Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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' ' '
. ' . / ' . .1SSTA8CES.OF . ROBBERY ,
) Tbey Art Cited by the Lincoln Board of
Police Judge 1Arsons line n Hearing
Xiio Mown nt tlio State House-
Cleveland Will Uc Asked
to Visit Lincoln.
Last week week when the attorney of
the Klkhorn road appeared before tlio
railroad commissioners to answer tlio
charges of extortionate rates preferred
against that raad by the Lincoln freight
bureau , the attorney filed a demurrer
nnd agreed that the charges were not
Bpccilic enough. There wore therefore
filed yesterday at the commlssloncrs'olllco
charges that a perusal will show are do-
oidcdly specific. When the former
charges wore considered the board held
that they were sulliclcnt for an action
but they granted tlio request for more
spccilic charges and they have thorn now ,
for they were duly lilcd yesterday. One
week's time Is given by the board for tlio
Fremont & Klkhorn road to answer these
charges nnd on Wednesday , the 17tii , thu
hearing will bo had before the railroad
commission. The following nro tlio
amended articles or charges and they
nro not by any means uninteresting :
To the honornblo board of railway com
missioners of the stuto of Nebraska :
Amended complaint of the Lincoln board of
trade nnd freight hincanof Lincoln. Neb. ,
ngalnst the Kioinont , Klkhoin A : Missouri
Valley company , charging s.ud com
pany as follows :
1. With discrimination In the freight rates
charged by said company ngnlnst Lincoln
and other points within the stntc.
2. With charging , demanding and receiv
ing unjnst nnd uniciisonablo anil exorbitant
rates on local freight In the state of Nebraska
compared with Illinois , Iowa nnd Minnesota ,
and asking nnd demanding that snid local
rates bo reduced two-thirds , and equall/ed
on some basis that wilt be just and place
Lincoln , Omnha nnd Kiemor.t on a
just nnd equal basis , and vour complain
ants In tills amended complaint , waive noth-
In their original complaint set forth by way
ot argument , statement or Illustration. The
Raid boaid of trade and freight bureau of
Lincoln , Neb. , unbuilt that the said com
plainant Is n corporation , duly Incorporated
under the laws of tlio state of Nebraska , and
allege nnd aver thn following facts against
. tlio said Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Vnl-
ley railway company , a corporation operating
n railroad and doing business In the state of
1. The local rates of freight of said railway
company nre unjust , unreasonable , extor
tionate nnd oppressive , nnd too high , as
shown by attached table of comparative local
rntcn giving the lUures for.'XW mlljs north
west of Lincoln on saldrallioad , as compared
with local tnilffs In Iowa and Minnesota.
That said tariffs on the line of said railway
as therein set forth are unjust , unreasonable ,
extortionate nnd oppressive , and should bo re
duced < J7 * per cent of the present
rate. The said table heroin set forth
exhibits local rates on said Fremont , KlK-
liorn < k Missouri Valley railway for tlio dis
tance ot BOO miles aforesaid , and Is thn
printed and published tariffs of said line of
railway , defendant , heioln referred to , and
If math * part of this complaint It Is nllegcd
by the complainants that the local rates
charged within the state of Nebraska on said
road beyond Valentine , nnd In excess of dis
tance ot 300 miles as shown In comparative
table herein set forth Is still more unjust ,
unreasonable , oppressive , nnd extortionate ,
as compared with the tariff In Iowa , and
Minnesota , nnd In justice should bo reduced
at least CO per cent , and snid railway not bo
permitted to charge within thu state more
than one-tlilru of the present i.ttens charged.
2. And further complaining aznlnst said
Fremont , Klkhorn it Missouri Valley i all-
way company , complainants state andchnrge
the following facts against sid : ! railroad , do
fendant , vi/ :
Cliarclue and collecting unjust , unreason
able , extoi tlonate and excessive rates from
Lincoln , Neb. , to points on their said line of
railway in the state of Nebraska as com
pared with the rates charged and collected
for the transportation of freight from Fre
mont and Omaha , thereby discriminating
against Lincoln and local points located on
said railway.
The said rates quoted , charged and collected
by said railway irom Lincoln being In fact
unjudt , unreasonable , extottlonate and pro
hibitory upon the commoreo nnd business of
Raid city of Lincoln , us shown In the follow
ing tables :
ll tos to Clmdron , Nob. : *
1 . ! )
from Oumhn. ,15t ) 143 1J1 KH ! 10 | 81 ftS 6.1 M 2.
Lincoln..1M lit t.V 1U1 101 HI is C3 6.1 I
" Fremont.III ! l.M 113 1UU W 75 K 44 21 21
nllTercnpeilti f -
ror Iroimiit. . 10 13 8 G 9 8 13 9 8 3
Itntoa to OukJulo :
1 2 3 4 ft A II C I > H
Kiom Oinlm. . i\ \ nil 43 ll K : iM 2 ! 21 1
I.'n ' o'n , . fll bV 43 < 1 ! " ' -D > ' - ' ' 31 I
kruiiinnt W 47 41 3j ) & ! 21 17 15 I
DilTorenooi . U 9 7 0 S n f 5 6
The laUcT illiroromoi nro lliomimn an the Oilmen
illnVruntlnH 'llio rite * liotiroon Clmlron uncloak
dale lii-twcpii tint ilKTuruncc * huHn.
