Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUE OMAHA DAILY BEE :1UESDAY : , AUGUST 9. 1887 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wheat T1utratc5 Whiely But 01o3e5 li1gbc
Than on Saturday.
Price Changeu , however , Very Nr-
row , anti Only a Slight AlYflUO
Hcored-A Weak Feeling
In l'ruvi.Inn. .
CnIcAoo. August 8.-Speclat ( Telegram
13nE.J-Wheat displayed 1ncreied specula-
live activity and values hardened slIghtly.
harvester news from the northwest Is less
fYorable and statistIcs of movements of
grain constItute the bullish argument. The
visIble supply statement shows an Increase
of only :358,000 : bushels for the week , and tile
export , for the week foot up liaulsoniely.
'rho clearances for Saturday amt $ unda y
from the three poriM agrogated nearly 700-
000 biisnels In wheatalonc , ant for the wee k
In whsat and flour to 4:3QO,0 : Li ushuls. 'Fho
receipts at prlliiary niarkots do not 1 oem Up
to Iho magnIficent proportions of las ; year ,
and farmers are clearly reluctant to market
theIr property at the current low range of
values. September whsat opened hero at
Gtc ! , October at 71e , and Debeinbar 74c. 'I'he
market started off well and a slight un-
provetnont In September , the most active
month , was noted. Then inquiry slackened -
ened and prIces receded September
going to 63c , October to 70c ,
December to 7SXc. A rally carrIed futures
back again to the top , and subsequent wild
-'cj' : ' ' Impression took them to the lowest ebbot tIm
day , viz : 08Xc for September , 7070e for
October , and 73c for December. From 1
o'clock to 1 o'clock the tendency Improved ,
and when the vIsible and Atlantic port fig-
urea for the week were receIved the bulls
braced up and created quito an excitement.
Prices wont lc above the previous high
water mark September touching (1c ( , October -
ber 70)b4c , and December 74c. The
closing ( ( Votatlons were a shade of ! , September -
ber resting at 699cc , October at TI3jc , and lie-
comber at 74d74c. ThIs range Is 3@c
higher than Saturday's closln , and nearly
1o above Saturday's lowest quotations.
Corn opened jc hIgher than It closed Sat-
unlay , the first trades in Septemtwr belaL at
41c , in October 4lc , In May The
nmarket was firm and there were not many
buying orders in the liamids of commIssion
merchants. There was less steam on. however -
ever , and the crowd was not sooverpoworin
and tuinultous , notwIthstandIng the manifest
osltlon on the past of the bulls to make
bMte more slowly than previously. The
market was exceedIngly nervous and subject
to fits and starts. 'rho general trading crowd
and the country were bullish , but the heavy
weights put on the brakes and opposed any
Mvanco. Ilutehinson , Jones , McCormick &
Kennett and other leaders lt the corn pit
were fee sellers at the beginning , forcing
prices of ! % ® 34c , September goIng trom 4l9o
to 40X0 amid later to 40Ic , October from 42'Ic '
IP 4lKc , and May from 4i9c to 44Kc45c.
fho same parties turned buyers on the do-
dine they had caused and the crowd turned ,
too , carrying Saptember to 41e , October to
49 , and May to 453c. A silht reaction just
at the tap of time bell made the closing 4l ®
42c for October and 45)J45tc ) for May , September -
tember leaving off at 4k , exactly where it
opened. 'rho fluctuations vero within narrow -
row limits of 4e. and that figure represented
the eunt total of the Improvement In the markets -
- . kets as compared with Saturday. The mar-
r. ket ruled active thtouimout , but the
L aggregate transactions wert considerably
under the daily average of last veek. TIme
umidertone was one of firmness and the advice -
vice of a great many brokers to theIr customers -
ers , in view of time weather condition , is to
buy on every break. in two days more the
governmnelitcron bulletin for August will be
here , amid although the estimates will be
based on reports ten days ohl it Is being
watened for wIth eagerness and wIll bo likely -
' ly to play an important part in the regulation -
tion of values for the time being. Especially
will thlq be the case if it should brIng official
confIrmation of facts already known to the
. - trade and the whole world. 'rime visible
shows a decrease of 234O00 bushels. and local
receipts for the past six weeks hays averaged
less than iO per cent of the receipts for time
corresponding period last year. Local stocks
are still down to about the 2,100,0U0 bushels'
Provisions opened weak , without expert-
encing any great change. in short ribs for
epemnber and October there was evidently
some disposition to bear the market. but it
tact only with limited success , and the clos
Inga for the months named wers only 2c
4 lower than on Saturday. The nroduct for
next winter's delivery was stronger , closing
it $ l2.1 br the year pork and $0.60 for
November lard , 16. ) for the year hard ,
112.6731 for January pork , $8D2 , ( for Janu-
t iry lard , and S6.47Jfor January shoit rlbs
For September lard sold from early
lown to t6.57) at time close. August lard
was 5c under and October tOe higher than
lieptembcr. The range for SepteumDer short
ribswas firm , $8.10 early down to $7.t)7 ) ,
losiug at $7.tt7J4cs.oo for both August and
September. October short ribs were 23cJ5e
sneer September.
CUICACO. August 8.-iSpecial Telegram to
lImo 1iEEj-OATTI.E-The demand was fair
sonsideriug the heavy run directly on the
- 3 heels of the largest weak's receiptson record ,
namely t3,43S , against 3O20 the previous big
week. Most of the salesmen were quoting
best natives about lOc lower and the corn-
mon classes 1ti20e lower than last week ,
This , added to the decline of last week ,
brIngs the half fat and coarse and common
stock down to about as low prices as at any
time , There were more good natives among
the arrivals to-day than any day last week.
Such as suited time dressed beef trade sold
_ _ _ _ eqpaliy as high as last week. Canners , prob
'v ably , sold of ! I0c15c. Native butchior
tock remains at the extremely
low prices current for time pasi
Iwo monthis. There was little or notimln
doing in the stocker and feeder trade
shipping steers , 1&0 to 1500 lbs. $4.00
4.6. ' ; 1200 to imo : lbs. , 3.fi04. $ ; ¶ 156 to 12
lbs. 58.00q8.7t. stockers and feeders , $ L50 ( !
