' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , SATURDAY. AUGUST 6. 1887. 3 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Unusnal Dullness in Wheat and the Fit at Times Deserted. A DROP IN PRICES RECORDED. Corn Fluctuates Bharply and bower I'rlccH Caused tty llcporta of Itnln-lilcli KolliiM Take a Ilntul Quotations. CHICAGO I'ltonuci : MAUKKT. CIIICAOO , August 5. [ SpoclM ( o the JIi-ic. I Wli ; nt declined about lo to-day and corn l/c. Tuo closing ( ( notations lor both wuro at tlio bottom. The speculative trade In wheat was very quiet nml the rare tpoctaclo of a completely deserted pit was witnessed several times. The tone of the market was muiuallllcdly weak. Cables were disheartening. Liverpool was KCoanlnK In anticipation of the agony to bo endured In Inking and absorbing the holdings of the California clique. New York reports stagnation - nation In the export business and the sud den stoppage of foreign orders , though the clearance * do not yet show It. The quantity that Is set alloat on the Atlantic keeps up steadily , amounting for four days to about a million and a quarter biibhcla. There Is also n continued frco outward movement of wheat from this point , Chicago being relatively to much lower than the seaboard markets that many who are not regularly In the shipping trade arc moving property out for the money In sight on straddles. September opened at KIVP , ranged G'J' ' @ ( W ic ; , and closed at GSc. October opened at 70c , ranged 7071c high and TOc low , closing at the Inside. lo- ct-mber opened at 74j'c , ranged 74,1t' < 3T3Xe , resting at the bottom. Most of the light bus iness transacted was In September and De cember. Only OHO or two trades In October , on a basis of 70c , were made , and that month really closed a shade higher than the ofllclal figures mnku It appear. Cash wheat closed Corn ruled active and irroeulnr.nlthotigh the volume of business transacted was less tliap yesterday or thu preceding days of the week. Portions of thu the drought-stricken corn country east of Missouri are being visited by leficbhlne showers. As yet tlieio have not been general rains where they are most needed , and in Kans > ni , Nebraska and western Iowa and Missouri , whore there has been tlio greatest precipita tion of moisture , the baiometer la rislne over A largo area. There Is a great conllict of opinion as to whether the light inins that have fallen and aio falling will do any uood. This IB where speculation comes In. It was as essentially a weather market to-day as It has been at any time heretofore. Trices fluctuated sharply. There was a lively Undo In September. October and .May. September started off at ! ! UJc , fluctuated between 40 } c and SO-tfODOXc , ami dosed at Ji'JUc. October opened at 40 > c , ranged 41@ll s'c , closing at 40b'c. May started In at 43 c , fluctuated between 444'44'c ' ( ; ' high , and 4.i,3 'c low , and closed atVAXc. . Large transactions on the part of "high rolleis" cut ijulte a figure to-day. There was heavy trading by a number of comnil.s-iion merchants nnd local operators , nnd business was fur from being onu way. Schwartz , Dupoe & Co. were bit ! buyeis. ilutciilnson botmht freely early nnd bold later. William Dunn was n conspicuous nnd n steady seller , nnd others did nearly as much. Shippers re ported nn nctlve demand for spoilt s > tulf tor shipment , and laKocliarteis ' footing up'-W- 000 bushels show that considerable business In that Hue is passing. The foielgn mar kets are quoted ns spiritless , but the eastern American markets nio in a shape to take a good deal of property. The preponderance of evidence points to dcspciato damage to the corn crop already , but the speculative crowd was easily Influenced to break prices by the liberality of their ottering , predicated on proving prohpccls. The estimated re ceipts to-morrow are 'JSOcars. The nmrket for oats was unsettled to-day , ruling weak and strong liv tin us and fivnipa- thlzlng closely all through with corn. There was n weak nnd J.i@Kc lower opening for futures , and later tne market rallied trac- tlonally , but the final closings were ? & ' @ % c under yesterday's latest bids. The weakest feature of the market was the large offerings of August , prices at nny time being tully Ic under .September , and clmuges were made at that difference. In the provision trade the features de veloped were declining In lard , an easier feeling in the product for next winter's de livery , nnd the opening of specu lation unexpectedly In September and October pork. Pork for the months named sold to the extent ot 8,000 barrels nt JJ10.M ) , September being regarded with the greatest favor. For the next winter's fu tures spoken ot or traded in , pork declined ir > ( a3Uc and lard nnd short ribs lOc. January pork sold at S1-.45 , November lard at SfJ.51) , the year lard at SC.47K. Jnnunry lard at SO.TO nnd January short ribs nt SGV.15. Lard ruled 10@liXc ! lower for near deliveries , September closing at 8 < X57(3 ( < y.riO , after selling at SG.57 > < ( Vt0.67i . Auifust lard was 7KC < tlOc under and October the same higher than September. CHICAGO LilVK STOCK. CIIICAOO. Augusts. ( Special lolegram to Iho UKK.J CATTLU Trade was fairly ac tive , with prime corn-fed steers selling qulto asRtiong as yesterday or the day before. O. b. Treble , of Lexington , 111. , an old-time shipper to this market , had a lot of premium steers that averaged nearly 1700 Ibs and solder ( or f4.80 , the highest price for the week , yet is good stock ns there Is grown was selling around about l4.'J.Xcj4.r 0 and good to choice steers at 83.75jj4.10 ( und along there. Low grade and common steers and gras.sers sold within a range of 82.CO.i.OO. ( Canning itocK , of native variety , was about the low est on record , nulls are also away down. Tim stockcr and feeder trade was un changed. Texans are In good demand and steady. Shipping .steers , 1350 to 150C Ibs , S4.OOC.HN > : 1'-00 to 1350 Ibs , S3.705i4.40 950 to r.00 Ibs SH.ttXjt4.00 ; stockers and feed' ere , * l.5i.00 : ( ; cows , bulls and mixed 81.003.75 ; bulk. Jl.COQJ.OO ; Texas cattle steers , ? 