THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. AUGUST 5. 1887. Text of the Ordinance Introduced By Alder man Snyder. DIED IN THE CITY JAIL. Xho Work of the Vnrloug Courts Ilc- covorcd ! lln Speech Hy Faith Cure Street Kallwny Ex- tonMons. New Fire Limits. Alderman Snyder introduced nn ordi nance into the council recently repealing ordinance No. 07 and prescribing new fire limits. The lirstsection describes the limits as follows : All that part of the city shall be in cluded in the nnw fire limits commencing nt the intersection of Kight and Marcy streets , thence north on the center line of Eight street to its intersection witli Capitol aveniie.thcnco west on the center line of Capitol uremia to its intersection with lonth street , thence north on the center line of Tenth street to its intersection with Davenport , thence west on the center line of Daven port to its intersection with Fifteenth , thence north on the center line of Fif teenth to the alloy between California nnd Webster streets , thence cast on the center line of said alloy to Fourteenth street , thence north on tlio center line of Fourteenth street to the alloy between Hurt and Webster streets , thence west on the center line of said alley to Fifteenth street , thence north on the center line of Fifteenth street to its intersection with Nicholas , thence west on the center line of Nicholas street to its intersection with Seventeenth , thence south on the center line of Seventeenth to the alley between I/aril nnd Cuming , thence west on center line of said alloy to Twenty-third street , thence wcst'tJM feet parallel with the north line of CumiiiK street to Twenty- fourth street , thence south on the center line of Twenty-fourth to n point 182 feet south ol the south line of Cuming street , thence east parallel with Cuming toTwenty-thirdthence east on center line of the alley between Cuming and Kurt to Seventeenth .street , thence south on tlio center line of Seventeenth to the alloy between Douglas and Farnam , thence west on said alloy to Twentieth street , thence west 183 feet from and parallel with the north line of Farnam to n point oppo site the centre line of Twenty-ninth Btreot in McCormick's addition , thence south to the alley between Farnam and Ilarney. thence east to Twentieth , thence Eouth on Twentieth to a point 183 feet srom tlio south side of St. Mary's avenue , thence northeasterly by and paralcll with St. Mary's avenue to Nineteenth , thence north to the intersection with Jackson Btreet , thence east to a point 183 feet west of the west line of Sixteenth street , thence south parallel with Sixteenth to Leaven- wortht.honce east to the intersection with Fourteenth , thence south to intersection with Marcy , thence east on Marcy to the point of beginning. The center line of all streets and alloys on these boundary lines are taken as the termini. No wooden buildings are al lowed to be constructed within this dis trict ; no wooden additions to bo made ; no wooden houses damaged by lire or otherwise to an amount exceeding S0 ! per cent of the valuation can bo repaired by wooden construction ; no wooden houses can bo moved from one lot to another in this district , find no lumber yards save those already established will bo allowed except by permission of the common council. Tlio penalty for violation of this ordinance is a line from $25 to $300. DIED IN HIS CELL. Daniel Callatmn Expires at the City Jail. Died in jail. That was Daniel Callahan's fato. This morning at 7 o'clock when Jailor Sigwart stepped into the cell at the sta tion to awaken the prisoners for their morning meal , ho found Callahan pretty hard to awaken , in fact , ho never did awaken him , the poor unfortunate being wrapped in Ids last slumber. The jailor found him lying outstretched at full length upon his stomach in a dark cor ner of the noisome cage , and grasping him by tlio collar shook him vigorously. Hut no sign of returning consciousness awarded the cllbrt , nnd thinking the. man was in a drunken stupor , he rolled liim over , The fixed , glassy eyes , the gleaming , teeth , and hideously contracted feature : : quickly told the story. The man was u corpsol The ollicor , apprising the other inmates , and tliero were ten or a dozen of thorn lolling nnd lounging about upon the lloor