THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , . AUGUST 6. 1887. HARKNESS BROS. , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. CLOSING OUT ALL > Summer Dress Goods , White Goods Parasols , Gloves , Mitts , Hosiery , Etc. , Etc , OTJPL OF CARPETS , Are Large and Well Selected Our Patterns are Choice and Quality the Best. New Goods are arriving and invite inspection A FULL LINE OF Curtains , CURTAIN DRAPERIES , SHADING ETC. , ETC , Work Done by Competent Workmen. Mail Orders Promptly Attended To 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , N. B. Special attention given all orders by mail. BEST MAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OP Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to ' " . call OH us. Initruinentt Tuned nnd Repaired. We never fall to Rive atUfuellon. Over 2O year * * ' Experience litPluno nnd Origan Work. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Blufis , Iowa OT. . Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Bluir * Ofltce , ffluvonlo Temple. Omnliit OlHcco 111 . North Itilli street. . Particular nttonllon given to In. vetting fundii lor non - re- dents. Special bnrgulnt in lot * dt nero property In Omaha & Coun cil Ilium. Correspondence solic ited. BECHTELE'S ' NEW HOTEL , Best $2.00 a day house in the west. LOCATION , THE BEST , FIRST CLASS TABLE , SAMPLE BOOMS and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES ! Regular : Boaiders : : Reduced : : Rates. NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs. 4 No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , A COMPLETE ASSOllT.HE.Vi' Fancy and Staple Groceries „ Both Domestic and Foreign , L : Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. WILLIAM WELCH , OFFICES ! No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan , Telephone No. 33 Na. C15 Main Street , Telephone No , 93. LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , ToitolseSliell elc.llair , Ou nnincnts , as well as tlio newest nov- S elticaiu hair goods. Hair pooils mailcto order Mrs.C. I , . Gillette 29 Jlniu St. , Council Uluil's , Iowa. Qut of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to , OFFICKH .C 1'USEV , COO Broadway , Council UluiTsJowa. mabllshod 1S57. REAL ESTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands , City lleildoneos and J'nnns. Acre property In western part of city. All selling cheap. K. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Koom 5 , over Officer Sc I'usoy's Ilnnk , Councl Bluffs. Star Safe Stab/es and Mule Yards. llrotidwny , Council Illulfs , Opp. Dummy Depot. E = a 55 kX - S 3 ts3 C/7 CO CD S3 a - * sr S Ps - ( = a > Horses and mulus conbtantly on hand for sale at retail or in cur load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract oil short notice. Stock hold on commission. Telephone 111. Sni.UTKU Ai HOLEY. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Ululfs. CROCKERY , LAMPS , JUSSWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , A'O. % 3 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL Ii LUFFS , lAf ESTAULISHEIH8C8 D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL , A.\l FURS. Highest Marlft 1'rices , fromp He turns. 820 and 823 Main Street , Council Blufld , Iowa. BEST LIGHT LIYERY The tinest of driving horses always on hand and for sale by MASE WISE. SPECIAL NOTIOES. Special advertisements , such as Lost , Found 1o Loan , For Bale , To Rent , ft ants , Boarding , etc , will bolnserted In thli column nt the low ratoof TEN CK.NTSl'KK LINK forthe first lusor- lonnnd 4'lvoCouts rerLlnofo.-eacli aubsoijuent Insertion. Leave advertisements lit our offlco No. Ii Vearl atieet , nour Uroadway , Council IllutTs. WANTS. \ \ * ANTED -Situation by j oung married mnn. Host of references llualuoss ozporionco. Wholesale house preferred. Address K 10 , line oIHoe , Council Illull'd. \\7ANTKD-Sltuatlon by lady bookkeeper In i > ofllco or ns siileoludy. Address W J , Hoe ofllco , Council lllutls , \V"ANTED Situation by young man , gro > T corv or clothing business preferred. Three years experience In each. Addrsia D 12 , llee otlkc , Council Iliulla , Iowa , \\7ANTKD Situation ns bookkeeper by > > youutr man whocanglvo satlifaotory rof. orenuoa HI to experience , habits and responsi bility. 0. D. llee office , Council Blutts. Situation as salesman In grocery WANTED Heferonces given. 