'J.40@t.ia : ; cows , 81.75 2.35 ; bulls H.MX&XOO Hotis The demand was fair and prices a shade stronger all around. The bulk Hold around about $5.30(35.50 ( , a few fancy heavy at 85.40 < ao.50 , and light sorts at S5.vi5@5.yo. FiNANC'IAU NKW YOIIK , Aueust 5. [ Special Telegrart to the HKK.I STOCKS. There wns a strongei market for the majority of stocks on the ac live list , and despite predictions of Deacot White , ( ireen & liateman the bear party- that there wciu still too many weak spots fo the market to do much better , confidence 1 slowly returning , nnd although the market [ so erratic that It requires largo margins U trade , there are more hopeful signs ot at early Improvement , owing to the treasury action and the belief that the Ives party who have ncted as n menace , will be forccc > out of the Cincinnati , Hamilton & in syndicate. The Heading part-wero said to bo working for control of Cincinnati , llamll ton & . Dayton , but Mr. Sully denied the nt inor. St. 1'aul , Heading , Northwestern am New England wuro the strongest propertle on the list nnd showed advances of } i < $ l } per cent. The bears began to grow uneasy and as long stocks did not como out the : commenced to cover , and although slight re actions from outside prices followed th rally the market remained fairly linn. Tli only weak spot was Northern Pacific. Th books close to-morrow for six weeks am Jolinnes A Durnnd sold common down 3 am preferred 1.3 per cent. To-morrow's dell cry docs not carry rating power , and there I a sharp contest for control between Drexel > ) Morgan , the Hravton-lvea party , Klljal Smith and the Union Pacific people of bos ton. At 2 o'clock the market weakened frac tlonally. It was only temporarily , liowevei as thu shorts kept on buying and thu las hour the market waa relatively the stronger of the day , and advanced Vc point id closed Unu with advances ranging from X . to 2\ . Omaha and Michigan Centra ) had th lead. Heading was second with a pet gall at 2 points , .Northwestern IX , St Paul 1& Lacbawanna l.V , Lake Shore 1V , Canad Southern ! > ' IVcitio Mail ijtf , MUaourl Pi rifle 1J { , Chlcngo , liurllngton A Qulncy 1 , Union Pacific { , Western Union 1. The day , on th * } whole , was more satisfactory for the bulls than generally expected , but trad ing showed a lighter volume , the sales being 0 ,440 shares , against 340,012 shares ycstoi- lay. i do'eminent bonds were lull but firm. YE-fTUIlDAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. S. 4'scoupon .127JVC. AN. W Hfl J. S. 4X'scoiii.10U,4 tlojiroferred..145 N. \ . . . . . . . . . . . Jfo CanadaSouth'n. . . . . , O. It. AN * P4W Central Pacific. . ! MW O. T. 27V Chicago & Alton. 14'J PaclHcMall 40' ' < do preferred..175 I' . , I ) . &E ! Wf C. , JJ.0. Ml PullmanPal.Car.140 p. , U A W lllV ! Kending ) . AH.U 27 'Hock ' Island . . . .120 Krio SOXiSt. L. AS. F. . . do preferred. . . . C' f do preferred. . illnolsCpntral..lM C. , M. A St. P. . . . . , , I. . H. A W IStf1 do prof erred. t 120)4 ) K. AT St P. A O 4S' < f Lake Shore . 04 Jf do preferred..lllH L. AN . 2K Texas Paclllc. . . . 28 % Michigan Cenfl. . Union I'acilic. . . . 66u Mo. Paclllc . W..SL LAP. . . . 17 / No. Paclllo . do preferred. . 30' ' do preferred. . . . W. U. Telegraph 74 JIoNKY On call easy nt 4Hr per cent ; last loan 4 > tf per cent , ; closed offered at 3 per cent I'nuiK MKIICANTILE PAPEII OJi ( C per cent. STICKLING EXCIIAKOK Qulot but steady nt S4.81 f for sixty day bills and i4.b3 > lor de mand. SIAIlliliTS. , August fi. Following quota tions are the 2:30 : closing licures : Flour Steady nnd unchanged. Wheat Modt'iately active but weak nnd heavy , closing ? i'SlKc lower than ycsteiday ; cash , GG'ic ; September , ( WJtfc ; October , 70t' . Corn A'.rnln active and unsettled ; opened exclti-d at V iy . under yesterday anil closed I'iWUVe lowet ; cash , 38fc ; September , 3'JXc ' ; October-10 7-lCc. Oats Dull , weak nnd lower ; cash , 2- September , 2J 'c ; May , 30jJc. ( Hyo Steady nt 4 Ic. JJarlcy Strong at C7c for Sontembcr. Pi Inn- Timothy Seeu S'ilO@2.15. Flnx Seed 51.00. Whlskv-81.10. Pork Dull , ensy nnd lower ; cnsh , S15.00 ; year , S12.00 < < (12.10 ; January , S12.45@12.50. Lard Weak and lower early , but closed with the loss partly recovered ; cash 80,52 } $ ® O.'iS ; September , 80.57jJi } ( < 5.GO ; October , Hufk Meat's Shoulders. S 7o@\60 ; short clear , S8.30 8.35 ; short ribs , 88.00. Huttcr mgher ; creamery , 20 ( < i27c ; dairy , Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars 0 ! @ 9Kc ; flats , Wn'J c ; Young Auieilcas , 0 4(1 ( $ lOc ; skims , G&tc. } Kggs Unsettled at ll@12c. Hides In moderate demand ; heavy green salted ; 7&c ; light do. 78e ; salted bull hides' . Gc , green salted call. b > f@9cdrv ; Hint , I''dClMo : dry calf , 1213c ; deacons 30c each. Tallow L'asy ; No. 1 country , 3) ) c ; No. 2 , 3c ; cakes , 4c. Recoluts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 12,000 18,000 Wheat , bu 55.000 2.M.OOO Corn , bu 124,000 10.000 Oats , bu 163,001) ) 175,000 Itye. bu 8,000 1,000 Uarley , bu 0.000 3,000 New Vork. August 5. Wheat Hecoipts , 181,500 ; exports , 157,000 ; spot lots de clined KCsJJi'c and options K@lc , closing weak at a trifle above the bottom ; ungraded red , " : ! @TOc ; No. 1 red nominal ; No. 3 red , WS Qi7r ; No. 2 red , 7h > ; &T785 < c in elevator , 7'J li-ic@b0 cdelivered , 7'Jc f. o. b. ; Septem ber closed at 7'JJ c. Corn Snot lots qulotand aenerally steady ; options JiCWc lower , closing with some re covery ; 110 iccclpts , exports , 2fi,400 ; un graded. 40J < @ 4SJ Jc ; No. 3 , 46)4'iG ) } < , 'c In stoic , 47)c ) delivered ; September closing at 47'4C. ' Outs A shade lower ; receipts. 