.o0 ; cows , $1.0i3.5O ; cows , bulls and
mixed , $ LO0@0 bulk , $ l.50l.75 Texa !
rattle , steers , Si.50.40 ; cows , S1330(2.30 (
bulls. $ l.0l.3. Sales : 3S halt breeds , liSt
lbs. $3.40
iloos-Tho demand was fair , with prlco
ibout tIme same as at time close Saturday. 'I'h
bulk of common mixed sold at $5.15 , thie bos
ifliZOl S5.20I.2. and best heavy , imieludliri
butcher weighis , Light sorts , in
iluding Torkers , sold around about
Naw Yoiu , August 8.-ISpecial 'rolegran
to the l3m , I-STocKs.--The feeling in stock
continues feverish , and opinions are abou
evenly divided. 'i'he large bears tare undem
stood to have covered and waIting for th
market to rally sharply and then attack I
e again. Many ot the best operators who hay
been bears have turned bulls and believe Ii
purchasing on weak spots , their favorite
being vestern Union and coal stocks. Tb
market opened generally strong apm frti
j tionaliy highieT and remained steady , wIt
London and German houses buying , the lal
ter taking mostly it. Paul arid Wester
ljnlon. 'rIm latter moved up l per cent o
_ . reor that the arrival of Mr. Mackay I
4p. Nss York was to fIx up the cable war , an
it wabald that a conference was to be hel
between Uouid and Mackay at th Wester
Union oftlct. This surmise was produced b
( torrid's appergC at the latter oc
Iteading exhibitsi considerable Igregularit
and advanced ) pe cent , reacting to tI
openln figures. but $ 'in became strouge
Jones & Uurind made savage raid c
Northern Pacifies. and they declined i3
per cent and produced a cmek fesUr
throughout the list. and aeclinse extend
. from 3 to 1 point Oraugers were espeotal
weak owing to a contimuitlon of bad crop r
ports frprn the northwest and west , Son
' tmneuinies is felt abeut the next SI. i'a
' dividead , a few operators claiming that
would be unable to maintain the old stani
md unless the earnings increased. l'rlc
, declinedperoSnt but rallied ( , Non
- pNIIt * broks 1 poiir at r&ILLOI sugtj. ,
buying by Green r ilateman , By 2 o'clock
time mat ket had rallied moderately. The
railroad earnings continue favorable. For
the third week of July soyenty.ono roads report -
port earnings of S4OPl03 , an increase of
4O3.8V7 , or nearly 13 per cent. For the
fourth week returns are not so satIsfactory ,
and thIrty-eight roads report an increase of
only $01,607 , or 2 per cent. But for the
month of July time returns now coming in
show very favorably ann the gross for all
roads for the month of July should show a
gain of over 10 per cent. The assignment of
Henry S. ives was expected to-day , and Cm-
cinnati , hamilton & Dayton dropoed to 40.
It imiattera little now to tile general public
wimotimor ives assigns or not. his Jig is up ,
arid ho is no longer a feature in the iiiarket
and will be swept aside like many otiier
yaUng and brmlhiant operators who have pro-
ceedcd him. in time closing half hour time
market gave way and the whole list weakened -
ened perceptably and closed weak at inside
figures and showed declines of ( to 231 per
ceimt , Northern Paeiflo having the lead.
Northwestern dropped to ll49 and St. Paul
to 8lj. 'i'hme total sales were 241,2.53 shares ,
( ) ovi,1N3nNTS-Uovernment , , bonds were
dulh but lirimi.
U. S. 4'scoupon.l27J C. & N. W . . . . . . 1l4'
U. S. 434's coup. . 1l0 mm preferred. . . l4
I'aclllcd'sot ' 9.l223 N. Y. . . . . . . . . . .
CanadaSouth'n. . 54 0. U. &N . . . . . . 04
L'entrai I'mtciile. . i163 ( 0. ' 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CimicagoAlton.I50 I'nclficMall. . . . . .
do preferred. . . .175 . P. , I ) . & E. . . . . . 2S )
C. , 1) . & ; . . . . . . . ) I'uilman1'al.Car.1453
D. , 1 , . & SY..l2tmI Reading. . . . . . . . . .
1) . & Ii. 0. . . . . . . . 2o ; flock Island . . . .120
Erie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 St. 1.&S.F. . . . 37J
do prcfcrred. . . . C4 dopreferred. . . . ' 4
illinoiscentral. .l2:4 : 13. , M. & St. 1' . . . S1
I. , B. & W. . . . . . 19 do preferred. .119
K , t 'I' . . . . . . . . . . St. 1' . A 0. . . . . 47 (
Lake Shore. . . . . . tEi' do preferred. .ll1Lj
I. . it N. . . . . . . . . GlJ Texas l'acIlic. . . , 27
Michigan Cent'l. . Il-I Union Feeble. . . . 55
Mo. Pacihic. . . . . . 9' ; V. St. L&i' . . . . 17
No. I'acillc. . . . . . ' 2' ) io preferred. ,
do preferred . . . . fl0) ) W. U. 't'elegraph 7i
MoNEY-On call 40 percent. ; closed of-
erod at 43por cent.
l'IUME MErCANTILE PAran-5tj0 per
STPCt.1t0 EXCIIANGr.--Iuhl but steady at
$4.SI' ' ( for sixty day bmlls amid 4.b3 for do-
Chicago , August8.-Following quota-
tiona are the : SU closing figures :
Flour-Qutet and unchanged.
v heat-Moderate business transacted at
firma llFures : opened a simile better than Sat-
imrday s close , closing hihiher ; cash ,
075c ; September , 69jic ; October , 71c.
( .orn-Active and higher , unsettled early
and above Saturday , closing at same
advance ; cash , 403-lOc ; September , 40 1.1Gc ;
October , 41Xc.
Oats-Rather better all around at adVance -
Vance for near futures and 14c improvement -
mont for May ; cash , 24c ; September , 2c ;
May , 3l3..o.
Ityc-Ilull at 433c.
! farley-Strommg at 67c for September.
Prima Timothy Seeu-52.20.
Flax Seed-l.04.
Pork-In fair demand , closing easier ; cash ,
* l.oo. year , 312.i ; January , 312.65.
Lsra-Light business transacted at easier
figures ; cash $6.55 : Soptemuber , $6.570.U0 ;
October , 10.67t0.70.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , 3.70c5.80 ; short
clear , $8.30Q58.Sti ; short ribs , 57.95.
Butter-Firmer ; creamery , 210j97hc ; dairy ,
Cheese-Steady ; full cream cheddars and
flats , 9)10c ) ; loung Americas , U5@103.c ;
skimims , 0l.7e.
Eggs-Dull at l112c.
Uldes-in moderate demand ; heavy green
salted ; 7c ; light do , 7'Sc salted bull
hides , 6c green salted caIt ; d.ry flint ,
l2t3c : dry calf , 12Qt3c ; deacons 31k each.
'lallow-Easy ; No. 1 country , 3c ; No. 2 ,
8ccakes : 4c.
ltocetnts. ShIpments.
Flour , bbls . . . . . . . . . . 16,000 25,000
Wheat , bu. . . . . . . . . . 60.000 458,000
Corn , bu..133,000 30.000
Oats , be..i02,000 117,000
Eye , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 . . . .
Barley , bit. . . . . . . . . . . 11.000 3,000
Now August 8.-VLmeat-Recempts ,
472,000 ; experts , 306,000' spot lots 4c
10 higher , and moderatu'ly active ; options
opened lower ; later advanced 0J
ic , closIng lkrimi % ungraded red , 75fS1c
I1o. I red nominal at Mc ; No. 2 red , 7b
(7to ) in elevator , 7U@S0c delIvered ,
3etomber closed at BOc
torn-Spot lots and options ® } e
higher , closing steady ; cash t radlng ( Inlet ;
receipts , 41,000 ; exports , 40,500 ; ungraded ,
47@48c ; No. 2 , 47(48c in store and elevator -
vator , 450 delIvered , bsi4ernbor closIng at
Oats-higher and active ; receipts. 172,500 ;
exports , none ; mixed western , 3235e ;
white western 37t42c.
