Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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or 8tro cTtrrTio < s
Dnltr ( Morald * Edition ) Including Bundnr
nr.R. Ono Your . . . . . . $10
ForflliMontlii . Dtt
For Throw Month * . . 2 W
The Omaha HunJny Dec , milled to anf
ddreM , Ono year. . . SO
OMAit * nrrtcc. No. oil AND ( Ml CAITTAW HTIIIKT
Nrw ynnx ( irrtci. Hoon nr < , TmmrNi lltw.niMi
WABUINUTON urrici , No. ,13 FUUUTUNTU BriuiT
All communications relntln * to news nndedl
torlal matter fhould bo adrlrwuod to the KOI
rtm or TUB lur.
nusirmi i.tmn&i
AH bti'ltiMi lottori and rcmltUnosi ihould hi
OMAHA. Drafts , checks and poitofllco order
to be made payable to tbo ortlerof th ompaaj
worn Statement of Circulation.
tate of Nebraska. I. .
County ot Douclas. { Bf "
O o. 11. TMCUUCK , secretary of The n *
Publishing company , does solemnly swea
that the actual circulation of the Dally Heifer
for the weekending Augusts. 1837 , wu a
follow * :
8aturday.July 80. . 14.20
Hundav. July 31 . H.SO
Monday , August 1 . 14,50
Tiiondav. AtiKtist a . lli.Sid
Wednesday , August 3 . 13.K8
Thursday. August 4 . IH.HS
Friday , August 5 . 14,00
Average . 14.07
Hworn to nnd subscribed In my present
this Ctli day of August , A. D. 1887.
rSKAL.I Notary Public.
BUto of Nebraska , )
JOHK Ian County. t „
Oeo. 13. Tzschuck , being first duly sworn
deposes and says that he Is secretary of Tin
Bee Publishing company , that the nctun
average dally circulation of the Dally lice fo
the month of July , 1880 , 18,814 copies
for Aiieiist , 1S88. 12,404 copies ; for Septem
her , IBbO , 13,030 copies ; for October. IBM
12.8H9 copies ; for November , 1880 , 13H :
orlw for December , 1880. 13,337 copies ; fo
January 1887. lflS6fl copies ; for February
1887 , 14,1 % copies ; for March. 1887. 14,40
copies ; for April , 18S7 , 14,310 copies ; for May
1887 , 14.SJ7 copies ; for Juno 1897,14,14
_ . , . , . OKO. B. TKBOHUCK.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Is
dnyotJulyAD. , 1887.
tBEALJ N. P. FICIL. Notary Public.
AT the present time there arc too man'
aspiring statesmen in the hands of thei
friends. If they could only be plncod ii
the hands of the police all would bo for
given and no questions asked.
FAIUIIK HA.LLOWAY , of the Mannw :
Btoamar has been reduced to tears. HI
should go back to his hay press and sld
hill plow. The country" already toi
well supplied with ignoramuses lllco Hul
THE Omiiha postoffico may , from i
government standpoint , bo of sullioien
importance to bo considered first class
The day when it can bo rated as firs
class from a cleanly standpoint is in th
dim and misty distance.
IP Frank McCabe , of DesMoinns , ha <
only drowned himself as he wished t <
make his ex-sweet heart believed ho hat
be would have saved himself a great dca
of trouble. In the future Esquire Me
Cabo will not toy so carlessly with a buz
IF it ia true that the alleged stcamboa
Manuwfa was sunk on Thursday nigh
through the carelessness of a lot o
drunken passengers , the guilty porsoni
should bo brought to justice at once
It is to bo hoped , however , that such i
not the case.
THE country surrounding St. Paul i
greatly in need of harvest hands. Thi
would .be a splnndid opportunity fo
these troubled with Insomnia to find ;
permanent euro , to say nothing of tht
idle people at St. Paul to soouro profit
able employment.
ALL presidents.have exacted more o
less outside service from their privati
secretaries , but not until Mr. Clovolant
wont into office were they expected to di
the lying to the administration. Lament
however , Is a natural liar , and it is in hi
line to thus please his chief.
IT is to bo hoped that Charles Francl
Adams , after ho has succeeded in rcduc
Ing the expenses of the Union Pacific rail
road down to the proper limit , ho wil
leave the track and. roadbed intact. Th
blue-blooded president should at lotts
leave a little of the corporation undis
IF THE authorities over in Iowa ar
possessed of the enterprise , and love fo
good government , wo think they are , n <
time will bo lost in bringing to justicoan <
placing behind the bars of the ponitonti
wry , the thugs who participated m th
prize fight on Sunday. It is useless ti
say they cannot bo dealt with as they do
serve. Whore there ia a will there is i
will there is a way.
IF THE citizons-of Boston who londcroc
the tnugwninp , John L. Sullivan , a test !
monlal benefit last night , when a diamond
mend atuddod bolt was presented him
bad-taken the bully and loafer out undo
the historical elms and by the aid of i
rope , suspondodod hU worthless body between
tweon heaven and earth they wouli
have done their country a valuabl
TUB disadvantage of life in Venice 5
forcibly illustratcdiin this morning's dia
patches. The gondoliers have struck 01
account of the long hours , and the in
habitants are now forced to swim or sin ;
at homo. The cooks and waiters nisi
threaten to go out , and the imprisonoi
inhabitants bid fair to starve unless tin
strikers1 demands arc accecdcd to.
AMONG the most conspicuous ruins
anywhere to be found in this country I :
the remains of Senator Shelby M. Cul
lom's boom for the presidency. Cullen
has ulway prided himself on rescmblmc
in appearauco the lamented Liucoln. J
great many bad things woru sUd : of Lin
coin , but ovec his worst enemies am
boldcat traduoors never intimated Urn
ho was as ngly a man ns the allejrei
senator .from Illinois.
