Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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4 Very Quiet Day in and About the
Gate City.
General 1'nsncnKcr Agent Morse of
I the Union Pnulflc Hcslttns Other
KcRlRnntlonB to Follow
r.v Items of News.
* "
i A Rwrcplnc Cat.
The rumor to which publicity was given
on Wednesday in the Chicago Times ,
with reteroncu to changes among the
ofllccrs.of ttic Union Pacific , seems to
bavc como from good source , in nil prob
ability from Mr. I'otter himself , who was
In Chicago atthotimu. Mr. Morse yester
day afternoon told alJr.K reporter that ho
had tendered his resignation as gen
eral passenger agent of the Union Pacific
road , lo take effect .September 1. It was
also true that Mr. Stebbins , the general
ticket agent , had also tendered Ins resig
nation , to take olluct on the sumo date.
The same was also true of P. P. Shelby ,
assistant general tralllo manager , who
IH now located in Salt Lake.
All of positions , us also
that of the general trallic manager which
is now held by T. 1. . Kimbail , have boon
Abolished. Mr. Kimball will in all prob-
Rbilit v accept a position on tiie stalt'of vice
President Potter , which it is understood ,
Is open to him. In a converse-
lation with that gentleman yesterday
ho said that ho could say nothinu as to
what position he would hereafter assume.
The work of all these olliccs will bo per
formed by Mr. Monro , who will continue
general freight agent , and by J. F. Tcb-
hilts , who has been filling the position of
first assistant general freight agent at
Kansas City. All the changes contem
plated have not yet been made , and it is
expected that other heads will drop m a
ihort time.
Nebraska Map.
Just issued , showing all railroads ,
towns , counties , etc. Mailed tor > u. J.
M. Wolfii A : Co. , 120 South Mill htreet ,
Omaha , Nob. .
The Army.
General Morrow has been ordered from
Fort Sidney to be present at the conclu
sion of the department competition which
Will take plucc on the 2/Hh / of the month
to award thu medals to the successful
marksmen. This order has boon issued
in anticipation of the absence of General
Crook , who is now in the mountains.
Orders have been issued to four com
panies of Fort Niobrnrn and Fort Sidney
to attend the ro-uuion of soldiers of this
Btato , which is to take place September
next. Tiiese , with the ten companies of
Infantry at the post , and \ith an artil
lery company from Lcavcnworth
will make quito a creditable -
blo complement of regular soldiers.
The transportation of these soldiers will
bo done at no cost to the government , the
Gland Army of the Republic bearing the
Captain Lvon , the now chief ordnance
oiliccr of the department , reported to
day and proceeded to take charge of his
Btores at Cheyenne. Ho eamo from the
fcrsumil at Watortown , Mass.
Trotting Horses.
Grand combination auction sale of
fretting bred horses at Omaha. August 10
Rnd 11. during the forenoon of each day
of the Trotting llorao llreodors' meeting ,
the get of such sires as Almont , No. it ; !
llambletonian. No. 10. Saturn 2.005 , and
Btock close in kin to Volunteer the sire of
Bt. Juhen , 2:11 : , and others below 30. This
Btock is contributed by members of the
association and will not bo ollered simply
to see what folks will bid on them but
will bo sold to the highest bidder without
Favorable terms announced days of
alc. D. T. HILL , Sec.
F. M. WOODS , Aulionecr.
Scnnlnn , the Comedian.
Yesterday morning W. J. Scanlan , the
comedian , with his wife and sister , Miss
Sadie Scanlan , and his agent , Augustus
i'itou , arrived in the city on their way
to San Francisco , where Mr. Scanlan
will open his season on August
2fl , at the Bush street theater. On the
10th of this month his company will
meet hero and proceed thence to the
coast. The plays for this season will
bo "Shano nn Laun" and the "Irish Min-
Btrel. " Mr. Scanlan was also accom
panied by the loader of his orchestra , W.
tl. Brockway , who entertained a number
of friends with some excellent music this
Tonchers Wanted.
Any teacher desiring a situation in the
public schools of West Point , Nob. , would
do well to attend the examination of
teachers to bo held in that plaoo Aug.
Oth. and Oth. Only good teachers need
apply. Address 1) . S. Dusr.NDr.HV ,
Chairman Examining Committee Board
of Education , West Point , Nob.
Eleventh Street Vlmluct.
On uoxt Monday morning at 0 o'clock
the Eleventh street viaduct will bo for
mally inspected by the board of public
works and the city engineer , with a view
to determining as to whether or not it
shall bo adopted by the city. When asked
by a BKU reporter as to whether
or not the bridge would bo accepted , Mr.
Balcombo said Ho thought it would. For
some time past they have been indicat
ing to the builders the improvements
they desired to bo made and all of these
liau been attended to. When the braces
sugcosted to the stair builders are put in
place thcro will bo loft but little to bo
done to make them satisfy the require
ments of the contract.
Absolutely Pure.