Unto to .Norfolk ;
And tuithar couiplnlnnnU nlloi * tlmt Hie tn\\ \ .
rallrovl mmiiinjr cnnruei and collorts nnjint , uu
roaioiuiilo 'iil extortionate fre'uht ' rat < tu tnli
rltyof I.lnoln. unit In support of thu flmriHBMi
c implnln ut not foitli the InllowlnK tulil i. ihow
InKilin rniei qf ( ruljlit HI charxail nnd collectpi
umlor the caitern caMl ! < lr tlon , from Clilcnio. Mil-
B.iukoo , Itaclni ) nnd onuimaraliil po nt > . or shlpplnir
O'nien In Illinois nnd Wisconsin , uk'nk' ' Chicago
I S 4 i A II O 1 > K
To Onmlia U ) 75 & 0 U 30 13 TMU 21 VO Id
I'o frpmont. . . .l ( l F4 67 41 .IS 40 ' 15 M V > 21
To Lincoln . 100 84 47 41 41) .15 28 21 21
AKI | fiom MlultMiipl rlrer pointsSt. I.ouli to
Clinton , lutluslro :
I1U4&A n GOG
VoOmtllK. . . . 10 M n m M 2\ - - . H n 11
1' . ) > reni"nl. . . . HI M 47 M .U * < V7H Zl 20 1R
O'oUlioiln . . HO M 47 1 t ) Wi ' 'it , 2) 20 Hi
The cllfferentl'xli In r vor of Umnha uro :
n c n K
10 'J 7 8 7 74 1 , - 5 5 6
Also ( roil the l' clflo couit point" , Los Anolet
to 1'ortlnnd Inoluilte : ! , augur. Fruit.
To Oinubn 1\ at \
To Kieniont ill 75 110
To Lincoln JW _ 7 110
DlffiTOnceln f iTorof Oninli.i 1 } 15 30
And nil oiuor clasioi ol ( rilRht provortlon.
Tliu fore oliii ; reference to and quotation
% , of rates from trade centers throughout the
state of Nebraska to Oin.ihn , Lincoln and
.j&- Vrcmont , commercial centers within the
iffij ' Btnte , nro made bv way of Illustration to
Hi5 show the great discrimination In favor ot
TE- , Ouulia , when local rates wltliin the state are
' : > ' considered In connection with through rates
V-s Irom the commerclnl ctmters in said citations
' V named without the state.
f Conuilnlnants piay that your honorable
r body will remove the discrimination In rates
f as allegtul , anil place this eltv of Lincoln and
, ,5 other points on an rquallzed rate basis w 1th
' Omaha and Kromont In the taritls to , and
alsw reduce the local rates in this state to a
reasonable and just basis , or at least sixty-
six and two-thirds per rent , less than the
present ttuiiTs referred to , and for such otber
and further relief as may bo deemed just
nnd ciiuitiible , and good conscience and
right may require.
Lancaster County , [ "
Isaao M. rtaymond and John K. Utt , being
lirst duly sworn , depose ana say that they
are resv > ectlvely the president and secretary
of tlio Lincoln board of trade , and that the
facts o.s above scltortli are true as they \erily
ISAAC M. KAYMOXU , president board of
KI v trade.
K ; * , J. E. UIT. Secretary board of trade.
Subscribed and sworn to before-me this 5th
day of August , ! Si7.
( SRAI. ) It. U. llAZLETTi Notary Public.
Yesterday llio council committee ,
Messrs. Itn-sooo , Ullliugaby and Pace , as-
. Bemblcd themselves together at the coun
cil chamber to bear thu evidence in.tho
' ' , ' charges preferred by .certain'citizen ! )
' , . gali jt Police.JudgeP raon . , The par-
tiofl tnnkitiff thechargcs were represented
by Messrs. Uonrtnay nud Strodoa , and
Mr. C. h. Mngoon appeared for Judge
rnrsoim. Iho speclllo charges against
thn police judge are that nt sundry and
divers times In the year 1880 and spring
months of 1887 ho levied lines upon cer
tain ramblers nnd assistants and that the
lines no collected monthly were In some
instances wholly , In other instances in
part , never made a matter of record on
the judge's docket and never were paid
over to the proper parties to receive
lines collected from such sources. In
support of these clmrecs the parties
bringing the suit tiled a list of specified
times and amotintt not accounted for nnd
had these figures compiled by an export
who has bc'-ii Investigating the police
judge's docket for several weeks. The
other charges against the police judge
worn tlmt Hues collected in cases heard
by him outside of city business hail never
been paid over to the county treasurer as
the law requires done in ton days , and
the expert reported something likn $200
in lines of this character shown on the
docket but not , turned over to the county
treasurer. At the time the expert dis
covered this fact thu judge paid into the
treasury a portion of the back funds nnd
thu BEE was informed that the balance
ot the back funds were paid yesterday to
tlio county treasurer. How the council
committee will construe the restitution
of the funds as they ! accumulated
for the past year or so , will bo divulged
in their findings. At the hearing so far
as it progressed yesterday , the export ,
Mr. White , who went through the docket
of the court , was the principal witness
and his tontimony was in regard to what
the docket shows and its failure to show
records of tines that the complainants
state wcru collected from them by the
judge. The examination was only well
under way when the hearing was ad
journed until Tuesday.