around the dead man , of the fate of their fellow- prisoner , hurriedly loft the chilling pres ence and telephoned for the coroner , who promptly arrived and removed the remains to the morgue. It was n sight , indeed , to SPO the other occupants of the cage , a dirty , unkempt , ragged , yilo crowd , when Sigwart In formed them that Cullahau was dead. A hush instantly fell over the darksome don , Bll coarse biulinairo ceased , and the men , pushing ns'ulo their unfinished meals , huddled together in their fear and super- Btition in a group near the front bars ol the cage. Not ono of them had dreamed that they had slept through the night with a dead man for a companion. Cnllnhan was arrested last night for drunkoncss , by special Roundsman liar- rack , and when put into the cage was rcry drunk. Ho is an old offender , nnd well known in police circles as a chronic drunk and disorderly. Ho lived with his mother at the foot of Leavenworth street. . At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the ( nnnral of Callahan took place from Drexel & Maul's , the body being taken to the family lot of James Callahan , Ins brother , in St. Mary's cemetery. Danio ! Callahun was aged forty-six years am ! live months nnd was for a long time iir employe of the Union Pncilio. Ho was Recounted an excellent workman until lu became the victim of the drinking habit I lawns born in county CorK , Ireland ami became a resident of this city in 1800 The expenses of the interment were as sumed by the brother of the deceased. TUB COURTS. A Untlior Dull Oar in the Judicial ClininticrS. DISTINCT. Governor Thayer has notified the of ficers of the district court that Loot Perro sentenced to the penitentiary frou this county August 0 , 1833 , for oichi years has had his sentence commuted tc lour years. The crituo with which Porn is charged l.s shooting , with intent to Kill Thomas J. Roach , has commenced at notion against his wife Mary for divorce on the ground of drunkenness , assoeiut ing with bad characters , continue ! nbuso , using Vila language toward him , etc. Among other things hi says fho called him a "yallo dog. " 'Evidently through nn erro in drawing up the pleadings the plalntil alleges that no was married to the defendant fondant February 12.1887. and lived will her until Aueust 3 , 1807 , Tliero seems t < bo n twenty yours error somewhere ii these allegations. Charles Stevens sues the Union Pacilii railway for ft,000. Ho claims that QI the 81st ho bought a ticket to Albright That the conductor took from it twi i but wbea tboltndu vva i between the stock yards and Albright , tlio conductor drove him off the car , claiming thnt the ticket was not good for a passage to Albright , notwithstanding the fact ( hat it read "between Omaha and Albright.1' Stevens was compelled to walk the rest of the way carrying a heavy armful of tools , hence his suit for damages , I'OLICK COUKT. Judge Bcrka's court room would make n good crematory. At 0 o'clock this morn- ingwhen there wcro no persona in the room but the judge , Clerk NY'oods.and tlio HEK man , the thermometer registered 70 , but when Whalcn turned in tlio savory horde from tlio galleystho mercury leaped up to 100. Then when the chief and tlio lawyers canto in , it fairly frizzled. Judco lierka , with a despairing look in his mild gray eyes , frantically mopped his drip ping brow , and in a faint , falsetto voice called out- "William Uussoll. " William took his position in front of the bench , the loudest smelling blossom that over bloomed in a police court. Everybody , the court , the ollicors , re porters , audience and'all grasped their olfactories , and between gasps tlio judge said : "You arc charged witlt being drunk and a vagrant but hero Whalcn I can't stand this , turn this man out throw him in tlio sewer , " and tlio court olliccr hustled Mr. Husscll out of tlio side door and through the front window , into the street , with the disgusted in junction : "Tho best thing you can do , soir. would bo to go jump into the river , soak there fur a wake , then lay on the bank in the sun until the 1st of October. " "Did you over smell such an odor , ehieft" asked the judge , turning to Seavoy , as Whalen and Hussoll vanished through the door. "No , never. " They smiled and the session went on. "I ) . W. Kadehflb ! You are charged witli being u vagrant and carrying con cealed weapons. " "Well , I'll tell you , your honor , 1 just left the Haiti Brothers circus " "You are a circus cauvassman , ar you ? " "Yes. sir. " "Well , 1 have never missed scndintr up a circus man yet , and as I don't want to spoil my iccord , vou can go over tlio hill for live days. Take your scat. " "Daniel Sherman 1 You uro charged with indecent exposure. " "That can't bo so , judge , I como from ono of the best families in the country. " "What ? You are no relation to Gen eral Sherman , are you ? " 'There's only n slight propinquity be tween us , judge. " "I'm ' a performer at the Olympic. " "You are , are you ? You're ono of those follows that's been crackin' away there night after night at our police torcc , are you ? " "That in the . " was just play , judge. "Hut didn't you say the other night that Omaha had raised the biggest vege table in tlio world that six policemen were caught asleep on ono beat ? " Utterly abashed Sherman hung his head. ' "If I had the power , young man , I would have you taken without the city's gates and start , as it is I'll just take $7.50 out of this roll of yours and you can go. Minneapolis I think is about your si/o. " "Charles Duke ! You are a line speci men of civilization , you are , to beat up Li//.io Culoo like you did. Why , she looks ns if she had gone through a threshing machine. Twenty-live days in jail , nnd I don't know but what I ought to make it ninety. " "Joo husk and James Rila , yon men are charged with doing up James Sva- cina over in Bohemia town , but as Svauina is not here , I'll put your case oil' until this afternoon. " "But I can't stay , ! yourd honor , I have to go to work , " innocently intcrjoincd Lusk. "Oh , I think you can , Mr. Luslc , unless yon can knuw oil'a couple of those iron bars out there. " "John Smith. You are not the discov erer of I'ocahontas , are you ? " "Not that I know of. " "Well , you are charged with being drunk ; were yon ? " "Not that 1 know of. " "How'd you skin your nose and your chock up in that way , did you fall down ? " "Not that I know of. " "Do you know anything ? " "Not that I know of.'r "Well , I'll tell vou something , but for goodn > ss sake don't toll I told you. After we are through hero , 3-011 can go out , jump in the hurry-up wagon and Whalon will show you the city between hero and tlio jail. Five days ! " "J. II. Kolloy. you are another. " "Another phat , yer honor , a spalpeen ? " "No , plain drunk. " "Nivor a bit uv it , jodgo , I took but a wao drop of the cratur , and 'tis mo thet kin stand a barral of the stuff , it is. " "Oh it is , is it. " "En sure tlio same , soir. " "Woll if that's tlio case , maybe you can stand sfTi and costs. " " 1 will make a foino attimpt , judge , on' if yes Ivor kitch mo hero agin I'll give you lafo to double the dose. " . "Goorgo anil Nick Rush. " And the two brothers , the biggest men in Omaha , each standing six feet three in their stockings , uujointcd themselves be- foru tlio court. "Messrs. Rush , " resumed the judge , looking into the giant's faces , "you are charged with being : on a drunk , " "It was just n little drunk , your honor , " replied Nick. "For a nicklo , " echoed Goorgo. "Oh , that won't do , boys , you are too big to got on a little drunk. Fivi > and costs. " "John Brown. "It's you is it ? " "What's loft of mo ? " " 1 thought your body lay mouldering in its grave ? " "It did , judge , but that Hibernian cop dug mo up about 13 lasi night , and I sup pose is trying to palm mo off on you for a stiff. " "That's what he's doing , and I think you are good for about sf5 and costs. " "We're through , Whalen , " and the judge loaned back and gazed out of the window us ono in a dream. Armour Anchored. Notwithstanding what has been said to the contrary the contract between the South Omaha Stock Yards company and Armour , the poker , was not closed un til last Saturday night , when , it is no\v stated with authority , the agreement was .signed by nil the parties to the transaction. This places beyond the Pcr' adventure of a doubt the certainty of the purchase of the Lipton lionso by Armour The negotiations were numerous and were carefully considered , and the con * sequence is that Armour comes toOmahn under much mete satisfactory