Thl powder nerw Tarl j. A tntrrtl of pur-
Ir.itroDKtbnnd wholesoinoucu , fUre icon-
omlc I than ths ordinary kind * , and cnnnot te
told In eotppotltron njth th.o inultltujo ot tow
' coil short weUtt alum or phhsplmto i > owOsr
' Bold only In cans. HOI.U. U fci ? < Q I'OWUIB Co.
Thnt Hnftle.
Yesterday the parties who have Interes
ted themselves against Mr. F. H. Klnuoy ,
who ft few days ago conducted n raffle
for n horse In this city , caused two war
rants to bo issued against him , ono for
lorso stealing and the other for obtain-
i IK money tinder fulso pretenses. Mr.
Klnncy gave bonds in the total sum of
f'J.250. Mr. Kinnor requests that the
public reserve its c/inlon | until the faets
in this matter are fairly shown , as ho
feels confident of : i speedy acquittal and
complete vindication.
The case of Francis Tunica vs the
Omaha Fair and Exposition association
is bulnu heard by JutlKc McCulioch.
3U South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Established for the Scientific and Speedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
ThoOM Itcllabla Fpcclnllst of mnny years ex
perience , treats with wonderful Rucc-e s nil
LA. UUITUUU , cured without KN1FU Oil
TrcntB all forms of Tliront Lunjr , Nerve nnd
Illood disease * , nil Chronic diseases nnd Uo-
formlilos fnr In ncUnnco of any Institution In
this country. Tlioeo v , ho contemplategoltitf to
Hot Splines for the treatment of nny Prlvnto
or Illood dl casocnn lie cured for ono-tlmd the
cost nt our I'rlvnto Dispensary , till South loth
street , Ormilui , Neb.
ItUI'TUKi ; cured without pain orhlndcrnnco
from business.
business.I'y ' this treatment n pure Lovely
Complexion , Iruo trom slowtiusp ,
freckles , blackheads , ururitloni , etc. , iliiiliaiit
i : > cs nnd perfect hcnlth can bo hud.
t tT Tlmt "tired" f ccllnj- and nil female weslt-
nussea promptly cured. Illontlni ; Heiulnehos ,
Nervous J'rostrutlon , General Jeblllty ) , Sleep-
lessncss , Depression nnd Indlitostion. Ovnrlon
trouble * , Inllnmmntlon and L'leointlon , I'nlllnc
nnd Displacements , Spinal wnnkiicB" , Kidney
complaints nnj CluuiKU of Life. Consult tU
old Doctor.
CVC AMR EAR Acute or Chronic Inllnm
1.1C DI1U CHIIimatlonnf the lijelldg or
( ilobo and far or Near Hliihtcdness , Inversion
of the Lids , Scrolulous lljes , I'lcoratlotis , In-
Humiliations , Abscess , Dnmie s of \ Ision of ono
or both e\os , and Tumors ol
r y Inlmmtnntlon of the Kar , tJlccrntion or
Ratlinh , Internal or External Ucnfnuo * , or
I'nrnlysls , Singing or Hearing noises , Thickened
Drum , etu.
UCDlinilC nobility , Spermatorrhoea , Rom-
lll.HcUU ) Inal Losses , NlKht Emissions ,
Lo s ot Vital Power , Sleeplessness , Despond
ency , Loss of .Memory , Contusion ol' fdens ,
ltlur § llcforo the Eyes , Lne-ltuilu. Lnntfiior ,
filoomlncRS , Depression ol Spirits. Aversion to
Society. ItaHily Discouraged , Lack of Confi
dence , Dull , Llstlr > ss , Unfit for Study or llusi-
no's , ami llnds llfo n burden , Salely , I'urmn-
nently and Privately Cured.-
HI linn A QVIU DiseasesSyphllls-n < ll-
DLUUU ( a wnlllfccuso most liorrlblo In
Us results completely eradicated without the
HBO of moicury. Borofuln , Uryalpolns , Fever
Sot eg , lllotches. rimplcn , Ulcois. pains In the
Hond and Hones , Syphilitic Sore Thioat , Mouth
nnd Tongue , olnnuulnr Enlargement of the
NOCK , Ulioumntiem , Cutiirrh , otc. , Permanently
Cured When Others Have Fulled.
IIDIII1DV Kidney nml Illnddcr troubles ,
UnlNHnli Weak Hack , llumlug Urine ,
Froqucney of urinating. Urine high colored or
milky sodlmentoii Rtunmut" , ( ! onorrhia , ( Ilcct ,
Cystitis , etc. , promptly nnd satcly cured.
Charges reaionabln.
( -lout , stricture , seminal emissions , loss of sex
ual power , wonkiiosj ot the eoxtml nrKniijwnnt
of deslro In mnlo or female , whether from Im
prudent habits ot young or eo.tuul hnblts In
mnturo ycara.'or nny cniiso that debilitates the
Bovuul lunctiuus , speedily nud pormancutlr
Consultation frco nnd strictly confidential.
