Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1887, Page 9, Image 11

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The Happenings of the Past Week in the
Society of
Many Other Social Cvonta of n Picas-
nut Nature AVhoro Our So
ciety People Are General
Oo slp.
It scorns an Idle repetition to remark-
that society in Omaha during the past
week has been decidedly dull. Nothing
of an extraordinary character has hap
pened , and until the close of the heated
term nothing may bo expected moro than
occurrences of midsummer importance.
An Knjoynlilo Affair.
Thursday was selected as the day for a
reunion of the citi/ons of Omaha who
originally came from U'arren county ,
Illinois. In this city are now about 175
people who pride themselves as being
originally from that particular part of
the "Sucker" state.
At 10 o'clock Thursday about 100
ladles nnd gentlemen assembled at Han-
scom park to do honor to tholr former
homo in a congenial reunion.
Iho meeting of friends nnd former
acquaintances is always enjoyable to
those who have como from the name lo
cality and it is pleasant to discuss people
and aflairs connected with the tornior
homo. In Omaha are many residents
who at ono time claimed Warren countv ,
Ills. , a their home. Monmouth , the
county seat , Is the scat of Monmouth
college , a thriving educational institu
tion which has many alumni scattered
throughout the west.
Hanscom park was the place selected
and it was a merry crowd present.
Warren county , Ills. , is noted for Its
prodigality of living and thi reputation
was fully vended at Thursday's
picnic. The park tables never
saw a moro generous array of provinder.
And after a raid had boon made thereon
came the traditional "Feast of Reason. "
Alex G. Charton , sr. , the pioneer of Monmouth -
mouth people in Omaha , rcsnondotl to
the toast , "Reminiscences. " Rev. J. A.
Henderson to thu toast "Monmouth Col
lege ; Her Past , Her Present , Her Fu
ture. " D. M. Stuart to "MonmoutlijTlie
Ancient Ruins , " nnd General George S.
Smith toThe Great West ; Her Possi
bilities. " Music was to have formed a
feature of the entertainment and a per
manent orgnni/ation to have been ef
fected. but the gathering storm pro-
vented. However , a committee WHS ap
pointed to complete the organization and
next year it is contemplated to improve
on this year's eft'ort. Guests , and per
haps nn orator will bo present from the
"Native Heath , " and with the growth of
the colony the Warren county associa
tion promises to assume largo proper
tions. I'hero wcro about 100 present at
this reunion , including the following :
Dr. Ewing Brown , General and Mrs.
George S. Smith , Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Burlingam , Mr. and Mrs. George Babcock -
cock , W. A. Grant , Charles L.- Grant ,
Miss Etlio Grant. Dr. and Mrs. Frank El-
lenbnrger and family , Mr. and Mrs. B.
Duncan nnd family , Rov. and Airs. J.
. . , . . . .
Wallace and family , Mr. and Mrs. R B.
Wallace and family , Judge and Mrs. Me-
Culloch , T. B. McCulloch and daughter.
1. II. McCulloch , Misses Belle aniT May
McCulloch , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wes-
torlield , Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lorimer ,
Dr. and Mrs. C. M. G. Biart nnd family ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Biart , Rov.
nnd Mrs. Rufus Johnson and fam
ily , Mrs. Watson , Mrs. Gilmore , Mrs.
Ifolcomb , Mr. nnd Mrs. ChasL. Hart and
family , Misses Fisher. Peterson , Tidball ,
llattio ami Jo"io Swiler , Watson , Hays
field , A. Baldridgo , Dr. S. K. Spauldlng ,
Will Hordman , Bruce McCulloch , J. A.
Giles. Frank Jones , Henry McCoy. Will
iam Ba'rd ' , F. K. Babcook , John Hood ,
Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Baldridgo. Miss Min
nie Babcock ; also Mr. and Mrs. Silas
Porter , of Ness City , Kan. , late residents
of Monmouth.
Tun ANNUAL picnic of the Southwest
Presbyterian Sunday School , held at
llanscom Park Tuesday aftcruoon , was
in every way a success. Fully 800 people
were present , and , notwithstanding the
warm weather , every ono entered witli
much enthusiasm into the festivities of
* ho day.
TO-DAY AT All Saints church , Twenty-
fifth and Howard streets the following
program will bo observed : Litany and
holy communion at 10 u. m. ; evensong.
7 p. m. The services iu the morning will
consist of Stainors' communion service
in F. and soprano anthem , "How Lovely
nro Thy Dwellings lair. " For the otler-
tory Mrs. Lyman will sing "There is a
Green Hill far Away , " by Gounod. In
the evening the choir will sing Tours'
MnpnHicat mitl Nuno Dimittls in F , and
the anthem , "Urtxut to Us , Lord , Wo
Beseech Tlico , " by U.iruby.
* #
THE SUNDAY school KIIVO a "molon
cat" nt tlio .school house at "Saratoga1'
Thursday evening.
THE ricxic of tltoImperial club at
Tries ! ako on Friday was the event of the
season. No pains were snared to insure
a good time. The Second Infantry band
was in attendance , and every 0110 en
joyed themselves.
at *
A VKIIY pleasant picnic was givin Sun
day at the I'rio's lake by the families of
Messrs. Coonor and Stribrei. There wore
twelve couples present , and a delightful
time was had.
THE KNOAOEMENT of Miss Camclia
Krotseh. of this city , and Heinrich Son-
nensehoin , of St. Louis , is announced. The
lutly Is the daughter of Mrs. Kretsch , of
this city , the coming croom the son of
the Hev. Dr. Sonnouschein , the illustrious
rabbi of St. Lotus.
AN elocutionary contest will take
place in South Omaha Tuesday evening
at the First M. K. church. The contest
ants are local elocutionists , The enter
tainment promises to bo a treat.