1'etroleum-teady ; United closed at 573'c.
Eggs-Firm and in faIr request ; western ,
Pork-Quiet and barely steady ; mess
quoted at $ l5.25t15.75 for old ; Sl0.00 for
now.LardModerately active ; western steam ,
Butter-Firm ; western , 120j24c.
Cheese-Stronger and In good demand :
western , 7@931c
Cincinnati , August 8.-Wheat-FIrm ;
No. 2 rod , 72c.
Corn-Active and higher ; No. 2 mIxed ,
433(44c. (
Oats-Strqnger ; No. 2 mIxed , 27tJ27ic.
Rye-in good demand ; No. 2 , 47c.
l'ork-Quiet at 515.00.
Lard-lu light demand at 50.5.
Whisky-Quiet at $1.05.
Milwaukee. August 8-Wheat-Market
unsettLed cash , Guc ; September , 69c ; Octo-
Corn-in fair demand ; No. 2. 41c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 whIte , 28c.
Eye-Dull ; No. 1 , 45c.
Jiarley-Unsettled : etc bid.
l'roytsions-Steady ; pork , August , $14.50.
Liverpool , August 8-Wheat-Quiet and
stoadyl demand poor ; holders offer freely.
Corn-Quiet and steady ; demand poor.
New Orleans , August 8.-4iorn-Easler ;
Oats-Dull , weak and lower at 333J34c.
t Corn Meal-Steady at $2.35.
hog l'roducta-Qulet and steady ; pork ,
515.62' lard , retlned tierce. 6.6231.
Bulk 1eats-Shonlders. * 5.S0 ; long clear
and clear rib , 5S.12 ( .
ianaa City. August 8.-Vheat- . 2
red , none on the market ; No. 2 sott , 64c
bid. 65c asked.
Corn-Stronger ; No. 2 cash , 36c bid ,
; S7c asked ; August , 85copteutber ; , 85c.
Oats-No. 2 cash , , 23'4 c asked.
Mi unoapoli. , August 8.-Wheat-Mar.
ket quiet , tight offerings and good milling
t denmand : No. I bard , cashm , 71c ; Septemuber ,
: 7tc ; October , TOe : No. I northern , cash ,
7. September , 70l.c ; October , 69c ; No.
2 northern , cash. OSe : September. 0Sc ;
October , 67c on track : No. 1 hard , 73c ; o ,
1 northiern , 72o ' No. northern ,
Flour-Steady 'but iuactlve ; patents , 14,10
@ 4.20 ; bakers 53.20jt3.50.
5 Recoipts-Viioat , 100,500.
t Shipmecmts-WIieal , 49uo bu ; flour , 01,303
In store-Wheat , 3,240,025 ; at St. Paul ,
- -
a Chloao , Aucrust8.-Tbs Drovers' Jour-
S renurti as follows :
C Cattls-lteceips , 12,000 ; steady for good ,
; - CQlmIiiQIl % a shimulo lower : shipping steers.
$3.004.05 ; stockers and feeders. $ I.0J (
11,00 ; cows bulls and mixed. $ l.00t2.b0 ;
bulk , $1.SOdt.75 ; Texas cattle $1.50t3.4u.
n Uojs-lteceipti , 3.000 ; slow conmrnon
n easier ; rough and mixed , $4.6&jt.25 ; pack.
a lug and shipping , P5.104t5.40light ; , $4.6ot
d 5 , ; skips S3.uu4.50.
Sheep-1LsoIipts. 3,000 ; stronger nitives ,
U $2.504.S5 ; we.qtern , $3.00(3.60 ; Texans ,
n $2.5Q3.50 ; ltmbs , $4.254.7.
National Stock Yard. East St.
5. LouIs , Ill. , August 8.- Cattle - Receipts.
, ; shipments , s20II the market was
e steadym fair to choice heavy native steers.
r butchers' steers , $ & 80t3,9o ;
fee4eys. fair to gOOd $3.0033.50 ; stockers ,
in fair ti good , $2.I02.60.
Uo&-.It.ceipti. 2,300 : shIpments , 1,400'
is market S'iadychoice heavy and butchers' '
id selectIons , lL40 : pagliers ; nd Yorkers ,
ly ed pigs , common
0 sRsa.CityAU.uist8.nattle.Relei t
e oo sblpLnenti , oLoil aturday , 20
ul market actlv. and strqi , ongood other ,
ii eteady good to holes cote
to medium , 1.2&kiio. stocker
a tiIug steers , $ Lb0o ; cowa
h. Hogs-Kec.ipt. , 3,500 ; shipamente oeIa1
1 * to : $ Murdey , 1,777 ; i&ltty gsucnah3
mflOfl good strong , and common 54l0c
higher : common to eholco , S4.955.30 ; salps
and pigs , $3.00c4.
OMAhA LiVF tT0Cl ( .
Monday , Aug 8.
Tile receipts of cattle were lirht this morn-
ing. The nmarkot on good , heavy corn-fed
cattle was strong. Cows , feeders and other
grades of cattle were about steady.
Hogs ,
As usual on Monday the receipts were
light. 'rho market opened active at an adVance -
Vance of about Sc over Saturday's prices and
time liens vere cleared at an early hour.
There were none in and nothing doing on
the market.
C attle. . . . . . . . t00
11 ogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,900
Prevailing Prioo.
Showingthoprevalllng prices paid for live
atockon this market :
Ctioicesteors. 1300 to 1500 1bs..84.00d4.15
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 lbs. . . 3,900j4.00
Fat little steers 900 to 1050 lbs. . . . 3,75(3.80
Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 8.600t3.55
flood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75t3.0O
Commonto medium cows. . . . . . . . 2.00@2.50
Uoodtoeholcobuhis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7t'(2.25
Lightand mediuinhour . , , , , . . . . , . 4.t)0d5.00 )
( ; ocmi to chmoice heavy hoes. . . . . . 5.10@5.20
hood to choice mixed hogs. . . . . . .
ltopreseiutaimvo n4aio&
AT1VE 5TEIIm $ .
No. ISV. I'r. No. AV. Pr.
1..1o.J0 $3.50 20 , , . .13t10 $4.10
27. . . . 1072 8.6.'i 2. . . .1400 4,00
15 , . . . 11th3 3.55 40. . . . 1474 4.20
'P.STEIiN s1iiis. : :
13 , . . .1310 S3.bO
, ,
15. . . .1064 $0G5
No. Av. Shk. l'r. No. Av. Slik. Pr
0.,2l4 0 44tl5 04..2.3 SO $5.05
74. . . .212 . . 4,95 7' . . . .244 120 5,05
79. , . .0'23 120 5.00 72. . . .233 80 t,05
7 $ . . . .251 50 5.00 J , . , .3U SO 5.07k
50 . . .254 120 b00 55. , . .204 -
( :5. : . . .203 50 5.03 49. . . . 'J02 . . 5.15
Live Stock Sold.