Winr don't people loaru to swiniJ Ii
nearly nil the drowning disasters it i
these who never acquired this useful ar
thnt go undor. Swimniini * can I *
learned , especially wbilo a person I
young , with comparatively little exertioi
and parents should sea that their chiUlrci
acquire this knowledge. Thousands o
people who have found watery grave :
might be nlivo .to-day had they kuqvvr
mow to swim.
ProRrens of Ncbraflka.
The evidences ot Nebraska's progress
MO apparent to every citizen who has op
portunities of observation. The proof la
presented in the statement ot the taxable
wealth of the state by counties AS re
ported to the auditor. This makes tha
gratifying exhibit that the total valua
tion tor 1837 , amounting to 1160,500,200 ,
is nn increase overthntof | 1830 of f 10,073-
COO , nnd over 188a of moro than f 37,000-
000. Carrying the comparison back tc
1881 , it is shown that the incrcaso in the
taxable wcnlth for the past six ycnrs has
been at nn average of a little
over 111,000,000 A year , or In
round numbers 107,000,000. While noarlj
ull of the seventy-eight counties have
added to their wealth in the past year ,
moro than one-third of the total increase
in the taxable wealth of the state ha :
boon supplied by the counties of Doug
las and Lancaster , the former having
added $4,129,071 , and the latter | 1C99-
007. The counties that show a decrease
in assessment are Butler , Cuming ,
Dawes , Dixon , Dodge , Kearney , Nance
Pierce , Richardson , Saline , Webster nnd
York. It is very likely , however , thnt in
the cnso of most or all of these counties
the reduced figures nro dut
rather to Ino faults of assessors than te
any actual diminution in their taxable
wealth. It is probable that every one ol
them would on a correct aud honest as
Bcssmuut show a gain over the returns ol
last year. The return for Douglas county
is $11),708,445 ) , which is about 12 per ccnl
of the total , a fact which is respectfully
commended to the attention of all whe
may haye any doubt as to the gencrou :
part Douglas county bears in supporting
the state government. Among tin
numerous details of the last state
ment of taxable wealth it may bt
iiileicsting to note that Snundcr :
county loads in the number of acres of ! m
proved land , with Otoc , Seward , Lan
caster and ( Jage following closely in tht
order named.
A statement of taxable wealth necessarily
essarily furnished a very inadequate idei
of the actual wealth. There are varioti :
familiar reasons why this is so. It is per
haps not an exaggeration to place the
actual wealth of Nebraska at this time ai
fully six times the amount given as tin
total taxable wealth or very noarlj
$1,000,000,000. Assuming the pros
cnt population of the state tt
bo 830,000 , and wo have nt
doubt it is greater than this , the notua
wealth per capita Is about $1.111. Then
Is nt most not more than one or two othoi
states that can make so good a sliowJtif
as this. Tlie figures show that the tax
able wenlth has been increasing for tht
past six years at a rate which , if main
tamed , will at the next national census
give an aggregate considerably more
than double that nt the last census. The
actual wealth will undoubtedly be found
to have increased fully four-fold. In
population , also , it is assured that the
increase will bo nearly three fold. In
1880 Nebraska's population was 452,403 ,
and in 1835 it had increased to 740,045 ,
nn average annual gain of nearly 08,000 ,
The growth slnco 1885 has been nt n
greater ratio than before , nnd it is r
moderate estimate that 125,000 have bei'E
added to our population since that year
But taking the least liberal basis of cal
culntion Unit can reasonably bo adopted
from the known figures , nnd it is entirely
safe to say that in 1800 Nebraska will
have a population of very" nearly if not
quite 1,200,000. On the whole Nebraska's
present condition and prospects nro cer
tainly of a character to inspire pride aud
confidence in her citizens.
Material Prospects of Utah.
The Mormon problem has occupied so
largo a place in public attention thai
very little consideration has been given
to the material conditions and prospect :
of Utah , and yet practical people must
sco thnt in the development of these
must ultimately be found a force more
potent than any and all others in settling
the vexed question , and in making thai
settlement permanent and irreversible ,
Utah possesses mining nud agricultural
wenlth which the world wants and in
time will certainly utilize. Every acre
of that oxtcnsivo territory which can be
made nvnitablo for producing nuy *
thing that the requirements of mnn cal
for will one day be used , and the time
cannot bo rcmoto when the niovomonl
that is to eventuate in this will become
largo ana active. Then whatever stand *
in the path of its progress as an obstruc
tion will bo swept out of the way , 01
forced to adjust itself to the now order oi
things. Whether or not legislntlon shall
prove effective in rescuing Utah from the
domination of the Mormon church , noth
ing is more sure than the final surrender
of that power to superior numbers.