Miss MAMIE WoLucNiiAui'entortainod *
n number of her friends last Monday
evening at her home on Twenty-fourth
and Howard streets. Tlio occasion was
in honor of her eighteenth birthday and
was on joyed by all. Among those pres
ent were Miss Minnlo Matthews , Miss
Lilllu Matthews.MIss Jennie I'orter , Miss
Li//.io Porter , Miss Maud Corey , Miss
Kmma (5ray. Miss Mary Forward , Miss
( llystine. Miss Kate Kewltt , Miss Delia
Kovvitt , Mrs. L. J. Wollonhaupt , Miss
Maggie Keeps , Mr. Hordnian.Mr. Dewey ,
MrFinlayion , Mr. lUair , Mr. Kyle
Smith , Mr. Diabold.Mr. W. O. Patterson ,
Mr. A. .1. Ludditt , Mr. J. Matthews. Mr.
J * . ,1. Wollonhaupt , Mr. F. II. Wollcu-
TUESDAY KVKNINO at 8 o'clock the mar
riage of Mr , James Cameron and Miss
Mary Harris took place at No. 514 South
Fourteenth street. The ceremony was
performed by llov. Ir < Kerr in'tho prcs-
once of a number of friends of the con.
triictlnir | wtU . They wore attended bv
Mr. E. K , Raymond and Miss Tony KJolT-
ucr , and the bridal group mado. a very
impro.'sivo'picture. The bnda was the
recipient of many valuable and useful
presents , and among thoau present wcro
Messrs. Julius , Paustinn , Sandonborg ,
v nrloy , Fairweathor , HnrlAn , Stewart.
Kwell , Kloflncr , nnd Mrs. and Miss
Schlorstlng , Mrs. Ilattlo ( Jcstnor , Mrs. F.
Klcfluer , nnd Misses Agnes and Hulda
Klcflnpr , Klllo Fioht rmd Mngplo Judgo.
on Thursday evening last entertained , at
their homo on Dodco strnct.a few of their
Kate Wood , Nnttio Wood , Sndillo Stone ,
Lcttto Stone , Flora Adlcr , Alda Mills ,
Martin Drown , John llrown , Charlie
Stone , Charllo Datiseman , Harvey Smith ,
Dert Coombs , Albert /ehncr , Joe Abor ,
Hob Shallor. Charllo Gibbon , Wallace
Droath , Charllo M. Council , llartnet
ON MONDAY a very pleasant picnic
wns given at Htinscom park which was
attended by many of our young folks.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Shelton , Mrs. Shears
and Mrs. C , D. Woolworth chaperoned
tlio party nnd a most enjoyable time was
had. Among those present wcro the
Misses Yales , Miss Vashti Miller , Miss
Loomis of Council Dlufi's , Miss Jordon of
St. Louis , Miss Kln/.lo of Chicago ,
Misses Kountxe. Kennedy , Burns , Lake ,
Leila Shears , Orchard , Dixon , Ida Sharp ,
Clarke , Woolworth , Miller and Smith ,
Mr. and Mrs. Love , Messrs. Hoed , Dr.
Smith , Paxton. Wakeloy , Will McCaguo ,
Howard , llorbach , Chase , Stevens , Hall ,
Poppleton , Caldwell , Downov , Jordou ,
Dcrlin. Bosill and many others.
A surprise partv was given in Walnut
Hill by Miss llattio Swiler lost Friday
eveninir in honor of her uncle , Mr. Frank
( r. Duckloy , lately foreman of the print
ing department of the dcat and dumb
Institute , who is preparing to move
farther west. It was finite a "silent"
allair , but certainly a grand time was en
joyed by all. The deaf mutes of the city
worn present.
Judge K. S. Dundv is at Falls City.
Mr. Paul llorbach H at Spirit Luke.
Mrs. Dave Kaufman is at Natasket
Mrs. Reuben Wood is at Clifton
Mrs. C. A. Lucas left last Saturday for
thu east.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bennett are in New
OMrs. C. S. Raymond and family nro at
Mojuokcta , la.
N. Kulin left for a trip to the Atlanta
sea coast on Friday.
Mr. L. 1) . Hill and wife arc at Old
Orchard Beach , Mo.
nD. M. Uro , of Monmouth , 111. , was in
the city the past week.
Mr. W. M. Babcock and wife have
cone to Mnnitou , Col.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wakeficld have
gone to Colfax Springs.
Mrs. I. W. Miner nnd Miss Alexander
have gone to Spirit Lako.
Mrs. A. C. Spurr , of Pierce , is visiting
the family of F. A. Balch.
Miss Lulu Ballentiuo left Wednesday
for a visit to Lake Minnctonka.
Mrs. Rev. H. C. Crane is spending the
summer in Boston and vicinity.
Mrs. A. R. Knight , of Dubuque , is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hudson.
Miss McCan has been Iho guest of Miss
Vashti Miller here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Gilbert and family
have returned from Spirit Lake.
D. M. Doty and wife , of Luramie , Wyo. ,
nro visiting friends in the city.
Mrs. O. H. Rothaokcr loft on Thursday
for Mauitou and Colorado Springs.
Misses Addio and Charity Dabcock and
Miss Bontly arc at Soda Springs , Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wheeler , jr. , re
turned Monday from their trip to Du-
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Snvder have
taken rooms at No. ' . ' 18 North Nineteenth
Mr. A. B. Hudson and wife hava taken
Dana S. Lander's house , 2017 Howard
Miss Etta Fiuilk. Yankton , Dak. , is
visiting her sister , Mrs. Palmer , of Wal
nut Hill.
Miss L. Panotte if visiting her cousin ,
Miss Panotto , and other friends in
Miss Maggie Fitzmorris has returned
from a two months1 visit to relatives in
Bullalo , N. Y.
