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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1887)
* W B ' ' * m ' ' / r 'f ' - ' ' " ' - - - ' " - ' ir - - - * . y'3-ls1 fT-T W * 'Hr 'fwr' . r . j i _ . . , N , , N .r , , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * . SUNBAY , AUGUST 7 , 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. ! 3 SPEOIAIj NOTICES ; Advertisements under tills liend.10 ccntt po Inc for the llrst insertion , T tents lor each sub toquent Insertion , nndfl.rXn ) line per month ho advertisement taken for lesstnnnSS cents Tor the llrtt Insertion. Ee\cn words wll 3) counted to the line ; they must run roneccu- lively and mutt DC ( inId In advance. Alt advcr- tlPomcntM in n ft be linn Jed In before 1 : no o'clocK p. rn. , and under no clrcumrtanccs will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'ortins advertising In thcfc column nnd hav ing the answers nddr f pd In euro of Tun UK w III plcnse ask for ix check to enable them to get tnclr letters. FIB none will lie dellveroil oicent on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisement ! fliould bo enclosed In envelopes , All ndvertlfomonts In the BO columns nro pub lished In both morning ntid atoning editions nfliinv \ \ : , the circulation of which nuurc- pates more than 14.iMOpupots dnlly , nnd BUM HID advertisers the hpnallt. nut only of the city circulation of TIIK Ilnr. . but nl o of Cmincll 111nIT ? , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout thl pnrt of the west. MONEY TO LOAN. Al.OOO.COO to loan. Cole , 316 S ! 5th. t& 637 MONIIV Wo loan monry on Improved prop- oity for any desired amount at low rntos of Inlorcst. to run from two to ton year ? tlmo. Btotts , Cox * Houston , lfi07'J ' Farnnm. 9fi9 [ ONF.V To loan nt 0 per rent. Patterson L Drop. , 15th street , op. P. O. 321 $750,000 TO I.OANntO per cent . & Mnhoncy , 1509 Farnnm. (118 ( 6 PEH CF.NT Money. U. C. I'attcrson , 15th nt.d rag flJNiO.OOO to loon on real ostato. No drlay. fP Hnrrls.V Snrapson , 1510 Douglas fit. 040 ONF.Y TO UAN-O. F PavU Co. , real M citato nnd loan agents , 1S06 Farnnm nt. b41 $500/00 to loan in nny amount at lowest rate of intoiest. H. II. Ircy , Frcnrer block. SOT , To loon on Omaha city property at ! $600,000 per cent. O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Illd. ( ivr ONKY TO I.OAN-Oncltvnnd farm prop- rrty nt low rates. No dcluy. Cahn & wool- ley , VliZ Fnrnnni St. fi4'Jo37 _ _ to lonn to parties wMilmr to bulM. MONRV Campbell , aiO S IClh 6t. , Chamber of Commorco. ' 'in To loan. Lowest rutos. No ilclny. MONTY . Klco * Co. , over Commercial N- tlonal bank. 2.17 MONKV to loan , cash on delay. J. W. and 11 U Squire , 1413 F rnnra St. Toxton hotel build I ni. 6li MONIJY TO I.OAN-I.oans of $10 to $100 made on furniture , pianos , horses , wnifoiil , eto. , without removal , J. ,1. Wilkinson & Co , 1324 Farnntn street , over llurlliijton ( ticket onicc. MONBY TO LOAN rn Iniprovod city prop erty In Bums of H.COO to lfi.000 nt sU per cent Interest. Mmltsi Crumb. G4K MONI'.Y ' 1O LOAN on improyed real estate ; no commission charged. Leavllt llurn- hnm , llnom 1 C'rclirliton lllock 041 MONF.Y TO I.OAN-On city niopcrty In sums of f 500 and upwards nt lowest rates. Money fclways on hand. S. a Campboll.UlO Eouth Bixtcenth street. 847 LOAN Money Ixia.u placed on improved - proved real estate In city or county for Now Knglnnd Loan & Trust Co. , by Douslm County bnnk. ICth nnd CblraRO sti. 049 " M ONKY LOANIIDnt C. F. lleod ft Co.'s Lonn OQlco , on furniture , pianos , borsos.wagons. personal property of all kinds , and all othc'r nr- tlcles of value . without . U19 . VIVO VII * (1I141TI II IIKUI removal. B. 13th. over lllnpham s Commission store , All tnisl- ness strictly confidential. C50 TLfONKY TO LOAN-bytho nndorsiRnert , who AU has the only properly orpinl/ed loan agency In Omaha , Loans of $10 to $100 raado on furniture , pianos , organs , horios , wagoni , ronchlnery , ftc , without rcmoral. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loan ! so made that any part can be paid at any line.eacU payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances tnadn on fine watuhes nnd diamonds. Persons Ihould carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many now concerns are dally comlnir tate existence. Should you need money call and sec me. W. H. Croft , Itooro i YTUhnfill Bulldlnir 15th and nnrney. 8S1 riAHF. OMAHA Financial Exchange. * No'.S ° r.ncr.r . . "amoy and ISth its. , over State National bank. 1 ( | prepared to make short tlm * loam on any aralfabls gecurlty. Loom made on chattel * , collateral or real state. Long time loans made on Improved real ettat * at current rater. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Pccured notes bought , roldor exchanged. Bhort time loans inane oniecond mortgag * . according to marginal 'ntcreft , at collateral rates. Ucnl estate to cxchanc * for rood Interest bearing paper. Cenernl financial business of all Minds trant- ctod promptly , quietly and fairly. Money nlwars on hand for approved loam of any kind , without dcl.iy or unnecessary pub licity. Corbett. Manager. 053 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and 'Jriist Co. , IMS Farnam street Complete abstracts iur nlshcd , nnd titles to real estate examined , per fcctctl nnd guaranteed C7D BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB HALK A woll-cstnbllshoil restaurant und confectionery business In good locution nnd doing peed business. Iteasons for selling. Adrress A 1C , lice olHco. 1309 * Foil FALF.-Or Trado-Bmall stock of gro ceries In first-class location , llcoson for celling owner iroing into other business , Address - dress Stotts , Cox ft Houeton , 1807ti Fnrnsm at. t'58 ' 7J FOIt SALK Or Trade-A largo three-story brick hotel In live western Iowa town of 6,010 pop Newly furnished throughout , ImnO.1 bed rooms , steam boat , gas , olectrlo call and nlarm bolls , cltr v/titor , eto. Near depot and business center. Must bo disposed of at once on account of noor health of owner. Terms rcaHonnblo. AdJross Stotts , Cox ft Houston , ie07ii Fnriiam. 