Showlngtimenumiborofhead of stock sold
on time market to-day :
(1. 11. llamnmond & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS
'rotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0. U. Ilaummonu & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Armour&Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,115
All sales of stock in this market are made
per cwt. live weIght unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at 4c per lb. for all weights
"Skins " less than 100
, or hogs weighing lbs.
no valus. I'regnant sowsare decked 40 lbs.
and stags8o lbs. bytheoublia inspector.
Live Stock Notes ,
Hogs go up Sc.
Cattle reach $4.20.
A iirht ruin of stock.
A strong cattle market. -
No shipuients ot live stock out to-day.
I. Manion , Vabash , was at the yards and
sold a load of hogs ,
M. II , Haggerty , Neola , came in with a
load of hogs wimich sold on the nmarket.
It , l1. Motfett , Ionton , a well-known stock
denier , was among the visitors at time yards.
J , K. Baker , of Beer & Baker had In five
loads of cattle from Gibbon which sold on
the market.
The Drovers' Jourmial reports the cow mar-
kin "busted" in Chicago and old cows never
so cheap as now.
James Danley. Ashland marketed two
loads of bog8. One lomul of 362-lb hogs
tOppCl tile market at $5.15 ,
James Flood was over from Council Bluffs
with two loads of cattle which sold on the
market. One load of corn-fed western steers
averaged 1319 lbs. and brought $3.0.
Mr. Chandler , wlmoslmippad in several loads
of Oreron horses , has seventy-four head heft
which lie has taken to a pasture four miles
fronu the yards and is breaking tiieni for
drivers cud saddle horses.
A movement is on foot to raise the corn-
mission on hogs and siugio deck loads of
sheep to $6. A full report of the meeting of
time commission men will be round elsewhere
In this paper.
Monday , August 8
Produce ,
The followiwj are fhc prIces at which
rouiitl foti of produce arc soUl Lit tJmLs uumr
Eons-Time receipts are not heavy but
about equal to time demand. Time bulk
of the stock Is movingat lte
Burrau-A silehit Increase is noticeable in
the receipts of the common grades but choice
butter is very scarce. 'rime West Pomut
creamery butter Is selling at 23c and the
output of other creameries at Ole. Cimolco
dairy butter. 171Sc : modiuimmgrades , l3@lOe ;
lower grades , OCcjllc.
CuEESE-Faucy full cream cheddars ,
single , itic ; full cream twins. iO3c ; Young
Armiericas , lie ; brick cheese , 100 lbs. In case ,
now , 12c ; Llnmburgor 100 Ibs , In case , nosy ,
lie ; Swiss. fancy otilo , new , tile.
PouLTar-The market is lower on poul-
try. It is diflicuit to obtaIn over $2.25 for
the best slring chickens , and soiiio of time
smaller ones go as low as 51.75. At this
season of the year when chickens are plenty
It is almost immipossible to sell time very small
ones. 'me best old fowls arc going at $2.75
@ 3.00.
1'OTATOES-ThO receipts are not heavy
and tue market is firm. Stocks arc moving
at 5560C.
ONI0NS.-Themarket is fairly well supplied -
plied with good stock. Time price for good
stoe Is 75e per bush.
BEANS. - Hand picked navy beans
are quoted at $1.75 per bushel and the other
grades are selling fromn that figure down to
$1.25 ,
GAlg.-1'here is no game coming in , the
weather beIng too warni to handle It.
l'oi' ConN.-'rimere is hardly any sale fo
Pop r.orim. An occasional sack Is cold air
@lc per lb.
BamnuEs-TIle season for berries Is prac-
ticaiiy over.
' stock becom-
'rosmAvoEs-Home-grown is -
lug plenty aflI was sold at very low prlce $
Good stock Is worth about 75c a bushel.
I'LUMS-Tlle market is fairly well supplied
with choice stock , imiado imp of the varieties
known as Purple Duanno , Bradsimaw , Columbia -
lumbia and other svell known Caiifornla s'a-
rieties. Choice stock is boiling at S1.5O 1.75
per box ,
UnuNEs-Thore are some very large aud
showy Cailtornia prunes emi the market ,
kuowmm as time Gross prunes , whica are selling -
ing at 1.75 per box.
GuAI'Es-Cahifornia grapes are expected to
arrive In the mimarket early in tue weak. 'rlmero
are a few Kansas grapes in , which arc selling
at 75c per 10-lb baskets.
NEei'AmiliF.s-A few California nectarinet
are arriving. which are sold at Sl.50 per box.
PEAUn-'Lhe immarket Is well supplied waes
cimoico California Bartlett pears , which lhn
moving at 55.2.5J2.50 per box ,
MEL0NS-\VaternieEons imave not been so
plenty dumrirmir the past two days , and prices
have stiffened um sonmewimat. Good stock is
selling at $ i501.O per Imumigred. Cantaloupes
$1.5Ol.75 per box.
1'EvllEs-Tiiere is a good supply of
Dacles , In , of lvhicli late Crawfords an
strawll try peaches form the bulk , Coo
stock , 11.50 nor box.
Ai'I.Es-'rtmeie is a good supply of very
fair stock on time market at S2.5042.75 ,
Car.EIy-There : is a liberal quantity of
celery arriving from Kalamazoo. Medium
sized buches 35c per bunch.
LEimoNs-I'mere are sonme very fancy large
Muon lemons on the market which are soil-
lug at $9.00. There are a few Veruehil
lenmous on the market which are selling at
$1.50 ,
Drocer's List.
CorpEic-Ordinary grades. 2O4c2lc ; fair ,
204cij22c : prlne,223cchoice2J24e : ; fancy
green and yellow , 2325c ; old governmenl
Java. 28e ; Intevior Java , 24@26c ; Mocha ,
sSjyc' : Arbuckle's , roasted , 26o ; McLaumgh
ha B J ( X.X , 26)c ; Dllworth 8 , 260 ; Ited
Cross , 203c.
OAziEo 000ps-Ou'sters , standard , pem
$2.00t3.10 ; strawberries. 2 Iti , per case ,
$2.7oc2.75 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 52.70tj
g.75 ; California pears , per cue , $4,4O(4.50 (
apilcots pe case , $3.Oo@3.70 ; peaches , P01
Ca $ $ L40td4bo : ; white cherries per cas
$5o mlums , per case $3.50&.G0 : blue
berries , per case , $2.002.10 ; gg plums
lb. . per case , $2.50 ; pineapple. , 2 It-
er case. $8.20S.75 ; 1 lb mackerel , per doz ,
$ L40 ; 1 lb stjnon. pej 40 : , 51.75 ; 14 1
gooseberrIes , pucassm US070.lbsUInj
beanspercase , $1.70 : iJ lima beans , ner
case 81.00 ; 2 lb narrowfat , peas , per case ,
S2.4&.50 ; 2 lb earl ) ' Jt.pio peas. or case ,
$ 3 &i 3 lb tomatoes , r.45.1f2.bO ; 2 lb corn ,
I'IIOVIFiIONR-H a'ns , 1nt4j1331c ; breakfast
bacon , 11Iccl2c ; bacon sides l0tJfl0Lc'
dry salt , s4uc ; shoulders , 7c : dried 6ee
hams , 126j13c : dried beef regular , 1l312c ;
hianmspicnic ,
WoonENsAnn-TWo-hoOP pails , per dos.