Governor Thujor was at home nt the
executive olllcd yesterday after several
days absence in the southern part of the
Charles U. Bate * , of Beatrice , adjutant
on the stall'of Brigadier General Colby ,
wns at the state house yesterday looking
niter the preliminaries of the coming
state militia encampment.
Articles incorporating the bank of
Nelson located at Nelson , Nnckols
county , were filed with the secretary
yesterday. The capital stock of the bank
is $50,000. Articles incorporating the
MeCook Telephone company were also
lilcd. Capital stock $10,000 , with Sam
L. Green and others incorporators.
TO INVITI : nituvcit.
Some of the citizens of Lincoln have
caught the fever to invite "Gro-
vor the Great" to visit a real
live western town. Under reso
lution of the council Mayor Sawyer
ias appointed the following nou-parti-
ans as a committee on invitation and to
orward a formal address : Governor
L'hayer , General Cobb , John F'tzgorald ' ,
'ostnmstor Watkins , Couucilmcn Bil-
In sby , Harks , Pace , Graham , Ensign ,
hiiluy , Brock , Briscoo , Ilovoy. trass ,
hooper , Doan ; Editors , Gore , Calhoun ,
lodge , Klcutsch ; citizens , J. .f. Quihou" ,
C. P. Child , C. U. Burr , Wabash Me-
tlanigal , Charles Joeurs , O. P.
tlason , S. Schwab , Major Bohannon ,
S. Kastorday , P. W. O'Connor ,
U. . ) . Whltmorc , H. S. Gordon , Noason
irogc , W. H. H. Dunn , Bishop Gco. B.
Skinner , A. Humphrey , A. S. Godfrey ,
3. E. Brown , J. C. Crocker , J. H. Ames ,
. ' . Opponhoimor , S. B. Pound , S. i' . Bon-
nilon , Win. McLaughlin , J. A. Buckstall' ,
H. E. Lewis. A.S.Tebbets. Fred Schmidt ,
' 1. M. Lambortson , Patriot ! Eagun , T.
lychen. This committee will meet at the
council chamber Tuesday and formulate
their letter , to the president.
Havcrly's mastordons closed their en
gagement at the Boyd night , highly
entertaining a large audience. The most
noticeable feature of the programme
was the equillbristic act of Hilton , the
climax of which was his picking his
landkcrchlof ot ) the stand upon which ho
lad placed two chairs on the highest
ung of the back of each of which his
, cgs rested. While thus situated , bograd
ually bent backward a distance of nearly
nine feet anil picked up the bnndkcrchio :
as above indicated. It was a dangerous
act and was most skillfully performed.
This evening there will be an excellon
| ) orformanco given by the Baureis &
Puls Gorman dramatic company. The
piece will bo "Schuster , " with an accom
panying moral of "Shoemaker , stick to
your last. " The piece abounds in musica
selections nnd will introduce all the lead
ing members of this now popular com
Mr. John Brandt , well known as the
late mannger of the Stadt theatre , and
the man who has done n great deal in
building up the Gorman drama in this
city , has returned from his European
trip with hia brother-in-law. He was
absent about two months. Mr. Brandt
is in the best of Health and speaks in the
happiest terms of the pleasure wliicli his
trip nfl'ordcd him.
Mr. August Uhlig , one of the best mem
bers of Baureis &Puls' Gorman diauiatic
company , has severed his connection
with that association nnd joined the Ger
man company as MoVickcr's theater in
Chicago. Ho loft on Wednesday last to
spend a few weeks at Columbus with
relatives. Ho will then go to Chicago to
open his engagement , which will con
tinue throughout thu year. Mr. Uhlig
has made many friends among the Gor
man people of this city , nnd his acting
wus universally admired , as much by his
associates on the stage as those in front
of the footlights.
This theatre was filled again last night ,
as it has boon HO many times before , thus
itonsifying the fact that a good variety
theatre in this city may be sure of draw
ing patronage. The performance was H
rich and varied one nnd was highly en
tertaining till the closing hour.
The Trouble between Messrs. Cronyn
and Eaton.
For some time there has been difficulty
between Win. W. Cronyn and Edno L.
Eaton. Both are photographers , nnd the
question between thorn is in reference to
the gallery on Farnam street near Four
teenth. The case has been ventilated in
courtand was published in the BEE from
time to time. It seems that Mr. Cronyn ,
tired of litigation , moved out of the gallery -
lory a day or BO ago. Yesterday the rumor
was circulating tlmt ho had loft town.
An inspection of the abandoned studio
reveals a condition of total wreck within.
Every article of furniture and item of
apparatus has been removed , and the
ceilings , walls and floors look as though
some one had been practicing upon them
with an axe. On thu third lloor there re
main thousands of negatives which accu
mulated during Mr. Eaton's years of
work. Some of these have evidently
been tossed Into it corner , whore they lie
in a mound of crushed class.