9.18 "CTlOll SALE A complete Inundry , Inciudliif J horses , luuncfs , two wagons , twenty horse power engine nun boiler , Watson washer , Weston u ringer , 12x12 dry room , shafting pulleys , stoves , building , eto. , complete all In perfect working order , liiqiilro of I. F. lion- nett at the offloo of 0. F. Driscoll , 1422 Dodge st from 10 IL in. to2 p. m. 7t8 8J T > AHK buiinops chance ; for Hale , the stock , J-V lliturcs nnd good will of u first-class cloth ing store doing a good business , centrally located , only reasons for Belling tr-o owner lm other and more Important business. Parties meaning business may address U. 18 , Dee office. t5 ! Oil BALK-Meat market , tools , fixtures , horse and wagon , everything complete. Good location ; good trade. Address U 48 , Hue. C2HaiiT ( 8J W'ANTHD Parties who desire to buy or sell or exchange stocks of general merchan dise , dry goods , groceries , boots nnd shoes , hardware , drugs , Jewelry Improved or unim proved town orclty property. Improved or un proved farms In any pnrt of the United States , to address Krnupo * Foster , 818 8. 16tb st OriiahH. Neb. B5.1 ° | jlOI ( 9ALR 1 ciffor for sale the United States -L hotel cor of Douglas and 10th st. Said hotel has accommodations for 60 boarders and runs In connection n bar with n full stock of the best liquors ; will sell cheap on account of slck- ness ; Imnilreon premises. 572 la UBINKSS Chanc < r-For sale-A Hook of dry goods , elothlnir , furnishing goods , boots andihoes ; al o tlxiures. With this stock a four } ears lea e of n double store cnnbe obtained in DUO of the best retail localities in the city. In formation at Dormnnn'i , Buy South Thirteenth . BUHINI'.SS CHANCE -For sale stock , Ilituros and good will of ono of the lie-it retail grocery stores In Omaha , centrally located , reasons for si'lllnv party ha other business. Address V 60 , Hco olllco , NCI 8 TANTKU Partner , J200 ; tlO dally , mil S. ' 10th st. eo.'as * SALII The writ-known llawloy bouse of 40 rooms , on account of thedeatli of mv nife. Will sell property or sell furnlturo and rent house to rirht person. A good chance to inaKu money. Address Prop , North Platte , \ N el ) 4TJ a 7J \ 'Ij'OH SALK Or exchange , foundry and ma- -I chlno vhopi Will sell machinery and tools sopnrate tiom Iliu real estate. For partic ulars cull on or address Hammond > V Gibson , 1314 Douglas etrcnt , Oinnhii. 07510 " 1OH SALE Lunch counter doing a irood J- ' business , or will ro'it to reliable party who can give good security. Inquire 81 { cor tth and i'nelllo stg. 125 8J 1OH SALK Law library , cheap. Wheeler A -a.1 Whoiilcr , Douglas aim 1Mb st. 667 fj > OH nxCHAN3t-Good : Omaha uroperty for Jlocks of goods , farms or horses ; also gome good farms for Omaha property. Cone & Johhson , 724 N. leth it. 10007 1 fOH 3.U.r A half interest In a Turkish ' bath bouse. I'artv taking Interest must lake artlva part la the business. Address ItoomS.XlOtnilh st. Lincoln , Nub. 121 BJ FOH RAL.T > noardlnff house nnd furnlturo complete. Oil M s w cor , of IPtn and Izordsts. Mrs. Freeman. ? 02nJ \\'ANTliD OniTbFtwo smart buslneat men with * IOOtofiOOcipltalto make J5OiX ) before - fore the snow diet. Hoom 4 , Crounsc block , leth.t. 811 10 rOHPAl.I rino stock of fresh groceries. 1'ony team delivery wagon ami harness. Kino location and doing B good business : 1 year lea-con bulldlnir with privilege of 2 moio. Hrnlcd CiO per month. Whole price 11,100. Will take part In city property , If satisfactory. Terms to suit. J. F. Hammond , 1178. 10th M. 7C3 WANTliD Partner In the drug business ; ex cellent stand. Address L 71 Dee o'Tlcc , t30 UJ WANTKD-An energetic loumr man with omo capital For Infornmtion cnll nt W ANTKD-Partner with I-'OO : good cash paying olllco business , well established , I2 ! > monthly clcur ; no risk. Address Vo 7 this olllco. 14 7 WANTED Partner in Oregon lumber lm l ness. Capital 110,000 to * :0,000. A llrst class Oreuou party wants a partner to estab lish a yard In Omaha. Enquire of i : . I oso- watr-r. f.M 13 | PERSONAL. " | JKH8ONAL-$5 ) will buy an elegant hanging JL lamp with decorated shade , cut glass prisms and Amazon burner. This lamp Is sold plcou horn f or $ fl.50 to $ s. Only A fnw left. Call early at Moody's china store , UOJ North ICth st. I'M 7 PEII8ONAIf-tl.r > 0 will buy one pot trlpple- plated silver teaspoons at Moody's china store , 'M : North Ifith st. A written guarantee gUcn with each net sold. 14U 7 PKItSONAL The Gate City Kmployment of- llcoil4H : B 15th , supplies the best of Scan dinavian and Herman girls. PEIl80NATPrnil for your sewing machine needle' , oil and repairs to the Sinner Man'lK Co , 1518 Douglas st. Omaha. 4C3 028 PEHSONAL Hemovcd from 1211 Davenport st. to 311 North 12th , furnished rooms for rent. C.4-12 1 > KHSONAL Gentlemen , attention. Good board and rooms at Ml S. 18th St.reasonably 7M aug UJ PKKSONAL-Mrs. Or Nannlsj V. Warren clairvoyant , Medical Ond buslneil Medium Boom No. 8 121 North ICth at .Omaha , Neb. LOST. STHAYUD-On the Bth instant , n dnrk bay mnro , Imvlntr n halter on and n lonK Btrno nttnchcd thereto. A liberal reward will bo paid for thnnnliiinl's return to the corner ol' Lowe aud Mercer iivonuos. Chns. .1. Han. . RTHAYFI ) 2 bay horses 9 yonrs old. woljrhlntr about 1:00 : pounds eiicti. Itefirn to llolln V Slovurs , 510 n Kith , Omuhn , Neb. , mid not 10- tvard , t'50 ' 11 JtVKNTY-FlVEilollnrs * reward. Strayed or ? stolen fiom rcnr of 111 N 17th Pt , n largo roan horse , about 17 hands lilgh , wclKhln be- twcen 1,1'COond 1,400 pounds , rcdlsh brown mane find tall , bind ankle homewhat swollen- $25 will be paid tor return of nnlmnl to owners , nt 110 H Hth st.nnd If stolen the sheriff of Doug las Co. will pay n re nrd of | 50 for the arrest and conviction of the thief. 898 FOUND. FTIAKEN UP Came to the residence of the -L subscriber In I'nlon precinct. Douglas county , about flrst of .lulv , a rod heifer white on under fide of body , part of one horn biokon supposed to l ) ! 1 ycnrs old , owner Is requested to prove property , pny charges or she will be Imposed of Hi'CordlnK to law. Simon llnrts Irvincton. Nob. ! . 6,13 20. 27 CLAIRVOYANT. MUS. nritANT Clurivoyant from lloston Is rnllnblo in nil nlTalri of life , unites popa rated lovers. : r.n ! ICth 1. P4fisept 3j STOHAGE. T lKbT-CLASS 8 to rage at 110 N Hth ft. 659 3TOIIAOF. First-class storairn for nice tur- J nlturo or boxed eoods , atlSU Dodee-tt. 6BO MISCELLANEOUS. MHS. R. W1NDKH8. lortuno teller , the best In the city. $1,000 will be paid to party doing bettor than 1. 408 N. 16tn it. , iip-stnlrs liS 13 * TIIK Gate City Employment office , 31414 S. Ifith street Orders for nil kinds of help BOllcted. 