The material conditions and requirements
quiromonts of Utah nro begin
ning to attract the attention they merit ,
A oorrospondcnt writing to un eastern
journal from Salt bake City states tlml
ercnt interest is being felt in a railroad
sohorno which if carried out will bo ol
Immense benefit to Utah. Salt Lake Citj
is the terminus of the Union Pacific and
Denver & Rio Grande railways , nnd
possibly of ono or two others , including
the Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy , which
nro heading in that direction. A road
called the Utah Central already extends
about two hundred miles further in n
southwest direction , and will soon be
continued about a hundred miles further
to the great mining district of Piocho
in southern Nevada. From thence
to Los Angeles it is not far from B5C
miles. All these rival roads are looking
for business from that direction. They
have had enough of paralleling oao'h
other to Snlt Lake , and their managers
realize Uiut ono wall-organized and
thoroughly equipped road can supply all
their requirements. It is therefore proposed -
posed that these various roads , including
the Utah Central itbolf , shall , in proportion
tion to the magnitude of the interest of
each , contribute to building this exten
sion for their joint purposes. There ap
pears to bo no good reason why this
sohomo should not be consum
mated , whiles there is much
to bo said m its favor. Southern
California is having an unprecedented
development. Its fruit industry u im
mense. The import and tixport trade of
Los Angeles lost year Is stated to have
been moro than half that of San Kran-
cisco , nnd it is steadily increasing. All
produce- from thnt locality now comes to
the east in A roundabout nvny. By the
now route it would come direct. It is
clear thnt the rt-suits of such-an arrange-
nioiit would be greatly beneficial to bait
l-nko City coimuercinUy , aad in the
building up of that city ull the Luterotts
in the territory would bo stimulated , I
is in Bitch directions thnt the energies o
the Geritllo population of Utah can finr
most proGtablo employment , since then
is the assurance that every atop of ma
terial progress brings thorn nearer tin
attainment of what they doslro to reach
More Btenhi Fire Engines Needed
Omaha will have to invest In at leas
ton additional steam fire engines in th <
nonr future. This will Involve an outlay
of fully 150,000. The city council wil
have to dovlso the ways aud moans t <
raise this money. The lire hydrant can nt
longer bo rcliod on to put out ( ires in am
building above throe stores in height
The best buildings in Omaha are con
stnntly exposed , nnd the fire risk in four
five and six story buildings that an
not absolutely tiro-proof is grcate ;
to-dnr than it wns when the clt :
was dependent upon steamers and tire
cisterns. "An ounce of prevention 1
worth a pound of cure. " It is high timi
that the preliminary steps bo taken fo
placing our fire department on a footitif
that will enable it to bo of service in casi
of agroat conflagration. The demand foi
this is much more pressing than for bet
rowing $40,000 for n library building
The insurance people are fully in
formed of our condition , and our prop
crty owners and merchants are payinj
high insurance rates owing to the in
creased risk.
Do Wo Neocl It.
The managers ol the public library nr
making a coucortcd effort through ou
local contcmporancs'.to push their schoni
of a library building on Jefl'erson squar
through the council. Their main argii
ment is that the public library is a popti
lar educator. Nobody denies that , bu
does cut stone , brick nnd mortar constl
tuto the public library ? Will th outla ;
for a library building improve our cdtico
tionnl facilities ? Wo have always though
that books , and not buildings constitut
the essentials of a library. If wo havi
any money to spare , why not invest it ii
books ? The talk about n separate build
ine as a necessity is preposterous. An ;
room twenty by eighty will accomraodati
all the books in the library and an oqun
amount of space will afford all the read
ing room accommodations. What monde
do we need at present except mon
books. Some of the largest and oldcs
cities in the country get niong comfor
tably without a library building. Semi
day one of our millionaires who desires t <
immortalize hinuolf , will have a chanci
to do so by erecting a public library , ar
gallery and museum building.
Disgraceful Urutallty.
Two years ago a prize fight took placi
in Saunders county , which wns organized
izod and engineered by Omaha slugger
nnd roughs. The result wns n grant
jury indictment and conviction of one o
the principals to a term in the peniten
tiary. This severe lesson scorns to hnvi
been forgotten. At any rate , it has no
restrained the slugging fraternity ii
Omaha from repeating the oflcnso. Thi :
time the brutal combnt has taken plnci
in Iowa , and the penalties i n
currcd are therefore beyond tin
reach of Ngbaoskn justice. For all tha
it wns a disgraceful nfiiiir and our local au
thoritics cannot bo held entirely blame
less in allowing tlm parties openly uiu
actively engaged inworking up this slug
ging match to carry out their designs un
molested. There was no effort to concca
the object of the excursion. It was ai
unlawful Gathering as much so as anj
meeting that contemplates riot , disordei
and bloodshed.
THE republicans of Now York wil
hold their slate convention September 14
at Saratoga. At the mooting of the stati
committee to arrange the time and plact
of holding the convention the very bes
feeling prevailed , there being not tin
slightest evidence of any divisions o
opinion on matters of party manage
rnont. it wns clearly shown that the re
publicans of Now York were never mon
harmonious than at this time , nud then
does not appear to bo the loftst reason ti
apprehend serious differences or dissen
sions. The lenders ronlizo the great responsibility
sponsibility that rests on the party n
thnt state , nnd they are disposed to nice
it. This requires mutual concession
and a aibregard of Individ
unl anmhitions , nnd it is reassuring ti
find that thc&o conditions nro cheerful ! ;
nnd without hesitation nccoded to. lie
publican success in Now York next fal
would do inoro to strengthen the conli
donee of the party in the country thai
any other political event that can bo con
coivcd of ns probable to occur , and woult
very greatly enhance the chances of republican
publican success in the national contcs
of 1883. There are many things les :
likely to occur than both of these results
TIIK "squealer has become to bo a defi
nlto factor m the administration o
justice upon the "boodlor. " Both o
tl'eso terms are modern and vulgar , bu
the tbing they stnnti for does not roquin
cholco terms. They are expressive. Tht
public does not like a thief , but the tine
who "squeals" is despised. Ho is usefu
nnd has been called forth by the lav
which offers immunity to the informer
but in moral character hois utterly bank
nipt. In a band of thieves 01
other criminals the informer is tin
meanest. Not only docs ho break tin
law , but he is without the courage tha
some lawbreakers have of taking tht
consequences of his nets. Ho shield :
himself by offering up his companions ir
crime. In every "boodle" case thnt hai
been tried the squculer has taken i
prominent part. lie is an important nd
junct in the administration of justice , bin
when ho has served his term he should bt
made to feel that he is a social outcas
who must undergo a thorough moral re
generation before bo is again allowed t <
associate with nonfat mon ,
THE Salisbury cabinet wns formed dur
ing the lirnt week in August , 1880 , and so
has been In existence one year. It was
not expected to last ao long. The pro
cess of reconstruction that has boon con
stantly going on within it , however , has
boon remarkable. More changes have
taken place in the ministry during the
twelve months jnst ended than in ns
many years before. This is a sign
of the timed. Public opinion in Eng
land is chancing on many subjects , but
especially In relation to the question oj
homo rule for Ireland , The conserva
tive leaders hare been able to hold their
heads above water by u series of deft po
litical uwauavera , but nevertheless it la
evident that the party is disintegrating ,
and the liberal leader * will
soon bo placet ! In , power ngnln , With
their accession will also come homo rule ,
it is generally bollovcd.