Mrs. Anna M. Yates , Mrs. ColpoUor
and Mrs. Duliois left Tuesday evening
for Spirit Lako.
' Mrs. Alex McGavock has returned
from a journey to friends and relatives
in Doloit , Wis.
Mr. Charles E. Williamson and Miss
Nellie , have gene for a three weeks visit
through Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCrcary nnd Miss
May McCroary left Thursday evening for
their Laramlo ranch.
Mr. Merrill , an old friend of C. H.
Rich , of the South Omaha Stockman ,
was in the city Friday.
Frank Washerman , of the United
States Mational bank , accompanied by
his wife , has gene to Denver.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George H. Boggs , Mr.
and Mrs. D. Kendall and Miss Maud Ken
dall have gene to Minnotonka.
Lieutenant Abercronibie , Second in
fantry , will leave about the -'Otli inst. , on
a two months leave of absence.
Mr. Thomas Swobo , wife and family
loft for Soda Springs , Idaho , on Monday
evening to bo gone three weeks.
Miss Ida Schaefer , a prominent teacher
of the public schools , Cincinnati , is visit
ing her pistor , Mrs. E. C. Erlling.
Miss Florence Hawley , of Nebraska
City , is visiting her friend Miss Kathrine
Barker , at 1)303 ) Si. Mary's avenue.
Mr. Herman Kountx.o and Miss Eu-
gonhi Kountze , left Thursday evening
for the Yellowstone National park.
The Rov. Mr. Millagan has been
granted a month's vacation by the Sara
toga church , of which ho is pastor.
Mr. Harry Davis , head salesman for O.
S. Goodrich , left last week for the Rocky
mountain country to recruit his health ,
Mr. Frank B. Rodofer , of the Union
National bank , is spending a few days
among tha lakes around Minneapolis and
St. Paul.
Miss Faunio Walker , who has been
visiting in this city for some time the
guest of Mrs. L. M. Jacobs has returned
to Napa City , Cat.
Mrs. Lieutenant George H. Morgan , efFort
Fort Davis , Tax. , arrived in Omaha on
Thursday nnd is visiting her mother ,
Mrs. Harry Drownson , nt ' 'oil ! Daven
port street.
Mrs. A. Whin , neo Miss Minnie Rath ,
is in the city stopping at 1)22.North ) Nino-
tcenth street. Sno will bo in the city for
several weeks , and is en route to her
homo m Salt Luke City.
Mrs. Dr. Jainns A. Van Dyke stopped
over Wednesday in the city , the guest of
Mrs , C. D. Thompson. Mrs. Van Dyke
is on her way west to join her husband ,
who has located at Benedict , Neb.
Miss Ella Kennedy , accompanied by
her nephew , James Kennedy , has gone
west on n recreation tour. They will
visit i ohtlvos in Colorado , Nevada and
California and bo absent about two
Mrs. C. A. llcrgstrom , of Guttcnburg ,
Neb. , is the truest of Mrs Gustavo Ander
son. Mrs. Bergstrom was formerly ah
opera'singer of considerable note , her
stage ntimo being M'llo Orlando. She
win ? born in Stockholm , Sweden and yet
possesses a marvclously sweet voi'co.
The Famous Friend of Labor Attempts to
Explain the Recent Repeated failures.
Disorganization Among the Men
nnd Closer Union Among
Employers Various -
Oilier Matters.
NEW YOIIK , July 80. Nothing has
jiiado such n ripple for many a day in the
labor world ns the astounding defeat of
the most powerful trade union in the
Unl'cd States the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Engineers in Us unexpected
struggle with the Brooklyn Elevated
road. So conservative Is the policy of
this great brotherhood , = o cautious nro
its methods , that it is rarulv led into n
strike hy any aisputo , nnd when this ex-
trcmo ncasuro Is resorted to , It Is after
preparations which are supposed to give
the best promise of success. The olliccrs
of the brotherhood prefer arbitration to
harsher methods of action , and they have
so often succeeded with it tint they look
upon it with the best guide out of all
troubles. But , in the Brooklyn case.thcso
olllcers departed from their customary
policy , gave their approval of the strike
of the engineers , and thus secured for it
the backing of the powerful brotherhood ,
which lias very largo resources. It was
intended that the Brooklyn strike should
bo a masterpiece , "short , sharp nnd de
cisive , " in which the brotherhood would
win a triumph all the moro shining because -
cause of the defeats recently suttcred by
other industries. For years past it has
rarely won in n strike for the reason that
its lenders have rarely tolerated a strike ,
and tins also would have made the ex
pected success all the moro noteworthy.
On account of these things , the result in
the Brooklyn case was startling and
stunning. The engineers wore defeated
by a single blow from the manager of the
Elevated Hallway company , llo refused
all oilers to arbitrate , though they were
made by the strikers , by the chief oHicors
of thn brotherhood and by the state board
of arbitration. Upon calling for en
gineers lie found all ho needed at short
notice , and the elevated travel was but
partially interrupted for only a couple of
The Brooklyn failure came on the heels
of a long series of failures in strikes such
as cannot bo found in any report , of other
. A lull record has boon
years. jus > t pub
lished of the strikes of the lirst half of
the present year in the United States. It
is without parallel in any otiicr equal
period in the whole history of modern
industry. They nro nearly twice as nu
merous as the strikes in the lirst halt of
last year. They number moro than all
the strikes in tiic whole of Europe dur
ing the past ton years. They give evi
dence of au unprecedented perturbation
in the industrial armies 01 the United
States. 1'romtho beginning of January
last till the close of Juno wo hail no
fewer than 635 strikes , involving close
upon 250,000 strikers , directly aflectiiig
fully 1.500.000 of our working popula
tion. In tlio building trades the strikers
numbered over 60,000 ; in the business of
transportation , over 50,000 , in mining
and shoe-making nearly 20,000 each ;
and in several of the industries
from 5,000 to 10,000. The papers have
told from time to time of the bad luck
that befell most of them , and the final
summing-up shows that fully two-thirds
belong in the category of failures. Whim
this is contrasted with the ollicial state
ment made last year by Labor Commis
sioner Peck , of the state of Now York
thr.l two-thirds of all the strikes in this
state during the your were successful it
will bo seen that there has been an adverse -
verso change for which there must bo
some profound cause.
