance house about midnight ,
when a carriage occupied by a fair
onng lady drew up to the curb. To her
ourtcous invitation to take a rldo with
ior ho acceded , and they were on the
loint of starting , when two follows came
ut of the hall nnd ask ad if they could
Ido. As the driver merrily cracked
ils whip , nnd the hack was in
motion , Blackburn called out lo
thorn banteringly , "Why , certainly
.you can ! " To his Infinite surprise and
disgust they ran up to the hack and
clambered in. Blackburn's chagrin tonl-
porarily impaired his powers of speech ,
which , however , finally found vent.
Then the two jumped upon him and
pounded him until their fists were sore ,
ore his clothes , and ended by throwing
nm out of the hack. The back wheel of
ho hack ran over him , but fortunately
broke no bones. The cavaliers thereupon
drove off with Blackburn's hat and young
'ady , and the last seen of him ho was re-
iiting his wrongs to n policeman.
Railroad Note * .
J , W. Morse , late general passenger
i gcnt of the Union Pacific , loft for
Now York city last evening. It is
rumored that ho is to bo appointed gen-
jral eastern representative of the Topeka
Nc Santa Fo road. It Is well known that
he Chicago , Milwaukee iV St. Paul road
ins been wanting Mr , Morse for some
: inio but just with which ho will connect
himself is not now definitely Known.
It is said that William S. Wing ,
auditor of passenger accounts of the
Union Pacific , has been requested to step
down and out.
A semaphore is being erected on the
elegraph polo midway on the Tenth
street crossing. This will bo used when
ho drop gates are put in operation tono-
ify trams when to cross. When the gates
are up no trains can cross : when thev
are down no teams or pedestrians will
cross. These gates will bo put in opera-
ion shortly , but it is a question whether
or not they will bo of much availability.
"Swarming Vlko Piles. "
Such waa the remark of City Treasurer
Rush yesterday morning when asked how
! ic was attending to the payment of war
rants on the late appropriation of $00,000.
The fact Is that the city otliciah and em
ployes arc not tardy in visiting the treas
urer when they have their warrants , and
the latter and his force are very busily
The Musical Nucleus.
The "Musical Nucleus" of St. Philip's
church hold their next monthly enter-
ainmont to-morrow evening , Oth inst. , at
St. Barnabas Guild rooms. Nineteenth
and California streets. The public Is
cordially invited.
Another "Golden Rose. "
New York Star : The pope has sent
Jio "Golden Rose" to Miss Caldwell ,
daughter of the late William S. Caldwell ,
of Louisville , Ky. , the lady who made
such n munificent gifi to the proposed
Jatholio university. The "Golden Rose"
s an artistically made branch of gold
iiligreo work with roses upon it , which is
blessed by the pope on Lictro Sunday ,
and designed to bo sent to these persons
of royal blood or to such cities as have
rendered great service to tbo church.
This is the second time it has bcon sent
outside tae ranks of royalty and to an
American. The first person so honored
on this side of the Atlantic was Mrs.
Ellen Ewing Sherman , wife of our dis
tinguished follow citizen , Qenoral W. T.
Absolutely Pure.
Thil powder nercr varlm. A marvel of pur-
ty , strength and wholesomoneas. Mure econ
omical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be
told in competition with tbo multitude ot low
ooit abort weight alum or nhoephate ponder * .
Bold only In cam. UovAt IUK1HQ FOWUKB Oo.
101 Wall-it , . N. Y.
The Theatrical Profcaalon.