circum- Btancos so far ns the city is concerned , then the first understanding would lead people to believe ho enjoyed. It mnj also bo remarked that Armour's interest ! have not been overlooked , and that , with his usual foresight and intelligence IK has prepared the way for future gigantic operations in this locality. His close of the deal in question was accompanied by another fact which is of some import unco. It is the admission Into tha linn of Ed Cuduhy , manager of the Cliicagc house of Armour. This gentleman's sal ary has boon | 20,000 per year but ho has for some time past been desirous ol going into business in hi : own behalf. Lincoln made an offer of : i bonus of f.'OO.OOO and Sioux City alsc suggested liberal inducements. Both ol these were sot aside and Cudahy chosi the partnership with Armour togethci witli tlio management of the Omahi houso. This moans that Armour's placi hero will bo worked for all it is worth Already orders have bean issued b.i winch the work of enlarging the Llptoi : and other improvements will be out. . ' , , . EXTENDING LINES. The Motor Company Again Moves In the Dark. Wednesday night the motor line again undertook to lay some of their line and succeeded in doing so. They commenced on Twentieth , nt 1'lcrco street , and worked until toward morning , when 1'opplcton avenue was reached , the rail laid being of the "T" order. The mon continued at their work yes terday morning when Contractor Slulit put In an appearance , Ho is still engaged in grading tlio street in question in the vicinity of the lead works. While ho has lin'ishcd the grading on the part In which the track was laid lust night , yet that work has not yet been ac cepted by the cityMr. . Stunt , therefore , determined to prevent the line from injur ing his work and yesterday morning no- titicd Dr. Mercer to that effect. Ho was told that the laying of the track would not bo dispensed with unless on the order of the chairman of the board of public works. Mr. Stunt then saw that gentle man and secured the order in question , nnd us a consequence the laying of tlio rails was discontinued at noon. THE lIOKSn AND TIIAMWAY. The announcement in tlio BER that tlio City Railway company was lay ing n line on Twentieth street nortn of Lake was the llrst Intimation that the Tramway company's ter ritory had boon invaded. They inves tigated tno matter and found truly that they had been anticipated , and for some time , at least , the horse line will have the advantage ot the tramway company in that section , in the vicinity of the ball and fair grounds. , THAT 11. . M. AVHKCK. Tlio collision between two freight trains on tlio B. & M. road , between Ash land South Bend , first reported in tlio HKK , has proved to be quite serious as far as loss of property is concerned , but parties just from the scene of the wreck say no lives were lost. The telegraph reported two tramps killed , but no bodies were found when the wreck was cleared away , although it was thought tiiere were tramps on the train. A WONDKUKUti WOKK. A 1'canut Vcndcr'n Experience In the Hands or n Faith Ouror. Most everybody knows Charles Hustcd , the peanut and fruit vendor at the cor ner of Fiftecntli and Farnam streets , but most everybody does not know that ho is the subject of a most remarkable and jncredible faith euro. Such is the fact. Kighteen years ago , Hustcd was stricken witli paralysis. The stroke not only destroyed the usefulness of one arm and ono leg , but left him utterly and completely speechless , liven his fam ily and most intimate friends could make nothing from the strange gibberish and jargon that over after marked Ins speech up to within the hut few weeks. Not a single word could he articulate , not oven his own name , and ho carried on all conversation by tlio means of signs nnd gesticulations , and all hope of the reeo\L ry of lingual powers had long since been abandoned. Some months .since a friend called upon him and detailed an account of a re markable euro , which not only encom passed the restoration of the hearing alone , but that of sight , too , of a patient who had for months , aye , years , been deprived of these precious gifts , and who , in a sort of despera tion had called upon n faith doetrcss , who has her .shop at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Leavenworth