Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1887, Page 4, Image 6
* * * * * * ' * t * 1 ' ' THE OMAHA ; DAILY BJ JE : HUN-DAY . AUGUST 7 , . ISST-TWELVE IPAGES. ' ' ' . ' ; ' . ' THE DAILY BEE ; PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TERMS OK sunscnrrriox : Dftflr ( Moral j ? Edition ) Including Sunday DKK , Ono Year . . . . . . . . . (10 03 for Blx Month ! . MiO ForThrooMontlH . 860 Tlia OnittUn Hxndny tlr.r , inallod to uuy Jdro-w , Ono Vcur. . . . 800 OMAHA Orrter. No. mi * vn Bin FAB-CAM Rrnrrr. jiw YUUIC urnrir , UIIIIM t. ' , , Tin HUNK nttii.niNci. A8UINU1U.V UrriCK , . -All communications relating to news and edl- ferial matter should bo luMrogsca to the KDI- ton or TUB DKK. All business lotion ami remittance ! ibould bo MUrcH eil to Tim IICK I'uiu.isiilNii COMI-ANT , OMAHA. Drafts , chocks and posiolflce orders to bo m do p ) ublo to the onltrof tbo company. THE BEE POBLISHIflTciPW , PBOPRIEIOHS , E. KOSEWATEU , Emrou. THE DAILY RKK. Sworn Statement of Circulation. BUto of Nebraska , I . . . fs > s- County of DouzlM. Oeo. II. TzschucK , secretary of The Bee Publishing comtianv , doci solemnly swear that the actual circulation of the Dallv Bee ( or the weekending Augusts , 13S.7 , was o follows : Btturdav.July 00. W.2 Hundftv. July 31 14.200 Monday. August 1 14.500 Tuesday. August 3 iv : ? Wednesday , Augusta IH.hW ) Thursday. Auitust 4 IM.W Friday , August 0 14,000 Average 11.079 OKO. 11. TZSUHUCK. Sworn to nnd subscribed In my presence thin Gtli day of August , A. D. 1(87. ( N. P. FRIT , . r8EAL.l Notary Public. Btato of Nebraska , I . . Douglas County , f8S Oco. B. Tzschuck , being fln-t duly sworn , deposes and says that ho Is secretary of The Bee Publishing company , that the actual vern o dally circulation of the Dally lice for the month nf July , 1880 , 12,314 copies ; for August , lbs < 5 , 12.4OI copies ; for Septem ber , ISbO , 13,030 coriles ; for October , ItfoO. I2,9 9 copies ; for November. 1880 , 13.M copies ; for December , lb80. copies ; for January 1887 , 10'JCO copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,198 copies ; for March. 1887 , 14,400 conies ; for April , 1887 , 14ilfl : copies ; for May , 18S7 , 14,227 copies ; for June 1837 , 14,147 copies. OEO. II. TzscirucK. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st iayotJuly A. D. , 1887. [ 8EAL.I N. P. FKIL. Notary Public , Contents of the Sunday IJeo. Page 1. New York Herald Cables to the UKK. Pace 3. Telegraphic .News. City News. Advertisomonts. Page y. Special Advertisements. Vage 4. Editorials. Political Points. Press Comments Sunday Uosaip. By the Bath Tub Uouto-Ciirrent Topics. Page 5. Lincoln Letter In the Ante- Kootn Miscellany Advertisements. 1'agoC. Council Bluffs News Miscellany Advertisements. Page 7. General and Local Markets- Miscellany. Paico 8. General City News Advertise ments. 1'aiceO. Omaha Social News John Swln ton on Strikes The Explosion of the Majoi Advertisements. PaeelO. The Life of a Prospector , by J. O. 8. Pepermlnt Drops Fan Sepcl In Liverpool Aluslc and Dramatic The In fluence of Books Memoirs of the Metropolis Impieties Beauties of Los Angeles , by J T. B.-Tho Small Boy. Page 11. The Faith Cure Discussed , by Francis Power Cobbe Siberian Diet-singu larities Surrounded by Electricity Spark' line Summer Smllcs-'l ho Shooting of btone- wall Jackson Advertisements. Paso 12. Maidens , tVlvns and Widows- Honey for the Ladles -Kollgious Kduca tlonal Some Matrimonial Stories Con rnublalltles Advertisements. TIIK Kansas City base ball club , it is true , can play a little ball. They could do bettor were they not so possessed of the Kansas City spirit of hog. SOME of our able local contemporaries are very much wrought up regarding the question of "associate editor. " From a careful review of the columns of the able journals discussing this very Important subject , it would appear that both the editor and the associate perform their duties with ascend shovel. FAUMKK H.VLLOWAV , the owner and captain of the craft Mnnawn , which by courtesy was termed a steam boat , ad mitted yesterday before the coroner's Jury that ho know nothing about steam navigation , but had a fair knowledge of the science of billing hay. Mr. Hallo- Way should apply for a captaincy in the American navy. WituAM O'HuinN has published the first of a series of letters called "Cana dian Rights. " in the United Ireland. In these ha will detail his experiences in his recent crusade against the governor gen eral of the dominion. Mr. O'Urlen iirst won famons a nicy correspondent , and ho trill no doubt pen an entertaining chapter in the story of the contest for homo rule. TIIU sugar industry of Louisana is de clining. A New Orleans paper , review ing the business of sugar-raibing for the past iivo years , admits that it has bcon steadily diminishing , and that the sugar crop is barely half what it was at the highest point. As Louisiana sugar is protected agaiust foreign competition by a duty of 70 per cent , the facts reported by the New Orleans paper conclusively how that in this case tariff protection has not proved to bo a stimulant to de velopment. SAN FKANCISCO takes the Iirst rank as a divorce centre. According to the Call of that city , it is doubtful if so largo a proportion of marriages prove failures in any other part of the world. That Journal says that in San Francisco in 1885-87 , there wore 430 judgments ren dered granting divorces , which is 40 mbovo the avertigo for the past live yearn. Ai there were 3,1)77 ) licenses issued it may be said roughly that there was one mar riage dissolved for every seven that were contracted. This is about the average for the past five years. WASIIINOTON will have next month the most important gathering of medical men over brought together on this conti nent. This will bo the international medical congress , composed of the most eminent surgeons rnd physicians of all nations , of which the session in Wash ington will bo the ninth. These gather ings , which have year by year increased in importune * ) until now they have on- lilted the active co-operation of leading medical scientists the world over , are