111,000 ; experts - ports , 675 ; mixed westein , 34@0owhito : ! ; western , 3741c. Petroleum Steady : United , 57Xc. K' KS Firmer ; clioice western , 12@15c } $ . J'ork Firm but less active. Lard UylOK points lower and only moder ately active ; western steam , spot closing nt 6.b2 } . Uutter Firm nnd fair nome trade rc- nuest ; western , 12@-4K ; western cteam erv. 18(32c. ( } . Cheese Firm and fair inquiry ; western , Cincinnati. August 5. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , 71K71Kc. Corn Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 48c. ' Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 2727 > { c. Kyo Quiet ; No. 2 , 4Gc. Pork-ln fnlr demand at 815.00 , Lard-Quiet nt S0.37K. Whisky-Steady nt 81.05. Minneapolis , August 5. Wheat Mar ket Irregular ; No. 1 hard , cash , 71c ; Septem ber , 71tfc ; October , 72 ; c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 70c ; September , 70)40 ; October , 71' e ; No. 2 northern , cash , 6Sc ; Septem ber , 08J < c ; October , 6'J c. On track : No. 1 lard , 73c : No. 1 nurthein , 72o ; No. 3 north ern , 70c , Flour Patents , | 4.10@4.20 ; bakers , S3.20Q 3.30. 3.30.Kecelpts Wheat , 02,000. Shipments-Wheat , 27,000 bu ; flour , 23,400 Ms. Ms.Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Aueust S Wheat Market steadier , but weak ; 08J < o : October 70J o , Corn Quiet but steady ; sale of 1 car by sample atft'c. ' Oats-Dull ; No. a white , 27Kc. Kyo-Dull : No. 1 , 43Vc. Uarley Advancing : beptcmhnr , 07Kc. Provisions Weak ; pork , August , S14.50 St. Louis , August 5. Wheat Weak and lower ; cash , OStfc ; September li'JXc ; Oc tober 71Vc. Corn Lower ; cash , 35 , ' c ; September , } c ; October , 86/c. ! O ts Lower ; caali.as 'c ; September , Whlsky-81.05. Pork-Steady at 15.50. Lard -6.40. Uutter In demand ; creamery , 25@2Sc ; dairy , 15@25c. Kii aa City , August 5. Wheat Dull ; No. 3 red , none ; No. 'J bolt , August , C5Kc asked. Corn-Weaker ; No. 2 , cash , 34 > c bid 0-1 41 : asKed : August , 34c bid , 34J.fc asked ; September , 34H'e asked. Oats No. a cash , 22c bid ; 24c nskcd. ' New Orleniin , August 5. Corn Easier ; mixed , 4'Jc : white , 04g55c. ( Oats Dull , weak and lower at Corn Meal Steady at 82.35. lloit Products Quiet and steady ; pork , f l.ri.03 > l ; lard , refined tleice. 0.02K. Hulk Meats Shoulders , 95.80 ; lone clear and clear rib , 83.12 } . Liverpool , August 0. Wheat Dull and lower , holders offering freely ; California , No. 1 , 6s ! > dii ( > 7n per cental ; red western spring , 6s 3 d3d ( ; red western winter , Us 3d @ d.Corn Corn Quiet ; now mixed western , 4s L1VFJ STOCK. Chlonuo. August 5. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Hecelpts. ° .500 ; stronger for good , poor weaker ; shipping steers. S3.003 4tO ; stockers and tPfders 51.25 ( 3.00 ; cows , bnUs nnd mixed , 3l.00@2.75 ; Texas cattle , Hogs Hecoipts , 11,000 ; strong ; ronh and mixed , S4.bOi(5.iO ( : ; packing and shipping , 5.15'45.40 ; light , Sl.70rj.uO ; skips , HS.OOdt 4.00. 4.00.Sheep Receipts , 6,000 ; steady , for best , others oh ; natives , S1.50@4.00 ; western , S3.00383.50 ; Texans , 82.50 ( 3.00 ; lambs , 83.75 (35.00. NMIOIIP ! Stock Yarils. Bait St. lioulu , 111. , August 5. Cattle Receipts , MW ; shipments , 1,800 ; the market was steady ; fair to choice heavy native steers. S3.iO < it4.15 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , ; feeders , fair to good , stockers , fair to good. 2.002.50. lloes Hocelpts , 3,000 ; bhlpmentsi , 500 i ; the market was strong : choice heavy butchers' selections , 85.25C < j5.40 : packers and Yorkers , medium to choice , $4.W(35.SO ( ; pigs , common to good , 4.40(34IK ( ) . Kanaaei City. Aueust 5. Cattle Hecelpts , 3'tM ; shipments , otllclal yesterday. 1,03 ! > ; good ot all classes ( Inn and com mon dull ; good to hoice | 3.CA 4.00 ; common to me-dlum , 83.200'J.CO ' : btockers , S2.OtX22.40 ; feeding steers , S2.03.00 ; cows , 81.40.it2.W ) . Hogs Hpcelpts. 7GOO ; shipments , otllclal for yesterday , 3.731 ; good steady , common ban ! to sell ; pies lOe Idwer ; common A- choice , 85.00O5.SU ; skips and pigs , * 03IAIIA MVE STOCK. Friday , Aug 5. " Cattlo. There was a falling otf In the receipts n cattle as compared with yesterday of 4CK head. In addition to thu fresh receipts thort were qulto a good many loads on the market that had been hold over from the day before. The market was fairly active on good corn- fed steers , but there were not many In. Butchers' stock was dull and slow , the re ceipts being In excess of the demand. Al though one hunch of very good corn-fed steers Iwlonglng to the IJay State Cattle company were sold at 84.10 , the market could not bu called any higher , but was about steady , IlOftH. The receipts of hogs were heavier than yes terday by 500 head , and In addition to the fresh receipts thcru were five loads of stale hogs on thu market. The quality of the hoes was far better than on yesterday and the day before , when the bulk of the hogs were very common , By reason of the better quality , the the hoes sold higher than yesterday , but at the same time the market could not be called nny higher. However , the market was strong at yesterday's closing prices and falily ac tive. The pens were cleared at an early hour. Slice p. There were none In. llcoelpt * . Cattle. 500 3,800 Prevailing Showing the prevailing prlcos palil for II va stock on this market : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ib ? . . . . 8.1.1)0 ) ® I.UO Choice steers , 1100 to WOJ Ibs. . . H.bOftWO Fat llttlo steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.60M3.75 Corn-fed range steers 1300 to 1400 .CO < ? .85 Hood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75ffl3.00 Common to medium cows . S.OO2..V ( ) Hood to choice bulls . 1.75WJ.25 Llaht and medium heirs . 4.WM5.00 ( lood to choice heavy ho.'s . 6.10@5.25 Uood to choice mixed hogs Ilcpresentativo sales. NATIVI : SIIIHS. : : No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 41..10.0 fr3.HO Hi. . . .131 1 ? 3.bO 10. . . . 1150 3.60 20. . . . 