1) . U. T. , lloo olllco , Council limits. \\riLl. sell two cnrrlagM on long time or will > > trade for hortei , William Lewii , ST.FRANCIS ACADEMY Cor , 5th Ave. & 7th St. , Council Bluffi , Ono of the best Educational Instltu lions in the wwt , Boarding and da ] school conducted by the SIsters of Char ity , 1J. V. M. Board and tuition ( or a term of llvi months , 976. For further particular ) addrew SISTER SUPERIOR , 6 * . Francii Academy , Uouncli Biufla , U SPECIALNOT10E8 ; Advertisements under thflThead , 10 cents po Inc for the llrst Insertion , Vt-onts for earh sub sequent Insertion , and Sl.rflh line per month No nd\crtl otnent taken f'i" ) lets than Z5 penti for the Uut Intcrtlon. . Eotf.n words wll ] b counted to the line : tlipy inun nin consrcu- tlvelv nnd must oc nnld In Mlvanco. All nch or- tlsomctits mu t bp handed In lipforp 1 : U ) o'clocit p. m.pnd under no c'lrcum Hticp will they betaken taken or discontinued liv telephone. I'm tins advertising Infill" * roiumn anduav- Ing the answers addrP cdtln pare of TUB 1)B8 wuipiencoask fornebrck tornalilo thrmtoget tuelr letters , ns none will lio. delivered ojccot on iircr entntlon of chrck. An nnswors to advor- tiscmonts should bo cnclo oiiln pn\ elopes All advertisements In HIPPO columns nro pub lished In both morning and tn oiling pilltlons ofTilu IU.F , the rlrculatlon of which aggre gates more than 14.000 pnpoi 8 dully , and gl\p * the nd\rrtsersthpbpn.-nt.nut | only of the pity plrriilatlon of Tin : HPK. but al o of Council lllntls , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this part of Iho wo t _ _ MONEY TO LOAN. Al.000,000 to loan. Cole , 310 S 15th. JJ ) 037 MONKV Wo loan money on Improved prop erty fo r nnvdi'slrpd amount at low rates of lnt rp t. to run tioni two to ton years tlmo. Stotts , Cox it Houston , luOiit Tin IIHIII. 95'J ' _ [ ON 13V To lonn nt fi per rent. 1'nttprson Ilros. , 15th street , opM1. O. S.J3 OXIJY to lonn as low rnto by BlncUiurn & M Kpunedy , illO South lljtli ft. B78 6 7tXi , iO TO LOAN nt 0 per tent. Llnnlnn $ Mnboney , 15U9 1-nrimni. 813 I'KH CKN'rTloney. 6 H. C Patterson , IMh nnfl Hnrnnr. U6 < iO,000 to 1oim on real e tnte No dolny. P Harris * Snmpson , 151B Doiiglns t. C40 ONP.Y TO LOAN O 1" llnvls Co , real M estate nnd loan agents , 1005 tTurnnm t. , * pOOOfl ( ) to lonn in nny amount nt lowest rnto $ ot mtoie t II. H. Ire ) . 1'reiuer block. 07 , To loan on Omaha city property at3 $500,000 cent. O. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. llM ' . TO LOAN On cltv and fnrni prop- MONI'.Y nt low rates. No delaj. Calm > V wool ley , 13'Pariiain ! st. to lonn to parties nMilnir to build , MONKY S S. Campbell , 310 S 18th st , Chamber of Commerce. MJ ONKY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay M J. L. lllco i , Co. , over Commercial Na tional bank. : :57 : MONEY to lonn. cash on delay. J. W. and K. L. Squire , 14U Kurimm St. , Faxton hotel building. 64 ONEY TO LOAN-Loans of $10 to 1100 made on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , etc. , without removal , J. J. Wilkinson 4 Co. , 1824 Farnam street , over Hurllngton tlfhot olllco. d.r.1 augfl * MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In aumfl of fl.COOto f 5,000 nt six tier cent interest Rliolcs& Crumb. 645 MONKY TO LOAN on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Leitvitt llurn- hnm , Itoom 1 Crolghton Block C41 MONEY TO I.OAN-On city property In Bums of 1500 and upwards at lowest rates. Money hlwuys on hnnd. S. 8. Campbell. 310 South Sixteenth street. . 647 LOAN Money Loan * , placed on improved - . proved real pstnte In city or county for Mew England Loan A TruBt Co. , by Doiielas County bnnk. ICtb nnd ChlPHtfp stg 049 MONKY LOANUUnt C. F.JJlcod & Co.'s Lonn Offlco , on furniture , pianos , horses.wagons , personal property of nil kmrts , and nil other ar ticles of valup , without removal. 1119 8.13th. over BIngham 8 Commission-Store. All busi ness strictly confidential. " 650 MONKY ao LOAN by top nndorsigned , who has the only properly organl/od loan agency In Omubn. Loans otjlo to $100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , Ac , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Lonns so mode that nny pnrt cnn bopnld nt nny ime.each payment reducing the post pro ratn Advances made on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , BS many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money cnll and see mo. W. u. Croft , room i W-thnoll Iluildlng 15th and Hnrney. C51 milE OMAHA Financial Exchange. * . ' Corner of Ilarupy and 15th gts. , over State National bank. 1" J" ; 'pnroc > to mnke short tlmo loans on any Bvailable security. Lonug made on chattels , collateral or real state. Long time loans mndo on Improved real estate At current rales. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , polder exchanged. Short time loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal interest , at collateral rates. Kcsl citato to excbsnie for good Interest bearing paper. General financial business of all Kinds trans acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Honey always on hand for approved loans of any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub licity. Corbott. Manager. ti,3 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 rurnam street Complete abstracts lur- nishod.and titles to real estate exnmlnod , pur- fecied and guaranteed 078 BUSINESS CHANCES ! FOH HALfi-Or TradeBmnll stock of gro- f erlos In flist-clnps location , llenson lor soiling owner going Into other business Ad dress btotts , Cox A. Houston , 1607i ! rninam St. t'56 ' 7J _ TT OH SALE Or Trade A largo three story Jbrick hotel in livu wosturn Iowa town of 5OXpop ) Newly furnlshud tlnoughout , hus)5 ( bed rooms , steam boat , gas , olectrlo call and alarm bells , city water , etc Nuar depot und business center. Must bo disposed ol at once on account of noor health of owner Terras reasonable. Address btotts , Cox & Houston , 16074 Farnam. 018 FOK SALE A complete laundry , Including horses , horne s , two wagons , twenty horse power engine aim boiler , Wntson washer , Weston wringer , 12xia dry room , shafting pulleys , stoves , building , etc. , complete all In porli-ct working ordor. liKiuiro of I. F. Uon- nott at the offlco of C. F. Dnscoll , IIDongo st. from 10 a. m. to 2 p. in. 758 8j RAHK business chance ; for sale , the stock , lUtures and good will of a first-class cloth ing store doing a good business , centrally located , only reasons for selling thu owner hag other and more Important business. Parties meaning business may address U , If , Boo olllco. 654 FOH SALE Wont market , tools , Ilxturos , horse and wagon , everything complete. Good locution : good trade. Address U 40 , lleo. \\rANTRIJ I'artlos w ho desire to buy or sell ? T or exchange stocks of general merchan dise , dry goods , groceries , boots and shoos , hardwaredrugsJewelry Improved or unim proved town orclty property , Improved or un proved farms In any pnrt of the t'nlted States , to address ICrause & Foster , 31 S. 16tb st Omaha Nob. G.Y , \\rANTKD-Oontleman wishing an honest business. Profits $14 per dny * 100 re quired. Will exchange for stock or trade. Call room i Cron use block , 110 N loth street T- 7SJ aug II FOlt SALE 1 offer for sale the United States hotel cor of Douglas and 10th st. Said hotel has accommodations for fX ) boarders and runs In connection n bar with ia'f till stock of the best liquors ; will sell cheap op account ot sick ness ; Inquire on premises. ( i72 U BUSINESS Chnnoo-ror sute-A stock of dry goods , clothing , furnispg ) ( ( good * , boots nnd shoos ; also fixtures. WltU.thls stock n four j ears leuso of a double store Ciuilio obtained in one of the best retail locnlltlMMn the city. In formation at Dornmnn'sCoa'toiithThlrlPonth ' street , , COS RAHK Business chance Frt 'salo. ' a stock of general merchandise InJUo best of shape , located m the best railroad UMUI in boiithurn Nebraska. Stock will InvoPop about fil.OOO. Bales last year. $40,0X1. Call or address , ( iooa reason for soiling. II. F. Hntl &Son , Fulrliury. Noh. 818 a5 BUSINESS CtlANCK-Kor sale stock , und good will of ono of the bent retnll grocery stores In Omaha , centrally located , reasons for selling party has other business. Address V 60 , Bee olllce , 03 8' WANTED Partner , JIMO : flu dally. 016 S. 10th st. 602ii3 BALE-Tho woli-known Hawley home of 40 rooms , on account of the death of mv wife , Will tell property or sell furniture and rent bouse to right person. A good chance to inako money. Address 1'rQp , North I'lutte , Net ) 473 a 7J _ FOH SALE Fine stock of fresu g rocorlcs. 