It is doubtless partly'duo to the rapid
growth of combination among employers
in order to resist tha demands of labor
and to the widespread weakening of
many of the 9rganizationsof wage-work
ers. Regarding the latter part wo have
had souiu amusing developments during
the past few weeks. It was ollicially re
ported in the Knights of Labor conven
tion at Fall Hiver a few days ago that the
strength of the Massachusetts district
had diminished as much as two-thirds.or.
in other words , that the membership had
fallen from 83,000 , which it was lust year ,
to 27,00,0 which it is at the present time.
And while this has boon the case in that
state with the wage-earners on the one
hand , great combinations of employers
such as never before known have
been formed on the other hand.
The result of Qtho weakening on
one side and of the strengthening on the
other was seen in the cases of thn lead
ing strikes , such as those of the shoe
makers and street car men. As it is
with the Knights of Labor in Massachu
setts , so it is also with those in the other
states. Ollicial reports at headquarters
show that in the state of Hhodo Island
the strength of the order has diminished
more than four-lifths. The proportionate
decline in Connecticut has been fully as
great. In Now Jersey it has been less ,
yet very heavy. In the chief district in
the city of New York the decline has
been fully one-half. He ports of similar
character from other states are to bo
found at headquarters and when the
general assembly meets , three months
hence , the papers will procure statistics
very difleront from those which wore
telegraphed from Richmond in October
of last year.
There are doubtless other causes than
this for the recent poor luck of labor ,
and political economists will be ready to
deny that this has had anything to do
with it , yet it is a fact that labor's luck
was better during the two years of rapid
organization (183U- ( ? ) than it has been
since the decline of org-iuization.
At the present time striking appears to
have come to a pause. The strike of the
bricklayers in Chicago and that of the
cokeworkers in Pennsylvania have just
ended. The largest strike yet in progress
is that of the 5,000 operatives in the har
mony cotton mills at Cohoes , N. Y. , who
arc holding out for a slight advance in
wages. The managers of this strike , who
are local otllccrs of the Knights of Labor ,
have reported to a somowh'it ' novel ex
pedient in shipping away the operatives
to other localities wherever work can bo
procured for thorn. The operatives
being destitute of the means of support ,
and their general organization being
nnablo to maintain them , ways of relief
are thus found without which the strike
could not have been prolonged.
The most cheering news of late for the
workers of the country relates to the hot-
tlemoni of the great bricklayers' strike
in Chicago made by the committee of ar
bitration , which consisted of representa
tives of both sides , with Judge Tnloy as
umpire. No such document as the um
pire's report , by which the activity in
the building trades was restored after
the big anil bitter strike , has ever been
seen In thn country. After stating that
the organizations of laborers and of capi
talists are now fixed factors ! in industrial
society , the judge declares that the busl-
n es In which both arc engaged is a matter
of "joint interest to be regulated by joint
action. " In consequence ho scoured the
appointment of n permanent joint com
mittee of live from each ; orgajii/ation ,
with an umpire belonging to neither ,
.who are empowered to fix and determine
working rujes , rates of wages , hours of
of labor , question of apprenticeship , and
other matters , as well us tactile all
grievances , so that strikes , lockouts nnd
other disturbances may bo wholly prevented -
vented hereafter. As both sides unani
mously agree to adopt this project , nnd
net upon its provison , wo may look for n
better condition of things honcoforwnrd ,
so far ns they nro concerned. This cor-
talnly is n long stop toward securing bol
ter relations between capital and labor.
[ JIli Wallace I' . Itctil lit the Atlanta ContttttMon. ]
The mysterious disappearance of Major
Potter caused considerable talk at the
time m nruiy circles , but the factc have
never been made public.
Major Potter was stationed nt a small
post on the coast of Oregon , and the
absence of telegraphic and mall facilities
is perhaps ono reason why the
unfortunate man's fate has remained
unknown to all except a few of his
brother olllcers.
The major's special hobby was explo
sives , ilo was all the time experimenting
with dynamite and other destructive
compounds , and it was his firm belief
that ho was on the track of n discovery
which was destined to revolutionize
modern warfare. *
As there was no llttlo danger connected
with tha major's experimonts.tho colonel
in command of the post persuaded him
to occupj a cabin at some distance from
the quarters of the other olliccrs. Thus
secluded the veteran mixed his deadly
chemicals , and tested his inventions nt all
hours of the day and night. Ills friends
had their doubts , but when the inventor
" turned up ono morning with his mustache
ana eyebrows singed off , and on another
occasion appeared nt'brcakfast with only
ono ear , it was admitted even by the
doubters that he was making progress.
"There is no tolling what ho will do
ne.\t , " said the colonel ono morning ,
when the roof of the Major's cabin was
blown skyward with a thundering re
Everybody agreed with the colonoland
after that the major was quietly watched
by the entire command.
"Colonel , I've got ill" shouted the
major ono afternoon , as his superior
olliccr passed his door.
"Glad to hoar it , " briotly replied the
commanding olliccr , as ho started oil' in
another direction.