Medicine sent free from observation to nil
parts of the United Stated. Correspondence
receives prompt attention. No letters an
swered unless accompanied by four cents In
Itumps. Bond stamp for pamnlilct nnd IUt of
questions. Terms strictly cash. Call on or nd-
dress I > 1'owKM , mivKs ,
No. SH South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Oar. 13th SI. an * Oapltol Aue. , OMAHA , NEB.
Book oil Diseases of Women FREE.
All nioo4 IM * fti iiccritfullf trtttrd. Prphllttle Triton rrinevr4
from lli y tfmltUtut mercury hcr lieilorctlw rrcttnirnt for
l it ofttal 1'ontr. 1'ertoiti utmbla to vliit Uf nu y t trfttrtl at
tvinif , by CorrctjKHiJenrt , AU conimunlctllviii ( , 'onrtdfntitl , * Idl-
cliir crlnitrum nli tiit by nullor ciprti * . tccurcly pick tit , no
m rh to tu < 1lr * ! eonleitltur ( iidrr. Una ) r oiiil tnttrv [ w j.r -
frrej Cftll anjooiuullui or lemlhittnrj cfjyur C M , llh uttmp ,
ud wviU eu4 In ; iUlu Mr iuri gu * "
L'ponrrittte. SjKcUl and Nervoui Piit. Stmln l wftVnfiM ,
ft-rtnnftlorrlitra , Inlpotrncjr , &rMll | ! , Cvngribua , Glv l , ftud * *
eooelt. HOOIIII fjr pitlcuti. AUrt.1 ,
Dr. McMeuany , Cor. 13th st. l Capitol iTOmana , , Net ) .
Moilical Boofcs orl'upers Free.
Tbo proprietor ot tba Omaha Mudlcal and Surgl-
cm luitltnte lini publlsned a ruluabl * ict of bouki
and pttpcra upon cliroDla unil surgical dluaietnud
ileforinHlos , nJ tna inctlio.U ol cure wblati nava
rl nlilnitne mputatlon ot b ing tbe moat eklil-
lul nud Bucnenful liictlnlUt In lua wcit , n-l
muJc Iho institute iocelebmteJ that ineillclncmr *
col to und patlcntt rccilved from everr rtat * In
tliu union , Amonx the book * Is ono upon the dlioa
ri ot womxniona upon norvoui , special and prlvat *
dltoaiei of tbu teiual and urinary own. vatlco-
< cle cured bj sur.Mcal operationi , and their lattl y
Inrentod clttuip comprens auspensory for the relief
audcure of f orlcoccle , nerrnui eihuuiilon and iez-
ual tlctillltj , now reitoratlro trtatment. I'aperi
ui > on lurKlcal braces , rllci. canc n. paratyili , uti.
Klectrlcllyand the now runncMIc battery lor home
ui : ratarrb and Inhalation , etc. Uallko inott booka
Uiued by doctora Ire * , they do not contlst
of tritlmonlali nlttt Htllllous uaraei and Initial ! ,
orrutiblib of that kind , but ara plain deicrlotlonl
ordlii'uie > , iymptoiu < . new dlscoTerloi In medicine ,
aurtccry and electricity , and are well worth the po-
Mi-nl. und ran tie obtained free by addrntilnf tli *
Omxht Medl.'al and Hurglcal Initltuto , IStn at'oel
and Capitol Avenue. Omaha , Nebraika.
Dr. Haughawovit : Omahsx Dental Asso
ciation * Host sets teeth | 0 , fully \v r-
riintod. Teeth without plate , bridge
work anil crowns of crery approved
kind , hmerttidby the most satlsfactorj
luuthod. Jlollmaa block , cor. 13lii aud
1'arnaui etrceta , . . : . - ' . > j . .
In order to create a little stir during this , for the clothing trade ,
usually quiet spell , we have placed on sale for this week , and until
they are all disposed of , about
One thousand suits comprising four different lines at the following
prices :
one lot men's sack suits made of good Union Oassimere ; a nice small
check , serge lining , covered buttonsand altogether made up in good
substantial manner , at $375 a suit.
Two lots of men's sack suits , both the same quality but different pat
terns of dark , very neat mixtures , lined with serge and well made
at $4.50. These suits are of good medium weight and would be
adapted for wear now as well as later on in the season.
One lot of young mens' suits , sizes from 33 to 38 , a splendid pattern of
silk mixture cassimere , Italian lining and elegantly made for $5.25.
Our object in placing these suits on sale at these prices is two-fold ;
Firstly , to meet the wants of a large class of our patrons , and to ena
ble them to get , at a time of the year when no one feels like buying ex
pensive clothing , a substantial and good looking suit at a merely
nominal price. Our second and main object is to advertise ourselves
and pave the way for the immense fail business for which we prepare
and which we expect to do.
All goods marked in plain figures and at striotlv one price at
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
During July and August , our store closes at 6:30 : p. in. , except Saturday.
Business and Residence Property.
In the Heart of the City. This is a Chance of a Lifetime for Investors.