1'ony team dollvory wagon nnd harness. Vine location and doing n good builness ; 1 year loano on building with privilege of 2 11101 o , ilcntedf&O per month. Whole price 11,400. Will take part in city property , If satisfactory. Ttrwa to suit. J. F. Ilamiuond , 117 8. KtU st. "W BALE Law llhrHry. oheap. Woeoler A Wbeuler , Douylaa mm lith it. W troll PALR-noni-ding howe nml furniture -L complete ( "nil at s vr cor. of IMII Hud Iznrdsta. Mr . Freeman. \VANTRD" Ono Or two smart business men > ' with f 100 to f * iOO capital to make $5,000 tie- lore the snow llleg. Hoom 4 , Crounsp block , 10th st. f44 10 "iroit SALK A stork nf general tnoro him Jdi c , store building and lot. In one of the best new towns In Ccnttal Nebraska. Stock will Invoice at ptpjont about Jl.fOU. flood rea sons for selling. Address Y 03 , llco olllce. . 874 BJ "I71OII SAI.K Cheap A flno lunch counter -L suitable lor bar purposes , S ) . * s 10th , svi OJ " \\7ANTI'U I'artiu'rlnthodrug business ; exT - T T collcnt stand. Address L 71 llco o'llro ' , VJO I1J \ \ ANTi0 ; An iMicrgctla young man with T some capital 1'or Information cnll nt 314451511181 , V > 9 \\T ANTKO-rnrlnor with t-MJO ; good cash ' pnj Ing olllco business , well ostnbllshpd , $125 monthly clear ; no risk. Address Ml 7 this olllco. UI4 7" "VVrAVrilD Partner in Oregon lumber hu l ' * ness. Capital f 10.000 to . ! 000. A llrst class OroHOit party wants n paitner to estab lish H yard In Omaha. Enquire of 11. Hose- water. P51 1JJ 1/1OH SALK llnrbpr shop with two clmlrs at J South Omaha. Now furnlturp. nil below cost. Address box 212 South Onmhn 7Pi ) OJ PEKSONAlT Or.ltSONAl , The Unto City Eiiiploynient of- .1 ficc,3l4'i Sloth , supplies the bust of Scan- dltm\liin nnd Uerinnn girls. V3) 131'KSONAli- there n person in town who J could nssl t n.0 ! jenr old. reliable , steady Jlobiow In peeuilng n situation of nny kind. Address V dl , Dec Onice , HIS 6 ] _ I lKltSONAIi Pend for jour sewing innrhlne mrdles , oil nnd repairs to tlio blnirer Mnn'fg Co , 1518 Douglas st. Onmhn. 403 iUB IJKHSONAIj Homo * , oil from 1211 Davenport st to 311 North Kth , furnished rooms for rent. CM-12 * IjnflSONAI. npntloinon , nttentlon. Good board and rooms ut 6U4 S. ISth 8t.rensonably 7M1 iiug 1'J _ "I ) EllFOf"AII'rivntp homo for Indies during J confinement , strictly conlldontlal , Infants adopted , address 1) ) 42 , llco ofllco. 42.n5 ! P EHSOtfAL-Mrs. ir Nannie V. Warren clairvoyant , Medlrnl nnd business Medium Boom No. 8 121 North 16th t .Omaha , N U coa _ _ LOST. LOST A ( told watcti with fob chain mm gold Bowed Imtiglo , also gold hnndorchluf hold er. I'lnder please lotiirn to 1917 Cuss nml re- coho reward. Mrs. Win , htndelmnn. 11187 LOST-Ladles gold hunting case watch with brass cap , on loth and Dortgo. I'lnder will please Icavu with Mr- Bergman nt Max Meyer's store. 803 6 | LOST Ilrlndlo Scotch orrlor 10 months old. Drags collar locked Ith dog tat fr6m Decatur - tur , HI. Itcwnid will b pnid for return of eaino to H. 11. Haven , 50ti S. 10th st. 845 OJ STHAYF1) 2 bay horses 9 years old , weighing - about 1200 pounds eneb. Kofirn to linlln St Slovurs , DID n ICth , Omaha , Nub , nnd vet ro wan ) , 050 11 EVKNTV-FIVE dollars' reward. Strayed or Btolen from rcnr of 111 N 17th Pt. n largo roan horse , aliout 17 hands high , welching be tween l.SOOond 1,400 pounds , redlsh brown mane nnd tnil , hind nnklo somewhat swollen- f 25 will bo paid for return of nnlmnl to owners , at 1)0 ) S 14th ftand If stolen the sheriff of Doiiff- las Co. will pay n reward of (50 for the arrest and conviction of the thief. 696 FOUND. . ' and white . Owner Ij tvm < .11 n 'T pointer. .T can have same by calling at C1B N. 14th st nnd proving property. 910 Oj CLAIRVOYANT. M US. nPHANT Clnmojant from lloston Is reliable In all affair * of life , unites sepa rated lovers. U1" n 10th 1 btliscptJj 8TOKAOE. STOUAOK Omuha Storage vVurohouse , cor. 13th and Uard , ample facilities for storage , fnrnlturn , wagons , etc. Low rates , advances mado. Issue warehouse rocdlpts. 40J uug 6J Tr/IIHST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft. TORAGK ' First-class storage for nlc fur- S' ' nlture or boxed goods , at 1513 IJodee-it. 800 MIsbELLANEOUa ] HK Date City Employment jillcoTTlM'i S. 15th street Orders for nil kinds of help Bollolcd. 