"If you will come in " began the
" Hiank you , " was the prompt answer ,
"but I've promised to meet Captain Jones ,
and I haven't a moment to lo'so. "
The major rushed into his don nnd
darted out again.
"Hero it is , " ho said , exhibiting a little
round pellet in the palm of his hand.
"Why , that that looks like a pill , "
remarked the colonel , edging oil'a little.
"No matter what it looks like , " re
sponded the major ; "I know what it is
and what it will do. You wouldn't think ,
now , would you. that a little thing like
this , at the slightest tap or jar , would
blow up the entire campy"
"Confound you , " roared the colonel.
"No , I mean I bog your pardon , but I
can't stop another second , 1 must go. "
At a safe distance the colonel paused.
" 1 ! " ho " the
say , major yelled , "for
Lord's sake put up that blasted thing ,
and don't bother with it to-night. "
"On. that's all right , " answered the
other briskly , "lam going to test it in
the day time away from headquarters. "
"That's a good follow , " laughed the
colonel. "Why not go a few miles up
the river ? You need a wide field for such
experiments. Take all the time you want
nnd find a suitable place. "
"It's all right , " growled the major. "I
nra not going to do anything rash. Don't
be uneasy , "
The next mornlng.jitan early hour , the
colonel was notitiodjTOat Major Potter ,
desired to see him at once.
"lie is sitting down in front of his
cabin , " the man said , "and ho appears to
bo sick. "
When the colonel , accompanied by
several ofllccra , reached the spot , they
immediately jumped to the conclusion
that their eomrado flras a very sick man.
The major's face usually ruddy nnd
cheerful was of n deathly pallor and
woe-bcgono in iho extreme.
"What is the matter , my dear fellow , "
asked the colonel kindly and with some
anxiety in his voice.
"Lord help mo , but I'm in a fix ! " was
the gloomy answer.
"But what is it , Major ; arc you ill ? "
"I'm n dead man as sure ns 1 live , "
groaned the major dolefully. "You
know that thing you.called a pill ? "
"Yes , yes , " said the colonel , hastily.
"Never mind about that. Tell mo your
symptoms ? "
"Tho fact is , " explained the sufl'eror ,
I've swallowed it ! "
"Aro you crazy ? How did it happen ? "
questioned the visitors.
"Well , you know I didn't do it inten
tionally , " said the major , "I was not
feeling well in ( ho night , and 1 got up in
the dark and felt about on the table for
my box of pills. I found the box and it
had only ono pil ! in it. This I swallowed
and then went back to bed. After awhile
it occurred to me that the box ought to
been half full of pills. I struck u light
and found that I had been fooling with
the wrong box. The pill I swallowed
was the explosive pellet I showed you
yesterday , "Colonol. "
"But greatgoildlomighty , man ! " ejac
ulated the colonel , "what will bo the re
sult ? What are you going to do about it ? "
"I give it upreplied the major ,
mournfully. "I have been sitting hero
over since I found out what 1 had done.
Yo i sue , I have to move with great care.
A jar , yon know , might explode the thing.
Then , I don't know what to do about eat
ing. I'll have to take liquid food , I sup
pose. If I swallow any hard substance ,
and it comes in contact with the pullet ,
the jig will bo up. "
"Keep still a few hours , nnd you will
bo all right"suggested the post surgeon.
"I doirt know , " and ilia major shook
his head sadly. "Tho stuff is a mixture
that no mortal man over made before ,
and it is Impossible to toll how it will af
fect mo. I fear that I shall "
"What ? " asked a young lieutenant ,
"Bust ! " gasped the.victim. "Bust is the
only word that expresses it. If 1 don't
go up in the air I'm liable to tear a hole
in the ground at an vi moment. You see ,
I know the force stored away in that
thing. All the powder packed away in
our magazine is not equal to it. "
A whispered conversation ensued
among the olliccrs.
"Have you taken any medicine ? " in
quired the post surgctm.
"Nothing except brandy and water ,
and I think I'll go in and take another
dose. "
After advising the major to remain
quiet , and promising to return In a short
time , his friends left him. It was break
fast time , nnd they desired to discuss the
ease among themselves.
"I believe that there is something in
it. " was the Colonel's opinion. "Ho
knows moro about explosives than any
man living , and I have no doubt that ho
has succeeded in inventing a very de
structive nllair. If he has swallowed it I
think that ho has just cause for his
alarm. "
The post surgeon said that ho did netlike
like to speak positively about such a pe
culiar ca o , but he did not mind saying
that the situation was neither dangerous
nor critical. With llttlo prudence , the
patient would be able to bo uu and about
as Usual In a few hours , or by the next
clay nt farthest.
"I think , " volunteered Captain Jones ,
"that his mind is out of gear. That
would explain the whole business' . "
"And.I think , " suld a lieutenant"that
hoisdrunk. , "
Th.cso views , however , did not" meet
with much favor , and the kind-henrted
warriors sat down to brpnkfnst wllh
thoughtful faces.
Just as there was a lull in the conver
sation there was a deafomng , stunning
crash , louder than the jarring roll of a
dozen thunderclaps. The building shook
and rocked. The dishes danced on tlio
table , and the furnlturo clattered about
the room.
"My ( SodI The maor has exploded I"
As the colontl said this his face was
as whlto as a sheet.
A wild rush was made for the door ,
and once there the spectators saw the
realization of their worst fears.
In the dense cloud of smoke , shooting
up from the spot where the major's cabin
hail stood , could bo seen countless frag
ments of the wreck whirling round nnd
round in the air. Pretty soon they began
to descend in a shower , coverlnc the pa
rade ground with pieces of shingles ,
planks and logs , while numerous parti
cles spattered down into the river a
I hundred yards away.
v , \ \ hen the bewildered party reached
the scene of the disaster ihcro wns llttlo
satisfaction to bo obtained. A smoking
hole In the ground and the scattered de
bris of the cabin wcro all that could bo
seen. .