The report was current last evening
that Mr. Cronyn had left the city.
Somewhat In corroboration of this theory ,
a call at-his residence. No. 822 South Six
teenth street , failed to discover him. Mem
bers of his family who wore still there ,
stated ho was still in town and wns ex
pected homo at any moment.
Burneon Crawford's Crime.
WABIUNOTOH , August 5. Judge liarper ,
of the police court , decided that the Utah
law Is applicable In the District of Columbia ,
tnd has bcpun the hearing of testimony In
the. case of I'ast Assistant Surgeon Crawford ,
cb.artct-4 With' Improper Intercourse with a
girl thirteen yean ot age.
Bat Little Change Noted in the Financial
Affairs of the West.
Currency Sent to the Country for
the Sliltmiont of Grain It e-
ult or Crop News oil
the Markets.
Western Financial Affairs.
CHICAGO , August 0. | Special Telegram to
the DUK.I llnnnci.U affairs remain In
about the same condition as noted during the
pact two or three weeks. The dnmiud for
money was only moderate from all sources ,
nnd the market was easier In a guttural way ,
though Interest rates were shaded only In
special cases. Bankers are wull supplied
with loanable funds and all parties able to
present good collaterals experience no dlill-
culty whatever In obtaining all the favors
asked for. Less money than usual was
loaned to pay for grain and provisions deliv
ered on the first of the month , consequently
the inquiry from the speculative element was
limited. Orders from the country tor cur
rency wore somewhat larger and an increased
amount ot money was forwarded to grain
districts. Lumber dealers have been light
borrowers. Wholesale merchants have pre
sented some paper for discount , but chlelly
to pay bills of goods received. Some
goods for the fall and winter trade
are being forwarded to more distant distri
buting districts , Kates of Interest weio quot
able at 5g8 ( per cant on call and C@S per
cent on time paper , depending on the amount
ot manor required and the standing ot the
borrower. Very little paper was presented
on the street , and rates of Interest range at
4 ( 7 pur cent. Money In eastern llnancial
centers was quite close early in the week ,
but ruled castor again within the past two
or three days , owing to the prospect of the
treasury department disbursing considerable
money In the way of anticipating interest on
bonds. Kates of Interest ranged at 5@7 per
cent. Advices from abroad Indicated a little
morn activlt y in monetary all airs The de
mand for money was a little more active
and Interest rates were strong. The Bank
of England rate advanced to 3 per cent.
This Is partially due to a specula-
Ivo movement In securities In
IHI London nmiUet. New York exchange
was In good supply and the demand was
imited. Tlio market HI led dull and drag-
lnc throughout the wcuk. Sales between
auks wore made at 60@70o discount per
81,000. and the market closed easy nt ( We.
Foreign exchange wns offered rallier Ireely
and the demand was Irestrictod. Exports of
breixilstutls and provisions wore moderately
free , and shippers sixty days documentary
bills on London were dull and dragging.
Sales were made at $ , and the
market closed easy nt S4.UU@ri.bO > .
The New York stock market exhibited
.noro activity during the week Just closed ,
but the feeling was somewhat unsettled and
prices ruled irregular. Karlv In the week
there was more pressure to soil many of the
leading stocks , and tlio market ruled weak
and prices declined materially. At the de
cline there was a little more Inclination to
purchase and prices rallied again , and closed
. The "shorts"
comparatively steady. bought
rather treoly at ttio decllnea.whlch assisted to
Borne extent In checking the down
ward tendency of the market. Wall
street operators traded quite treely nnd out
side speculators traded only moderately.
Chicago parties limited their operations to
small quantities. Advices fiom abroad In
dicated an easy feeling and lower prices In
tlmt quarter early , but showed more steadi
ness near the close. The earnlncs of the
leadlnc railroads nro not quite so large us
during the past month or two. Sales on the
Now York stock exchange for tha week ag-
greirated 'J.lOO.uoo shares.
The leading grain and provision markets
attracted consideinblo attention durini ; the
week just closed , notwithstanding "the un
usually hot weather and the fact that It Is the
dull season of the year and the time when
heavy operators enjoy a season of vacation
and rest. To a great extent , the course of
prices has been regulated by thu report of
tbo weather condition In the south and west ,
and the advices in reference to the
outcome of the haivest for small
grains. Dry and hot weather In
the corn belt of the west has rotaided the
growth of that cereal and Initiated considera
ble dnmnge In some sections , though frequent
showers In Rome portions ot the country
tributary to the Chicago inarKet have tended
to revive the plant to boino extent ; nnd ,
while the prospects of an unusually heavy
crop , as anticipated six weeks ago. are out of
the question , there Is little doubt but a fair
crop In the aggregate will be secured. He-
pnrts relative to the yield of small grain are
somewhat conflicting , but the majority lean
to the conclusion that the production of
wheat , oats , rye and barley will barely reach
the expectations of one month or six weeks
ngo , though the quality l.s generally cood.