029 FOU TKATIKVo have eovoral good houses nud lots that wo will trndo nt cash prices for llrst mortgage paper. These houses are now and range In prlco from $ .1,000 to 7,500. Park , Tow lor & Konnard,1007 Tarnam. rilllOSr. In want of llret-claps IIUIBOS und -L bousokeopvrs cnn bo supplied frou ot chaige by tailing on Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 1505 Davenport st. Ofi 7 WIIKN you got rcndy to buy something don't full to see Hluckburn & Kennedy , niO South 15th st. We hnro boiuethnig good to show you. T > O Hoom llentprs Why have your rooms empty when tor the payinnnt of one dollar lar , you can list jour naino on our bookg lor hi * months and sncuro the benellt of the best medium for renting sour rooms/ National Kinplovinont Olllco 4.0 south 15th street , room 7 , up ititlrs. _ Jin 5 _ / tOOI ) roilablo help of either ser nlvra8 on * J on hand at iho Scandinavian Employment Bureau , 1810 Farniirn street. 7S1-7J DO you want boarders and roomers ? Iea\e your orders at 3H-4 ! a. 15th St. , Oato City Itentnl office. U21) ) L ADI KB desiring competent and reliiiblh help nliould call at the National employ ment cilice , 420 South 15th St. , room 7 up stairs. G01-6 DO YOU want a situation a biiokkoeper , clerk , ute ? Wo can seturo one for you. Itooord Advertising Co. , I51d rarnatn st 671-5 KUAItLi : Insiiruncu , Illackburn & Kennedy , Hia South 15th Bt. 8780 _ USINK8S CHANCES of nil kinds , farms. stocks of goods , oto. . forsaluorexchang" , Bee Heuord Ad\ortUlng Co. , 1513 Furniitn st. 671-5 MAONKTIC Mealing Modlumi cure nil kinds of Richness In connection with clairvoy ance ol the paat , present and future J. H , 1'agelor , North State st , mile west of fiur grounds , I' . O. box 6S3. _ 510 nZflJ DO YOU want the earth ? 70C yards ot It can bo had with a premium nt 044 faouth 17th Btroct , near I.ouven worth. 278 Fpb KXCHANOH-Kor good family horse und -L phaeton , Ml uci 03 ot land. fro < j fiotn en- onmbriinco , within throe miles of county * est. Chas. I' , llenjamln , 151U Farnara et. M5 AHH you looking for employment ? Cull at UUb S. 15th st , the Uatu City 1'mploymitnt olllce. JJ r ABH buyers of furniture , stoves and house- v hold goodB don't go in the long tlmo hl/h priced stores , they go to 117 N ICth. 547 ug7 rpo I'XCHANbE-Hnuth Omaha lot free from -L enoumhranro for nnan of good horses. Chas. 1' . Benjamin , 1513 rarnatn at. 5VS M ONBV talks tor furniture and household goods at 117 N Ifltu , Your price for cnsh , 648 aug 7 F OK RBN7 Square Hiuno * J montblr. A Ho8pe.l513IK > uglas. Ml cmitHNT-OrgansI2 per month , iloupe , 1613 Douglas. Ml Ol. C.-House furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J. Bonnor , 1315 Douglaiist. M3 F IOIt ItKNl Srjuara tJuuo , | montnir. HOSDB , 1813 Bouglii. f,01 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. F 1OH SAI < K Oood eaddlo horao , sultablo fur ludyV. . W. Houston , JWTi , lurnam st. BJ7 7J . SALK Hrlok. lin'julro ' at yords , 20th and U. & . 1C 851 t' FOK SALE Furniture , good will nnd lease of the best paying gmull hotel In Oilman. Constantly lull of Urn class boarduis. Price * 1,5 < )0. ) Investigate Ibis. J. 1' , Hammond , 117 . U 1th Ttir. _ it h. _ _ "IjAOK 6AI..E Pug dogs ; line KnglUh pugs and JItalian nroyhound puppli-s for saiu. For prlcoj and doacrlptlon , miJiesj Ilex 200 Topeka , kunsaj. Wh J TmOU BALH-Alotnf good fresh farm X1 ami mules in. Hawaii * Terry's etablo , 41d 3 13th 61. Uj. ' ) B' _ BAM' Upright I'lano at ( ircat hucri- FOU floe Aprlrato party must sucrlflco a mug- dlpcuntTK octave triple strung1 nprlfht piano at leas than one-half TUluo. Jlare chance ta get K One rlauo cheap. Addreii Y 6i Uee oiiiv * , , ' V1B7) ) FOUflAliR-At n bargain , a il-foom house with clq Ptu nnd puntrv , Pte. , lot Si feet oa t front , It blocks nouth of court hoixa AdV - V 30 , lion olllce. _ _ SAIil' 1 ufiiltiirn of ! * ronuis with pnvl- lose of Icftfo of hou < - , 707 8. Hth Su _ _ a Ii OH S MiK Your choice of thn be t Hup' of Impute * . cArrlHgo , phaeton * , surreys , do * llrcry wagons , open nnd top ono flnt hunting wagon , Call and look through or send tor cut * and price to Columbus lluggy Co. , Ill ) Ilarney . ' , ' H I 1T1OH SAhr. 10 sharps NchrnsUu l.oon ami JL1 b'ld'g as n. Stock series (1. ( Value with parnlng * * 105 , paying largedh Idends , price $8i llest building assoclatloti In the city. Address YM lieu olllco D4J 6 | SAM ! A now Invontlon with initont rlirlit worth tlU.OJU , will soil for $ lm cash. Call 81 J S bovciith street city. V i 7J \ HAHlfopportunitVTjTl rod liy widow lady Jv. Iwo horson , one Is the Inind'onio. high bred , fa t trotter and road her e , Chester Wlll < i" , got by ( Icorgo'llke . eire of Many \Vllkps , record 2ll'i : , dam Ll//lo llllnki'r , thn diiui of IAICO Morning , record ol ' . ' : .1I1 , . In fact I lm\c his podlgioe : Che ter Ina Imv goldlng , 13i luindi high , weighing fully l.UUO poumls , II > oars old and has a long Mowing niiino and tall and trro from fpot or liloinl h of any kind , 11 j l < itlthout cxcuptlon the inoit perfect gun- tlumnn's fiunllv and road IIOMO tn the city , ho needs no boots or too weight" , hit * great car- Hugo and endurance , docs not shy or pull : per fectly cafe for tno most llnild porxon to dmo ! tluiro Is ti line a sti aln of blood In his I'lns at can be traced to any trotter of the ago. Ho has never trotted for anv money , FO bus no public record : would iiuikti n valuable horse for rend or track jiitr- po c : ho showed two trial * when my huibniut puioliimed him iillttlno\or a jearngo In24 : ) and " , " > , dilNon by John Hampton , at which time h cour oil cotis'dcrablci nnd ho Is 111 good now , If not bettor , and will warrant hlmtnbn in r.ory way as iepie otitcd , and to trot a full mile In : K ) , and tno ttiuo shown purcha'ci ; nl o Hit linnd < omp and beautiful bay mnro Minimi , 7 JURIS old : can go out any dav and trotln2J5 : or bettor : she wai Rlrml li\ Nut wood , record of2lSV4 : : I iilao hold her full pt-d- lgit' ; thry miilto an uxcclletit polo tuum ; would prefer tn sell them to fomopemon In the countiy that would glvn thoiu a good hoinu. \Vouldnllowarespoiislblopirty a tilnl ot , W dnxi , to teit thnlr speed and driving qualities 1 will warrant them In every particular as rep resented , or I will pay expenses both coining nnd going. The pi Ice of thn two Is (75) ) , or } ou cnn have jour choice for $10) ) : that Is not near ns much as olthcrono cost. For further Information mation cnll nt my residence , 312S Wiilmsh nv. , Chicago. HI. MS "J _ FOR S.U.n Carpets nnd furnltuic. and hoimo lor rent , 11JN , "Jrcl between Doug las and Dodge. _ 414 S NAT I'urnituro and lonso of 0 rooms , ; i blocks Irom P. O. II. E. Colo.lilfi S ir.tli. _ B9" . IP' BEST buggies nt Druminond & , Co'i. tiurreys and cnbrioleti Clnrkson cnrts. Plmotous , Hocknwnys. Delivery wngons , now nnd old , hccond-hand buggies. \Vm. It IJrunitnond 4 Co. . bullderg , 1315 Unr- ney st. _ 821 a 9 FOH SALE -Car load of Oregon horses and ponies , broken to ride , can bo senn at Furuy'a lliirn , 5U5 Gaining St. 761 7 * _ FOH SALi-Snmll : horizontal boiler and en gine cheap , r.tiqulrc Calm & Woolloy , 1 ) * Farnam ni. _ 702-fl TjlO SALK-Hainess. llcht double , second X ? band > 12 , 17U4NlBthst. _ 019 6J FOIt SALE One six-foot upright black wal- nut show case. Milton Uogors & Son. 009 TOU SALK-140,000 brick. Apply to .1. N. J1 Flynn. 1605 Kariinm at. _ 144 IilOH SALE Ol ) and gasoline wagon , team , 1 harness and route. Call bet. 12 and 1 at 1413 Bodge. _ 815 FOIl SALE Span flno matched biy driving horses. C. F. Harrison , 113 S 15th st. 57 WANTED TOALE HELP. W ANTEU-Barbers nt 1111 B 13th St. St.U035J WANTED Two carpenters 27th and Day enport st. _ 051 BJ WANTED A hnrhc-r for Saturdny nnd Sun- dny IOJ North 10th st , nenr Dodge _ Ull S | WANTED A good flist and second cook , nlsothree nailers for tiack laying triiln. Albright's Labor Agency , ll.'O rnruuin Bt. bGO WANTED A thoroughly competent book keeper. ItoforencoB roqulrod. Address V 68 , Doe offlco. 860 5J WANTED A linker at the National bakery , 2105 Cunilng St. 865 0 ] ANTKD Mon tor railroad work. A brlght's Labor Agency , lia ) Fnrnam. _ 075 WANTED We furnish nil male help free to contractors , hotels , restaurants , families , etc ; nlso nil fetnnlo help to know that ve fur nish them situations free. Parties In need of help will do well to leave orders with 16th st , Emploj mont oHlco , J30 N. 10th at. 8J05J WANTED-Three persons to Instruct in bookkeeping. Situations in fceptembor. J. II. Smith , leu Cnlcago nt. 6ZS flj \\rANTED llallrond laborer * for Dakota. i T Moore's Rmployment agency , b03 S. 10th. WANTED Salesmen , n now invention needed in every house ; ! ! 