usually hold in the capital city of tha se lected country. It Is expected that.tho * attendance at the coming , congress will number five hundred , and among those who will be sent as the representatives of European governments aru a number who enjoy world-wide fame. A consid erable part of the proceedings will be in the French language , and the congress will ait in sections , so to speak , there feting of course no hall 'largo enough to accommodate the entire body. The sea- . ten will J ta week. ' > . - . . ' ' ' . ' ' . . - . ; ' ; Give the Boya * Clmrtcc. What shall bo done xvlth the boys U an extremely Important quostlon alike to parents , society and the boys thonuclvc ? , and becomes graver and more urgent every year. Nearly half of the last an nual report of the bureau of statistics of labor of the state of New York Is devoted to boy and girl labor. The apparent ob ject of the commissioner was to show thut the widespread employment of this kind of labor is an obstruction and a hindrance to the material progress of the country , and in a measure at least to justify the anti-apprentice policy quite general among workiiiRiuen. He explains that ho was led to examine this subject by the fact that mechanics and artisans are moved to put restrictions on apprentices by the fear that if they do not limit the number f boys at trade * they will soon bo com- ollod to work at lower wages or por- ans be thrown out of work altogether , 'ho Inquiries and investigations of the lommissloncr resulted In bringing to other a largo array of statistics which how that boy labor is always in largo apply nnd that there Is also much of the Imo a good demand for it. The natural oncltision is that In many branches of mployment this labor is brought into ompetition with adult labor to the dis- .dvantagc . of the latter , and this ap- cars to bo berne out by the great umber of advertisements for situations cgularly appearing in the newspapers , n which nearly all departments of in- lustry arc represented. While the New ork commissioner makes plain his hos- ility t Uio promiscuous employment of boy and girl labor and his partial sym patby at least with the restrictive policy cgarding apprentices , hn is still forced 0 make the following admission : "Wo nay as well look tin : fact square in the ace that there is a ribing generation , and hat it cannot bo allowed to grow up ivithout industry and selt-sustainln ubilitj- " This pointedly presents the situation so hat the least intelligent can comprehend t. The boys are hero , and it is not only 1 duty to maintain them as boys , but to ) ormit them to acquire the practical knowledge and ability necessary to their sell-maintenance when they grow to bo men , and to enable them to provide for the boys who will fall to their care.V'c should not act upon the sullish and nar row principle that each generation must akc cans of itsalf , for wo can only repay what wo ourselves owe to the past by making just and generous uro- visions for enabling those who suc ceed ns to secure whatever advantages their ability and labor shall entitle them o. It is the unfortunate tendency of the youth of this generation to avoid mechanical occupations , so that instead of putting obstructions in the way of the boys of to-day learning trades they need to bo encouraged to do so. There is a great excess of young men n all of the large cities who are willing to bo clerks , salesmen , or anything elsu that does not involve manual labor , oven though the service bo more exacting in other respects and less profitable. The professions arc full to ovorilowinc , with thousands engaged in them who can never hope to rise above mediocrity , and scores of schools and colleges are adding to the number every year. The American youth has learned to regard manna labor as unworthy of him , view for which the folly and pride of parents are largely and perhaps primarily re spousiblo , and it is getting to bo inoro and more the fact that this country must depend for its skilled labor upon foreign ers. If the prevailing tendency is per mitted to go on unchecked it must inevitably itably happen in time that the great ma jority of native-born Americans will b < lawyers , doctors , clerks and salesmen while the vast mechanical industries will bo operated by artisans from otlicr lands. Such a prospect is not one to bo looked upon with complacency , whether re garded from the material or patriotic standpoint , or both , tor the skill and muscle that manage the in dustrial power of the nation will most surely control it financially and politi cally. A movement has recently been started by two organizations. the master plumbers and master painters , which have held conventions m Chicago and Now York , with the object of restoring the apprentice system to whut they re gard as a fair and just basis. The view of the matter taken by the master paint ers was expressed in a resolution , unani mously adopted , asserting it to be the duty of each master painter to have as many apprentices as the state of his business would warrant. The reso lution contained a further provision that an apprentice who served his full term and proved himself prolicicnt should be given a certificate setting forth his capabilities. There was manifested a unanimous determination on the part of the members to return to the old system. A similar spirit was shown in the con vention of master plumbers. The results of the movement will be regarded with a great deal of interest. That it will en counter a vigorous opposition is to bo ex pected , but if pursued judiciously , with a just regard lor all interests and not solely with reference to advantages to bo derived by the employers , it is more than likely to bo successful. A restoration of the old system in its en tirety is probably out of the question , and is perhaps not to bo doaired. Uut it is possible to establish a fair basis on which all parties in interest can moot without disadvantage to either , but rathur to the benefit of all. The selllshncss of one party or the other will r > e the chief obsta cle to reaching such a basis. It is oloar , however , that something must