Foreign markets have shown considerable
weakness , yet the low prices ruling for
Hour and wheat have encouraged mer
chants to purchase rather freely In
n quiet way. The eastern markets have
ruled easy and have not sympathized much
with advanced prices for some articles gained
hero. The shipping demand for both grain
nnd provisions has been quite active , though
some of the purchases were not mndo on the
open market. Tlio movement of grain to
the leading markets , both east nnd west , was
moderately tree and shlpncis quite liberal ,
considerable grain being distributed through
the eastern nnd middle ntntes. The stocks of
new grain are gradually enlarging.
The supply of provisions is moderately
large , but somewhat lighter than a vear
ago. The receipts of hogs have been lighter
at all the principal markets ot the weat , and
the quality Is not as good as previously re
ported. The packing of the w st continues
to decrease as compared with last vear's re
turns. The nrrlvafs of cattle are quite large ,
with prices favoring buyers.
Mocljcska a Graiulmother.
The readers of the BEE who will glance
over the list of births published in this
morning's paper , will note , and with con
siderable interest , that among those who
have for tlio first time experienced the
responsibility and pleasured of paternity
and maternity are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Modjoska. The latest successor to this
name , revered and honored in a brace of
hemispheres , is a boy , and consequently
grandson of the distinguished actress
whoso genius and lady-liKo demeanor
ore so well known to our people. The
happy circumstance of thn presence o :
the countess in Omaha at this time , in
view of thu motherly fooling site
is known to possess for both her son and
daughter , will bo warmly rejoiced over
by many of her friends , and the hope wil
be general that the grandson , now the
object of the great actress' solicitation
nnd care , may bo worthy of the name
which has descended to him.
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , August 0. { Special Tele
cram to the BKE. | Gertrude Uosken was
to-day appointed postmistress at St Charles
Cumlng county , Neb. , vice Wra. Uosken , de
Also following In Iowa : J. E. Thompson
Excelsior , Mahaskacounty , vice Daniel M
Atchtson , resigned ; Young Dougherty. Uuer
man , Powoshlek county , vice Maggie Slcliur
ney , resigned ; Frank U. Nichols , Haven
Tamas county , vice O. It. Nichols , resigned
John Langfonl , Hepburn , Page county , vice
( ieo. D. Itobb , resigned.
Defeated by a Hundred Thousand
GAIA'F.BTOX , Tex. , August 6. Complete
returns rcceUed by the Ualveston News from
451 voting precincts In tbo state , Including
all the larger cities and places convenient to
telegraphic transmission , and a few com
plete county returns , place the total maorlt | >
for state prohibition at 60,504 , and the major
Itles against state prohibition at 00,305. This
indicates that the amendment has been de
feated in the whole state by over 100,000 votes
Mrs. Logan Gaining.
WASHINGTON , August 0. Mrs. Logan'
condition Is very much Improved. She Is be-
tloved to tMfalBlDg to atreugUi erpry day.
A Great Gleaning up of Summer Goods
Om Mqnday , August Stli , wo will place on our counters , all summer wash fabrics , at less
than half price. Also a grand sale of Ladias' Muslin Underwear at prices away down , so that
all can buy *
CO pieces Satlceus , sold all HCRSOH nt
15c , 30c and 25c ; we will close the lot
Monday , at lOe per yurd.
40 pieces flue Foitllnrds ami Cambrics ,
to close , lOc per yard , worth 15c&llc !
Allofour best Lnwns niul figured Ba
tiste cloths , on sale Momlayl2 yards
for $1.
50 iiieccs best standard Dress Ging
hams , Monday , G 3-lc per yard.
1 bale 30 inch Unbleached Muslin , 16
yards fur $1.
1 case HO inch Bloacliod Muslin , H yds.
for S 1.
CLOAK DEPARTMENT Just received , 2,000 Ladies' FallJackets.
They are very nobby and worthy of your inspection.
Don't forget , we are selling fine dry.goods very low to make room for
fall goods , now daily arriving.
A New York Syndicate Cleans Ont on
Ohio Knilroatl.
CiNciNNATi.August 0. [ Special Telegram
to the HKK. ] It has become known to n lim !
ited circle that the treasurry of the Cincin
nati , Hamilton & Dajton railroad ' 'has been
completely culled" under the Ives-Stay-
ner management. The words quoted nro
from a statement Hindu by one of the road'8
directors. Clulstoolier Meyer , of New York ,
when asked as to the amount that had boon
abstracted from the treasury , leplled that In
cash and securities of branch lines , it would
probably exceed SH.OOO.OOO. The money which
Ives nnd Stayncr had thus raised had been
used , ho .said , in dfcals in which they had
been engaged.
'iho mectlner lust evenlne was called
by local stockholders. A resolution
was adopted sfttttrig forlh that the news
papers have cumtulned statements \\liicli
Im\o Injured tlie" load's securities In the
oulnlon of the nubile , and declaring that a
committed on Ut'to'bu appointed to make nn
Investigation , i , Such committee was ap
pointed. The plan I'm ally decided upon waste
to retire Stayner from the position of meat-
dent , nnd .Mr. Lvcs fiom the position of vice
president , and to vacate the seats of both gentlemen in the board , as well ns tlio
spat of one other Now York man. If Ives
yields and retiree , taking Stayncr nud thn
other New York man , who lias rot been
named , with him , all will bo well and good.