There was no trace of tlio major.
Had the daring inventor exploded ?
The olllcors looked at each other with
awestruck countenances.
"No , I cannot thinu so , " said the post
surgeon , reading the question In the in
quiring faces betoro him. "Spontaneous
combustion is possible. Such cases have
been recorded , but if the major roallv ex
ploded it is a phenomenal event witliout
a precedent , Tito poor fellow took too
much brandy and went to work with his
chemicals after wo loft him. That is my
theory. "
"Do you regard itasimpossiblo"askcd
the colonel.
"By no means , but it is highly im
probable. "
' Then,11 said tlio colonel , firmly , " 1 believe -
liovo that the major exploded. "
"And that is my opinion , " chimed in
several others.
Notwithstanding the most careful
search , nothing belonging to ( ho missing
man , not oven a button , could bo found.
The river had doubtless swallowed up
The explosion of the Major did not lig-
uro in the no\t report made to the secre
tary of war by the commander of the little -
tlo Oregon post.
At the very last moment the colonel
tore up his lirst reuort and substituted a
briefer document in which he stated that
Major Potter had come to an untimely
death while experimenting with explo
But the truth of history cannot bo sup
pressed. \ \ hat the war department
failed to get will soon bo known far and
How Buchnnau Rcml Cnme to Write
That Famous I'ocin.
Cincinnati-Commercial Gazette : Read's
last studio was upon the north side of
Fourth , just cast of Kim street. It was
there that General Hooker lirst mot the
distinguished lady who afterwards became -
came his wifo. "Sheridan's Rido" was
composed Monday. November t , 1801 , in
the front room of a three story brick
building , vet standing , and now known
as No. 41) ) West Eight street , then occupied
by Cyrus Garrctt , CMI. , brother-in-law of
air Read.
The simple story of the composition of
the famous ode is this : The evening of
that day had been set apart for the Mur
doch ovation , which took place at Pike's
opera house. Mr. E. D. Grafton , the em
inent artist , had metGarrett unon Fourth
street in the morning and handed him
Harper's Weekly containing the picture
of "Sheridan's Ride to the Front.1 After
a word of conversation in regard to the
illustration , Garrett took the picture to
his residence , anil.soon after the subject
of thtr < 5ctbbrated ride , as sketched , came
up. The following is Mr. Murdoch's ac
count of that conversation , ns told upon
the stage , by way of a prelude to roiul'mg
the poem : "During the morning a
friend with whom 1 was conversing hap
pened to pick u ) ) thn last issue of Har
per's Weekly , on the title page of which
was the picture of Sheridan. 'There's a
poem in that picture , ' said my friend.
'Suppose ' I have ono written for you to
read to-night ? ' 'But , ' 1 replied , 'I shall
not have time to look it ever and catch
its inner moaning and beauties , and besides -
sides I am not in the habit of reading a
poem at night written in the morn
That friend was Cyru Garrctt.whohad
previously familiarly said to his brother-
in-law , "Buck , there is a poem in that
picture. " To which Rend replied. "Do
jou suppose I can write a poem to order
just us you would go to Spraguo's and
order a. coat ? ( It is Mr. Alexander Hill's
impross'on , however , that this remark
was also made by Mr. Murdoch to Read. )
After this Read and Murdoek parted
Read to his room and Murdoch to his
When Road retired to his room ho said
to his wife : "Hattic , do not lot mo bo
interrupted. I am not to bo called even
if the house takes tiro. " During his se
clusion Read called for a c"up of strong
tea and then resumed his pon. About
noon his work was done. The nonm was
given to his wife to cojy | , while Road at
once loft homo and going over to the
studio of his friend said : "Grafton. 1
have just written something fresh hot
from the oven and loft Murdoch com
mitting it for recitation to-night. "
Concerning the reception of that poem ,
as inimitably interpreted by Murdoch ,
the Commercial's report was : "Peal after
peal of enthusiasm punctuated the last
three glowinc verses. So long and loud
was the applause at its end that Mr. Mur
doch was called to the footliirhts.and Mr.
Read only escaped thn congratulations of
the audience bv rofusinsr to respond as ,
ho could not adequately do , he seemed to
think , to the clamorous utterances of his
namo. "
A remark madp by a nrominot citi/on
may also bo given as indicating the effect
upon the audience. When the poem was
ended and Sheridan had "got there , "
with profound relief , the Into William
Resersaid : "Thank God ! I was afraid
Sheridan would not get there. "
"In a conversation with Read , " said
Mr Grafton to the writer , "I once ven
tured to say. 'Road , did you take nothing
but a pot of black tua Into your room
with you when you invoked the muse for
'Sheridan's Ride ? ' " To my surprise , in
a most unexpected placid manner
ho said : 'I took nothing else
but that. Let mo confess to you
a fact : I can do nothing with the
pen unless I am clear-hoade'd. 'I know , '
ho continued , 'that poem , with its faults ,
came from no inspiration of the bottle.