streets. But two visits , and the marvel lous work was done. The atllictcd was alllicted no longer , tlio precious boons of eight and hearing both returned imper ceptibly , without warning or premoni tion. The patient was at n loss to know when or how the departed senses re turned. And who is there so presump tuous as to offer an elucidation ? This wondrous story made an impres sion on 1 lusted , and three weeks ago , ono Sabbath evening , ho called upon t7iis faith doctress , and invrlting made known his trouble and desires. That was all there was of it. Ho sat there in the room with this mysterious healer of the sick for the spacu of half an hour , when she signified that ho might depart. The next morning on awaken ing , Husted , on essaying to speak , reali/.ed that the faculty had been restored to him , and to-day , barring a sort of a hitch or im pediment in his pronunciation , lie talks as plainly and understandiugly as he did twenty years ago. What is the faith cure , anyway ? Is it tlio effect of the mental inlluonees alone , or is there some vague and indefinable anodyne in tlio presence of a favored and isolated few that works these wonders upon the'many , that heals the sick , mit igates painand brings back the functions and faculties thought to have forever gone ? Teachers Wanted. Any teacher desiring a situation in the public schools of West Point , Nob..would do well to attend the examination of teachers to be hold in that place Aug. 5th. and Cth. Only good teachers need apply. Address D. S. DUIKNDKUY , Chairman Examining Committee Board of Education , West i'oint , Neb. KEEP OUT OP THE WAY. The Attempts of Contractor Stuht nnd House-Movers. Contractor Stuht , it seems , is now en gaged in a four-sided light , ono side of which comprises several persons whoso moving of houses interfere with his grad ing on Eleventh street. Two of these have houses on that thoroughfare - faro which they desire to move. To dose so during the day time , Stulit claims would iutorfora with his work , and this , the bo ard of publiu works says must not bo allowed. To prevent these people from pulling their houses out in the strcoet during tlio ni ht without a guarantee that the latter will be out of the way be fore morning , Mr. Stuht nightly locks up his lingo grading machines in front of the houses in question and thus prevents house movers from working in front of thorn. Saturday , however - over , n man named Hight moved his across llth on Williams street and got into tlio way of Stuht's men and de layed them for more than an hour. Hight showed the authority of Building Inspec tor Wliitlock , Chief Seavoy and Assist- tant City Attorney Davis for his move. In the stand taken by these men they act in contlict witli the board of public works. Stuht pro poses to bring suit against the city- for $03 , claiming his expenses per minute - ute are $1. and his men were idle sixty- two minutes as u conscqucnco of the moving , _ The Kearney Sale. Tlio auction sale of lots in Kearney next Thursday , August llth , will draw n number of buyers from all parts of tlio state , and will no doubt meet the best hopes of Mr. J. S. Harringtontho owner. In this connection it will bo ns well testate state that Mr. W. G. Albriglit.of this city , lias no interest in this sale , and his name was used in the advertisement in the BKK through u misunderstanding. The Wnathar. Herewith will bq found the registry of the signal scrvico thermometer for yes terday : At 0 a. m. , 09 degrees. At 2 p. in. , 83 degregs. Wj uuaiwujp jjjjj. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrlcs. A marvel of pur- ty.atrcnittli mid wholosomenoM. Mnro econ omic * ! limn thn ordinary kinds , nnd rnnnot bn sold In competition vrlth tlio multitude ot lewDest Dost Ihort welKht alum or pho phnto powders. Sold only lu ran' . HovAL I'owDKB Co. 101 TTall-Bt. , N. V. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. 