Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1887, Page 8, Image 10

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the Association' * ! Next Mooting Pro
ject to Chance tlllllng Method * .
The next meeting of the Live Slock
Shippers' association will bo hold at
South Omaha August 10 , nt 2 p. m. John
Wiggins , of Columbus , the secretary of
the association , has sent out a general In-
vitotlon to all shippers , wherever lo-
CRted , to join. Ho says : "There are
many things connected with buying andi
shipping slock that are radically wrong , .
ana wo hope to bo nblo by united action '
to , in n great measure , corrcpt these
wrongs. There is no good reason why
our business shouldn't bo conducted on
Rood Bound business principle ? , instead
of being a o-as-you-plcaso guerrilla
warfare after the motto : 'Every man for
himrelf and the d 1 take the hindmost. ' "
Shippers who cannot bo present nt the
meeting can scnd in their names to the
ecrclary accompanied by the initiation
fee of f 2.
All the railroads have agreed upon a
change in the method of billing stock ,
which will bo a great convenience both
to the shippers and the commission men.
A now form of way bill has been pro
vided , having two consignee columns ,
the first of which columns to bo filled out
at the point of shipment , showing the
name of the party or parties to whom the
stock is to bo delivered , at the point at
which stopped , the remaining column to
be loft blank to bo filled out when thu
stock Is forwarded from the point at
which stopped , to the ultimate destina
This will do away with the inconvenience
of consigning all stock to Chicago with
permit to slop nt South Omaha. Here
after if the now form of way bill , having
the two consignee columns , is used , the
stock can bo consigned direct to South
Omaha. In case it is desired to ship to
Chicago the second column of the bill
can be filled out at Soutli Omaha and the
stock rcccivo the benefit of through
A Ilcply to Mr. RnitiRo.
OMAHA , Neb. , August 0. To the Ed
itor of the HIK : In answer to the state
ment of F. J. Uamgo , the tailors would
like to make u correction. In the first
place , thcro arc only twenty-six men
working at their homes aud some of
them will work in the shop if it is fit to
work in. Nearly half of those in the
shop were married and some of them
have families and have worked tor Mr.
Ranigo tor years , but thev were locked
out the sumo as the single ones. It
seems strange that Mr. Uamgo should
express himself that the work in the shop
was not satisfactory to him , as he paid
to one of them more than any ono work
ing at homo. It seems strange that Mr.
Hamgc wants the single tailors to Icavo
town or get married , so that they can
have their wives to sow , their daughters
to sew , and their cats lo pull the basting
stitches ; "but the tailors do not bollevo
in malting slaves of their wives. " In re
gard to the strike , it was ordered on the
2nd , and on the 4th a committee wc.ited
on Mr. lliinico , when ho promised to
furnish the shop by the 15th , so the strike
was stopped until then to await his
How to Ratae the Drowned.
"This sad accident at Lake Manawa
and the uncertainty of there being other
persons drowned suggest to mo , " said
Captain Jones last evening , "tho cannon
experiment. "
"What is that captain ? "
"Why you know during warm weather
a drowned person's body will only re
main under the water for a day or so ,
and the least shock will bring the re
mains to the surface. If the coroner in
the Blufl's would only got n small field
plcco to-day nnd lire over that lake ho
would soon find out if thcro were any
more unfortunates. I'saw this tried on
many occasions. You remember when
Preston King committed suicide by
jumping oft'a ferry boat in Now York
harbor years ago , nnd his body was not
found until the next spring ? Cold water
and ice , my boy , preserve bodies. "
The Suicide.
The guests at the Lindcll hotel were
aroused at 4 a. in. by the loud breathing
of some ono occupying a room in the
house. It was found to bo a girl or 18 or
10 who had put up at the house the night
before and who , to all appearances , had
taken a ho.tvy dose of morphine. Phy
sicians could do nothing lor her , and
four hours lit or she was a corpse. The
girl registered as Clara Thrasher ,
Ceresco , Nob. , mid loft three letlors , ono
to the house , asking that the other two
letters bo given to the parties addressed.
One of them was presumably to
her father , for it was addressed
to J. A. Thrasher , Ceresco , Nob.
and the other was addressed to an Omaha
hackman- The coroner decided that an
inquest was not necessary , and ho was
holding the remains yesterday awaiting
telegrams or the arrival of the girl's rel
Entrances and Exlta.