929 FOIt TUADE Wo hnvn several Rood house ? and lots that wo will trtidii nt cash prices for first mortgage paper. These houses nro now nnd ranifo In prlco from $ . ' 1,000 to 7.VX ) . 1'ork , 1-owler i Kennard,1607 Fnrnnni. 8S3 7 TIIOSK In want of first-class nurses a bousokeepors can bo supplied frco ol cherpe by calling on Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport Bt. U4. " > 7 /"I OOD reliable help of either sex always on vJ on hand at the Scandinavian Kmploymont Bureau , 1010 Harimm street. 72J-7J DO you want boarders and roomers ? Lone your orders nt 314K ti. 15th s . , Unto City Itentalofllce. V2 R IELTAHLE Insurnnco , Illackburn & Kennedy , 318 South 15th st. b70 0 MAONKTIC Healing Modliimioure nil kinds of sickness In connection with clairvoy ance of the pnst , present and future. J. H. Pagcler , North State Bt , mile west of fair grounds , P. O. box ( TO. 010 a28J mO kxriiANlR-For ( good family horse" and X phaeton , 80 acres of Und , ( req from en cumbrance , within three miles of county seat. Chas. P. Henjauiln , 1512 Farnnm st. 555 A HE you looking for employment ? Call at 314',4 S. 16th Bt. , the Onto City Employment office. U2 ! > /1ASII buyers of furniture , stoves and house- \J hold goods don't go to the lontr tlmo hl > rh ptlcod stoics , they go to 117 N 16th. 647 nug7 TO EXCHANGE South Omaha lot free from encumbrance for span of good horses. Chns. P. Benjamin , 1512 Farnain st. 5.15 M ONF.V talks lor furnlturo nnd household goods at 117 N 18th , Your prlco for cash , 643 nug7 TJTOKRRNT Square Piano $ J montblr. JD Ho8pe,1613 Ooojlai. Ml "I71OB IIENT Organs , $3 per month. Home , JB 1U3 Douglas. CGI Ol. C.-Houio furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J. Donner , 1316 Douglas st 683 F I OK KENT Mquare flano , tmoDtDlr. . Hoipe. 1513 DouvUe. 681 FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOH SALK Good Singer sowlnir-maohlno. al most new : very low price. 13HN. 21st st. 151-7 * _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALK A No. 1 marble top sideboard , will sell awful cheap. Address A 4 , Ueo olllco. U74 8 FOH SALK-Jersey cow , 4 years old , A 1 milker , has calf 2 weeks old. Apply be tween 0 and 7 p. m. 1707 Cais. 114 8j FOH SALK Onoof the llnest prhato car riage teams and family carriages In the city , party leaving the city. Addrots A 4 , line olllco. UTU 8 FOH SALK-Good saddle homo , sultablo for lady W. W. Houston , 100714 Fnrnam st. tJ7 ) 7J FOH SALK The furniture and lease of n 2tl room Hat In the heart of the city. Cheap rant and long lease , furniture tlrst class Ap ply to llrown A Lrt-lghton , solo agents. S. K. cor. 10th and Douglas. 100 7 'ij'OH HALK-A lotof good fresh farm horses - aand mules at lloman * Terry's stable. 413 S 13th st , U25 b OH SALB-Uprlght Piano at Great Sacrl- lice. A prlv.ito party must sacrifice a lung- nlpccnt 7 * $ octave triplostrung upright piano ut loss than one-half value. Hare chance to get a flue piano cheap. Address V ea llee olllco , 0187J FOH SALK-At a bargain , a 6-room house with closets and pantry , eto. . lot 25 feet cast front , 5 blocks south of court bouse. Address - dress V30 , lice olllco. B2Ua10 IJIOU BALK Furnlturo of 8 rooms with priTl- -L logo of lease of bouse , 707 6. 14th St. E1OH SALK-2 horses , 1 for V ) , l for $110. Call at 911 N. IMhst , between Ciiuimlngs aud Izanl streets. F. H. Wclss crbcr 106 7 * FOH SALE-Furniture , good will and lease of thu best paying small hotel in Oiiiaua , Constantly lull of first-class boardort. Prlco f 1.5DO. Investigate this. J. J > ' , Hammond , 117 8. ICth. _ Tfl9 17IO11 SALE Pug dogs ; flno English pug * and A Italian Greyhound puppies for sale. For priced and description , address llox 2CO Topeka , U0 J SALE Horse and wagon suitable for general lisa Will cell lopnrutrly i ( desired. Inquire 116 N J tU. BAtK-Vour choice of the best lnc ! of buggies , carriage ! , phaetons , surreys , de- Ivery wnirons , open nd top- ono fln hunting w icon. Call nn 1 look through or aond for cuts and price to Columlius llupgy Co. , 1113 Hartley ' "irOH SALE or trido-Patont rlght Tbo -L most practical Invention out. Needed on ovcry larm and la every household. A llvo man can net $20 per day In tbo city of Omaha. Call and BOO tt at 214 S , ICth st Mutual nircncy , 10J7J SALE A now Invention with pntcnt JU riifht worth J10.000 , will soli for tl.OO ) cash. Call 813 8 So ; cnth Btrcct city. 922 7J _ A HAHlfoppohunlty ollorod by widow lady 2\- ' 1 wo horses , ono Is the hiind ome. high brrd , fa t trotlor nnd rend horse , Chrstur Wllkcs , got by Oeorgo WlllifS. sire of Harry Wllkes. record 214 ; < J , dam Llzzlo llllnker , the dam of Luco I leming , record of 224'i. In fact 1 Have blspodlgico ; Chester Is a bay gelding , 15li hnnds hutli , wrlghlng fully 1,000 pounds , fi yearn old nnd hns a long flowing mane and tall nnd Irro from spot or blemish of nuy kind , H j Is without exception the most perfect gon- tlomiin's family nnd road here tn the city ; ho needs no boots or too weights , has grout car riage nnd endurance , ilocs not shy or pull : per fectly mfo for tno most timid person to drlio ; thcro is as fine n strain of blood In his veins as cnn bo traced to any trotter of the ngc. Ho has never trotted for anv money , BO bus no public record : would make n valuable horse for rorrt or track pur- posci : ho sliovod two trials when my husbntnl purchased him a little over n year airo In 2 : ' < ! i nnd 2 : B ; > , driven by John Hampton , nt which tlmo he courod cons'derable , nnd ho Is ns good uow , If not better , nnd will warrant him to bo in everyway ns icpioeontod , and to trot n full mlle In2't0 : , and the tlmo snown purchnsor ; nlso the handfomp nnd beautiful bay mare Minnie , 7 rears old : can go out any day nnd trot in 2:35 : or better : the was fired bv Nut wood , record of 2l8H : ; I also hold her full pud- iKrco ; they rniiko mi excellent polo tontn ; would prefer to sell them to some person In the pountry that would tflv-i them n seed homo. Would allow n responsible party n trial of 30 rtoys , to test their speed nnd driving qualities. 1 will wnrrnnt them In ovcry particular ns rep resented , or I will pny expenses both coming nnd going. The prlco of the two Is $750 , or you can have your choice for $401 : that Is not near ns much us either ono cost. For further Information mation cull at my residence , 3123 Wabnsh av. , Chleauo , III. 108 8J FOH SALE Carpets nnd furnlturo. and house lor rent , 113S. 