Having engaged in mercantile business , I have decided to sell about one half of my real es
tate in the center of the "Future Great" of the Platte Valley , the Queen City of the Plaind
and shortly to become
The Seven "Business Lots are across the street and fronting the new $75,000 hotel , now nearly
completed , and the Opera House , to be built immediately.
The Eighty Dwelling Lots are adjoining the $10,000 Third Ward School House yard , and
are being connected with the main streets by sidewalks , being distant only seven blocks , or
three fourths of a mile nearer the business part of the city than any other additions that have
recently been put on the market.
In distant additions around Omaha and Lincoln , which have already been boomed enough
for ten years , but Come to Kearney , where the boom has just commenced. The progressive
and enterprising element will soon make Kearney the third , if not the second city of the
state , by utilizing its
Developing the Summer Eesorts around its silvery lakes , and last , but not least , establishing
the most Magniflcenta Chautauqu Grounds in the west. Kearney's natural advantages are
without a rival for five hundred miles.
TERMS OF SALE Terms on dwelling property , easy , and made known on day of sale.
Terms on business property , as follows : One fifth cash , and balance in fjur annual payments
the last two to be forfeited if I do not erect a five story brick , 85x100 feet , adjoining prop rt
or a bank and wholesale house. For further particulars , inquire of PAC& & RIIOADE
Auctioneers , Lincoln , Neb. , or
J. S. HARRINGTON , Kearney , Neb ,
Free excursion for investors , from all points in Nebraska , who purchase and p.iy for $200
worth of property.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York , Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Chronic and
More especially those arising from impur-
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured salcly and speedily with
out use of dangerous tlrujs. Patients
whose cases have been neglected , badly
treated or paonoundcd incurable , should
not fall to write us concerning their stnp-
tomi. All letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one Z cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added
an "Essay on _ Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical treatibc which should be read by all
\oungtnen. Address
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
A magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
Latest Styles ,
Finest Goods.
Lowest Prices.
The JUuitratlon * above are made from photograph * . The adjustable parts do not change tbe
appearance when uied as a sweat carriage i they can be used or not at -pleasure of the pur-
chaser. The HOLMAN OAJtRIAOKS are warranted for two years. Bvery part Is absolutely per
fect Over tooo eold In Chlcauo since March 1st. Bent to a > U parts of the United Ctatos anil cafe
UiliTOry guaranteed. Bender a catalogue containing latest styles , cheapest to ttnOBt'
HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO , , 27fiWabaib Ave. , CbjcG ° Uf ( < .
[ Continual from Seventh l\irt.\ \ \
FOH lU'NT-A three-room houio on 24th
Btropt , ( onth of Lenvrmvorth , A. I' ,
, 13J4 I'nrrmm it 850
FOlt HRNT Hon p. Kurnlturo for Kilo.
10 room hoitxo ( blocks frotn onorn IIOHSU.
Kurnlturo for siilo on vorv low tonns. Cnti
of removnl sickness. Addrcas Y CO , Urn olHco.
FOU IirNT-iioRimt : tirlok re'Idonco , 10
rooms , moilurn conveniences. Imiulro
Morse & llrunncr , 1805 1'anmin 8t , < gtl
niOIl HENT fl room lint with nil mo.lorn con-
vciiluiiccs. i'uriilt'uro , uooit in iu > w"for
snle clicnp. Wood * c < i. . HotVH Cnultot _ nvo. < IM
FOH HUNT Two large now iton s nmi two
lltlsof live rooms cncli. Cltr wntor mid tin * .
On Snuiulcrs t. C. W. Cain , 210 Ohio gt. 813
FOH RKNT New itoro nnd llrlnir rooms on
Cumlntr it near SmimloM st. Apply Har
ris llonl KMnto&l.niuiCo. , UW S. 15th ft. H9
'Ir'OTfTtnNT ll-rooiifbrlekTTarTiciir P. ( ) : Z
JL unfurnished rooms , ( W. 60-room house ,
now mnklnir f lf > 0 nor mo. Co-operntlvo l.ntid
and Lot Co. , 0' . N IGtli st. MO 7
I71OH HUNT Htoro room biiltnlilo for Rrooory ,
JL' ftoreor tiulclior. ohop , on tlio euuthwost
Corner of 7th niul Pnclllo streets. _ C76
OK HRNT Now fi-room house 1 1-1 miles
eolith of P. O. liot ajth nnd 'Jlat six , Sit ) per
month. ClurkBon , Wood It Co. , 318 8. 15th.
_ _
" 171OK HINT ; Ilarn iultnlilo for four hornos.
JL1 Inquire nt B17 S IIUli ft. fill
| ? OH Ill'.NT Stnblo noiir ratnnm nnd 17tli
JL1 gt. Kooins 1 nnd" , Omntm Jxutluiml Imnk
J 4M
_ _ _ _
" 1/1011 HliNT rive room lionso.pixst Kido 27th
JL1 at. , third house south of Dodge , $17 , .1. It.