Merit will win and recelre public recognition and
Tiraiio , Facts , which are tbo outcome of general ox <
perleoce , growing through years of critical and
practical test , bccomo at rooted and Immovable ns
the rock of Gibraltar la public opinion , and hence
forth ne d no further guarantee at to their genu
Inencu. The Indlsputablo fact that Swift's Spcclflo
It the twit lilood purifier In tbo world , It one of thcta
ImmoTablo Gibraltar roclc facts of which we haTe
* pokenand ctery daj't experience root * thl con
viction deeper and Uti per lu public oplulon. Every
clou of our pcopla In America and In Europe.
eTerT trade , calling and profession. Including the
medical nrofuulon , have borne voluntary Cetti-
mouj to the remarkable virtues of B. a. a and
ttt Infallible efficacy lu curing all diseases of ( ho
blood. These testimonial ! are ou file by the thou-
aand * . and open to the Inspection of alL Now come ,
unsolicited , two dlsUugulnhrd members of the thoati
rlcal profession , who gratefully testify to the wonder
ful curative Qualities of the SpecUlo in their Indi
vidual caiM. Their tettunonlalt are herewith tub-
mlttud to the public without further comment-let
many , and of Me Vic ter's Slock Companr , of Chicago.
Tlio frrntleman Is a TV ell known member of the .New
York Thalln Theatre Company. Hold are well known
lu theatrical circlet la tills country and In Europe.
CharlotteItuudovr'i Tcillmouy. - '
* " NEW VOBK , May 8 , 1887.
Swift Specific Comrany , Atlanta , Oa. :
Ocntlemen-UaTlng been annoyed with plmplts ,
eruptions and rouKbnett of the skin , f rom tail ton-
dltlon of my blood , for more than a year , I uned a
leading preparation of ganaparllla and other adver
tised remedies to no effect. Then I consulted a prom
inent physician , and from hl treatment rrcelreU
no benefit. I then concluded to try the H. S. 8. rem
edy for the blood , nnd Ore or HE packages , by a
thorough eradication of my trouble and restoring
( nioolhnesi to my ikla. hare made ma happy , and
I cheerfully ( five you thu testimonial for tuiu ute
aud putlltltj at you wfch to make of U.
CmtaoTTK Riiroow ,
132 Donery , uear CaiuU btrcet ,
Iluto Haiakerl'a Testimony.
The Swift bpeclBo Company , Atlanta. Oa. s
aenllcmen-yt > r two yeartl hadn severe ease of
ectema. I uied tar aoaiw , sulphur toara , aud various
other remedlet , and wa prescribed for by nuinbrn
of I'hJilclans , but found no relief. At last I Vleter-
inlned' to try the a S. S. remedy , aud JAmm eight
bottles ba > e thoroughly rellflTe.1 me , and you a
u o thlt cerlttcato la auy manner rou with.
" *
Membet ot
Kow York , May 3. WJ.
TrtatlM oa Blood and Skin DlMate * man d ( re i'
* "
* * *
I .j .
wuiv , Mu.7 uu rwiusuu-uieni sgr wwc I
3H South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
: stabllhed for the Scientific and Speedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
ThaOld Rcllabla Specialist of many years ox-
pcrlonco , treats with wonderful success nil
LA , HUITUKE , cured witliout KNIFE OU
Treats all forms of Throat Lunir , Nerve nnd
Hood diseases , nil Clironlo diseases iitul Do-
"ormlttos fnr In ndvnnco of any Institution In
his country. Thnso wlio contemplate unlng to
Jot SprltiRS for the treatment of Hiiy I'rhnto
or lllood disease cnn tie cured for ono third the
cost nt our Private Dispensary , 314 South loth
Etroot , Omnhn , Nob.
liUl'TUKK cured without pain orhlndornnco
rom business.
I miCC Hy this treatment a pure Loroly
LHWICO Complexion , free from slowness ,
'rccKlci , blackheads , eruption1 * , etc. , iirllllnnt
Eyes nnd perfect henlth cnn tjo lind.
tST Tbut "tired" feeling and nil fomnlo weak
nesses piomptly cured. Dlontlng Hiimliichos ,
< cr\ous I'ro tratlon , General Ic > lilllty , Sloop-
essncss , Depression nnd Indigestion , Ovnrlon
troubles , Inllanimatlon nnd Ulcetntlon , Falling
nnd Displacements , Spinal weakness , Kidney
complaints and Change of Life , Consult tb.
old Doctor.