'Jin ! between Doug- Ins and llodiro. 414 S NAP Fiinnturo nnd lease of 9 room" , 3 uloclis trom P. O. 11. li Colo.flinS IBtli. ( - 3l'.i ' | BEPTbURKlos nt Orummond * Co's. Surreys and cubrioleta Clarkson cnrts. Phaetons , Itockawnys. Dollvrrv WHirnns , now nnd old , Fpcond-hand bu Kl < " : . \Vm. H. Urumraond & Co. . builders , 1315 liar- ncy Pt. 121 n'J FOIl SALK Curloiul of Oregon horses and ponlo * , brolton to rldo , cnti bo Peon nt Furuy's IliirnZ5W Cumins St. 701 7 * TflOH BAI.i : Ono six-foot uprluht blncK wal- JL nut show case , Milton Hover * .V . on. 909 TJUII SA1K Oil nnd pasollno wntron , tonra , I. harness and route. Call bet. 12 nnd 1 at 1413 DodKO. 815 FOH SALE Spun flno matched bay driving horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 316th St. WANTED MALE HELP. UrANTliO A ( Ompotrnt bookkeeper ( cilthcr sox ) , a ptcnoirriiMhor and typewriter pro- fcrred. A 18 , lice office. 1M-7 * WANTED An ciicrcetlc n.nn to travel us partner In tnn licst pnylni ; li.isinefS on tlio road. fl'O cneh required. Money well secured. Ull'J Slotli Bt. 160 rANTKD Young man out of employment to make from $1 to $5 a day liM'J ' S 15th l.V ) WANTED Salesmen : flvo trnvollnnr Jules men ; salary nnd expenses : no experience necessary. Address with stump. Palmer ft Co. Wlnona , Minn. 1:17 : * WANTHD Ily a wholesale piilnt iinil ( fill's house , n boy in or 17 years of HRO to make himself nenurallv useful. Addro s In own handwriting , stntlnir salary cznoclod und . ( - Ivlnsr roforenccs , P. O. box fli , City. 142- : rANI'ED Cook , male or female. Good wages , 101 N. nth st. 141 r "YVANlF.D-Ajrcnts who have had lots 4 and ( ! , block 8. Plulnvlow , listed nt ftl.CiOO to withdraw ttio same at that price , M. 11. Com- itoek. 148-K * W ANTP.D-Mon lor railroad work. Al bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm. 75 WANTKD Solicitors , unmodlatoly , for clfy work. Oood paying buslnesa. Apply , n. 32 , Planter's house , DS4 7J W ANTKD Itollroad laborers for Dnkotn , Moore's Employment agency , f03(8.10tli. WANTRD Salesmen , a now invention needed in o very house ; 300 per cent com mission or n good salary to right parties. Ad dress with stamp for terms the Weaver Manufacturer facturor , 34 N State St. , Chicago , III. 734sl * W ANTKD A boy to take care of home for his bonrd and school privileges , ( lood homo for the right boy. It. li. Wallace , lice office , ! ) to 11. W7 \\fANTKD-Twcnty-tlve laborers on Omaha V > CTtonslon Chicago & North Nebraska Hallway , tour miles west of Fort Omiino. Wages $ i.OO per day. C. P. Treat , Contractor. t-OJ UJ W ANTKD 2 experienced feed boys on small presses. To those who can makii rnndy good wages paid , Hoes Printing Co. , 1015- 112 South Hth btroct. l 77 W ANTKD Harbor. Steady job for tlrst class man nt 711 S. 28th bt. Also the best payIng - Ing Bhop in the city for sale. Inquire nt above number. IkoS. Hall , W. 7J WANTED A young mnn well nciunlnted In town to solicit joti work , Oood wnccs for the right pnrty. Omaha Post , 1120 Cnpito W'fl 7 * WANTED A young man who understand book keeping thoroughly , nnd Is cnpablo to do collecting for which ho can give security , Best references required. Address A. 3 , lieu office. IM3 7 \\7ANTKD Oood carpenters. Apply corner T > 20t U and Wool worth ave. Fred Smith. ll'J ' 8 WANTED A few men of business qualifica tions cnn flnil employment as solicitors , wais ( . ' 50 per day , nt Mrs. Uregn \ Son , 1C in p. office , ilins. 1.1th. 77S8J WANTED 50 trackmen for Wyoming , blir wairos nnd good Job. Albright's Labor Ajrenoy , 1120 Farnain street. 117 WANTED At once , 3 coat inaknrs and 2 pants makers. Address M. llor.loldt ft Son , So ward , Nob. 78 J S \7PANTEI-A solicitor. Apply to Omi T > TowolCo.,211 S. llth st. 070 7J V\7ANTED"A boy with horse to carry a route T > on the Uvenlng lieu in the soutn part of town. 146 WANTED FEMALE BIELP. WANTED-A yoiinjr lady apprentice 10 learn art embroidery , at 201C llnrncy. H7-7 WANTED-An experience 1 housekeeper , white woman preferred. Apply between 5 nnd 6 p. m. , 101 N Hth St. , Lulu Itogors. 131 WANTED Good girl to do general house- Work. Apply n w cor. California and 80th. 733 \ \ , ANTED-Al 1808 Dodge st. 2 good waiters TT at $1 per week. Broiij Vl'ANTKO-dlrl to do general house work. Inquire at2115South llthst , ? 07 10 * _ _ WANTKD-Oirl for general house work. In quire 620 South 1'Jtli. 711 \VANTKD-llntton-holo makers , 1112 Far. ' nam. tU7 7j WANTIID-Qood lady cook , 2 dlnlnp-room room iclrla. I laundresi , at Omaha rest - t unint , COtN. 10th st. "KJ 7J of a Hrst-clftfs peams- tress for thno weeks who will take part remuneration lu board. Address at once A 13 Ueo olhco. _ U'Q 7J WANTED Ladj- canvasser at ICO'J Howard 8t 103 12 _ VirANTKD-rirst-classglrU for all kinds of T worn , free of ciiariro , at Mrs. J. W. Morrison , IMo Davenport Bt. 844 7 \\'ANTCD A ( ? oed cook and a second itlrL Tt Apply to SOJ4 ChloaBo street. H13 7 WANTED-Solleltors , immediately , for city work. Uood paying business. Apply. H. 32 , Planter's homo. _ 9H 7J \\7ANTBD-A cook nt Oakland hotel. Button , TT Neb. Must have references ; ladv pre ferred. _ 873 10J WANTBD-Chmnbormald for Colo. , 20 ; Iaundr8 9 and cook for same bouee.dlsa- washer and illnlnir room itlrls forsamo house , a glrU for ptlrato famillos , no washinir. $5 a woek. lOdlnlnw room jflrls , I ulrls to brio In kltclipiis , 5 women cooks for boardlnir houfes , lauiidrris for private family , 2 polishers , one second ctrl , and 25 Klrls for housework. Girls wantlnir work at irood wa < es ciii always nnd employment at Mrs. IX llretia & tSon's,3Itl S 1Mb. 1107J _ \\7ANTED-Two nlrU at Doran house. 424 8 18th st , , near Bu Uary't are. W4 SITUATION WANTED. \\'A\Tii-9ltui : lortbyiTrocertr clerk with TT three years tuporienco. Address A. 17 , Her. V II 11J-7 * \ VANTKOSltilitl Idl with a rcliRlilo firin by T T a man of lorut biisnc | 9 ( ' .tporluncc , nnd Is willing to RO on trial for thirty days without pny. Ilc t of references address A 12 , Hco olllco , city. 1J9-7J WANTED A jnunulady 1 ? , refined and tal ented , Is de rouK of feourliiB employment - mont In jorao musical capacity , Kxvolient rrferenc § . Addre's A if , , Hep olllco. 130 9J \ \ rANTllTSltuarioii.riady : will a slst In T T light botuo worK and irlvo piano lessons In return tor a.homo with a Kood American family. Address A7.Hoo oniee. 