00 per cent com mission or n good salary to right parties Ad dress with stump for tot ms the Weaver Mann- fncturor , 34 N btnto St. , Chicago , III. 7Jtsl * V\7 ANTI'D A ITrTy to tnKo cnro of horse for hla honrd and school privileges. Good homo for the right boy. H , U , Wnllnco , lleo ofllce , B to 11. _ 1K17 WANTED An exporionccd clothing Bales- man , none other need apply. J. L. HrandolgA Hong. 6U2 South 13th St. 805 _ WANTKD-Oood pant maker at once good pay and cash every Saturday. D. Lewis , Fairmont , Nub. _ 827 OJ ANTED-A good coat maker at SIB S. 12th St. _ 810 5J \\7ANTED Twenty-five laborers on Omaha TV extension Chicago ft North Nebraska Hallway , lour miles west ot Fort Omana. Wages tJ.OO per day , C. P. Treat , Contractor. _ _ _ MO 9J WANTED At once , 3 ooat manors and 2 punts makers. Address M. Herdoldt & Son , Howard , Neb. 7838 -A hey with horse to carry arouto on the Evening JJee la the souta part of town. HO _ WANTED FEMAMi HELP. W ANTKD Two good glrla at 415 N Kith st 00 SJ WANTEI-Colorod * rl for general house work In gniull family. WutiesttflO. 19U3 Farnam st , siu 5j WANTKIl ( Jood woman , white or colored that Is willing to work , call at UU Duug- las. 77B \\7ANTIJD flood girl to do general house- T work. Apply u w cor. California und 20th. 713 | \ANTI'l ) Second cook for Norfolk , iJ'i ; ' gpcond cook tn city ; 4 dishwushois , nil men. Mrs. llrog * * Hon.illOS 18th UIT 5J "I7"ANTI51Girls for gpnernl housework. i T Your Lholao of moo places free ot ctmrgo. Mrs llrcga & Son .110 S. IJth St. 72J fij "lyANTKD 2 lady bookkeepers for city , 2 T laundry girls for 1'roinont ; good wngos ; 1 tallortss for city ; 4 dining room girls.4 dlsli- waahoig3chambor ; maidstl foninle COOKS , ! tiec- end cook , ' , ' girls for 1 famlly.t4 and f 5 pur week ; 1 pantry girl , dlaundry ( ilrls , tf > girls general house worK. Oniahu 1C in p. Bureau , 110 N , tilth st _ . I 770 7 WANTI5D Trimmers nt flenlns llros. . Mil linery ( tore , 14US Douglas street. 712 \ \ AtrrEn-At IMS iJo7go"6tr2 jj"6oa"wiiitors > * lit 14 per week. h'J'J Vj \\fANTBn Elderly liidy for two week to T > tnku cnro of b-months-old babj , day nnd nlifht , wages ) . ulrs. Belby ; 2514 .Davenport st. \v * ANTED-A competent second girl at 1724 Davenport fct. li078J \\7AN'l 111) A gill to cook , wash and Iron In lamlly of three ; no olilMron. Illghrst wages gin to competunt girl , Apply 18J4 Douglas st. 904 M \VANTiD-fahlrt : niakors , 1112 rarimin , > T ws r lf AN"IKI-nirl ) to do general house work. > Inquire at 2115 South llth M , ? 17 10 * - ! CJIrl for gonorul hoUbOHOrk. In- I quire BM South I'Jtll. ' 711 _ \YfANTKI ) Two good girls at 1510 Capitol avenuu ; good wages. 811) 5j "lirANTKiJ-OIrl , private fumlly.'ll wot'k.Irio B. uih t. ata _ \\rANTKU-Nurso girl. IiKiulTeTTsOn H. Ifth > > at JU'J J ' \\rANTii ; > A good girl for gennrnl nousu > > work at .US N IMi st. 3t fij XVANTKl ) ( Stilton hole milkors 1112 Tur nam. V.I 7J \\rANTKD l.ndlci for drainutio onui Adilrm Minmnor , roum 4J , Lili'lull lilncolnf Net ) , 7J 4J WANTRO T olady bookkeepers , mult bl A 1 quick at figure * , mini givn rqfor < enres. Omnhn lmployment ! lluronu. 111' North 1Mb. st. _ _ _ _ u > a \\TANTRD l'lr l olnn glrU for nllklndi o ( M worn , free of cimrw-o , at Mis .1. W < Morrison , 1505 li ) > \ en poitsi . t'44 7 w A good cook nnd n second g toftU4 Chicago street. 913 7 \\rANIKD-A flr t cln girl for gcneri ' hoinework lth onlr two In the rninilr. Mrs. Albut 1) ) . Moiso , I'D. ! * llarniiy st 8JJ 0 | _ _ _ _ _ \\rANTRD A conk nt Oakland hotel , Sntton ! 't Nob. Mll t ha\o rofeicnetu ! indr pro- . fcrrcd. _ 87,1 lOJ V\ AN I ii : > 'Iwo glrM nt Dornh hou c , l th st , near St. Mnry's nro. W SITUATION WANTED. \\TAMK1) lly tlrft-clii s tinner po ltlnn Iq ii country town. Addiess Y C7 lleo oftii-o , 1115 ft \ \ 'ANTlUltuntuiir ) tiy n lTuT clerk ; 1 i jenrs mperleiico : single man , Aildrofl James I. } nch , SS ) llonnrd si. Ml flj \\rANTHI ) Sltuntion ns liourekooper by t ii Kenslblo , stend ) wnmnn of ill , Is nn zJ collent euok niui luundic" * nnd not nrrald o < work , conutiy piuletred , Mnry , box 754city. iKH ) 5J \\'ANTin > llookkeepor wants sot of book ! ii to post IIP niter 0 o'clock ( ironing * . AiU dross K. ( I. , 1512 Cma st 8.11 5j \\rANTKI ) Situation ns saleamnn In cloth' i i Ing or fnrnlslilnii goods moro , 10 year * ' eiperlenco ! best ot ruleronce. Addioss Y 65 ( lloci ollloc. KJ1 OJ \\7AN ri'.O lly competent reglsternd druir < i t.i t a situation In olt ) stole. Ad.lie s V 72 lleo olllce. Ml 7 ArANTI'.lAll thosu anting help or sltua. i i tlons ns general union clerks , u slstnnl