91.45 ; 3-imoop pails , 51,05 ; o. 1 tub , $6.50 ;
No. 2 tub , p5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; washboards -
boards , $1.75 : assorte4 bowls , $0.2s ; No. 1
churns , $0 ; No , 2 churtms , ' $8 ; No , 3 churns ,
$7 , I I
S'rAuclm-Mirror Ole , 5c ; Graves Corn ,
6c , ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ( Jswego Corn , 7c.
Bitoos-Extra 4-tle12.G0 ; No. 1,82.00 ; No ,
2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , 8
Syirur-No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , $ l.a2ajl,35 ;
New Orleans , per gallon 8se4oc ; maple
syrup , half bbis , "old tiimme , ' per gallon , 70c ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.00 ; half-gallon
cans , per ( IOZ , $5.50 ; quart cans $3.00.
CANnY-Mixed , 51lc ; stick , 834c.O4c.
CmtAcxEmls-Garneau a soda , butter and
picnic , 4)c : creams , 73c ; ginger snaps. 73c :
citT soda 73c.
1 rcMrae-Medlurn in bbls , $7.00 ; do in
half bbis , $4.00 ; small , in bbis , $5.00 ; do in
half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , in bbis , $0.00 ; do in
half bbls , $5.00.
StroA1s-Granuhated1O6c ; confA,0@
61c ; wimite extra C , 553c ; extra C , ii6d (
5c ; yellow C , 53.(5'c : ; cut loaf , 6J7c ;
powdered , 7@7)c. )
1)nran FIIUITS-AppIes , new , 's fl9jct
evaporated , ring , 7'1Sc ' ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 2728c ; biacibm'rries , evaporated ,
9f(9c ; pitted chortles , 1213c' peaches ,
now , n's , iKe ; evaporated poeie peaches ,
-e ; evaporated , umnparedc ; new currante ,
68@7c ; prunes , 43d4c ( : citron , 25c ; rai-
sIis , London layers , Si.O'i California , loose
rmulmscateis , $1.50 ; new Valencias , 7c ,
ItuFiNiti ) l4Ammn-Tivrce , Ic ; .40-lb square
cans , 7e' 50-lb round , -C ; 20-lb round ,
734c ; io.ib nails , 7J.c ; 5-lb pails , 7c ; 3lb
pails , 7c.
'I'OmlA cco-Loriiiard's Cilimmax , 44c ; Sjlon.
diii , 3Sc' Mechanic's Delight , 41c' Leggett &
Moyer's itiir , 41c ; Cornerstone , 14c ; Drum-
mnouti's horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. , 8k ; Sorg's
Spearhmead , 44c.
'flAs-Japan , per ib , 20@50c ; gunpowder ,
230e ; Younv llyson. 30@0c ; Congou , 6s
70c ; Oolong , 30@6Se ,
General Markets.
Sr'nuTs-Cologne spirits , 158 proof , $1.10 ;
mb 101 proof , $1.12 ; spIrlt. second quality ,
101 proof , $1.10 ; do 188 proof , $1.09. AlcoholS
188 proof , $2.10 imer wIne gallon. Rodistihied
whiskies , $1.00i.50 , ( liii blended. $1.50 (
2.00 ; kentucky bourbons , 52.006.00' Kentucky -
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2,0 0.50 ;
( loiden Simeaf bourbon and rye whiskle ,
$1.50GJ3.00. thrandies , imported , $5.00(8.50 ;
domestic , $1.3O(3.00. Gins , Imported. 54.50iJ
0.00 ; domestic , $ t.253.00. Champagnes , tin-
ported , per case , $2S.u033.00 ; American , per
case. $10.00ll6.00 ( ,
1irns-Greon butchers' , 5)6c ; green
cured , 74c ; dry flint , 11@12c ; dry salt , P
We ; green calf skins 7c ; damaged hIdes.
two-tb irhs price , Taiiow-3c. ( I rease-Prime
white , Sc : yellow , 2c ; brown , 13c. Sheep
pelts , 2575C.
IIEAVY IIAUDWAIIE-lrOn , rate , 12.70 ;
PlOW steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel
6ccast ; tools , do. l2tl5c ; waon spokes ,
per set , $2.003.5O ; hubs , per set , 51.25 ; fel-
locs , sawed dry , $1.00 ; tongues , each , SOc ;
axles , each , 7.ic ; square nute , per lb iR7o ;
coil chain , per lb. 0@t3c ; mailoable , @i0c ;
iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Ge : harrow teeth ,
4c ; spring steel 40t5e ; Burden's horse
almoes , $4.75 ; Burden's muie shoes , 35.75 ,
BarDed wire' in car lots , $4.00 per 100 lbs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to cAl ,82.00 ; steel nails ,
COAL-Egg , $9.00 ; nut , 19,25 : nance , $0.25 ;
Iowalunmp , $3.00 ; Iowa , nut , 32,75 ; walnut
block , $3.00 ; Illinois.$4,2504.75. _
Dry Lumber.
12 ft 14 ft16 ft id ft 20 ft'22 ' ft'24 ' ft
2x2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.50 20.00i22.50 .50
. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 17.5i9.50120.OO / ) 22.50 22.50
. . . . . . . . . . . . 17,10 17.50 um.ami 22.50
. . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 18.0) ) 20.00 .50Zt50 24.5.0
2x4-SxB . mS.50 18.54) ) 18.50 ILSO 20,5023.00 23.00
BoAlmis . ,
No. 1 , corn , S 1 s. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
No. 2. coum , S 1 S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,00
No,4comsls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.50
No. 1 , 4 A 6 In , 12 & 14 ft. rough.$19.50
N o. 2 , 4 * * 1 $ . . . . 10.00
1st corn , I in White l'iimc Ceiling.$34.00
Clear , % in. Norway PIneCeiling . . . . 10,00
A , 12 14 and 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ' .
B " ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.00
C " . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.5.0
D ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.00
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .
No. 1 , corn. 12 In s. 1 s. , 12 A 14. . . . . . . . . 20.50
I' 4 I l , 19.00
No 2 ' " " 12&141t. . . . . . . 19.00
'I U f . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17,50
1st and 2d , clear. 14 inch , s. 2 a.$50.00
Sdclear , 1 incns. Os. , $45 : 131 , 13,2 lm 47.00
B select , 1 inch , a. 2 a. , 530 ; l , 134 , 2 in 51,00
White cedar , C In. , 34s. , i2c ; 9 in , qrs. , lie
His Cousin's Adopted Daughter ,
Whom lie Loved and Taught ,
Dmuivers , Mass. , special to time New
York Vi orId : The unexplained disup-
pertrnnce of Plmube Woodnmnn , the no-
comnplishcd and beautIful tlaugiiter of
the poet Whittier's cousin Mrs. C. C.
