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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1887)
' ' , . v./ . . : . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. TUESDAY. MO&NING. AUGUST i ) . 1887. NUMBEB 52J BRITTANIA BRISTLING UP. Ifen-of-War to Keep the Yankees Oat of Canada's Mackerel Patch , OFFICIALS HOLD A CONFERENCE. An Interchange of Views 'Without Anjr Satisfactory Result Admiral Luce Explains Ills Circular Which Was Withdrawn. The Fisheries Question. lUi.iFAX , August 8. [ Special Telegram ( o the BEE. I Considerable excitement pre vailed here Saturday over the latest seizure at Sourln , which is now reported to bo not only for an ofTenso against the custom laws , but also for the violation of the treaty of 1818 , and to be- such a serious case as to require the Immediate presence of Consul-Gt-noral Phe. Ian. Great interest also attaches to the con ference which took place that day between the minister of the fisheries , Itear Admiral Luce , Consiil-Goneml Phelan and Captain Scott. The conference occurred on board the United States flag ship Itichmond , and lasted over on hour. It Is understood that the circumstances connected with the recent Bel/uro , the administration of the Canadian custom regulations , the rights of American fishermen In Canadian waters , the statement > ot questions by Admiral Luce and Captain ' Scott's replies thereto.and other matters were frankly and freely discussed , though purely Informally. The result It that this Interchange of views has caused such a per sonal understanding to be arrived at as will materially aid In a number of knotty points hitherto a source of annoyance and irritation , and to tend to simplify affairs In the situa tion. Regarding the cases of the Gloucester schooners , Argonaut aud French , Minister Foster declared It to be the Intention ot the Canadian authorities to capture those schooners wherever ttioy could be found , cither Inside Canadian limits or on the high sea outside of tlio territorial waters of the United States. He argued that the vessels upon the admission of their crows , had clearly been guilty of violating the treaty , and therefore were liable to forfeltmc , and a forfeited vessel could bo taken any where outside the territorial waters of the other power. Both Admiral Lucn and Consul-General Phelan strongly dillcied from this view , and emphatically expressed i > V their opinions that the United States would never permit these vessels to bo taken out side the territorial waters of Canada. Aumlral Luco authorizes the following statement In regard to the circular which he Issued , giving instructions to American fish ermen that Secretary Whitney had tele graphed him ho had withdrawn : "My posi- llon'ls so defined that it is understood by common report that the United { Slates government and Great Britain are now ne gotiating for a settlement of the fishery questions. Pending these negotiations It Is tlio part of the United States vessels of war In Canadian waters to avoid dolne anything that might even harrass our government or add to the complications of thu various questions at Issue. ' 1 he ships * ot the North Atlantic squadron here are not sent to the gulf of St. Lawrence to prevent by force the seizure of American fishermen by Dominion cruisers for alleged violation of the laws for .the protection of the In-shore fisheries , but they are to render such moral support as the mere presence ot our ships might afford. In the event of the seizure of American fishing vessels for alleged viola tion of the laws of states , the case must be fought out in the courts , not by the Dominion , cruiser and the vessel of war of the United States. This is not abating one jot or ono f title of the American side of the question , lor . It the Dominion courts are In op- j- position to the claim of the United P\ \ States , then the case can be taken up by our government and submitted , if necessary , to aroltratlon. An appeal to arms , as some of our newspapers suggest , is sup posed to be the measure of last resort. Had the entire United States navy been present September 11 , Ibbfl , it could not have legally prevented tlio seizures bv a very small Dominion cruiser of the Highland Light for fishing within the three-mile limit. How ever tenaciously wo may uphold the justice of the American side ot the question , It has not saved tlio cases of the David Adams and Ellen M. Doughty from dragging through the courts now for over a year ; and what ever may bo the decision In these cases , he tacts remain that the voyage n each case was broken up and he parties most directly concerued sub- .ectod to much inconvenience. Hence , to enable our fishermen to keep out of the courts , the first and most obvious step was to ascertain the nature of the Instructions issued to the Dominion cruisers , and having obtained that Information , the next step waste to give our fishermen the benefits of It , with out Indorsement by me or of any American official ot the views embraced In these In structions. Coupled with this information was the following : That in the event of seizure they would bave to go to the courts , as our vessels of war were not empowered to interpose force or prevent the law from tak ing Its course. The only exception to this that 1 am aware of Is in doubtful cases aim where the rights of our fishermen seem to have been clearly violated by the Dominion cruisers. In that event , the question is re ferred by the nearest United States consul to our consul general at Halifax , who makes ui > the case and refers It to the state department at Washington. " The British war ships now In the North American waters are to take part in settling the present trouble. This arrangement was made late Saturday night and has caused genuine surprise on all sides. It is the first time that the British authorities have Inter fered In the fisheries fight and the unexpected change of policy occasions no little anxiety muoug Americans here. They don't know what to make of it. The men of wat will not act as patrols only , to keep American fishermen outside the forbidden waters , but will make seizures when they cross the lino. There are three war ships avail able for the service at this moment Aamlral Lyon's flagship