Below is given u list of the births and
deaths , so far as reported during the past
week. The persons whose duty it is to
make thcso returns tire becoming rather
tardy much to the annoyance ot
the city physician , who is con
tinually delayed in making his re
ports to the council. Probably the partied -
tied at fault arc not aware that there is
an ordinance in regard lo making Ihcso
reports that punishes each oversight
with a fine of from $5 to 100 and thirty
days1 imprisonment. Twenty dollars
every month is npuroprlatcd to carry out
the provisions of this ordinance ,
To Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Gronoll , 2200 Miami
strcot. u boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Bennett , Twenty-
second and Maplt1 , a lrl.
To Mr. and Mis. Joseph Grass , 5'JO Georgia
avcuuo , a eld-
To Mr. and Mrs. Ethan St , John , 5b3 Pleas
ant street , a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald , 710
North Seventeenth street , a boy.
To William and Maria Undue , 41G South
Eighteenth street , a trtrl.
To Mr. and Mrs. Italph MoJJeska , 830S
Burl , it boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Foley , 1S14 Capitol
avenue , a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carroll , South
Omaha , a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Baldwin , 2410 Caldwell -
well , a tlrl.
To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glovoy , Eighteenth
and Mason , a boy.
Herman J. Meyer , 10 months , cholera in-
Helen Walteu , G mouths , cholera In-
William Zander , 1 year aud ! months , iliar-
rha a.
liesslo Vcnlen , 1 year and 3 months , cere-
bro-spliml menlimUK
Charles S. Wllcox , 17 years , bilious remit
tent fovor. * . _ _ _ _ _
"Groror la Co mi UK. "
A dispatch from Daniel says the presi
dent will visit Omaha to investigate C. E.
Mayno's real estate bargains. The probabilities -
, abilities tire that ho will locate pcrma-
' nontly ut Brigg's Place , the most du.sir-
/ able and most accessible residcncusubitrb
of Omaha ,
v Army Now * .
i' I.C.IVQ of absence for ana month has
fc been granted to Captain John Conliuo ,
v Ninth cavalry , Fort Uobinson , and First
v Lieutenant U. F. Ames , Eighth infantry ,
of Fort Nlobrnra.
First LieutenantAbner
J- - Pickering ,
L finco'ud infantry , has been ordered to report -
port .lor duty .as competitor at the coming
auuuul rillo competition.
Blankets , Blankets. Down Comforts , Down Comforts
Every pair of white and colored Blankets that are slightly soiled , must be sold Monday. We offer this lot of soiled Blankets at less than half price.
The quantity offered is not large , arid we would respectfully ask our customers to come early. No such bargain has ever been offered by us at any time as
this lot of blankets and comforts and we only make this sale to make-room for new goods. There is nothing but fine Blankets amongst this lot and none are
so badly soiled as to damage them in any way. We will not exchange any blankets bought at this sale , and will only sell three pairs to each customer.
IO-4 and 11-4 all wool White
Blankets , slightly soiled , at $2.68
per pair , reduced from $4.78 and
$ B.BO.
11-4 all wool White Blankets ,
slightly soiled , at $3.2B per pair ,
reduced from $6.OO and $6.8O.
11-4 all wool White Blankets ,
slightly soiled , at $3.7B , reduced
from $7.BO and $8.BO.
11-4 all wool , very fine White
Blankets , slightly soiled , at $4.89 ,
reduced from $9.OO.
A lot of all wool California
Blankets , 1O-4 , 11-4 , 12-4 and
18-4 , all slightly soiled , that we
have been- selling at $1B.OO ,
$16.BO and $17.BO , on Monday
our price is $7.BO.
These blankets are all well-
known makes and our customers
who bought blankets of us last
year will recognise at once the
1'nt Cooloy's Koturn to Omaha !