1260 3.S" U2..1160 3.i5 ( l'J..12- 3.W' 1..1175 3.05 17. . . .112.5 4.00 WI.STKHN < sruit : . No. Av , Pr. 68. . . .1551 4.10 COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. L..IOCO si.io i. . . . y.'o 5-j.io 1..12GO 2.00 2..11M ) 2.70 7 . . .1010 2.0J u..ruo ; 2.15 No. Av. Pr. 20. . . . W)8 ) 53.35 jinirnnt. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 0. . . . 541 8J.OO 2. . . . iOO S2.50 &TCCKU11S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2. . . .1040 S'J.rfl 11. . . . 074 52.03 15 . . . 757 2.60 2. . . .10)3 ) 'AW STAGS. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . .14:50 : Sl.M noos. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. vShk. Pr 68. . . . 218 120 4.01 71. . . . 204 VJO S5.07H 74. . . . 230 bO 4..l. " ) ri ) > . . . .211 80 5.07 } W..U20 2.SO 4.1. ! . " ) (56 ( . . .242 249 5.10 70. . . .215 bO 500 ' 57. . . .2V ) 40 5.PJ G4 . . .2G5 200 5'.00 61. . . . U 40 5.10 7U..218 0 5.00 6.J..200 5.10 67 . . .313 .20 5.00 6U..2.- > 40 5.10 07..1M ! 200 5.00 -.30l 100 5.10 60..1 J W ) 5.00 71..3.VJ 120 5.10 70 . . .2'X ) 40 5.05 bl..320 H ) 5.10 71. . . . U bO 5.0"i r S..2r3 03 5.10 6 ! ) . . . . 230 80 5.05 58. . . . 244 5.10 70. . . . 224 bO 5.05 75. . . . ail ICO 5.10 68. . . . 240 200 5.ori 61. . . . 271 40 5.10 60. . . . 223 bO 5.05 60. . . . 273 240 5.10 75. . . .209 40 5.05 81. . . .109 5.10 71. . . . 234 120 5.06 05. . . . 273 200 5.10 ( Xi..25G 40 5.05 60. . . .203 bO 5.10 74..2.VJ bO 5.0."i 55 . . .202 bO 5.1'-'X 71. . . . 259 bO 5.05 65. . . . 261 100 5.12 74. . . .2-11 120 5.05 5.2VJ ! ) 1W ! 5.12J * 70. . . . 331 120 5.05 50. . . . 283 bO 5.15 75. . . . 244 120 5.0 1 58. . . . 800 200 5.15 50. . . . 245 100 5.05 50. . . . 313 5.17 > < &S . . .248 120 5.05 03. . . . 307 bO 5. 17 } $ 64. . . . 241 5.05 63. . . . 297 5.20 50 . . .230 40 5.05 50. . . . 321 5.20 67 . . .201 bO 3.07M 07. . . . 204 BO 5.25 Live Stock Sold. Showlugthu number oHiead of stock sold on the mat ket to-day : CATTLE. (5. H. llammond & Co . 305 Loeal . Shippers . 114 Total . 603 nous. Anglo American Packing Co . 15S4 O. 11. Hammond & Co . 410 Armour A ; Co . lt-- Harris t Fisher. . 74 J. P. Squires A Co . 75J Speculators . 307 Total . . . 4,011 Shipment * ) . Showing the amount of stock shipped over the dllfeicnt roads to-day. CATTLE. 3 . H. iteM . Western HOGS. 18 . .U. 1 . . Joliet All sales ot stock m this market are made per cwt. Hva wel-cht unless otherwise statoJ. Dead hogs sell at He per Ib. for all weights "Skins , " or hogs .weighing loss tlnu 10U Ins , no value. Pregnant sows are dockud 40 luj. and btagsSu lus , by the public Inspector. fjivo Stock NotoR. Hog market steady. Too many cows for the demand. Cattle reached 4.10 and hogs 85.25. R. Blaco marketed a load ot 11l c hogs. Common and poor cattle wory very blow. Squires & Co.'s string of hogs averaged 284 Ibs and cost § 5.13. R. A. Johnson , Ord , came In with a load of cattle and a lo.td ot hogs. J. S. Kessler , Oakland , Neb , was at the yards and marketed ho s. 0S J. W. Young came In with a load of hogs from Ames , which bold on the market. i'eter Uluhdt , Millaid , was at the vards I , and marketed twenty-live he.id of cattle. W. Uoyer of Omaha drove In thirty-one head of cattle , which sold on the market. C. Graham , Ravenna , marketed a load itit prime heavy hogs averaging 201 pounds , at itd S. S. Griffin , Saltello , Neb. , was In and marketed two loads ot hogs and one load ot cattle. William Vickory , Marne , la. , an old Chicago I1 cage shipper , made his that shipment ol hogs to these yards to-day. II. J. J. Moruhead , Dunlap , la. , and D. O. I.o ( i rady , a well known teeder of the s > amo place , were in with stock. F. U. Murray , Plattsmouth , was in with two loads of cattle , which were sold In the market Fort > -ono head averaged 1,030 and brought 83.30. G. J. Campbell came in with four loads of the Hay statu cattle from North Hend. They averau'eil 1551 Ibs and brought S4.10 , the top for BOIUO time , 13. J. Tlerney , Alnslle , came in with two loads of hogs which were sold without n dock. The Heavy load averau'ea 312 Ibs and brought S5.17K- J. K. Gwynu , Imocene , la. , was In with a load of cattle. He has been shipping hogs all summer to St Louis , but says it b no good as a cattle market. Charles Itedlon , North Loup , was here with two loads ot hogs from Scotia. Ho re ports that thu H. & M. branch will bo In Grcely Center on Saturday night of this week , tapping a splendid hog country. J. W. Young , formerly wlthMcCloud , Love & Co. , has just received S200 from thu Chicago cage , Uurlington it Qulncy railroad com pany. The 'money was paid to cover damn' ces sustained by Mr. Young while on a triii to Chicago n tew months ago. Ho was riding In the caboose and was jerked against the sldo of thu car by n sudden movement of the train , Injuring his ribs. The following had stock on the market : H. H. Faulkner , Plum Creek ; T. Van Alst , Klkliom : Meyers A Co. , Uenedict ; ( irlflln Aa , Junlata ; Allen A F. , Tamora ; Nelson A Y. . Oakland ; Fl&hcr A Co. , York ; J. Foley , Blair ; J. ( ! . Smltl h : lllair ; Dowllng A P. , North lleiul ; J. M , Leinke , Millard : F. Kropf , Schuyler ; J. M , Young. Amos ; Church & Co. . Pierce ; F. A * , Snelte , Linwood : Nye , , Wilson .M. Co. ' , Crelghton ; C. C. Clifton , Cedar muffs. Among others having stock on the markol were the following : It. M. dourley. Nelson ; TIcknor A I ) . , Beatrice : James Dan ley , Ash land ; B. F. Stllloy A Co. . Do Witt ; J. Man- delbaum , Hladen ; W. / . Pollard , Aurora Smith A G. , Humphreys ; Morrison A M. Fullerton ; A. M. Spooner , Hooper : Tro brldce A Co. , Nellgh ; Gardiner A. &Co. , Scrlbner : Morse , R A Co. , Morse ; Emll ] Bros. . Wlsner ; Bell A Cross , Carson , la. Wilkinson A U. , Avoca ; Farriugton A Son Lyons. Wigwam slippers at A. i3. Mprso's to morrow , CO ct3. . ' ' . OMAHA WHOLKS VLtJ M.VHKKT8. Friday , August 5. Prnilitco. rite foltoivlng 'ire I/it' / prior * < tt trJilch round lots of produce lliv sold In Wils mar- hct. hct.Kons The bulk o < the good stock Is mov ing at He. The receipts ate not heavy und ( lie demand Is lair. HUTTEH There Is no rood butter coming In nnd the market Is lirui. There Is an ac tive demand for strictly choice butter and an occasional choice package goes at 10i ( l7c. The best dairy butter Is selling at l4@lCo per pound , fair to , good , ll@13o ; In- ferTor , t lOe. lOe.Fancy full crenm Cheddars. single , lOc ; full cream /twins. 