EVE lain EI9 Acute or ChronicInflnm
QIC Mull Efulimntlonof thoEjolldsor
jlobo and tar or Near Slghtcdncss , Inversion
of the Lids , Scrofulous E ) os , Ulcnratlons , In-
lammntlons , Abscess , Dimness of VUlonof ono
or both 0) os , nnd Tumors of Ltd.
tar Inflnmmatlon of the Ear , Dlcorntlon or
Catarrh , Internal or External Denfucss , or
nraly sis , Singing- Itoaring noises , Thickened
Irum , etc.
sICDl/nilC Debility , Spcnnntorrhren , Som-
ICnVUUd Inul bosses , Nl ht Emlsalnns ,
x s of Vltnl 1'owor , blooplosiness , Despond
ency , loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
llura llcfore the Eyes , Lii"ltiiIo , LanKuor ,
lloomlnefls , Depression o [ Spirits. Aversion to
Society. Easily Discouraged , Lack of Confl-
donee , Dull , Listless , Unfit for btudy or lltisi-
ness , nnd finds life a burden , Snfcly , Perma
nently andl'rlvatoly Cured.
Diseases , SypUllls-ii'tll-
til finn A ClfU |
souse most horrlblo In
ts resultB completely orndlcntod witliout the
no of mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , Povor
Sores , Illotclics. Pimpled. Ulcers , pnlns In the
Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sere Thront , Mouth
and Tonpue , Ulandiilnr Eiilargomont of the
Nock , Khoumntism , Catarrh , etc. , Pormnncntly
ured Whnn Other * Have Tailed.
IDIII1DV Kldnoy and lllnddor troubles ,
JninjUIll Weak llnoK , Ilmnltiff Urine ,
Frequency of urlruitlntr. Urine hlffh colored or
milky sediment on Brandinir , Uonorrhn-a , Oleot.
Cystitis , etc. , promptly nnd snlely cured.
Charges reasonable.
DDIlfATC nittClCCC Blood poison
millHC UlwCHOCO voiifronl tnlnt
Bloot , Etrloturo , fomlniil emissions , loss of BOX-
unl power , woiikneaa ot the goxtuil oignns.wnnt
of dcslro In mnlo or fomnlc , whether from Im
prudent habits ot , younK or foxunl habits in
nature years , or anf cuuso that debilitates the
sexual lunationsT speedily aud pcrmanontlr
Coniultation free nnd stiictly confldential.
Medicine sent free from observation to all
; mrtg of the Unltod States. Correspondence
receives prompt attention. No letters an
swered unless aceomnnnlcd by four cents In
ttnmpi. Send stump for pamphlet nnd list of
questions. Terms itrlctlr cash. Cull on or ad
No. 814 Sooth IBth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Cor. 13th St. anl Capitol Aug. . OH AHA , NEB.
cllltlen appnratvt * civl rtmMi > i fir incf tftftt I treatment
vrrv firm orilWttsere < iuiriQf Hiullcalor Si rtflr ltrf imriit
WHIT * ro rmn.i.H o liefmnltjrt and Itrnrm Cluh Fwtf
Cimrs.hiraorthftfi'lne , Tile * Tnmnrt Cinrvr , Catarrh , HmiuLlili ,
Inhalation , U * rtrlciijr , I'uralysK F ( iHepty KldnflUl adder , Vjt ,
Lar , Skin , tut ] IJluoJ. arvi all Surgical Derations.
Book on Diseases of ITomcii FRET ] .