W. P. Cooley , whom everybody here
abouts familiarly calls "Pat , " has returned
to Omaha after an absence of several years
to make this city his permanent homo. For
a Ions time ho has been the general eastern
agentof the Union Pacllic , first at Philadel
phia and latterly at Buffalo. Upon severing
his connection with the Union Pacific In
whose service ho had been ever since 1807 ,
doing faithful duty In various Important ca
pacities during all thcso yeais-hls Buffalo
friends among the railroad men gave him a
very happy send off In the way of a surprise
party. Tliey presented Mr. Cooley with a
handsome and costly easy chair. Tlio pre
sentation speech was made by George D.
Teller , a veteran railroader. It was as fol
lows :
It Is a pleasing recollection in a man's af
ter life that ho can look back In his mind's
eye to the many friends ho has made during
the summer ot that lift ) . It has been well
known that you ate to sever your railroad
connection here , seeking a new held for fu
ture operations. The gentleman have
thought It would be hardly proper for you to
leave Buffalo without In some manner pre
senting to you a remembrance of the favor
with which you leave the friends you have
made here. They have thought to give you
this chair that during the winter of your life
you may recline thereon. It is made large
enough so that your grandchildren can come
up and call you grandpa. The gentlemen
here are all your staunch friends , and for
myself , the representative of an opposition
line , I am the best kind of a friend.
Permit me now to wish you and your
family entire happiness during Ufa
The Buffalo Courier thus describes what
followed : "To say that the recipient was
taken completely off his root , but feebly ex
presses the effect of the surprise that was
thus sprung upon him. Ho was speechless
for some moments , and when ho finally did
find his tongue , ho could only say : 'Boys ,
I can't do It I can't tell you anything. 1
don't know how I feel. It Is unnecessary for
mo to say this Is entirely unexpected. ' "
The departure of a railroad man for other
fields of labor , says the Courier , was never
more sincerely regretted by his companions
than Is that of Mr. Cooley , and If Kindly
wishes will stimulate a man to the attain
ment of success , then lie should reap It In
Mr. Uooloy Is to take charge of the news
paper and advertising department of W. G.
Albright , the well-known real estate dealer'
OMAHA , Nob. . August 4 , 1887. To the
Editor of the BF.K. Dear Sir : I desire
to express my thanks through thu col
umns of your paper to the Nebraska ana
Iowa Insurance company for their cheek ,
paying the loss sustained the 2nd inst. by
lire , : it South Omaha. The policy on my
household goods had expired several
days ago , but the company paid the lessen
on the verbal promise of their agent to
renew same. By immediate payment ,
courteous and generous treatment , the
company has again demonstrated Us
worthiness of public confidence.
Respectfully ,
"Literary Curiosities. "
Paine wrote the "Ago of Reason" in
the Bastilo. Uunyun wrote "Pilgrim
Progress" in Bedford jail. The popular
SOUK , "On the Koad to Benson , " was
written by ono of Mayne's contiemauly
salesmen while showing u customer these
splendid residence lots that are being
sacrlliced at $250 to $500 , one-tenth cash ,
balance in 3 yours. Benson is the only
suburb where aero lots can still bo had
on u street car lino. Now is thu time to
buy , and Mayno's i * the place.
Houses Lois , Farms , Lands , In any
town or county iu Nebraska or Western
Iowa , bought , sold and exchanged. Ueo.
J. Paul , P. O. Box 714 , Omaha , Nob.
The charming little Queen of the high
wiro. Miss Km ma Mnynard , will enter
tain you twice dally at Andres * ' Great
Js'ovollv Show , cor. 18th and Sherman
sts. Take the Grcon car. .
Why spoil n good meal with poor but
ter when the best can bo had of the
Omaha Creamery ft Dairy company , 1011
Howard street. Egga always ou hand.
remarkable bargains we are giv
ing them.
11-4 Scarlet and Grey Blankets
at $3.SO , reduced from $6.8O.
11-4 Scarlet and Grey California
Blankets at $7.BO , reduced frorrj ,
Sateen Covered Eider Down
Quilts , size 6x7 feet at $8.79 , re
duced from $1B.OO.
French Chintz Covered Eider
Down Quilts , 6x7 feet , at $8.79 ,
reduced from $1B.OO.
Silk Covered Wool Quilts at
$1O.OO , reduced from $2B.OO.
Eider Down Quilts covered
A building association for Dundee
) lace has been formed with Sydney
Smith as the director.