be done to give the boys a chance. The Fate of the Buodlers. The penalties awarded the Chicago boodlors by the jury are said to have greatly surprised and disappointed the prosecution , as doubtless they also did a very large majority of the public. It is to be expected that the twelve citizens who endured the hardships of tho'jury ' box during the hottest weather Chicago had known in a dozen years , patiently listening to the wrangling of the law yers and unflinchingly taking the poll ings of the closing arguments , with other privations such as only a juryman kuow.s , all for a consideration not much above the wa es of a day laborer , will now have to sutler the ordeal ot being ruthlessly impaled on numerous editorial pens and hold up to public acorn and ridioulo aa men un worthy to have bcon entrusted with , the saored 'duly'of administering .justice , or aifcllowii. incapable .of , understanding the character of tho'crimo for which the boodlurs wore tried. This Is the sort ot treatment usually accorded to juries that como short of public expectation , and it will doubtless not bo omitted in this case. case.Wo arc disposed to think , however , that the jury reached Its conclusions con scientiously , and with careful and In the main just discrimination. Kvory one of the conspirators had the stain of guilt fixed upon him , but It ought not to bo surprising to any one who followed the evidence that there should have been a difference madu as to degrees of guilt in order to justly apportion the penalties. The law contemplates this and presumes that there are grades of conspiracy to defraud , the most aggra vated form ot which it makes punishable with imprisonment of only three years nnd a fine of $1,000. Differences among jurymen are often adjusted by compro mise where there is a.chance of com promise , and this doubtless ex plains why no one of the boodlcrs re ceived the full penalty. That the penal ties are lighter than they should be is'tlio fault of the law , which should have pro scribed a three years' term of imprison ment ns the minimum instead of the maximum punishment , with the addition of a much larger fine. The boodlcr can Imrdly bo dealt with ted severely. The conviction of the Chicago conspir ators ought to serve as a wholesome warning. There are men elsewhere ivhoso official garments are as badly soiled as those of the Cook county bood- ers who should wisely determine to at once mend their ways , lest at an unexpect ed moment the lightning bolt descend on : hom. The popular demand everywhere s that the boodlors shall bo hunted down uid punished , and those who permits in : onspirinir , against the public for their ) crsonal gain are certain to bo overtaken sooner or later and brought to an ac counting. Varnell. Van 1'clt , McCarthy , and the rest of the Chicago conspirators [ iavo their antitypes in nearly every con siderable city in the country , and some of them arc pretty certain to reach a similar fate. The Value ofCnllc < ; c lOduoatlon. The nowly-lledaod college graduate has now been fluttering about the country for about a month. The old question as to the value of a college education in the actual alliiirs of the world will begin to assume a personal interest for him. Ho has hitherto treated it lightly , called it nn old "chestnut" with the complacency of youthful inexperience , and considered it too absurd for serious consideration. That anyone should doubt the cflicacy of a college education , only showed to him that there is still much ignorance in the world which it will bo his task , perhaps , to dispel. lint during the past months his eyes have begun to open in some astonishment. He has run against snags that jarred his brains into an unwonted train of thought. The value of a college education to any man must depend almost altogether upon his character and the calling he means to pursue ; upon the object he has in life. If this is mainly to make a living , to take a deliuitc place in the business enterprises or the political evolutions that surround his daily life , the education ho may have acquired in college will be of no material benefit to him. On the other hand , if he has the capacity to become a prominent figure in affairs cither national or local , a college education , every kind of educa tion will aid him. Many sneer at a rol- lego learning on general principles , but this is no wiser than to form unreason able expectations or make unreasonable claims because of college training. Lin coln might perhaps have boon stronger than ho was m some respects had his earlier advantages been better. There was nothing to indicate that Clay wa weakened because he was a college man. The main thing is the character that dominates a man. It is well known that you cannot make a wise man of a tool by shooting him through a college institu tion from a financial catapult. The strong nature will torce its way forward to recognition and a definite place in life bo it through collcgo or through the rude surroundings of a pioneer life. A col lege education will aid such a nature. The instruction and experience a man gains at our educational institutions are not calculated in times to aid him to nn immediate hold upon the active all'airsof life. The time seems even to have come when the possession of a collcgo sheepskin is a detriment to him. It has been proved that the gradu ate must go through a course of special training to bo fit for any special position , just as any one else must. Hence his ex pectation to stop right into the promi nent places at once is treated with con tempt. It is a sign of the timns when advertisements appear announcing that the college graduate need not apply. The fact is that American collcgo edu cation leaves a man , in most cases , half educated but wholly disqualified - qualified for trappling with the stern problems ot existence. Hut perhaps our institutions of learning , and these who attend them , are not wholly to blame for this. The tendency of the times is to loolc upon life as an a Hair for which we are in no way responsible , which in reality is not wortli the exer tions required to maintain it , and which