I would like , however , to have corrected
some of those fault" , but Bayard Taylor
advised me not to allow the least change
or aniendatlon , but to let It stand as
written. ' The wisdom of this -idvico in
sured its acceptance , and , if I mifetako
not , it now stands word for word ns the
muse gave it , nothing to add or .sub
"Mr. Road also said this to mo : 'They
may talk what they cheese about Byron ,
Burnp , Pee and others writing so linnlv
under the inlluonco of drink , but I don't
bellovo a word of it. If the tongue docs
wug. the brain will lag when much drink
has been indulged in , for then 1 have dis
covered I am just about as dumb as a
Princess Bay oyster. " "
A few weeks ago the Bronham Banner ,
in oomiminting 611 the criticisms of a
correspondent as to the mannnr of con
ducting the paper , replied in the follow-
in ; : vigorous and unmistakablu English :
"No man , on earth or this side of heaven -
von or hall , can dictate to this paper how
it Shall bo conducted. " It was not long
before the dailv edltllloh of thn Banner
was suspended , and ihu Weekly edition ,
Dr ,
ARcgtilarGraduateinMedicine and'
Special Practitioner ,
OFFICES Cor , 13th and Dodge Sts , OMAHA , NEB ;
Where all cureabic cases are treated with success. Special
ties all Chronic diseases , such as diseases of the blood , brain ,
heart and nervous system. As well as liver , kidney and gravel
complaints , catarrh , paralysis , etc.
Opinion at Office or by Mail , $1 ,
This amount will bo credited on treatment. Ollice Hours ,
9 to 12 A. M. , and 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. , Sundays included.
Correspondence will receive pVompt attention. No letters
answered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps.
Address all mail to Dr. Ottorbourg , ( Gracing Block ) Corner
13th and Dodge St- % , Omaha , JSTeb.
An Important Question.
Tf FO , you nro no o.\coptlon to tlio riilp.rjNInoout
of uvuiy ten men mo thus iillretrd.
Nntiirn * lm\s. I'olly , Itrnorii ol Vlcu In mil ) llfo ,
l.nt lloiirn , Wnnt or Kxoialpp , Orcr-rrcillnir , Hr-
lU'iiK-ry Iliihltg. Worry , Anxiety nnJ Uueluoss Ciucs ,
nil tend to produce this uml.
This Is ns much of n illsen'o.iinil needs jnit ns cnro-
WPAITU llll , thorOUKll lUUl fclOlltillO tlOlltllU'lIt 119 DjBpon-
ncMUin. wt.Ai.iri. Elu , Consumption , 1'iiriilyHi- miy of tlio nuiiiy 111 !
tlmt iniinUInd In their cureless ignorance or loollinnllncss , brlntf upon thunisolvoj. No niim
Should cither allow his conditions to BO untreated , or fit\l worse , liliicn liuuself In tlio Imnds of
tricksters or ctinrlattino , uiun devoid of both lionoriintt inuitluiil nlilltly , usrcclully wlinn lull , per-
fuut mid poruuinoiit
< ; i\iBt : ; VTIVI : vi oit AM > VITAL rxnuov
Cnn bo obtnlncaat but sll ht co t , and without either exposure or personal Inconvoutimco.
ASBIH : AI-L : fjUA.m : , AM > siiit : :
At once for such rarnrdlos us will quickly nnd permanently roMero to tlio floneratlvo Onrnnt
such Strength. Vlirornnd PoliMiry nsMionld brlonir to exory Healthy man. Hut low Itnrw what
it really Isto enjoy tlio blosalntr of nnlmp.ilre I virility ; not tli it wo n Ivocato undue Ftlmulatlon ,
hot house development of the passions i.ttho expense of bodily strength , or menial vl or nnd
nciiteiicss ; simply tlio restoration of natural , r-nlv and proper meana , to tlio tfonorallvo function
with wlilcli the Almighty meant to and did endow all human beinge , and which Imti been to
shamefully abused. .
or In person , nro conducted both In spirit andlottur In accordance with the ttrletost principles of
Medical lUlilcs. Von may bo absolutely certain of tlio most thorough , carolnl and fiearchln *
iagnosis by physicians who mnko this bianch of medicine tholr spocliil stud v mid pi notice.
Indeed , you will obtain the MUIIO attention and moro special skill than could bo had Irom your
own family physician , nnd wen he could not bo moro discreet or hold 5 o'r statements In stricter
confidence. Parents nnvo repeatedly sent ns their snns , whom they suspect to bo addicted to
evil practice or to bo suffonnsr fiom tholr debilitating olTeets. knowlnir full well thnt httvinfff
treated them with dispatch mid satisfaction , wo are well qualified to treat tholr sons. Too often ,
too , sin , vlco or e.\cos-t In the parent leaves Its Imprint upon the offspring.
and icnornnco that leads so many men , ynunir and old , to seek aid at the bunds of the qnnck and >
Impostor , who by their shnmotnl extortions and mill-treatment , work much harm , bodily undi
mentally , and tend to cast suspicion and distrust upon honust anil reputable physicians whose ]
yours of study , practice nmi experience entltlethom to bo regarded justly us honorable men und <
special practitioners In this branch or inodlclnn.
In conclusion , I may nlisoi vo that those who wish to apply for il-lvlco or assistance , may con
fidentially do so without hesitation or ditllilcnco ; ns the most timid may rely on my invariably ,
regarding that Inviolable secrecy , which lias already proved the basis of un e.xtensU e iind ,
respectable professional reputation.
Vours confidentially ,
13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb.