The regular monthly mooting of the
Omaha board of trade will bo hold to
morrow , August 8 , at 8 p. m.
Pastor Lamar , having failed to obtain
ho mayor's permission to preach in Jef-
erson square this evening , the appoint-
iient is recalled and ho will preach as
isual at his church , corner Fifteenth
and Davenport , this evening , on the sub-
cot , "Thcro is No Diflurence , or the
tfccd of All Men of a Savior. "
Just opened Omaha Creamery and
Dairy Butter company , 1011 Howard St.
An Insnno Traveler.
It has been discovered that the homo
of the insane Bohemian , Frank Charvoat ,
who has been confined in the county jail
for thrco months , is at St. Paul , Howard
county. Ho will therefore bo taken to
that place to-day by Louis Grebe , deputy
sjicrill' , and turned over to the commis
sioners of that county.
Josiah "Say , S'mantha , whcro'd you
jit that air slashing good butter ? "
S. "Just strikes you , chV I know'd
it. Got it of the Omaha Creamery &
Dairy company , 1011 Howard street ,
where they allers have the best. "
Six per cent loans a specialty. Patter
son Bros. , Ft en/or block.
To Homo Rockers.
Wo are selling nice new six room
houses in the north part of the city and
convenient to oar line , for3,000tof3,500.
Only $300 required as first payment , and
balance $25 or $ > K > a month. Como and
investigate before thoyaro all gone. Brown
& Crcighton , S. E. cor. IGlh and Douglas.
Building Permit * .
The superintendent of buildings yester
day issued the following permits :
B. Nelson , 1-story frame cottage ,
Thlrtv-lirst and Uurdetto 8 500
. L. Ulerbower , 3-story attock brick
residence , Farnam and Thirty-sec
end 0,000
Mrs. C. C. Downs. 3-story brick store ,
No. 112-14 North Fifteenth street. . . . 10,000
William McKay , 2-story brlcK resi
dence , Patrick avenue and Twenty-
sixth 2,000
John Itlchards. 1-stnrv frame cottage ,
Cassnnd TlilrtT-flfth 1,200
E. E. French , lstory tramo barn ,
Lake View 450
M. M. Frltihor. 2 2-story frame dwell
ings , Charles and Twcnty-fomth
streets 4,000
S. C. tihopaul , 4 2-story frame dwell
ings , Francis and Deer 0,000
Eight permits , aggregating 533,150
SCO artist proof etching" at 20 per oont.
discount from regular prices , at Itoso
Bros. , 1521 Dodge st.
Found era of Families.
The following marriage certificates
were issued yesterday :
j Qcorce C. Hole , Omaha SO
I Annie E. Miller , Omaha 30
j Theodore Anderson , Omaha 21
I Salma Yort , Omaha 17
j Edward Edwardson , Omaha 27
I Jfrlda Swansoii , Omaha 20
I Alfred Bloom , Omaha 24
I Augusta Krlckson , Omaha. . . . , 22
j Arthur McDonald , Omaha 23
( Josle Siemens , Hock Island , 111 IU
Rose Bros.
Discount closing sale commences Mon
day , August 8. 1521 Dodge st.
Joseph Newman's Funeral.
The funeral of Joseph Newman , who
was drowned in the Manawa accident ,
takes place this morning at 10:80 : o'clock
from the residence of the parents of the
deceased , 2313 Do'lgo street. The mem
bers of the Young Men's Hebrew Club
will attend in a body , and will meet at
their hall , Fourteenth and Dodg streets ,
this morning at , 0:00 : o'clock.
Ladies restaurant and Vienna cafe is
now open.
with French Sateen , size 6x7 feet ,
atlO.BO , reduced from $16.BO.
Wash Dress Goods.
SATEENS 7 l-2c.
Dark Sateens 7 l-2c , worth 12
Scotch Ginghams at 7 l-2c
worth I Be.
French Twills at 7 l-2c , worth
17 l-2c.
, A11 the Zanzibar and Nevile
Wash Striped Suitings at lOc ,
worth 18c. These goods will
never tae sold again this season
at this price.