it is well to pass through as easily as possible. Our ancestors looked upon ex istence hero on earth OH a matter of supreme premo importance. Whatever exists seemed to them fixed by the de crees of heaven. A man born m the humbler ranks of life con sidered himself placed there by the ruler of the universe and ho accepted the toil , the privations of his life , as an allot ment to him from all eternity , from \jhlch ho had no business to try to escape. Life was real , earnest , of infinite importance. The sentiment now is that life is not worth living. Let us get rich as soon as we can , by any means , and pass through it as comfortably as possible. So none now becomes an apprentice , or takes years of pains to make himself qualified for the calling ho wishes to follow. The world is full of young men hunting about for a "soft snap , " and existence has become a universal scramble , without dignity , repose or comfort. In this scramble college education is of little avail as a moans to attain most of the eiuls of life. In iUolf , as a source of intellectual enjoyment or satisfaction , it has its value and inspmo , situations it is indispensible , but in summing up the quostlon it muot bu admitted that a col * ego education at yio present day affords little aid in making a living and little ttmo is loft to enjoy , It ns an accomplish ment , ti A CONVENTION- which is likely to crcalo some commotion in Catholic circles has been called to meet irv. Chicago on the Oth of September. 4t tto \ bo a conven tion of German Catholics , and the object is stated to bo to consider the differences existing between the ( i or man and Irish Catholics. The complaint of the former appears to bo that 'thoy do not got equal recognition , and tlipy .doslro to enforce their claim by demonstrating the strength of the German Catholics in the United Status , who arc said to number about two millions. The favor shown to Irishmen in their appointment to dis tinguished positions in the church In this country scorns to bo achiof cause of com plaint on the part'of the Germans , but there are other causes of displeasure which they think justify them In call ing the convention. The feeling that prevails was expressed by a Gorman priest , who after reviewing the causes of complaint , said : "I tell you these things rntut bo remedied , or you may count the next generation of Germans out of the Catholic church. We have already berne enough of this odious elimination from the considerations of the church authori ties , and the time is now ripe for an en ergetic and persistent endeavor to right our wrongs. Uomo will bo called on to apply the proper remedies , and if she 'ails to act then I dread to think what will become of our German people in his country. " There would seem to bo u this matter the conditions and the spirit for serious conflict. P the bullet headed editors of Kansas City will devote more space to mortgages : md unpaid judgments in their courts , and refrain from misrepresenting the commercial prosperity of Omaha , they will supply a long-felt want and at the same time show a disposition to deal fairly with their readers. Omaha is not jealous because Kansas City presented to the president a "plush covered" invita tion to help out the boom. Omaha did not have to send an in vitation to Mr. Cleveland. As uuch as one year ago the president and his charming wife said they were coming to Omaha this fall. It is only the obscure , and unknown villages that find t necessary to solicit subscriptions with' which to pay for a gilt-edged invitation to induce the president of the United States to como within their boundaries. Upon this question , as upon all others , this growing metropolis is able to take care of itself , and in doing so it sacrifices J fices none of its dignity. President Cleveland Is glad tocome hero , without being coaxed and the people of Omaha will bo equally glad to welcome him. IN our special oablo dispatches this morning will bo found ! an interesting though , somewhat sensational plan as al leged to have been , coijcoivod by Bis marck for the acquisition1 Holland by Gormanj' . The capturing of Holland by the Dutch is familiar to almost every school child ; but that Germany has now sot its eagle eye in that' direction may bo considered in the naturo.'of news. POLITICAL POINTS. "Anything to beat Foraker" is the demo cratic policy this year in Ohio. The mugwumps are making a faint effort to be pleased with the civil-service plank of the Ohio republicans. Jefferson Davis says lie has no wish to en ter publicllfe. That wish will always bo re spected by the American people. The watchword for the republican patty In Now York in the coining camp-lien appears to be "Harmony and Hope. " Bon Butler has fully recovered from the effects ot his fall last winter , but his presi dential boom Is still unable to move. The Ohio democrats are playing for tliotamo stake as they did in 185. Uoocllo Is trump , and the same dealer is now running for governor. The Union Labor candidates ran remark ably well in Kentucky , and the democratic claim that there is room for only two parties In that state Hoems to have been upset. Cicneial Edward J. Powell , ot Delaware , O. , the democratic nominee for governor , Is a man about foitv-live ye.irs of ae , elect In figure , with bright blue eyes , a icd head and very pleasing manner. Chicapo Mall : Jlr. Sherman Is now before the countiy as the chosen candidate of his slate , as he Is of a mUhty army ot republi cans in other states tor the piesldency. En tering the race with such an adventure , It will take something more than bluster to prevent his nomination , Chicago Tilbune : John if. Langstpn , ex- minister to Liberia who Is said to havo' come out In laver of FlUmuh Leo for vlco-piesl- dont. is no lonirer snoKeii of by the demo cratic papers as a "nkger. " Ho Is the dis tinguished Proi. Laneston now. A remarkable omission Is noticeable In the platfoun adopted by the democratic conven tion recently held at Cleveland , O. The civil service retoi m nlank is absent , and not even a crack In the joiners' woik Is lott to show where the pretentious