THE controller of currency has called
upon the national banks for n report ol
their condition at i io close of business
on August 1. Tha information is ex
pected to bo particularly valuable as
showing how the , banks are prepared to
meet the approaching demand for funds
to move the crops. { It may not bo amiss
to suggest to bank officials thnt the pres
ent controller of the currency shows nc
leniency to thoso'tianks that full to re
port to those calls. These which disre
garded the last call were fined and the
lines were collected , though souio oi
them made strenuous efforts to have the
penalty remitted , bringing political in
flucnco to bear for that purpose. Mr ,
Trenholm is determined to ouforco the
statute. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IF we are not mistaken there is an or
dlnunco now in force which require !
street railway companies to no
tlfy the city engineer of all proposed
extensions and tracks to bo laid by ne\\
lines. This has not boon complied wltt
by any company. The ordinance shotilt
bo strictly enforced , aud wo would sug
pest additional legislation by the councii
that would prohibit any horse railway ,
cnblo road or motor line from laving
tracks without permission from the board
of public works , nnd furthermore will
prohibit the obstruction of streets by
tracks thnt nro not continuous. This wilde
do away with a growing nuisance nni
compel street railway companies to list
their right-of-way only on streets whiol
they intend to occupy permanently and
on which they will bo bound to run cars
within n reasonable time.
THE Bureau of Animal Industry ha ;
done good work during the post six
months. A system of quarantine hns
boon ndoptod toward cattle supposed tc
bo infected with plouro-pnoumonia. An
imals afllictcd with it are killed and thoii
values paid to the owners. Thirty-twc
states and territories have received favor
ably the scheme of co-operation sug
gested by the bureau. This is i
rational method of dealing with tht
disease and should bo encouraged. Penn
aylvania is ono of the states which re
fused to recognize the national inspectors
tors and as a consoqnonco pleuro-pneu
monia has gained n strong hold upon the
oattlo of their commonwealth. The sub
ject ia ono of great importance to the
people of Nebraska and should receive
the oarnoH attention of the citizens o !
the state.
IT is porfcctlymatural that a rcadnrlcst
Council Bluffs paper which has long sinct
been distanced by'the ' BEE in its circula
tion in its own city-by reason of the BEE'S
superiority as a newspaper , should bark
and j-olp at the Bite's heels. But it is re
served for the most worthless daily ir
Omaha to takO ) up this stupit !
and idiotic yuwp nnd accuse the
BEE of trcuchdry to Council Bluff *
because it has forjyears distinguifhod be
tween Council Bin ( Is proper nnd the U ,
P. transfer grounds by dubbing them
Dillonvillo. When the boodling advent
urers who are running the roadless
Omaha sheet have boon in this city as
many months as Rosewater has been
years , they niuv bo in better position tc
arrogate to themselves the championship
of the interests of the two cities.
THE city has no more need of b public
library building at this time than it ha *
of an art hall or museum. The time will
come when wo shall have all of these ad
juncts of a metropolis , but wo can afford
to wait ten or fifteen years. Our resources
sources are limited , and common senst
would dictate that the bonds which arc
issued by tne city shall not be squandered
on enterprises that can bo put off. Oui
debt is now within $250,000 of its limit
Every dollar of this sum and more toe
is needotl for school buildings , sewerage
viaducts ana , fire engine houses.
PAT Foun has been immortalized by a
local slugger's paper. Pat's name ap
pears under the picture of a Now York
dude , arrayed in elegant and fashionable
nttiro , with his hair dressed and mous
tache waxed. Wo would suggest for the
next number of that shoot the portrait of
Howard B. bmith in his Sun tiny school
suit , with the name of I. S. Hascall un
dcrncath. The portrait of the secretary ol
the police commission would pass mustci
for the pugilist of the council ns rcadiij
as does the alleged portrait of the Third
wnrd dudo.
BEFORE the council votes to locate c
library building ou Jefferson Square tho.\
had better ascertain whether the people
of Omaha fnvor the destruction of the
only little park in the heart of the city ,
Other cities have scores of littio squares
and triangles parkedand ombotishcd witti
fountains and monuments. Omaha in in
need of every inch of breathing ground
and park which can bo reserved , nnd the
larger the city grows the more wo shall
fool this want.
' TAUTOLOOIOAL twaddle and prearranged -
arranged policies neither awe nor dis
may Colonel Lee. " This reference to
Councilman Leo's brilliant efforts In
the council is extracted word for word
from the sluggers' ' sheet on Douglas
street. We know.Mite Leo is a clover
follow , but wo w ro not aware that ho
had been commissioned a colonel. Mike
ought to choke jb'fl' ' . that "tautological"
thug , with an unaprjdgod dictionary.