Complaints Made of Pant Driving nnd
a Imck oCiPoitit ,
The Eleventh street viaduct' was com
pleted , or at least opened to" tralllo ,
something over a week ag'd. > It has no
yet been formally accepted by. the board
if public works on the part of the city ,
tis iu use , however , and there has been
no watchman about the structure to pro-
cct it from the injudicious drivers of ve-
ilcles. Consequently heavy teams , bug
gies and other vehicles arc driven across
ho viaduct at a pace which threatens -
ens to soon disjoint the structure.
Complaint is made by residents and
( ixpaycrs in the vicinity of the sixteenth
street viaduct that the structure hns not
yet been painted. The bridge is built of
i class of plno that in twelve months is
ikoly to become water-soaked and thus
mpair the viaduct. It has been said that
.he viaduct was only intended to last for
two or three years. The chances are that
inlcss the woodwork is rendered imper
vious to water by a thick coat of paint it
will not last quite as long as three years.
Even if the viaduct is but a temporary
structure , the taxpayers hold , it should
bo painted and every precaution taken to
give the taxpayers the full worth of the
money invested.
The Death of Sirs. A. H. Nciillg.
Mrs. A. H. Neidig , the wife of Colonel
Keidig , a well known resident of this
city and late of Norfolk , died Friday
night , after a long illness , at her homo ,
corner Twenty-ninth and Sownrd streets.
The deceased was a woman of more than
ordinary intelligence , richly endowed
with womanly graces , and of a pure
Christian character. Mrs. Nnidig leaves
a husband , one son and thrco bright lit
tle girls , to whom her loss is irreparable.
The funeral will take place from the
family residence , corner Twenty-ninth
and Seward streets , to-day at 4 o'clock.
The interment will bo in Prospect ceme
5O.OUO 310UK I'EOPtiE.
O.OOO New Bullitlnu * Now In Course
of Construction.
Omaha is a city with 300,000 square
miles of th most fertile territory tribu
tary to it. Territory rich in all that can
give size and oppulcnco to any city.
Situated in the heart of the grandest
continent on the face of the earth , with a
climate unsurpassed and possessing a
record of mortality lower than any city
in America ; Omaha is destined
to bo the third if not the
second city in the United. States. Her
present population which is over 100,000.
in business ability , aesthetic taste and
social caste , is the peer of scores of east
ern cities. It matters not whether you
are a capitalist , a tradesman , n me
chanic or n man of lottora , you can find
congenial spirits , lucrative employment
or profitable investment in Omaha. The
Diadem of The Continent. The next
year wijl add 50,000 people to Omaha ,
who will date the rising of their lucky
star from the day they sot foot in this
city. Our ofllco has largo lists of prop
erty of all kinds , and easy carriages to
show all who may come the city and
prove to them that every' word ot the
aboyo is true. PATTKIISON BROS. ,
Frenzer Block ; Opposite P. O.
Free Hide to Koarnoy.
Thursday August 11. a Pullman palace
car will start from U. P. depot for Kear
ney at 8:30 : , for tbo accommodation of all
who wish to visit that booming oity with
the intention of buying lots , spending
Thursday in Kearney. I'ho car will leave
Kearney for Omaha Thursday at 11:33 : p.
m. Thu excursion is free. For further
particulars call on D. S. Moore , nt oflieo
of Fearan , Cole & Hobinsou. 310 S. 15th
street. _
If brother Savage preaches a sermon
to real estate men ho will doubtless toll
them that the C. E. Mayno Heal Kstato
and Trust company have choice residence
lots and business property in all the best
additions and keen gohtlcmanly sales
men aud free carriages always on hand.
BO dozen Men's Unlaundried
Shirts , all sizes , 39c , worth 5Oc.
8O dozen Men's Unlanudried
Night Shirts at BOc , worth $1.OO.
MITTS 19c.
1OO dozen Ladies' Fancy Lace
Mitts at 19c , worth 35c.
SILKS $1.78.
Presbyterian Church , corner Dodco and
Seventeenth streets , services at lOt'M a. in.
Preaching by Hev. D. M. Ure , D. 1 > . Sunday
school at noon. Young peoples meeting at
0:45 : p. m. No evening service.
Central United Presbyterian church. Sev
enteenth street between Dodge and Capitol
avenue Services at 10i0 : ! a. in. and 8 p.m.