Impostor crawled out. Sec That You Become One. Ju'bjc , It Is pleasing In this weather to thlnlc of the angels. For Instance , they needn't wear any clothes but their wings. Meant for Omaha C'oiincllmcn. Toronto Olu/j / . An unclaimed postal card lies In the Bow- inanvillo postnfllce addro&sed to "the wicked est man in the town. " - Newspaper Alau l > Qscrlccd. , lldilia Constitution. The man who works every day in the week Is a leading mqmbor of ( ( he , anti-poverty so ciety. Industry , sobriety and economy are the only lemodies for poverty. Glvo the lllch JUaip a Show , Huston Vwfn Andrew Carnegie tlilrjlcs { hat "public sen timent will como to by that the man who dies rich dies disgraced. ' ' As long as ho Is not disgraced while ho lives rich , the man will not bo greatly troubled/ Better Como Ito tmaha. A Tucson ( Arizona ) restaurant advertises to give-for dinner , chicken e'oup ' , roast mut ton , turkey and pig , wltn mushroom sauce , chicken fricassee , boiled ham , oyster patties , jolly rolls , lemon pie , Ice-cream and cakes , all for Scents. Bowiiro of f ho Toll Knil of a lloom. San Frcuicltco Chronicle. It Is of tha natuie of booms that , at their tall end , operators of a sanguine tempera ment como In who never can understand that there is any ton to an upward move ment ; they fall victims to their hopefulness. College TralnliiK Uoea Count. I'ltttbura DdpaUh. A student at Vanderbllt university , In Tennessee has just beat the world's record In high klcklnc , having succeeded In hitting a mark at the unprecedented height of nine feet , three and one-half inohes. Andyet some people believe a collc 6 training liu't help to a yoiirte man * Grammar Not n Specialty. tVifcrtffu Trlljtinr. Some sarcastic comment has been canted by the fact that the Missouri delegation that went to Washington recently had a banner on the sldo of the c.\r chartered for the trip containing the Inscription : "The people ot St. Louis liultus the president to visit M. Louis. " it should bti romomboroil , however , that Missouri's specialty Is not grammar , but colonels. Journey. / ; < ! MVircler Ittlcur Asvo speed out of youth's sunny station The track seems to shine In tno light , But It suddenly shoots over chasms Or sinks Into tunnels of night. And the hearts that \\ero biavo in the viorn- Ini' Are llllril with repining and fears As they pause at thn city ot sorrow Or pass thio' the Valley of Tears. But the road of this portions Journey The hanu ot the Master has mrule ; With all Its discomforts and dangers , We need not be sad or afraid. Paths leading from light Into darkness , Ways plunging from gloom to despair , Wind out thro * the tunnels of midnight To Holds that aio blooming and fair. Tho' the rooks and the shadows surround us , Tho'e catch not one gleam of the day Above us , fair citlos are laughing And dipping white foot In some bay. And always , eternal , forever , Down over the hills In the wes > t , The lust hnal end ot our joutnoy , There ll < > s the CJreat Station of Kest. 'TIs the Grand Central point of all railways , All mods centre here when they end ; 'TIs the Ilnal resort of all tourists. All ilval lines meet here and blond. All tickets , all mile-books , all passes , It stolen orbt'Kircd tor or boueht , On whatever road or division , Will bring you aUast to this spot. If vou pause at the Cltv of Trouble Or wait In the Valley of Tears , Bo patient , the train will move onward And rush down the track ot the years. Whatever the place Is you seek for , Whatever your aim or your quest , i'ou shall como nt the last with lejolcing To the beautiful City of licst. Ion shall store all your baggage and woirles , Vou shall feel pel feet peace In this realm , You shall sail with old friends on f.ilr waters , With joy and dollirht at the helm. Vou shall wandet In cool , fragrant gardens With these who have loved you the best , And the hopes that were lost m life's journnv \ on shall him in the City of Host. SUNDAY GOSSIP. FRANK J. HAMOB has reason to feel proud of his new building , In which he has placed over SUW.OOU. It Is one of the handsomest structures In the west , and Is au ornament to the city. The architecture Is both bo.mtif ul andstilklng , and at once commands atten tion. The Interior is elegantly finished , and Is supplied with every convenience. Them are two passenger elevators , in the simo shaft , for the use of the tenants and the public. Every lloor and loom Is well lighted and ventilated owing to a spacious rotunda which extends from the ground floor to the top story. The building Is completely wired for electric lights and electric calls. The watorwoiks system In this structure is admi rably arranged , while the plmnbhu Is the best and handsomest that could bo obtained. The circumstances under which Mr. lUmafo erected this building areproof of his public en terprise as well as of his unbounded faith In the tutiire of Omaha. It was largely duo to Mr' Hamgo's entuiprlso that Mr. Joseph Sheoloy concluded to put up a somewhat similar building on his lot at the northeast corner of Howard and Fifteenth. The Omaha telephone exchange , now lo cated In the ton story of the Kttngo building , Is claimed by Manager Drake to bo the finest ana most perfect exchange In atho country. The opeiutliiir room with Its new multiple switch-boards , Is equipped for the service of 1,200 subscribers. The capacity can bo readily Increased to 5,005. Eighteen young ladles are employed as operators. The rfow improvements have done away with the con tinual shouting of "hello , " consequently the operating room no lonsrer reminds ono of a lunatic asylum. There Is no nolso or con fusion , and the work of an oparator has been made a very pleasant task to what it was under the old "hello" arrangement. Under the old system subscribers always did their own calling. This was not convenient with a multiple boird as or dinarily operated. The new system has a special clearing-out drop which only signals by the action of a straight or direct current , alternating currents not affecting it. A commutator placed In the subscribers boll enables him , by pressing a button on the side of the