13ihSt. and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB. TOn TUB TnEATMEST OF ALI , CHRONIC ct SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AHD APPLIANCES FOR OEFORMItlES. TRUSSES , A'D : THE NEW YinicocEiE SUSPENSORY CLAMP COMPRESS. l > * t hillitle * . ppirltnt n < l rn .lUi fir itirrrMfultrrnlintnt * t TCMF foiin ofrtVsaN nilruig il-Jic lor f tirgirnl trrntntfiit. \\HnKfJHClHcLtthl Pll I rf > nnltlM lld Ilnirrd Uulilrtl. rurvftturne > rtlieHpltii > I'llr , Itunoio , C'Hnrrr Colnth ItrnncUtlB , InluUtl-in , f 1 trclt ! rttrAlvilt Kpilri | > KMm-v. UUtlJ < r. ly * . fcar , Skin , lul 1I1H > 4 , mil nllBurjIcti Orrilloui. Hook on Diseases of Women I'RKE. Only Rollnblo MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKING A srLCIM.fY OP PRIVATE , SPECIAL M NERVOUS DISEASES , All Ttlool lli" 'MM o ioci f'i1jr ' ] trealH Fyphltlllc VoUon rrrn Tfit fioin II ) . ' f > < triii wllliniit tri-rciti vev HiMnrnlfve lirnlmrtil for I.UM of Mtftll'owrr IVrnn mm bit * to vlslttis tun y bo tiratrd nt h < mif , by Ctnciitoiitftirc. Allcmumuiilralloim C'uiifltleiitlil Mtdl cinMPr JjitriLijritiit * ifnl ty tunllor cii > rri * , frcureh | mcketl. no mark * lijnitjcala wnt * u't or i-mler Onfl | nmnnl Interview nr frr + ! Cu tuj consult uirr lend fiUfory of your cue , \ > lth ittiuji , nil w will J In pi In r pjj r , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! Upon IMralc cp\lfll tnd Nrvoub I > . * r if fc i.hinl wfnkr u Hr. + miilAirh in Iiiipotwnpr , fiyphHl * , t uiiuiriaa ! , Meet , nu < t r' * * cocelc Iloom * fir putlcnti AdJrrM , OMAHA JIEDICAL'A SU11GICU , I.VSTITC' , or Di. HcMenany , Cor. I3iti st. & Capitol Avjinaw , Neb. Medical Hooks or Papers Free. The proprietor uf the Omaha Medical i > nd Surgi cal Institute Mm publlimoit 11 valuable tot of boun mil papers upon chrunlu und surKlcal diseases and Jeformltlc * . and ttm tncthu > li nt euro whloli lia\o - ITCH Mm tlie mpuutlun of bolnit tlio moat pklll- till and nuc.CMtuI ipcclalln in tbo west , and made the Inntttuto at > celebrated that luudlclnes nro sal to nnd p < itlcaci receUcd ( ruin ev ry pint * In thomilun , AniunK tlioboohfl I * ono upon tlio discus * fs of woman : ono upon nervous , Hpeclal and prlvulo lln-utieB of the roxnal and urinary orxani , milco- ? ele cured bjr nuriilcal operations , Btnl tlu-lr latol v nvenied clamp compress u ppn ory for tuo mllot mdcuro of vuricoculo * nervous exhaustion and sex ual debility , new restorative treatment. Paper * iinon luriilcal braces , I ! lc , cancer * , punily-ls , ! Un. Electricity and the now magnetic battery for home USD : catarrh and Inhalation , etc. Unllkn mcjiit books s-ued by rlocturn free , they do not > ntlt 9f tritlmonlali nitn fictitious namm and Initials , ar rubbish ol that kind , but ure plain descriptions Df disease".lymptoioi , new discoveries In modlclnn , iiirgory and eleitrldty. nnd are neil worth the PC- > u al , and i'in be otnumu t free by addri lne th rimntm Medical and Murjlrsl Innltntii , utu oueet ind Capitol AICPIIC , Unmliu , Nebraska. DR. POWELL REEVES , 314 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. PKIVATK I > I SI iXSA : It V. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases , Tlio Old ftcllnbb Specialist of rnnny years ex perience , treats with wonderful success till LUNd. TIIIIOAT , CANCKH , PILES. FISTO- LA , Url'l'UKK , cured without KMFH OK CAl'STIC. Treats all forms of Throat Lung , Nerve nnd Illooil diseases , nil Chronic diseases und De formities fur In advance of any Institution in tills country. Thnso who contemplate going to Hot Springs for the treatment ot miy l'ri\ato or lllood dheasocun lie cured for ono third the cost nt our I'rivato Dispensary , UU South loth street , Uiiiuliii , Neh. HUIM'UHK ctirtcl without pain orlilndcninco from business. I iniCC My this treatment n pnro Lovely LHUICO Complexion , Ireo Irom slow ness , trccklei , bliinkhouds , eruption9 , i'to. , llrllliunt Kyi's umlporloxt health can bo had. f * That "tired" feeling and nil female weak nesses promptly cured. Illonting Headaches , Nervous Prostration , tlenural Debility , Sleep- lesintiss , Depression nnd Indigestion , Ovarlou trouhlns , Inllnmnmtlon and t'lceiation , Falling nnd Displacement" , Spinal weakness Kidney complaints nnd Change of Life. Consult th old Doelor. EYE ANL CHflimationof EAQ AcutoorChronlcInllnm the Uji-Ildsor lilobonmt tar or Near Slghtednoss , Inversion of the Llde. Scrolulous 12yv , rii'ointlons , In- llammatloits , Alisco-s , Dimness of \ isionof ono or both cof , and Tumors ol Ltd. rw InllnmmaUon of the Kar. I'lccrntlon or Catarrh. Internal or External Deulness , or I'aralyels , blngingor HoarinBr