THE slugger's pa nor , referring' to the
bogus likeness of tt'at i'ord , says : "Tho
gohtleraan whosi portrait adorns this
page of this one of the most re
markable components of the Omaha city
couucil. " "Component" is good. Wo
should say ho wnsu 4
* r
IF Omaha had $ $ ,000 to spare , she
could invest it much more profitably in
n market house than in a library build-
Several uillUare to ba erected in Wyo
Mining labor ls in demand and wages are
Natural gas la to be bored for at Charles
ton , S. 0 ,
The Kansas State assembly wiU meet on
August 10.
Tne englUh printers will IOOQ form a fed
The Waltham Watch company hu been
Importing labor.
A Unce alilp building plant may be erected
t Peaaacoja , i'la. .
ni-fnr mm nrrt > l ; t r ra irH rir'tf'r- ' '
A silk mill to cost 520,000 Is to bo erected a
Whitehall , N. Y ,
The KnUhts ot Labor order Is growln ,
steadily in the west.
1 here are 120,000 persons employed In th
coal mines ot Franco.
During Juno C09 now Knights ot Labor ns
sombllcs ivcro organized.
Some Now York tailors propose A co-op
crntlvo tailoring establishment.
Ten steel steamers are to bo built to carr
ere from the Lake Superior region ,
A car building company has been organ
Izrd to build cars at South Baltimore.
The 15,000 harnossmakers of the Unite *
States have formed a national union.
Work In the south Is abundant in shops
but common labor Is not so quickly absorboc
The Increase of heavy machinery Is brlug
Ing Into use cranes of enormous lifting ca
The Central Pennsylvania miners wilt holi
a convention at Huntingdon , Pa. , 01
July 27.
Indiana gas Is freer from sulphur than I
Ohio or Penusylanla gas , which Is greatly Ii
Its favor.
A natural VM line to cost 91,000,000 Is t <
run through Beaver county , Pa. , to loungs
town , O.
The basis of the new Knights of Labo
membership is ono dclcgato for every 9,00
New England shoemakers are nntlclpatlni
reductions In wages on account of the fallur
of the strike.
The Iron and EtPol workers of Knglnni
will inret at Shnfllcld this month to form i
national trades union.
A certain class ot the Wllltmintlc Llnei
company employes had their wages In
creased 20 per cent ,
Lynn shoo manufacturers say they nove
knew customers to bo BO urgent for sblc
ments of boots and shoes.
Prominent engineers are rccommondlm
the use of heavier steel rails , and have hat
100 yards to the pound trlod.
Making Merry at Our Expense ,
Snn Francisco Alta.
It Is claimed that the Missouri river watci
used In Omaha Is fit for nothing but mui
pics. Instead of drinking It the unfortunatt
people chow It , and oven then It raises an Internal
tornal sand-bar that has to bo kept covered
with Milwaukee beer.
A Presidential Corner Feared.
GlobeDemocrat. .
The present year will go into history as tbi
year of corners. First there was a coffee cor
ner , followed by a collapse ; then there was i
wheat corner , also followed by a collapse
then there vris a cotton corner , which met i
similar fate ; now there Is a tobacco cornet
the result of which will soon bo known
There was also a corner in prunes whicl
broke a few grocery firms who tried to "run *
It. The principal corner now in sight is tha
being manipulated by Orover Cleveland fo
the next democratic nomination. It looks ai
if UIU and other "shorts" would be badlj
squeezed In this enterprise.
That French Dttel.
Chicago Tribune.
Mankind breathes mnro freely ,
The dangpr Is o'er ,
Those Frenchmen no longer
Are thlrstlne for goro.
All the world stood aghast ,
Yet the critical juncture
lias safely been passed
without oven a puncture.
Well may our thanksgiving
Impulsively rise ,
And the fountains of rapluro
O'erllow throuch our eys.
Thnt menacing horror ,
That Boulanger-Ferry
"Wnrrloue has gone past , and
There's no one to bury.
Platte county prohibits are out with t
loan ticket.
Two unknown mon were killed bj
lightning near Sheldon lost week.
The corner stone of the Odd Fellowf
hall in lied ( /loud will bo laid to-day.
The Hastings district camp meeting ha :
lust closed a successful session ou tbi
Blue river near Fairbury.
The Bloux City Journal sees no reasor
why twine should bo scarce in the wcsi
when hemp is so plenty in Nebraska.
The Otoo County Fair association wil
hold the fifth annual exhibition at Syra
ouse , September 27 to 30. The premium
list contains scores of fat purses for var
ioua classes of exhibits.
llussinn Charley and John Flynn , la
borers ou the B. & M. road twenty mile ;
from Fullerton , quarrelled , aud lattM
Flynn stabbed Russian Charley in tin
back , killing him instantly.
The deadly well water has n record 01
six victims in loss than a mouth four it
Nebraska and two in Iowa. Such inci
dents seriously all'cct the following of St ,
John , but docs not impair the value oj
the Html for navigation purposes.
L. D. MoKnight , recently from Custci
county , pulled up in Harvard and put c
bullet through his bruin. Luoms was
less than limn twenty years of ago and
loaves two wives one a widow and the
other divorced.
The residents of Milford and vlcinlt ;
indulged in a harvest homo picnic last
Saturday. The amusements included
sermons on the tight rope and trapese ,
a chorus of base bailers , horse raoos , fool
races , dancing and other hilarities.