boll while turning the crank , to drop the clearing-out annunciator. Without pressing the button , ho cannot , of course , get a signal to the central ofUco. This system enables the operators to work very rapidly , while at the same tima they can attend to double iho number of subscribers. The switch-board Is of mahogany and the ofllce Is furnished throughout very tastily. At ono end of theoporatlmi room are a lunch room and other conveniences for the oper ators. At the opposite end Is a largo bay window In the cornel ot the room allordlmr a magnificent view up and down the streets and over the buildings opposite to the valley of the river and the hills beyond. Adjoining the operating loom comes first the man ager's ollico , next the stenographer's room , then the general manager's room , and further on the book-kcoplnc department. The woodwork Is of hard pine Mulshed In oil , with ground glass partitions between the various departments. The whole arrange ment Is exceedingly convenient and com pact Beyond these rooms Is a largo and well lighted room for directors' meetings. In the basement of the building are the stoic room , battciy loom and the linemen's room. There are twcnty-nlno linemen em ployed. In the rear of the building Is the repair shop , In which the Instruments and machinery are repaliod , some sixorsnvon mechanics belm ; constantly employed at this work. The telephone company employs over ono hundred persons In Omaha. Ix the south end of the third story of Ramgo's building Is a beautiful hall , about sixty-six feet square , well ventilated and lighted on three sides. 'Iho public library boaul are negotiating for the hall and two 'other adjoining rooms for the now homo of the library. The location is central , access Is convenient , and probably no better place could be secured tor the li brary until the completion of the city hall , In which permanent library rooms are to be pro vided. The probability Is that the board will rent tne rooms in the Itamgo building. Fnnn NVE is very anxious to find the whereabouts of the soul ot David Hodman. If he will onlyadveitise In the want columns of the Br.n , ho will no doubt receive an answer to his inquiry. _ STAM.V.V stilt lives. His obituaries , which have been read with a good deal of Interest , especlnllv by his old Omaha friends , have been filed away for future use. PAT O. HAWKS has been heard from. Ho is In Kentucky. That accounts for the blacV eye received by the democrats of that state. HIHK : Is another pleasant piece of news for Omaha. The West Davenport Furniture company , which established a branch otlico hero some months ago , has found Omaha and Its tributary territory to bo a splendid field , and It has determined to move Us entire - tire plant to this city sometime during this month. The company will purchase grounds and put up a largo factory. It employs over a hundred mechanics , and proposes to in crease Its force. EA.TOX , the pioneer photographer , who has boon put of business .for some Httlo time , finally , revalued 'possession of his. gallery yesterday , nftor ft lone ejectment litigation , While ho was looking oycr his fifty tlioil Mld negative * , * representative of the Itni : asked hl'ii whether ho had any specimens of the nude art , after the lioaton stylo. Mr. Eaton replied In the negative ; he had never taken any such photographs. Ho was then asked If ho had over had any applications from uotncti to bo photographed In the latest Boston stylo. Ho answered In the alllrma- tlvo ; ho had had hundreds of such rcquojls. COI.ONT.I , FitAjfic 12. Moonr.s has eroded a liberty polo In front of his now residence , from which ho dally files tho.stars and stripes. Colonel Moorca' patriotism Is only equalled by his mania for playing with his garden hose and watering his premises. From 9 o'clock tilt midnight the chancus are that he can bo found any pleasant evening throwing water. Ono of his srcat enjoyments Is to throw a stream over his liberty pole. The neighbors say that the polo has begun to .sprout In con sequence of this constant sprinkling. ONI : of the most lomantlc and plcturrsquo spots In this part of the west Is located Just eouth of the southern city limits , a flioit dis tance cast of the extension of Ninth street , it Is within the limits of the pioporty owned by the South Omaha land syndicate. On cither side of the deep canyon are tall and majestic forest trees. The little stream run ning down the canyon Is foimod by numer ous springs \vhich gush forth from the hillsides. The stieam has been dammed up and a lake or reservoir of chw spiiim water has also been formed. It Is from this lake that the South Omnha stocic yards are supplied with water , the pumping house being located at the lake. Several pic nics have been held in this delightful place , and all who have visited the spot have bcon charmed with Its suiroundlngs. The South Omaha land syndicate , at the suggestion ot Mr. P. E. Her , proposes to make this canyon and the Immediate vicinity Into one of the most beautiful parks In the countiy. Three lakes will bo constructed , and the grounds laid out In the most artistic nnd picturesque manner by a landscape art ist who has alieady bcon engaged for that purpose. Nothing will bo left undone to make this park a most attractive resort. TIIR Br.K has rocnlvod a letter from a Hooslor crank , who styles himself king of England and proposes to regulate railway atTalrs. It is to hn hoped that he will carry out his level-headed intentions as oxpiesscd In his letter , which Is as follows : A. 1) . ISbT. E/i.a . / , nr-S-l.-J. have decided to reduce the iaio on the Union Piicllicand Ccntial Pacific railroads to ono cent pur mile between Omaha and Sacramento on all through and local rates. Also frelu-ht shall bo rim led at the rate ot SI per hundred be tween Om.ah.a , Kansas City ami .Saciainento. lam determined that the road built at my ex pense shall bo used tor the development of the country thtoiigh which it runs and not the enrichment of the directors. 