10 > c ; Young Americas , He : brick cheese , 100 Ibs , In case , new , 12c ; Llmburccr. 100 Ibs , in case , new , He ; Swiss , fancy Ohio , new. U'c. ' POUI.TUY The receipts of spring chickens are very liberal. Good stock is goinp at 82.50 per doz. , and It requires very choice largo ones to bring more than that. Old fowls are pclllne readily at 82.75Q3.io. There a few ducks coming In which are belling at 82.003 " " "PoTATor.B. The receipts are not heavy nnd the market Is Him. Stocks nre moving O.NioNs. The maikct Is fairly well sup plied with KOIH ! stock. The price for good stocK Is S3.00 per bbl. BKA.V * . There are n few very good Cali fornia beans on the market which are held nt Sl.W ) per bushel. Hand picked navy beans are quoted at SI.75 per bushel and the other grades aic selling from that figure down to § 1.25 , GAME. There Isjnoeame coming In , the weather being too warm to handle It. t'AiniAdK. Largo choice heads nro worth 60M75p per do/en. BEHIUKH A few nro coming In but the re ceipts are light nnd barely equal to the city demand. The stock for the most part H not suitable for shipment. Blackberries. S2.75 per 10-qt case ; hluebenles S5.00 per stand. TOMATOK. " Home-crown stock is becom- Incpleiitv and was sold at very low prices to-day , in some Instances as low as 50c n bushel. Good stock that would bear Milp- ping is worth Sl.OO a bushel. PLUMS Oood California plums nro mov ing at Sl.ro per box. Piii'.S'KS There are some very fine largo prunes on the market which nro selling at 81.00. LIIMONS There are some very fancy largo Malorl lemons on thn market which are sell ing at S'J.OO. There are a few Veruelll lemons on the maiket which aio selling at 87.10. Grocer's List. Java. 23 ( . < WSc ; Interior Java , 24@2Gc ; Mocha , 2Xj4 : > Oc ; Arbucklo's , roasted , 2 < lic ; McLaugh- Mil's'XXXX ' ' Dllworth1s lied , 2GJ4'c ; , 26c ; Cross , ao'fc. CA.VNKD GOODS Oysters , standard , per ca e , S2.DOR3.10 ( : strawberries. 3 ID , per case , S2.7tXi 2.7S ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. 82.70 ® y.75 ; California pears , per case , 84.4W < 4.5U ; apricots , per case , S3.00 < v 3.70 ; peaclies , per case , 84.40i24.50 ; white cherries. per case , S5.CO plums , per cast1 , si,50@i.GO ; : : blue berries , per case , b2.00@2.lO ; egg plums , 2 Ib. per case , 82.50 ; plnoauplus , a Ib , percale. S3.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , 81.40 ; 1 Ib salmon , per doz , 81.75 ; 12 b gooseberries , per case , 82.60M2.70 ; 2 Ib string beans , tier case , $1.70 : 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 51.60 ; 2 Ib marrow tat peas , per case , S2.402.50 ; 2 Ib early Juno peas , per ca > > e , 82.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , (52.45iy2 ( 50 ; 2 Ib corn , S2.50. , I'uovisio.Ns llams , ,18 , > f18J < c ; breakfast bacon , Iljf ( < { l2c ; bacon sides lOi lOJ c : dry salt , b&frdtc ; shoulders , 7o : dried beef hams , I2iji3c : dried beef regular , hams.plenlc , ti iiVc. WOOUKNWAHK Two-hoop pails , per do ? , fil.45 ; 3-hoop palls , 81.06 ; No. 1 tub. SG.50 ; No. 2 tub , 55.50 ; No. 3 tub , 81.50 ; wash boards , S1.73 ; assorted bnwls , S2.25 ; No. 1 chums , SO ; No. 2 churrib , S8 ; No. 3 churns , § 7. 7.STAHCII Mirror Gloas , 5fp $ ; ( .raves Corn , 6/c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7c. BuooMS-Extra 4-tleS2.00 ; No. 1.S2.00 ; No. a , $1.75 ; heavy stable , S4 Sviii'i1 No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. $1.32(31.35 ( ; New Orleans , per gallon , : WrfIGc ( ; ; maple syrup , half bbl.s , "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; 1-gnllon cans , per doz , SIO.OO ; half-gallon cans , per doS5.50 ; quart cans , S'J.OO. CANDY Mixed , 8K < < ilc ; stick , 8K@9Kc. CUACKIIIIS Garneau'a soda , butter am' picnic , 4' c : creams , 7 c ; ginger snaps , 7 > < c city soda , 7Xc. PICKLUS Medium , In bbls , 87.00 ; do In halt bbls , 84.00 ; small , in bbls , 8100 ; do In half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , g'J.OO ; do li half bbls. 85.00. SUOAU Grar . . , _ . . . white extra C , sj/iftSXc ; extra C , 5 { c : yellow C. SK S c ; cut loaf , 6K@7c powdered , 7 ( 7jj'c. DUIF.I ) Fiiuirs Apples , new , } i's fiJ c cvapoiatod , 50-Ibrlng , l7K@ISc ; raspberries , new , u's , vc ; evaporatea peeieu peac c ; evaporated , unpared , c ; new currants , 6JiQ7c ; prunes , 4X ( * Jfc ; citron , 25c ; ; rai sins , London layers , 81.05 : California , lOOSO muscatels , 81.50 ; new Valencias , 7 > fc. RiriNii : : ) LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-ib square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , c ; 20-lb round , 7l.jR ; 10-lb oalls , 7 > ic ; 5-lb palls , 7 c ; 3-lb palls , 7Jfc. TonACCO Lorlllard'sClimax , 4 c ; Splen did , 3bc ; Mechanic's Deliglit , 41c : Logcett & Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 3 c ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoe , 37c ; T. J. , 3lc ; Sou's Spearhead , 44c. TIAH : Japan , per Ib , 20 ( < ? 50c ; gunpowder , axaiiOc : Youiu Hyson. 30@oOu ; Couf.ou , C5@ 70c ; Oolong , General Markets. SPIUITS Cologne spirits , Ibs proof , Sl.lOj do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof. 81.10 ; do 18 * proof , Sl.Oi ) . Alcohol , Ib8 proof. S2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whl-skies , S1.00 < 31.50. Gin blended. 81.50 ® 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00@f..OO : Ken tucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(80.