HlnRWHlt,218 South 15th 7.W
Ijum HKNT-U room tint , contrnlly located
1 Furnlturo for eiilo chcnp. Address Y Ul
Hep. 714 0
FOlt HUNT A 5 room oottno ( noftr cnr line.
llallou llros , 1510 Dou lns. 4 3 M
FOK iir.NT On N Wcor 15th fttidVlnton,2
stores , SOxfjO. II rooms up stnlrs. suitable
tor families or roomers. Call Ht promise * oren
on M. Doiiovmi , 2337 S Kith Bt. 8'A1
FOlt HUNT Hrlck house of eaven rooms ,
cellar , olsteni nnd barn , Inrtro Int contain-
Injf triilt , n bnnrnln to the right party , ( teed
to run. Inquire NoU-'SN 17th st. 9Jfl 7J
FOK HUNT-Now 10-room house ; all im
provements , Rtcain hout. C. W. It O. K.
ThompBon , 314 S. 15th at , 10UO
FOH IIENT Olllco space on ground floor at
IKK ) rarnntu. Apply In rear office. J. S.
Jllchnrclson. UK n'0 !
HOICK Lot for Lenso. Southeast corner
4Px8V l.envenworth and I'nrk nve.or will
build to suit tenant. Hobblu llros. 35'J
TTlOlt HUNT Nicely furnished largo and
JU smull rooms , 1118. Ibth. tl-4 7J
FOH KENT Kino Innro fiont room , unfur
nished , Howard near 17th. Apply Leh
man , 1'irst Nut. Hank. bN5 fij
FOH HKNT " or I ) oleifiint rooms for house-
hooping ; paitly fuiulshod. Apply ut 420
South Ifitu st , , room 7. 8UO 0
FOH HKNT A splendid feiilt of rooms In
lirick niiildiiiir , ouu block from court
house , siillnblo lor doctor , lawyer or real ostuto
olllce. Imiulru at S. S. Van liuuicn , S K corner
Hth and Douglas sts KI2 n }
FOH HKNT A reel pouth front parlor and
small loom , furnlsned , IT''O Cnpltol uvomit' .
_ 8iVi IIJ
IfOK HKNT 4 furtiKheil rooms with baThS
and all modern linpruvuinont * . en suite or
pmirlc , and 2 unfurnished. Call at 161J Chicago
street. ( Mia ( I *
FOH HENT rurnleliod trontroom or a suit
of two rooms with board if ilesliod. 117 S
17th st , 6H5 J
FOH HENT Klcjjnntly furiilsliod looms sin-
ploor cnsiilte , with use of bath ; electric
bolls In every room. First class restaurant at
tached , at Norris European hotel , corner 18th
imd Webster. r,6fl ,
F OIt HliNT Kurnlslied rooms , plntlo or en
Mitte , tras , bath and every convenience ,
2J07 llouKlns. 813 8 |
ITIOH HI-.N'l' ' Two neatly furnished rooms ,
JU very desirable location , private family.
Also room lor two or thien nice lablnboardeig.
S. K. corner Twentieth and Tarnam. 4in n25 *
17IOH HENT A nlcflly furnished room nt 2111
1. St. .Mary'a nve. 421
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished , cost front
room , second Moor with use of bath , 05
n 17th st. foi OJ
ilOIl HKNT furnished rooms with every
20-.M St. Mnry'g avo. IIJ1
FOH HENT 1'nrnlshod plansant , cool Iront
room with throe south windows and large
closet , 1714 California.
Half of : M Moor for rent , between 12th ami
l.ith on Fiirnam. c. f. Gardner , furnaces and
etovcs. 719 N. 18th.
1'joit dry storage for n few more stoves , and
will put them up in fall. C. I' . Gardner , 7ll N.
16th. an
FOR HfNI-3roomsRt : 10JJ N. 20th st. In-
quire at U17 S 13th st. 012
FOH HENT A larje south front room nlcoly
fiirnlslied In the elegant new Cnmpboll
liloek. ivoryconvonlenco : at band , unto lo
cution. 1711 Dodge street. , ' 0 f J
FOlt liENT FurnlBlioil looms , bath and
rnoderu coin cnlcnces. 4U1 n 12th st ,
tul r > J
TTOH I'.KNT-Newly furnished south front
-L room , all convenlonces , private family
Inquire at 2100 Farnam st. b"5 7
FOIt HENT One nicely furnished front
room for 1 or 2 centletnon. 1'rico very
reasonable. Apply at 221U Capitol avo. IW9 8J
I HENT 4 unfurnished rooms , 8 w cor.
10 and I.oavonworth. t-02 5J
FOlt HliNT Furmsbed rooms , 712 South IHth
BtrocU 854
FDRNISIIEl ) IIOOMK-l'artles lookinc for
rooms call and examine our lar o list.
Hccord Advortlslns Co. , 1513 rurnain Bt. 671-6
FOH HENT Handsomely furnished fiont
room , 1718 Dodjto St. 84'J
FOIl HUNT A nice larco front room , all
modern Improvements and nicely furnished
501 S 20th St. 213
POll KENT-Hooms with board , .104 S. 18th.