the Bellerophono , the Canada nnd the Pylndes. These vessels are now In Halifax harbor. The present In tention la to send nhips early next week to the eiilf of SL Lawruuco to reinforce the five Canadian cruisers already there. It is not likely that more than three war shins will be put at the work of seizing the Yankees , but if It should ba considered advisable three more can bo ordered into these waters fion Nowfouuuinud and Bermuda at a few days notice. Jeff Davis Talks Again. NEW Yonic , August 8. [ Special Telegram to bo BEE.I The World publishes a letter from Jefferson Davis In relation to the story ot Ins proposed assassination during the war at the hands of a convict liberated from the Pennsylvania penitentiary by Governor Cur tin. Mr. Davis says his only knowledge ot the matter was conveyed In an anonymous letter ( iovernor Curtin says he released the convlc upon what ho supposed to bo a reques from the United Slates war depart nient , but the papers turned out to lie forgeries. Davis , In his note to the World , criticises Governor Curtin rather sharply , and corrects two mlsstatements 01 Ins pin I. "First. " bajs Mr. Davis , "that I had made a public accusation against hlu and that I had alleged that ho was to pay SlOO.Ouo to u desperado for my asiassln&llon All this Is based on a newspaper article pur porting to be a report of an interview nek with iru for publication by a newspaper cor respondent. Such was not tlio case. The avowal of Governor Curtln' * zeal to malnUli the government by honorable warfare , am the denial that he ever resorted to sucU means for the conduct ot the war. mark ixcommend able appreciation of the obligations of civil tzed war , aud It Is a pltr that thnre should be anything to interrupt the current of self laudation. " . Parting or thu Kinperors. GASTKIN , July 8.--The scene at the parting Df the uiperon yesterday was most touch [ n * Emperor William pressed the hand o KmperJr Francis JotepU audab do bin /iicyolt" uotU next jew. , . rwUnTbfokii I'poiut , bat rallied illgbUjr oa 1VES' Trying to Straighten Out That Specu lator's Snarls. New Yonit , August U. The affairs of the Inclnnatl , Hamilton & Dayton railway were under consideration In this city to-day. Henry 8. Ives arrived from Cincinnati to-dav ind met the committee , which Immediately began Its work. IU inquiry will , It Is an nounced , cover the following points : The outstanding preferred stock ; how much of this was lasucd by the authorization of the directors ; whether the company rocolved an equivalent of the now Issue nt par in money ( a legal requirement ) ; what has become of the cosh the company had on hand according to the last annual report on March 31 , 18S7 , and how much of the cash reserves of the. company were used by U. S. Ives & Co. in changing the guapa and meeting other expenses in connection with the narrow gauge lines which thev purchased. Ives refused to talk. Lawyers Hoadlny and Cromwell had fre quent conferences with Ives and Staynor , and the resignation of Ives and Staynor as directors In tlio road woie conditionally of fered but refused. The committee remained In session for more than live hours and then adjourned to meet at 0 o'clock In the even ing. While the meeting was In progress the stock market took on an aspect which threatened the financial position of Ives & Co. Later In the afternoon Fellows , Mor gan & Co.'s counsel advised a loan of S2.000- 000 which had been negotiated by the firm for Ives would be called In and the securities sold , so ac to divest Ives & Co. of all owner ship In the property. Kessler & Co. Immedi ately called their loan of SIXKJ.OOO secured by government bonds , Lake Shore and Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton stock. The last previous Bale of Cincinnati , Hamilton A Dayton was made Thursday at 120. The best price that could bo obtained for it to-day was 40 a share. One hundred shares were sold at that price by order of Fremnn & Co. , Lnthrop , Smith A Ollphant being the buyers. This was all that could bo disposed of out of the block In the loan. A certain national bank called another loan just before the close of the day's business , and collateral securities In It will bo closed to-morrow. In reply to a question about the day's development * ! , Mr. Ives said there was nothing new. The other members were equally reticent One of the creditors said It had been decided to push matters to the end , no matter what the effect to Ives might be. be.The The committee met this evening , but ad journed without taking any action. * The Young and Old Floodi. SAN FitANCisco , August 8. | Special Tele gram to the BEK.J Mrs , Flood , who came up from the Flood mansion at Menlo Park last night , states that Mr. Flood Is not In a dangerous condition as reported. Notwith standing this contradiction the belief Is strong among well Informed people here that Mr. Flood's hymotoms are likely to develop Into fatal ones. The bonanza banker has not been In good health for some time , and his condition was not improved by recent escapades of his only son while In New York , The young man name time ago became in fatuated wltb a lively San Francisco damsel , aud it was only by able diplomatic efforts on the part of friends that a mar riage was averted , and she was in duced to accept an annuity and emigrate to the free and easy society of Anglo-American colonies In China. After a round of hilarious amusements in the orient , she came back to San Francisco some months ago and the young bonanza banker once more fell a slave to her blandishments. She went east and immediately after he followed and signalized his trip by a fisticuff encoun ter with Jack Staples in the Hoffman house , New York. The young man had previously been conducting himself In a ratherexemplary manner , and the sudden outbreak had the worst possible effect on the old gentleman's health. Intimate friends of the family think he is not likely to recover. British Grain Trade Review. LONDON , August 8. The Mark Lane Ex press , in its weekly review of the British grain trade , says : Throughout the south ot England wheat has been reaped and farmers are busy threshing. A large num ber ot new samples are being offered in Lon don. So rapidly has the season advanced that