Sidney has organized a company will
1500,000 capital to locate and work oil
nnd mineral claims in Wyoming. This
makes the fourth Nebraska company or
ganized to work in that region , anil
they have already secured the fat of the
Iho Red Cloud Chief is fifteen years old
nnd wears his tall feathers gracefully ,
Born of proud , penurious parents , ho site
on nn antitiup stump by the Bide of a rail
road , robed in painful , givo-mo-a-pass ,
far-away look , and has not enough energy -
orgy to got up aud walk or pile into his
A pair of Sioux county doctors who
wcro called to Harrison to attend the sick
child of Mr. Xohro , dosed themselves
with red liquor on the way and permitted
the child to die through neglect. That
the doctors are yet on top of the onrth IB
nscribed to popular forbcnranco and a
shortage of hemp.
Ilith society in Iloldrcgo has been
shocked and. the moral atmosphere
tainted by the boastialtty of n prominent
citizen , named Q. O. Charleston. Ho Ii
accused by Helena Anderson with being
the father of her child , with shipping her
out of town to avoid disgrace and with
final abandonment among strangers.
She was found by her mother in Hust
ings , where Charleston had left her pen-
uiless. t _ _
Grand Island Is threatened with a belt
railroad , Tno Uniou Pacific u consider'
ing tUu sohomo , and also the establish
ment of stock ynrdi at that point. It is
said that the latter 'improvement is.
pottlcd nnd plans adopted for yards capn-
bio of handling and feeding all the stock
offered. These Improvements will give
the metropolis of liall a boost to the
front that will make the oyeo ot Hastings
bulge out.
The deadly feud between the gun and
the small boy is spreading with the approach
preach of the hunting season. Kvery
week brings tbo sharp crack of unloaded
weapons , accidental disohargtifl. desola
ted homes and fresh mounds fti the ceme
tery.Norfolk scores the latest victim.
The proud father of Charley Ward , a
fourteen-year-old , recently presented
Mm with a target rifle , and on Saturday
the boys had an exhibition shoot. Mil
ton Record wojj choi > on for the sacrifice
by being posted ncnr the target. A1
noon as ho got within range the gun ac
oldontally wont off us usual , nud it
twenty minutes he WAS ft corpse.
Immediately After escorting n disngrco
nblo citizen out of town ono day las
week , the hilarious residents of Struttoi
indulged in n horse raoo for money 01
blood. Bill BuoknoH's bay Cyclone nni
Jack Rogers' silvortnil Thunder won
brought out and big money put up : Cy
clone had n running record of a uillo 11
seven minutes , but Thunder was a dnrl
horse to a majority of the town sports
The former was backed two to ono , ant
the lender of the gang , after oxamlnini
the plugs nnd pronouncing cvorythlnj
square , took the Cyolono rider Into i
shed , shoved a forty-eight regulntoi
under his nose and whispered , "If yet
don't beat that sack of masticated ]
from Box Elder you die. " Ho won.
A Tale That Proves the Reversal o
the Old Supemtltlon.
Now York Commercial Advcrtis
or : The most popular thing m the wa ;
of gems just now is the opal. Not tha
anyone objects to pro sonts of diamonds
but the opal is enjoying u boom in tin
best society , A voracious Maiden lam
jeweier says the reason for this Is tha
late researches into anoicnt lore have on
tlrcly reserved the old notion that tin
opal is an unlucky stono. The oxaot con
trary is the fact. A man mayliavo nl
kinds of luck with the biggest diamond
that was ever found. Nothing but gootl
fortune goes with the opal. Yottnf
women who nro going to Kuropo got n sc
of opal jewelry , this jowoloy says , t <
kcop thorn from going to the bottom
Gentlemen who are going to Co 1103
Island to take n flyer on n race , buy t
pair ot opnl sleeve buttons , uiul win ou t
Hhort horso.
rj "A customer of mine , " ho wont on
"came in hero the otlior day and told me
a littio story which illustrates the powoi
of the opal. Last Christmas his wife
made him a present of n scarf pin sot witli
ono of these marvelous stones. At that
time ho had a mortgage on his house ; bit
business ho is ncoffoo backer and had
boon fooling with the wrong end of the
market was in n. desperate condition ; he
was threatened with paresis , and tiling !
were going wrong with him generally.
Pretty soon coffee bccan to rise. It kept
going up and carried this man right
along with it. Ho got his business in
shape , paid off his mortgage and went
Along swimmingly. Nowhcro's the most
remarkable cart of the story. Some ono
slipped the pin out of his scarf ono day
in a crowd. The very next day he fell
down stairs and bioko two ribs ; his wife
upset a bottle of purple ink
all over his now summer clothes ;
his little boy played truant from
school and got arrested for tying a
pnckago of fire-crackers to a dog's tail ;
the parlor maid smashed the new chande
lier to Hinders with a stepladder ; one oi
the horses developed glanders , and the
hired man poured a ladleful of molted
load down his boot-leg.
"During the next week n shutter fell
off the front of the house nnd hit it police
man on the head ; the gas-meter man
brought in a bill of 707.000 foot for the
month ; the cook sot the house on fire
with a pan of molted grccse , and the
moths got m the now parlor carpet.
When things came to this pass the man
saw that ho would have to draw the line.
He sent for two detectives and told them
to get that opal back if it took nil the
money in Now York. The next dny they
found the opal in n pawn shop. And do
you know , sir , that man just got his opal
back in time to get out of the cotVen mar
ket before the panic , and if he hadn't got
out ho would have gone higher than a
kite. There's nothing in the world like
an opal. Horseshoes nnd four-lenvcd
olovercs nro nothing to It. "
A Wonderful Well.