All Blood Itiwuwi iucrfMtV.lj tr at d. Syphilitic Po.aon
from the fjritum without nmcurjr. New Hfitorall * e Treatment fur
LOM of Vital Pow r. 1'crtuni uiinbU to vltltu * mar l > treated at
home , by d rmpniidence All communication ! Conntltntlal Mt < tl
cinetcr Inftruinriitifteiit bjr mallor tiprei * arcuretr packed , no
marks to In ticalQ contenUor an < Ifr , Ono personal Uu rvt w pia-
ferwl Call and con mil ua. or MndhUtcrofjrowcaM , with itainp ,
nil w will Mud In i > lti * wrapper , our
L'ponrrt t . Special uil Kfrroui rilMiKi Srmln l wrtknrig ,
fipMriuttnrrhtf Impolrnffjr , BjrnhllU bvourrbwa , tileit , anil * JT A *
corctn Itooiuifor ptl oUf AadreM ,
Dr. BcMenaay , Cor. 13lb st. & Oanltol AT.Omdna , Net.
Medical Books or Papers Free.
The proprietor of tba Omaha Medical and Surgi
cal Initltuto bat publl ned u ralunble tot or booka
and papers upon chronic and luritlcal dlscateianil
deformities , and the methoiU of euro whloli liave
KlTenblmtno reputatlui ot being tbo mot tklll-
r l and tuectnlul ipeclnllal In IU wont anil
made tbe Initltuto o celebrated tint medicine' nre
eat to and piUlonti received from every state In
tbe union. Among the boon li one upon the dl uas-
eB ot wonitintone upon nervuui , special and private
dlteaiei of tbe eeuml and urinary oriani , Tii'lco-
cele cured bjr surgical opemtioni , and th lr lately
Invented clamp comnrcsj suipensorr for the relief
and euro of Taricocele , nervuus exlmustlon und ex *
ual debllltr , now reituratlro treatment. IHpe
uoon surgical braces , rllei , lancers. parulyMs , Ills.
Klectrlcltrand tlienow raannctlc battery lor home
ui : catarrh and Inhalation , etc. Unlike mnit bonkn
limed by doctors free , they do not consist
of testimonial ! with fictitious namei and Initials ,
or rubbish uf that kind , but are plain descriptions
of diseases , lymptom * . new dlncuverlcs In medicine ,
uriiery and electricity , und are well worth the pe-
aural , andcitn he obtained free by nddr ilng tlia
Omaha Medical and Hurslol Inttltute , 13th st eet
and Capitol Ayen'ie , Omnha , Nebraikv.
HOTEL' ' *
ludUcrttlois or
this iptcile purpoit.CCSI or
[ t h. li t' ilauous.uiiid. soothingcumnu of
. oUle-V tV r < H "l7 tkrouit allwcsk pirti.mlor.
tojt tEi * Jjng'.to n lil > and Vljotoui ir
Cwit.l > f-fttlniuiiilTorweorfilttl. ! KI lacsia.
OnUiit Inpnrf nitnls ottr Il other b.lli Worn OKI ptr <
M4BtntlycurtdfnthfMWonttii ftt l(4j pfinnbltt4c tJimD >
tkaSindm ElMtrio Co. I6 LaStlio . , Chlc.aa
.oaaeacured. No knife , dr > itrnorrl u ed-
4 vadT Y. o. supply co. uoaJM. tt . Lvub.Mo.
In order to create a little stir during this , for the clothing trade ?
usually quiet spell , we have placed on sale for this week , and until
they are all disposed of , about
One thousand suits comprising four diiferent lines at the following
prices :
one lot men's sack suits made of good Union Oassimere ; a nice small
check , serge lining , covered buttonsand altogether made up in good
substantial manner , at $3.75 a suit.
Two lots of men's sack suits , both the same quality but different patterns -
terns of dark , very neat mixtures , lined with serge and well made
at $4.50. These suits are of good medium weight and would be
adapted for wear now as well as later on in the season.
One lot of young mens' suits , sizes from 33 to 38 , a splendid pattern ot
silk mixture cassimere , Italian lining and elegantly made for $5.25 * '
Our object in placing these suits on s le at these prices is two-fold }
Firstly , to meet the wants of a large class of our patrons , and to enable -
ble them to get , at a time of the year when no one feels like buy ing er *
pensive clothing : , a substantial and good looking suit at a merely
nominal price. Our second and main object is to advertise ourselves
and pave the way for the immense fall business for which we prepare
and which we expect to do.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
During July and August , our store closes at 6:80 : p. m. , except Saturday.