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , SL50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.00@8.50 ; domestic , 81.30wt.OO. : ( Sins , Imported. S4.50@ 0.00 ; domestic , S1.25(7i.OO. ( Cliampngnes , im ported , per case , 828.00@33.00 ; American , per case. S10.00C410.00. HIDKH Green butchers' , SXQfic ; Ereon cured , "Kc ; dry Hint , ll 12c : dry salt , 0 ® lOc ; green calf bkins , "Kc : damaged lildcs , two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white , 3c : yellow , 2 < j ; brown , lfc. Sheep pelts , 25@75c. HEAVV llABiMVAitn Iron , rate , 82.70 ; plow btcel , special cast , 4J c ; crucible steele o > tfccast ; tools , do , ! 2 < ( C15c ; wa on spokes , per set , S2.00@i.50 : ; hubs , per sol , 81.25 ; fel lees , sawed dry , Sl.W ) ; tongues , each , Mc ) ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 6@7c ; coil chain , per Ib , ( % ( gic : } ; malleable , blOo ; Iron wedges. 6c ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth , 4Vc ; spring steel , 4ii5c ( ; Burden's horse shoes , 84.75 ; Bunion's mule shoes , 85.75. Barbed wire' In car lots , S4.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.60 ; steel nails , 82.75. . Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIKUS. 11OA11DB. No. 1 , com , sis 819.50 No.a.com,8ls 17.00 No. 4 , com. sis ' . . ; 13.50 FFNcrxo. No. 1 , 4 AOIn , 12 A 14 ft , rough S19.50 No. 2 , " " " " " " " 16.00 CKIL1NO AND PA11TIT1OX. 1st com , % In White Pine Colling 834.00 Clear , H In. Norway Pine Colling 16.00 A , 12.14 and 16 ft..8.1" ! ? . . . * 22- > B * ; 21.00 C , " " 15.50 Dt " ' 13.00 STOCK BOAI1D8. _ , A 12 Inch s. Is 140.00 . , . . . , 20.50 No. 3 " " " 12A14"ft 10.00 " ' " ' 16ft 17.50 , FINISHING. . 1st and 2d , clear. l f Inch. s. 2 s 850.00 Sd. clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , S45t ; , 1'f,2 in 47.00 B select , i inch , s. a s" , ISO1Xl 2 In 37.00 I White cedar , C In.Xi.Kc ; 0 In. qrs. , lie M. R. R1SDON INSURANCE x AGENT , Merchants' National Dank Building , Itooral Up-Stalrn. TelepbOna No. in5 , Omaha , Nubraaka. H v t > ii v SI NTS Ptoonlr. London , Kngland | 5n < 74.1S ' Firemen's.Novrark. K. J l.iM , M3l Glen'i Falls , Olen'e Falls , N. Y Glrmrd. I'hllaJelpnia. Pa. > . . 1 n. tcb iter M w York N. T . . . . EDUCATIONAL , pAIJjANAN Collrtr * , DM Mnlnw. lown. A V. ' Homo Soliool for OlrlJ. Full Cour c of Btilily. Special ( iilvantiiKes In Mu lc. Art , Moil- rrn I.iviiKimurs nnd Klcciitlon. Kail term bo- flni Bcpt , tlh. AilJri'SS the prcsMcnt , C. K. 'oinero ' ) ' . PENNSYLVANIA ATS. CilESTUIt. C6th ypBropon SiiTKMIIKll : 11. AMII.I'VAIIV UI.I.KOK. ) DKOUERS IN CIVIL KNOINBKItlNO , _ _ CHKMISTHY. AllCIIITUCTUHl' , AIIT9. Ircp nitory Courses. Thorough Ti'ChnlctU Work. All Dupiirtnu'tits coniluctcd by nblo 1'HOFKSSOUS. Mllltnry pystoni upcotuJ only to that of IT , 8. M. A. AmuiflU of Lieut. S T. Hart' Ictt , UV > Hhprmnn Ave. , City : or Clilof 1'ay- in aster's Office , Artnr IlondiiunrlprK. CUU TlllIO. HYAri' , 1'rcsMcnt. MTt BEACON ACADEMY . .FISHKlLL.OVIItnSOX , 5.T. SeltcTTome School , J. FllED SMITH.A.M. I'riuclpal FRKKUOf.l ) INSTITUTI'-FioolioliI , N. Y. , Htliypnr. I'roinro | < fur I'llncctuu , Yttlc , Colinnbln , lliirvnnl , iitul for lluslness. llov. A. O , Clminijcrs , A. M , I'rlnclpnl. LAW DEPARTMENT. State University of Iowa. Course of study extends through two school years of nine months each. Kx- punses rcasoiiiiblo. ( ! ruluitlon : : a limits teState State anil Federal Courts. The next an nual c our so commences September llth , 1887 , anil ends July 10th , 188. For announcements or further informa tion , address the Vice Chancellor , KMI.IN McCi.Ais. Iowa City , Iowa. Howard Collegiate Institute , For YOIIIIK Ladles icopoiis Sept " 1. Collejro I'lupitrntory , Classical nnd Sclvtitltlo Orailimt- intrcou e * . Tor circulars adilrvii KM MA O. CON HO , 1'rliiclpal , or II. II. HIMVAHK , Sieuro- tiiry , \ \ est Driiltrcwiitor , Mn 8. JyUtuwMt . . SKMINAUY PniLAnr.i.riiiA . : ) North Hroad t I'lillHik-lplila. 17lh year bclns Sept. 21fit , IR . Address Mlsi It. K. JUliKINd , Principal , who refers by Bpeclnl permission to Mr. and Mis , John N. Jowett , ) Mr. anil Mrs. 1'lillip I ) . Armour , V Mr. and Mrs Horace F. Wiiito. ) ALBANY LAW SCHOOL , Thirty-seventh year bcirln * Sept. Kth , 18S7. For clrculnis or special Information address Hniiicoi : Smith. LU I ) . Heau. Albany , N. V _ YOUNG LADIESTNStlTUTE Anil IIOJli : SCHOOL , for < JIKI.S. KANSAS CITV MO. Full corpi nf iiccoinplli'hi'd Teachers. I'lipllB received lit nny time. Ki > r clrruliirs itpply to , Miss K. MiCOMAB. ITlnclpal. ( Main r , , Till ! UNlVEHhll'Y OP JiOTIlE I\MI : . Tho44tlicollt > fliito year will open Tuesday , Sept. t ) , the spacious mill cIcRant building have during llio past > cur , nccommoditted MO rosi- ilont Btudonts. Kvory faculty Is afforded tor securing - curing it thorough knolcdgo of Classics , Mathematics , Law , Science and Music. A thorough commercial course Is nlso n frn- turo of the Institution. Special iidvfititntres will he placed within the ruuuli of those dctlr- Intf to study LAW. The MINIM Department for boys under thlr- teen is frupaniti1. Cutiduirucs Kivintr lull pin- tlculars will lie i-iit lee In apiiliuiitlnn tu Itev T. P. WALSH , C. S. C. , President Notre Uarnc 1 * . O. Indlnnn. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY t-hi < ! > : - , r . 'A. ' . . , - W3i , - : - J : - yt > - - * ( OncMllo West of Notre Onino lTnlvtTIty ) . The tilth Acuilcinlc term , will open Mcivlay , September t > . School Art nnd Design. Conservatory of Mnele , The Academic courcn Is tlioiouirli in the 1'ro- nniutory , Senior nnd Classical fiindus. Music ) ) opartinontun the plan nf the hu t ronscrvn- torlos of Europu , Is under cliiiipo of u com- jilotu corps ot tonclierb. Studio modeled In the i-MentArt Schools of Kuropu. lrn hnr and I'alntlui : from Illo and the niitliiuo. 1'houoKra- phy and Typo-Writing tuuirht. HullillnRs ciilp- ( | pod with tire escape. A eeparato iloiaitinent | for chllilron ui.dur 13. Apply fur catalogue to Mother Superior St. Mary's Academy Notre Dame P. O , St. Joseph Co , , Inii. J. B. HAYNES tr STENOGRAPHER THIKD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. 