About 110 miles east of El 1'aso , near
Sierra Blnnca , on the line of the Texas &
Pacific railroad , there is & strange phe
nomena that has just coma to public no-
tioo. The authority for the statements
about to be made is ox-Governor John C.
Brown , of Tennessee , receiver of tiie
Texas & Pacific , who visited this city n
few days ago , accompanied by several
officials of the road , including Division
Superintendent Judy , in whoso jurisdic
tion the phenomena is located. Gov
ernor Brown nnd Superintendent Judy
told the story to one or two persons here
and it has just come to the reporter's
ears. About three year's ago the Texas
& Pacific railway company undertook to
sink an artesian well a few miles below
Sierra Blanca , which is a littio hamlet
ninety-live miles cast of El Paso. The
workmen put the pipe down about COO
feet when suddenly nn underground cav
ern wns struck , the drill dropping about
six foot and n current of air rushed up
the pipo. Drilling cnased nnd the well
wns abandoned , the GOO font of pipe re
maining in the ground and giving a con
nection between the surface of the earth
nnd the strange subterranean cavity n
quarter of n mile benunth.
The phenomenon did not at that time
attract the attention of anyone stitli-
ciontly intorcstcd to investigate. Re
cently , however , Superintendent Judy's
nttcntion was called to It , nnd his per
sonal examination nnd ruquirics have de
veloped peculiar facts and testimony
about the wonderful well. Governor
Brown atoppod to see it on his way here.
Not many people live near the well , but
those who do reside in the neighborhood
of it are thoroughly acquainted with it
over slnco it wns abandoned throe years
ngo. The people near bv have botm m
the habit of going nnd sitting about the
well in summer to enjoy the cool , invig
orating air that rushes up the pipo. Ono
of the strangest tilings is the faot that
the currcut of air ebbs aud flows like the
ocean tides. From 10:15 : p. m. a current
rushes out of the pipe with a sound
that resembles the noise made by a
locomotive "blowing off s eam , " anil
so loud that it can bo heard for forty or
fifty yards. At 10:15 : p. m. the overflow
air ceases aud a strong suction sots In
which lasts for the next twelve honrn ,
this ebb and flow continuing tiny after
day , and it has been observed by horse
men that whontivcr they get in the neigh
borhood of this well , strong rnngtiutic
forces are full and hparks are given oil' if
the horse's mane is toutthcd.
Recently a man from Sierra Rlnnoa
was sitting close to the well and on tak
ing out his pcckct-knifo found a nail
which ho had in his pocket clinging to
the knife. Ho held the knife in the cur
rent of the air and found the magnetic
property wns greatly Increased. Several
weeks ugo SuporinUindHiit Judy hold Ins
pocket-knife in tha curruntof air for four
minutes nud the knite is still strongly
magnetized from the effect. The out *
flowing currant of nlr is believed to
possnss curative propcrtios , lu cllloionoy
is to bu tested by experiments upon casus
of paralysis aud othnr distmsog , The
poopla who live near this wonderful well
call it the "Fountain of Youth. "
The Now
Some time ago the congregation of the
church of Israel decided to build nn ad
dition to the present structure , on liar *
ney street near Twenty-second , and at a
business meeting voted to expend f. ! , v ;
for the improvement. About the Hme
tbo work wns decided upon the budding
strikes were in progron p < * consequently
quently littio progress WHS i "wlo. Mean
time , the conKrt'tfatlou l > * decided to
get along w4th the pr nt pretty but
uverorowtled littio wniple until next
season , when it /mipoied to build u
new church whit-1 * will cost from * 15,000
to 120,000. The congregation IK growing
so rapidly * " * new and enlarged quar-
kcrp are n-necessity. .
The Service it Did the Gonfodoraoy ia A
Time of Peril ,
"I.I.I. " In lespalr-"V.V' | Singular
Continue nt A Pull Drops Ilop
An Exalting lilt of Ills-
tory ChAoasaw Itayou.
Gnlveston News : Well , wo foil bnck
nfter Shlloh , and the writer wns ordered
to report nt once to General AI. L. Smith ,
commanding nt Vicksburg , where , in n
few days , up to our oycs in telegrams
destined for President Davis and others
in authority , with thousands of other tel
egrams for Vicksburg , wo discovered thnt
to bo r. general's war operator WHS no
child's play , and that to bo with one's
command would bo far moro preferable.
A grand old telegrapher ( Leo S.
Daniel ) , now master of transportation ot
the Macaroni railroad , running from
Rosoburg to Victoria , wns then manager
of the Vicksburg otllcc , and a ilnor or
moro rapid telegrapher never handled a
key or wielded a pens and ho , I know ,
can never forget these busy nnd exciting
days. I never think of my old partner
except with the feelings of a brother. His
dear old form nnd face , as ho appeared
in these days , will over bo before mo. Hn
wns n Samson in the lost cause.
Before the war a private citizen , Dr.
Horace Tibbetts , living at Transylvania
Landing , on the Mississippi river , caused
to bo established a telegraph line from
Vicksburg to Lake Providence1. This line
ho built for his own use , in order that hn
might have the news of the dny tele
graphed him when upending nwhllo onf
his plantations each year , na WHS the cus-
torn of largo planters.
This littio line proved to bo n godjond
to the confederates at Vicksburg , for ns
soon ns the downfall of Memphis was re
ceived. Leo Daniel was ordered to Tran
sylvania to take clmrgo of said wire ,
keeping n strict lookout for any federal
boats coming down the river , as the
federals would no doubt make at attack
on Vioksburg. The writer was ordered
across the rlve r , opposite Vicksburgwith
instructions not to bo absent from his
post moro than an hour at a time. All
batteries at Vicksburg wore ordered to
respect my rod light at night and green
fing by day when crossing the river in
skill' which I used for the purpose of
sending for supplies nnd forwarding any
news to the general commanding.