the quotations for now wheat are three weeks earlier than usual. Values of old wheat declined Is Cd@2a within a fortnight. The quality of the samples Is good. The trade has no prospect of escaping ruinously low prices. The sales of English wheat dur ing the past week were 24,15'J quarters at 33s lid against 41,173 quarters at SlbSd during the corresponding week last year. Flour is dull. The trade in foreign wheat Is stagnant. With the collapse of the California corner values fell 10s at Liverpool , The decline was irregular and prices were not quotable. The prices of corn are maintained. Barley Is neglected , oats arc In largo supply and val ues have a downward tendency. There wore fourteen arrivals of wheat cargoes. There were three sales , two were withdrawn and thirteen remained at to-day's market. There was a better Inquiry for now English wheat. Old English wheat stands 2s lower than a fortnight ago. Foreign Is Cd lower. Flour to-dav was cheaper. Grinding barley oats and linseed wore each 3d lower. The Chicago Boodlers. CHICAGO , Augusts The fourboadlers who were merely fined appeared m court this morning for sentence. Action , however , was deferred until Thursday , except In case of Commissioner Gells. llo was anxious to have the matter closed at once. Sen tence was pronounced and lie quickly paid over his $1,000 fine. Argument on the motion for a new trial in the cases of the seven boodlers sentenced to the penitentiary was postponed until October 15. The seven mmi had altered their purpose not to resign ollice , otherwise they would have been granted no delay. Some have already stepped out and others will 3ult without further ado , so the threatened ead-lock and non-assessment of taxes Is averted. Pending arguments for a new trial the seven boodlors , though s.ived for the time-being irom the penitentiary , remain confined In the countyjall. Business Failures. CUICAQO , July 8. Balrd & Dillon , dealers in plated ware , made an assignment this morning to F. K. Morse , and the place was put In charge ot the sheriff , Liabilities i-Ulmated at from 875,000 to $200.000. The assets will probably reach J40.000. The firm have been embarrassed for some time. The immediate cause of the failure was the rloslnir in ot several judgment notes held by N. K. Hill. The W. . O. Tyler Paper company confessed judgment to-day In favor of the Union National bank for 83,000. The house la In the hands ot the sheriff. The firm has been doing a heavy business throughout west and the chief cause of Its collapse Is a large number of bad debts , many of which have been contracted by western newspapers. The firm's lawyers estimated the total liabili ties at S.'ttOooo and assets at the same figure. J. L. Jiubel was this afternoon appointed assignee. A Gcrinnn Catholic Memorial. PITTSIIUIIO , August 8. Collections were taken up yesterday in every German Cath lie church in this city to erect a German memorial house in New York , In honor of the fiftieth anniversary ot the ordination ol Pope Leo XIII. as priest. The building will be named Lee house , and will bo used for German emigrants. Prize Fighters Mobbed. NEW YOIIK , August fl. The long talked of prize light between Johnny liegau and Tom Henry came otf this morning , fifty miles up the Hudson river. The men fought thirty- eight rounds , and the fight was declared a dratv , and was broken up by a mob. "Merely B/Itoxonant Mask. " LQNDOK , August 8 , Prof. Lyndal has written another scathing article attacking Gladstone. He says the.facU tend to verify tt < Q fact tlialQladstono Is' .merely a roSouaut mask-through which John Morley'blOWS over the hind uh UuatlcsU 1 WRECK OF THE SLOOP SARA , Horrible Btory of the Survivors of the Fated Ship. SHARKS CONSUME THE DEAD. Two Sailor * Become Insane and Fur nish Food For the Kapactous Mon sters Three Saved From a Frightful Death , Captain Bajaram's Btory. Al.UUQUEIUJUE , N. M. , AllgUSt 8. A NO- gnlo'a special to tlio Democrat gives particu lars of the loss uf the sloop Sara , previously mentioned In these dispatches. The vessel bad on board Captain Bajaram , his wife , children , nclco , Superintendent Yallo of the Baltimore Copper mines at Santa Itoslla , be sides a crew of five men. The vessel was struck In the Unit of California by a heavy wave and capsized. All on board perished except the captain , three sail ors nnd a small boy who saved themselves by climbing on the bottom of the capsized vessel. On the second day after the disaster the bodies of the wife and children rose to the surface and we're eaten by sharks baforo the eyes ot the horror- tricken husband. On July SO two of the sailors apparently became crazy and announced their Intention to swim ashore and slipped Into the water They were Immediately devoured by sharks. The captain , one sailor and a small boy re mained on the vessel elcht days , sustaining life by catching turtles and sucking the blood. They were rescued In a pitiable con- dlton by a fishing sloop and afterwards transferred to tUo company's steamer , which brought them hero. The survivors are physically and mentally wrecks. The cap tain says another small sloop was near him in the same storm , and it is supposed she went down with all on board. The Popn's Jubilee. [ CnpifrtuM 1SK7 l > u Jama Gordon Hcnnett.l LtMRitiCK August 8. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. I A magnificent religious ceremonial took place here yesterday in honor of the pope's jubilee. Deputations were present from all parts of Ireland. Sev eral bishops , hundreds of priests and 30,000 men walked In a procession carrying five hundred religious banners. The live miles of street through which the procession passed were spanned with trlumphlal arches from which depended mottos such as "God Bless Leo XIII , " etc. Houses were hune with evergreens , religious banners , and the papal colors met the eve everywhere. Altars were erected In the streets , processionists sung hymns , Including "God Bless the Pope. " Arrived at the cathedral the bishop of Limerick addressed the multitude In the open air. lie dwelt on the power of the papacy , and said that the Catholic world would not rest until Leo obtained the posi tion of sovereign of Home. Forty thousand persons witnessed the procession to the