Woothinan , wimo lives her distin-
guisimed relative at Oak Knoll , a beautiful
country scat in Janvers , has been the
chief topic hero for several days. The
motive which promnimtcmh tier disappearance -
anco Is a mystery. Although an adopted
daughter , Miss Phmbo was the idol of time
family and was especially loved by Mr.
Whittier , who entertained for her the
afIectioiis of a father ,
it was while tim poet was speniling a
brief vacation in tue Now Hampshire
hills that some circumstance caused time
girl to break the associations which forever
over twelve years have bound her to
more timan friends , and start for the far
west , leaving no trace of her whereabouts -
abouts , and , eQ far as can be learned ,
assigning no cause for her act. On the
aftermioon of July 28 Miss Phmbe ordered
her saddle horse at an early hour and
started for a ride , unaccompanied. i'ass-
lug down through the village and bow.
lug pleasantly to numerous acquaint.
ances , whom site saw along time way , time
girl turimed time horse's head and galloped
ofitowards Putnanviilc , a small station
two miles below on time Boston and
Maine railway. No ono remembers haying -
ing soon her after that , but towards
evening her horse , tied to a tree ,
was found atauditmg in a grove near
time railway station , Close at hand was a
riding habit , which gave rise to the be-
hot that rome crime liati been committed.
lnqtmiry at time railromtdmu staten ! brought
out time fact that time young woman had
taken a train to Bton. Search was
nmado but all traces oituer was lost. The
news was reiuctantl3 told to Mr. Whit.
tier and he was cast down with grief. lie
sent telegrams to all fitmis distant rein-
tives making Inquiries ser the girl but ye-
coived no tidings. Sha has been brought
Up under his own carg ? , iid with the ox-
ceptiqn of one year at Wheaton , ho bad
bccp her solo Instructor.
Yesterday a teThgrani was received
from time young womanat East Saginaw
Mich. , saying that sImo-was at that place
with triends. She did not explain her
departure nor aignifym timny intention tc
return , Tno telegram was at once sent
to Mr , WhIttier , arid lie advised one ol
the family to go at once to the young
girl and try to induce her to return. Ont
of the family left last night and is now or
her way to hast Saginaw.
To the World correspoudentono of Mr
Whittier's intimate friends said that th
, venerable poet was much grieved ovoi
time strange actions of the girl. She wam
an adopted daughter , quite its much o
his own , ho said , as of his cousin , ant
his interest in her was very ticop , Mr
Whittier was 'of tbo opinion this
: outside influence induced her t
leave her home. Her fatberY
family wore southerners and serum
r of them now wished .lier to join them
These people , lie said , live in East 'Sagi
; naw , where li'es Joseph % % 'hittler ,
cousin of the poet. Mr. Whittier feel
sure she Is with her father's' ' relative
nowand not with Mr. Whittier's cousin
I it 11 $ O tQU& tllM 8119 & $ met 11
l3oston by some one who nocompanleil
her west.Vhio this person is they do
not know , or how strong their Influence
may be to keep the girl Is not known ,
Although site was always well supplied
with pocket inonoy , sue did hot have
enough to pay her passage to Michigan.
Time friends of the young woman refused
to tell who her father mind mother were
before she was adopted aiist declined to
give any information In regarti to imer
departure. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lie Want. to Do Near the Center of
time hog-liaIsing Country.
Detroit Special to Now York Tmmos :
sspp Armour , the great pork packer of
Ciilcngo , hns been sojourmming at the
Mount Clemens mineral springs for time
past few ilays and last night } ) assctl
through Detroit on his way home. In the
course of a business talk he remnarketh
"i have very rcccimtly established a
branch house in Omnaimmt besides the one
iii Kansas City. "
"That does not moan thatyoumarcgoing
to remove from Chicago , as has been rtm-
mored ? "
" 1 shall always ismnko Chicago a dis-
tribumting point , but Chicago has seen Its
best tiny in time pork-packing line. I'ork
is found further west muow timan it tmsed
to be , Time corn . district has
gone west anti hog raising foilows It. I
am a bretty old nmami to g west to grow
rip with thu country , but I must do it or
have my business rust omit , and I domm't
intend to do that , Time fmict that I am
going Imus been laid to labor troubles by
sonic papers , butthnt is not time case. It
is strictiy business with me. 1 am Jtwt
as liable to encounter labor disttmrbamices
at Kansas City muid ) mmmhma as I am at
Chicago , but think an arrangement has
been made with the packers that will
prove satisfactory to nil concerned. As
I said , the corn district is working west ,
Michigan , Ohio , Indiana , Illinois and
Wisconsin used to furnish hogs in great
nbtmimdnrmco , but when the land was tilled
for other uses thaim the eultivatloim of
corn , hog raisin' ' was not profitable anti
was dropped. 'In sotitimorn Illinois tobacco -
bacco is now raised where corn used to
be grown. West of Kansas City is now
becomning the greatest corn country In
time world , and there is where i'll find the
hogs. "
"Do you think Chicago's supremacy
as a beet shipping point Is also on the
wane ? "
"No , To supply the market , beef of
several grades Is necessary , and these
grades are caused by the country in
which the cattle are raised , All time
states around Chicago are devoted in-
ereasmngly to time raising of fine grades of
cattle that make time choicest beef and
will furnish the best qualities of meat.
But a hog's a hog anywhere , and if I
can get nearer the center of the hog
raisimig country by going to Kansas Cit
or Ommihia it is my interest to do so an
save freight to my slaughter house. lie-
sides , 1 can get as good freight rates from
Kansas City now as I can from Chicago. "
TTOt .AT I.a.A.W
320 South 15th street , Omaha.
Room 25 , Paxton Block , Omaha ,
w. J' . CONNELL ,
813 South 14th Street.
Physician and Surgeon ,
114 5. 12th at , , cor. Farimam. Iron ilank Build-
Ing. Teiepbone 5.04.
Residence , 6051 N. 17th St.
0. 8. HOFFMAN , M. D. ,
'hynic1am. an Sux5'em. ,
Office , N.W Cor , 14th and Douglas.
Office Telephone 465 ; Res Telephone , 42
Es.x'oon am. . PhyGlciarn. ,
Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st ,
Office Telephone , 465 ; Rca Telephone , 568.
JAS. H. PEABODY , It ! . D.
Phy'nic1. am.d.
Residence , N. 1407.Tones street , Office , With.
nell thocic. ? eiephone , residence 125. office
R. W. CONNELL , Is ! . D.
Office , 313 S. 14th at. Telephone , 529.
J , V. CORNISH , IL D. ,
Cor. 20th and Lake Sts.
Practice imited to Sllrgry
0Mce Ariington flock , floome 10 and ii , Dodge 81
next to P. 0. 0111cc hours , Sto i a , in. , I to 4 p. in.
Printers , Book Binders
Andfllankbook Manutseturers. Noi. 106 and
1053,14th strast , OinahaNeb. .1.5' , Fain ! . , Super'
thtendeut bindery , Telephone No. SIJ.
11iI1st Natioiial 8a
Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ooooo
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kountze , President.