1 am also tie- tci mined that California shall have oupoitu- nltles to market her produce on an oven footIng - Ing with the other states east , which do not prow one-half the line fruit and vegetables that she dous. I .shall make the running tlmo of passenger and freight trains i5 ! mile * an hour. ( United E/r.A , i Mates ( Heaven. Klngot En.'land. Upon the envplono E/ra , king ot England , writes this axiom : 'Tho theory that the ma jority must rule would make hell light and heaven wrong , for you all know that the ma jority go to the former placo. " HON. JOHN W. BooKWAi.Tiut , of Ohio , is an extensive land owner In Nebraska. Ho had intended to go to Europe this summer , but owing to the fact that tlio lallroads are pushing through his lands and the country in the vicinity of his largo possessions Is being - ing rapidly settled up , he remained here and cut up his land Into fnrms of ICO acres each. Ho has leasud 125 of the < < o farms on long term leases. The leaseholds vary In price according to location. The farms near the railroad are , of course , more valuable than these icmoto from the line of transportation. The rentals average about § 200 per > ear for each tarm. "This Is much bettet , " says Mr. Bookvvalter , "than farming on a largo scale , for several reasons. In the first place , It de velops the country and makes the property erty more valuable. In the next place It makes each farmer an eventual settler , who will want to buy the farm that ho has been improving and making valuable. Then It is more remuneiatlve. " BY THE UATH-TUIJ UOUTK. H'ritlfti for the .Sunday n-r li\l \ J. I" < ! / . The recent escape of McOarlelo , In which ho sustained the character of the lightning- chance artist , as the theatrical people say , transferring himself from the American con vict In Chicago to the American fiouman In Canada , affords a theme for comment to the average every-day mind , and the theme be comes more puz/IIng in Its solution by the recollection that the king-bee boodlrrs , from Tweed , of Now York , to McOariglc , of Chicago cage , made their escape while In construc tive , not in actual imprisonment. Complicity on the part ot the decamping booctlois' cus todian must ba ontnitained only to bo scouted , for In each individual case of bood- ler lllght fiom constructive imprisonment , lull investigation has shown the characters of the jailers as spotless as the iccoid ot Shorlll Matson. Imposition of misplaced confidence on the shot Ill's part must bo accepted as the verdict exonerating him. * * And this verdict Is full of grim humor in the reflection that confidence should bo placed in the honor ( ? ) of a thief. That the man who could betray public trusts , coriupt the Integrity of public officials , and plunder his taxpaylng fullow-cltl/nns with the au dacity ot a highway robber , should have heroism enough to prefer the penance of his guilt In striped clothes In a prison cell to freedom In escape. Is so ridiculously droll that a man In the throe * of cholera morbns would forgot his misery a moment to srailo at the thought. Vet the fact is that sheriffs and court officers have over placed Implicit conUdpncH In thn honor of big boodlcrs , charmed , as it wore , by the nerve , the dash and iiohtessc olill'ic swagger of tlio men who could steal like kings and spend Ilko pi luces. Thus potty larceny j Is abhoncd , boodleism apostrophized.V . Funnier than alt is the method ofMc- Garlglo's escape , repeating faithfully the his tory of boodle lllghts all over the country and Its Imposition u pen a law officer at this latoday , suggests the formation of a library hlled with books called "chestnut" escape- , , wherein young officials may read as they run. The bath-tub , as a channel for escapo. Is IIUo thn drop game , three-card monte , and thlmblo-rlg rackets , threadbareunrt should tie so well known by jailors and constables that the meio sugtce-jtlon of the ailaxe , "Cleanli ness Is next to godliness , " should bu hiilll- clent to cause thorn to "turn In" a general alarm. The only wonder Is that a man ol Mr. MoOarislo's Inventive mind should re sort to such an antiquated method of obtain ing , freedom. * * * It will bo remembered that Prince Henry Genet , of the Twuud img , while enjovinir the comforts ot his own home ouo day with a special olllca , suggested an ablution ns a finale before returning to prison. The special was delighted to acquiesce In the pro posxl , and ( Jonet , In his private bath , swam to Canada , so to speak , The elegant Cap tain Howgate , who pocketed a hundred thousand with the air nf a man rendering the general covrrnmont under obligations to lilm for his populations , was also olfered prison bounds unucr au ollicer's escort not once , but a Half dozen times and fie ( treat was the confidence In Hovvgato's honor that his muiest tor permission to visit his owuuouio to inspect private papers , was but a legal formality and the presence of MibrjW ' on such occasions was but a custom of Irc4 precedent. The captain took a rcfrcshlni b.ath ono day and when Iho ofllcer avvoka from his sleep , .superinduced by the captain's drugged wine and In a dar.cil way In mi I rod for her father from the captain's daughter , who carefully lingered thn keys ot a plnno.ho received as an artless reply , "Oh , pa'a just stepped around the block. " From that "walk around thn block , " after tlio refreshing feel ing of the bath the captain has nov cr returned. Anil now McUarlglo by t lie coif'si\me way Ima sought flight , thus proving himself a base Im itator. Itealiy If America boodlcrs cannot seek a more original method ot escape from sheriffs who confhlo In their honor ( V ) than the bathtub medium , they nocd never expect pardon for thotr stupidity , however much their peculations in ay bo forgotten. CUJtlUCNT TOPICS. 