treaty stone. The city is beautifully illumi nated to-night by fires of turf in the streets twelve feet high. As a purely religious de monstration it excelled anything over seen in this country before. Extensive Forest Flro. 18S7 bu James Gordon Hcnne/M / BRUSSELS , August 8. | New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] A vast fiio has broken out in Herzogenwald , on the German- Belgian frontier. The forest is tweuty-fivo leagues on Belgian-German territory on the road from Yervlers to Aix la Chapelle. It began on the German side of the line and is spreading rapidly to the Belgian side In a sheet of flame one mile and a quarter wide towards the district known as Les Uautes Fagnes. If it once reaches the great peat bogs of that neighborhood It is feared the lira may last weeks. The origin of the disaster has not as yet been discovered. * Afraid oft tic Showing. LONDON , August 8. In the commons to night the question was asked what was the reason tor the itovernment's refusal to sub mit a return showing the number of royal princes or persons allied to royalty by mar riage who hold posts in the public service and draw money from the public funds , and how many ofllcers have been passed over by such appointments. Smith replied that in the judgment of the ; overument such a re- turn would be of an nvidlous character and ought not to be granted. ( Radical cries of "Oh I it . " but must be granted ) Robbed of Her Roll , PAIHS , August 8. Madame Elluinl , former queen of the operetta , Is the victim of a mys terious highway robbery. While traveling in a coach with two attendants , a valise con taining valuables , said to be worth 8100,000. was stolen. Mine. Ellnlnl had loft the coach , temporarily , in order to relieve the horses while going up hill , and during her absence tlio valise disappeared. A male attendant named Auda has been arrested on suspicion ot being connected with the atfalr. Itoulancor's Latent. PAIUS , August 8. General Boulanger has written a letter to his seconds ends In reference to his pro posed duel with Ferry , in which ho says : "Public opinion wlIljuaKobotweenlono who , a long distance off , Insults a general , and who will only grant derisory reparation , and my self , who purposed to risk my life to aveuco my honor as a soldier. " The European Wheat Crop. LONDON , July 8. The wheat crop of Franco is good. It is estimated the yield will amount to 110,000,000 hectolitres against 100- , 000.000 in 18SO. Kussiun harvest reports ate satisfactory. VIENNA , 8. The price ot wheat on the Vienna market fell to a lower point Sat urday than known in twenty-three years. Krupp Remembers His Employes. BEUI.IN , August 8. Alfred Krupp be queathed 8250,000 for the benefit of his em ployes. His son Frederick has added 8125,000 to the amount for the people of Essen. The town council of Essen lias voted 815,000 for a statue of Krupp. Fire In Dublin. DtinuN , August 8.--Larabert and Brlon's oil stores and several other establishments on Gratton street , this city , burned to-day. Oilier buildings in the neighborhood were damaged. Loss placed at 500,000. The London Milliner. LONDON , August 8. A summons for per jury has been Issued against Policeman Kn dlcott at the Instance of Miss Cass , who was arrested by him on the charge of being an Improper character , To Abdicate the Throne. VIENNA , August 8. it Is rumored that Prlnco Ferdinand will start for Bulgaria to morrow with the Intention of formally abdi cating the Bulgarian throne. Gladstone and the Welsh. LONDON , Ausust a Gladstone will not at tend the Welsh national estedelford at Itoyal Albert ball , at which it was announced he was to preside , Expelled Trom Alsace. PARIS , August 8 Baron Billing , late French euibassadbr to. Sweden , while vlsUing friends in Alsace , wasexpelled'frouitue iooMberriM , pi cis iiW a'TO ] aib'strlng J I MURDERED n'V 'AN ' OUTLAW. Kit Carson's Eldest Son Killed In ColdraAo. AI.AMOSA , Colo. . A\isnst8. ISncclal Tel- gram to the BEK. ] Kepefrt reached here this evening from the southern part of the state that William Carson , deputy sheriff of Con- yose county , had been brutally murdered In Saos valley last Thursday by Juan Vlklla , a notorious character whom he was attemptIng - Ing to arrest. It appears that when Carson wont to serve the papers on Vlklla the latter requested the officer to read them , and while doing so the outlaw snatched a revolver from Carson's bell , with which he beat out Ills brains. Carson was the eldest son of the famous scout , Kit Carson , nnd an Influential man In this section. A posse has been or ganized to search for thu murderer , and if caught perhaps ho will bo lynched. Will be Sold In September. DBS MOINES , la. , August 8. [ Special Tele- egrara to the BEE.I The office of the United States land ofllce of tills cttv has received orders as to the disposal of the 20,017 acres of laud heretofore claimed by the St. Paul & Sioux City railroad. These lands were orig inally conveyed'by the general government to the state , and last January were recon- veyed bank by the state to the general gov- urnment , and , by a recent decision of the secretary of the interior , are now thrown open to entry only under the pre-emption , homestead and timber culture laws. Thirty days' notice will bo given by the officers of the office here , and about September 10 they will ba icady to commence disposing of these lands. With the exception of ono forty-acre tract In Sioux county these lands are In Woodbury and Plymouth counties. Some of them are now rated as worth SIO to 820 per acre. In all cases bona fide actual settlers will bo given preference In making entries. Explosion In Vault. Sioux CITY , la. , Augusts. [ Special Tele- trram to the BEE. I An explosion of gas In the vault of the county recorder's office took place this morning , seriously burning 'and bruising G. A. Menslngcr , deputy recorder. The gas jet had been left turned on since Saturday and the gas had accumulated , un able to escape , so that when Monslngcr went to light up an explosion followed. A heavy door near the vault was splintered by the force of the shock and books and papers were somewhat damaged , but none of the records were destroyed. Death of a Burlington Merchant. BUHLINOTON , lo. , August 0. William Bell , a wholesale grocer In this city , died suddenly Sunday evening while reading. He was a prominent wholesale merchant of Burlington for the past thirty years and at the time of his death was principal member ot the Bell-Smith Grocery company. Ho was mayor of this city two terms and a man of good judgment and excellent business qualifications. Killed Oy Ice Water. DUIJUQUE , la. , August 8. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] W. S. Harvey , American express messencer , died at Mercy hospital yesterday of cerebvlal appoplexy Induced by drinking Ice water when on his last trip from Chicago to this city last week. Ho re sided In Chicazo and was a trusted : employe of the company. . _ Dry < 7oods Bouse Closed. DAVENPonT , la. , AHigust 8. [ Special Tel egram to the BBE.J The dry goods bouse of M. Carroll was closed this afternoon on con fession of judgment\ The liabilities are placed at $12,000 wlttiasset8 , the. same. Chicago cage and Now York houses are the principal creditors. _ Militia In Camp. OTTUMWA , la. , August 8. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. I The -First brigade of Iowa national guards met in full force in camp here to-day , Brigadier General H. II. Wright commanding. The camp Is beauti ful but the weather is hot and dry. The boys made a splendid appearance marching through the streets to the camp ground ouo mile from the heart of , tlio city. Robbed by Two Gamblers. MABSIIAVLTOWN , la. , August 8. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. | Samuel Slm- klns , a citizen of Legrand , was held up and robbed In the outskirts of towu by two gamblers yesterday. The two toughs were captured and will go up. Killed Ry Falling Slate. Dns MOINES , la. , August 8. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.I Charles Johnson , a miner , who Hvea at Fifteenth nnd Buchanan streets , was killed by falling slate at the Garver coal mine this afternoon. THE PETTED BOOPLER8. Sheriff Matson Treats Them as He Did McGarlgle. CHICAGO , August 8. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. J The sheriff and his assistants seem to be pursuing the same course with the convicted boodlers now in jail that he did with McGarlgle. The ordinary rules of the prison are broken down for their benefit and they are treated with the greatest possi ble consideration. Wblla the common of fenders are obliged to see their visitors on Tuesdays and Fridays only , the boodlers see their friends whenever they wish and a con stant stream of callers has invaded the jail since Friday night. The boodlers also oc cupy the boys' department In the jail , which is cut otf from the regular cells , and their meals are served from a neighboring hotel by obsequious waiters. To-day It was decided that the motion for a new trial would be ar gued October 5. A special grand jury Is to be called without delay. The first business will be the investigation of the conspiracy that ended in the flight of McGarlgle. The paint and putty job. the biggest steal the county suffered In anr one transaction en gineered by the boodlers , will then claim their attention. "Not a doubt Is expressed but that Dr. St. John will bo indicted for his share it the get ting ot McGarigie off , " said an ofllclal this noon who knows all the tacts. "Tho case against Dr. St. John is stronger than it was agulust any of the boodlers. " Sullivan's Golden Belt Presented. BOSTON , Ausust 8At the Boston theatre to-night there was a gathering of nqtable pugilists , the occasion ! being the presentation to John L. Sullivan of a golden belt In scribed , "Champion of Champions. " The house was jammed. Nearly all the noted prize fighters of the country were present , as were also Mayor O'Brien and other city of ficials. J Dcstrtuctlve Hall'ln ' Manatoba. WINNEPEO , August 8. Southern Manitoba was visited by a terrific ball storm this morn ing , dolne great damage to crops. Some of the hall stones measured several Inches In circumference. The Injury to wheat has been very severe , and a ; number of tanners will not be able to reap the seed grain , so complete has been tho' destruction ot the storm. Drought and Forest Fires. CHEIIOVOAN , Mich. , August 0. This vll lage Is Involved In dense smoke from forest fires which are destroying much valuable timber In the vicinity. The drought In this section has been protracted and all kinds of vegetation has been burned up. The Burning Mines. nouoiiTON , Mich. , August 8. The Ore in the Calumet and Hecla mine Is still raging. Last night a new plan was tried for over coming the ( lames. Carbonic acid gas was forced down the pipes , and beenn to be work ing successfully. Arrest of an Inconcllary. NEW Yonic , August p. W.llllain Purb , better known as "Prl ,1. a youth suspected of'Setting ' Ore to the Ntiff' York 'fceitung bu ldjug , was arrested this afternoon , Ik u all ? tboogbt tbjtt sbe WM met m J ONCE MORE THERE IS PEACE Nebraska City's Wild Family Row Settled by a Compromise. A SHOOTING COUPLE SEPARATES Tom Wymond' * Career and Ills Con nection With Lice Slicllenberftet Mrs. General Kautz In n Precarious Condition. Peaceably Settled. NEHHASKA CITY , Neb. , August 8. [ Spe cial Telegram to the BKE.J The end of the Wymond family racket , which has kept the city excited since Saturday last , was reached this evening In Dollce court by a compromise. Tom Wymond , It is understood , pays his wlfo 31,500 and gives her a divorce. Each liad the other arrested for assault with at tempt to kill , they having exchanged pistol shots ye terday , but without olfect , Wy mend and his wife were both divorced before marriage , their former consorts both living hern now. Mrs. Wymond on two other oc casions shot her husband , and a year ago in a crowded theater shot at Wymond's former wife , he receiving the shot in his hand In an endeavor to wrench the pistol from her hand. She has twice tried to commit suicide , and on the wh ole the family has rather a hard reputation. Wymond is wnll known through out the state , having formerly been landlord of the Grand Paeilio hotel , and is the person mentioned In Mrs. Shellenbereer's state ment and during Lee's trial as the "Tom" who would see Lee through and who would see that Mrs. Shellonbeuer would be put out of the