10412 WANTIJD Hy botnpctcnt rcplstcred drilir- tiift B situation In city store. Address V 72 Hco olllcu. t'3.1 ' 7 \\7ANTKD-8ltuatlons Hellablo help fur- T T uMiod free as as bookki'rpors.collcotors , gen. otlico clerk ? , porters , janitors , coiichm h , i cam Morn , ctiKlrtcors , llrt'im'n.drupj.1't.liaKors , barbers , etc. Apply to the Mutual employment AKcncy. 211 Sotllli liltli St. upstairs. V > ( js jj WANTED-Situations for book-keepers , col lectors , Rcnoral oillce clerks , watchmen , porters , oiiBlnoers , firemen , coachmen , team sters , bakers , bather * , \e , Apnly to .Mutual I mploymunt AKCHC.V , 214 South 10th st , up- stulrs. 111 1 f J " \\rANTKD-A man SI jcars old , wrll-known TT in the city , wishes n position where ho can maKe USD of his horse nnd buggy. Address A 1 , llctolllcc. . l'027J ' WANTHD those wnntlnir help or sltun- lions as Rpncral oflico clerks , assistant bookkeeper , collectors , I'litrltu-iTS llrouion , watchmen , portcM , Janitors , coachmen , teams- sters , bartcndrs , etc. Apply to the Mutual 1 mploymcnt aircncv,214 8 ICth st. , up-talis. U427J \\"ANriJD Situation as nrchltect's or penT - T T eral clerk , or irood truvollnir nfrency. .Moderate salary accepted. Kirst-cl.iss tcstl- tnonlalsand ipfcroncos. Address. Alfred Ili-ck , care of John II. Lloy , West Hill , I'lalto Co.Nob. HJ.I I5J WANTnil Situation as collector by mar ried man well acquainted In the city ; good references. A 14 lice oftitc. 122 J MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\AN'Iin--tS,6'0 ; for ono year , Have 1m- T proved property in Omaha that ptij'8 10 per rent on a * 45,00 < l valuation , that Is Inuiim- tiered for f 10COO.HlKivo Pi'cond mortKano as collateral. Addrcns fcttttlng Interest ro- ilillicd. A6 , Heoollico. VSO \\7ANTP.l ) -Hoom nnd board Avlth pil\ato T T family , In first-elms neighborhood. Address - dress , atatlntr terms , A 10 , Hco olhcu. 15 7 * \\7ASTIJD Hoard and lodr"i ( T or loduliur for > T u single gcntlonmn. Addrcssboz A 24 , lloo onice. liU 8 WANTKIl Any ono wishing male help of anv kind have the Biitnu furnished rco. Lot us know what you want either by word or letter. IBth st Kmployment ollicu 2.0 N 10th St. 127 7j WANTHD-Wo have plenty of irood helpsuch iih cooks , it iris for hotelsrc5taui ants , hoard nu IIOIIBCS , private families , aowlnirc. . Also men for ah kinds of work Those In want of liclp will do w ell to leave orders with us. Those nautili'- positions should apply to ICth street mploymunt onico.-'J N. 10th St. 128 7 * AXJANTKD Information of the whoro- TT ubouts of ( jeorce Cohlcn , from South ChlcaKO , 111. He left Ms homo on May 28th for bt. I'aul About four weeks IIKO he Ion that place lor Minneapolis. It is thought that ho Is : > r wns In Omaha. Any information ol him will be thankfully received by AllcCohlon , 1 * . ) . box ( ill fouth Chlcafo , III. Will state inipprs iloa-o copy. 131 12 * W ANTKD Torentlby Sopt. 1st good Rovt-n or L'lKht-ionm Ijou-so near car linn. Ad ilrcss J. I ) . Hlanchard , 2204 rarnuin strcut. 162 H WANTF.D-Ho.1nl Iind room In n prlv.ito family , bv U frnntli > man and nife without chlldi en li. C. , I' . O. box 180. 102 7 W-ANTUD To leasq , a brink yard In rnnnln ? order , ori-Touiid suitable for opening u yard. Address A , llt'O olhco. 113 7J V\7ANTiD : Hoommntc for larpo front room TT and alcove In privatu family ; best locn- lon. In center of oltv ; references roiiio | ted. Address A U , Hue ollicu. 'J'.U IOJ W ANTKD To tent , > cpt. 1 or thereabouts , at least 10 room IIOIIM' , with furnace ana bath room. Address by letter H. II. llodiros. 2vW St. Mary's avo. 108 7J W ANTKD Ono of the larBest manufactur- mjr concerns In this country can use n few moiogood solicitors in thlscitv or state. Tncxccptionrble retcrences roiiulred. Exper ience not cKFOntlal. Salary and commlKslon Address V M ) , Hco oflico. G63 IOJ VN ANTED Pupils In English branches and music , n , w. corner 1Mb und Farnnm. 7J5 si * W ANTED-A few boirders nt 1720 Dodge st. Hefercncos requested. 701 FOB , BENT HO USES and LOTS. FOIt HE.NT. 22-room hotel , good location UNO years lease , furnlturo for saloon easy terms. 18-roora house , $2 , ; K ) worth of furni ture for $1,50J , 2 eight-room houses. 12-room house , f 1.200 worth of fuiiiltu-u for t nO , il-room brick il'it , unfiiinWied 11-room ( Int. unfur- nlshed , T10 , n loom house for rent at 1'JUSoutli 13ih St. Co-Operntlvo Lund imd Lot Co , 201 N , ICth St. 151 0 10H HKNT-WlnTow and part or half o"f F store. 1420 DodfO St. 128 7 TJIOH HEST A H room lint on Howard Btroef. EnqUlicnlOSlBth. 9J3 f F .OH . HE\T 10 room hoiibOat'.MlO Pierce at For terms apply on premises. 741 OHHCNT-Fino new brick house ; have ill F modern conveniences. 2JO N.l'.ltn ' . 7CO 8J F OH KENT 3 room cottairo on lnt and Pnul streets. Inquire ntC17 South 13th street 901 FOH HKNT A three-room house on 24th Btroct , south of Leavcnnorth , A. P Tukcy.iigont , 1121 Farnnm st KV5 FOH HUNT Hou c. Furnlturo for Bale. 10 room house 5 blocks Irom opera houso. Fiirnltuie for Bnlo on verv low terms Cause of removal sickness. Address Y60 , Hco olHco. X527J FOK IIENT 5 elegnnt brick store rooms on Fork men no , opposite park. Will be com pleted in .B ilnys. Apply on the premises Irom U to 12 n. in. A. 11. Flush. U7H FOH KENT Nlcofi room house.2th St. , ono block train two car linos. F. K. Darllnir,41U S. lath. 08.J 7 FOH KENT 3 room cottage. No. 101S Sout IHIIi , near Ploico. 'J7 ' 7J FOH KENT A tlrst-clnss ten-room houso. ex cellent location , cast of high school. Will soil a part of the turnituro If desired. Address F. C. M. , euro 1510 Dodge street. JUo 7 * FOH HF.NT llriok house of seven rooms , cellar , cistern and barn , largo lot contain ing fruit , n bargain to the right party , uood tornn. Inquire No H-S N 17th at. 9JO 7J "ijlOll KENT Elegant brick residence , 10 -L1 rooms , modern conveniences. Inquire Morse & Hrunner , 1605 Farnnm fit. O2't FOH KENT ! ) room lint with all modern con veniences. Furnlturo , good as now , for Bale cheap. Wood .V f.'o. , HOiJ-H Capitol two. C99 FOH KENT Two large new stores and two tlalsof flvoroonn each. City water und gas. On Saunders St. O..W. Cain , SfM Ohio st HU FOH IIENT New store and living rooms on Cumtngst nonrSaundera st. Apply Har ris Henl Estate & , Loata Co. . 