Services conducted by Itev. William John-
Ron , D. 1) . , of College. Springs , Iowa.
Weekly prayer meeting on Wednes
day evenings at B o'clock , i'oung Deonles'
prayer meeting on Sunday evenings at 7:15. :
All are Invited.
First United Presbyterian , 013 North
Eighteenth street , Itev. Edwin 13. Graham ,
pastor. Public worship at 10:30 : a. tn. and 8
p. tn. Sabbath school at noon.
North Presbyterian Church , corner Nich
olas and Saunders streets Kev. William R.
Henderson , pastor of the North Presbyterian
church on Saunilers street , havlne returned
from his vacation , will fill his pulpit this
morning at 10:30o'clock. : Sunday school at
I'-i ID. Young peoples' meeting at GKO : p.
m. No evening service. Strangers made
welcome at all the services.
First Congregational Tabernacle. Seven
teenth and Capitol avenue No services to
day except Sunday school at noon.
HllUIde Congregational. Hev.ll , C.Crane ,
pastor , Omaha View. Sermon with prelude
at 11 a. m. Evening lecture at U.
Park Place Congregational Sunday school
California and Thirty-fourth streets At 3
p. m. Itov. 11. C. Crane will conduct ser
St. Mary's avenue Congregational Kuv.
Wlllard Scott will preach the last time before
his vacation at 10 : ! * o'clock. Reception of
members , baptism , and administration of the
Lord's Supper. No evening service. Sunday
school at noon. Itogular morning service
will be held until the pastor's return and
Sunday school at the usual hour.
All Saints'church Twenty-fifth and How
ard street Ninth Sunday alter Trinity ,
August 7 , litany and holy communion 11 a.
m. , evening 7 p. m. The service In the mornIng -
Ing will consist of Stalner's communion
service In F and Spohr's anthem , "How
Lovely Are Thy Dwellings Fair ; " for the
offetnry Mrs. Lyman will sing "Thero is a
Oieen Hill Far Awav. " by Uounod. In tno
evening the choir will sing "Tours Magni
ficat" and "Nune Demlttls"
In F , and the
anthem "Grant to Us Lord We Beseech
Thee , " Dy Bamaby.
Hansconi park M. E. church Preaching at
10:30 : u. in. bv Hev. C. W. Savldge , the pastor ,
Itov. 11. U. Milliard , exchanging pulpits with
the pastor of Sewam sttnct. In thn evening ,
commencing at 8 o'clock , the Sunday school
will give a concert. Everyone welcomed to
thcso services.
Seward Street M. E. church , Twenty-
second and Sowaru streets. The Uev.
Charles W. Savldge will preach to men only.
This sermon will not be published.
First Huptlst Strangers' Sabbath Home.
Corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets. Itov.
A. W. Lanmr , pastor. Preaching at 10:30 : a.
in. and 8:15 : p. m. Morning theme : The
Memorial Character of the Lord's Supper.
Evening : Preaching ut Jefferson square at
7. Alter service and baptism at the church ,
beginning at 8:15. : Sabbath school at 12 m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening nt 8
o'clock. All are cordially Invited. Scats
lleth-Eden Jiaptist cluircli-Kov. II. L.
House , pastor. Preaching service at 4:15 :
p. in. at St. Mary's avenue Congregational
church. Preaching by the Hev. Mr. Clark ,
of Calvary church. Sunday school at S
p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock. Strangers welcome. Scats
Evangelical Lutneran , Kountzo Memorial ,
corner of Sixteenth and Hartley streets
Hev. J. S. Detwullcr , pastor. Church ser
vices at 10:3) : a. in. and 8 p. in.
Welsh services will bo held at thn resi
dence of Mr. James Griffiths , 1,712 Dodge
street. Preaching at 7X : : ) p. m. by the Huv.
William IU Williams , of Doanu college ,
Crete , Neb. Suudav school iU'.i : : > 0 p. m.
First Christian church , Twentieth and
Capitol avenue Dr. Fey , pastor , has returned
to the city and will preach to-day , morning
and evening. Uaptlsm at evening service.
A cordial welcome to all.