wav If she should inform on Lee. He formerly kept a third-rate boarding house and saloon , where Lee generally made his home , and where several persona whose mys terious deaths and disappearances were ac credited to Shellonberger were last seen. The recent trouble between Wymond and his wife grow out of jealousy on Ills part , ac cusing her of being too Intimate with a pho tographer of very unsavory reputation. The Accident of Mrs. General Knntz. VALENTINE , Neb. , August 8. | Special Telegram to the BKE.J Mrs. General Kautz , who was thrown from a carriage Saturday while returning from thfl races with Lieuten ant llutclieson , having her leg broken above and below the knee and sustaining other in juries , Is lying in a precarious condition. Lieutenant llutclieson Is much blamed by the officers of the post , AS the team ho was driv ing had ran uway twice before. They Ponied Up. WEST POINT , Neb. , August a [ Special to the BKE. | Three West Point sports , one of whom was a night watchman , were in the spirit the other morning and started out at an early hour to paint the town. They amused themselves for half an hour firing their revolvers rather promiscuously In the vicinity of a Main street pleasure resort , and wore returning up town seeking new ex ploits when the doughty damsel ot large ac quaintance who presides over the destinies of the ranch aforesaid followed thorn up , dis covered their Identity and threatened to bring them before the courts. Twenty-five dollars cash , however , atoned for the indig nity and no action was brought. Additional Crop Reports. Additional crop reports have been re ceived from correspondents as follows : | Special * to tlic Bee. I CASS. AVOCA , Nob. , August 8. Our small grain Is all stacked and threshing in progress. Wheat yields from 14 to 20 bushels ; quality , good. Barlev , 15 to 85 bushels ; color , good. Corn Is suffering for rain. Present indica tions arc a little over half a crop. Good raius within a week will help late corn. Whether it rains or not wo will have corn to ship. In creased acreage or about 10 per cent. In small grain would Indicate a decrease of 2 percent , in corn. fUSTKB. BKOKEN Bow , Nob. , August 8. Harvest Is over and threshing begun. Wheat , 16 bush els per acre , acreage 35 per cent , more than 18S6. Oats 40 bushels per acre , acreage 20 per cent , increase. The aeienge of coin is 100 cept the very early planting and that but slightly. AUNOI.D , Neb. , August 8. Harvest is over. Wheat Increased average 20 per cent , yield 20 bushels , quality good. Oats Increased acreage 15 per cent , yield 20 bushels , quality light , about half sown a total failure. Kye Increased acreage 10 per cent , 10 bushels , quality good. Potatoes Increased acreage 15 per cent , 75 bushels. Corn Increased acreage 'M per cent , early corn damaged 10 per rent by drought , late full crop , yield 50 bushels ( probable. ) Grass Yield 20 per cent short , quality excellent CUMINO. WEST POINT , Neb. , August 8. Curnlng county farmers have just finished harvesting and threshing has been begun. The crop of small grain is much larger and of better qual ity than anticipated , even during the harvest. In most parts of the county , oats average 45 bushels and wheat about 18 bushels per acre. Returns from the southeastern portion of the county , where the spring drouglit was most severe , will lessen these ngures a little , but not materially. The corn crop Is the best ever known at the season , and many farmers predict an average yield of 45 bushels per acre tor the acreage , both of corn and small grain is ten per cent larger than In iSbA. The grass crop has grown very much during the last three or four weeks , and will be much better than was anticipated. Farmers hero are greatly encouraged of late , especially since the location of Armour and other large packers In Omaha gives promise of a good hog market nearer homo , a steady and in creasing demand for farm land has begun , and many predict that Cumlng county dirt will soon prove a bananza to investors. bAlll'Y. PAriu.ioN , Neb. , August 8. Harvest is completed. Oats yield 75 per cent , ucreaeo increase 10 per cent ; corn yield 20 per cent , acreage Increase 10 per cent. Potatoes and fruits will average 50 per cent , DIXON. PONCA , Neb. , August 8. In Dlxon county this year them were 0,000 acres ot wheat , and 11,033 acrt s of oats , all of which has been har vested. The average yield of wheat through out will bo 20 bushels to the acre. Average of oats per acre , 50 bushels. A much larger yield in some localities. It Is the best wheat , oat and corn crop ever known In the county. There are 30.123 acres of corn. It Is now nearly past nil danger and will yield from 75 to lee bushels to the acre. The county has 21,327 trult trees , and 0,200 grape vines. JEI'KKIISON. FAiitnunv , Neb. , August 8. The prospects for the corn crop have brightened vtry much In the last few days. A line rain fall Thurs day night. Corn will do very much better than was reported In the crop reports pub lished by you last Saturday. NEBRASKA MIXISTBI S B1OBBKD. Seventh-Day Advcntlst Apostles rtouchly Handled In Minnesota. WINOKA , Minn , , August 8. The tent In which Hevs , Hosier and Schulz , Seventh-day Adventlsts from Nebraska , were holding re vival services , was attacked by a mob of 200 Germans and Poianders last night ahd pulled down. The congregation resisted and n free fight ensued , in which several persons were hurt The villagers object to the rellclous observance ot Sututday instead of Sunday. Wanted Bigger Debt. SAN FitANCisco , August 8. Nothing o general Interest was developed in the hear ing before the Pacific commission to-day , be yond the statement of Secretary Miller , o the Central Pacific , that the capital stock o ! the road was increased to 8100,000,000 in 1W1S because the law prohibited any corporation from Incurring debts hi excess of the par value of stock , and the Increase was liifd to enable the company to contract greater In- Uebtedness , . . . , . ' UISTHIIHII1 M. 19 Pvk riMt , N w Y ik. I IMPORTANT TO INVENTORS. A New Departure In Inning Patents Promulgated. WASHINGTON , August 8. The commis sioner of patents bos rendered a decision on one of the most Important questions which ms recently como