37 Cliixmber of Commerce. STEGK PIANOS Remarkahle for powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability , 30 years' record , the best guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments. WOODBRIDGE BROS , ' ' ' TVT'B'N't IndiMfBtioiit or 'iSf ic.n. , ni _ * TKKTO - . - - _ - - - - . ( LHK thitNrw ] Mnn\xD * MDm.T tVuiptciSciiurpoii.CDiior 'JiNnuTivxYfEiKNEaa , glf. , ruiid , loothtnft current ! of t/dlxcllj thruufh ill vtik I irlir ilor. C rrDt 'x Jo-fflt in Untly or weforftit ioco iDctih. Tcttcit Impr vciTKDlcover ill olhtrttlti wor t < rtiiptr * tntnintly cured in thrrcmontbi. Hrtled pamphletee. tha linden Eleetrio Co. 199 LiSallc t. . Chictga FHB NEW DIPANTURE DRUMS . 1 are made vltb patent double actlnj ; rodi ana 1 - - folding knee reit. Light , ubitantlal and handiome. Uiedlnthobeit Btndi and Orcbotrai. Uoequaled for tone , lurpan all otherl la Qnlab and appearance. If neareit Mntlc dealer doet not keep thorn , write to ui for Illaitrmied Catalogue. ek HEALChloURO , lilt M HIlllUUU nNHIIIIII iiunnn rrtoutur * ! ' / , ficrvuui IMbUltrJx > it Manhood , ru. , haTlngtrlnlln raui _ _ _ CTtrr knuwn rtmenr , biu dUcuveriMl H iimpltt If-onr * . whirl ) h * will Hud PH to hli ftllow unTerrr- . MX J.ltkHOM.i'o * O i Biu.int.Utw YurkCtt * . . t uuenivNirvuubI ! > eulllt > cauM.d tlirouKli errors anU | > ad practice ! CURED. UOLUEJI H AI < CO , IVUicuitst , bt.Luuli JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Impltments. PA R KER , VTholtiaUtXalcrln Aericulturnl Iiuplctncnta , Ourlaiet ami l ! " glci. Jonei ftrmt , Ictwoeu tfvh and 10th. Omaha , Nob. _ LINING ER tC METCALF CO. , Aprlcnltitrnl Implements , XVagoni.Carrlaxe ) , Dugp | % Rte. , Whol " lf , Ora h * . I'ARLIN , OR ENDORF ,1' MARTIN WholcialctVaUraln Afiri'ionl'uii'al Implrmrnts , rVaionnanit Bugclce. tQ,9ai | , < .06 and JOT , Jonoj It Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Mntcriala , Pianos and Organs , 1113 Douela > Street , Omaht ) . Builders' Hardware and Scales. Bnilders'Hnrdwarc ft Scale Kcpnir Shop Mechanlca' Toula and lluffalo Srilti. lldu Uoujlmit , Omaha , Neb. Books and Stationery. A. T. KEXYOy.P CO. , Whu'oiala nnd lie all 1'ooksisller mid Stationers , 15"2 Doutrtux st.Oninlfi , Nub. Teluphono Ml. Cnrrropniiiloiu'o < nlliMtnl. Boots and Shoes. W. V. MORSE , P CO. Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoes. 1411 Farnam it , Onmlia , Nub. Manufactory , Hummot / . T. Lli\DM\ CO. , Wholpsr.lo Unblier Hoots and ShooH Hubnt'f niul Olloil Clot him ; mid Kelt IlontB nnd Hliocg. 1111 IliiriiovSln'Pt. Beer. STORZ C ILER , Lflgrcr liccr Brewers , IV ! ! North 1Mb. Sireet. Omaha , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Butchers' Tools nnd Supplies , lauiage Cailngt of all klndi alwajiln atock. 1315 Jonen at. , Omaha Coffee , Spice * , Etc , "CO. , Omaha Coma nnd Spice Mill * _ . , Coffees Bptfes , Hiking Powder , I tracu , Laundry lllue. Ink. Rtr. llll- Blrvol.Oaiaba. Nab. Cornier. . EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , 1'rop. Mtnnfaetiirar rf Galvanlied Iron and Cornice. 9J3 Dodf * and 101 and 1U6 M , 10th it. . Omaha. Neb. RUEMPING tE ItOLTE , Manufacturera of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wlndoffi. Klnali.etallcpkllihtetc. | 3108. 12tli it. , Omaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , 1'rop. QnlTnnlttd Iron Cornices , etc. Bnect'ilraproTod Patent - ent Metallc Skylight. SOB nnd 610 S Hth n..Omnha. Carpets. OMAHA CARI'ET CO. , Jobber ! of Carpets , Cnrtninn , Oil Cloths , Mnoleumi , Mnttlngi. Ktc. lill UoiiK'at ' itrnet. Crockery and Notions. Agent for tmMiuulacturcrsnnU loiportcnof Crockery , Glnsawnrc , mp , ChliKni'jB , olc. Olfice , 817 Boutb 13th B Oumlin , Neb. CLOTHING _ ' M. ELGU1TERS Hamniotli Clotliin Ilouso , Cornel I nrnnm unil Tontli Htrvots Omalm. Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing : . Butter , Kritiand Produce. Conilrnmenti sollrltod. Ileadqnnrtera for Htonewarr , llerrr lloifa and ( jruue Ilaiketi. llll Dodge U ct , Omaha. RllUtELL Ll RIDDELL , Storage and C'oininis ion frpcclaltle Butter , KVn * . Clieenc , Po ill.Uttiue , O/DtiTS. etc. , etc. 112 S. llth St. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Frutte , Produce nnd lroTliloni , Omaha , Neb. $ CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultf ) , liuttcr , ( iame. hrulti , etc. m B. 14that Omaha. ffb Coal ana" Lime. UBU. r. l.AllAOit. Prci. C. F. QOOPMAK , V. PlC * . J. A. HUNUIKI.ANO , Bee. and Trcm. OMAHA COAL , COKE A LIMB COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. ? outh Thirteenth Street. Ouiahn , Neb. , T. , T. JOHX8ON cfCO. . , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Cflment , Planter , IJme , llalr. Hr llrlck , llrnln. Tile nnd fi'wer Pipe , llfflce. Paxton Tlolel. Karnam ft. , Onmlia , Neb. Tclrnnonc II Cigart and Tobacco. MAX MEYER" & CoC Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Gang and Ammunition , 21S to J73 R. llth it. , 1090 to 1021 Karnam tt , OmiliaNu. WEST < C fRITSCUER , Manufacturers of Fine Clears , And Wholesale Uealera In Leaf Tobaecoi , Not. 103 ttud 11U N. Men itrnut. Omahu. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1102 and 1104 Dounlan. ror. lltb Ht , Omaha , Nob. Distillers. biitiTlefa of I.niu.rs . , Alcohol and Pplrlt * . Importer ! and Jobber"o ( Wlneaand Llquori. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLS' CO. and ILER , C CO. , Importers und Jobbers of Kino Wines and Mquon. boleuj nuf ctur n > of Kennedr'n Kait Indln lilt- t r and Domratle Ilijunrs. 1112 ll rnejf-t. Furniture. ItEWEY cO STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Kurnam ft. . Omaha. Neb. CHA RLES Sill 1'ERICK , Furniture , Bedding1 , Upholstery , Mlrrort , etc. ms,12flBund 1810 Fnrnam n. , Omaha. Groceries , " i/T .c co. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Koo. 70ft.701.7U9and7ll b. IQtliM.Omahn. Xab. McCOltD , It KAliY < fc CO. , Wholesale Grocers , ltn BDI | LeaTonoortli tt > . , Om lin. Hardware. LEE , FRIED ,1i CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and NailH , Tinware , flhent Iron , lite. Aitentu Cor Howe bcalfli , und Miami Powder ! o. , OmHhari'b , IV. J. 11HOATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlnys , Wagon Hock , llarilwure Lumber , etc. 12IX TII | mi I Unify et. , Dmalm. EDNEY C GIItttON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wanon urt Orrlayo Woo < l Stuck , Heavy Ilar < lw re r.lc. KIT unil li'J I.rnTCDworth ft. , ( minim. Neb , MILTON ROG EKSV \ SONS' Stoves , Itftiiffe ! * , PurnaciM , TiloH , Mamlei.Orutc * , llrun Coeds. US1 nud 1X3 ! iaraui Htrsot. OMAHA JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Iron Works. Iron Works , Wronibt and r it Iron Building Work , Iron Ptalrej , nailing , lip-mn unit ( llrOcm , Fleam Knulnei , llrau Work , l > ncral ffoumlrj , Machine neil HUcttmlUt Vork. Office anl Works , 1) ) . P. Uy.aiHlHth Ulixn. II. K. SA fl'YER , Mnnn fact urine ; Dcnlor In Smokestacks , lltllihlUKs Tnnk'.nml Uenoial Under llepalrint , l.ll ) I indue utrrel , tinmhm. K. II. MrMANtlii , 0 Btlt.UVAN. OMAHA W1KK C 1ROX WORKS , JIanufuclurcri of Ire niul Iron Hailing , Desk Uullg , Wlti.lciw Uutrdf. Kloner Slnniil , Wit * Ml n , Big 17JN. 1CU. Onltr. by mull prumpltr Lumber. OMAHA TmntKR CO. , Uoile'U Alt KlQiln of J1ullilliif ( Matorinl at Wholoa , K 18th Street and Union Ptatne Truck , Umnh-u ' LOUIS IIRADFORD , " Dealer in Lumber. Lain , Lime , Snsb , Doort , Kte. Yunl'-CnrntrTth tint Duaclti : Cornet ClUnnil _ _ CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholcsnlo Lumber , Bit 8. Hlhtrtet. . Omab * , Neb. t.Colpfttcr , Man ger. ' ' ' if 'RrjSi'ETz , Lumber. ISth nnil California filrcoti. Oini > h , Ntb. JFRED W. Gil AY , Lnmlor , Llii Cement , Etc. , Kto. Cor. rib and Douglti Hi. , Oma n.Nax HOAGLAX1) , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO , , To Dealers Only. Office , \tm \ Kurniini ( trcrt.Oiuah * . COAS. R. Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpati nnd I'aranpt riuorlnK. Vth nnd DcnitlM Om b . JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. , . .rtnl nnil American Portland Cement. Ftat Afienl lorjdllwnukeo Hydraulic Cfioicut unu Heit y White Lime. Lire Stock. STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Onmlia. IJmlted. John F. Bojrd , BuperinteDdSnt. Lirt Stock Commission. McCOY HROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Market fmii'Mieil free n niipllintloii. totVor nnd ( ee'tfri furnliilieil on Komi tcrinn lle/eiencn OniHlm Nutlouiil 11 inn nml H'"ith ' Oiunha Niitkml. Union StocK Ynrd * , Boiith Oinnlui ' ' so'xs , Live Stock Commission. _ Oao. Durko , Mnnmtor Colon Stock YnrJi.K. Omiilin. T l phone .83. SAVAGE ,15 GREEX , Live Stock ComiiiiBsion llercliants , Bblpmenti of "ny nnd nil kinds of Block eollcitcd. Union Ptock YnnU. Dinahs , Nc'K Millinery and notions. I. OJiERFELDER < 0 CO. , Imi'orlcrsund Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1313 nnd 1515 Homey SI.oet , Oiunha , Neb. Notions. J. T. co.t \Vliolttalo Dcalcri In Notions and Furnishing Goods , 4aittnd 400 B. Tenth Bt , Om hn. ' ' ' rH i Overalls. COMPANY , Mannfncturcrs of Overalls , J * ni 1'nnti , Hilrti , etc. 110 } and 11M Doulu Street , OmahH , Neb. PAPER 'CARTEXTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Taper Dealers. rarryn nlccntoekof I'rlntliin , Wrnvplnx and Writ- Ink paper. Spoihil HtliMitlnn Klven to car loud or onlem , which HIM bo ihlppod direct from mills. All orders will receive personal attention. WnuiiHr. nntca gooU goodi and low prlco-t. lilt and llltt Printing. REES PRINT N OMPA Y Job Printers , J'latik Rook Makorar , And Ilook. Blnderi. KX ! and KB South Fourteenth treat. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIOA Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Type , I'rcMsen and I'rlntor ' Supplloa. 60t houlli Twelfth Street. Pumps. ItRO H'NELL l ! CO. , Manufacture itnd Dcalori In i , Hollers & ( iencriil Marhlnery bhect Iron work , Steam I'uinpr. S.iw Mllll , Acme Bbaftlic , Dodfe Woodipllt Pulleya , Boltlair , ( to , Aliowtjoni , iorap ri , a4a l ll . ! U-lUiIia > Tenworthit. Omnba CHURCHILL PUMP COT ' Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamand Water Hupiilln. lleadqimrteri fur tli loom ( ' . ( lotxlu. Illltiaruani n. , Omuba. Neb. U. S. WIX1) EXG1NE ami PUMB COMPANY. Dilladar Wind Ullit : nteam and Wntor Bnppllei , I'lumbing Uoorts , ) lcltln , limit. UI8 nnd WU tar- rum it. , Omaha. 8. K Kelton , Manager. T lphnrioNu.2IO. A. L. STRAXG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Kiiffiuos , BWam , Water , Kallwar and Milling huppllcc. 80 , VAand Yll ( arnaiu it. , Uaiahn , Not. . Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUlSIliit C < , Munufutturer and Doulji i In nil kli.di of Kubbor d'ooilH , Oil Chithlnir nnd l.failiiT llnlllni. H'lS Kurniim St. Safes. Etc. Aconts for Jiiill's Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and lluiit'ar Proof 8 fc . Time Ixicki , Vaults ndJll Wor * . IIMJ farnura trc t Omaha. Neb. _ _ G. ANDRE EN , Oniaiia Safe Works. Uunufactureiiiof Kirn nnd Ilurclur Proof Safei , Taull luor > , Jnll Wcrk.Hhuttcm mid \Vlro Work. Cor. llthuMd Jackunn Htf. Omnlni , Nub , Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISRROW a ) CO. , Wholesale Mnnufaclurviaof Sash , Doors , liliiids and ilouldiiififs , Uinncbo3ico,12tli ouil lir.rd sts.f JtOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'nKB.Stnlr ' Work and Interior Hard Wnod Hnlih JunlupcucJ. N. K.cor. Bill and l uvcnworth Bt . Oniuhu , Neb. THIS CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Tim lust known nnd most popular hotel fn the unto , Location initialappoliitinoiilN Hint clufcfl Hc.tdipiuitcra lor cnnniiurcltil men atul ulUH-lUlcul - und P.-.O . . . . . . .rlmr. . Vm f School , County and City Wo will pay liiKlicst ptlco for eamo. Made ut lowest rutt-s. ( 'orro | ioinlvnto eollcitud STULL JillOX. , LINCOLN , NEU.