: John A. Creighton , Vice-President.
F , H. Davis , Cashier.
w. H , Meaquier , Asst.Cashie , .
2i. .If. RISDON
Merchants' NatIonal flank Building , Room I
Telephone No. .115. Omaha , Nsbraska.
itaplix SINT
Pk entx London , England. . . . . . . . . . $5,723,374.15
Firementms Newark , N. J. . . . . . . . . . . .
thea's Fails. Glen's Fails , N. Y. . . . . . 1,492.255.64
Girard , Philadelphia Pa. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,263,505.10
Wostcbbster New * orK N. Y . . . . 2,342,559.05
ocs,6outk Omaha' 1tooS. hunts BuIiOingNintii
' . . Roms. over Cumercl&i Nationil hank.
. . . . . . .
M. .ufferi.g
B I..qtVl .r
x. , . . , . . n.amImtr , Lark .1
a D..i.p.ei.
D..mlu , etc. , r'iuIiIg Irs ii. , SIC. . $ Ot oyirwsrk
- .r.4 wlS..i
It D
S 5 ! Fmb.r. a pmu.4 In IS. kn
01 thur H.rn. ' , , *
lSoratIcu 01 III , . 10 $11 mIS.
IAIIN IIs1 II. IS Path Plac1 New Veil.
Agriceilturci IrnpFensente.
_ _ _ _ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Whot.saio hiisr itm
AETicultural Implement s , Wngon ,
c.rrIages see iitiglcI. , betweso 9th
and iuthOmiha , Nib ,
Arlcn1tursl Implements ,
Wa onsCarTiIgeI , ugtii , Ito , , Wholuah' , Om ' ha.
Wholesale lealsrs in
Agriculiurai Iniplements ,
Wsgons and fluggie. . . Sal. , ut inS mi , Jones .5
- - - - - - - - - -
- - -
Artists' Naferial ,
- . . . . . _ _ _ _ w.-
A. HOSPE tin. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos snil Organs
1113 floDliSs Street , Omaha. Hardware and Scales.
Bnilderi'Iiardwaro&Seale Repair Shop
Mecbaulcs' To1. and fluIsio Seaiis. 14 leuia. si. ,
. OmithaNeb ,
Books and Stcmtionery.
, _ _ _
A. YRINI'ON lh CO. ,
Who'eie and Ito all
looksellei's ? and Statloiievs ,
I5.2 Dougas St. , ( ) rmmalmti , N.b. ' 1'tIeiiiono tiOi.
CrresmIic'I1t' , , ( .oti'iteil ,
Boots and Shoes.
Jr. v. MORSE 5C Co.
Jobbers of Iloots and Shoes.
liii ) 'arnaul .t. , Ornahi , 4sb. Uauufactory , Surname
ptreet , iioatn.
z. 1' . LsAiEa t CO. ,
" , Vlltllesnle Ittilduer BOOtS and Shoes
Itubur , , and Oiled Ciothmmmmr amid I'elt hoots and
Shin. . liii Iinrn' Strer't.
Lsjer Beer Brewers ,
1121 North 15th Street. Omabs , Nib.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
lausags Casing. of all kinds iwayu in Stock. 1211
- - -
Co/fe , , Spic. . . Etc.
Omaha Corrue and Spite Mills.
Tees. Ooe. , , Spice. , Baking Powder , Flavoring Si-
tract. , Leunery Blue ink , iii. 1414-15 Uarnsy
Stte.t , maha. Nib.
_ _ _
John Bpencter , Prop.
Manufaetnrir of Gaisanised iron and Cornies. 95
Dodge and 155 and 106 14 , 19th ii. . . O&ka. Nib.
Manufacturer. of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Window. , Flu. . I&etailc Skyiigblitc. 310S.
intl s1. . Omaha.
C. Spechit , Prop ,
Galvanized iron Cornice. etc. Speci.'simproed Psi-
set Metailo SkylIght. tOd and 610 5. i2tt stOmaha.
- -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jobber. of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rugs ,
Linoleurns , Mattings , sic. ltD Dennis , .trnes.
Crockery and Notions.
- - - - - - -
Ageutfor 'heMauuactarers and lmportcrl of
( rockary , Olaseware ,
Lanip. , Chimneyi. etc. 00cc , 511 South 18th I.
Omabe , Nob.
_ _ _ _ CL 0TH/NO _ _ _
112. ELGtr1'1'ELlf'
Mammoth Clothing House ,
Corner Isrnam and Tenth Strecis , oniah& . Nab.
Commission and Storage.
iic - -
Cosimisslon and Jobbing ,
Sutter. Xggs nd Prodnos. Co..tgnmsat. ioiicItsd.
llsadquattira for Stonewars , lm.rry Son. and
Graii , iiaketi. lOt
Storage and CommIssion Merchants ,
SpeclaltIes-Butter , Eggs. Choose Poiilry , Usna , ,
Oyster , , etc. , etc. 1i2 S. 11th St. .
Commission Merchants.
FruIts. Froduco and l'roIsIons. Omaha , Neb.
WIE7JIA1 c Co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Foaltry , liutlir , Usias , 5'umt. , ito. I 5. 3ttsj.
Onaab. . Nib.
Coal ano' Lime.
00 , 1. 1IIAUU. rres. C. N. GoonsfAle , 1. Piss.
J. A. SIxu.RLAIfD. Sec. and Tress.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
501 South Thirteenth Street , Omiha , Nib ,
jr , Joiixsors di CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shipper. oV ( psi and Cement , Pisater ,
Lime , hair , Fire Brirs , ursin , Tile sinS Sewer i'ipe.
( ffioe Paiton Hotel. Varn.m at. , ( Imetis , Nib.
Cigars and Tobacco.
_ _ _ _
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Guns aud Ammunition , SIS to123 Ii. iflha it. , 1010 to
1034 Faruana Ii. . OinbsNeb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Deatari in Leaf Tobsetoi , No. . moo
and ilD N. ' 51k .1r.e Omaha.
- .
Dry Goods.
. M' E , SMITh d3 CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fui'nlsbiimgGoods &NotIon
1102 and 1104 Inglas , mr. liii , Ill , , Omaha , Nab ,
- . - - - - - - - . - - - - - -
DlsUilers ( a ? Liquor , , Ak'nhoi nn.i Spirit. . importers
.ud Jubberiot Winosalad Liquor. .
CO. anti IfEfl C CO. ,
Importers and Jobber. or Fine Wince nd 1.Iq2nrP.
Some manufarturer. of lennsdr' . NsI 1dI' ' Hit-
mars and Iloinestic lIquors. liii Ilrniy St.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam It. . Omaha , Nab ,
Furniture , Bedding , Uplmolstery ,
blirror.ete. and 1210 Farnarn t. , Omiba.
- -
Groceries ,
'AXTo2V , 04 IJ4AGIKER di ( JO. ,
VhoIesaIa Groceries and Provisions ,
No , IIG.707 , mm andtmi 5. iith St. , Omaha , Nib.
.McCO7tD , JJ.MDY .t CO. ,
Wholesale Grocerii ,
13th and Leavenworth siu.Omah * .