Wo make Iho treatment of ehronla diseases a spe
cialty , and solicit these of a lingering , dlllioiilt or ;
doubtful character , because thus wo can di'monv
' trBIO our superior facilities for cuilng them. Wher *
patients have boon unsuccessfully Heated by others ,
wo cordially Invite them to call upon ns , or to writ *
in. There are many cases that ha\o. without suc
cess , u ° ed every I ( inn ol patent incdU'ines , thinking
Uicroby to save a physician's fee : others who hava
rmld a vast amount of money to tholr homo physi
cian or druggist , seeking In vain for relief ;
others uiraln who are dial.cartoned or discour
aged of mor being cured , to all such wo oxtuiul
a hearty Invitation to consult us , either per
HEALTH. WEALTH. sonally or by letter. Tljelr cases will always rom-
mnnd prompt attention. Jf wp llnd their case hopeless iinti beyond the aldof human wo
will promptly toll them o.nn.l would s.-orn to receive a fee Irom them without bolni , ' able to
render thorn any assistance. If , however , wo hollove upon examination , that they are cura
ble , we will distinctly Htato what wo can do lor them. It is to our Intoreu to give an honest
. .opinion , as our ropi'lation Is at stake , and wo make nnd maintain that lenutatlon by actual
cures eirocted under ourcaro aiU through our treatment. Kvery ca < o wo undertake to treat
nnd tail , is a serious Injury to us therefore It Is essentially noco8 < ary for UB to ho prudent
anil careful. Wo will tell you candidly what we can do for you. nnd will state what our treat
ment \\lll cost you , and leave you tree to decide whether It will bo to your advantage to bo
treated by us or not. Wo never nrgo or persuade any person to take our treatment , hut do-
pen 1 entirely 1'or rooJiiiiueaJatlou what those who have been treated by us , say of our mer
its. They uro tlio ones oompotent to Judge , and go turthorto strengthen thu good reputa
tion wo have earned , than columns of alvortlsumimtswould. No matter what your trouble
or how long standing It Is , consult us , and II relief Is possible , yon will coi talnly obtain It.
Honobty is the best policy. Wo tin I this axiom verified In our dealings with our patients.
Though wolay claim to an ordinary doo'-'ool lionoUy from principle , \\o cannot expect the
publlu to place implicit confidence In our claims , did wo not present thorn from a point of
view where solf-lntoiest dictated onruouiso to bo honest as the best moans of success.
Because wo cannot olford to bo dishonest with them Wo have a reputation at stake'whlch
has cost ns years of unremitting labor and untiring study to oitablNh. This reputation In
equivalent to capital to us , and it would not only be Imprudent but the height of folly , tor us
to do anything to Injure It. In this ago of newspapers and rapid transmission of every de
scription of news , our name would soon be n byword , and the public would shun us , wer wi < ,
In any way , to practice deception on any of our patients. On the other hand , if wo prove
our horioaty by dealings with all with whom wocomo In contact , wo extend our reputation
and with It our practice. The value of an untarnished name to a Imslnen man is ot value
buyond calculation ; wo have always enjoyed such none and will always strlvo to maintain it ,
Patients run no risk ol being deceived by us , because wo hnvo not established tills Infirmary
for n week or n month , but wo have made It onocf the permanent plants of Omntia , nnd
have como to stay. Wo have expended n great deal of money In fitting up our ottlccs , supply
ing with thorn latest and most approved appliances , and lecuiod the services of tome ot the
most eminent phyiclans as asshtants. H will take us some tlmo to get a return of thu cupl-
tal thus Invested. While , by deceiving our patients , wo might tor a short tlmo r < nll/o moro
largely , but our bUfiliio * * woul'l soon bo ruined , and would soon die out. It Is evident , there
fore , that wo must bo honest to retain patronage once secured , and to extend It through the
tnlliibiico of those whom wo cure.
Who are constantly traveling fiom plaoo to place , will get nil the money they can from pa-
tlents , caring nothing to ictaln thorn or give them any bonuflt. This h dishonest nnd should
bo frowned down by every well thinking man Wo cannot airord to pursue such a policy.
oven If Inclined to do so. It Is much hotter for us to be frank with our patients , and when
they consult us , and c find hU or bur cuio has arrived nt an Incurable stage , wo will candidly
tell them so and not try and get n few dollars from them when wn know their hopes of a euro
must meet with disappointment. Should promise a euro , however , and then fall , others
whom wo might have treated successfully , will bo at i aid to nonsuit us
Ilecnuso themalorlty of them are Intelligent people , who nro wHI able to Judge for them
selves. ( Julio n number of them being nllllctcd ltli chronio discuses for years have consult
ed physicians of great omlaonco , am ! have studied booUs tioatlng on thn peculiar complHliit
Irom uhlch they unit or. It is not ol nriiro occurrence that such people know motoof the na
ture ol tholr nllment than thoordlnary pinctltlonur Would It not ho foolish to attempt to
Iccolvo surli patients ? Whli.i It cannot hu expected that all should be endow i-d with this lilirh
dograiof Intelligence , wo make it a point to treat all with the eiindor that common ccnm nnd
discrimination demands and If wo succeed In untiling our patlcr.ts1 touihlimco tills will m pi s-
Mirlly bccoino mote IntenMMcd as our mqunlmiinco ripens , as our main undoavor will idnnys
bo to give the utmost satisfaction to those entruhtln tholrcascs to us.
< utd Dtxlyc lit reels , Onialut , Xcb.
Corner J.'itli mid i ; tit. , OMAHA , .YKJ
A Regular Graduate , in Medicine and Special Practitioner ,
Authon/odlo treat all Chronic , Nervous aud "Special Diseases" wheHier caused by impru
dence , excess or contagion ) Bi'mhml WcnknosH might lofc > o > ) oxual Mobility ( lois of H-xuiil
Dowurl Nervous Debility , Illood Disorders , vc Ouics guaninteod nr money inlnndvil. ( Jharged
low. Thousands of case * cured. Ago and mjierienco arp Important , All medicines o pcclnlly
prepared for each Individual case. No Injurious or pol > omius compounds tisod. js'o tlim < lost
trom business. J'atlonts at a distant1" trentfd bv Irttcr rind ovpicws. Miillclnes Kent everywhere
free from iw/u or breakage. All oidcr * promptly filled. Asjmptom list on uhlch to get ulull
lilstory ol dlsnafc fui'niMied , fcliitt1 yoili cnao and send for terms. Secrecy observed cither In
by mall ,
Office Hours : 9 to 12 A. M. , 2 to 5 and 7to 8 P. M.