It ho retuscs to Withdraw there will be n
light Late4a8ttH ht-lvc8 had not decided
upon hia course , i ilo said that to letire
under such circumstances would mean Ilnau-
clal rum to him. lie further said ho should
bo able to U-turn to the company all that It
may be found ho Is in debt to It. No confi
dence was placed in this statement.
CINCINNATI , July 0. The directors of the
Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton railroad
met this afternoon and agreed to go to New
Vork and hold a meeting Monday to elect
directors to till two vacancies. No action
was taken on the proposition to release- the
Ft Wayne road nnd guarantee Its stock , nil
that being postponed until the present com
plications are settled. 1'rosident Staynor
was not present , but sent a telegram declin
ing to resign.
NEW Yonif , August 9. The Cincinnati ,
Hamilton & Dayton stock was quoted at
91.30 at the close yesterday ; at the close
to-day showed a decline of 70 points and was
quoted at & 0.
NKW YoitK , August 0. It was reported
to-day that Henry S. Ive.s A Co. had made nn
assignment , hut this was denied by George
11. Stayncr , the only member of ttio tlrm who
was found in the olfico , and he slid the firm
did not Intend to make any assignment. Up
to the hour of closing this atwrnoon no as
signment had been filed in the county clerk's
NKW YORK , August 0. At the banking
house of Ive.s & Co. It Is stated that Ives will
attend the meeting of the Cincinnati. Day
ton it Ohio railroad to-day at Cincinnati ,
when ho and .Stayncr will tender their resig
I'orsonnl Paragraphs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. White nro in the
I ) . II. 1-rahm , of Wakefield , is in the
Mrs. V. M. Coy , of Auburn , is at the
L. A. Hanson , of Laramin , is at the
John A. Withcrd , of Clarkson , is nt
the Arcade.
C. F. Edwards , of Kounnrd , is at the
Lieutenant L. D. Greene , of Ft. Lara-
ruie , is in the city.
W. 11. Austin , a Franklin stock dealer ,
is at the Windsor.
John C. Watsall , of Nebraska City , Is
in Omaha over Sunday.
Horace Hclfich , of ilolfich , took a run
up to Omaha yesterday.
F. G. Davis , of Columbus , will pass
Sunday at the Metropolitan.
K. Bignoll , of thn state capital , made
a Hying visit to OTkiaha yesterday.
Miss L. A. French , n young lady from
Konnnrd , is visiting Omaha Inonds.
Mrs. G. W. llulst , from Columbus , is
visiting her sister , Mrs. Dr. Mercer.
S. II. Graves any E. W. Hanks , from
Shelton , madc-'a short trip to Omaha
yesterday. '
\ \ . Tyson nnd 'Jas. Carter , both from
Blair , made a business trip to the Gate
City yesterday ; > i
Thomas Chalmers , a loading merchant
of Fullerton , was'in Omaha a fo\v hours
yesterday morning ,
J. F. Parkins , tlio leading farming im
plement man of Weeping Water , is in
the city on business.
Chas. Bonnoll , qf'Holyoke , and II. V.
Yates. of Salina , and U. M. Williams , of
Fremont , are nt the Millard.
Miss Mollie $ heridan , in company with
S. 11. Peters and ldyof Weeping Water ,
is making a visit \iytu Omaha friends.
A party consisting of II. Carter and
wife. U. J. Mitchell and wife , nnd Miss
Carrie House , all from North Platte , are
visiting friends in the city.
The city of Lincoln was represented In
the metropolis yesterday by H. A. En
sign , A. S , Badger , S. II. liurnham and
wife , John F. Fuller and J. M. Edmis-
J. M. Edmiston , of Lincoln , in com
pany with his slater , MM. F. A. Miner , of
Craig , are In the city. They are just re
turning from a visit to the old homo In
Now England.
Bank Statement.
NEW YORK , AujustO. The weekly bantc
statement shows the reserve decreased
P1.20S.000. Tha banka now hold $6,931,000 in
cxcosi of the legal requirements.
Iiailles' muslin tfmlcrwear , Cliemtsp.
Drawers , Skirts , Corset Covers , at
2oc onck.
Ladies' Niffht Dresses , 50c.
Ladles' Skirts , 50c.
Ladles' Chemise , 50c.
Ladies Drawers. ftOc.
Ladles' Corset Covers , GOc.
Also N'lpht Drosses. Chemise , Drawers ,
Corset Covers , Skirts , etc. , at 75c
and OUc.
These are all now poods , just arrived.
and at prices quoted are the greatest
values ever offered.
Notes of the Doings of the Various Oluba
and Societies of Omaha.
The Bohemian Picnic The Apollo
Club-Kiticlits of Pythias
General Gossip Bub
Our Societies.