320 S. 15th st , KS3 FOK KENT 6-rooin nrlck Hat near I * . O. : 3 unfurnished rooms , f 10 ; 50-room houso. now making $150 per mo. Co-oporatlvo Land mid Lot Co. , 201 Nltlth Bt. 'J41 7 FOH IIENT House , flvo roomi , largo lot. do- sirublo locatlon371U ' Decatur it , $2.1 pur month. U. G. Walhico , room8iCroig ! bton blk. FOH KENT New 6-room house 1 1-4 miles south of IVO. bet 20lh and 21st sts , $18 per month. Clurkson , Wood A Co. , Ills B. 15th.9M 9M FOH HEN I'Harn tultablo for four horses. Inquire at 617 S,13lh st. 611 IOil HEVT StablH near Farnam and 17th i1 at Kooms 1 and2 , Omaha National bank T/OIt KENT Five room house , east side 27th X1 st. third house bouth of Dodge , f 17. .1. H. Hlngwalt , 218 South 15th. 723 FOH IIENT A 5 room cottage near cnr lino. Ilallou Ilros , 1510 Douglas. 493 Z'J FOH KENT On N W cor 15th and Vlnton , 2 stores,20x50.11 rooms upstairs , suitable lor families or roomers. Call ut premise ! oren on M. Donovan , 233TS 13th st. 893 OH KENT New 10-roora bouso ; all im- provt-inents , steam beat. C. W. & O. E. Thompson. 314 B. 15th it 1000 FOH HENT Office space on ground floor at 1MW Farnain. Apply In r ear office. J. & Hjchardson- _ 602 a'iO ClOH KENT Store room suitable for grocery J- ' f tore or butcner shop , on tbo southwest corner of 7th auil Pacltlo streets. 074 /1HOIOE I.ol for I.CIKO. Southeast corner J 4 > xbVi' Lravenworth nnd Park avo. , or will build to suit tenant. Hobble Urol. r A3 FOB RENT KOJOM8. pcntlotnon cnn secure board and room JLIn iirlvato family , centrally located. J2S cnch. IloforcncM' 61S North 17tli fct. 157 7 * FOiriir.NT-Eleirn7itlj furnl lied front room , ulth fr ) < t-clnes bonrd. Terms uiodcrato. 2J11 Hint st. 132 OH HF.NT-Furnlshcd rooraj , 152J Jackson 144-0' 1710H HENT-Furnl hed room N. E. cor. 10th -i. " nnd St. Mnrj's nve. MM. Wnllnco. 140-0 * I neil HENT-Onices with nil conveniences. 1 Frank J. HaiiiKo. 14.VI ) FOH HF.NT Two nicely furnished rooms nt 2118 Hurt st. 14l > . POH KENT Furnished room , with board. 2713 Lcnvrnworth st IH. FOH HENT-Froiit"sittllig nnd bed room , 417 N. 14th St. 971 FOH KENT Nicely furnished Inrto nnd small rooms , 111 S. I'-th. . ' ! 7J FOIt KENT Furnished trout room or n suit of two rooms with board If desired. 117 8 17th st. 58Ti 9j FOH HENT Elegantly furnished , rooms Bin- gloor rnsitite , wltli use of bath ; olectrlo bells In every room. First class restaurant at- Inched , at Norns European hotel , corner Iflth nHd _ Webster. C6n _ FOIt HENT Fiirnlshoil rooms , slnglo or vn ciilto , pas , bath and every convenience , 2207 Douglas. 813 U | "I71OH HUNT Two neatly furnished rooms , Jvery dcslruhlo location , private family. Also room for two or three nlco table boardnis. S. E. coiner Twentieth nnd Farnam. 411 aU * FOH HENT-A nicely furnished room at"ill St. Mnry'anvc. 421 FOH KENT Furnished rooms with ( ivory convenience. 2020 St. Mary's nvo. ! Ul FOH KENT Furnished plonsant , cool Iront room with three south wlmlows nnd largo closet , 1714 California. Hall of ltd tloor for rent , between 12th and 13th on Farnnm. C. F. Gardner , furnaces and Mo\us , 719 N. 16th. ll'iod diy storajro for a few mnro stoves , nnd will put them up in fall. C. F. Gnrdnur , 719 N. lOlh. 311 I OK HENT Furnished room * , tinth nnd modern coincidence's. 401111511111 , Mil 7J FOIl HENl' Newly furnished south front room , nil convenience ? , prlvnto family , Inqnl ut 2100 Farnam St. KT5 7 171OH KEN 1' Ono nicely furnished front loom for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Prlco very reasonable. Apply nt 2C10 Capitol nvo. U09 8J POH KENT Furnished rooms , 712 South Iftli street. 854 FOH KENT Handsomely furnished fron room , 1718 Dodge St. V49 7HH HKNT A nice largo front room , nil . modern Improvements and nicely furnished 601 S 20th st. 213 HKNT Hooms with bonrd. 504 sflKthT" 7SJ BUg 12 * 71OK KENT A r.erman family would like to - rent a furnlehod room to 1 or 2 stonily young men , 512 S. 20th. n 4 7J FOH HBNT-.NL-OIV . furnished room for n gentlomnn. 1412 NS8tn fit. 791 8J POH HENT Largo front parlor with oay window , and nlcove , also other rooms with nodorn conveniences at 1321 Fnrnam st , ono block west of court house. t < 24 POH KENT-Offlce room JIO per month , 2nd I1oor. 310 S. 15th st. 4tO : "C10H HENT Three nlco unfurnished rooms ntllfll ninth . 815 7j FOH KENT Olhcos nt Ifila Fnrnnm st. Ap ply to Patterson & Moore , Omaha National bnnk. 2tU FOH HENT Pleasant furnished room nt6'17 Pleasant Bt. ! 55 7 FOIt HKNT I'mnifhod room in Greunlg blk , cor 13th and Oodiro st. Inquire of Davis & llcthcrlnvton , MIMard Hotel Hilllard room. 291 OH HF.NT FurnUhod rooms and parlors with all modern conveniences. 701 Soiub IStnst. 788 7 * Foil HENT. Nicely furnished rooms for families or single person. 714 N. 19th Street. 42l.a.8 TTIOK KENT Dpslrable furnished room for -L' gonl lemon nt 8JU Howard st. * FOR HENT A largo front room In now house hi'.th , nnd latest modern improve- inents , 1018 Webster stieet. 122 FOH HENT Desk room. Fronzcr bloek , room 3. 978 7 FOK HENT 3 furnished rooms. 713 S. 19th street , 1 block south St. Mary's nvo. 972 7 ] ToH HENT Koom and bonrd nt 219 N. 13th st JD 9817 * FOH IIENT- Two nicely furnished front rooms , 10.1 N. 18th bt. UCO 7J FOR HENT-Two furnished rooms en suit nnd ono slnglo room. 2028 St Mary's nvo 118 8J : HKNT-Furnished rooms. 1707 Cass. 115 HENT Finely furnished rooms , with excellent - collent board , on cnr line , 1718 Caps at , 10 ir.lnutL'B from postolllco. IIP 10 ] TjlOH KLXTFurnlohcd rooms. J8 to $14. t-00 South 22d. VM 8 * TjloTt KEST NTcery tunilshed fronTroom.JH , Jbplemlld lu'lirliborliood. Address A 8 , Ileo onico. 1191 7 FOH Hl'.NTrooms : ; sultablo for house keeping , Eouthwost cor. 21st And Nicholas St. 59.1 FOH KENT -Furnished rooms in ( iriienlg block , cor 13tn and Dodgo. Davis & Hethor- ington , Millard hotel blllnrd room. 839 POH HUNT Furnished rooms , 1812 bodro. 78(1 ( FOH HENT Part of office room. Inquire at 1212Dou/rlaS8t. / 913 17KK ) KENT Furnished rooms 1815 Dodgo. < 631 FOH KRNT-Nlccly furnished room , IG23 Dodge. 119 FOH HENT I'Icasant slnvlo or double room All modern conveniences. Cheap to gents only. 211 823d st near Farna'ii. 953 7 FOH HF.NT Three rooms ulablo for Ilgh housekeeping Cor. 7th nnd 1'acllc. En qnlro at IU7 s l.itn. 954 FOH HFNT-Furnlshcd room 1818 bt. 8&2 sept & TTUDK HENT Largo front room furnished for J-1 gentlemen , ground tloor ; maple tree * ; grass ; pavement ; street cars every llvo min utes. t-09 Howard st. Also rooms furnished and unturnlslicd for light housekeeping. l > 21 FOH HENT-Plcaannt turnlshod rooms , IfilD Dodge. 