Lord Brougham defines a lawyer as "a
learned centlutnau who rescues your es
tate from your enemies and keeps it him
self.1 Remember that when you buy
real estate and examine your titles care
fully. To avoid future law suits and loss
of property get complete and reliable ab
stracts froip the C. K. Mayno Keul Ks
tate and Trust company.
Frank J. llam < ; o has removed to his
new building , Houtheost corner of 1.1th
and Harnoy streets. , .
2B Pongee Silk Dress Patterns
at$1.7B , worth $3.8O.
Odd piece4 that wo have been
selling at $1.OO and $1.28 now
Odd pieces that we have been
selling at $2.OO and $2.25 , re
duced to $1.OO.
2OO dozen Children's Cotton
Hose all sizes , double knees , at
IBc , worth 3Sc.
"Bonanza. "
This word , originally used to denote a
rich mine , is now exclusively used to de
scribe the extraordinary bargains offered
to homo-sookors and speculators bv the
C. E. Mayno Real E-itato and Trust com
pany. Everything on their list is a bo
Andrcss' Carnival of Novelties is the
most enjoyable exhibition that has visited
the Pacific slope foryoars.Critic Daily
Herald , Los Angalus , Cal.
Andrcss gives 150 valuable and useful
presents ( not trash ) to his patrons at
every performance , cor , 18th and Sher
man sts.
Prohibition mooting in oflico of Dr. F.
D. Wilson , Frenzor block , Monday even
False I'roteiiHcs.
George Ktililman , a young stranger
seeking employment In this city , yester
day swore out a warrant in the police
court charging G. S. Johnson , a South
Fifteenth street real estate dealer , with
obtaining money under false pretenses.
The complainant alleges that ho was to
pay defendant $15 for procuring him a
job and that as a guarantee of good faith
ho paid down f 3. Becoming convinced
that ho was being victimized , Kulilniun
decided to prosecute.
To thn Art Loving Public.
You are cordially invited to attend our
special etching sale , commencing Mon
day , August 8th. This sale will continue
ono week only.
\Vo have added to our already largo
assortment , 500 copies of the latest and
most popular etchings of the day. .
Twenty per oont discount will bo given
from our regular prices on these goods.
1521 Dodge St.
Mr. John T. Hell has returned from an
extended trip to California. Ho will re
turn there in a month , taking his family
to spend the winter.
Rev. Willard Scott , of the St. Mary's
avenue Congregational church , loaves on
next Friday tor a vacation of several
weeks in the cast.
Till' : COURTd.
Howard A. Worley and Samuel S ,
Campbell ask that James M. Love , who
holds a fictitious title to their lots on the
corner of Faruain and Invin , biTrcquircd
to give them n quit claim deed.
The Oiuaha Iron , Metal and Froduco
company , have filed a potllion for a writ
of replevin lo recover their works ou
Jones Btreut , now unlawfully hold by
Samuel and Adolph Kline.
Duncan & Wallace , plumbers have
commenced suit against R. U. Kackui
for | STO. The plumbers did a job of
work for him and presented n bill foe
| 517. Hacktis did not wish to sell hH
house and lot to pay the bill , so he paid
them what ho thought was right , $1-17 ,
nnd told thorn to whistle for the rest.
In the case of Tunica vs the Omaha
Fair and Exposition company , the jury
rendered a verdict yesterday in Tunica's
favor for $070. . Ho had sued the com
pany for $ ! ! 50 for his services as draughts *
man , The company has appealed thn
case and executed bonds In the sum of
1000. _
French Frank's neroarnincnt.
Frank Durloux , boiler known through
out the country among all traveling
gentry , as "French Frank , " has mot
with u misfortune of n nature which ap
peals direclly lo the sympathy of men.
Ills wife has desorlcd him not only lied ,
but carried oil'if 100 of his money. Mrs.
Durloux left two days ago , but whither
sbo went and with whom are not known.
Mr. Durioux has for the last thrco years
years been attached to the Paxton hotcL
and prior to that time was connected
with n number of the first class saloons
nnd hotels throughout thu west. Ho has
sold his household effects and proposes
to abandon his late wife lo her fain.
Ilcnnoy Buggies nt Annalrong , Fotli *
& Co.'s IMS Izard st.
For Knlc.