The secret orders of Omaha are in a
most nourishing condition , each organ
ization evincing a renewal of life , an
activity that is especially gratifying to nil
those Interested in these worthy and
commcndaolo institutions. Most of the
orders during the past fortnight have
been engaged in the transaction of par
ticular work , and much in the way of
yotins in now members nnd perfecting
tlio programme for late summer and au
tumn work has hecn accomplished- The
The outlook is indeed promising for an
enjoyable season of the different brother
hoods , nnd the respective members are
looking forward to the cool evenings
coming on npnce with an eagerness that
well attests to the benefits and pleasures
they derive from the associations of the
lodge room. To tlio uninitiated this is
all Greek , but to the sir knight to tlio
links rf the golden fraternal bund , it is
fraught with a significant moaning no
other tiding can convoy. Of all the
pleasures and enjoyments , with which
the weary journey of life is but sparsely
interspersed , none surpasses and but few
equals , those realized bv the true Mason ,
the Odd Fellow or Pythian within tlio
sacroil precincts of the charmed circles.
THE BOHEMIAN Gymnastic association
will hold a picnic at Schnylor , Nob. , on
August 28. Several civic societies of the
city will accompany the athletes and the
arrangements promise a most enjoyable
time. The gymnastic societies of
Schnylor and Wilber will bo present and
there will bo a contest between the crack
members of the "throo. "
Fin DAY Kvnxixn the well-known Con-
cordia singing society gave a moonlight
excursion to Htiiicr's park , situated about
seven miles on * the Missouri Pacilic , to
which a special train was run leaving the
city at 7:1(5 : ( in the evening. The uicnic
was only for those who received invita
tions and was made a most enjoyable
event to all participants.
* #
AT THE mooting of tlio Pressmen's ,
Sturcotypors and Elcctrntypors' union ,
hold Sunday , thn following qflieer.s were
elected : M.J. Hnckloy , president ; Matt
Homer , vice president : A. H. Clinton ,
recording secretary ; C. M. Birch , linanco
and corresponding secretary ; F. M.
Young ! ) , treasurer ; Michael Kelly , sor-
gonnt-at-arins. Executive committee , F.
Wallace , S. L. Kowzco , Thomas S. Granville -
villo , F , Uovosc , A. A. McCann.
THE MOUKKN Woodmen of America
give a moonlight excursion Wednesday
evening. August 10 , starting from the
foot of Douglas street at 8 p. m. , on the
steamer ' 'John M. Abbott. "
* %
THE Ai'ou.o club , much encouraged
by their cordial reception at their first
concert , have perfected their arrange
ments tor next season. Mr. Young will
continue to bo the director , ana
the club will civn throe concerts. A
somewhat now departure will bu inaugu
rated , in that these concerts will bo given
to associate members only. No tickets
will bo sold at the box olliee or elsewhere.
Thn object ot this plan is to enable the
club to forestall its expenses in n meas
ure. A moment's rollcction will convince
anyone that the expenses of
providing three concerts is con
siderable , and that much better
preparation can be made with an assured
sum from associate members , to build
upon , and it is only right that in return
for tins they should have exclusive rights.
Each associate member will receive for
his annual fco of $10 , four tickets to each
concert , twelve tickets iu all , bcsulo the
privilege of admission to certain rehear
sals ; a very good equivalent for money.
The number of associate members will
bo limited to 200. The club is now re
ceiving applications for associate mem
bership. Application may bo made to C.
1) . Dorman , president , Nat M. Brlgham ,
vice president , C. E. Burmcstor , treas
urer , II. W , Snow , secretary , or to any
member of the club.
THE IMFKUIAL club gave a picnic J'ri-
day at Pries lake which was a very suc
cessful affair and one in which all
enjoyed themselves greatly. Anioiu
many present , were : Mr. and Mrs F. h.
Hailv , Jr. , Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephens , Mr.
F. W. Pickers and Miss Jennie Hull of
Columbus , Ohio , Mr. C. E Dunmiro and
Miss Clara Albee , Mr. II. C , llowdou and
Miss llatlie Glassmuck , Grand Rapids ,
Mich. . Mr. G. W. Howard and Miss Jen
nie lioardman , Mr. G. O. Scrlbncr nnd
Miss Georgia Shipman , Mr.liortSmnpson ,
Misaeu Jennie and Addle Sampson , Mr.
C. U. Lee and Miu Annie Paulur of Now
York City , Mr. Alfred Mcmberg and Miss
Florence Ixio , Mr. W. Clurk and Miss
Ilubburd , MUs Cooler , Mr. Louis LilUo-
7 pieces Foiilliml Silks , they inus-t bo
sold Monday , t)5c ) a yard , worth 7iic.
5,000 Ladles' Handkerchiefs , Fancy
borders , embroidered and hemstitched ,
nn Importers' samples. Those poods
nro worth 40o to $ l ouch ; our prk-o.
Monday , -5c each ,
100 dozen chocked Napkins , 2 "e dozen.
CO dozen ; M bleached dinner Napkins ,
$1.50 per dozen , worth $2.50.
10 ps bleached and unbleached table
Diunnsks , odds and ends to clean up
stock , 50e per yard , worth double.
50 dozen bleached Damask , knotted
fringe Towels. 171c each , others ask
2.K' .
field nnd Miss Nettie Ausrnck of North
Platte , Mr. W. G. Kustcr nnd Miss Laura
Ward , Mr. nnd Mrs. Honshaw , Miss
EtholLakc. Mr. Louis Grcbo and Miss
Kcemt's , Mr. Nicholson and Miss tiirdiu
McCoy , Mr. Lewis and Miss Ida McBcth ,
Mr. J. P Shipman , Mrs. C. C. LittlolUild ,
Miss Huster , Messrs. llaxbold Ar/o ,
The music was furnished by the First
Omaha band.
tf 4
ON WI : XKSIV , August 10 , the West
Side Social Club will give a picnic at
Hnnscom Park , which promises to bo a
most pleasant atl'air.