785 aiiK 12 *
FOH HENT Two comfoitable rooms south
ern exposure ) suitable for two uen-
tinmen , two blnekM from postolHco TIB. Itofer-
enees , address Y 64 , Itoo olllce. 7 J 5J
" " " " "
"r7oH"HKNT ) "iio f uriifshed rooinT"2ird tloor
JL' fiont , 2512 t'apltol ' ave , 811 5J
rOH HENT Nlooly tiirnlshed room for a
gentleman. 1412 N 28th 6t. 791 8j
FOH HRNT I.nnra front parlor with tiny
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
modern conveniences at 1821 I'nraam nt , ono
block west of couit houso. F21
FOH Hr.NT-I'lo.isant room , furnished. 1410
Clilcatfo 6t. 1P7
FOlt HENT-Oniro room Iifl pur month , 2nd
tloor. 3108. Ifith Bt , 4
FOlt HE NT-Tin oo nice untiiinlshcd rooms
at I'HI n 18th t. H15 7J
F OH HENT furnished Imll hcd-ioom for one
Kontloman , H'w'J Iioi1ni > f-t. 814 f > J
FOH HKNT Olliei" ) at 1012 Furnarn et. Av
ply to I'attursou A. Moore , Ouiilm National
bank. arj
IllOHHENT-l'leiisaut futnished loom 01617
1 1'leasiint st. H55 7
IilOH HENT-r.nnidhod room in Grounlff hTkT
cor 13th and Ooilvn st. lii'iulro of Davis ft
llntlinrhik'ton , Mlllrinl Hotel Iliillard room. 231
1 ? Oll HKNT I'nrni-hod rooms and parlors
1 with all modern conveniences. 70S Koiuh
Ibtn st. 730 7
Fdlt "irKNT.-Nlcely furnlsired ro1Ims " ? or'
families or slnulo ncrkon. 714 N. lUthStiont.
421.tub I *
HUNT DpMirnliln rurnlsheil room tor
Kentiemen at bj'j Howard Bt. ItVJ
"IJ1OH HENT A lar 'o front room In now
Jhoupo bath , and latest modern Improve
ments , 1613 Webster street. U'-
1J1OH HKNT rurnUhed room , bath am ) nil
. .1conronlonuci , 1613 CMICMKO st. txi e *
"I7IOH HENT riirniahedooms In
-L block , cor 13th nnd lioilgo. Dnvisi Heltior-
n , Jllllhrd hotel Inllird room
77\OH \ HKNT Furnished rooms , n. w. rorner
X1 ma and P.trmun. 721 OJ
Oil HENT-Furnlshed roo-as , le
FOU lli.ST ; I'nrt of ofllco room. Jn-iulro at
liil-DuuKlns ft. SHI
, HUNT 1'urmsbeJ rooms 1515
171OK KENT Tim largest titore room in toVvn
-L lUiiuUu tt the . ' .rgUj oUlco , Albion. Neb.
EOU RKNT-Pult * of furnished rooms fo
Rcntlomen. A. Hospo , Jr. , 313 N. 17tU ,
TPOH HKNT-Nlcely fnrnlshod looms , to gen'
JL1 tlemcn only , 220 N. 16th St. , Hoom 3. ViA
OH HKNT-Waro room cor. 14th nnd Cnlk
Ifornla on Dolt Line , tor particulars enquire - >
quire at Union Nat bank. 1M
'ijioll Ul.N r KU'irniit suite oTfbom ? , reforea *
JP CM required , 1R07 Douulao Bt , 107
OH HKNT-Nlcoly furnished room , 1023
Dodfro. 111) )
T/lOlt IUNT ! Furnished rooms , on suite , Iti
U prlvnto fninlly. modern conveniences : .
Apply to Leslie .V Leslie , 16th nud Dodge rts.
| JUlt ) HKNT-Nlcely furnished pallorssnltablu
JL for Kentlemiiti mill wife , or two or tlirod
Kontlemetu IJcslrublo location. 421 N. 17th at.
1U8 tl
ITUMt HKNT t'lcnsnnt slnalo or double room
-L All modern comiMiioncei. Ohenp to KOIIM
only. 211 I'M st near Fiirn.ltu. I'M ' 7
FOH KI'.NT Three rooms suliililo for lleht
tioiisiiki'apltikT Cor. 7th ttud Tactic. Kit *
qnlro 1781311 . B5i
OH HFNT-Furnlshcd room \18lrt \
Bt. 052 sept 6
IJIOH UF.NT-t.nrEn front room furnished for
JKentiemen , KIOIIIU ! floor : maple trees ;
KrB" ; pavement ; street oars every llvo niln.
iitos. tOli Howard st. Also rootux fiirnlBhed
and unfurnished for light housekeeping. l'2i '
FOH HEXT-1'lonsant furnished rooms , IfilJ
Dodge. ICO 11J
" | ? OH HENT Ono nlcelv furnished roomfir t
* - ' floor , Kcntlomen only. 1701 Capitol avo.