9JO llj FOH HENT Ono nltoly furnlshod roomfirst tloor , gentlemen only. 1701 Capitol nvo. 917 8J FOH HENT Furnished rooms with board , 1903 , Farnam. CM ( ill * "IjTOK HENT Finnlshod front rtom , near car -i ? line at corner of Dodge and 24th street * . Inquire of A. H. Comstock 152J arnam st.K18 K18 FOH HENT Newly furnished room. All conveniences. Pilvata family. Near busi ness. 1013 Capitol ave , 371 7 * FOH HENT-Furnlshod room with board for Kontlnman ; roteroncca required. 1724 Douglas street. 703-8 * FOH HENT-Newly furnished room , bonrd if desired , 1720 Dodge st . 704 FOH HENT 4 or 8 unfurnished rooms , suita ble for block from court house , on lllth street , between St. Mary's avo. and llnrnov st , modern conveniences , liefer- cnccs required. M. F.Martin , ownor. Hi-l > OH KENT Furnished room , 102) ) Dodge , FOH HENT Sulto of 4 nlco rooms sultablo for housekeeping , references required , llth st , Just north of bt Mar/s avo. Water , sewer connections , gas , folding doors &c. 594 FOH HENT The largest store room in town. Inquire at the Argus olllco , Albion. Nob. 401 KCP 13 FOIl KENT Suite of furnished rooms for gentlemen , A. Hospo , Jr.,315 N. 17th. FOH HENT Desirable cool rooms with board In private family ; pleasant homo , modern conveniences , terms reasonable , 635 I'limsiint tt | BJ4 HJ HENT-Nlcely furnished looms , to gentlemen - tlomon only,220 N. leth bt. . lloom 8. 948 FOR HENT Wuro room cor. 14tQ and Cull. Ifornta on Belt Line , lor particulars en quire at Union Nbt bank. 164 FOH KENT Elegant suite of rooms , refcron- ces required , ltK17 Douglas et 197 "IjlOH HENT Furnl'ihed rooms , en suite , In -I ? private family , modern conveniences , Apply to Ltaho & Leslie , 18th and Dodge HIP. 718 FOH nEN"J-Nlcely furnlihod room. Dodge tt. 19 rOBSALEHOUSE3 LOT3. T ) F.JUlDELlNnhcFXposltlon couii-ols " ( Is JVto move very toon. If you want to rent it 6-room house , n tl-room homo ( new ) , n i-ramti hotiiu , all coinenlent to street curs and to city. Or to buy n house on monthly payment ! * , or to secino the cheapest lot now olforcd In Iliuiseom place , Kountro place , Shull's addition , Hartlctt's addition. Ami n number of oxtraor.litary oders-on Lowe avenue , Dodge street , Loavonworth , oto. , rail nt your earliest convenience , John M. WeMiaus .V Co. , lloom 2 , Exposition building. Hours nt ollcc,9 ! to 11 a. m. , 4 to U p. m. 154 7 * _ 1" OOK nt our list fortfood thlnus every Sun- . 'day. Alexander .V ilrlgham. 140J Dodge st , Mngnlllcent bulldlni.Mto In llanncom Place. 2.V ) feet east front by 150 foot deep , $ : o,000 ! cor ner Virginia avenue. Neat little , homn in Improvement association , 7-room house , 12,100 ; rents for $ il per month ; good Investment. M toot frontngo on Sixteenth street , Sulphur Springs addition , $ . ' ,700 ; easy time ; look at this , 4 choice lots , Popploton park ! easy terms ; party going oust Splendid corner , Lowe's addition , 120 foot south front ; $3'H ) ; easy terms. 3 bargains on Hurt street , near Sncred Heart ; Motor line gnln * by. 140 foot frontage on Lonvonvvorth street , $00 per foot ; only this week. Flnu south front In DcnUe's addition ; $2,500 Splendid homo In Himobangh place , house 10 rooms : all Improvements , W feet south front ; $15,000. Konnt7o plncotots. Something handsome In .Torome park. Two beautiful homcx In Ilnnscom place. Choice acres In Solomon's addition. Corner In Omahix Vlow oitunslon , 100.\120 , $2.700 ; easy terms. Half block In Clovcrdnlo ; beauties. A very pretty homo in Shull's tecoiul nddlt ton ; $0.500. _ 15J-7 _ _ \VF.rnti8o for a , towilnyi only Lot lOil niso's addition for ftl3X ) I.o 171 GIsoV addition , $ ff,30D. niockl Hayd's addition , $ < * .1lJ. . . One-third cash , bnlnnoii 1,2 and 3 > cars. Homlngton A MoCormlck. 220 Soutn 15th it _ irO A NH 'E S-room cottage , ono block from oar 1 tics , on very ongy terms , lot 50x121 F. K. Darling , 4lfiS. 15th st. IW2 7 _ _ XTOTIl'E to rnnl o tito aponts. Heal o tate -L ngcnta are lioti-by notified to withdraw from snlo August 1,1th , block * 11 and in In Sohlcslnuor's addition , which adjoins the Pat rick tarm. / . T. Lindsoy. 900 BARGAINS extraordinary Cornur and 240 foot fiont on South ICth Bt. nt $75 per front foot. Onoof the most beautiful full lots In Walnut Hill worth $1.200 ; lor sale for $900 ; $460cnah. J. F. Hammond , 117 8 10th. 70'J A FEW bouses nnd lots for silo nt $1,000 , $100 en Mi. balance small monthly payments. F. K. Darling , 410 S. 15th. 982 7 F OH RALE-Or trade , 25 lots in the western pint of Omaha near the Henson car line , price J400 each , $250 due on contracts payable in 8 quarterly payments , will trade Interest in contracts for Nubrasxit land. MoCulloch .V Co. , 160U Farnam st. 1000 IF you want to buy , sell or trade , call on L. V. Crum,120N 15th Bt. lOu lots 'i of a mile of U. P. depot for snip or trade. U room house for rent Two 10-roora houses f or rent , ealo or trade. Idlswlldo. Hy 816 L V. Crum,120N 15th St. FOK BALE A cornnr lot , south front In Or chard Hill , for $ m James Stockdnle , 113 N. Kith bt. 771 8 FOH SALE 3 bouses with lease on ground. Cheap for cash. 813 S. Seventh stirct. i H24 7J FOIt SALE-50 No , 1 farms within a radius of 2U miles of OmatiH , Alsr. a tow good busi ness chances in two lira towns. J. H. Sllrls , 'teal Estate and Loan Agent , Elkhorn , Neb. 679 A up 8 A SNAP-Lot 1 , block 2. Lake ndd , roinor 19th mid Ohio. 01x140 , east front. $ J.750. $13.1 cash , balance easy. Active Hcul L'stnto nnd Property cxclinnpo , 1524 Dodge st. 941 7 fj > OH SALE Corner lot on Virginia nvo with JP two good houses , cheap at 57,00) . Terms sy. Houses rent for $70 per month. S. S. Campbell , 310 S. 18th Bt Chamber of Com merce. 273 EASTEHN Nebraska farms to exchange for Omaha property. Patterson & Mooio , Omaha National Dank. 643 LOTS 17,18 nnd 10 , block 14 , Clifton Hill : 19 is a corner and fronts south on Military ava , $1.000 , $11,10 cash , bnl. caay. James Stocudale , 113 N. ICth st 8fc7 10. IrOR SALE-tS.10 will buy 40xl27tf feet south front , In I-owo's llrst addition. Apply on premises , Decatur street between 34th and Mthscs Frank Fiala. 