One dark stormy night ( I shall never
forget it ) I had mot several of the soldier
boys from Houston my old schoolmates ,
most ot them many long since dead ,
but I hope not forgotten , and naturally
we enjoyed ourselves , causing the writer
to overstay his.timo somewhat. Although
having on board a considerable amount
ot Louisiana rum , the only drink avail
able m Vioksburg , and idea took posses *
slon of mo that it was very important I
should be at my post at once , as some
thing might occur which , should it occur
without my knowledge , would render a
desertion of the confederacy necessary
on my part.
The wind was blowing a hurricane ,
and the waves of the old Mississippi worq
fearful to gu/.e upon. I feared my frail
craft would hardly live in such B sen , but
knowing it to be nil my own fault that I
had been caught 111 such n storm on the
wrong sidV ot the river , determined to
cross at all hazards. Alter superhuman
efforts I reached the Louisiana shore in
safety. Hastily securing my boat , with a
choking sensation nt my throat , for ex
citement at neglect of my duty had ren
dered mo almost a paralytic , I rushed
into the ollice , nnd , as telegraphers say ,
"cut in. " Instantaneously 1 hoard mvold
chum ( Daniel ) calllne "y" 'V with the
energy of despair. I answered f , i , I v.
His first words were , "Great God , V t
sixty-nine transports nnd gun boats hnve
pnssed slnco tlnrk , and ns far ns the eye
can rench up the river they nro ctill oom-
ing. Rush ncross nnd give the alarm. I
leave horc , for this line will bo destroyed
anil of no more service. "
The storm hail not abated , but without
n thought of danger I hurried across to
Vioksburg. A great ball was in progress
at which the gen rnl nnd his start ; as
well as all the beauty nnd chivalry ot the
city and surrounding country , were pres
ent. The great house wns a surging mass
of ttanccrs and promeundors. Singling
out the general I walked up to him ro-
spectfullv , saluting himself nnd lady
partner , i will never forget his scowl nt
mo , for I was thoroughly drenched , and
mud from head to foot , nor will I ever
forget the curious and wondering look
given mo by the ladies , with whom I was
ono of the tnvorito beaux myself ( being a
dandy nnd u masher to my highest capac
ity ) . 1 cannot imagine what they
thought of my apponrnnca. I hadn't '
limn to feel ashamed of my condition , or
at my tramp-like outfit , in that inngniti-
Rent throng.
As I stepped tip close to the general ho
Bxclaimnd : "Woll , sir ! " in aloud and
threatening manner. 1 merely handed
him a piece of paper , upon which I had
hastily written the number of boats that
had passed , etc.
Hu glnnced at it first deliberately , but
in n second ho drew it close to his eye * .
His face paled , his brow contracted , und
ho exclaimed : "Where did you get this
information , sir ? " My only reply was :
"I nm stntioncd noross the river , oppo
site this city , In charge of the telegraph ,
by your order. "
The crowd had pressed around ns his
remarks to mo were In a voty high key.
Ho exclaimed : "Woll done , sir , tliank
yoiij" and turning to the crowd exclaimed -
claimed : "All ofiicors of the army wil.
hurry to their respective camps nt once1
rhi ) cntiiny nro within a tow miles ot us.
and may land by morning. All families
wishing to leave the city will bo furnmht'd
transportation by rail. " In five minutes
that ball wns a thing of the past.
To svy : thnt there wns too rnuoh busi
ness for the wires thnt night is wily
wpcrtluoufi , Half of the messages were
never sent , nnd only these asking ro.
nforcemcnts from every part of the con
federacy woru transmitted. The first
.oleigram was to Picdlduni Davis npnris-
nir him of tin1 situation.
Kyt'ry ono then living at Vioksburg rti-
ncmbereit our big tight nt Chicntinw
iiuyuu a day or two afterward , whore the
nieiny landed , and whore they were HO
nrribl.v ileftintoil , onuMng them to ro-
real up tht river , not troubling Vickf-
nirg to any extent for many a IOIIK day.
They amused thomsolvefl occasionally Ijy
.entfltifr . or attempting to send a minimal
last our batteries , in which pastlmo they
ifton met with ignomlnous failure. Right
lore let mn remark , that little tuk'grnph
ine ncross the riyor closed for ropHirs.ns
he "feds. " muling it and knowing thni it
md apprised the "confodV1 of thnlr visit ,
mvor allowed an inch of wire or a foot
> f pole of the wliolo eeyonty-livc miles
if tlio line to remain in existence , *
urily hujfuve tlwy must liayo oaten it in
heir blind ruiro. I hoj/n they digest-id it
vnll. "VaU > , JoriL'um vulo , " my IHtlo
ologrnph line , You did youril ty nobly
loforo you \vero annihilated I'J ' t' ' ' In-
ndors , ami I will cherish vJfr memory
* long us life stmll last.
WttAClitir I
For Nebraska n d Iow ! Cooler , fair
cnthervlnd uhlftlng to northeast and
X'onilntf varMble.
For central and"tuntorn Dakota : Fair
entlior , cooler In southern aud central jxir-
out * , fctutioneiy , ftillowud by rlvinic Uiiniwa-
ire In I'Xtrrmu northern portion : winds bo-
unlne light nnd vuriublu.
Clothing Cutters' Convention. f.
HvMAruHK , N. V. , Augusts ThBUInthlng
utters' Union of America nro holding Uiolr
icoud auuuul convention her * .