- '
LEE , .7rRIEI ) CO. ,
Jobbers of hardware arid Nail ,
Tinwaru , Shut Iron , ntc. Agnta for hewn beaus
and Miami pcawdarto.Oraahs'ieb.
, v. j- . Bit OATCJI ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron arid Steel , , Wagon Stock , ilardwari Lumberotc. iZi
s.d 1211 ilarOef at. . Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wason and C&rilags Wooi SIMCS , Heavy Msrdarl
Etc. i2mTsndi2i Laveswurib.t.Ocnshs , Neb ,
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , 'J'Iies
Maaliss , Oral , . . 4irau Goods. 1321 end IZiT I'arnaa
. Street.
IronWorks ,
tWA . . -
Iron Works ,
Wrnnibi and Cast Iron Sniltilni Work , Trnn SisIr
) tailln , Seam , and ( lirdiri , Steam an5inc. , iIraS4
Wi'rs. ( i'nerai Foundry , MRCbIDS inS macktnhIa
jnrk , 061cc as J Work , , U. I' . ut. and ilh ki eel ,
. -a
- - - - - - - -
11. K. 54 WIER ,
Mann tacturirig leaier ) In SmokeStmik
liritching , , Tnk , , arni ( lineal holler 1tepairing\
iii ! . Ittiii stret , Omrli5.
Iisnulncturer , of
ire and Iron Ealliiigg , Desk Rails ,
Window Uuarda Plower Stead , , SYiri SIgns. lie
in N. 15th. Orders by mail promptly stiendedtI ,
-w - _ wwu ,
Deale' . AiiXInd.of
Builtiltig Material at Wholesale. ,
. lets Stroetand nulon PauSe Track , Omaha.
Dealer In Lumber. Lath , Limo , Sash ,
ioor. , lito. l'srda-Corncrlth and Douglas ; ComeS
9th and Iu.jiae ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
5440.itth strict. Omaha , Nib. P. ( 'oiplier , Mnii ,
18th and Csiiforria Strict , , Omsha , Nob.
Lutu ber , Lime , Cement , Ete. , Rtc ,
Cor.131h and bonus. St. , Omaha. Ne.
To Dealers Only.
Oee. t455 isroarn streetOmahs.
- CAIAS. R. iE ; -1
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpits anti Parquet Flooring , 9th neal DouglaS
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Inportad sad American Portland Cement. Pta14
Agint zorS&iiwaukeo itydraullo Cement and heat
( Jutney WhiteLim. .
- ' -
Lire Stock.
of Olnalla.
LImltSd. Jeks V. Boyd , Bapirlateadict.
. - - - - - - - - - 1
Liii ttockCommsssion.
Live Stock Conimisslon Merchants. ,
herbal furnished free on application , Stocker. sail
feeder , furnished on iiont tirin , . Referencep ,
Oinahn Ntionai Bank snt South Omabti Nationmi.
Union Stock Yard. , South Owsta.
Live Stock CorniiiissIon. : . ,1
aeo. Burke , Usnagr
UnionStoekYads.5.Omahs.Teiephone _ Mt.
Live Stock Comumlasion Merchants ,
BilipaimmI. of any and au kindS of Stock .01101144.
Unioa stOCk Yard..Otnaba , Nib.
- - _ _
Millinery and , ti ; , , :1 :
iOithiPIthElt CO. ,
importer. and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notiona ,
1213 and lilt itarney Stveet , Omaha , Neb.
Whoissale Dealer. tim
Notions anti Furnishing Goods ,
403 and 406 II. Tinth At.Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
alan. Pant. , ShIrt. , , rto. imos and 1104 Douglas Street5
OmahaNeb ,
' -
Wholesale Paper Icalers. )
Carry a nice stock of i'rintlng , wrapping and Writ.
log limper. SpecIal nttention given to car load or
orders. whirl , wIli be ahlpped direct from mili. . All
Order , will receive personal attention , Weguar.
antee good good. and I ow prices. Lilt and 11111
' - -
- -J
- - - - - s.--- _ _ _
Job Printers , Blank Book Makeri ,
And Book finder. . 105 and mimt South 1"ourteenI
, triSt. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealer. Ia T1PehLreIsea and l'rintera' Suppiio. . 105 I
outh 'Fweifth Street.
- -
- BJIOWNELf1 JO. , 4 1
Manufacturers anti Dealer , in
Eimgiies , , Boilers tt ( i'eiioral 3lachmlnoi'y
Ibeet Iron work , Steams 1'uiflpi.M * Mills , Aonj
SIaftingDodgs Woddipilt PaIley. , aelting eta ,
Aliowagon. , , eraperiiadb aISlies. ULi.ULLea ,
venworthal. Ombi
'Wholesale Pumps , l'liie , FittiilgS ,
Steam and Water Supplies. headquarter. fur L1a
i0znt Cn'a Uoo4a. jill isrnaIn at. . Omaha , Neb.
UalIadayWlnd lililim , ftem and WatIr Snpafte ,
l'iumbingUoed , , flaIling tigre. nIl SII4 923 tar'
earn at. , Omaha. 5. k. alto , , Manager.
_ I
Pumps , Pipes aimd Engines ,
Steam , Water , Railway imud Miiiig Suppiica. 31W ,
s , Vflsnd 94 Farnimna at. , Ouaka , Nib , _ ,
Rubber Goods.
. . , - -
- - - - ' -
tTi1ui .uun 'o
) cunurscturer nii lielmidri in all lnd of
liuhilu'i' ( loottut ,
oil Ciotiiinz zIi'l , Intiic'r iipimirimr ii1 ( F. , tiaiii SI ,
_ _
- p '
Safes , Etc. 1
_ - _ _
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Sire and Huigiar Proof 8sf , . . Time locks , VaultS
_ dJsIi Won. IbJJ hins'a strait Omaha , Nob.
0. AXD1tEEN ,
Omaha Safe Works.
Manufacturersof Fire and hIurgisrPriofSiea. . Vault
iooraJaIi SyorkSauttera and Wire 55.fl Cot.
itthaidjackion his. . Omaha , Nab ,
- Sash. Doors , Etc.
fliisnitoir iII
Wholoale Manufactmrara of
Sash , leers ) , Bliimds aiid Moulding's ,
iianch and IHird , ts.Omabim.S'tb.
hfanuacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moal.m'ju.St1ir ' SYork and ietorinr hard SVood Finish
Jail opined. N. C. cur. Bib , , nd IMS,00wufitaBIi.
Omaha , Nab.
Lincoln , Nob.
The heft nowu utid roost l'OPUiim * hotel in
the 51510. loeation cemiri , , ap'omniiioii6 , , fist
class. iiciuirlusrtOIi for eoiimtimorCll men and
all political nd , ; gstheriiirs.
I : . P. ltOGUl * , I'roprietor ,
: ichooICountyand City ' '
° ' ' 1' ,
h ,
We will play highest iIce , for same.
, ' .
Idade itt lowoit rstes. corrcipuutleaco solicited
b'21JLL BACOS. .
- -