5fn. DiinxKr. , of New York , proposes to tin n the Mount McGregor cottage In which General Grant died , Into a home for old soldiers of the Into war. It could not bo turned to a more fitting use. * * * THE swindling fraternity never allow an y rust to gather on their faculties. As soon as ono method of f i and Is exposed they must dovlfo a now one. Their latest dodge In Now York city Is to put well known names on cheap watches and sell them at high prices. * * * Tun sea serpent which galnod such news paper notoriety last year by his frcipiont ap pearance on the Atlantic roast , U turning up In his old haunts again. If the wily old ser pent vvoulil only give some newspaper man an Interview at close quarters , wo might bo able to form some reasonable opinion regard ing him , but ho evidently believes In the en chantment of distance and Indistinctness. * * Tnnv nut their convicts to strati no uses In the Sandwich Islands , A murderer was given his choice of a sentence of death or bpcomlng a subject foi leprosy , about two vears ago. Ho ehoso the latter , and was In oculated and subjected to the closest per sonal contact will ) lepers. After sixteen months of such cxposuio ho bctrajodno symptoms of the disease. But his life could not 1mve been a happy ono. * * * TIIK London Telegraph Is the richest newspaper In the world. It has a reserve fund of S-VCO.OOO and Its yearly Income Is about 1,500,000. Its circulation U about iiT.'i.OiX ' ) . The London Times has fallen off In circulation , as it keeps up Us high prlco of 6 cents pur copy. Its circulation Is about 00,000 and Its annual Income about $750,000 , Almost evciy kind of newspaper that can fret a foothold in London is successful on ac count of the great sl/o ot the city. * * . , of Philadelphia , Is erecting a building in that city which Is to bo used ns a homo for working girls. The cost to each dweller will bo § ; ! . - " > per week to begin with. If found to bo practicable this price will bo reduced lutor ou. The cast-Iron inles which proved fatal to Stewart's woman's hotel in New York will bo omitted. * * * Tun youngest and wealthiest raeo horse owner In the world halls from California. Ho comes from San Francisco and his name Is 1) . J. McCarthy. His father bought him a span of ponies two years ago. Last vearthe boy tiaded this team for the racer C. U. Todd which won the doiby In Chicago last month. Young McCarthy made 814,000. Ho took 510,000 of this sum and purchased Todd's brother which gives promise of becoming fast also. The buy Is twelve years old. Verily young America Is making rapid time In this day and generation. * * A MAN in Buffalo. N. Y. , was last week brought to life again after having bcon dead for several hours , to all Intents and purposes , from the effects ot an over dose ot morphine. Artificial rcsphatlon was resorted to by a professor w ho had boon experimenting In vivisection , with the success above noted. Thus medical science ad vanccs. Hereafter people apparently dead fiom similar causes may bo restored to life and usefulness. There Is no question but that countless numbers have In the past been put beneath the sod who might have been saved had their friends or physicians known more ot the laws ot life. * # Mr. ' ) . JOHN A. LOGAN Is another and a striking Instance of tlio fickleness of for tune. It Is but a short time since she was a happy , ambitious and successful woman with a fair piojpect ot ono day occupying the white house and taking rank as the first lady of the land In social position as well as inability. To-day Hhe Is broken Inspirit and Injured In body to au extent that may make her a ctipplu for life. All the color has been taken out of her life anil before tlio accident w hlch Injured her arm and shoulder she showed a listless apathy toward all the alTalrs of life that alarnuM her friends. Misfortune - fortune wtit'ii It begins to hound a person is slow to release Its hold. * * * Not only does our Buffalo BUI play poker with duchesses and such like , over In Old England , but his co\vboys me pcuptiatlng Into the higher circles. An English pnpcr , which has evidently boon left , growls about their populailty in this way : "Tho piesenco of these men would not bo tolerated In the salons of Now York or Boston , yet In Eng land these advontureis art ) welcomed with open arms , flattered as though they wore Uayaidsor Crichtons , ] Mimilled to Illrt with the prettiest gliH and man led women , and readily excused If , perchance , they have to bo sent homo In a state of soml-lntoxlc.atlon. Some women , who ought to know better , have rvpii begun to call upon them In their tents anil sip aftomoon tea with these rough fellows. " What a Jolly time thopo "rough fellows" must ha\o to bo sure , and how jeal ous this newspaper man seems to be. * * WHAT Is claimed to be the oldest document in the state of New York Is In the posses sion of Stephen Wormut'i , of Fiiltonvillo. It la the original Kennedy patent , a grant of land from King George 1. , coiupilslnu 775 acres In Albany county , on the south shift ot the Mohawk. The document is dated April IS , 18'J7. The Indiana woie to recelvo two shillings and six pencil per aero as rent for thlHtiact. But though the rental was small the wax seal on thn manuscript was largo , measuring over ono foot In circumference. The agreement Is wiltten on pnrchmont , and the chirograph ; is small , cramped and Irreg ular. The whole Is said to have thu apuflar- ance of a Xulii war map , and it would make a real estate agent smile. * * A FiiK.vciiMA.v named Mollnarl has a novel bclicmu for keeping tlio poacn of na- tluiis. Uo wants the powers that have the most to lese by the warn of otheii to associate themselves Into an alliance lei the pnriiosu of ottering ni mi'it as lst-mtu to anj country that should ! > B wantonly threatened with war from unothet. He puts Knglaml first , thu others being Hull mil , IJulgium , Denmark - mark and bnlt/oilnnd. Those nations could put n million men Into the field ami havrt by far thn preponderance of naval power In case of war. * lr. Mollnarl claims thai the Knowledge that such a tremendous lorco was ready to be tlnown Into tlio Hcnlo against any nation , would ultimately render vvarln Kiirupo linpon lliloaml bring about a general disarmament. But who would settle the war thut might arlso among thu members of tliii alliance ? Universal disarmament can not bo brought about by any such alu. U will IIHTO to bo accomplished through the grow th of universal sentiment In that , direction. That such a Msntlment i < firovt * lu.g up and ipieaJlnn l.s uiualtitakcablu. "