A car-load of business nnd driving
horses. Fleming & Ovcrhalt , 20th and
Miami sts. , next to Base Ball Grounds.
Funeral Notice.
The funeral of Joseph Newman , son of
Mt. and Mrs. Newman , of this city , will
take place nt 10 o'clock a. in. to-day ,
from the residence , 2321 Dodge strcot.
Friends invited.
It leaked Out
That Hose Bros , were to Inivo a special
etching sale , commencing Monday morn
ing , August 8 , in consequence of which
their store was croWXlod with anxious
lookers. 1521 Dodgo.
Cleveland will Come to Omaha
To attend lloso Bros. Etching Side ,
1531 Dodge St.
The bank clearings yesterday were
f-487,255.85. The clearings for the week
ending August 0 were $2,013,385.14. Tula
is an increase of 40.0.
Yesterday afternoon Arthur McDonald ,
of this city , was married to JOMO Sic-
nioiis , of Hock Island , 111. Justice An
derson performed the ceremony.
Judge Wakeley has adjourned the ses
sion of the district court until next Satur
There were 131 deaths reported in
Omaha during the month of July , mak >
ing the death rate 1.18 to every 1,000 per
The drawing room car Samoa that'
wont west on the 10:55 : train .vchtordoy
morning will accommodate the Kearney
firemen , twelve of whom go to the Load-
villo , Col. , contest.
There were $4,000 more of the county
funding bonds redeemed yesterday by
County Treasurer Bolln.
Frank L. Everett , the lithographic
printer at 1108 Funuun strcot , lias failed ,
and was closed up by the sheriff yester
Grand sporting picnic , Sunday , August
7th , nt llaseuir.s park.
Wholesale depot for Arcadian gingci
ale and Waukesha wucr. : Meyer &
Kabkc , 1403 1405 Harncy street
The Canadian
Toiioxro , Out. , August 0. There Is som
talk of the Knights of Labor as to tl'clr
brcaklm : away from the general assembly.
The Canadian knights have been srixling
levies to Philadelphia to Day Tor legislative
committees lor work which Is of no practical
use to them. They have not heen allowed ]
any funds for Canadian legislation , which
they tlilnk they are entitled to.
No Soda on Sunday.
PlTTSIIl'IIO , August 5. Ill tllO Slllt Of tllO
Law and Order society against a number of
druggists for selling soda water on Sunday ,
Judge Collins , this afternoon , aflinned the
conviction of the defendants on the ground
that the sale of soda water was not a neces
sity , and tnat It was not sold as a medicine ,
but as a beverage as the defendants tried to
A Knnsas Cyclone.
Axrmsox , Kas. , August 0. A destructive
cyclone swept over Solomon Valley last
night , destroying a large number of houses ,
killing four persons at Millbrook aud wound
Ing several others. The cloud came from the
northwest and was so great that the people
had no time to make preparations. In addi
tion to the destruction at.Mlllt > rook the towns
of Hilt Cltv ana I'lalnvillo also hiilfered
berlously. There Is no telcgranh station
within flgiitpen miles of .Millbrook and re
ports aio very i
Thnt I/onrtnti Milliner.
LONDO.V , July 0 , Mlhs C'ass , the young
woman who was arrested some time
ago by a policeman , and \\hoso case attracted
ereat attention , has dotei mined topiosccnto
the policeman for perjury.
And Trained Animal Exposition
Omaha , One Week , Commencing Monday , August 8.
Two Performances Daily.
itt of the > ni , t brilliant atars of tlic
Gljmnlc world.
'lhe fuinilu show of the iforld.
JJO i-nltuiMc and ion-fill presents f/lvcn
away < tt each
Educated Tropical Birds
Performing Itoeky Mountain Oout.i. A
corns of Lea pern , 'Jnmlilei'n , Anrob alt
and Arl < il Artists , headed by the
champion leaperofthe world ,
Mr. John F. Bachelor.
"Watch for tlie Grand Paradeand , . ,
be on I ho ground at 2 and 7 p. ra. /
promptly to see the young lady i
walk the high wire. Free to all. ' SJ
Ciencral admission , 25c ; cliildron "
under 10 years , 15c.
No children admitted free. Location
JA'/ { and Miti'inan & < . ,