before the otllro. The do- islon Involve ! the technical construction of claims In patents in the employment therein of abstract phraseology , general. Indefinite and vacue terms , such as "means , " "median- sm , " which may bo construed to so broaden nnd expand the Invention that everything In the art is covered. All futnro Inventors are required to nay tribute , and the pub ic perpetually taxed. The commis sioner says the otllco Is required to be vigilant that an applicant shall not obtain claims which mislead , vex and larass the general public ; but hold him to his distinct Invention as set forth In his claims not what It is capable of being ex panded Into by general and Indefinite lan- uuago. The commissioner holds that while a pa ten ten Is at liberty to employ such Ian- Rimgn and phrases as ho elects , ho Is required to point nut his particular Invention , so that the people may not bo deluded nor the In ventive genius of the public deterred or Frightened from pursuits In the same nrt or field of Invention by a patent containing equivocal claims which In elTcct would sup press all further Improvement. Bids For the Cruisers. WASHINGTON , August 8. Bids were opened to-day In the olllce of the secretary of : lie navy for the construction of the cruisers ast provided for by congress. These are , Newark No 1 , four thousand tons displace ment ; cruisers Nos. 4 and 5 , four thousand tons each , and gunboats Nos. S and 4 , seven teen hundred tons each. The bids were of three classes , first for hull and machinery upon the plans of department ; second , hull and machinery upon contractors own plans : third , hull after the department plans and machinery after builders plans , approved by department There wns but one bid on the Newark. It was by William uramp & Sons nnder class one , 81,048,000. The Union Iron works of San Francisco bid underclass ono tor cruisers 4 and 6 at S 1.428,000. Cramp & Sons bid on them at 11,410,000 each. Under class two at Sl.SvS.OOO each ; under class two with special modifications , 3l.U50.000 each ; under class three at $1.465,000. Cramp bid for two gunboats at 8405,000 , and N. F. Pal mer < fc Co. , of New York , bid for the same 5490,000. Secretary Whitney said to an asso ciated press reporter that it was a great re lief to his mind to get this out ot the way. Ho added that the requirements which the contractors assume arc more exacting than In the case of any previous bidding. Postal Chances. WASHINGTON , August 8. [ Special Tele- pram to the BEE. | The name of the post- ollico at Burnett , Madison county , was changed to-day to Lildou. The poslolllce at Battle Ben , Custer county , was discon tinued to-day. The following changes In star schedule In Nebraska were made to-day Indian Creek to York : Leave Indian Creek Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 1 p. m. , arrive at York by 5 p. m. ; leave York Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 0 a. m. , arrive at Indian Creek by 12 m. Ogallala to Phebe Leave Ogallala Satur days at 0 a. m. , arrive at Phobe by 0 p. m. Leave Phebo Fridays at 6 a. m. , arrive nt Ogallala by 0 p. m. Site of post office at Box Elder , Ked Will- nrd countv , changed , one-halt a mile south ; site at Kirk wood , Crown county , changed two and one-quarter miles southeast ; slto at Movllle , Woodbury county , Iowa , changed ono mile northeast. Samuel Edinond commissioned fourth class post master at Belle wood , la. , and Paul Smith at Laurel , la. Pensions Grnnted. WASHINGTON , August 8. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE.I The following Iowa pon- sionswere granted to-day : George W. Thomp son , Oskaloosa ; William West , Corning ; Henry Iloutz , Appanooso ; John L. Cartnal , Farmlngtown ; Lewis 11. Sheery , Klchland ; Albert F. Dow , Newton ; Einerys Allen , Kleir ; John WlxenWebster City ; Abraham Sayors , Camrria ; Jonn P. Creager , Logan ; Samuel M. Wasliburn , New London ; Jacob Maring , County Line ; Horace Wheeler , Al- gona , Mexican war : Holla Ellis , Carbon. Nebraska pensions : Peter Basnuln , Alma ; Isaac L. Grandon , Crockston ; Frank B. Field , Culbertson ; Judsou A. Hall , New port. Missouri River Improvement. WASHINGTON , August 8. Captain James B. Quinn , United States epginccr , In his an nual report recommands the appropriation of 3100,000 for expenditure the next fiscal year upon the Missouri river irom Sioux City to Fort Bentou. Ho says as far as benollttlng navigation Is concerned he sees no use In spending any great amount on improving the Upper Missouri river , but the existence of a practical channel will , he think ? , secure lower freight rates by rail , and upon this theory ho makes his recommendation. Army Orders. WASHINGTON , August 8. [ Special Telegram gram to the BEE.I The resignation of First Lieutenant F. J. A. Darr , twelfth infantry , has been accepted by the president , to take effect September 1. Ho has been granted leave until that day. Captain D. J. Young , ordnance store keeper has been relieved from duty at Watervliet arsenal , New York , and ordered to duty at Watcrtown arsenal , Mass. Captain A. Perrlne , sixth cavalry , has been granted four months oxtention of leave. International Medical Congress. WASHINGTON , August 8 The programme for the International medical congress , to beheld held In this city in September , has been completed pletod , with the exception of the arrange ments for the reception by President Cleve land. The meeting will bo opened Monday , September 5. Accepting the Offer. WASHINGTON , August 0. The applica tions received at the treasury department to date for the prepayment of Interest on regis tered bonds are as follows : 4 per cents. 