817 8J
T710K HENT-Nlcoly ftirnlghed room at 141'J
i- Howard Pt. f.r.7 10
HKNT II looms suitable for house
kcoplni : , Boutnwebt cor. 2lst nnd Nicholas
Hr.NT-Furnlshod rooms with board ,
M , rarnnin. MS nil *
it HKNT-Front room with board , 1813
Chicago Bt. 015 5
1310H HENT-Furnlshed front rf om. near carL
-L fine at corner of Dodpe and 24th streets ,
ItKjuIro of A. II , Comstock 152J arnnm Bt.
TTIOH HENT-Newly furnished room. .MS ,
Jconveniences. . 1'tlv Nea
ness. lOla Capitol ave , 371
FOlt HKNT Furnished room with board fo *
gentleman ; reforoiicos roiiulred. 1T24V
Douglas street. 709-6 *
FOU HKNT-Nowly furnished room , board if
desired , 1720 Dodge St. 7Ut
Oil HKNT-4 or 8 unfurnished rooms , sulta-
ble for housekeeplng.ono block from court
hoiiso , on HUh street , between St. Mary's avdv
nil llHrnov st , modern eonvoniences. HofeH
encftgjrcjiuln'd. M. F. Martin , owner. lli.1
FOH HKNT-Furnlshed room , 1021 Dodso.
4m :
FOH HENT-Suitn of 4 nice rooms sultablo'
for hoiifiokooplinr , references remilred ,
lith st , just north of St. Mar/.s avo. Water ,
soivercoiinectlons , gas , folding doors Ac. 6 4
HUNT Desirable cool rooms with bonnj
. * ' In pr'vnto ' family ; pleasant homo , moiluni
conveniences , terms reasonable , 635 1'loasnnI
ft. 891 * J
FOR Ur.Nl'-Nlcdy furnishoil room , IKl
UO.IITO t. 193
\\ tor a lowdnya ontr
I/ot lOii nine's nddition for tfl.O ) .
l.o t71 Olso'rt nddition , fiJ'IOX
Jllockl lloyd'a addition , * S.rU
Ono thlid cash , balance 1,2 and .1 roar * .
Homlngton & McCormlck , 220 SoutU 1Mb st.
VTOTICK to real o Mto ujronts. Heal e tnl <
-L adonis mo hoioby notified to withdraw1
from sale August 1Mb. blocks II and Hi In
Soliloslnnoi's addition , wliloh adjolna the Put- "
rick fiirm / . T. I.imlsey. 1ft )
BAIIOA1NS oMraordlnnry Corner nnd
240 feet front on f-'otilh lth ( ! St. nt $7ft po
front foot. One of the most bountiful full lots
In Walnut Hill orth $ l01 ; tor Rule for f H ) ;
t4BOcash. J. r. Hammond , 117 S. Itttli. 709
AI/Ij the followluir prices nro several hiirt
urod Uollura below market prices and must
bo sold :
0 i.\160 on North 15th st. near Grace Bt , In Pad
dock plllCO , f ) ,5"HI. "
Bdxl 12 on North 13th Bt , near Oraco , In same
nilditlon , east front , f l.'i'O. '
SSxiaa on Noith JCth st , south of Oruco st , '
corner. ? MMn.
Illocli 2J , Iloyd'j ndd , comprising 10 lotfli
l.'oxlOO , corner of Maple nnd Baumlora st.
near Lake M. , west front. flU.OuO.
1" , on Howard by UO on Plonsant St. , $10,000.
Any rciibonnbli-offer tor thu ubovo properly
will ho onteitiilnod hy the owner , us It ponltlvof
1 > must bo eold. All on easy terms. Mitchell
Ac I.oyonmurck , 151C r odfo ( st 781 0
TITO r.XC'HANdII Improved farms In \ enL
-L and Diikota for unproved piopotty In
Omaha. W. IJradwny 424 n 17th st.
84U f.J
FOHSAI.K-Ortrado , 25 lots in the western"
part of Omnhn near the llonion cur line ,
price H ( ) each , $2V ) due on contracts piiyablu
In H quarterly pnympnts , will triido Intercut Irt
contracts for NuorusRu luii'l. MeCullouh .t Co. .
1609 rainam bt. 1000
IF you want to buy , sell or Undo , cull on I * V.
C'riiin. 120N ISth at.
Itxj lots > i of a tnllo of U. P. depot
for sulc or trade.
0 room lioiiio for rent. Two 10-roorn houses
for lent , bnluor tniilo Idlewllile. Uy
SIB I , V. Ciiim , U'O N 1.1th St.
171OH BLI3 A forum-Jot. south front In Or-t
-L' clintd Hill , for Jbi'J. Jiuiics Stockdalo , 113
Nl'1llst ' > 771 H
FOH S.Mji-i ; ; housed nith loaio on croundi
Cheap for ciiBh. 8.J S. ticvciitli street.