LAST SUNDAY there was a meeting of
all the officers of the local divisions of the
K. of P. in this city in Lilv armory , and
a committee consisting of Sir Knights
Colonel Hurrill , Lieutenant Colonel Itfc-
Mannis , Adjutant James Donnelly , First
Lieutenant J. A. Hrown and Captain C.
P. Ncedhnm was unpointed to make ar
rangements to secure n regimental ar
mory in some of the- new buildings now
in course of erection.
W. N. BABCOCK , of the Elks , accom
panied by his wife , left for Denver Mon
day night en route to Maniton , Col.
THE ELKS lodge of this city has re
ceived six now applicants , their petitions
being filed on Thursday evening. Among
the number were Hon. Charli-s F. Man-
dorson , senator from Nebraska , and
Charles S. Purrotte.
THE G. A. U. camp during the grand
reunion next month will comprise 210
acres of the country lying between Cut-
oil'and Florence lakes ami at thn head of
Sixteenth street. Thn city council have
ordered road opened to this place , and
the work on it is already In progress.
Thu reid : is to bo fifty feet wldo and near
the base of the bluff.
x *
Tnur.snAY r.vr.xi.Nu W. C. Gregory ,
George. 1 $ . Eddy , Kobort Hunter , Gonrgo
15. Mills and Charles H. Ott , of the Elks ,
left tor a ten days' trip through Cole
Tin : 1'io.vio of the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Engineers nt 1/ikn Manawa
Friday afternoon would have boon a
most pleasant affair had It not been for
the unfortunate accident for which the
management wore not responsible. Asic.o
from the sad ncoldent the affair was one
to bo heartily enjoyed.
# *
THE NATIONAL Conference of Charities
nnd Correction whioh convenes in this
city the latter part of this month will
bring many eminent people together and
it is the duty of our citi/.uns to sco that
the delegates nro properly entertained.
It is an honor the convention has iiaid to
Omaha In deciding to meet in this city
nnd our people will fail in maintaining
their reputation for hospitality if they do
not send the representatives away with
the ploasantost recollections of the Gate
FRIDAY NIOIIT Myrtlu division K. of P. .
the oldest division of the order in the
city , hold a special election of ollicors
made necessary by the election of the
former captain , Burroll , to the position
of colonel of the first regiment. H. J.
Fuller nnd Dr. M. A. Whinnory , for
merly sir knights first nontenant and her
ald , will bo raised to the positions , respec
tively of ttir knights , captain and llouton-
ant. W. W.Volls was elected sir knight
* -
Pythian Spur on Tuesday of this week.
The contest at Lincoln , in which thu lieu
tenant took an aotivn part lust week , is
perhaps the cnusu of thu delay of the ap
pearance of this interesting paper.
TROJAN division of the uniform rank
K. of P. will meet for organization
Thursday of thin week. This is a new
division of the uniform rank which owes
iU origin to Mr. W. S. Spencer , one of
the most enterprising knights In Omaha.
When organ/.ed ! , this division can pay no
higher compliment to Knight Spencer
than by electing him captain of thu now
division , a position which he will fill with
At the meeting of the Omaha branch of
the Pnget Sound Co-opuratlvo oniony
to-day a musical and flinging programme
will bo rendered , tojrothor with a discus-
Bion on thn ownership ol land. Tlio so
ciety meets at 2:30 : p. ra. at 1114 Farnam
ON NKXT Tuesday evening Douglas
Ham of the order of Druids in this oily ,
will hold an anniversary calibration in
Motz'H garden , it being the fourth anni
versary of the organization. ' 1 horn will
bu a choice programme of musical and
literary features , together with a couple
of pretty farct-b which will bo produced
by the Itaureis fc Puls German theatre
company. It is expected that a nunibor
of Druids from Other cities will bu in at
VKTKRANS OK the Into war and mem
bers of the ( J. A. K. of other states , who
reside In the northern part of the city ,
intend to organi/.o a new post. A meet
ing for this purpose will DO held some
time next weulc , notice of which will ap
pear hereafter.
The Uniau Pacific band will ivo a
concert at liausoom park this afternoon
at1 o'clock , if the band has uo othur ui-
ra , . <
We tiarejii t bought a llttatt
* Mo elt o/
At Less Than 50c on the
Dollar ,
And Khali put the same on sale
Wednesday , Aug. 10
Below aic a few prices
Ghildrens' Suits ,
Ages 4 to 12
$1.75 $ , $2 $ , $2.50 $ , $3 $ ,
and $3.50. $
. .
Ages S to 17. ( Long Pants. )
$1 $ , $2 $ , $2.50 $ , $3 $ , $3.50 $
$4 $ , $5 $ and $6. $
This is One Chance in
a Life Time.
iibcr tic Day ,
Wednesday , Aug 10.
tail Raragc's Old Stand
1311 Farnam St.