82.468,2504K ; per cents , S'J,715,000 ; and Pa cific railroad bonds , 800,000 ; total , 50. The Cable Rate. NEW Yonir , August 8. John W. Mackay , through Manazor Platt of the Nevada bank ot San Francisco , says ho never authorized the published statement to the elfect that the cable rate had been agreed upon at 40 cents per word. A leading official ot the Western Union said tills afternoon that a plan for the settle ment of the cable war had been nearly con summated. The. rate about agreed on Is 3.5 to 40 cents a word and Wednesday may see cs tabllshed the biggest cable pool over formed. Visible Statement. CHICAGO , August 8. The visible supply of grain as compiled by the secretary of the board of trade to-day Is as follows tor the week ending August 0 : Bushels Bushels Wheat ! WGyoooo , , Corn 7.oi : , < )00 ) Oats 2fi69,000 Uye .TOO.OOO Barley 120,000 The Milwaukee Disaster. MILWAUKEE , \Yls. , August 8. Thus far only two deaths have occurred from tlm ac cident atVolf A Davidson's ship yard. No one has been reported misslne to-day am it is thought there are no bodies In the ship. The Inquest will bo held Friday , Death at a Picnic. LOUISVIU.K , Ky. , Augusts. John Doors while misbehaving at a picnic In Calloway county , was fatally Phot by Frank Collie manager of the all air. Doors drew his knife and fatally cut Collie as ho fell dead at Col lie's feet Fire lit Noodloi , Ariz. FLAOSTAFK , Ariz. , August 8. Fire a Needles. ArlzJ , thh morning destroyed the Brinclnal business portion "ot 'town , 'Loss WOW ; Insurance , small , SPORTS AND PASTIMES ; ) maha Takes Another Drubbing Topeka The Lincoln-Wichita Faroe , THIS WEEK'S TROTTING MEET. Omaha Itacos Begin To-inorrow- The Clarke-Hart Flcht and Iowa Law The Yachts lie * calmed , Ktc. A niuo Monday Game. The fates anil Topckas were both agalnsl he Oimihas yesterday , and homo talent Iropped another ball , to the v ry robust dls * gust of the two or three hundred people who vltnessed the struggle. But notwlthstand- ng tlio fact that the fates and Topokas word ead fornlnst "our boys , " It did look as If hey could have made a Uttlo bottnr showing iad they played with their usual vim and vigor. BarUson , that gem of a young pitcher. vas pounded unmercifully , and Kreliuioyer vas sadly deficient In backstopplug , while the whole team wns morn or less off and tullty of some very "yellow" ball. Thou , on op of all tlita , the umpire , no lens a person * ago than Omaha's elongated catcher , Jant- /un. gave the boys ono of tna coldest deals they have ever had , calling balls and strikes'on Bartson with a eckless prodigality that was discouraging. then too , every close decision ho made was adverse to his own men , aud It is no wonder ; hat the team went to pieces. As usual tlio Omahas started out well , Walsh oponme up the music with a cracking hreo bagger to right , and trotting home a moment later on a half passed ball. Diclc Dwyer Also drove a safe ono to right , Messltl struck out and Bader got his base on balls. Genins knocked ouo through which Johnson and Dwyer both scored. Bandle , however , fouled out and the Topekas came In. Stern wont to first on balls , and to third on a passed ball. Werden was hit by Bart- sou , and went to second on another passed mil. Johnson hit to Fusselbach , who lost ils head comuletcly , aud Instead of cutting otf Steams , who had started 'or homo , threw to first , but too ate , Johnson reaching the bag in safety and btoarns scoring , while Werden wont to third , Macullar then lined ono out to right ana Werdeu aud Johnson scored. Goldsby fanned out , Snood lilt safe past second , and on Ardner's long out to Bader aud Sullivan's safe hit scored. Conway went out to Bader. Flvo runs were In and Omaha's chances iad gone glimmering. In the second , third and fourth innings the local team was gooso-cgced. but In the fifth , on a little hitting and a Uttlo luck , managed to score two runs , and ono more , their last , In the ninth. The Topckns added a tally to their side in both the third nnd fourth , and In the eighth , on three successive nlnirles , and a tlireo.ban- rcr by Johnson , piled np tluon more , swell ing their total lo eleven. And thus the miser * able apology of a game ended. Following is THE 8COIIE. Runs earned Omaha 2 , Topeka 5. Two-base hits Macullar. Three-base hits Walsh , Johnson. Homo runs 0. Lett on bases Omaha 7 , Topeka 0. Double plays Genlns to Walsh. Struck out By Bartson 2 , Sullivan 4. Base on balls By liartson it , Sullivan 4. Bases given for hitting man with ball- * Bartson 1 , Sullivan 2. Passed balls Krehmoyer 1. Konyon 2. Wild pitches Hanson 2. Sullivan 1. Bases stolen Omaha 4. Topoku 5 , Time of game Two hours. Umpire Jan tzon. To-day 'a Uame. In to-day's game , which Is called nt 4 o'clock , the positions in both teams will be as follows : Omaha. Pos. Topoka. Jantzen . c . Gunson liar DC r . p . Conway Dwypr . 1 . Stearns Mossltt . 3 . Ardner Fusselbach . 3. . Johnson Walsh . s . Macullav Bader . I . Goldsby Genlns . tn . Werden Dandle . . . . . .r. . . Sneed Lincoln 4O , Wichita 7. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 8. ( Special Tele gram to the BKE. I The first game of the Lincoln vs. Wichita series was a featureless exhibition of ball pitying. The homo team batted the ball almost at will and the errors of the visitors were very many. The score stood 40 to 7 : scour nv _ ro ; . AH. u. in. 1-0. A. it. Beckley . Ib G 4 G U 0 0 L ng . 3b Schalfer . rf 8 G 5 7 3 0 Dolan . c 8 4 G 0 0 0 Hoover . If Herr . f > s Hughes . 2b Unit . cf 0 5 G 1 0 0 Urown . . . p 8 6 5 0 U 0 Totals . 74 40 M 27 17 a WICHITA. _ I'OH. AH. it. In. ro. A. K. Romp . rf G ! l a l 0 l Daniels . 2b Shanlnglmuser . : ib 5 l I ! 4 3 9 Haler . If C 1 3 C 0 1 Whistler . Ib 5 l : i 8 3 3 McLellnn . ss Baldwin . p Lclghton . c Schneider . cf 0 10 1 3 Totals . . 45 7 15 20 10 15 BCOHE IIV INNINGS. Lincoln 7 ' 0 4 3 2 20 4 4 2-4(1 ( Wichita 1 0 1 0 H 0101-7 Itunsearned Lincoln 35 , Wichita 5. Two-base hits Brown , Hmnp , JIalor , Lang , Dolan (2) ( ) , Herr , Hughes. Three-base hits Brown , Hemp. Struck out by Drown 0 , Baldwin 1. Umpire Swarlzel. Hnntlnits 1H , Kansas City U. HASTINGS , Neb. , August 8. [ Special Tele gram to the HUM. ) Hastings easily deleated Kansas City. The following Is the score : Hastings. . . , 2 4-18 KiinsasClty 1 20004030 0 Huns earned Hastings 13 , Kansas City 2. Two bahii hits Curtis , 2. Thrco base hits- Curtis Homerans , Uoynolds. Passed balls- Graves 4. Bases on balls Shea 7 , Wherlo 1. Tlmo 2 houis 10 minutes. Umpire Crosth- walte. National IJOBKUO Games. PiTTHiiiMio , Auciist 8. The game be tween thu Pittsburg and Washington teams to-day resulted as tollows Pittsburp 2 00000000 3 Washington 0 0003104 * 8 Pitchers Gnlvln nnd Gllmoro. Base 'jesultcd ' as follows ; .Chlcnco f..0 3'0.0-(0 5 1 * 4 .Ve\v Vojk..2 . . 0(0 I. . 8 0 0 0 i- $ i