noises , Thickened Drum , etc. UCDlinUC Debility. Spormatorrhn-n , Som- RCIfWUUv Inal Lossci , Night Kinlsslnns , LofS if Vital 1'owor , Sleoplos ness , Despond ency , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas , llluri lUforo thn Kyos , Liihsltudo , Languor , Gloominess , Depression ol Spirits , Aversion lo Society , r.nslly Dlscournired , Lack of Contl- donee , Inll ) , Listless , L'nllt for Study or llust- ne < 9 , and llnds llfo n hurdon , Safely , 1'urnui- nontly and 1'rlvatoly Cured. Dl AHA * OV1U Diseases , Syphilis a ill- DLUUU M wIVIH hea'ii most horrllilo In its reriults completely eriidlcaled without the 1110 of mercury. Berofula , Erjslpel.iB , l'o\er Sores. Hloiches.l'lmplei. L'lceis , pains in the Head and Hones , Hjnhllltlo Pore Tlnoiit.Mouth nnd Tonpue , Olandnltir hnlarfement of the NecK , Hheumntism , Catarrh , etc. , I'ormunently Cured Whim Otnon HUM ) rull < iil. IIDIUIDV Kidney ami llludnor trouhlog , UnlHlltlTl Wtak Hack , Ilimilnw Trine. Frequency of UrttatlQK , I'rlne hlh colored or milky sedhncntonfitandlntr , lonorrhi ! > n , Cleet , Cystitis , etc , promptly nnd enlely curod. Charges rcasonatiii' . PRIVATE DISEASES IffiS Kleot , nrloliiro. fetnlnnl omissions , lo'.s of eox- ual power , weakness ot the soxuul orgnm.want of desire In male or female , whether Irom Im prudent habits ol young or t-exunl habits In mature years , or nnr cause that debilitates the sexual junctions , tpeedily uud permanently curod. Coninltntlon free nnd strictly confidential. Medicine sent free from observation to all parts of the United States. Conoxpondenco receive prompt attention. No letters an swered unlo-S accompanied by four cents In itamps. noii'l stamp tor pamnlilcl and list of nuosilons. Tornis girlctljcash. . Call on or ud- D1C * I ( Mttltlt l\ > r.l\ t No. 314 South 13th St , Omuha , Nub. W UlffiEVELOPED PARTS ol th todf inltrfeU and ilrenjtbfunl , Full rartlo- ll r | ( wled ) ( rte. KIK MED , CO. , Buffalo , K-JT. A BREEZE , In order to create a little stir during this , for the clothing trade ; usually quiet spell , we have placed on sale for this week , and until they are all disposed of , about One thousand suits comprising four different lines afc the following prices : One lot men's sack suits made of good Union Oassimere ; a nice small check , serge lining , covered buttonsand altogether made up in good substaitial ? manner , at $3.75 a suit. Two lots of men's sack suits , both the same quality but different patterns - , terns of dark , very neat mixtures , lined with serge and well made at $4.50. These suits are of good medium weight and would be adapted for wear now as well as later on in the season. One lot of young mens' suits , sizes from 33 to 38 , a splendid pattern of silk mixture cassimere , Italian lining and elegantly made for $5,25. Our object in placing these suits 011 sale at these prices is two-fold ; Firstly , to meet the wants of a large class of our patrons.aud to ena ble them to get , at a time of the year when no one feels like buying ex pensive clothing , a substantial and good looking suit at a merely nominal price. Our second and main object is to advertise ourselves ) If ! ' I and pave the way for the immense fail business for which we prepare and which we expect to do. All goods marked in plain figures and at striotlv one price at i Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. During July and August , our store closes at G30 : ! p. m. , except Saturday. EAT AUCTION SALE Business and Residence Property. In the Heart of the City. This is a Chance of a Lifetime for Investors. Having engaged in mercantile business , I have decided to sell about one half of my real es tate in tlu > center of the "Future Great" of the Platte Valley , the Queen City of the Plains , and shortly to become THE MINNEAPOLIS OF NEBRASKA. The Seven Business Lots are across the street and fronting the new $75,000 hotel , now nearly V- completed , and the Opera House , to bo built immediately. The Eighty Dwelling Lots are adjoining the 810,000 Third Ward School House yard , and are being connected with the main streets by sideAvalks , being distant only seven blocks , or three fourths of a mile nearer the business part of the city than any other additions that liava recently been put on the market. INVESTORS , DON'T DROP ALL YOUR CASH In distant additions around Omaha and Lincoln , which have already been boomed enough for ten years , but'Come to Kearney , where the boom has just commenced. The progressive and enterprising clement will soon make Kearney the third , if not the sccjond city of the state , by utilizing its GRAND WATER POWER Developing the Summer Resorts around its silvery lakes , and last , but not least , establishing the most Magnificenta Chautauqu Grounds in the west. Kearney's natural advantages are without a rival for live hundred miles. TEEMS OF SALE Terms on dwelling property , easy , and made known on day of sale. Terms on business property , as follows : One-fifth cash , and balance in four annual payments , the last two to be forfeited if I do not erect a five story brick , 85x100 feet , adjoining property fora bank and wholesale house. For further particulars , inquire of PAGE & 1UIOADES , Auctioneers , Lincoln , Neb. , or J. S. IIAIUUNGTON , Kearney , Neb. Free excursion for investors , from all points in Nebraska , who purchase and pay for $200 worth of property. Onir.ha Dontnl Asso Dr. Ilaugliawont. . teeth fully Vlr- ! ciation. Host sets fO , rnntcil. Teeth without plate , brlclgu work ami crowns of every approved kind , insortfcdby the most satisfactory method. Hollman block , cor. lath and Farmim streets. DR. OTTERBOURC , lllk .J D.4t < BU , Ulilli , > * RECUIU GMCIIATE IK MEDICINE. AHO tNCIAL PMCTITIO Auth > riir > ll < > trr.l .11 Chm.le Ntnou * .ml 'i * ! * ! ! * * * " U > .l fiom butinta. I'.t.fiiti t . tli t nctf tm.trJ ty Utltr .u4 . . . .t ur Uf.kt t * 1 | > rfM klHirin * nl f.trywhtr. frf. < n > or l-c iil X.nip mil null Vll > t U | X Mi . l Po.f iiT Q > .rlo , ' .rai riirTO > lllil < .n Wililo rl l Ml "JU " | 7 , ' . < Ht.l. ) OW 'iui .n.l vn < 1 ( or Unf ! OrOcil tll l | ' | . . | , BKi 7 bt > nM. .ithec | n | i n or I ) in * " . Orrmlloiu. VtolJ. in. , t to > l > " t f' " through crrois und bad iir ctlc t CURED. EDUCATIONAL. A NAN Colli'iro , I'os Mollies , IIIWH. A CALL School lor RhN. Full Courses of Btinly. Spouinl mlvnntiiKea In MuMc. Art , Mod- cru I.itiiiriincf'8 mid Kluoiitlon. Full term boRing - Ring bopt. till. AtlUrcss the prcililont , C. It. I'oineroy. PENNSYLVANIA CHisTiit. : : ) th vi-nropons HIU'TUMIIKU II. A MIU'l'AllV UlM.Kdi : . : : IN nvii , UNC.INKKKINO , CIIUMISTKV. AIM HITKOrUltli , AHTS. I'rt'pnnitniy Cunning. Tlioroimh Tuclinlriil \\irli. All Departments conducted by iiblo I'ltOFKSSOIiS. Mllltiiry Hystoin nnconil only to that ol I' . S M A. AnmmN of Limit hT Ifurt- | i It , 14 < l.ri Slicnnan Av . , Oily : or Cliluf 1'uy- mHstoi'sOniri1 , AmullPHtlciimrtora. . Ul ) * TlliO. : I1VAT1' , I'roslilOiit. BEACON ACADEMY rFISIIKIHi.OvTnil SOl ! , S.T. Selecjjlome School , i J. FKUU SMITH. A , 11 | - . : ( ) . INRTITI'TK-FiOPholiI , N. V. , Ulhyear. I'reparos for I'miceton , Viilo , Columbia , Harvard , ami for Iluslness. Itov. A. ( i. enamours , A. M , 1'rlnuipal. luiuiia U. S. DKI'OSITOIIY , Paid up Capital . $250,000 Surplus . , . . .42,600 II. W. Yntes , President. A. K , Touxiilin , Vico-Prcsldcnt. W. 11. S. HiiRlics , Cashier , IHHKfTOKSr W V. Morse , I hn S Collins , II.V. . Yatcs , Lewis S. Heed. A. E. Tou/.altn. HANKING OFt'JCK : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th tind Fnrnani 15ts. A General liaukinr UuslnesH Tranaacte PIANOS CHICKERING KZKT-A.IBE ! Vose&Sons Iiistruinrnttt cvcliiiiiril , rented and sold on ctn > y ixtyincntu , below Factory Prices. fnstrnmcntx t > 1liMlinurd ( at GREAT BARGAINS. Max Meyer & Bro Omalia , Neb. PEN NY ROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " The OriKhml < ! Oiilj Uenulnit. . ul HwtJI KtlUM.wtn w . . Ak o" Uru.rfit M InttoDUitklt < LADIES. * > "llKl.riUr'l frjullFii * < > ' > . " < liuiVil l ? Vr i"iU l ii < ' ' * l ntmn muU. ' , NOME PA P ER. .fcl li Ur tfcri lf l . . ! * allB M < l..i , Nq.Mre , I'klUda. , ! eld br Iru l.l. .Trrjwhrr. . lit lot "I loft K > IM * J' niilr < il l I'HU. florae rJrctrO'llaciir J 1 ru gcombined , Uutrt " onl/ ono In tba world venvraun acontlnorjui AfHfftJlayttt ' , , J'uwtjrful , Uuratli 'currmt HcientlOo _ , . , _ _ f Comfort bi u d Ktfrllre , AvoU fraut _ * * * r > T * rOoo ( cured. a n(1ht ( mnorp rrtpUle * Al.kO RLLUfII1U UKLTft fOU DUCAbKU. Ol , HURHL UVUTQI. | Q1 WAfiAIH AYC. .