U24 7J
T(1OH SAI.U-M No , 1 farms within a rail tin of
-L1 311 nillei of Omuhii , Also n taw jrood bust-
nt'Bi chances In two lire towns. .1. H. Kilyls ,
HoulEstate nd hoiin A.ont , Ulkhorn , Neb.
r,7U . \ tig 8
A SNAP-Lot 1. block 2 , I.ako ndd , coincf
1'Jth ' and Ohio , tililio , oat front , f,7SO ) ,
Jinrirnsh , bnhinco easy. Active Heal Uetatu
nndProport > oxcliiuiffo , Iri2l DoilKust. U4 ! 1
! BALK Corner lot on VirKinux ave with
J' two ( rood housus , cheap at J7.00) . Tcrmg
easy. Ho.isrs rent for 70 per month. H. 3.
Campbell , D10 S. isth Et. Cbarabor of Cora-
inerto. _ 273
EASTKHN Nebraska farms to oxcbnnKO for
Omaha luopcrty. 1'nttcrbon A ; ilooie ,
Omaha National Hank. 64J
LO'l S 17,18 nnil 19 , block 14 , Clifton Hill ; IB la
n corner nnd f runti south on .Military nve ,
VI.Qip , IWid cufch , bal. easy. James HtocKdalei
I UN. ICth st. 8i > 7 11) ) .
iroil SAhK-fSW ) will buy 40xl2I > J foot eolith '
- * front , In I.OWO'B Mm addition. Apply on
lircroi e * , Detatur street between atth unj
! .5thsts 1 rank Plain. 01211J
i.Mjtj-G40 acres ot Kood land boliur
Hcctlon 25 , township in , ranto tf , woHt , 'I lill
laud Nsltuntau In Howard county , this state ,
close to the U. I' . , and new Rtatlon on the II.
& M. branch. Can plow at least llnrc-fouitlirf.
'balance ' oiccllent pustuuiKO No bettor soil m
thaHtuto.ii rock bottom cioek runs Herons the
extreme southwest comer. S.lenilldly | adapted
for Kcneral Inrinlnif orflock piirpoira. rrlco
} 9UU per ncro'S ; or more c sn , balance lomr
time. AdilrcBS nt once. Ooorao N. Hli'lcB , 211
SI'Kl IAI < IlKrK'iinii- ' Homo H rmTiiisT'Tiarfn
otc. , all new , Uonlsci's nildltlou , t,70J. )
( I.OOO ( UHh , balnncuiroiid time.
rour 4-room no u pus In l.owu's adilltlon , now.
f l/)0 ) ciich , f2Ui cash , balance to Niilt
House r > rooms , burn , full lot. \ ntcs .V Itcod'a
subdivision , ; 2C03 , (760 cash , balance to
8 lilt *
Two lots , on corner. Grand View , nlco build-
Ini. plto , $ -iK)0,14 cash , bulunco UIIIK tune.
Jl H UalKVto. _ _ IT ! NorthWthPt _ 637
HA hlj Ono million ncrcs of land In No
Jbraska. . SieoulKtor'n | landarailroad landi ,
riinchc-H , and farms In all pitrtn of thu
itiilo. Send for pamphlet containing desorlp-
llon ami prlco of over one tliousimd farms. A
line topoitraphlonl inBpol tlic atittn si > nt frro
upon application. K. H. Audrtis , for 10 jearl
( len'l l.nnd Aennt II. M. It. 1C iibth : | and Is
strootH , Lincoln , Nebraska , l4'j ! '
Notlco to Coal Dcnlcrs.
Qr.AI.r.l ) 1'ioposnls will be ruotnvod at the
> J ollico of tlin county clt-rk up In la o'clock
loon of .Satiirduj , Au ust litti , IHSV , for lilr-
ilshlnc Doutfltn coiinty \ th hard coal , about
J'JMoiH ' , moio or lo s.
Coiil id be d ( > llvurad fit tbo court house or
county pour farm as it Is needed i
Illda will also bo received at thosntno tiin/Ti
mil pbico for fiirnl hlinr will i enl to Ibo
rounty , to lie dellvoiud in Quarter , hall' and ton
ois.Knch bidder tnilft nceorapany Ills bid with a ,
cortllled chcik in tbu sum of onu hundrud dol-
The rlsht Is reserved lo rojcet any and all
> ld . I or tuiihur Intotmation call at county
clmk's olllon.
llyoidm ( jf tbu boird.
C. I' . Nlil'.DHAM. County Clerk.
Omaha , Neb. , Au uat 1st , 1M7. uldit
IIW will bo received by the board of public !
tndsand liulldlnxa ut any time- belornuirust
5 , | bH7 , at - \ > . in , , for donations for the local Urn
or tbu "Nebraikn Induitrlal Home. " Usual
rlrfbta reserved. Hy order of ld bonTd. /
Juiy."i , : s 7. i ) . I. . l.A\vs , Sccrftnr/ ,