9I211J 6o4 ! loot on St Mary's avp. and 26th , splendid property for llats. F. 1C. Darllng,4Ul S. 16th st. 987 BARGAINS Wo hnvu for Bale several dwell ing houses nnd lots in good locations , which wo oiler on easy terms , nt low prices. Jackson & Nat > on , 1815 1-arnam st. (122 8 SPECIAL Uargnins-House rooms , barn , etc. , all new , Donlse's addition , $ I,70J , $1,000 cash , balance good time. Four 4-room nouses In Lowe's addition , now , $1,500 each , $20. ) cash , balance to suit. House 5 rooms , barn , full lot. Vales & Heed's subdivision , $2,500 , $760 cash , balance to suit Two lots , on corner. Grand View , nlco build ing Bltn , f'J.000 , ' 4 cash , balance long tlmo. _ H H Hall A Co. ll.t North 16th st 837 FOH SALE Ono million acres of land In Ne braska. Speculator's lands.railroad lands , ranches , and farms In all partn of the state. Send for pamphlet containing descrip tion and prlco of over one thousand farms. A flue topographical mapof tde state lent frco upon application. E. H. AndniB , for 10 years Cen'l Land Agent H. V M. It. It Eighth and P Btroets , Lincoln. Nebraska. 240 rnio is riucqciivTXD WITH TIIK oroamruT or rmi COUMTltX WILL , 8EK DT UAKIMJKI THIS HAT TIUT Till CHICA60ROCKISLAND&PACFICRAILWAY , ! The Great Rock Island Route" Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Its permanent war IsdlstlnKuUlirdrurltseieellenco. Its LrlJfcs are of ctono and Iron. Its track Is of sollit steel , Us rolling stock perfect. Itspabscneurequliim nt ha * Millie safety appliance * that ciperlrnco has proro I uieful , and for luxurious accommodations la uiuar- liasted. Its Kiprem Trains conslut of snix > rlor Uij- 1'ullman 1'ataco 1'arlorand . Coaches , elefant tiUcpt.iif Cars , superb Ulnlng Cars , prorldlns ; delicious meals , and ( between Chicago nnd 8t. Joscpb , Atchlson and Kansas Cltj ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. Its man agement Is conservative , It * discipline exacting. "The Famous Albert Lea Route" Chicago and Minneapolis and .St. I'aul Is the farorltr. Over this line bolld Fast Kxprcss Trains nm dally to attracted roiorts for tourists In Iowa and Minnesota , and , Tla Watt rtoun andbloux Kails , to the rich wheat and ifrailnf lands of Interior Dakota. Via Feneca and Kankaken , Ida llock Island offers superior Inducements to trailers IK t ween Cincinnati , Indian , apolis. LafitjettM and Council IIlutTs , ht. Joreph , Atchl son , Leavenworth , Kansaj < Mty , ht. I'aul , and Interme diate points All patrons ( especially ladlts and chil dren ) n celre protection , courtesy and klndlj attention , Fur tickets , maps , folders , copies of Wei tern Trail , or any desired Inlorinatlon , apply to principal offices la the United States and Canada , or address , at Chicago , I. R. CABlf , E. ST. JOHN , I. A. HOltROOl , f ltaO 1fcMIl. ! AH10 < ulMuarr. Otb.71l.4ri. * . Act SCIENTIFIC WlLKlNs oKi\ DAVIS Notice. Illds will bo received by tha board of public. lands and buildings at any tlmo before August IB , 1847 , nt 2 p. m. , for donations for the location for the "Nebraska Industrial Home. " Usual rlKhts r M > rvud. Ily order of K.I Id board. July SO , Ir47. ( I. L. LAWS , Secrclury. ' Ju29d- THE-RAILWAY TIME TABLES , , OMAHA. DUMMY TIIA1N8. llunnlnir Hulwron Cotitipll muffs and South Oniiilut. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop lit Twentieth ami Twenty-fourth Btrootsnnd nt the Summit in Umabn , WV-mvnril. COUMJIli ItMJKFH. THE CHICAQO AN ° North Northwestern western Omaha , The only road to take for Des Molnes Mar- shalltoun , Cedar Hni > ld , Clinton , Dlxnn. Chica go , Milwaukee nnd all polnt.s euRt. To the people - plo of Ncbrnskn , Coloiado , Wyoming , utnh. Idaho , AcviuU , Oicgon , Washington , nnd Cull , fornln , It ollns superior advniitagcs not possl- bio by nny other line. Among a few o'tlio numerous points of su periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road I'Ttwcen Omnhn and C'dcago.aro ' Its two train * a day of DA V COAUHES , which are the Hnesl that human art and Inpoiinliy can creuto. IU PALAOCESLEKI'INO OAKS , which mo model * of comtort und oleganco. Its PAHLOH ItllAW- 1NJ HOOM CAKS , unsurpassed liy nny. and lt < widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAItS , the equator which cnnnotlio found elsowhora At Council Illuirsthc trains of the Union Pnclflo Hy. connect In Union Depot with these of the Chicago ft Nortliuestcrn Hy. In Chicago the trains of this Hue iniiku close connection with those of nil ea'torn lines. For Detroit. Columlius , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Nlagaia Falls , Iliitlalo , I'litetmiirToronto , Montreal , lloston , Now York , Phlladolphla , Ilnltlmore , Washington and all poluts in the cast , ask for a ticket tin the "NOIITHWESTKIIN. " If you wish the host accommodation , All ticket agents soil tickets via this lino' 11. IluGIUTT , B P. WILSON. tienl. Manager , Ccnl. Puss'r Agent Chicago , 111. W. M. IIAIICOCK. L. H. HOLLE9 , Wesurn Agent , Pity Pnsi'r Agent , O mail a Nobingku. Proposals tor Scaled Bids , TlHi : School Hoard of South Omaha will re- colvo scaled tilds for the urcotlon ol a high school building up to 2 o'clock of Saturday. August 13th , IHH7. Plans and spocitlcatlons may bo Keen at the Stockman olhco. The boaul reserves the right to reject nny and all blda. OF SCHOOL , lloxiin , CITV OF BOOTH OMMIA. August 1st , 1887. aldlOt THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF Til K Heat Itoule fi'nin Omaha and Two Daily liciween Oinulia and Council lilulls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. I'aul , Minneapolis. , CcJarKapidf Hock Island , Frceport , Knckfonl , Clinton , Dubuquc , Davenport , El in , Madison , Jancevillr , Ileloit , Winonn , La Cros c1 And all other Important points Ilabt , Noithcajl . . and Houthcait. lor thiouuh lickots call on thn ticket a ont at 14D1 ruriian , t | , | n I'axlon hotel , or Ht Union I'aclflo depot. I'lillmun bloepois nnd Hie finest Dlnlni ; Cars In the world aru mn on thn main line of the CbliaRo , Milwaukee A. St. 1'aul Hallway uml c < v- cry attention Is paid to patocugeig by courte ous 1'iuployi'us of thu company. H. Mil , Oenmnl .Maimuor. J.I' TucKrit , AssistantIcnurul Mannk'tr. A. V. H. CAiirtNrru , ( loneiul 1'iMseiik'cr Rail Tlcknt Agent. OEO. K IUAf onii , AfslbtmitGeneral I'nsson- ger and Ticket Agent. J. T. CI.AIIK Oenurnl r-upoi'lntondent. W UNDEVELOPED PARTS of the budr culitytd ami tcnitheiiid | , full paitlo * ul4ri ( walcit ) b . J UK WKU , CO , UuHilci , N , T. .