bookkeepois , colleetiiit'liglneers llremtn , wnteliuiuii , porteie , Jaultius , eoiiolimen , toiirasj storB. hartciidts , etn Apply tn the Mutuiu 1'inploj muiit aii'iicv-ll H liith st. , ujHtalis. UIJ 7J WANTKO Kxpnrionced architect and surt vojor's BssKtint if mm Kngiiindi desire ! engagement In Omalin 1'lrsf eln s tcstlinoiilaK nnd rofeionees. Address Alt roil llocir , euro ol Mr. John iioy. : West Hill , I'latlo Co. , Nebraska * H77 10 | " \\rANT13D 11 > n joung man ot good habits. i i situation In n harbor shop w hero ho could learn the trndo. Address bO" llee olllco. D170 * " \ \ 7ANTinSituations : for 2 first elms mefl 11 cooks.nro sober , rellnblo and economical , have nl o wnltcrs , porters nnd male help of n | | kinds. Orders Illlod Ireo. Mrs. llregn , v Son < B18315UI Telephone H84. 4b flj V\7ANTKI-Sltnntloii3 for book keeper * ii clorts , bakers , butchers , couohmani teamstoifl , porters , niters , cooksdlshwa her % oto. Orders filled free. Mrs llrcgn \ Son , 318 S 15th , telephone 884. akl 6J \\7ANTKD-llyn man nnd wife , man thor IT ouirhly BOqunlnted with horses ; gardener ! wife excellent cook ; secK oinplojment In iy line family. Itofcioneos tl\on. AiUlro s V 63 , lloo olllce. 870 6J WANTI'.D-I'osltlon by boy 10 > oars of ngo , with two years * ovporlenoo ns clerk Id giocery etoro. Addioss Y 4U , Hoe. t-Ot b * MLI80ELLANEOUS WANTS. \\7ANTKD-lf yon have furnished orunfuM ii nlshod housus or rooms to rent leBvi It with Omalia House nnd Itoom Itontal Agency , 314i4 S 15th st , room 5. 7P'i 6J \\TANTRO Tenement of lor 5 rooms ne | ii 17th and 1'imium sts. Addreaa John WiW son , cnro Norcross Uros , B U C' W ANT1U ) Quo of the Inrgest tnnniifni'tur * ing concoins in this country CHII ugn few moie irood tollultom In thlscitv or stnto. 1'noTceptionnblo ' retcronccs roiiulred Rxpor' lance not osHontlnl Salary und coroinl'slnn. Address Y fi'l , lleo office. HKl IOJ \I7ANTKn llr middle-aged mnn , R'ningor Id ii cltv , the aonuaintancoof young Idow o ( young lady. Object mutual omoitntnnieufa Address Y S5 lloe olhco. 81'J 5j " \\7ANTnn-btoroln best retnll locality. 01 ii will nuy leiisolf necuisnry. Addru'KthU ollico Y 47 b07 5 * \\7AN3T.I ) Pupils In IlnglUh branches < i and music , n. w. corner lotu and rarnauu IK si * WANTED-A few bonrdors at 1720 Dodge st , Uefcroncos reqnoBted , 701 WANTKD Parties having rooms or house ! to rent should lint them with us as w Bend out many applicants dally , Hecord Ad vertising Co. , 1513 rnrnnn. st. TWANTED To rent a bouio of About R rooml. T T Addrus ) , Btutlng locution and price , X tl Dee office. ijyfl FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. F 1011 HGNT A fl room Uat on Howard street. linfUlre51081Bth. | O.'J 7 F I OH HKNT Cottage offl rooms , 25th Rt and Indiana n\onuc. 707 C * FOH KENT- nice scvnn-room bousu with good barn , city and soft water , w 1th a ulca yard and line view Incjulro of C. L. l > lvksoa X Co.,212 N Ifith st. HIX ) 5 FOK HUNT Ono 5 nnd ono C roomed house , on 19th street , near Lake street. Apply to Phillips A , Shaw , 2407't ' Cunilng at. 610 & FOK III'NT A 7 room house with b th room , i I collar , stable , well and t-Htoir. at K1J2 8. 25th avoiuie. Nice place to llvo. Kinst 1C rob * . 71506 * FOH KHXT 10 room house nt 2410 Plcrco st. 1'or terms apply on piomtacs. 741 HRNT rino new brick houao ; have all FOIl modern convpnloncoH. U-'O N.llltn ' . 760 8J F OK HUNT 1 room cottage on 2l t and Paul BtreoU. Inquire ut 017 South 13th street * 901 ( Contl7ti < f J on Eighth ? i/c. ( ) Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs. Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Accommodation * I'lrht G'lasi , And Hates Itcanonablc Max Mohn , Proprietor ll l comiilete line of Ml 1 I Mil Largo lints In white , black and all colors , 1'al turn 1)011111111 ) , hiu i And toques , u specialty. No 1514 Douglas at. , Omaha. JOHN Y. B1ONI. JACOU HIHI STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law. a elite in the State nml Federal Court Rooms 7 and 6 Shugart-Iicno Iflock. COUNCIL lilUKK4 E. S. HAHNETT , Justice ot the Peace , 415 llroadwny , Council Bluff-i. Refers to any bank or lwslne s house in th city. Collections a specialty , A. sciiuitx , Justice of the Peace. Olllco over Amirlcun K\pn > . No. 419 BROADWAY C. B. ALLEN , Engineer , SufvejofMapP , blta Over JN'o , J2 Xorth Main St , uf cltlot onj nouotltff