AT KEARNEY , AUG. 11,1887
Business and Residence Property.
In the Heart of the City. This is a Chance of a Lifetime for Investors }
Having engaged in mercantile business , I have decided to sell about one half of my real es >
tate in the center of the "Future Great" of the Platte Valley , the Queen City of the Plainq
and shortly to become
The Seven Business Lots are across the street and fronting the new $75,000 hotel , now nearly
completed , and the Opera House , to be built immediately.
The Eighty Dwelling Lots are adjoining the $10,000 Third "Ward School House yard , and
are being connected with the main streets by sidewalks , being distant only seven blocks , or
three fourths of a mile nearer the business part of the city than any other additions that have
recently been put on the market.
In distant additions around Omaha and Lincoln , which have already been boomed enough
for ten years , but Come to Kearney , whore the boom has just commenced.Hie progressive
and enterprising element will soon make Kearney the third , if not the second city of the
state , by utilizing its
Developing the Summer Kesorts around its silvery lakes , and last , but not least , establishing
the most Magnificenta Chautauqua Grounds in the west. Kearney's natural advantages are
without a rival for five hundred miles.
TERMS OF SALE Terms on dwelling property , easy , and made known on day of sale
Terms on business property , as follows : One-fifth cash , and balance in f Dur annual payments
the last two to be forfeited if I do not erect a five story brick , 85x100 feet , adjoining property
for a bank and wholesale house. For further particulars , inquire of PACE & 1UIOADES
Auctioneers , Lincoln , Neb. , or
J. S. HARRINGTON , Kearney , Neb ,
Free excursion for investors , from all points in Nebraska , who purchase and pay for $200
worth of property.
Dr. Haughawout : Unialm Dontnl Asso
ciation. Host sow toctli $0 , fully war
ranted. Teeth without plato , bridge
work and crowna of every approved
kind , insortcidby the most satihfactory
method. Hollman block , cor. 13th nnd
Farnatn streets ,
acticaprl topics 2
Bomothlnir entirely new
and eells at elKlit. llnr-
.ton's atsnmlcss. Odor-
'icss ' , Non-lloll-Uvor-Kot-
tle. Has deep raltod
co\or nnd watur joint ,
nnd nn outlet which car
ries all Btnnm and odor
of the chimney. Patent
Ftcumor attarhmont
alone worth tlm jirlcn.
A wen tt wanted , nmljnr
femiilo In every town In N'obraska. Profits $ 'i to
f 10 per duy. Liberal terms and inclusive terri
tory g\\on. \ Send stamp for vhctilur undlurms.
Prices , Oqt. . l.75 ; H ot. , $1.M ; lUqt , 12 ; Hqt. , Modclby mall , ) c.
W.B.CODMIlS.Gcncrnl Agent ,
Omahii Neb. , 1' . O. Ilex 48J.
' And clhen suffering- from
knerrous debility , nliaiuUnff
Ichronto dlwiil. . pitm tur
Idecllno of jounf or old r
PposiUfcly cuiej \ > r Vt
ilome'i fsmous Eleclr * .
im Macucllt U ll Tbcmtaiidc
fSSUU In UieTJnlon hs h n curiU
Sly Instantly felt. 1'mplrt ajul tolA > 0
famllr c n w r iamt btlt-aJj'j''rlB
* fcWf 43ro4 = # tt
< f& > : fc" < & # fc" m
A magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's rt , at reasonable prices.
. .
* !
Remarkable for powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; 30 year * ' record ,
the bett guarantee of the excel
lence of these instrument ;
( Succuegori to John a , JittobB. )
MOB and Enbalns
At Hie old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders ' i
\ > y tLlr rapli solicited and promptly attended - '
tended lo. Telephone No , si25.
tiiron-i ! errors nntl had practlcbd